#please do t come at me for roasting Tom I love him so much your honor
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freckled-forests · 11 months ago
I love our core trio, featuring law-abiding characters like Alex "the only crime you can go to prison for is murder" Rider, Kyra "if their firewalls aren't strong enough to keep me out they don't deserve privacy" Vaschenko-Chao, and Tom "I don't think girls and boys should sleep in the same room together" Harris
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nothingbutimagines · 4 years ago
Everything You Want (Peter Parker)
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warning: Cursing, lots of fluff and cliches
Summary: When Y/n breaks up with her ex, she declares to her friends that she will never, by any means, fall in love again. To her surprise, Peter seems to take this as a challenge, trying to win her heart in a mere afternoon.  
Author: Dizzy
A/N: I was on a bit of an unexpected hiatus, but I am here to stay. School and quarantine was kicking my ass and my family is moving halfway across the country so things have been very hectic around here. But, with Falcon and the Winter Solider and me rewatching all the Marvel movies to cope with this wack ass time, I am feeling inspired.
Masterlist Request Any Of These Peter Parker/Tom Holland Masterlist
“That’s it!” You slammed your lunch tray down on the cafeteria table as you huffed and sat down beside MJ. “I’m done with men. I hate love. I’m over it.”
MJ looked over at you and sighed, rolling her eyes. She didn’t believe you, especially since the boy you’d broken up with was the boy you dated not even a week after swearing off men the last time. 
“What are you talking about?” Ned asked before receiving a swift kick from MJ.
“Don’t ask about it.” The girl replied through gritted teeth as she fully turned on the bench to face you. “Y/n, you know I love you, but I can’t help but think you’re being a little rash.”
“Rash?” You scoffed. “You wanna talk about rash? MJ, you broke up with Ethan Brooks in eighth grade because he accidentally stepped on your foot at the winter formal.”
“I know you’re just being harsh because you’re heartbroken, but let’s be real, Y/n, you don’t hate love.” 
“Yes, yes I do. I’m never, ever, ever going to fall in love. I’m not even going to think about it. I now will live in a world of tragedy and heartbreak because love does not exist.”
You stabbed your fork into your mac and cheese aggressively. Maybe MJ was right, you thought, you might have been being a little harsh and you were very heartbroken. 
You had the unfortunate curse of being a romantic, loving the idea of love and anything having to do with a good rom-com. You couldn’t help but fall in love with everyone you’d ever had a romantic moment with. You just loved the experience that came with being in love. 
However, now sitting heartbroken and eating your feelings in mac and cheese, you really really didn’t like the idea of falling in love and would have rather fallen off the face of the earth than like another boy.
MJ sighed heavily, reading your body language and knowing you wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed and watch a sad movie. 
“Y/n, I know you’re sad, but look on the bright side, you have more time to hang out with us. We’re going to the movies after school today.” 
You looked between your three friends, smiling shyly. “Thanks, guys, but I really just feel like being alone.”
“Oh, come on, Y/n.” Peter sighed, giving you a nudge with his foot. “I know you secretly want to pig out on popcorn and see that new horror movie.” 
“I don’t think so, Peter. I really don’t feel good.” 
Peter pouted, giving you puppy dog eyes. “Please, Bug, come on. You blew me off last week to go out with Brad and we’re best friends. You owe me one.” 
“I thought we were best friends.” Ned spoke up, earning another swift kick from Peter. “Ow! What is with you guys and abusing me?” 
You smiled, rolling your eyes at your friends. Especially at Peter, who seemed serious enough to use the only face you couldn’t resist and a nickname that always seemed to keep your attention on him. 
“I’ll think about it.” You caved, taking another bite of your food. 
“Don’t think. Just say yes.” 
“Are you seriously going to be pushy right now, Parker?” You raised a brow at him. “I am heartbroken. Sick with sadness.” 
“I’m just saying, the best way to get over someone-”
“Is to get under someone.” Ned stated proudly, cutting Peter off. 
“Ew, no!” Peter gave Ned a light shove. “I was going to say that the best way to get over someone is to be around people who care about you.”
“Or burning his personal belongings before he asks for them back.” MJ added, stealing a fork full of your mac and cheese. “We could always burn Brad’s stuff and roast marshmallows over it.” 
“I like MJ’s idea way better than going to the movies.” You agreed, pointing to the girl beside you while you locked eyes with Peter.
“We’re not going to burn his stuff!” Peter exclaimed as MJ frowned. “I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to burn someone else’s property and we already made plans to go to the movie.”
“Well, damn.” You frowned. “Now look who’s being harsh.” 
MJ began to chuckle beside you as Peter began to frown. 
“Harsh would be me forcing you to go to the movie.”
“Oh yeah, and badgering me to go isn’t forcing me right, Peter?” You raised a brow at him as you finished the last of your meal. 
“At least I’m asking and not physically forcing you to go.”
“That is true.” You shrugged. “I guess I’ll come, but if I am having a terrible time, you have to take me home.”
“Always.” Peter smiled, nodding as he reached forward and grabbed your hand. “It’ll be fun, Bug. I swear.” 
You shrugged, squeezing the boy’s hand as the bell rang loudly. You pulled away quickly, catching a glance at your now ex-boyfriend and the girl attached to his arm as he walked past your table. You cleared your throat, corralling your things together as you rose from your spot on the bench. 
“I’ll-I’ll, uh, see you guys later. I’ve got to get to Chem. I can’t be late again or I’ll get a detention.” You stammered, feeling the tears prick at your eyes as you pulled your books in your arms. 
“Let me walk with you.” Peter offered, noticing the sudden change in your mood as he rose from his seat and rounded the table to where you stood. “I have to get to Bio next door anyway.”
You nodded silently, surprised when you felt Peter’s hand press lightly against the small of your back as he guided you through the crowd in silence. 
“You know, Bug, it’s okay to say things aren’t okay.” He finally said as you made it into the outer corridor of the cafeteria. 
You bit your lip at his words, holding back the tears as you glanced over at him so he could finally see your eyes and cheeks red with pent up feelings.
“I’m fine.” You choked out, swallowing the lump that formed in your throat. 
Peter pulled you aside, out of the way of the walking students. His eyes, you could see as he rested his hands on your shoulders and forced you to look at him, were full of concern.
“I know you’re not. You want to talk about it?”
You couldn’t help it, the warmth and care in his brown eyes caused your tears to begin to fall as your hand shot up to wipe them quickly.
“You must think I’m pathetic.” You laughed uncomfortably as you spoke, “I’m crying over some stupid boy and you have to watch.”
Peter shook his head, his expression clearly showing the confusion in his mind as he looked at you. 
He never found you pathetic nor would he ever. On the contrary, he found you to be the most amazing person he’d had ever known, and not just because you were best friends. Watching you cry, he realized something he’d never wanted to take a good hard look at. 
You were the girl he’d always wanted to be with and you’d always kept him on the sidelines. You were everything he’d ever wanted and yet you always kept him as the best friend, the shoulder to cry on, the boy who often kept you afloat. 
For a girl so in love with romance and cliches, you’d never realized how much of a walking cliche the two of you were. 
Not that Peter was upset. He would never be upset by that, especially when you still allowed for him to be so close by your side. 
“Oh, Y/n.” He pulled you into a hug after giving you a moment to clean yourself up. “I would never think you were pathetic. You’re the best person I know.” 
You sniffed, bringing your arms around him to embrace him back before pulling away and looking up at him. 
“You really think so?”
“I know so.” He gave you a shy smile as he glanced down at you.
Your eyes traveled from gazing into his and looking to the spot on his shirt that you had now stained with tears and mascara.
“Even if I stained your nice white shirt with my make up?”
Peter pulled away, looking down at the shoulder of his shirt as he tugged at it to see the stain better. He sighed, chuckling lightly as he looked at you with a smile as warm as the look in his eyes. 
“I have other shirts. I didn’t really like this one, anyway.” 
“Peter, that’s your favorite one.” 
Peter shrugged, letting go of the fabric between his fingers as he looked at you, wiping away the last remaining tear that clung to your cheekbone. “I’ll just have to find a new favorite then.”
You swallowed a bit, your hand reaching up and resting on his wrist as you smiled shyly, sudden feeling nervous. 
“I should probably get to class.” You said softly, your voice barely above a whisper. 
Peter’s hand fell from your face quickly as he became aware of the new energy between you two. 
“Yeah, yeah.” He cleared his throat harshly. “I should get going too.”
You nodded, allowing for silence to fall between you two as you quickly rushed to class, giving him a small wave before walking into the classroom. 
The rest of the day felt uneventful and monotone with spurts of sadness and confusion here and there. You could feel the heartache of your breakup settle in every once in a while, especially in moments in which you let your mind wander while watching your ex-boyfriend now flirt with the girl beside him.
When your mind wasn’t wandering with thoughts of pain and heartbreak, it was full of thoughts of Peter and the moment you shared in the hallway. 
It wasn’t that you’d never had a moment like that with Peter before, you’d had plenty of moments in which he comforted you while you were upset and visa versa. You were best friends, of course you’d have your fair share of comforting moments, such as the time when you spent a week at Peter’s house after his uncle passed away. 
However, while you sat in class with your pen between your lips as you watched and counted down the minutes to the bell ringing,  you couldn’t shake the feeling that that moment in the hallway meant something more to you. 
As the bell finally rang, you practically ran out of the classroom and into the hall, only to run into the person you were looking for. 
You feel backwards and onto the floor, slightly shocked by your bottom hitting the ground as Peter’s hand shot out towards you as he bent over. 
“Shit, Y/n, you okay?” He asked as you grabbed his hand and allowed for him to help you up. 
You dusted yourself off before picking up your bag. “Yeah, I’m fine.” 
“What were you running for?”
“I was, uh, looking for you. We’re supposed to go to a movie, right?”
Peter nodded, starting to walk towards the front entrance of the school, his hands shoved into his pockets as you walked closely beside him. 
“Are you feeling better?” He asked after the silence between you felt too heavy for him to bear. 
“I don’t know.” You shrugged. “I don’t know how I could really feel better while having to see my newly ex flirt with another girl not even 24 hours after our breakup.”
“I’m sorry, Bug.”
“It’s not your fault.” You shrugged, kicking a rock that sat on the sidewalk in front of you. “He can do what he wants. He’s a single man now.” 
“I wouldn’t call him much of a man.” Peter admitted, taking a look in your direction.
You kicked the rock again as you approached it, watching it bounce and tumble down the sidewalk and into the grass. 
“Are MJ and Ned going to meet us at the theater or what’s the plan?” You asked, trying to derail the conversation from the topic you had no interest in rehashing.
Peter pulled a hand from his pocket and rubbed the back of his neck before putting it back in his pocket. He should’ve known you’d ask about the other two people who were supposed to be in attendance to your evening out. 
“MJ had to go to detention since she’s behind on her sketchbook work for art class. You know how she is, likes to draw people in detention for whatever reason. And Ned went home sick after lunch. He made the mistake of eating the meatloaf.” He lied, surprised he thought of something believable off the top of his head. 
In reality, he paid MJ twenty dollars to refrain from going to the movie and to lie about her whereabouts, something she never had trouble at doing, and he promised Ned that he’d spend the rest of the weekend helping him build another Star Wars lego model even though Peter wanted to grow out of the habit of playing with legos. 
You frowned a bit, having hoped you could’ve had some much needed girl time with MJ and wanting the funny commentary and banter of Ned during a movie that would normally terrify you. 
“Oh. Well, that sucks, but it’s okay. At least we’re still going together.” You raised your frown into a slight smile. 
Silence fell between you once again, leaving the only audible sound to be the wind and your heels hitting the ground in unison as you walked towards the movie theater. 
“Don’t worry about paying tonight. It’s my treat.” Peter stated as the theater came into view on the horizon. 
“Oh, Peter, you don’t have to.” 
“No, I want to. Just let me treat you to a night out. I feel bad that you’ve been having a rough day, so it’s the least I could do.”
You reached out and grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks before you engulfed him into a hug with your arms tight around his neck and your perfume filling his nostrils. 
“Peter Parker, you are truly my best friend and the love of my life.” You announced proudly, not realizing that the words warmed Peter in a way he’d never experienced before.
“I love you too, Y/n, but I cannot breathe with you choking me out like this.” He said softly, pretending to wheeze as you pulled away, giving him a shove.
“You are so dramatic.” You chuckled, starting to walk down the sidewalk once again. 
“I’m dramatic?” Peter scoffed as he jogged to keep up with you. “Aren’t you the theater nerd?”
“Doesn’t mean you’re not also a drama queen.” 
“I’ll have you know, I am very good at keeping my cool.”
“Tell that to Flash Thompson and your little rivalry.”
“Flash is an asshole.” 
“I’m not saying he isn’t,” you argued, “all I’m saying is that you get a bit dramatic with him. I like to think he’s secretly in love with you.” 
“Ew, gross.” Peter shook his head. “Flash is the last person I’d want a dramatic romance with.” 
“I think Flash is the last person anyone wants to have a romance with.” You laughed.
Peter was glad that it seemed your spirits were lifting as you finally made it to the theater. He could feel his own spirits lifted by your bettering mood which left him not needing to worry as much. 
He didn’t know whether it was the elation in mood he was feeling between the two of you or the instinctive urge to keep you close and protected that had him reaching for your hand as he opened the door to the theater to let you in first, but as you walked through the corridor, he grabbed it without thought or hesitation. 
You didn’t know what possessed him to grab your hand either, but you found yourself refraining from questioning it, wanting to feel the warmth and caring touch of someone else. Though your spirits were lifted a bit, you still felt lonely deep down. 
“Are you okay?” Peter asked, glancing down at you as he grabbed the tickets from the girl at the ticket counter and began to guide you towards the snack bar. 
You nodded, unsure of what to say as Peter continued to watch you closely. You held your breath, suddenly nervous with his eyes on you before you were saved by his eyes travelling to view the menu far above your head. 
“I’m thinking we get a large popcorn and two sodas.” He thought out loud as you frowned. “Unless, that’s not what you want?”
You blinked, shaking your head quickly as you spoke. “No, no, sorry. I got lost in thought. That sounds fine. I’m not that hungry, though.” 
“How are you not hungry? You ate two bites of mac and cheese at lunch and then pushed it around on your tray.”
You shrugged, pulling your hand from his and crossing your arms over your chest. You were somewhat building up an appetite, but every time you did, you suddenly felt sick by your own intrusive thoughts about your heartache and break up with a boy you knew you shouldn’t have been crying over. 
“I guess I’m not really in the mood to eat too much.” You finally said. 
“Well, I’m still getting the large and if you ask for any, I won’t give you some. You already said no.” Peter teased. 
“Oh, you would never say no to me.” 
“You wanna bet?” Peter raised a brow as you reached the front of the short line. 
“I’ll bet you a bag of overpriced M&M’s.” 
“I thought you weren’t hungry.” 
“I am always hungry for M&M’s.”
Peter smiled with a light eye roll. “Alright, but you can’t eat any until we determine who won.” 
You smiled as he turned away from you, ordering your snacks and you began taking each one from him before he carried the popcorn and his drink and you carried your own drink and the bag of M&M’s you were so excited to win. You watched your feet fall to the ground to his in unison as you two stayed silent, trying to navigate the hallway for the theater your movie was in.
“Hey, Peter?” You caught the boy’s attention as he walked through the open door of your theater, a fistful of popcorn in his hand as he looked at you. 
“Yeah?” He began walking backwards as he faced you and tossed the popcorn into his mouth.
“Can I have some popcorn?” 
“Yeah, sure.” He nodded as he spoke through his mouthful of popcorn and held the bucket out to you. 
You began laughing, taking a few pieces of popcorn and popping them into your mouth. 
“Why are you laughing?” Peter asked as you were giggling beside him now following him up the stairs of the theater before looking down at his bucket. “Oh. I guess you can have those M&M’s after all.” 
“We just made this bet! How’d you forget already?” You chuckled, walking past him and into an aisle, picking the perfect seat in the middle of the theater. 
“I-I don’t know! I got so involved in the popcorn I forgot.” 
“I guess that’s one way of saying you want to marry a food item.” You teased as he rolled his eyes and took a seat beside you. 
“You know, I’m not going to get mad cause you’re going through it, but when you’re over it, I will get you back for this.” 
“How? You’re already a victim of premature Alzheimer’s. You won’t remember this by the time I get a new boyfriend.”
You reached over, grabbing a handful of popcorn and beginning to eat the pieces one by one as you watched Peter closely. 
“You know, sometimes I hate you.” 
“No, you don’t.” 
“How would you know?”
“Cause you don’t even have a mean bone in your body. Flash bullies you mercilessly and you don’t even say anything back.” 
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No.” You shook your head. “It makes you a good guy. And we need good guys in this world.”
“You think I’m a good guy?”  Peter raised his brow as you nodded wildly at him.
“Of course I do.” You leaned over, placing a hand on his. “You’re not just a good guy, but a guy too good for this world, you know? You deserve the world, but the world doesn’t deserve you.” 
Peter leaned in close to you. “Sorry, I don’t think I heard that.” 
You could feel your breath hitch as he leaned in, his face a few mere inches from yours. It wasn’t that you were scared, but nervous at your excitement at the thought of him kissing you. 
Peter could feel your anxious energy as he leaned in close, the urge to kiss you in the way he’d always wanted to growing strong as he moved his head so your lips were lined up to his ear. It wasn’t that he wanted to kiss you, but he didn’t want to take advantage of your loneliness in that moment. 
You leaned in close to his ear, your nostrils now full of his shampoo as you spoke softly. “I said that I thought you were such a great guy that you deserve the world, but the world doesn’t deserve you.” 
“You mean that?” He answered back, his voice as soft as your own.
He did dare lean back or move his head from the position it was in for fear that he’d kiss you so soon. The words you were saying were ones he always wanted you to say, but never thought would come out. He wanted to be everything you ever wanted, but your words now felt somewhat short yet so close to that sentiment. 
“Of course I do.” You replied, your own urge to kiss him rising steadfast in the back of your mind. 
You couldn’t tell if it was your loneliness or the sudden dimming of the theater lights that had you realizing that all you wanted was to cross the line of friendship with Peter, a line you never realized was made to be crossed when it came to your friendship. 
Every touch, every sweet nothing, every thing about him you loved began to swirl around in your mind as you pulled away from him and gazed into his eyes before planting your lips on his, pushing him back into the armrest of his seat. 
Peter was shocked by the gesture as he leaned into the kiss, his hands resting on your cheeks before you pulled away from him breathlessly. 
“Y/n, I-”
“Peter.” You cut him off before giggling. “Go ahead.” 
“Bug, I don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage of you and your feelings about your breakup even though I really like you and-” 
You cut the boy off with another kiss, not wanting to hear what he had to say. You knew he was going to give you some speech about how you might not know what your feeling and so on, but you didn’t care. You knew that you kissed him and you liked it and that it felt more right than any date with Brad. 
You pulled away, putting a hand over his mouth before he could speak as you began to instead. “Peter, I know how I feel. I like you too, okay? Now, can we just take advantage of the fact we’re some of the few people in here and just hang out?”
Peter nodded, pulling your hand off of him. “I think I’d like that.”
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thewritewolf · 4 years ago
Mari Christmas And A Happy New Adrien
Lost in the aftermath of Hawkmoth's defeat, Adrien loses complete track of time and before he knows it, the holiday season is upon him. Will a Christmas visit to his girlfriend's house be just what he needs to move on?
Hello and welcome to my piece for the @mlsecretsanta event! My giftee, @lesslinette, asked for among other things, Adrienette, family bonding, fluff and just a bit of hurt/comfort and I aimed to please!
I had to do a good amount of research into French and Chinese Christmas traditions (including interviewing my long-suffering French friend - thanks @emsylcatac!), so hopefully I didn't get anything *too* wrong.
Read on Ao3
Marinette 💖: You still up?
Adrien: Yeah Still not sleeping great House was always too quiet Never thought it could get more quiet tho lol Whats up?
Marinette 💖: :( Just wondering what u were doing 4 xmas Since You know
Adrien: Since father went to jail and mom died again? Haven’t thought about it Guess ive still got time to figure it out
Marinette 💖: … ..Its the 23rd of Dec Like 2am Not a lot of time left
Adrien: oh Guess uh Stay at home?
Marinette 💖: Adrien Its been like two months Youve been going crazy in there Youll just be stuck in there all by yourself Why don’t you come over?
