#please share/reblog this post even if you won't participate
elialys · 20 days
Anna Torv Fan Book
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✨ DOWNLOAD a PDF version of this booklet ✨
Once again, this project can only happen if enough people participate. Please reblog this post, even if you don't plan on participating! We are scattered all over the world, but if we work together, we can make something great ❤️
[OFFICIAL TWITTER PAGE] ✨ [Link to the initial Announcement post explaining the project]
You'll be able to participate in 4 different ways:
Short letters
Thank you notes
Pictures (of you) with sign
Fanarts & Cosplay
This book will be made physically, not digitally, which means most things will be printed out and added to an actual scrapbook. If able, anything written is encouraged to be handwritten, as it adds a personal feel to it! Anything handwritten will need to be photographed in good quality so that it is legible once printed. The thank you notes/signs can be in your native language!
Signatures with your name and country are optional but highly encouraged! We want Anna to know she’s got fans all over the world.
Write a short letter thanking Anna for her work. The content is up to you. You can thank her for her work as a whole, or you can focus on specific characters she played. Write about what they mean to you, how they made you feel, etc…
You can thank her too, of course, for being a lovely human being, as she has inspired many of us, but please avoid mentioning anything we know about her personal life.
Write a simple note that says “Thank you, Anna!” or variations of it, such as “Thank you for Olivia” or “Thank you for Wendy”.
Handwritten notes on little pieces of paper are highly encouraged for this. Get creative if you don’t want it to simply be on a piece of paper!
For the digitally savvy, you are more than welcome to make something digital, as long as it’s not too big, so we can put several notes on a page.
Take a picture of yourself (with your face visible or hidden), holding a sign that says “Thank you, Anna!” or variations of it, such as “Thank you for Helen” or “Thank you for Tess”.
You are welcome and encouraged to get creative on the sign!
There are so many incredibly talented people in this fandom. If you have made fanart for Anna or one of her characters, don’t hesitate to submit your work. (We won’t include AI generated work.)
If you have cosplayed some of her characters, we would also love to include your pictures!
You can submit your contribution or ask any question through:
Twitter: @at_fanbook
If anyone would like to physically mail us their submission to be added to the book, please let us know so we can provide you with a postal address. Don’t hesitate to message us if mailing fees are an issue, this is part of why we’re working on setting up a project fund!
YOU CAN SUBMIT MORE THAN ONE THING! (e.g. a letter and a picture)
This is understandably our most asked question. We have several options to get the book to Anna once it’s finished. They are all non-invasive, and respectful of her privacy. No, we’re not going to use the obscure “management” address you find through google.
Rest assured that we would not have started this project without some tangible, achievable options to get the book to her.
As of now, you have until AUGUST 15TH 2024 to submit your contributions!
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labs · 10 months
Introducing Collections
Hello again, Tumblr. Labs division here!
A while back, we announced our comeback as a new team that would imagine big ideas for Tumblr—and would build them in public (aka with you). We recently announced our first failure, and today we're very excited to announce our first possible success!
A bit of context
As we've said before, an essential part of how we're working in Labs is speaking to people who use Tumblr pretty much on a daily basis and those who don’t use it at all.
In those interviews and focus groups, we learned that curating the Tumblr experience around different interests and fandoms is a big part of making Tumblr feel like your own space — and one of the main ways you do that is through blogs and tags (be it following or creating them).
So here at Labs we're working on ideas to help you curate the content you care about, and to help share what makes your experience fun with other people, even if they are not on Tumblr already.
Ok, but what's the idea?
Have you ever put together a song playlist to listen to when you're in a certain mood, or share with a specific friend? Or sent them books you know they'll love? Now imagine if you could do that with blogs and tags on Tumblr…
Maybe you're a veteran in a fandom and have the best recommendations of who to follow for your followers. Or your best friend won't join Tumblr because they don't know that their favorite TV show is actually really popular here. Or maybe you want to curate and browse content from a specific fandom, or a group of your mutuals, your own way.
That's the idea behind Collections!
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You can check out that example collection on the web here!
We want your help
The first way we're testing Collections is by inviting some of you to create your own and share with followers and friends—they'll be able to follow all the blogs and tags in your collections. So we're looking for volunteers!
You want to help? Great! Here's what you need to do:
Come up with your own Collections of blogs and tags, write it down somewhere. Focus on introducing people to Tumblr or recommending stuff to your followers. What would you want them to first see on your version of Tumblr?
Come up with a name, cover image, and description for it. Also try to think of who you would send your collection to, and where you might post about it.
Write out that idea as a reply or reblog on this post!
We’ll give it a few days, and pick a handful of people to play with Collections. We'll let you know. Then we’re off to the races!
If you decide to participate (and get selected), please note that this early release won’t work on the apps yet, only in your web browser. 
What happens next?
Our goal is to keep working on improving and adding Collection functionalities while you test what we've built (and share your feedback with us).
Next we’re exploring making a collection something you can follow on Tumblr, as a way to curate Tumblr around your many interests and moods, and to give you more freedom to curate content on your dashboard.
And if this idea is not for you, remember we have many more experiments in progress, so stay tuned!
With love,
Labs division
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apritello-newspaper · 4 months
💚*♡∞:。.。💛 。.。:∞♡*💜
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Come one, come all, I’m happy to announce the upcoming Apritello Week 2024
Day 1: April 21st - Dorky Pals for Life / Prom Queen
Day 2: April 22nd - Mystic + Science
Day 3: April 23rd - Matching Outfits / Date Night
Day 4: April 24th - Pampering / Let Me Love You
Day 5: April 25th - Knight and Princess
Day 6: April 26th - Treat Your April / April Fanclub
Day 7: April 27th - “That's My Girl”
Rules and Reminders: 
💚*♡∞:。.。💛 。.。:∞♡*💜
💚 The event will span from April 21st to April 27th. When posting, use the tag #apritelloweek, #apritelloweek24 or #riseapritelloweek24 (for specifically Rise if you want) so everyone can see your creations! and if you would like to tag any of the mods to help show your work, you're free to! For those who wish to post works on AO3, a collection will be made soon, or you can create your own collection and share it ^^
💛 When coming up with the prompts, the Lair of Apritello has a focus on rise Apritello, so that's the version this ship week will be focusing on. If you choose to take the prompts and use them for other iterations, that's perfectly okay! Please feel free to! 
💜 Any type of media is accepted, we look forward to see where your imaginations takes you! 
💚 While @apritello-newspaper will be the blog reblogging the entries for the ship week, the mod will still be reblogging based on comfort level! Please be understanding.
💛 Additionally, this is a public event, so I will not say who can or cannot participate, however, seeing as tcest make me and the other Mods uncomfortable, we won't be reblogging anything from anyone who ships tcest if it is brought to any of our attention. However, we will not be looking through people's accounts. We simply do not have the time.
