#please know that I love Vance very much!
mcr-heritage-posts · 2 days
hey everyone - i know there’s a lot going on in the world right now, a lot of causes that need support and visibility now more than ever.
i’d like to take an opportunity to highlight a cause that’s very literally close to home for me: i live very, very close to springfield, ohio. the haitian community there has always needed help and support but now, with white supremacist rhetoric and bold faced lies being circulated nationally, with threats of violence and heightened ignorance being more common than ever, they need it perhaps more than they ever have.
there has been a lot of hate since trump and his little bootlicker attack dog jd vance have started this shit, but there’s also been an outpouring of love and community outreach in the weeks since springfield was thrust into the worst kind of spotlight.
the hatian community support and help center has been invaluable in helping hatian refugees get what they need to start a new life here. they are headed by a team of haitian immigrants that are personally familiar with what their fellow immigrants need. they have been instrumental in keeping their community from falling through the cracks.
i’m humbly asking, if any of you can - please, please consider donating to the HCSHC. every bit helps. and if you can’t donate, please, please share this around. if you’ve ever reblogged one of my posts or found them funny, if you’ve ever scrolled through and liked and reblogged what i’ve put here, i implore you to share this too. this is a very personal cause for me; i want to see these people who are new here, who enrich our community but are met with too much derision and spite, receive the help, respect, and dignity they deserve.
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lovelytsunoda · 5 months
the way you kiss me works each time // lance stroll
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summary: sexual innuendos and a scrabble board make for a flirty and cosy afternoon
pairing: lance stroll x wife! reader
warnings: 18+, no smut but it’s very suggestive and very flirty (while being cosy at the same time!!)
notes: can be read as a part of the ‘welcome to wherever you are’ verse or as a stand-alone, returning to an idea I had in part two (spill the wine). there's something about this whole concept that just makes me weak in the knees.
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the sun was low in the sky as it threatened to dip behind the clouds. the breeze was gentle, coming over the balcony of the villa where the newlyweds were staying, overlooking the ocean as they basked in each other's company.
a scrabble board was spread out on the table in front of them, the low hum of the tv from the sitting room playing an italian travel programme. they had spent the day on a walking tour of capri, before spending the afternoon in an authentic italian pasta making class, and were now relaxing their tired bodies with cold drinks and a game of scrabble.
"and i play 'clever' for eleven points." she hummed, laying the tiles down and connecting them to lance's previous word.
"nice one." lance grinned, taking a sip of his mocktail. "but i think my word is better."
the grin on his face was palpable, a giddy sort of excitement radiating off her husband as he shook the wooden tiles in his hand, rearranging the letters on the board, until, lo and behold, lance stroll had played the word 'penis' for seven points.
she giggled, hiding her face behind her hand. the smooth australian lilt to her voice was like a symphony to lance's ears. "you are such a dork."
the board was full of such words. lance had gotten the brilliant idea that cleverly played scrabble tiles could be considered a way to flirt, filling the board with words like 'penis' and 'boobies' as if he was a teenaged boy again.
all in all, y/n actually found it very endearing. it was the kind of thing that had her heart swelling with love, her limbs going all funny. the kind of thing that reminded her just how much she loved her husband, and just how loved she was by the people around her.
"it's your play, my love."
resting her chin on her closed fists, elbows against the patio table, she looked down at the wooden tiles in her possession, brain scrambling to make words with what was pre-existing on the board. next to the table, her phone buzzed, the screen lighting up with a picture from her wedding day, just two weeks ago.
"hang on, it's kirk. i should probably answer. you know how he worries."
having lost her dad when she was very young, it was her connection with kirk, one of her father's closest friends, that got her through some of the lowest points in her life. and naturally, like any good father figure, kirk worried about her more than he needed to.
while she typed back a response, she could hear lance rooting around in the velvet bag that held the remaining letters, before getting fed up and dumping them out in the lid for the box.
"babe, you can't handpick the letters you're switching." she laughed, looking up from her phone, the reflections of her text screen refracted in the lenses of her glasses.
lance put his finger to his lips, jokingly making a shushing sound. "go back to texting, i need a minute. just wait."
rolling her eyes, she sent kirk another message before turning her phone off and leaving it facedown on the patio table. "come on, lance. i'm winning and i've got a really good word to play."
"but i think i've got a string of better ones." lance smiled triumphantly, pleased with himself as he placed the cardboard box lid on top of the board.
inside, a dozen wooden tiles were arranged to spell out (with many abbreviations and mistakes) wil u have sex w me
"oh my god." she laughed, covering her mouth with her hand as her body shook with good-natured laughter. "oh my god!"
"i wanted to spell it out on the board during the game, but alas, i am not that smart, or good at scrabble." lance mused, reaching across the table to clasp her free hand in his. "so...will you say yes?"
"of course i'm saying yes." she laughed, uncovering her mouth. "this is the cutest way you have ever tried to get me into bed with you."
lance wasted no time at all in crossing the table and scooping his wife into his arms, twirling her around as they both laughed, before crossing the balcony to venture back into the suite.
"wait! we can't leave our shit outside, what if it rains?" y/n whined, trying to put her feet back on the ground. "let me go back outside, i'll meet you in the bedroom."
"alright, alright." lance rolled his eyes, placing her back on the ground. "but don't take too long, if i get too comfortable i might fall into a pasta-induced coma!"
still laughing to herself, she crossed over to the balcony and haphazardly packed up the scrabble board and her cell phone, taking a large swig of her drink before clearing the table and moving everything inside, closing the double doors behind her.
true to his word, lance was waiting for her in the bedroom, shirtless underneath the cotton sheets, with a rose between his lips, body seductively draped over the bed.
"i love you." y/n laughed, reaching for the rose. "but i'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to put real life flowers in your mouth."
"there's tape over the bit i was biting." lance shrugged, allowing her to take the flower and place it on the bed side table. "i know how you get about these things."
"shut up." she laughed, playfully jabbing him in the shoulder. "i'm serious. i'm glad you're in my life. you make me really happy."
she didn't wait for a response, although she knew lance would return the sentiment tenfold while they were lying together in the half-light, and again when he brought her breakfast in bed in the morning. she pressed her lips to his, kissing him softly, yet deeply before she reached up to take her glasses off.
"ah," lance said, grasping her wrist. "glasses stay on. don't you know the sexy librarian look is back in style? they look beautiful on you."
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @httpiastri @clemswrld @userlando @diorleclerc @thatsdemko @scuderiamh @cartierre @lorarri
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thewritersofdeceased · 3 months
HELLOO!! Soooo I so love your Tbp content!! And This is my first time ever requesting anything, and I'm so excited for tbp 2 anyways enough of my rambling :>>
Can you please make a Vance x Reader, like for example Vance is like very into Reader but reader is terrified of him bc of his reputation and all yk? If that makes sense lol
Hey, hey! No worries about the rambling I love it! This was a blast to write!! (please anyone request more Vance stuff I love writing him so much)
Gender neutral pronouns ! 
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Vance was in love.
That’s right. For once in his life, Vance Hopper was in love. It felt weird. He saw how this sort of stuff affected his parents, but he hoped this wouldn’t end up the same. His parents were a terrible duo. At least his father was. He worked with the law, and he was usually the one to show up and drag the blonde into the station. He always got annoyed. Not like Vance cared what his father thought. Let alone how many times he got dragged to the station.
No. Vance cared about what someone by the name of Y/N thought about him. That's who he was in love with. But Vance was a violent kid, a kid with a hot-temper and a couple records in the cops record book. The amount of fights he got into and the amount of times he got arrested because of them. Or the threat of charges. Now that was hell when ever a parent of a kid would threaten him with charges, let alone when it was Moose. He hated Moose. Moose was a bully, everyone knew this. Though he despised the man whenever he would go after Y/N. The amount of times those two fought and got sent to the principles office was crazy.
