#pirate sirius
lulublack90 · 2 days
Prompt 29 - Blooming
@wolfstarmicrofic June 29, word count 761
Previous part First part
Sirius looked amazing. His resemblance to Jack Sparrow was uncanny. The thick eyeliner he’d put on made his eyes pop in a way Remus hadn’t known was possible. He wished they could just stay in the cabin so he could admire him in peace.
Sirius had helped him into his cowboy costume. He looked alright but he paled beside Sirius. Sirius seemed to like it though, because he couldn't stop touching him. 
“Damn Sev, you don’t half clean up well,” Sirius whistled as Snape emerged from the bathroom. He glowered at Sirius. “No, I mean it. You look amazing,” Sirius smiled a genuine smile. 
“Ahem,” James cleared his throat and flicked his wig's hair, making it fan out for a second before settling back down. He’d gotten his Snape outfit down to a T, but they were unsure how Snape would take it. Snape stood frozen to the spot, staring at James. He snorted and started laughing madly. 
“Oh my gods, Potter.” He gasped as he wiped the tears away that were leaking from his eyes. He walked around James, taking him in. “I think I may have a plan for a prank forming, if you’re up for it?” Snape said to them, biting his lip. 
“What do you have in mind?” James grinned, a perfect mimic of Snape’s smile, mischief dancing in his eyes. 
The dance brought together the boys and the girls camps. The girl’s camp was a couple of miles down the road and every year they came over for the annual dance. 
The main hall had been decked out with balloons and streamers, cheesy music was playing over the speakers, bringing it all together. Remus had never been to a dance, but at least he had Sirius and the others. He’d never have come if he’d been on his own. 
“Right, are we ready for operation doppelsnaper?” James clapped his hands together in anticipation. “Everybody knows their parts?” They all nodded in unison. “Alrighty then places everyone.” Peter took off for the door, waiting to alert them to Lily’s arrival, while James stood with his back to the door and Snape hid behind Remus and Sirius, stood to James’s right. 
A few minutes later, Peter signalled that Lily was entering the hall. 
“She’s here,” Sirius hissed at James. James gave a small nod and adopted a sullen posture.  
Snape kept his head low, as he peeked between their arms, watching Lily approach James from behind. 
“Sev, I thought you were getting dressed up?” She tapped James on the shoulder. He spun around and Lily screamed. 
“Hi, Evans,” He beamed at her. “Lovely to see you as always.” He bowed graciously to her. She shoved him in the chest. 
“What the fuck Potter? Why are you dressed like Severus? Isn’t it enough that you pick on him without this as well?” Lily was tiny, but apparently very strong. 
“Er, Sev, do you maybe wanna…?” Sirius trailed off. 
“Oh, no, this is going to be hilarious.” Snape chuckled darkly from behind them. 
“Severus,” Remus pleaded. 
“Oh, alright. When did you guys get so boring? Lily!” He called out to her, pushing through Remus and Sirius.
“Twat,” Sirius chuckled at Snape’s back. Snape shot two fingers up at him over his shoulder as he went to save James from the irate redhead. “Blooming mental that one,” Sirius said, tilting his head at Lily. “Very protective of her friends and she totally hates James.” Before Sirius could say any more, the opening vocals to Cotton Eye Joe blasted out of the speakers. 
“Yes, Remus, this is what your costume was made for.” Sirius smiled a face-spitting grin and dragged Remus to where the other dancers were dancing. “Dance cowboy,” Sirius demanded, letting his hands fall to Remus’s hips and dance along to the fast beat.
As the night progressed, slower songs played and Remus spent a very pleasant time with his head leaning on Sirius’s shoulder as they gently swayed to the music. 
“I wish this wouldn’t end,” He said quietly, so only Sirius could hear him. 
“Me too, sweetheart. But this is only the beginning. I meant it when I said this was more than a camp fling. I refuse to give you up Remus Lupin. You’re mine now and I intend to keep you,” Remus felt the love in those words. He lifted his head from Sirius’s shoulder and captured his lips, pouring everything he had into that kiss, telling Sirius how he felt as they moved around the dance floor with eyes for no one but each other. 
