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sophxwithers · 18 days ago
Me: I don’t read second chance romance
Also me: obsessed with Persuasion
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sophxwithers · 1 year ago
Okay so I woke up this morning and I got hit with this urge to hop back on tumblr and then I saw your name at the top of my notifs and squealed. Must have been fate 😂
So then ensues a binge of this fic and omg you love to play with my poor little heart. First of all LILY!!!! The love I have for that girl is concerning but I cannot help it when she is so adorable. Tiny recap of moments I adored in the earlier chapters. The snail for show and tell, actually hilarious. Her being so excited on the plane, as a self professed plane girl me too lils me too. And then max calling her mini blossom. OMG MY HEART MELTED. Then her telling that joke to lone star 🥺 she is too pure for this world.
As always you continue to do your title as the queen of angst complete justice. We always see drake as this doting father in your fics and whilst I cannot get enough of that I am kind of loving seeing this new dynamic play out. Whilst also sobbing because I just want them to be a family. It is painful trust me but you do it so well! He is the king of self sabotage and it’s out in full swing with this. Let’s pray he can pull himself together soon.
I’m already loving the dynamics playing out. The way Lily was drawn to Drake but has no idea why, the way he is so drawn to her and Camille but continues to hold himself back and the way Camille has to fight her emotions to protect Lily and herself. UGH ITS SO GOOD. Also I always adore maxwell but his role in this so far has been top tier. That whole scene in the bar where he just would not back down from defending Camille. Get yourself a friend like max is all I say. I was also living for the Leo cameo. Him trying to change the subject to the Texans game was actually hilarious and now both he and liv have made an appearance I am ready for her to fly to Texas so they can end up together. You introducing me to the Liv and Leo pairing actually changed my life and I now need it in every fic possible 😂
I can’t wait to see where you go with this. I know I’m in store for even more pain and frustration but you always make it worth it in the end.
Love love love this. You never miss ❤️
the best mistake he never had [drake x Camille AU] [part four]
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Lily burst into the house, trying her best not to cry. It was rare that Camille shouted at her and it had been a shock to the system for the five year old.
Camille preferred disciplining by talking. No corporal punishment, no shouting. She wanted to take the time to understand her daughter and explain why certain behaviour wasn't acceptable.
But seeing Lily with Drake had filled her with so much anxiety that she couldn't help it. She had shouted at Lily.
Lily went upstairs to find her grandma. She wanted comfort.
‘Grandma?’ she called.
‘I’m in bed, sweetheart!’ Gisele replied. ‘Come through.’
Lily entered the room. As soon as her grandma set eyes on her, her face fell. ‘Ohhh mon petit Fleur..’ she whispered. She reached out for her granddaughter. ‘Come here.’
Lily sniffled and climbed onto the bed, careful not to disturb her grandma too much as she looked so delicate. She gently laid her head on her chest and inhaled Gisele's scent of jasmine perfume and instantly felt her mind quieten.
‘What’s happened?’ Gisele asked quietly.
Lily sniffed. ‘Mommy shouted at me because I was brushing Lone Star and talking to Drake.’
She felt Gisele stiffen but she didn't question it.
‘And she said I shouldn't speak to strangers,’ Lily continued. ‘Because strangers are bad but Drake was nice.’
Gisele cleared her throat and cuddled Lily deeper. ‘It’s just you and your mommy,’ she said softly. ‘She wants you to be safe and since you don't know Drake, he is a stranger to you. Yes, he can be a nice man but that doesn't mean you should speak to him unless your mommy or I are there.’
Lily bit her lip. ‘That’s unfair on him and Lone Star.’
Gisele chuckled despite herself. ‘Lily, are you just mad because you want the horse?’
Lily turned and pouted. ‘No!’ she protested.
Gisele smiled and pressed a kiss on Lily's head. ‘You don't speak to someone you don't know unless you have your mommy or me there, okay? That's not just a rule for you, that's a rule for all children.’
Lily sighed. She knew she couldn't protest against that if the rule applied to all children.
She was a child who obeyed rules and liked everything to be just right. She rarely strayed from the safe path.
Lily also felt things deeply and that often meant she didn't want to upset anyone. She especially didn't want to upset Camille because Camille was her entire world.
She didn't want to upset her mommy, ever.
If that meant no more Lone Star or talking to Drake, then she wouldn't go near them again.
That evening, Drake was back in his local bar, where he tended to spend most evenings.
Yes, he had work at the ranch in the early mornings but Drake had since admitted to himself that he was basically a high functioning alcoholic and he could deal with a sore head and dry mouth if it meant he could drink whisky and forget about all this shit for a while.
This shit being meeting his daughter for the first time today and Camille's anger about it.
Drake downed his whisky and gestured to Leo, the bartender and friend, for another.
‘You alright man?’ Leo asked, frowning as he began to pour Drake another. ‘You’re quieter than usual.’
Drake smirked. ‘I’m fine, Leo.’
Leo raised his eyebrows and passed Drake the glass. He studied him for a moment, his green eyes roaming Drake's face.
‘So I heard Camille is back,’ he said bluntly. ‘And a mini Camille too.’
Drake gripped the glass. ‘Leo. Shut up.’
Leo proceeded to dry the wet glasses, not once taking his eyes off Drake. He didn't understand him. Sure, Leo was not a family man, he was allergic to commitment. If a woman he slept with had gotten pregnant with his baby, he would have run a mile.
But Drake wasn't like Leo. Drake, although a bit of a loner and hardly a womaniser, was the kind of guy who looked like he would want a relationship and a kid. The women he had dated in the past had always been long term.
Plus she was Camille Montespan. She was in Leo’s spank bank.
He loved her name. Fucking sexy and French.
Anyway, who in their right mind would reject Camille Montespan? She was the town sweetheart. Always friendly, always up for a laugh, drop dead gorgeous.
Pretty much every guy in Applewood had had a crush on her at some point, Leo included.
You sleep with girls. You marry women like Camille Montespan.
If Camille had slept with him and had his baby, Leo would gone against all of his instincts and settled down with her. Because you don't give up the chance to be with a woman like her. Even Leo knew that.
So why the fuck did Drake fuck it up?
He didn't know what had happened five years ago with Drake and Camille. Drake never spoke about it. Had it been a drunken fling? A secret romance?
All Leo knew was that Camille and his daughter were Drake's sore spots. You could insult him about anything and he would shrug it off, acting like he didn't care. But if you mentioned Camille and his daughter, Drake would turn defensive.
Before Leo could respond to Drake, the door opened and in walked Maxwell Beaumont.
‘Hey Leo!’ he greeted him as if Leo was the best thing in the world at that moment.
Leo smiled. ‘Hey Max. What can I get you?’
‘Ooohh.. a pina colada please.’
‘Coming right up, good sir!’ Leo said. Maxwell always ordered a fancy cocktail and it was always interesting to see what he would order his time.
Drake sipped his whisky and cast a glance over at Maxwell who was studiously scrolling through his phone and making a point not to speak to Drake.
‘How are ya doing, Max?’ Drake finally said, breaking the horrible silence.
‘Fine,’ Maxwell replied, his voice montone.
Leo eyed the two of them as he shook the cocktail shaker, wishing Drake would just stop trying.
Ever since Camille left town, Maxwell swore never to talk to Drake again. He was Camille’s best friend and incredibly loyal to her. If you hurt Camille, you hurt Maxwell.
He was like sunshine personified with everyone except Drake. Even though Drake understood, it didn't mean that he liked it.
‘So I saw Camille and Lily today -’
‘Don’t even say their names,’ Maxwell interrupted, his voice like ice. ‘Don’t you dare.’
Drake's jaw set. He picked up his glass of whisky and downed it before gesturing to Leo for another.
