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-> All Prompts here <- late submissions allowed
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The last four days = special bonus prompts 🌟
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(this amazing poster was made by the brilliant @sazanes!!)
It's our third year of the Hayden Young Appreciation Week!! (or fourth, if you include our one-day HYAD celebration in 2022 😄)
Hayden Young will always have a special place in our hearts, because they were first character that we (hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes) ever ran an appreciation week for, back in 2020! Now 4 years later, we still experience the same love, passion and joy this character brings, with so many other players!!
Hayden's birthday is around the corner, and as usual, we hope to celebrate it in style! We hope you can join us.
HYAW 2024 will happen from Sept 25th-29th, and we have a range of great topics you can choose for your pieces:
Day 1 - Sept 25 - Character Appreciation/Vacation
Day 2 - Sept 26 - Throwback/Pizza
Day 3 - Sept 27 - Soul/Changes
Day 4 - Sept 28 - Relationships/Psyche
Day 5 - Sept 29 - Happy Birthday Hayden!!
Any form of creative, original work is welcome - fic, art, meta, edits, moodboards, interactive media, headcanons...even screenshots of your favourite Hayden moments! The only rules are that they show a positive depiction of Hayden, and that the works center Hayden as a character. We will also accept WIPs and it is not necessary for the pieces to be put up only on the day of the theme. We also have a specific day for throwback pieces where you can share older stuff and even take us through the process of creating it if you like (here's an ask list that may help!)
Make sure you tag @haydenyoungappreciationweek, as well as hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes in your content. It would also be helpful if you used #haydenyoungappreciationweek and #HYAW in your tags!
For inspiration, you can always refer to our previous years' masterlist: HYAW 2020 | HYAD 2022 | HYAW 2023.
Various fan content blogs have helped us immensely in promoting the events, and run a range of amazing events themselves!! Check them out here: @choicesficwriterscreations, @choicesmonthlychallenge, @choicespride, @choicesprompts, @choicesholidays, @wordwarriors, @choicescommunityevents. If there are any other Choices fan content/appreciation blogs you'd like us to give a shoutout to, do let us know!
We have a month to go before we enter HYAW 2024, and we'd love to get signal boosts from the fandom! If you know any Hayden stans who would love to participate/consume content, do tag them too!
Hope to see you all at the end of September, to celebrate Hayden's birthday!! ❤️❤️
✅✅signal boosts will be much appreciated!!✅✅
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Choices Book Bingo Event
Hi everyone! It's @peonyblossom here with a super fun fall event, Choices Book Bingo (fall edition) :D
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Check off a box by completing a Choices book that fits the prompt (current releases can count, as long as you're caught up on the book by the time the event ends, even if the book hasn't finished releasing)
Any book is fair game, but each book can only be used once
The event will run from September 1 - November 30
You can share bingo boards as you check off boxes, or you can wait until you have bingo to do so
I will reblog any bingo boards shared, but if it becomes too much I will switch to only reblogging boards with bingos
Tag @choicescommunityevents and/or @peonyblossom to submit
You can also use #ChoicesBookBingoFall24
If you have questions about any of the prompts, feel free to comment on this post or send an ask to @peonyblossom
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SpreadJoy #909 spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.
Quote by Richard Carlson
For @choicescommunityevents /@ladylamrian
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White Peonies (Part II)
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Book: Desire & Decorum  
Series: Unspoken Desires (Modern Desire & Decorum AU)  
Summary: Another peek into the past, this time to lift the veil on Mary’s life and three generations of fascinating women of the Howard family. (Parte I here)
Main Pairing: Vincent Foredale x Mary Howard.  
Word Count: +/- 7572 words
Rating: General (but with light mentions to adult/violent situations, sickness and death).  
Notes: 💖English is not my first language. Please, excuse me for any typos /or grammatical errors. 💖Special thanks to @rosesnink for proofreading. 
💖 This is my submission for @choicesficwriterscreations ‘Fics of the week’  
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On the previous chapter...
Hurting her finger, Mary snatched the ring and threw it at him. Her hand was bleeding, but what were a few scratches on a finger compared with the abyss that he had opened in her heart? 
Vincent took the ring from the floor. “Mary, my love, please, don’t do this.” 
“Don’t dare to call me that ever again! Get out of my house! Now!”
Vincent did as she had told him. Tears ran down his face as he collected his belongings. She couldn't look at him. 
As soon as he closed the door, Mary collapsed, crying her pain and screaming her fury. 
The young woman lost count of the hours she spent in that dark hole. When Mary came to her senses, she looked out the window and saw that it was a starry night. 
Her whole body hurt. As for her heart, Mary wasn't sure if it was there or not. She felt frozen. With great effort, she dragged herself from the floor to the sofa, covering herself with a blanket forgotten on the floor. It was impossible to return to the same bed where hours before they had worshipped each other and pledged their love. 
Mary didn't know if she had slept or not, but in the morning, she felt desperately hungry, despite not feeling like eating.  She tried to eat a couple of biscuits; however, her stomach didn’t hold them for long. 
At some point in the day, she heard Vincent at her door. He stayed there for hours, begging her to listen to him. Fortunately, a neighbour threatened to call the police if he didn't leave, and Vincent eventually did. This happened repeatedly all week. 
For days, Mary barely moved from the couch. When her tears dried up until the next round, lethargy took over her. 
Around the weekend, Mrs.  Lemay could persuade Mary to open the door. Although she had not read the article on Sunday, articles about the upcoming wedding multiplied in the newspapers over the week. 
She found her friend a wreck. Mrs.  Lemay was not going to allow the young girl to sink into heartbreak. She made Mary have a bath, changed the bedsheets, and cooked her a proper dinner. 
“Luckily, there is not a word about you. At least, you will not be publicly persecuted by this shadow forever.” Mrs.  Lemay tried to console her. 
“Screw my reputation.” Mary mumbled between spoons of soup. 
“Vincent was in my office looking for you, desperate for any information about your whereabouts.” 
“Screw him too! He was at my door several times. I am not interested in anything he has to say.” 
Thinking that it might bring Mary some peace, Mrs.  Lemay told her that there were rumours going around that the Foredale were broke and the marriage was purely a business deal, despite the excitement about the engagement in the magazines. 
“She’s a fat cat widow. It’s the tale as old as time: She gives the money, and he gives the title.” Mrs.  Lemay concluded.  
“It's always nice to know I am worth less than a couple of thousand pounds.” 
“If the rumours are true, he is being sold as a horse. It’s a pity.” Mary mumbled something unintelligible. “I know you are hurt and furious, I’d be too.” Mrs.  Lemay continued. “Nevertheless, this is all very odd, Mary. Vincent is in love with you in a way I've seen few people in love with someone. Since that night at St. James's, I have seen nothing in him but devotion to you. He'd rather lose an arm than make a scratch on you. I can't stop thinking there has to be a reasonable explanation for this.” 
“Of course there is. In that case, there are thousands of reasons… in her bank account.” Mary sulked. 
“He was not convinced when I claimed I couldn't help him. I’m sure he will keep trying to reach you, and I think you should give him a chance to explain himself. You might regret it if you don't,” Mrs.  Lemay insisted. 
“He betrayed my trust in him. I think I would rather have caught him in bed with her than this circus. He has been playing with me for months, like I was a doll. I won't be his or anyone else's doll.” Mary was adamant. 
“Anger and pain are not good advisors. You need to clear your head. Why don't you go spend a few days in your hometown? Some days away from London will help you organise your head and heart.” 
