#platonic hermione granger
aphroditelovesu · 11 months
Yandere Golden Trio Headcanons (Platonic)
❝ 🔮 — lady l: another Harry Potter headcanons because my mind is buzzing with ideas yayy!! I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! 💜
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, jealousy, overprotection and implicit murder.
❝ 🔮pairing: yandere!golden trio/harry potter, hermione granger and ron weasley x gender neutral!reader.
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You probably did not know, but they were obsessed with you from the first day of class at Hogwarts. All of you were new and some strangers to this world and they needed something they could cling to, something that would not leave them and that someone was you.
You met on the train. You and Hermione sat together and talked a little until you went with the other boys, at her insistence, you went along and that was when you met Harry and Ron.
They were ecstatic to discover that you were new too and couldn't wait to be with you at Hogwarts. Once you were selected into a house other than theirs, they would sulk and even get angry. But if you were a Gryffindor like them, there would be no problem to deal with.
They are incredibly possessive of you and they will get upset and irritated when you are with someone other than them, especially if it is someone like Draco Malfoy. You are theirs, you had become theirs since the first conversation on the train and you would continue to be theirs.
Harry is the least possessive, but he is still very jealous of you, even with his own friends. He is very kind and polite, so loyal to his friends and so adored, there is no bad intention in his actions and his thoughts are all about you. He needs to protect you, take care of you because he can't bear to lose you.
He is very calm and rarely loses his temper, Harry just wants to protect you and take care of you. He can't lose anyone else and he can't lose you. Harry is very overprotective and suffocating at times, wanting to know how you are and what you are doing. He's just looking out for you like a good friend would.
Ron is very possessive and suffocating, his insecurity will take him to extremes just to get your affection. He is very lively and optimistic, he is always the one who will lift you up and make you laugh every time you are feeling bad. He cares for you very much and secretly longs to be your favorite.
He is very insecure deep down and fears being abandoned by you, and he can't have that. Ron likes to keep you with him, always keeping you safe and secure, and most importantly of all, just with him. Ron is very spontaneous and lively, desperately wanting to be loved by you.
Hermione is the most balanced, or so she likes to think. She is very intelligent and kind to you, always making sure you are well and happy. Hermione likes to stay by your side in silence, whether it's reading a book or talking about something. She would love to help you with your studies, even if you don't need it, but it would make her very happy.
She is very possessive and manipulative, having seen you first, she should have more right to you. Hermione is fiercely protective of you and jealous, wanting to be the only one to have your attention. She is very careful about you and is always trying to help you, even if you don't need it, but this helps her feel needed. Hermione is a big fan of hers, always rooting for you.
They are extremely protective of you and they are willing to do anything for you, including using forbidden magic. Harry is very suffocating and needs constant reassurance that you are okay, Ron desperately wants your attention and affection and Hermione needs to care and guide you.
You will always be theirs. There's no way to walk away, even if you wanted to. They would never dare to harm you in any way, but if you are resolute in doing things that they vehemently disapprove of, punishment will be meted out. They don't want to scare you, that's the last thing they want, but they have limits.
At any sign of conflict or danger you will be removed. It doesn't matter if you know how to fight or are good with spells, they won't risk your safety and your life. And if you are hurt, they will go into a frenzy of rage and worry and will not stop until they find the culprit and deal with them. No one can hurt you.
Harry would always protect you and be by your side, holding your hand if you needed it. Ron will always cheer you up and say the right things to make you happy and Hermione will always guide you and take care of you in her own way.
Once they become obsessed with you, there is nothing to be done. Not even Dumbledore could help you, not when the obsession, the need to protect you, was already so ingrained in the Trio. You would have to get used to being deeply loved and protected because they aren't going anywhere and neither are you.
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fandomlit · 2 months
academic affair, prologue (remus lupin x reader)
series summary being a professor at hogwarts always brought you an interesting day, but your past starts to reappear in odd ways: in the son of one of your former best friends, a dog you can't stop seeing, and an old crush getting the cursed job the school. it all looks to mean one thing--it's time to stop running from the things you tried hard not to think about.
warning none
a/n if you all are interested in seeing this continue as a series please please let me know!! im loving this concept :)
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gif cred belongs to @rxmuz
harry, hermione, and ron were gathered in the empty classroom you were to begin a lesson in after your snack break--a habit they had grown into shortly after meeting you their first year. your feet were propped up on your desk as you ate your salad, watching harry pace and complain about his third-year classes already, despite only being a few days into the term.
"i think they're all riveting so far," hermione spoke bossily, shaking her head at the complaining boys.
"how would you know? you weren't even in potions today!" ron accused. you winked at hermione as her face flushed slightly. you knew her little time turner secret--it was a fate few students endured, but you had been one of the professors to recommend her for the honor when dumbledore inquired.
"i was there! we learned about the benefits of frog liver in healing potions!"
ron and harry looked to each other. "I actually don't know if that's true or not."
you let out a laugh before speaking, "it's just the second week, harry. it'll get better! patience is key."
harry huffed as he flopped into one of the chairs in the front row. "why can't i just take your class already?"
you shrugged. "i'll let you in." his head piped up. "if you can read my leaves from my old cup of tea for me." he sunk back down into the chair as you tutted, "have to know divination to take theory, harry. sad, but true."
he sulked for another moment before admitting, "i do like the new defense against the dark arts professor. lupin seems good."
the other two agreed and began to chat about it as you froze mid-chew.
when you heard remus lupin was taking the dark arts position, a rush of old, buried emotions came flooding back to you. your stupid schoolgirl crush seemed to take up space in your heart once again before you had even seen him again, and you cursed yourself for letting it happen. but remus was one of your best friends in your hogwarts days, and you had always wondered what could have been if you had ever had the guts to pursue something with him..
" .. professor? y/n!"
you snapped back into the moment, swallowing your bite as you gave your attention back to the trio. "sorry. got lost in thought. what's up?"
"did you know lupin when you went to hogwarts?"
your heart jumped unwillingly. "oh--yeah, of course. i don't want to air out his business for him if he hasn't said.. but he was very close to your parents, as well, harry." harry blinked in surprise. "but again, not my place to say without knowing if he wants all that to be said." the trio nodded.
"has he always had those scars?" ron asked, waving to his face. 
you smiled a little. "yes. not those, specifically, but he always had a knack for getting new wounds back in our hogwarts days. never without a scratch."
"sounds like-"
"professor l/n?" all four of you looked to the open door of the classroom to see professor lupin himself standing with one hand on the frame, as if he had been summoned when you began to talk about him. your heart skipped while he swept his gaze to the students, lifting a hand in greeting, "hello harry, miss granger, mister weasley." they greeted him in return before he looked back to you as you swung your feet to the ground a little clumsily. you prayed your face wasn't as hot as it felt. "have you all seen a toad hopping about? had a student say he lost sight of him after charms this morning."
"oh, neville?" you laughed softly and the other three chuckled. lupin nodded. "no, we haven't seen trevor. we'll be sure to inform the owner if he's spotted, however."
lupin gave you a nod. "thanks." he paused for a moment in the doorway, looking like he was going to say something more, before patting the doorframe and moving away. after a moment you cleared your throat, swinging your feet back onto your desk and shuffling your fork through your salad.
"so, what were we saying before all that? something about divination?"
"you totally fancy professor lupin!" hermione scoffed. it was the first time you had seen her gaze properly off of her homework all afternoon. and she looked delighted about it, too.
now you knew your face was bright red. "you're loony, hermione. i'm thirty-five years old--i don't 'fancy' people."
"oh, what do you call it then?" harry grinned. "a crush? taking a liking too? or do we skip straight to pining at your age?" he dodged when your shoe came flying at him, but he was laughing the whole way. ron was chortling just as loudly.
"you three have lost it!" you declared, standing unevenly from your desk. "remus and i were good friends back in the day--nothing more, nothing less."
"remus, is it?" harry gawked, making the other two laugh and tease again while you stripped off your other shoe. the warning bell rang just then.
"you've been saved, you have!" you called as they scrambled to get their things together. "teasing a professor like a student--rotten children!"
"and yet, you keep inviting us around!"
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theflorasdiary · 2 months
People out there ship Dramione for the same reasons they don’t ship Snily
People when Draco calls Hermione mudblood:😍😍
People when Snape calls Lily mudblood:😡😡
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animeyanderelover · 6 months
Please may I have Yandere! Harry Potter and Hermione and Ron Weasley and they all share the same darling headcanons and how they reacted and all behaved when Draco flirted with their darling on purpose...knowing full well that darling belonged to the Yanderes..darling sensed danger and basically told Draco to stop before he did something that he would regret and obviously Draco didn't listen and it was starting to make their darling uncomfortable..their darling didn't like Draco whatsoever and darling sent the yanderes slient pleas for help. It is Platonic because the golden trio and Draco are in third year in Hogwarts..it isn't romantic yet at all.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, clinginess, manipulation, threats
Flirting gone wrong
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Of course it had to be Draco who had to do this to you. You aren't exactly surprised by his actions as he has a personal vendetta against the Potter boy and everyone who associates themselves with him. So it comes to no surprise that you are very high on his list as you are exceptionally close not only to Harry but also to his best friends Ron and Hermione. After all the four of you have been going through thick and thin ever since your first year in Hogwarts and you all also are part of Gryffindor. It isn't really a secret that you mean a lot to the trio either, pretty much everyone knows that they are attached to your hips, especially Ron and Harry. Hermione tries not to be as clingy as the boys as she is the only one who I can call with confidence lucid about the growing obsession she and her friends are going through the more time passes on as she is also essentially the one who tells Ron and Harry to tone it down since she doesn't want people to find out. Harry already is cause enough for attention.