However, Leo was staring at Maxwell with his mouth open, cocktail shaker gripped tightly in his hands. He knew Maxwell hated Drake but Jesus Christ, he was quick to the punch.
‘Sorry..’ Drake muttered, taking a sip of his drink.
‘No, you don't say sorry to me,’ Maxwell said, his voice starting to rise, ‘you say sorry to Camille. But you won't because you really don't give a shit about her.’
Drake exhaled. ‘Leo, can I have another drink?’
Leo coughed and picked up the whisky bottle, pouring him another. He then served Maxwell his Pina colada, hoping the two of them wouldn't fight right here at his bar.
Drake downed the whisky.
‘Yup, get drunk like you always do…’ Maxwell muttered, his lips brushing the straw in his glass. ‘Classic Walker.’
Drake was up on his feet in an instant. ‘Right man, you got something to say? Fucking say it.’
‘Woah, calm down!’ Leo panicked. ‘You’re going to upset my other patrons…’
‘Who, Bill at the back? Drake hissed. ‘He doesn't give a shit.’
Maxwell sipped his Pina colada, cool as a cucumber. He looked away from Drake , not bothering to give him any eye contact. Drake stared at the side of his face.
‘You know it's none of your business what happened between me and Camille right?’ he asked, keeping his voice neutral. Unfortunately , his voice was slurring now thanks to the whisky he had downed.
‘I know you're her fucking guard dog who needs any excuse to jump but you don't know the ins and outs of this. You weren't there.’
Maxwell turned to look at Drake. His eyes were narrowed. ‘Excuse me?’ he whispered.
‘So guys, you watch the Texans game on Sunday?’ Leo asked, his voice high. ‘Great game -’
‘I get she's your friend and you are sticking by her but you don't know the full story so you can't exactly make your mind up about me,’ Drake continued. ‘You’re judging me without actually talking to me about it.’
Drake had a secret. Despite acting like he didn't give a shit about anything, he hated it when people judged him. All he wanted was to be accepted but people rarely did.
Maxwell rose so he stood over Drake, which wasn't hard as Drake was sitting on the bar stool. The tables would turn if Drake stood up because he had a clear five inches over Maxwell.
So he stood up.
Maxwell stared up at him, his eyes flashing. ‘I was there to pick up the pieces after you took her heart and ripped it into two,’ he said quietly, his tone dangerous. ‘I was there to listen to her as she told me how cruel you were, how you said it had been a drunken mistake, that it should never have happened. She was broken up, Drake. She felt like shit, like nothing-’
‘I didn't mean to make her feel like that!’ Drake burst out. ‘I didn't word it correctly-’
‘She told you that she was pregnant with your baby and you told her you didn't want anything to do with her!’
‘It wasn't meant to come out like that!’
‘Guys, please, can we stop?’ Leo interrupted, desperate for peace.
‘She always stuck up for you!’ Maxwell shouted, pushing Drake in the chest. Drake stumbled back, catching himself on the bar. ‘When everyone in school took the piss out of you, called you names, ignored you, she was there to defend you! She thought you were a good guy!’
‘I am a good guy!’ Drake shouted back. ‘I made a crappy decision but I am a good-’
‘No, you're a selfish asshole,’ Maxwell cut in. ‘You could have stood by her. You didn't have to say you'd step up and be a dad but for fucks sake, you could have at least paid her child support!’
There was a horrible, thick silence.
Leo looked between the two of them and exhaled. ‘Guys. Get out of my bar.’
Drake swallowed. ‘I.. I offered to pay her child support and she said she didn't want anything from me.’
Maxwell stared at him. ‘You should have ignored her and done it anyway. But instead you wiped your hands clean of them. Happy to stay in Texas working on that ranch and drinking yourself stupid at night. That's what you chose, Drake.’
Drake shook his head and raised his hands. ‘I can't take this anymore -’
‘Good,’ Leo interrupted, his voice sharp. ‘Both of you are done. Get out. I won't ask again.’
Drake grabbed his denim jacket and pushed some dollars at Leo. ‘Sorry Leo.’
Leo nodded mutely and took the cash. ‘Sober up, Drake. And you, Maxwell,’ he eyed Maxwell who was downing the last of his pina colada. ‘Don’t talk shit about something you don't know about.’
‘But I do!’ Maxwell protested.
Leo pointed at Drake who was now leaving the bar with his shoulders heavy and head low.
‘You clearly don't.’
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sophxwithers · 1 year ago
No but this actually made me emotional! Our Victoria has come so far. I loved the way you wrote this with those little glimpses at those key points in her journey it just emphasised how much she’s grown through it all. Vic worked her bloody arse off and deserves every success and I love that Ethan’s always been her biggest support throughout (even if he wasn’t the best at showing it at first 😂)
Taking Time
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Victoria reflects on several first days
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Fluff
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In the tiny bed sit in Boston, Victoria Clarke laid against her pillows, reflecting on her first shift at Edenbrook Hospital.
She was exhausted having been on her feet all day, her body aches and she was half falling asleep as soon as she crawled into bed. But here she was, the start of what she hoped would be a successful career.
Perhaps the most exciting part of all was getting to work along Ethan Ramsey, one of the greatest doctors of his generation. Victoria knew the man expected great things out of people. But she didn’t realise how rude he could be.
Victoria hadn’t even started her shift before she was in the deep end of action. However, she knew she couldn’t leave the experienced doctor hanging. So she did as much as she could.
And she got no thanks for it.
Victoria may not be that experienced but she certainly wasn’t stupid. She knew the basics and it would take time.
So to be berated before she had even fully begun her shift was unnecessary.
Victoria knew the expectations of a doctor, the sacrifices and hard work, it took a lot to become the best and it was work Victoria was willing to put in.
She knew she would be praised and criticised along the way. And she would took it on the chin. All of the comments would make her a better doctor. Getting feedback from Ethan Ramsey was something she should listen to and reflect on. He wants the best for his staff. He wants them to succeed.
Victoria turned away from the window, a small smile on her face.
Tomorrow would be a new day. A day where she could show her new colleagues just what she was made of.
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Victoria dumped her bag on the floor with a loud sigh, she kicked her shoes off and collapsed onto her bed.
Her first day on the diagnostics team was over. And it was intense to say the least.
Working alongside some of the country’s greatest doctors was an honour but Victoria couldn’t help but feel a little out of place. They had years of experience compared to her. Victoria wondered if her opinion really mattered.
So when she was asked to attend a meal with the Governor of Massachusetts, Victoria knew she has clearly made a good impression. And her job was to keep the Governor happy. The youngest person at the table had the most important job of the night.
And according to everyone, she had passed with flying colours.
Victoria pulled out her phone and googled the Governor. She was a highly professional woman, someone who always dressed sharp and didn’t take fools lightly. Victoria guessed that she was a hard woman to impress. Yet funnily enough, she was able to do just that with her own son.
And the reward was an eight course meal at one of the fanciest restaurants in Boston. But somehow, that wasn’t the highlight of the evening. The minimal contact she had with Ethan was enough to make her heart flutter.
Strict boundaries were set between them. Whatever happened in the past had to stay there. They couldn’t go back to what they had before. And for Victoria, it hurt.
But that was the past and she was determined to put it behind her and focus on the future. She had earned one of the most hotly anticipated spots on a team admired by doctors all across America.
She was ready to prove her place.
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Victoria laid in bed as she heard the shower running in the en-suite, smiling to herself as she made out the faint line of Ethan in the reflection of the mirror. But she had even more reason to smile today. Her first full day as leader of the diagnostics team. It was pretty surreal.
She would never have guessed that she would be running this team. But with Ethan having taken over as Chief of Medicine, he decided that the leadership should be passed over to Victoria.