Adrien: I don’t know… I don’t want to bring anyone down Or ruin anyone’s christmas
Marinette 💖: Adrien ‘Kindest Boy in Paris’ Agreste
Adrien: Oh no she used my middle name
Marinette 💖: You are coming over tomorrow And letting me pamper you And letting my family - your REAL family - love you And that is the end of that ...Is that okay with you?
Adrien: Whatever you say ma’am
Marinette 💖: Good Be here no later than fifteen hundred Let me know if I need to pick you up
Adrien: Will do
Adrien laid back down, his face lit up only by the glow of his phone and the only noise in the room being Plagg’s snoring. Putting his phone to sleep, he turned over, closed his eyes, and honestly smiled for what felt like the first time in a long time.
Adrien reached the door to his girlfriend’s house with a gift under one arm, an envelope in his pocket, and a weak smile on his face. The latter wasn’t because of a lack of feeling on his part - the exact opposite, actually.
It had been hard to go to sleep after their conversation that night, a swirl of mixed emotions keeping him from getting the rest that he craved. Last night wasn’t much better and he was left exhausted. He’d even been half tempted to call and say that he couldn’t make it, but somehow that only made him feel worse.
So here he was. He’d shambled his way to the car, driven himself there through blurry eyes and frequent yawns, and turned the doorknob. Maybe they’d understand if he just dropped off the present and headed home.
Well, maybe not home, but just where he lived.
The instant the door opened, a wave of hot air buffeted him. Not only did it warm his freezing face, it brought all sorts of wonderful smells on it. There were the expected scents - baked potatoes, salmon, chicken. But then was something else, something a little harder to place.
After puzzling over it for a moment, he shook his head and stepped into the house. No sooner had he closed the door behind him than he heard some voices calling out from deeper inside.
“Wait, was that the door? The family wasn’t supposed to be over until tomorrow, weren’t they?”
“Tom, that has to be Adrien!”
There was excitement in Sabine’s voice that warmed his heart, but not quite as much as when he’d taken a couple steps into the house and was blindsided by Marinette bursting out of the living room to wrap him in a hug.
“Worried I might not show?” Adrien whispered after they parted from their kiss.
“Not even for a moment, chaton.” She smiled up at him before her eyes wandered down to his arms, a suspicious look on her face when she saw the one present. “Looks like you showed some restraint this year.”
“Of course!” At her continued doubting look, he added. “Come on, I’m perfectly capable of giving reasonable gifts.”
“Last year you tried to give me my favorite restaurant.”
“But I didn’t!”
“Only because I hid your checkbook and credit cards!”
Adrien snorted. “Details.”
Rolling her eyes, Marinette tugged on his coat sleeve. “Follow me, you ridiculous man. You can put your gifts under the tree, we’ll open them tomorrow.”
She led him into the living room, where their Christmas tree had been set up in all its glory. There were red paper chains wrapped all around it and a huge variety of homemade ornaments - including a few that he’d made in years past. Ever since he and Marinette had started dating, he’d been welcomed into their household with open arms. And even before that, they’d been nothing but kind to him.
His eyes poured over the tree, looking for one specific ornament. It didn’t take him long to find it - with its poor quality, it stood out among the beautiful glass orbs and painted baubles. His fingers brushed over the patches of glitter, a nostalgic smile spreading across his face as he took in the patterns of melted wax inside it. His first ornament. They’d barely been dating a few months when he’d made that one.
Had it really been four years already?
Arms wrapped around him from the side and he looked down at Marinette’s chin resting on his shoulder, peering up at him with big blue eyes.
“What’re you thinking about, hot stuff?”
“Old memories, that’s all.”
“Hmm…” She leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek. “You just about ready to make some new ones?”
“With you? Always.”
“You two want to come in and help us finish cooking dinner?” They both jumped when Sabine’s voice reached them.
Blushing, Marinette reluctantly let Adrien go and headed toward the kitchen. “Coming, maman!”
A few hours later and the four of them were seated around the dining room table. Some things had been moved around from what Adrien remembered from the usual arrangement, and a long table had been set up. Most of the spaces were empty - with the four of them, only about a third of the table was occupied. But while the chairs were mostly left bare, the table was not.
Even though he had helped make some of it, Adrien was still amazed at how good the food all looked when laid out on the table like this.
Most of it was pretty traditional, at least from what he knew. A lot of the time his experience with Christmas dinners were meals allowed to grow cold until he gave up on his father showing. But the roasted chicken was still steaming when they cut into it, the smoked salmon and toast still holding the heat of the oven on them. Add in the gratin dauphinois and this was just about the ideal Christmas dinner he could imagine.
Naturally, it got even better with Sabine’s contribution - spring rolls.
As Adrien shoveled them onto his plate, he asked Sabine, “Is this the only Chinese dish for today, maman?”
“Just you wait, dear.” She smiled over her plate. “Today was Tom’s turn to make dinner. Tomorrow will be mine and you’ll definitely have your fill then.”
“I can’t wait!” Adrien took some of the chestnut sauce to pour over his chicken. Which reminded him… He glanced nervously toward the oven. “I don’t suppose you made foie gras, did you?”
Marinette made a face and shivered.
Tom quickly shook his head. “Oh no, son. Back when Marinette was… what? Eight, nine? She found out how it was made and made us promise to never have it again.”
“Eleven years later and we haven’t broken that promise yet,” Sabine finished. “There are plenty of other foods in the world.”
“That’s good.” Adrien breathed a sigh of relief. “It always made me uncomfortable when my father ordered it.”
“Ordered, dear?” Sabine gave him a confused look.
“Oh, we never really cooked our own dinners.”
Tom’s jaw dropped. “Not even Christmas dinner?”
“Nope. Sometimes he’d have to order the dinner prepared the day before and then we’d reheat it the day of, since no one wanted to come into work on Christmas day, you know?”
“I see…” Tom shared a look with Sabine, but the meaning was lost on Adrien. “Well, you make sure you have your fill, son! We’ll be making more for tomorrow, so this is all for us.”
“Thanks,” Adrien said with a grateful smile.
The conversation meandered and for the most part Adrien was just content to listen in, drinking in the company after spending so much of his time recently just by himself. Well, mostly by himself. Marinette would visit whenever she could get the time between college classes and internships. Nino and Alya were more elusive, if only because they were outside the city so often these days.
But there was one person who was his constant companion, Adrien thought with a smile as he peeked into the breast pocket of his T-shirt…
...Only to see that it was empty. Maybe he’d gone to visit Tikki and the kwamis of the miracle box? Adrien was drawn out of his thoughts when Sabine directed a question at him.
“Are you ready for the pre-dessert snacks, dear?”
“Oh! Sure, yeah. What do you have?”
“You’ll love it!” Tom excitedly got up and hustled over to the kitchen, Sabine right behind him. He raised his voice to be heard as he went to the room next door. “We know how much you love camembert so…”
Adrien’s eyes widened. They didn’t…
Tom returned with a platter of cheeses in his hands and a frown on his lips.
“Something wrong, papa?” Marinette’s eyes glanced between Tom and the cheese platter.
“No, no… its just… I could have sworn I bought more cheese than this. And I was so sure that I had purchased camembert.” He rubbed his chin. “Ah well, there is more than enough for the three of us anyway.”
While Sabine set down a large bowl of salad in the middle of the table, Adrien glanced at Marinette. At his side, Marinette was biting her lips and pointedly staring into the middle distance, trying her hardest not to laugh. For his part, Adrien was frustrated that he couldn’t go anywhere without Plagg making a noticeable dent in the food supply.
His annoyance with Plagg was so great he almost didn’t enjoy the Yule Log that Tom had made for dessert. Almost, but not quite.
Once they were done with dinner, they cleared the table.
“So, how’d you like the meal?” Marinette asked as she dried off the dishes while Adrien washed them.
“Definitely better hot. And homemade.”
Marinette chuckled. “I’m glad the bar was so high for us. Really makes us feel like we accomplished something here.”
“How about…” Adrien bit down on his lips and narrowed his eyes in thought. “It was the most delicious meal I’ve had in months.”
“Ooo, now we’re getting somewhere.”
“Years even.”
“Good, good, go on.”
“I had never known food could taste so delicious until you graced me with your heavenly meals.”
Marinette’s eyes gleamed with restrained laughter, the hint of a barely contained smile ruining her deadpan. “Glad I could finally weasel how you really feel out of you.”
“Yeah you’re pretty good at that, aren’t you?” Hands still in the sink’s soapy water, he leaned over and planted a kiss on her forehead.
“No fooling around now, we still have to help put up the last decorations before we relax for the night.”
“What sort of decorations?”
“Paper lanterns and paper chains. That sort of thing.” At Adrien’s politely confused look, she added, “It’ll help make mom’s side of the family feel welcome. Plus they look pretty cool.”
“Well what are we waiting for then? Let’s kick this into overdrive!”
Adrien suddenly worked in a flurry, Marinette scream laughing as she got splashed with some of the water thrown up by his breakneck pace. Marinette could barely keep up between her giggling, but she somehow managed.
With the last fork, plate, and glass sparkling clean and put away, Marinette shook her head and dabbed at her slightly damp shirt with a fresh towel.
“You’re a dork, you know that?”
“So my girlfriend tells me.”
Adrien relished the sometimes quiet, sometimes loud evening he spent with the Dupain-Chengs. When he went upstairs and cuddled Marinette in the cozy darkness, Adrien felt only excitement for the next day
Morning came swiftly, but Adrien rose to meet the dawn’s first light with a smile on his lips and a spring in his step. Marinette was… a little less eager, but he managed to coax her out of the bed, eventually.
When they finally got down the stairs and made it to the kitchen, Sabine’s eyes widened and she even froze in the middle of folding one of her dumplings.
“Marinette? I’m surprised to see you up so early.”
Bleary eyed, her daughter simply jabbed a finger toward Adrien and grunted. Adrien rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled.
“I knew you’d be a good influence on her, sweetie.”  Sabine patted his cheek with a warm smile. “Now, once you’ve had some breakfast I’d really appreciate some help out here. From you especially, Marinette, since you know exactly how to do it the way I like it.”
“Can’t Tom help?” Adrien made some toast for him and Marinette, doing his best to stay out of Sabine’s way. “Not that I’m not willing to lend a hand, but he’s got to be pretty good at it after all this time, right?”
Sabine laughed and even Marinette cracked a smile. “You’d think so, but no. The man can make almost any dessert known to French mankind, but I’ve yet to see him finish one spring roll or dumpling in all our years of marriage. Just about the only thing I’m trusting him with today is the roasted pork.”
“Not even the cheese plate?” Adrien asked, tongue in cheek. To his surprise, Sabine shook her head gravely.
“We don’t make one for Christmas day. After all, everyone that is going to be here is from my side of the family and we’re all lactose intolerant.”
“Oh.” Adrien glanced at Marinette, who shrugged.
“I got lucky and got papa’s tolerance for it, I guess.”
“Huh… well, can I help?”
A few hours passed, most of which Adrien spent doing vital but unskilled cooking like stirring and kneading. Although they did let him try to fold a few dumplings. It ended up nowhere near as well done as Marinette’s, but she still gave him a kiss on the cheek for the good effort. From what he gathered, Tom had never even managed to get it to stay together.
They had just put the last batch in the oven when they heard a knock at the door, Sabine quickly taking off her apron as she rushed to answer it.
Adrien’s ears perked up when he heard a conversation in Chinese start up, but between him being a little rusty and them speaking so fast, he couldn’t pick out much.
A few moments later, Sabine walked back into the room with an older Chinese couple. Marinette pulled him towards them. Sabine put a hand on Adrien’s shoulder and introduced them.
“Adrien, these are my parents. My mother, Ling,” she said, gesturing towards the grey-haired woman currently hugging Marinette. “And my father, Zheng.”
The older man’s grey eyes sparkled with excitement as he held out a red envelope for Adrien, who just now noticed that Marinette had also been given one. He froze, eyes widening. Was he supposed to have gotten them something too? He hadn’t realized that anyone would be getting him anything, except maybe Marinette. There was a moment where he was about to decline but he took a shot in the dark and accepted.
The moment his hand touched the envelope, Zheng spoke in Mandarin, “Best wishes for the New Year!”
“Thank you very much!” Adrien replied automatically in the same language. While the finer points might escape him, Adrien was fluent in niceties.
Zheng’s eyes widened before he nodded sagely to himself. “Ahh, I see you’ve picked up some Mandarin from my daughter, yes?”
“Oh, no, sir. I’ve been studying since I was fourteen.”
Once again, Zheng’s eyes widened before he chuckled and looked knowingly at Marinette. “This one is definitely a keeper! I approve.”
Marinette’s cheeks were almost as red as the envelope, but she still smiled.
The bright, enticing red of the envelope made him want nothing more than to open it right then and there. But Adrien took a nod from Marinette, who had very pointedly left it sealed even as she refused to set it down. He chose to follow her lead as they all made their way to the living room.
While the Dupain-Cheng parents and the Cheng parents were getting settled there, Marinette volunteered them to go make some tea. Once they were in the kitchen and out of earshot of the new arrivals, Adrien held up his envelope with a raised eyebrow and curious look.
“You can go ahead and look at it now, it’s just not polite to do it right when you get it.” She carefully unsealed the envelope. “It's this Chinese tradition - good luck money for the new year, you know?”
Adrien followed her lead and found one ten, one twenty, and one fifty euro note inside. Glancing over, it seemed Marinette got the same. He was half tempted to just give her his euros since he didn’t have any need for it, but decided that might be tacky. If she would even take them at all. After stashing the envelopes away in a kitchen drawer, they came back with tea for everyone.
Over the next few hours, more and more family members funneled into the house. Adrien, used to seeing maybe four people during the holiday season, thought the room would be close to bursting after the first aunt arrived with husband and two kids in tow. But then came the uncle and his family, then the second aunt with her boyfriend and by the end of it fifteen people were packed into the living room. For some reason apples in boxes became involved? Adrien thought that was a pun but that was more his pun sense than his linguistic skill.
Before anyone could get too settled in, they finally got to opening presents. Despite his fears from the red envelope, no one else seemed to have gotten Adrien anything.
At least, none of the extended family had. The Dupain-Cheng family, however…
“Here you go, dear.” While the rest of the room was chattering among themselves, Sabine placed a package about as big as a shoebox on Adrien’s lap. Before he could react to it, Marinette had shoved a bag stuffed with packing paper.
“Let me go get your-”
Adrien felt a tug on his arm and looked down at Marinette seated beside him. “Open your gifts first and then we’ll open the ones you got us.”
“Okay, okay.” Adrien looked at the box on his lap and tore it open. He tilted his head in confusion as he lifted the fabric that he found there out of the box. His eyes widened when he realized it was an apron with ‘Kiss the Chef’ on it.
“Its for when you come over to cook with us!” Tom beamed down at him proudly. “Now you don’t need to borrow our aprons any more - you’ll have one of your very own!”
Adrien felt his eyes get misty and he bit his lips to keep himself from crying. After a few moments of pulling himself together, he managed to say, “Thank you, guys. I’m really looking forward to wearing it!”
“Speaking of…” Marinette prodded the bag she left with him.
“Right, right.”
Adrien removed the paper and pulled out what turned out to be a sweater, cream colored and decorated with mistletoes and black cats in red scarves. It felt amazingly soft as he slipped it on over his head, embraced in a warm hug that - he lifted the fabric to his nose and took a deep breath - yes, smelled exactly like Marinette. For now at least.
“Do you like it?” Instead of replying, Adrien wrapped his arms around Marinette and pulled her close to him, nuzzling his nose against her neck. Giggling, she smacked his arms lightly. “I’ll take that as a yes, now let go!”
After he pulled his arms back, he stood up and stepped between the Cheng family members and made it to the tree before heading back to the little corner of the living room that they had claimed. He passed the envelope to Tom and the box to Marinette.
“A… gift card for an appliance store?” Tom said, his brow furrowing.
“I wanted to get you an actual new stove because you’re always upset at it,” Adrien explained in a rush, feeling embarrassed that his gift felt so… impersonal compared to theirs. “But when I went to the store I had no idea what actually made a good stove and searching it up on the internet only made it more confusing and… yeah,” he finished lamely.”
He glanced up at them and felt better to see them smiling back.
“That’s very thoughtful of you, Adrien! Thank you, we’ll make good use of this.”
Beside him, Marinette began opening her gift, which Adrien was much more excited for. Not because he had spent any less for it, but because that at least he knew exactly what to get.
He knew he’d done good when she gasped as she pulled out the expensive fabric she’d once stared at longingly from the otherside of a store’s window in Paris. Which, of course, meant that he was also expecting the smack on his arm from her as well.
“Adrien! This is expensive! You definitely shouldn’t have bought this.”
“Actually, you’ll remember that I get to spoil you exactly three times a year - birthdays, Valentine’s, and Christmas.” He gave her the most innocent look he could manage. “So you like it then?”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “You know I absolutely love it, you cat.”
“Then that’s great!” He continued with the overly chipper and oblivious tone, knowing how much it bugged her. He rubbed his hands together. “So… when’s dinner?”
After a Christmas dinner packed with Chinese dishes, they slowly returned to the living room.
Adrien sat in a corner of the room, taking in the warm and inviting atmosphere, the excitement and energy of so many people gathered together in such a small space.
Holding Marinette close, Adrien felt like he was part of a real family for the first time in a long time.
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AIGHT Y’ALL I wasn’t tagged but I’m doing this anyways because f u c k  i t
It's the year 2021 and you're obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?
Deadasss weird as fuck, my dude. Like...out of all the things I could’ve predicted happening in our lord’s year 2021, it definitely was NOT getting hyperfixated on a hammy gay ship with a punk and a nerd from a goddamn karate soap opera. And yet...here we are??? I will never understand hyperfixations, my guy. But I’ve met a lot of really cool people in this fandom, so I can’t really complain.
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?
I have never seen a single Karate Kid movie in my entire life. When I was a kid, it looked kinda dumb so I never got into it XD But then I saw my roommate watching Cobra Kai on Youtube Red one day (he has every streaming service known to man) and I was hooked. And...here I am!
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character:  
Literally EVERYONE except for Kreese, Yasmine, Kyler, and Tory, sorry stans
Okay but if we gotta pick, Johnny Lawrence is my Problematic Fave. Also I love my boy Daniel, he’s trying his best!!! And Amanda LaRusso, we stan a queen!!!
Among the kids, definitely Miguel, with Demetri as a close second. I also love Sam, Aisha, Moon, and Hawk (pre- and post-Bastardization Arc, anyways XD)!
Favorite ship:  
Take a look at my username and take a WILD FUCKING GUESS lmao Yes it’s Eli/Demetri because DUH, every interaction they have is so fucking gay and Eli fucking saved him!!! And came back to him!!! And betrayed the world’s most terrifying dojo with a WAR CRIMINAL SENSEI all for Demetri!!! And how Demetri was willing to forgive him for everything at the drop of a hat because he always had faith there was still good in his best friend??? That’s TRUE LOVE motherfuckers. Please let them kiss in Season 4. I will sell you all of my limbs. Sam/Miguel is a close second because they’re cute as shit and it’s just so lovely to see two people so unapologetically smitten with each other. They are in LOVE, and I will RIOT if they break up again!!! Keep Sam and Miguel together 2k21!!!
Underrated character:
SAMANTHA LARUSSO!!! The amount of hate my girl gets for acting like a normal teenager and fucking up occasionally JUST like the rest of the cast makes me want to start punching things. She cares SO MUCH about her friends!!! And she loves the shit out of Miguel!!! She hasn’t always been the best friend but you know what??? Neither has Hawk, and we still forgave his ass!!! Also LET HER BE FEMININE but also kick utter ass, my god!!! Femininity should not be synonymous with being weak, y’all! ALSO DEMETRI, like yes, he likes to complain and occasionally run his mouth, but guess what else he likes to do??? Never give up on the love of his life his best friend Eli Moskowitz and refuse to lose faith in him no matter how much of a little shit he’s become, and I for one think that’s very badass of him. Also the way he takes care of Eli pre-Cobra Kai in his own snarky bastard way makes me absolutely Weak and needs more appreciation. Like the dude has charisma and COULD have probably made other friends and left Eli behind if he wanted, but did he??? No, he wants the weepy loser with the lip scar in the polo shirts and dorky sweaters and will protect him as much as his wimpy ass is able!!!
