#pictagram edit
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headoverheelsforramsey · 2 years ago
Newborn Love
A/N : Thank you to @peonierose for these two prompts, that inspired this. Hope you guys like it.
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Perma : @starrystarrytrouble @quixoticdreamer16 @coffeeheartaddict2 @liaromancewriter @tessa-liam @gryffindordaughterofathena @crazy-loca-blog @zahrachoices @bex-la-get @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @a-crepusculo @custaroonie @aishwariya26 @jamespotterthefirst @rookiemartin
Ethan x Meera : @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @takemyopenheart @mvalentine @cariantha
+ @choicesficwriterscreations & @openheartfanfics
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. 💜
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choicescommunityevents · 8 months ago
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Choices Picnic
July is National Picnic Month, so I thought it would be fun if we had a Choices Picnic. The event will take place July 12-14. The event will have two parts. The first will be a list of prompts to inspire creative works to be shared during the event. The second part will be posts that will pop up during the event for you to reply to to encourage discussion and community. Both the prompts and the "pop up" post topics are below so that you can prepare whatever you like!
Have fun and enjoy!
Event Prompts
Gingham or Checkered
Picnic Table
Water Fun
Sea Side
Rainy Day
"Pop Up" Community Prompts
these will be shared as individual posts on the days of the event for you to reply with to have a "community" discussion/share. I'm just sharing them ahead of time so you can plan ahead what you might like, to share.
What will your MC(s) be wearing to our Choices Picnic? Will they be attending alone or will their LI(s) be there? What will they wear? [Looking at the other replies, what new friends will your MC be making?]
What food would your MC bring to our Choices Picnic to share? And/or If your MC had to plan the menu for the picnic what would it look like?
How would your MC document the picnic to share on their Pictagram (or any other social media accounts)?
What games or activities does your MC enjoy during a picnic?
What is your character’s favorite picnic dessert? Do they make it or buy it? Is there anything special about it?
3 things: what three things does your MC feel are a must for any successful picnic?
Submitted works will be featured on an event masterlist
Every form of creative work can be submitted: fanfiction, drabbles, moodboards, edits, drawings, poems, songs, sketches, and more—all are welcomed.
Work from any book and story from the Choices (and Pixelberry) universe are welcome (new and old alike)!
You can participate as many times as you want during the event
You can combine submissions for this event and others
Please add a cut to avoid long posts and exposing other fans to triggering content.
You can get creative with the prompts. It can be a variation of the word and/or concept. It doesn’t have to be exact or literal. If the word inspires a train of thought that led you to something different, put that in the notes and send it in! Have fun with it! Make them work for you! The ultimate goal is just to find joy in creating!
Please tag @choicescommunityevents​​ and if you’d like to add me you can do so as well~ @lovealexhunt​​​ (feel free to DM me your work too since Tumblr tags are fickle)
You may also use #ChoicesPicnic24
Please do not submit work that has been created with AI. Works that contain AI will not be reblogged. If reblogged inadvertently and I find out they have AI, they will be deleted.
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mvalentine · 10 months ago
Pictagram— Cas, Gabe & Mia Edition:
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a big fan of reading, activism & one mia anderson.
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recently got a new kitten & refuses to shut up about it.
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was forced to make a pictagram and is currently being held there against her will. absolutely no gabriela adalhards allowed.
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liaromancewriter · 2 years ago
Picta Problems
Premise: Cassie and Ethan clash over a Pictagram post.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angsty Fluff. Format: Prose + Text & Pic Fic Words: 1,100
A/N: I started with the intent of making fluffy edits; that's it. And then this fic took a life of its own. Submission for @choiceschallenge-may2023 prompt "photographs" and @choicesjunechallenge "stories". I'm using @choicesflashfics week 35, prompt 3.
Part 1: Picta Memories
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Part 2: The Backlash
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Part 3: The Confrontation
Cassie Valentine was having a good day until she wasn’t. Everyone knew her to be easygoing, often with a smile on her lips, but serious about her work. Her friends and foes agreed on one thing: she had a long fuse, and it took a lot for her to lose that sunny disposition.
Of course, she wasn’t a saint, and medicine wasn’t a career for eternal optimists. But she found a way to keep her balance despite everything fate threw at her.
That’s why many people milling about on the seventh floor of Boston’s Edenbrook Hospital were surprised to see her angry expression as she furiously tapped on her cell phone. Sensing her distraction, they stayed out of her way.
But the rumors spread. Dr. Valentine was in a bad mood. Best to wait until it evened out. She might be slow to anger, but she was also quick to diffuse.
The traveling nurse assigned to that floor asked his colleagues if the young doctor might just be hangry. Perhaps a cookie could turn the tide.
“She’s partial to cupcakes,” one of them commented.
“And coffee,” another piped in, having witnessed Dr. Valentine and Dr. Ramsey returning from their daily coffee run for years.
“Could she have had a fight with Dr. Ramsey?” one recently hired nurse wondered.
The idea was so preposterous that everyone around the nurses’ station laughed. They were still wiping tears from their eyes when Ethan Ramsey stepped off the elevator and marched determinedly down the hallway to his former office.
Everyone held their breath and pretended to be busy as he paused midway to stare at them. He quirked one eyebrow, a perplexed frown forming on his lips and then he shook his head and continued walking.
Still puzzling over the bizarre behavior at the nurses’ station, Ethan absently swiped his access card on the reader outside the diagnostic team’s office and strode through the sliding glass doors.