Ron and Harry also tend to get quickly jealous, although for different reasons. Ron gets quickly jealous out of insecurity as he is clumsy and also has a lot of older brothers who are great whilst Harry tends to be more possessive due to his background as the Dursleys essentially isolated him and never allowed him to have any friends. Maybe he is a bit selfish and a part of him actually knows that but he is too deceived by his own obsession to give this too much thought. Hermione is the brain who basically does her best to keep the two boys in check from being too clingy but she is due to her awareness also the strictest one of the bunch. Ron is the complete opposite as he is very delusional and clingy. He is low-key a worshipper who can't see you doing anything wrong and despises seeing you sad which causes him to try to do anything to make you smile again. Harry is possessive and also very protective because as popular as he is, he has learnt that there are a lot of people who want him dead and he knows that you may also get dragged into it.
They have been aware of Draco tormenting you for a while now as you never see any reason to keep a secret from them. Also there is the fact that all three of them usually always are with you, such as Harry or Ron who are clingy, or at least watch you silently from afar, such as Hermione who at least tries to give you some privacy. So normally there is always at least one of the three who has an eye on you, they literally agreed to this without your knowledge. For all three of them to be away, they must have been quite busy with something, mostly related to schoolwork. When all three notice that no one is watching you, Ron and Harry are the first ones who start running to find you whilst Hermione is chasing after them in futile hopes that they can be at least a bit more discreet. They're not. When the two boys finally find you, there is no time to feel relief though as their blood starts boiling when they see Malfoy doing what he does best by making someone, you, uncomfortable.+
When the blond bastard spots the three sorcerers, he gives them a disgustingly smug grin whilst continuing to flirt with you and even touching you a bit, his eyes darting constantly back to Harry, Hermione and Ron to further provoke them. Ron's head turns red with anger, Harry clenches his jaw and his fists whilst glaring darkly at Draco whilst Hermione, next to also glaring at the Slytherin, can't help but also glance worriedly over to you. It is Ron who is the first one to storm towards Malfoy as his emotions get the better of him, as they do often around you, his face redder than his hair. As soon as he stands in front of Malfoy, he pushes him away from you before grabbing you and pulling you behind him. He hasn't thought much about what to do as his first instinct was getting Malfoy away from you but Harry and Hermione aren't far behind him as they also join Ron. Harry even has his wand in his hand as he just continues glaring at Malfoy whilst the blond boy just gives him a taunting grin.
There is tension and Hermione knows that as her eyes go back and forth betwee you, her friends and Malfoy. She wouldn't put it beneath Draco to provoke a fight and she definitely knows that Harry and a bit later also Ron would fall for it but everyone would get in troubles if this were to happen. She doesn't want you to get into unnecessary troubles for something that isn't even your fault and she knows that neither Ron nor Harry want that either. So she is the one actively attempting to de-escalate the situation and to get you away from the scene whilst Harry and Draco are verbally insulting each other, Draco with a hint of arrogance and Harry with growing anger as the Slytherin knows that he merely has to speak about you to trigger Harry. Ron, who also feels the tension and is feeling a tad bit nervous, still joins Harry in his insults towards the blond boy. Even Hermione won't hold back with passive-aggressive comments if Draco should grace her with his attention.
All of them feel flattered the moment you start defending them if Draco were to insult any of your friends, although Hermione will still scold you lightly later on for only prolonging the argument and further allowing Malfoy to get under everyone's skin. The situation is dismissed when a professor appears who has been hearing the arguing voices, especially since Ron, Harry and you have gotten louder as your nerves got the better of all of you. The moment they are told to leave, Harry gives Draco one last glare before he grabs your hand and drags you away from the other boy as fast as possible. His hand is squeezing yours in an attempt to comfort you as well as himself. Ron is right beside you, hastily questioning you if you're feeling fine and if that Malfoy did anything to you. Hermione is right behind you, telling Ron to ask you one question at a time and to let you answer whilst occasionally looking back to make sure that none of Draco's friends are following you around.
They all do their best from that day on to spend more time with you so that Malfoy never gets the chance again to catch you all by yourself. The boys are even dedicated enough to accompany you to the toilet. It is safe to say that Malfoy is receiving constant glares from Harry and Ron from that day on. Hermione tries to ignore him but she can't suppress the occasional cold glare either before going back to ignoring him and she advices you to do the same as attention will only fuel Draco's inflated ego. Harry and Ron are obviously not listening to her though. Especially Harry is very likely to approach Draco when he is alone to warn him to stay away from you. He's acting like a coward by approaching you instead of facing him straight away. The next time he tries something like this, Harry will use his wand.
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w-stachu · 1 month
✨️ S. P. E. W. headcanon ✨️
Hermione came up with the idea of founding Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare after finding an old diary in the library.
In this diary were many ways to free the house elves from the abusive families and some drawings of happily living elves. She also found a photo of several young wizards, some of the faces seemed familiar to her.
She had no idea that this diary belonged to Sirius' little brother. During his last year at Hogwarts he hid it well in the library.
Regulus loved watching her actions from the afterlife ^^
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pottervs · 3 months
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"miss him?" said Harry, "i don't miss him.." But this was a downright lie. Harry liked Hermione very much, but she just wasn't the same as Ron.
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hermiones-amortentia · 8 months
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Bff forever
Harry and Hermione 🥳
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littlewoodblack · 4 months
Girl’s Night at The Burrow by Me ✨
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Pairings: George Weasley/reader (fem)
I wrote this when I was like 15 and originally posted it on wattpad, then ao3, and now this lovely platform.
My favorite fanfic theme, TENSION ❤️❤️
1.6k words
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Shouts and laughs fill the air of the Weasley’s living room, except they’re all emitted from loud and rowdy boys that should really be in bed right now. The only reason they aren’t is because Arthur persuaded Molly into letting them stay up until midnight seeing as it is summer break and on summer break, the children should be having fun.
“Get ready for bed, boys!” Molly’s voice echoes through the house from the kitchen.
“What? No way! It’s an hour till midnight, mum.” Ron rejected.
“I know dear,” she returned to her calm motherly voice, “It’s just for tonight, pip pip.”
I was handed an excruciatingly hot mug from her which appeared to be cocoa. Bye bye finger prints, now I’m free from the law, I guess. Ginny pushed her seat back with a sigh to excuse herself.
“No, no, Ginny sit back down, you’re staying here. So are you, Y/N.”
Ginny and I exchanged perplexed glances at one another as we mentally analyzed the passing week to discover anything we might have done wrong that we would be in trouble for. Molly walked away to the kitchen, presumably to make another hot chocolate for Ginny or herself.
In her absence, I whispered to Ginny, “did you do anything bad??”
“Nothing she knows about.” She whispered back, mirroring my clueless demeanor.
The second hot chocolate was placed on a coaster and slid to Ginny, who soon burnt her tongue.
“Now I know you’re wondering why I put everyone to bed”, a smug smirk appeared on her face and she placed her hand on her hips, “but it’s been ages since I’ve got to have a good girl talk and pampering. I brought a muggle face mask and- oh. Where do you suppose Hermione is at?”
“Did you tell her to stay down?” Ginny asked with an ice cube resting on her tongue.
“Oops.” Molly went to make yet another hot chocolate while I ran up to our room to find her, on the way being stopped in my tracks by George leaving the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped upon his waist and wet hair dripping water everywhere which Ron will probably step on later with socks by accident and throw a fit about. George is not the stoic and mysterious person he thinks he is, especially since the blushy tint of his cheeks was very obvious.
“Why have you not got any pajamas on yet?” He looked me up and down.
“Why’ve you not even got a shirt on?”
“Uh, well, do you like, wear your clothes in the shower or something?”
“Only when I’m feeling spontaneous.” With that sarcasm, I pushed past him in an attempt to hide the blush that I can definitely feel, and that he definitely noticed.
“MIONE!” I frantically knock on the door, internally withering away at the thought of George.
“BLIMEY, WHAT??” Her book falls to the floor when she reaches to hold her heart after being startled.
“Sorry. You’re not supposed to go to bed yet, we’re having a girls night.”
“Oh well okay”, she crawls out of bed, “wish I got the memo earlier, though”
She walks ahead of me with one of her blankets wrapped over her shoulders.
“Ah, good.” Molly waddles over to the table with more mugs and headbands are laid out already, along with a jar of bentonite clay. Hermione takes a seat and grabs the plush bunny headband.
“Y/N do you want the leopard print one or the bear one?” asks Ginny.
“Whatever one you don’t want”
She tosses me the leopard print one. “Damn.”
“If you wanted the bear one, you should have said so when I gave you the chance.” She rolls her eyes.
