#pj: deuce
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suntails · 1 year ago
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obsoletegleam · 3 months ago
Smash Hits (UK) 1995
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Issue 420, 4th January - 17th January 1995 Issue 421, 18th January - 31st January 1995 Issue 422, 1st February - 14th February 1995 Issue 423, 15th February - 28th February 1995 Issue 424, 1st March - 14th March 1995 Issue 425, 15th March - 28th March 1995 Issue 426, 29th March - 11th April 1995 Issue 427, 12th April - 25th April 1995 Issue 428, 26th April - 9th May 1995 Issue 429, 10th May - 23rd May 1995 Issue 430, 24th May - 6th June 1995 Issue 431, 7th June - 20th June 1995 Issue 432, 21st June - 4th July 1995 Issue 433, 5th July - 18th July 1995 Issue 434, 19th July - 1st August 1995 Issue 435, 2nd August - 15th August 1995 Issue 436, 16th August - 29th August 1995 Issue 437, 30th August - 12th September 1995 Issue 438, 13th September - 26th September 1995 Issue 439, 27th September - 10th October 1995 Issue 440, 11th October - 24th October 1995 Issue 441, 25th October -7th November 1995 Issue 442, 8th November - 21st November 1995 Issue 443, 22nd November - 5th December 1995 Issue 444, 6th December - 19th December 1995 Issue 445, 20th December 1995 - 2nd January 1996
At Smash Hits Remembered
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sebek-zigbolt · 3 months ago
*tears in my eyes, gritted teeth* I have to skip malleus tsum .... if i want to save enough...but all of diaso... in one picture.. and healing for 3 turns... crying sobbing
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year ago
*In the first years' gc*
Ace: Yo 😭 Has anyone seen that?
Epel: Yes 😭 I saw it too! 😭
Jack: Why are you using crying emoji?
Ace: Because
Jack: ...
Deuce: Shroud-senpai swung at Leona.
Jack: What?
Epel: It's true! 😭
Jack: ...
Jack: Idia-senpai?
Ace: YES!!!
Epel: YES!!!
Jack: Why? What happened?
Ace: We all know what kind of marriage Idia-senpai has with MC, right?
Epel: Leona-senpai tried to flirt with MC, and quote,
Epel: "Divorce Idia so I can marry you."
Ace: ASDFGHKSLAJSLALLA—And that's when Idia-senpai started swinging!
Jack: ...
Jack: Okay. Then it means Leona deserved what happened.
Ace: But could you imagine our shocked faces when we witnessed that?!
Epel: I never thought that Idia-senpai would be the protective type! 😭
Ace: That was so sweet, man! 😭
Jack: ...
Idia: *still in a bad mood*
MC: *massaging his hand (the one he used to punch Leona)*
MC: ...
MC: Idia—
Idia: I know. That was uncalled for.
MC: No. You felt disrespected. I would've reacted the same if I were in your shoes.
Idia: You? I doubt it.
MC: *smiles* I mean, I didn't expect it from you too.
Idia: ...
Idia: You wouldn't think I'm violent, right?
MC: No. *kisses his hand* *then smiles at him*
Idia: ...
Idia: *giggles*
MC: ???
Leona: Shit— My face still hurts.
Vil: You deserved it.
Leona: *frowns*
Riddle: I don't condone violence and misbehavior, but I would've done the same after you told MC that!
Leona: Yeah, yeah. I'm in the wrong.
Leona: I thought their marriage was a joke.
Kalim: Why? I think they're pretty serious.
Azul: Their vow is literally translated to "I will stay as long as you allow me to" and you think that is a joke?
Leona: Ah, great. I'm being nagged at.
*In the first years' gc*
Ortho: I have something to bless your day, guys! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
*Ortho sent two attachments.*
*Pictures of MC and Idia sleeping together and wearing matching pjs*
Ace: I've been blessed. 🙇
Epel: Thank you, Ortho! 🙇
Ortho: You're welcome! 😊
Jack: ...
Jack: Isn't that invasion of privacy?
Ortho: I was in the room with them.
Jack: That's not what I meant...
Ace: Shut up, Jack. Let us enjoy the NRC couple.
Deuce: No. You are just a fan of MC.
Ace: 🙄
Epel: 🤣
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yuri-is-online · 8 months ago
(Scatters more Aceyuu birdfeed for the lovelies)
Imagine, when Yuu awoke in Twisted Wonderland, they didn't even have their own clothes--they were in the ceremonial robes--at best they're (probably) given a janitors uniform from Crowly when they first meet Ace. Fast forward a day or so when Ace decides to camp out at Ramshackle for the first time and he really sees your situation. You're not some nutjob and their badly trained pet who broke into the school, you are in trouble.
Cut to Ace finally moving back into his dorm after Riddle's overblot and Ace is going through his stuff (to make sure his roommates didn't mess with it) and he finds like, an old pair of pyjamas he doesn't really wear anymore. This shirt is pretty outdated fashion-wise too. And he has no idea why he packed this pair of shorts for school either! They could go to a good home, he supposed, before bunging his unwanted hand-me-downs in a bag and setting off back to Ramshackle. Trying to ignore the first signs of a pitter-pattering heart as he watches your face light up with realisation when you pull out his old clothes from an old sports bag. He knew you needed clothes but seeing how much this meant to you? Yeah, Ace is gonna be doing all sorts of things to take care of you now to keep that smile. And don't get me started about how he got butterflies the first weekend he went to see you and you were wearing his (ill-fitting) clothes!
After Book 4, Ace has another suitcase of "charity clothes" from home (if Yuu is fem presenting, then he might've asked his mum for her hand-me-downs so Yuu would have some more "girly" clothes, if that's what they want) only to come up short when going to deliver them too you as he sees Deuce wrapping his old leather jacket around your shoulders, or Jack giving you an old cardigan that you're just swimming in.
He can't help but feel betrayed, in a way, seeing you accept clothes from your other friends. Logically speaking, he knows you're not in a position to be turning down charity, but the sting of losing what felt like just a you two thing hurts. He's sulking and petty and got this stupid suitcase sitting in his room for weeks while he pouts, glaring daggers at Deuce for the betrayal (Deuce is just confused, he was just helping a homie stay warm since there's snow on the ground. Jack is at least aware of the connotations but likes returning the shit Ace sends his way).
Eventually it bubbles up to one day, when the group are studying in Heartslaybul, Deuce forgot his noted in his room and Yuu offers to grab them, noticing the suitcase they bring it up to the guys and Ace squirms as Deuce mentions how Ace brought it after winter break and hasn't touched it since. Everyone badgers him for what's in it and Ace won't admit it infront of everyone else there, you gotta get him alone so later on, Yuu broaches it again and he admits its more clothes but he felt stupid seeing you get more from everyone else (he plays it off like "didnt want you swamped with stuff you didn't want" or something) but Yuu perks up, asking what he brought and if he still wants to give them to them. Maybe accidentally admitting they still mostly only use Ace's old pj's because it smells like him because his stuffs just more comfy and they like his stuff more.
Something something small fashion show for Ace something something this got a lot longer than I intended uwahhhh.....
If Ace could go back in time he'd probably punch himself for all the comments he made before he started using his goddamn brain and LOOKED at your situation he would, but he can't so he instead does what Ace does best and looks out for you while pretending he's not doing that at all and does not care.