She considered it an honour to be leading the team. And she was going to do her best to make sure it excelled like it had under the last leader.
The door to the en-suite opened and Ethan stepped out, towel round his waist and hair dishevelled. “Are you okay?” He smiled.
“Never better.” Victoria smiled back. “I was just thinking about today.”
“Oh yeah.” Ethan said. “What were you thinking about?” He pulled out the hairdryer.
“Just how surreal it is leading this team. All I’ve ever wanted is to do the best for our patients. Now I have a chance to do even greater things. There’s a lot riding on it.”
Ethan turned off the hairdryer. “I understand how you feel. I felt the same when I took over. You suddenly don’t feel ready. But then I remember why I took the offer in the first place. Those before me trusted me. And if they had faith in me then I had faith in myself.” Ethan climbed into bed.
“That’s a good way of looking at it. I just don’t want to let anyone down.” Victoria replied.
Ethan wrapped his arms around Victoria. “You could never let anyone down. You are an exceptionally talented doctor. You’re ready for this moment.” He pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
“I just feel like I don’t have a lot of experience.” Victoria sighed.
“You’ve had more than you realise. The cases you diagnosed were like no other and as strange as it may sound, the events with the Senator helped us discover a cure that we didn’t have before. You’ve contributed so much that your are worthy of this position. I would never have offered it to you if I didn’t think that you were ready.” Ethan smiled.
Victoria smiled up at him. “It means a lot to hear you say that. I just hope I do you proud.”
“You will Victoria.” Ethan pressed a kiss to her lips.
To have Ethan’s support meant the world to Victoria. If he had faith in her then she should have faith in herself too.
She was ready for this new challenge. And she would make everyone proud.
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And she became one of the most respected diagnosticians in the country 😉
Tagging in reblog
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sophxwithers · 1 year ago
I know I’m so late to this but you know these two are my actual babies and so when I spotted this on my once a year tumblr relapse I couldn’t resist 😭
I love them. Have I told you that enough yet? The way that even when they’re meant to be apart they just can’t help but be pulled to one another. That part where Thomas was thinking of the ring and reflecting on how falling for Amanda made him change all his plans actually made me tear up. THEYRE SO PERFECT!!
Rachel deserves all the awards for her matchmaking. She is doing the lords work and may possibly be my new favourite character in the Thomas and Amanda universe (next to Kathleen of course)
I’m not on this hellsite often anymore for various reasons but you and of course T and A are one of the few things that will always bring me back. You are a talent!
Worth the Wait
(Thomas Hunt x OC) in a what if to A Second Chance AU
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@hopelessromantic1352 @trappedinfanfiction @my-heart-beats-for-ya ​ @aworldoffandoms ​​ @flyawayboo ​​ ​​  @sophxwithers @twinkleallnight @tessa-liam @choicesficwriterscreations @peonierose @krsnlove
Part 1
Thomas took the rest of the week off from work. After Amanda’s announcement, it had been impossibe to concentrate. He instead spent time alone contemplating the fact that he would be a father in six months or so.
The very notion was so unbelievable that he could hardly wrap his mind around it. For years, he had never planned on marriage or having a family.
Keep reading
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sophxwithers · 1 year ago
It’s when I read fics like this that I curse myself for being so inactive. You are just brilliant!
I’m certain I’ve told you this a million times but no one does that couple banter like you do. The back and forth between both ExC and TxC is so natural and charming and absolutely hilarious. How you make me feel like I’m in the room with them every single time I will never know.
The Tobias and Ethan enemies to secret besties plot line is everything to me personally. The bonding over gossiping was absolutely brilliant it made my night. I love every dynamic going on in this fic so much!
Also Celia’s better half line was just about the best thing I’ve ever read and I will be using on any future partner of mine 100%
I loved this!
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In the just in the nick of time category! For week 4 of @lilyoffandoms Writer Appreciation Week, here is a little AU for my paired writer, @trappedinfanfiction, featuring her OTP Ethan x Celia and my OTP Tobias x Casey. I hope you enjoy it, Tif!
Book: Open Heart (Book 3 Timeline)
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Celia Moore Tobias Carrick x Casey MacTavish
Rating: Teen
Words: 2250
Summary: Celia and Casey have become good friends and believe a double date is in order! Unfortunately, their boyfriends are ex-best friends and rivals. Watch as the night unfold. Will it go better than expected, or be a disaster?
A/N: Participating in @choicesseptemberchallenge2023 Day 9 Date Night.
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The condo was quiet. Entirely too quiet for them getting ready for a Saturday night out, but it wasn’t just any night, and Celia knew Ethan was miffed. Putting the final touches on her makeup, she bit her cheek to stop herself from laughing at his pouting. She knew he wasn’t happy, but the huffing and grumbling under his breath as he changed his tie for the fifth time was a bit... dramatic... to say the least.
Clearing her throat to get his attention, she was disappointed when the scowl remained on his face. Even the incredibly low-cut black silk dress she picked for the evening wasn’t cheering him up.
“Do you need some help picking out a tie? I can help.”
“I am capable of picking out a tie,” he stated flatly. “But... thank you.”
“You do seem to be struggling,” she teased as he collapsed into an easy chair with a sigh.
“Is it too late to say we have a fatal condition that will miraculously disappear in the next 24 hours.”
“Interesting...” Celia sang as she playfully sat on his lap. “Because it wasn’t all that long ago when I did have a mystery illness, and we weren’t sure I had another 24 hours left.  But, thanks to Tobias, I’m here... sitting on your lap... in this incredibly hot dress that you have not had the decency to acknowledge!”
His stony façade crumbled as his eyes traced her body, happily landing on her decolletage, just inches from the pleasant grin tugging at his lips.
“You make an excellent point,” he surrendered, his hands roaming over her curves. “But it was a team effort. We can hardly credit Tobias with saving you.”
“Oh? Would you like to redo the night and exclude him... just to see how things turn out?”
Ethan’s silence was all the answer she needed, and she rose to her feet with a triumphant grin.
“That’s all the more reason for us to stay in... I’m sure Tobias, of all people, would understand that I’d rather do... other things...”
“Nice try,” she laughed. “But we’re meeting Casey and Tobias at Menton in thirty minutes, like it or not.”
“Well, you know my answer to that.”
“Ethan. Casey is a good friend, and it’s ridiculous to think we can’t have dinner with our boyfriends, especially when they were once best friends themselves.”
“Were being the operative word.”
“Is asking you to be polite for one evening too much?”
“It’s not,” he sighed.  “You’re right.”
“I know I am,” she simpered. “You know when most people say ‘my better half,’ it’s just a term of endearment, but in our case, I very much am your better half. The sooner you accept that, the better.”
Ethan barked out a laugh. “Then we’re in luck. Because I’ve already accepted it.  Now let’s go, but we’re not staying a minute past 9:30... agreed?”
“Agreed. Just be a good boy, Ethan, and I’ll reward you later.”
“In that case, we don’t stay a minute past 9:00.”
In a townhome across town...
A manicured hand crept out from the billowy covers and blindly reached at the nightstand in search of her blaring phone. Casey’s attention was very much on other things, but they had ignored the first three alarms; they couldn’t do it again.
Undeterred, Tobias remained in place, placing a trail of hot kisses from her belly up toward her chin, stopping to linger on some of his favorite spotsalong the way.
“Tobias,” she giggled, attempting to wiggle out from under him. “Tobias! We have to go. Our reservation is in 30 minutes, and we’re still naked.”
With a heaving breath, he collapsed on her in defeat. “I happen to like us naked.  Can we please just cancel? I’m telling you, Ramsey won’t give a damn if we do.”
“Agreed,” she said, turning on the light. “In fact, you’d probably make his night. But I’d be disappointed, and so would Celia. So I ask you, do you want to disappoint two beautiful women but make Ethan’s dreams come true?”