💜 Even though this is a ship week, if you happen to complete your piece after the dates provided, you can still @ this blog, and I will more than likely reblog it! I'm always happy to share more apritello ^^
💚 If you have any questions, concerns, queries, or anything of the sorts, feel free to message me! 
💚*♡∞:。.。💛 。.。:∞♡*💜
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gallavichthings · 10 months
Hoping you can put this out for all of the artists and writers that participate in your events. Just wondering how everyone deals with the feeling of posting something and having it completely flop? Those of you that have had it happen, how do you come back from that?
Hello, dear anon! I'm posting this so that anyone who wants to reply may do so, as you requested, but I also wanted to include my own two cents.
First of all, let me tell you I absolutely understand your frustration. It can be very off-putting to post something you put effort into to just have no one apparently notice it. There are a lot of posts saying how we should write/make art for ourselves, and not for others, and while I agree with those to a certain extent, once you actually post something, the goal is clearly to have it noticed by your peers.
That being said, I do encourage you to try to redefine what a flop means. Is it no notes at all? Because I hardly think you're getting no notes at all, especially in this fandom (but if you are, maybe there's something off with the way you're "marketing" it, so let me know and maybe we can help).
I assume by flop you mean getting less notes than you'd expected, so I think it's a matter of expectations. Are you comparing yourself to others? Because let me tell you right away, that won't do. Some people are more popular, period, and who knows why that is. Sure, most of the time these people are really talented, but usually it's that they make something that resonates with people, but I couldn't tell you why some do and some don't. It's absolutely impossible to predict what the fandom will or won't like. Even if you compare your works with your other own works, that will happen. I can't tell you the amount of times I've written something thinking people would love it only to get just a handful of kudos, while some other fics I've written on a whim, thinking no one would care, got way more attention.
Number three: give it time. Sometimes things aren't appreciated right away, but eventually they get further. I still get daily kudos on fics I wrote 8, 9, 10 years ago.
Finally, and this is a message to everyone, not just the anon who sent the ask: this is why fandom is important, and this is why you have to share the things you enjoy. Leaving likes/kudos is a great thing, but once you reblog it or add it to a recs list, that's when other people get to know stuff. That's literally my main job here, that's the reason I created this blog, so it would be an archive for the fandom. Yes, I organize events as well, and I answer asks and all, but the main point of this blog has always been and will continue to be reblogging. (I unfortunately don't have as much time to go through the tags as I used to, which is why I have my dear @sickness-health-all-that-shit helping me out, but it's still possible we miss things, so you're always welcome to tag me or send me your posts if you notice it's been a week or two and we haven't reblogged them yet - please do wait a bit though, as we do have a queue to go through.) Also, please do leave replies/comments/tags, those are so important and encouraging to the artists/authors!
I hope this eases your heart a bit, anon. And I look forward to seeing what everyone else will say.
GT mod.
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atlantis-just-drowned · 6 months
Sfw alphabet with Duke lover/partner edition?? Like how he would treat his s/o and stuff
SFW alphabet with Duke (Nevermore)
Please consider reblogging this post to spread it and show your support. Likes don't boost posts on Tumblr!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Duke is far from being the most affectionate person you've ever met. However, if he starts to get attached to you, he’ll be a little more considerate. Not that he’s gonna upfront about it – he won’t. But he’ll make sure to check on you a little more often, he’ll care more about your feelings… Generally, he’ll just be less annoyed by your mere existence. And it will be visible, because he won't act the same around you, but don't expect him to be all lovey-dovey.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Spike his curiosity. The man is just like a very tall gremlin: he likes shiny things that attracts attention. Do something unexpected. Stand out of the crowd. Be the one who make people laugh. Just, be remarkable. And maybe then he'll start wanting to participate in your fun schemes and ideas. That's his definition of how friendship works.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Although he doesn't mind physical contact, Duke is usually not the one to initiate it. You want to cuddle with him? Well, that's fine, go ahead. He'll let you wrap your arms around him and rest your head against his chest. For his part, he prefers giving light or friendly touches, like putting an arm around your shoulders, taking your hand to sketch a couple of dance steps, or simply brushing your back or your arm. If you're not the type to ask for cuddles a lot, he'll simply make those light touches from time to time, but not a lot more than that. However if you truly need a hug, you can be sure that he'll know, and he'll make sure you'll receive the biggest, warmest hug you ever had.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Duke is not exactly the domestic type. As an artist in the beginning of the XXth century, he grew used to rely on himself, and on himself only. The idea of living in a home that would belong to the both of you would make him uneasy at first, and he'll avoid the subject for a long time. So at first, for him "settling down" would look more like him spending all of his time at your place and doing the chores. And as time passes, he always seems to be staying longer. But it isn't really like he lives here right? I mean of course he washes his clothes with yours, he cleans and cooks sometimes, and you both eat and sleep together, but it isn't really like you're sharing a house right? He's not even paying the rent or anything, he's just visiting you for a few days! Expect him to think about it for a long time. He won't share his thoughts with you, but he will think about it a lot, until he'll finally connect the dots and ask you if he can just... Move in your house? And honestly you'll probably deadpan at him, considering he was already living almost h24 at your place anyway.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Duke is pretty independent. He doesn't feel like he needs a partner to be complete. Most of the time, he'll ask people out because they sparked his interest briefly, but once the dopamine disappeared and he starts getting bored, he really struggles to maintain a meaningful connection. So he'll look pretty detached, almost cold, while breaking up with an ex. They either bored him, or frantically annoyed him by not going along with his little mischievous plans. He doesn't like being held back and feel restricted.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Once he finally accepted to officially lives with you, committing is not that much of a problem. To Duke, it's practically the same thing anyway, except you'll both have some more jewelry, and he'll get a new occasion to blow your mind with some impressive demonstration of love. But he will do his best to make sure you feel loved and appreciated for who you are. What can I say? He's a bit of a romantic at heart.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Duke is not fundamentally mean, it's just that he can be... A bit insensitive at times. He doesn't mean it of course, but it can happens for him to do a joke that he intended to be fun for you, but might hurt your feelings a bit. It's really not bad intentioned tho, and obviously he will immediately say sorry if you tell him it was hurtful. But yeah, emotionally, he can be pretty challenging from time to time. Same physically: he can hugs you or wraps his arms around you a little too tight if he gets carried away, but it's never too harsh and if anything, it's definitely a proof that he cares about you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
As I said before, Duke is not the most touchy-feely in the whole crew. But he can have his moments, when he's feeling particularly joyful. Sometimes he'll simply get carried away and lift you up in a tight hug, making you turn around until you can't help but giggle at his behavior. Other than that, he will definitely tease you when he feels flirty, by wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and whispering some joke to make you blush.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It's pretty easy to catch Duke's attention. The most challenging part is to keep it. And I think he knows that himself, so of course he'll take his time to say the L-word. He just wants to know if you'll last longer than the others before making any statement about his own feelings. After all, maybe you're just some kind of new shiny trinket that he'll get bored of ? But once he realized that you were sticking in his mind longer than usual, he'll panic first, than he'll accept it, and only after that, he'll say it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Duke is not really upfront about his jealousy: he trusts you and he knows that he's definitely taking all of the place you have in your heart, because you can be sure that he's constantly making sure to occupy your mind. He'll just get more judgmental, cold and defensive toward the person he's jealous of, if they take too much of your time or try to flirt with you. If anything, he'll probably make some very sarcastic comments toward this person. He really wants them to understand that he is the boyfriend, and nobody else will.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