Final part
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orchideous-nox · 9 months
I need to learn how to chill when it comes to writing because I wrote 7.2k words in the last 24 hours and like half of that is just nsfw wolfstar
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burningaurora · 10 months
[Podfic - TTS] The Adventures of Captain Sirius Black and His Most Excellent Dragon Padfoot by @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur
Cover art by: @weighty-ghosts
Multi-Chapter | Length: 3:49:06 | Rating: E
Captain Sirius Black had long prided himself on outrunning (or, considering his career as a Privateer, out-sailing) any commitments whatsoever beyond following the call for adventure. It was then, perhaps, one of Fate’s greatest jokes that he was about to be irrevocably selected as lifetime companion by the most loyal and stubborn of beings, and one who was also absolutely guaranteed to outlive him. This is the story of how Sirius Black adopted a dragon named Padfoot. Or, perhaps more accurately, this is the story of how a dragon named Padfoot adopted one Sirius Black. It is also the story of how Captain Sirius Black met and fell hopelessly in love with one Lieutenant Remus Lupin, long-time dragon aviator fighting in the Napoleonic Wars, and, because Fate really does love irony, the only man on British soil less partial to commitment than himself. But that part comes later. First, we must turn our eyes to the bustling ports of Istanbul, where one frantic James Potter and his placid dragon, Prongs, are either swearing voraciously (James), or calling attention to particularly interesting cloud formations (Prongs), as they have just missed their boat…
Listen on: Streaming | AO3
Special thanks to @wolffrankx for suggesting this fic and @weighty-ghosts for allowing me to use her art for the cover!
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ifyoucandaniel · 1 year
so. i’m working on my first digital art piece and it’s obviously james and sirius as pirates bc i have brainrot but holy fucking shit who was gonna tell me digital art is so hard. like i know i’m not the best artist as a whole, but with watercolor you just…. do the sketch…. and paint it. on procreate you gotta like,,,, draw the sketch, draw another sketch over that sketch, turn down the opacity, draw ANOTHER sketch and then somehow figure out all the buttons and shit and then you gotta color it in but not too plain or it looks flat and boring but how the fuck do you make it look NOT flat💀 anyways,,,,,, struggling but ! pirate sirius sooooo
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cndarts · 1 year
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captain lupin got in trouble
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bebyebeeh · 6 months
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oh man these princes are so cute I sure hope they don't get kidnapped by pirates!!
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artbyace · 8 months
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lesbian pirate remus x mermaid sirius <3
so late to this trend but i mean… look at them ..
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sophsicle · 3 months
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Of His Bones, Chapter 15
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apoetsworld · 1 year
James: i-i have the chance to do the right thing reg
Regulus: Oh i love those moments!
James: really?
Regulus: yes i love to wave at them as they pass by
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lumosinlove · 1 year
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Pirate (And shipwrecked) Sirius
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lulublack90 · 19 days
Prompt 12 - Roar
@wolfstarmicrofic June 12, word count 615
Previous part First part
“Come on Gryffindor’s row!” Sirius ordered as he thrust his own oar out in front of himself, brandishing it like a sword. The Slytherin team looked up too late. James, Remus and Peter rammed the other team’s raft, knocking them all into the water. Sirius nimbly hopped across with James following close behind and started rowing it away from the Slytherin's reach. Remus and Peter moved their raft as fast as they could after them. Remus was thoroughly enjoying himself. He’d never played pirates as a child and this seemed an excellent way to have that chance. It was what his dad had wanted, after all, he reasoned, as he rowed just that little bit harder. 
They stopped in the middle of the lake. James quickly lashed the rafts together and turned them into one. 
Sirius let out a roar like a lion as he held his oar above his head. James joined in on the next one, raising his oar above his head as well. Peter joined them on the third roar and Remus, not wanting to be left out, roared on their final roar. Feeling the rush of excitement from their successful commandeering.  
“BLACK, POTTER, PETTIGREW AND LUPIN! RETURN IMMEDIATELY!” Minerva McGonagall’s voice boomed across the water. She’d gotten a megaphone from somewhere. She lowered it and crooked a finger at them, beckoning them back. 
“Don’t know why she’s using that thing,” Sirius muttered as they dipped their oars into the water. “She’s shouted at me louder than that without its aid.” James snickered and set the others off, so by the time they’d steered their oversized raft to the shore they were all struggling to keep their faces straight.
“Chores,” Was all she said before she stormed off. The four looked at each other, silently debating if she meant for them to follow them. She turned back and glowered at them. Yep, they were meant to follow her. 
