#pl last specter spoilers
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glassesglasses2 · 4 months ago
Can I pet that dog?
The dog:
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princema-k · 5 months ago
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arent u tired of being of being nice..... dont u wanna go Apeshitt
(quote in no.3 courtesy of tearay1073's comment on this vid)
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justkillingthyme · 6 months ago
A compilation of every voiced line of Hershel laughing
Minor spoilers warning for all games
*do please tell me if I’m missing one and I’ll go back*
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raspberrybirb · 20 days ago
Phantom of the Opera guy idk I've never watched it
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teenytinyapprentice · 1 year ago
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the secrets of Misthallery
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ailius-suffers-through-art · 2 months ago
i was digging through my old art and found a lot of layton stuff so here yall go
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yeah i drew a lot of clive in dresses. i think he can pull them off pretty well tbh? anyways i draw a lot of clive if you cant tell
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the person in the mask is clive as well. its an old au but basically he was a vigilante after getting out of prison? cant remember the exact details.
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metal pipe strikes again. i love that thing
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... i finished the first season of onk around this time;
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you may recognize this from one of my first layton posts. this was a redraw of that one i believe.
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oh and here's a cute doodle of that one miracle mask luke scene. he is a very squishable kid.
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these next ones are early concept arts from a fangame that i may eventually make if i ever arse myself to. hngh programming i dont know you girlie.....
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and lastly heres some clive and kat interaction because i think kat is very silly
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( @cliveposting sorry for the tag merq but i saw you wanted more clive content? lolol )
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flwrcrxwnlyon · 9 months ago
Italian descole but fave moments
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yomiel · 6 months ago
alright we r entering the final act of last specter!!! everyone say hello to loosha :]
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alto-tenure · 1 year ago
The Specter of Misthallery, allusions, and narrative framing
Professor Layton and the Last Specter alludes to the fact that, of course, this is not the first specter to have been in Misthallery -- the specter is, in fact, a much older fairytale, the nature of which is, just as with most folklore, impossible to verify.
The nature of fairytales is such that they often get distorted by those who are telling them, and then those distortions continue to be passed onwards to generations afterwards, and new distortions evolve. The way characters tell the story of Misthallery's specter tells us things about them, too, and the parts they play in the story.
Long ago, in a lawless age, a pack of bandits invaded a small village. Amidst the chaos, a terrified young farm girl played her flute to drown out the madness. As the music spiralled high into the sky, a giant spectre appeared above her. She begged the spectre to destroy the bandits and it swiftly obeyed. The town was saved, and the spectre vanished just as quickly as it had appeared. But the farm girl knew that in times of danger she needed only to play the flute and the spectre would appear again.
This is, of course, Descole's narration from his first appearance. He is taking advantage of the legend of the specter, and seems to be reading from a book during this cutscene.
The specter is unequivocally a force for good the way Descole words the tale. The specter is the girl's savior. It's a bit of intrigue, but also...the way it's portrayed here feels like a very obvious allusion to Arianna and Loosha, for which Loosha is very much Arianna's savior, getting her to the Golden Garden so that she can live. Descole also says after this that it's time for them to "pen the next chapter". He is using the myth of the specter on purpose to smokescreen his true intentions of unearthing the Golden Garden. He means neither to help the villagers or hurt them -- he only has his own agenda. Of course, this isn't the last we hear of this tale...
There's a legend here that tells of an ancient spirit… A specter. When the town was in danger, the specter would act as Misthallery's guardian in its moment of need.
This is how Clark tells the tale. Note its brevity compared to Descole's telling (or Luke's, later on). When the town is in danger, the specter acts to protect it. It is more general than Descole's telling, but is more in line with Luke's version of the events. His portrayal of the specter of lore is fairly bare-bones, but enough to understand that Descole's version is nothing more than a false echo. Something that he understands more than the people of Misthallery, considering that he knows more about the specter due to the blackmailing.
Long ago, the villagers used a flute to call upon a spectre for protection from their enemies… So, if the spectre does the bidding of whoever plays the flute… Then someone is trying to destroy Misthallery! "If the spectre is ever used for impure motives, it shall unleash its wrath upon humanity. It will destroy all in its path, creating its own paradise."
Luke's telling of the tale centers around the idea that the world will end if the specter is used to cause harm -- his telling fuses both ideas from Descole's (the flute is used to summon the specter and control it) and Clark's (the specter was there for the town at large, not for one specific person it was bonded to). This suggests that Luke is familiar with the version that appears in the book (after all, the book is likely from the Triton library), but he's filtering what he remembers through the lens of his anxieties around the specter attacks, his mother's disappearance, and his father's behavior. He expects the world to end because of the connection to the tale.
(And, of course, the connections to Azran Legacy can't be ignored here -- everything destroyed to carve out paradise for the villain of a story.)
The truth is, as always, a complicated affair -- there is no such things as specters, only machines fighting monsters -- but it is likely that the story started out with a specter that protects the village. The version in the book has probably gone through several layers of generational filtering, but its relevance to the narrative remains.
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the-river-of-light · 1 year ago
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I had an idea
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darklight-owl · 8 months ago
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this is the bit I was thinking of
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alto-tenure · 2 years ago
10 was also pretty wild for Luke, to be fair.
mom gets kidnapped and town nearly gets destroyed
meets his future best friend for life
almost gets killed by a giant robot
helps catch a thief (this is from one of the light novels)
also, there are arguably more events taking place within this time period in general if one argues for the Japanese-exclusive material being canon. the gap between DB and UF is longer and thus there is a lot of official material shoved in there. but the most cursed aspect of all is that all the events of the original trilogy (+ everything between DB and UF) takes place over the course of less than six months, probably
You know sometimes it doesn't really occur to me the wild implications of fictional characters having a confirmed age can have when you take into account the plot of the games.