“Any idea what’s happening outside?” he called out.
Cassie was staring at scans on the digital board and didn’t respond. Not giving it another thought, Ethan joined her and shoved his hands in his pant pockets as he stared at what appeared to be a patient’s brain. The shadows told their own story about the individual’s condition.
“Hmm,” he mused and rocked back on his heels. “See that—”
“I know how to read a scan, Ethan,” Cassie said curtly, throwing him an annoyed look. “Believe it or not, I am adult enough to do my job without anyone watching over my shoulder.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m pissed off at you!”
Taken aback by her vehemence, Ethan started to reach for her, only for Cassie to evade his touch. She walked around him and took her place behind the desk, putting physical and emotional distance between them.
“Is this about my text message earlier?” Ethan asked, mentally tracking their interactions during the day.
“Partially,” she said. “It’s about you not trusting me enough to know when to draw the line about publicizing our relationship. I barely post about you. If people didn’t already know about us, they’d think I was single. But that isn’t good enough for you, is it?”
Ethan wondered how his day had gone from breakfast in bed with his lover to her looking at him as if he was a stranger. He didn’t think their text exchange had been that serious, but clearly, Cassie disagreed.
“I already apologized,” he said, sighing deeply, unable to hide his irritation.
“Until the next time,” Cassie bit out. “I can’t be in a relationship where I’m constantly walking on eggshells. I ask for very little, Ethan, but I demand your trust in this. I’ve earned it.”
She was right, thought Ethan. She’d had enough experience with tabloids to be a fiend about her privacy. And as someone intimately familiar with her Pictagram feed, he knew his presence was an exception, not the rule.
Of all the things she could be upset about, he found it hilarious that it was over this. He admitted his first reaction was annoyance at seeing a private moment shared on social media and having her friends comment. But there hadn’t been malicious intent involved.
Like it or not, he was involved with Cassie, and she had earned his trust. Not just for this, but for all other things too.
“Why are you smiling at me like that?” Cassie asked suspiciously, her green eyes narrowing to slits.
Instead of answering, he walked around the desk, turned her chair and placed his hands on either side of her chair, effectively caging her. He leaned in, his blue eyes intent as they locked on hers.
“I.” He kissed her forehead. “Am.” Then the tip of her nose. “Sorry.” He brushed his lips across hers. “I overreacted. Forgive me?”
He didn’t think she’d respond, but she seemed to deflate before his eyes, losing the tightness in her body as her anger left.
“Fine,” she said somewhat graciously. “But we should set some ground rules because I’m not ashamed of our relationship. I might not want to end up on HSTea, but that doesn’t mean I want to hide away completely.”
She pushed against his arms until he moved back to let her stand.
“There are obligations to who I am, Ethan,” Cassie said, deadly serious as she crossed her arms across her chest. “If we’re going to go the distance, you need to accept that being with a Valentine comes with social responsibilities and prurient interest from strangers.”
She continued, staring at him carefully. “My family tries their best to keep the limelight away from me, but they cannot make it disappear completely. It will shine on you too, and you have to be okay with it even if you don’t like it.”
“I see,” he said cautiously for lack of anything else to say.
The shrill sound of his pager cut through the uncomfortable silence. Ethan cursed and glanced at the tiny screen.
“I have to go, but I do want to discuss this, Cassie,” he said. “Meet me for dinner tonight. We can talk without interruption.”
She nodded rigidly, and Ethan exhaled. He touched her hand, needing that connection before they went their separate ways. He took comfort when she hooked her pinky around his and smiled softly.
As he walked back to his office in the administrative wing, Ethan thought it would likely be the most important dinner of his life. But there was no decision to make. He’d already decided to fall in love with Cassie. Everything started from there.
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @hopelessromantic1352 @mrs-ramsey
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MC of the Month: Sawyer Brooks
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Please welcome our third MC of the month! Each month, we will highlight one MC or OC that is currently on our Meet my MC / OC List. The MC / OC is selected randomly on the Wheel of Names, and eligibility requirements can be found here. We accept MC / OC profiles on an ongoing basis. Please feel free to send yours in!
This month's MC of the month is...
@cariantha ' s Sawyer Brooks
Learn more about Sawyer and her creator, Cari, below.
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In your words, tell us what you like most about your MC. 
Not only is Sawyer beautiful and talented, but she’s incredibly smart and ambitious. And she really could care less about bragging rights, fame, or glory. 
Sawyer has never been the best at anything right out of the gate. She has had to work hard for everything she’s ever accomplished or achieved. She only ever wants to prove to herself that she can do anything she sets her mind to. It started when she was in grade school. She wasn’t the best test-taker back then and often placed into lower level classes, but within weeks advanced herself into gifted courses. When it came to athletics she had natural talent, but she didn’t have the advantage of other student athletes who could afford to play club sports year round. She worked hard each season, showing up and giving her all in every practice, which led to her earning a scholarship to play collegiate volleyball. And as we know, it took her a few weeks to find her way but she eventually climbed the ranks and took the top spot in the Edenbrook intern competition. 
What’s her proudest personal accomplishment you might ask? You might think it was something huge like diagnosing Naveen, but it was actually discovering and claiming Dr. Ethan Ramsey’s heart.❤️ She jokes that after he dies, she will donate it to a museum. 
Do you feel your MC is like you at all? How are you alike or different?