“No, no, the leopard print one is… nice.”
The hot chocolate is stubborn to cool off, but that’s never stopped me.
“So you fancy George?” Hermione is now applying the clay.
I nearly spat out my drink which would have been better than choking on it as I did. Ginny’s jaw dropped.
“I knew it!” Molly seems overjoyed as she slams her hands on the table.
“Hermione. I love you, but what the hell.”
She seems to be unconcerned- as if what relationship I could potentially have with George is clearly a matter of fact. How a scientist might discuss data.
“Sorry, isn’t that what you’re supposed to talk about at ‘girl time’?”
“Well… yeah, actually. I just wasn't expecting that in the slightest.”
“At least we know you wouldn’t be rejected.” Ginny says, also in a matter-of-fact tone while sipping her cocoa.
Molly is doing her best to withhold her glee, “Well it’s obvious, isn’t it?”
“Oh come on! He never shuts up about you. Everybody knows about his crush on you.”
“Everybody except me, apparently???” I’m flabbergasted, “how do you know?”
“Oh, well I don’t know, maybe cause he shoves our stuff over to sit next to you, or cause he’s always staring at you, or cause he steals your stuff, or cause-”
“I think she gets it, mum.” Ginny interrupts.
“No, no, no keep going, keep going.”
“This is something I think is especially cute,” Molly scrunches her shoulders up, “when he knows you’re coming over, he cleans his room and puts on fresh clothes.”
“He does all the stuff in the book Y/N, honestly, come on” Ginny says.
Hermione adds, “And you eat it up, you just don’t know it.”
I put my face in my hands. “Hermione help me.”
“With what?”
“When I went up to get you I bumped into him after he got out of the shower and he was shirtless and I was a blushing mess and there’s no way he couldn’t have noticed.”
“Oh, so that’s what was wrong with you.”
“I don’t know what to do.”
“Flirt back.” Ginny shrugged.
“Easy for you to say.”
After Molly takes off her mask, she rips open a bag of what she calls “muggle chips” and pours them into a bowl so tackily decorated, you’d only find it in the china cabinet of a very old lady.
“Where’d you get all the muggle stuff?”
“Mostly Hermione, but the weird things laying around like this, uh…” she pokes at a pocket sized flashlight laid on the side table of the couch, “that’s Arthur.”
I get up and look out the window to see the surrounding field, filled with the chirps of crickets enjoying the summer air. Ginny follows. The moon hangs like a plate in the sky and stars are spattered in all directions around it.
“It’s the prettiest thing in the world”
“Not in George’s opinion.”
“Ginny, drop it!” I shot her a lightheartedly serious look and we went to sit back down.
Footsteps thumped down the stairs, and the room dropped to a dead silence. My back was to the rest of the house and I couldn’t see who approached, but given Ginny and Hermione’s wide-eyed stares into my soul and Molly covering her mouth with her hand, I could assume the worst. I heard water pour from the pitcher behind me.
“Pretty hopping party, huh?” George took a look around. “When I’m with my friends, I like to sit with my back perfectly straight in deafening silence too.”
“George, go to bed.” Molly was stern.
“But I wanna come to girls’ night.”
“You’re lacking some plumbing.” Ginny giggled.
“I can trash talk people just as well as you lot can.” He leaned onto my chair with his hand resting on my shoulder, still sipping water, “did you see Freddie’s outfit today, woof. As if we’re not dealing with enough right now.”
I folded over in my chair snickering. Unbeknownst to me, he looked at Ginny and mouthed a triumphant, “yes!” to her, delighted to make me laugh.
“Go!” Molly swatted him with a headband, which he dodged only with his hips and kept himself in the exact same spot.
“I keep telling him to stay away from yellows since they wash out his features, you know, but he never listens.
“Alright, alright”
Once he had left, Hermione squealed, “That was so adorable!”
Ginny cheered, “Aww little Georgie’s in love.”
Again, with my face in my hands I gasped “Okay, you’re right, Mione.”
“I like him. He makes my heart drop to my stomach when I see him. He has the cutest smile ever.”
“You should tell him!” Molly is ecstatic.
“Maybe. Maybe one day.”
Ginny raised her eyebrows, “If you put it off too long, then I’m going to tell him myself.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I gotta pee, I’ll be right back.”
I abruptly left my seat and walked to the bathroom for a second alone to have a reality check. The hallway to the bathroom matches the scrappy but warm vibe of the house with hanging hand-knit tapestries adorning the wall and random shoes shoved to the corners of the floor.
“OH-” I let out a yelp.
“Shh” said George, who apparently was lingering around the corner the whole time.
“You nosy little-”
He cut me off with a kiss. His hands gripped on my cheeks and my hips. If I weren’t as stunned as I am, I might have noticed the warmth and smooth texture of his lips, or his strong frame holding me up, or even the cologne he wears just for me.
“You have a cute smile, too.”
“You’re pathetic, George.” I lay my head into his collarbones.
Into my ear, he whispers, “I love you”, then retreats back to his bedroom, blowing a kiss on the way.
“Good night.”
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book-place · 1 year
American Pie
Warnings: Harry Potter series spoilers, character death, violence, cursing, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Harry Potter x aunt reader
Request: Hello I was wondering if you could do a part 2 of the potter twins . Like where y/n gets hold of Harry and sends him off and stuff and seeing him grow up and he can like rely on you ? And like your a cool aunt and everyone loves you ? You don’t have to but sorry for bothering you
Request by: @bellboy2107
*not my gif*
Summary: Since your brother was now gone, Harry was the only person that mattered to you
A/N: Welcome to book place’s one year event!!; This is a part 2 for Potter Twins
Inspired by: American Pie by Don McLean
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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Long long time ago, I can still remember how that music used to make me smile
Slowly, your eyes opened and tried to adjust to the light streaming through the windows directly at you, as if on purpose to wake you up.
Stifling a groan, you sat upright and dropped your head into your hands, not wanting to face the day. Not another one. You didn’t know how much longer you could do it without your brother by your side. And it had only been a month.
The singular thought keeping you going was the thought that one day you would be able to get Harry back, your last link to James and your only surviving family member.
It had been a struggle tracking him down, it was as if he had disappeared off the face of the earth. But you weren’t yet ready to give up.
You had meant it, you would find the boy. Even if it was the last thing you ever did.
And I knew if I had my chance, that I could make those people dance
Picking up the Daily Prophet, you shoveled a spoonful of eggs into your mouth and began reading.
The news had long since slowed down, and tried to move on from the war by talking about it. As if that would erase it from everyone else’s memory. As if it never happened.
It was quite boring, the new players for a quidditch team, some Ministry of Magic mishap with the muggle thing called hand sanitizer mixed with a hair growing potion.
But then you got to the last page.
The reporters finally got a full list of everybody that passed on during the war. Names on random spots of the page jumped at your eyes in sharp, dangerous pangs.
James Potter. Lily Potter. Marlene McKinnon. Fabian Prewett. Gideon Prewett-
You harshly pushed away from the table, not paying any mind to the high pitched scraping sound it made against the floor, and your breathing picked up.
You couldn’t do this, you couldn’t be here, not without them. Not without them. Not without them. Not without-
You needed to find Harry. He was the only thing that would keep you grounded. And if you didn’t find him soon, you don’t know what you would do. What you would live to regret.
And maybe they'd be happy for a while
After finishing buttoning up your cloak, you let out a sigh, slowly letting your eyes drift to the dresser in the corner of the room, the one that held a picture on its surface.
In it, you were jumping on James’s back making funny faces, stuck in a timeless loop of happiness.
What the camera hadn’t picked up on was Mia and Fleamonts smiling faces behind the flash, capturing the moment for all of eternity.
It was one of the only photos you could stomach to keep on display.
But February made me shiver
Finally. You had finally done it.
Frozen, you stood before the plain brown door with unseeing eyes and a mile-a-minute mind.
Harry James Potter was sitting just beyond this door.
You had finally been able to track him down with mountains of spells and potions that had taken months to go through. You had a first gone to Dumbledore, hoping he would give you any indication as to where your nephew was, but he offered you nothing, claiming it was safer that way. You had proceeded to storm out of the room, slamming the door harsh enough to shake the walls behind you.
The wind rushed against your skin like a swarm of needles, and you shuddered a little, officially breaking out of your thoughts and you raised your fist to knock on the door.
With every paper I'd deliver
You couldn’t believe your own eyes, not as you stared down at one year old Harry in your arms, staring up at you with wide eyes and an even wider, gummy smile.
You hadn’t wasted another second after standing on the Dursleys doorstep to storm in wand ablaze and demand you take your nephew.
The cowards didn’t even put up a fight as they let you take him, but you wouldn’t complain- you were able to get in and out without any trouble.
Bad news on the doorstep, I couldn't take one more step
“Auny Y/n! Auny Y/n!” Young Harry babbled, making grabby motions with his chubby hands up at you from his crib.
You smiled softly, reaching your arm out and allowing his tiny fingers to wrap around your much larger ones.
The second a knock sounded through your home, your entire body stiffened and your hand automatically went to the wand you kept in your pocket at all times.
