#please help i can't unsee it
anakinstwinklebunny · 8 months
I don't care which character he plays, I'll always see Anakin whenever he's angry
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spongynova · 2 months
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I'm sorry Jim, but your top surgery scars with your amok time scar make your chest look like a little face.
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lazybatata · 5 months
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i'll just leave it here
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kozachenko · 8 months
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I swear to god, Zanmu has just been on my mind recently, she's taking over my fucking brain please send help
Artist's Note:
Why is it that everytime I do a drawing of Zanmu I always make the canvas size fucking huge and it ends up being a living nightmare to fucking export. I swear to god I had to go from 1200 DPI to 600 to 350.
Exporting hell aside, I loved working on this piece. With Zanmu's design, I wanted to combine all the design details that I love and have seen in other people's drawings of Zanmu and give them my own personal touches. First of all, her sleeves were inspired by @amemenojaku's design for Zanmu, and I absolutley love that detail because not only does it make her feel more regal, it also can be a callback to Satori and old hell, and also gives me the idea that Satori's fashion sense was inspired by Zanmu because IRL a lot of historical fashion was inspired by what the nobles were wearing at the time, and since Satori was around since when Old Hell used to be Hell, she probably took some wardrobe inspo from her (or it could be my headcanon that Satori could've been Zanmu's royal advisor or she was in her court or something but that theory is kinda grasping at strings from other headcanons I have, but that's for a different post). Also, the eye makeup she has was inspired by @jothelion's drawings of Zanmu, and like, I fucking love that detail because it just adds so much like omg I just love it sm.
And now for the design details I put in. I gave Zanmu tassel earrings because I think they'd look great on her. I also really like to exaggerate her hair and really try to make it look wild, as well as having little grey hairs here and there. I also try to add some wrinkles to the corners of her eyes, but TBH I don't know how visible that detail is, since the image is pretty fucking big. I also really exaggerated the tassles/strings on her outfit, since I really wanted to play around with the potential flow they could have. Also, big fan of giving Zanmu longer sleeves and pants. IDK why but I just like how it flows better. Also big fan of making her taller, idk why a lot of fanart makes her short. Also, I placed her horns closer to the front of her head as I just think placing horns in that position looks cool.
Also, if you're wondering about the halo, I took some inspiration from a few of Caravaggio's paintings where he often depicts saints with this very thin halo around the top of their heads. I just liked that detail a lot so I thought I'd include it.
Fun fact, I was originally gonna make the four skeletons Chiyari, Biten, Enoko, and Hisami but I didn't like the prospect of having to draw four more characters, so I chose to replace them with skeletons (if you wanna get silly with it, Zanmu got Hisami to kidnap Aya, set up some skeletons with bones from her bone collection and told her to take a picture of her).
I kinda gave up on Zanmu's feet and the one skeleton's hands (as if drawing hands normally is hard enough but NOPE, HAD TO MAKE IT LIVING HELL FOR MYSELF BY MAKING IT A SKELETON) and the quality of the image may suffer because of how much I had to fucking compress it (Zanmu's presence alone was enough to make the computer lose all of it's desire and motivation to export the drawing of her lmao), but I have been hacking at this piece for a while now, plus I need to learn when to call it quits when it comes to drawings). Also as I was fixing up the hands there was one spot where I forgot to clean up with the sketch and I can't fucking unsee that now and it's going to fucking bother me until I fix it but fixing it requires going back and putting my computer through hell so yeah.
So yeah, that's about all I have to say with this drawing, it was fun but also a nightmare lol
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waywardprintmaker · 1 year
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Ominis's earliest memories are that of being surrounded by family.
He remembers his legs dangling above the floor and the velvety feel of their living room chair. Remembers the hoarse caws of ravens through the open window and the faint smell of chocolates he wasn't yet allowed to have. There were the sneering remarks of his brother and his mother's ever-calm voice, urging him to "look this way, darling". The room felt too warm, the fabric beneath his hands too rough.
He remembers his fingers aching from how hard he's gripping the chair's arms, remembers his father's stern voice dripping with annoyance above his shoulder as he paces around the room. There's a sinking feeling in his stomach and a slight tremble to his knees. There's a wand pointed at his face for the fifth time in the last hour. 
At this point Ominis is too exhausted to cry. 
"Please, no more," he says weakly, "It hurts."
His mother only sighs in irritation. "Stop your whining, Ominis. This needs to be done." "But it hurts…" Ominis protests again. "Please, can't we stop?" "No more fussing. This might finally fix you, if you'd only cease snivelling and cooperate."
He remembers the velvet underneath his palms growing damp from the cold sweat of distress. Remembers squeezing his eyes shut though it made no difference. His entire body tensing as if bracing for a physical blow and the air growing heavy with magical energy as his father knelt in front of him.
Ominis pushes his back into the chair in anticipation as the incantation sounds and an already familiar surge of magic hits, heat engulfing his face and eyelids like hot coals pressed against his skin. His eyes sting and it hurts to blink. It feels even worse than the times before.
"Please," Ominis pleads through tears. "Couldn't we stop for today?"
His father gives no response, continuing the incantation with increasing intensity. Ominis tries to shut it out, pressing his palms hard against his eyes, to soothe the pain and hide his returning tears, but he's only given a few seconds of respite before his hands are being pulled away again.
"Hold still." 
Ominis takes a shuddering breath, steeling himself for what's to come. "Please, just one more day. I promise I'll be good tomorrow."
But his father ignores him, touching the wand to Ominis's skin. White-hot agony erupts behind his eyes once more, as the magic bursts through. Ominis yelps and twitches involuntarily from the shock of it.
"Perhaps he's had enough," Ominis's mother says, a rare note of concern in her voice. "Further spells won't help if he's too distressed."
But his father is implacable. "We keep at it until there's results. Now end your squabbling, both of you." He moves his wand closer to his son’s eyes again. 
Another sharp cry is torn from Ominis as another surge of magic assaults him. When it passes, he slumps weakly in his father's grip, dark spots dancing before his unseeing eyes. Firm hands grasp Ominis's shoulders, steadying him. "Look at me, boy. What do you see?"
Ominis feels movement before his face, blinks the pain away. He doesn't want to disappoint. If only he knew what he's supposed to see, maybe he could manage a little white lie, if just to make this stop… but his world remains unchanged, with only the faint impressions his other senses provide of a reality beyond his grasp. He trembles, eyes darting fearfully. "N-nothing. Only darkness."
For a long moment, his father gazes intently into Ominis's blind eyes, as if discerning some subtle change behind the milky irises. At last he draws back with a displeased grunt.
"Worthless. But we're done here for now. We will try again with a modified spell." His voice is cold with disappointment as he turns and strides from the room, indicating the session's end. It is a relief, though for how long, Ominis is unsure. He sinks back into the velvet chair, every muscle spent. Another day of agony awaited on the slim hope that this time, this time, the magic would at last pierce the veil over his sight. For now there is only the dark, and the vast emptiness where shapes and colors should be. He bites his lip to hold back a sob. The relentless throbbing behind his eyes is nothing compared to feeling so alone. He hugs himself tightly, hears his mother walk by, but she only pats his head distractedly as she passes. 
"Go play quietly now. And no more tears!"
Ominis feels a piece of chocolate be pushed into his palm - the promised reward for being good. 
He remembers staggering to his feet and feeling along the wall for the door. Remembers the rough wood of the banister, the hard edge of a window seat. Remembers the number of steps to the stairs as he climbs up to his bedroom and the exhaustion that drags him under like a riptide, offering temporary escape. The piece of chocolate is quickly forgotten in Ominis' palm. What little comfort it once offered is gone. He can feel it melting against his skin, but pays it no mind. It stains his sheets as he climbs under the covers.
He remembers waking to darkness, with stinging eyes still tightly closed, afraid to face a world that sees him only as broken while he remained trapped alone within it.
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We'll heal together: Chapter Eight
Train Wreck James Arthur
Sirius Black x Reader / Remus Lupin x Reader (Ambiguous-Past)
Summary: The Shrieking shack confrontation pt.1
Cw: Use of {Y/N}, dumb Remus, Harry with hurt feelings, mentions of death, mentions of character death, cusses, manipulation and Peter being peter (please reach out if I missed something}
Wc- 5140
Taglist- @otterlockholmes @stylesann
“You know, I am shocked he didn't ask you right then and there.” Marlene laughed and she looked through some of the pamphlets for matching dresses. You and the girls were in the courtyard, wasting time for the most part. Lily had asked for some themes for the dance, but you five flowed so easily with ideas it was done in just a few hours.
“You should have seen his face! He was as red as his robes!” Mary laughed and Lily smiled bright at you as you gave another cheeky look.
“I am done with us dancing around it! He knows I want him, he can do with that whatever he will.” You giggled and Lily gave a scandalized gasp.
“Mother does not endorse these behaviors at her ball!” She joked and Dorcas gasped.
“Wow, in the middle of the ball? I think everyone here thought they would at least get a room.” Dorcas chimed and her humor hit even harder being the first real sentence she said since she got there. Marlene finally giving both their lips a break.