But the problem is of course that Ace does care. You open the door in his clothes and it really doesn't matter what you're saying anymore. He's forgotten why he's here, actually, instead there's a hum in the back of his skull that he likes. He likes seeing you in his pajamas, he likes spending time with you. Ace will never say it out loud, in fact he denies it every chance he gets, but he likes spending time with you and Deuce. The other first years are fun, and he likes the basketball club, but the two of you are the best use of his time. He doesn't even think about the others maybe wanting to help you out because he's the one who takes care of you. Not Deuce or Jack, him. Maybe he spends winter break thinking about you and going through his things. Maybe he has to hype himself up as he takes his duffel bag back because his mom teased him just a little too much about things running in the family.
Deuce giving you a leather jacket breaks something in him. Ace thought Deuce would have been drowning in attention based on the bad boy appeal alone and that jacket just cements it, even if the blank look his glares get sort of soothes the jealous ache somewhat. "Don't be rude Ace! No one likes having to rely on hand me downs-" Juice is so fucking stupid he doesn't know why he bothered being jealous. Jack's a different story though because on the one hand he "hates" the idea of appearing vulnerable but on the other hand there is a chance to dunk on Ace just waiting to be taken and that has to make up for temporary embarrassment. He could probably get Leona in on this too if he spins it the right way, wouldn't that be funny? Fine, Ace will just keep his things to himself since you... probably don't want them huh. Yeah, sure he swears you always wear his pajamas but that's because you don't have other clothes. You've got stuff now you don't need him. He's not the only person taking care of you... oh well!
When Yuu asks him about the suitcase he plays it off. "Just some extra stuff, you know. Parents am I right?" When everyone leaves he teases you about it because he's embarrassed and he needs to take it out somewhere.
"You really thought of me?" There's a look on your face that renders Ace speechless. "Thank you... I. You really didn't need to but if you have something similar to the pajamas..." You were wearing the shorts tonight. Come to think of it he hasn't seen you in Jack's shirt much. Deuce's jacket was meant to protect against the snow so it's not like he can
"You can have it." He mumbles, looking off to the side instead of into your eyes. "It's not like they weren't meant for you I just forgot about it you know?"
Maybe he'll buy you something next time, no one's done that yet right?
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ghosttownryder · 3 months ago
haha i just finished my secret santa(s) event and now making it about the twst freshies!! for those who don't know what it is, it's a secret gift giving game. usually it is done with your irl friends, however you can host an online session with artists/writers :]
yuu is the one hosting for the festivities and approaching winter break holiday coming up. christmas probably doesn't exist in twst but in yuu's world it did, so they're bringing it over to celebrate with the other first years!! (i mean winter break does exist so they're utilizing that)
read more below !! vv
of course, none of the first years have ever heard of this game. once yuu explains the rules of the game, the freshies are interested to see what the others are going to get for them. is it going to be awful? or is it going to be really good and they can't be outdone like that? unfortunately grim and yuu are too broke to participate so they'll (read: yuu) be organizers and handle any questions or arising situations.
after writing everyone's names, shuffling it, and handing each slip of paper one by one, it's mainly 2 types of reactions: obvious or poker-faced. yuu quickly gets their attention to organize the time and to prevent the others from peeking into each other's paper; they settle on giving gifts before they are whisked off to winter break, back in their own homes.
minor issue: they forgot to impose a budget. oh well, it was a minimum spending budget anyway.
fast forward to a day before everyone's scheduled to leave through the darkness mirror, and yuu hears a knock on the door. sebek is the first to arrive, followed with ortho and jack right on time, and epel a mere moment later. ace and deuce arrive a little bit late.
ramshackle's not entirely too festive in yuu's opinion, but with DIY crafts, it's the best they and grim can do. yuu notices how some presents are wrapped nicely while others... there certainly was an attempt! it's endearing to see the effort put into it though.
and without further ado, grim decides to pick on someone to make them go first. a few laughing, scuffles, and a lot of unwrapping presents later, the freshies all present what they got!
ace -> limited queen of hearts collector's edition card deck along with the regular edition (from ortho) ace was shocked because he tried to get his hands on it before but failed and gave up
deuce -> crochet bunny and chick (from sebek) deuce thought of it as him and his mom and nearly teared up
jack -> a mountain load of apple-pear granola bars + its recipe (from epel) jack immediately unwrapped a bar to eat it in literally two chomps
epel -> high quality applewood roasted beef jerky in different flavors (from jack) epel was fighting demons to not rip into it right there and then
ortho -> intriquitely designed clock (from deuce) ortho got curious of its mechanics and detailing and got analyzing
sebek -> warm customized pj set + bathrobe (from ace) sebek really enjoyed the set's texture, quite a luxury
yuu's really happy for the 1st years, but they all surprise yuu back with presents of their own! they gifted yuu something similar to their own giftees.
Ace -> customized pj set + throw blanket (where he got yuu's measurements is a mystery) (he asked rook)
deuce -> working clock that doesn't require much maintenance and doesn't break often
Jack -> a lot of non-perishable food
epel -> a harveston cookbook, boxes of apples, and a handful of apple-pear granola bars
ortho -> straight up appliances like a toaster, microwave, heater, etc.
sebek -> crochet plushies--mainly a cat, hen, and mouse. (cat for grim, hen because my yuu's named chicken in the game, and mouse for mickey (he doesnt know))
incredibly touched, yuu is happy that they thought of them while going shopping. they weren't even aware the freshies would do this! at ramshackle, there's nothing but fun festivities and the holiday spirit (not the ramshackle ghosts)!
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haveievermentioned · 5 months ago
So, Deuce was just confirmed as Aro in the most recent episode of Monster High and they just... did it so well.
So to start off, they introduce their version of Valentine's day called "Heartbeast day" where if you say your love, a real heart will drop down in front of you by an unseen but presumably omniscient being. Heath (flame elemental) and Lagoona (Sea monster, known romantic) find Deuce, alone, listening to sad music, in his PJ's and tissues. They assume he is sad because he is lonely and try to set up romantic situations so he HAS to call someone over. It does not work. He subverts every single one. Brings his school to a movie showing, he shares his food with his snakes, he takes a pet on a long walk, etc. In addition it becomes apparent even from that FIRST situation that he isn't sad! Lagoona and Heath are just reading into something not there. He is perfectly happy, and when they start escalating their plans he finally just tells them that. He is happy, he loves himself, he loves his friends, the initial thing was a mis understanding he explains, and he helps them get their nights back in order. In fact, the OMNISCIENT MAGICAL BEING gives him a heart just like the romantic couples. It's just a really solid, explained it in kid friendly terms, and Deuce was just the same, never broken. He is the sweet boy he always is.
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 6 months ago
with jamil's birthday card preview out we got a new theme for this year's birthday card, that being relaxing my room. it got me thinking of what ace's groovy would be like (because i have biases and ive chosen to be biased to this guy.) i thought of how it could be of him playing basketball with that little hoop on his wall or just him taking a snooze and then it hit me. hear me out, his groovy is just him calling his brother. his brother has been a chara where ace learnt all sorts of tricks and other things about the world from, hes got a good relationship with his brother and has been overall plays a pretty big part of his character esp in his home life and such. in a vignette hes late to deuce's aware ceremony i think because he was up calling his brother. its got such a relaxed vibe of him just calling his brother as everyone is asleep i dunno i think it would fit the theme really well :D and also cuz big brother trappola appearance i mean WHAT now i really want that to be the card..
[Referencing this post!]
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I was surprised by the reveal of pajamas for the 5th birthday line! It’s the first informal set of clothes; every prior iteration was a suit or like… full-on wizard robes 😂 I guess it’s nice to change things up a bit, especially going on 5 years now.
