#pnw mutual aid
mega-stellar · 1 day
Mutual Aid Post
I'm about 300$ short on bills this month after having a dental emergency. I see people I follow share mutual aid posts somewhat regularly so I am hoping for a little help as well.
Here is my Venmo But I also have Paypal. I'm not sure if one is better than the other for people.
Thank you in advanced. It means a great deal to me. I have never asked the internet for financial help before.
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ghost-mafia · 11 months
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cryptidnearby · 3 months
Help mom get a car!
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Mutual Aid Request
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Hi I'm Gabi, I'm a disabled queer person. I found out yesterday that I won't be getting paid for the last work contract I finished until the middle of next month, despite being told I'd be paid by the 20th, and my contract stating I was supposed to get paid weeks ago. This is money I was depending on for rent and bills for December and the next few months, presents, and travel expenses to visit my family, so now I'll be spending the holidays alone. I'm already behind on rent and bills because of this, so anything you can spare will go directly to that and would be very appreciated. Thank you.
Venmo: gabimismash Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/gabimismash
I'm also available to do for commissions for glitch art, graphic design, 3D modeling, sound work (sound design, mixing, ambient compositions), or even photography if you happen to be in the PNW. Feel free to message me on here if you have any questions.
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auressea · 2 years
allotment woes
allotment garden. sigh. I just want to grow my own food with the least amount of inputs and effort.
rant incoming:
this community garden is an 'experiment'. by the municipal park. so - "we're open to the public"! we are in a high-traffic park. we have 'demonstration' gardens and commons (free to pick).
organic only. no herbicides, but also no PLASTIC. No fencing. No shade or row covers. because there is an Aesthetic!
More frustrating? we ALSO have a Board which oversees our rules an regulations. and there are a LOT of rules. and rules-lawyers. I feel like I'm under constant surveillance by the busybodies that 'run things'. I've been poked at for how/how much I water. I've been prodded about weeding around my 'area'. I've been prodded about participating my volunteer time in the common areas.
I've got the worst spot- it's the most exposed, gets the most public traffic, and it sits high and dry. There's a persistent ground cover invasive that is growing 1000% more than any veggie.
Also, Deer, Rabbits, otters, crows, rats, and... people are eating my plants. and there's nothing I'm allowed to do to prevent it.
I live with multiple disabilities. I barely have the strength and stamina to go once a week. I want to water deeply each time (no rain at all for almost 2 months) so the plants will reach deep. I set up some gravity feed self-watering bulbs... that REALLY help. They were stolen.
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etakeh · 4 years
This document is being updated as information comes in. 
It includes both ways to get help, and give it. 
Money, food, clothing, places to say, places to house livestock, all of these things are included - and more.  
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really useful graphic made by someone within our collective, please share & feel free to use for your own mutual aid group efforts!
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rhythmic-idealist · 4 years
Hello everyone, here’s the other fundraiser I’m helping to run right now! This one is owned by Fae, but I’m handling social media.
I’m connected to Marcel and Fae through my partner, who has known Marcel for six years. Fae & Marcel lost their housing in December 2020 after Marcel lost his job in October, and they left for Portland to be in a safer area for an unhoused, disabled trans couple and to be near any friends at all.
Fae is now working with the VA to obtain housing and service-connected disability benefits as soon as possible—they’re in communication with a social worker and moving up the list, but it’s slow. Marcel is looking for work, which is a difficult and slow-moving process due to his disabilities.
In the meantime, being without stable housing (often sleeping in their car or tent), while living with PTSD, is becoming less and less survivable. We wanted to get them a hotel room—so that they’ll have somewhere warm, private, and safe to sleep, and to live, while they work on getting settled.
The goal is based on a 30 day hotel stay. To quote the GoFundMe (I’m doing that a lot, actually), “There are many steps to setting up their new, stable life in Portland—there’s looking for mental health resources, advocacy, applying for benefits in a new area, jobs, a more permanent home. Right now, the first step toward any of that, toward stable health at all, is meeting basic safety needs.“
If you’re able to send help to Marcel and Fae, please see this GoFundMe link, and share it wherever you can. 