“I will not change my mind.” 
“You may not change your mind, but you need to think about what you're going to do from now on. Life doesn't stop just because your heart is broken.” 
Following her advice, Mary decided to spend a few weeks in Grovershire. 
Mrs.  Lemay was right. Leaving London didn't glue the pieces of her heart together. However, focusing on making repairs to her grandparents' cottage and garden made Mary find some serenity in the midst of the chaos. 
That house was full of so many good memories that even sadness gave her some respite. 
While she was cleaning up things in the kitchen, Mary found her grandmother's handmade 'Moka'. It was one of the few things that Elena had brought with her from Italy. 
“I only had three things in my suitcase: an old coat, the 'Moka' and the recipe book that I stole from my mother.” Elena told her granddaughter many times. 
When she was a little girl, Mary fascinatedly watched her grandmother prepare coffee there, as if it were a magical ritual. Her favourite part was sucking on the spoon after Elena added the sugar. 
It was the best coffee in the world, and Mary could still almost taste it. She ran to the grocery store to buy coffee beans. Replicating her grandmother's ritual made her feel really good for the rest of that day. 
Grovershire itself had little changed. Mary missed many familiar faces and came face-to-face with new ones in the neighbourhood. 
The new and old neighbours were curious about her extended stay, and, of course, theories about it soon emerged through the inhabitant’s small talk. To avoid uncomfortable questions, Mary said that her fiancé, Vincent Ford, had died in a car accident, and she was spending some time there to get herself together.  
Although it was a hoax, for her it was not entirely a lie. She really felt that the man she loved had died on that day. 
Right across the street, George Daly, her former classmate and neighbour, had married Pavarti, an Indian girl who had arrived there in their final year of high school. 
They weren't very close at that time, yet Pavarti was the first to go to the cottage to visit her. Although she was in the last trimester of her pregnancy, Pavarti helped in whatever way she could, especially in the garden. 
Between pulling weeds and planting flowers, there was time for long conversations. A deep friendship blossomed between the two young women. Pavarti was the only one who knew the truth about Vincent.  
George spent many days away because of his work, so it was common for them to cook together. One late afternoon, Pavarti was cooking dinner. Mary suddenly left the kitchen, without saying a word. Pavarti found her on the balcony. 
“If you don't feel like my fish curry and chips, just say so, you don’t need to run away from my kitchen. I have some roast lamb from the weekend in the fridge...” 
“I'm sorry, Pavarti, but I think I'll have dinner. I think the tea house's chocolate cake wasn't as fresh as it should have been.” 
“Are you sure it was just the chocolate cake? You barely touched it. In fact, you have barely eaten.” 
“Nerves are bad for my stomach. It has always happened to me since I was little.” 
“How long have you been feeling this way?” 
“I don’t know exactly, maybe for a few weeks now. Not just the stomach. Everything in me has been messed up since...that day.” Mary still had difficulties referring to the topic. 
“Have you considered the possibility of being pregnant?”  Mary looked at Pavarti as if she had uttered the most absurd of statements. Parvati went away for a while and came back with a small box in her hand. “Take it! You can do it here or at home, but the sooner you know, the better.” 
After spending most of the night looking at the little box, Mary did so. After the time stated in the instructions, the result appeared. She was so nervous that it took her some time to understand the meaning of the two lines. 
Becoming a mother was one of Mary’s dreams. They had planned a family. They joked about having a child born in that millennium and the next in the new one. They agreed on almost everything except where they would raise them. London was off the table. 
Now that dream was real, and Vincent wasn't there. And for the first time, she didn't want him there either. 
This was no longer just about her and her broken heart. On the one hand, she was terrified. It was impossible not to think about her mother's case. More than raising a baby alone, Mary was afraid that something would happen and prevent her from taking care of him or her. Unfortunately, the child would not be as lucky as she was. There were no loving grandparents to watch over her. On the other hand, finding out that a child was on the way was an unexpected comfort to her. No matter what twists and turns life had on its sleeve for her, Mary wouldn't be alone anymore. 
The blood tests confirmed her calculations. The baby would be born around November. 
“When will you tell the father the good news?” Pavarti asked her some days later. 
“I will not tell him.” 
“You should, and, deep down, you know you should. Who knows, maybe this is an opportunity for the two of you to find a way...” 
“If our love was not important enough for him to care and come to me and give a decent explanation for what happened, then I don't consider him important enough to be part of the baby's life.” 
“You are the one who didn't want to give him that opportunity!” Pavarti tried to reason with Mary. 
Mary knew she was contradicting herself, but the young woman was irreducible. Her wounded heart and pride only fuelled her stubbornness. “The wedding will be on May 2nd, do you think there is any point in doing or saying anything, Pavarti?” 
Mary told Mrs.  Lemay about her new situation. Although Mary's absence caused her inconvenience and money loss, she was the first to advise the singer to take a break to take care of the baby and herself.  
The music producers were not very happy with the news. Even though without stating it clearly, they implied that if the baby was her priority at the moment, she would lose the 'privileged place she had on their artists’ list'. 
Mary imagined that would happen. A woman with a baby was the eighth plague of Egypt. Now that she was so close, she was going back to square one. 
Baby Briar came into the world on Easter Sunday, keeping her busy while Pavarti recovered from the tough labour. Around that time, the symptoms of the first few weeks gave her a truce, and Mary began to feel better. 
The most difficult thing was the ban on coffee. When she felt like drinking coffee, Mary opened the ground coffee pot and smelled it until it satisfied her craving. 
Days later, when trying to put on her jeans, Mary became aware of her belly for the first time. It wasn't very prominent yet, but it was already noticeable that things were changing. 
By the end of the month, Mary went to London for a few days. With the wedding so close, it would be very unlikely that Vincent would be there. 
She had her first ultrasound. Hearing her baby's heartbeat for the first time made her worries disappear for a few minutes. She would never forget that beat. 
The midwife noticed that Mary was looking worriedly at the white spots that were appearing on the screen. “Don't worry, my dear, the baby is fine. With a little luck, within a few days, we'll be able to find out the baby's gender. Let me guess: You want a boy, and the father wants a girl.” She smiled. 
Mary pretended she didn't hear the question. The midwife took her hand and placed it on her belly. “You two are already a wonderful family.” 
Her savings wouldn't last forever, so Mary took the opportunity to give some concerts that Mrs.  Lemay had arranged for her. 
Returning to her flat after a concert, Mary found a man in a suit at her door. He was tall, had grey hair and a beard, and had a stern face. She recognised the same shade of blue as Vincent's eyes, but instead of his sweetness, Mary only saw coldness. 
She instinctively covered her belly with her handbag and took a few steps back. Two men grabbed her. 
“Good evening, Mary Howard. I've been looking for you everywhere. I would like to say it's a pleasure to finally meet you, but I hope this is the first and last time we meet.” 
“What do you want from me?” Mary tried to free herself from their arms. 
“Put her inside.” The Earl commanded. 
While one grabbed Mary tightly, the other found the key and opened the door. They dragged her inside and locked the door. She tried to shout, but a hand covered her mouth. 
“I thought that if I saw you with my own eyes, I would understand my son's fascination, but you are not even that pretty.” He mocked, as his eyes roamed her body. Mary noticed that he saw the bump. She felt a shiver run down her spine. “Are you with a child?” He asked. Mary didn't answer him. She could see his fury rising. “It cannot be my son’s!” Mary remained in silence. The Earl slapped her face with such force that if it weren't for the two men holding her, she would have fallen to the ground. “You damned whore, how dare you get pregnant? Wasn't it enough to be a bastard yourself? I can guess what your plan was, but this ends here!” 