The man definitely enjoys kissing your cheeks, your forehead and your chin. He keeps more romantic kisses for when you two are alone together and he can really get the time to be with you, without being constantly distracted. The way he kisses you also depends of his mood. Sometimes he'll give you endeared, affectionate kisses. And sometimes, he'll tease you by giving very light, yet very flirty little kisses everywhere on your face, just to see you blushing and smiling like an idiot. He likes to see the way you react to his teasing.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
When you two first started to know each others, you were honestly terrified to the idea of every leaving Duke alone with a kid. But life never really goes as planned, and you ended up discovering that he was surprisingly a good caretaker. Not the best in the whole world, but he was better than what you had pictured: he's able to distract kids and keep them entertained with jests and magic tricks, and his mischief seems to really please them. They like his fun and light demeanor, and he likes being the attention's center.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Duke has a very well-oiled morning routine. He likes to take care of himself when he wakes up, I mean he's a magician, an escape artist, he needs to stay healthy for his tricks, doesn't he? It was kinda unexpected for you to see him doing warm-ups just after going out of bed, but eventually, you ended up getting used to it. You eventually get absolutely unbothered about it, going out of bed and preparing breakfast while you wait for him to join you after his exercises.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
The more energy Duke spends through the day, the faster he'll stop teasing you in the night before going to bed. Because no: you are not safe from his teasing, even after a whole day of activities. If his day was boring, prepare. You'll have to deal with all energy remaining that he didn't use. He'll tease you, tickle you, flirt with you to an indecent amount. You just won't get rid of him until he finally decides to sleep. On the contrary, if his day was exhausting, you'll ultimately experience peace, because he'll straight up fall onto his mattress and fall asleep faster than anyone else.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Duke is not particularly focused on the past. He'll make efforts to talk about it more once you get to know each others and start getting more intimate, but really, he doesn't see the importance of talking about his past life. That is, unless you talk about his stage performances. It's pretty much the part he talks about the most, he loves to tell the tales of his incredible success, probably exaggerating it a bit in the process, but it's really light-hearted. So he's pretty opened, you just have to ask questions because he won't bring the topic on the table. The only thing he will never share about himself is how he does his tricks. A good magician never reveals his secrets!
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Surprisingly, Duke is not as hot-tempered as he can look from the outside. Sure, he can be quite intense to deal with, but he also knows very well how to keep his own emotions in check, and stay calm and collected no matter what. If someone try to anger him, the best reaction they will get out of him will probably be light annoyance. He'll only express his anger if he trusts you: he doesn't want anyone and everyone to know when and how he feels impacted by something.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Duke doesn't exactly have the biggest attention span you've ever seen. Expect him to forget stuffs, even stuffs about you. He doesn't do it on purpose, it's just... sometimes you say something about you, and the second after, the information have disappeared from his brain. He'll definitely try his best to take note of the most important things (and despite some fails, he successes for the biggest part!), but when it comes to tiny, little details, you'll have to repeat about them a few times before he registers the information.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Schemes. Mischievous plans. Wrongdoings flawlessly executed. You probably stole food from the kitchens. Or broke in some students' bedrooms. Yeah, the longer this relationship goes, the more the two of you achieve unharmful, yet still prohibited deeds. Duke can't help but love this feeling of having you by his side in his fun schemes. If his plan makes you smile or laugh, he'll straight up ascend. Once you started to get involved in his life, making you glad with his adventures became a new sort of goal for him to achieve. A success is never really a success if you didn't find the trip fun. He can't help but love the rush of adrenaline he gets when committing his little deeds with you, and seeing you entertained by them make his heart ache with affection. If you looked very, very closely, you could even see him blush a tiny bit from it. He loves having you as his partner... in crime.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Oh wow now. Are we seriously talking about this? Duke can't even keep up with his own safety. This man has very little to no self-preservation. Of course the idea of seeing you in pain or seriously injured concerns him. But also... He's very bad at stopping it from happening. He does his best by staying by your side, and occasionally stopping you from doing something extremely stupid, but most of the time his definition of protection is to keep bad people away from you by giving them death stares whenever he gets the occasion. He doesn't want to limit your freedom, even if sometimes your ideas can be a bit risky. But without stakes, where is the fun, right ? That's also because he deeply cares about his own freedom, and can't stand people trying to rip it away from him. Don't try to protect him by stopping him from doing what he wants: he'll absolutely hate it. Instead, try to expose logical arguments on Why This Is A Bad Idea. And stay by his side, support him when he needs it. Make him feel like he can rely on you. That's all he needs.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Duke is the walking definition of "living for the cameras". He loves making his tiniest move extra-dramatic, just to entertain himself and his friends. So you can be absolutely certain that he will try to impress you every chance he gets. There were occurrences of him over-doing it, even. Dates dusted with so much sparkles that it almost hurt your eyes. But it's always well-intentioned: he really wants to let you know how madly he's in love with you. In the same time, if Duke puts a lot of efforts in special occasions, he tends to forget a lot about everyday tasks, and gets distracted easily. So, you have to remind him about those a good couple of times. But he really tries his best.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
It is not a secret to anyone that Duke likes to try new experiences. Some of them are funny. Some of them are dumb. Some of them are... weird. Really weird. They can involve tasting terrible food, going to odd places, touching ominous things... Basically, anything that looks uncanny and a bit mysterious. In the best cases, it often turns out gross. The food is probably the worst part.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
When you're a performer, the way you present yourself is a key point. This also applies to Duke. This man can't stand the idea of not looking eye-catching at all time of the day and night. If he appreciates you and you show him that he can trust you on being honest about his looks, he'll ask for your opinion absolutely every morning, to know if the way he's presenting is great. Please compliment him. Tell him he's shining bright like a star. His heart will probably skip a beat if you tell him that.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Once again, Duke is extremely independent. He doesn't feel like he needs anyone to feel complete. It does bring something more to his life, something he loves to experience everyday with you, but he wouldn't feel incomplete. More like bored, probably. You're so much fun to be around, and you always make his heart beat a little faster, it's entertaining. Without you, things aren't missing, but they definitely seem more flat.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
If someone introduced you to the Misfits, it would probably be Duke. He saw you going around and you caught his attention? He'll straight up come to you the first chance he gets, and then present you to his friends. He can't help it: he just wants to show them the cool new human being he found in the wild.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
As I said before, Duke doesn't like anyone (or anything) that restricts his freedom. If a rule sounds dumb to him, he'll disobey. If someone tries to stop him from doing something without an explicit and logical reason, he'll try to do it even harder. More generally, people who seem boring or "don't know how to have fun" (comprehend: aren't getting themselves in trouble all the time just for the sake of attention) are annoying to him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Duke. Can't. Sleep. If he doesn't pass out from exhaustion. The amount of energy in his body on a daily basis should be illegal. He won't stop annoying you and running around until all of his energy have be spent somewhere. Expect him to keep you awake at night. You can try to force him to sleep: it won't work.