“W-wh-what-” Lily stammered over herself in amusement and you threw your head back. Mary holding onto your shoulder and clenching her stomach. 
“I just can't unsee it. I'm sure he was thinking some very similar things. I swear the blood was struggling to stay above the belt.”
“You guys are vile.” Lily scoffed out a laugh, rolling her eyes.
You five dissolved into giggles, trying to calm yourselves but everytime you would glance up and meet one of their eyes, the laughing fit returned. That was, until you heard a familiar voice from behind you. You turned to look, seeing the boy from the library. You tilted your head with a bright amused smile, before you began to calm your giggles. “Hello there.” You gigged out, trying to shush your friends. “Can I help you?”
“I wouldn't say help, more humor.” He chimed and you tilted your head, a bit more interested in what he had to say. “Firstly, I wanted to apologize for yesterday, I don't even believe you have my name.”
“Oh, I know your name.” You mused and put your hand on your cheek. “Amos, right? Amos Diggory,”
“How would I expect anything less for the training Auror?” He chimed and you laughed. He wasn't bad company, easy on the eyes too. 
“Do you know all the girls' secrets or are you just this friendly with me?” You hummed and sat upright, he returned your look with a dazzling smile. Okay, very easy on the eyes.
“Was that meant to be a secret? I believe half the great hall heard your declaration.” He mused and you gave a playful gasp. “You cheek!”
“I thought we agreed on friendly?”
“I didn't hear a confirmation nor a denial.”
“Would you have a preference?”
“Honesty is subjective, but I will gladly answer, if you do something for me.” The banter flowed easy between you two, you didn't even notice the marauders coming down the exit of the transfiguration classroom.
“Something for you? What would that be?”
“Reconsider me. As a date, I mean. I will wait until the last moment if I have to, but if you and Lupin don't end up going, I’d cancel any plans of the night if you say the word.”
“That's a bold declaration.” You muttered, stunned by the forwardness. It was almost scary how serious he looked.
“I figured waiting for you to notice me isn't working anymore. Lupin may be beating me now, but I know what I want.” His voice trailed off as he looked to his side. The boys had walked over and Remus seemed very displeased you were talking to the Hufflepuff from the other day. He sat down and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into his side.
“Lupin! Nice to see you.” He mused and waved his hand, looking at you with a wink. “Think about it.”
You rolled your eyes with a fond smile as he left before Remus looked you over. “What was that?” He whispered to you. Sirius had made his way over to shove Marlene and look at the catalog with her and Dorcas, James went to ask Lily to the formal for the third time today, while Mary teased her as he did. Peter just sat down beside Mary and tried to make small talk with the shorter girl, always a nervous mess around her, Mary just gave him a patient smile that seemed to fry his brian.
“What was what?” You mused and he huffed, grinding his teeth but trying to seem indifferent. “What you two were talking about.”
“Jealous, Remus?”
“Incredibly so, yes.” 
You gave a surprised laugh and pulled away from him to look into his eyes. “Well, there is a simple solution, isn't there?” You asked and he sucked in a sharp breath. As if his mind was cleared up and he realized what he was doing.
His jaw went slack and your playful smile slowly fell. “Remus? Do you want to ask me something?” You asked cautiously and he bit his cheek, pulling his arm away. You gave him a look of utter shock, leaning back forward to try and catch his eyes as he avoided yours. “Remus?”
“I volunteered to help supervise the event. Dumbledore wanted at least three Prefects so I figured..”
“When was this?” You asked after a moment of pause. Trying to pretend you didn't notice your friends listening in to your conversation.
“This morning.” He winced and you gave a watery laugh of disbelief. “Remus John Lupin. You are going to chaperone the dance?”
Remus sighed and looked to the side to avoid your eyes once more. “I don't see what the big deal is.”
“What? Merlin, you- you-” You stammered over yourself and quickly got to your feet. He followed after you, gathering your books and bag, you quickly snatched them away and shook your head at him. “You have some gaul, Remus! ‘Incredibly so’? ‘Incredibly so’? You have no right. If you wanted to reject me, you should have done it properly. Instead of allowing me to make a fool of myself and trying to scare off everyone else.”
He tried to speak but you quickly snapped over him. “If you don't want me to be yours, fine Remus, but you will not stop me from being with others.”  You glanced at the entrance of the courtyard, seeing Amos had stopped to listen to you and your show. You took a deep breath and walked past Remus without letting him get a word in.
“Diggory! Wait for me!”
You were woken the next morning by the sun casting down on your face. You had been convinced by Sirius to stay with him that night instead of returning to the Weasley’s. You hoped they didn't check on you, but you had made a habit of sleeping through the day regardless, so Molly probably wouldn't be checking on you for hours. 
Where you woke up was so painfully familiar it wasn't hard to guess where you were.The Shrieking shack. Seems Sirius had made a home of it, You spent most of last night talking, explaining what had happened to you and what Dumbledore had done to you. He was furious recalling the night Dumbledore looked him in the eye and allowed him to believe it, that you were gone.
You turned around and were greeted with another familiar sight. Sirius Black, sleeping soundly by your side. A view you hardly had time to truly miss, but now that you had it back, your heart clenched desperately for the days you didn't have it. He looked dirty still, hair greasy and his teeth were almost blackened. You reached out and slowly grabbed his cheeks. 
This startled him awake, he gasped and grabbed your forearms harshly. You took a sharp breath, slowly rubbing your thumbs along his hollowed out and carved cheekbones, he seemed to relax. “Vulpes Vulpes.” He whispered out to you, and you pressed your forehead to his. “Padfoot.”
His hands ran down your arms to your sides, pulling you once again, even closer. You leaned forward and focused your eyes on his gray ones. He let out a choked sob and you gathered him close. He had his face in your neck, letting out a small string of begs to the gods that this was real. You ran your fingers through his hair and sniffled as well. He seemed weak, so vulnerable.
Finally, you were able to bring him comfort. Return the favor for those years ago.
The night of the ball had arrived all too soon. You had dressed in a deep forest green dress, one that covered you nicely in loose fabric, and yet seemed to still highlight your best features. You had even let Mary do your makeup. 
As you suspected, Lily had caved and ‘allowed James to entertain her’ for the night. You shared knowing looks with the girls at the news but didn't push it. Progress. Marlene and Dorcas went together as well, Mary, to everyone's surprise, was going with Peter. You almost lost some brain cells trying to figure them out, but decided that was best answered by professionals. Though, you have to admit, the looks they gave each other when you first walked down to the common room could make a tree blush. Even the whomping willow felt the tension.
When you made it to the grand hall entrance, you were greeted by Amos Diggory, in a simple black cloak dress suit and a yellow bow tie. He gave a chuckle, “We probably should have coordinated our outfits a bit better, you think?” He mused and you smirked.
“Intimidated by a bit of green, Diggory?”
“Maybe more, the woman in the green.” He chuckled. 
You smiled sweetly and the boy led you in. 
The night went amazing for the first part. You were dancing it away, Diggory had pulled you to the dance floor every other song when you tried to get away, your friends joking about his keen eye, able to spot you over the crowds. Normally you would find his insistence annoying, but it was quite thrilling. Feeling wanted. 
You hadn’t noticed the sets of eyes on you all night. One of which belonged to Remus, as he tried to convince himself you would forgive him for this.Watching over the oceans of people who were having the time of their lives he stood by the teacher’s exit and watched your smile light up the room. This is what he gets. For pushing you away. Everytime he pulled you onto the floor, a little piece of Remus went with you, it was destroying him, watching Amos twirl you around and showing you off like you were his most prized possession. Remus had to stop a dry heave that left him as the music turned slow and you moved closer to him.
“This is quite the night, Amos. I hate to admit it, but you delivered on your promise.” You teased him as you looked up into his eyes.
“Did I now?” He asked with an amused tone. You gave a nod but noticed as his eyes kept drifting right past you. You pouted a bit before you turned to look, seeing a girl decked out in yellow. She was beautiful, with long almost red auburn hair, and bright grey eyes. You knew her, or better, of her. She was a few years older, like Diggory, and when you looked back to his eyes your breath was stolen.
His eyes held so much love for her, a look you had seen only a handful of times. You felt like you were going to pass out just from being around someone with so much devotion. Like he could drop it all right now for her. 
You let your head fall to his chest, slowly closing your eyes. “... What's her name?” You whispered.
Diggory looked down at you bewildered, before he noticed your content smile and he shook his head. “Leah. Leah Westerlin.” He whispered before he looked back up at her. “She's my best friend, nothing to worry about for you, darling.” he cooed and you gave a small chuckle. 
“You know..”
“I have been friends with James Potter since nappies.” You mused and looked up at him. He stared at you as you took a small step back. “I have never seen him look at me like that.”
Diggory fell quiet and you shook your head with a fond smile. You fixed his suit and straightened his hair as he looked at you with soft and guilty eyes. “Listen-”
“She's been watching you. All night, you know?” You smirked as his face turned a soft red. “You graduate in a few months, Diggory. Go get her.” 