He rolled over with a grumble. “When you put it that way...”
“Tobias, Celia is one of my best friends. It’s not like we’ll ask for it often, but once in a while, you and Ethan will need to put up with each other.”  
Casey flipped around, her coquettish gaze saying more than words could express.
“Because I’m asking you to.”
“Fine,” he smirked. “But outside of this apartment, no one is to know how goddamned whipped you have me. OK?”
“Yeah,” she cackled. “Too late for that, Carrick. Why don’t you go pick out what heels I’ll wear tonight?  This way, you have something nice to focus on during the meal?”
“Yeah,” his eyes lit up. “Can I pick out the undies, too?”
“Undies?” she winked.  “You were expecting me to wear undies?”
“Never mind,” he replied gleefully. “But stop talking like that, or we will be staying home!”
“Go get dressed, Dr. Carrick. I’ve given you your appetizer, and if you behave at dinner, I assure you desert will be spectacular.”
Tobias shook his head as he reached the bedroom door, turning back to Casey with a smile.  
“You know, sometimes I still can’t believe I’ve met you.”
“Yeah, yeah...” she teased. “You can thank your lucky stars when the sunsets. Now go get dressed!”
Forty Five minutes later...
Ethan was tapping his foot in annoyance as Celia perused the menu.  Tobias and Casey were already fifteen minutes late, and Ethan was inquiring how long they had to give them before they left when the guilty parties appeared.  Holding hands as they moved through the crowd, the smiles on their faces left little question about what Tobias was whispering in her ear. Ethan rolled his eyes just as Celia glanced in his direction.
“Ethan!” she scolded.  
“I don’t know what she sees in him.  Maybe we should introduce her to my friend Arutur. We’d be saving her a lifetime of grief.”
“Arthur?” Celia grimaced. “The guy in the opera box next to yours?”
“The one who forages and organizes his cupboards for fun?”
“Yes. He’s a grown-up.”
“He’s a bore! And even if Casey wasn’t happy with Tobias, you need to stick with your day job because you do not have a future in matchmaking.”
Tobias stuck close to Casey as they neared the table.
“God, he looks as miserable as ever,” he groaned.
“Tobias, Ethan’s not that bad.”
“Yeah, he is. Look at him. I think his face would crack if he attempted a sincere smile.”
“Tobias, weren’t you besties at one point? How bad can he be?”
“That was a long time ago. He was a lot more fun back then.”
“Maybe he just needs you to help bring that fun side out again.”
“I’m sure that’s the last thing he wants.”
“I didn’t say want; I said need. Now, just be your jovial self.  And if dinner becomes difficult, just focus on dessert, OK?”
“I’ve been focusing on nothing but. Remember, we’re out of here by 9:00.”
After quick greetings, Ethan summonsed the waiter over to place their drink orders.
“How difficult was it to get him here,” Celia whispered to Casey.
“On a scale of 1-10.  I’d say a 9.  What about you?”
“At least a 15.  But, we’re here,” Celia smiled. 
Tobias and the women agreed on a bottle of wine to share, and then Ethan placed an order for Macallan 18, Sherry Cask.   
“Damn,” Tobias chuckled. “Still drinking that?
“Never stopped.”
“Wait, you drank that during med school?” Celia marveled. “That’s an awfully hefty price tag for a struggling med school student.”
“Some things are worth sacrificing for, dear.”
“So I’ve heard,” Celia winked. “Did you share that bill with him back then, Tobias?”
“Me? Oh, hell no! I drank nothing but cheap stuff back then.”
“Really?” Casey gasped. “But you had a champagne budget.”
“He didn’t want everyone to know that,” Ethan stepped in.
“Nope,” Tobias agreed.  “So I just took the risk of drinking nothing but Boone’s Berry Creek.”
“Did that protect your secret?” Celia asked.
“Unfortunately not.  The Carrick name was just too known at Hopkins, so... I gave up.”
“I’m sure your liver was thankful,” Casey smiled as a look of almost sympathy crossed Ethan’s face.
“Back then, we were both trying to pretend we were something we weren’t. We both had something to prove, even if they were different things.”
“Yeah, and we both failed miserably,” Tobias half smiled.  
“But at least you became friends,” Casey said.  “That’s something.”
“It was,” Ethan replied, taking a sip of his newly arrived drink. “Until we weren’t.”  
“It was a... complicated time,” Tobias offered, as an uncomfortable atmosphere settled on their table.
Celia and Casey kept chatting to keep the mood light, but even they began to wonder if 9:00 might be pushing it. Relief washed over them as the first course arrived, but Tobias’s eyes went wide.  
“Ethan, don’t look up, but is that Richard Barder?”
“Richard Barder?” Ethan blurted as his head circled the room.  “Where?”
“I said don’t look up!” Tobias admonished.
“Now, how the hell am I supposed to know if it’s him if I don’t look up!”
Suppressing smiles, Celia and Casey’s eyes met across the table.
“I think it’s him,” Ethan stated.
“Oh, that’s him,” Tobias agreed. “Goddamn, I haven’t seen him since his wedding.”
Ethan snorted in amusement.  “Which one?” he scoffed.
“The second, I believe. How many is he up to now?”  
“To the best of my knowledge, he’s on spouse number four.”  
“Jesus,” Tobias laughed. “I guess if, at first, you don’t succeed....”
“Amazing,” Celia declared. “Someone in your Hopkins class getting married? I thought that was forbidden?”
“Apparently, Richard is making up for all of those from their class who refuse,” Casey laughed.
“Trust me. You two wouldn’t want to marry either of us if we were Richard,” Tobias insisted.
“Well, it seems like four other people would disagree with that,” Celia teased.
“In fairness, three of those four probably no longer agree with that statement,” Casey surmised.
“There’s a lid for every pot out there,” Ethan shrugged. “But as bright as you two are, you’d never agree to marry the likes of Richard.”
“Aww, Ethan,” Casey grinned. “Are you saying I’m smart for picking Tobias?”
“I said no such thing!” He snapped. “I would deny it in a court of law.”
Celia rolled her eyes. “With three witnesses? Good luck with that!”
Tobias hadn’t been paying attention to the conversation at the table, instead focusing on Richard holding court at the bar.  “You know, enough avoiding him. Let’s go say hello.  Can’t hurt to get the scoop on what happened with marriage three and four.”
“I’m not interested in idle gossip.”
“You’re so full of shit,” Tobias shot back. “I’m going to go say hi, and when I come back, don’t you dare ask me what he said because I won’t tell you.”
Ethan sat perfectly still, but it was clear to see an internal battle waging inside.  As Tobias stood up, he couldn’t hold back any longer.
“Fine! I’ll go.”
“I knew you would,” Tobias smirked.
“Will you two be OK?” Ethan asked.
“Yes,” Celia mocked. “Somehow, we’ll manage to survive without the two of yo.  Go ahead and get your gossip, my dear.”
The two women sipped their wine as they watched the men walk to the bar, animatedly chatting as if they hadn’t spent the last decade avoiding each other.
“So,” Celia simpered.  “What time did Tobias tell you that you had to be out of here?”
“Nine.  And you?”
“Nine,” Celia laughed. “God, they are two sides of the same coin, aren’t they?”
“Twenty dollars says we’ll be heading home much later than nine.  In fact, we’ll probably be the ones begging to go.”
“Didn’t you hear Ethan?” Celia joked. “We’re smart. Why would I take that bet?”
“They’re too predictable,” Casey laughed.
“Yeah, but they’re cute.”
“Hey!” Casey said, playfully shoving her friend’s shoulder.  “Eyes off of my boyfriend.”
“Pfft!” Celia waved.  “Feel free to look at mine.  Just look, of course.”
Hours later...
