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valkirsif · 2 years ago
Unthinkable CH54/???
Finishing this chapter has been challenging for me, now that Thomas has become a father I don't feel very comfortable writing about him with another woman.. I know it's a stupid thing but it almost seems like a lack of respect towards him, I don't know if I will continue this story.
Word 3200
Warning Airplane sex
"I'd say they're coming" laughed Elsa hearing the cries of the fans in the hall, the cinema was packed with people, tickets for the premiere had been snapped up in a few hours, Y/N leaned over the balustrade watching Tom and Chris pass between two wings of screaming fans to reach the balcony where they sat,
“Querida everything okay? Are you comfortable enough?" asked Chris as soon as he arrived,
"I have everything I need and I'm more than comfortable," replied the woman kissing him,
“You must be Y/N's family” he said turning to the group, they nodded dumbfounded by the sight of the man in the suit, “My pleasure”,
"It's a pleasure for them too, when they will be able to express themselves again" laughed Y/N turning to Tom to kiss him, "My love you must stop breaking hearts as you pass",
"It wasn't my intention I swear" Tom answered with an innocent air, they settled down waiting for the room to calm down and the film to start, Y/N was as excited as any fan in the room, she fidgeted in her chair turning continuously towards her friends smiling like a child, the boyfriend beside her laughed holding her hand,
“Having a fan next to you is a fun experience” he laughed, the woman shook his hand bouncing at each scene, she stood up cheering during the fight between Loki and Captain America,
"Gosh even though I've seen you training seeing him with lights and costumes .." she said excitedly sitting back down, she turned to the man as Loki did his monologue for the Black Widow and a moan escaped her, “No no no” she said softly shaking his head, “This thing can't be legal..” she smiled,
“Something wrong in your opinion?” Tom asked about her shaking her hand, "Too much emphasis?",
“Thomas if I dragged you to the bathroom would it be that bad?” she answered as she approached to kiss him, "You have no idea of the effect you have with that costume and your voice ..",
“It means I did my job well,” the man laughed at her as he stroked her back, Y/N and her family reacted exactly as the fans in the theater enjoyed every second of the film.
After the film Y/N and the others remained in their places waiting,
"Darlings?" asked Tom, looking sideways at her, “Are you okay? We have to go..",
“Sorry my love but real fans are waiting for the bonus track..” she smiled,
"I'm sorry to displease you but there is no bonus track at first" he laughed at the disappointed face of the woman, he helped her up and they walked out of the room, Ali and Luke were waiting for them at the exit together with Chris's pr already ready marker in hand for autographs, the fans in the hall had crowded in front of the theater patiently waiting for the group to leave,
“Darling did you like the movie?” Tom asked about her holding her hand, "You seemed very taken" he smiled,
“Thomas was.. it was.. I have no words it was EPIC!” she chirped happily, “Amazing images, the dialogues .. when Ironman arrived ..” she spoke excitedly like any fan, “..and then Loki, WONDERFUL, my love you were perfect .. the monologue of the cell ..” she whispered ,
"I'll repeat it to you at the hotel, my queen" he whispered laughing sliding a hand down her butt, "But work first.." he stamped his killer smile on his face and went towards the fans together with Chris, while waiting for his boyfriend he remained with Elsa and her family,
“Dan?” Elsa called the pr, "can you bring the car please, I'm exhausted .." she said tired, "hermana can you take Chris to the hotel?",
“Of course” answered Y/N, “Gian?!” she turned to her family, the man approached her, "Please take her to the hotel, I don't want her to go alone in her condition",
"I'll take care of it, don't worry" Gian smiled, giving Elsa his arm, "Are you sure your husband doesn't think badly?" he laughed as she opened the door for her,
"Don't worry, as long as someone warns him" she laughed greeting her, "Thanks hermana see you in London", the two left, an hour later the men joined them,
“Elsa??” Chris asked worried not seeing his wife,
“She went back to the hotel, I had Gian escort her” smiled Y/N, “We'll give you a ride while we accompany my family”,
“Perfect thank you” he smiled getting into the car, “Great evening, I love the European fans they are so warm” he laughed loosening his tie,
"I'm exhausted" said Tom leaning back in the seat embracing Y/N, "Did you enjoy the evening?"
"Damn yes..", "Beautiful..", "But is it always so tiring?.." the woman's friends answered almost in chorus, the car left to take the group home and back to the hotel.
The dates of the promotional tour followed quickly, Milan and Turin were a memory, Y/N felt his face tighten from too much smiling, they had returned to London for the premiere,
"Morning Honey" Tom woke her up opening the curtains, "It's 7 and we have a flight in 2 hours.." he laughed lifting the sheet to kiss her head,
“What am I flying? Isn't the premiere here in two days?” she asked from under the sheet, she was worn out from travel and fans of the man, "I thought we'd sleep all day" she said slyly she lured him to bed,
“Sleeping tomorrow, until the premiere I'm free" he smiled going towards the kitchen, Y/N got up and joined him to have breakfast before getting dressed, Tom had already prepared her clothes, “Thomas where are we going?” she asked as she finished getting ready, "You'll see.." the man replied before blindfolding her, "..But what .." she laughed trying to take off the blindfold, "..make me happy and don't ask questions.." he whispered before kissing her neck, Y/N sighed nodding, "Good girl, give me your hand and let's go" he said driving her, she felt like she was in a car forever, when stopped Tom helped her down and led the way, "Mister Hiddleston the plane is ready if you want to follow me" a stewardess preceded them and helped her get on and get comfortable on the seat, "We will leave shortly, relax" she said to Y/N before leaving the cabin, "Thomas.. what's going on?" she asked between curious and anxious, she had never loved surprises and hers looked exactly like it, "It's okay my love enjoy the flight" he replied laughing putting a glass of champagne in her hand, an eternity of time after they landed, "Last thing .." he said before putting on a pair of headphones, the woman fidgeted, “THOMAS” she said aloud, the man took her by the hand and they went down, it was like being in a capsule .. she didn't hear she saw nothing, for all she knew they could be on mars, "Don't worry, we're almost there.." he whispered moving the headphones without taking them off, the woman was anchored to his nervous hand, they got into another car, the woman had the perception of the movement but she didn't understand where they were or where they were going, the car stopped, Tom let go of her hand, he felt the movement of air from the opening of the doors and the man who took her hand again, placing a hand on her head so that she didn't slam it as she went down unsteadily on her legs, it was disarming not to have no control, she hugged her boyfriend's arm following him, there was a strange smell in the air that she didn't recognize, she felt like vibrations under her feet.. she was starting to get scared, the man stopped, took her by the shoulders making her turn and took off her headphones, the noise reached her ears all at once making her regret not having them anymore, a familiar noise, heard a thousand times but never so close, "Happy birthday my love" Tom began removing her bandage, making her eyes narrow due to the intensity of the light, "Happy birthday to her" he laughed at her leaving her to look around her.
Speechless, Y/N was speechless, since she was with Tom it happened all too often, she looked around as if dreaming, she was on the pit lane.. in front of the Red Bull pits.. in Montecarlo.. she still didn't believe it , he stared at Tom who smiled in his astonishment, “Thomas what.. how.. FELL!!!” Y/N she was hopping happily, “OH GOD” she screamed throwing her arms around her boyfriend's neck and kissing him, “Thomas .. oh gosh” she couldn't stop, "Welcome Tom" Horner was joining them smiling, "I would say that the motor enthusiast must be your girlfriend", "Chris thanks for your availability" said Tom greeting him, "Yes she is Y/N .." he said he took her by the hand, "OH GOD Mister Horner .. oh GOD" she said excitedly shaking the man's hand, "I .. excuse me ..", "Call me Chris" he laughed, "If you want to follow me I'll accompany you" he said leading the way into the garage for the couple, Tom remained a step back to let Y/N enjoy everything, a mechanic made room for her letting her approach the car, "I can?" she asked fearfully she reached out a hand, she had always dreamed of being able to touch a formula 1 car, “Be careful not to scratch it”, Y/N recognized the voice immediately and turned around, Daniel Ricciardo was approaching, “Do you want to come up?” he asked after introducing himself, the woman froze staring at him limiting herself to nodding like a little girl in front of a unicorn, a mechanic brought a lift to let her into the car, they mounted the steering wheel and Daniel helped her put on the helmet, "This is the one that pilots see” he laughed, "I'm dreaming" Y/N said in a low voice placing her hands on the steering wheel, with the helmet she felt everything muffled, Daniel explained how the steering wheel worked,
"With this we talk to the box, instead this one is for drinking", she remained in the cockpit for 10 minutes asking questions , "Sorry, but we have to get the car ready..." a mechanic said approaching, "Of course I'll get off right away" said Y/N getting out of the passenger compartment, "Thank you very much" she said returning to her boyfriend, "Are you well my Queen?" he asked she squeezed her, "I'm stoned on adrenaline my love" she answered excitedly, "It couldn't be more perfect than this", a pr she accompanied them to the stage behind the car, "Enjoy the show I'm going into position" Horner said greeting them before running to the pit lane to the wall, Tom sat down and continued to observe smiling the woman who moved happily so as not to miss any detail, the car was started, the rumble it gave goosebumps and made my heart skip in my chest, felt the adrenaline go up ire, "Listen how he meows" she said excitedly, "Oh God Thomas but how did you do it?" she asked trying to calm down, her brain started again, it was her birthday and she was living one of her biggest dreams of her sitting next to the man she loved, "I've been looking for the right gift for a while" started to explain the man, "I confess I asked your family, they gave me the idea" he smiled innocently, “Oh God Thomas you didn't have to” replied Y/N, “I didn't even want to celebrate so you wouldn't feel obligated to do something” she smiled kissing him, "If you don't want to celebrate, we can go right back" he said jokingly, "But it would be a pity .. the day has just begun,,", "Everything is perfect already, no more is needed my love" she replied tightly to him, "it would have been enough for me just to spend the day at home, eating rubbish in bed with you" she laughed concentrating on the big screen, the green light had just gone off and he heard the rumble of cars starting off. Y/N hadn't sat down for a second since the start of the race, she too excited to sit still she was cheering madly for Ricciardo, "GO DANI.." she yelled like any fan, Tom laughed at his side, ".. DID YOU SEE WHAT A PASS!!!", she leaned out when the car arrived for the pit stop, "Come on come on come on .." she growled looking at the time trial, 2 super exciting hours later the couple was in front of the awards stage, "Mister Hiddleston these are the passes for the parc fermé after the race" said a team pr handing the man the badges that gave access to everything, "Darling let's go celebrate with the team shall we?" he asked putting the pass around her neck, Y/N looked at him with shining eyes, "I take that as a yes" he laughed taking her hand, they took a walk in the pit lane where the stables were starting to dismantle everything, the woman stopped in front of the Mercedes garage, she loved everything about Formula 1, she wasn't a fan of just one team, she was fond of the driver, "Thomas look at it.." she said stopping admiring the Mercedes, "'s beautiful, look how shiny it looks like a mirror.." she was fascinated by the perfection of the lines, they spent the afternoon dancing and having fun on the Red Bull yacht, Y/N asked question after question, they were all very helpful by sunset the couple left to return to London. “My Queen enjoyed your day?” asked Tom pouring drinks for both of us, "My love, you have no idea.." she answered undoing her seat belt, "..if I wanted to take the rest of the gift now?.." she smiled sitting on the man's knees starting to caress his chest, kissing his neck provocatively, "Little Kitty where is your patience?" asked Tom sliding his hands on the woman's thighs, "You don't want to put on a show here.." he smiled knowingly, ".. what will the crew think?", he concluded calling the stewardess, Y/N bit his lip, “Can I get you something?” she asked smiling, "One bottle and we don't want to be disturbed until landing" he replied, the stewardess nodded, she brought a basket with champagne and disappeared together with her colleague closing the door, "I'll try to make as little noise as possible" the woman whispered as she undid her dress, "What are you going to do?" Tom asked staring at her, "You won't undress Kitty" he smiled taking her by her wrists, "No one will be left without clothes" he said kissing her, "Close your eyes .." he whispered in her ear, “..Thomas..” she whispered back doing what she was told, "..shhh.. don't think about anything, concentrate on my voice", the man began to caress her delicately, touching her neck, following the line of the collarbone with his fingers, he touched her breasts drawing circles up to the nipple, the woman she gasped as she squeezed through the fabric, "How soft you are" he whispered playing with her breasts, "I know what you want.." he said softly leaving her wrists to caress her, "..hands on the armrests" he growled biting her earlobe, Y/N obeyed trying to hold back her moans, with her eyes closed everything about her was amplified he felt everything about her, her boyfriend's hands moving over her, her breath on her neck, "Well done my obedient Kitty" he laughed kissing her, the woman felt her nails on her hips while the man's hand slid on her butt, "More inviting than usual..", he said squeezing her butt, "..I bet you're a lake.. " he growled biting her neck, the woman nodded panting, ".. how.. I didn't hear.." he squeezed her nipple to reiterate the concept, “..Yes..” moaned Y/N of her digging nails into armrests, “…you are so sensitive…so exciting…” he kept squeezing and pinching the woman's breasts, his other hand moving slowly up her thighs, playing with the hem of the dress before sliding his hand under the fabric, “ ..hear how my Kitty meows..” he teased kissing her neck, Y/N was struggling to keep from screaming, moaning and gasping into the man's hands, “lace panties?” he asked stroking the elastic, "..your favorites.." the woman meowed kissing him, with a slowness that was exasperating her the man brushed her through the lace, he went around her clit putting pressure on her enjoying her moans, he moved her panties and inserted two fingers inside her making her jump, “Thomas..please..” she moaned she still clinging to her arm, “Sweet little Kitty..” he whispered in her ear, “..feel how wet you are..” he laughed at her kissing her, he moved his fingers like a scissor going in and out of her slowly, patiently driving her crazy, “ won't enjoy without permission right?” he asked increasing the pace, “You're a good obedient Kitty aren't you?”, Y/N could barely say yes, ��Look at me” he growled making her spine vibrate, the woman opened her eyes as she leaned in to kiss him, “..ask him.. ” he smiled squeezing her nipple, “ a good girl you won't have lost your voice”, “God Thomas.. can I enjoy? Please..” she meowed gasping, the man smiled at her pressing his palm on her clit continuing to move his fingers inside her, "So be it, enjoy Kitty" he said kissing her, "Let me feel how good you are", Y/N she took her hand off the armrest and put it in front of her mouth, she was unable to control herself at that moment, she came screaming into her hand, muffling the noise to a minimum, she collapsed leaning on her boyfriend's chest who squeezed her stroking her back, "Happy birthday my love" he whispered to her, he took her face in her hands smiling at her, kissed her delicately, "Hey Darling, are you alright?", “It was beautiful, this is a birthday” she laughed she held him, “I'm just fine my love”, he handed her a glass of champagne and they cuddled, "Sorry Mister Hiddleston" said the stewardess entering the cabin after knocking, "We land in 5 minutes you should fasten your seat belts" she smiled going out again, “You don't have any other surprises do you?” the woman asked once in the car, "I just want to take a shower and lean against you in bed", “You redeemed the last gift in flight..” he laughed hugging her, “I really like your shower and bed schedule my Queen”. Once in the house Tom noticed that the answering machine was full, there were 20 messages, “What happened?” he wondered typing the unlock code, Y/N reached him as worried as he, “I have an untold number of missed calls on my mobile .. and so do you ..” she said checking the phones, “..all calls from Chris ..”, the couple remained silent eye to eye, both immediately thought of Elsa, after the first message Tom took the first car keys that came to hand, took Y/N by the hand and ran to the clinic, “Thomas don't rush like that” said Y/N quite scared of her boyfriend driving, “I'm anxious too but risking an accident wouldn't help now” she tried to laugh, "Sorry.." the man replied slowing down, "..when it comes to the family I lose my mind.. worse than you" he laughed with her shaking her hand, luckily they didn't find too much traffic and they arrived in less than 20 minutes, "Good evening, can I help you?" asked the polite and calm receptionist, “Elsa Pataki?” Y/N asked trying to sound calm, "Are you a relative?" asked the girl, "I can't give any information about the presence or absence of Miss Pataki", “Me, I'm a friend” replied the woman, “I just learned that she is here ..”, Thomas joined her after parking, "News?" he asked breathlessly, "I tried to call Chris but there is no reception", “They can't tell us anything,” said Y/N, "Here you are!!" Chris said anxiously joining them, "Where were you guys I've been calling you all evening", he was definitely out of his mind, "Sorry it's Y/N's birthday and we were celebrating" Thomas replied, "Oh.. happy birthday dear.. now let's go" Chris smiled embracing her and they headed towards the delivery rooms, "Querida here we are" he said to her wife returning to sit down next to her bed, "Sorry, he's tense" Elsa smiled exhausted, "I told him not to call anyone", “Herman how are you? Can I do anything?” asked Y/N approaching her, she had no idea how to help her, "Miss Pataki, let's see how it goes" the midwife said happily, lifting the sheet, ".. here we go .." she said seriously, gesturing to the nurses to move the bed, "Will someone come in with you?" she asked looking at the group that had moved to pass the bed, "I would have gone in but nobody wants" Chris laughed tensely, “That's not the case, I wish I still had a husband ..” Elsa said kissing him, she tried to sound calm but you could see that she was exhausted, “..hermana take my phone if my family calls ..”, "I'll take you to the waiting room" said a nurse leading the way, "Don't worry, your wife is in good hands", Chris wandered around the silent room, every now and then he and Thomas exchanged anxious glances, Y/N was the secretary answering Elsa's relatives, 30 minutes later the midwife came out of the delivery room smiling, "Mister Hemsworth everything went well" she said at once on seeing the man's worried face, "Thank goodness," he took a breath hugging Thomas and Y/N, “How is Elsa?”, “Her wife is fine,” she replied smiling, “and the baby too,” Chris squeezed her gratefully, "Thanks.. can I see them?" he asked her trying to compose himself, the midwife led the way for the trio, “Querida.. my beautiful querida” he said with all the love in the world in her voice, “You were very strong”, "I'm exhausted" she replied, she could see how tried she was, "Have you seen her yet?" “They're washing it,” he replied holding her hand, “Are you okay? Do you want something?", “I'm hungry..” she replied, "I'll take care of it hermana, what can I get you?" asked Y/N in a low voice approaching, "Sushi and raw seafood please" she laughed, the woman asked for the car keys and disappeared, "Here I am" she smiled with the takeaway bags after an hour, "Oh God she's beautiful" she said with tears seeing the baby in the crib next to her bed, “Thanks hermana you have no idea how much I missed raw food!” laughed Elsa more relaxed, "Perfect, she is perfect" said Chris tenderly holding the hand of the sleeping little one, "Elsa is a masterpiece ..", the midwife went to check on mother and daughter, "They're fine" she said smiling, "You can hold her in your arms, she won't break", she took the little one and brought her to Chris, "Put your arm like this.. hold her head up.. ” she explained, laying her in the arms of his father who was staring at her immobilized by the fear of making her fall, "Brother I've never seen you so scared" Thomas teased him, “She's tiny..” he whispered, “Hey welcome birth India” he said to the little girl who was staring at him smiling, "Querido go to sleep, we are fine" said Elsa taking India in her arms, "Don't worry we are surrounded by doctors and nurses" she smiled, “Come on brother you all need to rest” said Thomas, “The guest room awaits you with a nice comfortable bed and a shower”, the trio walked out of the clinic almost at dawn.
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valkirsif · 2 years ago
Queen of the King
Im obsessed about Norway Eurovision song, Alessandra have beautiful and charming voice and inspired me :)
Word 3400
Warning noting
Avengers jailed King Loki, his Queen going to save him <3 
The healer left Y/N's room smiling and headed towards the throne room where the King was waiting for her nervously,
“Tessalia tell me everything” he said getting up from the throne joining her, “Y/N is she ok?” he asked motioning for her to sit at the large dining table,
"Your Majesty can rest assured the Queen is very well" she smiled sympathetically, "She and her unborn child are in perfect health",
Loki smiled relieved, "Thanks for coming right away, I know how much work you have with the other pregnant women" he thanked her, "I don't know what to do anymore to keep her calm in the building",
"You don't have to do anything" Tessalia laughed placing a hand on his shoulder maternal , "The Queen is a free spirit it is impossible to hold back her nature, you have to resign yourself and let her vent", Frigga joined them,
“My son, are you calmer now that Thessaly has visited Y/N?” she smiled softly, "I brought something to distract her, at least for a few hours she won't move from her rooms",
"Thank you Mother, was the Father of the Gods so apprehensive too?" Loki asked, "I still remember the stories he told us of you in battle with my newborn brother" he laughed,
"He was exactly like you, maybe worse" said Frigga, "To participate in that battle I had to escape from the window like a prisoner" she laughed at that memory, "You can't treat a crow like a sparrow",
“Mother of the Gods welcome” Y/N's cheery voice made them turn around, “Are you here to stop me from riding too?” she asked sitting down next to her husband,
"My Queen how are you feeling?" Loki asked kissing her hand making her sit down, "I have something to bring to eat, you haven't touched food since this morning" he nodded to her maids who ran to get stew and fresh vegetables,
"I'm fine it wasn't necessary to disturb the curator" she smiled kissing him, "Helhest got scared because of the guards following us.. do you know anything about it?!" she asked laughing, "I should go groom and feed him," she said getting up,
"No no no now you stay here, you will eat something and you will rest" said Loki seriously, "Grunil has already provided to make your horse have everything it needs", the woman sighed and gave up, the smell of the food was irresistible, Loki continued to spoil her with her favorite dishes, satisfying her every desire as a pregnant woman,
“My dear I brought something to distract you..” Frigga said calling Halrund, “ about an afternoon with the armourer?”, the man approached bowing showing a case of elkarium,
“Finally something fun!!” laughed cheerfully Y/N, noticed Loki shaking his head smiling, "My beloved I appreciate everything you do to distract me you know.. but",
“But nothing cheers you more than choosing weapons” he laughed with her kissing her head, “I'll leave you with my mother then my darling, see you later, if you need me I'm at Heimdall's”,
“Still no sign of your scepter or tesseract?” she asked curiously, the man nodded and left the room.
A guard entered the throne room Y/N and Frigga turned as he approached,
"Your Majesty" she bowed at the foot of the throne, "forgive the intrusion a crow has arrived for the Mother of the Gods" she said almost fearfully, since Loki had left to retrieve the scepter and the tesseract and disappeared Y/N she was nervous and agitated, the day before she had frozen the lake in a fit of anger, everyone tried not to irritate her,
"Thank you soldier" Frigga replied getting up to take the message, "You can go" she dismissed her she put the missive in her pocket sitting down next to the woman, "Halrund has finished your armor shall we go and see it?" she asked trying to distract Y/N who stared at her curiously,
“Of course” she replied caressing her belly, “Shhh we are nervous I know, your father will be back soon” she said softly,
"He feels your anxiety" Frigga smiled placing a hand on Y/N's belly, "I hope Halrund's work distracts you", the women walked towards the Queen's room,
"..If I had news I would be more serene .." she sighed as she entered the room, "Halrund you were really fast" she smiled at the gunsmith,
"Your Majesty" he smiled greeting, "I took the liberty of asking a friend for advice before starting" he said uncovering the mannequin, the woman looked at Frigga questioningly, there was nothing, the mannequin was naked excluding jewels,
“I don't understand” she said staring at the man, “I didn't know you were also a jeweler”,
“I'm not,” he smiled as he picked up the pendant, “May I?” he asked approaching, the woman smiled curious nodding, Halrund put the pendant around her neck and gave her a brooch, "Try to touch the stone" he suggested moving, "Mother of the Gods I advise you to move",
Frigga took a couple of steps and stared curiously Y/N, as soon as she touched the stone something that seemed liquid sprang from the center, slowly covered the woman's body sliding following her shapes, crystallizing in an armor, the welds were bright as ice winter, Harlund I'll go around checking that everything was in order,
"Try to walk please" he said fixing a couple of stitches, "Remove the pin .." he encouraged her, "..delicately" he smiled knowing the impetuosity of the Queen,
"Ohhh Halrund.." exclaimed Y/N fascinated, the brooch had transformed into pure energy,
"Now think of a weapon", the woman obeyed, the energy moved becoming solid, shaping itself into a pike,
"It will become any weapon you think of" he explained, "Just rethink the brooch to make it disappear" he smiled,
"How did you do?" she asked in ecstasy,
"I've been to Nidhavellir, an old, very old friend, he explained to me how to shape the elkarium by connecting it to your magic" he explained, "It's something I didn't know, now I can create any object you can think of" he smiled seeing the joy in the eyes of the woman, "Even the armor has secrets, in case of attack it creates a protection of pure energy where you are most vulnerable" he concluded by striking her belly, the hand was stopped in mid-air before touching her, instinctively brought her hands to her belly to protect the child and she saw the blue halo, the armor had transformed at the first movement covering her head with a helmet in the shape of a dragon's head, "And you can always wear it as if it were any jewel" he concluded bowing,
"It's amazing, thank you" Y/N smiled as she approached to hug him, "Could you help me sooner than expected right Mother of the Gods?" she exclaimed, turning inquiringly towards her,
"Thanks Halrund you can go" Frigga smiled calmly, "Thor has already left.." she said taking her hand, "..I knew it would have been useless to silence the message or prevent you from going, now you're ready to do it safely" she smiled maternally giving her letter, Loki was a prisoner on Earth and Thor was at Avengers HQ discussing his release, Y/N felt fury course through her veins, she snapped her fingers and reappeared from the bifrost,
"Y/N I already warned Thor of your arrival" Heimdall said opening the bifrost, "I'll keep my eyes on you.." he smiled letting her pass,
"Be careful my daughter" she heard Frigga whisper before entering the cone of light.