For few seconds, Mary could barely hear the insults he spewed from his mouth. Her mouth was still numb from the slap. She felt the taste of blood on her tongue. “My baby will never be a bastard. I will be a mother, a father, and everything my child needs!” She cried. 
“I don't care what you or that creature you are carrying will be. You will disappear from my son’s life forever!”  
“Breaking news, Rupert Foredale: I'm the one who wants my baby to have nothing to do with your family. Unfortunately, I couldn't prevent this child from having your blood. No baby deserves to have a father who is a coward, a cheater, and liar, and much less such a despicable being like you as a grandfather.” 
The Earl was going to slap her again. Luckily, or out of charity, the bodyguards moved her out of the way of his hand. 
“I never trusted people like you. With some luck, the baby isn't even Vincent's. I warned my son several times that he could have fun, but not to be foolish. I should be used to his weaknesses by now. When I was young, I also had a lover who was an artist, a sculptress. She was very skilled with her hands...for everything.” A wicked smile appeared on his lips for a moment. “She was my lover and, I later learned, the lover of every young man in London with any money in his pocket.”  After saying it, Rupert took some papers from inside his coat. “Listen very carefully to what I will say to you, whore: you will sign the papers and disappear from my son's life forever. As I am a good Christian, in return, you will get 10,000 pounds. If you dare to open that mouth of yours about my son or what happened between you, you will rot in jail!” 
Mary spat at the contract. “My dignity is not for sale. And, unlike you, I would never sell a child to pay for my mistakes.” 
She was pushing him to the limit. The Earl was blind with rage. He wasn't used to being defied like that. Rupert tore up the agreement. He took a pistol from his pocket and placed it against Mary's forehead. 
“This was your last chance. If you or your bastard ever try to get close to us, I won't be so benevolent. I will make you botg disappear from the face of the earth even if I have to do it with my own hands.” 
In a matter of seconds, the lights went out, and they dropped Mary on the floor. As quickly as they had appeared, they disappeared into the night. 
Mary couldn't believe what just happened. From what Vincent told her, Mary knew that Earl was not a model of kindness, not even towards his own blood. She didn't expect him to rejoice over the baby; However, not even her greatest fears could imagine such brutality. 
After the shock of the first few minutes, the adrenaline subsided. She was feeling a very intense pain, but she couldn't pinpoint where it was. Her baby. The panic set in. If something had happened to the baby, she would kill the Earl with her own hands. 
Supporting herself against the wall, Mary managed to get up and call Mrs.  Lemay. She didn't care about her bruises. Mary just wanted to hear her baby's heartbeat.  
Mrs. Lemay called for a favour and rushed Mary to a private clinic. She refused to be examined without knowing if the baby was okay first. The doctor assured Mary that the baby was fine, but she only calmed down when he showed her the baby on the monitor. 
He was silent for a few minutes, looking at the small screen. Mary was about to panic again. “What’s wrong, doctor?” 
“Don’t worry, Miss. It's nothing bad. Do you know your baby’s gender?” Mary waved no. “I wasn't going to mention it because I am not absolutely sure. I think you are having a girl.” 
Upon learning that the baby was fine, Mary went into autopilot mode. Besides the bruises, the doctor found out she had a broken rib. After taking care of her, Mrs.  Lemay took the singer to her home. Exhausted, Mary slept for hours. When she awoke, Mrs.  Lemay was waiting for her with a light meal. 
“What happened was a crime, Mary. You should go to the police.” 
“I have no proofs besides my bruises. Who do you think they would believe? An Earl or a pub singer? 
“He is dangerous, Mary, and you confronted him!” Mrs. Lemay insisted. “If he was capable of doing this now, there's no guarantee that he won't do it again... or do something worse.” 
“He's afraid I will look for his son and ruin his marriage with the widow. I believe that as soon as they get married and the Earl sees I didn’t lift a finger, he will forget about me and my daughter.” 
“So, what are you going to do now? London is not safe.” 
“I'm going back to Grovershire and staying there for a while. The Earl doesn't know about my grandparents' house, or he would have gone there. It is far enough from London and from them. I need calm and security for my daughter. Then I will see what my next step will be.” 
“Have you thought about names for the baby?” Mrs.  Lemay asked to change to a happier subject. 
“Beatrice.” Mary smiled, caressing her bump. “Vincent would have liked it too.” She couldn't stop herself from thinking about it. 
“Why don't you ask him in person?” 
“Even if I wanted...which I don’t want...I can’t take that risk now. Even if we survive Rupert Foredale's wrath, you know the fate of the bastard children. My child will not be exiled to a boarding school.” 
Mary did as she said. With the help of Mrs.  Lemay and other friends from work, all of Mary's (few) belongings were loaded into a van the following night. As Vincent's forgotten objects appeared, Mrs.  Lemay discreetly saved them from the trash. She was thinking that perhaps the child would later look for a connection with the father. 
Back in Grovershire, Mary kept as low a profile as possible. Trying to camouflage, she began to introduce herself as ‘Helen’. Those who knew her found it strange. Mary justified her choice, saying she was known in London by that name. She had chosen it as a stage name in honour of her grandmother. 
People thought it was eccentric, but they eventually got used to it. 
Her belly was becoming less and less discreet. Comments on her obvious situation were inevitable, as well as comparisons with her mother's case. The most charitable hearts felt sorry for her situation. Losing her fiancé in a tragic accident and now having a child to take care of... It was a very hard blow from fate. 
The poisonous ones were not so compassionate. Their tongues distilled all kinds of gossip about her: that she was a luxury escort in London (the nastiest said directly prostitute), others that she was the rejected lover of a married man, that the child's father was in prison... Mary knew her truth, yet some days weren't easy with that background buzz. Fortunately, she had the Daly’s on her side. 
She didn't like perpetuating a lie, but it was the best truth she could tell. It would be better for both the child and her. Like her, Beatrice would not suffer for someone she had never met. Following her grandparents' example, Mary would make sure her daughter received so much love that she wouldn't miss a thing. It would protect her from Rupert and more heartbreak. 
The following ultrasounds confirmed that it was a girl and that she was growing strong and healthy. 
Meanwhile, Parvati returned to her work as a seamstress. Mary took care of Briar and in return, Pavarti was sewing her a layette fit for a princess. 
During the day, between helping out at the Dalys' house and preparing her own for the baby's arrival, neither Mary's head nor her heart had time to worry about the past or the future. However, many of the nights were full of nightmares about Rupert; others were sleepless, planning all possible future scenarios. 
On Halloween evening, Mary felt the first contractions. While Pavarti was finishing the hem of a dress, she was playing on the floor with Briar and felt an intense pain that paralysed her. Recognising the signs, Pavarti helped her get up and set her down on the sofa. 
That night was just a warning, but on Tuesday early morning, the contractions came back in force. Mary was terrified of what was happening. What the doctor and the midwife had explained, the books she had read, Pavarti's advice...all of her preparation and plans were gone. 
George and Pavarti drove her to the hospital. 
As the hours passed, the pain increased, becoming intense and almost constant. Despite telling her that she was doing great and that the baby would soon be in her arms, Mary was losing her strength. 
During one of the strongest contractions, for the first time in months, she wished Vincent was there beside her. For a few moments, she was filled with a whirlwind of memories with him. She could almost hear his voice smoothing her. Another strong contraction brought her back to reality. There was no use dwelling on the past. Her daughter was all that mattered now. 