It being a pajama theme actually gives me mild anxiety because as cute as it is, uh… My mind immediately goes to what’s going down in the main story right now, which is anything but cute 😅 It’s… eerily relevant… That aside, it’ll be nice to see the guys comfortable and just lounging around on their sheets. They definitely need it after all the kidnapping attempts and nearly world-ending catastrophes they’ve gone through.
The vignettes you’re talking about are Deuce’s Ceremonial Robes! As you said, Ace is sleepy at the award ceremony because he was up late talking to his brother over the phone. That'd definitely be a neat idea and callback for Ace's Relaxing in Room card! We probably wouldn't see his older brother, but maybe we'd get a little bit more lore too. First I guess we'll have to see what kind of precedent Jami's Groovy and vignettes set though.
All this talk of Jamil and Ace in their pjs makes me imagine the guys in the VDC/SDC squad chilling in their sleepwear in Ramshackle after their practice is done for the day. Telling ghost stories, having pillow fights, doing each other's skincare (Vil's orders)... Sounds like a fun way to unwind~
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ryuichirou · 3 months ago
Some replies, mostly about yesterday’s post!
Anonymous asked:
Red riding hood if Jack was the wolf:
"My, grandmother what big tits you've got!"
Anon, I cackle every time I read this ask. I’m obsessed. Thank you for this image in my head 😭😭😭 DAMN, grandmother!
Anonymous asked:
Hot damn didn't know i needed jack ans diece un their new years outfit .asking out and possibly screwing till like two seconds ago.
Also did you see how gamer boy Lilia looks in his lounge wear?
I feel you, Anon. These two are sneaky as a ship, you don’t think about them until you do, and then you can’t stop… we really couldn’t resist… and these two couldn’t resist each other as well, it seems…
ALSO YES!!! He looks perfect omg I’m so glad we got his thighs and legs, and just as we thought, his pjs look so comfy and very gamer-boy-like...!
fate-muse-club-house asked:
Sam's gonna have to sanitize his whole store when Jacks is done with Deuce.
New Year event is cancelled – the venue is getting immediately sanitised and everyone is quarantined for breathing in too much sex air… horrible!
Anonymous asked:
The only thing getting done on the job there is Deuce
Yeah… instructions were unclear, Jack is working hard, but not in the right way…!
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
Jack has such big booba, but how much of that is muscle? Is it soft and squishy against Deuce's chest? Is this how he will win the boyfriend wars? (Also is he protecting Deuce's head? Like did Jack slam him against the wall for kisses but was polite enough to protect his noggin?)
This is such a good question! I think they are a little bit soft, soft enough to squish against Deuce’s chest and for Deuce to press his fingers against it, but it’s still pretty muscle-y. So mostly tough, but with a little bit of squish! Perfect for those who don’t like sleeping on softer pillows.
Awwww, Jack protecting Deuce’s head sounds cute…! But I think he just wanted to play with his soft hair… he probably doesn’t even realise what his hands are doing, he is too focused on drooling all over his mouth.
Anonymous asked:
Maybe that'll make him more decisive
But honestly, I feel like Deuce has this love-triangle curse when the moment he feels like he knows what choice he is going to make, the other boy suddenly comes in and makes him reconsider. I wonder what Ace is going to do to outshine Jack’s New Year Boob glory though hmmmm
characharing asked:
naturally Deuce's the bottom because his ass can flex its muscles on Jack's knot and Ace's dick, y'all. Leona's could but he doesn't have the energy to bother doing so
(this is related to some asks from yesterday)
YES, EXACTLY! Deuce has a talent not a lot of people possess!
And those who do are apparently too lazy to use it, right, Leona..?
characharing asked:
btw do you remember or saw about the reddit guy who got his peen stuck inside a m&m container and kept calling it cylinder while asking for help on reddit
which of the boys would do it, i can see Ace and maybe Deuce (is it a top or bottom thing, i think Deuce could be tricked to do it). Azul would be the funniest tho and more in denial he tried to fuck an m&m container
You know what’s funny, someone sent us an ask about that reddit post a year ago! And I can’t blame neither you nor that Anon, because when you read about a guy getting his cylinder stuck in an m&m container, the first thought you get is “alright so which one of the NRC boys” lol
And I thought I had a proper reply to that written a year ago, BUT NOPE, I just went “alright so which one of the NRC boys” and called it a day lol ALL OF THEM WOULD! In different circumstances…
Ace would definitely be my first guess, all of the freshmen in general. Poor Deuce could easily get tricked… Epel would absolutely get stuck like that too!! Jack and Sebek are a bit too big, but if Sebek got into that situation, he would definitely call it a cylinder lol
Maybe some of the 3rd years have embarrassing stories to tell from when they also were freshmen…
God, now I’m thinking about Azul doing that. Nooo, Azul, you have to stop getting into tiny dark spaces, I know it’s your thing but come on! Get your cylinder free…
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sakurapika · 1 year ago
Some ideas for Twisted Wonderland events
(*Mild spoilers for some JP server events and Chapter 6)
-A Mulan-themed event: In one of the Halloween events, Silver mentioned knowing the story of Mulan, and Lilia has mentioned having been to "the East" before (not to mention Diasomnia's Halloween costumes are longs). It would be lovely to see Lilia return to the TWST-equivalent of China with some of his friends and meeting new characters--bonus points if someone is twisted from Mushu. A story about a girl who makes a sacrifice for her aging father by enlisting in the military on his behalf fits well with Silver and Lilia, so now would be the perfect opportunity to give them duo magic! Also, Chinese xianxia/martial arts fantasy novels are very popular in Japan and abroad nowadays (if you know, you know :) ), and I would love to see the boys wearing hanfu--they'd look so majestic and cool!
-Sam's hometown event: A Princess and the Frog event where the boys go to the TWST version of New Orleans, chaperoned by Sam. It would be a great opportunity to explore the jazz and culinary scene, and, of course, wear 1920s-inspired clothing. Someone in Octavinelle gets an SSR.
-A pajama-party event: Night Raven College hosts an all-night pillow fight tournament, and everyone gets extremely competitive, kind of like Beanfest. Everyone wears pajamas--I'm not sure if they'd have their own outfits, or if the dorms would match and have PJ sets with their logo on it (kind of like the pajamas they sell at the JP Disney Store). In battle, the chibis throw pillows at each other.
-Octavinelle hometown event: We are introduced to the Tweels' parents and/or Azul's mother. Given how Jamil and Kalim's hometown event carried out, it is likely that only one of the three will actually get an event card, but we'll see. In the Halloween event, Riddle mentioned that he's never seen the sea before. Even though he's had a chance in the Lost in the Book with Stitch event (and the developers probably want to give the spotlight to different characters), I'm afraid he doesn't remember it. Anyway, he deserves to go again. Alternatively, there's an event where the boys go to the Sunshine Lands and meet Prince Rielle. In this case, Riddle and Azul must go together--it would be nice to see after the events of Chapter 6.
-Riddle and Trey hometown event/Black Butler crossover: We've already had a Heartslabyul-themed hometown event with Deuce, but this time, we get to meet Trey's family and Riddle's mother. The likelihood that we get a canon Black Butler crossover as well is very close to zero, but it would be really fun to make a few jokes/hints about Riddle having a younger cousin who wears an eyepatch and solves mysteries with his enigmatic butler. Bonus points if Riddle and Jade have duo magic and dress up in Victorian/ouji clothing.