 Thor was waiting for her, he walked over to her as soon as the bifrost closed, he looked nervous, he kept turning the hammer in his hand,
 "Sister you weren't supposed to come" he greeted her agitated, "In your condition you should be calm" he smiled embracing her,
“Brother you shouldn't have kept such a thing from me,” she replied nervously, “Where is he?” she asked referring to Loki,
“It's okay let me take care of it” he replied deflecting the question taking two steps back, he felt the energy move around her, “Try to stay calm..”,
"STOP" she cried clutching the necklace, the armor slipped on her, it was different from when she tried it on, the gloves ended with nails and behind the helmet an icy crest protected her back, she felt powerful and safe, " I WILL NOT LEAVE MY HUSBAND IN A FILTHY CELL A MINUTE MORE”, the woman's eyes lit up, the energy flowing in her furious, “Step aside Thor I don't want to hurt you”, she smiled lighting up the sky as if it were the aurora borealis has arrived,
"Let me walk you," said the man stepping aside in spite of her, "Try to keep calm," he smiled next to her,
Wanda walked out of HQ staring at Y/N smiling,
“They also have a witch?!” laughed Y/N turned to Thor, the man slowed down at her looking at her nodding,
“I told Stark it wasn't a good idea..” he growled nervously, the woman focused on Y/N trying to penetrate her mind,
"I'm sorry for you but it doesn't work for me" Y/N said stopping, "But you can be useful to me in another way", she smiled taking control of Wanda's mind, "Be good, bring my message",
the woman tried to resist in vain, turned around and entered the headquarters, Y/N watched through her eyes what was happening inside, the Avengers were waiting in the hall,
“Wanda did you find out anything?” Stark asked, standing up, “Who is the woman? What does she want?”, the woman did not answer,
"Are you ok?" Rogers asked walking up to her, "Wanda what's going on?" he asked agitated, the rest of the group watched the woman exchanging nervous glances,
"So you'd be the Avengers" said Wanda, "I demand to speak to whoever's in charge among you buffoons",
"Jarvis defended," ordered Stark,
Vision took the woman's face in her hands looking at her, "Wanda, Wanda where are you?" he was trying to get to her, “Come back to me..”,
"She's fine, I won't hurt her" replied Wanda still under the yoke of Y/N, "Give me back what belongs to me and no one will get hurt",
"Come in and let's talk" Stark replied, "No one will touch you",
“None of you have the power to touch me” Wanda laughed, “But if you insist”, the woman fainted freed from Y/N's grip, Vision laid her on the sofa, the group turned hearing a series of explosions,
"Jarvis what's going on," Stark asked as he watched the monitors shut down standing one after the other, outside the Y/N complex exploded the guard machine guns when they started firing, a blue aura melted the shots turning them into snowflakes,
"Ridiculous" she growled snapping her fingers pulverizing the defenses, "Let's go talk" she laughed heading towards the entrance,
"I understand you but it's not the right way" Thor whispered trying to hold her back, "Wait Y/N", he took her by the elbow making her turn around, "Listen to me they are not dangerous, let me explain things to them",
"There is nothing to explain to these ridiculous beings" she replied in a breath, "If they don't free Loki they will be wiped out, I don't care how much you like Midgardians.." she growled more than serious as she entered the palace, she blew up every form of defense appeared in front of her as she climbed towards the central hall, she found the Avengers lined up with weapons drawn waiting for her, Thor stood in front of her protectively,
“Thor is not necessary” she said smiling, “He where is he?” asked Y/N staring at Stark,
"Evil queen, do you think you can get here and do whatever you want?" the man asked pointing his weapons at her, “Maybe you should introduce yourself” he smiled,
“Stark lowers weapons” said Thor, “Let's talk please”,
“We were talking before she arrived,” Rogers replied, “Who are you? Who is she to you?” he asked seriously,
"I am Y/N, Queen of Nifhelleim, Lady of Asgard" the woman replied making the helmet disappear, the group looked nervous, none of them had ever seen a woman like this, the diaphanous skin seemed transparent, the ice-colored eyes lit from the fury, the long black hair,
“She is my brother's bride..” said Thor, “ have to step back..”,
"I think it's time to say goodbye" Clint said holding them at gunpoint with his bow, " know where the door is",
"Put down your weapons," Vision said calmly, "The woman is pregnant,"
“Mink did you happen to see her what she did outside her?” he asked seriously, "What did she do to Wanda?"
“I just defended myself, it wasn't me who attacked you” laughed Y/N, “Here if you are waiting you are treated like something fragile, you are ridiculous”,
“So you came for Loki?” Stark asked without letting his guard down, "I'm sorry but it's not available at the moment", she smiled,
"If you don't want to collaborate, I'll have to find it by myself.." she growled touching the brooch, in a second she transformed into a globe of energy, the situation degenerated in a second, Stark fired a series of shots that vanished like snow in the sun, Y/N laughed moving her hands like in a dance, she stopped Stark in mid-air looking at him like an adult looks at a naughty child, "I won't ask again…" she growled, Thor tried to get between her and the Avengers,
“Just Y/N stop” he shouted shielding Stark, Rogers and Nat jumped on him trying to knock him out, “I'm trying to protect you what's wrong with you?” he growled shaking off Nat,
“Are you my bride?”, Loki's voice loud and clear came out of Wanda's mouth made Y/N stop,
"Light of my life where are you" she asked aloud kneeling in front of the sofa,
“Under the structure ..” he answered tiredly, “ didn't have to ..”,
"My light answer.." she said in a breath, "YOU" she yelled turning towards the group, "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS", she snapped her fingers imprisoning them in an ice cube, Vision had not moved from Wanda's side, he had not tried to attack her so the woman did not touch him,
“Thank you,” he said caressing Wanda's face, “They?” he asked staring at the others,
“They'll be fine.. she'll be fine too” she smiled she recognized the love in his words, “I didn't want to go like this but you didn't give me any other choices” she smiled she blew up the hidden door in the wall and going down the stairs stairs.
"INTRUDER GETTING RECOGNIZED", the alarm activated Stark's armor that stood in front of her trying to stop her,
"What do you find in these troglodytes" she asked in exasperation after having pulverized the umpteenth armour, Thor behind her did not answer, having reached the bottom of the stairs something attracted the woman's attention, a vibration, she followed that "call" up to a glass, she saw Loki's scepter connected to some machinery, "What the hell.." she growled touching the glass and turning it to ice before entering, she reached out to take it when she heard a voice,
“Hey what do you think you're doing” Banner stopped her staring at her still holding a folder, “Who are you?” he asked taking off his glasses, Y/N ignored him and took the scepter by ripping the multitude of cables that fastened it to the machines,
“MUNIN” she said aloud, a crow landed on her shoulder bowing his head as a sign of respect, “Take him to Asgard”, the bird took the scepter and disappeared in a flutter of wings, “Where is the tesseract ” she asked Banner who hadn't moved continuing to stare at her,
"Excuse me?" he asked as if a spell were broken, “Who are you? How did you get here? ”, he continued with her questions, Y/N turned to him furious, Banner noticed the woman's eyes but above all the energy that came from her two hands,
“Bruce it's ok” Thor said softly, “Don't fret, just tell her where the tesseract is and we'll leave”,
"Interesting, first a witch and now a hybrid" smiled Y/N holding her hands down to let Banner understand that he didn't want to attack him, "I don't want to hurt anyone, I'm only here for what belongs to me",
"Thor what's going on?" he asked nervously, “The others?”, he was fidgeting having heard no noise or alarm,
"They're fine, no one is hurt..." Thor answered calmly, "The tesseract?",
Banner moved towards a reinforced wall, typed a code and the door opened, "Here you take it, I can't touch it .." he said shaking his head annoyed,
“HUGIN” called Y/N holding the cube in her hand, a new crow appeared, “Take him to Asgard, may he be delivered into the hands of Frigga” she smiled stroking the head of the bird who took the cube and disappeared, “It's gone don't you it will give more trouble, thanks" she said to Banner, "Stay with him" she said to Thor before heading to the opposite side of the corridor in search of Loki, a group of guards stood in front of her as soon as she opened the special door at the end of the corridor,
“STOP” they shouted pointing their weapons at her, “NOT A STEP”,
"How many insects are there in this building" she growled in exasperation turning the brooch into a pair of knives, again the armor changed to leave her the freedom to fight, the energy protection slid over her belly to better protect her as she passed between the guards sawing through their weapons and freezing them in place, she hurled a pair of energy balls ahead of her to clear the way to Loki's prison.
She uprooted the reinforced metal door ready to defend herself again, she saw the glass prison where Loki was imprisoned and ran towards him, she stopped at the edge of the room, the cell was suspended in nothingness, she turned around hearing something fall ready to strike, the guard stared at her raising his hands,
“OPEN THE CELL” she growled ready to strike him, “Don't make me say that again”,
the guard pressed a series of buttons, a bridge unrolled towards the cell, Y/N ran to the door but found it sealed, Loki was looking at her from inside, he seemed tired and exhausted, the woman turned furious,
"Don't shoot me" said the guard still with his hands raised, "I can't open it, only Stark has her code" he implored her, the woman growled snapping her fingers, Stark appeared in the room still half blocked by ice,
“OPEN IT” she ordered making the ice vanish from the man, “I don't want to get violent ..”,
"You've been an angel up until now", Stark replied sarcastically regaining control of his body, "Ok ok I'll open it" he said raising his hands when Y/N transformed the brooch into a stiletto ready to strike him, typed the code, the door rang and it opened, the woman ran towards Loki who was unsteady on his legs,
"My Light how are you?" she asked thoughtfully, "What have they done to you?"
“My love I'm fine” he replied caressing her face, “It's the cell, they used the scepter to create it, block my magic” he growled exhausted, “You shouldn't have risked and come here” he smiled,
“Will you yell at me when we get home, let's go..” she said helping him up, suddenly the door closed again,
“NO” Loki shouted standing in front of Y/N to protect her, the woman looked around, she saw Stark from her panel,
"Queen of evil you miscalculated the escape" he smiled relieved, "Now I'll ask the questions ..",
the woman burst out laughing,
"How foolish you are" she approached the glass, "You can't block my energy, the scepter and the tesseract are already safe in Asgard", she explained concentrating the energy on her fingers, "I don't have the same magic of the Asgardians..” she growled touching the cell wall with her fingertips which lit up before exploding into ice shards, Stark stared at her scared, “ you have any last words?” she asked as she blew the man's armor off one piece at a time,
"Y/N is not the moment" Loki said in a breath hugging her from behind, "Let's go home, we will come back and you will have your revenge", the woman turned kissing him leaving Stark free,
"HEIMDALL" she said aloud, the bifrost split instantly, "..I'll be back.." Stark threatens before disappearing.
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valkirsif · 2 years ago
Unthinkable ch 53
Word 3100
Warning smut
“..a smile please..”, “..over here.. Tom..”, “..can we have a kiss?..”, the photographers kept asking for poses while Tom and Y/N strolled through the gardens of the Horti, they had been following them for hours, first at the restaurant and now in the park, that photo shoot had been arranged with various magazines and the couple tried to please everyone, Tom was at ease, used to that kind of day.. for Y/Nor was it harder to relax and feel at ease, "Think you are in the park at Rice's .." the man whispered to her, embracing her, the woman blushed remembering their walk, she tried to relax and enjoy the private visit in the gardens, the couple had been in Rome for two days and they had spent between photos and interviews, Y/N hadn't seen his family yet but that evening they would be hiding in Marco's house, away from everything and everyone, the woman's phone rang in her purse, “Hello” Ali replied, “Y/N is busy at the moment do you want to leave a message?” The pr hurriedly wrote and hung up smiling at Y/N that she had stopped to ask who had been looking for her, “Ali?!” she asked, "It was Marco, he said he was waiting for you to go.." Ali replied puzzled, Y/N smiled, the night before she had arranged with her family to be picked up after service, Gian had stopped by the hotel to pick up their change for the next day without being noticed, hours later the photographers thanked and left, the woman asked for the phone, "We're done, we'll wait for you at the secondary entrance of the Horti in 5 minutes" she said to Marco in Italian so that Ali and Luke didn't understand, they walked away calmly asking for the next day's programme, "At 5 tomorrow afternoon the stylists arrive to prepare you for the premiere, quick dinner at 9 and off to the cinema.." Luke was saying looking at the programme, her friend's car had arrived, Y/N smiled at her boyfriend and dragged him towards the car, they got in and Marco set off in a hurry laughing like a little boy together with the woman, "Darling you're crazy you know" Tom laughed at her holding her tightly, "Give me the phone we have to warn Luke ..", “Do we really have to?” asked Y/N continuing to laugh handing him the phone, "We could disappear .." she proposed mysteriously, "..Luke don't worry we'll take the evening, tomorrow at 5 we'll be at the hotel.." the man said hurriedly starting up immediately, "Marco where are we going?" he asked, “You will be confined to the apartment outside Rome, it's kind of our secret lair..” he laughed as he drove slowly, “We haven't been together since you arrived.. a kidnapping was necessary”, "At least for one evening there will be no paparazzi lurking or fans trying to enter the room" laughed Y/N semi-serious, all that situation had stranged her, the first night a girl no more than 15 years old entered the room pretending to be a waitress, they couldn't go on the terrace because the paparazzi were in the opposite buildings ready to steal photos, she needed some peace at least for a few hours, they arrived just outside the city and parked. "Welcome Tom" said Marco closing the gate, "Make it like your home", Y/N threw her shoes and handbag to one side, took her boyfriend by the hand and showed him around the house, "We sleep here" she said entering the attic, "There is a beautiful view from the terrace", you could see all of Rome from the roof, the woman made herself comfortable throwing on a t-shirt, "You can relax my love, no one knows where we are .. just my family" she laughed unbuttoning her boyfriend's shirt, "Outside there is a hammock, a bottle of wine and good food waiting for us..", “..And here is a bed that looks so comfortable ..” Tom answered caressing her hips, “ can you be so sexy with an old shirt on?” he asked about her tooth of her putting his hands on her butt bringing her closer to him, "Could we relax before your family arrives, or will Marco be offended?", "Mister Hiddleston, you tempt me.. very much.." answered Y/N undoing his trousers, ".. a nap seems like a great idea to me.." she smiled leaving him, "Marco let's take a nap.." she yelled, opening the door, a laugh came from the room as an answer, the woman returned to the bed, Tom had undressed he approached her holding in his hand the scarf that the woman had worn in the gardens, "Come here Kitty" he said in a low voice staring at her, "I would say to take this off.." he slowly slipped off her shirt touching her back, Y/N held her breath excitedly, the man stroked her back and shoulders scratching her lightly, not wanted to leave signs, the woman replied meowing, kissing his neck tightly against him, ".. how beautiful you are .." he took her in his arms and pushed her onto the mattress, he remained at the foot of the bed looking at her, he kept passing the silk scarf undecided on how to use it, ".. do you want to play with me Kitty?" he asked as he walked around the bed and sat next to her, "Yes" whispered Y/N smiling, the man took the scarf and blindfolded her, the heart of the woman started running, it was so exciting not to see what he was about to do, she felt her boyfriend moving around the room, felt when he sat next to her, his hands moving over her skin, brushing her hips and belly, he bent over on her to kiss her, Y/N heard a rustling near her face but she didn't understand what it was, she tried to follow the noises with her head, she held her breath when "something" touched her face, Tom had taken a peacock feather from vase and was using it to tease her, he slid it over her face descending on her delicate neck, he followed her curves spiraling around her breasts up to the nipples which instantly swelled, the woman panted excited by not knowing her boyfriend's next move , “Hands over your head..” he whispered in her ear, the woman complied, she heard the man's low laugh before he pinned her hands to the headboard with his belt, he moaned at her when she felt his hands tighten, "..You really like it kitten" Tom ascertained of her kissing her neck, he slid the feather on her body making her goosebumps, he squeezed her thighs excited looking for relief from that torture, "Shh it's useless for you to get upset so Kitty" he whispered in her ear touching her belly with the feather going down towards her pussy, the woman opened her legs impatiently, she would have begged but Tom had told her to be silent, she bit her lip, the feather passed over her body making her shiver, the man moved around her approaching to kiss her or blow on her neck and breasts, she felt him lean on the foot of the bed, caressing her ankles going up, the man knee between his legs, Y/N arched around his hips, “We're impatient…” he growled leaning over her to kiss her before penetrating her, he took all his time enjoying the woman moaning under him, he started to move following the panting of her clinging to his hips, “…I love hearing from you meow..” he moaned squeezing her thighs, increasing the pace impatiently, “ Queen..” he growled bringing a hand to her clit, stimulating her, making her moan and beg, “..Thomas .. please ..” gasped Y/N tightening her belt, she heard the man laughing at her fucking her quickly, making her enjoy her by coming after her, he stood panting with his head on her breasts resuming breath, "I love you" he whispered in her ear as he untied her hands, the woman took off her bandage and clung to him, "I love you" she replied kissing him, they heard cars stop at the gate and sound the horn, the couple got up and showered before joining the woman's friends in the garden. "Poppy!! Finally we see you" they said when the couple went out into the garden, "I never thought I'd have to "kidnap" you to see you" laughed Roby hugging her, Tom had made himself comfortable on the hammock to leave room for the group while he said goodbye, "Hey Tom, welcome" Gian greeted, going towards him, "Sorry, we stole it for a moment" he laughed, shaking the man's hand, "It's all yours until tomorrow" Tom replied greeting the rest of the group that had moved towards him, Franc opened a couple of bottles and they settled down to eat and drink all afternoon, ".. see you at the restaurant at 9 tomorrow evening don't be late.." said Y/N checking the times for the umpteenth time, ".. the car will pick you up at Roby's ok?", "Don't worry, we know, we will be perfect and on time" they teased her, even Tom laughed at that anxious side of her, "We already have the elegant dress and the passes in the pocket .. relax Poppy", "Will it be just us for dinner?" Niko asked curiously, "Yes, there will be photographers and journalists" Tom answered for her, the group was super excited, the woman looked at them smiling, "After dinner straight to the theater, they will take you to the reserved box while we do the parade between photographers and lights" he laughed seeing the anxious face of the girlfriend, "I'm curious to see the dress you'll wear Darling ..", "We too .. although we were with you, you changed so many clothes that at a certain point we got lost" they laughed, it was a beautiful sunny day and they decided to have a barbecue for dinner, they divided themselves between cooking and preparing the embers, "Roby go get me some rosemary please" said Y/N while she grated the lemon peel to marinate the meat, “No Garlic Poppy?” asked Marco passing her the oil, "With tomorrow's interviews we can't risk killing someone with our breath" laughed the woman, "I miss it too, it fits so well in the flesh but I discovered that the peel of lemon and lime are not bad", "Do you need a hand my Queen?" asked Tom entering the kitchen, “I need a kiss..” she smiled as she turned to him, “..and the knife from the second drawer..”, the man took her face in her hands and kissed her, “Mmm Lady Loki her knife” he laughed at her handing her a big blade, “You look dangerous with that tool in your hand”, “You don't know how much Mister Hiddleston,” Y/N answered nastily, they laughed, “If if you like, you could make kebabs, my love” she laughed passing him the meat and vegetables, they had a happy dinner, it was nice to spend an evening without the fear of stolen photos. “I'll be right there Miss Hiddleston” said Urbinati passing by the room to check that Tom's dress was perfect before focusing on her, Y/N smiled at her motionless in front of the mirror as they began to prepare her, the first 3 hours had been dedicated to shower, make up and hair, only the dress and jewels were missing, a stylist was tightening her corset.. a bit too much, “I'm not breathing can you loosen it please?” she asked in a breath, "Excuse me Miss" the man replied loosening the laces without losing the hourglass shape he wanted to get, "Is that okay?" he asked smiling at her in the mirror, the woman nodded her head and the man went back to fiddling with hooks and ribbons, Y/N heard two interns giggling, “..If she wants to look slim she should squeeze him tighter..” one of the girls was saying in perfect Italian, ".. yeah.. think about how much extra fabric they had to use to redo the dress.." replied the second while pulling out of the boxes a few pairs of shoes to choose from, the woman didn't escape the teasing but didn't want to do it case, it wasn't the first time that a stranger opened his mouth and gave vent to jealousy, "Elena the clothes" Ilaria said snapping her fingers, "Rosa the shoes.. let's go move I don't have all day" she said seriously carrying the jewels, "Looking at the photos of the various evenings I thought of something not too showy" she said gently revolting to Y/N pulling out of the box a simple necklace of sapphires combined with the earrings, "They will illuminate your face without standing out too much", "Thank you Ilaria they are beautiful" she replied in Italian, "Why two hangers?" she asked turning around, she noticed that the interns were bleached, "Armani thought you would like to enhance the breasts and sent both the dress you chose and a variant" replied Ilaria showing her the dresses, in the second the strip of gems that marked her waist had been lengthened towards the breasts drawing a kind of Yggdrasil, "He thinks it's in tune with the evening, you decide" she smiled, “I like it very much” said Y/N touching the dress, “Thank Armani for me”, she smiled deciding to wear the second one, the stylist helped her to put it on, they put her shoes and jewels on her before double checking that the effect was perfect , Ali as always took photos throughout the process, "What do you say? Do you feel comfortable?" asked Ilaria adjusting her necklace, "The color looks great on you, you match Miss Pataki" she smiled, "Everything is perfect thank you very much Ilaria" replied the woman grateful for the help, "I'm a little nervous about the idea of wearing these jewels .." she knew she was wearing a capital in stones and white gold, "Don't worry, Cartier has sent 2 guards to check that no one tries strange maneuvers .." she replied calming her down, ".. when you are in the theater you can take them off if you want", “Darling you are beautiful” Y/N she turned hearing the voice of her boyfriend, “I like the color” he said kissing her neck, “The car will arrive soon”, Luke and Ali had changed and were ready to go downstairs, "Thomas it's time .." Luke called them, "We're coming..." Tom said taking the woman by the hand, " second Thomas I want to thank everyone, it takes me a moment" smiled Y/N returning to the room where his staff was disassembling lights and mirrors, "Thank you all for your work" she said aloud to the group, "Sorry.." she said to the interns, "..for your future work, I advise you to weigh your words and be sure that the person who pays you does not understand you.." she said smiling, the girls apologized and the woman went out ready to the evening, she would not have said anything to Ilaria hoping they had learned their lesson, she unleashed her best smile clutching Tom's arm as they left the hotel, photographers and fans had crowded next to the barriers, they smiled and said hello, the man signed a autographs before getting in the car and driving towards the restaurant. As for the day at the Horti they were surrounded by photographers, it wasn't a dinner .. it was a picnic, the couple managed to eat just a few bites between a snap and a question, the friends of Y/N giggled eating heartily at the next table , the woman looked at her boyfriend pleading the evening had just begun and she felt ready to go to bed.. she was exhausted she really needed a double coffee, “Would you like anything else?” the maitre d' asked after the waiter had cleared the table, "A sweet?" "Tiramisu for me" Tom replied, "For the lady a double coffee thanks" he smiled at his girlfriend who thanked him in a low voice, Luke looked at his watch every 10 minutes, let them drink their coffee, thanked the photographers and they left again, at 9 o'clock they got out in front of the theater full of screaming fans ready to parade, Ali accompanied Y/N behind the barriers safe on the red carpet waiting for Tom who at that moment passed from one fan to another shaking hands, smiling, taking pictures and autographs happy as a child, the woman smiled watching him, another car arrived, Chris H. and Elsa got out grinning and waving, the couple's pr escorted Elsa alongside Y/N, "Hermana" she laughed hugging her, "Let me look at you .. you're gorgeous", "I'm huge" Elsa laughed back, "We look like twins.." she laughed next to her, the women stopped chatting and struck poses as soon as they saw a group of photographers turn towards them, they smiled at the lenses making themselves admired by all positions, the comrades reached them shortly after, “How are you feeling querida? Isn't it better if you come in and make yourself comfortable?” Chris asked her wife hugging her smiling for her photographers, “That would be great, you guys will have at least another 30 minutes..” she replied. “..can I steal your Y/N?” she asked Tom, “Of course… Darlings?!” he turned to her girlfriend who nodded smiling, they took another couple of shots and took her friend by the arm following her pr and entering the room, "Thanks hermana, I'm very tired these days" she said sitting Elsa, "Chris didn't want me to come but I wanted so much ..", “Don't thank me.. you were the perfect excuse to run away..” Y/N laughed at her handing her drinks, her family was catching up with them, “..they are my friends..” she smiled she introduced them, “Can we sit with you?” Gian asked not seeing any names on the armchairs, "We'll move when the others arrive" he smiled, “Sure guys, sorry I'm weirded out by the evening” laughed Y/N, “Ali..” she called, “Tell me Y/N are you okay?” she asked as she approached, “Yes yes everything is fine.. please can you find me some coffee please?” she asked hopefully, Ali smiled and walked away followed by Elsa's pr, they returned shortly after followed by a waiter and coffee for everyone, "Thanks a lot Ali, I was about to fall asleep" laughed the woman finishing her cup, she and Elsa were getting ready for the visit to Madrid when the men joined them.
