#playlist adventures
cluelessrebel1988 · 5 months
Part of the adventure of listening to a playlist consisting of a variety of genres on shuffle is that you sometimes got from straight from The Stanley Brothers' 'Angel Band' to 'Hooked On A Feeling' by Blue Suede and you just have to accept that as it happens.
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unvexes · 1 year
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maybe the wind knows whether you wonder
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binalakarchive · 1 year
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bugsaan · 1 year
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id like to walk around in your mind someday
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saltfilled · 5 months
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Strawberries, cherries and an angel’s kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Bubbline playlist I made a while ago ~♡
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a2zillustration · 7 months
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
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magicalplaylist · 3 months
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Raise a glass to the woman single-handedly keeping the Jedi Order together during the High Republic, Master Zia! (Full illustration under read-more)
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raining-at-ease · 1 month
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deadmomjokes · 5 months
Yesterday I was flipping radio stations while waiting at a red light when I hear a deeply offended gasp from the back seat.
"No, don't switch it!! Turn it up!"
I do, in fact, turn it up, only to learn via the radio display that it's a song by Rage Against the Machine. (Note: I know exactly no songs by Rage Against the Machine, they're just not my cup of tea.) And my child-- my four year old child who, by her own choice that day, was wearing a fluffy pink flower skirt and sparkly cowboy boots-- takes in the screamy, guitar-smashy chaos, gives the most contented sigh of approval, and says,
"Awwww yeah, I LIKE this one!"
And starts head banging in her car seat.
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fuumiku · 10 months
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They’re really interesting foils in many ways. I’ve always thought that Marcille & Mithrun have underrated dynamic potential. Give me the cringefail dungeon lords. Give me the elves with ears-centric metaphorical self-image issues. Give me the academic elites whose deepest strongest desires will always remain unreachable and the only option is to turn to the corrupt forbidden fruit of a demon pact. I am so so normal about Mithrun and Marcille
I wonder if the resemblance between captain Mithrun and general Hagreus aka Marcille’s fave in Dalclan is intentional… They definitely look very alike. It could represent idealization vs reality? Something something the romanticization of elves and their societal drama in their fiction vs a very real and imperfect product of their military system. The canaries certainly aren’t glamorous next to whatever Hagreus is the general of. I feel like she never had the opportunity to notice the resemblance herself bc within seconds of meeting him he was wrestling her on the ground but. If she had… She would so think he should have been his actor in the tallman stage play of Daltian Clan in that new extra comic hehe. I love the little details like Hagreus’ lips being drawn with extra details because they’re full and pretty while Mithrun’s lips are drawn with extra details because they’re chapped lmao.
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This art is all silly and surface level but in my head mithrille is like so dramatic and I make up daltian clan level big plots with them gbdgd. I made a spotify playlist for mithrun if y’all interested, rn it’s mostly centered around cravings that consume and losing yourself and illusions inspired from his time as dungeon lord but it’s branching out. Varied vibes, levels of intensity and degrees of confusion and await you ✨ I would emotionally rant about Chainsaw Man ost lyrics and how they tie in with Mithrun and the winged lion’s relationship but this post is already a monster
I want more of these two please please please pleaseee just one or two interactions in the new canon content coming up… All they ever did was debate philosophy on desires and human self-fulfillment and try to murder each other, please… I never get to gush about them and I can’t shut up so if you want more thoughts I talk about them more below
To get a girl to peacefully accept arrest follow these simple steps: in private, ominously stand above her and forcefully interrogate her, while in public, tell her you’ve met before (untrue and also not a pickup line) and interrogate her with a thin veneer of decorum. If all else fails, threaten and follow through on said threat. My guy needs more than just physical therapy I’m afraid
Sorry if most of these were Marcille-centric with Mithrun standing there looking cool, if I were doing these more from Mithrun’s pov things would be like "She’s a bit much but I guess I don’t mind hanging around her." or "Oh you’re a half-elf? -insert elven supremacist rethoric-" or "I have to keep her from becoming demon stew." immediately followed by "Did someone say demon? Kill kill kill kill kill" since these are set prior to like really knowing another. Then things would be more like "huh she has bad tastes in novels but her magic research is pretty interesting" and "I’m lonely and don’t understand myself— Oh she loves talking about feelings? Oh shi-" That last one is an aspect of why I like Marcille and Mithrun’s potential dynamic lol. She’s very… Emotionally intelligent alongside being impulsive. You think you have no feelings because the world has beaten them out of you? Think again!! Marcille be upon ye! -In a therapy sort of way but mostly in a connecting with people and your own self through interpersonal relationships and talking kinda way. I just think a lively, upbeat, annoying friend way too interested in your personal life would do him good, the canaries are nice but like if Marcille went to prison and was a sort of extra new bunkmate I think that’d be interesting and fun to read is what I’m saying