Luke is 10 in LS/SC, 11 in MM, 12 in AL and 13 in all the OG trilogy game (the crossover included if you take into account that he wears is og trilogy outfit).
How wild of a year that's gotta be for a 13-year-old. I mean with the other games he's had (I'm assuming) at least some time to process the events of that game's plot but like
In a single year Luke, a 13-year-old boy, has:
learned there's an entire village made of robots that will stop working should the reinhold's family gold be touched
breathed in hallucinogenic gas that caused him (and others) to believe a 50-year-old town was not 50 years old
basically kidnapped (along with layton, phoenix and maya) by a company that used plant chemicals to make a town believe they lived in a medieval town with witches their whole lives and was trapped there for about 5 days and barely slept
Believed his beloved mentor/father figure was dead via goldification and very much grieved for him (even though he thankfully was not dead- I've rambled about this in slightly more detail here)
some time prior to UF/LF learns his parents are planing to move to america and isn't happy about it
believed he met his future self when it was just some guy(tm) who looks a lot like him
said guy then proceeded to almost destroy london
moves to america
What a year.
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justkillingthyme · 5 months ago
70 seconds of Hershel saying Luke or My Boy
(Please let me know if I missed any so I can update!)
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archiewantsheetmetal · 11 days ago
Hello Layton Nation. I am creating an AU based on those freight-hopper stories set in a time based on the Great Depression.
Major PL spoilers!
This is my first ever AU I am making public! The first chapter is already in the works while I plan out the major plot points of the story.
To summarize, Professor Layton's life has been almost completely destroyed in this 1930s-esque England, amidst a economic depression. Severe economic crisis has rippled across the globe, and Layton has been unable to get back on his feet since his attack shortly after Claire's death, losing his job and his money. He's left his city life behind and now lives wherever the tracks take him, staying out of the way of his previous loved ones in order to spare them of his problems and to relieve them of his burden.
Luke Triton is much the same as he would be pre-Last Specter, but everyone was effected by the depression. His family had to juggle treading financial waters and taking care of issues within the village until a greedy, desperate-for-money, immoral organization, Targent, destroys Misthallery in search of the Golden Garden. He runs away in order to save his own life after everything he knows is destroyed. He hops into a nearby freight, and meets a sleepy and free-roaming gentleman.
They ride the tracks together until Targent, which was also hired by the government to snuff Layton out, destroys the freight while it's still moving along the rail, propelling Luke and Layton off the familiar track and into the main story;
Phantom Railway.
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After escaping from Targent at last with the notion that a mysterious assassin is on their tails, Layton and Luke learn of a strange railway that supposedly suddenly appeared one day. There are many myths and legends that surround the tracks, saying that those who manage to board the train that rides them are taken to the afterlife, and any who try to follow the tracks to the end disappear, never to be seen again.
With his interest piqued and his money nonexistent, Layton figures he wants to go explore this mysterious railway. Luke, of course, with nowhere else to go, insists on going with the man, and the two set off.
Phantom Railway I hope will do at least a little bit of justice to the types of stories on which it is based, and I hope those who read it will enjoy it. It will be less of a mystery-type and more of an adventure, but I'll try my best to incorporate both aspects into the storyline as much as I can.
I came up with this idea while driving past an abandoned railway in my town, and figured it looked eerie enough to make a cool story. I then found myself thinking about one of the scenes from a movie where a group of chain-gang prisoners escape to hop into the boxcar of a moving freight train, which has always been one of my favorite scenes in cinema.
This is my first time writing a project like this, so I'm hoping it does decently.
I'm still working things out, and if anyone has any questions, please ask! Honestly, it will help me understand my own lore so I can build and write it a little more fluidly.
This is still heavily WIP, and so many things stated in this post may change!
If anyone has any sort of objections, tell me those too! Correct me on anything, talk to me, ask questions, I'm open!
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alto-tenure · 2 years ago
I disagree, actually! There's plenty of foreshadowing. Sure, I think quite a few people playing Curious Village pick up on if not the entire village being robotic at least Dahlia (like I did during my playthrough) but that's not all!
What is up with Folsense? There's a lot of testimony from the villagers that time has "stopped", or they feel older than they really are, or Marina's candies actually having been garlic the whole time.
What is up with Future London? Don Paolo's reveal to having been Schrader the whole time pokes a massive hole, on top of several hints about Future Luke being not quite what he seems. And the air is commented on as being muggy a couple times as I recall, but I might not be remembering that part right.
What is the Specter? The specter being a machine is fairly predictable in my opinion, with the glowing red eyes and the need to hide footprints in the canals and how the red glow is spotted later on. Sure, Loosha is a wrench in that a little, but it’s not like the twist is completely unexpected.
Who is the Masked Gentleman? The build-up to the reveal of Randall as the Masked Gentleman in the Reunion Inn chapter involves those four unsubtle fairytales, and there are other hints to it as well: the moment in a cutscene when Randall shows the Mask of Chaos over his face, for instance.
What is the Azran Legacy? Even before the revelation that the legacy is a literal apocalypse, there are many hints to the idea that the Azran were not as benevolent as Bronev thinks they are, and Aurora plainly states that the legacy is no boon at all. Even without saying directly that it's an apocalypse, you can still guess that it's a bad thing.
I find it funny how Curious Village does have clues towards the larger mystery throughout the story (it’s still ridiculous, but they’re there) Then the rest of the series happens and they don’t even bother. You’re just along for the ride shut up and enjoy.
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alto-tenure · 2 years ago
6 and 15 for the pl ask game!!
6. answered here
15. Plot twist that most made you go “What”?
The crossover has the craziest plot twist of any Layton game, and that includes everything else. If we're talking mainline-only, Loosha's existence.
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