Way too many times could Vance recall that. But here he stood again, leaning against his locker and standing beside a couple boys. They were younger than him, he could see that. Vance was around fourteen, the oldest of the group. He was the one about to go to highschool whilst the others entered their separate grades. That was fine with him. The boys would still have connections to him, they didn't live that far and the middle school wasn't a far walk. So if any of them got hurt or in a fight, Vance could run to the middle school and help 'em. Until Billy finally hit his own Freshmen year. Griffin was the youngest, so of course it would take a bit of time for him to reach High-School.
But what if y/n and him went to different high schools? What if y/n's parents decided to leave Denver and go somewher else? A soft sigh escaped Vance as a voice to his right rang out. "C'mon, Vance. You have to talk to them sooner or later." The voice to the right of him was Bruce Yamada, the second oldest of the group. "Right. They're scared of me, dumbass." Vance commented, rolling his eyes as he leaned his head against the locker. It only stiffed a laugh out of Bruce, who raised his brow and gently nudged Vance's shoulder. Bruce knew why people were weary of the group, and it was all because of Vance's reputation. But he wasn't the one to speak up next, no. Griffin did. Even if the boy hardly spoke, being selective Mute. "It's your reputation, Vance." The youngest boy thought of the blonde like an older brother.
Which, Vance didn't mind. He would protect the youngest kid with his life. He'd protect any of these kids with his life, even if he died. Well, he didn't want to die, that was for sure. A sigh escaped him as his arms crossed. "Well, then I've gotta pick up my act, ain't I? If I want a chance with them?" This surprised the younger and second oldest. "You really plan on changing your ways, Vance?" Bruce asked as he stared at the blonde with messy hair. It'd be a challenge for the fighter. He knew that for sure. But he needed to change if he'd have a chance with Y/N. A low sigh escaped Vance as he crossed his arms and hummed. "I have to. I like 'em, you all know this." He reminded, trying to keep himself calm as he watched y/n interact with their friends.
This may take a while, but if he wanted to talk to them? He had to do it. He had to stop getting into fights, as bad as that would be. Specifically when it came to Moose. Or Buzz and Matt, and even Matty. He was a fighter, but he'd stop for his crush. Lower his reputation one way or another.
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truly-sincerely · 2 months
(tl;dr: yes)
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In this essay I will…
Okay, but seriously I did write an essay.
I got here after chasing a very different rabbit down its hole. I'd noticed that Gortash seems to have been throwing out a lot of his stuff (read: mostly employees).
Waldemar Prinski, a loyal banite, sold to a devil for a corn chip
Dark Breaker Antiope, sahuagin wrangler, A Negotiation
The Steel Watch Foundry, Orders to Black Gauntlet Rives
Scribe Yanthus, my beloved, sent on a wild bhaal chase
Vance Farnol, journalist, tho you could argue he had it coming
Goblin Worg handler at Flymm Cargo, plus the Worgs when they run out of Goblin to eat
And, of course, everyone at his Coronation
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Was killing all of the patriars and their staff a grim necessity, Enver? Was it?
(Also, he's installed a giant portrait of Bane and a bust of Bane in the penthouse, but he doesn't have a single picture of himself, or any mirrors, for that matter. Food for thought.)
My initial diagnosis was macabre, but obviously I’ve moved away from that line of thinking. He's just way too happy to brag about how much danger he's put himself, us, and the entire world in. It freaked me out the first time I met him (as a Tav). Like I see him glancing at the ground and smiling coyly while saying, "If we're lucky, we'll become slaves," on the back of my eyelids when I go to bed at night.
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For the love of all that is holy, could you please turn it down a notch?
I've been obsessed with The Ultimate State since I first read it. It's absolutely absurd nonsense. The item description says it's, "the philosophical ramblings of Enver Gortash." and I feel like it's worth noting that he doesn't write his own propaganda; he has the banites do it for him. But I mean, it really does read like he's twisting himself in knots to connect "unity" and "progress" together, but babe, those jigsaw pieces do not go together like that. Anyway, while thinking about this subject it dawned on me:
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They're the same picture.
You know what other line of thinking these two have in common?
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They both look so sad when they say this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I abandoned you.
I know we all love to joke about Durge or Gortash feeding the Brain the "Handsome, Younger Man" line, but what if that was just a smokescreen and it's been the other way around this whole time?
Netherbrain: You think you know why you are here. You think you can atone for giving me my power, child of Bhaal, by destroying me with the Netherstones. You are wrong. The Emperor: It’s messing with your mind. Don’t listen to it. Use the stones. Netherbrain: By eliminating Ketheric and Orin, you have simply unbound me. Exactly as I intended. The Crown is now mine to command - mine alone. The Emperor: Don’t listen to it! Focus on the Crown! Netherbrain: You placed the Crown upon me in the depths of Moonrise Towers, and there I was born. The Crown is not my weakness - it is what made me what I am. Gortash: You are delusional - the Crown is how we controlled you! Netherbrain: I respected Bhaal’s child once, but not you, Gortash. I allowed you to control me as long as it suited my purposes. You have played your part. The next order to be given is mine and it is this - die. Gortash: (crumples like a piece of parchment) Netherbrain: When the parasite entered your ruined mind - you became a pawn in my design. Who do you think told the Chosen about the Astral Prism? Who do you think planted the knowledge of Orpheus’ power, and the fear of what it could do? When the Chosen sent my thralls to retrieve the Prism - who do you think let the ‘Emperor’ slip its leash, knowing it would be the one to bring you to me? The Emperor: We were part of its plan… Netherbrain: I only needed one Netherstone loosened from the Chosen’s grasp to guarantee my freedom. You brought all three back to me. In doing so, you have liberated me. This was your role - and it is complete. Now you will witness the Grand Design.
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The face of a man who has 20 INT and 16 WIS and is definitely not the brainwashed pawn of a giant brain that's been manipulating him in his sleep.
You think his puny +7 WIS save is gonna beat the Netherbrain when it's been working on his ass every time he goes to sleep for the last nine months? I say thee nay.
Also, and this is probably oversharing, but my dad, who I used to think of as a really smart guy is now a huge Trump supporter. He's an atheist but he'll parrot conservative christian talking points that I've seen clipped from Nazi talking heads. The words that come out of his mouth and the way he smiles when he says completely insane things is haunting.
What all of this means at the end of the day isn't much in the grand scheme of things, but it's kind of sad, and it definitely says something about his characterization. This man is floundering in a soup of his own making. A tragic puppet. A poor little meow meow.
There's an interesting line of demarcation between the various writings that he dictated to Scribe Yanthus, the things he wrote himself, and the things he says to us in the game.
Elder Brain Domination (from Ketheric, but about Gortash)
Suspended Ceremorphosis
The Grand Design
Studies of the Elder Brains
Accelerated Grand Design
Memoir Notes With Recent Addenda
Journal of Enver Gortash
He's so much more motivated and insightful early on, epitomized in Ketheric's entry, "Gortash fears that, energised by the dark energies of the Crown, the brain we now call the Absolute will eventually metamorphose into something new and more difficult to control." And he was right! But that guy's nowhere to be found by the time we meet him.
This one makes me particularly sad, "No weakness but the unexpected. It seems I shall need unexpected allies," because, again, he's right, and we could've saved him if the game had given us the opportunity to say, "No, there is another way. Let's not walk into this obvious trap." He wrote us a roadmap; left a trail of breadcrumbs; and we weren't given the option to follow them.