-J-fashion event: Speaking of ouji clothing, it would be amazing if there was an event inspired by Japanese fashions and subcultures. I think there was a part in one of the anthology mangas where Vil gave the Pop Music Club a visual kei makeover. I know the Pop Music Club has their own SSRs already, but I wouldn't mind seeing more outfits in this style.
-An orchestra-themed event: Some of the NRC students form a classical orchestra. Malleus is there, of course--I imagine him playing the cello this time. The Octavinelle trio is there as well with their respective instruments, as is Idia and Riddle both playing violins. I can see Jamil playing a woodwind instrument--maybe a flute, a clarinet, or an oboe?
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twstfanblog · 2 years ago
*~Nasty Neige~*
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AN: GOD, I lost control over this fic the second I started it, I didn't mean to make this thing so long. Which is why it took me so long to get everything down and editing. I know I missed something but I can make edits as I put links up on the other entries.
Word Count: 5.3K
Warnings: Neige being a general creepy guy. Obsessive thoughts, stalker vibes. Swears. She/They Yuu OC.
Pairings: Vil/Rook, Vil & Yuu (Siblings), One-sided Vil/Neige, Epel/Deuce?/Jack? (Guess)
Starter, Part 1 (Here), Part 2 (Heartslabyul), Part 3 (Diasomnia)
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Classes didn’t start for another week and the open house event didn’t start for another day, so Yuu didn’t have any reason to be awake before noon. But she was because her trauma-filled body kept hearing noise downstairs. The first few times she was able to drift back to sleep, not hearing anything after the initial sound and assuming Grim was walking around looking for snacks. But then she realized Grim was still sleeping tucked up against her stomach, more floorboards creaking downstairs with no explanation. She does her best to not jostle Grim, reaching to the nightstand and grabbing her phone, cursing under her breath as she sees it was barely past 8:30 am.
She didn’t change out of her pjs, slipping on her houseshoes while she left the bed. Making sure Grim was tucked into the still-warm covers, Yuu grabbed her golf cub, making her way downstairs and avoiding the loud boards. Even after multiple renovations, there were still floorboards that creaked and on bad storm nights the whole house sounded like it groaned. (A part of her simply made peace with that it wouldn’t be Ramshackle if it wasn’t a little old and creaky). Besides her, Grim was the only one who knew what boards hated being stepped on. Ortho knew them too but he didn’t walk much. Epel seemed to take sick pleasure in stepping on each one whenever he came over, and the rest of her friends were either too naturally loud or heavy to not make noise in the dorm. 
She would have felt more at ease if whoever was in her house was being loud. Her friends were loud, even if they knew she was asleep. But whoever was there was trying to be quiet and failing. Once downstairs she tries to hear where the intruder was, poising to swing. The sound of the toaster popping gives her the element of surprise, rushing into the kitchen.
Both she and the blond intruder scream when they see each other, Yuu just barely stopping her swing. Vil braced himself against the counter, breathing in a forced calm pattern before glaring at her. His hair pulled back in a messy ponytail, face bare besides a tinted lipgloss. Dressed in a modified cropped yellow hoodie, high-waisted black leggings and simple sneakers, “I swear you and Epel are determined to give me gray hairs! Why are you just so ready to deal violence!? It’s 8 in the morning!”
Yuu leans against her golf cub, trying to ease her own adrenaline spike, “Yeah! It’s 8 am, why are you in my house!? Also, are you dying? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without foundation.” Her anger grows seeing the disheveled model look at her with a pinched face, not answering her as he turns back to plate the food he was cooking on her stove. She opens her mouth to yell again, only to look at the kitchen window and realize, “...Did you close the blinds?”
Yuu had an odd relationship with blinds after meeting Rook. Yes, she kept her more personal areas heavily covered and only opened them for her monthly dorm deep clean, but the more communal areas of the dorm were free to be viewed from outside. It was nice sometimes to be relaxing on her lonesome only to hear a tap against a window. A tap could be Jack and Vil on their morning runs asking her to pass them glasses of water or fruit she had on hand. Maybe Lilia coming to scare her or show her a new melody he’d learned. Ace or Deuce coming to beg her for help after they’ve pissed Riddle off. And Vil knew Rook would rather enter through a window than a damn doorway. Either way, open blinds at Ramshackle had come to mean ‘Come in’. Something that Rook delighted in whenever he wasn’t too busy with his ‘errands’.
“...” She looks around, finally taking note how all of her downstairs windows seemed to have not only their binds but the thick curtains closed, “Are you and Rook fighting?”
“Oh, he’s going to wish we were when I get back in the dorm…”
She laughs, watching the model bite into a slice of toast with a runny egg on top of it, “Oh sevens, the year hasn’t even started yet. Why are you fighting?” 
Vil huffed, rolling his eyes, trying to avoid her gaze. Talking with one’s mouth full was just rude, plus he knew if he started ranting his food would be cold before he was done. If he had to hide out at Ramshackle for the day he would need the protein. Glancing down at Yuu, he openly takes another big bite of toast, just to show he wasn’t going to answer her anytime soon.
“Ok, fuck you too then, I’ll just open the blinds while you’re being a bitch.”
He chokes on a bite, nearly dropping the plate in his rush to shove it onto the counter. Nails sinking into her shoulder to stop her, not caring at the mush of food falling out of his mouth as he shouts, “NO!”
Yuu hisses, a hand coming up to yank Vil’s hand away from her, “OW!? Ok, what is the issue? Is Rook finally coming to shave an undercut on you or something?”
Vil sighs, giving her a small apologetic look before he swallows, “Neige is in Pomefiore. I…really didn’t want to deal with him today so I managed to make my way here to hide out. I don’t think anyone saw me, but I didn’t want to risk someone seeing me from the windows…” He takes another bite of toast, fingers wiping yolk from his lips, “Sorry about your shoulder…”
“...” Yuu sighs, placing her club against the wall and waves his apology off, “It’s fine. I hate Neige too but like- Wait, why is his ass here?” At Vil’s equally bewildered shrug her brows crease, “The open house doesn’t start until tomorrow? Are you sure he’s like here, here?”
“Seeing how Rook was yelling outside my room about his ‘Roi de Neige’ being in Pomefiore and he had to make himself look presentable, I would think so.” Vil scoffs, rolling his eyes at the very idea of anyone liking Neige.
Good ole Rook, scaring the precious wildlife to get them to escape a foreign danger. Might as well send him a text to ask how long he thinks it’ll be until Vil was safe to enter his dorm again.
“Well, get comfy I guess. Idia made sure I was set with cable and various media players, so there should be something on the TV. I’m going to make breakfast for me and Grim.”
Vil moved out of her way, finishing off his breakfast before grabbing a mixing bowl to hand to her, “Sorry, I should have made you two something as well instead of just myself.”
“Please don’t. Your unseasoned pallet would send Grim over the edge.”
The dorm leader, moves the bowl out of her grip, smacking her on the head with it before putting it on the counter, “Fuck you, you don’t need to use salt and garlic salt in the same dish.”
“They are different things, Vil.”
“They’re both salt.”
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Neige looked around before fully exiting from the mirror, a hand quickly making sure his wig was in place. It wasn’t hard borrowing a disguise from his friends on his current movie set. Decked out in a mid-length pink wig and pale blue contacts, a simple white shirt, indigo overalls and his dark brown boots he wasn’t the least bit recognizable. Biting into his lower lip softly, he squealed, staring at the castle against the early sky. That’s where Vi slept! The blond had been in this very pocket dimension for years, he walked on these paths, talked in the halls, bathed in the water- He needed to focus. Giving himself one last preening, he calms his breath and walks toward the dorm.
