#plot relevant four?
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rueitae · 11 months ago
Finally got around to binging Tangled the Series. *sigh* is there a discord server for gen content? Or at least mostly gen? Brainstorming fun a plus.
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sualne · 4 months ago
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some reintroduction & lore!
part 2, ...
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littleolnickelyloo · 6 days ago
can we talk about how obsessed four and x are with clock cause like. i think it’s super funny. like they got so pissed at him being eliminated and sent away that they just started destroying shit, four has a watch that looks like clock and goes “ring-a-ling-a-ling” in clock’s voice, i’m fairly certain that the cake slices four sprinkled fanny and ice cube’s remains on are supposed to be clock themed, THEY HAVE A SHRINE OF HIM IN THE KITCHEN.
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wantonlywindswept · 1 month ago
Definitely True Facts About Commander Vertex #4
He's lost everything.
[forgotten Fox AU tag]
Bucket, for the crimes of having an excellent sabacc face and a hip that seized up when moving any faster than a light jog, was often stuck manning the Guard HQ front desk.
They didn't get too many natborns coming through these days, at least, now that the CSF were forced to do their own jobs and had taken over guarding the prison. The Guard was finally back to being a protective, high-level military force instead of doing all the domestic policing and drudgework they'd been relegated to. They were still beholden to the Senate, but things had gotten better since Palpatine died and Organa took office, even if some of the Dome's denizens still saw them as little better than droids.
So Bucket didn't have to deal with that--he could, he got his name from being able to fit his demeanor to whatever the situation needed it, swapping faces like you could swap a helmet--but he did still have to deal with the regular comers and goers. Thankfully, that was mostly clones, plus the new addition of the pack of Jedi healers that descended on medbay once a week.
Interesting bunch, the Jedi. A lot more personable than Bucket had thought they would be. Surprisingly calm up until you admitted to using a soldering torch to close an acute laceration. 
(It wasn't even a recent injury--it happened so long ago that it was already healed. But now Master Nema gave Bucket the stink eye whenever she saw him, like she was trying to determine how medically stupid he'd been in her absence.)
"--figure what they were going on about?"
Bucket snapped to attention as the exterior doors slid open, a placid expression settling across his features. He turned toward the voice--only to relax when he caught sight of the visitors.
"Just something about another shift in the Force," Marshal Commander Cody said, offering Captain Rex a shrug. "It's not as bad as when Palpatine died; nobody passed out this time, at least."
"Small mercies," Commander Gree observed, bringing up the rear behind them. He had four takeout containers cradled in one arm, and by the smell they were from the offensively good noodle cart that parked near the base of the Rotunda. Bucket took a deep, envious breath and decided he was definitely going there for latemeal.
This particular group of GAR troopers--along with Commanders Bly and Wolffe--were a familiar enough sight at Guard HQ. They didn't visit often, almost eternally deployed to the front lines, but whenever their leaves lined up they usually made an appearance. Bucket had never seen all five together at once, but maybe that would change now that the war was officially over and battalions were being called back to Coruscant.
"Commanders, Captain," he greeted, standing up behind the counter to salute. His second for the day, Kelari, hastily copied the action. 
Cody waved the formality away with the hand sign for 'at ease', nodding at the two of them in turn.
"Sergeant Bucket," he greeted. "And I don't think I know..?"
"Private Kelari, sir!" Kelari chirped. She was still painfully shiny, wide-eyed and awestruck as she stared up at the Marshal Commander, and Bucket allowed the gaping with fond indulgence. 
Kelari was one of their most recent acquisitions, part of a squadron that arrived after the death of the Chancellor. The group didn't have any direct experience with the war or the suffering that came with it, and the entire Guard were doing their damndest to make sure they never would.
"Private Kelari," Cody acknowledged, one side of his mouth ticking up. "Good to meet you."
Kelari beamed; Bucket shooed her away so he could get back in front of the security screens. 
"The Jedi up to shenanigans again?" he asked as he pulled up the admittance forms. 
Rex sighed, heavily, and Cody shot him an amused look.
"Let's just say," Gree said, "That it will be nice to avoid more half-coherent explanations on how the Force works now that the war's over."
Bucket snorted, starting to fill out the usual info. The Guard never got a Jedi--and with the reveal of Palpatine being a Sith, they now knew why--but he had to admit he was glad they never needed to deal with the often-inexplicable Jedi tendency to rely so much on some invisible cosmic power.
"Captain CT-7567," he recited idly as his fingers flicked across the keys, "Commander CC-2224, and Commander CC-1004, here to see --"
Bucket blinked at the 'reason for visit' box. 
This batch of clones had been visiting the entire war, either by themselves or together, whenever their rare leave allowed. They came often enough that if Bucket wasn't the one that would suffer the datawork hassle later, he would have just waved them on through. 
He was familiar enough with them to know that Cody's infamous scar came from a sparring accident, that Gree had three half-finished xenobiology research papers that he hoped to someday publish, and that Rex had been forcibly adopted by the CC clones without being allowed any input in the matter. He knew that Wolffe had three implanted teeth from multiple attempts at biting trainers through their armor as a cadet, and that Bly sometimes mixed up his letters and numbers and had almost been decommissioned as a result.