To quote it again:
We write this intensely aware of how many, many people in the world need it, right now. As with all mutual aid-style fundraisers, these fundraisers are about making sure the request reaches someone who can help. Shares mean the world to us. If you are able to donate anything at all, we all know that living is not just about a roof over your head and even $5 could be food on a plate right now.
Thank you for reading, and we’ll post consistent updates as soon as we have them. (For Tumblr, that “we” is “I”—I’ll update or reblog this post every time a GoFundMe update is posted, and I’ll also be posting updates on how close they are to their goal!)
As always: Take care out there. You’re doing enough. Thank you.
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turtlesandfrogs · 3 years
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I disprove. Strongly. This is too hot and too dry for spring in the maritime PNW.
In all seriousness, April and March have both been much drier than I'm used to, and I'm concerned that we'll have a replay of last year's wildfires and incredibly unhealthy air quality. And I just googled to see how California is doing, because a lot of smoke up here came from California & Oregon, and well, it looks bad:
So, if you're likely to be impacted or in a community where people are likely to be impacted, think about doing some prep work now. I'm not advising hording or anything, but just basic preparation.
For example, I have asthma and I work outside. I'm going to get n95 respirators and a few extra air filters for my furnace. My mutual aid networks are also buying air filters, and I'm sure we'll come up with more ideas as well.
For the heat, I'm going to grow hops up a trellis on the south and west sides of our house, along with mammoth sunflowers to help passively cool it, since we don't have AC. I'll also be shifting my afternoon clients to morning shifts, so that we're not working in the heat of the day. I'll probably think of more things as it gets hotter :/
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heterophobiclesbean · 5 years
15 Questions Tag Game
Tagged By: @allo-princess ily <3 <3
Are you named after anyone?
So funny story I’m white so my parents have been on that naming bullshit since day 1 but both of my older siblings have biblical names that my parents THOUGHT were uncommon that turned out to be common so my parents got to me and decided to get creative and did like a ~fun twist~ on one of the apostle’s names so i am named the “””female”””” version of an apostle’s name and it turns out its actually a boys name and thats why I’m gay
The name I go by on this blog tho (Bee) wasn’t necessarily after anyone except bees maybe because they are the true heroes
When was the last time you cried?
Today in class babes! We watched How to Survive A Plague in my public health class and the scene where people threw the ashes of loved ones they lost to AIDS really fucked me up it was hard to watch and also a reminder that Reagan’s grave is a gender neutral bathroom everyone should piss on
Do you have kids?
Nope and I don’t think I’d be a good parent so I’m waiting for my brother or sister to have kids so I can be the fun gay aunt that takes them to Drag Shows or whatever
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I am sarcastic like 90% of the time I talk but also I am REALLY bad at detecting sarcasm from other people I’m like a gullible little baby
What is the first thing you generally notice about people?
I don’t think I notice anything about anybody but probably their smile or hair
What’s your eye colour?
Hazel i guess.
Scary movie or happy ending?
I’m such a horror movie bitch I am an absolute BABY like I have to hold someone’s hand and shit but damn I love a good horror movie for a long time the only time I ever Felt Anything was when I watched horror movies and I will never stop loving them for being a surefire way to get me to have emotions again when the Depression kicks in
Any special talents?
My sister thinks I’m psychic because I can always tell when something bad is going to happen. It’s just anxiety but also like there’s never a time that something bad has happened that I haven’t predicted so. Also I think I’m really good at parking but I drive a small car so
Where were you born?
Good ol’ PNW of the US. Sasquatch country babey!
What are your hobbies?
I LOVE napping so I count it as a hobby, I like to make fancy pretty cards, I like playing video games (I’m such a Zelda hoe tbh, and a Pokemon hoe god I LOVE pokemon), when I can get myself into it I like reading, and I listen to music like 99% of the time so I consider it a hobby
(Fun side note when Spotify does that yearly music report for each person I literally spent a whole fuckin month listening to my favorite band last year. Like a whole 1/12th of my time was spent on ONE band so. It’s a fucking hobby to me!)
Do you have any pets?