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
Ace's HL Writing Challenge
Well folks, we did it!!! After five long years, this blog has reached 1,100 followers, which is amazing!!! As a thank you, I wanted to celebrate your talent by doing a Hogwarts Legacy writing challenge! More inforamation under the cut :)
How it will work:
I'm keeping it pretty simple. The rules are down below. To sign up, simply send me an ask with the prompt number and character/ship you'll be writing for. For now, we'll do just one person per a prompt, but that may change depending on how much participation there is.
When you've written your work, just post here on tumblr and tag me! I'll be reblogging each of the works that are submitted and giving positive feedback!
The rules:
Must be focused on characters from Hogwarts Legacy. AUs, adding OCs, etc, is more than welcome, but make sure that it involves characters from the game.
That being said, it can be ANY characters from the game! It can be x reader/MC, ships of two characters from the game, or not have any romance and just the dynamics of different characters. Whatever tickles your fancy!
Please, no NSFW or smut. Keep things PG-13 for this one :)
No word limits---just have fun!
You don't need to use the exact prompt in your work. You can do so if you choose, or rephrase it, or just go off of vibes alone lol.
The Prompts:
I will keep this updated for what prompts are/aren't available. All of these are song lyrics, and a playlist of all the songs used is available down below :)
"I was never one for short endings or cheap goodbyes." @shiinzhon
2. "I still don't know how to get to you." @talesofesther Sebastian x Reader
3. "I hear a storm is coming in--My dear, is it all we've ever been?"
4. "You go to find another place for your sun to shine."
5. "For the record, I've made my hell."
6. "I will wait for you, though I can't wait forever."
7. "Let's dance until the sun aches, love until our bones break." @shadowtriovibes Sebastian x MC
8. "Expectation is the currency of fools, and I spent it on you." @boomingsmile
9. "Now I feel like I'm finally me."
10. "I pretended I could read your thoughts, now it's just the truth."
11. "I'm in love when you're around."
12. "Can you hold on just for a little while longer?"
13. "I lost you when I lost me."
14. "I've done so many things wrong, I don't know if I can do right."
15. "A man can never dream these kinds of things."
16. "If I shut my eyes, will you appear? Because I'm not me without you here."
17. "Lonely are the ones who fall from love."
18. "One look and it all falls down."
19. "Even while you hold me as I cry on the floor, I still don't know how to be yours."
20. "If you're leaving I gotta know why."
21. "All my emotions feel like explosions when you're around."
22. "I want to find a home and I want to share it with you." @shadowtriovibes MC x TBD
23. "I like you, say it back."
24. "How can I be the boy you dream about?” @ravenelyx Sebastian x MC
25. "Just so easy when the whole world fits inside of your arms."
26. "I hope I'm not the last of what the world gave you.”
27. "We thought love was something we weren't meant to find."
28. “I was afraid to let it happen, but now I cannot forget it.”
29. "I could cut my hands on your edges, but I won't pull away."
30. "I swore that I'd become a better man for you and I tried." @sallow-tales Sebastian x MC
31. "I usually hate these cliches, but loving you feels that way." @eggymf
32. "The funny thing about love is it makes you wait."
33. "It's hard to find an end to something that you keep beginning." @localravenclaw - Sebastian x f!MC
34. "It happened when I least expected it." @finalgirllx
35. "And we wait until one of us caves." @emptycauldron
Playlist link
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yaboirezzy · 3 days
Alright, here's an explanation (post version):
So this is something I wouldn't usually say publicly because I don't really like telling and sharing my personal stuff online, especially on social places like tumblr or others because of how people usually react to someone feeling or saying anything about themselves. Also because I rather vent stuff in rather than bothering everyone close to me online about it. But I feel like making an exception just this once because this is actually about my tumblr blog.
So on my blog I've been doing all kinds of stuff over the past few years, artworks (both digital and traditional), text post, memes, incorrect quotes, and so on. And don't get me wrong I enjoyed it, I was happy with it, but in recent times I really feel like I've done nothing but make some low effort garbage that people only viewed or liked out of pity and nothing else. I feel like I've slowly changed from a someone eager to share their love and interest for their favorite fandoms to an annoying little shithead that won't stop yapping about anything (be it headcanons, AUs, ships) regarding their fandoms.
Especially when the stuff they waffle about aren't even as good as to what other people do. Artwork? everyone else had done better artwork of their favorite hyperfixations, character fanart, ship fanart, you name it? then it's guaranteed that everyone else done it better. Text post? everyone has made ones that are much better than mine, some even I based or took inspiration from (which is pretty much stealing I think). Memes or meme redraws? again mine looks like something out of the early 2000s compared to others. Incorrect quotes? god I can't believe that these are what I started with and are what 90% of my blog is about, yet I can't even get them right or being good at least. And those are just the basics, picture this people usually make artwork to show their love towards something they like and usually show others why they like or spread the popularity of their favorite thing, well guess who fucking sucks at that aspect as well? Showing my love towards my favorite fandom though artwork or text or quotes? awful at it, you would think I was young kid who just got introduced to them, trying to increase the popularity of an otherwise underrated or unknown fandom of mine? suck at it, just showing an image of them would've done a better job promoting each series, what about trying to seem like an active fan and participating in trends or events within the fandom? well me not being able to follow an 'art week' thing and being late to a redraw trend should be a clear sign as to how that goes.
And that's the reason why I wanna end myself I've been feeling so terrible about myself lately, I feel like trash about not being able to do the stuff I wanted to do whether it's artwork, text post, or even interacting with others.