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol):  
Among the adults, Daniel/Amanda!!! Like maybe I just don’t watch that much tv, but it seems kinda rare to me to see a happily married hetero couple, and it’s just nice to see a married couple who genuinely love each other and where there’s not like...lingering resentment or some shit. I feel like this ship gets overshadowed by Lawrusso a lot (which like--okay, fair!!! Daniel and Johnny do have a ridiculous amount of chemistry, and the gay undertones are undeniable, so I get it), and it makes me kinda sad. I do love Lawrusso, but I don’t like when Amanda has to get her heart broke for it to happen, you feel? Among the kids, honestly YasMoon. Like I really love the idea of Yasmine trying to better herself because of Moon’s influence on her and because Moon like...inspires her to be a better person, I guess? With their pretty strong friendship, it just makes more sense to me for Yasmine to get a redemption arc through Moon than through Demetri. ALSO girls DO often pull the whole “mean girl” shtick to cover up being closeted lesbians, and Moon IS canonically bi, so it could work!!! I just think this one could be a really interesting Friends to Lovers take, and could make a really nice coming-out arc for Yas. And MoonPiper too, honestly!!! Like they only got 5 seconds of screentime so I understand WHY it’s underrated, but I still love what we DID get and loved that there was a canon gay ship (even if only for 1 scene lmao). I’m really excited to potentially see more of them in Season 4!!! Please, I’m begging!!!
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?
Sweep the Leg because it will always be deeply hilarious to me how Demetri took note of the first move Eli ever used on him and spent presumably weeks perfecting it OUT OF SPITE just to get him back with it at the soccer game MONTHS later. Just goes to show how OBSESSED Demetri is with Eli and their little karate rivalry which is just NOT straight, I’m sorry
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?
There’s something so funny about this pretentious little fuck walking around in fancy suits once he becomes a #SuccessfulBusinessman, and still occasionally trying to do karate in a full-ass suit (take THAT, Tom Cole’s boba!!!) I’m also a big fan of how he looks in his gi with his little headband. Still killing that look as a 40-50-something!!!
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver:
Tbh I have still never seen a single Karate Kid movie (they took them off of Netflix, RIP), so...I don’t really care if they bring anyone else back??? I’m invested in the characters we already have in the show, I don’t need some rando from the movies to make a cameo to have a good time XD The only character I really wanted them to bring back was Ali, and they already did, so like...I’m good??? That’s all I really needed, I can die in peace now XD
Scene that lives in your head rent-free:
Basically any fluffy Elimetri scene, but 5 in particular: ~Miguel first meeting Eli and Demetri at the lunch table, and Eli looking at Demetri like he hung every goddamn star in the sky ~Demetri going off at a terrifying, “unhinged” karate sensei on the first day of Cobra Kai because he made fun of Eli’s lip and Demetri is not about that shit ~ELI STEALING DEMETRI’S NACHO AND SMIRKING AT HIM, LIKE EXCUSE ME SIR PLEASE BE A LITTLE LESS HOMOSEXUAL IN FRONT OF YOUR GIRLFRIEND ~Eli yanking Demetri onstage during Valley Fest to hold a board, and Demetri being visibly like...extremely turned on when Eli breaks said board ~ELI SAVING DEMETRI DURING THE CHRISTMAS FIGHT, ELI APOLOGIZING, DEMETRI AND ELI KICKING COBRA ASS TOGETHER AKSBDCUWYVCBU
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?
I hope not! He’s kind of a funny meme character to pop up now and again but I don’t think he deserves a serious plotline when there are so many more interesting characters to follow.
You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war. Which dojo do you join?
Miyagi-Do because Cobra Kai would eat me alive. Also I’d probably straight up get stuck and die in that cement mixer, if I even made it that far XD Besides, being salty that your friend who you have a crush on likes martial arts better than you and starting martial arts to impress them but also being too lazy to join anything TOO intense is a Big Mood and I am certainly not speaking from personal experience here, no sirree
What’s your training montage song?
"Shut Up and Drive” by Rihanna for a weight-training and bicep-flexing montage, “Whatever It Takes” by Imagine Dragons for a more intense punching-and-kicking-shit montage. I don’t know why this is, I just feel it in my heart.
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?
*Briefly panics because I don’t actually watch that much TV and most of the stuff I do watch is fantasy/sci fi shit that absolutely would not work for a CK crossover*
Hmmmm okay but ACTUALLY
You know what would be fucking funny as hell would be an It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia crossover. Allow me to elaborate: ~The Gang goes to LA on vacation during the height of the Karate Dojo Wars. They literally can get barely anything done without all these goddamn karate-fighting teenagers getting in the way. ~They are all very annoyed by this. Even the most obscure of tourist attractions is eventually intercepted by karate fights. ~Mac tries to join Cobra Kai because he sees all this karate fighting on, and wants to unquestionably prove both his badassery and masculinity. Both Johnny and Kreese are like “Wtf are you doing here? Aren’t you like 30?” ~Mac gets a planet-sized crush on Johnny after all of 5 minutes and endlessly gushes to the gang about him. The gang mercilessly roast him about this and about how much of a pathetic loser with his life together in no way whatsoever Johnny sounds like. They proceed to have exactly 0 self awareness about this. ~The Waitress is in town visiting family or something, and Charlie is stalking her, as per usual. However, every time he’s about to go up and talk to her, a pack of battling Miyagi-Dos and Cobra Kais throwing punches and kicks everywhere blocks his path. One times, Mac is among one of these packs and Charlie is like “???? He didn’t get kicked out of that teen karate dojo yet???” ~Seeing how much the Kids These Days seem to like fighting, Charlie drops by a local high school to try and sell Fight Milk to the kids doing karate. Only Kyler and Brucks buy into it, and subsequently get the entire West Valley High wrestling team sick. Charlie is inevitably arrested, as Counselor Blatt thinks he’s selling the kids drugs. ~Dennis makes a plan to have sex with every hot chick he can in Los Angeles. He meets Ali on a dating app post-divorce, and inevitably tries to bang her. It doesn’t work. ~Frank crashes the rental car, and inevitably the gang ends up at one of Daniel’s dealerships. Dee quickly takes a liking to Daniel and is like “Watch, assholes--Imma homewreck this guy’s marriage.” She starts frequenting the dealerships to attempt to flirt with Daniel, until one day she walks in on him having sex with Johnny in a back room and she’s like “Is that the guy from Mac’s goddamn dojo?!?!” ~Dennis, of course, tries to sleep with Amanda. Amanda is not having it, and rebukes him in the most snarky, Amanda-esque way possible. Dennis is just like “Oh not AGAIN--the women in this goddamn diva city have too high of standards!” ~Later on, the gang is at the beach and Dennis spots the blonde lady he went out on an ill-fate date with, and decides to give it another shot--that is, until he sees her go up and kiss another woman and he’s like “IS THAT THE LADY FROM THE CAR DEALERSHIP??? STUPID-KARATE-KICK-COMMERCIAL’S WIFE?!? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.” ~Dee complains to Dennis about her lack of luck getting laid, and Dennis is just like “Oh come ON, is everyone in Los Angeles gay???” Smash cut to Hawk and Demetri having sex, Moon and Piper making out, Bert and Nate holding hands, Chris and Mitch doing oral, and Amanda, Ali, and Carmen having a threesome. ~Frank tries to scam Kreese into buying cheaply-made karate equipment for his dojo. The gang ends up having to leave LA because Kreese is quite literally plotting all of their murders.
For tagging, uuuuhhhhhh @jackonthelongwalk @soe-leo @max-eagle-fang @cc-tinslebee @backawayfromthegay @asphodel-storm do the thing, if y’all haven’t yet!
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atlafan · 5 years ago
Take it Slow - Part Three
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry. (Fluff and slight smut? If you squint? )
Part One Part Two
You woke up at eight-thirty so you could shower and get yourself ready for the day. You blow dried your hair and threw some curls in at the ends. You put on some light makeup, and then rummaged through your closest for something cute, but casual to wear for brunch. You decide on a pair of light, high wasted jeans and a black shirt to tuck into them. You grab your white toms and slip them on. Five after ten Harry texts you letting you know he’s downstairs.
He’s standing outside his car. He has a beanie on over his gorgeous hair, a few curls peeking through. Today he has a white t-shirt on with dark blue jeans. He looked heavenly. You could see more of his tattoos peeking through the white fabric. In the light of day you could tell he really did have a lot. Eagerly, you wrap your arms around his neck to give him a hug and a peck on the cheek. He wraps his arms around your waist and gives you a squeeze before letting you go.
“G’morning.” He smiles.
“Morning.” He opens the door for you, closes it, and gets in himself. “So, where are we going for brunch?”
“It’s called Rick’s, it’s really good. I like it because it actually has things I can eat.” He laughs. He starts driving towards the restaurant.
“What can a vegan eat for breakfast? I still eat eggs and stuff.”
“Typically, I’ll go for some fruit, potatoes, maybe even a slice of toast. I also eat beans.”
“That sounds good.”
“On any given day though I usually just make a smoothie.”
“I usually do a smoothie too.”
You pull up to the restaurant. He opens your door for you. He’s such a gentleman. When you enter he takes his beanie off and shakes his hair out. Respectful of the establishment too. It’s a seat yourself kind of place, so you find a booth in the back, and sit down.
A waiter comes over and pours you both some coffee and water, and tells you he’ll be back. You both look over the menu. You agree to split a bowl of fruit. You opt for some oatmeal. You don’t like how greasy omelets tend to be at place likes this. Harry orders beans on gluten-free toast. Your food is brought out pretty quickly. You didn’t realize how hungry you were until you took your first bite of oatmeal.
“Mm, this is perfectly made.”
“Oh good, I’m glad.” He smiles taking a spoon full beans. “So…”
“After this I’ll take you to get your car. I’m sure you have things you need to do today, but I was wondering if you had plans tonight?”
“Just had a date with my TV, but I can cancel.” You laugh. “What did you have in mind?”
“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to come to my place. I’d like to cook for you.” Your jaw nearly drops.
“You cook?”
“Sure do. I worked in a bakery as a teenager back in the U.K.”
“Oh, cool. I’d love to do that. Can I bring anything?”
“Just yourself.” He winks.
“No really, I hate showing up empty handed.”
“How about you bring a dessert?”
“What can a vegan eat for dessert?”
“Dark chocolate, fruit?”
“I’ll think of something.”
You both continue to eat. He puts his beanie back on when you get outside. He drives you to your car at Pinz. He gets out to let you out.
“You don’t have to keep doing that.” You say, taking his hand to help you out.
“Sure I do, how would I get a proper hug goodbye in?” He says with a smirk on his face. He wraps his arms around you, and you reciprocate.
“Thank you again for breakfast.” You say into his ear, and give him a nice kiss on the cheek.
“You’re more than welcome.” He says looking at you. His lips press to yours, and you happily kiss him back. This time he breaks the kiss first. “Right, well we could be like this all day, so, um, I’ll see you tonight?”
“Yup, what time?” You ask getting into your car.
“Works for me.”
You stop by the store on your way home. You grab some melting chocolate and some strawberries. When you get home you melt the chocolate and dip the strawberries in it, and pop them in the freezer. You also grabbed some red wine that would taste good with such a dessert. You take the remainder of the day to tidy up, work on some emails, and catch up on a TV show you were desperate to watch on Netflix.
Around five-thirty, you go into your room to look for something to wear. You wanted to look nice, so you decide on a dress. You pull out your navy blue dress that had the buttons down the front. The straps were thick, and it flowed around you down to the midpoint of your thighs. You put on a jean jacket, and slipped your white toms on. Harry texted you his address, and out the door you went with your dessert and wine.
You got to his place promptly at seven. He buzzed you in, and up you went. The door was opened a crack for you. You walked in and closed it behind you.
“Over here, love.”
He had his back turned to you, as he was just straining some pasta in the sink. He had an apron tied around his waist. He had put a long sleeve button down shirt on, it was blue, not navy though, baby blue. He changed into an unripped pair of black jeans. When he turns around to look at you he rushes over to kiss you on the cheek and take the items out of your full arms.
“That can go in the freezer.” You say pointing to the strawberries. You take your jacket off, and scan his studio apartment.
He had it set up perfectly. The bed was at one end, up against the wall, but still room for someone to walk on both sides of it. In front of the bed was a couch, and in front of that was a coffee table, and a TV mounted to the wall. He had a bureau adjacent to the bed. There was a full bath down a hall way. Opposite the bedroom/living area was a pretty decent sized kitchen. He had a small cart that he used as an island. There was a table that fit four chairs around it. He had camera bags and a giant iMac and desk in the corner next to his bed. He clearly worked at home quite a bit.
“Harry, your place is lovely.” You say walking over to him.
“Thank you. You look beautiful by the way.” You kiss him on the cheek.
“So, what’s for dinner?”
“I made black bean pasta, and roasted some vegetables. I’m just making up the plates now.”
“It smells delicious.”
“Please, have a seat. I can open this wine up.”
“The wine will taste better with dessert.” You say sitting down at the table. He had lit two candles and you feel yourself melt a little. He’s romantic.
“Alright, I have some other wine that will go with this particular dish anyways.”
He brings a plate over to you. You notice he had drizzled some olive oil on top. It looked like something someone could get at a restaurant. He sits down adjacent to you, instead of across, much more intimate.
“This looks amazing, Harry, thank you.”
“Of course, I was happy to do it.” He takes out his phone, and you see him go into the Spotify app. He puts on some light music. You smile at him as you take a bite. You can’t help but moan at how delicious the food it.
“This is delicious!”
“I’m so glad you like it. Sometimes that pasta can be bland.” You love the way he says pasta. It sounds so different from the way you say it.
“S’not bland at all. Lots of flavor. And I love what you put on these veggies. Is that paprika?”
“Yes, and a little chili powder. I didn’t want to use too much because I didn’t know if you liked hot food.”
“Love it, I love spicy food. Hot wings used to be my favorite thing when I used to eat meat. Now I do buffalo cauliflower.”
“You make it yourself?”
“I’d love to try that sometime.”
“Maybe next weekend I could make it for you.”
“You’d make me wait an entire week?” He asks playfully, shoveling some food into his mouth.
“Wednesday is usually my rest day from the gym, if that works for you.”
“Wednesday it is.” He smiles.
You couldn’t believe how often he already wanted to see you. Your second and third date, now technically fourth, were back to back. It was nice to feel wanted for a change. After you two finish eating, Harry insisted he didn’t want you to help clean up, but you insisted you did because he cooked. You decided on you wash, him dry.
“Care to have dessert over by the sofa?”
You pad over to the couch, and sit down, crossing your legs at the ankle. You hear Harry pop the cork to the wine you brought. You watch as he takes the chocolate covered strawberries, and puts them on a serving plate. He brings two glasses, the wine, and the dessert over. He pours you each a glass of wine.
“Did you make these?” He asks, pointing to the strawberries.
“Sure did.” You take a sip of the sweet wine. “Here.” You pick one up and hold it in front of his mouth. You expect him to take it from you, but instead he just takes a bite. You feel goosebumps raise on your body. He licks his lips after and takes a sip of the wine.
“You were right, this wine is perfect for dessert. That’s a juicy strawberry.” He picks one up and smiles at you, gesturing for you to do the same as him. You nervously lean forward and take a small bite. The chocolate shell cracks off, and falls onto your dress.
“Oh, shit.” You pick it off and place it onto the napkins on the coffee table. “I guess I could’ve done that more gracefully.” You laugh.
“It’s easier if you bite up here.” He shows you where, eating the rest of the strawberry you just bit into. “Here, try again.” He holds up another for you, and you bite where he showed you, this time not making a mess. “Perfectly executed.” You both laugh.
You guzzle down two glasses of wine like it’s nothing. He does the same, but seems less intoxicated than you. The majority of the strawberries have been eaten. You can’t help but stare at the tattoo on his wrist. It’s an anchor, you reach of his hand and trace over it with your index finger.
“Can I look at the others? The ones on your arms?”
“Sure.” He shrugs his shoulders, stands up, and unbuttons his shirt. He reveals a white t-shirt, and places his button down on the bed. He sits back down and lets you examine him. “Some of them have meaning, and others were just for fun. Do you have any?”
“Oh, god no. Something Niall and I have in common, we’re afraid of needles.” You laugh.
“But your belly button is pierced.” He says raising an eyebrow at you. Your cheeks flush. “Sorry, I noticed it last night while we were playing one of the games.” He smiles nervously.
“It’s alright. Sometimes I forget it’s even there. I got it my first year at college. I got drunk with my friends, and I felt like rebelling against my parents, so I got the one piercing my mom told me I couldn’t have.”
“You’d think she would have told you not to get your nipples done or something.” He takes a sip of wine. Your eyes grow wide. “Sorry, does the word nipple bother you?” You feel your cheeks grow hot.
“Um, no. I just…” You look down at yourself. His eyes grow wide and his mouth falls open.
“Wait a second, so you won’t get a tattoo, but you’re telling me that not only do you have your naval pierced, but your nipples as well?”
“Okay, I need to hear this story.”
“It was my junior year of college, and all of my friends and I got them done together. I was afraid, I knew it would hurt way more than this.” You point to your stomach. “So we did a bunch of shots and went down to the parlor. The second one hurt worse since I knew what to expect after the first one.”
“Why was that something your friends all wanted to do?”
“Because not everyone was willing to get a tattoo. I think it was the permanence. Piercings can always be taken out. It was sort of childish. I couldn’t wear a bra for over a week, which is not easy to do when you’re, well, chesty, and they burned so bad. They weren’t infected or anything, it was just like this weird sting. Eventually I got used to it, and now I barely remember they’re there.” You laugh, pouring yourself a third glass of wine. You figure you can always uber home if you need to. You top off Harry’s glass. “Don’t tell Niall though, he only knows about the naval.”
“I promise you, I will not mention your nipples to him.” You both laugh. He scoots a little closer to you. “Anything else on your body you’d like to tell me about?”
“Nope, I think that’s it.”
You’re feeling bold, and want him even closer to you. You put your hand on his forearm and rub it lightly back and forth. He takes his other hand and tucks some hair behind your hair.
“Come here.” He says, gesturing to have you scoot closer. He puts his hand on your lower back, and you press your hands to chest. Similar to how you were last night at your place.
He leans in, brushing his nose with yours. You kiss him first, and he pulls you in closer. He leans back against the arm of the couch, and your crawl into his lap, putting your legs on either side of him. You finally part your lips for him. He’s slow at first, sliding his tongue along your bottom lip. You let out a small moan at the motion. His tongue enters your mouth, and you lightly suck on it, causing him to moan into you. You feel him twitch beneath you. You’re practically hovering over him, but you still feel him shift. His hands move up your back, and pull you closer to his chest. Your hands go straight for his hair as he begins to plaster kisses to your jaw, and then to just under your earlobe. He nips and sucks at the skin.
“Oh, Jesus.” You whisper.
“Wrong name, love.” He says into your ear, nibbling on your earlobe.
You moan and press your hips down on to him. Not exactly grinding, but there’s no space between you anymore. Your hands tug at his hair as he bites down on the crook up your neck. It was sure to leave a bruise, but right now you didn’t care. Nothing some makeup up and a high enough shirt couldn’t cover up. He lifts his hips to press into you, and you roll on top of him. The vibration of his moan against your neck runs through your whole body. It makes your mind wander to where else his hot breath, nipping, and sucking would feel good. Your eyes burst open. You can’t think like that, not yet.
“Harry.” It comes out as a whimper, so keeps sucking on your neck, getting a good taste of you. You push back on his chest and grab his face in your hands. His pupils are fully blown, you imagine yours are as well. “I like what we’re doing, but our clothes have to stay on, all of them, okay?”
“Of course. Taking your dress off never even crossed my mind.” He smirks at you.
“Sure it didn’t.” You roll your eyes.
“In all seriousness, I want you to feel comfortable, so if I overstep, please don’t be afraid to tell me, okay? We can stop altogether now if you want.”
“I definitely don’t want that.” You kiss him quick. “I’m just not ready to, um…”
“You don’t have to explain yourself.” He smiles. “I’m happy to just make out.”
Your shoulders lower in relief. You kiss him again, this time sticking your tongue in his mouth. They mold together perfectly. You can taste the chocolate and the wine, and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t delectable. You could really smell his cologne too, it was intoxicating. You just wanted to berry your face in him. One of his hands slides down to the top of your ass, and gives it gentle squeeze. You lift up a little so he can get a better grip on you. He puts his other hand on your cheek, and laces his fingers in your hair. You moan into his mouth as he starts to suck on your tongue.
