#bruce x vance
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f1inl3ey · 1 year ago
Hc that Bruce’s dad is a cop and arrests Vance more than the other cops bc yk he loves to spend time with his son in law
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staggersz · 1 year ago
Headcanon for a Finbin/Brance Royal AU
Finbin/Rinney - Robin had been expecting some stuck-up, bossy-boots brat of a prince. The very opposite is what he got. Prince Finney is kindhearted, compassionate, and soft-spoken. He cares about his younger sister more than life itself and values each and every citizen of the Blake Kingdom for who they are. Robin didn’t stand a chance. He fell in love. And he fell hard
Brance - Vance knew he would be caring for the eldest child and next king of the Yamada Kingdom, and thus, held himself to a high standard. He was taught to say nothing, do nothing unless the king was in immediate danger or he ordered him to. He didn’t expect the future king to be so… involved. Prince Bruce wants to talk to his people, to know what they want and what could be improved upon in the Yamada Kingdom. He wants to help. Vance is surprised when he talks to him like an equal. He asks what he wants, how he can help him achieve it. Bruce listens to what he has to say, is… interested. No one had ever treated Vance this way before
holy I agree Robin would fall hard he likes how respectful and kind Finney is to literally everyone
Vance is just glad he's understood for once and that Bruce isn't labeling him as some hothead
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hoodsie · 2 years ago
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I spent at least an hour working and fixing Bruce's side profile it was NOT fun.
(base/reference credits: @/_biacami_ on tiktok)
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bia23 · 6 months ago
Bruce : ¿Llevas todo?
Vance: Si
Bruce: ¿Linterna?
Vance: Si
Bruce: ¿Baterías extras?
Vance: Si
Bruce: ¿bloqueador solar?
Bruce: Vance.
Vance: *Hastiado *.
Vance: ¡No es tan importante un maldito protector solar!
Vance: ¡Nada malo va a pasar!
Vance: ¿¡Ya puedes darme mi maldito beso de despedida asi ya me voy?!
Bruce: Esta bien.
Bruce: Tal vez tengas razon.
Bruce: *Se acerca a él y lo besa*.
Bruce: Diviértete.
Bruce: Y no hagas nada lo suficientemente malo para que quieran arrestarte.
Bruce: ¿Si?
Vance: *sonrie tranquilizadoramente mientras sostiene la mano de Bruce*.
Vance: Nada malo pasará.
Vance: Te lo prometo.
*Escuchan la bocina de un auto*.
Vance: *Sonrie*.
Vance: Asi que Blake logró convencer a Arellano.
*Escuchan otro bocinazo aún mas fuerte y luego un grito de Finney *.
Finney: ¡Hopper mueve el maldito trasero!
Vance: *Se gira y grita para contestarle al joven Blake*.
Vance: ¡Ya voy carajo!
Vance: *Se vuelve a girar para mirar a Bruce y sonreí*.
Vance: Adios.
Vance : *Lo besa por ultima vez antes de irse*.
Bruce: *Sonrie mientras ve a Vance irse*.
Bruce: Vance tiene razón.
Bruce: Todo le irá bien.
*Pasa una semana*.
*Bruce y Billy estaban viendo una pelicula en la casa del joven Yamada*.
*Suena el telefono*.
Bruce: Tengo que ir al baño.
Bruce: ¿Puedes atender el telefono?
Billy: Claro.
*Bruce se va al baño y Billy se dispone a atender el telefono*.
Billy: Casa de la familia Yamada.
Billy: ¡Oh!
Billy: ¡Hola señora Hopper!
Billy: ¿Como está?
*Billy estaba sonriendo levemente pero mientras escuchaba a la señora Hopper hablar poco a poco se le borro la sonrisa y cambio a una mueca de sorpresa*.
Billy: Oh...
Billy: Claro, Claro.
Billy: Yo le digo.
Billy: Adios señora Hopper.
*Billy cuelga el telefono y poco despues Bruce regresa a la sala*
Bruce: ¿Quien era?
Billy: La señora Hopper.
Bruce: Oh.
Bruce: *Sonrie*.
Bruce: ¿Y que quería?
Billy: Queria hablar contigo...
Billy: Arrestaron a Vance por provocar un incendio que casi se expandió a todo el campamento.