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valkirsif · 2 years ago
Artemisia chapter 4/4
I reach the caravan in less than half an hour, unlike them no creature will attack me if I deviate from the path, I cross a group of gigantic black bears, red eyes, a thin green mist follows their step .. the Plague, I growl in greeting without stopping, I silently follow the group hidden in the shadows that relaxes as they approach Hindafjel, a young witch is waiting for me in the shelter among the trees, "Here you will be hungry" she hands me a plate before saying goodbye, "the Mater has warned me of your arrival, you can rest easy I check that no one comes near" she smiles at me giving me a blanket, "Let them come I fear no one" I smile in turn, "After what they have done, and continue to do, I am waiting for our people ..", "Shhh puppy don't be in a hurry, we've been waiting for the right moment for generations" she tries to calm my impetus, "Many puppies have been saved and now there is the fear of losing you, you understand, right?" she explains to me that they are ready, that the rescued puppies are old enough to fight and have answers, I am not the only one with a head full of questions, she tells me about other parties to have explanations and never returned, of those parties who have taken their revenge and they live as fugitives because they don't feel like demons or elves, I understand that there are many stories behind the smiles and eyes of the people of Medveja, "Nobody will stop you from making this journey and we will not stop you unless your life is in danger ", she gets up to go back to the city before she is noticed, "..Thank you .." I say over thought, it gave me many ideas to think about, I eat without haste watching the rising night, I lie down looking for a comfortable position, wings and tail are very beautiful and useful but I'm not used to having them and finding the position to sleep is not easy, my last thought before falling asleep goes to Kaleb who is waiting for me at home. I don't feel the excitement of the gone, in me the fury is taking the place of curiosity I caress the Shaggays while I secretly get on the boat, the dwarf of the gone smiles at me, "I notice the changes .. now it's you" he says giving me a basket of food, "In Edelween you will have to stay hidden until the people of the Canopy leave, the news of your disappearance has arrived and the Sanguis control the area" he tells me that on his return to the future city of the clan the Sanguis boarded to check that I was not there and questioned him, ".. I didn't say anything .." he reassures me seeing my thoughtful face, "I did not want to cause any harm to our people, I beg your pardon" I answer with my head down, he strokes my fatherly head, "It's okay baby" he smiles, "No damage, did you find the answers you were looking for?" he asks me, "One part yes, I found my mother waiting for me in Medveja" I tell him about the journey to arrive and the people who welcomed me as a daughter, "I also found a partner" I blush, "Very well a new generation is a blessing to the Dark Ones" he laughs at my expression, it's very early to think about having puppies, "the Shaggays will give you the green light when you can go out, I know your blood boils at night but try to hold you back for now ", I ask him what he means, I was taken by the news that I know very little about my being," Wait I'll start this tub and I'll be back "he comes out laughing from the hold, I sit down and eat something, I share the honey with the Shaggays, the female is clearly full of eggs and I want her to be well, they are robust and tender animals but the others do not know it, all the breeds that believe themselves evolved ignore certain animals and it can be an advantage, "What do you want to know, puppy?" he asks me getting comfortable on a pile of skins, I answer that I want to know everything, I have all the time .. and he too, "I would say to start from the night, like all the Dark Ones you feel your blood boil as the sun goes down, it's normal you are a creature of the night you have to learn to exploit the darkness to your advantage .. "he gets up, turns off the torches and passes me a mirror," .. look at you now .. "he smiles at me, I pull up the mirror and I see two bright eyes that they stare at me, I turn around suddenly but there is no one, the dwarf laughs heartily, ".. breathe and see what you become in the dark .." I raise the mirror again and I understand that it is me, the skin seems to shine as if was covered with diamonds, my purple eyes are gone, they have become bright .. I see everything .. I stare at the dwarf and see his blood flowing in his veins, I'm curious more than scared, “Ohh” I say continuing to explore my appearance in the darkness, the tattoo looks alive it moves with me and on me, the wings seem to be loaded with stars, I remain mesmerized watching them move, “I understand why Kal finds me beautiful. . "I smile, giving the mirror back," ... I'm gorgeous "I laugh in a low voice, "Yes you are and this beauty attracts your prey, it will not be you who seek them .. they will crawl adoringly at your feet" i explains how to move your wings to hypnotize and subjugate others, "On the Darks it doesn't work" he smiles, "In addition to making you irresistible, the night protects and hides you .." he explains my strength, how to glide and how to fight, the dagger in the I will not need my bag, I have an arsenal of nails and teeth and my tail in addition to giving me stability is a defense tool, like wings, they seem delicate but their fabric is dragon skin .. impenetrable, it spends hours giving me tips and suggestions and I absorb everything like a sponge, "Now you know practically everything puppy" she smiles at her and gets up to dock in Edelween, we're almost there, "One more question .." I stop him, she looks at me expectantly, "..what is your name?" I ask, "Call me Rethundil" she replies introducing herself, "Thanks Rethundil .. thanks for everything" I smile watching him go out, I hide waiting for the night, the ship is docking and the elves are relaxed .. I'm almost at home .. and me too. I run in the darkness and reach the caravan, they are no longer silent and afraid, they do not see what I see, the animals of the night staring at them, the big wolves that follow them waiting for someone's false step, it would not be the first time someone does not come back, I realize that it was never the fault of the "wild beasts" but of the stupidity of the elves, a big black wolf that I didn't even notice shows me his teeth in greeting, I answer by lowering my head, he is an alpha and I have to respect, he growls in my ear and I understand that he is giving me the welcome back home, like other creatures he has seen me grow up, he has saved my life several times without me ever knowing it, my elf parents love me. . but it is nothing compared to the love of the Dark Ones, something so strong and wild that it fills me with joy, I dig my fingers into his thick and soft fur and scratch his ear, pant cheerful, I join them in following the Sanguis , it is almost dawn when the caravan a arrives in sight of the Canopy, I slip into a cave as soon as I hear the cries of the puppies waiting on top of the big oak, many times I too have waited with my brothers for the return of our father from a trip, I smile at that memory despite everything I miss my brothers, they have done nothing wrong, I spend the day spying on the Canopy, I see my "parents" running to meet the Sanguis hoping to see me with them, I hear them talking agitated and worried about theirs curious puppy that has disappeared, the Sanguis reply that they have not seen me but that they will immediately return to the north to look for me .. or find my body, I see my mother crying about that idea, I realize that I am growling with anger "her" she has no right to be worried, she didn't care about the pain she caused my mother when she took me from her, she didn't care about chasing the dark Ones out of the canopy after the war, selfish .. selfish and stupid, I want go out and jump in her throat but I have to be patient, I try to rest I snuggle with the wolves and I fall asleep, a puppy wakes me up at sunset, the mother licks my face as if I were part of her furry litter, I caress her head and I follow, the herd shares with me the big turtle captured the night before, I feed myself feeling the blood warm up, it is almost night, I leave the cave and I walk silently towards the Canopy, the Sanguis are watching as always but I am invisible, they do not expect a "visit", I enter the village with the favor of the waning moon, the night is darker and offers me refuge as I walk fearlessly in what was my world, I hear the voices of the elves hidden in their trees, I come before that that was my home, my family is gathered around the table, my place is set as if they were waiting for me, I effortlessly climb the plants that I have always used to sneak out at night and enter the room that I share. I share with my sister, I silently go down the stairs and enter the dining room I have wings open dancing everyone is breathless hypnotized by what they are, motionless, in adoration, I want them to see the old me in their head, the sweet Artemisia curious puppy, but it will be the new me to drink their blood, "My little Artemisia" my mother in tears runs to me and hugs me, my father and my brothers smile, "We have been so in pain, Lothien warns the Matriarch that your sister is back ..", "Not a step Lot" I hiss to my brother, "Let's not disturb the Sanguis .. sit down like a good man", "Sure little sister" he replies dazed, "Art we must warn you that you are here, they are looking for you everywhere" says my father touching my arm, I burst out laughing and the spell ends, I want answers and I want them to see me for who I am, "WHO ARE YOU TO BE UNFORGETTABLE!" shouts my older brother putting himself in front of the little ones protective, I turn to him growling, "Sit down and shut up, I don't want to make hurt you.. brother "I smile trying to stay calm, my fury would like to tear him apart, "Brother? BROTHER??" he shouts, "Who are you I don't know you .." remains mute as soon as he recognizes the scar next to my ear, he made it to me playing some time before, " can you be?" cjiede staring at me, "My puppy what happened to you?" my mother clasps her hands to her chest and cries, I'm disgusted, "Nothing happened to me, I'm just a teenager" I laugh staring at my family, "But you and your husband did know", I walk around the room, "I want to know why and I'll leave as I came ..", "After your brother we could not have other puppies .." my father begins, ".. many couples could not have any, after the war the elves were decimated we had to survive and there were many mixed puppies left alone ..", "I was not alone .. I had a family that you destroyed .." I reply furiously, "Artemisia, my daughter, you must understand .." my mother goes on in that calm tone of voice, ".. the Matriarch could not allow healthy and robust puppies to be raised by beasts, half of your blood is elven and you should be grateful to have found parents who loved and raised you "she continues convinced," who made you want for nothing, allowing you to grow up in comfort and in a beautiful home .. ", I don't let her finish, it's too much for my ears, these stupid elves think they are right, they think that snatching the puppies from their mothers is right, that keeping my people in the dark and discomfort is right .. the poison runs in my veins I throw forward towards her, Lothien gets on between me and my prey, he is the first to fall off his head with a single blow, the blood gushes from his cut throat, everyone starts screaming, they try to escape but they are too slow, I move like in a dance, I tear eyes, I shatter bones spreading the lo useless blood everywhere in the room, I come upon the elf mother who is on her knees and weeps amid screams, I dig my nails into her neck and open her throat by tearing her tongue from the base, I enjoy the gurgling of her agony, my father has succeeded to take his dagger, I turn to him laughing and show him my teeth, I am about to put an end to his useless life when, out of nowhere, the witches appear and drag me into the mirror with difficulty, not before he has torn the ears of the elf, the last thing I see is the Sanguis breaking in, "My beautiful Misia" Kaled kisses me as soon as the portal closes, my blind fury takes a moment to understand where I am and who is holding me, I freeze with my nails planted on his chest while he squeezes my face excited by the vision of me covered in blood, "..Kal .." I blink and hug him, "..why did you stop me .." I growl furiously at the witches who are catching their breath, "As I told you no one would stop you .." Zathia replies out of breath, ".. unless your life goes away .." she smiles while drinking the rum that my mother is passing to her, "The Sanguis asked for Queen Mantida's poison before coming to your parents' house," a witch explains to me, "she would not have killed you but weakened you enough to be able to capture and torture you .. we could not allow it", "..Thank you .." I smile, my fury is waning, I'm covered in the blood of my family, the adrenaline and the poison run fast in my veins, "You won't be able to go back .." I say sad for them, "We wouldn't have come back if it weren't for you," Mater says entering the tent, "We have everything we need to defend the dark races, all the witches have been recalled and the mirrors destroyed, even if the elves and humans are not. they can use them "he laughs giving me a pat on the head," Don't worry no one will come here to look for you, you have humiliated them and the Matriarch will hide everything ", Kaleb takes me by the hand, "Come on you are so beautiful but it's time to take a bath before the vampires mistake you for dinner" he laughs, dragging me towards the hot pools, "Tell me everything in detail please" he asks as he weaves a strand of blue hair of my brother to mine, I tell him everything, the fury, the noise of my brothers' bones crumbling, my elf mother crying, blood everywhere, "I missed a great massacre .." he laughs taking me by the hips, ".. come here we must celebrate your first blood" he pushes me to the edge of the hot pool kissing me with passion, the fury has given way to excitement, I lose myself in his arms imagining the stories that will be told about me, only that they are not a story I will become their worst nightmare, my nights will be dedicated to pleasure and blood, when they wake up there will be no more laughter but screams and tears.
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valkirsif · 2 years ago
No word… 😳😳😳
Are you KIDDING ME? (via @amauryguichon on Instagram)
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valkirsif · 2 years ago
Artemisia chapter 3/4
I have been hiding in my mother's tent for 2 days, I observe the elves of the Canopy and other cities that move around the village looking around, the witches help them in exchanges, the elves do not waste time learning the language they prefer to use witches to translate, they don't know that in Medveja they understand more than well when they speak, I understand better and better how much the Matriarch and the other clan leaders believe they are intelligent and a step above the other races .. that deluded, Zathia takes me to the witches' tent, "Artemisia welcome back" an elderly seer hugs me, "We saw you grow up, it's nice to have you here .. at home", "She is Naraka our Mater" explains Zathia, "This is the way we use to communicate behind the elves .." he laughs showing me a large mirror, I recognize it immediately is the same as what is in the Matriarch's room, "..It's brilliant .." I smile thinking of all the times that we puppies used to hide in that room to play with the fairies, ".. that's how you saw me ..", "You don't know the times your mother thought of crossing the veil to take you home" Naraka tells me sadly, "We weren't strong enough to fight the clans, we had to think about our people", "We have to rebel against all this .." I say fiercely, " you know about other puppies like me?" I ask hopefully, Zathia lowers her eyes, she doesn't have the strength to look me in the face, Naraka caresses my face with a bitter smile on her face, "There are many war cubs in the clans, some we managed to save them in time, others .." does not finish the sentence I imagine the rest, my blood is on fire, I feel my heart pumping fire and poison, I feel as if you were about to burst your head, "..Misia .." I hear a young witch say my name before passing out. When I open my eyes I see my mother and the others smiling next to me, I feel like my forehead is throbbing but the feeling of acid in my veins has passed, "..What .." I ask sitting on the wolf skin, my mother holds my hand and smiles at me, "Perfect .. you are PERFECT!" Kaleb is cheering in front of me, "what colors .." slowly approaches and I don't understand why, "May I?" she asks her before touching me, "Of course you can, what is this news that you ask for permission?" I ask laughing, when he caresses my head I feel something new, I raise my hand and when I touch my forehead I find something .. something smooth that comes out, "Here, look at yourself" says my mother handing me a mirror, "FOR THE GODS" I scream, I look twice because I do not believe what I see .. horns .. I have sprouted a pair of shiny and curved silver horns like those of a kid, they are beautiful, I smile happy I am becoming what I am destined for to be, a young succubus, "Why aren't they like yours?" I ask my mother and Kaleb, they have dark curved back horns that follow the line of the head, they are shiny and twisted, "The puppies born to a succubus or demon parent and we say normal are different from us at times .." my mother explains to me, ".. this does not make you better or worse .. you are just different and you will be very coveted if you decide to have puppies "she laughs happily, I see Kaleb show her teeth," Try to get up .. can you do it? " she says helping me, I feel like something is pushing me back, it's a weird feeling like I'm out of balance, ".. I don't understand what happens to me .." I'm afraid it's not like me not having balance, I freeze when I feel "something" hit my legs, "..Kaleb .." I reach out to him who smiles helping me to find the center of gravity, I am speechless, I see my reflection in the window .. I have not only the horns .. I turn and the tail moves out of control, "MAKE IT STOP" I scream staring at my reflection, "Breathe is just a part of you .." Kaleb laughs holding me by the hips as if I were a puppy learning to walk, " just have to train my beautiful Artemisia .." I concentrate to move it the way I want, I touch the base of the back from where it came out, "Ok .. so good .." I say to myself when the tail finally stops, it's a fantastic tool it gives me stability, focused on the lower part of my body it takes me a couple of minutes to notice the large wings that have grown on my shoulder blades and I find them beautiful, they are a little darker than my skin with silver designs like horns, I have no problem moving them, opening and closing them, the others smile, Zathia has gathered the other inhabitants, they are all there watching the growing puppy, humans and elves are in the orc tent exchanging weapons and fabrics and they don't care about us, "I want to try them" I say excitedly, Kaleb shakes my hand ready to satisfy any of my desires, "I know baby, I know" replies my cheerful mother, "Wait the night though, now it's too dangerous they could see you ..", I lower my head and do what she tells me, “There are other things to do while we wait” to there Kaleb calling a tall demon, also a child of war, almost blue skin covered with blue lines that continued up to the wings, "He's Kangal that's the one who tattoos us all .. how about you feel pretty wild ? " he gives me his best defiant smile, I burst out laughing and nod, "Since I can't go out .." I answer with a shrug, "You said the silver would have given me right?" I ask Kaleb who nods, "I already have an idea of ​​what to draw you" Kangal tells me turning around me, "Seeing the lines on the wings I would start from there, I would go down on the hips and on the ass .." he describes what he wants to do by passing his fingers over my body, I imagine the result, when run my fingers over my breasts I hear Kaleb growl behind me again and smile, my tail moves to caress him without me doing anything, "Kal .." I whisper without turning, I don't know how to express what I feel, he approaches and touches my back, ".. I know .." he growls in my ear, I want everyone to go out, I want to be alone with him, I want to give free rein to my body, "..there's time Art .." he laughs passing his fingers through mine shoulder blades, "..Give me 10 minutes to prepare everything" Kangal tells me absently before going out, "Mother can I?" I ask realizing that I have not asked permission to tattoo me, my mother laughs hugging me, "Oh my puppy of course you can" he caresses my face, "It will take a while for you to no longer feel like an elf but we have time", they leave us alone, "Don't think too much about the tail and the wings, as he told you Kaleb are part of you, you will control them both in an instant .. and Kaleb will help you without problems "he smiles at me accomplice, Kangal comes back shortly after with a kind of bow and some obsidian points, "If you are ready .." he tells me mixing in a bowl of the powder with what looks like blood, ".. now you have to stay still" he smiles at me, puts on a of the spikes, dips it in the liquid and starts tapping on my skin, it's not painful as I imagine it's more of a nuisance, I try not to move but when it gets on my hips it tickles me and I start to laugh, "Wait .." I laugh as I turn around, "I'll stop it immediately", Kangal stares at me patiently, puts down the instruments and waits for me to calm down, he doesn't take his eyes off me, "Kaled is right .. you are really beautiful" she says stroking my face, "I think I'll kiss you if you don't mind", she smiles at me, "If I say no will you stop tattooing me?" I ask laughing, moving my face, "I reserve my first kiss for Kaleb .. sorry", "No problem" she smiles, "I knew it but I tried" she laughs, picking up the instruments, "I just figured it out how do you know?" I ask curious, "You may not know what you feel .. but your tail has preceded you" she tells me, we talk while she works on my body, she tells me her story, "..I was so scared when my horns popped up .." he laughs at that memory, "..the witches of the village where I grew up took me away before anyone noticed my change .." he lowers his sad voice, again the poison runs through my veins, ".. with an excuse the witches came to visit my mother, while one was entertaining her Zathia went up to my room, opened a portal and brought me here to safety", I says he has been here for a few years and no one has looked for him, his "family" is here at the moment but, despite having seen him, they have not recognized him, he is no longer a puppy he is almost an adult, he has horns, wings and body covered in intricate designs, "I don't think they'll even recognize you when I'm done" laughs starting to tattoo the back of my thighs, "I can?" Kaleb enters smiling, "I brought you something to eat" he places a plate with meat and vegetables next to me, "What a masterpiece Kangal is beautiful", "The back is finished" he says cheerfully, "Let's eat something and go to the front" he puts down the tools and wipes his hands, "Do you want to look at yourself?" he asks me helping me to get up, "Of course I'm curious" I reply stretching myself, I move in front of the mirror and admire his work, fine lines and intricate designs chase each other on my back, they start from the wings like fireflies follow the line of the shoulder blades going up towards the neck, from the attachment of the wings yes branch out thick lines that wrap around the butt and continue thin on the thighs .. they are a masterpiece, "Kangal you are very good" I say fascinated by what I see, "Thanks for the food Kal" I reach out and shake his hand inviting him to eat with us, we finish the food calmly talking, "I'll stay and see if it's not a problem" says Kaleb with a hint of jealousy in his voice, he doesn't want to leave me alone, I smile, Kangal nods in resignation, I lie down again, Kaleb sits next to me, caresses my face, touches delicate my lips, we are eye to eye talking without opening mouth, the next 4 hours fly marked by the ticking of the hammer on the cue that moves on my body and draws the new me, “Kal take her to the fire?" Kangal asks once finished, "You know what to do, you don't need me ..", the demon gets up and leaves us alone without waiting for an answer, "What fire are you talking about?" I ask curious getting up, I move towards the mirror but Kaleb stops me, "Don't look at yourself now, come on .." he stops me taking me by the hand, we go out into the cold night, " complete the tattoo you need demonic fire" he explains, pointing to the big blue bonfire on the hill of demons, I follow him a little scared , they taught me that fire is dangerous, we get to the top of the hill Kaleb recognizes the fear in my eyes, smiles at me entering the flames before me without letting go of my hand, “It's okay, you are one of us no flame can hurt you. . trust me "he whispers attracting me, I can't help but trust him and I take a step into the embers .. I feel nothing, no pain, no other unpleasant sensations and I follow him smiling, the flames rise and envelop us both, the drawing catches fire, turns red and goes up in smoke, when we go out of the bonfire there is no sign of the tattoo left, Kaleb drags me without saying anything towards a frozen pool and enters the water with me, when I immerse myself my skin is as if it burned I cling to him and I dig my nails into his shoulders .. I'm burning, I scream with all the breath in my throat the pain is intense but it only lasts a couple of minutes, the soot from the bonfire slips away and the silver design remains like mercury. "Now you can look at you" Kaled laughs, he hasn't moved a meter and hasn't given any sign that it hurt him, he helps me out of the tub and takes me to my tent where I can admire what I am, the tattoo shines and looks almost alive, the reflections move with the light enhancing my curves and my movements, when I open my wings it seems that a flock of fairies is moving behind me .. I'm beautiful I don't need someone to tell me, it's me, wonderful proud of his horns .. of his wings .. and of what I can do, I smile happily, I turn to Kaleb and push him towards the tent posts before kissing him, it's my first kiss I have no idea how to do it but I let my instincts guide me, I sink my hands into his hair, I lean on his muscular body, he lets me do it, he continues to stare at me as if I were perfect and unique, I stop when I hear a growl that makes my spine vibrate .. it's not Kaleb .. it's me, he replies with a growl in his turn a nails on my ass, he squeezes me, I feel his teeth sinking into my neck I react instinctively by clinging to his shoulders with my nails, I show him my teeth growling, he spreads his wings, they look immense compared to mine, they are black and shiny like his horns, he looks at me with a defiant smile and snaps to the starry sky holding me tight, taking me with him, I'm not afraid I'm in his arms and I know he won't make me fall, I see everything in the dark my vision is improved again, there are a lot of things I don't know but I don't care at the moment, Kaleb swoops down to a blue cave, opens his wings before the entrance to slow down and pushes me against the wall as soon as we touch the ground, none of us speak, let's just ring, it's like a dance Kaleb pushes me, scratches me and growls at me making every fiber of my being vibrate, I show him my teeth, I pull out my nails, I try to bite him when he hits me on the ground, there is no cold rock to cushion the fall but some animal furs, he nails me to the floor kissing me, he blocks my hands above my head without effort, I try to unseat him but I am overwhelmed by his body, he gets up to look at me, he recognizes in my eyes the same fire that burns in him, I encircle his hips with my legs and let him dominate me, he kisses me and enters me, I encase my back in pleasure and I welcome him moaning, it is the most natural thing in the world I let my nature take over, I cry nails in his back, I scratch and bite in passion, I feel that he fills my every fold without holding back, he takes me by the throat and turns taking me with him, it's my turn to be in control, I make myself comfortable I scratch his chest moving quickly over him, he does not let go of my throat, he holds me but without hurting me, as if I could feel pain at that moment, our blood boils in his veins, with his free hand he squeezes my breast, he continues to show me his teeth approaching my face to stare at me smiling, I reach out to kiss him, his hands slide on my back scratching my skin, he caresses the base of my tail, I feel a jolt down my back I spread my wings screaming with pleasure, he laughs taking me by the hips, pushing me down sinking in me more and more, we are one in that moment, I spread my wings in the ecstasy of orgasm Kaleb sinks his teeth into my neck enjoying after me, the sensations are so strong that I simply lose consciousness and I fall asleep. Something licks my feet and I wake up, I try to turn around but I can't, I am imprisoned in Kaleb's wings that wrap us like a blanket, I smile seeing that he is still sleeping and I hug him more, I look at him while he rests the beauty of his face, the perfection of his body touches his shoulders, his chest, I kiss him delicately, opens his eyes and smiles at me, "Good morning my beautiful Artemisia" she whispers returning the kiss, "My wild and combative Artemisia" laughs closing her wings letting me turn, she caresses my face, my neck, goes down on my delicate body, "Are you okay?", "I couldn't be better than this" I smile leaning against him, "You?", "I've never tried anything like this .." he whispers, ".. you're mine .." it's not a question .. it's a statement, I'm his as he is mine, I nod purring, he sits up, looks at me and yes he bites his wrist until it bleeds, I imitate him tearing the skin in my turn, he stretches his arm holding his hand around mine, our blood mixes as in an oath, again a shock passes from him to me, now we are united, for me there is and there will be only him from now on, "Shall we go back?" he asks standing up, reaches out to stand up and kiss me, I nod and follow him out of the cave, we are close to Medvegja, we walk hand in hand to the tent, my mother smiles when she sees us arrive, "Breakfast is ready" he kisses my forehead as he enters, "The delegations have just left .." he says absently, I know I have to go, even if I know everything I have to know why, "Kal .." I turn to him, she nods, she has already understood that I will go alone, "I'll wait" he kisses me while I take the elkarium dagger that my mother gave me, "Art your wings don't work like mine .. you can glide but you can't fly" he explains before saying goodbye, I'll be back as soon as possible and I will help my people to build a mighty and fearful city.