He didn't need much more convincing than that. He muttered a string of apologies with a promise to make tonight up to you somehow. Running off to go meet Leah, and you smiled at the two. You couldn't help but feel happy for them. For her. You made your way off the dance floor as you watched him ask her to dance. She looked around in a slight panic, before her eyes landed on you and you nodded. She gave a bashful look and took his hand.
You took a shaky breath and left before anyone else could see you. Remus watched it all happen, and he was torn. He wanted to follow you, he wanted to comfort and hold you, but something about it seemed cruel to him.
“You should go after her, mate.” 
His head snapped up and he looked at Sirius. He had came alone, dancing all night with the guys and gals who also came alone. Remus groaned, threw his nose and shook his head.
“I cant.” He muttered and Sirius gave an offended and horrified look at Remus.
“Remus, fuck your prefect duty, the bird youre sweet on just left crying and youre just going to sit here?”
Remus shook his head and sighed, making Sirius down the last of his drink with a scoff. “Fine.”
He turned and walked past their friends who called out to him, past a few girls trying to get his attention. Straight to the exit, only pausing to grab a water bottle on the way out. He walked down the corridors and paused when he heard soft sniffling from inside one of the classrooms. He pushed the door open and they became so much more clear.
“R-remus?” You whined out, letting yourself be hopeful looking up through your blurry eyes. Sirius sighed, closing the door and walked up to you. He sat down, handing you the water he swi[ed on his way out. “Sorry to disappoint, pretty girl.”
The first time he ever called you that, you were sure you never looked more of a mess then that night.
“You truly think Peter is alive?” You asked in a soft tone. You were sitting up on the old and tarnished bed, your back to the headboard and Sirius nestled close to your chest. He was refusing to move and you had no plans of getting up any time soon.
“I know he is. I saw him.” He declared in a stern tone and you nodded carefully. “And that rat has been sleeping next to Harry this whole time? The same room?” You mumbled in thought and Sirius nodded. You shook your head as you tried to come to terms with what he was telling you. Peter had sold out the potters, taken Voldemort to their home, and Sirius, instead of staying for Harry, left to avenge James and Lily. You truly didn't know if you were allowed to be angry.
“... So what's the plan, Sirius? You plan to kill him?”
“Given the chance, I would.” He mused and your heart broke a bit. He sounded like a man with nothing to lose. You were there, in his arms, and he spoke like he was ready to lose his life all over again.
You were silent for a moment, before you sighed and began to sit up, much to Sirius’s displeasure. “Let's go.” You mumbled.
“Let's go find the rat.”
You and Sirius walked the full way back to the school without using the tunnels, you both had returned to your animal forms, and tried to figure out a plan on what to do when you saw him. The sounds of chirps and low growls filled the silence, as you argued.
“We should do this with the least amount of attention. Understand?”
He didn't respond.
“Sirius?” You whispered before you followed his gaze up to the stone hedges at the entrance of Hogwarts. Harry and Ron seemed to be comforting Hermione. You narrowed your eyes and you slowly stalked around a tree, leaving Black for just a moment. You jumped back as the rat bit Ron and he let out a yelp. He must have seen Sirius, you wondered. Cursing as you watched Ron and the two others follow after him. Merlin, why did you think this would be easy?
You signed and turned to Sirius, but he was just a blur in your peripheral. The large mutt dashing off towards the group. You huffed but stayed hidden.
“You do realize what tree that is, Harry?” You heard Hermione shout from her distance. You narrowed your eyes, tail flicking wildly. 
“Ron! Run!” Harry yelled at the red head, before you saw Ron shutter and squirm further back. “Hermione! Harry! Run!” He shouted and they both snapped their heads around.
Harry felt the air leave his lungs. The grim. 
You, however, were moments away from puncturing him in the head with your jaw. He was scaring the poor kids! This idiot!
What he did next almost made you want to charge him from your hiding spot. He pounced at Ron and dragged him down into the hole that led straight to the Shrieking shack. You rolled your eyes, before your heart stopped. Harry and Hermione, the smart one, charged forward to try and grab Ron's hand. It was too late, and the sound that left the two small kids as the Willow smacked them back hard made you wince.
You looked around before you cursed and charged in. Harry watched you with a breathless look, jumping and charging towards the tree. You slammed your entire frame into a wart on the side to paralyze the tree, before scurrying down the hole. It only took Harry a moment to recover before running after her. Hermione muttered something about stupidity before she came after. Just being missed by a branch as the Willow stilled.
When Harry made it down, he was stunned by the view. You, standing between Ron and the door. You were snarling at something, and when he entered, wand raised, his question was answered. “Harry! No! It's a trap!” Ron sobbed out and pointed to the door. “He's an Animagus!”
Harry turned fully and watched as Sirius closed the door. Seemingly having a one sided conversation with the familiar fox. “What was I supposed to do!? He was right there!”
You yiped out and snapped your jaws like you were reprimanding a child and Sirius threw his hands up, threw his hair before he let out a crazed laugh. “It comes so easy for you! You havent been waiting twelve years for this!”
You chorted at that, tail still lashing side to side. Sirius looked at the kids and Hermione pulled Harry behind herself. You couldn't help but stare at them. Yeah.. She was just like Lily.
“If you want to kill Harry, you’ll have to get through us!” She declared fearlessly, and you winced as Sirius gave the most ominous fucking response. 
“Only one will die tonight.”
“Then it will be you!” Harry yelled and charged with his wand. You winced and internally apologized to Harry, before launching forward and biting down on his wrist. Not too hard but enough to startle him. He stumbled back and shook you off his wrist, you jumped back and your body went rigid when you heard an all too familiar voice boom by the door.
“Expelliarmus!” Lupin shouted and Harry’s wand was shot from his hand. Lupin gestured with his wand and Harry hurried off. Lupin was focused on Sirius, it gave you the chance to slip over to the kids and use your body to block them in. Your eyes were now locked on Scrabbers. He gave a desperate squeak and tried to squirm. Yes, that was him. Ron looked like he was about to pass out, and Harry was far more confused and hurt. Looking between his professor and who he assumed to be his guardian angel just a few hours ago. He had learned that crossing a fox was supposed to help him make choices in his life, and was supposed to help him make better decisions down the line. He knew Divination was absolute rubbish.
“I thought you were my friend.” Harry huffed at you and you almost flinched to look at him. It's okay, Harry. You wanted to tell him. It's okay, you'll see.
Lupin pointed his want as Sirius and he tutted. “Well well well, Sirius. Finally, the flesh reflects the madness within.”
“You’d know all about the madness within, wouldn't you, Remus?” He taunted. You then turned to glance at the two, watching as Sirius was lifted to his feet by Lupin and they both hugged. You gave a bark at them and Lupin turned to face you.
“Ah yes, how could I ever forget my favorite of the furry bunch?” He remarked before Harry gasped. “She's yours?”
“She's mine.” Sirius snapped back before he looked at Lupin. “He's here, he's right here, let's kill him!” He begged.
“No one will be dying tonight! We trusted you, Lupin! You’ve been working with him this whole time!? He's a Werewolf!” She announced and you winced a bit at the declaration.
“That’s why he has been missing classes!” Hermione declared and your head snapped to hers.
“Well well well, Ms. Granger, you truly are the brightest witch of your age-”
His speech was interrupted as you transformed back. Everyone's eyes seemed to snap to you, Lupin gave a shift of several expressions, but he did his best to keep it hidden. 
“Boys! The both of you!” You snapped at the two and Harry’s jaw went slack.
“{Y/N} {L/N}, you haven't aged a day.” Remus breathed and you scoffed. “And it seems in 12 years neither of you have grown a clue! Your excitement overlooks your task at hand!”
You turned back to look at the kids. Ron was horrified, Hermione stood in front of the boys, and Harry felt his jaw drop as he began to piece things together. You smiled proudly at Harry as his eyes snapped over to yours then the boys behind you. “You know, don't you, Harry?”
“You’re Vix. You're my-”
“Can we get on with it!?” Sirius boomed and you scoffed, furious your moment with your godson was interrupted. “You wish to do this? Do this right! You will explain to the kids what is happening before they lose their minds!”You shouted back and he huffed.
“I know why this is happening-” Harry began and you shook your head at him. 
“You couldn't possibly. Harry, hear them out.” You looked into his eyes, and despite it all, he was overwhelmed with this rush of pure comfort and safety. He shut his mouth and carefully nodded.
“Years ago, someone betrayed your parents. We all assumed it to be Black, but the true culprit had been playing dead!” Lupin bellowed and you sighed.  
“Who?” Harry asked and Sirius raised his voice. “Peter Pettigrew! And he's in this room! Right now!”
“What?” Hermione mumbled and she slowly looked to Ron, then to the rat in his hands. Her eyes widened. “No-”
“Remus wasn't exaggerating, you truly are the smartest witch of your age.” You whispered to Hermione as you noticed the look of realization on her face. “Scabbers-” She began before Ron’s cracking voice interrupted. “What!?”
“Scabbers, his true name is Peter.” You mused and Lupin shushed Sirius as he had his episode. 