But I guess that's what fixfics are for.
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writeandsurvive · 5 months
I'm sorry for this, it's not good. But somehow, I managed to get something done, so I gotta share. Kinda inspired by NCIS S21E08 'Heartless'.
Warnings: age gap, married couple, established relationship, talks of miscarriage, giving birth, jealousy, womanizer!Alden, daddy!Alden, very slight smut
Mine ~ Alden Parker
When you started to date Alden Parker, as he was still an FBI agent, you never considered becoming friends with his coworkers. Especially, after meeting a few of them he would consider his friends and they turned out to be judgmental towards the age gap in your relationship. Not that you wanted to befriend his coworkers anyways, you just agreed to meet them cause he asked. 
However, it changed when Alden joined NCIS. He immediately started to tell you about his new team, and you could he was fond of them all, including his boss - which was extremely surprising since he never got along with his FBI boss, Sweeney. You quickly knew it would be different this time. It did take him a while before introducing you to them, but once it happened, you all hit it off. The guys were quite impressed with Alden wedlocking a woman fairly younger than him, while the girls, even though they wouldn't go for someone older, they agreed that Alden Parker had a little something. "It's the freaking hair!" Jess joked. 
Before you knew it, this new team felt like family. You'd all hang out together - dinners, games night - and sometimes you'd have girls night with Jess and Kasie. You even babysit McGee's twins and/or Victoria a few times. Which, as much as you loved it, did hurt a little since it would remind you of the struggles you and Alden had been having to have a baby. Between not getting pregnant for months and the miscarriages, you had started to think that it wouldn't happen the natural way for you. Also, Alden really felt like he was getting too old to have a kid, no matter how badly he wanted one with you. 
When you reached your third trimester, Alden felt pretty confident that this time everything was going to be alright while you couldn't shut that little voice in your head saying that something bad would happen like the other times. But finally, the nurse put your crying new born in your arms, and everything felt right. "You did so good, my love." Alden cried, kissing your forehead and looking down at his son. "Our miracle baby. He's perfect." 
You didn't want the nurse to take him away from you but you knew they needed to check him up and clean him. "Do you guys have a name for this little guy?" Another nurse asked. You and Alden looked at each other for a second. "Axel Roman Parker." He said, proudly. 
Obviously, the team was in the waiting room. Alden had been at work when you called him to tell him that your water broke. Nick had been the one driving to the hospital, "Torres, I'd like to meet my son before I die, thank you very much!" Alden shouted, holding onto the handle above the window. 
"Don't worry, dad." Nick grinned. 
Your husband went to see them to let them know that mom and baby boy were alright. "Is it okay if you guys only meet him in a few days?" 
"Of course, no rush!"
"Send us pictures though! Please?" 
Alden didn't want to go back to work after his paternity leave. He didn't want to leave his little family. The night before his first day back, he actually felt depressed. "He's changing so much so fast, I'm gonna miss so much." He sadly said, stroking his son's back, who was peaceful sleeping on daddy's chest. 
"I'll take as many pics and videos I can." You kissed your husband's cheek. "And Vance said you don't have to put many hours like you usually do." 
"I know, but still." 
You noticed the tears forming in his eyes and it broke your heart a little. You didn't want him to go back to work either. You wish he could push his leave a little more, but he had pushed it as much as possible already - director Vance had been amazing and made it easy. You wrapped your arm around Alden's neck, carefully so you wouldn't wake up Axel. He nuzzled your neck as you gently stroked his hair. "He loves you and perfectly knows who daddy is. It won't change in a few hours, I promise." 
"I honestly thought it would never happen for me, you know? Before you and then the issues we had, I thought-- I just wasn't meant to be a dad. But now he's here, and I just don't want to be away from him."
"Aw, baby." You cried with him. "I wish there was a way for you to stay." 
The next day, Alden arrived late at work as he struggled to let go of Axel. Jimmy and Tim, who knew how it felt, were very helpful throughout the following week. 
It took you months to separate from Axel, just for a few hours. And even more time to go out for a girls night while Alden had a boys night with his little man. 
"I almost forgot how champagne tasted." You smiled, having your first drink in over a year. 
"Good thing we took a whole bottle then!" 
The conversation between you, Jess, Kasie and Delilah went on as it usually does when you four get together. Jess talked about her relationship with Jimmy, and her dad. Kasie confessed about her new crush - you and the girls immediately hyped her. Delilah talked about her job, and the twins newest obsessions. And you obviously talked about Axel and your husband. 
"By the way, how's Alden's neck?" Jess asked. 
"Perfect! Did Nick really fix him with a bear hug?" 
"He did! It was pretty funny!" Jess laughed, remembering the scene from a couple of days ago. "Doctor Logan probably thought we were crazy." 
"I can't believe that my husband im-so-scared-of-needles-hold-me-hand worked on a heart surgery." You laughed, trying to imagine the scene. 
"Mr I fainted when my wife got her epidural." Kasie teased. 
"In his defense, it's a pretty big needle for this." Delilah said. "Thank god he didn't faint during the surgery though." She joked. 
"Well, if he did, I'm sure Doctor Logan would've enjoyed giving him mouth to mouth." 
You, Kasie and Delilah turned like one person to look at Jessica. "What?" She asked, confused. Then she looked at you. "He didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?" 
"Jessica Knight."
"The doc clearly developed a crush on him. She practically flirted with him in front of me." 
You let out a deep breath. "Did he flirt back?"
"Not really, he was genuinely confused."
"Did he not learn his lesson with the senator?" Kasie chimed in. 
You finished your drink in one swallow, remembering when he gave you a piece of paper with a number on it. "Whose number is it?"
"A senator." He had said. 
"Alright and what am I supposed to do with it?" 
"You, nothing. But I guess she wanted me to call when she gave it to me." The jerk was smiling while you used to candle flame to burn the paper. 
"I don't care about the 'it's safer for you if people don't know I'm married' crap, I'm gonna glue the wedding band to his damn finger." 
The girls laughed, always enjoying how easily you get jealous when there's a woman around Alden. When you had learned that some women in the office kinda liked your man, you showed up at the NCIS headquarters for the first time and asked for a tour. When his ex wife got involved in a case, you were feeling anxious, even though she knew about you from the beginning, thanks to Alden's parents. The worst actually was when he saw his first love for the first time in over thirty years. He had admitted that it felt very strange, and maybe if he had been single, he'd have pursued something, but he was married to you, and deeply in love with you and he'd be crazy to let you go. It was one of those rare moments when you and Alden were struggling, and fought a little more often. But he never gave you a reason to be jealous or suspicious, it was just a part of your personality. And to be fair, he was such a womanizer, you couldn't help but to think that any other woman would be better than you. 
You got home slightly drunk, which Alden expected. He was happy that you finally let yourself have some fun away from him and Axel. Barely sleeping on the couch, he immediately got up when he heard you come in. "Hey! What are you doing up? Is Axel awake?" You asked, struggling to take your shoes off. Alden kneeled down to help you. 
"He did wake up an hour ago for his bottle but he's fast asleep now." 
"Good, good." You leaned a little and ran your hand through his hair. "I'm so so so so happy you're my baby daddy." 
Chuckling softly, he got back up and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Thank you for choosing me. You made all my dreams come true." You hugged there for a moment, just enjoying each other. "Let's go to bed, baby mama." He started to carry you, grabbing the baby monitor on the way. 
"No sleeping, gimme another baby." He laughed but quickly got cut off as you smashed your mouth on his. He managed to get to the bedroom while you practically assaulting him, holding his face firmly and french kissing him. Of course his body was responding positively. As he put you down on the bed, you dragged him along. He was on top of you and you started to make out. It was long until you felt his erected cock between your legs. You reached for it, forcing your hands under his shorts. "Fuck, baby." He moaned. 