In terms of artwork and meme redraws I just wanna see my vision come to life be that in the artstyle, the position/posing, or look/quality, but I can't due to limitations and whatnot. That's why I'm always eager to see art from others, but I know everyone's got other things to worry about, it's also why I feel like an absolute leecher whenever I ask or even request any of my artist mutuals anything their art is so much better than mine and I hate how I couldn't even mimick a fraction of their quality. It just makes me feel sick that I considered myself the same to them, I have done nothing worthy like them yet I always try to fit in as an 'artist' among actual real ones.
In terms of text post and incorrect quotes, I don't even know why any of you liked those, or even reblogging them. I've seen people put genuine care and effort into their headcanons, AUs, fanfics, even incorrect quotes and yet here I am saying the dumbest ideas and thoughts ever. Not only are they so bad, so low effort, and so braindead to read for any rational human being, but they are just so not funny, like at all like please fucking make it stop, I mean from what you'd probably seen on others you'd at least expect me to be another one of those it's so bad it's funny kind of stuff, but no, I just keep making dishwasher slop over and over and people are liking them, why? why are you all doing this to yourselves? you'd have a better time watching the series my stuff is about than liking and reblogging it.
Again, this is really something I've kept hidden and I've only now talked about with one of my mutuals, but I feel the need to make this just so I can say from the bottom of my heart:
I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything I've said. I'm sorry for everything I've done, I don't care if they're good, bad, neutral, or means nothing at all. I'm sorry I couldn't done more or better. I'm sorry to all my mutuals and friends. I'm sorry that I'm broken, I couldn't be fixed. I'm just...I'm sorry that I exist here.
Please just let me be in pain alone...
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wild-karrde · 11 months
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The goal of Fandom Friday: provide a place where people can shout-out their favorite creators from the week, whether it’s a piece of fan art that made you smile or a fanfic that moved you. Drop a link to your favorite creations this week into my ask box along with what you loved about it, and I will give them a shout! It doesn’t have to be Star Wars either! If it’s on another website (AO3, Twitter, etc.), please be sure to state that as well.
This happens each week, so don’t feel like you’ve got to get out everything in one week. Just keep track of them throughout the week or send me an ask whenever you find something, and I’ll drop them all on Fridays (or throughout the weekend if I get a lot). You may submit for this week until THURSDAY MORNING (I'm in the Pacific timezone). Anything received after that will roll to the next week. A summary of the weeks’ recs will get added onto this post on Saturday, so check back here for all of the awesome fics and art! And be sure to go give the creations on that list some love (and don’t just share the ask responses I put out).
This week’s submissions will start posting on Friday, August 18. NOTE: This will be my last Fandom Friday for a little while. I'm heading home to help out with some family things and won't have time to pull recs together each week, so LET'S GET A GOOD LIST THIS WEEK! I encourage you to celebrate Fandom Friday even if I'm not doing a rec list, and if you do so, TAG YOUR RECS WITH #FANDOM FRIDAY!
Rules and additional details under the cut! PLEASE make sure you read the rules before sending something in. If your submission violates any of the rules, I will delete it.
Please send submissions to my ask box (sending them all to one place makes wrangling them easier each week). In your ask, please include the creator’s handle, a link to their work/post (if links aren’t working for the ask, please DM me them), and what you loved about it!
Please ensure the link is to the creator’s original post and not your own reblog or repost of their work (if they’re on another platform). The idea is to drive people to visit the creator’s page!
The creation does not have to have been posted this week! It can be something older. Also, don’t worry about whether or not a rec is a repeat from a prior week. Just looking to celebrate things that made an impression on you this week, whether you’ve seen it before or not!
NSFW is alright! Just make sure you note it in the ask so I can flag appropriately! Since I’m including 18+ material, minors may not participate. 18+ posts will be tagged with NSFT/lemon/lemony lemon (trying to cover all my bases).
NO incest, underage, cl*necest, master/padawan (or similar power dynamics), dub-con/non-con/rape. Also, no H*rry Potter. There are a few others that I also won’t share due to my discomfort with them (i.e., R*xsoka), so if you’re not sure, ask. Also, many of you submit multiple works at once, and that’s fine, but if one of those works contains something that violates the rules, I will delete the entire ask, so something to be extra careful about when submitting!
If your rec involves spoilers from a show that’s currently running, please include that info in the ask so I can tag it appropriately (I will normally tag a few different ways, but I always use #<show title> spoilers if you need to filter, for example: Andor spoilers will be tagged #Andor Spoilers). I will stop tagging spoilers two weeks after the show stops airing.
You can submit GIF sets or edits, but please ensure you are submitting from the blog that actually created them. Wanted to add that caution since there’s been a lot of people stealing/reposting GIFs and edits in particular recently. So just be cautious.
Try to avoid commentary in your ask that might make others feel bad (“the only person who knows how to write XXX correctly…”). It’s important to be able to appreciate creators without making others feel bad, so let’s try to keep the commentary complimentary without being off-putting for other creators.
Self recommendations are allowed and encouraged! Shout out your own hard work! You deserve the recognition!
*Rules subject to change so PLEASE make sure you read them before sending something in. If your submission violates any of the rules, I will delete it.
**If you have any questions about any of the rules, don’t hesitate to DM me!
In addition to sending me asks, I highly encourage you to go either leave a comment on and/or reblog someone’s work (tag me or use the #Fandom Friday tag if you do!). Let’s get the interaction back up on this website and show the creators that work so hard on their stuff some love!
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Hello, everyone and welcome to the gap between Round 2 and Round 3! If you haven't seen before, Round 3 polls will resume posting on May 13, and then it should be smooth sailing from then until the final round!
If you also missed it, we're inviting another spin-off tournament into the fray, the @regionalpokemontournament, which I will be reblogging posts from here intermittently to help fill the silence a little. (Not to worry, the whole tournament will NOT be crossposted here.)
The @ultimateunowntournament is also on its runner up tournament! We're past the point of staggering, so the blog will mostly be silent except when it's time to post new polls. Since we already have our winner, I won't be promoting it very much.
And of course, to check out other Pokemon-themed tournaments, you can check out @pokemon-tournament-directory.
(And since we're between rounds, I would like to briefly remind you that nominations for the Underdog Tournament are still open!)
As a general note, propaganda will NOT be appearing on this blog. The topic will not come up again. I'll admit, my goals with suggesting it the way I did were more an attempt to find an unobtrusive way to highlight some of the artists in the community, but that doesn't stop it from being a contentious thing, and the flow of this tournament is formulaic and consistent on purpose.