After hours of pain and fear, at nightfall on November 2, 1994, her daughter was born. Hearing the sweet shrill sound of her daughter's cries was a relief. Having Beatrice in her arms for the first time was a new kind of happiness she never thought possible. 
Even though she was ruddy and grumpy like all newborns, in Mary's eyes, Beatrice was the pinnacle of cuteness, with her full cheeks, thick brown hair, and big eyes. 
Around midnight, Beatrice fell asleep in her mother's arms. Exhausted, Mary also fell into a deep sleep.  
A couple of hours later, she woke up with a start, thinking she heard the baby crying. Everything was quiet in the ward, including her daughter. However, the door was ajar. Mary saw a pair of eyes watching them through the crack. “Who is there?” She asked instinctively, placing herself in front of the crib. The pair of eyes disappeared.  
The next morning, after making sure that everything was fine with both of them, the issue of the father inevitably arose. Again, Mary told the best truth she could:  she had met the father at a party, they had spent the night together, and they had never seen each other again. She claimed she didn't know any information about him other than his first name. 
While she was trying to breastfeed Beatrice, a social worker with dubious intentions came to talk to her, asking some questions, pointing out the challenges of being a young single mother and the possibility of giving her baby up for adoption.  
Mary was about to lose patience with her when the Dalys came in to visit them. The couple promptly shooed the nosy woman away. Pavarti helped Mary dress Beatrice and put a small pink bow on her head. Then, George took the first portrait of Beatrice.  
Briar was very curious about the new baby, whimpering if they moved her away from the crib. 
Rocking her daughter by the window, the light illuminated every detail of her features. Mary noticed that Beatrice had a lot of Vincent in her. How she wished she could make Rupert eat his words. 
A couple of days later, mother and daughter were back home. “Welcome home, my love.” Mary kissed her daughter's head. “It may not be Buckingham Palace, but we're going to make it our realm.” 
 As long as she was well fed, Beatrice was (most days) an easy baby. Despite some sleepless nights, the many health scares typical of newborns, and hormone shenanigans, Mary felt like she was in a bubble of happiness. Her daughter's birth had not miraculously healed her heart, but she was the glue that was holding the pieces together. 
As the weeks went by, Beatrice was growing healthy and becoming more active and playful.  
Mary's savings were dwindling at the same rate. 
There weren't many job opportunities there, so Mary had to take a job at a local pub. Since Pavarti worked from home, she took care of the two babies during the day. At the end of the day, Mary helped her friend taking home some simpler pieces of clothing and making small sewing arrangements. She had never felt so grateful for the hours her grandmother forced her to learn how to sew. Despite it, she felt like she could never repay the kindness they showed her. 
The young mother felt exhausted every night, but holding her daughter in her arms, playing with her, smelling her sweet scent, seeing how much she was growing day by day gave Mary the strength to carry one each morning. 
Beatrice never lacked anything necessary, even if that sometimes meant just soup for Mary’s dinner. There were many things she wanted to give her daughter, but she couldn't afford them, even if it might be lacking, Mary made up for it with love. 
The year 1999 began full of hope. Although it wasn't technically the turn of the millennium, there was in the air the excitement of the end of an era, with a world of possibilities knocking on the door. 
Now that the girls were a little older, the Dalys were planning to have another child. Mary was considering changing careers. Her idea was to return to the music world by giving private lessons. 
Unfortunately, in April, a series of attacks shocked the United Kingdom and destroyed the dreams of the young family. George Daly was passing through Brick Lane on his way to meet his last client for the month when a nail bomb exploded. He did not survive his injuries and passed away a couple of days later. 
Parvati was devastated. She cried for the loss of the love of her life and the loss of everything that Briar would not have with her father, even though she was too young to fully understand what had happened. 
Mary knew what a broken heart felt like. However, what Pavarti was suffering was beyond her understanding. Despite the troubled separation, the hurt, the anger, she knew that the love of her life was alive and well. There was always a faint light in her heart, even if her mind denied it.  
Part of her friend had died with him that day. Mary knew it would not be possible to heal that wound. For months, every day, Mary fought the darkness that threatened to swallow Pavarti. She was determined to take care of the parts of her friend that remained, just as Pavarti had done with her. 
All children grow up too quickly in their parent's eyes, and Mary felt that it was in the blink of an eye that Beatrice went from a baby to a primary school girl. 
Apart from the struggle to get her up from bed in the mornings, some occasional tantrums, and some shenanigans here and there, Mary felt blessed. Beatrice was very curious, eager to learn, always exploring the small world around her and asking many questions, some trivial, some more philosophical.  
Even though she was little more than a child, Mary realised that her daughter had inherited her wit and passion. It gave her some peace of mind. Having a sharp spirit would protect her and help her succeed in whatever path she chose. 
Mary wanted to teach her how to play the piano, but her daughter didn't seem to have the muse of music awake inside her, although Beatrice's voice was naturally in tune. 
Nonetheless, as she grew up, the Vincent features stood out more and more in her, and not just physically. Like her father, Beatrice loved books, always asking to read stories. When an adult couldn’t read to her, she made up her own stories with what she saw in the illustrations and told them to Briar or to her dolls. 
One night, Mary was sitting on her daughter's bed, dog-tired, praying for Beatrice to choose a small book. What was her surprise when her daughter appeared in the bedroom with her copy of 'Pride and Prejudice' in her hands. 
“It's too long for a bedtime story.” 
“I didn't ask you to read me everything at once. I was thinking about one chapter per night.” 
“It's a story for older girls. You're going to find it boring.” 
“How older?” Her inquisitive mode had just turned on.  
That was a good question. Mary used her own example to answer, “Girls who are fourteen or fifteen.” 
“I am five, it’s not that different! Plus, you always choose good stories, so I'm sure it won't be boring. I have seen you read it more than once.” 
“You're going to regret asking me for this. It would be much more fun when you read it by yourself.” In vain, Mary tried to change her mind. She started reading the famous first lines. 
“IT IS A TRUTH universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. 
However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters. 
“My dear Mr. Bennet,” said his lady to him one day, “have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?” 
Night after night, chapter after chapter, Beatrice paid close attention to each line. Sometimes the sleep overcame the girl: however, there was use in trying to trick her. She always knew which page they were on before falling asleep. The reading took weeks, which ended up making story time easier for Mary. 
With the Gardiners, they were always on the most intimate terms. Darcy, as well as Elizabeth, really loved them; and they were both ever sensible of the warmest gratitude towards the persons who, by bringing her into Derbyshire, had been the means of uniting them. 
“The end.” She dramatically closed the book. “So, what do you think?” Mary asked. 
“It's a little like fairy tales, but without fairies? Mr Darcy is a little grumpy for Prince Charming. Her aunt fits the evil witch role, though. But I loved it!” As she tucked her in, Beatrice asked, “Do you think there are many Mr Darcys out there?” 
“If you look for yours, you will find him.” 
“How will I know?” 
“You will know it. You will feel it. Your heart will scream it.” 
“Papa was yours?” 
Mary still had difficulty dealing with questions about Vincent. For Beatrice, she had chosen to keep the narrative of the father who died in a car accident days before their wedding day. Despite her inquisitive nature, Beatrice rarely questioned Mary about it. Probably because the girl saw the pain in her eyes when the subject was mentioned. 
