#tom holland head canon
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mcuparkergirlfics · 8 months ago
Hot Summer Tom Holland Head Canons
Feel free to take any of these head canons for imagines or long series and tag me @mcuparkergirlfics in your stories.
1. You thought the summer was going to bore you the death, that was until Tom moved in next door to you.    
2. Let the battle of the sexes begin! Headstrong exec (you) are paired with an overly confident, borderline arrogant transfer, Tom Holland, for a specific project that meets a deadline soon.    
3. You were flunking Forensic Science, an elective your parents made you take to broaden your studies. If you fail the course you won't graduate with honors. Enter Tom, expert in all things CSI as your dad hires him to be your private tutor for the summer.
4. You wanted to take a break from her hard lifestyle, goes to the beach on a whim. Seeking to get some sun and peace of mind, you didn't think anything would interrupt your reverie until Tom came along.    
5. During the summer break you decide to become a lifeguard trainee at the local community pool. Your instructor, Tom, took a little more time and attention on you than his other students.    
6. Your little brother, a comic book geek drags you to the local comics store and the clerk named Tom Holland offers to point you in the right direction. Not wanting you to leave so soon, Tom educates you on why comic books are so vital. 
7. Not wanting to play second fiddle to your firm any longer, you confesses your need to become more of an asset to the company. The chief executive makes a promise that you can't refuse. The only draw back: you would have to chaperone his aimless son, Tom Holland as he visits the city.   
8. It truly is the happiest place on Earth. You decide to go to Disneyland alone, hoping to enjoy the summer without thinking about how hard her loneliness has been hitting her. Tom only came to the Disney park to fast pass all the rides with his friends. Keeping up his end of the bet, Tom promises he will ride everything before 4pm. A handful of rides require two people, you watch from afar and helps him win the bet.
9. Your long held fear of the ocean is conquered when you randomly sign up for beginning surfing lessons with rookie Tom as her instructor. Realizing you were his only student he went overtime with his teachings.    
10. Taking summer classes at the local junior university was not in your plans. You would much rather be somewhere else. That was until you saw the new substitute teacher, Tom offering after class lessons. Not allowing yourself to become distracted, you almost turn away, but finds yourself walking by to his office.
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ringtoned · 2 years ago
the circumstances that allow the Spiderverse to thrive are so fascinating- multiverses in the MCU are kind of flopping because there aren't enough *widely* recognized versions of a character to serve as exigence for one, but peter parker has quite possibly the most well-established and rigid yet versatile storylines ever created- his canon was already so fluid, and is exponentially so as we keep telling his story
my mind goes immediately to tom holland's spidey skipping the "origin story," proof it was already so well known that it didn't even need to be told, inadvertently creating an entirely new origin for peter, arguably a new character, one that doesn't know harry or gwen, isn't a photographer, doesn't work for the daily bugle, hasn't classic villains like the symbiote (or truly ANY THAT ARE PRESENT IN NWH, and he probably never will now that he knows they exist) and hasn't had those arcs affect his character. the mcu spiderman films are some of the highest-grossing ever and despite creating an entirely new version of peter i feel he's still thought of as one guy- like, "harry osborn" is still "peter parker's best friend" even if he isn't in some universes. there are millions of other classic spiderman story beats that are left out of very popular interpretations of peter and yet they're still universally true to his character. like, maybe everything is happening to him at the same time, somewhere.
the idea of a canon event just makes this make so much sense and peter's multiplicity makes the idea of other spider-people so easy to accept and even a welcome change from loosely rehashing peter's story. these essential beats being so richly explored and deconstructed is just so genius because it just flips all of that over its head like something something anyone can wear the mask... im just in awe.
this also being due to so many licensing wars, globalization of media, and the comic book movie explosion is like, this couldn't have happened in any other time in human history and along with the revolutionary animation i just can't believe i'm alive to witness it
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scariusaquarius · 2 years ago
same side of the coin.
NWH! Rough! Peter Parker x Fem! Reader x Tom Holland
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Summary: After Dr. Strange's spell goes awry, more than just villains and other spiderman's come through the rift between the multiverses. Peter is at his wit's end, and after his fight with Green Goblin, Peter doesn't care that his celebrity counterpart is in the room...
A/N: So I changed the timeline a bit to where Peter met the other spidermen just a bit earlier before the villains showed themselves. I know it's a significant change, but it's for plot purposes honestly.
Genre: Erotica, Angst, Slight Fluff Rated: Explicit Warning: Smut, 18+, p in v sex, rough sex, angry sex, rough! peter, tom is a perv, voyeurism, exhibitionism, choking, unprotected sex, Canon Divergent plotline, doggy style, missionary, wall sex, dirty talk, peter is fuckin filthy and ANGRY
Author: ScariusAquarius
It was strange to look into the eyes of someone who wasn't Peter Parker. While the man on your couch looked every bit of Peter Parker, it was almost glaringly obvious how much he actually wasn’t Peter.
When the whole ordeal with Dr. Strange’s spell going haywire because of Peter’s constant changing of the spell had occurred, the rift between the multiverse had completely deteriorated. Villains from other realities were sucked into your universe along with other versions of Peter ...and with the other Peter’s had tagged along the strange enigma that was Tom Holland.
It had been strange to come across the man who you had thought was Peter at first, but found out very quickly that he very much was not your Peter.
It was late in the night; the city had mostly gone to sleep. Peter had sucked himself into trying to find the villains that had come through the rift along with the two other Peter’s that had gotten sucked into your reality, and with him being gone, you had gotten restless and decided to get a late night snack from the local convenience store just down the street from your apartment that had a little fast food stand that was open 24/7.
You hadn’t exactly been paying too much attention to your surroundings when you got inside the store, but when you saw a familiar head of brown hair standing at the counter and speaking softly to the owner, you had become extremely confused.
“Peter? What are you doing here?”
The man had stiffened, turning around with surprised brown eyes, and you were staring right at your boyfriend. You squinted slightly, confused as you stepped close and spoke to him softly so that the owner, Chavez, wouldn’t hear you.
“Peter, I thought you were on patrol for those villains?”
Peter looked like a deer caught in headlights, staring at you with a shocked expression before his mouth began to move.
“Um, I’m terribly sorry, love, but I’m…not actually Peter.”
You were dumbfounded by the way he spoke, the British accent catching you off-guard, and you would have laughed had the current circumstances not led you to believe the man.
“Wait, are you….are you like a…different Peter?”
The man looked around to see if it was clear, and he spoke softly to you with a worried and….confused expression.
“No, it’s…it’s going to sound absolutely bonkers, but I…My name is Tom. I portray Peter in the movies.”