You desperately wish you could squeeze your legs together to relieve the pressure that’s been building. You’re certain your panties are soaked at this point. He’s so hard for you, and you want to grind against him to help him relieve his pressure, but you don’t. You know if you start this, you’ll need to finish it. He took a break from your mouth and kissed down to the top of your chest. You knew your skin had to be pink from the alcohol alone. You move to kiss down his neck. You wanted to nip and suck on him the way he did you.
“Oh, fuck.” He says breathless the minute your teeth pinch down on him. He pulls you as close as he possibly can to him. Desperate to feel your breasts against his chest. You start to roll your hips on him, moving back and forth. Your body needs the friction. He grabs your waist to halt your motions. You stop to look at him. His chest is heaving. “If you keep doing this, I’m going to come in my trousers, and I’d rather not make things awkward between us.” He gives you a half smile. You start giggling and rest your forehead on his shoulder. He giggles along with you.
“Guess we should probably cool it for the night then, yeah?”
“I guess that would be the smart choice. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, but this couch has a pull out if you’d like to stay. I don’t want to send you in an uber home alone at this time of night, and I’m in no condition to drive.” What time is it anyways?
“That’s awfully sweet, but I’d rather go home. I don’t have a toothbrush or anything here.” You smile. “I know who I can call.”
You get off of Harry, careful not ogle at the strain in his pants. You find your phone and call Niall.
“He said he can be here in about fifteen minutes.”
“Sounds good.”
You help Harry clean up the dessert and wine glasses. He gives you some water, and you guzzle it down. You two start to kiss again, slowly but with need, when you’re interrupted by a knock at the door.
“That’ll be him.” Harry says. “Use your key, mate!” Niall keys in. You think it’s cute he has a key to his friend’s apartment. Even Niall doesn’t have a key to your place.
“Oi, lad, what did ya do to my friend? Get her so drunk she couldn’t get home?”
“Everything I did was from my own doing.” You slur, putting your jacket on. “Um, I guess I’ll have to come by tomorrow to get my car. I can just uber for that.”
“I can bring ya by here, (y/n).” Niall says. “Harry and I have plans tomorrow anyways.”
“Perfect.” You and Harry smile at each other. He puts his hands in his pockets and gives Niall a look.
“I’ll go wait in the hall so you two can say g’night.”
You pad over to Harry and give me a deep kiss. Something for him to think about. He gives you a light tap on your bottom.
“I had a great time tonight, thank you for dinner.”
“Thank you for the amazing dessert.” He bites his bottom lip. “Good night.”
“Night.” You blow a kiss at him as you leave.
Thank god Niall was home, and sober. There’s no way you would’ve been able to get home tonight.
“So, I take it you had a nice night?” He asks, as he peels out of the parking lot.
“Mhm, he’s the best.”
“I’m proud of you.”
“For what?”
“For sticking to your not moving too fast thing. Not many women can resist Harry.”
“Trust me, it’s not easy. I gladly would’ve fucked him tonight, but I know it would’ve been too soon.”
“You can do other stuff y’know? He’s a giver, you wouldn’t even have to actually have sex with him.”
“What do you mean he’s a giver?”
Niall holds a hand up and separates two fingers under his chin and makes a licking motion. You scoff and nudge his arm.
“You’re fowl.”
“I’m telling you. I’m sure some heavy petting would be okay to start. You don’t need to hop right on his dick. But you also don’t need to punish yourself.”
“That’s true, and I know I don’t. We’re seeing each other again Wednesday. I’ll see how I feel then.”
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shakespeareismydad · 4 years ago
My thought process as I watch season 7 of GoT
-Can Cersei please shut up god, I’m so tired of listening to her talk
-Qyburn can suck a dick
-i have never hated a character more in my life
-this is painful to watch
-oh no not the ince*t, god anything but that, I’m so over it 
-no one cares if you're the queen stop fucking your brother 
-i would love to see cersei burned by a dragon 
-brooding buddies ahaha
-this scene is so pretty, the way his cloak blows in the wind is *chefs kiss* 
-tyrion and jon interacting makes me happy 
-“are you trying to present you're own statements as wise wisdom” PleaSe 
-don’t make me think about robb and rickon PleaSe
-fucking lord baelish ugh
-sansa and her quick fire wit
-there are some chars i cant stand listening to 
-ooh is it arya, please i hope it is, 
-its bran instead oop, didn’t expect that,, hug it OUT 
-bran is so pretty wow
-this is so sweet, the way the snow enhances her hair is *chefs kiss*
-oh no is Sam gonna be in trouble for helping jorah 
-this is nice
-i hope sam doesnt get kicked out of the cidatal 
-ive heard so much about Casterly Rock and this is the first time I’m seeing it and tbh the hype wasn’t worth it 
-pointy stick go stabby stabby 
-canny hack it, am not enjoying this
-for fuck sake the lannisters are at highgarden and for why
-I still don’t know if i like Jamie Lannister or not
-they aren’t gonna kill ornella, i hope not
-they really think they're gonna win how embarrassing 
-she really just drank the wine
-the fact that jamie is jofferys dad still grosses me out
-pretty op scene 
-Tom Hopper in game of thrones whaattttt
-Oh my god, every time i see cersei i wanna take my eyeballs out
-i don’t trust baelish with bran
-i don’t trust baelish period. 
-imagine giving a kid a dagger that almost killed him i-
-i don’t want meera to leave
--alot of people died for bran ouch 
-wait bran died, hol up, does that hes ACTUALLY the three eyed raven this time 
-they better let arya in 
-Arya gone ahah
-sansa and arya moment, reunited at last
-this moment is kinda sad tbh
-this is so wholesome 
-its sad again, i wish robb and rickon were here too
-”its wasted on a cripple” i bby noo
-brans wheelchair is so nifty
-i love podrick payne
-okay but theyre outfits are kinda bomb
-thats a lot of fucking dragonglass
-secret cave what will it hold
-the children and the first men are smart 
-yess queen fight with them, wait bend the knee i- nevermind
-ion like this, does she really think he’ll bend the knee and the north folk will be happy
-what now
-oh no shes angry and doubting tyrion that cant be good 
-jon is so pretty 
-Daenerys’ shoulder broche thing is so cool, i want one
-brianne and pod training together is so nice
-im so proud of arya, what a bad bitch 
-seeing arya ad brianne train has me shook 
-”I’m a Bastard” me too jon me too
-uh-oh jon doesn't look happy to see theon
-are they gonna hug
-NO THEY ARENT FINNA HUG, pleas no fighting
-im glad he isnt killing theon
-the queen is gone?! Miss thing where did she go
-i can't get over the fact that tom hopper is in game of Thrones
-Fuck the queen especially Cersei
-its gone all quiet that means something bad is gonna happen oh no
-this shit gives me anxiety
-thats a lot of dothraki
-"we can hold them off" my guy no you cant
-she brought her dragon good luck holding them off now pahahah
-is this where jamie dies, I wouldn't be mad :|
-miss thing its over for them
-everything is going up in flames i- why are they still fight back at this point
-if ser bronn dies I'm gonna be mad
-sliced off the horse leg and for what
-deadass though if bronn dies I'm done
-i have so much anxiety oh no
-thats a big fucking arrow
-tyrion looks so sad oh no
-jamie is gonna die if he does boost soon
-I dont want the Dragons to get hurt ahhh
-i love bronn but king this ain't it
-he blew the arrow thing up instead
-jamie leave youre going to die
-mayhe I don't want him to die just yet but he should listen to tyrion and fuck off
-ser bronn to the rescue?!?!
-im so stressed out ahaha
-canny hack it they almost drowned
-jamie 'the twat' lennister
-tyrion walking through the aftermath makes me uncomfy, feels bad man
-dragon said rawr
-what the fuck kinda option is bend the knee or die
-tyrion murdered his dad and he'll do it again
-Just bend the knee it literally cant be that hard
-is she gonna feed them to the dragons
-oh my God she is, wait shes gonna roast them, that's definitely far worse than bending the knee
-ashes to ashes ig
-Cersei should be worried, Dani has three dragons why do they think they can win
-cersei gives me a headache
-jon is so pretty and for what
-mister dragon needs to chill
-is he gonna eat jon
-oh hes letting jon pet him alrightie
-it's kinda creepy seeing it up close ngl
-"gorgeous beast" PleaSe
-figure of speech yeah sure right mhmm
-didnt you want jorah dead like three seconds ago
-i fucking hate those ravens
-thats a big mountain
-thats a lot of dead folks oofdt
-oh sam
-hes a smart wee lad
-i hope they listen to sam, hes making very good point
-some of these measter are dickhead
-im so tired of bending this fucking knee
-what the fuck is a wet nurse
-how are you gonna bring a wight to the capital
-this is whisky business
-trusting a stranger is never a good idea but okay I guess
-the minute jon leave everyone starts shitting on him, what arseholes
-sansa is so pretty
-im so confused what is happening
- Ion like this
-oh no is jamie gonna kill tyrion
-not tyrion making jokes as if he isnt gonna die
-wheres gendry i miss him
-look at my mans I love him
-he looks so good,, look at him king shit
-pop off gendry with your big hammer thing,, I was not expecting that
-not miss thing tryna get bronn killed for betrayal i- 🤚🏾hold up
-IS SHE PREGNANT AGAIN OG MY FUCKING GOd,, shes really ginns have another ince*t baby i 💀,, cut the fkn camera
-gendry you had one job
-"youre alot leaner,, you're alot shorter" I king PleaSe pahahaha
-tyrion is so pretty
-jon you need to return cause like, I dont want you to die
-wait is sam leaving,, bye big library
-what is lord baelish up too now,, I'm sus
-only copy of what,, what is he doing
-is arya finna break into his room
-i dont like this,, he probably has whatever arya is looking for on him
-he hid it in the mattress that smart ngl
-what is lord baelish plotting,, it's making me unsettled
-"you need to convince the one with the dragons or the one with that fucks her brother" paahahah I cant pLease that's so fuunny
-tormund and jorah fight let's go
-"were all breathing" I mean ya I guess pahaha
-gendry is so pretty
-they look so tiny against the snow
-"down south the air smells like pig shit" "you've never been down south" "I've been to winterfell" "that's the north" "pfftt" I love that whole interaction
-does tormund wanna fuck gendry i- pahahah
-hes allowed to be mad at you for selling him
-jorah and jon are having a moment bless them
-arya reminiscing about her dad is so cute and it makes me sad
-oh no they're arguing
-"beloved Joffrey" ouch
-we were getting along so well,, and lord baelish had fucked it up
-"gingers are beautiful" yes they are my guy yes they fucking are
-dws tomund what dick is 🤚🏾🤠
-uh babies tormund chill out
-the way Jon's jacket coat thing puffs out is so funny
-i really hope Jon's not in love with Dani
-cersei wants to murder alot of people
-wait why cant dani have children
-they looks like ants in the snow
-is that a polar bear,, NOT A POLAR BEAR I REPAET NOT A POLAR BEAR
-mans is gonna get eaten alive
-hes gonna die out here and he doesn't even care,, or maybe he wont die i ??????
-where did they get a flaming sword from
-lord baelish needs to stfu
-what is baelish planning
-its gone all quiet again
-jon said slice and dice
-that a loud fucking screech,, oh no I hear rumbling that cant be good
-go gendry go!!
-theyre running across a lake what if the ice breaks,,
-gendry is a fast little fuck huh
-im so stressed I dont want anyone else to die,, especially gendry
-theyre gonna freeze to death
-oh no thros froze, feels bad man
-where did he get a flaming sword,, it pretty poggers
-ive got anxiety
-not sansa going back to king's landing
-miss thing, honey, sansa it's never safe
-yall Danis coat is so pretty
-how to train your dragons type beat
-well done hound you've provoked the dead
-wheres dani and her dragons when you need her
-if tormund dies,, oh nooooo
-someone should help him
-this is so sad
-sis came through what a queen
-the king Walker is gonna throw the ice spear and kill the dragon oh naw
-the stress is coming back
-he just killed on of her dragons,, I'm so shook
-jons gonna drown
-okai hes still alive but how long still he freezes to death
-miss thing you're literally gonna freeze to death dont try to fight
-seeing uncle benjen die, saving him,, that hurted
-the CRUNCH of Jon's coat oft
-shes not gonna kill sansa right?!?
-arya gave her the dagger but now what?!?
S07E07 (this should be good)
-bronn I'm offend men with dicks are just as good with men without them
-the dothraki really just fight for fun huh
-not the brothels 🤚🏾🥴
-the wight doesn't enjoy that box
-cersei you wont be killing anyone,, miss thing needs to SIT DOWN AND STFU
-god I don't wanna deal with any lennister,, apart from tyrion
-i love podrick
-maybe I dont like ser bronn
-im sus,, something bad might happen,, its gone all quiet
-here comes miss thing and euron
-im gonna be sick with anxiety
-does everyone just have a permanent from on their faces or what
-i hate when she speaks
-dragons as a means of travel is so handy
-ats a big fucking dragon pahaha
-constant state of stress
-euron shut the fuck up
-euron is gonna get punched in the face if he doesn't shut up
-sit down euron or fuck off
-cersei shut up for two seconds
-does whe really think the army of the dead is a bad joke,, MISS THING COME ONNN
-does miss thing believe them now after almost being attacked by a wight
-100,000 AT LEAST oh no
-euron is scared lol hes definitely gonna die
-"until the dead is defeated they are our true enemy" Miss thing we've been trying to tell you
-oop mans already been pledged and miss Cersei is pissed
-honestly fuck the Lannisters
-everyone is pissed at jon for not lying lol
-tyrion don't talk to cersei,, that's a bad idea just waiting to happen
-oh lord am stressed
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xoluvx · 6 years ago
Instagram Live [T.H. x Reader]
Tumblr media
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom doesn’t realize he never ended his Instagram live. He’s in deep trouble now.
Warning: Swearing, SMUT & some cringe
Word Count: 1.9K
I was totally not expecting the amount of likes on my previous Tom piece. These waves of wanting to write come in just that, waves. I’m on a roll right now - so thank you so much for the love and support on my first piece. Enjoy!
“I totally have to record this, hold on.” Tom screeched reaching for his phone buried deep in his sweatpants. Zendaya rolled her eyes, hands still on the pot resting on the stove. The pasta currently crisp. 
You laughed at the goofiness that was your boyfriend, Tom and your best friend, Zendaya. “Wait, y/n, is the live on?” he asked moving to your side flashing the screen at your face. Thankfully it wasn’t in selfie mode.
Instantly you noticed the hearts, the emojis and the words of excitement on the screen. It was definitely on. You let out a small laugh, nodding your head, confirming. He placed the phone up pointing towards Zendaya who was currently trying to dump the contents of the pot. 
“Guys, she does not know how cook. She almost burned down my apartment,” Tom announced letting a few small laughs escape his lips. Placing the pot back on the stove, Zendaya flashed her middle finger towards the phone hiding her face. “I hate you,” she mumbled under breath. 
Tom touched the button on the screen turning it into selfie mode. He smiled into the camera, tears forming in his eyes from watching his friend trying to cook. “I’m scared. She says she’s going to try again.” He said diverting his eyes from the screen to look at Zendaya who was glaring at him filling up a new pot with water. “Z, maybe let me cook.” He said moving towards where she was standing. 
“Stop!” she said causing you to let out a small laugh. She turned to you with pleading eyes. In a tell him to stop look. You shrugged your shoulders. “Don’t get me involved,” you said leaning against counter out the camera’s view. 
Tom looked down at the comments being posted:
aw y/n is there?
friend goals
“Yes, y/n is here.” He said looking at the phone screen smiling while reading the comments, but refraining from showing you to his audience. He knew you weren’t too comfortable being in the public eye and he respected that. 
“Oh guys, I have something to show you. I completely forgot about it.” He said as you watched him disappear into the hallway. You turned to Zendaya giving her a questioning look. She shrugged and rolled her eyes. 
“Probably going in there to spoil something,” she muttered walking to the fridge. You let out a small giggle enjoying the presence of your best friend. “Need help?” you asked walking towards her.
“Sure,” she said handing you some ingredients to chop. 
It’d been at least 5 minutes and Tom was still not back. You turned towards Zendaya, “I’m going to go check on him. I’ll be back,” you were about to walk off when you remembered something. “Oh, by the way, Haz is coming over any minute now, so can you open the door for him if we’re not back?” She nodded her head and you thanked her by quickly wrapping your arms around her torso before disappearing from the kitchen.
You could hear Tom’s voice as you approached his room. The door was cracked open. Not bothering to knock, you peeked your head in and looked at Tom currently laying in bed still talking to the phone. He quickly looked at you and turned back to the phone. 
After quietly shutting the door behind you, you sat at the end of the bed listening to his boyish voice speak into the phone answering questions and socializing with his fans. You bite your lip. Watching him filled with so much passion turned you on.
You pouted your lips sending him a small kiss. He noticed the action and tried to play off the obvious smile on his face by reading a sweet comment from a fan. You tried to hold in your giggles bringing yourself closer to his body. 
You laid on the bed, cheek resting on the palm of your hand. You weren’t face to face, you were laying right below the view of the phone next to him. You placed your hand on his thigh to which he flinched. He was currently answering a question about his favorite song at the moment. 
You let your fingers run to his knee and back up his thigh. You saw him shift his weight. Smirking, you let your hand linger to his covered crotch. Teasingly running your hand up and down with little force. Tom’s voice pitched and you bit your lip trying not to laugh finally looking at his face. 
A layer of sweat on his forehead had formed on his forehead and there was a very apparent flush on his face. You saw him put his hand up with his famous peace sign. “Love you, guys. Great questions, I had fun but I should make sure Zendaya doesn’t burn down my kitchen.” He signed off his boyish laugh and placed the phone face down on his nightstand. 
His eyes instantly founds yours. “What?” you asked innocently sitting on your knees. He sat up pulling you onto his lap. “You are bad,” he said into your ear biting the soft skin of your earlobe. You let out a small moan looking at him, hands on his shoulders. “Only for you,” you said trying to sound seductive.
Tom let out a small laugh and gripped your ass forcing you to grind against his hard member. “Did I do that?” you ask biting your lip keeping up the pace. “Fuck-” Tom murmured flipping you over so he was on top. His hands slide up your very short t-shirt dress, fingers brushing against your covered core. “Tom, stop Zendaya is in the kitchen.” You say closing your eyes. 
“Quickie?” He asked leaving wet kisses on your neck. You tugged at the waistband of his sweats urging him to take them off. He smiled at the acceptance of his request and removed his sweats and boxers. He pulled his shirt over his over his head, force of habit. You lifted your dress up to reveal your underwear. 
Tom slid the underwear down your legs, positioning himself in your entrance. Your hands went for his hair, tugging at his roots anticipating the familiar and enjoyable feeling. 
Holding on to his member, Tom teased your clit eliciting a small moan. “Please, hurry.” You say bringing your hips closer to him. With little warning Tom slid into you filling you up in one swift movement. “Oh fuck-” you say letting your head fall deeper into the pillows. Fingers tangled in his hair. 
You felt Tom start to move holding your hips steadily. “Faster,” you demanded bringing Tom’s face down to crash onto your lips. One of your hands travelled down his back as the kiss deepen and his thrusts quickened. Tom groaned feeling you clench. 
“Fuck- do that again,” he said letting go of your hips and pulling your thighs to the side of his hips, bringing you closer if that was possible. You clenched again receiving another groan from Tom. 
Zendaya was standing in the kitchen with Haz, who had arrived a minute ago. She quickly put him to work asking to finish chopping the ingredients you left half chopped. “Where’s Tom?” Haz asked working the knife life a pro. 
“He went to his room. Instagram live. Y/n went up to get him but it’s been-” she looked at her watch, “10 minutes.” She scoffed shaking her head. 
“Oh they’re definitely fucking,” Haz calmly said causing Zendaya to let out a laugh. “Yeah probably, thankfully you’re here to keep my company now.” She said working on the recipe she’d found online. 
“He probably finished the live the second she walked in the room,” he said. Zendaya was washing her hands nodding. She dried her hands with the white towel resting on the counter near her phone. “Let’s see what he was even going on about. Probably talking shit after roasting me for my cooking skills,” she rolled her eyes resting her body against the counter, Haz joining her side. 