Bruce: ¡Lo sabia!
Billy: ¿Sabias que Vance incendiaria el...campamento?
Bruce: ¿Que?
Bruce ¡No!
Bruce: ¡Sabia que algo iba a pasar si no llevaba el protector solar!
Billy: *Miro a Bruce como si estuviera loco*.
Billy: Claro...
Bruce: Do you carry everything?
Vance: Yes.
Bruce: Flashlight?
Vance: Yes.
Bruce: Extra batteries?
Vance: Yes.
Bruce: Sunscreen?
Bruce: Vance.
Vance: *Fed up*.
Vance: Damn sunscreen isn't that important!
Vance: Nothing bad is going to happen!
Vance: Can you give me my damn goodbye kiss so I'm leaving?!
Bruce: Okay.
Bruce: Maybe you're right.
Bruce: *Goes closer to him and kisses him*.
Bruce: Have fun.
Bruce: And don't do anything bad enough for them to want to arrest you.
Bruce: Yes?
Vance: *smiles reassuringly as he holds Bruce's hand*.
Vance: Nothing bad will happen.
Vance: I promise you.
*They hear a car horn*.
Vance: *Smiles*.
Vance: So Blake managed to convince Arellano.
*They hear another even louder honk and then a scream from Finney*.
Finney: Hopper move his damn ass!
Vance: *Turns around and shouts to answer young Blake*.
Vance: I'm coming!
Vance: *Turns back to look at Bruce and smiled*.
Vance: Goodbye.
Vance: *Kisses him one last time before leaving*.
Bruce: *Smiles as he watches Vance leave*.
Bruce: Vance is right.
Bruce: Everything will be fine for him.
*A week passes*.
*Bruce and Billy were watching a movie at young Yamada's house*.
*Phone rings*.
Bruce: I have to go to the bathroom.
Bruce: Can you answer the phone?
Billy: Sure.
*Bruce goes to the bathroom and Billy gets ready to answer the phone*.
Billy: Yamada family home.
Billy: Oh!
Billy: Hello Mrs. Hopper!
Billy: How is he?
* Billy was smiling slightly but as he listened to Mrs. Hopper speak, his smile slowly faded and changed to a surprised grimace *.
Billy: Oh...
Billy: Sure, sure.
Billy: I tell him.
Billy: Goodbye Mrs. Hopper.
*Billy hangs up the phone and shortly after Bruce returns to the living room*
Bruce: Who was he?
Billy: Mrs. Hopper.
Bruce: Oh.
Bruce: *Smiles*.
Bruce: And what did he want?
Billy: I wanted to talk to you...
Billy: Vance was arrested for starting a fire that almost spread to the entire camp.
Bruce: I knew it!
Billy: Did you know that Vance would burn down the...camp?
Bruce: What?
Bruce No!
Bruce: I knew something was going to happen if he didn't wear sunscreen!
Billy: *I look at Bruce like he's crazy*.
Billy: Sure...
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candles0uls · 10 months ago
I need brance and rinney fanfic recs please I'm desperate 🙏🙏🙏
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1ts-izzy · 1 year ago
☆ currency exchange
Almost every kid in Denver knew that you could bribe Vance to do whatever you wanted, as long as you paid him in quarters. Most people saved up money to pay Vance to beat up other kids, but more often then not some favours were different.
Bruce Yamada has had a crush on Vance since sixth grade, when Vance asked to borrow a pencil. At that time he had only been held back once, and was a year older then Bruce. Vance had grinned at Bruce, and from that moment on Bruce had fallen head over heels for Vance.
The raven-haired boy would hang around the Grab'n'Go, watching Vance secretly play pinball.
The idea to ask Vance out on a date came from another girl who also had a crush on Vance. She brought Vance at least $5 in quarters, and asked him to go on a date with her. Fortunately, Vance said no. He asked her to return with more money next time, at least $15 in quarters if she actually wanted Vance to go on a date with her.
Bruce had saved up for months, doing spare jobs such as mowing the lawn or washing dishes for extra cash. He kept every quarter he owned locked away in a piggy bank underneath his bed. Eventually, it seemed like Bruce had enough quarters to successfully bribe Vance to go on a date with him.