In the movies? Not-Peter, or Tom as he had called himself, stared at you, seeming to gauge your reaction, and you asked him with a raised brow.
“In the movies? Like….like an actor?”
Tom nodded his head vigorously, eyes seeming to light up in a way that instantly reminded you of Peter.
“Yes, exactly! In my reality, Peter is just a character that I portray. I…I was actually filming when something happened. I…I just ended up here.”
You were dumbfounded before you took out your phone and began typing in Peter’s number. Tom looked confused as to what you were doing before you placed the phone up to your ear.
“Hello? (Y/n)? Are you okay? What happened?”
Peter’s voice was borderline frantic, and you almost felt bad about calling him so randomly before you muttered, Tom’s eyes widening slightly.
“Um, Peter? I…I think I found another one of…well, you. He says he’s not you, but he looks literally just like you.”
The line was quiet for a moment before Peter finally spoke.
“I’m on the way. Where are you?”
“Well, I’m actually at Chavez’s convenience store. I got hungry waiting for you. Do you….want me to take him to my place while we wait for you?”
Tom was shifting from foot to foot, looking slightly anxious as he watched and listened, and Peter finally spoke after a moment.
“Yes, that’s fine. I’m about ten minutes away.”
“Okay. I’ll be here. I love you.”
Tom’s eyebrows shot up in shock, making you frown at him with a questioning look as you continued to stare each other down.
“I love you too.”
Peter hung up, and when you put your phone down, Tom blurted out.
“Love you? Are you and Peter…together?”
You became even more confused, asking as you tilted your head.
“Yes, why? Is…um, does my character not fall in love with him or something?”
Tom looked conflicted on whether or not he wanted to indulge you before sighing.
“Darling, you don’t even exist in my reality.”
And that was how you found yourself sitting across from Tom in deafening silence back in your apartment. During the time that he had been there, Tom had explained all there was to know about his universe and how Peter was just a comic book character that got turned into movies, which was why Peter looked the way that he did to you (and why the other Peter’s looked vastly different).
Tom had, thankfully, only slightly touched up on the fact that you didn’t exist. You weren’t a comic character, didn’t have an actress counterpart, nor any other multiverse you. You were simply an enigma in a world full of endless possibilities. 
And somehow, that wasn’t even the slightest bit comforting. 
So, you and Tom had elected to sit in awkward and stiff silence until Peter was crawling through your apartment window. His eyes were immediately on Tom, and Tom looked starstruck to see his doppelganger right in front of him. Peter, though cautious, carefully stepped around him and gazed at you. 
His gaze was tired; a hollow reflection within his deep brown eyes that betrayed his façade of composure. Peter was subtly shaking; fists clenching and unclenching slightly, and it was almost saddening to you how angry and upset he seemed to be. 
But this had become the new norm since the whole ordeal with Mysterio had begun: constant stress and tension that never seemed to leave Peter’s body. He was trying desperately to hold it together, and it only made you soften your gaze as you stared up at the young man. Peter asked you softly. 
“Are you alright? Have you eaten anything yet?”
His hand reached for yours, and you quietly intertwined your fingers together as you nodded, feeling almost shy by the way Tom was watching you two with acute interest. 
“I’m okay, and yes, I’ve eaten. I bought Tom and I sandwiches…your sandwich is in the fridge right now.”
At the mention of the man’s name, Peter frowned and turned around to gaze at Tom. They seemed to stare at one another; sizing each other up before Peter asked him. 
“Who are you, exactly?”
Tom straightened up a bit, looking almost…excited…to be speaking with Peter. 
“My name is Tom. I…In my reality, I’m an actor that portrays you.”
Peter looked caught off guard by the British accent, and you couldn’t help but giggle, whispering to Peter. 
“I know, the accent caught me off guard too.”
Tom looked sheepish as Peter glanced at you before he looked back at Tom and then back at you. You murmured softly, placing your hand on Peter’s bicep. 
“You’ll have to let Dr. Strange know about Tom. If he’s here, there’s no telling who else could have gotten through. You gotta go see Strange, Peter.”
Peter’s shoulders tensed, and he turned to you, shaking his head slightly as his eyes closed. 
“I know, I just…I just really, really need a break.”
Your heart broke at the way Peter seemed to shrink in on himself, and you held him close, whispering as he gathered you up in his arms. 
“I know you do, baby. Why don’t you stay here tonight? Peter 2 and Peter 3 can take care of themselves…and I’m sure Ned wouldn’t mind probing the two of them with all sorts of questions to keep them busy.”
Peter was tempted; absolutely enthralled by the idea of just taking the night to himself, but he knew it wasn’t pliable. As long as those villains were out there, you and his friends were at risk, and Peter wasn’t ready to put you in danger. Peter bit his lip and stepped back, shaking his head. 
“I want to…I want to so badly, but I…I can’t. I can’t rest knowing those people are still out there…As long as they’re around, you’re at risk. I….I don’t want to lose you too.”
His eyes were shining; glassy with unshed tears, and you felt your heart break all over again. You placed a hand on Peter’s cheek, his hand immediately covering it, and you said sternly. 
“Peter Benjamin Parker, I am not going anywhere. By the good graces of God, you are stuck with me whether you like it or not. Consider me like a piece of web you can’t get off for the life of you.”
Peter couldn’t help but to softly laugh, shaking his head as he stared at you before the man softly asked. 
“What would I do without you, my sticky little webster?”
You shrugged and replied in a deadpan tone.
“Crash and burn, probably.”
You giggled before kissing his lips, his shoulders immediately relaxing, and you whispered against his mouth. 
“Go save the world, Spidey. I’ll handle your British devil just fine.”
Peter looked reluctant to leave you with Tom, but he knew he had to do it. Deep down, Peter knew that you could handle yourself, he just didn’t know if he trusted his doppelganger. Because of that notion, Peter turned and gave Tom a hard look. 
“Listen, if anything happens to (Y/n)...if you get any funny ideas, I won’t hesitate to hang you from the Statue of Liberty by your underwear, got it?”
It had meant to come off as threatening, but you couldn’t help but to chuckle, Peter giving you an exasperated look while Tom nodded. 
“You have my word, mate.”
Peter nodded before he looked over at you with a softened gaze. 
“I love you. Please…please call me if anything happens. I’ll come as soon as I can.”
You nodded, replying back gently as Peter slipped his mask back on. 
“I love you. Be safe.”
Peter slipped out of your window without another word, and you and Tom were left standing awkwardly in the silence before you glanced over at him with a questioning expression. 