And Bucket had no idea what to put in the box.
"Sergeant?" Kelari asked quietly, stepping close to Bucket's side, "They're Commander Vertex's batchmates, right?"
The gentle nudge would have been helpful--Kelari was new, but she'd already learned what to do when another Guard faltered--except the intel she was working with was faulty. 
It was a reasonable assumption: Thire wouldn't shut up about his batchmates, so they were all known. Ponds had already stopped by to see Stone, the rest of their batch lost to the war, while Thorn's quietly deranged batch somehow managed to stay known but off the radar. Vertex was the only Commander whose batchmates were unaccounted for.
Except Vertex didn't have any batchmates.
Cresh Squad had taken heavy losses a couple weeks ago, and Bucket had been doing his own rehab with Patches in the medbay while they were still recovering. Commander Vertex had been there speaking quietly with the survivors, going between the beds with soft words and reassuring touches. It was clear that he'd done that kind of thing before, and when he'd finally taken a moment to sit down with Defib, Bucket had overheard their conversation.
'Good going with Whiskey,' Defib said gruffly. 'He would have camped outside the medbay doors if you hadn't talked him down. Tango's stable, but it's never easy to see a batcher get hurt.'
'No,' Vertex said, sounding tired. 'It really isn't.'
'Sounds like you have experience.'
Vertex was silent for a long while.
'My batchmates,' he said eventually, 'And my command. I lost them. They're...they're all gone, now.'
'Not gone,' Defib corrected gently, 'But marching far away.'
'Not gone,' Vertex had agreed, almost too soft to hear. 'Just marching far away from me.'
Patches was a medic and Bucket knew when to keep his mouth shut, and neither of them had mentioned anything of the conversation to others. Bucket was pretty sure the other commanders knew, too, but it wasn't like they'd go around airing someone's trauma like that.
Far too much trauma to go around for all of them.
Kelari nudged him again, and Bucket blinked rapidly, hauling himself out of the memory. He lifted his gaze from the half-finished form to meet Cody's eyes.
The Marshal Commander frowned.
"We're here to see--to see..."
Missing memories weren't that uncommon, in the Guard, but as Bucket watched confusion steal across Cody's face--as that confusion shifted into unease and then panicked alarm--he didn't think that it was just a Guard problem, anymore.
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waitineedaname · 4 months ago
I think I need to make a giant venn diagram between homestuck, hlvrai, svsss, and orv
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casual-praxis · 4 months ago
you mentioned that Shadow is like the Tarr and doesn't have a favorite food, but I raise you the idea that the tarr's favorite food is Ranchers, and thus Shadow's very favorite thing is kissing his boyfriends. hehe
I like this idea much better! They can't escape his love and affection even if they throw water on him! >:)
Bonus Fun Fact: This is partially why Red immediately kissed Shadow in that oneshot I wrote. He didn't yet know what was happening exactly, but from a cursory glance, he knew a hug for Green would distract him from his worries, he'd need to hug Blue so he wouldn't get jealous, and a kiss for Shadow would take the edge off his stress. Blue got jealous anyway, but oh well, Red likes kisses too.
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discjude · 7 months ago
I think I should focus more on the link between Rafal and Japeth in TCY because I was typing out a joke post that went something along the lines of "TCY is so funny because the whole division between the two Pens comes down to "omnipotent omniscient harbinger of fate" vs "some snake guy" under the assumption that the scim that was Lionsmane was just one of Japeth's, but I realised I didn't have a source for that so checked flesh and blood again and what do you know Lionsmane is apparently "made out of my father (Rafal's) spirit.". I was aware of the reference to 'Rafal's spirit' mostly because it's a concept never mentioned by name again in the series but somehow never noticed that Lionsmane WAS just. Rafal. which has horrible consequences for the Japeth Lore
Basically. It seems very important to me that the "Storian VS Lionsmane" duo can be boiled down to "Fate VS Japeth", given that a lot of Japeth's motivation comes from his desire to be able to control fate, stating in Flesh And Blood "soon I'll be fate's master, with the power to take love back (where he's talking about Aric)." . Saying that he IS Lionsmane ties into that nicely, given that he'll write his own fate with the pen that Is Him. This also fits into the "Past is Present" prophecy, given the last line of "Until you change it", being exactly what Japeth aims to do.