Casey’s head was nuzzled on Tobias’s shoulder.  “Tobias,” she yawned. “I really think we should head home.”
“I agree,” Celia nodded. “It’s way past my bedtime.
“It’s not even midnight,” Ethan scowled.
“I know, but we have that... thing... to do in the morning.”
“In the morning?” Ethan questioned. 
“Ethan,” Casey rolled her eyes. “Morning is in like fifteen minutes.  She wants to do you in the morning.  Can’t you take the hint?”
“I’m sure you have things to do, too,” Celia winked.
“Yes,” Tobias grinned. “Me.  I’m things.  She has to do me.”
Ethan ran a hand down the front of hi face.  “You two are a match made in heaven.”
“I don’t know If heaven will take credit for this,” Celia laughed.
“I suppose we should get going,” Tobias agreed.
“Yes,” Ethan nodded.  “But we should do this again sometime soon.”
“You know, Casey & I have tickets for the Sox game next Tuesday.  Luxury box! You’re both welcome to join us.”
“Count us in!” Ethan insisted.
The two men gabbed non-stop as they waited for their taxis. 
“We knew this would happen,” Casey whispered.
“Sure did.  You know what this means, don’t you?”
“That eventually we’re going to be telling them we’d rather spend the night alone with them?”
“Absolutely,” Casey grinned.  “They’re just too predictable.”
Thanks for reading!
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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sophxwithers · 1 year ago
Doing a long overdue clear out of my photos and found loads of old choices screenshots
The nostalgia is REAL 😭😭😭
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sophxwithers · 2 years ago
So results day was fun 😭😭
Chaos and tears but I’m off to uni and I’m learning to be proud of myself regardless of what letters were on that paper.
Number one lesson from the whole experience… don’t ever do 4 a levels lads and whilst you’re at it don’t do maths either!
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sophxwithers · 2 years ago
A levels… completed it mate 🎉🎉🎉
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sophxwithers · 2 years ago
The a levels officially begin tomorrow 😭
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sophxwithers · 2 years ago
Not that is needs to be said but Ainna is truly an angel!! She simply doesn’t miss. Every detail is perfect and omg Kayla playing with his tie has my baby fever through the roof 🥺
You write their family dynamic so perfectly I swear. I can picture it all so clearly and the warmth just shines through. Like Tobias’ tie. Sammy’s independent girlboss era because bunny ears are so last year. Kayla in her stage of putting everything in her mouth bless her. All of it was just adorable and also hilarious. He’s in his mid forties everyone and don’t you dare say otherwise 😂
I love getting to see more of the extended family aswell especially Vivian. She keeps her boys in check and I love every second of it!
But I’m sorry Kayla, sleepy Casey has stolen your title as most adorable today. And her and Tobias snuggling had me so soft. Ugh I love them so much.
This was perfect ❤️
A Carrick Family Easter
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I'm going to stop saying, "This is it. This is the best one she's ever done," because each time I commission Ainna, I am just blown away again and again. But this, this just may be my new favorite! Artwork by @/artbyainna IG. For @tobias-carrick-appreciation-week Day 7 - The Future
Three scenes from Easter morning and one as the day ends can be found below.
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Tobias and Casey Carrick
Featuring: The Carrick Girls, Vivian Carrick, & Jordan Carrick
Rating: Teen
Category: Fluff
Words: 1.4 K
Summary: A little peek at four scenes from the Carrick Family's Easter Day. Participating in @choicesflashfics and @aprilchallenge - Love
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Easter Morning:
“Honey!” Tobias shouted as Casey stepped our of the shower. She instinctively rolled her eyes. 
“Yes, dear….” She replied sweetly.
“Where is my tie? I’ve been looking all over, and it’s nowhere to be found.”
Casey entered the bedroom, still dripping wet, wrapped only in a plush towel. She didn’t say a word; the look on her face said it all. With three steps to the right, she opened the top drawer of Tobias’s dresser and, viola... his pink tie.
“You're still planning on wearing this one, right?” She teased. “Because where is it? Oh, look, exactly where I told you it was… in your tie drawer.”
Tobias bit his lower lip, amusement and embarrassment evident in his grin.
“You know you are so incredibly sexy,” he growled as his arms wrapped around her waist. “What do you say I tell Ma to take the girls to Church, and you and I stay home to do very… unholy things.”
“Tobias,” she giggled, pushing him away. “Stop trying to distract me. It won’t work.”
“The hell it won't,” he hummed.
“Mmmm, you’re right,” she acquiesced, “but it’s Easter… and we’re spending it with our girls, so let me get dressed.”
“If you must,” he grumbled. “I want to go check on the girls anyway. They’ve been quiet for over fifteen minutes, so I’m all but waiting for the fire alarm to go off.”
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“Where are your bunny ears?” Brooke squeaked.
“Who, me?” Tobias asked with a raised brow. 
“No, Daddy!” Brooke giggled. “Sammy’s!”
“I’m not wearing bunny ears,” Samantha explained. “I’m too mature now.”
“You’re not mature!” Brooke countered, then tugged at her father's sleeve so he would crouch down and she could whisper. “Daddy, what does mature mean?”
“It means Sammy is growing up, baby. So, she’s graduated from bunny ears to a bunny barrette. From what I understand, this is a natural progression, and you’ll get the bunny barrette one day too.”
Brooke flung around with her hands on her hips and a dramatic flair.  
“Is that why you got a jacket like Mommy’s? You think you're grown up?”
“Be quiet!” Sammy shot back.
“Sammy, Brooke… be nice! Why can’t you girls be more like Kayla.”
“Daddy… she can’t talk yet….” Samantha answered sarcastically.
“Oh! So that’s why she’s my favorite!”
“Daddy!” Brooke laughed, tickling his legs. “I’m your favorite!”
“No, I’m your favorite,” Samantha laughed, getting in on the tickling.
“You’re all my favorites!” he insisted as he corralled them. “Now, no more playing until after church. We can’t mess up our pretty outfits before pictures. Grammie would kill us.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t want to deal with that,” Sammy agreed.
“Fine,” Brooke surrendered. “But I still think you should wear bunny ears!”
“Well, I’m not. And neither are you if you don’t get them fast.”
Tobias & Brooke turned around to find Kayla gleefully crawling across the floor to grab the bunny ears, and they were just about in her mouth when Tobias swooped in for the save.
“Kayla baby, those don’t taste good. Trust me.”
“Have you tried eating them?” Samantha winked.
Tobias looked at his daughter sternly, then bopped her in the nose. “What I do with my time after you go to sleep is none of your business, young lady.”
“Is everything all right down here?” Casey asked as she walked down the stairs.
“Whoa!” Tobias with a slow whistle. “Much better now. You look… wow.”
“Daddy,” Sammy scolded. “Gross!”
“Hey,” Casey laughed. “There is nothing wrong with your Daddy thinking I look pretty.”
“That’s right!” Tobias enthused.
Brooke tugged at Casey’s leg. “I think you look pretty, too. Mommy.”
“Well, thank you, sweetheart. And you look beautiful, all of you do.”
“OK, now let’s all look beautiful in the car. Because I may be in my mid-forties….”
“Late forties…” Casey playfully added.
“… MID-forties, but I still don’t want to hear my mom complain.”
“Daddy,” Brooke said, grabbing his hand.
“When I’m in my mid-forties, I won’t be afraid of you.”
“Of course, you won’t,” he chuckled. “You’re not even afraid of me now.”
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“Mmmm,” Casey beamed, closing her eyes to commit the moment to memory. “I’m so glad we’re early, and I’m glad there weren’t any parking spots close by. It’s a perfect day to stroll through the park.”
“It really is,” Tobias agreed, then he went silent. Clutching his wife’s hand tighter, he swallowed hard to hold back tears.
