#please be safe my loves!
desultory-suggestions · 2 months
Even if your body isn’t what you wish it were, you can still treat it with the respect it deserves. While it’s completely fine to dream of certain goals and changes for yourself, it’s equally important to learn to appreciate your body for what it is right now. Don’t try to fuel yourself on self hatred.
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this isn't exactly a new sentiment on here but i can't really deny my desire for the exclusive and permanent company of transfems. every night i spend in bed without 1-3 tgirls in my arms is melancholy; by contrast, every night that i do is so surpassingly warm and comforting that i can feel my life's priorities shifting each time they nuzzle up into me. my mannerisms change around them; i unmask, laugh louder, kiss better, sleep more soundly. when work gets hard i think about the look on a girl's face after she eats a meal i've made her, the sound of her breathing as we lie together watching tv, the feel of her soft hands on my naked body. i'm so lucky to be one of these people, to know them, to love them; if all i do with the rest of my life is bring a little relief to a few of my sisters it will have been a life well spent
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melancholyfleurs · 1 month
orgasming just from the feeling of my clit brushing against my strap combined with the overwhelming rush that came from pleasing and taking in the naked form of one of the most gorgeous people i ever met underneath me will forever top the list of most mind blowing and pleasurable things i have experienced in this lifetime
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Never gonna live that down.
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frozenfrogz · 3 months
I don’t think you understand how much I love him…
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pitske · 5 months
queer people?
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A reminder that Spinner canonically compares himself to Dabi and feels inferior to the rest of the League of Villains.
Part of the reason he allowed AFO to manipulate him is because he wanted to be reliable, as in he wanted to be stronger to be of use to Tomura. So again, he's canonically kinda jealous not only of Dabi's quirk, but of him as a person.
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wickedfreakho · 3 months
Eren who falls deeply in love with you at first sight.
He saw you at an outing with his friend. You were getting tea from a small cafe in town with your pretty hair in a high ponytail, a white bow sitting perfectly at the top. Your outfit consisted of a business casual look as you were getting something to drink before a job interview.
Once Eren's eyes landed on you he couldn't look away.
I have to have her he thought to himself.
"Yo, Eren?" Connie called out to him snapping his fingers in front of Eren's face.
Eren blinked a few times before tuning into whatever Connie was saying.
"My bad..I'm listening"
"Anyways I was talking about how Sasha ate my whole can of pringles in less than an hour..." Connie continues to complain about Sasha's eating habits. While Eren was only half listening to him, you were grabbing your tea from the pick-up counter.
Before you left, you thought it was a good idea to get napkins just in case you spilled some on the table at your interview, which you hoped wouldn't happen.
Eren just so happens to be next to the table that has straws, napkins, and whatever else.
Walking towards the napkins, you grabbed a few before looking to your right to see Eren in all his glory.
His hair was effortlessly pinned back, a few stray strands escaping with carelessness. His soft pink lips glistened, hinting at a touch of vaseline, while his deep jade eyes met yours with unwavering intensity.
Too nervous to even process what's going on, you smiled politely at him and walked out of the cafe, pushing the door with your shoulder.
It didn't matter if he wasn't paying attention to poor Connie's words. If Eren learned anything from this short and small encounter it would be the difference between 'pretty' and 'beautiful'.
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yeah i guess i would consider this my first piece of writing...enjoy!
@ wickedfreakho , pls don't copy, translate, or repost my work without my permission babes <3.
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racke7 · 2 months
De-aged and injured Danny
Danny is found out by his parents. They don't take it well.
Clockwork is very upset about this, because he'd gambled on almost-certain odds of them being chill about it. So now he has to run damage-control before this very unlikely time-line goes even further off the deep end.
Unfortunately, Danny needs to be in the living world, not the Infinite Realms. Which means that Clockwork needs to put Danny somewhere safe. Somewhere where nobody will find him.
And double-unfortunately, the only place that remotely fits this bill is to contact Lady Gotham.
City-spirits aren't... super-reliable. They're Neverborns who very very rarely consider "humanoid shapes" worth figuring out. So they just kind of... exist. An ectoplasmic presence that's undeniable, but also extremely difficult to have a conversation with.
Thankfully, Lady Gotham is (for all of her... quirks) generally very hero-aligned. Which is why she's the best one to ask for sanctuary for Danny.
Danny who Clockwork de-aged as a way to "limit his injuries" of being vivisected.
Lady Gotham agrees, but she only has one "safe place" to put him. And her Knight is a little bit too paranoid for her to just dump an injured child in his lair, without causing more trouble than it's worth.
But it's hardly a difficult thing, to arrange a few things, and place Danny in a spot where his injuries will cause her Knight to hurry to his aid.
Such as... in a room filled with medical equipment, right next door to where Joker has just lost a fight with Batman.
Things escalate somewhat when Batman finds him and makes some assumptions about what Joker has been up to. Tempers run a bit high, someone loses a few extra teeth, someone else has to physically drag Bruce off Joker's body before he beats him to death, and the Joker considers the whole thing a grand old laugh (he has no idea what's going on, but it sure pissed off Batty, and that's always a treat).