“Um…do you like board games?”
For over two hours, you and Tom had played Monopoly, exchanging questions and answers with every roll of the dice. In return for you answering questions about his universe, you answered his questions about your verse. It was strange speaking to him at first; still not used to seeing Peter’s face and hearing a British voice instead, but you found that Tom’s charismatic demeanor was comforting. 
It reminded you of the Peter you had fallen in love with before everything had gone to shit, and because of that, it was easy to like Tom. He was naturally very good at strategy, you had learned, as he had bought almost half of the properties on the board; even the blue ones, before you could even make your first official walk around the board. 
When you and Tom had reached a stalemate, you huffed and placed the rest of your money on the board before asking him. 
“So…I….I really don’t exist where you’re from?”
Tom shook his head, almost looking apologetic. 
“No, you don’t. I honestly was very surprised when you came up to me and calling me Peter at the store. I was trying to figure out who you were, but you were never a character in the comic books, let alone the movies. I don’t know anybody who looks like you…but now I kind of wish I did.”
He was naturally flirty, so much so that it had your ears burning, and you shook your head at him before looking away. 
“It’s…it’s so weird to hear someone say that I don’t exist anywhere else but here. It makes me wonder if…if maybe I’m a ... .a glitch or something.”
Tom was surprised before he stated gently, leaning forward slightly. 
“Darling, I’m sure there’s an explanation. Your presence, whether an absolute enigma or not, is still important. While…while this universe is slightly different from what I’m used to, I can tell you that your presence must mean something. You and Peter…it’s so natural that it makes me second guess why you don’t have a counterpart in my world.”
Your cheeks became hot, and you muttered as you sat back against the couch. 
“You flatter me too much, and you’ll be hanging by your underwear soon.”
“Yeah, that wasn’t very creative, wasn’t it?”
You both chuckled before you yawned and stood up. Tom stared at you for a moment with a questioning glance; almost as if he was questioning where to sleep, and you gestured to the couch. 
“You can sleep here. I don’t have an air mattress nor an extra bedroom….and Peter would probably get grumpy if I let you sleep in our bed. I have a ton of extra pillows and blankets though, so just let me know if you need them.”
Tom nodded and you glanced down at his jeans and nice button-up, humming. 
“I’m sure Pete wouldn’t mind if I let you borrow a pair of pajama bottoms or gym shorts, so let me grab those for you and let you get to bed. I’m sure you’re tired after the day you’ve had. I know I am.”
Tom chuckled before he thanked you softly. 
“Thank you, love. I know this is probably very strange for you…definitely is for me.”
You nodded at him, giving him a soft look as you disappeared into the bedroom to grab a pair of pajamas for Tom. 
“It’s not a problem, truly. Just….please don’t tell Peter about me not existing in your world. I’m afraid of what the news will do to him, honestly.”
Tom looked saddened by your words; as if you had just sprung a sword straight through his chest, and the man simply nodded once before vowing. 
“I promise I won’t.”
And just like that, a whole new interesting week began.
You and Tom got along surprisingly very well. Whereas his personality could be extroverted and excited, you were more docile and calm; simply listening to the boy rant about everything yet nothing at the same time. It was strangely reminiscent of Peter, which had brought you strange yet welcomed comfort. 
Peter had stopped by often after Tom's arrival, not enjoying that there was another him in his shared flat with you but being unable to voice his discomfort due to the fact it was your generosity and his own fault that had Tom here in the first place. 
Peter tried to keep you updated about everything since he didn't want you anywhere near the Sanctum Sanctorum as long as he had all the villains contained there. Peter had told you about his plan to cure these people, to save them from their fates before sending them home, and while you admired Peter's righteousness, you couldn't help but wonder if it would matter in the end. 
You, in turn, told Peter about how your days spent with Tom were. You had actually taken him out of the apartment earlier in the week when Tom began to get cabin fever, and you practically boasted about how well Tom really portrayed Peter when out in the public eye.
It made Peter's skin crawl and his eyes turn green.
Peter didn't bother to voice his jealousy, but you could tell that Peter was envious of the man by the way Peter kissed you for a few more seconds, held you closer and tighter, and spoke huskily in your ear whenever Tom was immediately present. 
But you couldn't deny that you liked this side of Peter. 
But actions had consequences, and you were starting to add to Peter's stress. 
A few days later, something went awry in Peter's plan. You weren’t exactly sure what it was, but when Tom showed you the Daily Bugle report broadcast and found out Aunt May was gone, you were distraught and worried for Peter beyond belief. You had begun pacing back and forth in front of the TV, phone in hand and desperately trying to get a hold of Peter with no luck. 
Tom had retreated to the bathroom for just a moment when the front door practically burst from its hinges. It caused you to gasp and spin around in fright until you spotted Peter.
But Peter did not look alright.
There was a dark anger in his eyes; an acute dangerous gleam within those pretty browns you enjoyed gazing into during the late hours of the night, and you noticed how injured he was from his fight with the Green Goblin. Peter was frighteningly still, his breathing so quiet you were sure he was holding his breath, and he began stalking you like prey. 
He had crossed the room in no time, slamming you up against the wall and absolutely ravaging your lips like no other. His lips were cold, skin wet with blood, sweat, rain, and tears, and his suit was soaked through, steam subtly rising from how hot his body temperature was. Peter had slotted himself between your legs as one hand roughly clutched the back of your neck and the other painfully gripped your hip hard enough that you knew there would be bruises. 
Tongues and teeth clashed for a moment as you melted into him, and Peter began to harshly suck and nip at your neck as his hand desperately shoved itself under your shirt to clutch at your chest and pinch a sensitive nipple between his thumb and index finger. 
"Ah, Peter…! We…we have a guest."
"Stop talking."
He hissed at you cruelly, voice raspy and dark with anger and despair, shutting you up with a rough kiss, and you held onto his shoulders shakily. Peter leaned down again, sucking hickies into your neck until the marks bled, and you whimpered loudly. Peter’s hand ghosted down your pants, fingers pressing against your warm cunt to find that you were absolutely soaked for him. 
Peter froze his kisses, his gloved fingers still toying with your wet entrance as the boy slowly glared almost murderously over his shoulder towards the hallway where he knew Tom was standing, listening and watching with perverse interest. Peter couldn’t even care anymore. There was nothing holding him back; nothing that he cared about except you, and Peter turned back around to harshly bite at your collarbone. 
You mewled when his fingers sunk into you, the digits curling and thrusting and twisting until you were shaking and bracing yourself against the wall for some type of leverage. Peter continued to thrust his fingers, grinding his hard-on against your leg for some friction as he finger-fucked your sopping cunt. A few more thrusts, and  he became annoyed with your shirt covering your chest. 