“Let me see him, Ron. If we are wrong, no harm will come to him.” You promised and Ron looked at Hermione and Harry. Harry had his eyes on you, but the girl nodded to Ron.
Before the trade of hands could happen, the door slammed open. “Expelliarmus!” Severus shouted as he stormed in. Wand pointed at Sirius and he had that devilish twist to his voice. 
“Severus..” Lupin tried to step closer but when the wand turned to him, he quickly backed down. 
“I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle and he didn’t believe me.” Snapped snapped. Sirius hissed. “Well done, Snape, you have once again put your keen mind to the task and come to the wrong conclusion. Now if you’ll excuse us, Remus and I-”
“Give me a reason, I beg of you.”
“Severus, don't be a fool.” Remus tried to interrupt and Sirius wasn't helping.
“He can't help it, it's habit.”
Snape put his wand to his neck and you stepped forward. “Reason for what, Severus?” You finally called out to him and the boys looked at you. You hand your wand in your palm, pointed directly at him.
The three kids behind you fell silent, Harry wondering why you were calling him with such a familiar tone.
Snape almost lost his nerve when he saw you again. He was reminded, as if the memories forcibly played in his mind, of the only two times he's ever begged for anything. The night you told him you could never see him as a friend again, his sleeve rolled up forcefully by you, holding his wrist until it was almost bruised and berating him. You haven't spoken to him in years and this is how he greeted you, With the dark lord's mark, just begging for a reaction. Something to tell him you still cared. And the night he thought he lost it all. Begging Dumbledore to save his two friends who wanted nothing to do with him any longer.
He was thrown off at first, before he slowly pressed his wand deeper into Sirius’s neck and watched you flinch. “I always warned you these boys would make you rotten, {Y/N}.”
“You would know all about going rotten, wouldn't you, Snape?” You hissed and glanced down at his wrist and it made him flinch. “I don't think I have ever known you to be anything but.”
He turned his attention to Sirius and you took the chance. “Depulso!” You shouted and Snape was flung across the room. Sirius dropped his shoulders and Lupin looked at you with a brief bewildered look. You turned back to the kids who looked just as stunned as Lupin, you held out your hand, “J-Just don't hurt him.”
The second Peter was about to switch hands, he tried to bolt. The boys began to send spells his way. Before you could even think about shifting to go after him, Peter was hit hard with the spell. You took a shaky breath as you prepared to face your old friend. 
Remus grabbed him up by the collar of his shirt and practically tossed him across the room. You took a deep breath and you walked over to them. All three of you had your wands on him, and Peter was shuttering. “Remus, Sirius, {Y/N} my old friends!”
Remus stood in front of him when he tried to run, the second he glanced at Harry you focused your wand on him with new vigor. “Don't even think about him, you slimy rotten core.”
Peter and you held a moment of eye contact before he dashed around the piano. Sirius and Lupin boxed him in, and you watched from the otherside, hands trembling on your wand. Peter must have sensed your apprehension.
“You sold Lily and James out to Voldemort, didnt you?!” Remus demanded and you scoffed as Peter looked down at his hands. “I-I was furious! Don't you understand? Furious th-that they had gotten you killed. I thought you were dead! I had gone mental!”
“Gone mental!? Mental enough to kill the people you thought I died to protect!? They were our friends, Peter!” You shouted across the room and Remus gave you a cautious look.
“Yes! I thought I had lost all I had! You understand that, yeah?” He tried to appease you and you looked at him with nothing but disgust.”You understand me, don't you {Y/N{? The feeling of wanting to hurt someone as you have been? That's what you told me, yeah? When Sirius BROKE YOUR HEART!” he gave a manic laugh before he quickly stopped and you flinched. He's gone insane.
“How dare you say that about me! I am nothing like you!” You hissed and Peter flinched. 
“What did you want me to do, {Y/N}? I had nothing left! He would have killed me!”
“You die!” Sirius bellowed. “You die for your friends and you savor the last moments of your life knowing you saved another!”
“James and Lily were nothing to you!?” You snapped after and Peter lowered himself down in a crouch. “After everything we had done for them! Every fight, every mission, you were by my side threw it all, Peter! We fought for them! We should have DIED for them! You swore to me you would die for us!”
“You really shouldn't call Lily and James nothing infront of {Y/N} {L/N} and Sirius Black of all people.” Lupin scoffed and Peter’s expression suddenly turned dark. 
“Oh yes,” Peter would sneer. “Oh how great the bastard of Black was to James. And how important to {Y/N} that mudblood was-” He would click his tongue, changing from cowarding to pure anger, 
Hermione gasped and Harry stepped forward but you held out your hand to tell him to stop., Sirius turns to try and charge Peter but he shuffles around to yell at you all. “Oh, I would never be Jame’s favorite, and I knew it! I knew he would never look at me as more than a pawn! But, you, sweet {Y/N}, you saw me! You saw the true me and you cared for me, didn't you?” He begged. “I was never Lily, never Lupin, but I was your Peter, remember?”
You shook your head hard, frowning deep at his crazed look. “I… I never knew Peter Pettigrew.” Peter's face fell and you turned your back to him.
“Be rid of him already!”
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worriedvision · 7 months
You're related to his foster parents - Wriothesley
Angst, spoilers for Wriothesleys story. Reader doesn't know they are the biological child of Wriothesleys foster parents, and they have always wanted to know who their parents were.
In this fic, think of the foster parents and you looking the same.
"Are you sure you want to know who your biological family are?" Neuvillette asks you, clearly hesitant. "Your parents were...not parent material."
You thought nothing of it when Neuvillette said that, assuming your parents were perhaps thieves that chose the wrong house. Perhaps even deadbests that left you at an orphanage.
When you met Wriothesley, you always felt attached to him. When you start dating, you felt like he filled a missing hole in your soul. He understood you wished to find your biological family, hell he was curious at times himself!
Once you discovered Neuvillette had something that could help you find out about your parents, you jump at the chance - Wriothesley reassuring you it would go well.
Unfortunately, you should have listened to Neuvillette's clear warning, as you open the letter to see your parents there.
The people that took in Wriothesley, as well as quite a few other children, just to sell to the highest bidder.
"Why did I not live with them?" You ask Neuvillette, him taking a deep breath.
"They sold you as well, you just happened to be sold to an orphanage that took in the children they were lucky enough to bid the highest with." Neuvillette explains.
"...Thanks, Monsieur Neuvillette." You sigh. "This answered my questions."
Once you get back to your boyfriend, you still hadn't realised how much of a mistake telling him who your parents were would have been. You vented about your family, how your parents turned out to be terrible people. It was only after noting his silence that you looked at him, only to see a cold glare.
"I can't unsee them now." Wriothesley grumbles. "You look like both of them."
"Honey, I'm not-"
"Please leave." Wriothesley stands up, turning so he could stop looking at you. "I know I'll hurt you if I keep looking at you."
"But I'm not them! I was sold when I was a toddler!"
Seeing Wriothesley shake with a simmering rage, you realise he was furious. Furious that you were related to those two horrible humans beings who sold off their foster kids. He didn't seem to care all that much about you also being sold off, only considering the fact you were blood related to his foster parents and you also got their features.
You don't even realise you're getting dragged out by a couple of guards until you find yourself in the elevator, taking you back to the surface.
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ryleigh130 · 7 months
Nightmares - - ryleigh130
Summary- reader has a nightmare, Price finds them and helps.
Characters- cap. price, mentioned gaz, ghost and soap
Word count- 1.5k
Relationships- platonic!cap. price & gn!reader.
Warnings- gore, death, throw up, profanity, 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], usage of c/n [code name/call sign].
Note- Thank you all so much for the support I got on my last post! If you enjoy this fanfic then go and check out my other post! As always if any of you would like to have a specific prompt be written about, feel free to message me! That’s all, enjoy!! <33
Gunshots echo around the clearing. You whip your head around, panting with effort as the gear you're carrying drags you further and further down. Every step is a struggle; it feels like you're carrying the weight of 4 grown soldiers on your back. Your legs burn like fire as you try to continue taking steps. You're exhausted. Still, you can't stop; you have to make it back to the others, no matter the cost.
After what felt like an eternity you finally make it out of the clearing, the sounds of gunshots still linger as you now make your way towards the exfil point to meet with the others.
The metallic smell of fresh blood immediately hits your nostrils as you approach the exfil point. With the last bit of strength you have you rush forward, praying you’re not too late and that you can save them.
You’re too late.
The sight in front of you makes you want to puke. The bodies of your teammates, no, your family, lay before you - bloody, beaten, and dead. You rush forward, tears streaming down your face, and drop to your knees in front of Gaz. Your hand hovers over his dead body, unsure of where to touch. You look to your right and see Soap’s unseeing eyes, with blood still pouring out from the wounds littering his face, neck and torso. You can't move, you can't think, you can't do anything except stare at the horrors before you. Your heart aches with every beat, each second feels like an eternity. The smell of blood and death is overwhelming, making you dizzy and nauseous. You want to scream, but your voice is lost. You want to run, but your legs won’t move. All you can do is sit there, in the midst of the carnage, feeling the weight of the world pressing down on you.
