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prairiegh0st · 1 year ago
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Everlastingly Yours
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whoisloma · 7 months ago
Slap on the flap in tchca Splash, drowning my dick in her pussy Rocket poc, ploc, ploc, ploc Jump on me, frog
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ask-ploc · 5 months ago
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i think this is technically still a wip but here ya go
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slyzia · 2 years ago
Hello everyone! Good evening, afternoon or morning!
So apologies for the late posts, I didn’t do anything remotely good for my birthday so I didn’t post. I’ve been quite busy but it’s been good. This year I’m finally gonna compete in Art fight! Even though I have like 3 characters.
Uhhh some of these characters are from my bestie @sallufix! Cause we had an art war for like a few days then Copshop duo just brought us back. ANYWAYS! Major art stuff!
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^This one is my favourite one of the year! Flix’s persona!
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Offical refs
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Persona Ref!
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Of course some Villain Luke and the unreal gang!
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Some Felis Ashfer Bullying!
Goodnight everyone! Hope to see you soon!
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ploc-stuff · 4 months ago
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Have some silly goofy, as a treat
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brambletakato · 1 year ago
i am the outlier as in if des returns to nwos i do not want information about his wife and daughter because i honestly love the ocs everybody has made to fill the role, if a name was given canonically then the amount of causalities would be unbearable
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inveterade · 8 months ago
Rio Gastronomia 2024 oferece shows diversos como Maria Rita, Toni Garrido, Festa Ploc, Frejat, Nando Reis e mais
O Rio Gastronomia 2024 promete uma combinação saborosa de gastronomia, lazer e entretenimento em três fins de semana de atrações musicais e culinárias, de 15 a 18, 22 a 25 de agosto, e de 29 de agosto a 1º de setembro, no Jockey Club Brasileiro, no Rio de Janeiro. De quinta a domingo, o festival apresenta uma variedade de artistas incluindo Nando Reis, Frejat, Xande, Blitz, Maria Rita, Diogo…
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dixvinsblog · 1 year ago
Frédéric Manfrin – Ballades Parisiennes –Ploc, plic, ploc, plic.
Il a plu.Le pavé brille,La lumière chante sur la pierre.Il a plu.Les souliers glissentLes semelles miaulent en touchant terre.Il a plu.Ploc, plic, ploc, plic.La musique de la pluie,Sur les trottoirs de Paris,Mes godasses comme seuls instruments.
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kooqitas · 11 months ago
— getting a +4 ... ★ with: jjk!
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#pairing: jungkook X reader. #synopsis: your boyfriend may not know how to lose in 'uno' #tags: is literally jungkook fingering you during a uno (and yes his friends are at the table) #wc: ~400 #notes: i'm a little sick :( wrote this just so i wouldn't disappear
⚠︎ english is NOT my first language, i just write for fun, if you don't feel comfortable with grammatical mistakes DONT READ!
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you gasp when you feel jungkook dragging your pantie to the side and putting one finger inside you without any warning.
you know that your boyfriend is a kinda crazy and you like it, but you never thought that he would fucking you while you play uno with yours (and his) friends.
when namjoon put a ‘+4’ card you just put another one in the same way, making your boyfriend draw 8 cards, and he just ask to you take the cards for him, while he puts other finger inside you.
you gasp again, moving the leg trying the close them, but jungkook won’t let you do that.
he curves his fingers, staying a little rougher.
"god" you moans, the others boys at the table looking at you.
“are you okay?” jimin asks.
“yesssss, sure, just… i think i will win’’
‘yes, thats my girl!” jungkook say, kissing you, so he puts his third finger.
“t-too much!” you moans again, your body sweating.
crazy, jungkook is fucking crazy.
“what? the game? oh c’mon, that’s funny!” hoseok say when he puts other +4 card on the table.
“she is just a little shy, because she knows that she will win” jungkook jokes, going harder with his fingers.
you bite your lips, trying to close your legs again, but jungkook still fucking your hole with his finger. 
“stop, or all the boys will know that your pussy accept me anytime!” jungkook say in your ear, giving you a soft kiss on the cheeks.
when a 'reverse' card is placed on the table, jimin makes jungkook draw +4 card again.
and with that he presses his thumb on your clitoris, going faster with his fingers and putting the fourth.
you can hear the 'ploc' his fingers make, but you don't care anymore, not when you cum, screaming his name as you officially win the game.
“what that fuck is hap-” 
“she just getting a +4 too, relax” jungkook laughs.
all the guys at the table see your eyes rolling and your body shaking in jungkook's hands. you can't even feel embarrassed, because in the next second, jungkook shows his hands to the guys.
your juices all over his fingers
“you know… i always win, guys” he jokes… 
you breathe heavily, recovering from your recent orgasm
“so...does anyone want to suck my fingers? she has a such great taste…”
you think that yout boyfriend is just joking, but you blink and jimin is suck his fingers…
and after him, seokjin does the same.
oh god...