Of course, the Batfam has to actually investigate the scene, evacuate Danny, give Danny medical aid, and then also ask Danny about what happened.
Danny wakes up and is very confused about a lot of things.
He's no longer being vivisected. Great. Love that part.
He's somewhere he doesn't recognize (the Batcave). Could be good, could be bad. At least the bed is pretty nice?
He's very small. This feels like a personal attack. He might not have gotten a good growth-spurt yet, but taking away what he had is cruel and unusual.
And there's a weirdo in an... armored bat-costume? Who isn't setting off his ghost-sense? What the hell kind of "normal" person wears something like that?
Still, Danny does answer the questions that Batman asks him, because... well, there's a green post-it-note in his pocket that says he shouldn't lie.
So Danny tells Batman about his parents cutting him up "for science". And Batman hears that the Joker somehow managed to hire two mad scientists who (upon the tiniest bit of suggestion from the Joker, who'd definitely seen the similarities between Danny and Jason and thought it would be a "funny prank") had leapt at the opportunity to vivisect their own son.
This is definitely worrying, because from the phrasing, they'd been "wanting to do it for a long time". And considering Danny's slow heartbeat and low body-temperature? They'd been wanting to do it because he was a meta.
So, somewhere out there (the Bats had found no trace of the two) were two deranged lunatics who wanted to cut open metas to "see how they worked".
Batman does the very reasonable thing and actually contacts the rest of the Justice League with their descriptions, just in case they'd managed to leave Gotham before the Bats had tracked them down.
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secretfandomthoughts · 3 months
Gotta love the white girl "horror" tubers and clown makeup with video titles like "TIMES HORROR WENT TOO FARRR!!!" And proceed to lump the most vanilla taboos next to extreme taboos like bitch wtf 💀
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troyssix · 2 months
"newt squeezed his hand tightly"
"thomas realized how much newt meant to him"
"what's up, tommy? you look bloody great for 3 in the morning"
"i knew i'd follow you anywhere. and i have" (this is just the films ik but still)
also newt only trusting thomas with the note
also the TENSION
also newt being confirmed fruity
historians say "they were great friends" THEY WERE GAY BITCHES
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amelia-yap · 11 months
I have discovered your Derg AU/Dragon Weiss and I’m very much in love. Thank you 🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️
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glad to hear that! im very much obsessed about her and she holds all my brainworms captive
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apnourry · 2 months
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it's a great color on me idc
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tinylittlelilac · 1 month
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[again saying these are fictitious despite how obvious just in case happyele comes down with an iron fist 🤛]
- Bleeding Ink ♡ Letters From the Heart
By request, StarPro idols are being recruited for the next round of the dating sim Love★Star. Due to the conflicting schedule of a required appearance at a ball, Yuzuru declines the offer, but the game’s director suddenly rewrites the plot…
I find myself here again :) I have so much respect for enstars artists.. what they pump out 3+ times a week takes me 5 whole months . My gofd ! I really hope you guys like these 2 🙏 personally they don’t leave my head!
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s0fter-sin · 23 days
ghost stares at the ceiling, chest heaving in a harsh pant; sweat ice on his clammy flesh and soaked into the sheet he restlessly kicks away.
ears still ringing, his fingertips blindly drift down to trail along his vivisection scar. he half-expects blood to smear in their wake. his own line of solomon, who ordered him split in twain; half of him given to a grieving mother and half left with the grieving to be.
just for both his broken halves to be rejected.
what did it make him that his mother grieved him more than she loved him? that she begged to be relieved of him more adamantly than she begged to receive him? why did his worth spill out with his drawn blood? why was his pain lesser than hers?
his hand flexes, digging into the raised scar like it’ll part beneath his fingertips to plunge into his mangled insides. no one knows the cruelty of reforming the halved; his name, his being, not nearly as important as his body when he was stripped from himself. no one knows the pain of healing and understanding losing pieces of yourself means losing your value along with them.
how many more pieces did he have to lose before he was halved once more? before his very presence incurred grief so strong it was better to be rid of him than cradle his bloodied remains?
did the infant fight himself? did he age always at odds with himself; his halves never truly whole? he hopes he wasn’t, that he was spared the loss of self; the fear that one may be welcomed over the other.
who will he lose when the inevitable comes? when he’s ripped apart again? simon? or ghost? is it better to be cursed with choice just like his mother or live with an aftermath chosen for him? does it matter if in the end, he convinces himself there was nothing of him left to lose?
his head lolls to the side and the wild buck of his chest slows. he watches johnny beside him, his face lax with the rare peace of sleep; his cheek squished against the pillow, his lips pursed as long breaths escape him.
johnny. soap. never torn asunder but two all the same.
he carefully reaches out and ghosts his fingers along the jagged scar on his chin. even in sleep, he presses into his bloodied touch. he’s never fled his half-flesh, never shies away from his gore as it spills unbidden from his cleaved torso. he holds on where his mother let him go; cups his stomach to hold his insides in place and never minds the blood that drips through his fingers.
simon will never let him become his own solomon and cannibalise himself. he will never let him question which half of him has more value; which pieces he can afford to lose before he’s cast aside.
ghost’s soap. simon’s johnny. his.
whole, in any incarnation.