However, Japeth does not 'change it', because he's not the one writing his fate, because He's Not Lionsmane. RAFAL is. The fate that Japeth thinks he's creating for himself isn't the one he wants, but is Rafal's fate instead... which is exactly what ends up happening to him, given the second fratricide incident. This also works with Past is Present, because Past IS Present, given it's the same fate. Which also works as a lovely little reminder that Japeth has absolutely no control over his fate in the slightest, reflected by a few other pieces of book 6 information: Rafal's message to him (that happens before book 4) instructs him to remain loyal to his brother, and to always put his brother first. He doesn't win a single one of Arthur's Trials. It is literally stated by Rafal in a flashback that it was LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for japeth to end up being One True King. what I am Trying To Say is that there was absolutely no way in hell Japeth could ever have "changed it", ever. Anyway because of all of this I firmly believe that Soman should've put at least a couple of vague references to the TCY twins in the prequels given that Japeth and Rafal might have the most interesting link between them in my opinion
#I usually put underdeveloped thoughts in the tags so:#I think this same line of thinking helps explain my other Question About Aric#Aric's a weird character to analyse but the biggest two debates I have about him are “did he actually love Japeth”#(imo yes but the reason is tricky to explain)#and the other one is “Does it actually matter if his father is anyone significant?”#and the answer to that one is up in the air#on one hand it doesn't matter#if you see aric as not being plot/parallel significant himself#and more as a representative of the “Evil's Love” that both Japeth and Rafal have as alternative to their respective brotherly love#BUT it DOES matter#if you see aric as being significant because he's the Third for the TCY twins#and so there has to be a plot relevant reason why HE is the disruptance#which has to be his parentage because nothing else about him is significant enough#this sort of relates to whats in the post because of fate bs but i think it's a really interesting question and would love other opinions#anyway the other thing i usually leave in the tags on my japeth lore posts is a “(X) when I catch you” with x being a character#but honestly? nothing for this one cause it's not Rafal's fault either I don't think he knew he was dooming japeth to the same fate#and he DID try to warn him#anyway yeah this is a certified FOUR IN THE MORNING? ??! ?!? ?! WHAT I STARTED WRITING AT 2.#sge#tsfgae#school for good and evil#the school for good and evil#japethposting#sfgae#fotsge#rotsge#the school of good and evil
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blackstarchanx3new · 2 years ago
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Okay but yall know I'm gonna use the fact Shadow can clone himself in FSR right??? X'D
This shit is too fun of an idea to pass up.
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vorakh · 1 year ago
still believe that the funniest most incorrect thing i got wrong about disco elysium before playing it was thinking that jean was the union leader. that he was evrart claire (or edgar claire). or alternatively that he worked in the post office or something.
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pochapal · 2 years ago
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revisiting the "bodies with no faces" argument to prop up a faked corpse theory is. hrm.
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new-haven-psych-ward · 2 years ago
Kamen Rider Geats episode 38 poorly summarized via memes with as little context as possible:
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ultramori · 2 years ago
Boyfriend girlfriend weekend they all have end but y'know what doesn't OFF FANGAME HOME
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troutfur · 2 years ago
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tempest-toss · 2 years ago
((Current polycule members and plans for future members:
Dr. Willaim Wondertainment
??? (Upcoming plot point)
King Bee (West Virginia Bug Committee)
Slime King
Neko thats a member of the Snapdragon Smugglers?
I toyed around on the server an idea that Four will elevate his loves to Embodiment status and together they'll replace (in Four's case return to) the pantheon. So the things I need to think of are how many pantheon seats, how many total members of the polycule, and what Embodiments would they...well..embody.))
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catcatb0y · 2 years ago
*Filler was often specifically contained stories that did not advance the plot. It's when the characters go on a completed, hardly tangential story that does not affect the plot or the characters.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 3 months ago
also like speaking of season four giving winston more of that serious arc of an episode's plotline than it ever would again, it's also made funnier by knowing that was Before they had more actor availability and that they Did actually want to have more like oh boy now we can give you material unhindered....and it being like, what, that they treated winston as more of [as much a character as the others] in season four b/c they couldn't give him the screentime for an episode or two per season to really get to go harder than usual on winston as punching bag & sprinkling in more of that generally in addition to [winston exposits info plot devicely] which he also got in season four? but like yeah. yeah i think that was it
#and because what; like; even the side characters it decided were people were given such focus & care in their arcs ever#really abysmal like rian the corresponding Winner quant a) with them from the start like oh rian's important & b) rian's too good too pure#like okay what do they do w/ this Important; Deserving Role? plot devicery culminating as [rian = a vagina] for a less than pointless arc#even amidst the like main-er characters Tier like taylor is important & in getting to contrast with everyone else in that tier#has this flexibility & capacity to that character & they decide oh yeah taylor cares about ethics sometimes so this role also ought to#just get plenty of material & with more complexity than any that e.g. axe can be particularly tied up in. And Yet#instead of flourishing like okay season four this rules but billions is like No More Of That just like w/kompenso quant haunt scenes#season seven like Everything thrown into a ditch in service of wendy your new god as was always that Complex(tm) Good(tm) role's destiny#& certainly taylor in particular is too; all the more egregious when obviously this role Ought to be the center of this finale#so like yeah. billions was like oh yay finally we can have more elaborate power trip fantasies of abusing winston. like truly#winston billions#sorry to all of us like lord....#two sides same coin riawin unbeknownst to billions w/plots hinging on what billions decided their junk must be like? standing ovation#one of those plots with victim blaming & that's basically it. & the second with uh let's see....victim blaming & that's it. second ovation#both roles getting to go nowhere & discarded for no especial reason other than [no one is relevant in wendy's god ascension arc] wow#ascending is right; above & beyond....
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