She had only asked her once to see a photograph of him. Mary made up the excuse that all his photos had been lost when they moved to Grovershire. She was sad but didn't ask again. 
“All love stories are different. Like Darcy and Lizzie, there were some differences between us, but, unlike her, I think I loved your dad from day one.” 
Mary had only seen him again in person once. They were visiting Mrs.  Lemay in London for a weekend. Walking through Hyde Park, Mrs.  Lemay was further ahead with Beatrice by the hand. Mary had stayed behind, enjoying the rare moment of peace that a mother of a toddler can have. There was a street stall selling ice cream, and she decided to go over to buy some. As she got closer, she saw him. She saw them: Vincent, his wife, an older boy, and a boy a little younger than Beatrice, buying ice cream as well. 
That sight left her breathless and with a piercing pain in her stomach. It was a difficult feeling to explain. It had been a little more than a couple of years, however, while it seemed like the same Vincent, it was as if their past was just a dream or the delirium of a feverish night. 
The youngest son was throwing a tantrum, and Vincent patiently tried to calm him down. He seemed to have become the fantastic father she knew he could be and that she had dreamed of for her and their children. 
Mary turned away and walked forward, quickening her pace. There was no reason for her to torture herself with the past, suffer the present, and tempt fate. Such an encounter would only make things worse. 
As soon as Beatrice learned to read, Mary got her a library card. If on the one hand this freed her from the daily bedtime story, but on the other, it stirred even more her daughter's eagerness. Mary often had to go to the library to return books that Beatrice stubbornly brought home, despite not being appropriate for her age. 
Every night, Mary had to go back to her room to make her turn off the light and go to sleep. On Friday nights, she knew that her daughter, after being caught in the act, would read another chapter under the blankets by flashlight, however, she decided to pretend that she didn't know about it. 
February, 2004 
Sitting in the doctor's waiting room, Mary tried to focus on the gossip magazine. Her limbs were heavy and sore from trying to control her nerves. 
It wouldn't be anything serious, Mary repeated to herself. She had always been a healthy lass. She was just an exhausted mother, like many others. Like Pavarti, who had insisted on accompanying her to the appointment. There was a wedding dress to urgently finish, yet there she was. The years did not expunge the loss, but they brought back the light of her best friend. 
Daughters full of energy in Year 5, long hours of work, little sleep, months without a moment for themselves, bills hard to pay alone, the need to start preparing the girls' future... No wonder they were both in shambles. 
At Pavarti's insistence, there she was, fearing the worst, hoping for the best. 
“Helen Howard!” the nurse called. Mary wanted to get up, but her legs didn't allow her to do so for a few seconds. 
After some small talk, the doctor delivered the news in the politest and least dramatic way possible. “The cancer is aggressive, and it’s in an advanced stage. However, you are a woman in the prime.  The sick cells have used your strength to multiply, but that same strength can be used in your favour...” He proceeded to explain the options available in her case. 
Mary feared the suffering caused by the treatments, she feared the doctor's lack of certainty, she feared death... but, above all, she was terrified by the idea of her little girl being alone in the world. 
Leaving the doctor's office, Mary didn't know what to feel or what to think. It was as if she were possessed by a sharp pain, a paralysing numbness, while at the same time she was diving into a bottomless, icy lake. 
Then the anger and frustration came. ‘Why her? Hadn't she suffered enough already?’ 
As the days went by, Mary wasn’t still conformed to the diagnosis, but took control of what was in her hands. 
For Beatrice and a future with her, Mary made her mind up to religiously follow the treatments. Even if she couldn’t escape, any chance of spending more time with her daughter would be worth every discomfort. 
In the following days, Mary's biggest concern was how to tell her about it. Unfortunately, or fortunately, children are very perceptive. So, it didn't take long for Beatrice to ask her mother directly what was happening. 
Mary stopped chopping the vegetables for the soup and took a deep breath. She couldn't break down in front of her daughter. To buy some time, Mary poured two glasses of juice for both of them. After a couple of sips, the first shaky words left his lips.  
“As you know, I had some medical exams. I went to the doctor last week to get the results. I am very ill, my love.” She tried to find gracious words in the English language, but emotions rushed things. “I have ovarian cancer. I am starting treatments next week.” 
Beatrice was silent for a while. Mary could see in her daughter's expressions that she was processing what she had just heard. “But, after it, you're going to be okay, right?” She looked up at Mary with her big, sweet hazel eyes. 
Mary didn't want to lie to her, but she didn't want to be overly optimistic. "I will do my best. The doctors will do their best, and with a little faith everything, will be okay.” 
Her grandmother got a similar surgery years ago as a preventative measure; therefore, the operation didn't scare her. Mary knew the secret was to get plenty of rest, so as she did, at least, as much as mother can do. 
On the other hand, chemotherapy treatments were knocking her down. Pregnancy nausea was a child's play compared to what she was feeling. After the sessions, Mary felt so weak that she could barely get out of bed for days. When she finally started to feel better, it was time to do another one. 
If it weren't for Beatrice, Mary was sure she couldn’t bear it. 
As soon as her hair began to fall like leaves in autumn, she decided to cut it very short. Mary had always loved and pampered her hair, and her grandmother was to blame. She loved her granddaughter's hair and spent hours doing elaborate hairstyles. Elena Howard used to say, 'Tira più un capello di donna che cento paia di buoi'' (‘one hair of woman pulls more than a hundred pairs of oxen’). Mary only many years later understood the full meaning of these words. 
However, more than her hurt vanity, seeing Beatrice cry when she faced her like that for the first time was much more painful. 
Since Mary couldn’t afford a decent wig, she chose to wear headscarves. Parvati, using all the scraps of beautiful fabrics, sewed her headscarves in all patterns and colours. 
Despite all the ups and downs, Mary was enjoying that summer. 
One more time in her life, she has a lot to be thankful for Parvati. Her friend was being tireless with her, spending the most critical nights close to her, preparing meals, taking care of Beatrice, driving her to and from the hospital... Mary knew she could never repay her, so she prayed that life would reward her with the same kindness. 
Thanks to Pavarti's generosity, Mary was able to dedicate what little energy she had to her little girl, keeping these precious moments in her heart.  
Beatrice spoiled her as best she could, with little gifts and affection. She was always ready to help, no matter the task. It filled Mary's heart with pride. Her daughter's love was what kept her standing. 
The fear of the future often made her think about Vincent. She was sure that Pavarti would look out for her daughter, however, if the worst happened, at least Beatrice would have someone else to turn to. 
Rupert had died a few years earlier, so he was no longer a threat. The years and the paths taken changed both of them, but Mary believed that his heart had not changed. 
She was convinced that when he found out about Beatrice, Vincent would not excuse himself from his obligations. She also didn't doubt that, as time went by, they would love each other very much. 
So, Mary started making arrangements. Since she didn't want there to be any doubt about her daughter's paternity, she took a sample of Beatrice's hair for them to analyse. 
Along with the samples and some photographs, Mary enclosed a letter from her to Vincent in an envelope. It took days, crumpled papers, and many tears to write that letter. Later, she would just need to instruct Pavarti on how to get that to Vincent. 
At the end of September, hope fell away with the leaves. Despite the treatments, the new exams showed that it had spread to other parts of the body. The doctor was almost as dejected as she was. 
“Just tell me how long I have.” Mary asked through tears. 
“I can't give guarantees about anyone's life, Miss Howard. Sometimes there are real miracles in the human body.” The doctor tried to comfort her. 
“I prefer the truth, doctor. Please.” 