Zendaya pulled up Instagram. She found Tom’s icon on the top of her screen, the colorful ring around his photo indicating he’d posted on his story. She tapped on the photo and was instantly bombarded with a dark screen, eggplant emojis, and moans. Haz’s face turned red as he looked at Zendaya. “Oh shit,” he said. 
“Fuck...” Zendaya said, the moans filling up the kitchen. 
“How long has it been going on for?” Haz asked tapping on the phone to rewind the live video. They heard the whole thing. Zendaya’s hand slightly shaking, Haz’s eyes wide. They stood in that position from beginning to present. 
“Oh my god, are we bad friends for watching this instead of going in there to stop it?” she asked looking at Haz. Haz laughed, hand resting on the side of his neck. “It’s kinda hot,” he said regretting it instantly. He felt Zendaya shove his body.
“I didn’t think they were this freaky,” Zendaya said with brows furrowed as she heard you moan Tom’s name. “Yeah we should probably stop them.” Haz said hand ready to turn off the live video. But suddenly they heard “I’m going - gonna- cum” in a tone they’re never heard you speak in before. 
Haz face once again turned bright red as Zendaya moved his hand from her phone. “Maybe let’s just let them finish,” she said shrugging her shoulders. 
You felt Tom hit all the right places causing your eyes to shut close, bottom lip bruised from biting on it. “I’m going - gonna- cum”, you moaned feeling Tom deep inside you. With every thrust, you felt him hit your g-spot, pelvis rubbing against your clit. 
“Yes baby- come for me,” Tom groaned gripping your shoulders bodies merging into one. He bit your shoulder, which was still covered by your t-shirt dress. You might as well had taken it off, as it was not pushed above chest, breast hanging from your bra. 
“Nooo, you cum first,” you whined hands wrapped around his neck pulling him closer into the nook of your neck. 
His groans were muffled, his face pressed against your neck. “Come on baby,” you pleaded digging your fingers into his back. It didn’t take much for Tom to speed his movements, skin slapping, moans escaping both your lips. 
“I’m almost there-” he mumbled pressing his lips to your cheek. 
Stars and colors flashed behind your lids. You reached your high as you felt Tom’s thrusts starting to slow. His cock twitching inside you, throbbing, pumping. He’d came. You let yourself unravel under him, your hips bucking, walls clenching. 
You barely had the chance to gather your thoughts, let alone for Tom to pull out, when the door swung open a panicked Zendaya and Haz reaching for Tom’s phone. Haz held on to the phone as Zendaya ended the live.
“What the fuck?” Tom asked pulling the grey blanket resting on his bed over your bodies. “What are you-” he was cut off by Zendaya.
“You guys just fucked on Instagram live!!” she said tossing Tom’s phone near your bodies. Tom’s eyes widen, his mouth falling open. He reached for his phone going into Instagram. “How do I delete it?” he asked panicked fumbling with his phone. 
“The damage is done buddy,” Zendaya exclaimed folding her arms, Haz nodding his head behind her. “You’re fucked, mate.” he said.
Tom turned to look at you, face buried deep in your hands. 
The awkward silence was broken by the sound of Tom’s ringtone. He shut his eyes, slapping his forehead. Showing the screen to the trio. 
It was his publicist. He was in deep shit.
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drowninginblox · 4 years ago
Thrown into it
Part: 1,2,3,4,5, 6
Part 7- Congrats! You’re living with the protagonist!
We parked in front of a concrete wall, a green sign of characters being the only thing contrasting its pale grey color. A sudden urge of pain makes its way up my spine and to my head, making me grab my hair and inhale sharply. “Hey? Kid you okay?” I hear Mic ask. My eyes water, making me blink a few times. “Y/n? Do we need to go back to the hospital?” Nezu questions. Is that concern I hear? I open my eyes. The head splitting pain fades as I look up at Nezu. “No..no I’m fine..” Where did that come from? Woods turns back in his seat. “Are you sure?” I looked to him only to see something was different. “T-that.. The sign!” I pointed to the green sign in front of us. It was perfect english. “I-I-”
“Yeah.. parking for thirty minutes. So what?” Snipe questioned. “I-I-I couldn’t read that a moment ago..” Nezu observes me while Snipes brings up something I didn't even notice before. “But you speak perfect Japanese.” My eyes widen. “Wait what?” I questioned. Was it just me or was the world spinning a bit? Snipe laughs whole heartedly while Woods stares at Nezu with a look that screams ‘Are they fucking serious?’
Mic keeps himself composed as he lowers his shades. “What do you think we were speaking? English?” I inhale. What is this tom-fuckery? “Call me crazy, but.. yeah..?” 
The group glances at each other. Snipe and Woods just plain confused while Nezu and Mic seemed to be talking telepathically. “Look I know it sounds stupid but. It’s just true. I know better than to lie to heroes.” Mic glances back at me and speaks in something that sounds like gibberish. “Scus?” I mumble just before the pain I felt when I glanced at the sign returns. A groan comes out of my mouth as I hold my head in my hands. My eyes screw shut from the pain. I feel someone touch my shoulder but I shake them away at the pain. “What the fuck..?” 
“Y/n? Y/n?” I hear Mic ask. First calm, but by the second time more concerned than anything. “Screw it, we need to take em back to the hospital.” I hear Woods groan. “N-no! I-I’m fine.” I gasp. The pain gives way to a newfound lightheadedness. Everything feels a bit fuzzy for a few moments, but with every blink my body returns to normality. I exhale. “I..- I- I’m fine. I’m sorry.. I- I don't know what came over me..” I mumble over myself. “Y/n? Do you understand me?” Mic asks slowly. I hum and nod. “Mind telling me what happened?” I blink away a sudden feeling of tiredness to attempt to explain. “You said.. Something in alien speak, my head started to hurt, and then it disappeared as soon as it came..” Mic nods silently. “Do you know what language we are speaking in now?” He looks over his shades to me. “Japanese..? Like before? Even though it sounds english?” Mic looks over to Nezu. “She thinks we’re speaking Japanese still.” Nezu puts a paw under his enormous, triangular head. “Interesting..” Woods turns back in his seat quickly. “I haven’t seen a quirk like this before! I mean- I’ve seen hyper intelligence- but it takes people like that at least a hour to know a language front to back..” Nezu chuckles while shaking his head. “There has to be drawbacks to this quirk.” Snipe comments. “If not then that thing is damn powerful. Imagine the uses.. Infiltration and undercover work would be easy.” Mic punches Snipe’s shoulder with a look of disgust. “That is a child! The hell is wrong with you!” Mic yells seriously. The older of the two yelps from his seat while waving his arms around. Damn the roles have reversed. “What! I’m just saying! And besides, I’m not saying we should actually do it! That's twisted!”  I try to hold back a smile but Nezu notices me. Mission failed, we’ll get em next time. “Anything funny about this situation?” He prompts. “Your staff is full of brilliant idiots.” I admit lightly. “Absolute, bloody, brilliant, idiots. And god do I love them.”
The once arguing trio turns to me with a shocked look. “Hey you can understand us?!” Woods, Mic, and Snipes yell defensively, making me laugh even harder. Nezu glances between all of us with a smile. He probably would have let this go on. “We better hurry or else the Midorya’s will be concerned.” He prompts. We all take a moment to look at each other before following Nezu’s request. I tried to keep it cool but that kind of backfired when I saw the apartment complex that Izuku and Inko lived in. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes. I’m actually going to be living with the main character. I must be a Mary sue. Someone pinch me. I might just make the world implode with a sneeze. “Ey little listener!” Mic called from the front gates. “Are you just gonna let the world pass you by all the time or are you gonna move?” His tone gave off a subtle hint of annoyance but he was patient all the same with me. “S-Sorry! Just.. Never seen a building this tall before y'know?” Okay so that was a lie, but he seemed to believe it. “You from the country or something?” I nod nervously and walk to the group. “You could say that.” He hums along with my response. Soon enough we meet up with the group. 
“Snipe, Mr. Woods? Do you mind giving myself, Y/n, and Present Mic a moment please?” Woods crosses his arms as if he was about to say something but Snipes beats him to the punch. “Sure. Cmon Woods. I need to talk to you about something.” Snipe grabs Kamui’s arm and drags him ahead by a few meters. I chuckle at his over dramatic struggling and complaints. I fucking love anime. “Now then, L/n,” Nezu pulls two envelopes from his pants pocket, both of which were twice the size of his paw. One of them was a crisp, pure white with the UA emblem on it. The other was more yellow, old, and is slightly wrinkled. “Aniken, should I take the white or the yellow pill?”
“What?” Mic asks with utmost confusion, followed by Nezu with a matching look. I tried to brush off my weirdness with an equally confused “What?” Thank god they didn’t question it. Instead giving me a strange look. Nezu took initiative and moved on from my absurdity. “One of them is your schedule, the other is information you must give to Mrs. Midoriya. State that it’s from your parents.” I look between the envelopes and nod. “What about my uniform? School supplies? I’m.. not really made of cash y'know?” Mic smiles slightly. “Oh we know. The government’s got you covered on that.” He gives an enthusiastic thumbs up. I look to Nezu. “So I’m a charity case?” Nezu shrugs. “Essentially.” Damn Nezu. Blunt much? 
Mic chuckles awkwardly at Nezu roasting me alive. “At least until you're twenty. But that’s a worse case scenario. The government is actively trying to find ways to get you back home.” I smile a little at the thought. Back at home this would make one hell of a dream. Maybe even fanfiction if I remember all this. And not get writer's block of course. “Okay.. When do I start?” I ask. Nezu picks back up on the conversation. “The day after tomorrow should be suitable for you, yes?” I take a moment to narrow my eyes. “What’s the catch? I know I have to do work in order to catch up to my peers. The finest hero school in Japan doesn’t let in just anyone.” Mic covers his obvious smile with his mouth. “OOOooo! She knows her stuff.” Nezu smirks. “Indeed. You will need to catch up. So I’ll give you two weeks to finish all the work. Then you can officially start. Think that’s enough time Mic?” The smaller of the two asks. Mic nods “Oh yeah! Plenty of time for this little listener!” I can't help but smile at that. I feel like I’m going on a pokemon journey. “Thanks for believing in me. Not a lot of people do.” I admit. He dramatically gasps “Well that's a damn shame! You’re gonna be great kid. Besides, you have me as an english teacher, and with that quirk of yours you’re definitely gonna get straight A’s for sure.” I look over to Nezu to see his phone suddenly buzzing. He quickly takes a moment to answer it before hanging up on the caller. “I’m sorry to end the moment, but Snipe has reminded me that we are on a time crunch. It is a school night after all.” A long groan echoed through the lot of the complex, making me chuckle.“Oof- yeah you’re right.” The blonde agreed. “I got tests to grade and a lesson to finalize.”  And with that, the three of us began to make our way to complex 2, third floor. As the light breeze ushered us to our destination my mind went back to the idea of staying with Izuku. Should I tell him what I know? He deserves to know. But what would be the repercussions of my actions? Him knowing that he will be the number one hero can change so many things. It could go to his head like Bakugou and complements. He could back out from the pressure. Fuck I cant do it. Too many factors. Maybe Mirio? I could warn him about what happens in season four. Maybe then he could follow his dream, maybe he’ll be the number one hero then. But not now.. I don't know where we are in the story. I know after the sport’s festival, but is Stain still out and about? Has the exchange between Shoto, Izuku, and Tenya already happened?
Instead of a pleasant nudge to get me out of my thoughts, this time it was a jab to the elbow. “Ow!” I look around to see Snipe glaring at me and motioning to the door in front of us. In the doorway was Inko! She had a bright pink apron, her signature skirt and shirt- ah she’s so tiny! She chuckles. “I-I’m so sorry! Bad habit!” I hug myself tightly. “I-I’m trying to break it-'' She shushes me from my rambling with a wave of her hand. “It’s completely fine! My son has the same habit. I think you two will get along well.” Her kind smile warms me a little. “Mrs. Midorya, do you have the paperwork we gave you?” Mic asks politely. “Oh! Oh yes! Come on in let me make you some tea! The work is around here somewhere!” Inko scampers from the door frame and into the apartment. I didn't hesitate to follow her inside. While I was taking my shoes off I couldn't help but notice how lovely the inside was. The apartment looked exactly like it did in the anime all the way down to the T. It was so welcoming and homey. Almost like Christmas but without the decorations. I was planted in the living room when the hero’s finally came in. From what I assume was Inko’s room, she called. “Make yourself at home! I'll get the kettle on soon!” I look over into the comfy living room before glancing over at the adults. “We’re sorry ma’am but we can't stay for long.” Nezu responds just as Inko appears again. “Oh, well if that's the case, will you at least take something with you! You all help Izuku so much and you work so hard as is!” I see her eyes glance over to the kitchen. “I have cupcakes?” I turn to her. “Cupcakes?” My stomach rumbles at the sound of sweets. She giggles “Yes. I didn’t know what flavor you would like so I made chocolate and vanilla. I hope that's alright?” I point to her like a child. “Are you sure I’m staying with her? She’s too good!” Inko chuckles at my truth. “Don't flatter me, I’m nothing special. You go and take one. They’re over on the counter hun.” She called me hun! I’m weak! I clench my heart and shake in my spot. “The world doesn't deserve you!” I say before bolting it to the kitchen. 
After I grab a cupcake I watch from the counter as the grownups talk. Munching through their attempt at hush talk. “Are you sure you’re okay with this ma’am? We do have other applicants.” Snipe starts. “Oh no, it’s fine! Besides, I need some more pep in my step! These old bones need some movement!” She assures with a wave of her hand. “You don't look at day over twenty Mrs. Midoriya!” I call. The group turns to me, Inko’s face a light pink in embarrassment. At least she has a smile on her face. “Oh you-! No flattery in this house!” She retorts. I laugh. “No flattery, just honesty.” 
I glance over at Nezu. It could have just been me but I think his smile relaxed a bit. “We should be off Mrs. Midoriya. I can see they are in good hands.” I get up from my spot and bring the cupcakes over to them. “Her cupcakes are great. You shouldn't leave without them.” I suggest. Nezu sighs and takes one of the vanilla. Over his shoulder he glances at the heroes. “Go on. I’m not gonna stop you!” Mic exhaled as if he was holding his breath all this time. “Oh thank god!” He snatched two and gorged them. “Oh wow.” I comment. Woods jabs Mic in the rib, making him cough on some cupcake. “Hey!” Woods glares at the blonde. “Just because you’re my senior doesn't mean that you have the excuse of not knowing some manners.” Snipe carefully takes one and thanks Inko. Is that a blush I see?  No. Calm down inner shipper. “We best be off now.” Nezu restates and soon  enough the heroes leave me and Inko alone in her apartment. 
We take some time getting to know each other at the dining room table. And true to form, Inko was just as sweet as she is in the anime. Apparently she’s also into American culture and late night dramas. Wouldn't have pegged her for that kind of stuff but the surprise was pleasant. “You’re really great at baking Mrs. Midoriya!” I exclaim while taking our plates to the sink. “Oh- thank you! I’m happy to know someone besides my son likes my cooking.” Oh right.. I should probably ask about Izuku. “Oh right-! I forgot to ask about your son! What’s he like?” This is gonna be interesting. “Oh well, he’s a little shy but once you get to know him you'll see who he is.” Right on que the door opens. “Mom! I’m home!” I hear that iconic voice followed by the front door opening. “Oh Izuku! In here! The exchange student is here!” Something falls and Izuku yells. “I-Izuku?!” Inko begins to get up only for Izuku to call back. “I-Im fine mom!” I glance over at Inko and back at the hallway. Izuku eventually walks into the dining room. “W-Where are-” 
Inko motions to me. “Izuku, this is Y/n L/n, they will be staying with us. They’ll have the guest room.” Izuku’s eyes fall on me. As mine do the same for him. He was still in his school uniform. Pants baggy, tie dishoveled, shoelaces untied, the imperfections out weighed the perfections in his uniform. No wonder the hot mess energy he was radiating was all the more powerful. I can't help but smile. “You must be running around a lot.” I smirk in attempts to break the tension. He jumps a little at my sudden remark. “O-Oh! Um.. y-yeah. The school is pretty big so..” He trails off into silence. Silence that lasts a whole minute. I bite my lip. “Sooo uh.. I saw you at the UA sports festival? You won the first round! I was so smart of you to take off a chunk of the robot and use it for the later portion of the race.” His face flushes a bright pink. “O-Oh no! I bet anyone would have thought of that if they were in my situation!” I chuckle. “Dude that's unique to you! Noone can replicate that now without bringing you up!” He goes and scratches the back of his head. “Y-yeah.. I guess you’re right.” I hear Inko let out a sigh of relief. 
“Now that you two have met, how about we get you settled Y/n.”
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fezcosgirlfriend · 7 years ago
domestic things w/ tom holland
a/n: hope you like it! please let me know 🤪
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tom would be the best boyfriend in the world
like it’s not even an exaggeration; he’s just always so kind & forgiving
& so so so goofy
he’d always be pulling (harmless) pranks on you
tom is all about making you smile and/or laugh, like the boy can’t go a day without saying or doing something funny towards you
& he’d love how goofy you are too
you love teasing in interviews/or whatever about how you “despise this new spider-man” 😉
tom is always doing hand stands & back flips which you are always warning him to be damn careful p l e a s e
he gets so excited when you agree to let him teach how to do them (if you don’t already know how)
going to london every so often to visit his adoring family 
spending time with his brothers when they come to visit; you are practically part of the family
actually you’re even in a group chat with his brothers where you all just roast the shit out of tom
tom is the first one to even mention marriage in the future
& he is constantly talking about your future kids’ names so randomly
the boy really is lovesick when it comes to you
tom is super polite around the paparazzi but the minute they start harassing you a little too much, he gets f*cking pissed 
always holding your hand during premieres & whatnot to make sure you’re taking it all okay
fans absolutely idolize you two & call tom a disney prince & you a disney princess
it becomes a meme
whenever tom posts a picture of you on his instagram his mom comments “my beautiful daughter in law”
laughing hysterically when you see rumors that you are stuck in a love triangle between tom & harrison
& retweeting it on twitter, tagging them both, & writing “how did they find out...”
decorating for christmas together is a huge event
playing just dance together & getting so mad because tom always wins
he loves surprising you with romantic getaways
whenever tom is away & someone flirts with him, he always replies “sorry but i am happily taken. and she can kick your ass.”
using each other as furniture
he loves it when you scratch his head
you & tom are so damn close that when you speak to each other in non-human noises, you both know e x a c t l y what the other is saying
snuggle sessions
saying “i love you” like a million times a day
dancing like weirdos in the kitchen while making breakfast/lunch/dinner
sending each other funny but sad memes about missing each other
hanging out with harrison while tom is away & harrison telling him on the phone how grumpy you are without him. 
also harrison posting a picture of you & him hanging out & tom commenting “😭😭😭”
tom congratulating you when you burp massively
telling tom all the gossip from work/school & he is REALLY into it
pull very ugly faces at each other, even if you’re on both ends of the couch
just because
wearing toms hoodies & hats (which he finds so freaking hot)
Tom being gone for work & he texts you saying he has something “sexy�� to show you, but it’s just a video of him playing the kazoo (SEE ABOVE GIF)
to be continued...
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stan-and-the-newbie · 7 years ago
A kpop newbie’s reaction to MAMAMOO
Alexa: bold
Alex: italic
today you’ll react to Mamamoo even though you technically already know them
i mean, i don't know all that much about them, really. so this should still be interesting
well, as before, first thing that comes to mind
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should i do the top one or
they’re in the same order. we love consistent queens.
hmm... wheein? then uhhh, s-solar..? then moonbyul and of course my queen.
did you guess them or. you got two of them right !!
i did in fact guess them. oh. fuck it, i'll take it
hwasa and solar, m-my baby. the first one is moonbyul and the third one is wheein
i figured
and apparently this is their formation in every group photo ever
oh, good to know
so, the first one is moonbyul. how old do you think she is and what’s her personality
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she's 23 or 24, and she's a lovable goofball
is she a singer or the rapper
f uc k uhhhuuhhhhh singer
smol baby child. yeah, she's born in 1992, so she's around that age in this photo i think. i’m not sure when it was released. she's the rapper in the group, so her image on stage is cool
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i knew it was either her or solar, smh.  i remember it distinctively from that height song.
but irl she's greasy and flirts with everyone, tomboy-ish and probably gay idk
alright, so she's the cool one
yeah, she's also the tallest, staying proud at 165 cm
that image was misleading smh. she looks like a silly nerd in it/ are you trying to sabotage my score, miss <-<
i mean, she Is a silly nerd. she usually makes lives with solar and flirts with her all the time and gets herself some slaps on the arm. and she gay panics on stage every time hwasa is in her close vicinity. and she's known for having heart eyes every time a girl talks and she's also the Girl Crush of the entire industry lmao
first we had heart smile now we have heart eyes soon enough you'll be describing a monster from soma. a walking blob made of exposed, beating hearts.