Turning on your heel, you left your giggling nephew behind as you slowly crept towards the front door, unsure of what was awaiting you on the other end.
Tentatively, you peered through the small window near the door and let out a sigh of relief, stance automatically relaxing as you opened it to reveal the headmaster of Hogwarts. Though you were still angry with him for not revealing Harry’s location, at least it was him and not anyone else.
“What do you want, Albus?” You asked, long since having stopped using teacher-student formalities.
He looked up at you with sad eyes, “I-“
Harry let out a particularly loud babble behind you, and your body once again stiffened.
What if he tried to take Harry away from you? What if you couldn’t stop him? What if-
“First of all,” His tone softened, “How is young Harry doing?”
You eyed the man skeptically, “He’s doing fine,”
He chuckled lightly, “I assure you, I’m not here to take him away, Miss. Potter.” His words made you calm down once more, “But I am afraid I come bearing bad news.”
It was like someone was playing with an on and off switch with your emotions, allowing you to think everything was okay before flipping the switch teasingly.
“I understand that you haven’t always been the closest with Sirius Black,”
Your eyebrows furrowed, “No,” You admitted, “Not like James is-was, but he’s still my friend.” You cleared your throat slightly at the small error you made.
“I’m afraid Mr. Black has been sent to Azkaban for the murder of Peter Pettigrew.”
You didn’t know if it was possible to have your heart torn into any more pieces than it already had been. But if it was possible, then that’s exactly what happened to you in that moment.
Though you and Sirius hadn’t in fact been very close, you had been there for him when he moved into your house that one summer after things got really bad with his parents. The two of you could always joke around in a class together and be comfortable around each other.
You never could have pictured him killing one of his best friends- even though you barely knew the other boy. From what you saw though, Peter was a sweet and gentle kid that would do anything for his friends. Just like how Sirius used to bed
“I shall leave you alone once more,” Albus declared softly, “And Miss. Potter?” He called after a silent moment. “I truly am sorry for everything.”
You slammed the door in his face.
I can’t remember if I cried, when I read about his widowed bride
For the first time in weeks, you picked up the Daily Prophet after being able to put Harry down for his first nap in a while, that boy was as stubborn as his father.
You casually flipped through the pages, skimming over the sections that went on about quidditch matches finally starting up again after the war. What you hadn’t expected to see, was the grinning faces of your brother and sister in law on the last page.
Your breath caught in your throat and your eyes went wide when you realized that it was a tribute to the two of them from some of their friends from their time in Hogwarts. Some kids that knew them well enough to be friendly, but not enough to have any right to print a long section in the paper about how impactful their lives were.
It felt as though your lungs were closing in on themselves as you stared down with watered eyes at the words. You thought you had gotten over it. You thought you would be able to move on.
But seeing the page-long writing about them pushed you over the edge and you dropped the paper as you collapsed to the ground with a sob.
You reached a hand up to cover your mouth so you wouldn’t wake Harry, who was sleeping soundly in the other room over.
Apparently you weren’t quiet enough though, because Harry’s cries soon joined yours, alerting you of his newly awoken form.
Quickly, you reached up and harshly wiped your tears away. You wouldn’t let your own grief get in the way of taking care of Harry. You were going to do everything in your power to look after the boy to the best of your ability.
“Hey, Harry,” You smiled softly as you entered the room, bending down and scooping him into your arms, “It’s alright, it’s alright. I’m here now.”
But something touched me deep inside, the day the music died
“Auntie! Auntie!” Harry cheered, tripping over his own feet as he stumbled into the room, “Look! Look!”
You raised your head with an amused twinkle in your eyes as you moved your gaze to meet his, “What is it?”
Grinning wildly, he took a large eveleope from behind his back and presented it to you, “It’s my Hogwarts acceptance letter!”
Pride and happiness swelled and whirrled around in your chest and you broke out into a grin that was similar to his, “Oh, good job, Harry!” You cried, wrapping your nephew into a tight hug that he excitedly returned.
“Merlin, I can’t believe I’m going to Hogwarts,” Harry rambled, “I mean, after all the stories you’ve told I feel like I’ve already been there, but it’s still-“
“Harry,” You cut him off with a small laugh, pulling away and putting your hands on his shoulders, “Do you know what this means?”
He shook his head, messy hair that was much like James’s flopping back and forth, “What?” There was curiosity in his voice.
Your grin widened, “It means that we need to take a trip to Diagon Alley!”
The boy let out a cheer, jumping up and down on the balls of his feet.
With that, the two of you took the floo network and began shopping around for any and everything that he could possibly need during his year, all while memories of the past tickled the back of your mind. Of the summers before every September that you and your family would spend roaming these very streets.
As the two of you sat down at a small table with some ice cream, you couldn’t help the small, sad smile you sent Harry’s way.
“Wha’?” He asked through a mouthful of the food.
You shook your head softly, “This just reminds me of times with your father.” You admitted in a small whisper.
He smiled understandably and reached over to squeeze your hand, “It’s alright, Aunt Y/n.” He comforted, “Because you have me now.”
You gave him a teary smile and patted his hand appriciantly, “Thank you, Harry.” You reached over with your other hand and ran it through his messy locks, “I know I do.”
So bye-bye, Miss American Pie
“Your grandmother always used to fuss over me and your father like this,” You mumbled, dusting imaginary lint off of Harry’s shirt, “I can't believe I’m turning into my mother.”
The boy smiled, “Getting more like an old lady every day.” He teased.
You scowled, reached up and lightly slapped him upside the head, “Watch it,” You mockingly scolded, “Or else I’ll make you live in the closet under the stairs when you get home.”
His grin widened and he reached over and wrapped his arms around your waist, “I’ll see you at Christmas.” He mumbled into your shirt.
Harshly, you blinked away tears that had begun to fill your eyes, not wanting to cry in front of your nephew over something as simple as him leaving to go to Hogwarts.
“I shouldn’t be crying, right?” You mumbled into his ear.
He pulled away with a laugh and shrugged, “I don’t mind.”
You smiled at him through your blurry vision and reached up to cup his cheek, “I want you to write all the time. Don’t hesitate to come to me if you need anything. I mean it, Harry.”
“I will.” He promised, hugging you quickly again so you could kiss the top of his head before standing back and picking up his bag, “I better go before the express leaves without me.”
“Yeah, yeah,” You cleared your throat, “Good idea.”
“I love you, Auntie!” He called before disappearing into the crowd.
“Love you too,” You whispered to the empty place he had once been standing in.
“Oh, darling.” The familiar voice of none other than Molly Weasley cooed, making her way over to where you stood and wrapping a comforting arm around your shoulder, “First year is always hard.”
You let out a watery chuckle, “I don’t know how you’ve done this so many times.” You admitted.
“It’s still hard,” She confessed, “But it started to get a bit easier over time.” She turned her head to smile at you, “I’m just glad that Ron and Harry are together.”
You hummed in agreement, glad that he was with the childhood friends that he met in nursery school, causing you and the rest of the family to grow close as well over the years. Well, after they got over the fact that he was The Harry Potter, that is.
“I’m gonna miss him,” You mumbled.
“I know, but he’s going to do so well at Hogwarts. You’re going to be so proud of him.” The woman reassured you.
You smiled at her, “Both of them are gonna make us really proud.” Bringing her son into this as well.
Molly shook her head helplessly, “It’s either that or we will be getting a letter for their expulsion in a week.”
“Fred and George made it this far.” You teased with a small snigger.
She threw her head back with a laugh, “Indeed they did.”
Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry
You smiled widely at the letter that sat in your hands, reading and rereading everything that Harry had to tell you about his first week at school.
About the new friends he made, the adventures he already had in Gryffindor house, and even some of the enemies he made. Though, you couldn’t fault him for hating any son of Lucius Malfoy.
What you had said to Molly was true, you were going to miss Harry. But Hogwarts would be good for him. He would be able to make memories just like you had. The good and the bad.
Not only that, but he wouldn’t have a war to worry about. He would be able to enjoy being a kid within the walls.
Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye
“Happy Christmas!” You and Harry cheered in sync the moment you stepped through the doors of the Burrow, piles of presents in your arms.
“Oh, Happy Christmas!” Molly cried happily, coming around the corner and beginning to help you with everything, “Boys!” She snapped, “Come help the Potters with their things!” Before smiling kindly at the two of you once more, emitting laughs from your lips.
“Thank you, Ron.” You breathed out once he took a particularly heavy wrapped box before turning and nodding in greeting to Arthur, “Happy Christmas.”
“Happy Christmas, yourself.” The man chirped back while grinning and pulling Harry into a quick side hug before ushering the two of you into the living room where the rest of the Weasley children sat.
Quickly, they all scrambled up at the sight of the two of you and you all exchanged hugs and joyful greetings.
“Can we please do the presents now, mum?” Ginny whined, “We’ve been waiting all morning!”
Her mother looked down at her sternly, but you were quick to wrap an arm around Mollys shoulder and smile at her, “Come on, Mol, it’s Christmas!”
“Yeah! Listen to Aunt Y/n!” Fred piped up, George nodding along with his twin.
“Oh, alright,” Even Molly couldn’t hide the smile that sat upon her features as she said it though, “Pass them out, all of you.”