Each step made his heart flutter. Excitement and fear pulsing in his veins the closer he got to the large, pristine castle. He was breaking so many rules; he wasn't supposed to be here for many reasons. The open house wasn't even open for the Seven's sake, he didn't go to this school, and he had no one's permission to be here. But he had to, it was his only chance. The open house would no doubt have people crawling all over the campus. Neige wouldn't be able to walk around as himself, let alone be able to get some alone time to talk with his Vi.
Ah. Just the thought of him alone was enough to make his knees weak. 
He closes his eyes, hands gripping onto his shoulders in a self-hug when he finally steps onto the main area of the dorm. He breathes it all in, nearly missing a figure in an old yellow hoodie race past him to exit through the mirror. 
He opened his eyes in panic, looking to see if the other figure was suspicious of him. He lets out a breath in relief. Whoever they were, they seemed more interested in running to wherever. Vi had made posts about how proud he was of his dorm members taking morning runs, maybe they were simply late for a run with friends. His palms get sweaty as his thoughts start to race at the thought of Vi running with him.
The image of Vi in his black and light purple designer tracksuit, hair pulled back into a wind-swept ponytail. Lips open in a pant as sweat drips down his jaw- FOCUS. He wasn't here to fantasize! He could do that when he went back to his dorm. Hopefully after gaining something to remember his trip by.
His eyes scan the courtyard. It was beautiful as expected, with elegant pathways of carved stones and a large elaborate water feature giving a calming background noise to the area. Apple trees with bright red fruits scattered amongst the deep green grass. The area was so clean and proper he could almost imagine he was back on Royal Sword grounds.
Pulling out his phone he starts to walk on the grass, whispering a small apology for ignoring the very clear sign saying to ‘Stay Off’. Vi had posted a video in late spring. He and a few other students had replanted a number of trees after a mysterious storm had wrecked multiple dorms in NRC. The blond was shown smeared lightly with dirt, a smile on his face as he gently placed a nursery tree into a hole. The video ending on Vi smiling to the camera, air-kissing the leaves of the tree and a message showing up. 'Grow up lovely, little tree'
(Neige won't comment on how he spent an hour in the bathroom connected to his dorm room, trying to hide his sobs as he promised the paused video to grow up to be a big lovely tree. He doesn't think he was successful if Chenya's side-eye was anything to note.)
He wanted to find that tree, he needed to. The urge to simply touch it, feel the bark and soil that were touched by the hands of perfection. Maybe, if it wasn't too tall yet, he could even kiss those same leaves…
It took him nearly an hour, 9 am rolling around and the sun making its formal appearance in the sky, but he found it. Tucked neatly at a distance from two adult trees, small blooms in the branches but no fruits. This was the tree.
Neige takes a picture, walking closer and snapping more as he posed in front of the tree. He looks the tree over and frowns, in such a short amount of time the tree had matured too tall for him to properly kiss its leaves. He couldn't even take a blossom without struggling to climb the still-thin tree. He was light, but he couldn't risk harming the tree Vi had put such love and dedication to. 
Instead, he looks around, making sure there was still no one walking around the courtyard before he gently placed his hands on the trunk of the tree. One last nervous glance around, he licks his lips, leaning forward to lightly air kiss against the bark of the tree. Pulling back he felt his nerves alight, filling him with excitement that pulled him back toward the tree. This time his lips connected against the rough bark, lips stinging from the contact before he pulls away.
An indirect kiss with his Vi. The tree was their shared project now, another creative child they can look back on together. He can barely hold back his squeal, bouncing on his heels before wrapping his arms around the tree in a hug. He even peppers a few more kisses onto the bark.
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Rook had only sent a single text to respond to her. Stating he would come for Vil when he was done with his hunt before ignoring her other messages. Even now, as lunch rolled around, there was still no answer from the French man.
"Do you not have anything that's prepacked or frozen to eat, potato?"
Yuu looks up from the kitchen table, glaring at the model searching through her cabinets, "You know, you don't need to be here. You could just go back to Pomefiore and deal with your waking nightmare." She turns back to her phone, ignoring Vil's groan and him slamming the cupboard shut.
"You know I can't. Not until I’m sure Neige is gone anyway…" He sighs, moving to sit beside her at the table, "Well, it's not healthy, but I guess I can afford to skip lunch…"
"..." She huffs, rolling her eyes and standing, "No skipping meals, Regina. How about you let me get you a cheat day snack and we can spend time watching terrible movies?"
Vil raised an eyebrow at her, a single black painted nail tapping at the table as he thought her offer over. Vil didn't take cheat days often, if ever. But…he was probably due for one. While he found her food to be disgustingly overseasoned, Yuu did make efforts to modify her favorites so he'd feel comfortable indulging himself. He clicks his tongue and stands from the table, "I suppose. Nothing too greasy dear, the stress of today is already doing a number on my skin. I'll go pick some movies out."
While Yuu was busy in the kitchen, Vil got to work kicking Grim off of his game system. The cat huffed and yowled, but quickly made his way to the kitchen to beg Yuu for a snack. Once Grim was gone, Vil got to work picking from Yuu's horrid movie choices.
Vil could't blame Yuu for not knowing anything when they first met. As the cover story went, before he spoke to them, Yuu was an extremely sheltered child who hadn't been allowed to interact with society. Their social disconnect and blank references to common knowledge only sold the lie. He remembers talking to Crewel, mildly worried of Yuu's home life and what kind of person would raise such a child.
But now he knew them better and didn't need to hold back his distaste for their movie tastes.
What he wasn't expecting was for them to drag him into these terrible movie-viewing sessions. They were at first just painful, having to sit and watch mid-tier actors do mediocre jobs. Sitting quietly as they flubbed lines or the crew barely performed their duties. 
But at their first viewing session, Vil took notice of Yuu's attitude. They were open on their negative opinions of the films, pointing out the same issues Vil found and even some he missed. Before he knew it, it'd become a biweekly event of picking a terrible movie, new or classic, and ripping it apart together. Sure people could call it 'mean', an A-list movie star tearing into indie films. But they were bad films. And he was free to say whatever he wanted in his private time.
He planned on staying the whole day, so he picked more movies than he'd normally allow for a single session. He hummed a song under his breath as he started to set the TV up, a melody he heard Epel mumbling under his breath over and over. The sound of popcorn popping just barely heard from the kitchen. Soon, Grim returned to the couch, making a point to push against him just to be an annoyance, Yuu following behind him with a tray. A bowl of popcorn with a pitcher and two glasses of juice.
They set the tray down on the coffee table, Vil catching a glimpse before they shut the lights off, “Potato! Why would you make this?”
Yuu sits beside him, also shoving their shoulder into his chest in a mock cuddling position, “Shut up, Mexican- I mean- Xochian popcorn is a perfect cheat day snack! Plus I only used like half the mayo and cheese. It’s basically flavorless, just how you like it.”
Vil glares, taking a single kernel before starting the first movie, “How you’ve survived this long on your diet both amazes and infuriates me.”
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Neige kept close to the walls of the dorm. There weren’t too many people walking around, almost all of them simply minding their own business. One even waved at him as they passed in the hallway. He had to pat himself on the back, his disguise was working perfectly!