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as a fanfic writers I feel like if she saw the Halea part it would be more "no"
the real question is whether Phaedra would also be into Cheline's yelling
Have at it, fanfic writers.
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lescarbille · 7 months ago
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Answer to : Send me a word and I'll write you a carcar drabble
Carlos has never looked at the stars as anything other than balls of light in the sky. They are pretty, but he can't see the fascinating beauty, the hidden designs and the secrets hidden within. Stars are stars as surely as rain is rain. He is pragmatic, he can't understand the romance behind the elements of nature. Stars don't shine brighter when he's on a podium and rain doesn't necessarily give him an advantage in a race.
Carlos is also convinced that only idiots never change their minds.
The stars suddenly become fascinating on a rainy day.
The sky of Monaco is aggressive gray, while torrents of rain flow over the city. The drops flow down the bay window of his bedroom, slowly, while new ones arrive in soothing "plocs". The day invites laziness and Carlos is still in his bed, naked, part of a white sheet covering his waist, and Oscar his torso.
He fell asleep like that, using Carlos' chest as a pillow, hugging him, his ears over his heart. Carlos stroked his light hair until he fell asleep, but once again, he woke up first.
His eyes have a perfect vision of the pale expanse of Oscar's back, and if at first glance there is no connection between rain, stars and a back, Carlos has begun to understand the beauty of the constellations. The freckles on Oscar's back form a starry sky, more beautiful than anything Van Gogh could have painted.
Carlos loves Oscar's freckles, he kisses them on his nose, follows their path on his collarbones, leaves nebulous bruises on his stomach. The ones on his back are different. Carlos has always caressed Oscar’s back reverently, when the latter damages his with his nails. He has never, however, tried to connect them.
He does now.
He caresses the path that separates one, then two, then three, keeping his touch as light as a feather. And he smiles. He could even take up astronomy if his subject of study were Oscar and his freckles.
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ask-ploc · 2 years ago
how did you guys all meet each other?
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prairiegh0st · 5 months ago
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went back and added a couple guys since I'd like to do them in order from here out
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gonna work on a size chart of all my guys during my downtime
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idollete · 1 year ago
oi juju (fun fact antes de acertar esse oi eu tinha começado a escrever no teclado japones e por alguns segundos pensei que tinha ficado disléxica lendo) enfimr💋💅🏻 eu estava aqui pensando com os meus botoes sobre os meninos e qual o nivel de "messy" deles enquanto eles dão oral sabe. tipo consigo visualizar o pipe e o kuku sendo time das lambidas de gatinho, que focam especialmente no clitóris e muito de vez em quando dando uma mamadinha ali, comportados, te fazem gozar, mas não fazem bagunça. dai acho que um meio termo seria o enzo, chupando bastante toda a carne e os lábios da bct, fazendo os estalinhos soarem altos >propositalmente< só pra garota ficar morrendo de vergonha (e ainda mais excitada), afundando bastante o rosto entre as pernas (ele tem cara de que usaria aquela cantada de "eu queria ser um ombro amigo pra vc apoiar as coxas"), o agus tb se enquadra aqui... e tem eles, que são homens que toda vez que vêem uma perereca parece que será a última: simon e matias🙌🏻 acho que esses dois não tem absolutamente nenhum pudor pra chupar bct, caem de boca, saliva misturando com lubrificação rocket ploc ploc pula ni mim prrk, o queixo e o nariz ficando escorregadios, os dedos melados, a baba que formou ligando a xota com a língua deles e eles completamente alucinados (e poderiam ficar por uns 40 minutos livre só mamando)
- 🦝
eu penso que é exatamente assim ☝🏻
acho que o simón e matías são o tipo que não tem pudor nenhum e chupa com vontade mesmo, sem frescura, vai usar a língua, os dedos, tudo que tem direito. e sempre em posições criativas, não ficam no básico
pipe e kuku já preferem a posição tradicional. e não porque são sem graça, mas porque gostam de te olhar nos olhos mesmo
o enzo ADORA contato visual, você é quem não aguenta manter por muito tempo, porque ele te olha de um jeito tão intenso que é difícil não ficar com vergonha
o agustín pardella é o tipo de cara que dificilmente fode sem chupar a mulher primeiro, um porque ele gosta, dois porque ele quer que ela se sinta bem
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ploc-stuff · 5 months ago
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papierhaikuphoto · 3 months ago
Clepsydre moderne
Le plic-ploc des minutes
Dans nos corps-méduses
- Mathilde Fauve
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