You looked up in surprise and slightly wide eyes when Ron shyly handed you a gift, “This is for you,” He mumbled.
“O-oh, thank you, Ron.” You said genuinely, not having expected anything at all.
As soon as you opened it, tears began to fill your eyes when you saw the contents. It was a sweater with your first initial sewn into it.
“I know I normally just do it for the kids,” Molly spoke, “But I figured you could use one too.”
You bit down on your lip slightly, running a hand gently down the soft fabric. It reminded you of when your own mother used to knit, “Thank you, Mol.” You whispered, thankful that the children were too preoccupied with their own gifts to realize what was going on.
“Oh, come now. Cheer up,” She rubbed your back comfortingly, “It’s Christmas.”
You smiled over at her, leaning your head against her shoulder, “Thank you.” You repeated.
Singing, "This'll be the day that I die"
“What the bloody hell happened?” You demanded as soon as you slammed open the doors to the Hospital Wing and stormed into the room with a cloud of rage sitting over your head.
“Ah, Miss. Potter. So nice of you to join us.” Dumbledore spoke, standing up from beside your nephew's bed, where he lay unconscious. The man spoke in such a way as if you had simply run into each other at the grocery store.
“Cut the bullshit, Albus.” You snapped with a deadly glare set on your face, “Your letter only told me that Harry was unconscious. You didn’t tell me a single thing about how he ended up unconscious.”
He sighed, cutting right to the chase, “I am afraid that Voldemort has returned.”
You froze in your steps, heart hammering mercilessly against your rib cage, “What did you just say?” As if he would change his words by your tone alone.
“This might be a conversation best had while sitting down-“ He gestured to some visitor chairs.
“I much prefer to stand.” You seethed, unable to slow your racing thoughts.
So the headmaster explained.
Voldemort. The man who slaughtered everyone you loved in the name of his pathetic war- and almost succeeded with taking Harry- was back and he went after your nephew again to try and seek revenge.
“I thought Hogwarts was safe.” It wasn’t hard to miss the way you had shifted your body so that you were standing in front of Harry’s bed, as if you alone could create a wall of protection around the boy, “This is supposed to be a place that will protect him.”
“Indeed,” Was the only answer you were offered.
You scoffed, “I hope you know that he will not be returning next year after all this.”
“Are you sure that is wise?” The older man asked with a single raised eyebrow, “It is your choice Miss. Potter, but don’t you think that it’s better for Harry to be surrounded by some of the finest witches and wizard staff who will now keep a closer eye on him?”
That made you hesitate.
“You alone can’t protect the boy from the world.” He continued.
Slowly, you turned your head to stare down at Harry, who’s steady rise and fall of his chest was the only thing indicating that he was still alive.
This will be the day that I die
“I don’t like this,” You mumbled, crossing your arms over yourself as your eyes flitted around the train station.
He sighed, “I know, Aunt Y/n, but I think Dumbledore was right, Hogwarts is the safest place for me to be.”
Finally, you met his eyes and sighed, dropping your arms to the side, “I know,” You admitted, “But that still doesn’t mean that I have to like it.”
Harry gave you his best attempt at a smile, “I know.”
“Here,” You reached forward and plucked his glasses off his face before rubbing them softly against your shirt and placing them back on the bridge of his nose once you deemed them clean enough, “Remember what I said?”
“Notify you the minute anything seems off.” He repeated the words you had drilled into his head over and over again over summer break.
“Right,” You breathed out, “Now, are you sure you still want to go-“
“Yes.” He smiled a little bit, “I’ll be fine. I have Ron and Hermione.”
You huffed a bit, “I know that, but-“
“Auntie.” He spoke sternly, “You don’t need to worry, it’ll be fine.”
You were silent for a moment, before you put your hands up in surrender, “Okay, okay, alright.”
“I’ll be fine.”
Did you write the Book of Love?
“This is the second time,” You ranted angrily, pacing up and down Dumbledore's office, “This is the second time in two years that Harry was put into immediate danger in this school.”
Albus sighed, eyes following you back and forth, “I assure you, it was never my intention to put him in any harms way-“
“I never said it was.” You rounded on him, “But it still seemed to happen under your watch.”
He pursed his lips together, “That is very true.”
You reached up and ran a hand through your hair in frustration, “What am I supposed to do now? You claim that Hogwarts is still the safest place for him, but he was attacked in this building twice.”
“I assure you, Miss. Potter, necessary precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of him and all of the other children.”
You glared at him, “I was told something like that last time. But then Harry was still attacked by a basilisk.”
It was silent for a moment before he spoke up again, “I didn’t tell you this before because I didn’t want to further worry you nor Harry, but there is a possibility that Voldemort is still out there.”
You sucked in a sharp breath at his words, “But you said after last year-“
“I know what I said,” He agreed, “But there is a large chance that I was wrong.”
Your eyes snapped over to meet his, “Having him here is better than having him outside of here if he decides to come for him again.” You whispered quietly.
Albus nodded, “My thoughts exactly.”
Slowly, you nodded and turned to leave, but paused with your hand on the doorknob, “Let’s not tell Harry yet. Just in case it’s not true.”
“You have my word.”
With that, you exited the office, softly shutting the door behind you.
And do you have faith in God above?
“Remus,” You froze, breathing out the name almost as if you didn’t believe that you were saying it.
“Y/n,” He was in a similar state to yours, staring at you with wide eyes, neither one of you paying any mind to the commotion of the platform going on around you.
The two of you hadn’t talked since that day you shoved him away while grieving for James. Sure, he tried to reach out from time to time, but ultimately decided that space was what you had needed the best.
You swallowed, “What- what are you doing here.”
“I’m going to be the new defense against the dark arts professor.” He informed you while clearing his throat, “It’s good to see you.” He added after a moment.
You shook away your shock and decided upon smiling kindly at the man, “You too, Remus, you too.”
“Is…” He trailed off, seeming to try and find the right words.
“Harry just got onto the train with some friends.” You informed him, knowing exactly what he was going to ask.
“Third year?” You nodded your head and he let a small breath loose, “It feels like we were just his age.”
Your smile turned sad, “We might as well have been.”
The train whistled and both of you turned to look at it.
“I should go.” He spoke, giving you one of his famously kind smiles.
Your face turned serious, “Listen, Remus. I know that I’m in no place to be asking for favors, but-“
“Of course I’ll watch over Harry.” He said softly, “And not just for James. For you too.” He looked you in the eyes to show his sincerity.
“Thank you.”
He shook his head, beginning to walk backwards towards the train, “There’s no need to thank me.”
It felt like a weight had been lifted off your chest because even though you hadn’t spoken to the man in years, you knew that he was one of the only people alive that you would trust with not just yours, but Harry’s life as well.
If the Bible tells you so
You gripped the Daily Prophet tightly, eyes scanning over the same line again and again. The one that read that Sirius Black had escaped Azkaban.
The very man that had not only betrayed Lily and James, but had also killed Peter right afterwards. And now he was loose and running amok in Merlin knows where.
As long as he stayed far away from Harry, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Even after all he did. It was best not to dwell on the man who had taken everything from you, it would only consume your entire being.
Do you believe in rock 'n' roll?
You crept up the creaking stairs of the Shrieking Shack after receiving a vague letter from Remus that you had no reason not to wholeheartedly believe.
He would never under any circumstances lie about Sirius Black not being the traitor that you all thought him to be. That Peter was really it and he was still alive. You knew you could believe it because James and Lily’s deaths are nothing to joke about, and Remus more than anyone knew that. So that’s why you had snuck into Hogwarts and were meeting him here.
As soon as you reached the top of the stairs, your eyes locked onto Harry, Ron, and Hermione, all cowering in a corner of a top room and you rushed to their sides. Immediately, you reached out to cup Harry and Ron’s cheeks as your eyes scanned over Hermione for any sign of injury.
“Are you guys alright?” You asked worriedly.
Without a word your nephew guestered shakily to a figure behind you, and you whipped around to face what he was so scared of.
Remus standing beside none other than Sirius Black.
Though he was dirty and had changed so, so much from the last time you had seen one another, you didn’t hesitate to spring forward and wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him in for a hug.
True, you had never been as close to him as your brother had. But you still spent most of your summers with him and he had once been someone you could consider a friend. And you didn’t have many of those now adays.
“What are you doing?” Ron shrieked in horror before either you or the man could get a word in to one another after pulling away, “He’s trying to kill us.”
“No, he is not, Mr. Weasley.” Remus explained patiently, “But I am afraid that there is another being in this room that is.”
“A-Auntie?” Harry asked shakily, “What’s going on?”
Before you could respond, a rat you hadn’t even noticed leapt forward and transformed into a man midair. A man you knew to be Peter Pettigrew.
The sight of him alone made you see red. Every bit of pain, grief, and despair that you had felt within the last thirteen years all coming to crash down on you at once because it was all due to him. He was the reason James was dead.
Ignoring Sirius’s hand that flew out to stop you, you stormed over and grabbed Peters collar with so much power that the large man was left stumbling, and pulled out your wand, jabbing it painfully into his neck.