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valkirsif · 2 years ago
Tomhas fucking Hiddleston 😈😈😈
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valkirsif · 2 years ago
Arte CH 2/4
After the tournament I realize that others look at me differently, I hear them whispering as I pass, "Mother why are they staring at me like that?" I ask my mother as we return from the seed harvest, "What are you talking about puppy" she replies smiling at her, "They are happy with your victory that keeps talking about the Canopy", I am not convinced but I smile, the Blood Moon is approaching and everyone is busy preparing crates and goods for the trade trip, once a year the various clans move with wagons and goods to trade with others, at the Canopy they serve mushroom tree skins and spores that are not available in the jungle, our merchants will bring eggs, fruit to trade and precious luminous silks to Medveja, the Sanguis are preparing the heavy clothes to wear in the north and check that the weapons are sharp, they move around the base of the guards, I watch them train nervous, no elf likes that kind of journey that lasts for weeks but is necessary for the survival of the clans, I have always been curious about what lies outside our jungle and this year I will follow them, after the tournament I feel strong enough to make a fool of myself, if I am discovered my opportunities to become a guard will fade and my family will suffer public blame but I do not whole I don't want to be a good puppy but follow my wishes before becoming a responsible adult, I "borrowed" some warm clothes from the trunk in the attic, prepared a bow and arrow, put a template in the bed and wait in my hiding place for it caravan leaves. The Moon has finally risen the red shadow makes the landscape strange, disturbing, trees and bushes look like monstrosities, below me the Sanguis watch over the caravan as they leave the Canopy and head to Edelween, our future home wanted by the Matriarch and still in construction on an island in the middle of the river, many gardeners who are part of the caravan will stop there to continue with the care of the giant mushrooms that will be our homes, I think about how the elves complain about other races, sometimes calling them creatures, without understand that without the spores that came from Medveja they would not have a leafy roof over their heads and that in the autumn we would starve without the salty meat of giants, lost in those thoughts I do not realize that the caravan has left, I take my things, I I climb the first palm tree on the beach and follow it at a safe distance, I do not want to be discovered before I have even left the Canopy territory. It takes us all night to get to Edelween, the guards welcome the caravan with food and drink to refresh it, I hide in a cave on the bank of the river not far away and I eat the dried meat I took before leaving, I plan to find something better at the camp, I slip stealthily behind a curtain, I take a dress and a handkerchief to mask my hair, going unnoticed is essential even if the Sanguis present have never seen me better be careful, "Puppy, come here and take these seeds on the boat .." an elderly gardener beckons me to join him, "... here you are good with delicacy, put them in the hold next to the honey ..", "Immediately" I reply quickly, placing the sack full of seeds on my shoulder that helps me to hide even better, ".. these must be stowed .." I say to what looks like a dwarf holding a roll in his hand where he marks everything, "Thanks puppy you can put them there .. quiet the shaggays are harmless" I hear him laughing at my face at the sight of those strange colorful and noisy flying animals, I arrange the load and retrace my steps in search of real food, the smell of stew and candied fruit pervades all of Edelween and I got hungry, I go into the tent that they use to eat all together and I crawl into the shade, I take a bowl of food and a plate of fruit and I start eating next to a group of witches, "I'm so happy to be coming home a few days" says a young sorceress who has lived at the Canopy for a couple of years, "I'm almost out of black silk", "I need the silver, the mirror doesn't work anymore" replies Samara, one of the matriarch's advisers, "a litter of fairies has spilled my supplies ..",
I realize that she stares at me, she recognized me for sure she knows me very well, I smile innocent,
".. wait, puppy .. Leana pass me the powder please .." she says to her neighbor, opens the jar, takes a handful of yellow powder, smiles at me and spreads it on my face, "..You have a scratch that needs to be taken care of and we don't want the Sanguis to see you", I thank you and I leave without seeming to run, I go back to my hiding place and try to rest, tonight I have to find a way to get on the ship, the caravan will go up the river to Hindafjel where the dangerous part of the journey begins .. the passage to the North in the darkness where the creatures of war are still said to live, it is the only way to Medveja, you don't waste time chatting in the dark, you walk briskly to reach the safety of the city. I go down into the water without making noise and swim slowly to the ship, I climb on the side and once inside I hide among the bundles of fabrics sure not to be found, once docked I will have all the time to land unseen, I have never been not even in a canoe on the river and my stomach rebels against the movement of the big boat, I hear the people on the deck laughing and joking, ".. I check the shaggays .." I hear the dwarf open the door of the hold and go down the stairs, "..shhh calm down I'm here", he says, cuddling the flying insects, "Puppy we are halfway through the journey, do you want to eat something?" he discovered I don't know what to do, "Yes, thank you .." I answer in a low voice, laughs as he climbs the stairs, comes back shortly after with some stew, "Here eat, it is not wise to sail fasting" he smiles, passing me the bowl and some bread, "How did you find me?" I ask blowing on the soup while drinking the broth, "I was sure you would not have given them weight" he laughs pointing at the insects, "They are the best alarm, they report to me everything that happens on the ship ..", I understand that he judges me the way elves judge other races and I am ashamed of myself,
"I'm sorry, I don't want to justify myself but I didn't know anything about the .. Shaggays ?." I smile embarrassed extending a hand to caress the insect that whistles happy, "I learned a new thing and I thank you .. also for the food .. will you say I'm here?" I ask nervously, "You're not the first clandestine" he laughs as he strokes my head like a father's, "They'll let you know when it's safe to get off", with a full stomach I fall asleep feeling safe, the Shaggays lean on the beam above me lulling me with their low whistle, I wake up with a ray of sunshine entering the porthole I crawl to see where we are, it seems to me that I have sailed too little to having reached Hindafjel, the ship is stationary in the middle of the river next to another one that is going towards the sea, the blue insect whistles in my ear and I run back to hide, I also cover my head for safety, "So the seeds .. the seeds .. here they are .." the dwarf moves agile between the boxes and retrieves a chest full of seeds and plants, "Thanks I was afraid not to cross you" says a female voice, I hear moving and moving objects near me, "Quiet little ones I will not touch your nest" she laughs at the agitated Shaggay, "They have just laid the eggs they are a bit nervous, leave the wool there, I'll take care of it" the dwarf laughs, accompanying the merchant on the bridge, I hear them talking over my head, shortly after the ship starts again I watch the landscape change as we get closer to the North, the waters of the great river are calm .. apparently, under the surface I see sinuous shapes moving next to the ship, a big ice-colored animal leaps out of the water splashing the side of the ship, I am fascinated by its shape, the blue scales change color in contact with the air, the red eyes bright, it seems to smile at the ship, I am not afraid something tells me that it's harmless, the frozen water of the river cools the bottom of the boat I should be cold, I'm not used to these temperatures, I feel great .. in fact I almost feel warm, I stay looking at the river and the shore until I see the lights of Hindafjel, shortly before I go back to my hiding place and wait for the green light. It is late at night when I hear a tap on the side of the ship, the Shaggays whistle, it is the go-ahead signal, I slip from the hold and arrive at the top of the stairs to the deck, there is no one around, I get off the ship and I I look around everything is covered with blue ice and shining under the lights of the city, it is beautiful, one of the insects descends with me and goes to a cave hidden in the trees, I follow it in silence like the night of the hunt on the beach, the Canopy it seems light years from here, in the cave I find a bed and food, the dwarf is taking care of me I have to find a way to thank him, I slept for most of the journey, I am rested and excited by this adventure, from my hole I can see everything that happens in the city, the guards on the walls who make the rounds, the inhabitants who enter and leave the inn, my fellow citizens who move bewildered through the central square moving the goods and loading the wagons for tomorrow, some gros goats are attached to the wagons and fed, the Sanguis control the perimeter and help in the preparations, the elves of the Canopy are covered up to the ears in layers of fur only the eyes remain uncovered by the woolen hood, a group of witches leaves the village and walks in my direction, Samara raises her face and crosses my eyes, smiles at me and beckons me, I wait for them in the cave, "Artemisa I will not ask you what you are doing here .." she scolds me semi serious, " have always been the most curious of your brothers and puppy of the village, just try to be careful while we go to Medveja" she explains the dangers of the walk, next to the path there are deep crevasses and the night is dark not like the normal nights of the Canopy, there are pools of a green fog that poisons and black ghosts with colored eyes, "Your" special "sight may not be enough to keep you on the right path, if you lose sight of the caravan, look up and look for the red star .. aim for Medveja", I listen to her advice in silence, I try to understand why who is not an elf is helping me in such a subversive adventure, "In the lessons they always talk to us about the creatures of war, how they are dangerous and bloodthirsty, are there many along the way?" I ask more curious than frightened, the witches look at each other before answering me, "Dear, you have nothing to fear from the animals of the night, they are only dangerous if provoked or attacked" replies the young witch, "Medveja is home to many races ..", “That's enough Domitia” Samara interrupts her seriously, I look at the witches with curiosity but I don't ask any more questions, soon the caravan will move and I will see with my own eyes everything they taught me at school. After two days of travel something moved inside me, as if all together I was in a hurry to arrive, it was not my usual curiosity for unknown things .. it was as if those lands called me .. they claimed me, I decided not to wait any longer and as soon as night fell I left my shelter and started running towards the purple lights that I saw in the distance, my instinct told me that I had nothing to fear in those lands, my blood boiled but as I approached, the wild animals observed my passage without fear or aggression, in a couple of hours I found myself on the slopes of Medveja, I caught my breath and walked the stone road in front of me, at the top of the steep climb there was a village perched on the bare rock, the inhabitants lived in small tents arranged in circles around the bonfire, now I understood why my people called them creatures and were afraid of them, there were people covered in fur, tall humans of black as the night with big wings and horns there. killing, in the only dark wooden houses there were elves .. at least they looked like elves, pale with long hair and red eyes, the only ones I recognized were the witches, a couple of them lived in the Matriarch's tree as her advisors, I headed with sure step towards them smiling as I had been taught, even if it seemed to me the most senseless thing in the world at that juncture, the cuckolds turned to stare at me in amazement a witch got up and ran into a tent shouting something I did not understand .. I only recognized my name when he said it I turned in his direction and saw that he came out of the tent followed by a tall black woman who stared at me in disbelief repeating my name, I did not understand what was happening, the witch invited me into the tent and he explained to me what was happening .. I was a war cub, my real father had fallen in love with what I now discovered was a succubus .. my mother, he was exiled and she was told that I was born dead, letting her pa rtisse with the other creatures in search of a place to call home again and I was raised as an elf baby like the others, now I understood the reason for those half sentences and certain looks, everyone expected me to "transform" before or then, I found it hard to believe my ears, I heard the words of the elven mother who told me that the "creatures" lied and cheated at the first opportunity, I changed my mind when the succubus approached cautiously and took off my cloak touching the birthmark of the moon that I had under my shoulder .. she turned around showing me the same birthmark, every succubus inherits a birthmark from his mother, I wanted to know more and I decided to hide in the tent of his .. of our species, until the elves were left again, fortunately the elves did not come near the tents of succubus and nightmares for any reason making me go unnoticed. The first night a group of demons enter the tent to meet me, I am the first war cub they have seen in centuries, "You are beautiful .." says what looks like a puppy a little bigger than me, tall, with almost black skin with beautiful red tattoos that enhanced his body, shiny black wings and horns, ".. what's your name?" , "I'm Artemisia" I reply continuing to stare at him, Samara smiles, "Well Artemisia you are beautiful, I'm sure that when they grow up you will have wonderful horns .." he covers me with compliments that I'm not used to, ".. you are so young you still don't even have wings" he doesn't say it to make fun of me, "Kaleb that does not depend on her age but on who her parents are" explains the young witch who is called Zaphira, "His father was an elf that's why he has that color skin and blue hair", "I like the color of your skin .." says Kaleb to When I touch my face, I don't move from that touch, "... like Lilith's silver gray, a moon-colored tattoo would be perfect", they cover me with questions, they want to know everything about me, "..I like to shoot with a bow .." I answer yet another question, Kaleb sits next to me continuing to touch my face and back, when he intertwines his fingers with mine between us it passes like a shock, my blood boils is a new and exciting sensation, I realize that, excluding myself and the witches, demons and succubi are naked, I get up and take off those elven clothes that are now tight to me, my mother smiles sitting next to me, "My little one, you don't know the joy of having you here" she says squeezing me, "I loved your father deeply, and I immediately loved you as soon as I found out I was expecting you" she tells me about the process, the pregnancy, the suspicions and my birth, "When I left the Canopy after the war I was destroyed by grief, your father was exiled and when you were born they said you were dead .. " tears of rage run down her face," .. we dark races have built this city .. " , "This is not a city mother.. it is little more than a refuge .." I say angrily thinking of the magnificence of the Canopy and Hindafjel, ".. but we can build a city ..", I am determined I do not want to live like an animal let alone that my race live like that, I spend the whole next day asking questions about our race and the other inhabitants of Medveja, Kaleb does not leave me alone for a second, "The werewolves are incredible hunters, they are the ones who procure the meat for the whole city and who tan the skins that we exchange with the elves .." he explains cheerfully, ".. then there are the orcs and the giants who, as you know, are gunsmiths. incomparable .. ", "I know well" i replied pulling out my bow, "They forged this .. the red-eyed elves I saw when I arrived instead?" I ask not having seen them around, "They are not elves, NEVER call them elves .." Kaleb laughs, "They are vampires, they look like elves .. the most beautiful you will ever see, as we attract other races .." he explains, "..we do it to get sex and pleasure, they drink their blood to feed themselves ", I stare at him dismay, I have so much to learn and I only know nonsense about my race and others, anger rises, how the elves have allowed themselves to snatch puppies from their mothers, how they dare to treat other races like scraps, again I feel the my blood boiling .. this time with anger and blind hatred, I want to go back to the Canopy in search of answers.
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valkirsif · 2 years ago
Artemisia chapter 1/4
Im play Conan Exiles game, during preparation of back ground for GDR mine character take life and this is her story.. <3
Word 3200
Warning Nothing
“Arte, Artemisia!! Blessed puppy where are you hiding? ", i hear my mother calling me insistently and reluctantly I get out of my hiding place," There you are my little girl "she says hugging me,
"You know you don't have to climb the Willow, sooner or later the Sanguis will see you" my mother laughs taking me by the hand, leading me home, she is always so apprehensive, "Mom, you don't have to worry" i replies cheerfully, "The guards never noticed me and ..",
"It doesn't mean that it can't happen" she tells me seriously, "If you want to enter the Sanguis as an adult you have to follow the rules",
I smile at her pretending to indulge her and I run into the Garden of Lights together with the other puppies and my brothers,
"Mom caught you?" Eljas asks laughing, "You have to change sister hole", I smile at my favorite brother,
"I've already found another place" I reply in a low voice, "Tomorrow I'll move the books",
Hanya reaches us carrying bows with her, beckons us to follow her, "How about a little training?" she asks throwing me a bow and quiver, "Soon there will be the tournament and we don't want to make a bad impression",
"We win this year" laughs one of the puppies, "We have Artemisia .. it's unbeatable!",
"She is the best of the group .." we all turn around recognizing the voice of Serlina, the General of the Sanguis, "..but how do you manage under pressure, puppy?", She asks seriously,
"I ... believe well" I stammer as if I didn't know anything,
Serlina approaches me, "Firje saw you on the beach, don't be a diligent puppy with me" she whispers, smiling, "Tonight there will be a full moon and we will go hunting, you are welcome" invites all those present continuing to stare at me, if they have view of the beach may have noticed me spying on them, I have to be much more careful.
We run home excited to ask for permission, good puppies don't do things secretly,
"Father, Father Serlina has invited all the puppies to hunt tonight .." I start too excited to stay still, ".. can we go? I beg you!!" I ask smiling,
Eljas is next to me together with our brothers and sisters, there are 5 of us in all and sometimes I wonder if we are really brothers, we don't look alike at all, "Soon there will be a tournament we will be able to train", "My children, you know how I think about hunting .." he replies smiling, "..but I can't say no to the General's invitation, be careful though",
the echo of our cries of joy joins those of the other puppies of the Canopy, the adults had made us a great concession by allowing us to follow the Sanguis, every full moon the guards come out of the Canopy to procure meat and eggs for the whole village, before leaving the protection of the trees the Matriarch blesses them and marks their foreheads with the sacred oil, tonight we will contribute to the welfare of the village, we spend the afternoon building arrows and stringing the strings of the bows, we are not even hungry so much is there excitement, my mother calls us home just before sunset, although we will soon go out all the puppies know that when the sun goes down you have to go back,
"Take a bath, I'll prepare your clothes" says my mother pouring honey into the tub, "Don't look at me so I didn't put the soap on" she smiles at me, she knows very well that the scent of soap would let animals discover me, making the hunt fail, I wash quickly and start to get dressed, I ask her for help with the jacket, I know very well how to tie it perfectly but she must believe it is my first night out,
"Thank you mother" I smile happy, all the puppies smile happy .. ALWAYS .. woe to be seen serious or bored, I have become able to look happy, "Can I take dad's dagger?" I ask hopefully, my father's blades have always attracted me are an ancient family heirloom straight from the great war and made from the horn of a demon,
"My little one they are too dangerous and you are still a puppy" she replies quietly, stroking my head, "In a few years you will be able to use them I promise", I reach my disappointed brothers clutching at my side a blunt dagger suitable for a puppy, a Sanguis wait in front of our house tree, she will be our guardian during the night,
"I'm Carmilla I'll take care of them don't worry" she introduces herself smiling reassuring our parents, we follow her to the Circle of the Moon, there we are grouped in a row behind our guardians while the Matriarch approaches surrounded by fairies,
"Cubs is your first hunt, be careful and do what the Sanguis tell you" she says aloud because we all hear, "Warriors I entrust our future to you, take care of it and have a good hunt" she smiles raising her arms to bless us all, we lower our heads, a warm and comforting light falls on us, we are ready.
"From this point of absolute silence" the General says in a low voice, "If we raise your fist you stop, if we open our hand you move, if you are in danger you whistle like the crow", not she asks if we have understood or heard, the Sanguis do not repeat, we fan out behind Carmilla and proceed in silence, we collect the eggs as we pass between the defenseless nests, the adult turtles are feeding along the embankment they are our target, I know that my companions have trouble seeing the road and risk stumbling, strange for my eyes it is as if it were day I move quickly on the sand, the Sanguis use a kind of blue powder made with the scales of Dagon to see us in the dark,
Carmilla puts her hand on my shoulder and stops me, "You must not advance in front of me" she whispers holding me back, "You must stay with the group" she stares at me in the same way that mine sometimes stares at my mother, with suspicion, she caresses my shoulder blades as if tried to hear something and smiles satisfied, "It's time to see how good you are with the bow" she tells me as she passes me, raises her fist and everyone stops making strange signs in the air, the rest of the guards get into position, a group on their knees with daggers drawn, the others behind them drawing their bows,
"NOW" shouts Serlina,
throwing herself forward with the arrows, hundreds of eyes light up on the beach, the turtles try to react but the arrows pierce the front line, I look fascinated at the Sanguis that quickly kill the animals with a single shot, we need meat but we don't make the prey suffer unnecessarily, Carmilla touches me on the shoulder urging me to shoot, for a second I lost myself observing the agility and precision of the guards, I breathe, take aim and shoot the arrows two at a time, one shot a dead, "Your friends are right you are the best of the group" I hear pride in the voice of the guard, "The tournament is ours",
I smile, firing yet another blow, everything goes quickly, the General collects blood in a shell and marks the front of those present, "You have been good, you have contributed to the welfare of the Canopy" she says serious and formal as if speaking to her army, "Now daggers in hand, let's slaughter the bodies and go home", in less than an hour we have cleaned up the carcasses, meat , bones and skin leaving a few leftovers for the vultures, we return home proud of ourselves with all the food we need at sunrise, the parents are waiting for us in front of the Sanguis barracks, I see them agitated and nervous as we approach their faces relaxes,
"Arte, guys, be fine" our mother says relieved, "You were all very good and brave" she smiles seeing the blood on our faces, "But now a real bath and in bed", we find a hot meal waiting for us at home, they still eat exalted by the night and we run to bed.
The delegations of the other elf houses have arrived a few days ago, the puppies mingle to get to know each other better while the adults gather to re-establish friendships and alliances, many of us see for the first time the elves of the north, tall and clear with ice-colored eyes and hair, unlike my race they are similar to each other, I am fascinated by the dark elves who come from the desert, they are all male and look at us with curiosity,
"Are we the first females you see?" I ask frankly, Hanya nudges me, I was too direct I have to be more careful with my tongue,
"We are on excellent terms with the north and we are used to their females" the tallest of the group replies equally frankly, approaching, "It's the first trip we make and it's nice to see all these colors" he laughs, touching my hair,
he's right in the Canopy we are all different because we do not only marry each other when the right age to mate arrives young people are sent out into the world to look for the right mate or mate and then return to the Canopy and start a family,
"Some of us would like to stop after the tournament to get to know you better" he says smiling at me, "I am Kimaias" reaches out to introduce himself,
"Artemisia" I reply smiling, shaking his hand, she has a strong grip and the calluses of the ropes,
"Are you a shooter?",
"Yes, I am the favorite of the Tournament, the best of my clan" he replies smugly, "I had a new case carved for the trophy",
"You did a useless job" Nires says challenging him, "Artemisia will win the trophy", I don't say anything to not create confusion and not give Nires rope, I know he would like me to look at him as he looks at me but it won't happen, I will become a Sanguis and Sanguis do not marry or have puppies,
"Every clan has its champion" a puppy from the north interjects, "I am Karpazia the favorite of the Tournament" she laughs happily sitting down with us, we are all convinced to win but they have no hope of succeeding, I am the best and they will notice it soon, my mother would scold me if she heard me, "Puppies are not superb .." I hear her words as if she were there, I don't know how to be a normal puppy, in me there is something different from the others but we don't talk about it between us, if other puppies feel like this they pretend much better than me, we spend the days exchanging games and customs, Kimaias teaches us to build simple predator-proof fish traps, I discover that the desert is not just a hot and arid place but it has its own luxuriant nature if you know where to look for it, from Karpazia we learned how to use the leftovers of leather to create very strong bow strings, I show them how to chip obsidian to make arrows that shine in the light and find them, I'm not saying that even the faintest night light makes them shine, the adults control us from the top of the Matriarch tree, we see them smiling happily at every puppy present, the witches told us about the Great Night and how for years there had been no laughter of the puppies in villages, monsters out of the darkness had killed and slaughtered elves, humans, fairies and dwarves, destroyed ancient clans and broken friendships, the same Matriarch had gone into battle for defend the Canopy by losing her partner and father and now they considered every puppy sacred, that Tournament was born after the war to heal the wounds of the elves, create new friends and, perhaps, create couples who would one day carry on the traditions and uses of the Canopy and other lands, I wondered why the other races were not invited to our tournaments, I know the other races from the tales and descriptions of the witches but I have never seen them and my curiosity grows but I keep my curiosity for myself .