"Yes, fuck me daddy." 
And he did just that. ~
After freshening up in the bathroom, Alden found you in the nursery, looking over Axel. He hugged you from behind. "Do you really want another?" He asked, cautiously. 
"Not necessarily," you admitted. "I mean, if it happens, I'll be very happy but I can't go through the struggles again."
"Okay. We've got him and he's absolutely perfect." You stroked your son's hair one more time before turning around to face your husband. 
"He really is." You grabbed his left hand and stared at it for a moment. "This wedding band stays on, Alden. 24/7." 
"No but. I'm done with women flirting with you cause they assume you're single. You're taken, you're fucking mine. You keep the damn ring on." 
Alden stayed silent for a moment. "Jess told you about Doctor Logan, didn't she?" You only looked at him, arms crossed. "Fine, I won't take off my ring ever again." He reached for your wrists and made you uncrossed your arms as he hated when you strike that pose on purpose. He brought you as close as possible to him. "Are you ever going to accept the fact that you're the love of my life? That I rather be single for the rest of my life than with someone else than you? That losing you and now Axel, would absolutely destroy me?" 
All you could do was kiss him, but he did saw the tears falling down your cheeks.
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wildoceanstarz · 4 months
Marauders’ Nicknames - a report
Okay so
James: Prongs, Sun, Chaser. Bucks. Pot? (Just learned people use flowerpot for Jily)(Am I forgetting one?)(keep ‘em coming lol)
Sirius: Padfoot, Star, Black(?)
Remus: Moony, Wolf (horrible name imo)
Peter: Wormtail (even worst name) Rock? (Since it is what his name mean, I hadn’t hear of it before but I do like it) also bro needs another option… what about like. Mercury or Earth or Meteor or smt HAH because the meteor killed all the dinosaurs like he killed all his friends…. No? I think it’s funny
Lily: Flower
Marlene: — (I’m gonna start using Wild personally I think it goes fucking hard) some people also use Star but like there is so many Stars already guys 😭 (someone also said Cherry!! which I think is very cute)
Mary: does Mary have one??? (Someone said Fire and I actually love that)
Dorcas: Gazelle? Some people use like.. flower? But there’s also so many of those 😭 I’m going to start using maybe Ocean or Garden ??? Still debating
Barty: K!ller
Evan: Rose
Regulus: Star, Seeker, Water (the love of this fandom and putting the worst thing to happens to a character as their ship name is crazy)
Pandora: — does she have one??? Someone said “box” because of Pandora’s box and I’m obsessed with that (also Flowerbox for Pandalily?? Adorable)
Bellatrix: k!ller (Barty takes after his mother /jk)
Andromeda: — none that I know of?
Narcissa: WAIT A MINUTE THIS WHOLE TIME I THOUGHT FLOWER WAS FOR ALICE AND NOBLE FOR NARCISSA?????? Flower…. (I be using Noble tho I think it fits her so well)
Rita: Quill
Zabini: Silver (that’s what I personally use) I think some people use Gold?
Alice: Noble???? My world is actually shattered wtf.. IT ALSO DOESNT SUIT HER THAT MUCH?? I- (guys pls let’s find another option)
Frank: — nothing that I know of? (Someone said Keeper and lowkey I like it? that’s his quidditch position)
Edward: Ted (lol) but also he also doesn’t have any I think? Something like Softconstellation or smt for Tedromeda could go hard
Sybill: Seer, Crystal?? Been trying to find a good name for her and Pete for ages (MY FRIEND SAID CRYSTAL METH BYE-)
Severus: PRINCE! (Many thanks to the person who reminded me) does he have one? I feel like he definitely do.. no? But I can’t figure out what it is
Lucius: silk ????
If you have any characters you think I should add pls tell me I’m trying to get them all at the same place because it’s confusing!! (Like Emmeline Vance, Emma Vanity, Xenophilius, etc)
Emmeline: Cosmos (cause of what 'emme' means), or Brave or Rival (full name meaning), or Marsh (last name meaning). - By @enbysiriusblack
I was getting lost so lol PLEASE ADD TO THIS
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rookthorne · 1 year
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐞 ‘𝐧 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐞
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Bucky had prepared a surprise for you, much to your amusement, and it wasn’t even the end of the night — a battle of wits was to be fought.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ❧ Baker!Husband!Bucky Barnes x Baker!Wife!F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ❧ 1.0k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ❧ Fluff, established relationship, Bucky is adorable and sweet, so many puns
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 ❧ I have missed writing established relationship starters. ❧ A special thank you to @smutconnoisseur for torturing me with puns.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 ❧ Mess Is Mine by Vance Joy
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 ❧ @pupandkisasaesthetics Aesthetic Challenge — Masterlist
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“You’re meant to put apples into it, babe,” you huffed. The baker, Bucky – your husband, best friend, and truth be told, one hell of a stubborn idiot, looked at you with a pout. “I said apple pie.”
“Yeah, and?” he questioned, like it mattered. “I wanted to surprise you!”
You sighed and stared at the pie on the bench. “At least it’s after hours–no one to come in here and see what an absolute mess you’ve made.”
“Shuddup,” Bucky mumbled, his cheeks a dusky pink. “Don’t be such a sourdough.”
“Very funny.”
The bakery you owned with him was filled with the potent aroma of brown sugar and pear, peaches, and cherries – a mix you hadn’t thought would work or pan out well, but here Bucky was, proving you wrong at every turn. Benches and counters of your kitchen and serving bench were covered in the mess of batter and flour, the remnants of a battle won by the skin of his teeth with the new recipe he had fixated upon. 
“Alright,” you said, putting your hands on your hips. Bucky had the decency to act shy. “Baby, let’s get this cleaned up and then we can try your masterpiece, I promise.”
Bucky blinked and looked down at the pie. “You don’t have to, doll–I was just messin’ around.”
“Of course I do,” you assured, and you stepped closer to kiss him on the cheek. “It’ll be nice ‘n sweet, just like my husband, yeah?”
“Yeah.” His cheeks bloomed rose red and he rushed off around you to grab a broom. 
With a sigh, you set to work tidying up the ingredients he used. You truly adored the oaf, and taking him under your wing had been one of the best decisions next to actually marrying him, and opening up your bakery. His eagerness to please and his excitement to learn warmed your heart. 
It was just a wonder how bull headed he could be when he set his mind to something. The pie truly did look delightful – not even a burnt edge. “You did a really good job on this, baby,” you called over your shoulder. “I know your forte is more cakes, so you’ve done a pretty damn good job.”
Bucky appeared in the doorway and grinned sheepishly. “Why, thank you, dear wife,” he said smugly. 
“You’re never going to stop saying that, are you?”
Light banter accompanied the clean-up of Bucky’s flour disaster – each comment and tease met with an equal response of mirth and cheek. The sun had started to set by the time the two of you had finished cleaning up the last traces of his venture, and you huffed a sigh as you stood up straight, rolling your shoulders. 
“I don’t know about you, my sexy stud muffin,” you said, and Bucky snorted. “But I could go for some damn good pie.”
“I just hope it’s good,” Bucky admitted, wringing his callused hands as he stared at the aforementioned pie. “I did everything you taught me…”
“Oh, Buck.” His stubbled cheeks were warm under your hands as you forced him to look at you. “It will be amazing. And I am so proud of you. You are an accomplished baker, give yourself the credit you deserve–you’re tackling something that you’re not used to.”
Bucky turned his head and kissed your palm, his lips soft and gentle. “God, I fuckin’ love you so much, Apple.”