“You dirty little rat.” You seethed, “How dare you,” You took a deep breath and repeated the question, shouting it at the top of your lungs this time. You missed the way the three children flinched at the suddenness of it.
You sensed the two men coming to stand at your sides.
“I’m going to kill you for what you did.” There was no threat behind your words, it was only a clear statement.
Gently, Remus guided your hand down, “He’ll pay for what he did.” He whispered the promise in your ear, “By sending him to Azkaban.”
You didn’t reply, just pushed your wand into his neck harder, making him whimper pathetically.
“Harry doesn’t need you going to prison too.” Sirius muttered from beside you, and those words finally made you pause.
You glanced over to where he stood, being held back from springing forward to help you by his friends, and you finally, reluctantly released your death grip on Peter.
As soon as you let go though, you reeled your fist back and sent it flying forward until you heard a satisfying crunch and a scream of pain from the traitor.
Without a look back, you allowed Remus and Sirius to grab either arm and begin to drag the struggling man out and you went to the trio that was still in the corner.
“Are you all alright?” You repeated your earlier question.
“Was that him? The man that turned my parents in?” Were Harry’s only words.
Ron and Hermione silently exchanged glances before slipping out of the room to give the two of you some space.
Biting down on your lip, you nodded your head and immediately wrapped your arms around the boys shaking form, “Yeah, yeah it was.”
“Did you almost kill him?” His words were slightly muffled through where he was resting his head against your shirt.
“Yes,” You didn’t even try to lie to him, “And I would have if I wasn’t reminded that you still needed me out here, not needing me to be thrown into Azkaban.”
He looked up at you with tear filled eyes, “But that’s where he’s going?”
You sighed and nodded, “Yeah, yeah. That’s where he’s going.”
Can music save your mortal soul?
“I miss James.” Sirius spoke up after a comfortable silence had been sitting over the two of you for many moments.
You hummed, glancing at the man from the corner of your eye, “Yeah, I do too.” You said quietly.
You both sat a little bit away from the group, staring up at Hogwarts, so beautiful and lit up at night.
Neither of you spoke for another minute before you blurted out, “I’m sorry.”
He turned to you with furrowed eyebrows, “What for?”
“I didn’t at first…” You spoke hesitantly, “But I guess over time I began to believe that you really had betrayed them.” You shook your head roughly with a scoff, “There was just not other explanation and I couldn’t let myself live like that anymore. Going it over again and again in my head without end to try and figure out what really happened-“
“Hey,” He cut you off by placing a hand on your shoulder, “It’s alright, Y/n. I get it, I promise you, I do.”
“It’s still not fair to you.” You whispered.
“Maybe not,” He agreed, “But at least now we both can rest knowing that we put away the man that really betrayed them.”
And can you teach me how to dance real slow?
You let curiosity take over and you blindly let your feet begin to walk by themselves towards the kitchen, where music appeared to be floating from.
Pausing at the entrance, you took in the sight before you. Harry was gently bobbing his head up and down to the music that played out of an old music player that sat on the counter as he made cookies a few feet away.
“This was your father’s favorite song,” You made your presence known with a small voice.
He startled, eyes whipping up to you frantically before relaxing when he realized it was just you, “Really?” He asked.
You nodded, “He would drive me and mum crazy by blasting it in his room with Sirius. They would sing at the top of their lungs to see who would get yelled at first between the two of them. It was always James though.” A fond smile played at the ends of your lips.
“Sirius didn’t tell me he liked this song.” He said, resuming his previous activities.
“Eh,” You waved it off, “There’s too many memories we have with your father to keep them all straight.”
He laughed lightly at that, “Wanna help with the cookies?”
You smiled and went to stand beside him, listening to your brother’s favorite song.
Well I know that you're in love with him
“Aunt Y/n?” Harry called hesitantly, shuffling into your room.
“What’s up?” You asked, looking up from your book with a raised eyebrow.
The boy's cheeks turned red and he began stuttering, “U-uh, how- how do I tell a girl that- that I l-like her?” He looked like he was about to die from embarrassment.
Immediately, you snapped your book shut and patted the empty spot on your bed next to you for him to sit down, which he did.
“Who is it?” You asked automatically, a small smirk pulling at the ends of your lips.
Quickly, he shot out of his seat, “You know what, this was a bad idea-“
“Hey, hey, no.” You stopped smirking, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m just excited, is all. Tell me about her.”
“Her- her name is Cho,” He mumbled, eyes averted to where he was fiddling with his fingers, “And I really like her but I don’t know what to do.”
You smiled softly, wrapping your arm around the boys shoulder and pulling him down onto the bed beside you, “Just tell her how you feel.” You told him, “That’s the best thing you can do. No big gestures or confusing signals, just the honest truth.”
“What if she doesn’t like me back?” He looked up at you as he softly spoke the question.
You squeezed his shoulders lightly, “Then she’s an idiot.” You reassured him.
He laid there for a moment, taking in your words before nodding along slightly, “Thank you,” He mumbled.
You playfully poked his side, “Look at my little boy growing up.” You teased.
Harry scoffed a bit, cheeks tinting red again as he tried to push your hands away, “Shut up.” He protested weakly.
“Hey,” You pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead, “Let me know how it goes. Okay, bud?”
He nodded, standing up and quickly scurrying out of the room to be saved from any further embarrassment.
'Cause I saw you dancing in the gym
“The Triwizard Tournament?” You burst out, leaning back in your chair and running a hand through your hair, “What kind of bullshit is that?”
Harry grimaced, “I kinda don’t have a choice in it, Aunt Y/n.”
You rubbed two hands down your face before looking down at your nephew through the floo network, “I know, but why does it always have to be you?”
“Because I'm special?” He weakly joked.
A scoff escaped your lips, “Yeah, that’s special alright… Just- just promise me that you’re gonna be careful.”
“Of course I will,” He reassured you before shaking his head and laughing to himself, “I feel like this is the only conversation we ever have.”
“That,” You glared pointedly at him, “Is because of your father. The two of you always seem to attract trouble, whether you want to or not.”
You both kicked off your shoes
“He-he was killed right-right in front of me-“ Harry sobbed into your arms as you gently rocked him back and forth, tears of your own sitting in your eyes.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” You kept mumbling over and over again into his hair, where you had buried your face.
He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve any of the shit that happened to him or anything that he was forced to live through. And of course, the Triwizard Tournament just had to be added to that list, and Voldemort was really back this time.
“Cedric is gone,” He choked out, hands gripping onto your arms tightly- desperately- as if they were a lifeline for him.
“I know, I know,” You blinked and tears slipped down your face, “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”
Then I dig those rhythm and blues
“We’re getting the Order back together,” Sirius informed you, leaning back in his chair with a small grin, “So I suppose I’m here to recruit you.”
You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest, “Because the last Order ended so well.” You shot out sarcastically.
The man’s smile faltered, “It’ll be different this time.”
For some reason, those words only made you angrier, and you harshly pushed back your chair and stood up, pointing accusingly at him with a glare , “In what sense?” You hissed, “In the sense that I don’t have a brother to lose anymore? In the sense that it’s just another war?”
He shook his head from side to side sadly, clearly trying not to take your words to heart, “In the sense that you have Harry to think about and look after this time.”
That made you freeze, just like he knew it would, and you dropped back down into your seat, “Shit,” You cursed softly, running a hand through your hair.
“We will win this time,” He told you confidently, reaching out and squeezing your hand, “We’ll avenge James, Lily, and everyone else that we lost the first time around.”
Hesitantly, you began nodding, “Fine, I’m in.”
I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck
“What the hell were you thinking?” You shouted over the chaos, eyes panickingly sweeping over Harry for any sign of pain, your hands tightly gripping his shoulders.
All around you, Order members and Death Eaters shot curses at one another with no sign of slowing.
“I- I thought he had you and Sirius,” The boy quickly explained, “I couldn’t reach either of you and it was driving me crazy, I couldn’t just sit by and do nothing.”
“Why would Voldemort have brought us to the Ministry?” You hissed at his idiocy before sighing heavily and stepping back slightly, “Okay, okay, I would’ve done the same. I’m sorry for getting mad.”
Tears began to fill his eyes, “I’m sorry for coming here.”
“Hey, hey,” You rushed to comfort him, “It’s not your fault.”
“Y/n!” Sirius called with a grunt from nearby, narrowly blocking a curse thrown his way, “I hate to break up your little Potter reunion, but I could use some help over here!”
With one last smile at Harry, you tightened your grip on your wand and took off in Sirius’s direction, the sound of footsteps behind you letting you know that he had followed you.
Quickly, you threw a stunning curse towards Sirius opponent, sending him flying back into a nearby wall.
“It’s just like old times!” Only Sirius could grin that wildly despite the circumstances.
You scoffed playfully as Harry joined the two of you, both blocking two separate curses in sync, “If this were like old times, then you’d be owing me a drink for saving you!” You teased.
For a split second, he diverted his attention away from the task at hand to smile wider at you, “Maybe I’ll get you one-“
He was cut off by a blinding flash of green being sent directly to his chest.
Both of you froze in sync and you were forced to watch with your feet glued to the ground as he looked between you and Harry with a small smile before his body was pulled into a nearby veil.