To those interesting in making "I Voted" buttons for the end of the tournament, I am interested in putting together a compilation post of button images at the end, perhaps featuring our winner/9 finalists/or no Pokemon at all. These would be included (likely under the cut if there are a large number of them) on the final winner announcement post that marks the official end of the tournament. If this IS something you're interested in creating, please reach out to me over DMs on the directory blog, since that is the best place for it. We are still quite a while off from that, though, and we hardly know our finalists quite yet, so I will post a reminder about this when we're much closer to the end!
As always, thank you all so much for participating and making this such a wonderful experience! Thank you also for sharing your thoughts and feedback with it, even if I am unable to post or address all of it! It does mean a lot, and the fact that you all care about this is something I have a great deal of appreciation for! I hope you all have a wonderful week, and I'll see you all back here soon!
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mhrarepairmonth · 7 days
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Rules & Guidelines (pretty much everything you need to know)
Prompts (TBA) ✦ AO3 Collection ✦ Asks/FAQ
Hey ghouls! As MH Rarepair Month creeps closer and closer, here are some rules, guidelines, and everything you need to know for this event!
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns that may not be addressed under the cut!
What is Monster High Rarepair Month?
This event is dedicated to super rare romantic pairings from all generations of Monster High. The 'spirit' (pun intended) of this event has its roots in crackshipping, any ship that has less than 10 works on AO3 is permitted. (see the fandoms tagged for g1, g2, g3, the g3 movies, and general 'toys' fandom tags to see if your pairing is eligible)
Monster High Rarepair Month will run during the entirety of September, with prompts being delegated on a week-by-week basis.
How do I participate?
Just create something about an ultra-rare pair! Whether it’s fanart, fanfic, edits, headcanons, meta, poetry, analysis, gifs (gifsets if you’re feeling fancy) - anything and everything you can think of is welcome! Following the prompts is encouraged, but if you’re really inspired by something outside of the prompt list or want to combine them in any way, that’s cool too! (PS - if you have a really niche crack pairing you've been waiting to show off, this is your time to shine!)
Please use the tag #mhrarepairmonth in your works as it will be tracked! You can also mention this tumblr, mhrarepairmonth, in your submissions if you want to be extra sure it gets reblogged!
Feel free to add your work to our AO3 collection! It's by no means required, but it's fun to have everything all in one spot.
All submissions will be reblogged to this blog by the end of each week. Late submissions are also permitted, whether it's by a week or even longer! :)
What pairings count?
As mentioned above, ships should not exceed more than 10 works in the above MH AO3 fandom tags. We’re counting counterparts from each generation as separate characters, so if there’s a ship with >10 ships but they’re marked under the Monster High (Toys) fandom tag, take a closer look and see if the pairing from whatever generation you want to create for is eligible!
Polyships/OT3s/OT4s+ are allowed, provided they also follow this rule. Get creative - maybe you'll even create an entirely new relationship tag in the process? :)
Since this is a ship-focused event, your work should be focused on a romantic pairing; even if the characters aren't explicitly dating, they should hold a romantic interest in one another. Incestuous pairings and selfshipping will not be included in this event.
Are crossovers allowed?
Unfortunately, crossovers from fandoms outside of Monster High won't be permitted (sorry EAH we love you 💔) Feel free to cross over the various generations of MH characters, though! As long as your pairing follows the rest of the rules, go crazy!
Other Rules
1. Follow general fandom etiquette; The principles of being kind and respectful of others’ works and don’t like, don’t read apply (for the latter, where applicable). Ship/character bashing will not be tolerated, and most importantly: tag your work properly!
2. Works that have been plagiarized or generated using generative AI will be excluded from this event.
3. NSFW works will be allowed - non-con/dub-con and adult/child relationships will not be permitted. Please be sure you follow Tumblr’s guidelines regarding explicit content. Worst case scenario, you can post your submission elsewhere and just link it here so it can be shared :)
4. Whitewashing, racism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, sexism and any other forms of bigotry will not be tolerated. However, works that explore these themes (i.e, internalized homophobia) will be accepted, provided they are tagged with the appropriate warnings.
5. Have fun! Rarepair month is supposed be a fun and silly event to explore or create really rare pairings.
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alecscudder1987 · 2 years
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theend4’s supernatural poetry event
hey everyone!! egan here<33 
so…. i recently hit a follower milestone… and i want to say thank you!!! wtf fr!!!! i love all of you so so much. i’m still an internet baby, but i’ve been active in different fandoms since around 2017, and this past year has been one of my favorite fandom experiences ever. i’ve made some really good friends and gotten inspired by so many different artists, writers, and ideas. thanks so much for being on this crazy journey with me. 
one of my favorite things i got to do this year was share my poetry with you guys! it’s been an absolute joy to receive so many lovely messages from you saying how much you love my work. truly, your feedback means the world!
so, in honor of that, i’d like for you all to share your poetry with me! whether you’ve got 7 published poetry books or you’ve literally never even read any, i’d love for you to try your hand. 
September 18—September 24th, 2022
READ the poems in the prompts, and then think about what you like about them—themes, voices, characters, endings, beginnings, word choice, formatting, etc!—and do some brainstorming!
WRITE one or more poems inspired by the ones listed! when i'm inspired by a certain poet, i like to try out writing in their syntax, their mannerisms, or their subject matter. give it a go! (for example: richard siken breaks up his lines across the page. if you've never tried this, playing around with indentation can be a super fun way to break up your lines!)
POST your poem either as a screenshot, photo, or plain text post to tumblr. (note: please provide a transcription of your poem in the caption if you decide to upload a photo.)
CREDIT the author of the poem you were inspired by in the caption! i won't reblog poems that don't give credit to their inspirations.
TAG your post with #bluepansypoetry and @ me so I can share your lovely creations!
i do!!! please find my list of all-time-fave recommendations of supernatural-esque poems that i love below!! each day of the event focuses on one poem as a “prompt” or inspiration, so please read them all to see which ones you like! i tried to include a variety of styles. GOOGLE DOC OF THE POEM PROMPTS HERE!
SEPT 18: “french novel,” ritchie hoffman
SEPT 19: “colosseum,” jericho brown
SEPT 20: “fragment 147,” sappho, translated by anne carson
SEPT 21: “cagnes sur mer 1950,” jorie graham
SEPT 22: “road music,” richard siken
SEPT 23: “telemachus,” ocean vuong
SEPT 24: “object permanence,” madeline cravens
i hear you say. yes. i have never tried oil painting, but i would like to! i believe it's important to keep an open mind when practicing new arts—you're never going to be "good" right away of course. besides, my goal isn't to write "good" poetry. (ok, maybe a little.) but i write poetry because i feel like a wildfire when i do. i write poetry because i might die if i don't. art keeps us alive. words feed the soul. 
the best advice i’ve gotten about how to write poetry… is to read poetry. read bad poetry. read good poetry! and then sit down for a hot second somewhere and write. write for 8 minutes without stopping. you can write "i don't know what to write" 100 times over if that's all that comes to you. or you can write a play. describe the space around you. talk about what you had for lunch. something will come to you, i promise. and if it doesn't? gently put it away for now. there isn't any rush. you can come back tomorrow.
first: no hate speech! second: if you do create nsfw work, please tag it as such. i want everyone to be able to participate in this event safely. 
thank you once again for being on this journey with me, whether you arrived today or have been here since before i even got into supernatural, i love you all dearly. good luck, and happy creating!! 
also, if  you were curious, this event is based on my poem (and song) blue pansies! which you can find here, if you like!
remember to tag your work with #bluepansypoetry, and happy writing!!!