“And I know that we knead one another to make this work–it’s a no grainer,” you whispered back, scrunching your nose at his deadpan expression. 
“That was awful.” Bucky sidestepped around you and headed towards the pie on the counter, two plates in hand. 
“There’s no need to bake my heart, stud muffin,” you whined, pouting at him. “C’mon.”
“Don’t give me that crepe, doll,” Bucky replied to you, his back turned, but you saw the minute hitch of his shoulders – the bastard was holding in his laughter. “Come here so we can try this pie.”
“Fine.” You moved quickly to his side and watched him slice into the pie – steam rising from the exposed, sweet filling and you whistled. “Looks s’good.”
Bucky smirked and handed you a plate. “Here you go, my favourite bun.”
The first bite into the pastry was an explosion of tart sweetness – the tang from the peaches and the slight bitterness from the pears paired nicely with the sweetness of the cherries. You couldn’t help but moan quietly at the combined flavours, which Bucky started at. “You alright there, honey?”
“Yes,” you breathed. “God, what did you put in this?”
He went on to explain the ingredients, and when he mentioned cinnamon – in quite a large quantity, you grinned. “So that’s what made it a lil’ spicy–couldn’t quite tell with the explosion in my mouth.” You stared at Bucky and the beginnings of his sly, filthy smirk. “No. Get your mind out of the gutter, you horndog.”
“I didn’t say anything!” Bucky defended; hands raised. “I swear-”
“Yeah, and like I would believe you,” you retorted, lips curled in a playful sneer. “Now leave me alone so I can eat this pie in peace.”
“Now you’re bakin’ my heart, baby,” Bucky said mournfully, sniffling with crocodile tears. “So mean, so ryeful.”
“Get out,” you growled, pointing to the kitchen of the bakery. “Go on, get.”
Bucky pouted and slunk off, metaphorical tail between his legs, slice of pie still in hand. “But-”
“No buts,” you called, still pointing at the kitchen. “Time out–that was awful and you deserve to be punished.” You didn’t even get to finish your sentence before Bucky’s brows waggled suggestively, and you reached for a stale roll on the counter. “Be gone!”
The roll hit him with a dull smack right in the middle of his forehead. “I’m goin’, I’m goin’–I loaf you, doll!”
You sighed and rolled your eyes at his retreating back. “Such an idiot,” you muttered, smiling to yourself. 
“Yeah, but I’m your idiot,” Bucky called from the kitchen. You could hear the smug smile in his voice, and you imagined his prideful smile at that fact. 
“And I’m yours,” you replied, muffled by the mouth full of pie. 
Bucky chuckled, then you heard the clink of cutlery on his plate, and you dug into your own slice of pie with reverence.
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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berry-loves-yandere · 2 years
u can make headcanons of the boys from the black phone yandere x reader having their first kiss
I'm back everyone! And hopefully I will complete more requests!
Yandere Black Phone Boys reactions to being their darling's first kiss:
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Warnings: Kidnapping mentions, manipulation, degradation, dub-con/non-con (not sex but still non-con and dub-con), delusions, unhealthy behaviour, unhealthily mindsets, mentions of death, mentions of violence, mentions of murder, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT
Finney Blake:
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Free will:
Finney would be over the moon if his darling would kiss him out of their own free will! And being their first kiss too? He’s never been happier! He will cling out his darling, always doing things for them in exchange for kisses. He becomes so giddy every time his darling kisses him, whether it be on the lips or anywhere on the face.
Less excited over the kiss since he knows his darling was coerced into it. Will still be very happy knowing he’s his darling first kiss and will often coerce them into giving him more kisses which may begin to enable a delusion of his darling being in love with him.
Robin Arellano:
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Free will:
He had no doubt in his mind that his darling would kiss him out of their free will, after all, he’s been so kind to them. And his darling still doesn’t know about how Robin may have “gotten rid of” a few people in their life. He would be all prideful about being his darling’s first kiss, gloating about it then having his darling kiss him again.
He doesn’t care that he needed to coerce his darling into kissing him, he’s still their first time and it is a definitely a memorable one if his darling is trapped in Robin’s basement or in a small shed. They quickly learn that kisses = rewards, so if they kiss Robin, he’s less likely to hurt or kill someone and his darling might even get a candy bar.
Bruce Yamada:
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Free will:
He would be all smiles, practically giggling with glee. He would cling onto his darling wanting more of their kisses and wanting to flaunt the fact that he’s kissed his darling that his darling holds at least some romantic affection for him.
This action would completely enable his delusion that his darling is in love with him. He would be so happy! Again, the kisses = reward system, every time he gets a kiss from his darling he gives them a treat or plushie.
Vance Hopper:
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Free will:
His darling kissed him? He didn’t threaten them though? He’s confused and red in the face before he kisses his darling for their second kiss but he makes it more passionate than his darling’s initial kiss. He will have his darling constantly be around him when he plays pinball and when he beats his record, he’ll make out with them in front of everyone but no one’s allowed to look unless they want their skull pounded in.
He would just laugh, knowing that it’s a pitiful attempt of gaining more freedom. No kiss = reward system, rather he will kiss his darling whenever he damn well pleases, they are his darling so he does whatever he wants. He’ll laugh at their pitiful attempts to please him in order to create an escape because he knows genuine affection from fake affection. He’ll take advantage of that and grope his darling during their kisses/make out sessions.
Billy Showalter:
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Free will:
He’s happy and smiling. Much kinder to his darling after that, especially when he learns that he’s their first kiss. Doesn’t really degrade his darling, is actually much softer with them for a while. His darling soon learns that kisses = less degradation/a softer and sweeter Billy. They use that to their advantage until they’re confident enough to tell Billy they like him much better without the degradation.
He’ll just smile, no change in behaviour, no kisses = reward system. He’s happy that he’s their first kiss, of course but he knows that it could possibly be some form of escape attempt, so he doesn’t change his degradation to his darling. You keep their mind weak, their body becomes weak as well.
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horror130 · 1 month
Hello, lovely being! I would like to request a TBP x Male reader who has extreme anger issues and is extremely misunderstood (romantic please! (Except for Griffin (I love him so much he is my child))) and make it as angsty as you want! (I need to feel something) Other than that, have a lovely evening/day!!
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🚀 You were well known for being a problematic boy who got into a lot of fights, so obviously Finn stayed as far away from you as possible, out of fear.
🚀 When the teacher announced that he would have to do a project in pairs with you, he almost had a panic attack. When he was around you, Finn tried his best not to make eye contact with you. He was careful not to make any sudden movements. He couldn't even speak properly to you because he was so nervous.
🚀 As the days went by, Finn realized that when you weren't hitting someone with all your strength, you were actually a sweet person, so slowly Finn would start to get more comfortable around you, and when Finn least expected it, he ended up really liking you.
🚀 Finn wouldn't know how to help you when you had a tantrum, he would walk away from you and wait for you to calm down, + bonus, if you were the type to cry when angry, Finn would try to give you some comfort like hugs.
🚀 If you got hurt, Finn would take care of your wounds while he would be very worried, Finney would try to find ways for you to vent your anger without you hurting yourself or anyone else.
☀️ Like the others, Robin thought you were just another idiot bully like Mouse, until he was forced to talk to you because of a school project, and guess what, in a few words exchanged between the two of you, Robin started to genuinely like you!
☀️Robin can identify with your anger issues and he will try to help you, Robin goes to a boxing gym so he would take you there so you could take your anger out on the bench bag, + bonus, if you cried when you were angry Robin would hug you as tight as possible.