The sun rises on the day of the Tournament, at the first light the clan guards begin to prepare the targets and the mounts, this year the traditions of the north will be followed and we will run in the saddle of the goats, bows and arrows are arranged around the Circle of the Light divided by color of the clan, white for the north, yellow for the desert and blue for the Canopy, so that there are no problems in counting the points, I am excited by the novelty riding the goats I enjoy and I have trained not to fall , they are big and mischievous beasts but I discovered that a little salt is enough to make them friends, I go down with my brothers, we have breakfast and we get dressed in a hurry our traditional clothes are colorful and light and leave all the freedom of movement with the 'bow we need, my sisters and I braid each other's hair in a tight braid, the sounding horn calls us to the Circle, "Welcome to the Canopy brothers and sisters", the Matriarch welcomes us, "Durming from the north is a pleasure to see you again and congratulations on your wedding" she smiles at the tall pale elf and his bride, a young elf with silver hair and magnetic eyes green, "Sithias, my cousin, I am happy to have you among us and to see how lush the puppies of your clan are" hugs a golden-skinned elf covered in drawings, "Participants take up arms and saddle" the voice amplified by the magic of the fairies that follow her everywhere, I take my bow and quiver and head towards the goat that has been reserved for me, a beast with a thick red hair with big horns, I calmly approach, put a hand in my pocket and pull out a honey salt cube handing it to the animal that sniffs it before devouring it, I climb into the saddle confident in myself and get ready, I fix the quiver on my shoulders, tightening so that it does not fall during the gallop, I put the bow attached to the saddle to be able to take it and smoothly, we cannot ride with the bow in hand to not be advantaged,
"The rules are simple" Durming took the floor, "You have to shoot at a gallop, only one shot at the target, the course is marked by flags, if you fall off the saddle you are eliminated" he explains the customs of the north with passion for his land, "You have 30 arrows for 30 targets at the end we will count the points .. have fun", the fairies escort us to the starting line to the sound of the horn we shoot following the colored flags, I fix the reins to have my hands free and I get ready for the first pitch, I shoot the arrow while I pass hoping to have hit the target, at the tenth target I hear my brother cursing, the goat has thrown him off, I laugh by jumping at it as if it were an obstacle and I shoot the arrow before it hits the ground, at the end of the path I dismount from the mount with the blood still pumping fast in my veins, I smile at the other participants joining them behind the fence,
"I missed the third one ..", "I didn't see the one at the stream ..", "Damn goat ..", the comments are wasted while the last ones arrive happy and sweaty,
"Take care of your mounts while we count the points" Sithias points out the stables prepared for the tournament, I take my goat and take it to the box, I remove the harness, saddle and colored ribbons before feeding and drinking, Karpatia is talking to her mount,
"Goats are very important in the north" she explains to me seeing my curiosity, "She is Kirsy, she is with me from to We almost grew up together "he caresses the animal behind the horns," They are intelligent, faithful and very strong animals ",
"In the Canopy we raise the shoebill" I reply pointing to a group of large colored birds, "The purple one is Charon mine" I say snapping my fingers, the bird runs towards me chirping, "I have personally raised him since he was a chick" I laugh with her, all the puppies have a pet that they raise and that stays with them always, we hear the horn and run together with the other participants to know the result,
"You were all very good" the Matriarch congratulates us, "You have brought great honor to your clan but the winner can only be one" a fairy hands her the parchment with solemnity, "For only 3 points our Artemsia wins!", the clan rejoices throwing colored petals, the other clans also celebrate my victory, the elves are happy even when they lose, while I resist the instinct to make fun of the losers I let myself be thrown in the air by my brothers laughing, as soon as we calm down Durming yes it approaches,
"Very good puppy, you deserved it" he says smiling handing me the trophy, a cup made with black ice from the north with obsidian inlays,
"Thank you" I answer shyly turning the cup in my hands, in the sunlight it is wonderful, I bow my head as a sign of respect and I start to turn around when it stops me,
"Wait I have another prize for you" he says waving his hand to one of his guards, "This bow was forged in the Ice Temple by the giants of the furnace" he explains, handing me a bright blue star metal bow decorated with blue feathers. that seem alive, my eyes fill with tears as I hold the weapon to my chest,
"I .. I .. thank you" i replied excitedly, "I will keep them with all the care",
"It is not necessary to have a quiver to use it" Durming explains to me extracting one of the feathers from the tip, "Just remove a feather and graft it, it will turn into an arrow, see the feathers reform .. you will never be without weapons",
i realize it is a precious and rare weapon, the furnace giants are the best gunsmiths in the world, surely my mother won't let me use it, when i am a Sanguis it will be my favorite weapon, other puppies come closer to watch more my prize up close,
"Sister, it's beautiful, will you let me try it?", "I'm here first, I'm the eldest", my brothers thought I'll let them even touch the bow, I smile and run towards the tree house to secure my prize .
0 notes
valkirsif · 2 years ago
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255K notes · View notes
valkirsif · 2 years ago
Elettra Lamborghini, Pistolero
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)
481K notes · View notes
valkirsif · 3 years ago
The Painter
Sebastian Stan one shot
Painter Seb x reader
This is for u @learisa, mine little perfect Princesse <3 i hope u enjoy <3
Word 2900
Warning SMUT!!
Like every morning Y/N had got up early to go for a run before going to work, she liked to start the day like this, she arrived quickly at the park greeting the other morning runners like her, they did not know each other but after months of similar routes and times however they smiled and greeted each other, she noticed a new arrival when arrived on the deck, a tall and slender man, the suit badly concealed his muscular physique, the black hair hidden by the hood pulled over his head as if to hide but was struck by the lively and attentive eyes of a deep blue, she smiled at him as she passed the man replied with a nod continuing to look at her as she passed, "You're really stupid to smile at the first one who passes" the woman said to herself, turning around the path in the woods, increasing the pace, she liked that area of ​​the park was green and full of trees, she always stopped in the center to catch her breath before finishing the around, when he arrived at the benches she found the stranger lying in the sun with headphones in his ears, the open sweatshirt showed the muscular body covered with tattoos, he did not seem to have noticed her arrival, Y/N wondered how he had arrived before her but there were many paths maybe someone was faster, she sat on the lawn at a certain distance from him, took a sip and started running again, something in the man made her nervous and being in one of the most isolated areas of the park it was not the case, she did not notice that the man was staring at her, she returned home, took a shower and went to work no longer thinking about the stranger. The woman no longer met the stranger but she began to have the feeling that someone was looking at her, following her, she found herself looking over her shoulder several times, it was a strange and unfamiliar feeling that made her nervous, the worst thing was that even the people around she was aware of her agitation, "Y/N all right?" asked a colleague of her, "Lately you are distracted she is not like you .. are you in love?" asked smiling at her, "What? .." she replied thoughtfully, "..I'm fine and no, I'm not in love .." smiled at her trying to look normal, "If you say so .." her friend laughed unconvinced, "Okay .." Y/N said exasperated, "..if you promise not to say anything ..", the friend smiled vowing not to reveal anything, ".. it's been a couple of weeks that I have the feeling of being followed " she said in a low voice," And yesterday I found in the mail an invitation to the MOMA exhibition .. ", "A secret admirer !!" her friend said dreamily, "What a romantic thing!", "I knew I had to shut up.," Y/N concluded after listening to her romantic conjectures, "..I don't find anything poetic about someone following me ..", "We have to go to the exhibition !!" her friend said excitedly, "So you will find out who she is, come on I'll take you" she concluded happily, Y/N just wanted to be left alone she knew that accepting that invitation could be a bad idea, on the other hand, presenting herself accompanied she felt calmer and safe, "Ok ok alright let's go together" she said surrendering her, "I'll have to look for a suitable dress .. after work shopping?". The women spent the afternoon in the center looking for clothes, it was an important exhibition they did not want to disfigure, Y/N chose a classic long black dress with a sweetheart neckline that left her shoulders uncovered, she did not like dresses that shouted 'look at me', she liked sobriety, she would have added the sexy touch with the clutch and the Louboutin, "It fits you perfectly" said the friend, "My thin red belt would look good, that waist should be enhanced", "Won't it be too much?" she asked her unconvinced, "I prefer not, thanks, but if you don't put it on, I would steal your necklace ..", she laughed cheerfully, "Sure, let's trade… your Vuitton for the necklace…" she replied, laughing with her. It was almost time to go out, Y/N looked at herself one last time in the mirror, the few hints of ruby ​​looked great on her dress, she had booked a taxi and was waiting for her friend who arrived on time at 8, "Take a seat the taxi will arrive soon" she said welcoming her, "You look great" smiled admiring her in her pants suit, she was always bold in her choices, "Thank you too, you're a fairy tale" replied her friend, pulling her a couple of locks, "So you are perfect", they got out as soon as the taxi driver rang the bell, "Thanks to MOMA" said Y/N once they got on, they lined up with the other guests presenting the invitation to the entrance, it was an exclusive evening there was the best of the best among journalists and experts in the sector, many men of business looking for a rare piece and various art dealers, the two women were in awe, they loved art but could not be considered experts, they appreciated beautiful things though and that exhibition was wonderful, the painter had created a story of colorful paintings and sinuous shapes, there was a sort of line that linked the paintings and it was fascinating to walk among so much beauty, "..This is called Sirena .." the director of the exhibition was explaining, "..the sea is the main character, as you can see the shape of the mermaid can only be seen from a certain angle as if hiding from view .. ", Y/N was ecstatic, "It's brilliant" she said softly, "You see a new detail every time you move", the women followed the other people so as not to lose the explanation of the paintings, when they reached the final piece, Y/N was out of breath and words, her friend was as stunned as she was, "This is the most precious piece of the collection .." the director was explaining, " is called Silent Muse ..", Y/N recognized herself in the painting, it was not a vague resemblance .. it was her, the anxiety rose , "Also in this case, depending on how you look at it, the drawing will change .." the man explained, slowly turning the picture, ".. the artist's Muse is in the room at the moment, if he wants to get closer .." he said holding out his hand towards her, Y/N smiled trying to hide, "Come on, don't be a child" pushed her friend, "Thank you for being here Miss?" the director asked smiling at her, "the artist had let us know that she would come", "My name is Y/N .." she answered awkwardly, ".. I confess I have no idea that I am a Muse" she smiled, the audience smiled admiring the perfection of the features and the resemblance to the painting, "Don't worry, the painter chooses his muses around, hardly anyone knows that it will become a painting" smiled the director, the group moved towards a new painting, Y/N stared at herself on the canvas, "It's really you damn" said her friend in amazement, "How did she do it?", "I don't know and I don't care," Y\/N said angrily, "I'm scared of the idea that someone has spied on me to do this" he said pointing to the picture, "I want to meet this guy and tell him four .. there is no painter?" she wondered aloud as she looked around. The evening moved to the terrace of the MOMA where refreshments awaited the guests, the buyers had sat down with the catalog of paintings in their hands, as Y/N had the opportunity to see she had been portrayed in several paintings that were not exhibited, "I'll get a drink and some snacks arrive" said the friend moving towards the buffet, Y/N observed everyone wondering if the artist was among them, she noticed the stranger of the park in a corner of the terrace discussing with the manager, she struggled recognizing him in the dark suit but his eyes were unmistakable, the man turned to her and smiled as he raised his glass, Y/N felt vulnerable despite being among the people, she looked for her friend finding her at the bar, when she turned to look at the stranger was gone, she decided to follow him. She realized that she had been extremely stupid, she found herself in a corridor with no one else around, the anxiety rose, the only noise was that of her heels on the marble, she had lost sight of the man but felt his eyes on of herself, she turned the corner and was there leaning against the wall as if he were waiting for her, she froze like a deer dazzled by the headlights, she did not move when he smiled like a predator watching lunch, she did not even move when the man walked up to her and caressed her face, "You look gorgeous in this dress" he whispered admiring her, "Much better than in overalls or work clothes", Y/N took two steps backwards hitting the wall, the man came up stroking her arm while still smiling at her, "You struck at the park, graceful and sweaty, it is rare for a girl to smile at a stranger if she is not looking for trouble " he said, moving a lock from her face," Is that so Y/N.. are you looking for trouble? " he whispered laughing, to the woman's ears it seemed a growl she kept her face down hoping that someone would pass and help her .. she didn't see a way out, she could only smell the perfume of the man's cologne and his hands caressing her hips, he lifted her face to look at him leaning against her moving her hair and kissing her earlobe,
"Do you have any idea what I want to do to you Doll?" he whispered before kissing her, "I want to show you something .." he said taking Y/N's hand between her legs, the woman felt his arousal through his clothes and held her breath imagining 'what' he wanted her to see, ".. why don't you take me to the hotel? " he asked tooth taking her by the hand and walking towards exit, the woman's friend saw them coming and went to meet her, "Are you all right Y/N?" she asked worried about her seeing her face, "Shall we go for a drink at the bar?", "I'm fine quiet" Y/N replied smiling, "Er .. we go for a ride .." she said staring at her, "This is the hotel number and the room .." the man inserted giving the woman a ticket, " can check if you want" he said as if to challenge her, "Mister 'how cool I feel' with me the look of a serial killer does not attack .." she said seriously staring at him, "'d better go home without a scratch ..", the man burst out laughing reassuring her , Y/N smiled gratefully and calmed down, unlike her, her friend was a type who did not let herself be intimidated and her reaction relaxed her .. at least if ended up in a canal someone would have avenged her, the women said goodbye, "I'll wait for you at your house" said her friend, letting her keys be left, "Just a ring if something doesn't go as you want ..", the two reached the garage where a car was waiting for them, they got in and the driver left, "If you have any questions, ask before we get here Doll," the man said, stroking her thighs, “Actually there would be one…” she said in a low voice, “… have you followed me all this time?”, the man nodded, “Why? You could have asked me to pose .. ", "Models are always missing something, strangers are more 'real' .." he replied kissing her neck, ".. being able to observe someone without them knowing makes my job better, that's why I left you the invitation I wanted I saw what I created by observing you, and like you other unknown models ", the hand slipped on the knee of the woman lifting her dress, "... do I have to assume you fucked them all?" she said excitedly Y/N feeling his hand touch her, she heard him growl in her ear, "No, you are the one who inspired my best piece .." he replied without stopping to touch it, ".. I just want to thank you .. and I don't think you want to say no .." he laughed in a low voice, slipping his fingers into her panties , ".. you feel how wet you are Doll, so inviting and fragrant .. admit it you were hoping you would give you attention right?" he asked her caressing her slowly, "I .. I don't know .." she gasped, ".. I don't even know your name .." she moaned, spreading her legs, "Call me Seb" he answered entering her with his fingers, "Do you like Doll ..", Y/N gasped nodding, she really liked feeling Seb's hands on her, ".. make me happy and enjoy for me, I want may you enjoy before you arrive at the hotel .. " he smiled licking her neck increasing the thrusts inside her indulging her moans, the woman came moaning, planting her nails in the seats, "God .." she whispered trying to compose herself, ".. if this is the aperitif I'm already hungry for dinner" she smiled kissing him, they arrived at the hotel and went up to the room. Seb pushed her against door kissing her, squeezing her breasts wrapped in evening gown, making her moan at her when pinched her nipples rubbing on her fabric, "You are as soft as I imagined .." he said looking at her, ".. it's time to return the aperitif Doll" he said pushing her to her knees, unfastened her pants and put his cock in her mouth pinning her to the door, Y/N tried to move but the man held her by the hair, fucking her mouth quickly, sinking into her throat, "Look at me .." he panted without giving her respite, ".. what a welcoming mouth ..", he took his cock out of her mouth enjoying her face and breasts , ".. good Doll really good" he smiled helping her to get up, the woman cleaned herself leaning against the door, "Take off your dress .." he ordered undressing, ".. put on underwear and shoes .. those red heels are beautiful", Y/N took it off by taking it off while Seb ordered a drink from room service, "Gorgeous" he said walking around her, admiring the black lace suit, "Now I'm sure you were looking for trouble .. dressed like this .." he laughed playing with the elastic panties, gave her a full hand spanking, the woman gasped with a cry, "Shh silence Doll .." he growled giving her another slap, stroking her ass," .. a nice ass so wrapped in lace is an invitation .." he laughed squeezing her, sinking his hands on her ass and biting her neck, the woman reacted by squeezing more to he stroking his tattooed chest, it was really nice, "Sit and legs open" he said watching her walk around the room, the waiter knocked Seb opened the door and made the trolley leave in the corridor taking it as soon as he left, brought the bucket from the bed, poured champagne for both of us and put the bottle in the fridge, gave Y/N a goblet and sat down in bed looking at her, "Beautiful view from here" he said while drinking, "a real work of art, come here Doll" invited her, woman got up slowly from the chair and just as slowly went to the bed, she liked to be admired as she walked, she undid her bra as she approached the man and threw it, she felt sexy and desired, "Stop .." he stopped her, woman obeyed and waited for three instructions, ".. turn and bend .. those stockings with the seam are extremely sexy you know that right?" he laughed looking at her, from the bed Seb admired the red heels looking up he followed the lines of the pin-up stockings up to the lace culottes that wrapped her ass enhancing the heart shape, "Doll .. come here baby .." he said doing sign to reach him, Seb caressed her hips sliding his hands on her ass pulling off her culottes,        ".. what a wonderful ass .." he said spanking her, Y/N panted motionless next to the bed, the man invited her to straddle her on him, the woman crawled on his body licking his pecs, she got on her knees going down on his cock slowly, the man took her by the hips pushing her down penetrating her completely make her moan, he used her bra to tie her hands behind her back and have complete control over her, he touched her breasts pinching her nipples, making her pant aroused, Seb grabbed her hips moving her as he wanted, going deep inside her , clit rubbing on her groin, sat up holding her tightly biting her neck, "OMG SEB" she moaned throwing her head back letting the man torture her breasts with his nails, "MORE .. MORE .." she screamed excitedly before kissing him, Seb felt her pussy hold him, he was on the edge of her, "Someone wants to enjoy or am I wrong?" he smiled predatory scratching her back making her arch, "If that's what you want I'll settle you immediately Doll" he said putting his hands on her butt lifting her up to be able to fuck her, he raged on her body moving quickly in her, biting her nipples, planting his nails on her butt, Y/N came screaming out of himself collapsing on his chest, ".. Heaven Seb .." she gasped exhausted, "'re really good ..", "Take a moment Doll .." he said kissing her, "..then if you have no objection I'll take your nice ass" he growled caressing her, let the woman recover and let her get out of bed, untied her hands and made her bend leaning her on the footrest of the bed, he tied her hands to the support again and sat on the armchair to look at her .. sweaty and exposed, "Beautiful" he whispered touching her, "I could watch you for hours Doll", he got up going towards her, stroked her back and butt, "Missing a touch of red .." he laughed at her spanking her, "SEB .." she screamed in surprise, "Shhh" he said hitting her again, again and again, "So it's perfect" he said satisfied admiring the woman's reddened ass, took the lube and started playing with her opening by entering her with his fingers slowly, letting Y/N relax, "Good Doll relax and breathe .. I'll be gentle" he said pushing his cock on her opening, put more lube and entered her with a snarl, began to move holding her by the hips, "How tight and welcoming you are .." he moaned stroking her back by sliding a hand over her breast, "I would like to withdraw you now .. bound and helpless" he growled at her ear fucking her quickly excited by her excited moans, he scratched her back making her scream with pleasure, "SEB .." she cried, "..God what are you ..", he was beside himself with her lust, the man laughed at her sinking completely into her taking all the pleasure he could give him, he leaned behind of her and came panting, "..Doll .." he gasped exhausted collapsing on her sweaty back, caught his breath for a moment and untied her by taking her in his arms, placing her on the bed, Y/N took off her shoes and leaned against him breathlessly , "Tell your friend .. tonight you stay here .." the man said passing her the phone as he went to the bathroom to fill the tub, ".. it's time for cuddles and a snack, what do you think?", he smiled calling the service in the room, "It's a wonderful idea Seb .." she replied exhausted, she finished undressing and followed the man to the bathroom, they remained cuddling in the foam chatting and eating.