Peter pulled his fingers out of you to rip open your shirt into pathetic tatters. You gasped in surprise, eyes wide before you hissed as Peter began to roughly suckle and grope at your breasts. His mouth was hot, encasing your nipple and tongue flicking back and forth against the nub so fast that electricity was running down your spine. 
You bit your lip, trying to contain your noises so Tom wouldn't hear you, and Peter's eyes looked at you; that same dangerous darkness swirling in them as before. 
If looks could kill, you were sure that you would be dead 100 times over. 
Your lips parted, a shaky exhale leaving your mouth, and Peter let your breasts go to hiss into your lips, tearing your shorts and underwear apart roughly and making you whimper. 
"Don't you dare be quiet. I don't give a damn who hears. I need you."
Your eyes were wide, and Peter fumbled with his suit slightly as he moved as fast as he could to get it off. His black briefs were tented, a dark wet spot showing his evident arousal and need, and you gently cupped his cock through his underwear; palming and gripping him through the material. Peter immediately groaned before he slammed your hands up against the wall, growling.
"Keep those fucking hands there until I tell you to move them." 
His dominance was so sudden and new; a vast void filled with nothing but unashamed desire and all-consuming lust that gave him absolutely no inhibitions. It seemed that Aunt May's death had driven Peter to a point of no return with his rage and stress, and he had finally snapped, but you did not fault him for it. 
Instead, you desperately pleaded with him within a breathless whimper, voice quiet and knowing all-too-well that a , well, Peeping Tom was staring at you both with a macabre curiosity that had your sopping cunt gushing with need. 
"Peter, please….please kiss me." 
Peter's lips immediately crashed into yours, and you moaned into his lips as he shoved his briefs down and let his red, swollen, and leaking cock bounce out of its cotton prison. Peter was all over you, smothering you and keeping you tucked into his body so close that you realized he was shielding you as he forced you to wrap your legs around his waist. Did he realize what he was doing? Did he realize he was trying to protect you from some unseen force?
You didn't have any time to contemplate because Peter was already slipping inside of you and stretching you so deliciously that you couldn't help but moan out his name and clench your fists. You took them off the wall to clutch at his hair, and Peter pulled back immediately, his hand going to your throat and squeezing.
"What did I say?"
He was controlling the situation; trying to grasp that last sense of stability he had, and you were playing a very dangerous game. You knew you had to keep your hands on the wall until Peter said otherwise…but you couldn’t help but wonder how much you could push him before he finally snapped completely. 
And Peter knew that. 
His hips were brutal as he fucked you, keeping a firm hold of your throat with one hand and clutching your wrists in the other. His lips were brushing against yours, not quite kissing you but just close enough for your hot breath to ghost against his mouth. Peter was glaring down at you, jaw clenched and eyes practically black as he fucked your poor hole.
You were mewling, eyes rolled into the back of your head as you arched and squirmed within his grasp, and Peter moved his hand from your throat to clutch at your knee. He maneuvered it over his shoulder, angling his hips so he had the perfect angle, and you cried out his name desperately. 
"You're so goddamn gorgeous, taking my cock like this, baby."
His voice was low and dangerous and so hot, and you pushed against his hand that had your wrists pinned against the wall. Peter tightened his grip for a moment before slipping out of you. You whined from the empty feeling before gasping as Peter spun you around and slammed you up against the wall once more. You splayed your hands out over the white paint, and groaned when Peter clutched at the hair at the back of your neck, locking his fingers into place and tugging. 
Peter slipped back inside of you, and you cried out when Peter spanked your ass hard, your skin immediately feeling hot and stinging from the impact. Peter was towering over you, his chest pressed against your back and his voice was hot and low against your ear.
"I fuck you so good, don't I, baby?"
"Ah! Y-yes, Peter! Yes!"
You had tears in your eyes from how deep Peter's cock was reaching inside of you, feeling so full and legs already aching as Peter thrust inside of you. Your fingernails had scratched some of the paint off the wall long ago, but you didn't care. 
You'd love to look at the marks and be reminded of the night Peter fucked you like an animal.
Peter was huffing and grunting, his balls slapping noisily against your skin, and you were still acutely aware of eyes on the two of you. A part of you felt embarrassed; ashamed, even, that Tom could hear and see everything happening…but there was another part, a dark and naughty part, that enjoyed the knowledge of Tom watching his doppelganger fuck you. 
Was he getting off to it? Was he jerking his cock and taking notes? Did his cock look and feel the same as Peter’s? 
Peter tugged harshly on your hair, making you cry out as he hissed quietly into your ear. 
"You thinking of him or me, baby?"
"Y-you! Just you!"
Peter groaned in satisfaction before he pulled out and forced you over to the couch. He was primal; a predator on the hunt as he stalked you. Peter slotted between your legs, pushing back inside of you, and he brought you legs over his shoulders.
"Look at me."
His voice was rough and harsh, but there was an acute desperation within Peter's eyes that made you unable to look away. With your hands freed from his grip, you clutched at Peter's shoulders, whining.
"Fuck, gonna cum, Pete!"
The coil inside of you was tight; ready to burst at any moment, and Peter's voice took a tone of borderline mockery.
"Yeah, gonna cum? Gonna cum all over my cock, babe? I bet you want to so fucking bad, huh?"
You mewled, eyes squeezing shut as his voice sent you teetering on the edge. Peter immediately moved a hand down between your bodies, thumbing your clit and making you gasp and scream his name.
Peter watched with a dark expression, lips parted and shaky breaths leaving his lips as he kept thrusting. He bit his lip, watching his cock fuck your pussy, and he clutched at your breasts, squeezing and flicking your nipples. He was close as well, eyebrows furrowed, and Peter looked at all the marks he had left on your neck.
God, you were so fucking beautiful.
You were overstimulated, whimpering as you writhed and squirmed beneath him, but Peter was too far gone in his pleasure. Finally, after a few unsteady thrusts, Peter whimpered out your name, clutching your hands and intertwining them as he finally came. You could feel the warmth of his seed filling you, your lips parted in awe and ecstasy. Peter hovered over you, staring down at you as the anger and stress and despair rolled off his shoulders and dripped from his eyes. 
You gently cupped his cheek, watching as his strong shell cracked to show the vulnerable boy beneath the armor he had carefully crafted. Peter leaned down, sensually kissing you and sucking on your tongue to make you squirm. You hummed softly before whispering only loud enough for Peter to hear.
Peter gazed at you, pursing his lips slightly as he murmured against your lips.