“A couple of months, no more than Christmas.” 
“Will it be painful?” 
“There are several ways to make that period smoother, if that's your wish.” 
“Having to go is bad enough, don’t you think?” 
Back home, Mary didn't have the courage to face her daughter. Parvati took Beatrice home for an impromptu sleepover party. 
When the girls fell asleep, Pavarti sneaked over to the Howards' house. It would be a very difficult night for Mary. 
After many cups of tea and many more tears, Mary resolved, “This will take me to my grave, but I won't let it take away the shreds of happiness. My daughter and I deserve better than spending our final weeks in misery.” 
From that moment on, Mary focused on enjoying every minute with her girl, the epitome of her happiness. 
“When are you going to tell her?” Pavarti asked. 
“I do not know how, but not for now. When I feel it's closer. I don't want her to cry before the time.” 
*November 2004*
Giggles were filling the air. Two little girls were playing tag, running around carefree. 
Mary was sitting in her small garden, feeling severe pains, in spite of the medications. She held a mug of strong coffee in her hands, one of the few things that gave her energy. 
The autumn sun in her bones was her only comfort. That and seeing her daughter happy. 
Taking small, warm sips, Mary reflected on the past thirty years. So much had happened! In her short life there were adventures that would fill a lifetime. Losses along the way, setbacks, broken dreams...but also good friends, many happy days...and, best of all, Beatrice. Mary would go all the way again for the opportunity to share her life with Beatrice. 
She was already missing what wasn't going to live with her. Beatrice looks at her and smiles. She is missing two teeth that fell out the other day. Mary knows she won't see her new teeth, yet she smiles back. 
‘How do we prepare a child for our death, Pavarti?' Mary asked her friend, who was sitting next to her.  
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@jeanele ❣  @missameliep ​  ❣   @regencylady1810 ​ ❣  @i-put-the-sin-in-sinclaire  ❣ @whenyourheartskipsabeat ❣ @xjustin-ethansgirliex  ❣ @rosesnink ❣  @gardeningourmet❣ @paisleylovergirl  ❣ @dailydoseofchoices  ❣  @rhyssescups ❣   @lorircreates  ❣  @lorirwritesfanfic ❣ @walkerduchess  ❣ @indiacater ❣ @kinkypot ❣ @ezekielbhandarivalleros ❣ @anotherbeingsworld ❣ @hellooliviaolivia ❣ @pixel-writer19  ❣ @sinclaire-ity  ❣ @marlcasters ❣ @bhartigat81 ❣ @lyannacyrill706 ❣ @daddytyrilstarfury  ❣ @secretaryunpaid ❣ @allisonreilynn ❣ @fauxleaves ❣ @twinkleallnight ❣ @kingliam2019 ❣ @iloveethanramsey ❣ @surewhyynot ❣ @yvettegolx  ❣ @itlivesinpixelberry ❣  @chutchoices ❣ @electroniccreatorwerewolf  ❣ @spookycolorpeanut  ❣ @peonierose ❣ @quixoticdreamer16   ❣ @lilyoffandoms   ❣ @tessa-liam ❣ @storyofmychoices ❣ @dutifullynuttywitch ❣ @ladylamrian
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New book you could use to check off that "side story" box on the book bingo!
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Choices Book Bingo Event
Hi everyone! It's @peonyblossom here with a super fun fall event, Choices Book Bingo (fall edition) :D
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Check off a box by completing a Choices book that fits the prompt (current releases can count, as long as you're caught up on the book by the time the event ends, even if the book hasn't finished releasing)
Any book is fair game, but each book can only be used once
The event will run from September 1 - November 30
You can share bingo boards as you check off boxes, or you can wait until you have bingo to do so
I will reblog any bingo boards shared, but if it becomes too much I will switch to only reblogging boards with bingos
Tag @choicescommunityevents and/or @peonyblossom to submit
You can also use #ChoicesBookBingoFall24
If you have questions about any of the prompts, feel free to comment on this post or send an ask to @peonyblossom
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Melodies & Dreams
Late Submission for Choices September Challenge Day 2: Music
A moodboard based on Chapter 1 of Platinum, where MC end up meeting Avery, attend their concert and spend some time with them.
Tagging: @choicescommunityevents, @jamespotterthefirst, @rookiemartin, @quixoticdreamer16, @burnsoslow
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Nightbound • Blades of Light & Shadows • Crimes of Passion
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Pairings: F!MC×NikRyder ; F!MC×AerinValleros ; F!MC×MalVolari ; F!MC×M!TrystanThorne
Summary: Principal Liam has an interview today with a new teaching staff. Will they try to impress him and get the job?
Chapter 1 - The new staff - Word Count: 2.8K words - General
-> My complete Choices Masterlist <-
Choices Fanfiction Taglist: @lilyoffandoms ; @secretaryunpaid ; @blackcatkita ; @infactnoimmasitinthemiddle ; @mikaelsrose ; @peonierose ; @jdstar88 ; @hopelessromantic1352 ; @tessa-liam ; @mxdanni ; @mariemarieohcontrary ; @rosepetals1 ; @stars-are-within-me ; @dutifullynuttywitch ; @artbyalz ; @bri1234 ; @thosehallowedhalls ; @choicesficwriterscreations ; @choicesjunechallenge2024 [Theme: Liminality - Time, Punctuality, etc...] ; @choicescommunityevents
Comments via Reblog wholeheartedly welcome
Author's note: It might take a long time till the next chapter releases. I have a lot writing plans, so I hope you understand. Inspired by @a-cloud-for-dreams series: Scholars of B. Lane.
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Welcome to The Royal Academy, a place for a prince, princess, duke, duchess and other royal nobilities to study and learn more about their royal life filled with responsibilities, duties and challenges. Led by husband and wife, His Royal Highness King Liam Rys from Cordonia and Her Majesty Queen Riley from Cordonia with their right hand, Duchess Olivia Nevrakis from Lythikos... What challenges await this year? With new students, there will be also new staff available.
King Liam, now Principal Liam was seated in his office in the academy, preparing some important documents for the new year tomorrow. He was the head of the academy and was also expecting a new full-time teaching staff today for an interview since Duke Simon Montjoy and his American wife were expecting a baby soon. Family was one of the most important things for him since he was also a father of three children. His children are very young, that's why his wife was only working part-time for now. The Cordonian friends, Drake, Hana and Maxwell always supportive and on their side to support him and take care of his children.
Sadly there weren't many applicants eligible for this position, so all the hope was that this job interview would go excellent. Time was short. Really short.
"Hey honey, I made you some tea.", his wife, Riley entered the head office which she shared with his husband. She carried a teacup filled with warm green tea and placed it on the wooden table. Liam thanked her without meeting her eyes as he was still focused on his unfinished paperwork which got Riley a bit worried and tried to reassure him.
"Liam, don't worry. You will do great like always."
"It's not that. I'm worried about the future of my new students. I just hope today's interview will go excellent and I don't have to look for another teaching staff anymore.", he confessed and looked at his wristwatch.
It was already 5 minutes past the job interview which should have already started. Whoever the applicant is, is late and it can't be tolerated in the academy. Teaching staff who should be educating young royals about manners, responsibility and to fulfill any task correctly before the deadline... Is late?? Not a good first impression. Punctuality is important.
"I assume the interview won't happen today.", Liam sighted as if he just accepted defeat. But his wife was sure that the applicant would come today and tried to keep up the positive side.
"Liam, people can get late. There must be a reasonable explanation and...", she couldn't finish her sentence as a sudden knock at the door interrupted.