There’s a family dog that my mom likes to pretend is mine because we got her when I was six and everyone used me to emotionally blackmail my dad into letting us get one, she’s an absolute goblin because she’s old and blind and deaf and very very stupid and won’t go up or down the stairs by herself, yells if she is left alone (alone as in not within 5 feet of a person) for longer than 30 seconds, and she has to wear diapers. This doesn’t sound like I love her I promise I do she’s just the absolute worst and complete pain in the ass and I DO LOVE HER but they should have just called Shih Tzus “Shits” instead because that’s what she is
I also have a cat who I would absolutely DIE FOR I am severely allergic to her but she is my Sweet Baby who I love and she has never done anything wrong in her entire life
What sports do you play/have you played?
My parents made me do all kinds of sports growing up despite the fact that I was NEVER good at any of them so I did softball, basketball, soccer, and gymnastics for like 1-2 years each when I was around 11ish and I played volleyball like 5th grade to 9th, and I ran track a few years in middle school. 
How tall are you?
I’m 5′2″ physically but people seem to think I’m taller than I actually am relatively frequently and I think it’s my abrasive personality 
Favourite subject in school?
Oh man I was and still am a huge nerd, I was a teacher’s pet growing up, I generally liked all the subjects but my favorites were history and physics I think. As much as I love English I think I just had too many shitty teachers. Surprisingly despite the fact that I’m a math major now math was never my favorite subject, but I was always good at it. Always hated biology though.
Dream job?
Okay so. My first dream job is an astronaut because HOW COOL WOULD IT BE TO GO TO SPACE also I’m a lesbian so like it’s my constitutional right but I’m not gonna be an astronaut lol so my second dream job is comedian because I think I’m pretty funny but that also isn’t going to happen so like if I had to have a realistic dream job it would probably be like working for NASA I think working for NASA would be super cool i don’t care what they want me to do as long as it has to do with space I’ll do it
Tagging: If u follow me and u wanna do this u should because I would love to see literally any of my mutuals’ or followers’ answers please talk abt urselves this was fun!!!!
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leftpress · 6 years
Portland, OR: Antifascist and Autonomous Groups Hand Out Supplies In Wake of Snow Storm
Anonymous Contributor | It's Going Down | February 5th 2019
The post Portland, OR: Antifascist and Autonomous Groups Hand Out Supplies In Wake of Snow Storm appeared first on It's Going Down.
Report on mutual aid relief in wake of Portland snow storm. On February 4th, members of Portland antifascist groups Occupy ICE PDX, PNW Youth Liberation Front, Demand Utopia, and Queer Liberation Front, gathered in a downtown park to hand out blankets, clothing, hand warmers, and hot food to the houseless populous of our streets. Houseless […]
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lovejamiebx · 2 years
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SA PNW 2022 ⚔️✨ Duwamish, Puyallup & Coast Salish Land Survival Arts Training for Self-Protection & community circle for pinay / pilipinx, non-binary, gender expansive and womxn-identified BIPOC 🗡 🌿Saturday, October 15 10am-2pm 🌿Sunday, October 16 10am-2pm We look forward to commencing our first ever Survival Arts PNW Sacred Circle! ⚔️ In honor of #FilipinoAmericanHistoryMonth we will offer a special TWO-DAY training & encourage folks to join both sessions if possible. Both trainings will be outdoors in Seattle and Tacoma. We are still looking for mutual aid scholarship for students & community to donate refreshments and kakanins (Pilipino desserts/sweets) for our two sessions! 🥥 Registration info is available at: survivalarts.org/pnw ᜎᜊᜈ᜔ LABAN! 🇵🇭 ᜉᜇᜌᜓ PADAYON! . . #SurvivalArts #PNW #Seattle #Tacoma #WA #FAHM #PilipinaFightingArts #SelfProtection #Combat #Training #Laban #Padayon #SurvivalArtsAcademy #ProtectYourself #Kali ᜃᜎᜒ (at Pacific Northwest) https://www.instagram.com/p/CijcvIuuSCF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ohwaitwhatdamn · 2 years
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Some of the many mutual aid groups above the PNW.
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