"What is it?"
You whispered softly, clutching him close to you.
"I love you."
Peter held you close, eyes filling with tears as he replied brokenly and kept his head on your chest.
"I love you too. May…Aunt May is….is gone. I….I couldn't save her."
You ran your fingers through Peter’s hair, replying softly.
"It's not your fault, baby. You know May would have done anything for you if it meant that you were alright."
Peter shook his head, whispering.
"You don't understand. It's my fault that any of this happened…!"
You sat up, bringing Peter with you and the two of you hissing when Peter was forced to pull out of you. 
"That may be true, but you can fix it. You've always been able to fix it. While….while we can't bring Aunt May back…what we can do is get those sons of bitches back to where they belong. Norman will not go unpunished, that I promise you."
Peter nodded slowly before he mumbled, a strange irritation settling within him.
"He watched the whole time, you know. I could feel him….just staring."
You were embarrassed but elected to smirk and whisper into Peter's ear.
"Good. I liked that a lot…and I sure wouldn't mind giving our lovely friend a rerun."
Peter blushed before glancing at you, looking unsure as he gazed at all the dark hickies and bruises he had left on your neck.
"Are you…are you sure I didn't go too far? I…I was losing control there. I didn't want to actually hurt you."
You nodded, running your fingers through Peter's hair. 
"I'm okay, babe, I promise. That was honestly the best sex we've ever had. Let's get cleaned up….and get the couch cleaned for Tom."
Peter nodded, grabbing his suit and helping you stand as your legs were completely jelly. Peter escorted you to the bedroom, allowing you to lie down as he took care of you; whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he wiped you down, and you were out almost immediately the second your head hit the pillows. 
Peter sat at your side, looking down at you as you slept; remembering every little detail that he could about your face. He kissed your forehead firmly, whispering. 
"I love you to the moon and back."
Peter gently shut the door, back in his suit, and he froze at the sight of Tom sheepishly glancing around the corner.
"S-Sorry, mate, wasn't sure if it was…safe…to come out or not."
Peter looked slightly perturbed before he shook his head and raised a brow.
"What do you mean? You've been out here the whole time. Watching…."
Tom's face went red, and Peter almost frowned as the man stuttered.
"That's…that's not what happened! I-"
"-Don't care. Now you know who she truly belongs to, but I’ll…figure out a way to deal with you later.”
And with that, Peter left out the window, leaving Tom stunned in the living room.
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mind-less-boy · 9 months ago
Why has Spider Man become a trans icon?
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It’s a popular head canon between multiple spider man movies, tv shows, and other media, that Peter Parker is a trans boy (cuz lets be real, brother is just a boy 15 and kicking ass) Many fans, especially queer fans, like the head canon that he’s trans. But why? 
Disclaimer: I’m not saying that it’s an “incorrect” or “bad” head canon, I myself am a trans man and like this head canon. I’m not at all trying to “debunk” the head canon, I just find it fascinating that Spider man was given such an honor (lol)
So a basic overview of Peter Parker’s typical Spider man journey: 
He’s just a normal kid, going to highschool and getting by just fine
He gets bit by the spider and suddenly discovers all these new things about himself 
He decides to hide it, even around his closest family in fear that they won’t understand, that they’ll hate him, or just the knowledge that he could put them in danger if they knew
Revealing his true identity could (and has) out him in immense danger
Eventually, friends and family find out and love him for it, but the rest of the world doesn’t have to know because what only matters is his friends and family
Now of course, this is very broad since every version of Spider man is slightly different, no one is exactly the same. For example, Tom Holland’s Peter Parker just has the standard abilities, while Miles Morales Can turn invisible and produce lightning. Toby McGuire’s Spider man produces webs naturally while Gwen Stacy (who is confirmed to be trans in ATSV I believe)  has web cartridges. 
While yes, it can just be that the fans think that Spider man gives off trans vibes or because he acts like a trans fan, it often is, I think it’s also for a much, much deeper reason.
Peter Parker had to hide who he was from the entire world because he was scared of how it would affect his life. He was essentially living a double life. 
Trans people, myself included, often have these same feelings. We’re afraid of revealing our true identity in fear that we could be in danger or people simply won’t accept us. We lead a double life in the way that we have our true selves, with our desired gender expression, and we have what everyone else gets. 
Peter eventually tells his most trusted friends and family and they help him in every way they can and support him (of course they may not understand that whole “I shoot webs outta my wrists and stick to walls!”)
More often than not, trans people tell their friends first, their most trusted friends, and get their support and acceptance. Through this, they get courage to come out to parents which can go very different ways. People finding out the Peter Parker was spider man is either very positively or very negatively received. 
All this to say, we relate to Peter’s story. Having to hide your identity and only telling very few people. You hide something special about you (although, I don’t know many trans people who can stick to walls or shoot webs) 
I’ll leave this with one last thought. It’s been said that spider man wears a mask so that anyone can imagine themselves whine the mask. Spider man could be anyone, any identity. Any race, gender, sexuality, height, heritage, absolutely anything. That’s what makes spider man unique. He can be anyone and can be imagined as anyone. This makes it so much easier for, in this case, queer people to put their under-represented selves into the shoes of a hero who's respected and loved by all.
I just thought this was such an interesting thought and i wanted to say something about it. Feel free to share your own opinions on it, these are just my thoughts.
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thebadboysuprememcshizzle · 8 months ago
will solace.
I feel like since in the main series (not regarding Sun and the Star) Will is not particularly relevant, people fight to headcanon everything above his head and it bothers me.
He is so underrated, yet so watered down in the fandom it’s insane.
I see people treat him like the “dumb golden retriever boyfriend :p” when he’s genuinely really smart, sarcastic, and kinda an asshole.
Also, I do not see enough headcanons related to his southerness!!! As a Texan, I am offended.
(Also, I just realized how funny it is that Rick made the sun (Will) and the fire (Leo) children from Texas.)
I’m pretty sure Will is canonically Bi, too, and I see people making him gay/mlm. I see that a lot in other fandoms, when a CANONICALLY Bi character is reduced to one preference. Let Will love Beyonce and Tom Holland at the same time!! Where is the representation?!
But, seriously, as an Apollo kid, I love Will. Best brother ever!