"Come in, please.", Liam commanded the guest inside their office. The door lightly opened a few centimeters, but not more. It stayed still and there was no sight of someone entering. Seated on his office chair, Liam was stunned and so was his wife.
"What was that?"
"Perhaps just the wind, darling."
"Can the wind knock, Riley? I'm pretty sure that we both heard..."
"Excuse me, sir.", a high-pitched voice was requesting for some attention.
"Uhh, Liam, did you hear that?"
"Yes, but I don't see anyone here.", he and Riley were surprised until the same voice appeared again. This time it sounded almost annoyed.
"Pardon me, but would you humans just look down. I'm here!!", a black cat with bat wings flew up and landed right in front of Liam on his desk.
"What the...??!!! What are you?", King Liam panicked as didn't expect a talking cat to appear.
"Awwww, isn't the cat cute?!!!"
"Riley, it's a talking cat and not cute."
"Pardon me, but I cannot handle such disrespect. If the lady thinks I'm cute then please respect her opinion.", the creature annoyingly hissed which frightened the principal.
"Please, leave!! It's a school and people could be allergic to cats like you. Where did you even come from?!!"
"Pardon me, but I'm attending important business here and need to speak to the head of this school. Perhaps even complain about you since you cannot speak to me, Threep Pompedorfin, a wise nesper like this.", the winged cat licked his paw with attitude.
"Wait, you're Mister Pompedorfin??! The new teacher I'm expecting for the interview??!! I... I didn't expect you to be... like this.", Liam was highly surprised about the sudden reveal.
"Meow me? Excuse me, and you are...?"
"Principal Liam, Head of the Academy.", he spoke with confidence while adjusting the collars of his white shirt underneath his fancy, black coat. His introduction shocked the bat-winged cat.
"Purrrr... You're the head of the academy and king of Cordonia? Well, I expected someone more... older and wiser? Pardon me.", Threep licked his paw again, then brushed it behind his ear.
There was a long silence between the Rys couple and their furry guest, trying to progress. Liam's wife, Riley encouraged him to still continue the job interview and give Threep a chance. It didn't take long till the king agreed to it. Folding his arms, his focus turned back to Threep.
"So, Mister Pompedorfin, tell me more about you."
"Of course, I'm Threep Percivacurus Pompedorfin, a very wise, respectful and ancient nesper. And I love food, so I hope the food in the cafeteria is worth it."
"Very interesting. Also, a nesper?"
"Yes, I'm a nesper and so is my pregnant partner, Loola. Nespers have wisdom and the impeccable ability to judge character. So my apologies for that. It is my solemn duty and distinct pleasure to offer aid wherever I can. Even when it means giving life lessons to the young generation because it is them and my wiseness who'll form the upcoming future."
"Well, it's good to hear that you care about the future of my students. And your motivation to teach them some fruitful lessons. Why did you choose my academy?"
"Because my sixth sense told me that I am desperately needed, sir. Wherever people seek my help, I'll be there... Well... And my partner is pregnant, so I need something well-paid to feed her and my unborn babies."
"Awww, such a cute kitty is having baby kittens?!!! Congratulations on becoming a father soon, Mister Pompedorfin. Please, I'd love to meet your wife, and the babies after they're born.", Riley was excited and still found Threep cute.
"Riley, dear, please... Let me handle this. It's an interview.", Liam silently whispered and held her by her shoulder. Threep meowed to get their attention.
"Meow! Excuse me, but do I have the title of Professor and staff member of your academy already? Do you take me? I'd like to know before taking a look into the cafeteria and then flying home."
"Of course, Liam would accept such an adorable face like you, right?", Riley encouraged and patted Threep's tiny head, still amazed by his cuteness.
King Liam pulled Riley towards him and requested their guest to wait outside to discuss this matter with his wife in private. The newspaper did as he wished and waited outside for the final answer. Will Threep be accepted in the Academy or will he immediately be thrown out?
"So Liam? Do we give him the job?", she asked him.
"Honestly, that was... It's not what I expected. I can't believe it. Tomorrow's the first day of school and I can't even arrange a proper teaching staff?"
"What about Mr. Pompedorfin? He's our last chance. We can't pressure the teaching staff we have already more work. At least accept Threep. He knows a lot and seems very wise."
After hearing his wife's words, he stood up from his chair and walked around his office in circles. To think. It took him a few minutes until he stopped walking and finally came to a conclusion.
"Okay, Riley. Fine, I'll hire Mister Pompedorfin. But if he doesn't fulfill his duties properly, I'll immediately start looking for another staff and fire him. Look, I'm normally not like that. Everyone deserves a second chance, but it's also about the future of our students."
"I trust you, Liam. And I'm pretty sure that Mr. Pompedorfin won't disappoint.", she moved closer towards her husband and embraced herself in his arms while he pulled her closer. Planting a tiny, sweet kiss on her bare shoulder, he thanked her for supporting him.
After their sweet little moment, Liam hurried towards his desk and pulled a list out.
"I'll hire Mister Pompedorfin and will hand him over the smallest class of students. Just in case. If he handles this well, then I'll be more confident about him in the future and he'll stay with us in the academy. I already have a few students in mind to put in his class. They're so various, that perhaps he might have already experience with them. I want to take things slowly for him.", Liam warmly smiled, ready to welcome the new teaching staff. Professor Threep Pompedorfin.
After the nesper found out in Liam's office that he got accepted, he was amazed and delighted about the news.
"I knew that you would finally see that I'm suitable for this honorable cause, your Highness. That's the respect I deserve."
"Congratulations and welcome, Mister Pompedorfin. May tomorrow's first day be a success."
"Puuurrrrfect. Now if you'll excuse me, I want to stop by the cafeteria downstairs and ask about tomorrow's menu and if they have something already prepared today that I could taste. Someone has to check. For the students, right? See you tomorrow."
These were the last words of the winged cat before it flapped it's wings and flew outside the office.
"Isn't he adorable, Liam?"
"Why do I have the feeling that many women will get easily charmed by him? Well, anyway... I need to focus on work."
For the next two hours, King Liam, Queen Riley and their loyal friends from Cordonia were seated in the office discussing the upcoming school year. They had often those kind of meetings about the academy and their dedication towards their kingdom of Cordonia. This one was just the last meeting to discuss the opening of the Academy in the new year like they did every year.
Olivia Nevrakis, the right hand of the Rys couple was delighted for this year, especially after she just saw the name of her cousin from Drakovia on the students list. She's also the new head of security in the academy because it was essential to secure safety for the high-elite students.
"Liam, I found two of the best people I could hire to secure the safety of our students and the academy. The parents have nothing to worry about. This year we will have two people for our security and safety.", Olivia, the Scarlett Duchess spoke with high confidence.
"I like our new security standards, Olivia. If you trust them, then so do I. I want the students and the academy to be left in safe hands.", Liam trusted Olivia's decisions and was excited to meet the two, new members. Only a few Cordonian guards are now in the academy, but they are mostly needed in his kingdom.
During his absence, Drake Walker was responsible for the security of Cordonia. His home and where his children lived. His wife, Queen Riley will only support him for the beginning days, then she'll return to their children.
"Have you already made the timetables?", Lady Hana curiously asked, wanting to know her times and which class she'll get. She would be teaching the subjects Art, Music and some Fashion classes. While Lady Kiara specialized in Foreign Affairs, Cultures & Languages.