Of all my Choices MCs, Sawyer is definitely the most like me. We share similar backgrounds, upbringings, interests, and personalities. 
We are most alike in the sense that we make friends easily and enjoy the associations of many, but tend to keep our circle of trust pretty small. And we both hate conflict. If mad, we avoid or bottle things up rather than confront. I know, I know, it’s not exactly healthy. We’re both working on it. 
As far as differences, Sawyer is more forward. More willing to take risks. She’s more playful and affectionate. And she’s much more comfortable in her own skin - she knows she looks good naked.🏃🏼‍♀️ Sawyer could be on the cover of a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.😉 Hence all the bikini thirst traps on her Pictagram.
What is most important to your MC? What is their motivation in life? 
Being true to herself. It wasn’t until she started applying for residency programs that she realized she needed to start making choices based on what she wanted, not what others expected of her. Being the oldest child in her family, and the most successful academically, she felt a lot of pressure to set an example and make her parents proud. When she finally started making decisions based on her own happiness and not the expectations of others, she felt so free and content.   
Happiness is Sawyer’s motivation. She knows the pursuit of happiness is not always easy, but if the end goal is something that will bring her joy or make her feel good about herself, then she’s going to give it her all and push through. 
What are their biggest pet peeves/dislikes? 
Sawyer’s a compulsive neat freak. When she’s stressed, she can’t rest until everything is tidy and in order. She has a lot of pet peeves related to things that might disturb that order. One of the most irritating ones is dirty dishes left in the sink when there is a perfectly good dishwasher nearby. Even if the dishwasher is full, she thinks you should at least rinse the grime off the dishes. Also, clothes that hang over the side of the laundry basket. She thinks it’s just lazy to not push them all the way in. Oh, and whiskers all over the sink. Luckily, Ethan shaves in the shower. And the fact that he has a housekeeper come regularly to help maintain order keeps her from going off the deep end when she’s had a rough day. 
She was never more irritated than intern year when she was stressed to the max and living with four roommates. She was so relieved on the nights she could go hang out at Ethan’s and work on Naveen’s case.  
If your MC could change one thing - anything - what would it be? 
Other than all the wrongs in the world, Sawyer would change her voice. She wishes she could sing. She loves and finds so much comfort in music. She’ll sing in the shower and in the car when she’s alone. It’s not awful, but it’s not exactly great. Singing karaoke with her friends gives her a lot of anxiety. 
What is your MC’s favorite quote or song? 
Sawyer’s favorite song is Here Tonight by Brett Young. She discovers it shortly after Miami and has it on repeat for weeks afterward. The lyrics describe exactly how she felt on the balcony that night with Ethan, the night when everything changed for them. Fast forward to Year 3 and they talk about what they would choose for “their song.” Sawyer plays it for Ethan, and he immediately agrees it’s the one. 
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your MC:
Sawyer is my daily dose of medicine. When I first joined the fandom, I seriously thought I would just create some fun edits about her journey through residency. Getting lost in the details of editing, believe it or not, was a major stress reliever. Channeling Ethan Ramsey here...I was able to control what I could control. But I quickly caught the writing bug. It felt amazing to try something new, and it felt even better when it was positively received by OH fans. I probably have a very unhealthy addiction to Tumblr now, but this fandom brings me so much joy. Writing for Sawyer and Ethan gives me something to always look forward to. 
Thank you for sharing Sawyer with us, Cari! You can learn more about Sawyer Brooks here!
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lovealexhunt · 2 years ago
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2023: ☆ January ☆ February-April ☆ May-June ☆ July ☆
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Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer  [HollywoodU]  [Red Carpet Diaries]
In the Stillness of Sunrise:  Thomas and Alex share a soft morning moment.
Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley[Open Heart]
A Sweet Surprise: Bryce helps Olivia surprise her pediatric patients with a cool, sweet treat.
Can I Have this Dance?: Some dances last a few minutes, others a lifetime, but every so often, there’s one that lasts forever.
Anchored in Love: Bryce and Olivia share a tender moment between patients.
The Warmth of Love (Bryce x Olivia): Morning snuggles with Bryce and Olivia aka the literal sunshine couple.
Mal Volari x Daenarya [Blades of Light and Shadow]
Beyond Riverbend: A Kit's Call to Adventure:A certain smug adventure has gotten under Daenarya’s skin, but she won’t let him define her.
The Reign of a Short King: Mal is very insistent that a half inch makes all the difference… in his height 😉 
How to Distract a Rogue : Daenarya devises a new way to keep Mal distracted.
Old Hair, New Look: Daenarya has a few thoughts about Mal’s new armor (from Blades 2) + ART
Crime and Punishment: Mal expresses the idea of never leaving bed, but Daenarya has an idea of her own.
Trystan Thorne x Lilah Rose [Crimes of Passion]
Close Talking: Lilah is at the office, typing up her report on the Iverson Ball, when Trystan stops by to check on her.
Happy 4th with Marple: Lilah shares a celebratory pictagram post featuring Marple
Troy Hassan x Astraea Callen [Wake the Dead]
The Princess + The Dragon: Astraea is ready to start the day, but Troy just wants to sleep.