#yall know the story of king solomon?#and the two mothers who claim a baby is theirs so he orders the baby cut in half so they can each have half of him?#well guess what woke me up out of a dead sleep and demanded to be written?#anyway roba showing simon clips of his mum on the news begging for the safe return of her boy#for the government to do something; /anything/ please she just wants her son back#just for ghost to dig himself out of simon's coffin and she can't bear to look at the man he's become#he's cold and afraid and hesitant and angry and in pain and so different from her little boy that it's just too difficult for her#he's a living breathing reminder that her simon didn't come back from the desert#and ghost has to live with the knowledge that his mum couldn't love him through anything#that maybe if he got himself out sooner if he was stronger or smarter or a better soldier... if he hadn't let simon die...#maybe he wouldn't have changed so much that she wouldn't look him in the eye and see a stranger#if you know anything about me by now you know i love the separation of the self and the person they become around others or bc of trauma#whether thats hizashi and present mic or simon and ghost its one of my absolute favourite tropes#and simon knowing hes become someone else and going home expecting to still be loved anyway?#just for this new version of himself to be rejected?#thats the moment he fractures into ghost#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#we’re a team. ghost team#simon ghost riley#ghost cod#john soap mactavish#soap cod#soapghost#ghostsoap#ghoap#ghost call of duty#cod mw2#cod mwii#save post
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chubs-deuce · 8 days
Art reqeust(if you do any) and question
1. Art request(if you do any): Dawn embarrassed of her parents being romanticly adorable together or her, adult years, accidentally finding her parents in bed during 🔞time
2. Question: how did the other deadly sins react to Dawn being "born"?
JFYI I don't normally do requests, only when I also really like an offered idea! Please, anyone who reads this, you're free to send in requests but be warned that there's no guarantee that I'll do it :') my adhd just isn't built for that <3
this idea seemed funny af so I defo wanted to give it a shot lmfao
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Alastor not checking the phone he'd begrudgingly accepted after Dawn came into their lives is a recurring and frequent issue lmfao
As for your question...
I'm ngl I don't really think abt the sins much skdjhfsdk
I feel like Bee would first crack some kind of joke about never expecting her niece to get THAT drunk (she's not actually Charlie's aunt, but she's loved calling herself that since she was "born" so it's become a habit) but would then want to spoil Dawn stupid with sweets and toys. I also think she would occasionally send care packages to the hotel and Charlie might at some point have to tell her to hella cool down on those bc it's getting way too much, especially with Rosie's contributions as well lmfao
Asmodeus I feel would be as emotional as he would be smitten with Dawn, he loved Babysitting Charlie when she was a baby so this is very nostalgic to him, and I can also see him being fascinated about how she'd come to be, knowing how much it took for Lucifer and Lilith to have Charlie all those decades ago. He would also 100% send a million photos and selfies with her to Fizz lmfao
Mammon I feel would immediately smell a financial opportunity and repeatedly offer to babysit, but Charlie always declines no matter how stressed she gets bc Mammon would just try to make Dawn go viral online with some crazy set up video for maximum drama and/or cuteness impact and turn her into some marketable icon to profit off of lmao
Since we haven't yet met any of the other sins I can't really come up with anything regarding them ^^"
#charlastor#radiobelle#charlastor fankid#charlastor fanchild#chubs ocs#dawn morningstar#digital art#art#my art#chubs answers#please don't make any jokes abt potential siblings resulting here or preg potential or anything of the sort btw qwq very touchy subject#my version of Charlie would've never willingly chosen to have a kid and would continue to not want them even with Dawn#she completely lacks maternal instincts and is often insecure abt the fact that it doesn't come to her easily when she thinks it should#and this persists despite learning a lot abt parenting along the way#while she loves Dawn wholeheartedly and wouldn't give her up for the world she will absolutely be glad when she's all grown and independent#yes this is largely me projecting my own feelings abt the concept of motherhood onto her but it makes narrative sense too#which is kind of why this AU has turned into a comfort AU for me bc I get to safely explore my own experiences with tokophobia thru it#as well as the shame and feelings of inadequacy that come with facing the societal pressure abt the topic of having kids#bc what do you do when you're not cut out to be a parent? When you don't get that magical connection everyone always talks abt?#yet everyone expects you to just “not know you have it in you” yet or tells you that you'll change your mind when you know you won't?#I hate being around kids they hit every frustration button in my brain and make me deeply uncomfortable#but what do you do when you're faced with having to take care of one anyways? <- what I'm exploring thru Charlie#bc the hypothetical does interest me but I'd rather cleave my foot with an axe 10 times than experience it irl myself#sorry for the big tag rant but I didn't wanna make this its own post jsdkdjs
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