His mind flashed back to a much darker time; it was hard to believe it was less than a year ago. At Casey’s bedside, begging whatever greater power would listen to save her. Telling his oldest girls that their baby sister was coming home, but Mommy wasn’t… not yet, then lying and assuring them she would, when he had no way of knowing if that was true. He had never been a man that needed reminders of how blessed he was, but he appreciated every moment a thousand times more now.
“Hey,” Casey whispered, squeezing his hand. A look passed between them that didn’t require any words. “It’s OK,” she smiled. “I’m right here.”
His lips curled upward as he gazed lovingly into her eyes. “I love you,” he mouthed, and Casey did the same. Then with one loud click, the quiet moment was over.
“Uncle Jordan!” the older girls shrieked, running into their uncle’s waiting arms.
“Hey, easy… watch the camera!” He laughed as they tackled him.
“And watch his suit!” Tobias ordered.
“You really are still afraid of Mom, aren’t you?” Jordan laughed as he gave his big brother a hug.
“Like you’re not!”
“Well, I’m going to be on her good side when I show her the amazing candid picture I just took of you. The perfect Easter morning.”
“Every morning is perfect as long as I’m with my girls,” Tobias grinned.
“Amen to that,” Jordan smiled, wrapping his arm around Casey.
“And when you say ‘your girls,’ surely, that includes me,” an eloquent voice stated from behind.
“Grammie!!!!” The girls screeched, rushing over to shower her with hugs and kisses.
“Oh, hello! Hello, my little angels!” Vivian beamed.
Jordan tapped his brother on the shoulder, “She was never like that with us.”
“That’s because you weren’t this cute!” Vivian shot back before lovingly greeting her sons and Casey. “Kayla! Grammie’s baby girl!” She gushed, all but ripping her from Tobias’s arms. Fortunately, Kayla was all too happy to go.
“Mom, I got a great picture of them for you!”
“I’m sure you did, son. The camera loves these beautiful ladies.”
“And me, Ma,” Tobias inserted. “It loves me, too.”
Vivian smirked as she straightened her son's lapel with her free hand. “I suppose I made a couple handsome boys myself,” she agreed.
“Wow! No wise-ass reply,” Tobias exclaimed. “It’s an Easter miracle.”
Vivian turned to Casey, “I don’t know how you put up with him."
“Aww, but you're so glad I do!" Casey grinned. “You know how much I love him.”
“I do,” Vivian grinned. “And that's all I ever wanted for him. Now,” she said, fixing her gaze on Jordan. “when do you think you'll follow in your brother's footsteps."
“Oh, would you look at that,” Jordan sighed. “The church bell is ringing! Have to get inside.”
“Talk about saved by the bell,” Tobias simpered as the family entered the chapel.
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Easter Night:
Casey was exhausted, already unwinding under the covers when Tobias got out of the shower. He sat at the foot of the bed and lovingly gazed at her as she mindlessly scrolled through her phone.
“Whatcha looking at?” he asked from the foot of the bed.
“Just checking out everyone’s Easter pictures.”
“Jordan really got a great shot of us!”
“He sure did,” Casey sang.  “I am already asked him to have a portrait made so we can hang it over the mantle.”
“Beat me to it,” he chuckled.  “So, what’s the Insta feedback on our epic family photo? I'm sure everyone is green with envy."
“I don't know about that," she shrugged, "but our photo is getting rave reviews! Well, except for...."
“Except!?” Tobias exclaimed.  “Who dared to say anything negative?”
“Not negative,” she laughed.  “But some of your old Boston friends are still flummoxed that the Tobias Carrick is a bonafide family man!”
“Really,” he shook his head. “We’ve been together over a decade.  They need to get with the program. What are the morons saying?”
“Let’s see, Terrance said, ‘Tobias was always happiest surrounded by women, but I still remember when the photo would have looked a little different.”
“Do I need to log on?” He sighed.
“No,” Casey laughed, "it’s all good-natured… besides, your mother is already handling him.”
“But he has a point…” she yawned as she pulled Tobias next to her.  “Your life sure did change.  Any regrets, Dr. Carrick?”
Casey scrunched her nose with disapproval when he didn’t answer right away. He looked away as if deep in thought.
"Well?" she asked.
"Honestly, I do have one regret."
“Oh really? And what’s that?”
“That I didn’t meet you sooner.”
Casey playfully kissed his cheek.
“You just want post-Easter nookie.”
“Post meaning tomorrow,” he laughed.  “While you’re unbelievably cute when you’re tired. You need to get some rest.”
“Mmm,” she said, already dozing off, “will you hold me?”
Tobias pulled her closer, then tucked the comforter around them, placing a kiss on her forehead before holding her close.
"As if that was ever in question."
Yep, guys, they went to sleep without having sex. It's an Easter miracle! 🤣🤣
Perma: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @differenttyphoonwerewolf @fayeswiftie @gryffindordaughterofathena @genevievemd @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @sophxwithers @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanart
OH Only: @alwaysmychoices @annfg8 @binny1985 @coffeeheartaddict2 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @ofmischiefandmedicine @peonierose @youlookappropriate
Tobias Only: @icecoffee90 @kyra75
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sophxwithers · 2 years ago
Obsessed is an understatement 😆
First of all Vic is a literal goddess oh my god! No wonder Ethan can’t keep his hands off her. I’d honestly be concerned if he could 😂 him openly thirsting in those comments was EVERYTHING and completely justified.
And that little note about the pregnancy has got me feeling all kinds of mushy. Her own little secret. I’m not crying I swear 🥺
Work Meal
Bloom Edenbrook get a treat from the Chief
For @aprilchallenge “dinner”
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Set in the not so distant future, Victoria is much better at this point and doesn’t have morning sickness but nobody knows she’s pregnant, yet 😉
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sophxwithers · 2 years ago
“I was watching the vow earlier” girl omg. I knew by that title you were about to put me through hell but the gasp I gusped. I’m just picturing you with a little devilish smirk when writing this knowing you were about to ruin me.
The manipulation of then giving me adorable Lily content so I couldn’t even stay mad at you was so rude aswell!!!! Those girls are my weakness and you used it against me! I feel betrayed. And then Drake in full on dad mode. Ugh they are the most adorable family I can’t cope.
This series has already broken me and we’re only just getting started. Like the panic I could feel from drake was gut wrenching and then the last line. I don’t know if I will recover. But guess what I’m gonna eat up every little crumb of this series because I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again NO ONE does angst like you. It’s gonna hurt so bad and the messed up parts of my brain cannot wait.
You are a devil but I love you 😂
the memory of us [drake & camille AU]
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@katedrakeohd​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @gardeningourmet​ @kingliam2019​ @saivilo​ @walkerswhiskeygirl​ @sophxwithers​ A/N: I was watching The Vow earlier..
Camille gently pulled Lily’s fluffy pink sweater over her head. As the little girl pulled her arms through, her hair became static and stood up to attention.
‘Look at your hair!’ Camille cried, giving Lily a quick kiss on the tip of her nose. 
Lily looked in the mirror and laughed, pressing her hand against the static hair. ‘I look so funny!’
Now that the sweater was on, all that was left was to zip up Lily’s denim skirt and pull her pink boots on. Lily loved pink. 
‘Okay, we’re nearly ready,’ Camille told her. ‘Now go say goodbye to daddy- he’s going to pick you up from school later.’
Lily grinned and bolted down the corridor to find her father. Camille smiled and looked at herself in the mirror; she looked prepared for the meeting later with Liam. With her hair pulled up into a chignon, she was wearing a white cashmere sweater paired with black trousers and nude Manolo heels. 
She looked like a different person from the Camille of five years ago. Not that she minded; she wouldn’t trade this new life for anything. Drake, Lily and Luna were her world. 