Bruce mentally prepared himself for days, trying to think of the perfect way to ask out his long time crush. On the day Bruce had finally gained enough courage to ask Vance out, he grabbed his sackful of quarters and walked down to the Grab'n'Go. Bruce's heart was beating fast, terrified of what could possibly happen. It was the 70's, and people weren't so forward thinking. What if Vance said no? What if he made fun of me? What if he beat me up? What if... Bruce was interrupted from his thoughts as he reached the door of the Grab'n'Go, taking a deep breath before entering the shop.
Bruce spotted the curly haired blonde immediately, as the loud noises of the pinball machine attracted Bruce's attention. Fortunately the shop was mainly empty, which allowed Bruce to feel a little braver in asking out his long time crush.
Hesitantly, Bruce tapped Vance on the shoulder.
"I have some um... some quarters for you to do something for me. If that's okay?" Bruce stated, fiddling with his hands behind his back.
Vance turned around from his game, and grinned at the idea that Bruce Yamada, Denver's golden boy, was asking him for a favour?
"Sure" Vance muttered, trying to mask his excitement with pretend annoyance.
"I have at least $20 in quarters. Would you go on a date with me?" Bruce blurted out, his face flushing in embarassment.
Vance stood there in shock, his brain trying to process what Bruce just said. Bruce Yamada just asked him, Vance Hopper, on a date?
"Oh. Um, sure." Vance commented, hiding the excitement that he was feeling inside. Vance has had a crush on Bruce since the beginning of sixth grade, from the second Bruce introduced himself to the class. The first time Vance ever actually spoke to Bruce was near the end of sixth grade, when Bruce lent him a pencil in third period.
Bruce grinned, showing off his perfect teeth.
"I'll pick you up on Friday at seven?" He asked Vance, still grinning.
Vance nodded, now blushing a deep shade of red.
Bruce walked out the store happily, a new spring in his step. He was going on a date with Vance Hopper!
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rosettastarlight · 2 years ago
Vance: *pointing to Bruce* This man really thinks I'd be good for him. Baby, I got mommy and daddy issues, commitment issues, abandonment issues, trauma, untreated mental illness.... *realizes* I'M NOT EVEN GOOD FOR MYSELF!
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bittersweet-honeysuckle · 2 years ago
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Me (my friend passed away, i rewatched the black phone, I miss my ex, I don’t know what my sexuality is, and I don’t know what the fuck I want to do with my life after high-school)
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georgemichaelsleftearlobe · 2 years ago
Watching The Black Phone again, I forgot how sad and just phenomenal this film is. Like- it'd just such an amazing movie like oh my god I just- rrrrrrr I need more people to talk to it about!!! Is anyone in the fandom still? Dm me if you are so we can talk about it cuz it's died out (I think) and I'm so sad about it and I need some people to talk too =(
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mariedreamlove · 2 years ago
- Modern AU
- the kidnappings and murders were never solved (meaning Finney dead but wait)
- Gwen is a grown woman and takes now care of the neighborhood kids. She is sometimes described as a little weird, but she's loving and just the way we love Gwen.
- there are six kids in the neighborhood, being conineidentally names Vance, Bruce, Billy, Finney, Robin and Griffin, though Gwen never referres to them in their names, more or less in nicknames.
- its reincarnation, we all know it (but with a twist)
- the kids slowly begin, weirdly at the age their name sakes or just same named counter parts, to take after them, and to develope weird things. Like being scared of balloons, looking weird at the really old man in the neighborhood (i ain't ever giving Albert a natural death) and having temper problems and trauma
- Gwen starts getting Dreams, involving the place the boys once we're held in.
- Albert realizes, though definetly still haunted, that the boys in his neighborhood are more similar to the ones he once killed.
- the kids also begin to realize something is wrong
- they begin to research the Grabber case, and Bruce is the first to realize how eerily similar they look to the missing boys.
- through something the boys and Gwen reveal their knowledge to each other, and suddenly the phone rings.
- the grabber begins lurking near the boys (it's like twenty years in the future, so the Grabber is about 58 and Gwen is like 29, maybe 32)
- through messages delivered in certain ways, (hobbies and somethings the current boys are connected to their past lives) they realize who the old magician is and how dangerous
- in an epic mission they try to recover at least the bodies and even get the Grabber caught.