It really sucks knowing how much stressed is put on him by the end of the first series, considering his position at only 14 and losing half his siblings.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months ago
Peter Parker's Dimension travel to emo city(Gotham) Buffonafuckary! (continued)
by ZFeasal Peter gets sent to the DC universe and de-aged to 13 so now the bats have to deal with an incredibly smart, 13 year old spider meta-human who is terrifying the shit balls out of everyone by crawling on the walls. Set after no way home. or a mishmash of the Tom Holland Spiderman and a sprinkle of my head canons Words: 1916, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics), DCU Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake (DCU), Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain Relationships: Batfamily Members (DCU) & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake & Peter Parker & Duke Thomas, Peter Parker & Damian Wayne Additional Tags: Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker is a Mess, Age Regression/De-Aging, Dimension Travel, Attempt at Humor, Angst, Homelessness, Smart Peter Parker, Peter Parker Acts Like a Spider, No Beta, we die like bruce wayne's parents, Not Canon Compliant, BAMF Cassandra Cain, Crack Treated Seriously, peter is a little depresso, Sassy Peter Parker, TW warning every chapter :), Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Peter Hale is a Little Shit, peter parker is not OP(sorry lol), Slow Burn, sorta - Freeform, Peter Parker is So Done via https://ift.tt/p8ZeR6X
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delusionalwritingsofagay · 9 months ago
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Press Here for Rules
CW -content warning G- General audience M: MatureE: Explicit TH- Tom hollands , AG - Andrew Garfield
Bucky Barns
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Head canons
All Mine - I Rated E I CW: none I Tags : established relationship, Smut, Jealous rough sex I
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Head canons
Dating Deadpool
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Head canons
Logan howlett
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Head canons
Matt Murdock 
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Head canons
Peter Parker
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Head canons
Being Peters older artists boyfriend -TH Crushing on popular reader - TH Being Peter's First Relationship - TH Spending the rest of your life with him -AG Taller, indie Boyfriend - AG
Broken hearted - I Rated G I CW: None I Tags : Unrequited, one-sided, unhappy ending Broken hearted.P2 - I Rated G I CW: None I Tags : Unrequited, one-sided, unhappy ending Crimson bandages I Rated G I CW: mentions of blood and injury I Tags : established relationship, hurt/comfort, intimacy
Thor Odinson
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Head canons
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ao3feed-irondadspiderson · 1 month ago
enough is enough is enough
https://archiveofourown.org/works/62625532 by aletheahiraeth “Hey, hey, I’m en route to you now, kid. Just hold on a bit longer for me, okay?” Through the din and fog of his ringing ears, he could only vaguely hear the older man's voice attempting to soothe him. And it was in that exact moment that he wished he had been more forthcoming with Tony. Maybe then he wouldn’t be in this situation, with an ominous man walking towards him—tilting and turning sideways, like he was melting. With a start, he realized it was, in fact, he who was the one doing the tilting. He couldn’t seem to stop himself, and his head smacked painfully against the pavement as he dropped. Silently, he sent a prayer out into the universe, hoping something would be merciful enough to answer it. Please, please, please let Mr. Stark find me. or; Everyone Peter has ever cared about has left him. A stint in the foster system, a radioactive spider-bite, and one secret identity later, leads him to the conclusion that enough is enough and he does the only thing left that he can think of: he makes a run for it. He just never expected that Tony Stark would be the one to find him. Words: 624, Chapters: 1/16, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M, M/M, Other Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Skip Westcott, Obadiah Stane, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Happy Hogan, May Parker (Spider-Man), Ben Parker, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Adrian Toomes Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Homeless Peter Parker, Peter Parker Has Issues, Peter Parker Has Panic Attacks, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Hurt Peter Parker, Peter Parker Whump, Peter Parker is a Mess, BAMF Peter Parker, Tony Stark Has a Heart, Irondad, spiderson, Irondad & Spiderson, Not Canon Compliant, May Parker (Spider-Man) Dies, Not Spider-Man: Homecoming Compliant, references several scenes from it though, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Psychological Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, author is bullshitting their knowledge on science, author is bullshitting their knowledge on law, Rape Recovery read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/62625532
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seriousfic · 11 months ago
I think you can see a genuine loss of craft and storytelling integrity in the Spider-Man reboots over the years.
Tobey Maguire has NO ONE to talk to about being Spider-Man until MJ in 3. His inner conflict is conveyed entirely through sparsely used narration, cleverly written scenes, dream sequences. Think of how many ideas in the trilogy are delivered through striking images.
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Andrew Garfield has Gwen to talk to. When he can't talk to her, he writes his innermost thoughts on a... vision board or something?
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It's goddamn stupid, but then, Garfield is the canonically dumb Spider-Man who needs Gwen to explain science shit to him. Fucker.
Fucking everyone knows Tom Holland is Spider-Man and loves talking to him about every little thing he's going through. He's got an AI, he's got Happy, he's got Tony, he's got Ned, he's got Aunt May, he's got... her, and he's even got Mysterio. Nothing is conveyed through filmatism or subtext, it's all just plainly rendered talking head dialogue tossed under hand to the audience without any nuance because anything more complicated would take time and money they're either unable or unwilling to commit.
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I would say they're not even trying to communicate with the audience, they're trying to obscure a lack of ideas at the core of their story. Far From Home, Mysterio wants to be an Avenger. What does he intend to do when he's an Avenger? How does he intend to cope when an actual, non-hoax threat shows up? Are there even any Avengers for him to join? Why is being an Avenger a glamorous and desirable position in this movie, but in TFAWS, it's an unpaid internship that doesn't net Sam any respect or goodwill?
This vapidity is all papered over with a bunch of bantery dialogue in an attempt to distract from how paper-thin the plot really is. And in case you think I'm being overly harsh, remember the conflict in No Way Home is that five villains don't want to be cured of their afflictions or have their lives saved. They're fighting to stop Spider-Man from helping them. Their motivation is I guess just to stay on an alien world where they have no friends or resources or even government ID, and where superheroes who can beat them up are plentiful, to, uh... hang out with each other? Seriously, what does Doc Ock's endgame look like if he succeeds in killing Spider-Man, which he's trying to do for most of the movie?
You don't know because, ha ha, Zendaya said his name is stupid. That's a better thing to spend time on than the antagonist's goal or motivation.
Seriously, what does Norman Osborn's characterization amount to besides "he's kk-razy"? Raimiverse Norman wanted to make Peter his heir out of disappointment with his own son. What is MCU Norman trying to accomplish? He's the main character besides Peter and you can't tell me; he's just doing random shit because the plot demands it.
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notcryingtoday · 24 days ago
My Candy Love fancast (part 1) because brainrot is real:
Lindsay Lohan as Lyn/Candy
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The myth, the icon. She's THE girl main character from every 2000s higschool movies. Plus Candy's """"canon"""" look is green eyes and long brown hair so...