His nervous walk had slowly turned into his normal skip, eyes roaming along the walls at the ornate architecture and glamorous frames of art. In his bliss, he nearly skips past what could only be the dorm’s lounge. A large seating room with multiple couches and duos of armchairs scattered on polished marble floors. Off in the corner sat an ebony grand piano overlooking the orchard of apple trees. He inhales deeply, the scent of apples and vanilla filling his lungs, with another deep breath, he can pick hints of other notes. Pinches of a flower he couldn’t name and some type of earthly produce. Neige wondered if the smell was something Vi had created or if the dorms naturally smelled this refined.
The lounge was empty, giving him the pleasure to walk and explore the place as he pleased. He took his time to inspect the couches, taking a photo now and again and wondering if he could purchase a matching loveseat for his side of his dorm room. Throw pillow in hand, he walks over to a pair of curtains, lifting them just to peek behind them. The silk pillow slips from his hands, stunned as he looks at a peacock-themed throne. Vi’s throne, the one he sat on. Neige bites his lip so hard he feared he would draw blood. Looking behind him and seeing no one, he stepped into the hidden cove where the throne sat, closing the curtains behind him and hiding from stray eyes.
He drops to his knees instantly, folding his arms under his cheek as he rests his head on the seat of the throne. It was so cozy…Smelling of fresh linens and a dash of lilacs. Nuzzling into the fabric, Neige lets his mind wander. The idea of being in the same school, the same dorm as his Vi, getting to kneel at his feet and rest his head on his lap. His nails dug into the cushion, breathing picking up as he imagined Vi petting his hair while he hummed to him.
After getting his fill, he stood up, phone raised to take a picture of the throne. A dozen photos later he was back in the dorm hallway, smiling at the growing album of photos he’d have for his digital dream board. He pauses in front of a series of photos lining the wall. He then realized it was the portraits of past house wardens, each of them hand-painted with a neutral, regal expression. Neige smiles, looking over each beautiful face. This dorm was made for Vi, a place where only the beautiful and talented could be allowed. Not only had his fellow actor been accepted but he had conquered. His steps picked up speed wanting to see if Vi had a portrait at the end of the hall.
No museum could compare to the masterpiece before him. The portrait of a younger Vi stared back at him, sitting at a 3/4th view sitting on a chair with his hands placed on his lap. His hair was pulled back, a simple updo with the ombre ends curled on top of his head. The crown Vil normally wore tastefully askew was placed on him properly, it looked so odd but still so perfectly Vi.
He looks down the hall, making sure a group of students had gone around the corner before he looks to the other side. Seeing the coast was clear, he quickly stepped closer to the portrait, leaning down and pressing his lips to the painting's hands, kissing at the smooth ivory fingers. Before he could stop himself his mouth opened, tongue peaking out to lick a quick strip against the surface. It didn’t have a taste past the hint of bitter, he wondered if Vi’s fingers tasted bitter. It would make sense, Vi worked a lot with potions and natural cosmetics, Neige would deal with the bitter taste if he could kiss Vi’s fingers for real…
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"Why are we doing this to ourselves?"
"How does he just forget the name of his sister?"
"Do you hate me? Is that why you've made me a part of this cursed ritual?"
" They haven't spoken for like only a year! How do you just completely forget your sibling like this!? Did they both sustain heavy brain damage!?"
"This is the industry I've dedicated my life to…"
They were only on their second movie, but both Vil and Yuu were ready to bash the TV as a form of self-defense. That or simply weep at how nonsensical the plot was. Vil couldn’t really believe half the movies he had been forced to watch were from the same studios he had worked with. It felt surreal for him to see ex-costars acting in what were possibly the worst films ever conceived. It scared him at times- was that his possible future? Going from box office hits to acting in direct-to-disk spoof movies? 
Though they joked about him being at least better than direct-to-disk, Yuu was firm on stating Vil wouldn’t ever star in a flop. His fanbase was too devout to him not to buy tickets, even if the movie looked bad. With his acting skills alone, he could at least make a flop into a cult classic.
(“I mean look at me. I love watching shitty movies. It’s even better when an A-List celebrity shows up in one. Like, it’s half the fun to figure out why they’re there than following what the plot is.”)
Vil groans at another scene, lying against the couch with his arm resting over his eyes, “By the sevens, they’re related!”
Yuu groans, snatching the bowl of popcorn from Grim, grabbing a handful before offering it to Vil, “This is genuinely annoying. Do you remember what the plot is?”
Sighing, Vil reaches for the pile of Disk boxes, grabbing their current movie before reading the summary. Mid-read he pauses, staring at the back of the box with a blank expression before he tosses it away, grabbing the remote from Yuu’s hands, “We’re starting over.”
Grim groans, having climbed over their laps to place his head firmly back into the popcorn bowl, “Why!? You guys don’t even like these movies!”
“Never thought I’d agree with Grim, but Vil this is painful I want this to end.”
Vil shushes her as he restarts the movie, “No, they’re not siblings; they’re childhood friends.”
“Wait, what?” Yuu looks between Vil and the screen in confusion, “No…We would have caught that! We would have caught that much of a scenario prompt!”
“Well clearly we didn’t, so now we’re restarting the movie with the proper context. Maybe it will actually save the film…”
Yuu groans, sinking into the couch, “This is somehow a new form of torture, I know it is…”
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He was going to be arrested one day, he knew it.
Neige rested his back against the closed door, eyes looking around the room with wide excited eyes. Vi’s room. He was inside Vi’s room. He could die right now and do so with bliss.
He couldn’t tell if he was sad by seeing the room was empty, or relieved he wouldn’t be questioned by his idol and holder of affection. He’s not sure what he would do or say in his disguise under Vi’s critical gaze. Neige feared he’d either crumble and spill the truth the second the blond lifted a perfectly shaped brow, or he’d keep his identity hidden and simply tell Vil everything.
That would absolutely get him arrested though.
But Vi wasn’t in his room, no one but Neige was there to stand and exist in the space. Arms moving to hug his body, trying to hold in the happy bubbles of laughter as his eyes roam around the room. Soon he gathers the courage and pushes off the door to explore. Everything was meticulous, a place for everything and everything in its place. The only oddity was the haphazard way the bed was made. His fingers twitched, wanting to properly make and tuck the covers, he could even fluff Vi’s pillows!
Sighing sadly, he decides against it. No need to make Vi worried about someone weird being in his room without his knowledge…
Instead, he walks around, stopping at the vanity, and allowing himself a single spray of a perfume bottle’s bulb. Fingers ghosting over the color-coded lipsticks in their custom-made container, fighting the urge to use one…Vi wouldn’t notice, right? No…No, he couldn’t. Vi cared so much about his makeup, Neige couldn’t mess with something so precious to his idol.
He walks over to the bright red exercise ball, a smile on his face as he entertains the idea of bouncing on it for a few minutes. Instead, his eyes catch a semi-hidden hamper tucked into the corner. Was…oh by the seven. Was that Vi’s dirty clothes hamper?
Neige stood frozen, nails picking at his cuticles and threatening to break the skin (Don’t bleed here, do NOT bleed here). He looks from the corner of his eye, a bead of sweat threatening to slide down his face. The door was closed, he was all alone in the room with no way of telling when Vi would come back. He bites his lip, stepping closer to the basket as a smile breaks across his reddening face. He could…just for a little while…
Before he knew what came over himself, Neige had his head buried in the hamper, inhaling deep with gasping breaths. Hands braced so tightly on the edges he feared he’d actually break the material under his grip. He pulls his head out, tilting it back with a wide smile on his face as he pants, a manic laugh bubbles out of his lips.