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sophxwithers · 2 years ago
Absolutely nothing crazy about this. A totally appropriate coping mechanism for this type of earth shattering news.
Casey is me. I love her. Her reactions are all 100% warranted because how is love real if Joe and Taylor aren’t together. Tobias’ panic and confusion was by far the best part of this. The poor guy was ready to go into labour mode bless him. The way Ethan has to play mediator was brilliant. I can picture him sighing and shaking his head in disbelief and I’m obsessed! I love their dynamic as a 3 but then sienna coming in was just the cherry on the cake. “I’ll encourage her to never leave you” I love her 😂
I just love that Tobias goes along with Casey’s crazy. Maybe he doesn’t get it but if it makes her happy he will commit assault on poor unsuspecting joe 😂 and hey if he has done Taylor dirty he and Ethan can count me in on the hit squad as well.
I loved this so much and I will likely re read this multiple times today to help process the news 😫
A Swift Reaction
OK, so enjoy this little crack text fic that is helping me and the lunatics in my home cope with the Taylor/Joe news. 😂😂 Hey, I say OWN your crazy. And here is mine.... 😭
Book: Open Heart (post-series) Pairing: Tobias x Casey Summary: Casey reacts to the news.... A/N: This is happening in live time, and in my HC, Casey is VERY pregnant right now, at home on maternity leave. Tobias is at work when she gets the news. Luckily he has Ethan there to support him. In the great minds think alike category - @genevievemd I am STILL DYING! lmao 😂😂😂 Thank you for promising to NOT start a hate blog! lol
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Forty-Five Minutes Later...
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sophxwithers · 2 years ago
I can’t deal with you Bree!!! Literally what magic do you possess to keep writing like this. WITCHCRAFT. Like one minute you’ve got us sweating and then we’re all of a sudden crying, are they happy or sad tears? How about both. Like this gave me the most severe case of emotional whiplash and I can’t be even the slightest bit mad about it because it was perfect.
Just line after line was a punch straight through the heart but in the best way
“There is no one else I want more that you”
“I could never forget you”
“You are everything to me”
The unsaid I love you. Omg 😭😭😭
Are you joking me. My knees buckled. I passed out. I died. I am a ghost. Bree you cannot keep doing this to me. Literally no one does angsty, emotionally stunted Ethan like you do.
I can’t decide if you are an angel or a demon for this but you best believe I will keep tuning in every single time because you are a master of your craft my dear. Although I might have to get you to start chipping in on my therapy bills cos girl 😫
I literally adore you!
Moonlight (Ethan x f!MC)
Book: Open Heart, book 2 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 1.7 K Rating: E Warning: Strong Language and NS*FW content. Please use discretion and caution when viewing this work. By viewing of this work, you consent that you are 18+
Premise: After an argument, they finally let their desire win. Part 3 of Flowers and Because
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sophxwithers · 2 years ago
It’s times like these I’m so damn grateful you write for both Ethan and Tobias because both of these fics were absolutely perfect for our beautiful men.
Obsessed with how tobias loves to show off his girl, as he should of course. I love nothing more than a man that is proudly whipped. Also Casey is so effortlessly hilarious, my girl was pulling out those one liners. I mean plausible deniability killed me off 😂 these two are my favourite naughty little duo and let’s be honest who needs mixers or brunches when you have Tobias and tinted windows. A girls dream.
Highways & Byways Part 2: Tobias & Casey
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Book: Open Heart (Book 3 Timeline)
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating: Mature
Words: 1,594
Summary: A highway worker hit the lottery and walked off the job, changing all highway road signs before he did. Do not touch your partner's private part while he/she is driving! Tobias & Casey heading out of Boston to head to his college reunion in DC for the weekend. Tobias never saw the sign, but Casey did... 😉
A/N: I saw this photo, and I immediately thought of my two pairings and how they would react in this situation. I was debating which one I would write about, and I decided, screw it, I can do both. In fact, the comparison could be fun. This is totally silly and for fun. I hope you enjoy it! Participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge | Holding hands (and other things....)
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It was only a little after 3:00 PM, but in Boston, it was already meant rush hour, and Tobias Carrick hated driving during rush hour. He would be in a foul mood if this were a typical day. There would be honking, sighs of frustration, and an occasional curse when a driver didn’t understand the meaning of staying in lane. But today was not a typical day.
Tobias bolted out of Kenmore just a few hours before, elated that the fluorescent lighting in the halls wouldn’t be part of his reality for the next four days. No, those days would be filled with revelry, catching up with old friends, and, most importantly, he would do it with Casey on his arm. It didn’t get better than this. 
His phone rang. After ensuring it was someone who wouldn’t lower his mood, he a button on the steering wheel to answer. 
“Bobby Dee!” Tobias shouted with as much enthusiasm as if they were standing in the same room. “How’s it going, my man?”
“It’s going good, going good! You already on the road?”
“I sure am! Hoping to arrive in DC somewhere around eleven.”
“Good! Then you might be early enough to join us. We’re all going to meet up at the hotel bar; we should still be there at eleven.”
“As excited as I am to see all of you, I’m going to have to take a pass. Casey and I are leaving right from our shifts, and we’ll probably need a little shut-eye after the trip. But don’t worry, we’ll see you bright and early at brunch.” 
A low chuckle came from the other end of the call, and Tobias’s lips twisted in anticipation.
“Go ahead,” he insisted. “Get it out of your system.”
“Oh, nothing, nothing….” Bobby laughed. “It’s all good, T… just… how times are changing! You have no idea how excited Tiana was when I told her that the Tobias Carrick was bringing someone to the reunion. Damn near had to get out the smelling salts to revive her.”
“Laugh all you want,” Tobias egged good-naturedly, “but when you meet Casey, you’ll understand. There was no reason to settle down until I met her. She is truly my other half.”  
“Well, as much as I think she’s got to be out of her goddamned mind for being with you, I can’t wait to meet her. She has to be someone pretty special to lasso you in.”
“She’s beyond special. Now tell Tiana to go easy on her. I don’t want all you jackasses frightening  her off.”
“Hey, no promises. But if you haven’t scared her off, I doubt we will.”
“Good point!” Tobias agreed. “Look, I’m coming up to her place now, but I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
“Same here; it’s been too long.”
Casey had been sitting on the steps, anxiously awaiting his arrival. She jumped up with her bag the moment she caught a glimpse of his car and wasted no time jumping into the passenger’s seat.  
“Hello, gorgeous!” he beamed as she entered. But anything else he wanted to say was cut off when her lips met his with a searing kiss.
“Mmph, hey!” He chuckled, playfully pushing her away. “Keep that up, and we won’t be headed to my reunion. We’ll be spending the weekend holed up at my place.”
With a coquettish grin, she looped her arms around his neck. “Would that be the worst thing?”
“Absolutely not, but I am kind of excited about showing off my girl.”
“Mmm,” she hummed. She slid back into her seat and adjusted her seatbelt. “How many reunions have you been to since you graduated from Howard?”
“We have one every year… and I’ve missed one or two, but outside of that, I’ve been to them all.”
“Mmm-hmm. OK you missed two years, so I’m date number what… nine, ten, eleven?”
He turned to her with a sarcastic smirk. “You really want to know?”
“Yep,” she teased. “Forewarned is forearmed.”
“You’re number one. I’ve never brought anyone with me.”
Now it was Casey’s turn for a smart-alec stare. “Figured you’d just pick up there, huh?”
Tobias's eyes went wide. “Wait… I didn’t… that’s not… shut up!” he fumbled. 
Casey couldn’t stop laughing. Rendering him speechless was one of her favorite hobbies.
“You know, that kind of sucks for me, though.  I figured I was the latest in a succession, but wow… now the pressure is real.”