Steven Strait as Castiel
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Okay so I could never find an actor with the absolutely atrocious haircut Castiel has BUT this is really close. Plus I think he has an actual red string?? Who cares, Warren Peace is literally Castiel (but better). The vibes, the clothes... I could never come up with a better fancast.
Yuyu Kitamara as Rosalya
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Breaking the 2000s vibes with this but I genuinely don't think I can keep an all 2000s cast when the originals have the weirdest hair colour and clothing ever. Anyway, white hair are here, slender face too, I look at this girl and I think girls night with snacks and talking about boys.
Rudy Pankow as Nathaniel
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Okay this might be the weirdest take ever but I swear it's just because Nathaniel doesn't know how to pull an outfit. I can't unsee Rudy as Nathaniel because it just works so well ya know. Plus with Campus Life??? Hell yeah it works.
Tom Holland as Kentin
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Okay at first I just wanted to put two actors like Noah Schnapp bowl cut edition and then Henry Cavill which is what should have happened in a TV adaptation (this would be hilarious please). But Tom Holland kinda... Popped in my head? And it just works I don't know... Tbh Kentin is just small, has brown hair, a baby face and is jacked. Mister Holland is all of those things.
Timothée Chalamet as Armin/Alexy
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I need anyone to know that I hate this with a burning passion but I genuinely have nothing better.
Ewan Mitchell as Lysandre
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First of all fuck you Lysandre what the hell. Your hair your clothes your damn whole face YOUR TWO DIFFERENT COLORS EYES OH ON SE CALME (angry french noises). So I was like "Eh fuck that I'm putting a Targaryen and we'll move on" but actually HE LOOKS LIKE LYSANDRE. The slim face, the vibes... I see it.
Anyway this is part 1.
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tyrantonutx · 1 year ago
Looking for RP Partner(s)!
Hey, hi, how's it goin'?
I'm Tyrant, 30+ s/they, and this is a Take Two attempt at finding like-minded folx, so if you happen to see a similar looking post floating around (unlikely but possible), I am in fact one and the same Tyrant, I'm just too damn impatient to wait on tumblr to fix my original blog.
I'm hoping to find some partner(s) interested in Discord RP, because I am in fact a tumblr Baby (despite the original blog being...several years old...) and the formatting on tumblr rp blogs makes me Nervous.
I've been roleplaying in various capacities on forums, discord, and chat (throwback to AOL Instant Messenger amirite?) for approximately two decades and some change. I tend to write in a casual cadence as one might suspect, and I like to adapt my replies to the thread (anywhere from several sentences to a few paragraphs is my norm). I generally prefer CANON x CANON ships, at least starting out, to get a feel for how we come at characterization and plot together before we dip into OC territory. I'm involved in a few fandoms that may in fact be wastelands but, hey, you miss every shot you don't take, so here I am!
What follows is a list of fandos, characters, and ships I'm ACTIVELY looking for, the things that make my brain buzz in all the good ways. I'm down for hearing out any plots you might have in your lovely beating hearts (or shriveled little black ones, no judgment here!) or working out plots together based on all the good things that come from two rambling fans throwing head canons and "OK BUT WHAT IF"s at each other til something sticks.
If any of these strike you as fun, or if you just think I'm gosh darn neat and wanna chat me up for the thrills, please like this post, message me here on tumblr, or send me a friend request on discord (@tyrantonut)! I'm shy af and terrible at reaching out first, thank you hereditary anxiety and Burnt Out Gifted Kid syndrome, so sometimes I need that lil nudge.
...right! The fandoms! (Please note that while I have listed characters for me vs. for you, I'm actually pretty flexible on these! I just think I write some sides better than others.)
The Boys (AU preferred)
Butchie -- Billy Butcher x Hughie Campbell
Stephen King's It (Muschietti AU preferred)
Reddie -- Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Stranger Things (Aged up AU preferred)
Byler -- Mike Wheeler x Will Byers
Harringrove -- Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Steddie -- Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Hannibal (NBC)
Hannigram -- Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Marvel Universe (Comics & Movieverse)
Spideypool -- Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Spiderprowl -- Aaron Davis x Peter B. Parker
Mysterio/Spiderman -- Quentin Beck x Peter Parker (Tom Holland, preferably aged up)
Starkmonger -- Tony Stark/Erik Killmonger
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss Universe
Huskerdust -- Angel Dust x Husk (Overlord Husk AU has given me brain rot)
Chaggie -- Charlie Magne x Vaggie
RadioApple -- Alastor x Lucifer
Stolitz -- Blitzo x Stolas
Fizzarozzie -- Fizzarolli x Asmodeus
Puckurt -- Noah 'Puck' Puckerman x Kurt Hummel
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ao3feed-petermj · 2 months ago
wilder and lighter (for you)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/f86nHt4 by abcd_em Three weeks ago, he’d been heading towards a job interview. Before he was ever bitten by the spider, Peter had high hopes for himself at twenty-five, he thought he’d have it all figured out; the job, the girl, he’d had May set up in a comfortable life as a thank you for all that she’d given him. Nearly ten years as Spider-Man, he knew those hopes were just a bit of a stretch - he could barely manage juggling one on any good week. He'd been heading to an interview and he'd packed his suit. Sitting on the cold metal floor of Nebula’s ship with the awful gift of hindsight, Peter wonders if he hadn’t packed the suit that day, if he ever would have ended up here. Words: 13539, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Series: Part 31 of Meet Me at Midnight Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Michelle Jones, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts, Aunt May Parker (Marvel) Relationships: MJ/Peter Parker, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon nudged left, Adult Peter Parker, adult MJ Watson, What if Peter & MJ survived the blip?, Grief/Mourning, Parenthood, Love loss and legacy, peter parker's guilt complex can climb as high as he can, growing up with ghosts or something like it read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/f86nHt4
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fandom-rpfinder · 3 months ago
Hello! My name is Mercury, She/Fae/It, 23 years old!
I am looking for someone to write OCs and CANON CHARACTERS from the Into/Across the Spider-Verse movies and other Spider-Man, and general Marvel media! I've watched Toby, Andrew, and Tom's movies as well as Into/Across the Spider-Verse and I'm a HUGE fan. I've also watched up to season 2 episode three of Daredevil, and all of Moon Knight, front to back!
I would love someone able to write darker themes, uncomfortable at best but not illegal or considered morally reprehensible.
By that, I mean I won't be writing noncon, pedophilia, zoophilia, or necrophilia. Racism and ableism are also off the table in terms of actively being used in a harmful way, or slinging slurs in or out of character.
Apologies if this is stated already, I forget things within seconds of reading them sometimes, but only other adults please! 20+ is preferred too, but I'm not particularly fussy.