“Never in all my years of working here have I had a group of boys quite as troublesome as yourselves. Knocking other campers into the lake and stealing their raft! What were you thinking?!”
“I believe the correct term is pirating their raft.” Sirius chimed in helpfully. Oddly enough, McGonagall didn’t find it very helpful. 
“Mr Black,” Her sick sweet smile made Remus nervous, and it wasn’t even aimed at him. “You will be cleaning the toilets every day until your stay here is over, as well as,” She raised her voice slightly when he started to protest. “As well as, weeding, painting, putting away equipment we have used that day, helping Ms Pince in the library, mopping the main hall, and collecting dirty washing from the cabins.” She turned to look at Remus and the others. “You will all be helping Mr Black with these chores. I will also be writing to all your parents,” She dismissed them, telling them they’d be painting the border fences tomorrow instead of going on the nature trail Mr Flitwick had planned.
“Sorry,” Sirius whispered in Remus's ear as they crossed the campsite to their cabin. 
“For what? That was thrilling,” Remus grinned at him and leaned in conspiratorially. “I’ve never done anything like that before. Today I was a pirate. I’ll gladly do whatever she wants because I got to be a pirate,” Sirius chuckled at his excitement. 
“Well, at least we’ve still got our dibs cards. She forgot to take them off us. I say we use them to get extra pudding tonight before she remembers. You know, make the most of them.” Sirius grabbed his hand and Remus could almost taste the big slabs of chocolate cake he knew were for pudding that night. 
Next part
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orchideous-nox · 6 months
5k hits!!!
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This is so exciting!!!! Can't believe my Wolfstar Pirate AU has reached 5k hits!!
This fic was such a pleasure to write (even if its not a pleasure for people to read, very sorry to those who cried) and will always be one of my favourites. I really miss this little crew of misfits!
If you haven't already, you can read it here!
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sorenphelps · 9 months
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pirate AU! wolfstar featuring the OFMD depression robe, except this time it’s only fluff
more pirate AU stuff: x x x x
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ifyoucandaniel · 1 year
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Take a look at my boyfriend, he’s the only one I got…🎵🎶🦋
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ddanthedumbass · 7 months
Jegulus pirate au >///<
Sirius: I know your angry but-
Regulus: I'm not angry I'm just mildly upset.
Sirius: you just set fire to James' ship and watched it burn.
Regulus: since he's a pirate I doubt it was his ship to begin with!
Regulus: he probably stole it the same way he stole my heart and he didn't fucking deserve it!
Sirius: the ship, or your heart?
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sunflowerabyss · 6 months
bestie i think pirate!remus would genuinely end me in the best way possible. like maybe a reader is disguised as a dude and is working on his ship OR they take the reader captive and remus is like love at first sight type thing?
up to you i love ur writing!!!
Seas of Redemption
Pairings: Pirate!Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader
A/N: Oh em gee! I had so much fun writing this! Thank you so much for this awesome prompt! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Honestly I would be so down to write more pirate!Remus. (Anyway, this can be read as either older or younger Remus Lupin
Warnings: mentions of death, angst, fluff
The salty breeze carried the scent of the sea as you sailed back to your coastal home, the ship cutting through the waves with a rhythmic dance. Weeks away had been spent gathering supplies for the impending winter, and anticipation filled your chest like the billowing sails above. The distant sight of your humble abode on the shoreline brought a surge of warmth to your heart, eager to reunite with your family after the long and arduous journey.
However, the moment you stepped over the threshold of your home, the air grew heavy with an unspoken darkness. What should have been a joyous homecoming transformed into a nightmare as your eyes fell upon the gruesome scene before you. The familiar rooms, once filled with the laughter and love of your family, were now stained with tragedy. Your entire family lay slaughtered, lifeless bodies scattered like discarded memories—a devastating tableau that crushed your heart with a grief beyond words.
"Mother? Father?" you called out, your voice trembling with a mixture of disbelief and anguish. The silence that greeted you in response was haunting, each step through the home echoing with the weight of loss. Sobbing, you navigated through the rooms, discovering each lifeless form with a growing sense of horror. The vibrant tapestry of your family had been torn apart, leaving behind a desolate canvas of despair.
Stumbling out of your home, the salty sea breeze that had once felt invigorating now carried the bitter taste of sorrow. Seeking comfort and possibly an explanation, you found yourself at the doorsteps of your neighbor, Peter Pettigrew. Despite his oddities, he had always been kind, a familiar presence in the close-knit community. As you stood on his doorstep, tears streaming down your face, he met your gaze with a somber expression.