0 notes
valkirsif · 3 years ago
Loki chapter 6/6
Word 3400
Warning smut, sex bdsm
She arrived in the royal box sitting in the armchair behind the throne, Loki and Thor were betting on the fight, bowed his head in respect when Frigga turned to look at her, Loki raised the goblet and Y/N immediately moved to fill it, "Welcome back little beast" he greeted kissing her hand, "Sorry I'm late my Lord" she whispered, had never done such a gesture, Frigga smiled, "SO YES" Thor shouted making it rain lightning, Y/N stiffened in her chair, she knew that nothing would happen to her but was always scared by Thor's demonstrations of joy, at the end of the fight Loki did another new thing, he took her for hand going back to the palace, the woman did not understand what was happening, "May I ask where have you been?" asked the King, seeing the parcels, "Sorry if I didn't tell you anything .." she replied shyly, "..I went to Nidavellir", "Doing what in the Dwarf Kingdom?" he asked smiling, "You're not a warrior" laughed, "You will make fun of me if I tell you my Lord" she whispered, Loki shook her hand, "I got a gift for Lady Sif ..", "I understand" he smiled, "On Midgard it uses to do these things, don't be upset if Sif laughs, it will be strange for her to receive a gift" he explained, "My Lord, are you okay?" Y/N began to worry about the man's behavior, "You seem strange to me today", "I'm fine Y/N" he laughed, "I'm just fine" whispered entering the party hall, Valkyries and warriors were celebrating the end of the tournament, food and alcohol in large quantities were arranged on the tables, "Sif come here" Loki called her, "My King" she bowed, the King complimented her on victory, "Y/N would like to talk to you if you have a moment," he said, "she won't hold you back from the festivities" he laughed, "Lady Y/N tell me" she greeted her smiling, "What can I do for you?", "I .. hold and .. thank you" she hugged her embarrassed putting the package in her hand, she felt like a child at that moment, Sif looked at the woman turning the package over in her hands, smiled at her opening it, Y/N was blushed, "What is this?" she asked curiously turning the dagger in her hands, "Why do you give me this dagger?", the woman said what Loki had told her, "..All here, I'm just to say thank you" she concluded, as the King had announced the Valkyrie burst out laughing, "Little beast you are so human and tender" she mocked her, ruffling her hair, "Thanks I'll make good use of it" she said, stopping laughing, "I know they don't use these gestures here, but it was important for me to say thank you as they do on Midgard" smiled cheerful Y/N, Sif took two glasses and toasted with her before returning to celebrate, Y/N headed to the King's table laughing, she did not see the chair that was usually behind the throne and remained standing behind him, next to the King there was an empty chair and she wondered who was waiting for, "Why are you standing little beast?" Loki asked, slightly turning his head, "Come, sit next to me", "How do you say my Lord?" she asked thinking she heard wrong, "I said sit next to me Y/N" he reiterated, a maid moved her chair making her sit down, the woman noticed many looks and many smiles, Sygin raised the goblet in her direction before Thor put his hands on her breast and kissed her, the party had been going on for hours turning into an orgy of sex and alcohol, "Let's go" he said to Y/N getting up, the woman followed him, again the man took her hand, "I'm tired, undress and prepare my bathroom" he ordered when they were in the room, "Immediately my King .." she smiled undressing, "..this is for you" said nervously placing the package on the table next to him and running to the bathroom, "Stop them little beast" he said snapping fingers bringing her back to him, "What is this?" he asked holding the parcel in his hand, "It's nothing" she whispered keeping her eyes down, Loki lifted her face smiling at her, "It's nothing you say" he said curiously opening the gift, "I know enough of the earthlings to know that 'it's nothing' said that way means everything" he smiled tenderly, "Little beast .." said turning the blades in his hands, "You like them?" she whispered shyly, "I thought about you seeing the snakes ..", Loki kissed her passionately closing her mouth, "Shut up and wait for me in the water" he growled squeezing her hips, "And Y/N they are beautiful", the woman smiled going to the bathroom. She immediately noticed that there was something strange in the room, it did not have the usual scent and the colors were also different it seemed to be on Earth in a wood when autumn is more red and the snow is about to arrive, Y/N closed the eyes and deeply inhaled that smell of snow that she loved so much, instead of flowers a carpet of moss and lichens, even the air, usually summer and hot, was pungent and cold, "I understand why you love to go to Jotunheim and Nifelheim, Sygin told me you love winter", whispered Loki in her ear stroking her hips, the woman shivered, his hands were as cold as when he caressed her after the flower of ambrosia, "I love winter it's true .." she smiled, leaned against him, "..this one room is perfect for me," said dragging him into the water, "Your hands .." she whispered, "Hush little beast" he growled kissing her, "I want to show you something", said staring at her starting to change color, the woman tried to walk away scared but Loki held her tight, "Don't be afraid Y/N I won't hurt you" he smiled mischievously, "What are you?" she asked the woman trying to seem calm, her heart beating fast as she admired the King changing color, blue skin covered with intricate patterns, red eyes, she was afraid of him in that moment , "I'm Loki, son of Odin .." he answered kissing her, ".. my mother Frigga's magic flows in me ..", he sat on the edge of the tub taking her in his lap, "What scares you so little beast?" he asked him feeling her tremble, "I don't know .." she replied fearfully, ".. I realize it's stupid my Lord .." kept staring at the drawings on his body, ".. I'm not afraid of your other forms" she smiled, "If you wish I can purr while I fuck you" he growled putting his hand between her thighs, slowly brushing her clit, "Let me touch you .." he continued to kiss her delicate neck, "Can I say no my Lord?" she moaned, "I like it when you are kind to me" she whispered turning her face to be kissed, the man smelled of snow wanted to keep kissing him, she wanted him to keep touching her, freezing everything as she passed, "I'll do whatever you ask beasty" he said entering her with his fingers, "I'll be delicate .." he pressed his palm on her clit moving his fingers slowly, ".. it's you who commands" he purred, biting her earlobe, "Your Majesty what happens to you today?" she asked moving her face away to stare at him, she didn't understand what was happening and was agitated, "You don't even look like you", "Say my name beasty" he growled kissing her again ignoring her questions, "Like my name", his fingers creeping into her making her moan, "..Lo..Loki .." she meowed leaning against the man, it was so strange to say that name, "Keep singing for me Y/N" encouraged by touching her, "Used by you it has a beautiful sound", the woman stood up moving towards the center of the tub continuing to stare at him, it was him and yet he seemed different and not only for the color of the skin, he was ... sweet, he was doing everything to make her happy and did not understand what he wanted to achieve, the man remained leaning against the edge watching her movements in the water, "What do you think little beast?" he asked sensing her thoughts, "Talk to me, what's going on with that little head?" smiled moving to reach her, "Wait .." she said raising hand fearfully, ".. I don't understand, you are different .." she walked around the tub ordering ideas, ".. I have the feeling that you are trying to .. I don't know .. please me ?!" , she explained feeling stupid, "Mmm if it were?" he asked as approached, "What if I don't want you as a pet anymore?", "Do you want to send me back to Midgard?" she realized had asked with fear in her voice, "I promise to be good my Lord ..", the man took her face in hands smiling, "Shhhh silence" he whispered kissing her forehead, "Stop talking nonsense you won't go anywhere", "Thank you," she said in a low voice, she hugged him, "Keep me here I have no desire to go away .." admitted candidly, "Can't you just call me by name?" he began to touch her again pushing her towards edge, "The future Queen is not bound to reverence towards the King .." he explained, putting her to sit on her edge, ".. in Asgard we reign together", ".. future Queen ?? .. what are you saying ??" she was staring at him in astonishment, was he making fun of her ... or he was crazy, "I would be happy if you said yes .." he kissed her, ".. but if you prefer to be just my sleeping puppy I will satisfy you", he laughed taking her by the hips penetrating impatiently, Y/N let herself go lying down and moaning, the man touched her skin, squeezed her breasts, bent over her to kiss, "GOD LOKI" she shouted, clutching her thighs to his hips, ".. harder .. please .." she begged panting, she felt his strength as he possessed her, the cold of his hands, his nails on her belly, "Finally you understand who you are dealing with little beast .." he laughed at her, biting her neck, " don't want me to be tender here do you? You like to be taken like an animal " he moved quickly on her violently, submitting her to every thrust enjoying her excited cries, "Hear how my pet sings" he growled gripping her throat, the woman grabbed his hand staring at him in fear, "Shhh relax you are safe .." he gasped, ".. that scared look excites me .." he growled loosening his grip, ".. your hot and shaking body .. I want to feel you enjoy .. I want to feel your pussy squeeze me" raged on her without giving her breath, "Loki .." she cried arching under him, her nails planted in his hand, with a bestial growl the man came sinking his teeth into her collarbone, took the woman in his arms lying between pillows, “I'm waiting for a reply to Y/N" he said touching her shoulders, the woman straddled him staring at him, she was still convinced that he was joking, "Why do you want me?" she asked seriously, "I have visited many worlds and seen many women suitable to reign next to you", she said, stroking his chest, the man brushed her body listening to her, "I observed you little beast.." he replied, "Since I brought you here that I have been watching you .." he kept touching her, ".. you are brave, passionate but above all curious and open to news", "I'm not brave" she said, the man laughed at her expression, "You scratched me the first night .." he reminded her, ".. no one had ever dared so much" he laughed, Y/N looked down for him it was not courage but terror, "I will not apologize again .." he smiled lifting her face, "..I want you by my side on the throne .. if you want", he seemed really serious, "My Lord I thought you were playing with me .." she whispered seriously, "..I would be happy to be by your side if that's what you want" she concluded kissing him, Loki stopped her growling, "I asked what YOU want beasty" he looked at her seriously, his eyes red magnetic, she tried to come forward to kiss him, she just wanted to kiss him at that moment, "Loki .. ohhh Loki .." she moaned kissing him, "I want it .. I want you .. I will be yours in all forms you want .." she smiled excitedly, "I will be your Queen in public and your pet in private", she barely moved to line up with his cock, she intertwined her fingers with the man's as he penetrated her, she began to move slowly, taking all the time to get comfortable and welcome him, she had all the control in that position, she could dominate him at will and he was holding it to her letting go, she took one of the ribbons from a pillow and tied his hands smiling, "Hands behind head", Y/N ordered stroking his face, "As my Queen commands" he humored her, "I am in your power", she leaned towards him to kiss, stroked his chest following his drawings, scratching it lightly, "What if I wanted more?" she asked mischievously moaning, "I start to like 'company' when you fuck me" the man smiled accomplice making snakes appear that moved on her body crawling on her breast, scratching her with scales as they slid on her belly making her aroused, one crept between her legs stimulating her clit while riding, Loki untied himself with a gesture reaching out towards her, squeezing her hips increasing the contact between their bodies, "Little beast .." he panted kissing her, ".. my beautiful pet", he tried to sit up taking her with him but the woman pushed him to the floor, "You won't think you can move" snarled the woman placing her hands on his chest to hold him down, "Don't be afraid .. I won't hurt you", she said imitating him, the man stared at her predatory, "Sweet little Midgardian .." he growled snapping up and pinning her hands behind her back, "'re not strong enough to dominate a God", he bit her neck making her scream with pleasure, "I'll teach you how do you behave ", planted his nails on her ass, moving her to his liking like a doll, digging into her hard without giving her respite, making her have one orgasm after another, "Loki .." whispered her name like a prayer, " Lord, my King" she panted for air she could hear it everywhere in her, "Are you tired already?" he asked laughing after hours that he fucked her, "Help you learn Y/N courage is not enough to submit me" he kissed snapping fingers, a handmaid brought drink and eat, Loki got up leaving the woman to recover between the pillows, "I have plenty of time to learn" she laughed, reaching out to take the glass he handed her, they stayed to converse for a long time while dining, the woman had many questions, especially as regards reigning, "My mother has reigned alongside the Father of Gods since the dawn of time she will teach you everything you need" he replied, "I am sure you will be an excellent Queen beasty" he laughed kissing her, "Loki .. how does fidelity work?" she asked looking at him, she had seen and experienced a variety of pleasures since she arrived and was curious to understand how couples behaved, "On Midgard when you find the right mate or mate, you indulge in pleasure only with him ", "Here fidelity of the heart is important .." he explained, ".. the pleasures of the flesh do not take anything away from the couple, if your heart is faithful you can play with whoever you want", he smiled stroking her hoping to have explained, "So the fact that I love you doesn't stop me from taking my pleasure with others if I want to?" she asked realizing confessed feelings to him, Loki smiled holding her, "Exactly, your heart is with me even while you fuck someone else .." he replied, " well as mine is with you, even if I don't think I want to fuck another female apart from you", "..In this case I'll have Sygin all to myself" she laughed at him in his arms, “Little bitch you enjoyed being watched as she touches you go.." he growled biting her neck, “'re a eager little beast aren't you? ", called a handmaid, "Tell Sygin to come to me", "Lady Sygin is in the pool with your brother Majesty" replied the girl bowing her head, "We should go to them .." Y/N whispered excitedly getting dressed, ".. my Lord ..", Loki stood up, the couple went out to join them in the pool. They went up in silence so as not to disturb them and to be able to enjoy the show, Thor was by the pool, he was relaxing drinking from a mug and smiling at Sygin leaning against a statue intent on giving Mat a blowjob, "I was convinced that Mat was back on Midgard with Stark" said Y/N amazed to see his friend still there, "I think he has a crush on Tixy .." Loki replied, "..or Sygin ..or he drank too much ambrosia" he laughed. "It is not dangerous?" asked the woman worried about him, "He's not at risk, the curators check him every day", he smiled to calm her, "If he is well I will not send him away", Y/N was happy that his friend had decided to stay, "Brother, shall we disturb?" Loki asked giving Thor a pat on the shoulder, "The little beast missed Sygin" he laughed, getting comfortable with the woman on his lap, "You are welcome .." Thor laughed passing the bottle, "..can I call you sister?" he asked Y/N laughing, the woman blushed "Sure you can .." Loki laughed kissing her, ".. she just agreed to become Queen", the man stood up taking her in his arms hugging her merrily, Thor was extremely outgoing, Y/N laughed at her in between his arms, "What's going on here?" Sygin asked as she approached followed by Mat, "I'm hungry" she said reaching out to the table, "So what's all this happiness due to?", "My bride we have just gained a sister" said Thor cheerfully holding Sygin, "Isn't that great news?", "Y/N congratulations!" Sygin shouted happily joining the group hug, Mat looked at them astonished not quite understanding what she was listening to, ".. Wait a second .." he said understanding, ".. are you and Thor married?" Mat asked staring at her, "And you are getting married? .. ok I have to sit down ..", "Breathe Mat it's okay" Y/N said approaching, "So .. uh how do I explain it to you .. yes Sygin and Thor are married but fidelity here is not like on Midgard, that kind of social rule here is unknown" she began to explain, "And yes Loki asked me for my hand", "Skunk .. it's beautiful I'm happy for you" Mat replied hugging her, "And I'm also very embarrassed .. it's the first time I've seen you naked .." he concluded blushing, Y/N burst out laughing to her it didn't cause problems.. rather, "Luckily you arrived Y/N" Sygin said taking a candy, "Thor is already tired and Mat looks exhausted too .. Loki?", she asked staring at the men who were talking comfortably seated, "..Is so necessary that they join?" asked mischievous Y / N sliding a hand on the woman's breast, "I'm not tired ..", Sygin kissed her with transport ending the conversation, pushed Y/N against the statue in the center of the pool tying her wrists to the fountain, "Shh little beast let's entertain the King and his guests do you want?" she said mischievously of her squeezing her breasts bringing her other hand between her legs, Y/N nodded leaning over to kiss her, with the corner of eye she noticed the 3 men who were staring at her enjoying the sight of her.
0 notes
valkirsif · 3 years ago
Unthinkable CH52/???
Word 3200
Warning smut!!!
The journey was quiet and peaceful the man had fallen asleep just outside London, Y/N was tempted to wake him up when they approached the alley where they had sex but he held back, imagining how exhausted he was from the journey and the first part of the promotional tour she would waited for him to recover, sex was not all he was enough for he was back, she smiled to herself hoping that the improvements to the house would please him too, it took longer than expected given the prudence in guiding the woman,
"My love" she said in a low voice, "We are here" smiled,
the man opened his eyes and looked around for a moment, "..I'm awake .." he exclaimed, unfastening the safety belt, smiling as if there were fans and journalists waiting on the way down,
"Thomas, you're at home" laughed the woman worried about him, "We arrived relaxed", the man turned to her dazed, rubbing his eyes,
"Heaven sorry .." he exclaimed, ".. how beautiful you are Darling" he said taking her face in his hands and kissing her with transport, "You have no idea how much I missed you" he continued to caress her face and kiss her,
"Oh Thomas" she replied in a whisper, the couple got out of the car, Y/N took the backpack that she had prepared for both of them and they walked towards the door tightly together,
"I hope you like how they have arranged and the furniture I have chosen" said the woman opening the door, "Welcome home my King's", she placed her keys and backpack on the entrance cabinet and made way for his boyfriend, he had never returned there after the 'purchase, did not have time to close the door that she found Thomas's hands on her as leaned pushing her against the wall, blew the buttons of her blouse by sinking his face into her breast, his hands moving on her body squeezing her ass,
"I don't care about the house for now" he whispered kissing her neck without breaking away from her, "I just want to take it all off and show you how much I missed you",
"My love" Y/N moaned from him, running her fingers through his hair, stroking his face, "Isn't it better if you get some sleep?" she asked him in a whisper, she wanted him to tear off her clothes and take her leaning against the wall but she saw how tried he was from her journey,
"Nothing will stop me from taking you to bed .." he replied excitedly, ".. neither you, nor fatigue, nor anything else .. I just want to see you naked under me" he said with a deep voice continuing to kiss her, the woman felt his excitement through the clothes and could not resist anymore,
"Do you think you can make it up?" she laughed going upstairs, Thomas did not take his hands off her body, they stumbled a couple of times going up the stairs, they opened the bedroom door laughing, the man finished undressing her,
"Darling live is much better" he smiled at him recognizing the suit of her that he had given her, he stared at her predatory and pushed her on the bed throwing her clothes where he happened to her while she undressed,
"I've spent the last few days thinking about you .. naked" he growled taking her by the ankles sliding her on the edge of the bed, Y/N excitedly observed the perfection of his physique, strong shoulders, sculpted chest always marveling at how absurdly beautiful it was, she stretched out a foot stroking it biting her lip, slipped on his hips attracting him to herself, Thomas bent over her maintaining eye contact and penetrated her,
"Kitty how much I missed your warmth" he moaned moving over her, "Soft and perfect",
"Thomas .. God .." she moaned clinging to his shoulders, "Don't stop please", he moved quickly inside her, hungry, almost violent as if to reaffirm his possession of what was hers, Y/N moaned and panted in accord with his attacks hungry for that moment as much as she, Thomas slowed to look at her,
"I'm a little tired ... how about riding Kitty?" he teased her by turning in bed taking her with him, "Let me look" he stroked her face going down to her breast, he started playing with her nipples while Y/N moved over him moaning, stroking his chest, laced her fingers to him placing his hands on her hips, letting him take control, the man sank his nails into her ass dictating the pace, "Look at me Kitty" he growled increasing the thrusts, digging inside her, he felt her pussy squeeze him a step away from orgasm, "My beautiful Kitty, enjoy for me, let me feel how much you missed me" he moaned hoarsely, squeezing her breasts,
"THOMAS" she yelled at him holding on to her man's wrists enjoying her, the man squeezed her, moving to penetrate her deeper, prolonging orgasm, enjoying her moans and he came in turn,
"My wild Kitty ... my beautiful Kitty" he moaned kissing her holding in his arms, they remained tied together catching their breath, the man turned and leaned his head against her breast, "I love you" he said in a low voice before falling asleep lulled by her heart still beating fast,
"Welcome home my love" Y/N whispered stroking his hair enjoying his breath.
She stayed awake with stroking his hair, every time she moved he hugged her in sleep whispering her name, when he turned in bed she took the opportunity to go down to the kitchen to prepare dinner, it was sunset when she heard movements coming from upstairs, she lit the teapot also checking the pasta was gratinating in the oven, smiled when felt Thomas's hands on her hips,
"Well awake my love" she said leaning on him,
"You're sexy only with your apron on" he whispered kissing her neck, "Is it time for an aperitif already?" he asked biting her shoulders pushing her against the kitchen counter, used the ribbons of the apron to tie her wrists making lean face on the table, Y/N moaned at feeling the frozen marble on her breast,
"I'm hungry and you smell great .." he whispered licking her shoulders, ".. something is missing .." he reached out and took a spoonful of chocolate from the bowl, the woman was finishing to garnish the cake before he attacked her, decorated them the back,
".. Now that I have everything .. the most beautiful ass in the world in front of me .." he said excitedly spanking her, rubbing his cock on her wet pussy making her moan, ".. even the music is not bad" he laughed at her entering in her,
Y/N moaned excitedly, "I like this pre-dinner" he gasped as the man licked the chocolate off her back fucking her,
"Is it your taste?" she moaned opening legs and following his movements,
"Perfect .. everything is perfect .." he growled, squeezing her wrists to increase the blows. "..Kitty you are so provocative and hot .." he moaned enjoying, he stood leaning behind her for a moment before freeing, letting her turn around,
"..Can I have dessert before dinner?" he asked kneeling in front of her, putting her leg over his shoulder and sinking face between her thighs before she could answer,
"You can have anything you want .." she panted leaning on the table, " long as you use your tongue like this .." moaned, the man sucked her clit greedily by sticking two fingers inside her, rubbing the soft tissue of her pussy quickly, the woman buried her hands in his hair tightening her grip in the rush of orgasm, "O MY GOD" she cried holding on to the table, legs trembling,
"I'm ready to have dinner" he said, kissing her delicately, "the aperitif opened minestomach" laughed leaning against her,
".. What?" she laughed gave the man a spanking as he passed by to sit at the table,
"I dreamed of your kitchen Darling!" he exclaimed finding all his favorite Italian dishes in front of him, "You shouldn't go crazy" he said reaching out one of his hand stroking her face, since he landed didn't take his hands off her as if to be sure that she was there of hers,
"My King, making you find good food seemed to me the least" laughed the woman, "I like being here .. I can go around naked without the neighbors seeing me",
they dined with infinite calm, Thomas told her about the tour, about the affection of the fans and how happy he was about that experience completely leaving out the stressful side of it, Y/N didn't ask questions, he saw all too well how heavy the tour had been, the man was thin and had dark circles, she just wanted to pamper him and make him relax,
"Honey, go to the living room I'll take the cake and I'll join you" she said cheerfully preparing the tray,
"I like how the house turned out" he was saying while the woman was doing the dishes, "Even the furniture is beautiful" he said kissing her, "I'm sorry you did it all by yourself Darling",
"I was not alone, Sammy and Hanna helped me" she replied passing him the cake, "And when we are in Spain Elsa will take me around the pottery",
"I noticed a door" he asked curiously, "Did you have it done?",
"No, they found it during the works" she answered mysteriously, "Tomorrow you can explore it",
"Why not now?",
"Because it's after midnight and you have to sleep" she laughed put herself in his arms, "Be a good baby" kissed him,
"How can I do this Kitty if you provoke me like this" he laughed stroking her back, "You're just trying to distract me aren't you?" he turned around her to sit on him and penetrate,
"..Maybe .." the woman moaned moving hips slowly, the man laughed on her skin kissing her neck scratching her back making her moan, "..I thought you were more tired .." she gasped as Thomas's hands squeezed her otherwise,
"..tired out?" he asked panting on her neck, "With a horsewoman like you riding me?" he put a hand on her pussy stimulating her, the woman placed her hands on his knees to move better her body reacted to the slightest stimulus from Thomas,
"My Lord .. can I .." she prayed excitedly, "..I .. please ..",
"Lustful little kitten" he growled biting her, "Enjoy Kitty .. enjoy .." he ordered by pressing on her clit, felt her pussy squeeze him, took her by hips, moving fast, being tightened by her orgasm, they remained hugged panting without saying anything, Y/N turned to kiss him before getting up, taking him by the hand and taking to the garden, it was a clear and cold night,
"Darling will you get cold" Thomas said hugging her, "Are you sure you want to walk?" asked curiously noticing a light inside the grove, the woman did not answer she turned and smiled at him dragging into the woods, "Oh .. my love .." he said surprised seeing what was hiding behind the trees, a pond with hydromassage was in the center of the wood, small lights were hidden in the branches like swarms of fireflies, a 'double hammock with blanket and matching cushions in the corner a bonfire warmed the room,
"Do you like?" asked Y/N opening the champagne, she had drawn "their" corner,
"My Queen is a dream" replied Thomas looking at everything, "A secret corner just for us" he smiled inviting her into the water, they stayed to relax talking and flirting before falling asleep on the hammock.
Y/N woke up alone in the garden, it was really cold now that the fire was out and Thomas was not by her side, she put on the sweater from the night before and looked for her boyfriend in the house, she found him upstairs in the shower , threw the sweater on the bed and silently joined him, stood at the door to admire him in the steam before opening the shower,
"Day my love" she whispered kissing him, the man was already more relaxed than the day before, "Day Honey" he hugged her, "she was so beautiful asleep in the woods I didn't want to wake you up" he returned the kiss, "You're freezing, come here" smiled dragging her under the hot jet with him,
"I'm not cold" smiled the woman close to him, "How nice to wake up with you again" she whispered with shining eyes, "I missed you tremendously",
"I know Darling" he replied washing her hair, "It won't happen again, I prefer to have you with me ..",
".. I also want to be with you .. always" she smiled, "But listen, we look like two kids at the first crush" they laughed cuddling, they found their habits in a moment, he made coffee while Y/N prepared breakfast, they ate and dressed,
"Honey, can I now see what's behind that door?" he asked curiously, the woman smiled mysteriously taking him by the hand, they went down the steps and the games room he had imagined was there, "Oh my love .." he said in amazement, " beautiful, where does this room come from?",
"They found it by moving the old furniture" she replied cheerfully taking some juice from the minibar, "I thought of a super classic arcade .. do you like it?" she asked,
Thomas nodded passing her some red darts while holding the blue ones in his hand, "Would you like a friendly match?" laughed letting him pull first,
"I've never played but I won't let you win easily" she smiled challenging him, obviously Thomas won, it was a very English sport, she took revenge by beating him at billiards,
"Not bad" he smiled putting balls back in the triangle, "I want revenge" said challenging her, the woman laughed as she walked around the table to see her move, "Darling stop .." Thomas laughed after having missed the shot,
"I didn't do anything my lord" she smiled mischievously taking place to pull,
"Are you trying to seduce Miss Hiddleston?" he asked following her movements, "Look how you hold the cue ..",
"I had a good teacher" she replied turning her back to the man, moving hips provocatively, "Ball 6 in the corner .." declared taking aim,
Thomas touched her back making her mistake, she turned glare at him, she was extremely competitive,
"You did it on purpose" she accused him, the man put the stick on the table and took her in his arms,
"I use what I have to win" he smiled kissing her, Y/N hugged him, "Ball 13 in the center hole .." whispered in her ear taking the cue, the woman burst out laughing letting him pull,
"You are much better than me .." she said sitting down on the armchair, "..but I learn quickly my love", smiled provoking him, raising her butt just to take off panties, placed them on the table and crossed legs, the man did feint nothing by pocketing three balls in a row before moving towards her,
"You tried Darling" he smiled, "You'll have to do better than that to distract me .." whispered in her ear, bending down to kiss her, slipped his hand under the woman's woolen dress, stroking her thighs, slipping between her legs, " ..if you be good I could let you win" said touching her,
"Oh Thomas .." she moaned opening legs, ".. I don't know if I want to be good .." she answered biting her lip excitedly, leaned towards to kiss him, the man took off her dress and moved towards the billiards leaning on it looking at it,
"We're naughty today," he laughed pulling off his belt, "Why don't you come here Kitty?" he invited her, the woman got up to join him, "No no no .. on your knees .." said smiling at her, Y/N crawled up to him, ".. good Kitty .. hands behind back" ordered turning around for gartering her wrists with the belt, the woman groaned when felt a tightening, "Do you want me to stop?" he asked looking at her,
"Don't even think about it Thomas" she whispered, she wanted to continue and how, Thomas had never gone that far after gagging at the camp, she heard him laugh, he leaned back undoing his pants, "Let's try to get rid of the urge to be impertinent .." he said stroking her face, ".. open your mouth Kitty .." took her braid approaching her, the woman leaned face to his leg unbalanced, she pulled herself up crawling closer to him, smiled before starting to kiss his cock, took all the time to enjoy his man, the perfection of his member, went up licking him calmly staring into his eyes as she liked to him, "..Kitty .." he heard moaning before pulled her head back holding her by hair, slipped his cock between her lips slowly, calmly, the woman began to lick letting him guide her, it was exciting not being in control of the situation, ".. I kept thinking about your mouth after we saw each other at the pc .." he moaned, tightening his grip on her hair, pushing his cock deep into her throat taking her breath away, ".. were so sexy and exciting while you were dancing..", the man increased the pace between her lips excited by her tongue that moved rapidly following the thrusts, she felt the man's cock quiver, his breathing accelerated, took his cock from her mouth enjoying on her breast, "God Kitty" he growled leaning on the edge, Y/N still smiled on knees staring at her man, Tom leaned towards helping her to stand up turning around her to remove the belt from her wrists, "My love you are amazing in bed" he said kissing her, "How about a shower?" laughed,
"Great idea" she laughed with him, checking that there are no marks on her wrists, "When I go back to Spain to go shopping with Elsa I think I'll go back to the shop where I got my uniform and buy something more suitable to 'play' .." she smiled complicit following him in the bathroom, they took a shower calmly and got ready to go back to the city, the two days of "vacation" had passed in a flash the next morning at 8 Luke and Ali would come to pick them up to leave for the European tour .. first stop in Italy, Y/N was happy to see friends again and speak her language, arrived in London they found the luggage ready next to the door,
"Sabine passed by while we were in the countryside" Tom said reading the note, Y/N was always amazed at the efficiency of her boyfriend's staff,
"I feel like having a babysitter is always strange" laughed the woman, "I'm afraid of unlearning to do things by myself .."
"It's just to speed up, without her we wouldn't have enjoyed these two days of peace" he whispered hugging her, "I didn't want you to think about it because I was too tired to help you", the woman turned to kiss him,
"Since the bags are packed we can devote ourselves to gymnastics then" she smiled mischievously took him by the hand to take him to the room.