Shadows and Deceptions: A Royal Murder Mystery (Mini Series) [TRR, COP, BOLAS, & D&D]
In the heart of Cordonia’s grand ballroom, an eclectic cast of characters gathers, their lives interwoven as a result of a shocking turn of events. Trystan Thorne, the exiled prince with a taste for mystery, Olivia Nevrakis, the snarky Duchess skilled with daggers, Tyril Starfury, the noble elf Lord a defender of the realm, Amalas, the enigmatic spy queen, and Prince Hamid, the charming and formal imperial prince. Amidst the grand party of the birth of King Liam’s third heir, Princess Ariana, the joyous celebration is broken by a piercing scream, a dead body, and a room full of royal suspects.
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Daenarya admiring Mal's new armor by weetlebeetle
Bryce and Olivia are Barbie movie ready by _artsbymena_ (IG)
Sleepy mornings with Bryce and Olivia by lizbyart (IG)
Trystan looking quite handsome by ohhheyitsjulia (IG)
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Edits + Moodboards
Bryce at Olivia's ultrasound appointment
Mal Volari: new armor, old hair
Olivia (Holland) in her doctor coat gifted by jamespotterthefirst
Lilah Rose's detective dossier
Lilah Rose + Trystan Thorne moodboards
Watermelon: who likes it, who spits the seeds like a game
Trystan and his view of his family
Barbie movie ask: who's going?
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openheartfanfics · 2 years ago
Newly Added Fics
May 6 - 12, 2023  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Serendipity [OH/TRR Crossover] - @deb-1106 & @walkerismychoice 🛸Ⓜ
Drake gets injured and seeks treatment at the hospital. TW: Gun Violence
Big Announcement - @potionsprefect ☁
Victoria and Ethan have something to share. [Pregnancy]
Everybody Hurts Sometimes - @coffeeheartaddict2 📚Ⓜ
[extended: wip] Casey is a top intern at Edenbrook, Ethan is the lead of Diagnostics. They share a secret of treating the revered Dr Naveen Banerji but is it all they will share. TW: Addiction and abandonment issues
Part 6: Unbreak my heart [2.1]
Part 7: Take Me Out [2.8]
Part 8: Calculated [2.10]
Love of mine - @terr ☁
Ethan in love, Chiara being Chiara and some making out.
Making Memories - @potionsprefect ☁
Ethan and Victoria take Luke and Lily to Dagger Mountain.
Nostalgia - @liaromancewriter 📷
Cassie is feeling nostalgic and shares childhood memories on Pictagram.
Something New - @jerzwriter ☁
It's a special day for Ethan, and his daughter, Emma, has a big surprise in store for him. [Domestic; Family]
The Apology - @alj4890 🦚
They weren't certain what triggered the fight, but whatever it was shocked Ethan and Sophie. [Fighting]
This Love Is - @liaromancewriter ☁
Cassie feels morose, and Ethan tries to cheer her up. [Hurt/Comfort]
When We First Met - @amortentiaopenheart ☁
Prompt: When we first met, I had no idea that you'd become this important to me.
Day One - @liaromancewriter 📚
[extended: wip] What happened when Cassie met Sienna? Small moments that defined their friendship. [Platonic]
Part 4
Bejeweled - @jerzwriter ☁
When Samantha & Brooke make their Daddy a special necklace, he's eager to show it off at work the next day. Feat. Bryce Lahela x M!MC [Domestic; Family]
Homecoming - @jerzwriter ☁
They've been to his hometown together before, but this time they're more than just friends. When he takes her to visit his old high school campus, he takes a trip down memory lane.
Over the Top - @alj4890 ☁
This takes place about a month after the attack and when Tobias and Chris return from visiting her family in Scotland.
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mysticalgalaxysstuff · 3 years ago
New Journey
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Dr. Marissa Sanders)
Premise: It's the big day of their lives!
Warnings: None
Note: Today, it's 7th May, 2022, the exact day I HC Ethan and Marissa got married so I decided to make Pictagram edits for their big day. A special thanks to @peonierose for supporting me to do this ♥️
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(Tagging in reblog)
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theartoflovingthomashunt · 3 years ago
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The Bogart Diaries #30: April Showers
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer] [The Bogart Diaries]
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Alex (F!OC) Other Characters: Bogart Hunt (dog), Addison Sinclair, Seth Levine Book: Red Carpet Diaries Word Count:  ~600 Rating: General: Fluff, pet fic
Synopsis: Bogart gets a new raincoat and Alex is ready to go try it out.
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"Smile!" Alex modeled, following her own instructions as she held her phone up.
She snapped the photo just as the black lab turned his head toward the sound of Thomas's voice. "Not you! Bogart!" Her head tilted to the side as she considered the image on her screen. "Still adorable! It actually works!"
"What is Bogart wearing?" Thomas questioned, his brows turning inward as his gaze fell to the black lab in the bright yellow raincoat, his tail beating happily against the floor. 
"Isn't it the cutest!?" Alex marveled, giving the playful pup a scratch on his head. "Addi made it for him."
Alex shook her head as if the question need not be answered. "So he doesn't get wet when we go for a walk in the rain, obviously."
"He's...he's a dog." Thomas sighed, knowing that argument never worked. "He plays in the water and mud on sunny days. Now, in the rain, you hope he'll stay dry?"
"Exactly." She nodded enthusiastically.
"That's illogical and with you, highly improbable."
Her mouth fell open in mock protest.
"I love you, Alex; however, you see a storm and find it necessary to dance in the rain, recreate cliche moments, jump in the puddles, and generally act as though there is not a care in the world."