You hear rather than feel a presence behind you. Whipping your head around, you let out a pitiful sob at the sight. Ghost. Except, it wasn't the Ghost you knew and loved. This Ghost was staring at you with such hatred in his eyes that it made you feel sick all over again. This Ghost had blood covering him from head to toe, his mask was half torn, giving the world a view of his usually mysterious face. The sheer terror and hatred in his eyes left you frozen, unable to move or say anything. You just stared back at him, tears burning your eyes as they spilled down your cheeks.
Wordlessly, he unholstered the gun he had on his left thigh and raised it to your head.
“N-no p-please!” You stutter out, terrified. Your begging seemed to have no effect on him as he slowly, took the safety off the gun and cocked it.
“PLEASE! Please, Simon I’-“ a shot rings out.
"PLEASE!" You feel your eyes fly open, and you throw yourself out of bed, half tripping on the blankets tangled around you. You make a run towards the bathroom, and you make it just in time as you start dry heaving into the toilet, emptying your guts from everything you ingested in the last 24 hours. Tears stream down your face as you rest your hot head on the cool surface of the toilet. You wipe your mouth, flush, and shakily get up to rinse your mouth out to get rid of that disgusting acidy taste.
You let in a shaky breath as you give yourself a good look in the mirror. Your eyes are bloodshot, you have dark bags under your eyes, and tear stain tracks running down your face. In short, you look like ass.
You run a hand through your hair and take a peak at the clock on your nightstand: 3:00 AM. You sigh, you know there is no way you’re going to be able to get back to sleep so instead, you decide to get a quick drink of water from the kitchen.
You walk unsteadily down the hall towards the kitchen where you grab a glass and fill it to the brim with water. You take the glass and chug the entirety of it, you then go to repeat the process. Before you could finish the second cup of water, a quiet voice startles you.
“[c/n]? What are you doing awake?” You turn around and stare like a deer in headlights at Captain Price, who has his arms crossed staring at you with a slightly concerned look. His concerned look deepens when he sees the state you’re in and in a second he’s across the room, gently holding you by the shoulders looking at your face.
“Woah kiddo, what’s wrong?” He asks worriedly. You shake your head and give him a small smile,
“S’nothing. Just needed a drink of water.” Price gives you an unimpressed look as he gently cups your cheek in his hand and wipes away the dried tears with his thumb.
“Yeah?Is that why you have these? And why you look like zombie, walking around here at 3 in the morning?” His tone is light but you can detect the seriousness in his words. You sigh and lean into his touch dejectedly,
“I… had a nightmare.” You look down at Price’s feet, not wanting to meet his searching eyes. Shame burns at your ears and neck as you admit to your Captain you can’t sleep because of a small nightmare. Before you could apologize and make your way back to your room, Price gently lifts your head up with his hand and gives you a firm look.
“Hey” he says firmly, “there is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has nightmares; I do, you do, the others do, it is nothing to be embarrassed of, you hear me?” You met his eyes nervously but you see nothing in his face that would contradict his words. In fact, Price is looking at you with such soft and gentle eyes he looks almost affectionate.
You shake your head and look away quickly, the memory of you failing everyone, including Price, still haunts you. You don’t want to fail these people, you don’t want to ruin the one good family you have ever had. You know it’s only a matter of time before you do and by then they’ll probably be sick of you anyway but-
Price cuts off your spiraling thoughts with a gentle touch to your shoulder,
“Do you want to talk about it?” The question catches you off guard and has you fumbling with a response. After a few seconds of hesitation you nod. Price gives you yet another soft look before he nods and motions you to follow him. You follow him down the hall, out of the kitchen and towards his room. He opens the door gently and closes it softly behind you, he then motions you to sit down.
You take a hesitant seat on the bed, you pull your knees up to your chest and hug them. You feel the bed dip and Price sits next to you, he puts his arm around you and pulls you down so you’re lying with your head on his chest. You both sit in silence for a while before you get the courage to speak,
“You should just get rid of me now.” You feel Price jerk as you speak, but before he could protest you continue.
“I’m just gonna let you guys down, I’m not like you guys. I’m not strong like Ghost, or smart like Soap, I’m not nearly as quick witted as Gaz and I’m certainly nothing like you. All my flaws are gonna get one of you lot killed, and I can’t be the cause of that. I just can’t.” You finish off your rant with a shaky breath as the tears threaten to fall from your eyes once again. Before you could process it, you feel Price drag you into a bone crushing hug. You feel a quick kiss pressed to your head.
“Quit it. You are so important to us, to the team, you hear me? You are brilliant on and off the field, you could never and I mean NEVER let us down. So we are sure as hell are not getting rid of you, do I make myself clear?” Price asks firmly, you open your mouth to protest.
“Ah! No buts! Kid, you are so important to us, to me. We wouldn’t be able to survive without you around, you are so strong, and smart, and kind. Without you, I honestly think we’d go crazy! Plus, who would we have to drive Gaz crazy?” Price looks at you with bright, teasing eyes. You crack a small smile,
“Soap” you say simply. Price lets out a small chuckle, he drags you closer to him and you lay your head back on his chest.
“That’s true. But still, it wouldn’t be the same.” He gently rubs small circles on your back causing you to start to drift off. After a few minutes you’re almost completely asleep,
“Cap’n?” You say sleepily. Price chuckles affectionately,
“Yeah kid?” You smile softly,
“Thank you, I love you.” Price’s face lights up with love and admiration as he tightens his grip on you,
“Love you too kid. G’night.” You close your eyes. You have a happy smile on your face as you drift to sleep, and if you wake up cuddled next to your favorite Captain in the morning, well, who’s gonna know?
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the-grand-gemini · 9 months
More Gortash Analysis
I've seen lots of posts going over Enver Gortash's appearance and what story telling elements that gives us and I have more thoughts that won't leave me alone.
Gauntlet and Rings
Aesthetically speaking they're obviously pretty (or gaudy depending on how you feel about an all gold arm piece), but also I can't not think that his whole look is to hide himself and make himself look more dangerous/compensate any of his perceived shortcomings (especially those he experienced in the hells).
His rings mimic claws like Raphael and other devilkin he may have dealt with in the hells. A basic weapon available to most deziens of the hells
I imagin that the gauntlet, plus the rings on his other hand, hide and correct crooked fingers while also possibly help with pain. Acting like wrist and finger bracers.
As far as finger braces go even if he wasn't injured reparative writing and working with them (building machines etc) can lead to pain.
But personally I feel like the repeated breaking of fingers is something Raphael and/or Nubalidn may have done to punish him. This could have left lasting pain and possible disfigurement.
A disfigurement he wouldn't want the upper class to see or bother him about constantly. Again even if it wasn't from injury the hands of a builder or fighter (arms dealer/crime lord) will have changes that someone from a softer occupation or a life of leisure won't have. Duke Ravengard as a swordsman probably has hands that show past injury/work, but he's known for and revered for it. While Enver is trying to distance himself from anyone looking into his dodgy past.
ALSO... If anyone wants to write a fic where Tav (or Durge) massages his hands tag me please 👀👀👀 (I'm totally not projecting my own wrist/hand pain here what are you talking about).
The two mainly free fingers... We all know why 👀💦 but also it's probably so he can pick up a pen and write easily/do Archduke paperwork.
The Flame Shirt:
I've seen other posts talking about the flames and how he's laced his shirt and I don't have anything else to add other than ~ Guy Fieri vibes that I can't unsee 🔥🔥🔥
Coat Collar:
Again the coat has been discussed by lots of others in great detail and I love every analysis! However, I do want to talk about his collar specifically.
It's meant to be intimidating, but it also covers all of his neck and a good portion of his head. A very vulnerable location both physically and mentally. It screams I am hiding/anxious to me. He can't wear an all out hood without looking (even more) shady, but the high collar probably still acts as some kind of security. I don't think anyone else in game has a hood like this? There's the odd ruffled collar, but nothing like this outside of armour.
Also! Even though most coats are meant to (in fashion) elongate the figure) I feel that his collar makes him appear shorter. Does it darken his figure and make him stand out? Yes, but I feel like it falls short on making him look larger and more intimidating then it could if it cut off at the neck like a normal collar or continued into a full hood.
IF his coat was gifted to him by Bane (see man who prays to a god of tyranny and fear but his coat prevents him from experiencing the fear spell) I think it actually visually demonstrates how he isn't in charge at all.
Visually it makes him shorter and swallows his head a bit. It seems almost like there is a shadow behind him. Is the coat Bane visually oppressing Gortash? I think it's two fold, Gortash will never escape Raphael's shadow and he is within Bane's controll.
Idk this is probably too meta but the ideas wouldn't leave me alone until I screamed them into the void.
I want to talk about Orin's outfit next ahhhh
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chimkin-samich · 6 months
The way you paint Moon's hands… I just can't help myself, I see that he's wearing gloves! (I have almost no experience in drawing realistic hands… But I hope it looks aesthetically pleasing enough.)