*then i showed him the Wonderful Confession Immortal Songs performance*
that middle aged lady fangirling after hwasa goes "look at me now" lmfao
sadfrghgfdsDFGHJK ME.
this is fokin great. i just got to the rap part. fam they're genuinely talented don't @ me
mamamoo are known for making every show their concert lmao
pff. it do be like that, and i wouldn't have it any other way. a bunch of girl dancers suddenly appeared and i thought my vision was going blurry and i was seeing double. anyway, the rap works surprisingly well, considering the general tone of the song.
moonbyul also has two tattoos. i don’t know what one of them says, i think its just her family portrait.
w h o l e s o m e
but the other one says “N'oublie pas de t'aimer”
alrighty my grill next up is your bias
give her an age
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i'll say 24. and she's a singer
she is 27 :)
oof, can you really blame me tho
i can’t. she has an actual baby face. what’s her personality?
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i imagine she's sweet and soft, but can be jokingly sassy and teases the others sometimes
oof, she wishes. she’s the oldest, and the leader, but the other members always bulli her. she’s the mom friend though, and the best at english, even tho her english isn’t all that good anyway sdfghds. and shes a complete goofball
awh ;; is she the short one, then?
nop, shes the second tallest
wait hold up how can the leader be the one who gets bullied this doesn't add up
*then i showed him this marvellous video*
2 seconds in and i've seen enough
*then i showed him the Passion Flower Immortal Songs performance*
solar doesn't have any tattoo but she's scared of bugs so there's that
wholesome. she's a quality idol i like her. this song is dope yo.
the one wearing a hat there is wheein
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the wheeout puns are overwhelming ngl
,,,,,,,,,,they fucking are. once u wheein u cant wheeout. she's the same age as hwasa, but a few months older, so hwasa is considered the actual "maknae" (which means youngest member
that much i know. mainly because i googled it a while ago
and here's wheein with short hair cuz fuck yeah
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whats her personality?
she's uhh the Short One (tm)
yes, that too. she is Evil
idk, she seems like a sassy singer, but that's just a shallow impression. does she tease the other members a lot, or..  <<
tbh, she is pretty sassy. she's also very carefree and a derp. but she does tease the other members a lot and laughs when something funny and unfortunate happens to them. she's been friends with hwasa since middle school, and they have a couple tattoo
ooh, noice
on their ankle, they both have "resonance"
i've seen a picture of that somewhere, if i recall..
she has two other tattoos. one she drew herself, and one that says "la vie est courte l'art est long"
what's with the french affiliation. should i be learning french instead of korean?
*i showed him that infamous “mamamoo sold their friendship for ice cream” video*
"hyejin-ah, you know your thighs are the size of your face, right?" i told you, wheein is evil
c r i t i c a l   h i t
hwasa :) what do you think her personality is like lmao
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she's the serious one (sarcastic humor <<3), the lead rapper but also sings (i noticed this by watching some performances)(edited)i also know that she cooks for them, so extra mom friend points there and she's very independent, but also warm 
omf u really are whipped for her
apparently she really likes beyonce, so some fans call her ahn-yance
yep, shes also a big rihanna fan, and work is her hoe anthem
that's dumb, on one hand because it kinda sounds like "annoyance", and on the other because bey-ahn-ce is a much better pun. i would perform umbrella for her like tom holland, don't @ me
oh, also, hwasa has four tattoos. the "resonance" one, one on the back of her neck, with "maria", her christian name, cuz she is Holy
oh shiet. that name fits her well actually ;;
one on her arm saying “Paradise is where you are”
if she's in your immediate vicinity, then obviously
and one right above that one, that’s a triquetra
mamamoo are well known in korea, and most of their fans are girls!! i think theyre the group that appeals the most to girls there actually
oh, that's interesting
and here are some songs
*i showed him “Words don’t come easy”*
this is what we call  s m o o t h   g u i t a r. and that sexy sax, oh boye (and here is where alex’s inner Shiverbert Creepstein came out, god bless, the only writer i stan) this one's really nice, i'd love to listen to it in a cafe. there's this really nice mental image that you'll never achieve, but it's nice to think of anyway. just sitting alone in the corner of a dimly-lit cafe, watching the performers on the stage sing as you down another shot, people taking quick glances in your direction and wondering what it is you're thinking about, when in fact you're just listening to the music mix in with the raindrops hitting against the windows. i got carried away, oof
o damn, mister shiverbert
<-< hey, nobody clapped
its a nice lil image, though
anyway, that was a great song
*and here i showed him “Decalcomanie”*
oh, this one's more i n t e n s e. the translated lyrics without any rhyme sound like some sort of strange poem
i know;;
noh-noh is apparently knock knock. the vocals are fokin great
:(((((( stop slandering them, theyre trying
i'm not roasting them, i just find it cute ;;that was a nice song. in fact- (he pinned it)
so, last thoughts on mamamoo?
god bless them best kpop idols out there hwasa please sit on my face
ayy, that was this week’s reaction!! alex was actually more excited this time because it’s his ultimate bias’ band
there are some things i (alexa, cuz alex never edits these posts) didn’t mention, im sorry if i missed anything important;; i decided to focus more on what alex thinks and says this time, rather than ramble about stuff y’all already know
i hope y’all enjoyed this reaction and if you want, you can leave suggestions!! buh-bye~ ^ω^
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softboyholland · 7 years ago
the petermj celebrity au you wrote was too good and i was wondering if you could make a part 2 of it? please?? :)
well only because you said please. kidding
the thing is, that they’re still as private as ever
like you know, people know but they’re very unpredictable
like sometimes, peter’s her date to the met gala
sometimes there seems to be no evidence that they’re still together
but then paparazzi photos of mj walking into stark tower will be seen and it’s like
(y’all get the picture?)
ok so  F I N A L L Y
mj gets into acting
like her whole modelling career has been great and all but the whole reason she joined the industry in the first place was to act
no one really knows it but she’s been going to auditions this whole time
finally, she gets casted for this tv series on netflix
and well,,,,,,,,
it gets BIG
like stranger things BIG
i mean, technically she’s already well known
but now double the attention???!???
also, mj is mj
she’s like objectively,,,hot
no matter how much she tries to downplay it,, with her funny faces and all
she is HOT
it’s a known fact
and her personality is a 9/10 so
so when one of her castmates is like, for a lack of a better word, i’ll say, whipped
and when the internet starts noticing her castmate’s whipped behaviour in interviews
well, everyone’s first reaction is confusion!! because they thought she was with the spider-dude??
but that fades
because shippers grow, there are articles gushing over their cuteness, speculations from gossip sites
so when peter gets home after a successful team up with the guardians in outer space,
and he sees that bs on his phone
of course he finds it hilarious at first
but then he watches an interview and he’s like
like he knows it’s sexist and maybe he has some possesiveness in him but
michelle is HIS?????
of course, then, a voice that sounds a lot like mj reminds him that she is no one’s property
and well, he agrees with that voice
but this dude is PUSHING. IT.
and well, because he wants attention too
he tweets
note: peter NEVER TWEETS
so he tweets, ‘haha long few days SAVING THE WORLD AHA. no big deal hAHA. i’ve missed earth and all the meaningless gossip’
and peter’s enjoying this
but then he gets a phone call from his very frustrated girlfriend
“are you jealous?” is the first thing he hears when he accepts the call
“thanks for asking, i’m safe and i’m ok.”
she rolls her eyes and tells him that she missed him but then she repeats her question
“i love YOU and that’s what matters. not that my co-star is into me.”
“fine. i love you too.” and he kisses her thru the phone
like soulja boy
someone pls take my keyboard away from me ^
ok but anyway
at this point,
the internet is convinced that petermj is H I S T O R Y
of course, peter MINDS this
he just doesn’t say/do anything
and i mean, sure, wanda is sick of listening to him complain about her co-star
and at some point, she’s doing press at some hotel that the avengers are at for some sort of meeting
like it’s a kNOWN FACT that anyone who steps into the hotel on that day, that there are SUPERHEROES UNDER THE SAME ROOF
and they’re somewhere signing some sort of agreement
so well, something makes peter’s jealousy PEAK
and so maybe it’s because this fucking co-star literally just admitted that he’s super close to mj and well
let’s just say, that co-star INSINUATED that there might be things happening between him and mj
at this point, peter’s convinced her co-star is literally just using her for fame
so he does what every celebrity boyfriend would do
he crashes her interview
(have you guys seen that interview tom crashes where laura, jacob and z are there)
yeah well,
it goes like this
so the falcon (what??? ikr) aka sam wilson casually walks in, in full costume
mj is taken by surprise for a second but then she sees red and blue spandex and she’s facepalming
the rest of her castmates are SHOOK!
from behind the camera, you can hear falcon go, “what’s up, dude! i’m just, just helping a teammate out…”
and then peter’s in his costume and MJ REALLY WANTS TO BE MAD
but he has a cocky smile on his face and his little curls are stuck to his forehead because he probably has to go save the world right now
ok so anyway,
and then TONY STARK IS IN HIS SUIT, BEHIND THE DOOR AND HE’S LIKE, “wrap it up, kid. we gotta go.”
“alright, stark.”
ok so he walks in and apologises to the interviewer, “sorry, i just came to say hi to my girlfriend. i haven’t seen her in days.”
so he kisses her cheek and winks, “i missed you, babe.”
she flips him off but she’s smiling so wide, “you’re an asshole.”
he’s already out of the shot now but you can hear him go, “and you’s a baby.”
ok but then before he leaves he pointedly glares at The Co-Star and points at himself, “MY BABY!”
but overall, she’s lowkey amused because she kinda knew that The Co-Star was just using her name for fame
the next day, it’s trending and well, the SPIDEYCHELLE FANDOM IS
(that is, if it already isn’t now. text ‘RESIST’ to 50409 to save net neutrality)
ok wait and one more thing
she totally gets back at him
and then mj who’s doing an interview on the red carpet
turns to the camera like, “i’m totally going to embarass him. watch this.”
and she yells from across the carpet, “YOU SUCK, PETER!”
of course, peter does the one thing that would infuriate mj
she flips him off, because he’s making her heart flutter a little too much
and he blows a kiss at her
lmk if this was too cringy and you want me to delete. this is probably gonna flop oops
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mcwriting · 7 years ago
Sooooo… this is loosely based on Attention by Charlie Puth but it’s not a songfic. A Tom Holland AU where he lives in LA and yeah. More description below in the background section.
Fandom: Marvel-ish bc Tom is Spiderman, even though i should just start saying Tom Holland lol
Ship: Tom Holland x Reader
Setting: A random club in LA
Word Count: 2,546 
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, some dirty dancing, and flirting. Nothing too heavy imo
Rating: T (?)
Background: So, like I said, it’s a sort-of AU where Tom has been dating a girl and taking her to the same club in LA for months before they break up and this one-shot ensues. Reader is the bartender (probably around 23 lol) and it eventually becomes Tom x reader (bear with me).
They were an interesting couple to begin with.
Tom Holland and his girlfriend had been coming to the same club ever since you had been working as a bartender, which was a job you had started 6 months before in January. 
Your new job was at a popular (and very exclusive) club in LA that was known for its frequent celebrity visitors. You were young, and had only gotten the job because you had recently won a bartending competition, which definitely made your resume stick out. After the first three days you had stopped getting starstruck when some famous person or another walked through the doors. Your composed demeanor to the celebrities (and incredibly good looks) had caused you to be well revered by some of them, and they often hung by your end of the bar when they came.
Tom and his girl had been “frequent flyers,” if you will, to the club and came every Friday and Saturday night.
 Until they didn’t.
For the first five months, you watched them enter every weekend, her dressed in a different skimpy outfit each time you saw her and him usually skinny jeans, a t-shirt, and a jacket. 
He came up to you on your second night on the job. 
“Never seen you here before. New?” he asked coolly. You were starstruck at first. This was a celebrity you were actually a pretty big fan of, not to mention that you had just the slightest crush on him.
“It’s my second night, actually,” you replied casually as you toweled off a glass you had used to shake a cocktail right before. 
He gave a warm smile and thought about his next words.
“Welcome, then. What’s your favorite drink?”
“For myself?” you questioned, to which he answered with a nod. “Well I’ve always like harder alcohols myself. It isn’t often that you’ll catch me with some fruity drink like the ones I make for those crazy party girls out here. I will say that a classic gin and tonic is my go-to, though.”
“Well that makes two of us, though my girlfriend is one of those girls that are into the fruity things,” he finished with a sarcastic tone. 
“So what would you like then?” 
“How ‘bout a gin and tonic for myself, and then surprise me with my girlfriend’s, she won’t know the difference. She asks me to choose for her and I couldn’t care less,” he chuckled, leaning his elbows over the bar.
You quickly made up the drinks and slid them over to the Brit across from you.
“Thanks, love. Feel free to put it on my tab.”
He started to walk away when he paused and turned back quickly.
“I didn’t seem to catch your name. Would you mind sharing it?”
“Y/n. Nice to meet you Mr. Holland.”
“Oh please, call me Tom. But same to you, y/n.”
With that, he had walked away, and for the next five months he came to be a friend of sorts, coming to you to get the same thing every weekend (“a gin and tonic and whatever you think she’ll like this time”) and sharing a conversation about one thing or another while you tended.
It all changed about the fourth month. 
While Tom had still been bringing his girlfriend on the regular every Friday and Saturday, he had begun to seem less interested when he entered the club and slightly irritable to his girlfriend. When you overheard her ask to come and order a drink with him, he waved her off and told her he wanted to come alone before walking over to you. His demeanor seemed to soften when he saw you, but you could tell his attitude was different than normal.
It kept going like this for another three weeks before one Friday they just didn’t show up. 
It was the next day that you heard through the grapevine that he had dumped her on Thursday and she was devastated.
Three more weeks went by and nothing. Gossip mags and websites had had their heyday with the couple for about four days after the breakup until they found a new Hollywood story to focus on. Rumors raged from “Holland’s had it!” to “Is she actually pregnant?” You had even heard a small rumor that the two of you had been secretly dating (but that one never took off… thankfully)
Then one Monday night, she showed up. 
Another skimpy, sequin-y dress and impossibly high heels like the ones she used to wear for Tom. She was alone and obviously tipsy already, which made you almost audibly groan when she stumbled towards you. 
“Heeey… uh hehe, you’rrrre the one who made me drinkss, right?” she slurred, leaning over the bar giggling. 
You felt uncomfortable, knowing she had had a quite a few too many before showing up. You looked around, trying to spot a bouncer. Usually you weren’t one to get a girl kicked out, unless she was violent of course, but you were already kind of annoyed with her and how uneasy she had made Tom in the end of their relationship. 
You locked eyes with one of the bouncers you had become really good friends with and tipped your head back to signal him over. He rushed to you and you did your “secret hand signal” that meant you needed to talk to him. You whispered “Lead her away, don’t draw too much attention. She showed up drunk if you couldn’t tell.”
He did as asked and you sighed with relief, and you were happy to see her leave later that night around the same time your shift ended.
Until she showed up again on Thursday.
And Friday.
And Saturday.
For three more weeks, every Thursday-Monday she would come and party, sometimes drunk, other times ready to get drunk.
And then one Tuesday night, Tom showed up with his best friend and roommate Harrison and a few other guys. You saw the surprise and delight on his face when your eyes met his. You watched him signal to his friends that he’d be right back and he weaved his way through the dance floor to you.
“Oh my God, y/n! You’re still here!” He exclaimed with a wide smile.
“Sometimes unfortunately, but yeah, I am. Your usual? Well, minus the surprise drink?” you questioned. His face dropped a little and he thought about his reply.
“Whiskey. Rocks.”
Your eyebrows shot up.
“Wow, hitting the big ones now, huh?”
“I need it. I’m fed up with everything that’s been going on with… her.”
“What are you talking about?” you asked innocently. “I thought that all finally blew over?”
He leaned forward before whispering, “Has she been here?”
“You know, has she been here? To party?”
You didn’t want to lie to him, but you also knew giving away her weekend activities to someone else could get you in trouble at work. His pleading eyes made you finally give in and you groaned. 
“Fine. Yeah, she has. Every weekend she shows up either drunk or trying to be.”
It was his turn to groan now with an exaggerated lean backwards. 
“She’s been showing up to just about every party and club in L.A. looking for me. All she wants is attention…” he trailed as you poured his amber drink.
You chuckled as you set the glass in front of Tom, who was looking down at his hands resting on the bar’s edge.
“Well, I’m not one for gossip, but from what I’ve heard, she’s been throwing down some real crap on your name. I don’t listen to any of it or really know what she’s said, but I guess she’s been roasting you pretty hard around here.”
He shook his head and rolled his eyes, explaining that she has never been rejected before and clearly didn’t know how to handle it. He threw back his whiskey in one swift motion and set the tumbler back on the bar for you to wash.
“Thanks for the vent, y/n. Good to see you. I hope this will all be over soon and you and I can just be bar buddies again.” he commented. And with that, he walked off with a small wave to his guys.
A couple nights later, a Thursday, he returned with only Harrison. They beelined for you and you finally met the infamous best friend to Tom Holland. 
You failed to remember, of course, that the girl had been frequenting Thursday nights. At least, until it was too late.
Some people froze upon sight of her. This was the first time the two of them had been seen in the same building in almost two months, and you didn’t notice her until it was too late to warn Tom. You reached to point when suddenly,
“Oh, Tommy!” she cooed, standing only a few feet behind him.
He closed his eyes and pressed his lips into a thin line before turning slowly. 
“What are you doing here?” he asked, obvious strain in his voice.
“Oh, come on, baby. What do you think I’m doing here? I was looking for you silly!” 
She slinked up to him and placed a newly manicured hand over his chest. Her gold dress dipped so low on her chest that you wanted to call her out on public indecency, and the hem barely reached the tops of her thighs. You also couldn’t help but notice the strong perfume emitting from her body, overwhelming your nostrils.
“You need to leave. You’re drunk and we aren’t together anymore,” Tom muttered through gritted teeth.
“Baby, look at me. I did this all for you. Can’t you tell I still want you?”
“You just want me in your bed tonight. You really think I don’t know about all the dirt you’ve thrown on my name? Nice try.” He said angrily, pushing her hands off his body.
“Tom it’s more than that! I still love you and want us to be together!”
“Look: no matter what you think you’re doing, I’m not taking you home. I’m not getting back together with you. You just want attention, not me. And I realize that you hate the idea of me dating other people or even just getting over you, but I was serious a month-and-a-half ago when we broke up. It’s over.” He was loud enough now that people nearby could hear, too.
“Well fine then! Have fun knocking up the bartender you’ve been sooooooo close with the past few months! And don’t you even think about coming back to me when you decide she’s useless!”
Cue the collective gasp across the club. She smirked to herself, obviously proud of what she had done, and looked between you and Tom. With that, she turned on her heel and sauntered out of the place, never to be seen there again.
All eyes were now on you and your face burned. People didn’t think you and Tom were really together, did they? You glanced down at your watch and was happy to see that your shift was coming to a close, so you quickly untied your apron and muttered, 
“It’s time for me to go. See you around Tom… maybe.” You rushed to the employee lounge in the back and quickly punched out. You didn’t really have a reason to feel this way, but you felt your eyes burn, threatening to spill tears. 
You stepped out the back door when a familiar voice called your name. 
“Y/n please! Stop!” Tom was yelling, rushing towards you. The guard outside the door stepped in front of you. He, too, was a friend, and was great at scaring off people when needed.
“Please, sir. Ms. Y/n is off the clock and headed home. I suggest you do the same.” 
“He’s fine,” you explained, stepping out from behind the guard. “What do you want, Tom? I realize what just happened back there, but I don’t need you to save me. We’re very different people, and you said yourself that you just wanted to be bar buddies. I’m pretty sure ‘bar buddies’ doesn’t carry over into our personal lives.”