Neige freezes, eyes dropping back to the hamper in fear he actually snapped something. The sound happens again, from the door-
He nearly falls from how fast he turned, looking to the open door to see a boy with soft purple hair standing there. He had a nonchalant look on his face, one hand inside an oversized black hoodie with the words ‘TRACK’ printed across the front and the other holding a bright red apple with a few bites taken out of it. Blue eyes met blue and Neige had the brains to try to start an apology. Something to gain enough goodwill to explain…what he was doing, “U-um-” Oh sevens, Neige knew this boy. This was one of Vi’s friends from the VDC! He’d tell!
Epel just shakes his head slowly, his hand reaching out of his hoodie to grab the door handle, “Don’t even wanna know... Whatever the two of y’all are doing, just keep the damn door closed.”
And like that, he was gone. The door closed behind him and it was almost possible to imagine he was never even there. Neige let out a heavy sigh and felt his entire body relax, Epel didn’t seem to recognize him. He was also painfully uncaring of seeing who could only be a stranger in his dorm leader’s room huffing his dirty laundry. Well at least he left…the two…
His heart rate picks up again once he realized what Epel had said. He only needed to turn his head in a quarter turn before he saw who else Epel was talking about. There on the bed, like he was always meant to be there, was Rook Hunt. He sat on the messily made bed in a dull purple and grey plaid flannel, dark grey pants with a strap around one thigh, and mud-stained boots. Short locks managed to be pulled into a small, tight ponytail. One hand resting against his propped-up arm and the other holding an arrow delicately, a bow slung over his shoulder. Neige couldn’t even shake, he felt his blood freeze as he looked in bright green eyes.
Rook tilts his head as he taps the arrow against his crossed leg, “Don’t mind me Roi de Neige. You’ve truly been a lovely hunt for me all day~.”
For a split second, Neige let his eyes dart to the closed door then to the window before snapping back to Rook, “I-I was just-!”
“Shhhh.” Rook stands from the bed, walking closer and Neige realizes with terror the strap around his thigh was holding a knife. The blonde leans down to softly tap the tip of the arrow to Neige’s nose, “Run.”
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It was dark when Vil woke up, humming at feeling a heavy hand shaking his shoulder lightly. Blinking awake he sees Rook standing over him with a calm smile, his ponytail just barely contained by an elastic band, “Mon roi, It’s getting late. We should get you some dinner and then a proper bed.”
Vil sits up, stretching his arms and looking around the room. Next to him was Yuu, slumped against his side and sleeping peacefully, the bowl of popcorn knocked to the ground with a few kernels on the carpet. He clicked his tongue softly, did he have time to clean that up?
Rook didn’t give him the chance to choose, pulling him from the couch and steadying his still sleepy body easily. Once Vil was stable, Rook moved to place Yuu into a more comfortable position. Vil stifles a yawn, grabbing the blanket from the back of the couch and resting it over them. He smoothes down their hair, smiling when Rook puts an also sleeping Grim closer to the prefect, both softly cooing seeing the first year instantly grip the cat monster closer.
“Alright, back to the dorm, Rook.”
Vil barely hisses a ‘shh’ before shoving Rook into the hallway, slipping out after locking the front door behind them. Walking back, Vil huffs and runs his hands through his hair, pulling it free from his ponytail, “So…Did you have a nice day?” He really hoped he didn’t.
“Oui! It was so wonderful. I got to shadow mon Roi de Neige all day! Such a thrilling hunt to remain outside of his eyes until I chose to pounce. It’s why I was so late retrieving you mon Roi”
Son of a- “Great, so happy your day was so fun Rook-”
Vil stumbles, feeling Rook suddenly pressed right against him with an arm wrapping around his waist. A teasing smile on his lips as a hand reaches up to tug at an edge of the yellow hoodie he was wearing.
“It has only become more magnifique seeing you’re fond of my old Savanaclaw hoodie mon chou~. I had always feared you simply threw it out! But to know you kept and made it your own has filled me with such joy!”
“...” Vil sighs, looking away from Rook, ignoring the laugh he lets out, no doubt seeing the soft blush on his cheeks, “It was all I had on short notice…”
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michelletsw · 2 years ago
Cute thoughts
Romantic/crush writings not in a relationship
Gn reader (I don't have favoritism shush/j)
What if,
Grim got upset one night since you bought the wrong brand of tuna so he locked you out unable to get back inside, the ghosts finding it funny so the goof around helping grim leaving you locked outside for the night.
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You sneak inside and get in his room quietly you see he has extra blankets on his bed and his blankets on the floor with a futon he's siting on his floor playing on his phone already in his pjs "why's your stuff on the ground?" Asking genuinely confused "just shut up and take the bed" he plugs in his phone and sets up where he'll be sleeping. "Your sleeping in your uniform?" He asks confused "I wasn't planing on it but I couldn't change before grim started throwing a fit" ace stands up and walk to his dresser he throws a shirt and sweat pants at you then lays down on the futon "bathrooms right there" you change and come back seeing the lights turned off and him falling asleep you lay down on the bed "thank you" you hear a sigh from him "don't mention it.." you fall asleep and his bed is way more comfortable then the one in ramshackle, that was the best you slept in awhile.
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Quietly and carefully you sneak inside and make your way to deuces room slipping in "what sleeping arrangements did you want to do?" You can see a soft pink on his cheek as he talks but trys to play it cool. Sitting on the ground he rolls out a futon "oh, ill take the futon it's your room after all" he looks at you confused "you sure I don't mind plus you had to deal with all this in the first place." He stands up already in his pjs and grabs the extra blankets for the closet "it's your room after all and you answered my distress call" laughing slightly from the situation. He places the extra blankets on the futon "I guess you wouldn't have pjs huh.." still in your uniform you sigh "no not really" fixing up the sheets as you talk, deuce goes to his dresser and opens the drawer and grabs one of his shirts and sweatpants "you can barrow these if you'd like" he seems a little embarrassed from the idea but still offers, you take them and go change in the bathroom once your done he's laying down on the futon asleep with his blankets and the extras on his bed for you, you lay down and get comfortable "thank you" he doesn't answer but it's still a sweet gesture.
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One of the seven must be looking out for you since you got in through the window and into his room safe and didn't get caught. you see a futon on the ground next to his bed thats neatly made "you don't have pjs?" He sighs "I don't know if my clothes will fit you.." he's quieter with the second sentence, you sigh and start to ramble about grim but eventually get back to what your wearing "these are fine" you take off the jacket outerwear and are left with the simple white button up and your bottoms, "thank you for doing this really sleeping outsidewith nothing dosent seem that "fun"" you say trying to lighten the night some, while taking off your shoes "it's whatever just be quite so we don't get caught im surprisedwe didnt already but, the bathrooms over there" he lays down and trys to sleep, so you do the same the futon is still surprisingly more comfortable then the bed at ramshackle.. which seems a little unfair but atleast you have this now.
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chunkymamatam · 8 months ago
hello good day i hope you dont mind me asking but can you tell me some stories about ace and deuce? i am trying to shift to twst and need some motivation :) but only if you want to i dont want to bother you or anything
Sure! Remember this is an actual college and everyone is of adult age in my DR
Another disclaimer the main story happens so fucking fast and in quick succession that most of these are just from that.
Let me tell you about the first time I met Ace first cuz this bitch tried to pull that bs that he did in the game where he was like “being nice” but he was actually being a dick.