She shrugged guiltily, chewing her lower lip. "You say that as though you've not had fun when you've indulged me."
After a moment of careful consideration, he continued. "That is not in question; rather, the fact that Bogart is very much your dog. Bogart staying clean in the rain with you, raincoat or not, is improbable. I'd venture to even say impossible."
"Ha!" Alex's eyes widened as her smile grew. "That just shows you. The word—impossible—itself says 'I'm possible."
Thomas couldn't help but return her warm smile as he reached to cradle her jaw, drawing her nearer as he brushed a kiss on her forehead. "We shall see, my love."
"Yes, we shall!" She leaned into his touch, kissing the palm of his hand. "Okay, let's go." Alex turned away quickly, a triumphant smirk playing on her lips as she ran toward the door, Bogart following close behind.
A Short While Later...
Thomas stood on the covered porch of their home with warm towels as the rain danced along the roof to a peaceful melody.
Alex and Bogart trudged their way back across the yard. Both were completely soaked and each with their fair share of mud.
"This proves nothing." Alex frowned, climbing the steps of the porch as the storm continued around them.
"Of course not," he agreed, handing her a towel. The back of his hand caressed softly across her cool, wet cheek. "I'm certain there is a story here, some unavoidable tale of necessity that led to your current condition."
Her eyes narrowed as her lips pressed into an innocent smirk; he really did know her too well. "Maybe..."
Bogart lept up the steps, waiting until he was safely concealed from the storm before shaking his body, sending droplets of rain and mud drifting in all directions.
Alex hid her laughter behind her hands as Bogart plopped down beside them, panting merrily, unaware of the mess he had just made. She held her towel out toward Thomas. "I think you might—" She brushed the fabric across his cheek. "You've got a little mud right there and here—" She draped her arms around his neck, further soaking him as the water from her own raincoat fell onto him. She pulled back ever so slightly, her fingers teasing the hair on the nape of his neck, "Now, what did I say before about you and Bogart getting in all kinds of trouble when it rains? You really need to set a better example for him than to get all wet and dirty. I thought we talked about this."
"Is that how you remember it going?" His hands settled on her hips, holding her against him. It was too late now to resist, and he had no desire to do so. He was different with her. He was different because of her and he was all the better for it. Wherever this journey took him, he knew he'd never regret a single moment as long as she was beside him.
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A/N: I cannot remember where I got that reference dog photo 🙈 I saved it ages ago. I tried to reverse Google Search it, but it didn't come back with any results. I'm so sorry!!!
A/N#2:: Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed this silly little story. I can't get enough of this dog. I really hold back, because I would write him every day lol
Tags in a reblog, please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed 💛
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storyofmychoices · 4 years ago
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Welcome Home, Jovie!
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist]
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (OC) Other Characters: Keiki Lahela, animal shelter volunteer Book: Open Heart  Rating/Warning: General *Fluff*; brief mention to animal neglect Word Count: ~1,450 Prompt: Mango: @choicesaugustchallenge ; @choicesbookclub OPH Book 2
Synopsis: Olivia, Bryce, and Keiki head to a local animal shelter to rescue a pup and give him or her their fur-ever home.
A/N: I had every intention of giving these three a bunny, but #TeamDoggo won the vote.
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"I still think we should get a hedgehog." Keiki crossed her arms as she got out of the car.
"I can't help it if people like dogs best," Bryce gloated, pleased that his Pictagram post had received the most likes and comments, cementing the choice for their future pet. "Besides, what would you even do with a hedgehog?"
"Take adorable photos," Keiki interjected. "Did you even look at the recent ones I sent you? They made him a little tent and set up a campsite for him. It's the most adorable thing ever! Think of all the precious photoshoots we could have!"
Oliva's lips pressed together in sympathy, wrapping her arm around Keiki's shoulder supportively. "They really were adorable. Maybe one day."
"I guess," she sighed, her posture slumping. Her eyes widened, turning her attention to Bryce. "It's just that... after you left, I was all alone." Her voice dropped somberly. "I didn't have anyone to talk to or play with—it was just me. I had to pretend a lot. Looking at all the cute hedgehog pictures gave me something to hold on to with the hope that one day I could have one of my own. Since owning a hedgehog in Hawaii is illegal, I thought here my dream could finally come true."
His face softened, taking in his sister's requests.
"I guess some dreams are meant to be broken." She sniffled, wiping away a single tear, and then turned into Olivia.
"Bryce!" Olivia appealed, gesturing to his crying sister in her arms.
He exhaled noisily, running his fingers through his hair. It was the least he could do to make up for leaving her all those years ago. "Ughhh. Fine. If it means that much to you, then maybe we can—"
"Oh my god, really?!" She turned quickly, her tone rising instantaneously.
His gaze narrowed on her overly cheerful appearance and noticeable lack of tears. "Wait. Did you just make that up?"
"What? No! Why would I do that?" She rambled defensively.
"You were this close!" He held out his fingers to demonstrate. "Close, but not close enough, Keiks. Now, let's go meet our new dog!" Bryce moved eagerly toward the shelter.
"Did you really make it up?" Olivia lowered her voice as she and Keiki followed closely behind.
"I might have embellished and taken some creative liberties." She shrugged. "It was worth a try."
"Have you considered auditioning for the school play?" Olivia looked at her in bewilderment.
Keiki's lips turned up, and her face brightened. "It's crossed my mind."