"I saw them, lass. Captain Remus and his crew," Peter confessed, the weight of the revelation evident in his tired eyes. "Said your father owed them money, and he never paid up." The words hit you like a cannonball, an explosion of anger and betrayal surging through your veins. The truth of the matter unfolded before you, and amidst the grief, a flame of vengeance ignited.
"You're telling me they killed my family over money?" you exclaimed, tears streaming down your face. Peter said nothing, eyes casting down to the floorboards of his home.
"Thank you, Peter," you whispered, your voice choked with both gratitude and determination. With a heavy heart, you turned away. Peter, however, called your name. You turned to look at him.
"I would lay low for a while. Remus he--he always comes back." You nodded once, walking out of his home.
Heedful of Peter's caution, you moved swiftly, a sense of urgency propelling each step. The weight of grief and the looming threat of Captain Remus's return hung heavy over your shoulders. Gathering the essentials became a solemn task, and gratitude filled your heart for your past self's foresight in stashing away money earned from odd jobs. It was a providential reserve that now fueled your escape, a lifeline in the unpredictable sea of danger that awaited.
As you entered your older brother's room, a solemn reverence enveloped you. The clothes you shed were not just garments; they were a symbolic shedding of the past, a poignant farewell to the life you once knew. Donning your brother's attire and severing your long locks with a decisive cut, you emerged transformed. An alias was born—Sterling. The reflection in the mirror seemed a stranger, a persona crafted out of necessity, veiling the woman beneath with the guise of a man.
Months unfolded like a blur as you navigated towns, existing on the fringe of society, always on the lookout for the shadow of Captain Remus and his relentless pursuit. The edges of existence became your refuge, and the nights were spent in silent contemplation beneath the canopy of stars. Each step taken with caution, each interaction tinged with the awareness of the danger that lurked in the shadows.
The coastal breeze whispered through the narrow alleyways of the town as you cautiously moved through the shadows, avoiding any unwanted attention. The flickering lanterns cast elongated shadows, creating a blanket of darkness and light in the quiet streets. Each step felt like an echo of your past life, now obscured by the cloak of Sterling.
In a dimly lit inn, you overheard snippets of conversation—rumors of Captain Remus's relentless pursuit and the escalating tensions among his crew. The news of his impending return spurred you into swift action, gathering your belongings and slipping away under the cover of night.
Fate, unpredictable as the sea, guided you through various towns, living on the fringes of society. The alias Sterling became your shield, a persona that allowed you to fade into the background. Each day brought a blend of anonymity and fear, and each night, the stars bore witness to your silent struggles and determination.
Months later, as you traversed a bustling town square, the collision with Captain Remus was both unexpected and inevitable. The impact sent a jolt through your disguised frame, and you steadied yourself before meeting his gaze. Taking a good look at the man who had wrought havoc upon your life, you couldn't help but despise the handsome features that masked the darkness within. Scars etched on his face told tales of battles, and his bright eyes, oblivious to the pain he had caused, glistened in the sunlight. Remus, his eyes sharp and piercing, regarded you with an air of indifference.
"Watch where you're going, lad," Remus chided, though his eyes lingered on you with curiosity. In your best "manly" voice, you grumbled an apology, attempting to divert attention from the woman beneath the façade of Sterling.
"What's your name?" he asked, nonchalantly.
"Sterling," you replied, your voice gruff, feigning indifference. Remus, seemingly unfazed, observed you for a moment before making an unexpected proposition.
"Say, Sterling, I'm looking for some help on my ship. I'll compensate. Won't be much, but you'll also have a place to stay and three meals a day."
The offer hung in the air, a precarious bridge leading into the heart of the storm. In that moment, the seed of your plan sprouted—a plan to gain trust, manipulate alliances, and exact revenge. "I could use the work," you grunted, accepting the proposition. Little did Remus know, beneath the guise of Sterling, a storm of vengeance brewed—a storm that would either consume you or reshape the destiny of those on the ship.
Accepting Remus's offer, you found yourself aboard his ship, an inconspicuous addition to the crew as Sterling. The wooden planks beneath your feet groaned in protest as the ship sliced through the moonlit waves, leaving a trail of phosphorescent ripples in its wake. The scent of salt and sea permeated the air, a constant reminder of the unpredictable journey that lay ahead.