I’m just trying to do my job(I actually like cleaning) and get a handle on Grim’s ridiculous ass and this man starts explaining the 7 and I’m like “nah I know who they are. They’re a little different where I come from” I explain their villainy and I had this man fighting for his life defending the seven it was hilarious. I had Grim by the scruff so he didn’t run but then ace started disrespecting my boy and calling him a weasel and at that point I was like “fuck you” and let Grim have at him. I said no fire and this damn cat throws fire at him anyway. Smh burnt the statue then Crowley’s bitch ass comes in
“Control your familiar” HES NOT MY FAMILIAR HOE
Then he wanted to ask what happened, I explained, Ace called me a narc I called him a dumb bitch and let him know that this wouldn’t have happened if he had just idk controlled himself and not have tried to bully me. I don’t fuck with bullies like that and I’ll beat your ass. Nah the way this man was side eyeing tf out of me everytime he caught sight of me is CRAZY LMFAO classes end and this man tries to ditch his punishment then Grim runs off to try and ditch our job after we find Ace. I can’t fucking stand penis havers I stg because wtf was that bro.
Then this bitch tries to get a bribe out of me BITCH IF YOU DONT HELP ME CATCH HIM WELL BOTH BE KICKED OUT .
After I said that all of a sudden he wanted to move. That’s right bitch. Haul ass NYOW. Nah and then Ace slams right into Deuce and one thing led to another and now the chandler is shattered. This mf and his god damn cauldrons. Crowley comes, threatens us they beg for their spot and I’m prepping to remind him that I’m going to the proper authorities and telling them he snatched me tf up out another universe and he’s like “well get the magestone and you can stay.”
I hate him so much. Nah and the whole way to the cave was just ugly looks and silence you could cut with a knife. Then when we get there and get in the cave Deuce was bitching Ace out and tried to drag me into it so I chimed in that I was just trying to do my job and Ace started being a cunt. Deuce looked so pissed and shrieked at him that
Lmfao then the monster comes and we run. We ended up using the same plan as the one from the game and we were so giddy on the way back. Nothing like killing an overblot creature and stealing its shiny magic rock to bring a group together right? lol
We show it to Crowley get dismissed back to our dorms and I get woken up by a knock on my door. Who is it other than Ace. Now I knew this would happen and he’d show up but I was still annoyed.
My PJs consist of underwear and the hoodie I got there in when he shows up. Now this is important cuz that’s what I was wearing when I answered the door cuz I wasn’t expecting him to just barge his big ass through the door before I even told him he could. He explained ever that happened with Riddle and I told him he was stupid cuz who tf eats someone else’s food in the dorm before asking bro. Fucking moron. He has this adorable ass pout I just wanna boop him sometimes lol nah but I let him stay.
Tell me why this slut really looked me up and down, smirks and said “wow, you sure got comfortable, we sharing a bed?”
Bro I was disgusted I said “and that’s why you’re sleeping on the couch.” Threw him a blanket and pillow and took my ass back to bed lmfaooo.
During the Halloween stuff those two kept trying to scare me lol it was really funny tbh. I’m not at all difficult to scare but if I hear you coming or I know you’re trying to to scare me it just doesn’t work and they talk a LOT and are loud lol.
Deuce comes to me if he needs some help with his classes but only occasionally unfortunately.
I also had to have the “not all eggs turn into chickens” conversation with him and I think he’s still confused. He’s stupid but I still love him 😭
Alright that’s all I got for now. There’s more but I’m tired. I just got home from a funeral. Love y’all just ask if you want more 💖
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years ago
Beach day with the bitey child!Yuu's biteynes
Warning(s): Not edited, maybe a lil rushed
A/N: I wrote this by conjuring all the summer/spring brake eps from those low-quality anime eps on youtube that were so small in the corner of the vid lol. also that watermelon thing did happen to me once, i could not keep anything down for like a day cause of that.
Requested by anon
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
As we know, NRC is on an island so it would be very easy to have a beach day
but it was still quite interesting,,,
It was so hot that day, everyone could feel themselves melting
well most ppl
some like most Scarabia and most Savanaclaw students were fine cause of where their dorms were.
Yuu was sitting right in front of a cheap desk fan with an oversized tank top that was recently given to them for the hot summer season and pj shorts
Grim was sitting in their lap, cursing his cute fluffy thick fur.
It was all peaceful for a short while
but then Floyd came bursting through the front door and just grabbed the two small beings and ran back out the door sreaming
"Floyd, we have to make sure Yuu had a swimsuit."
Floyd groaned at his brother's reminder and the two walked back inside and into their room, Floyd plopped the two down on the bed and began looking in the doors.
"What the heck in happening!??!?!" Grim shouted at the twins
"Ah, we're having a beach day, didn't you hear Floyd?"
Before any more questions could be asked, Floyd exclaimed in excitement that he had found the swimsuit Yuu had gotten from Kalim
then the twins took Yuu and Grim all the way across Sage Island to a nice beach a little ways away from RSA
when they got there, Azul was already waiting with Kalim and Jamil and a feast
Azul told Jamil abt the lil outing while in Kalims ear shot and he insisted on them coming and having a party
Without even giving them a chance to do a damn thing, Floyd dove into the water with Yuu in his arms Grim was able to squirm out to get to the food
Yuu instantly started panicking, cause ya know
cant swim
but luck for them Jade came to the rescue with arm floaties and a donut floatie for Yuu to sit in
but after that it was a lovely day
some other ppl came and swam with them
mostly the Adeuce duo and the tweels.
After a long time of swimming, Jamil called them all in to have lunch
Yuu ate almost a while watermelon in a contest with Grim, which didn't end well
Yuu threw up-
Jamil, Riddle and Trey refused to let them back into the water after that
and Grim got in trouble
so for the rest of the day Yuu played on the beach with the first years, sunbathed with Vil, napped with Leona, and collected shelled and cool rocks with Epel, Deuce, Ruggie, and Malleus and sometimes Lilia
At the end of the day little Yuu passed out while watching the sunset and was carried home by Riddle and Trey who insisted on taking Yuu and Grim home
They tucked them both into bed and stayed the night on the sofa to make sure everything was alright
like responsible the parents they are.
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quinnwas · 8 months ago
"No.. I'm not falling asleep!"
Tumblr media
Fan event by @gl00myb3arz
Voice lines below!
Set to Home - This pillow is so comfortable.. I wonder if anyone will notice if I steal it for the night..?
Home Idle 1 - Grim! Stop eating all the snacks! I've barely put them down you little.. *sigh*
Home Idle 2 - Am I scared of the dark? Psshh.. no. What? Don't turn off the light though!
Home Idle 3 - I'm surprised Idia even showed up, though I'm pretty sure Ortho dragged him here hah!
Home Idle Login - I'm just.. gonna close my eyes for a little.
Home Tap 1 - Hm? You want a hair clip, I got plenty! I got a bunch of colors too, take your pick!
Home Tap 2 - Ace and Deuce can't get over what card game to play.. I'm pretty sure they're just arguing for fun at this point!
Home Tap 3 - Is it just me or does Azul look surprisingly cute in his pjs?
Home Tap 4 - I'm so sleepy.. but I don't wanna fall asleep.. Ace's gonna pull one on me if I do, I know it!
Home Tap 5 - I'm not a fan of scary movies.. but if you want to we can watch one! Just don't complain when I get spooked!
Groovy - Locked!
I've never made these card things before, so this was good practice! Also if you saw the version I posted before no you didn't LMAO
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sweetbunpura · 27 days ago
Expectations: Ace and Roxy arguing nonstop
Reality: Ace and Roxy napping together in matching pink PJs
Deuce and the other roommates are suffering.
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