Your blood curling scream sounded through the room long before Harry’s did, and you were practically numb to the arm that Remus wrapped around both of you as you each sobbed violently.
You weren’t even able to register the way the man himself was shaking with tears, but he didn’t let up his grip on you and Harry.
How many more times did this have to happen for you to become immune? How many more people did you have to lose before you stopped shedding tears in their names?
With a pink carnation and a pickup truck
With a shaky sigh, you dropped the pink carnation bouquet that you had picked out into a vase you and filled with water and let it rest on the counter, where you then let your head fall and rest upon.
“What’s with the flowers?” Harry piped up softly from behind you.
You raised your head to look at the beautiful plants slightly before signing again, “When Sirius first moved in with us, he didn’t know how he could ever thank my parents for what they had done for him. So he started doing little things to say thank you, meaningful things. One of them was picking a bundle of these types flowers that grew nearby the house and bringing them to my mother, getting her new ones every time the others died.”
He nodded in understanding, gazing at the pink leaves, “They’re beautiful.”
A hum of agreement left your lips, “My mother thought so too.”
But I knew I was out of luck
“With your bad luck, I’m surprised you three idiots made it this long.” You informed them with a small, playful scoff.
Hermione smiled a little bit, “Yeah, me too.”
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m grateful for it!” Ron squeaked, and frowned a bit as the three of you laughed.
“Auntie, we have to get on the express.” Harry said softly.
You nodded a little bit, pursing your lips, “I know.”
“We’ll be careful,” Hermione promised, and you smiled softly at her while cupping her cheek, rubbing your finger up and down subconsciously.
“Oh, come here.” You quickly pulled all three children into a tight group hug before kissing every one of them on the tops of their heads.
The day the music died
“What happened that night?” You whispered, watching as Harry’s eyes glazed over quickly and his defenses went up.
He shrugged stiffly, and though you felt guilty for asking, you needed to know what really went down at Hogwarts the night that Dumbledore was killed. You needed to know how much Harry would be affected by it and how negative that affect would be.
“Harry,” You begged with a soft whisper, “I just want to help you.”
“I know,” He admitted with a sigh, dropping his head against the back of the couch you both sat on in your living room.
Silence fell over you for a few minutes that consisted of you chewing on your bottom lip nervously before he finally spoke up again, “We need to prepare for a war.”
His words made your head snap over to him in alarm, “Don’t talk like that,”
“It’s true,” He insisted, turning his body to face you, “After everything that’s been happening, we both know it’s coming.”
You shook your head stubbornly, tears filling in your eyes, “Don’t you talk like that,” You warned through gritted teeth, “Your parents died so you would never have to live through a war like we did.”
He sighed, reaching over and wrapping his arms around you, “I know,” He whispered into your hair as you leaned your head against his chest, “But it’s true. And I’d rather fight and defend others than not and watch them die.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, “But you're just kid.”
“I know.”
“It’s not fair.”
“…I know.”
“Please reconsider this, Harry.” You turned so you were staring up at him with wide eyes, “I know that I’m not your parent, but please, don’t go through with this. This isn’t what they would want for you.”
“Would they prefer I stand by and do nothing?” You fell silent, “They fought in the first war, and if they were still alive, they would fight in this one in a heartbeat… you know I’m right.”
You dropped your head in defeat, because you did know that he was right.
“Then I’m fighting with you,” You sat up.
He was quick to shake his head, “I don’t want you getting hurt-“
“You forget that I’m the adult here, Harry.” You reminded him sternly, “And if I can’t stop you from doing this, then you can’t stop me either.”
Slowly, he nodded, “Okay… okay… We’ll do this together.”
I started singing bye-bye, Miss American Pie
You gripped your wand tightly as your eyes scanned the forest back and forth, you quickly glanced behind you at the sound of leaves crunching.
“Under different circumstances,” You spoke as Harry sat beside you, “This place would be beautiful.”
He hummed in agreement, looking around as well.
The tent that Ron and Hermoine were in rested a few yards back, where they hopefully were sleeping off the craziness of the day.
“Your mother would kill me if she knew I wasn’t sending you to school this year,” You laughed softly at your own words.
Harry chuckled beside you, kicking at the ground a little bit when his smile faded, “I wish I didn’t have to drag you all into this.” His face was twisted up with guilt.
“Hey,” You grabbed onto his hand and shook it slightly, “This was our choice, we all knew what we were getting into. But we all love you, so it’s gonna be worth it.”
“What if one of us doesn’t make it?” He wondered out loud, voice barely above a whisper.
All at once, your body stiffened, “Don’t talk like that.”
“It’s true though!” He cried, “What if Ron, Hermione, or-or y-you die because I dragged you into this?”
“And what if we hadn’t come along?” You rounded on him, “What then? Would it have been you that died?” You asked furiously, “I would die in a heartbeat to keep you safe- all of you.”
He paled at your words, looking slightly nauseated, “You can’t die.” He whispered.
“Then we’re going to drop this discussion.” You determined, “And neither of us are going to think about it again. Got it?”
He nodded numbly and you sighed, “Come ‘ere,” You muttered, wrapping your arm around him.
Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry
The snow fell gently across the town that you had once viewed as beautiful. That is, until your brother and sister in law moved into a certain quaint house and your entire life was flipped upside down.
You swallowed harshly, fighting with every bone in your body not to turn around and sprint in the other direction with every step forward that you took.
Hermione and Ron had gone off to a small coffee shop, muttering about giving you and Harry some space.
The boy had his arm tightly locked around yours and he seemed to be struggling just as much as you were, both of you with your feet frozen right in front of the cemetery.
“I haven’t visited this place,” You admitted with a guilty whisper, “Not once. I didn’t even show up to the funeral. I couldn’t.”
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Harry asked you hesitantly, eyeing you sideways.
You forced a tight smile on your face and gave him one nod of confirmation, “It’s about time I said goodbye for real.” Before adding, “Both of us.”
With that, arm in arm, you slowly made your way past the gravestones until you came upon two side by side with the names of Lily and James Potter printed across them.
You inhaled sharply at the sight of it, blinking away tears, knowing that they would freeze instantly on your face if you let them loose.
Slowly, Harry took out his wand and muttered a small spell that Hermione no doubt taught him, and a bundle of pink carnations appeared on each of their graves.
A watery laugh left your lips at his actions, causing a small smile to pull at the ends of his own lips, “They’re beautiful, Harry.”
He rested his head against the top of yours and you each silently said your own goodbyes to the ones that you lost.
Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye
“Look! They’re here! They’re here!” Students all around you cheered, and you couldn’t help but feel a slight spark of happiness at the looks of hope and joy on their faces.
When you and the children had returned to Hogwarts to finish what had been started, you hadn’t expected all of these students to begin cheering your names as they finally got their first sign of hope in seemingly months.
As your eyes scanned through the sea of kids, you knew that you couldn’t let them down. They had all lost so much, being forced to go through what you and your peers had back then in some ways, and you would be damned if you let them suffer any longer.
Glancing over at Harry, you knew instantly that he had the same thoughts.
Singing, "This'll be the day that I die"
“No!” You screamed so loud that it felt like your throat was ripping, but you could barely feel it over the pain in your heart, “No! No! No!”
Molly let out a sob, quickly wrapping her arms around you to stop you from running forward towards the Death Eaters at the sight of Harry’s limp body in Hagrid’s arms.
“Harry Potter is dead!” Voldemort announced with a malicious grin, thoroughly enjoying watching as your entire world came crashing down right on top of you, suffocating your lungs.
It felt as though he held your heart in his disgusting hands and was squeezing it in an agonizingly painful way.
Arthur had to make his way over and wrap an arm around you as well, your sheer strength from anger and denial making it impossibly difficult for Molly to hold you alone.
You couldn’t even hear the rest of what The Dark Lord had to say over your hopeless, despair-filled cry’s that raked through your entire body violently.
Harry was the only thing that had kept you going after all these years, after what happened. And with him being gone now, you knew that you wouldn’t be able to go on. Not without him.
Then, without warning, Harry’s body rolled out of Hagrid's hold and he jumped up, locking eyes with you briefly before picking up his wand and pointing it at Voldemort.
You gasped, a large amount of air filling into your lungs for the first time since thinking he was dead, to much in a state of shock to even register the chaos that erupted all around you as everyone sprang into action, firing spell after spell at the opposing side.
When you finally snapped out of it though, you sprang forward and fired a deadly curse towards Voldemort, years of rage and heart brokenness behind it for everyone and everything you lost at his hand.
He barely even glanced at you as he deflected it and sent a light of green straight into your chest.
This will be the day that I die
It was over. The only war was finally over. And for the first time in weeks, Harry felt himself smile as he desperately looked around for you. Despite all the two of you had gone through, at least you would be able to enjoy the new world- one rid of Voldemort- together. A world that was finally safe.
His eyebrows furrowed and he paused in his steps when he caught sight of Hermione, Ron, Molly, and Arthur all standing in a circle in the middle of a hallway, every one of them crying.
He moved forward to see what was the matter, “What is it? What’s wrong-���
Harry cut himself short and he felt all the air get knocked out of his lungs, sending him falling to his knees, “A-auntie?” He stuttered out, mouth running dry as he looked down at your limp form on the ground.