Taking the opportunity, I would like to say that I really like your skill, style, facial expressions and proportions (and complex emotions, as well as communication between Tari, Sun and Moon).
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Omg ima be honest, I only colored it like that so his fingers could be blue but to add a lil more white to his hands but like this?!
Your absolutely right it does look like he has gloves! I’m not gonna be able to unsee it now but it’s so damn cool!
Also the way you drew the hands? PEAK PEAK PEAK LIKE DAMN THEY LOOL FANTASTIC I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, it’s like so aesthetically pleasing to look at! I keep looking back at them and I’m just like “DAMN”
A JSKFF and thank you! Feral has a lot of practice but I am also her muse when it comes to expressions, and our relationship is a basis for exploring the boys and Tari’s dynamics and relationships so we have an example that really helps us with world building ✨
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reashot · 6 months
RWBY And the Ruinous Powers.
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Ruby: Oh no it's Salem!
Salem: Ha, ha, ha, ha. I'm going to wipe out all lives on Remnants. And there's nothing you can do about it.
Weiss: There is no way we can beat her. She's can't be destroyed.
Blake: We're doomed... Doomed...
Yang: If only there's someone, anyone that can save us...
Khorne: Have no fear ladies!
Slaneesh: Because we can help you with that.
Tzeentch: And then some with the power of Chaos(tm.)
Nurgle: Observes. Now begone. You female demon... Thing.
Salem: Oh I've been defeated by the awesome power of Chaos(tm.)
Oh I'm melting, melting! What a world...
*slumps to the ground*
Ruby: Yay! Thank you for saving us Chaos Gods!
Blake: We can't possibly defeat Salem all on our own.
Weiss: (especially not with our studio getting canned.)
Yang: Ehh... Can you please tell us more about this Chaos(tm.) Grandpa Nurgle.
Nurgle: Why I'm glad you ask... *looks down* Yang.
Salem: If you need me I'll be in my trailer.
Khorne: Chaos(tm.) is the truth of the world. A primordial force.
By becoming a member it will gives you power beyond your imagination.
Slaneesh: Not only power but also pleasure you cannot hope to dream.
Tzeentch: Also knowledge. Don't forget the knowledge.
If you call now. Our number is 1432-CHAOS-RULZ.
Remember it's 1432-CHAOS-RULZ.
Our great communication team will help you with the transition.
Erebus: Answering phone call is my personal hell. And if you don't call me right away you are actually not doing your part in punishing me. And you don't want me to be happy do you?
Tzeentch: And all it cost is just the low, low price of your immortal soul.
Ruby: Wow I did not know that Chaos(tm.) was so good.
In fact I'm so convinced that I'm becoming a member right now.
By joining Chaos it not only help me with my day to day task. But tear and rend my enemy into unrecognizable bits. And I have Khorne to thank for teaching me to channel my anger into destructive causes.
Blood for the blood God, skull for the skull throne. And Milk for my cookies.
Khorne: *sniffs* I'm so proud.
Weiss: And by joining Chaos. I become a better person. I'm no longer racist towards people who are different to me.
Nurgle help me realize that we are all just a piece of meat of that are slowly rotting away in a cold uncaring universe. And the only solace we can find is with each others.
Nurgle: I couldn't agree more Weiss. I hope we can spread our beliefs to more people that need it.
Blake: With me. I actually become a better writer With Tzeentch helping me with my writing I actually gain 50 new followers by posting a spicy fic. Isn't that right Tzeentchy.
Tzeentch: *thousand yard stare* ... I have forseen many things in my existence and not even I can unsee the thing I saw. I mean I think I can but you will never know.
Yang: With Slaneesh I even done thing I would never have done previously. All the debauchery and all manners of pleasureable thing I done that I can't repeat in polite company... Actually help alot in dealing with my anger issues. Seriously if you can only worship one Chaos God. Then Slaneesh can be considered the best pick.
Slaneesh: Yes... By joining Chaos there is no limit to what you can gain. So what are you waiting for and sign up now!
Caution: Joining Chaos may cause numerous health problems, such as; Blood leaking from every orrifices in your body, new apendages growing, lost of one soul, seeing demons, summoning demons or giving birth to demons and all manners of bodily & spiritual horror. If problems persist please consult your local apothecary to see whether Chaos is right for you.
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tarysande · 2 years
I had ADHD for over thirty years before it was diagnosed, and part of the reason why it took so long is because a few specific things absolutely did not resonate with me. At all. And I saw them listed as "symptoms" of ADHD ALL THE TIME.
So, I thought I'd write up a quick list in case it helps someone else out there see past the stereotypes that are too often used as diagnostics.
ADHDers struggle with reading/words/speech etc.
ADHDers have a history of poor grades or attention at school.
ADHDers have a history of drug and/or alcohol abuse.
ADHDers can't sit still.
And how did I differ?
I read constantly. In fact, one might say I HYPERFOCUS on reading. I would rather read information than listen to it. (Reason #1 that I just can't get into podcasts!) The problem has never been reading--it's stopping reading. I'm a professional writer and editor with a background in acting. Words have never been a problem. Do some ADHDers struggle with words? Hell, yeah. Do ALL ADHDers struggle with words? Nope. Not even close. (PS: A lot of ADHDers who struggle with words may actually also have other learning struggles, such as dyslexia. ADHD loooooves a comorbidity!)
This is still SUCH a persistent myth. Even the psychologist who diagnosed me was hesitant because I had stellar grades all through my education. The more research they do, however, the more they realize that other things (autism, giftedness, etc.) can actually mask or mitigate the "typical" symptoms of ADHD that lead to it being diagnosed at school. And if you're an ADHDer who, say, hyperfocuses on learning (because it's cool! and you learn new things all the time!), or who has developed extremely effective coping mechanisms (perfectionism, people-pleasing, etc.), or who deliberately sticks to "safe" subjects to avoid challenge and possible failure, grades are NOT a good measure of ADHD. (Look into what it means to be "twice exceptional"--you may find a list of traits that resonates a lot more!)
ADHDers are out there looking for anything that'll give them a dopamine hit. Boredom is deadly. And the mix of novelty-seeking and low inhibition can often result in risky behavior. However, this can manifest in many, many ways. Drugs, alcohol, sexual partners? None of that was relevant to me. Spending, however? Especially spending money I didn't have on things I didn't need just to feel that itty bitty thrill of OOH SOMETHING NEW! ... yeah, that was a real problem. But not one I usually saw on those symptom lists, even though ADHD+finances can result in HUGE and life-altering problems.
Even bearing in mind that there are different presentations of ADHD--and that inattentive is one of them--ADHD does NOT always present as physical restlessness. Often, mental restlessness--racing thoughts, daydreaming, distractability, inability to "turn off your brain" to get enough sleep--slips through the diagnostic cracks and can be FAR more disruptive to one's health and happiness. And, again, many ADHDers develop coping mechanisms that can end up being very unhealthy or unsustainable in the long term. (I keep my ADHD in my thumb, for example. I can be perfectly still for a long, long time. However, my right thumb fidgets almost constantly. It's weird. Now that I've noticed it, I can't unsee it.)
I guess what I'm saying is ... nothing is set in stone where ADHD is concerned, so don't be afraid to dig deeper, especially if some aspects hit hard. Exploration is a good thing. Questioning is a good thing.
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 7 months
"The Darkness Within" PART 1 (Sonic X - Dark Sonic)
(Sonic's POV)
The faint sound of his friends' laughter and voices echoed in Sonic's ears even as he stood at the very edge of the Typhoon, a frown twisted across his face as he stared unseeing at the stars.
He hadn't felt such shame in a long time.
Normally, he did whatever he pleased without a care of what anyone thought. He did what he believed was right whether it was perceived that way or not.
So it was safe to say that the events of the attempted rescue of Chris and Cosmo had left him a little . . . shaken.
He couldn't believe the way he'd lost control.
Never before had he felt so intensely angry. Sure, he'd had a right to, his friends were hurt and the Metarex creep was threatening to experiment on them if he refused to let them do the same to him. Sure, he'd felt a little off since he'd discovered the hoards upon hoards of fake chaos emeralds.
And then— what?! He hadn't been able to think straight. His vision had nearly turned red with how furious he'd been. All he could feel was white-hot anger. He remembered hearing himself laugh like some kind of psychopath. He remembered tearing into the Silver and Gold Metarex that were meant to test him, he remembered slicing them to bits at lightspeed and feeling not an ounce of remorse as their armor exploded and they were killed.
And the next thing he'd known, Eggman of all people was scolding him and telling him to calm down.
It had taken him a hot minute to relax. Hearing that Shadow had rescued his friends while he'd been . . . like that, had startled him in the worst way.
Now they were all back, safe and sound. Cosmo and Chris were alright. Everyone on the other side of the ship was celebrating, believing the day was a victory.
In a way, he supposed, they were right.
But Sonic could not relax. He couldn't bring himself to join them, he couldn't even bring himself to smile as he stood alone on the opposite side of the ship, staring at nothing and thinking of everything.