- the world turns black around them, and the ghosts of the past appear to come get the Grabber
- grabber wines and get pathetic but no mercy for stinky old pedo
- happy ending with rinney, maybe Brance and Gwen finally opens up to a friend about her past
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forevernxghtfall · 2 years ago
May I present to you; singer/actor!bruce yamada and tired barista (secret cia agent)!vance hopper
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dude ik i havent written the black ohone in a while but....
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f1inl3ey · 1 year ago
Bruce: Vance and I are adopting a kid
Griffin: oh that’s great-
Vance, slamming adoption papers down: it’s you, sign here
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staggersz · 1 year ago
Bruce: Why did you never tell me?
Vance: It was a personal issue.
Bruce: You being in love with me kind of also involves me.
Vance classifies it as a personal issue because he had a lot of internalized homophobia 😞🙏
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viscerax · 2 years ago
It's gonna take a lot to keep me away from you
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The glistening Colorado summer sun brought a lot of unwanted heat to Vance's shitty Datsun 620. It was passed on from his dad, and barely functioned as a car. But fuck it, it got Vance around without him having to walk to and from school in the heat, and it made a good hangout spot when he needed to get away from home.
It also didn't help that the air conditioning wasn't in the best shape. By now, Vance had shed the jean vest he had on, which didn't exactly make much of a difference, leaving him in his wife beater and jeans.
Bruce sat in the passenger seat, his seat fully reclined and a shared joint pinched between his fingers. He was staring at the ceiling of the car, which had a hole in the fabric, probably from Vance's rampant road rage.
"This town is shit." Bruce mumbled as he passed the joint back to the blonde. Vance was almost surprised at the language, he rarely heard Bruce swear. In fact, he was surprised the first time when Bruce asked if he could smoke with Vance. He never took Bruce for a smoker in any sense. But Vance was happy to oblige, if it meant he got to spend more time with the pretty base ball player.
"Yeah... it is. But what can you do? Life's a bitch and then you die. Just how shit works out for us you know. We can't help the cards we were dealt." Vance shrugged, reclining his seat a bit as well so that he and Bruce were at the same level.
Bruce gasped. "No. Screw that! I'm getting out of here. I've got senior year and then I'm gone. I don't know where I'm going to go... I have a few colleges reaching out to me. I'll probably take up a scholarship, and just... get out of here." Bruce let out an exasperated sigh, closing his eyes for a moment as he relaxed his face. "Sorry to get all serious."
Vance didnt know Bruce hated it so much. He was fully convinced Bruce was comfortable with all the praise, all the ogling over him because he was just the perfect boy. Straight A's, athletic, friends, dozens of girls swooning for him. What more could Bruce possibly want?
Vance found himself staring at the boy adjacent to him, and thanked the heat for the natural redness it brought to his face, so that no one could tell the difference.
"What about you?" Bruce turned to Vance, and the blonde was brought out of his spaced out thoughts.
"What about me?" Vance reflected the question, quirking an eyebrow as Bruce nodded.
"Yeah. What are you gonna do when you graduate?"
Vance paused. In all honesty, he didn't know what he would do. "Well... I suppose I'll just keep working at the mechanic until I can raise enough to move out. Then maybe I'll go to community College, work some more, and die. Like everyone else in this sorry town. You have potential, Bruce. Don't let that go."
The bleak outlook surprised Bruce. Although, he wasn't sure what much else he had expected. So, he chuckled. He chuckled at the absurdity of it all, that they were just stuck here. That they were destined to fail. "You've been spending your whole life being told that you're going to fail that you really believe it. Vance, there's so much more out there. Maybe I'll take you with me to college. I can pack you up in my suitcase and you can live in my dorm. And then you can go to college." Bruce chuckled at the thought, reaching out a hand to brush Vance's hair out of his face.
Perhaps it was the heat, or the weed, but Bruce swore Vance's eyes flickered to Bruce's lips, just for a brief moment.
"That would be nice. Then you could sneak me out to all the parties, and I get all of the college experience except for all the boring shit like classes and stuff." Vance cracked a smile, and God Bruce loved his smile. Bruce loved everything about him.
"You're beautiful, Vance." Fuck. Bruce. He seriously just said that. He wanted to blame it on his cloudy brain, but he had never been more clear-headed in his life.