Guided by Remus, you were shown to a drabby little room nestled at the bottom of the ship. Despite its humble appearance, he assured you of some privacy. "It's not much, I'm afraid, but it'll serve you well," he remarked before leaving you to settle in. As the door closed behind him, the dim light revealed a cramped space adorned with a simple bunk and a small porthole, offering a glimpse of the vast expanse beyond.
Alone in the confines of your quarters, you took a moment to breathe, your thoughts shrouded in the darkness of your hidden purpose. It was time to set the plan in motion, to weave the threads of manipulation and revenge that would ultimately lead to justice for your slaughtered family.
In the ensuing months on the ship, you observed Remus's multifaceted nature. His generosity extended not only to his crew but also to those they encountered on their seafaring exploits. Yet, beneath the veneer of kindness lurked a vengeful edge—a side of him that demanded retribution for debts owed and promises unkept. He was a complex and formidable man, earning the respect and fear of those who sailed under his flag.
However, in the disarray of piracy, a stark contrast emerged. While Remus ensured he received his due payment through various means, you noticed a peculiar absence—an absence of bloodshed in settling scores. Despite the ruthlessness attributed to pirates, you had yet to witness Remus taking a life, especially someone who owed him something. The dissonance between Peter's words and the reality unfolding before you sowed seeds of doubt, and questions began to fester in the recesses of your mind.
As the ship sailed through uncharted waters and treacherous tides, you grappled with the enigma that was Captain Remus Lupin. The dichotomy of his actions left you torn between the loyalty you had sworn to your family and the complexities of the man whose trust you sought to gain. The journey ahead, like the rolling waves beneath the ship, remained unpredictable, each passing day unveiling layers of truth and deception in the heart of piracy.
Despite your hesitance, you found yourself carrying out your plan. The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the ship's deck. The gentle creaking of the ship and the distant sound of waves provided a haunting backdrop as James Potter stood alone, lost in contemplation. You approached him, your footsteps muffled by the rhythm of the ocean.
With a sly smile playing on your lips, you interrupted the solitude that enveloped him. "James," you called softly, drawing his attention away from the vast expanse of the sea. His hazel eyes met yours, and you could see the glimmer of uncertainty within.
"Ever notice how Remus seems to lean towards Sirius in critical decisions?" you ventured, your tone a conspiratorial whisper that hung in the night air. "It's almost as if he trusts him more, values his judgment over yours."
James furrowed his brows, a subtle crease forming on his forehead. The words lingered in the air, planting a seed of doubt in his mind. "You think so?" he responded, his voice carrying a touch of uncertainty. It was a vulnerability that you seized upon, recognizing the opportunity to sow discontent.
Leaning closer, you continued, your words carefully chosen to accentuate James's growing feelings of inadequacy. "Remember the last mission? When Sirius suggested that risky maneuver, and Remus went along with it without questioning? It's like he has blind faith in Sirius's decisions, doesn't he?"
James's eyes darted away for a moment, memories of that particular mission playing in his mind. Doubt crept into his expression, a shadow of insecurity casting itself over his features. "I never really thought about it that way," he admitted, his voice laced with a hint of concern. With a gentle pat on his shoulder, you left James standing there, his thoughts swirling like the restless waves beneath the ship.
As the sun started to rise above the horizon, it casted a warm glow across the ship's deck, you found yourself stealing glances at Captain Remus. The way his attire clung to his every contour, the play of shadows on the weathered fabric—it was impossible not to appreciate the rugged allure he exuded. The ship's gentle sway seemed to accentuate the lines of his physique, and the golden hues of the fading sunlight danced in his tousled hair.
Unconsciously, your gaze lingered on the details—the intricate stitching on his well-worn coat, the glimpse of the compass tattoo peeking through the open neckline of his linen shirt. The sheathed cutlass at his side seemed like a part of him, a silent companion in his many adventures. A sense of admiration welled up within you, an involuntary response to the charisma that surrounded the Captain.
It was then that a sudden realization struck, jolting you out of your unintentional reverie. You weren't supposed to be captivated by Remus's rugged charm; you were Sterling, the alias you had crafted to infiltrate his crew and seek revenge. Reminding yourself of the bigger picture, of the vendetta that fueled your every move, became a struggle against the distracting pull of Remus's magnetic presence.