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amazingstuckyevents · 2 years
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This blog is a hub for Stucky, Evanstan and Stucky-friendly events.
A Stucky or Evanstan event focuses on Stucky and/or Evanstan. A Stucky-friendly event welcomes Stucky as a ship but also welcomes other ships/characters.
Any event that does not welcome Stucky will not be shared here.
We only share events that state their rules in a non-offensive way. No name calling!
Events that disrespect participants or other fandom members are not welcome here.
Any type of event can be shared here from fanweeks, to bangs, to zines, to bingos, to gift exchanges and anything in between.
This blog has three mods (Piper, Seashell & Bug). We do our best to notice which events are happening and to share them but we can't see everything. It's a huge help if people send us their events through an ask. Please link to the main post you want to share with information about the event. After we do a quick check, we will share it.
We will share events as they pop up and generally share them once, unless there is a new post/new information about the event. For example a bingo shares an interest check which we share and then later on they decide to organize the event and put out a post about this and even later they have a post that sign-ups are open. In this case we will share those posts too. But we won't reblog the same post several times on our blog.
All the mods are in the CET timezone and posts will generally be shared when we are awake. So make sure to check the blog more often if you don't want to miss any events!
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
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March 1: let Mutuals March commence!
The premise: March is for celebrating one's mutuals! @thebooktopus did this last year, which was such a joy to see! Fandom is built on community and positivity. It's about lifting each other up and celebrating one another. So why not take a moment to step back and really appreciate the people in our lives?
The goal: Well, I'm a busy lady, and I'm supposed to chill out and stop stressing. So rather than aiming to post all 31 days, my goal is to write as many love letters and rec lists to my mutuals as possible. I won't be able to get to everyone, sadly, or half as many as I'd like, but I figure any amount of love being shared and spread is better than none! But I hope you all know that I love you very much, even if I can't get to you...at least in this round!
The hope: Even if you can't participate the way I hope to, or the way Maddy did last year, please be sure to send your mutuals some extra love this month! Say hello! Give them extra likes and reblogs. Check out their work. And take a moment to remember that the best part of fandom is being able to share what we love with others. And it is the connections we make that are most special.
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Do you have any advice for fan fiction writers who aren't getting many readers etc? I feel like giving up some days but I love writing and find fan fiction my personal therapy if that makes sense. I'd love any advice you can give or any suggestions. 💕
Well, honestly I'm not any kind of authority so take whatever I say with a grain of salt. Because honestly, I never really thought I'd get any kind of following to begin with 😕 this surprised me, and still does to this day, more than anyone. When I started posting my first fic (very nervously and through the feeling like I was going to throw up) I thought "well, I'll just write a few chapters and probably no one will ever read it and I'll get bored and it'll be out of my system." And now here we are, and I have no idea how that happened 😳
What advice I can give is, you can't write for the sake of other people. I know that sounds cheap as hell because the whole point of sharing fic is to get feedback and interact with others in the fandom, but really at the heart of it you have to just write stories that you like and you want to read above everything else. Keep writing. Keep growing. Keep refining your work and your style so no matter what the view count is, you know you're becoming a better writer regardless. And truth be told, you never know what idea or fic will hit with readers and what won't. You may write something and think oh no one is gonna gaf about this and then out of nowhere, that's what people love. It happens more than you know.
Another thing is - and this is going to sound harsh at first but bear with me please - in this day and age sadly you have to manage your expectations. Not because you don't deserve more readers or comments or because your work isn't good, but because the culture of fandom and fanfic/fanart is changing, and not for the better. There's dozens of posts that make the rounds on here passively warning people about how a lot of writers and artists are getting burned out and fed up with the lack of reciprocal community from their audience. Tiktok and IG and all that shit has kind of ruined the landscape of fandom because now everything is seen as just consumption based. More and more people read a fic and move on, binge a show and move on, burn through a fandom's entire AO3 content in 3 months and move on, and it sucks. I mean when you look at fandoms of old, the days of Xena and Buffy for example, a lot of those fans are still around and still participating and still creating work even though the show/fandom/ships are long gone. You don't really see that loyalty much anymore, and it becomes a cycle of the fandom shrinking and then the feedback and comments and support grinds to a halt, and then creators stop feeling like wasting hours of their life to pour themselves into work that gets maybe a handful of comments even though they see hundreds or thousands of people have read it. It just sucks all around. So expecting to see the numbers that a fic did even 3-5 years ago, sadly, just isn't going to happen.
I do also know this, the Clexa fandom has been one of the best fandoms I've ever been in, both as just a fan on the outskirts and someone who tries to contribute. I've found Clexas to be funny and welcoming and we have a core group of fucking awesome and loyal, supportive readers, but the thing is you have to keep going. Sometimes building an audience and a regular group of readers takes time. Name recognition matters. Yes there are writers out there that are just synonymous with the fandom, but there's other writers (hi yes hello me, I mean me lol) who came late to the party and it's taken some time to get people to see their work. Tagging things and reblogging, talking in tags, reaching out to other people in the fandom and making friends who want to help you with your work because you help support theirs. All that stuff. It makes a difference. Damn near every week or so I get a new reader saying "wow idk how I hadn't heard of you before/read your stuff before but I'm glad I found it, keep going!" And that 100% will never have even the possibility of happening if you stop writing!
In the end, you just have to decide what's best for you. If this feels incredibly unhelpful I truly am sorry, I wish I had better advice to give you but I'm as clueless to this all as you are. But 2 things I do know for sure without a doubt? One, there is a place for you in any fandom, and your work does matter. There is an audience out there who want to read what you have to write and they'll love it. And two, in the end just be kind to yourself. Love yourself and be proud of yourself for trying, and for being creative and growing your work. Fanfic is supposed to be fun, writing about your favorite blorbos is meant to be fun, even if more often than not it feels like the equivalent of just dancing alone in your kitchen. Ya get what I mean?
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mssf-milk · 10 months
♥︎ What is this?