Vance stared at Bruce for a moment. "What?" Vance's tone came of brash at first, but his face gave him away. His eyes were wide and his entire face seemed to be flushed with heat. Bruce worried for a moment that he had fucked up and ruined it all. But he couldn't back down now. He's gone to far.
"Vance Hopper, you are the most beautiful thing in the world." The soft hum of the radio played in the background, a familiar song to Bruce, and it comforted him in a way. Despite his rapidly beating heart, he could clearly articulate his thoughts.
Vance simply stared, dumbfounded. He was... completely clueless if he was honest to Bruce's feelings. He knew he liked Bruce. He knew Bruce was beautiful and attractive and a sweet boy, everything Vance wasn't.
Bruce's hand rated against Vance's cheek. His hands were warm, mildly uncomfortable, but he didn't protest. He wanted Bruce to hold him. The two boys simply stared at eachother, Vance's mouth agape slightly.
"Just kiss me already, pretty boy." Vance murmured, and Bruce didn't need to be told twice.
Bruce propped himself up, pulling Vance closer to him, clashing their lips together. Kissing Vance was like nothing he had ever imagined. It was warm and comforting, but it was cool like a refreshing breeze on a hot day. Vance tasted of cigarettes and mint. Bruce didn't expect anything more. He pressed himself as close as possible to Vance, their noses bumping into each other.
Vance did the same, propping himself up. God, he couldn't count how long he had waited for this. He had wanted to kiss Bruce for so long, and he finally did. Vance's head clouded with bliss as hands found place on Bruce's waist.
Their kiss was interrupted as the sound of the trucks engine sputtering caused Vance to pull away.
"Shit!" He muttered, sitting up and turning the keys a few times. Bruce sat up a few seconds afterwards, brows furrowed.
Vance let out a frustrated sigh, trying his best to not start punching shit like he usually did when the car broke down. Bruce noticed the obvious distress Vance was in, and he placed a hand on Vance's forearm. Vance relaxed under the touch, letting out another sigh, his tense shoulders relaxing.
Bruce gave Vance a gentle smile, and Vance cracked a half-smile back. Gently, Bruce pulled Vance closer to him, holding his face im his hands again. "We can worry about the truck in a minute, it'll be fine." Bruce hummed, tucking some of Vance's hair behind his ear.
Vance nodded and leaned closer again, falling back into the rthym of their kiss. When the two finally pulled away, Vance was smiling. It was the first genuine smile he had in awhile. Bruce loved the look of it. He loved everything about Vance, but he had to say that his smile was at the top of his list.
"I really like you, Bruce." The confession fell from Vances mouth with a cautious undertone, as if they hadn't just kissed.
Bruce chuckled, his cheeks reddening even more if that were even possible. "I like you too, pretty boy."
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bia23 · 2 years ago
Finney: Llegue a un punto en que ni siquiera estoy sorprendido por esto.
Bruce: *a su lado asintiendo mientas suspira con cansancio*.
Finney/Bruce: *Ven a Vance y Robin magullados con los nudillos rotos y sangre en sus ropas*.
Robin/Vance:* Cabizbajos tratando de evitar las miradas desopobrativas de sus respectivos novios*.
Bruce: Sé que me arrepentire por preguntar pero ¿porque?
Vance/Robin: *hablando al mismo tiempo*
Vance: ¡Ese idiota dijo que eras patético para el béisbol!
Robin: ¡Estaban burlándose de tu ultimo cohete a escala Finn!
Robin/Vance: ¡Estaba defendiendo tu honor Bruce/Finn!
Finney: I've gotten to a point where I'm not even surprised by this.
Bruce: *at his side nodding while he sighs tiredly*.
Finney/Bruce: *They see Vance and Robin bruised with broken knuckles and blood on their clothes*.
Robin/Vance:* Head down trying to avoid the dismal looks of their respective boyfriends*.
Bruce: I know I'll regret asking but why?
Vance/Robin: *speaking at the same time*
Vance: That idiot said you were pathetic for baseball!
Robin: They were making fun of your latest Finn-scale rocket!
Robin/Vance: I was defending your honor Bruce/Finn!
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sunricgod · 2 years ago
Please help it all started with a doodle I cannot stop
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please this is the most adorable thing i've ever seen T^T
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