The longer you spent on the ship, the more challenging it became to maintain focus on your plan. The difficulty of reconciling your hidden identity with the growing fascination made every step of your strategic plan a battle against the tides of distraction. The very essence of the pirate's life, with its allure of freedom and daring exploits, became a potent force that tested the resolve of your carefully laid out intentions.
Yet, beneath the surface, the awareness of your true purpose persisted—a flame of determination that refused to be extinguished. The intricate dance of admiration and deception played out against the backdrop of the open sea, where every stolen glance and lingering thought carried the weight of a secret agenda. In the delicate balance between vulnerability and resolve, you navigated the uncharted waters of contradictory emotions, determined to stay the course of vengeance despite the enticing distractions that lay ahead.
A couple of weeks passed before you were able to get Sirius alone. You had instantly noticed James giving him the cold shoulder almost immediately.
The ship groaned and pitched as it battled against the tempestuous waves. Rain lashed against the wooden deck, and the air crackled with the energy of the storm. Peering up towards the deck, you spotted Sirius Black at the helm, his figure barely discernible against the deafening sea.
Approaching him with a concerned expression, you navigated the slippery deck as the ship swayed beneath your feet. "Sirius," you called out above the roaring winds, drawing his attention. His eyes met yours, reflecting the turbulent night that surrounded you both.
"Need a hand?" you shouted, offering assistance as the ship bucked beneath the force of the waves. Sirius, soaked and determined, nodded appreciatively. The salted spray stung your face as you joined him, hands gripping the wheel together in a shared effort to keep the ship on course.
In the midst of the storm, you seized the opportune moment to subtly introduce doubt. "James was just saying," you confided, your words carried away by the wind, "how he doubts your navigation skills. Thinks Remus made a mistake relying on you." The revelation hung in the air like a charged current, mingling with the thunderous sounds of the storm.
Sirius's grip on the wheel tightened, and his eyes, once focused on the turbulent waters, clouded with uncertainty. Raindrops mingled with the beads of seawater on his furrowed brow. Doubt crept into his expression like a stealthy intruder, casting shadows over the loyalty he held for Remus.
"He said that?" Sirius muttered, jaw clenched against the gusts of wind. The weight of perceived betrayal bore down on him, the discord between friends brewing in the tempest. The ship rocked violently, mirroring the tumult within Sirius's mind.
As you continued to struggle against the storm, the atmosphere between you and Sirius remained charged with unspoken tension. The foundation of trust between Remus and Sirius, once unshakable, now trembled under the strain of doubt. The storm raged on, both outside and within, setting the stage for the discord that would continue to unfold among the crew.
Below deck, the atmosphere was suffocating, the air thick with the smell of salt, damp wood, and a sense of confinement. The cramped quarters provided a clandestine setting for the disquiet that had taken root among the crew. As you navigated through the narrow passageways, you couldn't help but catch snippets of hushed conversations, the discontent of the crew simmering beneath the surface.
Seizing the opportunity to exploit the unrest, you strategically approached small groups, subtly weaving tales of Remus's past decisions that had allegedly led to hardships for some. The dim light flickered overhead, casting eerie shadows on the faces of the crew as you spoke of sacrifices made and opportunities missed under Remus's leadership. The discontent grew like a smoldering ember, and soon, murmurs of dissatisfaction began to fill the air.
James, ever vigilant and loyal, overheard the discontented whispers. His brow furrowed, and a frown etched itself onto his face as he absorbed the implications of the crew's grievances. Concern etched across his features, he sought out Sirius, finding him in a secluded corner of the below-deck quarters.
"Sirius," James began, his voice low but laden with intensity. "Have you heard what they're saying about Remus? They think he might not have our best interests at heart." The gravity of the situation hung between them, and James's unwavering loyalty to Remus wavered in the face of the crew's growing dissent.
Sirius, already grappling with doubts of his own, looked at James with a mixture of uncertainty and contemplation. The camaraderie that had bound them through countless adventures now seemed strained under the weight of suspicion. The confined space below deck seemed to amplify the tension as the two friends confronted the unsettling notion that Remus might not be the unwavering leader they had always believed him to be.
Amidst the rising tensions on the ship, you sought out Captain Remus Lupin, the weight of feigned concern apparent in your expression. The wooden planks creaked beneath your footsteps as you approached him, the air thick with the palpable unease that had settled over the vessel like an impending storm.