0 notes
valkirsif · 3 years ago
Loki chapter 5/6
word 3100
warning smut
Loki returned late at night, after the departure of the Midgardians he welcomed Lagherta and Lexy to discuss the upcoming wedding, the King made the bifrost available to the spouses to reach Neptune, it was the most similar place to both kingdoms,
"..I have a couple of friends to introduce you .." Lexy said, "..or do you plan to bring your pet that day?" she asked absently,
"It's not nice to spy on friends' hearts" Loki scolded her, smiling, "I haven't decided yet, but I want to meet these friends", he found Y/N standing by the bathroom door, she was wearing the first dress he had imposed on her and was holding towels,
"Welcome back my Lord" she greeted him bowing, "A bath?" she coaxed him with a smile, "Sure get me the tub" he said curiously undressing, "And bring me a drink it was an extremely annoying day .. David took a big risk", the woman disappeared into the bathroom, laid the towels on the sofa, put Vanheim's brandy, his favorite honey sweets on a tray and placed it on the edge of the tub, with Sygin's complicity she had managed to find and modify a pearl collar ,
"Are you sure what you are doing?" the woman had asked her putting her collar back on, "It is active at minimum, whatever you do you will not be in danger" she smiled making him snap,
"Thanks Sygin, I'm very sure of what I'm doing .." she smiled, finding herself beautiful in that suit, ".. I know I'm doing the right thing for me",
"In this case .." Sygin turned the bracelet and a shock went through Y/N making her jump, ".. too strong?", the woman shook her head, it was perfect, Loki walked into the bathroom he was about to say something but yeah he paused with his mouth open admiring the scene, next to the sofa naked Sygin was walking towards him holding the leash Y/N,
"Oh my King I was teaching your pet some new games" she said seductively she gave a light tug and Y/N got down on her knees, "I hope you don't mind, she's so obedient that I allowed myself ..",
"Sygin you know I don't like touching my toys" Loki retorted, "It's since we were little that you've stolen my things .. this time I can't let you" he said in a deep voice, Sygin pulled the leash and was followed by Y/N,
"Stop them beasty" he ordered the woman, "Why don't you get comfortable .." the man invited on the sofa, ".. bring a drink .." he ordered Y/N who moved swaying pouring the brandy, handed it to the man keeping her head down, like a good little animal,
"Kneeling in front of the King beasty" he growled emptying his glass, the woman obeyed, she put her face on the ground lifting her ass, Sygin circled around her holding the leash between her fingers,
"Don't you think it's wonderful?" she asked Loki, "Show your master what you have learned" she said her tooth putting the leash in her mouth, Y/N walked on all fours to him and got down on her knees handing him the leash,
"But what a good pet you are" Loki said stroking her cheek, took off her robe and walked around the woman, pulled the leash, Y/N immediately stood up, "Sygin why don't you come here" he growled excitedly, the woman came over smiling , "Let me have fun" he commanded giving her the leash, taking the bottle and getting comfortable between the pillows, Y/N and Sygin looked at each other,
"I'll be kind pet" she whispered starting to undress her, "Pearls give you her" she stroked her breasts descending on her hips, put her hand between her legs making her moan,
"She seems to like it .." she laughed at the man, "Do you like it real beasty" she whispered in the ear of Y/N who moaned a yes, Sygin unhooked the pearls of the skirt leaving her naked, slipped the leash on her body making it pass between her legs, went behind her and began to gently pull using pearls to stimulate her, Y/N moved unwittingly,
"No no little beast don't move" she growled in her ear, "You will be punished for this lack" said, snapping the bracelet, her pearls lit up before shaking her, the woman fell to her knees panting, ".. Excuse me Lady Sygin .." she moaned on her knees,
"You'll have to do better" she replied laughing giving her another shock, "Standing up pet", Y/N stood up shaking, she liked that game more than she thought, Sygin unhooked the leash and went back to torture her sense , stood behind her so that Loki did not lose any detail, squeezed and scratched with both hands pulling her nipples,
"Make your King feel how much you like it," Sygin said licking her neck, "Thank you my Lady" she moaned putting her hands behind her back, slipping between Sygin's legs, lightly caressing her, playing with her clit,
"Oh good pet" she gasped, "But don't think of moving me with these gestures" she moaned biting her, she sank her nails into her nipple making her scream, the collar was activated giving her a shock, Y/N opened her legs moaning like an animal,
"My King, how about the improvements to the collar?" answer I give to Loki opening the labia majora of Y/N putting a single pearl show on her clit,
"You can punish her while you fucked.." she suggested as slipped two fingers inside her, "..think what the shock must be, her soft little pussy holding you .." she described everything as she gently stimulated her, " ..imagine punishing her for the sheer sake of enjoying her pain .." she squeezed her nipple again, as she screamed the shock crossed her sweaty body focusing on her clit, gasped for air falling to her knees,
"Ohh poor beasty .." she whispered sweetly, "..too much pleasure all together?" asked turning around her, kneeling in front of her and opening her legs, "Look what a mess you are all wet" she said, "Don't move, pet" she growled threateningly getting up, approached Loki who was watching the show masturbating,
"My Lord I think your pet wants to be fucked" she suggested stroking his chest, kissing his neck, "Do it .." he moaned, taking her by her hair, "..fuck her, I want to watch you fuck her .." he growled making a gesture with her hand,
"Uhh how wonderful .." Sygin moaned, "I like to use your cock .. and to be used by you", she returned to Y/N staring at the transparent cock between the woman's legs,
"Little beast the King has a gift for you" she laughed at her stroking her face, "Let's see how to make him have fun, do you want?" she asked her, put her on all fours and knelt behind her,
"Legs spread up .." she spanked her triggering the collar, "Look how her ass throbs .." licked fingers starting to play with her ass passing her other hand between her thighs to sink back into her pussy, "You want to be fucked right?" she asked about her thrusting fingers deep inside her, Y/N gasped and drooled as she felt Sygin's fingers scissor around her pussy, "Come on beasty say it., beg for the King's cock to fuck you",
"Please Lady Sygin .." she gasped, ".. I want you to fuck me .. I want to feel you inside me ..", she moaned arching her back, lifting her butt more,
"Good little beast.," she said making her arch, ".. enjoy the ride little pet in heat" growled in her ear, Y/N gasped when she felt two cocks enter her simultaneously,
".. softly please .." she cried, ".. you hurt me .." she said raising her voice to activate the collar, the shock went through her body over and over again making her moan and scream, Sygin sank her nails into her breasts fucking her fiercely, as Loki liked it,
"Do you like my King that way?" she moaned, staring at him, "..why don't you and some friends join us?" she invited him slowing the pace, concentrating on stimulating Y/N, the man got up doubling as he reached them, Sygin's cocks disappeared, two clones jumped on her pushing her against the statue starting to touch her, Y/N heard her moan behind her,
"Here little beast .." Loki growled excitedly, "..turn around and sit down .." he said pulling her towards him, kissed her before turning her pushing her on his cock, took her by the wrists making her bend to sink further into her, the snakes reappeared, sank their teeth into her nipples making her scream,
"So good .. screams for me little beast .." panted Loki feeling her pussy squeeze him because of the collar, "Sygin was right .. it's a pleasure to fuck you with that pearl between your legs",
".. Again .. AGAIN .." woman growled like an animal, Sygin approached kneeling in front of her, smiled, kissed biting her lips and lay down staring at her Loki, touching herself excitedly, "We can do better pet" he smiled maliciously, Loki slipped from the chair holding her tight, approaching her to Sygin who reached out to suck and bite her breasts, the pearl on her clit was always active giving her rhythmic jolts, Sygin's hand creeping into hers pussy pinching her clit, "Are we at the limit beasty?" Sygin asked, Y/N was struggling to speak, panting and moaning excitedly,
"..Please .. my King .. please .." she moaned breathlessly,
"Someone begs" he growled excitedly fucking her hard, Sygin sank her teeth into her breast and squeezed her clit .. Y/N came screaming with pleasure like a wild animal,
"MORE .. MORE .. FUCK ME MY KING .." she screamed her clouded by her orgasm, "Little bitch .." he growled, " want more eh ..", he came out of her and took her by the shoulders entering her ass, he lifted her head taking her by her hair to kiss her,
".. Make yourself useful while I fuck your nice ass.," He ordered putting her head between Sygin's legs, ".. like a good lick little bitch ..",
Sygin dug her hands into her hair guiding her tongue, "Good little beast.," She gasped, ".. really good .. the Gods gave you hands too .. use them" she growled excitedly, “As Lady Sygin wishes” Y/N panted opening her labia in order to suck her clit, with her free hand she inserted two fingers inside her and began to gently rub the soft tissue of her pussy, “Do you like it that way?" she smiled hearing her panting,
"Good little beast" Sygin moaned one step away from yet another orgasm, "Don't stop ..", they spent hours having sex, satisfying every hidden desire, filling the room air with moans and screams of pleasure,
"Beasty was incredible" Loki said out of breath taking her in her arms, "You two together are a great ride" he laughed inviting Sygin to lie down between the pillows with them, "The Midgardian is possessed, I knew we would have fun with her" she laughed at kissing her, "Great celebration for your decision to stay" she smiled,
"It has never been so easy to decide something" Y/N replied, stroking his breast, "When I saw David I was convinced that coming back was what I wanted ..", she clung to the King, "Tell me what made you change your mind?" Loki asked,
"..I would say the universe", she laughed, "Being able to think for myself has opened my eyes to David ... and to you" she said in a low voice,
Sygin hugged her, "I'm happy you're free" she said getting up, "If you don't mind I'd go look for Mat, the Midgardians are delightful" she laughed happily, left alone Loki picked up Y/N taking her to bed,
"Those were intense days little beast, you have to rest" he cradled her holding her tightly, "It was nice to look at you today" he smiled,
"Glad you enjoyed the show, Sygin helped me with her dress" she laughed,
"I wasn't talking about the bathroom .." Loki answered looking at her, ".. I was talking about when you came back" he taunted, "A splendid brave Valkyrie who has claimed herself",
"Don't make fun of me my Lord" she said shyly, she was different it's true but she didn't think she was so brave,
"I'm not making fun of you" he smiled, "I'm just saying what I saw, you should have seen Sif how defended you when you left" he told the clash with David laughing, ".. the Valkyries defend everyone, but they don't shield for who they consider a sub-caste, you have earned their respect" he concluded proudly of her," Now sleep " he whispered kissing her.
After the "party" in the pool Y/N needed the healer, unlike Loki's illusions, Sygin's teeth and nails left many marks,
"Lady Y/N how can I help you?" Brighit asked wearing her bracelet,
"I got out of hand the games in the pool .." smiled Y/N undressing to show the marks on her body,
"They are not painful but, if possible, I would like to mitigate them, at least the ones you see", Loki had tightened with more force than usual the shoulder and a large purple and blue bruise had appeared, Brighit checked that there was nothing serious before turning on the bracelet and running her hands over the marks,
"You have to take better care of your body" laughed the healer working on her, "The King forgets when you are fragile",
"Don't you have anything to make me stronger?" she asked her hopefully she liked how he treated her in bed she didn't want to give it up,
"There is a way .." replied the healer, ".. wear an armor" she laughed at her passing a golden powder on her shoulders, Y/N laughed at her with her dressing,
"Thanks Brighit" she greeted as she went out, she wanted to thank Sif in person, Loki had told her what happened to her after she went to the room and felt indebted to her,
"Heimdallr can I disturb you?" she asked her before crossing the bridge, she had learned that she could not come and go to the bifrost without asking, she had been given full freedom of movement but she did not want to take advantage of it,
"Of course my Lady come" answered the Guardian opening the way for her, "How can I help you?",
"Where can I find a gift for Sif?" she asked, "I'm sure you've seen the events" she smiled, "In Nidavellir, the Kingdom of the Dwarves", replied the Guardian, "Weapons and armor of the Valkyries are forged by them",
"Can I go alone?" she asked her, for the worlds of Tixy and Lexy she moved alone, it was the first unknown realm she visited,
"Of course, after this room, Nidavellir is the safest place in the 9 Kingdoms, no one would be mad enough to attack the dwarves" he laughed, donning the cloak, she stepped into the light and arrived in a large blue metal room,
"Welcome to Nidavellir" a voice greeted her, "lower down Asgardian" he laughed noticing Y/N's expression looking around her,
"For the Gods I apologize," she said embarrassed,
"I'm Hestimus, Guardian of the gate .." he replied, laughing, " not worry girl you see that you have never been here .. and that you are not a Valkyrie",
"My name is Y/N and I need help .. I think" she smiled bowing, Hestimus smiled calling for a helper,
"Nebius accompanies the girl and help her" he said presenting what looked like a child, "Y/N follow me" he said cheerfully leading her through the streets of the city, "The Guardian said you need help",
"I owe a debt of gratitude to a Valkyrie .." she explained admiring the square city, it was formed by perfect cubes of various metals and spread the reflections of the furnaces in every corner, "..Heimdallr said that here I would find what I am looking for",
“Heimdallr? You must be a really important person to be able to call him by name "said the surprised young man, "You are friends with the Eyes of Asgard so come with me" he smiled touching what looked like a wall that lit up becoming a door,
"Nebius what brings you here?" asked a dwarf who looked as old as the world, "or who in this case, the little girl is not too young for you?" laughed, Y/N remembered the books she read as a child, the dwarves were ancient and powerful and while they looked like children they were hundreds of years old,
"Milantir she are a friend of the Guardian of Asgard and must make a gift" Nebius laughed making her sit down,
"Oh you must be special Heimdallr does not grant his friendship with him easily with her" he smiled pouring his a drink,
"What is?" she asked sniffing the glass, "Er .. is it dangerous for the Midgardians?",
"Midgardians?" he asked her widening his eyes looking at her better, “You're not from Asgard!
Sorry the sight betrays me sometimes, just drink it is simple rum with the addition of raspberries" he encouraged her,
"Once a week we go to refuel on Midgard", Nebius laughed, "I entrust you Milantir", he greeted her as he went out,
"Who is the lucky one to receive this gift?" he asked her opening some drawers, placing several cases on the counter,
"Really lucky .." replied the woman, " for Lady Sif, she defended my honor, on Midgard uses to make a gift in similar cases" she explained admiring the splendid workmanship of the weapons, the fine carvings on the scabbards,
"Little Sif, I remember when Odin gave her first axes .." the dwarf recalled cheerfully, ".. she always loved daggers, in her armor she always leaves room to hide one", he took out the most beautiful and finished showing them to him,
"They are wonderful" she said, touching that perfection, she looked at several, "These ... I don't know why but they are for her" she smiled holding a small and light double dagger, on the blades the inlay of a battle, on one side orcs from the other of the pegasus, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever touched,
"Try them" encouraged Milantir, "You'll see the magic" he smiled, Y/N just moved her hand and the scene on the blades moved,
"..What .." she said in amazement, moving her wrist again, "'s beautiful .." she whispered,
"Great choice girl" he smiled while making the dagger, "I engrave the rune on the scabbard I'll be right", Y/N was fascinated by a pair of knives in a strange shiny green material, golden snakes spinning on the blades,
"..Are beautiful right?" whispered the dwarf, the woman nodded silently, ".. they are special, they are forged in elkarium a mineral that is found between the roots of Yggdrasil ..",
"I don't dare ask .." Y/N whispered, certainly they had enormous value,
".. I'm sorry but you can't touch them" he said stroking her head as if she were a child, "You're human you would break apart" he smiled,
"I trust your words .." she smiled, "..I .. can I ask the price?",
"The price?!" Milantir said confused, "It's true on Midgard we need coins, we had the opposite problem the first time we went down" he laughed,
"They don't cost anything baby girl" he replied, Y/N stared at him in dismay, "We forge weapons that will bring honor to the wearer that's why we are blacksmiths .. the best in the universe" he explained, "If they are not for you to whom would you like to donate them? " he asked curiously,
"Here I would like to give them to my Lord, Loki King of Asgard .." she answered shyly, she seemed so strange to think of a gift for him, Milantir pulled out the blades and placed them in an inlaid box,
"Promise not to touch them" he reminded wrapping her gifts,
"I can't accept Milantir" said Y/N,
"Loki is a great warrior, these blades will bring him great honor in battle" he said kindly, "Go through here to return, Heimdallr open the bifrost for the little girl" he said aloud as he entered the next room followed by Y/N,
"Thank you Milantir" she said bowing, in a flash she was home,
"Sif is in the arena" smiled the Guardian, the woman thanked him and ran to the guards headquarters.
0 notes
valkirsif · 3 years ago
Loki chapter 4/6
Word 4200
Warning stress, hurt
Almost two months had passed since her arrival and Y/N had settled in just fine, Loki let her move around the city and had made sure that she could go to Heimdallr whenever she wanted, there was no danger that she could open the bifrost and the Guardian never left her alone in the room,
"Heimdallr" she greeted as she took the last step towards the safety of the room, "Can i?" she asked seeing him concentrated in position,
"Lady Y/N you shouldn't be here" he answered seriously but fatherly, "It could be dangerous, please go back to the palace", the woman bowed and retraced her steps, "you can come back later my Lady" the voice of the Guardian in her head as often happened if he was busy, she smiled going to the library her new favorite room since she had discovered it, she found the King waiting for her in his armchair,
"My King," she bowed, smiling at him, "Can I keep you company?" she asked,
"Only if you read to me" he replied jumping down and letting her sit down, Y/N picked up the book on the 9 Kingdoms she had started, Loki jumped on her legs curling up purring while the woman stroked his back a maid brought to drink,
"Little beast waiting for guests this is not the time for certain things" he said seductively, "You know what effect your fingers have on my back when I'm in this shape",
"I'm sorry, but you're so soft" she smiled pouring ambrosia for both of us, "and I haven't seen you since this morning",
"You won't tell me you missed me" he said laughing, Y/N laughed with him, she really made a weird sound when he laughed in cat form,
"I ... a little" she whispered she shyly, the cat jumped on the floor transforming itself, the woman handed him the dressing gown smiling,
"Just say it .." he smiled as he dressed, took her face in his hands and kissed her, "..I'm glad you're settling in", Brunhild entered smiling, which is rare to see her smile if she wasn't drunk,
"My King they have arrived" she said to Loki bowing,
"Very well .." he replied snapping his fingers changing clothes, ".. you know what to do with her" he said pointing to Y/N, the woman nodded and led the way for Y/N who followed her without asking questions,
"Lady Y/N you should change" encouraged Brunhild escorting her to another room where two rows of dresses were arranged for her, "The King chose these for you", Y/N admired the hanging dresses, one more beautiful than the other she turned to her guardian,
"Why do I have to change clothes?" she asked as she undressed to wear a long dress in a bright green fabric with gold inserts she sure to please Loki, "Will this be okay?",
"I can't tell her anything" she replied smiling again, "..and I'm sure the King will like you, if you're ready .." she said leading her to the hanging gardens where they also found Sif in full dress standing at attention behind Loki, Y/N approached and took her place two steps behind him looking curiously who had arrived,
"Midgardians" she exclaimed surprised, she heard Sif and Brunhilde laugh in a low voice for not having called them earthlings, she was about to step forward when Loki just moved his hand, the woman stopped immediately obeying that simple gesture, she would ask questions later, she remained calm in her place with a stupid smile on her face,
"Is she the one you kidnapped?" Captain America asked taking a step forward towards her, instinctively she moved behind Sif as if she feared something and felt stupid .. she was human she did not have to fear anything from the Avengers, Loki turned and took her hand,
"She is Y/N" he said introducing her, "And yes I took her for me on the day of the battle" he replied seriously,
"Skunk!!" two men came forward, Sif and Brunhilde stood in front of her to protect her by placing their hand on her arms,
"Stop there" they said in chorus, "Not a step if you don't want to taste the power of the Valkyries" they were very serious,
"Hey hey put your weapons down" Ironman replied pointing his fists at them, the Captain stepped in between,
"Ok let's all calm down" he said raising his hands, "Mattew, David back .. and Stark relax too we are here to talk", Loki had raised his hand and the Valkyries were back in position instantly, Y/N was terrified hiding behind the king,
"It's okay Y/N" he told her in a low voice, "Nobody gets hurt", the woman realized she was holding on to his cloak, took a deep breath and calmed down without taking her eyes off the two men, she imagined the dismayed them and hoped to be able to talk to them,
"Let's sit down and drink" Loki said making the way towards the benches, "Brunhilde ..", the woman reentered the palace and returned shortly afterwards followed by a group of maids with wine, ambrosia and food, "Please drink the trip in the bifrost is quick but it can leave you thirsty "he invited guests to help themselves,
"My Lord .." Y/N stepped forward shyly, "..can I? ..",
"Of course I had a room prepared for you" he replied calmly, letting the woman take her friends with her, ".. Sif ..", the Valkyrie followed them,
“Skunk what happened to you?”, “How are you?”, “He has you hurt? ", the two men overwhelmed her with questions, Y/N was too happy to see them and burst into tears hugging them,
"By the Gods you have no idea how much I missed you" she said in tears, she told all in one breath how she got there, she didn't confess the rape they wouldn't understand, ".. I'm fine really",
"Safe?" David asked, "They just told us you were here but we couldn't see you" he said holding her,
"We contacted the Avengers when they told us you weren't coming back" Mattew broke in, "We are here to take you home" they concluded taking her by the hand,
"Thing??" she asked incredulously, "Do you want to take me home?", the men looked at each other, the frightened tone of the woman worried them,
"Well yes" David replied, "Why do you think we're here to say hello to you?" he said seriously,
".. home .." she whispered torturing her fingers, it must be a dream it was too good to be true, ".. home" she repeated incredulously,
"Come here .." David stepped forward to hold her, "..this nightmare is over",
"A step back" Sif said, touching the weapon, "It is not allowed to touch the King's things",
"The King's things ?!" Mat repeated, "She's not a thing !!" he stood in the midst of anger,
"How dare you call it WHAT" David said furiously, the woman stepped between them,
"..Sif it's okay" Y/N said in a low voice, "Please.." she looked at her placing her hand on her ax, Sif returned to her place,
"You don't have to give explanations to hers or defend myself for her" David said holding her tightly, "We'll go home, we'll get married and we'll forget about it" he whispered trying to kiss her, the woman took a step back,
“Skunk?”, he stared at her not understanding her reaction, “What have they done to you? Why do you react like this? " he overwhelmed her with questions she wasn't ready to answer,
"David I .." she was about to explain but she was interrupted by the arrival of the others,
"Beasty all right?" Loki asked entering the room, "You're pale" he said stroking her face,
"Beasty??" David growled reaching out and taking her by the wrist, dragging her towards him, Sif and Brunhilde growled, "How dare you call her that, my girlfriend is not your pet",
"Fiancée?" asked the King blocking the Valkyries and looking first at David then Y/N, "Interesting development, you didn't tell me anything Y/N", he smiled not taking his eyes off her, the woman blushed as she looked down,
"Would have made any difference?", she asked in a whisper,
the King smiled at her inviting her to take his hand, instinctively broke away from David to approach him, "I'm fine" she whispered answering the question he hadn't asked, she had become good at reading his expressions, the atmosphere was heating up quickly , a scent of vanilla and strawberries permeated the air when Sygin arrived,
"Sorry I'm late my King" she apologized with a bow, "A woman in labor took longer than expected", she introduced herself to strangers and stood next to Y/N shaking her hand, slowly everyone calmed down,
"The important thing is that you are here dear" Loki replied sitting down and gesturing for everyone to sit down, "The Avengers and these Midgardians are here to discuss your release Y/N..", he said to the woman, ".. I invited them to stay a few days to give you a way to think and decide ",
"Don't worry, she comes home with us TODAY" David said still upset, "Tell her Skunk", Y/N stood in silence with her eyes downcast agitated, not that she was afraid of her but she was confused,
"David calm .." said the Captain, "'re scaring her",
"What? Would I scare her? " David was confused, “She's been kidnapped, taken to an alien place surrounded by madmen armed to the teeth and would I be scaring her? Let's not talk nonsense Captain",
Mat remained silent staring at Y/N, "I think we should accept the invitation of the .. King ?!" he said thoughtfully, "Maybe this place isn't that bad .. I like ragweed" he laughed,
"Then it's decided, Sygin takes the Avengers to their rooms" he ordered the woman, "I think Stark would appreciate a tour of our labs .." he smiled, nodding to Alrund, ".. accompany him and answer his questions without problems .. be careful not to get hurt ", the man nodded escorting an excited Stark like a child to the scientists' area,
"Y/N knows the palace and the city as well as those born here" he said to the men, "She will guide you and show you your rooms", he turned to the woman, "Remember those rules here are stupid .." he smiled, "..if you feel calmer Heimdallr will give you asylum in the safest area of ​​Asgard" he whispered,
"My Lord thank you" she whispered gratefully, Loki left followed by the Valkyries leaving them alone.
The woman walked away silently showing David and Mat the rest of the gardens, ignoring her boyfriend's pressing questions.