💢 You two probably started out as enemies, you were both angry and problematic, the only way for you to start a friendship is for one of you to try to start a conversation without it resulting in a fight.
💢 No one really understands how your relationship works, one day you fight and the next you act as if you hadn't tried to kill each other the day before.
💢 You both share anger issues so you two kind of understand each other in a way, maybe that's why neither of you take your fights seriously, you can go a few days without talking to each other, but in the end you always get back together.
💢 I'm not going to lie, your relationship is complicated, but somehow you both make it work.
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asking-aubrey · 2 months
Yes please to your opinions on the hooligans, please roast maverick
The Maverick is fucking annoying. First of all, he acts like everyone should call him that in the first place and won't respond when we call him his REAL name. Like holy fucking shit, you're not better than everyone else- ESPECIALLY ME. He thinks everyone wants to date him and then he PAYS them to go out with him. He's more arrogant than ME, and I'm the leader of the damn group. He's trying way too hard to be cool, and it makes him look fucking stupid. You have to actually be cool, like ME, to seem cool.
Angel is pretty energetic, and short. He's fine, I guess. Apparently The Maverick is his master.. which is weird. He gets into fights all the time with people older than him and ends up getting hurt.
Vance is also fine. He always eats candy, like Kim. I don't know how they can eat so much candy. He looks a bit scary, I guess, but he's actually pretty nice.
Charlie is really sweet. She's quiet, but sweet. Holy shit though, she is TALL. Very tall. When I first met her, it kinda scared me. But, I like her.
Kim. I like her, a lot. She's pretty rowdy, similar to Angel. But, she's really kind to me. She comforts me a lot and looks out for me.. Sometimes I feel guilty that she thinks about me so often. She fucking loves candy like Vance, goddamn sugar addict..
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vxqmz · 5 months
No offense to many writers, but most of the Vance × Finney Fics I've seen is just basically making Finn a vulnerable kid who can barely speak for himself 😭 And then there's Vance, who's surprisingly.. alright i guess. But please for the love of god, DON'T make him too SWEET. You all know damn well that he isn't gonna speak so nicely to Finney, as much as it's lovely let's not forget his rude and violent nature at times despite him being very misunderstood; Vance can be nice but don't just change his entire character because he has some nice moments in your own writing. 😭
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Side note:
This is a personal opinion that no one needs and that's fine, you don't even need to actually listen to what i just said because you have a right. OBVIOUSLYYYY please don't make me seem like a bitch since I'm just giving an uncalled for advice. And please READ the tags before i get flamed here
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
Fight PT 5 *Edited*
This was HIGHLY requested. Hope y'all like it! :) Collaboration with @heaartzforcupid
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I bolted and got to my car before the boys caught up. I drove home quickly, locking all the doors and windows. I was freaking the fuck out. I had to tell someone! But I promised that I wouldn't. What if they kill me next? And I'm no liar. I decided that I wouldn't tell anyone about what happened. I just didn't understand why they killed him. When I went to the hospital, the injuries weren't even that bad!
My mom and sister got home and I ate dinner with them. I think my sister realized that something was up because she kept looking at me weird. That night when I went to sleep, I could've sworn I heard my mom and sister talking about me.
The next morning, I begged and pleaded with my mom to let me stay home because I felt sick. She just wouldn't have it. "No. That's my final answer. If you still feel yucky tomorrow, then you don't have to go but today you have a quiz in English. Go get ready hun." I groaned loudly. "Fine!" I walked off, got ready for school, grabbed some breakfast, and drove to school, dreading seeing the boys. They were gonna be so mad that I bolted.
My first class I had with all the boys but only Robin showed up. He sat next to me right before the bell rang. He slipped me a note after the teacher started talking. The note said, "get your fucking ass to the bathroom after I go. Understood?" I was shaking. I'm just not gonna go. "No" I wrote back. "Y/N. I'm not fucking kidding. We'll be even madder if you don't come" I looked at him and nodded. What can I say? I don't want to die!
He raised his hand and asked if he could go to the bathroom. 5 minutes later, I did the same. I went to the 2nd floor bathroom where he said to meet him at. All the boys were in there when I got there. They all stood menacing around the room. "So Princesa, why'd you run?" Robin said. "I don't know." I said looking down at the ground. "You don't know? That's the fucking answer you're going with?" "What am I supposed to say? I ran because you guys are fucking murderers!" I yelled. All of a sudden Billy went into the biggest stall and Vance shoved me in there.
"Sit down, peach." He said. "Why should I?" "Fine, don't sit. We all love you very much but you're getting on our nerves." "YOUR NERVES? YOUR FUCKING NERVES?" He kissed me on the mouth and walked out while Bruce walked in. "Sweetheart, please don't tell anyone what you saw. Then we'll all have to leave you alone again." Bruce said, kissed me and walked out. Bruh. I'm bouta have a damn panic attack. I just got kissed by two goddamn boys in 2 minutes.
Then Finney came in. "Hey baby. Come here." He said, sitting on the floor and pulling me to sit between his legs. "I love you more than anything in the entire galaxy baby. I don't want to leave you." Kissed me, then left. What the hell. I'm starting to feel like a damn slut man. Robin came in, pulled me down to straddle his lap. "I love you so much, Hermosa. You won't tell anyone what you saw yesterday right. And you won't pull that stunt again. Understand?" I was still in a daze so I mumbled "Yes." "Good girl, Princesa." He said, kissing me then leaving. Last who came in was Vance. "Did you listen to them Dollface? We love you so much. We did it for you! And when you run away from us or call us murderers then it makes us so sad. Ok, doll? Lets make everyone happy." Kissed me then left.
They all went to class while I sat on the bathroom floor in pure shock. They all loved me? They did it for me? Snap out of it Y/N. They're manipulating you. Just play along for now until you get a chance alone. But that wasn't gonna happen. Finney and I were in the first class together. Then as I was going to math, Finney passed me off to Griffin, who had the class with me. At lunch, they didn't let me leave their sight. I wanted to eat with Donna that day so they were pissing me off by not letting me. Next class I had was English with all of them. Last class was Spanish, which I had with Billy.
The next day went the same. I never realized it but every class I have has at least one of them in it. First class the next day was chemistry with Vance. Not that he was paying any attention. Then I had history with Robin. Then I had art with Finney and fucking psychology with Bruce! I never got a second alone unless I was at home. It was infuriating! I was so overwhelmed! And on top of that, everyone was calling me a slut and a murderer!
"Wasn't she just with Vance? Why is she with Robin now?" "What a slut whore." Bethany and her friends spoke to each other loudly. My face turned red as I stared at my desk. "Did you hear that she was the last one to see Moose?" "She must've murdered or kidnapped him!" "Y/N Y/L/N please come to the office for questioning. Y/N Y/L/N please come to the office for questioning." Huh?
Ooh. Another cliffhanger. A longer one because I fell asleep so I posted late. Let me know in the comments if you want PT 6! Love y'all! :) -Kaylin
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thewritersofdeceased · 3 months
I accidentally fucked up a request, BUT thankfully I copied it sooo!
"hello! If requests are still open can you do all tbp boys with an s/o who knows so much about animals and if given the chance will go on and on about animals for hours?" - annonymous
This time I won't accidentally post it! Anyway, TBP boys + S/O who knows too much about animals! /VPOS
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Finney loves it! He finds it adorable that you ramble on and on about animals!
He writes down the facts or any questions he has about animals to ask you!
"Did you know giraffes have no vocal chords?" "That's nice, love."
He has a whole notebook with facts you've told him about animals.
He'd listen to you for hours, but he may accidentally fall asleep sometimes
Makes it up to you by taking you to a petting zoo!