With a practiced facade of innocence, you addressed Remus, "Captain, I couldn't help but notice that James and Sirius have been arguing more than usual. It's becoming quite noticeable, and I'm afraid it might be affecting the crew's morale." Your words, delivered with a touch of fabricated sympathy, painted a picture of disarray among his trusted allies.
Remus's brow furrowed in genuine concern. The bond between James and Sirius, once unbreakable, now showed visible strains. Troubled by the potential discord among his closest allies, Remus ran a hand through his disheveled hair, a sign of the internal turmoil brewing within him.
"Arguing?" Remus questioned, his voice reflecting a mix of confusion and worry. The idea of a divide among his crew, particularly between James and Sirius, struck a nerve. His gaze shifted between the crew members on the deck, searching for signs of discontent that had eluded him until now.
As you continued to feign concern, subtly stoking the flames of doubt, Remus's thoughts spiraled into introspection. The once clear path of unity and camaraderie now seemed clouded with uncertainty. The shadows of doubt cast upon his leadership lingered, leaving him questioning the very fabric that held his crew together.
The ship, once a bastion of unity, now teetered on the brink of disintegration. Internal conflicts had transformed the crew's dynamic into a powder keg of resentment and mistrust. Captain Remus was growing restless, sensing an insidious force at play, suspected betrayal from within. The air crackled with tension as suspicions reached a boiling point.
Remus's boots thumped against the floor as he hurried to your cabin. The wooden door of your cabin splintered open under the force of Remus's urgency. The dim light within flickered as your body, in the midst of changing attire, became an unintended tableau for the captain's intrusion. Shocked by the unexpected sight, Remus's gaze widened, capturing an unintended glimpse of vulnerability.
You gasped, hastily attempting to cover yourself, but it was too late. Remus, momentarily caught off guard, now stood witness to the revelation of your true identity. The realization echoed through the cabin, your "manly" facade unraveling like a threadbare cloth. A palpable sense of embarrassment and vulnerability hung in the air.
In that moment, Remus observed the subtle details—your hair, once concealed beneath the guise of Sterling, now flowing freely. A silent recognition passed through his mind, though he dismissed it as many men within the crew sported long locks.
A subtle recognition flickered in Remus's observant eyes. His gaze traced the contours of your face, now more revealing without the disguise that had obscured your womanly features. The delicate curve of your jaw, the softness in the arch of your brows, and the expressive depths of your eyes—the intricate details unveiled in the absence of the masculine facade.
Seeing you naked wasn't something he expected, and it took him a second to process this before stepping back into the small hall, slamming the door shut. It opened seconds later, your hair still down, but fully clothed. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. However, his attention went from wanting to have his hands all over you to the glinting metal in your hands.
"Why did you kill my family while sparing others who owed you money?" you demanded, your voice laced with the pain of betrayal, as you pushed him up against the wall, knife to his neck. Remus, taken aback by the revelation, questioned the authenticity of your claim.
"Your family? Kill? You have no idea the accusations you're throwing out," he replied, growing irritated. You say nothing, bringing the knife closer to his throat.
"You killed them out of spite just because my father owed you something."
"Who is your father?"
"Albus. Albus Dumbledore."
"I've never met an Albus Dumbledore before in my life," Remus said, incredulously. "Who told you that?"
"My neighbor. Peter--Peter Pettigrew. Said he saw the lot of you murder my family." When you disclosed Peter Pettigrew's name, Remus's face paled with realization.
"Your father didn't owe me a thing. Peter, on the other hand, owed me lots of money," Remus confessed, dispelling the fog of deception that had clouded your vendetta. He explained that he had spared Peter once before, only to catch him squandering the money in a pub. The truth, a beacon in the darkness, hung heavy in the air.
"I never wanted innocent blood on my hands. I've killed before, yes, but never over something as petty as money," he admitted.
The revelation of truth hung in the air, bitter and unforgiving, like a medicine applied to wounds that had festered in the shadows for far too long. The realization that your vendetta had been fueled by misinformation, that the blood staining your hands belonged to innocents, weighed heavily on your conscience.
Faltering under the weight of the truth, you lowered the knife, its metallic echo resonating through the dimly lit cabin. It was a sound that seemed to encapsulate the finality of the moment, a symbolic relinquishing of the weapon that had sought to mete out justice.