"This place is amazing Skunk," Mat exclaimed as they reached the edge of town, "Has it no bottom?" he asked curiously,
"Not exactly, Asgard is not a planet like Midgard .." she was explaining,
“Earth is called EARTH not Midgard" apostrophe David," Do you no longer know who you are Y/N?",
"I know perfectly well who I am" she answered sourly, "It seems you don't understand, I'm different from when I was here ..",
"If you are under the influence of ragweed or some other devilry, sure that you think you are fine", David tried to make her think, "You will be fine again once you get home", he closed the conversation as if it were decided by now, Y/N paid no attention but thought he might be right,
"I'll take you to your room, I need to rest it has been an absurd day so far" she said, leading the way into the building, a guard welcomed her,
"Lady Y/N the King had the pool side rooms set up for your guests" he said bowing, the woman thanked him and went up the two flights of stairs to the pool, saw Tixy and Sygin frolicking in the water as they passed, Mat si stopped to observe the scene,
"Go ahead I'll join you" he said ecstatic,
"Careful Mat could they invite you .. do you think you can do it?" asked seductively Y/N,
"Y/N come I want to introduce you a friend" Sygin welcomed them naked and beautiful, "Yes I ask her" she said answering Tixy who hissed, "Tixy, my friend over there, she wondered if you are busy .." she said inviting them into the water , Mat turned to her friend who smiled and pushed him into the pool,
"Treat him well please" she said to the two females,
"Don't worry, Tixy loves Midgardians," Sygin replied laughing at Mat's stunned expression, "Y/N are you staying too?" she asked stroking her hand,
"Maybe later" she smiled giving her a gentle kiss, she turned and walked David into the room,
"What is that thing? Is it safe to leave Mat with them? " asked the nervous man trying again to hold her in his arms,
"She is not a thing" she began using Mat's words, she did not try to avoid him even though she did not feel comfortable with him, "She is a lamia from a forest world ..", without warning David kissed her,
"I found you my love" he whispered in her ear, "I was sure you were alive", his hands slipping on her body trying to undress her,
".. David no .." she said trying to move, the man hugged her, ".. please stop..", "What's the matter with you" he tried to take off her dress, "We are alone, you don't have to pretend you haven't missed it",
"I don't want to leave me", Y/N whispered stiffening, the man hugged her,
"What would it be you don't want .." he growled angrily, "... I can't wait to go home", he tore her dress and pushed her onto the bed, "You have no idea how much I missed your naked body", the woman burst into tears, "Why are you crying now" he said stopping, "I thought you wanted to play the poor victim ..",
".. Stop it .." she moaned crying, ".. I don't want to .. you don't understand ..",
"You're right I don't understand" he said exasperated, "I don't understand why you didn't try to come back to me, I don't think you're a prisoner .." he walked around the room, ".. I don't understand why you didn't tell that monster you are girlfriend, I don't understand how you manage to feel at ease in the midst of beasts, there are many things I don't understand, but I'm curious about your new attitude to kissing women ", he said taking a drink," But we'll talk about it once at home, you're confused now ", he smiled getting into bed pulling her towards him, Y/N tried to relax, he was her boyfriend and he loved her, when they invaded them they were planning the wedding .. now she didn't know if that was life what he wanted,
"David I need air .." she said getting up after hours of questioning her, ".. I need some space .." she got dressed,
"Where do you go? I don't want you to go out.." he pulled up on her, taking her by the wrist,"..stay and let's talk about the return",
“Leave me,” she said, tugging at him to free herself, “YOU don't want me to come out? But who do you think you are!!" she screamed furiously, she went out slamming the door leaving the man speechless, she ran to the safest place in Asgard, as Loki had called it, Heimdallr was waiting for her,
"Take a seat and breathe Y/N" he greeted her fatherly as always, "I won't say anything about what I saw" he said,
"What should I do?" asked Y/N holding her head, "I don't know what to do .." she burst into tears, Heimdallr opened the bifrost and gave her his hand,
"There is a place where I go when my mind is full of questions .." he held her tight and they entered the tunnel of light, again gave a stomach, ".. not even the King has access to this room" he whispered giving her some water , the woman got full and rapt the show, the room seemed to float in space, it was completely transparent and you could see everything, the 9 kingdoms, distant and unknown planets, a white dwarf illuminated an ocean of stars,
"Heimdallr .." she said in a low voice she lost in the void, "'s beautiful",
"Here I find my peace when I need it" he explained making her sit comfortably on a sofa, "Stay as long as you need, just call me and I will open the bifrost for you", he smiled before going back, left alone she walked around the room observing the horizon, a solar storm threw plumes of fire into the void, to what appeared to be the opposite side of the universe a comet flew quietly with its blue and green tail in flames, held its breath when two ships darted past it, from that position it realized how stupid its problems were compared to the immensity of it she saw, she sat down thinking about David and her future on Midgard her life seemed already channeled, they had been together for years, the man had bought a large house outside the city with a barn where she worked, a few months before David. he asked for her hand and they were planning a wedding in a tropical paradise of his choice, she realized that almost all of her relationship was based on the man's wishes she was an accessory, she was sure he loved her but didn't think he would love the new one, too, had accused her of being subjugated by the pleasures of Asgard, of not being lucid and for a second she was ready to agree with him, thinking back to the steam in the tub and Sygin's hair, but that le were sensations created to relax and fully enjoy, even when she was alone in the tub she did not stop thinking about the escape, at least as soon as she arrived, during the first storm Loki had been sweet and consoling and still when Thor was partying he held her close making her see things and calming her, he explained to her how the ships worked and did not deny her anything, at that moment, in that transparent room, completely alone, a thought struck her..
"Heimdallr I'm ready," she said aloud, the portal opened and she came back, ready to talk to David.
"Welcome back" smiled the Guardian,
"How long have I been away?" asked Y/N recovering herself,
"Just a couple of days" he replied, "Eat something first of all, time in that room goes differently" he explained seeing the woman's astonished face, "Do you want me to accompany you?",
"I'm going alone thanks" she answered smiling, "..and thanks for .. well I would say for the universe" she laughed activating the path, she calmly crossed the city enjoying the sun and the scent of sweets, she met Lagherta and Lexy,
"Beasty well reviewed" she greeted, hugging her, "We are visiting for the wedding, where is Loki?",
"Welcome" she laughed, "I just got back from a trip I don't know where the King is" she replied walking with them towards the palace,
"Tixy told me there are other humans here .." Lexy said interested, "..your friends she said",
"You met Mat a couple of days ago" she smiled, "He's still in Asgard if you want to play with him", she winked at her, they chatted up to the palace, there she found David and the Avengers having breakfast,
"My love, you are here" the man exclaimed when he saw her, "Where the heck did you go, I've been looking for you for two days", he said worried, he tried to hug her but the woman took a step back, "What's taking you, come on here ", he smiled tensely as he approached, again Y/N moved towards the table, the man stared at her altered,
"Sorry if I went away but I had to think," she said, taking a seat, "Can we wait for the King before we start?" she asked calmly,
"Certainly there is no rush Y/N" replied the Captain, "We are trying to get Stark out of the Asgardian laboratories .. and it's not easy" he laughed relaxed,
"We can leave him here .." he said laughing Hawkeye, ".. seems to have settled in as well as you" he smiled at the woman,
"Or maybe he overdid the ragweed" David inserted sitting next to her,
"Speaking of missing people .." she said not seeing him, "..Mat? Is he still in the pool? " she asked curiously,
"He's sleeping" David replied, "The aliens left him last night" he said acidly, "He was raving about Niflhel and other bullshit .. luckily we're about to go home" he concluded shaking her hand, they turned around hearing footsteps, Sif and Brunhilde preceded Loki, Y/N got up and stood next to his chair, David looked at her badly hiding his annoyance,
"My Lord good morning" she greeted bowing her head,
"Beasty well back" he replied stroking her head, "I missed you these nights" he whispered sitting down, the woman sat down again "So Y/N have you got to think and decide what you want?" he asked,
"Of course she has decided .. go home with me" David broke in before she replied, "You just have to get dressed and we'll leave here",
"..No .." she said in a low voice, everyone looked at her she felt small, David stared at her questioningly, as if it were a novelty that she did not go along with him,
"How do you say love?" the man exclaimed, Loki looked at her in silence,
"I said no," she replied in a louder voice, "I'm not going back to Midgard," she concluded seriously,
"You don't know what you're saying Skunk" answered David as serious as he, "You won't stay in this place, you will come back with me",
"NO" she said clapping her hand on the table, "I'm not an object that you can move as you please" she explained, "You always spoke for me and I let you do it for fear of being alone..",
"So you prefer to be a slave among the aliens rather than go back with those who love you?" the man interrupted her altered, "But do you listen to yourself when you speak?",
“It is you don't understand.." said staring at him Y/N," ..I am not a slave here, I have never been so free in my life, I could have come back when I wanted I have free access to ships .. but I don't want to return" she concluded clenching her fists, "You don't love me, I know you think the opposite but the truth is that you love how I make you feel, you love me because I smile and I don't reply, that's what you love",
"Why does this alien love you?" he said pointing to Loki, “Christ love calls you little beast, does he treat you like I could treat a purebred dog, or is it just because he pretends to be a King that you want to stay? Do you think you live like a Queen?",
"David you don't know anything about him" she said raising her head smiling, "He is a better man than you will ever be, I was hoping to be friends but I see that it is impossible" she laughed bitterly, "My Lord can I go to my room?" she asked Loki,
"Sure little beast, I'll join you shortly" he replied smiling,
"Thank you for looking for me Captain" the woman greeted starting followed by Brunhilde, David got up to follow her but Sif pushed him in his place,
"..How dare you .." he reacted furiously, " can't stop me from following her ..",
"Did you hear Lady Y/N" she said dryly, "She decided to stay, and I am authorized to protect her by any means", she snarled challenging him, the man sat up and remained silent, foaming with anger, he was not used to having to deal with women like that, " I imagined .." Sif laughed returning to her seat,
"I like these guards" Hawkeye laughed, "Nat would be all too comfortable here",
"Any of you are welcome to Asgard," Loki said, "I could send Sif and some Valkyries to train your warriors," he proposed,
"We will discuss it with Fury" replied the Captain, "Better get back before they think something has happened",
"My brother went to Midgard and warned your boss .." the King warned, "..but I agree with you it's better if you come back" he said accommodating,
"Wait a minute," David said, "Are you really thinking about leaving Y/N here?",
"Y/N has made her decision and we will not take her away against her will" replied the Captain calmly but firmly, "We will not unleash a Trojan war..", the man followed them through gritted teeth,
"David?" the King stopped him, "Does your friend mean so little to you that you don't want him back?",
“He's lost his mind… like Y/N” David replied following the group to the shuttle that would take them home.
0 notes
valkirsif · 3 years ago
Loki chapter 3/6
word 3300
warning: smut, group sex
It had been more than a month since the panic attack and Y/N was able to remain calm in the presence of Loki, she no longer clicked when he approached and found herself cuddling him several times when he was a cat, a form that he used especially in the morning to not scare her, she could move around the palace on her own, she liked hiding in the flying gardens of a planet she did not remember, they were full of mutant flowers and strange fairy-like insects, she would sit in the warm lawn with a book and spend hours reading, Loki he joined her in armor with a thick cloak of fur over his shoulders, "I'll be right back to my room my Lord" she said bowing, when the King was absent he wanted her to stay in the room waiting for him, "Not today little beast" he smiled stroking her face, Y/N did not try to avoid those gestures and he knew that he used that "little beast" in a different way from the first days, "Put this on and follow me" he said putting on her cloak, Sif and Brunilde there they followed the woman she didn't know where they were going but she didn't ask questions, "Open the bifrost Heimdallr" he ordered the Guardian, the man turned the sword and a flow of energy came out of the void, breaking through space, "We will be back soon", Heimdallr nodded his head, "Hold on tight" he whispered to the woman as he squeezed her and stepped into the tunnel of light, a second later Y/N was giving stomach near an iceberg, "Drink this you'll be better" Sif laughed at her handing her a bottle, "It happens to everyone the first time", "Thank you. Where we are?" she asked, "Welcome to Jotunheim" Brunhild whispered about her giving her her arm, accompanying her to the King, "Everything is fine?" he asked kindly, the woman nodded she stood behind him as she had been taught, a group of giants welcomed them at the castle gates, Y/N hugged Loki in fear, "Loki!!" a blue-skinned giantess walked up to him and hugged him as if belonged to the family, "Son of your father, how are you?" she asked leaving him, "Brunhilde.. Sif, sisters it's nice to see you again, and who are you being?" she asked Y/N who was staring at him in fear, "Lagherta I missed your father's daughter" he said cheerfully, "She is Y/N a new arrival from Midgard" he replied introducing her, the group entered the great frozen room where the King was waiting for them on a large throne of almost transparent ice, Y/N recognized Lexy sitting next to the King, "Son of Odin it's a pleasure to see you" he thundered going to meet him, "Welcome" he said to everyone, "I know that you and my daughter had fun days ago but I don't think he told you about her wedding plans", "We've been .. distracted .. who's the lucky one?" he asked cheerfully, "Malakin Prince of the Darks" replied the King, "I approve, by treaty he must also have your blessing I know there have been problems between you ..", "My brother seduced a couple of girls, nothing special" Loki laughed, "The problem is that it is not customary among the Dark Ones to seduce a female without introducing himself, a delegation has come to ask for an account and we have solved it, now Thor can fuck whoever he wants to see. which has been officially presented ", "So there are no objections to the wedding" he said relieved, "Lexy really likes it and I want my daughter to be happy", they stayed drinking and talking for several hours, Y/N was offered a hot drink that tasted of ginger, looked at Sif before drinking, the woman nodded her head to her, on their return she had no stomach problems and felt cheerful. “Can I take a hot bath? I'm freezing" she asked laughing to Loki as she undressed, "Of course I don't want you to get sick, even if diseases like colds are curable in half a day" he replied, "I think I'll look at you, I like to see you naked" he said persuasively following her,
Y/N let herself go into the water relaxing lulled by the scent, when she opened her eyes saw Loki staring at her from the other side of the tub and stirred, the memory of the rape was still alive in her but Sygin and the skills of a curator had helped her understand why, not that it was less serious but he hadn't done it maliciously, for most of the alien races "rape" was a nonsense word, "I told you I'll wait for you to want it" whispered the man, Y/N smiled, took courage as she approached him, looked at him and sat on his lap, "What do you want, little beast?" he asked seductively running a hand on her back, the woman did not answer but let him, "I want to hear you ask" he growled biting her neck, "If you want to be fucked you will have to say it", he continued to touch her slowly, kissing her neck, "I'm scared" she moaned, she was aware that Loki was holding back, "But I want you to continue", "Relax little beast I'll be kind" he kept kissing her, "I know how to be patient" he took her breast gently squeezing, Y/N moaned about putting her hand on the man's, “Soft and tender” he whispered playing with her nipples, “What do you want? Tell me" he ordered, "I .. I want you to touch me .. I want you to kiss me .." she moaned in response, the man smiled, stood up with Y/N in him arms going to sit under one of the statues, the water caressed their bodies, brought the woman's hands behind her back in order to get to her breasts better, sucked her nipples, clenching with his teeth making her moan, slipped a hand between her legs, woman stiffened,
"Do you want me to stop?" he asked biting her earlobe,
".. no .." she replied in a whisper, she wanted him to continue touching her to make enjoy her, "Open your legs for me" he ordered in a low voice, "Purr for your God", he delicately scratched the inside of her thigh up towards her pussy, slowly stimulated her clit making her moan,
"... More ... I want more my Lord please" implored the woman moving her hips excitedly, she knew that the scent of the tub was exciting but she didn't care she wanted him to fuck her,
"You are a lake" he said, inserting two fingers into her pussy, moving slowly, rubbing his fingers on the soft fabric, kissed her passionately, looked into her eyes before smiling and doubling,
"Do you want everything??" he growled excitedly, "You'll have everything little cat in heat", the clone got behind her kissing her neck, took her breasts in his hands and began to squeeze and scratch while Loki licked her neck pushing his fingers deeper and deeper inside her, Y/N threw her head back panting, Loki got up dragging her on the carpet, got comfortable on pillows enjoying the vision of his clone touching the woman giving her pleasure,
"Come here little beast" he ordered snapping his fingers, the woman approached followed by her clone, "On your knees and open your mouth", Y/N obeyed, stared at Loki's cock worried, it was too big for her mouth, "That'll be fine" he smiled grabbing her by the hair and putting his cock in her mouth, the woman leaned back on her knees letting him fuck her mouth, "It's not enough for me" the man moaned, the clone got down on his knees behind Y/N and continued to torture her breasts, slipped his free hand over her pussy, starting to stimulate her again, every time she panted the cock sank into her throat removing them the breath, "You're so wet .. you want me to fuck you right?", Y/N nodded, the man took his cock out of her mouth, "Say it, little cat in heat," he ordered,
"Take me, fuck me, do my body what you want" she moaned excitedly, Loki smiled at her putting his cock back in her mouth starting to move again, the clone lifted her ass rubbed his cock on her wet pussy and penetrated her hard, Y/N tried to scream but Loki's cock gagged her and only a hoarse moan came out of her mouth,
"You've been torturing me for hours .." he growled in her ear, ".. sorry I wasn't delicate .." they looked at each other for a moment, both Loki had stopped, "Do you want me to stop?" he asked seriously taking the dick out of her mouth, the woman clung to her knees, catching her breath before answering,
"No," she replied seriously, "I just have to remind you that humans have to breathe my Lord" she said hoarsely, laughing,
"I'll have to give my brother a nice present," he said, stroking her face, "You're really a cat in heat, aren't you?" he provoked her by putting a finger in her mouth while the clone started digging inside her again holding her by shoulders, Y/N sucked on her greedy for her not taking his eyes off Loki's, "My Lord .." she gasped pulling herself up against the clone's chest, ".. I don't want this .." she moaned, the clone stopped again, Loki looked at her curiously,
"That's not what you said two minutes ago," he reminded her, "Have you changed your mind?"
"No, I want you to fuck me .." she answered trying to explain herself better, "..I want YOU to fuck me .." the man took a second to understand what he meant,
"You see us as two people I imagine" he asked for confirmation, the woman nodded, "For me it's not like that, I feel everything he feels, it's always me, I'll explain it to you another time .." with a wave of his hand the clone disappeared, ".. now I just want to fuck you" he growled pushing her on the pillows, he went up her legs kissing and biting every inch of skin, the closer he got to her pussy the more Y/N moaned more and more excited, the effect of the vapors had now vanished leaving her out of herself from lust,
"Loki please .." she started begging him as she reached out to him, ".. I want to feel you inside me .." she begged her,
"Now you are in a hurry little beast .." he teased carrying her legs on his shoulders, ".. I'll settle you immediately .." he grunted entering her little by little, savoring her pussy that held him, the woman arched under welcoming his cock, relaxing gradually, she had never experienced anything like this on Earth, she thought of his words and was convinced they were true .. he could go on riding her for days, 5 hours and many orgasms after Y/N was exhausted, Loki showed no sign of being tired much less satisfied,
"You don't want to stop right now Y/N?" he asked him laughing at the expression, "I thought I'd use you a little longer, what do you think? Will you purr for me little beast? ", the woman looked at him exhausted,
"My Lord I need a break .. please " she answered trying to go to the table, "Just enough time to drink and eat something" she smiled pouring drinks for both of us, "Aren't you thirsty? " she coaxed him by pouring ambrosia on her breast,
"If you offer it to me like this I can't refuse" replied the man getting comfortable on the sofa, he took Y/N in his arms and started licking her breast, "It's great, like the glass in which it is served" he whispered still excitedly sliding the woman on his cock,
"My Lord .." she moaned trying to get up,
"Shh you can feed and drink while I fuck you" Loki laughed kissing her, "Pour me more ambrosia like a good girl" he ordered moving slowly inside her, the woman took the jug and poured it on her breast, the man's fingers moved towards her ass making her snap and moan pouring ambrosia on the man's face,
".. I beg your pardon my Lord .." she moaned, clinging to his shoulders who smiled maliciously, "How dare you waste such precious ambrosia" he growled, biting her earlobe, "Can't you pour a drink?" he asked seriously, the woman looked at him with a mixture of fear and excitement not understanding if she was joking,
"I ... how can I make up for my shortcomings?" she asked kissing him moving on top of him, she became bolder remembering what she had seen in that same room and bit his neck, gently, "Are you going to punish me?" she asked provocatively, continuing to lick and bite the man,
"Oh little beast you'll see it" he growled looking behind her, the woman turned her head and saw her clone looking at her like a predator, she went back to stare at Loki,
"My Lord please .." she whispered, she couldn't finish the sentence, Loki put his finger on her lips and she fell silent immediately,
"I promised not to hurt you anymore" he said in her ear, "But I want to hear everything about you, you can relax and enjoy with me or hurt you .. the choice is yours" he concluded smiling, the woman said nothing, opened her lips and began to suck his master's fingers,
"Raise your hands" he ordered, Y/N performed excitedly, a silk rope tightened her wrists and went to fix herself to the vase of the statue holding her straight, Loki continued to fuck her by touching her breast, pinching her nipples making her scream pleasure, the clone got behind her carrying a hand on her pussy, stimulating her, kissing her neck moving her hair, the woman jumped when she felt the clone's cock push on her ass,
"..Please .." she moaned as she stopped sucking the man's fingers,
"Please what?" inviting her to continue, the woman shook her head shyly, "You have to ask if you want something" he laughed maliciously knowing what she wanted, "Don't be shy here the stupid social rules of Midgard don't exist",
"I want you to possess me" she said in a low voice, "I want you to take all the pleasure I can give you ... in all your forms" she concluded, bringing her face close to him to be kissed. Loki bit her lip, the two of her remained gasping eyes in eyes, the woman screamed his name when clone penetrated her, they slowly moved inside her to give her time to relax,
"..All the pleasure you can give me you say?" he teased her, "Are you sure you want to push yourself that far Y/N?",
"I think so my Lord" she replied as if she had just committed a nonsense, ".. I .. I trust .. keep telling myself that you will not hurt me ..", she gasped as Loki and his clone raged on of her making her go from one orgasm to the next in a loop of pleasure,
"I told you that I will try not to hurt you .." he growled excitedly kissing her, the woman stared at him, her eyes scared, " have spoken, I will take my pleasure .." he returned her gaze enjoying her fear, with a quick gesture of the hand the trio found themselves on the bed, Y/N was no longer tied by the wrists and could caress Loki's body, cling to him, she soon realized that he was only embracing yet another clone of the God, she jerked her head when she heard him laugh,
"Little beast let's see how good you will be at giving me pleasure" he said making another clone appear who approached and motioned her to give him her hand, the woman obeyed, the clone sucked her fingers making her moan and took her on his cock letting her begin to touch it,
"Open your mouth" Loki ordered coming closer, he took her by the hair and started to fuck her mouth violently, Y/N eyes were full of tears and she was drooling trying to breathe through her nose, she felt something slipping on her body, yes she insinuated between the bodies of the clones who fucked her without delicacy, climbed around her breasts leaving a frozen trail as passed, tried to moan in vain, every attempt to express herself only made Loki's cock sink into her throat, she didn't try to be kind or delicate so as not to damage her, he was taking pleasure in using her body as a toy, Y/N had never been stimulated by so many bodies, hands and mouths in her life, the cold sensation was given by a pairs of transparent snakes moving on her body increasing Loki's pleasure but also hers, she wanted to scream her pleasure, she wanted him to know how much she liked to be used in that way, she wanted to beg him not to stop, she raised her face exchanging glances on fire with Loki,
"I know Y/N .." he moaned, ".. you like being treated like this .." he tightened his grip on her hair, ".. keep enjoying for me .. keep enjoying .." the hoarse voice like of a wild animal, the snakes scratched her skin with scales, the clone behind her bit her neck tearing her skin making her cry and moan, the one beneath her sank its nails into her breast, they hurt her but did not react left for Loki to torture her,
"Look at me Y/N" he ordered, took her face in his hands and pushed his cock down her throat, the woman stiffened in search of air, the clone behind her blocked her hands so that she could not scratch, the one below her held her hips blocking any attempt to get up, she felt like she was drowning, her body struggled to breathe as Loki and his clones raged,
"For all the Gods what are you" he grunted enjoying between her lips, "Drink everything and feel honored little beast" he growled holding her nose, the clones disappeared and she collapsed coughing, catching her breath, she was exhausted and hungry, she had lost track of time , Loki took her in his arms carrying her into the tub, sat in the water with the woman on his lap,
"It will always be like this?!" she croaked hoarsely making herself comfortable, the scents of tub made her resume,
"If you learn to relax it will be even better than this" replied the man kissing her head, "How do you feel?" he asked pampering her,
"Exhausted, hungry, thirsty .." the list began, ".. satisfied" she concluded looking at him,
"I'm amazed at your resistance Y/N" he laughed passing her some water, "Few females can keep my head in bed",
"Will the signs remain?" she asked him worried, she didn't feel any pain at that moment but she imagined was covered in injuries, Loki laughed like a kid,
"You are so alien that I often forget that you are not Asgardian .." he said taking her in front of the mirror, Y/N saw her reflection of her intact and looked at her body, no sign, no bruise or bite,
".. It was a projection of my desires, no illusion can ever hurt you even if it is the feeling I wanted" he explained,
"I want to know more .." she answered curiously, ".. but not now, please my Lord I need to sleep", Loki took her to the room and went to bed staring at her, Y/N did not understand where her bed had ended,
"You will not believe you can sleep away from me .." he said questioningly, the woman smiled and she got under the sheets leaning on him, ".. good little beast" he said before falling asleep.
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