His mind wouldn't shut up, and he didn't have enough space to run on the Typhoon. He was stuck.
What if it happens again?
It won't. I won't let it.
I don't know that, I had no idea this morning that it would happen today.
Now that I know, I'll make sure it never happens again.
Today was just proof that I don't have it as together as I thought I did.
They don't know. No one else here knows. No one knows but Eggman.
Would they be scared if they knew? If they SAW me like that?
Don't worry about it. Just keep going. Don't look back. I never look back.
But usually that doesn't have anything to do with something I did wrong.
Do I apologize somehow? Should I leave? Take some time to myself? How much time? They need me to help them fight the Metarex.
I can't leave, but I sure want to.
I just wish—
"Hey, Sonic! You doing okay?"
He jerked his head around to see Tails slowly approaching his perch, blue eyes wide and curious. Glimmering with just a hint of concern.
Sonic sat down in place and nodded curtly, his voice stuck in his throat. He'd been talking a lot more nowadays than he used to, trying to get better at communicating with people and making friends, but some days it was still hard.
Apparently today was one of those days.
And Tails could see right through him.
His face fell. "Something happened, didn't it?"
Sonic avoided his eyes, choosing instead to stare intensely at the floor in front of him as if it was a work of art.
Slowly, cautiously, Tails moved closer and sat a couple feet away. Sonic could still feel his little brother's eyes on him, but he refused to make eye contact. He wasn't sure he'd be able to handle it.
"Did you get hurt . . . ?" Tails sounded doubtful yet worried.
Sonic shook his head.
"Did the Metarex say something that bothered you?"
Another wordless head shake.
Tails didn't ask anything else for about a minute, choosing instead to let them both sit in thoughtful silence and allow Sonic to try and pull himself together.
I can't tell him. There's no way.
I can't tell him . . . all of it.
Sonic swallowed, lifting his chin and finally daring to meet Tails's questioning eyes. He opened his mouth, but could not bring himself to make a sound.
Tails bit his lip, then lifted his hands and signed, "I'm here."
Sonic nodded with a small, grateful smile, then, after a hesitation, signed back, "Something happened. I did something."
Tails tilted his head slightly, and even though he could've just spoken his response, he continued signing. "What did you do?"
There was no fear or aggression in his hand movements or expression. Just genuine, gentle curiosity.
Sonic closed his eyes for a moment, that awful feeling of shame washing over him all over again. "Something bad. I caused harm. I didn't mean to."
Tails smiled gently. "You didn't mean to. You didn't harm our friends, right?"
Sonic exhaled silently through his nose. "No. I hurt the bad guys." He didn't think there was a sign for "Metarex," but if there was, he didn't know it.
A flicker of confusion appeared in his little brother's eyes. "You stop the bad guys all the time."
He fidgeted uncomfortably, then signed, "It was different. Can't explain. I was wrong."
Tails paused for a long moment after those shaky signs from Sonic, looking thoughtfully at the sky.
"It's okay," he signed back eventually. "I know your heart is in the right place. Whatever you did, you wouldn't be feeling so bad if it wasn't in the right place."
Sonic blinked. He fidgeted a little more, then quickly signed, "Thank you."
The fox kit smiled and nodded. "You're welcome. I'm here for you." Then, without waiting for a response, he stood up and extended a hand out to Sonic.
Sonic initially thought Tails was going to bring him back to the group, but then remembered that his brother knew him better than that. So he accepted the little hand reaching for him and stood as well, then followed the fox kit downstairs inside the ship.
Tails brought him to his bedroom on the ship, gestured for him to wait there, then left. For a few minutes, Sonic sat alone, fingering the cool sheets and looking around the room, anything to avoid thinking too much again.
After those few minutes, Tails returned with a steaming mug of tea, which he carefully handed to Sonic. "Take your time," he signed, smiling sweetly. "This will help you sleep."
Sonic managed a small, regretful smile. "Thank you," he signed again.
Tails nodded, patted his hands in reassurance, and left the room.
Sonic paused for a long moment, then sat back on his bed and sipped his tea. He recognized the flavor as the same kind Tails himself used on bad nights, the ones with nightmares and thunderstorms.
He took a deep breath. Over the course of the next hour, he finished his tea over a good book. He listened to his friends' voices wind down outside on the deck.
And eventually, he slept.
AO3 version
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sinning-23 · 1 year
My Latest crush is an alien car from space Pt.4
18+ Minors do not interact, please!!!
Listen yall I'm so sorry this took long I had t do so much mf research for this to turn out accurate and I didn't want it to feel rushed yk? And a bitch is on vacation on an island where there's no signal/service half the time so I can just research on the go! Anyway, this one is a lil INTENSE so as it goes, the minor be gone. this si 18+ territory aight. Anywho enjoyyyyy (I had no fuckin idea what a spike was before this and now I can't unsee a lot of things). ANYWAY
Warnings: size difference, squirting, multiple orgasms, choking???does that count? LET'S GET IT-
(Pt.3 found here pookie)
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Touch me, tease me, call me pretty 
~“Sooo good, feels so so good mamas. Fuck you take me so well.” He whines, kissing you softly. He’s big, the stretch making you squeeze your eyes shut. You feel so full, his servo against your stomach only making the pressure of your second orgasm build quicker. 
“Can you feel me? I’m right here.” He hums, ex-venting shakily when you squeeze down. He’s slow, taking your body into account. There was no way he was going to fit all the way that was almost a fact. ~
______3 hours prior______
You practically trip over yourself to get out of the club, your fingers intertwine
as you run through the parking lot to get to where he was parked. Between quick playful and excited kisses, you manage to slip into the car with Mirage’s holoform ‘taking the wheel’. There was really no reason for him to, at least in your eyes.
It was clear he had other plans when your chair was reclined back and scooted enough for him to be able to reach over and squeeze the meat of your thighs. Closing them on impulse, he huckles and only spreads them again with that stupid boyish grin.
“Nuh-uh, you wanna be able to take it right? Let’s get you ready for it, 'cause I know for a fact I'm much bigger than anything you've had before.” He explains, pulling your panties down with a bit of your help.
Any other time that statement would sound cocky but he was deadass serious and you knew it. A shiver crawls up your spine as he hums at the feeling of your warmth, slick already starting to drip onto his seats and make his palm sticky. The feeling is bliss damn-near, all that built up heat finally finding a chance to realse and in response you moan, rolling your head against the seat. His voice wasnt helping your arousal either.
“There you go mamas, that's it. You like the way my fingers feel like this?” He's teasing on purpose, observing the way your eyebrows pinch together, and your mouth can't decide whether to open in a moan or bite your lower lip.
 It's adorable really. He’s got your body figured out somehow, curling his fingers upward making you whine and roll your hips. You’re close, his thumb finding the sensitive bundle of nerves just above where he's not, and three fingers slide in and out of you. I
It's almost too much, the sensation of everything making you twitch, eyes half-lidded. He could watch you cum all day. The way your eyes are more glossy and hazy like this, the sound of his name rolling off your gloss-smudged lips.
“Thatsss it ma, feels good huh? Talk to me.” He hums, letting saliva well…more so lubricant drip from his lips down to where his fingers are stuffed inside you. The action makes you weak, and the warmth only makes you whine more. 
“You're filthy Mirage, treat all the girls like this?” You joke weakly, still trying to come down from your high.
He only hits that soft spot in you again, your body reaching on its own when you manage to ruin his seat, again thighs sticking to the liquid and the leather. Did he just make you squirt???? 
He hums, satisfied before running his tongue over the fingers that were just in you. So nasty.
“Nah, only the ones that answer to Y/n” 
The drive seemed so quick, or more so you were too preoccupied that by the time you reached the garage. He had his servos all over you, holoform long gone. You’re small compared to him so he makes it a point to be gentle, servos at your hips as your lips work against his. Mirage’s engine purrs when you run your hands down his chassis, eyes focused. 
“Mirage.” You whisper out, straddling his thigh. He pauses for a moment, looking nothing but helpless in front of you.
“How’s this gonna work….” 
He swallows, trying to put it together in his head. You’d never be able to take it all. You’d be so ducked out by the time he was done and he didn’t want to hurt you either most of all. 
“You can’t take my spike all the way. And I’m not trying to hurt you.” He explains, sighing when you grind against his thighs as if he wasn’t just knuckle deep in you moments ago.
“You won’t, Mirage please.” You practically beg, palm flat against the curve of his plating. 
God, you looked too pretty like this, your body already hyped up and ready for more. His focus is on you and you alone and the only priority is to make you feel good which obviously he’d succeeded at. And damn that begging wasn’t helping. 
“Please what, c’mon pretty girl use your words.” He teases, lifting the fabric of your shirt with ease, the amount of stretch making it tear slightly at the seams.
“Mirage don't play with me. I wanna fuck.” You huff, his fans picking up in speed as what looked like a nice shade of blue? Tinted his faceplates. God, he loved it when you got bossy like that. 
He doesn't waste time fulfilling your request, a feeling o worry washing over him. You'd never seen one before, what if you changed your mind Well, you had every right to but the whole scenario made him…insecure to say the least. You can see it written over his face clear a day and mindlessly hold his face in your hands. 