"A dog will be fun!" Olivia nudged her cheerfully. "And don't forget, we still all get a say in which dog we adopt. You might just find one you love!"
The three had researched nearby shelters and looked online for available dogs. There were too many choices, so they settled on some criteria to help narrow their search. Despite the adorability factor of puppies, they decided a puppy needs more time, attention, and training than they currently have to give. They also limited their search to small and medium dog breeds. Big dogs are floofy and fun but need more room than is available in their apartment. With this focus, they found an animal shelter just outside of Boston that had several potential matches.
Despite all three of them initially wanting different types of pets, the moment they entered the shelter, they were like kids in a candy store. Olivia and Keiki cooed merrily at each pup they saw, their eyes growing impossibly large, taking in all the adorableness around them. The rounds of affection pleased each of the pets they greeted, happy to have attention. Bryce's eyes glowed as he moved more thoughtfully and purposefully, looking for just the right surfing companion.
"Aww!" Olivia fell to her knees beside a cage with a scrappy, tan dog. "You're so cute!"
The two-year-old mutt tilted its head to the side, looking up at her.
"Keiki! Over here! Look at this sweet girl!" Olivia covered her mouth as her eyes grew wider. Her tone quickly shifted as she cooed at the curious canine. "Yes, that's you. You're a sweet girl, aren't you, Mango."
The dog yipped in response, her tongue hanging out to the side of her mouth as she panted contentedly.
"Ohmygosh! She's adorable!" Keiki knelt beside Olivia, putting her hand up to the metal bars. A smile grew across her features as the dog licked her fingers.
"Aww," the two girls sounded in unison. Their high-pitched cheer brought Bryce to their side.
"What even is it?" His brow arched at the smallish-medium dog.
Olivia gestured to the sign attached to the corner of the cage. "It says Mango is a spaniel mix/breed unknown."
His lips pursed, not as taken by the dog as them. "I don't know."
Before he could protest further, one of the shelter volunteers was beside them. "She's a great choice! Mango came to us a couple of months ago from unfortunate living conditions. She had been neglected and was malnourished. But, she's a trooper. She's recovered wonderfully. Would you like to meet her?"
"Yes!" Olivia blurted out. Her teeth showing as she smiled brightly. "I mean—yes, please. Thank you." She breathed, trying to contain her enthusiasm.
"Come on, girl," the volunteer directed as he opened the cage door.
The honey-colored dog poked its head out apprehensively, sniffing the air cautiously.
Bryce sat beside his sister, holding his hand out for the dog.
"It's okay," Keiki offered.
Mango inched her way forward, looking between the humans staring at her. Her head tilted to the side, her tail wagging tentatively as they continued speaking quietly to her. Feeling more courageous, the pup bounced up, hopping into Olivia's lap.
She roared with laughter, her head falling back as the eager dog licked her cheek.
"Liv! She loves you!!!" Keiki gently ran her fingers down the dog's back, moving closer.
As if on cue, Mango turned her attention to Keiki, looking to offer her affection to the next human. "She's amazing!"
Bryce tried to keep a straight face, but as Mango made her round to him, his face softened.
She dropped down playfully in front of him. Her front paws fell low to the ground as her hindquarters raised; her tail swooshed happily in the air.
"What? You want to play?" His voice was light as he leaned down to her.
Mango barked and spun around in a circle before resuming her jovial stance.
He slid his hands down her back, capturing her vibrating tail.
She followed his movements, barking and turning to try to catch him.
Olivia's squeal of excitement pulled his attention from the dog. "You love her, too!"
He sighed half-heartedly. "Do I even have a choice?"
Olivia turned toward Keiki; their matching smiles showed they had already made their decision. "Technically, yes, but since there are two of us, and one of you... there's no point."
"We're really going to adopt a dog named Mango?"
"Why not?" Keiki defended. "They're delicious!"
"Exactly! They're a fruit! Not a dog," he insisted.
"We named her Mango. She didn't come with a name," the worker interrupted. "When she first arrived, one of the things we found she loved most was mangoes. That little girl couldn't get enough of them."
"See! There's a good reason," Keiki argued. "It's fine. You'll get used to it."
"If the name is troubling you, should you adopt her, you could change her name," the volunteer suggested.
"That won't confuse her?" Bryce questioned.
"Dogs are resilient and highly intelligent. Many of our adoptees end up with new names. Dogs of any age can learn a new name in as little as a few days to a week."
"Hmm," Bryce considered.
"Belle?" Olivia suggested immediately.
"Honey?" Keiki offered quickly.
"Mr. Fluffikins!"
"It's a girl," Bryce interrupted the girl's back and forth.
Keiki shrugged. "I stand by the suggestion."
Olivia watched as the dog pranced between the three of them, her body fluttering with joy under their attention. "What about Jovie?"
"Like Bon Jovi?" Bryce questioned.
"No, Jovie, like jovial. She's so cheerful despite everything that she's been through. She hasn't let her bring her down."
"Aww! That's adorable, Liv!" Keiki agreed. "I like it. She'll bring us all joy too."
"Is this going to be a thing now? I'm continuously outvoted?" Bryce grumbled apathetically, feigning protest.
"Well, you are going to be living with three girls," Olivia smirked. "I'd get used to it if I were you."
His gaze narrowed toward her, as she winked in reply. There were certainly worse things to happen than being surrounded by three females that he happened to adore.