Your lips were parted slightly and your eyes were wide open, staring unseeingly at a nearby pile of rubble.
Everyone’s heads snapped over to him and Molly fell down beside him, wrapping her arms around the boy, “Oh, Harry-“
He immediately shrugged off her hands, instead frowning slightly and beginning to shake your shoulders, “Auntie? Aunt Y/n, wake up.”
All anyone could do was just stand there and watch silently with tears streaming down their faces.
“No,” He choked out when you didn’t stir, “No, wake up. Please, please wake up,” He begged through sobs, “We’re free, we’re finally free. Wake up!”
Nobody left his side, not for a single second of the hour he sat there, screaming- pleading- begging- you to wake up until his throat was raw and scratchy and he fell backwards on his heels.
“All she ever wanted was what was best for me.” The boy whispered, “That's all she ever wanted.”
“Then let’s give her that,” Molly spoke softly, hugging him again, “Honor her by living your life to the fullest. She wanted your happiness more than anything in this world.”
Harry looked down at you once more, the woman that had taken him in on her own free will in order to honor her brother and lost friends. The woman who raised him and taught him everything he knew. The woman who gave him everything. The woman who sacrificed herself so that he could keep living his life.
It’s LeviOsa 🪄- @i-writes-things @kiyomi-uchiha777
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blackbirdi · 5 months
Harry Potter Social Media AU
The Best Gryffindor part iii "the nerd and the lunatic"
Hermione and Y/n are inseparable, even though they're personalities can sometimes be the complete opposite of one another's <3 PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TWO BY THE WAY
<<part ii | masterlist | part iv>>
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They would 10000% kill for one another
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I want a fic where Hinny is codependent of one another and are one of the few source of comfort of one another, while also maintaining their own independency (which makes no sense nowhere but in my head) and they get more than a few weeks of romance because they deserve more sunlit days before going through a living traumatic hell.
Also i want people to appreciate Ron's friendship with Harry a lot more than they do, for years Ron was the only source of love Harry had, yes Hermione was there as well but she was more logical in her love to Harry than Ron, more concerned for safety and dark lords, while Ron was ride or die for Harry (even admist their disagreeings over the years) Ron will always defend Harry no matter what!
Ginny's Harry's lifeline and Ron is his ride or die, while Hermione is the health insurance friend.
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potterheadlovespotter · 2 months
Happy Friendship Day to this three, who taught me the essence and value of real friends, not all friendships are temporary ~
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And to these two, who taught me that people from another family can be more closer and better than your family, you do not need to be connected through blood to be siblings.
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[Art belongs to @doodlemcjazzhands, most probably.... forgive if wrong.]
[I don't know the artist of the trio pic]
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wafflinglumos · 8 months
My Golden Trio Headcanons (some modern some not)
Oddly good at beer pong.
One time caught the snitch in his mouth and almost died.
Is REALLY good at cooking(less headcanon and more actually canon)
Loves the rain, absolutely hates thunder.
Had American southern tea ONCE and never looked at Earl Grey the same way again (Hermione gets upset about it every time they get tea together)
Soap opera lover(he watches them with Ron)
Is really good at drawing birds specifically.
He’s good at pottery but can only make bowls and plates.
Chess lover, both magic AND muggle(that’s canon but I’m including it anyways)
When Harry tried American sweet tea for the first time, Ron got to try fried butter for the first time too, he promptly inhaled it.
He hates crabs.
He often has stare offs with Crookshanks which either end with Ron getting mauled, or Crookshanks getting locked out of the room.
Is a DIEHARD Beastie Boys fan, Hermione introduced him to them and he hasn’t looked back since.
His favorite color is the exact shade of brown that Hermione’s eyes are :)
Soap opera lover(he watches them with Harry)
Wears bright neon crocs, has worn them on dates with Hermione before, will wear them on dates with Hermione again.
Got a buzz cut one time and Hermione screamed in pure unbridled terror when she saw it(she did not speak for him for a week, he had to magically grow it back)
Bad at pottery but loves playing with the clay.
Aroace spectrum(because I love projecting onto characters and it’s canon in my eyes)
One time tried to straighten her hair and both Ron and Harry got scared when they saw it(it did not work)
Knows ALL of the Elder Scrolls lore
Has played Skyrim to completion over 19 times.(that is not an exaggeration, she’s pulled various all nighters)
HORRIFIC sleep schedule
Will not read romance, UNLESS it’s completely historically accurate.
Bad at drawing, really good at pottery oddly enough.
While she’s good at pottery, she absolutely despises the feel of wet clay, and then the feel of dry clay on her skin so she doesn’t sculpt stuff without gloves on.
Hates the texture of pasta, it has to be made in a VERY specific way for her to enjoy it.
Doesn’t like being smooched on the temple because it’s too close to her eyes and she thinks it’s unsanitary.
Had a seafood boil one time and was out like a light for a full DAY.
Tried a vegan diet for like a year but she accidentally ate a wet piece of ham in a sleep deprived delirium.
Beans on toast FIEND.
One time had a five day mental breakdown over magic and specifically quidditch brooms not following the laws of physics.
Dinosaur nerd.
Dr Strange and Reed Richards fan
Golden Trio:
They have a book club, Ron’s favorite genre is a mix between really cheesy badly written romances and westerns, Harry’s favorite genre is murder mysteries and philosophy, funnily enough, Hermione doesn’t like murder mysteries because she guesses the plot/plot twists and they’re always correct, she usually only reads non-fiction but she occasionally likes accurate science fiction and she also enjoys biographies.
Hermione once sat them down to watch a bunch of muggle movies, some Harry recognized, while Ron was just utterly entranced by the television, occasionally shaking Harry’s shoulder when something happened on screen.
While Hermione was finishing her seventh/ “eighth” year she was sent at LEAST ten letters DAILY, from both Ron and Harry.
They shared an apartment for like two years and would quiet often all sleep in the same bed.
That habit followed them into adulthood, and they occasionally sleep in the same bed.
Both Harry and Ron, along with Ginny, will flaunt Hermione being the minister, often.
Harry has forced the other two to rewatch every Star Wars movie, more than ten times.
Ron and Hermione broke up one time in their relationship and Harry was more distraught than both of them combined.
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fic recs of the month
this is just a collection of my recs of the last month, have fun <3
Astronomia Nova
by sreka ( @smodernlife )on Ao3
Sirius Black is almost thirty, almost always alone, and almost always stressed out. For the past four and a half years he's been raising his late best friends' son, just trying to keep himself afloat.
But his exhausting life of school drop-offs and staff meetings is interrupted when he runs into a gorgeous librarian - literally - destroying a priceless book in the process. As the men continue to meet - by chance or by design - they become more drawn to one another. Soon Sirius will have to make a choice: risk throwing a wrench into his already-chaotic life and threaten the stability he's work so hard to create for Harry, or risk losing the exquisite man who's slowly but surely captured his heart.
Go East
by @xinasvoice on Ao3
Remus has been running for a long time. Eventually, he runs into a strange castle built by a wizard and his young apprentice. The longer he stays, the more secrets he uncovers...and the less he wants to leave.
This is a novel-length adventure story that loosely follows the plot of Howl's Moving Castle. It does not require knowledge of the HMC book or movie to enjoy it.
Regulus Black and the What the Hell
by @gonzoclock on Ao3
Four-year-old Luna has been able to see lights her whole life- and when both of her parents die in an explosive magical accident, she decides to grab on to one of the lights and follow it.
Meanwhile, Regulus Black has never really thought of himself as the parental sort- he's hardly interacted with a child in his life, much less raised one. But when two magically inexplicable orphans show up and somehow resurrect him- well, what else was he supposed to do? Not immediately adopt them? Yeah, right.
(Features little Luna and Harry adopting each other as siblings and Regulus being in way, way over his head)
Not If It's You
by estas_absentis on Ao3
In 1985, Remus Lupin is getting by, raising Harry, and trying not to think about the past. When Sirius gets a new trial, that past becomes impossible to ignore.
[Wolfstar Big Bang 2019 fic]
Speaking with Serpents
by heliantheae @overpricedpeonies on Ao3
In which Harry would like nothing more than to become a world-renowned herpetologist, and he won't let a little thing like the existence of magic get in his way. If that means attending a school called Hogwarts—and really, how is he supposed to frame that on his college applications—then so be it.
By Moonlight
by Eiiri on Ao3
After the Battle of Hogwarts, Remus recognizes something familiar in Draco Malfoy and offers him sanctuary. With nowhere else to turn--his parents in prison, his home a crime scene--Draco reluctantly accepts and becomes a tolerated, if not welcome, member of his schoolyard rivals' and wartime adversaries' family of choice. As pages of the lunar calendar turn and the summer wears on, Draco and the others begin to see each other in a different light.
that's it for the months of december and january ^^ hope you have an amazing rest of your day and happy reading!
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coming out as a Hermione and Harry shipper, I'm sorry they were soulmates
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vomits0cutely · 5 months
Ron “you know how to ball” Weasley.
Hermione “I know Aristotle” Granger.
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