The rest of their friends, Maxwell, Penelope and Madeline had royal duties in Cordonia to handle like Drake. Plus, Maxwell loved to spend time with the Rys children and take care of them.
Class schedules and lists were now already made. And like Principal Liam decided, the new teacher, Professor Threep Pompedorfin would get the smallest class group of students. He checked all the lists one last time before they were finished. The new school year can come...
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Servants rushed in the early morning around the dining room serving the two children their breakfast on their first day of school in the Royal Academy. They bowed as their ruler, their duke entered and then continued their work.
"Good morning, my lovely children. Are you excited for your first day?", he sweetly asked before planting a gentle kiss on their cheeks.
"Yes, father. I can't believe today's our first day and I'm so excited. It'll be just like high school again, right?", the daughter answered while she continued to eat her fresh fruit salad.
"What's high school? Well, never mind. I still think it's not right. Why should we go to a school led by human beings?", the younger brother snorted who definitely wasn't thrilled about going to school.
"My son, I figured that it might be the best. Perhaps this way you would understand the life your sister had among humans and that they're not all bad after all. I love you and just want the best for my shining stars. And I heard that other beings will be there too. You will learn a lot there."
"Tialo, could you hand me over the orange juice? Please, I can't reach it.", the sister was struggling as her hands couldn't reach the filled glass carafe. The younger brother, Tialo didn't care and ignored her request until their father, the Duke, Lord Elric spoke.
"Tialo, help your sister.", he ordered him, then reached for the juice himself to hand it over to his daughter.
"Father, how many times did I tell you that she's not my sister??!!", Tialo almost shouted while his innocent Alex was too focused on her meal.
"Enough, Tialo!!! Your mother and I accepted her as our own already. She may be my child from another woman, but I still love her."
"Father, that woman you were together with is a human and so is Alex!!! Humans are nothing. Alex is half fae, half human. A halfling who shouldn't be among us. There's nothing royal about her and..."
"You said enough, Tialo. Quiet now!!! Perhaps sending you to the academy with your sister might be wise, so you would understand eachother. Support each other and learn how to get along."
Tialo wasn't thrilled at his father's words and decided to stay quiet, but that won't happen for long... He'll figure out something. Just wait and see.
"Chop, chop, you're getting late for your first day. Hurry up, my children.", the sweet voice of the loving Lady Thalissa, Lord Elric's wife rang across the room as she entered. She rushed towards them and planted a gentle kiss on each of their foreheads. Some fae servants brought the suitcases of Lady Alexis and Lord Tialo already downstairs for them.
"I will miss you two very much. You'll stay away from home. I wish...", the duchess whispered to them and her green eyes sparkled with tears.
"Mother, I'll be fine. Don't worry."
"Yes, Thalissa. Tialo is right. We'll be alright. Don't worry, we're strong. You're not alone, Father is still with you. Please, don't cry.", Alex tried to assure her caring stepmother and squeezed her free hand.
"I know, it's just... Promise to take care of each other, to eat enough, and to behave yourself. Don't forget to drink water and wear clothes that are made for the weather. And...", she got interrupted by her husband.
"I think they understood and we shouldn't hold them any longer. They're getting late."
"But father, we won't make it. It's already..."
"My princess daughter, you're forgetting that we're fae.", Elric answered with amusement and to her surprise, opened a portal that would directly lead them to the academy in the human realm.
And with that, Alex and Tialo met each other's eyes before focusing back on the portal in front of them. Tialo may have been used to fae magic and portals, but his half-sister wasn't. Clutching her suitcase and saying her goodbyes to the parents, she closed her eyes, finally entering the portal along with Tialo. Bright light was all she could see even when her chocolate-brown eyes were closed. After a moment, she slowly opened them again and faced...
"Wow!!! Beautiful.", she happily twirled in front of the gate of the academy. So huge and majestic.
"You find that beautiful, halfling? Poor thing, then you haven't seen our home completely yet.", he spoke in a mocking manner and then laughed at her.
In front of the two siblings, other students entered the gates of the academy with their suitcases, one by one after a proper security check. It was very astonishing to see various students from different places. European, Asian, Hispanic... Even different species which weren't only humans, like elves and even faes like them. Perhaps an Inter-realm Academy?
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Name: Guinevere (later: Guinevere Pendragon)
Alias: Gwen (She/Her), Princess, Milady
Age: 22
Place of birth: Kingdom of Carmelide
Current location: Kingdom of Camelot
Titles: Princess of Carmelide, Wife of King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot, Queen of Camelot, new member of the Round Table
Appearance: Green eye color & long, red hair
Accessories: Tiara with purple gemstones
Languages: English
Personality: kind, fair, loyal
Fears: Seeing her bad visions turning real, like the downfall of Camelot or her beloved ones (especially Arthur & Lancelot) in danger. She also fears that people might think she's a witch if they find out that she can see the future and the past.
Favorite colors: Purple & orange (Colors of Carmelide)
Symbol: Crown & Sword
Likes: food from Carmelide
Dislikes: getting disturbing visions
Secrets: Promised to marry the legendary ruler of Camelot, King Arthur Pendragon while feeling attracted towards his loyal knight, Sir Lancelot du Lac. But she always stayed true to her betrothal, King Arthur Pendragon.
Family: unknown, dead mother & her father King Leodegrance of Carmelide
Lover: King Arthur Pendragon (Husband)
Quote: "I know I am new here, but I have already seen the strength of Camelot's people and the nobility of the Knights of the Round Table. I am proud to stand here as one of you!" ~ Guinevere
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Character Profile template created on Canva by @storyofmychoices . I made a few changes if nobody minds.
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Guinevere x King Arther 🏰
Ekkk I made this for the Guinevere book club! I’ve been working on it periodically when I have time so it would be ready for chapter 15 when the final battle occurs 😊
Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesbookclub & @ladylamrian
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For the reading challenge, do you have to finish the whole book or a specific number of chapters?
I was thinking the whole book, unless it’s a currently releasing book, then just as long as you’re staying somewhat up to date with it. But if that’s too much for you and you need to adjust/bend the rules for your needs, that’s okay! I mean, I’m not gonna know if you finish the book or not anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Question regarding Choices Bingo:
How do you define old books? (The Freshman, TC&TF, TRR, Most Wanted, Love Hacks, IL?)
Books between 2016-19 (like HSS, Perfect Match, AME, OH, Nightbound, ACOR,...)?
Definitly older than 2020, I asssume?
Or older than 2019? (Not OH, not Nightbound, not AME, not ACOR,...).
Honestly, since old can be subjective and this event is just for fun, it can be whatever you want! If it’s old to you, that works for me!
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starts today!
Choices Book Bingo Event
Hi everyone! It's @peonyblossom here with a super fun fall event, Choices Book Bingo (fall edition) :D
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Check off a box by completing a Choices book that fits the prompt (current releases can count, as long as you're caught up on the book by the time the event ends, even if the book hasn't finished releasing)
Any book is fair game, but each book can only be used once
The event will run from September 1 - November 30
You can share bingo boards as you check off boxes, or you can wait until you have bingo to do so
I will reblog any bingo boards shared, but if it becomes too much I will switch to only reblogging boards with bingos
Tag @choicescommunityevents and/or @peonyblossom to submit
You can also use #ChoicesBookBingoFall24
If you have questions about any of the prompts, feel free to comment on this post or send an ask to @peonyblossom
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Rules 👑 Prompts 👑 Event Masterlist
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Rules 👑 Prompts 👑 Event Masterlist
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Starting tomorrow...
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