The decision had been made.
"Welcome Home, Jovie." Olivia scooped the dog in her arms, letting the affectionate pup pepper her face in kisses.
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Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story. Tags will be in a reblog, please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed.
A/N2: Holland Roden is my Olivia face claim; her dog Fievel will be Jovie's face claim.
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a-crepusculo · 4 years ago
Hi Mia!
Some newlywed questions for our lovebirds, if you please :D
Note: Once again, this week’s round focuses on photos! Dialogue is entirely optional, though for some of these, it’d be fun to know the story behind the pictures ;) Tumblr mobile only allows 10 picture uploads (there are 10 questions), so collages are highly encouraged! Otherwise, the non-beta version of Tumblr desktop will allow more than ten.
Have fun!
For MC
Favorite childhood photo of Ethan
What’s your phone wallpaper image?
Contact name and photo for Ethan
Top three photo results when you Google Ethan
First picture of or with him that you uploaded to social media
For Ethan
Favorite childhood photo of your spouse
What’s your phone wallpaper image?
Contact name and photo for your spouse
Top three photo results when you Google your spouse
First picture you ever took of or with your spouse
*Credit to the anon who sent me the first three questions!
Hello again, Bree! Gaaaah this is seriously my weekly serotonin boost. Thank you for these lovely questions, my dearest ❤️ I think this one is my favorite yet. Round four, let’s go!
Newlyweds Game - Full Masterlist
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For Marchia
1. Favorite childhood photo of Ethan?
“I have so many photos of baby Ethan!” she beamed at her husband, followed by squishing his cheeks with her right hand. “But my favorite one will always be this one.”
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“Look at that little rascal!” she exclaimed, a broad grin on her own face. “Alan told me that he ate a whole chocolate bar before taking this photo. No wonder he was all smiles.”
2. What’s your phone wallpaper image?
“Oooh, this one is extra special, because it’s a very rare sight to see.”
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“Okay, so, we were in this local fancy bar on our honeymoon,” she said, recalling the events of that night.
“I think he drank too much, because,” she snorted. “He straight up walked towards the grand piano, sat down, and starts singing and playing ‘When A Man Loves A Woman’.”
“My jaws dropped. I grabbed my phone as fast as I could and started recording the whole thing. Honestly, at one point, I thought I was hallucinating!” she giggled, lifting up her head.
Ethan chuckled along with his wife, shaking his head. “Never again, love.”
3. Contact name and photo for Ethan.
“I changed it on our wedding day,” she smiled at the memory.
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“It’s a bit superfluous, don’t you think?” he raised an eyebrow at her. “I am a doctor, and also your husband. You don’t need to state that.”
“My phone, my rules.” she replied, playfully sticking her tongue out.
4. Top three photo results when you Google Ethan.
“I kid you not, Bree, he does not have any bad photos. He’s like Barney Stinson!” she rolled her eyes at him, showing her phone screen.
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“You’re exaggerating again, love,” he said, the corners of his mouth curled.
“I appreciate that even Google agrees your half-naked-on-the-beach photo makes it to the top three.”
5. First picture of or with him that you uploaded to social media.
“It was actually a Pictagram story,” Marchia explained.
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“We went home together after the Hopeful Hearts Gala. He held my hand during the whole ride back, never once letting it go,” she smiled softly at him. “I took a sneaky picture and posted it to my close friends.”
“It was not sneaky at all,” he glanced at her, the left side of his lips rising.
“Yes it was!” she protested.
For Ethan
1. Favorite childhood photo of Marchia?
Ethan grabbed his wallet and took out a small card-sized photo. “Her mother gave this to me one week before we got married.”
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“She said, and I quote, ‘take care of our little girl’,” he murmured, taking her hands in his and gently squeezing it. “I promised her I will.”
2. What’s your phone wallpaper image?
“This is taken moments after we were announced as husband and wife,” he stared at his phone, completely mesmerized by the photo.
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"A wallpaper worthy photo to remind me how much I love her.”
3. Contact name and photo for Marchia.
“Bo-ring!” she jokingly shouted. “Where’s my emojis?!”
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“I don’t need those silly faces, love,” he reassured her.
4. Top three photo results when you Google Marchia.
“Wait. I have a Wikipedia page?!” she asked incredulously.
“Of course you do,” he easily replied, showing her his phone screen. “Five years in the medicine field and you’re already one of the most prominent and accomplished female doctors in the country. So, yes, of course you have a Wikipedia page.”
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“Wow, that New York Times article though... My lipstick looks bomb,” she nods approvingly.
5. First picture you ever took of or with your spouse. 
“I think it was this picture at Chez Pierre,” he explained.
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“We have just finished dinner with the Governor,” he paused, taking a breath. “Before heading back, she looked at the painting behind her and said, ‘I can pose like that’.”
“She asked me to take a picture, which I agreed to,” he added. “She asked me to delete it, because she claims that it looks absolutely ridiculous.”
“But I never deleted it,” he mischievously grinned at her.
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A/N: Another round of amazing questions! Thank you, Bree. You’re amazing and ily so much 🥰
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headoverheelsforramsey · 2 years ago
Foodie Valentine
Submission for @choices-february2023 Day 27 : Strawberry
Alone on Valentine's Day? Celebrate love through food and drinks with our Open Heart Gang. Set in Book 1.