You marched off to your car, unsure of where this sudden burst of anger was coming from, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you around.
“Y/n, just please hear me out!” He let go of your wrist when you exhaled and nodded. “Here’s the deal. You’re really cool, and funny, and beautiful. I was afraid to tell you this, but there’s a reason I broke up with my girlfriend, and it’s not just that she’s terrible. I broke up with her because I like you. A lot.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. One of Hollywood’s favorite young stars, who was incredibly hot nonetheless, was telling you that you were the reason he broke up with his A-list girlfriend. This couldn’t be real.
“Stop trying to spare my feelings, Tom. What happened in the club was embarrassing, but you can’t let what she said rule your decisions.”
“Y/n. I’m serious. I’ve had a crush on you since April.” 
It was mid July.
“You two started fighting in April.” you retorted, not sure what to say.
“My point exactly.”
Your world seemed to crash down on you and your heartbeat quickened. He was joking right? All of those flirty winks he gave and the fact that he hung out with you more that month than his girlfriend was just friendly, right? But it wasn’t. He was being serious, and you could see it in his eyes.
“Tom, I…” 
“Don’t. Just let me have this.” He whispered, a hand reaching up to brush your cheek. You involuntarily leaned into it, his warm touch sending fire through your body. You looked him in the eyes and nodded, knowing what was coming next. 
His lips met yours and it was like nothing you had ever experienced or imagined. You wanted to stay in this moment forever, but the two of you finally broke apart. 
You heard a sniffle and some applause to the right of you, which caused both of you to snap away and look in that direction. 
“I’m sorry, but it’s just so beautiful!” your security guard friend cried. Had he been there the whole time? Yeah, probably. But that didn’t matter now, what mattered was this moment. Tom. You. That’s what mattered.
A few weeks later…
So now, it’s a routine. Tom goes off to film in the mornings and meets you for lunch every day before you head off to the club. Most nights when he can, he shows up and sits on one of the barstools watching you do your job of shaking cocktails, blending margaritas, pouring the occasional whiskey or brandy, and popping caps off of beers. Sometimes he drinks, but usually he just sits contently, admiring you for your personality and looks.
He announced your relationship on Instagram a few nights after everything happened, when you went on your first date. Tabloids exploded when they caught wind of the situation, and people often came to the club just to get one of your drinks and meet you. 
You were an interesting couple to begin with, but one thing was for sure, you weren’t in it for the attention.
A/N: So I’m not super happy with the ending, but I hope you enjoy this. I started writing this like… November 11 and today it’s December 18… whoops. I’ve got other things in my drafts that I need to work on over Christmas break, so hopefully I’ll be able to publish those soon. As always, my asks are always open if you have a request or just want to ask something :)
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samwinlover-blog · 8 years ago
Safe Haven- Prologue: Getting Out
Masterlist Here!
Pairing: Sam x Reader Characters: The reader, the reader’s bitch ass husband, helpful neighbor, and a few other unnamed ones (Sam’s not in this chapter because it’s the prologue! But he’s in all the other ones!)  Warnings: This is based off of a movie where the main character is running away from her abusive husband, if that’s a trigger don’t read this series please.  Summary: This will be a Sam Winchester x reader rewrite of the movie Safe Haven, but of course I’ll add a few little twists of my own cause why not;)  Tag List: @amanda-teaches@myplaceofthingsilove@evyiione@mogaruke@aliensdeservebetter@spnfanficpond​ @amanda-teaches@myplaceofthingsilove@evyiione@mogaruke@aliensdeservebetter@27bmm@craving-cas @spnfanficpond​ @amanda-teaches  @myplaceofthingsilove  @spectaculicious@bambinovak@bambinovak@writingthingsisdifficult@padackles2010@mamaredd123@milkymilky-cocopuff @iwantthedean@zeppo-in-a-trenchcoat@spntrista @d-s-winchester@just-another-busy-fangirl@winchesterprincessbride@waywardjoy@supernaturalyobsessed@whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname@sandlee44@fangirl1802@kittenofdoomage@evyiione@winchestersmut@purgatoan@mogaruke@therewillbeblood@megansescape@taste-of-dean@leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @scarlet-soldier-in-an-impala@deathtonormalcy56@wildfirewinchester@notnaturalanahi@jensen-jarpad@impalaimagining@fangirlextraordinaire@itseverythingilike@jesspfly@lovekittykat21@mysteriouslyme81@mrswhozeewhatsis@aiaranradnay@supernatural-jackles@girl-next-door-writes@spnsasha@27bmm@spnfanficpond @amanda-teaches@myplaceofthingsilove@spectaculicious@bambinovak@writingthingsisdifficult@spn-imagines-to-feel@spn-ficfanatic@cleverdame@saxxxology@jensen-jarpad @keepcalmandcarryondean dancingpanda137
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Living with him, with your husband, Tom, had been suffocating. 
Everyday you’d stay home, you’d wash the dishes, and clean the house. You’d make a picture perfect dinner, put on your fanciest clothes and await his return from work. 
You’d pray and pray that nothing went wrong, that the silverware was all perfectly straight and there weren’t any smudges on the wine glasses. For Tom was a perfectionist, and he was quick to blame you for any imperfections. You’d also pray that he hadn’t been drinking, and that he had a good day at work, because if he hadn’t you’d of course be blamed for that as well.
Getting out of that household had been one of the hardest things you’d ever done, and it had nearly killed you. 
You'd never forget the details of that night, because they drudged themselves up in your dreams every time you fell asleep. 
It was a warm evening in the middle of June, right around the time when you’d start turning the air conditioning on all day instead of just at night when Tom was there. Any other time of the year he’d give you grief about “wasting it on yourself,” but for some reason the summer time was an exception, so you took what was offered to you. 
That night you wore a sleek fitted black dress, heels and a necklace Tom had gotten you for your two year anniversary. On the table you’d laid out a homemade roast along with Tom’s favorite wine, a dark red which you didn’t care for but pretended to love. From the outside looking in, the dinner you’d set up seemed perfect- a perfect meal for a perfectly happy couple. 
But it was all fake. 
The dress, the wine, the roast, even the way you wore your hair, they were all in attempt to make him happy, but it wouldn’t work. Every night it was the same thing, the same dance between the two of you. The only thing that varied was Tom’s behavior, and that was terrifyingly unpredictable. 
When he’d gotten home you could already smell the alcohol on his breath, cheap and disgusting it filled the house. He stumbled through the door and tossed his coat aside for you to pick up and put into the closet, along with his shoes and his brief case as well. 
After that was done you lead him into the dining room with a smile plastered onto your face, “Honey, I made roast, your favorite.” 
“I’m tired of roast,” He grumbled and took his seat, sipping wine from the glass you’d already filled, “This wine’s good though,” 
“I’m glad you like it,” You smiled before turning into the kitchen to retrieve the roast, “I’ll be right back, Honey.” 
When you returned the dish was heavy in your arms, and you felt yourself straining to keep it upright as you set it down on the table in front of him, “Here you go,” 
“Thanks,” He mumbled before beginning to serve himself, piling heaps of chicken and roasted vegetables onto his plate before taking a long swig from his wine glass. You took your seat across from him and waited until he was finished before taking a helping for yourself. 
“This is good,” Tom looked up at you before taking another sip of wine, “I like the carrots.” 
Your heart leapt at his compliment- but not because you wanted his approval. No, not at all, you were just happy he wasn’t angry. Because when he was angry, you always got the blunt end of it. Another 30 minutes of pleasant conversation passed and you thought you were in the clear, but that was when you made your first mistake.
After clearing all of the dishes, including Tom’s, you went to take his glass and the wine bottle back into the kitchen. But just as you reached for them, he grabbed your wrist and said, “Did I say I was done with that?” 
“No, no, I’m sorry,” You said before putting the bottle back, “I just thought you’d had enough-” 
“You thought I had ‘enough?!” His grip on your wrist tightened and you found yourself biting your lip to keep from crying out, “Didn’t realize you controlled how much I eat and drink now?” 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it-” You tried to apologize, you’d do anything to avoid a fight at that point, but he pressed on, “You know I do everything for you! I go out everyday and I work my ass off, to provide for your lifestyle. I think I’m entitled to a nice home cooked meal and a glass of wine when I come home- don’t you think?!” 
You opened your mouth to respond, but he cut you off, “But that’s not what I get! I come home to a controlling bitch of a wife telling me what to eat and how much to drink!” 
“I wasn’t telling you how much to drink, I’m sorry,” You tried to apologize again, but this time he took a fistful of your hair and slammed your head down onto the table. You were completely stunned, and when you stood back up you felt blood flow freely from your nose and onto the carpet below. 
“Oh look,” Tom stood up from the table with a loud creak of his chair, “Well don’t just stand there, clean it up!” 
But you were too busy plugging your nose to keep it from bleeding to hear him. So you didn’t respond at first, which only made him angrier, “(Y/N)?! Are you ignoring me?!” 
It then escalated so quickly that it was all a blur. 
But the next thing you knew he was choking you and you were grabbing a knife from the roast and sinking it into his abdomen. He cried out and twisted from behind, leaving you gasping for breath on the dining room floor. 
When you finally recovered he was still lying there screaming at you from the other side of the room, but you didn’t pay attention as you ran into your bedroom and started to pack a back. When you were finished, your hands were shaking so badly that you couldn’t close the zipper. So you settled with holding it closed as you ran out the front door, Tom still on the dining room floor screaming at you as you left. 
You ran as fast as you could across the lawn and to your neighbor Mrs. Rhode’s house. Mrs. Rhodes was the sweet old lady next door who knew about Tom’s treachery, and had started stitching you up when he forbid you from going to the hospital. 
She’d tried dozens of times to tell the police about his abuse. But being as Tom was a high up police officer himself, it never worked, and you always got hurt as a result. So she stopped trying to save you and started just helping instead, brightening your days whenever she could all without Tom’s knowledge. 
“M-Mrs. Rhodes!!” You banged on her front door, smearing it with both you and Tom’s blood that was still on your hands, “Mrs. Rhodes! I-I-I need help!!” 
A few seconds later the door opened and Mrs. Rhodes gasped, “Oh- oh my god, who’s blood is that?!” 
“It’s T-Tom’s, and m-mine,” You started babbling and she quickly ushered you inside, “Come here, honey, it’s okay, come on in.” 
“What do I do?! He’s going to kill me, Mrs. Rhodes he’s going to kill me,” You cried and cried into her shoulder, but she knew exactly what to do next. 
“Honey, I’ve had a plan for you to get out since I first found out about him,” She cooed and smoothed your hair, “It’s going to be okay, you’re going to be okay.” 
The rest of the night was spent changing your appearance and buying you a bus ticket to nowhere- you had to disappear. Mrs. Rhodes cut your hair to shoulder length and dyed it blonde instead of its usual brown, anything to make you unrecognizable from the person you were before. She’d even run over to your house and snuck through the back door to pack you a proper bag, finding Tom passed out on the floor while she was doing so. 
Hours later she’d driven you to the bus station and you were ready to start over. With a quick kiss on the cheek, she sent you off on the nearest bus and told you to call her from a payphone when you were safe. You nodded and thanked her, before settling back into the bus seat and falling asleep- content on riding until the last stop and getting as far away from your old life as possible. 
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got7fantasies · 8 years ago
Got7 Imagine: Jinyoung as University / College Student
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Requested by Anon
Got7 X Reader
Order from eldest to youngest member
YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW OFTEN I IMAGINE THESE 7 BOYS AS UNI/ COLLEGE STUDENTS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR REQUEST! Also, I feel like I’d over-write for each member so I’ll put this into 7 separate posts!
Inbox / Requests are OPEN
University AU list: Mark | Jaebum | Jackson
Second/ Sophomore Year
Major in English and Korean Literature, Minor in Film Studies (Considering another minor in Theatre)
Outstanding Grades, Straight A Student
Best friends with Jaebum from Film Studies and Yugyeom from Department of Theatre and Performance Art
Known as the Prince by the females and the savage one by males. Park actor by Jackson Wang
How he commutes to campus: The public bus since he lives with his sisters and not at the university/ college dorms
Everyday outfit: Styled hair, glasses, some sort of button-up shirt (Mid or long sleeve), fitted pants or jeans, vans and or converse, sometimes leather loafers.
Class Schedule: 11am to 7pm classes. He dislikes waking up early but likes to stay late
At school a fairly large amount of time because he likes to stay in the quiet library to do his own thing until late times
During Class:
Takes his seat at the front of the halls so there are no people blocking his view to the board
Has a set of basic colored pens and has a book for notes for every single class. Sticky notes and tabs in his pencil case for extra uses.
Takes the cleanest, precise and tidy notes with beautiful penmanship
Refuses to take notes on his computer with the reason “We write our exams so I’m better off writing my notes as preparation.”
The student that answers difficult question the professor throws to the class
Hands in his assignment prior deadline; revises his work and submits an improved version by actual deadline
Has a few close friends in class and usually sits with them
Has the habit of pushing his glasses with his pen
Sits up straight with good posture the entire time
Arrives to class early and usually stays behind to organize notes or talks to professors about work
During Breaks:
Can be seen around the cafeteria or at the school’s common area with his friends (the rest of got7)
Usually, has the house pizza or burger with fries served with water or juice
If you don’t see him at the cafeteria he is most likely in the library doing his work. enjoying a good book, or helping out the librarian
Sometimes during longer breaks between classes, he’d go out to the nearest CD store to look for music or goes to the cinema to watch a movie, alone
Other times he’d be talking to Jaebum about their Film Studies projects
But most of the time he’d definitely be messing with Yugyeom (Tom and Jerry Couple)
If Yugyeom and Jinyoung are not at the cafeteria, you know they are probably working on some dance for Yugyeom’s theater or performance piece
If Jinyoung and Youngjae are both not at the cafeteria, they are also probably in the music rooms composing a piano piece for Youngjae’s classes
Very rarely, if he’s stuck on his papers, he’d go look for Mark’s help
In extremely rare cases, he’d be napping with Mark under the sunlight by the grass area
During Exam Season:
Same as Mark, You will not see this boy anywhere else besides his classes, the library or at his home
Since he already has notes written from class, he’d just be reviewing them…… A million times
He is more than prepared, but secretly worrying and stressing so SO much
Written out a detailed exam study time table and sticks to it by the dot
Dresses more comfortably for exams
T-shirt, jeans, a jacket and comfortable shoes and leaves his hair down
The student that asks for more paper in the exam hall
Finishes half an hour before time's up, checks the paper over and triple checks it again
Along the checking his answers, he also calculates his possible scores
Leaves the exam hall with his mind in peace, doesn't think about the exam once it’s over
Smiles brightly and kills the female population when he finds out he has aced all his exams
How he handles on-campus admirers:
Surprisingly for his image, he handles them pretty mischievously or savagely
If his flock of admirers gasp over him nearby the corridor, he’d pull an offended face jokingly and shake his head while continuing his way.
If he’s approached with a confession, he’d be very flattered and maybe embarrassed inside; but has a nonchalant expression on display
He would decline politely but if the guy or girl persists, be prepared to receive a roast from savage Jinyoung (He gives me the impression that he does not like anyone that won’t take a hint and back off.)
How you meet him:
You actually first meet Jinyoung’s voice before you meet him in person
You were a theater major and part of the Theater department’s student administration team
It was near auditioning season for the Theater department when you were having a huge creative block for your own performance work
You were working in one of the drama rooms but drifted off to dreamland midway
Not knowing how long you’ve been asleep for, you woke up to an extremely soft and soothing voice
“If god told me I had three wishes, I’d tell him...”
You realized that whoever is rehearsing must have thought that they were alone as you were asleep and well hidden behind the long curtains in the drama room
You peeked out to see a male student sitting by the window, facing away from you
Only the light of the moon lit the dark room and gently washed over his figure as he was reciting the lines in the notebook he was holding
“First, I’d give you half of my life. Then the remaining other half, to exchange for your happiness.”
“Lastly, forget me, and live on.”
“Please, shalt not shed tears for when I’m gone.”
The modulated, yet silvery voice has struck you deeply.
They were simple, yet very cheesy lines. But, the atmosphere became bittersweet from the male’s simple narration.
You hid behind the curtain as he sighed and stood up from the chair, proceeding to leave the room
You made sure he had left before you gently moved out from behind the curtain and proceeded to leave back to your dorm.
For many days, the narrations and the bittersweet feeling lingered in your mind
Fast forward to audition day where students are applying to the Theater department
Auditioning students were instructed to demonstrate their abilities with a short performance and the theme was “Agape”
“Agape”: A universal, unconditional love that transcends, that serves regardless of circumstances
You were sitting at the judges’ table, bored out of your mind when the next performer came onto stage
Your brows raised as you recognize this performer.
He was the popular straight-A student/ campus prince: Park Jinyoung.
“Wasn’t he majoring in English? What was he doing here??” You thought
You stayed quiet as you signaled for him to begin his audition piece
Jinyoung took a deep breath and begun
“My dear. You are my soul, filling this empty, eroded shell. Without you, this shell will cease to exist.”
“If god told me I had three wishes, I’d tell him...”
“I love you, I’m sorry, and I really love you.”
“I’d give you half of my life. Then the remaining other half, to exchange for your happiness.
“Lastly, please forget me, and live on.”
“Please, shalt not shed tears for when I’m gone.”
You instantly realize that Jinyoung was the person rehearsing from that night
An idea sparked your mind and you stood up from the judges’ area
You slowly walked towards Jinyoung, he seemed to be slightly panicking but remained still at the center of stage
You stood in front of Jinyoung, and his eyes completely focused on you: searching for answers
“My dear. If god told me I had a wish, I’d tell him...”
You stopped and smiled at Jinyoung gently
“If possible, please take my life in exchange for his.”
“Even if he’s an empty, eroded shell, Please don’t take him away. Don’t tear the love of my life, away from me.”
“For my tears shall form a new ocean.”
Jinyoung’s eyes widened at your improvisation and returned a soft smile
Jinyoung took a hold of your hands and gave it a light squeeze
“Through thick, and thin.” Jinyoung whispered.
“Through thick, and thin.” You replied back.
The audition room erupted with applause from both auditioning students and judges
You lead Jinyoung and took a bow, before returning back to the judges’ area
“Mr. Park. Your short piece was simple yet moving. I’d be honored to represent the Theater Department to warmly welcome you.”
You were certain that Jinyoung would be the upcoming, new prodigy of Theater Department
“Thank you very much. I am flattered of your high praise.”
Jinyoung smiled warmly as he bowed, his eyes never leaving yours
And you were also certain that your creative block will soon be resolved
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Coming Up: Youngjae as University/ College Student
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gideonlovescrack-blog · 8 years ago
Hotch x Reader x Reid
Hotch x Reader x Reid
Warning: NSFJL (Not Safe for Jacks or LESBIANS)
Synopsis: You are an unsub, unsure of your own sexuality. Fortunately, Aaron Hotchner, the stern bag of the BAU, and Spencer Reid, the pretty bag of the BAU, are here to STRAIGHTen you out. ———————————————————————————————————
The dreamiest doctor of them all, Spencer Reid, daydreams while looking at Aaron HOTchner. He runs his fingers up and down the ridges of his tie, unable to STRAIGHTen it. Hotch marches into the bullpen, case in hand. “Wheels up in thirty, STRAIGHT up it’s about to get dirty,” he raps, failing to hide his falsetto. Try as he might, Rossi cannot manage to beatbox his way to a promotion.
Hotch's tie is as STRAIGHT as he is, a STRAIGHT man STRAIGHT up trying to lead a STRAIGHT life on the STRAIGHT and narrow path. Reid looks at his own tie. It is as crooked as you, the unsub.
You wake up in a dirty, one way road. You are in a dumpster of a gay bar. Another beautiful STRAIGHT day, you think. You’ve been on the road for 13 minutes now. You successfully killed 153 STRAIGHT men. You are in Missouri, the STRAIGHT capital of the universe. The STRAIGHTS were talking about football, labias, and Tom Brady. You hid in the closet until it was time. You knew right when to come out and end it.
Suddenly, you see a shadowy figure dash across the alleyway and jog towards you. You (STRAIGHT) panic and try to run, but you cannot even walk in a STRAIGHT line. This is why you didn’t make varsity in the only public high school in Missouri. After a hard tackle by a hard body whom you can hardly handle, you fall hard on the ground. Hard. HARD? WHO SAYS HARD? NO ONE IS HARD.