He enjoys the facts you'd tell him about snakes specifically!
huge snake lover so it makes sense tbh
“The heart of a snake is located a few inches from its head, within its torso!” “So its heart is where it digests food?”
He’s a bit confused on that fact but intrigued nonetheless!
He hasn’t fallen asleep when you ramble. He could stay up for hours listening.
Tell him facts about wolves and this boy will sit in silence.
He loves wolves so much, he used to have a plushie of one as a kid
“A wolf's eye structure allows them to distinguish more shades of gray than humans.” “They’d like my outfits then.”
He always wanted to own a wolfdog, even if they were dangerous
Use it against his father and the cops /j
another listener!
He lets you tell him about any animal before one of his games!
He calls it his “good luck” for the game when you tell him one!
“Koalas sleep for 18 to 22 hours a day.” “I wish. Sounds nice.”
He does indeed wish he could sleep 18 to 22 hours a day.
tell this boy dog facts PLEASE
he makes Harper sit with you two on his bed or wherever as you tell them
“Dogs Have a Sense of Time!” “Harper can tell time!?”
he’s very happy to know any dog facts
after all he loves you and Harper :3
tell him facts about farm animals!
since his moms not around anymore, he doesn’t get to hear random fun facts! :(
“Did you know Pigs are considered the 4th most intelligent animal?” “Yeah! Mama told me! :D”
He likes talking about animals and could listen to you yap for hours about them!
Hates hearing ones about their blood or anything about their insides, makes him all squeamish:(
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hyerinrose · 1 year
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《Onesided! M Yandere X Yandere! GN Reader》
A/N : its been a while since i last wrote a long fic. Might be crusty but hope you like it! Also i gave reader's obsession name, darling based on an utau.
T/W : Obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, stalking, implied murder, implied harm done towards reader's darling, blood, threats (made towards reader's darling and yan)
•┈••✦ 🖤✦••┈•🖤•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•
[Name] were perched ontop of a tree, dressed in all black outfit with a camera in hand. The absence of a street light causes them to blend into the night. They are what a text book definition of a stalker, in which they are.
Despite it being late at midnight, [Name] were not once exhausted and kept their eye trailed onto the figure across them. The person was sleeping soundly in their bed, blissfully unaware of a stalker watching them.
This obsession they have with Darling had been going on for a few month. They were the longest one so far out of the many obsession [Name] have. What is it the way the look, act or their personality? They don't know what gravitate them towards Darling so much.
Click. Clack. Click.
"That's another one for the collection of Darling sleeping, perfection as always" [Name] sighed lovingly while caressing the polaroid picture they just took.
"[Name] is that you?" Their head snapped so fast towards the sound of their name, it could give them whiplash.
Their previous alertness fades away and replaced with annoyance once they saw who it was. The male who called out to them grinned as he saw [Name].
"What do you want, Vance. I told you to piss off and leave me alone before didn't I?" The [H/C] coloured person scoffed and turned their attention back to Darling's slumbering form.
They're so perfect. I love them so much-
"Dude what the hell?!" They whispered yelled as Vance suddenly took a seat beside them on the tree. It sound less romantic considering the animosity [Name] had towards the other.
Vance shrugged them off and proceed to snuggled up beside them, causing [Name]'s fight or flight mode to be activated and pushes him off the tree. They really don't like to be touched.
"You're cruel as always, love" Vance laughed breathily, pain coursing through his body from the fall.
As he stared up at [Name] he was reminded of how he fell in love with them. The day he met the love of his life.
•┈••✦ 🖤✦••┈•🖤•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•
"Oi, what are you doing there, huh?"
Vance were slacking off his class again, he rather had an earful lecture from his parents than rot in that class. He'd usually would laze around at the back of the school but today he saw someone following another in a rather suspicious way.
The person tensed up at Vance's voice. They stopped in their track and the ginger eventually caught up to them.
"Hey I asked you-"
Suddenly the [H/C]-nette pinned him onto the wall, catching him off guard. Then, he felt the sharp tip of a blade pointed at his neck, ready to slit his throat with a swift move.
The two were in an isolated area of the school, no one goes here unless they wanted to do shady business. Vance felt sweat rolled down his body from fear but along with that something else was brewing up.
"Never heard of a saying to not stick your nose in people's business?" They spoke with an icy tone, their [E/C] glinted menacingly.
"N-no.." he weakly muttered, his legs feels like jello with how much it shook.
"No? Well let this be a lesson for you.. that is if you're still alive after this" The person smiled, pressing the knife on his skin and drawing bits of blood.
Mustering up whatever foolish courage he had, he spoke.
"P-please spare me" Vance gasped in between his words, eyes glossy with unshed tears.
The [H/C]-nette hums, considering his words in their thoughts before finally releasing him. Vance fell on the floor immediately, his legs giving up.
"Very well then, I'll spare you this once since I don't want to get myself dirty, I have a meeting with my beloved later on. Under one condition, never speak of this to anyone" they tucked their knife back into their pocket, fixing themselves up.
Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the person faced him with the same murderous look. It sent shivers down his spine.
"Or I'll finish you off myself" with that they left him shaken on the ground, his heart thundering in his chest.
It was not out of fear, It was of excitement.
"I think.. I'm in love with them"
•┈••✦ 🖤✦••┈•🖤•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•
"Vance? I didn't kill you did I? I hope I did" [Name]'s voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
Picking himself up, he brushes the leaves off of him and proceed to climb the tree again as if he hadn't been pushed off the first time.
"Fucking hell.. you're still alive. I should've killed you before" They uttered out exhasperately, stunned to see the ginger beside them again.
"Told you ya can't get rid of me that easy, love" He said with a shit eating grin on his face.
[Name] sighed and focuses their attention on Darling again. They're not going to let this bastard stopped them from their nightly routine of observing Darling.
Darling, their darling and only theirs. Their sweet ol' Darling.
Those that dared to get close to [Name]'s beloved had been dealed accordingly. "I don't get what you see in them honestly. They're plain, average and boring. Undeservingly of your love and attention-" the grating voice of Vance reminded them of the company they have.
"One more word, Vance. I swear one more fucking word and I'll kill you for real this time"
There it was the side of them he had been trying to coax out. He meant those words though, every single one of them. Oh how Vance long to be the center of their attention, the root of their obsession.
Instead it was wasted on this thing. What did they do to captivate [Name] like they did him?! With each day his patience with them grows thinner as his desire to be theirs and make them his consumed his mind.
"I don't care. I don't care anymore! When will you look at me like you did with that bitch? I love you so much when they don't even know you existed, I'm willing to kill for you, die for you and yet you're still in love with them!" Vance yelled, his feelings for them bleeding out on the open.
"What do I need to do- to make you love me? Do I need to kill them for you to see how devoted I am to you?" At this point, Vance had jumped off the tree before [Name] had the chance to attack him. His blue irises were manic as a smile curled upon his lips.
I guess it's time for him to get rid of the one who's in his way of getting [Name]. He'll pay them a visit after school tomorrow when he knew that [Name] couldn't be there.
One way or another, he will make [Name] his.
"You will learn how to love me [Name]"
•┈••✦ 🖤✦••┈•🖤•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•
Reblogs and notes are appreciated!