Knees giving way beneath you, you collapsed, the wooden planks of the ship bearing witness to the vulnerability that spilled forth. A strangled sob escaped your lips, a raw admission of the mistakes made in the relentless pursuit of revenge. The tears that flowed were not just for your family but for the misguided path you had trodden in the name of justice.
In this moment of despair, large, rough hands enveloped you, offering an unexpected sanctuary. Remus, recognizing the weight of your actions and the pain you carried, pulled you up into a tight hug. It was a surprising turn of events, a gesture of solace from the very man you had sought to bring to justice.
As you rested against Remus's chest, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat offered a reassurance that transcended words. In the midst of the turmoil, he acknowledged the complexity of your motives. There, in the embrace of the captain whose ship you had sought to dismantle, a strange camaraderie emerged—one born out of shared pain, deception, and the quest for redemption.
Remus's voice, a low murmur in the cavernous cabin, expressed admiration for your cunning ability to sow discord within the crew. It was an unexpected twist, an acknowledgment of the strategic mind that had manipulated the threads of loyalty.
Weeks drifted by like waves rolling across the open sea, each passing day carrying the weight of revelations and transformations. In the aftermath of the confrontation, a peculiar bond had formed between you and Remus. The once hostile tension had softened into shared understanding, born out of the crucible of truth and forgiveness.
Navigating the complexities of the ship's dynamics, you found comfort in Remus's company. Late-night conversations beneath the starlit sky became a ritual, the creaking of the ship and the distant sound of waves forming the backdrop to shared confidences.
The crew, initially shocked by the revelation of your true identity as a woman, gradually came to terms with the unexpected twist. Assumptions shattered like glass as they witnessed the strength and resilience that Sterling, now revealed as a woman named Y/N, brought to the crew. Remus, in a display of unwavering leadership, ensured that the crew embraced the newfound truth.
Confronting the crew with your identity was a daunting task, but the revelation unfolded with surprising acceptance. The once-divided ship, now united in understanding, sailed through the challenges of piracy with a newfound camaraderie. Laughter echoed on the deck, and the bonds of loyalty were reforged amidst shared stories and shared burdens.
Amidst the salty breeze and the sound of the sea, a sense of peace settled over the ship. The crew, once torn by internal strife, now stood as a testament to the resilience of human connection. James, Sirius, and the others, initially taken aback, extended their acceptance and support, sealing the wounds of mistrust with gestures of togetherness.
The lingering presence of Peter Pettigrew, the catalyst for the tumultuous events that had unfolded, remained like a shadow on the horizon. In a twist of poetic justice, the crew, fueled by a shared desire for retribution, concocted a plan to bring Peter to justice. The tables turned as the once-manipulator found himself at the mercy of the very crew he had deceived.
The confrontation with Peter unfolded with a satisfying sense of closure, his machinations exposed and his fate left to the mercy of the sea. The crew, now bound by a newfound unity, watched as the tides of justice ebbed and flowed, carrying away the remnants of a past tainted by betrayal.
As the ship sailed through the moonlit waves, Remus guided you to the quiet corner of the deck where the sea breeze carried the scent of salt and adventure. The night sky stretched above, a canopy of stars reflecting in both your eyes. In the tranquil embrace of the open sea, the unspoken connection between you and Remus unfolded like a delicate dance.
Remus's gaze, soft and searching, met yours as he cupped your cheek with a rough yet gentle hand. The rhythmic sound of the waves provided a backdrop to the moment, the ship swaying beneath you in a dance with the ocean. A shared understanding passed between you, a recognition of the trials overcome and the promise of a new beginning.
In that quiet space, beneath the celestial tapestry, Remus leaned in. His lips, warm and tender, met yours in a kiss that spoke of forgiveness, redemption, and the uncharted journey that lay ahead. The world faded away, leaving only the sensation of his touch and the heartbeat that resonated between you.
Time seemed to stand still as the kiss lingered, a silent promise sealed in the gentle meeting of lips. It was a moment of connection, a bridge between the turbulent past and the uncertain future. The sea, bearing witness to the blossoming love, whispered its approval in the rustle of the sails and the lull of the waves.
As you pulled away, the moonlight reflected in Remus's eyes mirrored the shared emotions that hung in the air. The ship sailed on, carrying with it the resonance of a kiss that marked the beginning of a new chapter—a chapter written on the vast canvas of the open sea, where love and adventure intertwined in the flow of the tide.
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