Unlike Kabru she wants all the useless messy filler of his backstory, eating chips while listening. Like two chibi sets side by side, "me and my fellow canaries, name name and name-" "Hold on that’s too much info we have to compact this" vs "Then we were to sleep on the third floor of the dungeon, which had the look of a mausoleum, and name and name got into a fight over the campfire placement." while Marcille is like uh-huh what next what next while kicking her feet. She thinks of pre-dungeon pompous Mithrun and is like omg you went through a character arc and became better as a person- and then he opens his mouth and she’s like nevermind let’s keep working on that. She would also go "ew ur hair is greasy" and give him a full hair care treatment. What I’m saying is I need them to be forced to spend time in a dungeon together and become besties through a life or death roadtrip
Marcille is insecure about her ears, long, like an elf’s pride should be, but rounder, inelegant. Seeing Mithrun though, the epitome of beauty, with his half-cut ears make it a sillier thought. Not sure if Mithrun is the best person to reconnect with ur elven culture with but it sure is an option Marcille would so appreciate being around someone both cool headed and kind, I genuinely think they’d get along, like not that Senshi isn’t that too most of the time but I think Mithrun would be in a way that’s more refreshing to her. I’d be so curious about them discussing Dalclan, I doubt he’d have read it but she could make him read it, maybe post-canon with the excuse that they’re trying to find him a new hobby hah. He’d tear into the writing and everything but it’d be a fun time, I like to think that it’d make him a bit less prejudiced. Marcille @ Mithrun "👉👈 Soo maybe you don’t know these books they’re pretty recent having come out 50 years ago but…"
I’ve been in a Mithrun phase I want to make and read Mithrun-centric fics and angst so baaad. I razz him a lot here but he’s literally a traumatized military man that became obsessed with revenge due to bad coping and neglects himself in the process idk not much for him going on and some of it is because he has to work on himself, but hey no one’s perfect it all comes from a place of love and relating though I prommy. He’s the one ungodly angsty squeaky toy blorbo with brain damage rep I have don’t take him from me
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littlespoonevan · 5 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
started writing about eddie diaz and his relationship with romance/love, had a breakdown, bon appetit 🤷‍♀️
Buck returns from the kitchen with two beers and gets Eddie’s attention by bumping one of the bottles against Eddie’s temple. It’s so gentle all Eddie really feels is the sting of cold before the bottle is offered to him. From anyone else it would probably be a smack upside the head for being so stupid. The thing about him and Buck though – they let each other get away with things. Not in a bad way, he doesn’t think. Just that they sort of wait for each other to figure things out on their own. Quietly observing, ready with the landing mat to catch each other when they inevitably fall. Sometimes they do push, but never too far – just enough for the other to know they’re concerned. He thinks a part of Buck has always been too afraid to push him. The part of Buck that starts with fear of rejection and ends with abandonment issues. Like if he pushes too far then Eddie will slip out of his grasp forever. He doesn’t seem to understand that he’s just about the only person in the entire planet that Eddie always wants to come back to. “You gonna tell me about it?” Buck asks after a beat. He doesn’t drink his beer. Eddie doesn’t either. It’s a crutch, mostly. A pretence, so that if the conversation gets too deep, too fast they can blame it on the alcohol. Eddie appreciates it. As he thinks about Buck’s question he wonders where to start, how to explain it so he doesn’t sound as delusional as he feels. In the end, he can only think of one thing. Swallowing around the lump clogging his throat, he says, “I don’t think I know how to be in love anymore.”
tagging (if you wanna!!): @mellaithwen @buckactuallys @homerforsure @fraddit @capseycartwright
@sibylsleaves @bucktommys❤️🩷💖
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may1th · 3 months
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HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY HYLICS 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(just the 4 of us! we can make it if we try)
i didnt have time to make any art so eh fuck it ill just post the rest of the needle felted crew i made here since i was planning to lol
anyways look at em!!!!! look at em
(this might be late idk lol)
theyre somewhat posable (arms and legs) you can mostly just bend em (pongorma is very hard to pose however due to his thick limbs)
dedusmulns sword is removable :) (it has a pin so that you can take it off and put it back on easily)
pongorma has hidden top surgery scars under all that fur!
somsnosas cloak is also somewhat removable but i wouldnt try to remove it (would be hard to take off and put on likely)
pongormas body is covered ENTIRELY in yarn which i pricked in manually 1 by 1 (or well i usually like pricked it so its like 2 by 1 idk how to exactly say it)(also it was very time consuming so ill likely never do it again)
and also needle deathcount
wayne : 3 needles
somsnosa : 3 needles
dedusmuln: 0 but they caused me to prick myself sometimes (nothing major thankfullly)
pongorma:3 aswell idk
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what's your listening personality and do you agree?
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starrodent · 4 months
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working on something BIG and SAD because I enjoy feeling pain
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ethersierra · 7 months
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wishfulprismo · 1 year
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☆ i'd steal a hundred kisses before you'd say goodbye and then make a hundred wishes In the name of you and I
im barely with it but my insane brainrot forced me to draw this !! (i rise to draw silly gay people then die for like 20 years)... enjoy :] btw song is a hundred kisses by she wants revenge which is apart of my ship playlist i made xP
also funny human designs(?) idk slight edits to scarab becuz im goofy and prismo is slightly inspired by all the cool designs i saw but also hints of what i could think of!!
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