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soulsmashers · 3 months
someone please give me a mxm plot based off from afar by vance joy. muse a and muse b who have been best friends literally their whole lives, maybe living in a small somewhat conservative town, and muse a has always know that they're definitely not straight and has pretty much been in love with their best friend, muse b, since they could remember. they've always had a very close and maybe even slightly flirty friendship but nothing has ever really happened. muse a's parents can maybe be conservative and close minded and have always sensed that muse a craves more than a friendship with muse b but they've always told them 'that's not the way that friends behave' and have made it evident that they shouldn't ever act on their feelings, which has resulted in muse a loving muse b 'from afar' because aside from their family, the thought of ever ruining their friendship scares him. now imagine one day they're hanging out with friends or something and maybe they're all really drunk and playing dumb drinking games like never have i ever or spin the bottle or even truth or dare and maybe in one of these games they get dared to kiss or something and maybe they're hesitant, especially muse a, but muse b could be like 'you're my best friend it's all good' and kisses muse a but it could turn into the smallest little make out sesh that actually leaves muse a speechless and muse b is eventually pulling away too quick and while muse b laughs it off and maybe muse a attempts to do the same, it rings in the back of muse a's head the entire night, and they decide the next day they would tell muse b how they feel even if it ruins the entire friendship, but what if the next day as muse a is going to tell muse b how they really feel, maybe they walk in on muse b making out with a girl or something and it could be like "hey, this is my girlfriend" or something and muse a is just like "oh okay, cool cool" but it actually kills them on the inside? i want angst, unrequited feelings, drama, denial, tears, coming to terms with your feelings, heartbreak and the usual queer dilemma of the century which is loving someone 'from afar' that you could probably never have. please please just give me this and make it HURT
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mylovenox · 8 months
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LAST HCS DUDE ! Can I go for a second request but instead of a fighter , a mediator type of reader ? U know , the type to try to solve things in a pacific way , through talking or get involved to stop a fight before it grows worse ? Sorry if I'm asking way too fast I'm excited to see more TBP content alive :")
Ahhh yesss send as many requests as you like:) I love writing the black phone!
Theses can be seen as romantic or platonic!!
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Vance Hopper
⋆he was definitely confused when you wanted to talk things through with him.
⋆he’s used to yelling and violence from both ends—
⋆so having someone who actually wants to talk about it is strange to him, very strange.
“Vance we don’t need to fight about this let’s just talk, okay..?” Your voice soft and pleading.
He’d turn around confused asf—
“What?” He’d ask genuinely confused, he’d pause and stare at you his fists slowly unclenching as he looks at you.
“Cmon please..” you’d say and slowly take his hand directly him to sit down, he’d still have that same confused expression.
“We don’t need to fight about theses things, we can talk about them, calmly.” You’d say again and he’d just stare at you shocked. Shocked that someone would rather talk theses things through, than fight about them
⋆when you tried to stop the fight he was in you probably go smack or punch by Vance or the other person he was fighting.
⋆with Vance it wasn’t one purpose, he either thought you were someone else, or you were a friend of the guy he is fighting and trying to pull him off.
⋆when he saw it was you trying to pull him off he calmed down just a bit.
⋆but when he also saw that him or the guy hurt you he’d be upset
⋆if it was him he’d be mad at himself and would patch you up when yall got home, he knows how to patch up up because before you he had to patch himself by himself.
⋆if it was the person he was fighting he’d just wait till you weren’t around and acutely beat the person senseless.
“Why did you pull me off of them?! And look you got yourself hurt in the process dipshit!” He’d say upsell but not as upset as he was (Dipshit with love🥰🙏🏻)
“Look- I’m sorry! But you don’t need to fight with someone! Or anyone-! Just ignore them, or come to me. I don’t like you getting into fights and I especially don’t like seeing you hurt.” You’d say the ending part sternly.
“Okay well you still got hurt. So let’s go home and patch you up now.” He’d say and put his hand on your upper back gently pushing you out of the store or wherever you found him-
Finney Blake
⋆I don’t really see him getting into fights but you know- “anything’s possible 🤓”
⋆he would definitely prefer talking and communicating rather then yelling at each other.
“Finney we need to talk about this and communicate to each! No yelling please!” You’d say in the same soft, pleading voice. He’d immediately nod his head and take your hands in his rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
“Of course, I’m sorry Y/N” he’d say his voice full of sorrow
⋆if he got into a fight it’d probably be because of someone making fun of you but he wouldn’t be the one to start it. The other reason is maybe his bullies started it- but I don’t think he’d really be against starting the fight if it was for you
⋆you’d hear about the fight because of course every kid is running to see it and chant, and one of your friends probably told you about it. You’d immediately be sprinting to where ever he is.
“FINNEY STOP IT!” You’d yell and pull him off the person but if someone was on him you’d yank them off and push them to the side immediately helping Finney up and going somewhere else.
“Finney what happened back there.?” You ask with sadness.
“Someone was talking bad about you.” He’d say angrily but the anger not at you. Of course you couldn’t help but smile just a bit at that but you quickly would put on a stern look
“Finney! You can’t just fight someone about that! It’s nice to know you have my back but please don’t get into anymore fights okay..? Unless it’s saving yourself and you didn’t start it, alright..?” You’d say with sadness
He’d look at you and nod before pulling you into a hug
Robin Arellano
⋆Robin doesn’t mind talking things through, he’s glad to know you’d wanna talk about it rather then fight, tho Robin fights with everyone your not everyone.
⋆your someone special and he’d rather talk then lose you and have yall both hurt.
“Robin we need to talk about this, I don’t wanna fight with you.” He’d say softly and he’d immediately nod and sit down where ever and look up at you and pat the spot next to him.
“Of course Y/N, cmere sit we’ll talk” he’d say sweetly
⋆Was shook you pulled him off the person.
⋆he looked at you very confused.
⋆he was really only fighting the person for shit talking you or Finney.
⋆like he said in the movie—
⋆”he was just shit talking” “pretty sure he’d back down- nope!”
⋆youd pull him off and he was worried you were hurt when you did that.
⋆you’d drag him away from the area by the hand
“Robin! No fights! Please! I hate it when you get into fights and I hate seeing you hurt, you know it breaks me when pathing up your face.” You say with sadness and that look you had on your face always got him.
⋆He take one of your hands in his and rub his thumb over it.
“Im sorry Y/N, it won’t happen again” he’d say softly. He might also have crossed his fingers behind his back but you know- shhh
Billy Showalter
⋆he loves communicating with you.
⋆he likes hearing about how you feel about things
“Billy, we need to talk about this.” You’d say softly and sternly. He’d immediately turn around if he wasn’t already looking at you and nod his head and give you his full attention.
“Yeah yeah, of course Y/N cmon” he’d say and sit you to down, his arm wrapped around your torso.
⋆I don’t really see him fighting someone but if it were for you then he definitely would.
⋆you come running over and grabbing his arm just as he was about to punch the person.
“Billy! Stop it!” You’d yell and take him somewhere off to the side
“Billy no! No fight please! You know how I feel about fighting!” You say with sadness
He’d nod, his eyes full of sorrow,
“I know, I’m sorry Y/N”
Bruce Yamada
⋆he LOVES communicating with you, he loves knowing how you feel about different things and what he could do better
“Bruce, I think we should talk about what happened earlier today.” You say with stern
He’d perk up and nod immediately
“Yeah okay, what’s wrong?” His hand on your rubbing your shoulder.
You had seen the fight start.
You ran to him and yelled his name which obviously got his attention
“Bruce get off the guy and get over here!” You’d yell and some people would go “ooo” and he’d look down ashamed.
“Bruce, no. fighting. Okay? Please please.” You beg and he’d nod so fast and pull you into a hug
“Im so sorry Y/N”
Griffin Stagg
⋆definitely will talk with you about whatever it was
⋆never taking his eyes off yours
“Griffin can we talk please?” And he’d look at you and nod, mans is nervous
“Huh? Oh, of course Y/N..” he’d be so afraid dawg
⋆He’s literally not fighting no one.
⋆he’d call someone a monkey and run off yelling I fear-
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