“Calmate.” You tease with a smile and he visibly relaxes. 
“Im gonna like you however you are. Show me all of you ‘Rag” You hum, seeing him swallow hard, hips push forward. And before you had a chance to really prepare yourself, it's in front of you.
The thickness isn't too much for maybe someone that was built like him but holy shit that was girthy for you. How was that going to fit???? He'd stretch you all the way out trying to fit all of that inside. You swallow hard, the ache between your legs only worsening when it slightly jumped, what you could only compare to precum leaking from the tip.
He's quiet, avoiding your eyes as you stare at it with wide eyes, your attention on every detail. Blue, opposite of his alt-mode with a nice silver stripe running from the base to the tip.
You're slow at first but quickly get used to the feeling of it in your hand, the lubricant making your hands slick and easily slide up and down the length of his spike. You hum, looking from under your lashes to see him practically digging holes into the concrete of the garage.
He’s so pretty like this, helm thrown back when you slide over the tip. What you could only assume was a ‘blush’ crawled over his faceplates in a faint shade of blue. Ans gosh those whines were to die for. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me you know that?” He huffs, trying his damnedest to keep himself from bucking into your touch. 
You only bite your lip in response, impulsively putting your mouth over him, tongue sliding over it with ease as your jaw stretches almost a bit too wide. You take it though, gagging a bit when it hits the back of your throat. Sure Mirage has sworn before but it seemed like now all he could do was whine, moan, and cuss at the feeling of you trying to take him down your throat.
“You’re gonna choke- fuck- I can’t- fffffuck y/n.” He moans out, servo hovering over your head as you start to make a mess, drool sliding down your chin as your hand works at what can’t fit in your mouth. 
You gasp for air, crawling over him to straddle his lap, spike pressed against your ass when you do. It’s quiet for a moment, the pause in between making both of you hesitate. That stretch was going to be something else, maybe the lubricant would help stretch you on top of the fact that he’d already prepped you on the way here. You can’t help but meet his gaze, flustered despite just having him in your mouth moments ago.
“Slow. Let’s just go slow.” You hum and he nods in agreement. 
Finally, he had found some courage to hold your hips, whining when you start to sink down on him. Fuck you were tight. Mirages servos grip your hips as he practically holds you in place, more for his own sake than yours. Primus knows if you’d sunk down any farther he would’ve helped you with your hands behind your back as he fucked into you. His self-control was wearing thin. 
You moan at the feeling, his spike somehow vibrating in you. It’s almost too much but you convince yourself to sink lower. Halfway there. Your garage is filled with moans and pleasure-heavy breaths. 
“Fuck! Move, please, move Mirage.” You beg, feeling him give the smallest thrust upward to fulfill your wish. 
A mix of his lubricant and your own slickness mix and the slap of metal against soft flesh is a sound you’ll definitely play over and over again in your head. The familiar knot in your stomach begins to tighten and he growls as the way your cunt tightens around him. 
“Shit-Ah! Close, so fucking close princess don’t stop. Let me fill you up.” Mirage begs, lips finding empty space on your neck to bite and bruise.
So full so so full. 
“Sooo good, feels so so good mamas. Fuck you take me so well.” He whines, kissing you softly.
He’s big, the stretch making you squeeze your eyes shut. You feel so full, his servo against your stomach only making the pressure of your second orgasm build quicker. 
“Can you feel me? I’m right here.” He hums, ex-venting shakily when you squeeze down. 
Despite feeling as if only halfway was as far as you get, his last thrust was enough to have your smaller frame sink completely into his spike, your mouth falling open in a silent scream, soon tiring into a pleasured growl. 
“Fuck-so full- I- Oh fuck.” You whimper, fists balked against his chassis as he placed his helm to your forehead. Both of you needed a minute to adjust. 
You’re practically drilling now, eyes glossy and threatening to close in pleasure while Miragw’s grip tightened on you. He’s slow again, helping you move up and down on his spike, your orgasm already crashing over you when he did and it must have been enough to push him over the edge.
He revs, fans sounding like they’d give out at any minute now seeing his body was hearing far faster than they could cool him. You were practically shaking, what you could only assume was the equivalent of cum leaking out of you and onto your thighs.
“Look at you, so so beautiful like this.” Mirage whines, the sound of his moans after cumin so hard still burning in your brain. His thrusts are slow, but still…It’s becoming too much almost, and your body quickly becoming overstimulated. 
But you can’t stop. 
Knowing you can take all of him now, he’s for you turned around, hands against the garage door. There’s little conversation, still, the two of you working on recovering but also getting back to what you could only describe as bliss. There's a brief pause when he pushes into you again, gasps escaping each of you before Mirage begins to move, each thrust resulting in an “A-Ah” on your end.
It's all too much, your body reaching on its own and now making a puddle on the floor below you. 2nd time squirting. He groans at the sight, seeing your legs shake and twitch as your eyes roll back in pleasure.
“Fuuuuck yes, baby keep doing that, making a mess on my spike.” He groans, biting his lower lip.
His free servo somehow came to grip a niceeee handful of your braids to pull just enough to make you tilt your head up. God, it sounds so sloppy, the way your slick and his own lubricant mix with every time your hips meet.
He events heavily, picking up his pace a bit before squeezing your hips before cuming again, the liquid still spilling out of you and filling you up, the feeling making you squeeze down on him.
It's silent somewhat, your exhausted breaths all that's filling the space along with the audible “splosh” sounding when he pulled out, even more lubricant sliding down your legs. He sets you down, legs wobbling as you try your hardest to stay upright. He had definitely left you fucked out and he knows it, that stu[id little cocky grin written over his face.
"i-I can keep going-" You slurred, leaning against him, more cockdruck than ever. Damn, how long has it been since you'd done that???? You didn't care, what you needed was more and as it looked like, Mirage wasn't facing a refractory period any time soon.
"I thought you were gonna let me ride?
“You can ride next time.” He smirks, seeing your legs shake with unease.
It's cute kind of. Its quiet for a while but he soon fills the silence with a question while you struggle to put the rest of your clothes on
"Did I make you squirt just a minute ago?"
I'm so sorry this is kinda short yall lol I've been on vaycay and tryna make it good. Hope you enjoy this final part but just know I will be doingmore headcanons and what not! also if you're a Marvel fan be on the lookout for some more gotg3 stuff from me since they are putting the movie on Disney in a dayyyyyy anyway y love yall and thanks for the support!
My asks are always open so if there is something you wanna see or wanna request feel free! I'm a multifandom gyalllll
No-so-mini-Taglist: @gniteruirui@veggiepizzababy@panty-h03@justmare@merpmederp @rainbowpr1sm@mad-simp420@insane-scientist @crowleysthings @mimimarvelingmarvel @darkyyy333
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becauseimanicequeen · 3 months
I know I said I wouldn't scream about poly in The Rebound because I didn't quite get a triadic color scheme between Zen, Ryu, and Atom (I also admitted that lied, though), but I can't help it when they keep showing me their colors (orange, blue, and green) together in the same frames.
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I've clearly lost it considering I'm looking at the twinkles of light in the background... But, the colors are there! And I can't unsee it even if I wanted to (which I don't).
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I know they won't give me poly. But I choose what I'm delulu about, and I want to be delulu about this!
I mean, just look at them...
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Please give me a throuple instead of a love triangle...
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i know ive already said this but again this blog has helped me so much with noticing stereotypes/carictutures/etc in things i watch (and things ive watched in the past), and also with my writing, which as i've mentioned is always for a show that has a lot of black characters across all casts, along with designing characters on the rare occasions that i do
yeah sorry if this is flooding your inbox this blog is just super helpful as a white writer who largely writes for the same character over and over again (the one in my pfp, their name is May, i normally write with that specific actor because theyre from the cast i saw) (not to mention i discovered this blog from one of your posts about black hair while literally writing a scene that involves a nonblack character playing with a black character's hair before going to sleep so that really helped with that scene that i previously wouldn't have thought much about)
just like thanks for this blog basically! it's helped me a lot both as a writer and an activist and also just as a person because it's hard to be a good person without first unlearning biases and idk yeah sorry thank you and sorry for rambling and flooding your inbox with something that isnt even like a question or anything
(reminder, please capitalize the B in Black!)
And you're welcome! I'm glad that you've been taking the time to apply to your work, your media comprehension, and activism! Tbh, I feel like once you see antiblackness in play, you can't unsee it (at least without choosing to be a racist, which is another conversation!)
The things that slip into our writing of Black characters, or how we comprehend their actions as we watch (whether we notice or not!) can be a reflection of our beliefs. Many people incorporate antiblackness into their works/ships/fandoms, etc. I hope with my work here to offer enough of a perspective in creation that... Causes pause in those who claim they want to "be more inclusive". Who "want Black characters".
It's not enough to simply "want Black characters" and/or "not be racist"; you have to actually put in the effort! We, as Black people, deserve to see and experience the effort! Keep up the effort!
Now I've rambled 👍🏾
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