I write in a literate paragraph style, 1-3k words per post, and prefer third person descriptors. I'm not grammar OR punctuation particular so feel free to let loose, we're here to have fun!
I reply slow. Even when I'm hyperfixed, I can get burnt out-- especially having autism, ADHD, and depression. If you push for replies I'll probably not want to write at all anymore, but a light nudge is okay occasionally if you think I've forgotten or been busy! ❤️ Promise I'm not gonna snap your head off. Just don't want to be pressured.
Thanks for everything! Like this post or reach out in DMs and I'll happily respond. :)
I can write the following characters from canon:
Miles Morales,
Maybelle Parker,
Amazing Spider-Man / Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield),
MCU Spider-Man / Peter Parker (Tom Holland),
Norman Osborn / Green Goblin,
Harry Osborn,
Matthew Murdock / Daredevil,
Marc Spector & Steven Grant & Jake Lockley / Moon Knight
🎥 📚
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arrows-bullshit · 7 months ago
Listen, no hate to anyone, but I personally dislike those irondad type posts. The ones that make it clear that they’re only reference point is the mcu. Like, it seems v diminishing and one-beat. Peter Parker is a fucking genius. Like an actual, genuine genius. And the way ppl post about him just idk. To be clear I have nothing against wholesome slice of life posts/head canons towards super-heros. I love the batfamily (specially that one webtoon), but something about this just seems. Idk. I don’t want to be gate-keepy, or anything, but can people delve into literally ANY other form of marvel media besides the mcu. This isn’t even me saying “smh you don’t know this one niche thing about Spider-Man do you even read comics”, you don’t have to read comics!!!! There’s other marvel movies, shows, and shorts out there. I don’t hate Tom hollands Spider-Man, not by a long shot. (I do hate him becoming essentially a nepo baby and having access to all of that stark tech, I find it to be very out of character for a Spider-Man, but I digress). But I do hate people taking the mcu and then mischaracterising spiderman/creating a one-dimensional, boring, and just downright bad Peter Parker. Again, no hate to people that do it, but I am just tired of seeing that.
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ao3feed-drstrange · 9 months ago
Birds of a Feather
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/SqXC0U2 by howls_library Peter is used to things not really ever going the way he plans or hopes. So when Doctor Strange is casting a spell to make everyone forget who he is as part of his last ditch effort idea to save his world and the multiverse, deep down he not surprised to end up head first in a dumpster. He is also not surprised to see that through his blinding headache, New York does not smell or look anything like what he is used to. He does know one thing though, and that is that he now hates the concept of the multiverse to his very core. or When Doctor Strange's attempts a spell to make everyone forget who Peter Parker is, Peter ends up across the multiverse in the city of Gotham. Confronted by different members of who he learns to be the BatFamily, he has to try and blend in. Unsure of what to do, Peter is plagued with his conscious desire to help the people of Gotham (because right now it looks like they desperately need it) as Spider-Man or to try and figure out how and if he can get home without being seen as a complete lunatic. Why not both? Besides, help might be in places he never even thought he could look. Words: 1810, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: DCU (Comics), DCU, Batman (Comics), Marvel, Marvel (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Comicverse), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: Other Characters: Peter Parker, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Selina Kyle, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown, Helena Bertinelli, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Stephen Strange, Wanda Maximoff, America Chavez, Karen (Spider-Man: Homecoming) Relationships: Dick Grayson & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Peter Parker & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members & Dick Grayson, Peter Parker & Damian Wayne, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Stephen Strange, Barbara Gordon & Peter Parker, Stephanie Brown & Peter Parker, Cassandra Cain & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker Needs Therapy, Multiverse, Some headcanon involved, actually a decent amount of headcanon but very heavily influenced by the canon, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Batfamily (DCU), Jason Todd is Good With Kids, Jason Todd is Bad at Feelings, Bruce Wayne is Good With Kids, Dick Grayson and Richard Parker (Marvel) are the Same Person, Multiverse of Madness happens before this story takes place, Bisexual Disaster Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne is a Little Shit, Tim Drake is So Done, Stephen Strange is So Done, Protective Dick Grayson, Golden Retriever Peter Parker, Minor Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Minor Dick Grayson/Wally West, America Chavez Needs A Hug, Mentioned Gwen Stacy, Not Canon Compliant With Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Wanda Maximoff & Peter Parker Friendship, Not MCU 616 or 199999, Peter Parker is a potty mouth, Mr. Freeze - Freeform, Joker - Freeform, Harley quinn mention - Freeform, Clayface - Freeform, Dick Grayson is a good dad read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/SqXC0U2
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malec-ao3feed · 8 months ago
Your Not-So-Friendly Neighborhood Shadowhunter
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/jupzkgX by strawberrytop_hat The first thing Alec registered was the Scorpius demon, large and grotesque with three wicked barbed tails and a set of serrated pincers. The second thing that had taken him too long to notice was the kid. A short, skinny kid, clad in some kind of cheap red and blue costume, was stuck to the alley wall, one hand and one foot braced along the wall and their other limbs firmly planted on the demon. Alec blinked, took a second to really internalize what was in front of him. Was this kid a warlock? How the hell were they sticking to the wall like that? And why the fuck were they wearing that stupid costume? or A certain Spider-kid meets New York's finest ... Shadowhunters, that is. Words: 3776, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Alec Lightwood and the Teen (ish) Superheroes of New York Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Shadowhunters (TV), The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types, The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Peter Parker, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Isabelle Lightwood, Simon Lewis, Clary Fray, Jace Wayland Relationships: Alec Lightwood & Peter Parker, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Alec Lightwood & Jace Wayland, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland Additional Tags: Crossover, spider-man meets the shadowhunters of nyc, aliens or demons thats the question, Found Family, Fix-It, Post-Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Fix-It for Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Peter Parker Deserves Better, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker is a Mess, Protective Alec Lightwood, Alec Lightwood Deserves Nice Things, Happy Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, alec lightwood reluctantly adopting a spiderling, Supportive Magnus Bane, magnus bane shitting on doctor strange and his stupid way of handling things, Protective Isabelle Lightwood, stem god isabelle lightwood, author is in love with isabelle lightwood, Minor Violence, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Peter Parker Angst, Hurt Peter Parker, Happy Ending, Hopeful Ending, Head of the Institute Alec Lightwood, alec lightwood and the gang can fix anything they put their minds to, Big Brother Alec Lightwood, Attempt at Humor, peter parker needs responsible adults in his life, alec lightwood is a mostly responsible adult read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/jupzkgX
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