You are brought into a small, confined cell. Again, it is Missouri, so interrogation rooms are far too technologically advanced for this colony. The hard man walks in.
“Do you know who I am?” a careless whisper asks.
Before you can respond, he leans over. You see the curve of his tight ass. “I’m the doctor,” he seductively whispers into your ear. He’s so STRAIGHTforward. Your palms are sweaty. Your forehead is sweating. Your entirely body is drenched.
“Doctor? Where’s your stethoscope?” You snark.
He turns arounds and draws a deep sigh. You feel it deep, deep in the depths of your rectum. You sweat harder. Your tube socks are sopping wet.
“SONOFABITCHIAM D  O C  T O R SPENCERREIDIDIDNOTGETTHREEPHDSFORTHIS.” He slowly inhales. “I’m done with you shooting your pretty little mouth off. Wait until my partner gets in here. He’ll break you.”
69 seconds later, the door slams open.
“WHERE ARE THEY?!” the new man demands, slamming his hands down on the table in front of you. It is Aaron Hotchner, silver wolf of the BAU. Your shitoris tingles. You sweat harder. There is now a small puddle forming around your chair.
“I”M NOT GAY,” you reply, defenseless in the eyes of the law. You think of your victims, namely Donald Trump Jr. Oh if he could see you now.
“I’ll give it to you STRAIGHT then,” he continues. “We can’t waste any time.” But secretly, Hotch had begun sweating too. His jock strap grew tighter by the minute, but it *totally* wasn’t because he was gay. He was just having a long and hard day, and you only made it longer and harder. You look away, ashamed but surprisingly turned on.
“Oh, I’m sure you would love to give it to me STRAIGHT, considering I am a STRAIGHT man.” The sweat consumes you in the hot Missouri heat, and you find yourself dropping a sleeve off your shoulder. Looking back at Hotch, your gazes meet in a hard embrace, but no one is hard. He swallows the load in the back of his throat, trying to get his thoughts STRAIGHT, but he finds that he is unable to. He loosens his tie, excuses himself STRAIGHT back to the team, and sends Reid back into the room.
“Did you know that I can’t get this tie to STRAIGHTen?” He asks.
“Maybe I can help you with that,” you drawl. “Since I am a STRAIGHT man.”
“Do it then, Y/N”, he commands. With one swift motion he pulls you STRAIGHT to your feet. The sweat that has been collecting in your orifices is instantly released like a broken dam. The water is to your shins now.
He grimaces. “Did you know that 2.8% of the US population suffers from excessive sweating? You should see a doctor.” You roll your eyes. All the dermatologists in the world could not plug all your holes.
“Give me a second opinion then,” you seductively lisp. Soon your clothes are sliding off like a snake shedding its skin. He looks you up and down. Coming to a diagnosis, he confirms his suspicions. “Yup, just as I suspected. You are a flaming homosexual.”
Bewildered, you demand to know how he profiled you.
“You wear the same jock strap Hotch does,” he confesses. Hotch bursts into the room, breathless. Reid smirks. “Look who finally came out of the closet.”
Sinking into deeper confusion and more sweat, you watch as Hotch has a moment of contemplation. He puts on his stern, determined face and struts over to the younger man. In a flash, Hotch grabs Reid’s face and plants his hand around his neck in a moment of rage and passion. Their tongues battle for dominance, inviting you to join. The sweat is up to your necks. You have drowned the entire state of Missouri, and all the STRAIGHTs living in it. You are a hero to all.
Reid looks up, his pupils dilated and his tie more crooked than ever. He looks like he has rabies, a classic Missourian look. He wags his three PhDs at you. “What are you looking at Y/N?” You feel your prostate tingle within you, like a fairy has just climbed up your ass. You swim over, nearly drowning in sweat. You try to join them, but Reid stops you.
“First you have to call me Doctor.”
You instantly come 153 times, once for every STRAIGHT man you killed.
“Yes Doctor…”
“Louder. Sing for me, my angel of music” He commands in an alto 2, checking out that snout.
“YES DOCTOR” You scream.
Morgan walks by the interrogation room and shakes his head sadly. This is the third time this week. His Pretty Boy is slipping further and further away from him. He walks to Garcia’s lair, knowing that she’ll console her brown sugar.
Meanwhile, you are already being spit roasted. You come 6.064 million times, once for each Missourian resident you slaughtered with your salty excretions.
You yourself are ready to receive Reid’s salty excretions.
“Are you ready to Ph this DICK?” He huffs. It is hard to breathe underwater.
“Yes,” you beg. “I am ready to take this PhDICK. Please let me review your thesis.” You can barely speak, as Hotch is in your mouth and you are also underwater. You take turns coming up for air.
“I wish you would call me Daddy,” Hotch thought. But it was too late, as you were losing too much oxygen. The carbon dioxide was beginning to collect in your brain, and you are now on the second best high of your life, the only happy moment you will ever have as a Missourian. The first came from 73 bags of CRACK.
As you orgasm again, you belt out a series of arias. Rossi backstrokes into the room, weakly beatboxing in between winded breathes. He makes eye contact with Hotch, who shakes his head in a manner that could only mean one thing: no promotion. Again. Rossi drowns himself. In sorrow. He sadly whispers to himself “No one appreciates this Rossetti”. He butterfly pastas away, leaving no angel hair behind in his wake.
Suddenly, you hear Reid gurgle, “It’s Time.”
You both come 20,000 times, once for each word Reid can read in a minute. “And that’s why they call me the Doctor,” Reid smirks. The water is getting murky. He swims away, leaving you at Hotch’s mercy.
At the sight of Reid’s unraveling and the memory of Rossi’s disappointment, Hotch feels himself reaching his climax. “Comes up in 30,” he moans as he pulls out and covers all of you orifices. His eruption has finally plugged up all your holes.
Hotch, on the other hand, still has one gaping hole inside of him. Inside of his Heart.
His wife is dead.  
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valkirsif · 6 years ago
Unthinkable CH 25/???
Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word 3100
Warning nothing
The sun filtered through the curtains Y / N woke up hearing noises in the room, opened her eyes trying to figure out where they came from and saw Tom undressing,
"Morning my love," she said in a still sleepy voice, "What time is it?"
"Shhh it's early" the man replied moving the sheets, lying down next to her and hugging, "How hot you are" he whispered kissing her neck, the woman smiled hugging him,
"Oh Thomas" chirped, "you're so.. so.. wet .." laughed turning to look at him "Did you go running?" the man nodded, laughing,
"I was going to go to the shower" replied, continuing to kiss her, "Then I was attracted to a sleeping princess ..", Y/N slipped a leg on his hips, at that point she was very awake, the man's hands moved on her delicate skin, they looked at the passion he was about to take over when they were disturbed by the bell,
"Fuck but who is ringing the bell at 7 in the morning?" the woman said looking at the alarm clock, "We can pretend nothing happened .." smiled kissing him, ".. of not being at home", Tom laughed stroking her face,
"I'm afraid I can't be my queen," replied, "It's Elisabeth with your new wardrobe, I have to go and open.." he said, standing up and putting on the suit "..I prepare coffee while you put on something" bent over kissing her and went to open, Y/N sighed in flames put on robe and followed him. 
"Good morning Miss" the secretary's cheerful and professional voice received her from the landing, Y/N greeted and moved to let the bellboys pass, she didn't think had bought so many things, joined Tom in the kitchen and ate breakfast while on the floor superior Elisabeth arranged the wardrobe, 20 minutes later the girl knocked before entering the kitchen,
"I fixed wardrobe for color and occasion Miss," she said, "Luke will arrive at 9am tomorrow morning,"
"Do you have any commitments tomorrow?" the woman asked as soon as Elisabeth left,
"We have a commitment" replied Tom, "A radio interview, they want to know the woman who stole my heart", Y/N was lost in the blue of his eyes,
"Ok," replied, the man had mentioned something to her but decided not to panic before he had too many things to do, "Since we're on our feet, how about preparing and shopping?"
"Great idea Darling" Tom replied cheerfully, they got dressed and left the house, it was a beautiful sunny morning and it was pleasant to walk around the neighborhood shopping, a group of fans stopped them, the man smiled kindly took some pictures and signed autographs,
"Sorry it usually doesn't happen when I'm near home," said, taking her hand and walking towards a pastry shop.
"Thomas is always nice to see you with the fans, live is even better" laughed Y/N, they entered by ringing the bell an old lady greeted them smiling, Tom went around the counter and hugged her happy like a child,
"Darling, she's Aunt Jane," he introduced her, "It's a bit of everyone's aunt, I confess I came to hide here when I was in trouble," laughed,
"Welcome back Tommy and well come dear," said Jane smiling, "You're always the usual kid, you go on vacation and come back with girlfriend,"
Y/N laughed she would have liked to know how Tom was as a kid, Jane seemed to know a lot about him, the couple sat down at the table drinking tea and eating a cake,
"Jane this cake is delicious" said Y/N enjoying the strawberry and cream cake, "Thomas if we took this for dinner?"
"If it pleases you .." he replied, "I was looking forward to the tender .." looked at her sideways, the woman burst out laughing, shaking her head
"You really are a spoiled kid my king ..." said kissing him, "And tenerina it be",
the man smiled triumphantly, finished the snack, took everything necessary for the cake and went out, greeting Aunt Jane to finish the shopping, they passed in front of a florist where Tom took the bouquet he had prepared and put it in the woman's hand,
"Thomas are beautiful" chirped Y/N admiring the bouquet of heather and sunflowers, took the man by the arm and went home.
The woman went upstairs to change while Tom arranged the provisions, when entered the kitchen found him waiting for her with an apron on him and one in hand for her,
"Madame allows?" asked pompously, the woman laughed approaching,
"Please Monsieur," replied, letting her fasten apron, "I think I'll use you as an assistant, it's all too high for me."
"Your servant" he replied with a bow, "But first.." smiled, taking her by the hips and sitting on the table, ".. I think I'll kiss you" said taking her face in hands and kissing gently, Y/N ran hands through his hair, drawing it closer,
"You distract me sir.. I have a lot of things to do.." she whispered trying to stay clear,
"I beg your pardon ..." Tom answered putting her back to her feet, "... I'll be good, where do you want to start?"
"..Yes .. cut the vegetables into big pieces" Y/N said passing the knife before putting the sauce on and kneading the house smelled of food within an hour, the roast was browning in the oven and the lasagna they were only to cook the woman dedicated herself to the cake under the watchful eye of Tom who had sat down to study the script so as not to distract her too much,
"Thomas, can you get me a cake tin, please?" asked, gesturing to the top shelf, the man smiled and handed her the container and took the opportunity to kiss,
"When I watched you cook at Rice I often wondered what it meant to have someone preparing to eat with so much love here," said, squeezing her, "It's better than I imagined it," Y/N shook him excitedly,
"I love you" whispered in his arms, "Let's bake this wonder and relax before organizing the room",
the man took a bottle and they sat on the sofa, the woman wanted to know how it would take place the next day for everything was new she didn't want to risk making gaffes,
"More or less like for the charity evening, only this time you won't put yourself aside to wait" he laughed, "There will be a lot of people, usually the fans gather on these occasions",
"Maybe it's better when we arrive on the radio right now and I'll leave you with your armies " replied Y/N smiling, "Don't misunderstand me but as a fan I wouldn't want to have my idol's girlfriend at my feet,"
Tom looked at her sideways as if he didn't believe her,
"I don't really think about leaving you alone with the radio guys, I'm completely crazy it's too risky!" he laughed looking at her, "No, I don't want you next to me, don't discuss this," concluded seriously, smiled and gave her a shake of his head. , finished the glass and went to remove the cake from the oven, after all she was probably just afraid of the reaction of the people,
"My king, what do you say we prepare and we go to the shower?" she said, returning to the room where the man had preceded her, taking out plates and cutlery,
"You read me in the darling thought," he laughed, spread out the tablecloth and laid it out, the flowers had given served as the centerpiece with the candles beside it, the man's phone rang,
"Hey dude have you already arrived?" asked cheerfully, "..ok meanwhile I send the car to wait for you at the gate" greeted and closed the call, "They arrive in an hour, I warn the driver and I'll join you."
They showered calmly,
"Chris and Elsa stop for the night?" asked Y/N as he dried her hair, it was all day that he was provoking her and would not have resisted even the night without jumping on him,
"If it's not a problem for you, Elsa wants to go shopping before leaving for Madrid," he replied, moving her hair from neck and kissing, "They'll get dressed sooner," he said, smiling in the mirror, the woman staring at Tom's reflection she dressed, he was torturing on purpose she was sure of it now, put on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans and went down, the man went into the kitchen to get a drink put the beer and the wine in an ice bucket and brought it in hall, Y/N checked that the dinner did not burn, was setting the grill when the bell rang, closed the oven and followed the cheerful voices to the dining room where Tom was busy with greetings,
"How can you be more beautiful every time I see you?" Tom was saying embracing Chris's wife,
"Thomas you are the usual gentleman" laughed Elsa. "Where did you hide your beauty?" said, loosening the embrace and looking around, Y/N approached the guests smiling
"Welcome," she said cheerfully, Elsa went to meet her, embracing,
"Chris didn't tell me she was beautiful," said to her husband, "It's a real delight hermana," she laughed,
"It's a pleasure for me too, it's nice to have you here," said Y/N, responding to the hug, put on the tips to greet Chris, "It's a pleasure to see you again",
"Nice to see you dressed Y/N" he whispered, the woman didn't know if he was serious or joking, broke the embrace and turned to Tom who handed her a glass,
"Make the boys your own home," the man said as he greeted Elsa, "I hope you are hungry, Y/N has prepared a lot of food,"
"Speaking of food, I'm going to check that you don't burn everything," said Y/N, getting up and going to the kitchen followed by Elsa
"There is a delicious scent," said, placing her glass on the counter and opening the oven, "Italian cuisine?"
"I didn't want to risk poisoning everyone with recipes I don't know," laughed Y/N taking dishes and cutlery, "I hope you like it"
"I am Spanish at my house. I eat Italian quite often," replied, removing the pan from the oven, "and these lasagna look very good," laughed, helping Y/N to serve,
"How are you in the new life?" Elsa asked, "Sorry I didn't want to be bothered," said looking at her, Y/N smiled,
"I continue to find everything absurd, the people who stop him in the street.." replied Y/N, ".. I found myself slammed on social media without realizing it while we were shopping", they talked for a few minutes she liked Elsa was cheerful and sunny, "It will take time to get used to it, tomorrow we will make the first public release I am really nervous"
"I can only advise you to enjoy it, I can't tell you that I know how you feel, I already had my career and my fans when I met Chris but it was still strange when we came out into the open" Elsa laughed giving her a nudge with shoulder, Y/N replied laughing
"What should I wear? I have a wardrobe full of things and I have no ideas," the woman asked,
"Put something that makes you feel good, for example at interviews I always wear the same jewels because they make me feel beautiful" Elsa replied, "Everyone has lucky charm" laughed,
"We thought you fell into the oven" Chris's voice made her turn,
"We arrive querido" said Elsa sending him a kiss, the women looked at each other laughing and brought the dinner to the table.
They chatted merrily talking more than anything about work, soon they would leave to continue filming in the studios,
"Did they finish the jobs in the garden in the new house?" asked Tom opening the wine,
"Fortunately yes, the house is now as perfect as Elsa likes it," laughed Chris,
"I didn't expect perfection, but I could use the pool," replied the woman. "You'll spend a lot of time there, I'd like to enjoy the house as much as possible when I come to see you."
"I didn't expect to get out of the bedroom when you're here" he replied slyly kissing her, they were so in love you could see a mile away, Y/N turned to Tom who was staring at him and smiled complicitly
"I hope you have room for dessert," she said, standing up, "Thomas, do you take away the dishes in the meantime?"
"At the orders of Darling," the man replied, kissing her hand as she passed by and reaching her in the kitchen while the woman was turning out the cake, put the plates down and went over and touched her hips,
"Exquisite dinner my queen and the cake looks gorgeous," whispered, kissing her neck,
"Thomas give me raspberries and cream please.." smiled turning and putting hands in the man's back pockets, ".. and could I even have a kiss?", the man smiled at her, taking face in his hands and  kissed her gently
"It's not good to leave guests alone for too long"
"I know," replied the woman, drawing him to her, "They can be without us a couple of minutes,"  coaxed, rubbing head on his neck,
"Looking for trouble, little temptress?" he asked in a deep voice, leaning against her, Y/N meowed a "maybe" before kissing him and leaving,
"Ok I'll do the good, bring the dessert to the table" surrendered taking the plate and returning to the room followed by Tom,
"I haven't eaten this cake in years!" Elsa said enthusiastically, "As a kid she was one of my favorites",
"Do you already know her?" replied Y/N in amazement, she didn't think anyone outside of Italy knew,
"My uncle married an Italian woman, she always made it when we went to visit them, what good memories!",
"You should hear the cinnamon rolls you made at the camp, they were incredible" laughed Chris, "After some nights they put you back into the world" he winked, Y/N laughed nervously did he really think there was something between her and Evans? remembered when he found her in panties in the kitchen and Evans coming out of the shower not exactly dressed, anyone would have misunderstood the situation, finished dinner and moved to the sofa for coffe
"I'll join you right away, I'll call Rice," the woman said, taking the phone, "Hey Lucifer,"  began cheerfully when his friend replied, "Disturbed?"
"Poppy never disturbs, how does the evening proceed?"
"All right, Elsa is fantastic.."
"Mmm if it is true why do you have that tone?" Rice replied with little conviction, Y/N smiled to himself, he knew her so well that there was no need for preamble,
".. Chris.. well he looks at me strange and continues to make jokes about when we met, it seems that he doesn't believe what I feel for Tom .." she said all in one breath, Rice was silent for a second,
"Why do you say so?" he sked, "Even a blind person would see how much you are in love"
"I think I made a bad impression of him when we met on the set.." she began to tell,
"Don't tell me you jumped naked for the captain's camper!" Rise concluded, bursting out laughing
"..I wasn't really naked.. in panties here, he caught me preparing breakfast, Sassy joined us wearing only a towel and kissed me like it was the most natural thing in the world.." she finished telling,
"I understand the problem, the fact that you do not give weight to certain things does not mean that others do not notice them" the friend said seriously, "And anyway you should really stop feeling so at ease when you are at home with strangers or at least first check that the doors are locked” he concluded, the woman would have liked to argue that she was not from a stranger but did not want to touch that key, sooner or later Rice would have understood for himself that Evans was not a threat to their relationship limited herself to greeting his friend and returning to the others, they remained talking until late at night,
"We'd better go to bed tomorrow, we have an intense morning," Tom said, standing up and holding out his hand to Y/N to help, the couples headed upstairs.
"I set the alarm at 7.30" said Tom lying down next to her and drawing to him, "Perfect evening, Elsa adores you but I had no doubts" laughed kissing her head, Y/N smiled tightly at him wanted to talk to about her concerns knew where to start,
"I'm glad dinner was enjoyed, I also like Elsa very much, Italians and Spaniards are alike in character” smiled, “Chris told you about when we met?” she asked while was getting ready, “Tonight's jokes I think I don't like him..” she stopped talking when Tom bursts ridere laughing, “Thomas stop fooling me I'm serious” she said piqued,
"Excuse me darling," he replied, trying to stop, "He told me found you half naked in the kitchen and you ran off to get dressed before he could show up.." paused and the woman stiffened , he knew she was sure of it, ".. don't tell me you're worried because he saw you kissing the captain?!" he stepped away from her to stare confused, "It would be absurd, as if you were having trouble kissing Sammy, I know you Y/N and I love you for what you are" stroked her face, "Or was that kiss something more?" he concluded looking at her seriously, now she was confused,
"Thomas I love you so much, I'm sorry I raised the question but from us if a woman who is engaged or married kisses a man who is not his partner, he immediately goes to be a slut," she explained, relieved, "Most males are not so evolved from understand the difference" she put on an elbow to look at it better," I left my country, my house and my job just to be with you, this should answer your question ", the man burst out laughing again, took her face in his hands and kissed,
"Chris teased you, when he saw how you reacted to breakfast after my arrival he realized that there was nothing between you and Evans" he smiled, "Now it will be better to rest, Luke is always on time", clasped her to his chest and they fell asleep.
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