This is a blog dedicated to the promotion of an ao3 fanfic called "depravity", which you can read here.
I also use it to share our official or bonus art, reblog stuff, and just ramble about it.
♥︎ Who runs this blog?
Me, AKA mssf_milk, or just milk for short. I am the one and only author of the fanfic.
♥︎ Do you also make art?
I do! From time to time, at least. You can find it under the "#milkdraws" tag.
♥︎ Why do you ship this?
I'm glad you asked.
It all started with ao3, and a certain fanfic by the name of DEFORMOGRAPHY introducing me to the concept of a messed up relationship between the human and Sans, stemming from hate, violence, and intrinsic power imbalance, due to the nature of the Undertale world. It was implanted into my brain from the get-go.
I wanted to see more. And I did find more. But it was never enough. That's what "i didn't choose chans" in my bio means, it wouldn't let me go. I needed to see it play out, needed to breathe and live this thing, wanted to see everything it could offer, even... and hell, if no one's gonna do it, I will.
I'm a very emotional person, and I love experiencing the full emotional spectrum when I submerge myself into art. Joy, confusion, horror, the creeps, sadness. The disturbing is very intriguing to me.
With this fic, I wish to explore how dysfunctional dynamics fester, grow, and impact the psyche, decisions, and personality of both parties in a forced relationship. It's a mysterious adventure full of twists and turns even for me.
TL&DR: I love edgy and dark stuff.
♥︎ How often does the blog update? When is the next chapter???
There is no fixed update schedule for this blog or for the fanfiction itself. I am also very busy with college stuff. Please be patient, and stay tuned for the "#chapter update" tag. I am always glad to see how much you like my work!
♥︎ Is this an ask blog? Can I ask a question to a certain character?
This blog isn't intended to be one, but for bonus art, we might draw something if we think it's interesting, funny, or is just a cool idea. Although, all responses to possible questions directed to the characters themselves are strictly non-canon. I'll always try to answer your questions directed at me, though! (As long as it isn't spoiler territory.)
♥︎ Why do you make Sans suffer like this?
Because he's my favorite character. My lawyer has advised me to not continue this response.
♥︎ Why do you villanize Chara? / I disagree with your (insert character here) characterisation.
After Sans, Chara is actually my second favorite character! I just adore them, and there's nothing wrong with liking bad guys in fiction. Although, I do not think of them as absolute evil (since it erases any possible nuance), and do acknowledge the Player's part in the genocide run. What I stand by, though, is that Chara's participation during the Genocide Route is done out of their volition, with no possible corruption shenanigans at play. Just my take on their character, won't get into the details here. But if the way I write Chara/Sans/etc. bothers you, or doesn't fit your vision of it, please keep it to yourself. Nothing good will come out of arguing about fictional pixels.
♥︎ Chara's sex/gender?
Chara is a biological female in this fic, and they/them is always used for them and by them. Although, I am not against other sexes or genders for other Chara's/Frisk's. If you use a different pronoun, I won't correct you.
♥︎ Can I draw fanart of your fic? Can I draw a male!depravity!Chara?
I'd be honored. Please use the "#depravity fic" tag when posting so I can feast my eyes upon it, or just tag me, and I'll reblog it. It would make my day.
♥︎ Chara's age?
Chara was born on 09:09 o'clock, September 9, 1999. They died at 21.
(Get it? Because 2020 affected even the Underground? Eh, thought it was would be funny).
♥︎ Sans's age?
idk. But he is a fully grown adult, and was born way after Chara died.
♥︎ Will (character) do this/that? What happens next? / (Any kind of question that I plan answering in the work itself down the line).
Stay tuned for future updates to find out ;)
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nobody owes you reblogs just because you're a smaller creator. who cares. quit crying about it and grow tf up
I'm guessing you sent me this because I reblogged something by @/anxiouspineapple99 a bit ago with the tag "#doubly so for small creators" (followed by #please) when she reminded people of the importance of reblogging things from people.
Here's the answer to the "who cares." question, anon.
I understand *very* clearly that I am not "owed" reblogs: but the reason I care that I'm not getting them is I'm a small creator with less than 90 followers and get a handful of interactions on more recent (non-OC) fandom posts; mostly in the form of likes, which do not get my works in front of other people's eyes to expand my "reach" and (potentially) grow.
So no, I will not just "quit crying" about it: I think I'm allowed to be a little upset.
With the exception of a select few lovely, lovely people, my work does not get commented on a lot with any semblance of regularity. My work does not get reblogged and circulated the same way I see many other fanfic authors get within the area I write for. I've tried a number of things to grow or be noticed by using big, popular fandom tags and the like, and very few people reblog, but many will like and that's the end of it. Likes are nice engagement, but they don't circulate my work the way a reblog does.
You don't get to ask "Who cares?" when frankly there are a lot of creators who I've noticed are sticking to and promoting the same circle of people over, and over, and over whenever there are people asking who's out there to read. It looks like a clique if I'm honest.
How are little creators supposed to feel like they belong to a community that part of it looks and acts like it has a clique or a club?
How are little creators supposed to grow when their work does not get shared and gets overlooked time and time again in favor of the same few people who are constantly reblogged from (or promoted) all the time?
How will little creators decide to stay when there's hardly the same amount of interaction that encourages them to continue engaging?
You don't get to act surprised when little creators feel like leaving when something they create as a fan, for other fans to hopefully enjoy, is not shared or recommended to other people.
You don't get to act surprised when little creators want to give up or get upset from time to time because trying to self-promote has stimulated little growth, or they are ignored in favor of their "cliques" and their other, bigger, creator friends.
Fandoms can't do this kind of stuff and then get surprised that one by one there are fewer people who want to write and create and the like when they do not feel as valued, loved, or welcomed.
Little creators notice the favoritism, anon! And it becomes discouraging to little creators to even try and participate when we have imposter syndrome telling us "We're not like ABC-BLOG. People think they're so much better than us and/or are "the" CharacterXYZ creator..." based on how other people react to their work compared to our own.
I don't even feel like sharing the next piece of Star Wars fanart I'm in the middle of anymore if I'm honest.
(And I was really excited about it.)
Right now I don't feel like sharing almost anything I write when very few people engage with it, because I don't feel like there's a point and that I won't be seen; because people don't reblog stuff from the little creators quite like they do for their favorite authors.
Reblogs matter to all creators on Tumblr, anon. And I'm going to say it's doubly so for the little ones because it's the bitter truth; I find it sad you think I need to "grow tf up" for saying that. I'm allowed to be upset about how I'm "valued" or treated as a smaller creator, anon.
I wouldn't cry about it if I didn't care and could stop comparing myself to how others get treated when I myself am a little creator and interaction is what motivates me to tough it out a "little longer" and not leave.
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