A/N : Is it too late for Valentine's Day post? Maybe. Will that stop me from posting? No. Shoutout to @peonierose for the lovely picture prompt used in Sienna's post. ❤️
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Tags Below Break
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Perma : @starrystarrytrouble @quixoticdreamer16 @coffeeheartaddict2 @liaromancewriter @tessa-liam @gryffindordaughterofathena @crazy-loca-blog @zahrachoices @bex-la-get @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @a-crepusculo @custaroonie @aishwarya26 @jamespotterthefirst
Ethan x Meera : @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @takemyopenheart @mvalentine
+ @choices-february2023
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. 💜
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mm2305 · 4 years ago
The next day
Edenbrook's official pictagram account
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Texts between Ethan - Olivia
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Bonus : Olivia's posts
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A/N : hiii everybody! Back with another picta+text edit, this time about what happens after the ending of OH3. It feels so good to be back and stay tuned because we are going to be seeing a lot of those people in the next edits. (hint : it's summer and Olivia's birthday soon 😉).
An important note : in my mind - posts, they have been together ever since the gala (officially) and unofficially since the funeral of Danny and Bobby. In this particular post let's accept PB 's scenario for the sake of continuity from bk3.
Also let me add that all my pictagram edits can be read both as standalones and as a continuing series.
Taglist : @romereadingshop @codykosuckmytoe @sophxwithers @actuallybored @potionsprefect @aleynareads @ethansramsey @rookie-ramsey @crystalwillow @gryffindordaughterofathena @kiara-36 @mrsethanfreakingramsey @writer-ish @panda9584 @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @queencarb @shanzay44 @nikki-2406 @starryeyedrookie @coffeeheartaddict @schnitzelbutterfingers @mysticaurathings @starrystarrytrouble @lsvdw-blog @helloayz @silma-words @stygianflood @headoverheelsforramsey do let me know if you want to be added or removed and if you have any requests or suggestions for other edits 💕
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sophxwithers · 4 years ago
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Oph book 1 chapters 1 & 2 social media edits
@genevievemd @gryffindordaughterofathena @alina-yol-ramsey @estellaelysian @aestheticartsx @schnitzelbutterfingers @choicesfanaf @caseyvalentineramsey @mm2305 @kiara-36 @actuallybored @mysticalgalaxysstuff @missmiimiie @valentineramsey @potionsprefect @starryeyedrookie
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed from tags 🥰
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed from tags 🥰
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liaromancewriter · 2 years ago
Premise: Cassie is feeling nostalgic and shares childhood memories on Pictagram.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff Format: Edits
A/N: Submission for @choiceschallenge-may2023 prompt "photographs"
Part 1: Past
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Part 2: Present
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All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @hopelessromantic1352 @mrs-ramsey
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openheartfanfics · 2 years ago
Newly Added Fics
May 27 - June 2, 2023  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Serendipity [OH/TRR Crossover] - @deb-1106 & @walkerismychoice 🛸Ⓜ
[extended: wip] Drake gets injured and seeks treatment at the hospital. TW: Gun Violence
Part 4
Degree of Fancy - @amortentiaopenheart 📚🛸
[mini: wip] New school, new friends….and a best friend?
Part 3
Everybody Hurts Sometimes - @coffeeheartaddict2 📚Ⓜ
[extended: wip] Casey is a top intern at Edenbrook, Ethan is the lead of Diagnostics. They share a secret of treating the revered Dr Naveen Banerji but is it all they will share. TW: Addiction and abandonment issues
Part 13: Shocks to the system
Part 14: Concern
Part 15: Too Late
Hiking and Coffee - @potionsprefect 📷
Ethan and Victoria spend their Sunday wisely.
The Long Way Home - @cariantha ♥
Ethan helps Sawyer forget her troubles.
Patience - @jerzwriter 📱
Engagement rings, weddings, those are nice things, but they have work to do. [Proposal]
Picta Problems - @liaromancewriter 🦚
Cassie and Ethan clash over a Pictagram post. [Office; Social Media]
With and Without - @alwaysmychoices 📚🎭
[extended: wip] Dr. Charlie Greene doesn’t have Ethan Ramsey. But when Charlie’s life feels like it’s out of control, she finds herself on Ethan’s doorstep. They promise each other that it’s just one night, but once they’ve broken all their rules, they can’t go back to normal…
CH 39: Screaming at a Reflection
Worm Love - @jerzwriter 📱
If your MCs asked the age old question "Would you still love me even if I was a worm?" what would their LIs respond? [Multiple pairings]
You & I - @jamespotterthefirst 📚
[mini: wip] Her husband’s colleague seems a bit too interested in him. Dread sets in when they have to go on a work trip together.
Part 1
Wildflower - @peonierose ☁
Keiki who still struggles with trusting guys and entering a new relationship after Dylan broke her heart, meets someone new.
Day One - @liaromancewriter 📚
[mini: completed] What happened when Cassie met Sienna? Small moments that defined their friendship. [Platonic]
Part 6
Are We Dating the Same Guy? - @jerzwriter ☁
Sienna notifies Casey that she found Tobias on "Are We Dating the Same Guy? Boston/Cambridge", and apparently, he has a Tinder account.
Just a Dream - @alj4890 🦚
Chris and Tobias have it out in the middle of the night.
Worm Love - @jerzwriter 📱
If your MCs asked the age old question "Would you still love me even if I was a worm?" what would their LIs respond? [Multiple pairings]
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