“There’s no pressure,” he lifted her hand to his lips and brushed a kiss over it. “There will be some ribbing, I’m sure, but don’t worry, it will be directed at me.  Everyone is dying to meet you
“Well, I hope no one is disappointed,” she said, a note of worry in her voice.
“How on earth could they be?”  
Many hours, one stop for dinner and two restroom breaks later, Casey pulled out her phone.
“What’s the ETA now?” he asked.
“According to GPS, we should be there in two and a half hours.”
“Good timing!” He nodded. “Maybe we can pop in that mixer for a quick hello after all.”
“If you want to.”
“Hell yeah! I want to start showing you off early.”
“You’re incorrigible,” Casey laughed as she began scrolling through her phone. “Oh my, God!” she chuckled.
“What’s so funny?”
“Some highway worker in New Jersey hit the lottery but went back to work for one more day just to mess around with things. Before he left, he changed all the emergency signs on the Turnpike to read very… different… messages.”
“Classic! What did they say?”
“One read, ‘Some asshole texting on his cell phone got creamed here.’”
“Harsh, but possibly effective.”
“Another said, ‘Accident ahead! That’s what we get for letting New Yorkers drive in Jersey.”
“OK, that’s pretty good,” he chuckled. “What else?”
“This one said,” Casey stopped reading and snorted.
“OK, I need to know!” Tobias insisted.
“Hmm, I’m going to refrain from telling you this one because if the NSA is listening, I want plausible deniability.”
“Case… you’re losing me.”
“Don’t worry, baby,” she grinned. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
Tobias may have forgotten about the topic, but Casey never did.  She waited patiently until they passed the next toll booth and made sure no cars were right around them. Then, with a deftness Tobias would later commend, she reached over, undid the top button of his pants, and slipped her hand under his briefs.
For a brief second, he was rendered speechless, but the tantalizing sensation of her fingers toying with the family jewels brought him back to reality.
“Casey, what are you doing?” he asked without flinching.
“Right now? I’m playing with your balls, Tobias.  I’ll be moving on to your penis momentarily,” she answered matter-of-factly.
“I know that,” he began to chuckle, but it turned into a soft groan as Casey made good on her promise and began stroking, arousing him in an instant. “but why…” he managed to get out.
“I need a reason? I mean, if you don’t like it… I’ll stop,” she started pulling her hand away.
With one hand remaining firmly on the wheel, Tobias used his other to keep Casey’s firmly in place.
“Don’t you dare,” he smiled. “I was just wondering what brought this on.”
“That guy in Jersey.  One of his signs said not to touch your partner's privates while they’re driving.”
“What a stupid fucking man,” Tobias chuckled. “Although I’m not sure everyone can handle it; he may have a point.”
“You have a point,” Casey giggled, caressing the head of his erection.
“Thanks to you,” he replied, followed by a shuddering breath.
Casey bit her lower lip, filled with delight as she watched his body tense when she picked up the pace.
“As long as this doesn’t get us killed. I kind of like this,” she beamed. “We can cross me giving you a handjob while driving off our bucket list.”
“Yes, we can,” he managed to say, his voice becoming tense.  
Casey’s eyes were fixed on Tobias, partly because she found his reactions so enticing, partly because she wanted to ensure his eyes were still on the road.  She was so fixated she didn’t realize he had pulled into a rest stop on the side of the road.
“Tobias, what are you doing?” she asked as he threw the car into park.
With slick precision, Tobias reclined his seat and jumped into the back seat; he took Casey by the arm and pulled her back with him. 
“Tobias!” She giggled as he pulled her into a kiss. 
His fingers hungrily grabbed at her hair, and he pulled her so close there was no space between them. Her handiwork was now pressing against her lower stomach.  His kiss was furious, stoking a flame she wasn’t sure they could ignite in such a confined, public place.  But as she felt Tobias pushing down her jeans, she realized… they were sure going to try.  
“What are you doing?” she chuckled.
“Finishing what you started,” he hissed.
With her pants now at his feet, she let out a whimper as he began nibbling on her ear. 
“It’ll delay the trip…” she whispered through little pants. “We might miss the mixer….”
“Not that I care,” he groaned, “but it’s all your fault.  Such a bad girl, disobeying important safety signs!”
“Mmmmhhh,” she growled beneath him.  “I thought you liked when I was a bad girl.”
“I do,” he smiled, “but keep it up, and we damn well may miss brunch too.”
“Thank God for your tinted windows,” she giggled… and the rest is to be left to the imagination. 😏
Perma: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @different4strawberry @doriopenheart @fayeswiftie @gryffindordaughterofathena @genevievemd @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @sophxwithers
OH All: @alwaysmychoices @annfg8 @binny1985 @coffeeheartaddict2 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @ofmischiefandmedicine @peonierose @youlookappropriate
Tobias Only: @icecoffee90 @kyra75
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sophxwithers · 2 years ago
Here’s me tuning in thinking we’re getting spicy content and then you end up making me cry with laughter. This was actually hilarious.
First of all shout out to Kaycee representing us hot chocolate girls. Representation that matters right there. Then the picture I’ve got of Ethan stressed out of his mind is killing me. Like all red faced, vein popping panic but also slightly turned on. Deceased. And god “I’m playing with your private parts. Jesus, Ethan” someone frame that and put it in a museum please. Kaycee being a menace and Ethan willingly suffering and also secretly loving it is my favourite thing.
I can’t describe how much I loved this ❤️
Highways & Byways Part 1: Ethan x Kaycee
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Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing: Ethan & Kaycee
Rating: Mature
Words: 1,025
Summary: A highway worker hit the lottery and walked off the job, but before doing so, he changed all electronic highway signs to read: Do not touch your partner's private part while he/she is driving! Ethan & Kaycee were on an early morning drive to Providence, and while Ethan didn't notice the signs, Kaycee did... and she found them inspiring. 😉
A/N: I saw this photo, and I immediately thought of my two crazy pairings and wondered how each would react. I was debating which I would create a fic for, and I said, screw it, I'll do both. In fact, the comparison could be fun. This is a totally silly, fun fic. I hope you enjoy it! Participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge (Prompt is highlighted in the fic) Tobias & Casey's version will be posted tomorrow (well, later today, lol)
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Morning dew still coated the surface of, well, everything. Eager to beat the traffic, Ethan insisted on starting their drive to Providence at the crack of dawn. Kaycee knew sleep deprivation had her husband a little delirious. Not only did he fail to mock her when she asked to stop at the 7-11 for coffee, but he asked her to purchase a cup for him, too. Standing in line, she considered buying a thermometer; he may have a fever. Ultimately, she decided against it, chalking his odd behavior up to drowsiness. Besides, entering the car with a convenience store thermometer would probably push the man over the edge.  
She plopped his coffee into the cup holder and brought her drink to her lips. Ethan crinkled his nose as the aroma from Kaycee’s drink filled the car.
“That’s horrific! It doesn’t even smell like coffee!”
“That’s because it’s not,” she shrugged. “I decided to go with a hot chocolate instead.”
Ethan snickered in amusement and shot a sarcastic grin his wife’s way. “How old are you? Five?”
“Ah… looks like Tobias was right about you. Is senility setting in, old man? You can’t even recall your wife’s age?”
“Of course, I know your age, which is why I can’t figure out your penchant for convenience store hot chocolate.”
“I wouldn’t exactly call it a penchant. More like my husband insisted on leaving at an ungodly hour, and my options are limited. After all, isn’t that why you’re drinking 7-11 coffee?”
“Good point!” he agreed as he took a sip from his cup, his face twisting with disgust as the bitter liquid hit his tongue.
“Well, it’s still caffeine. At least I know you’re awake enough to drive,” she laughed.  
“I would never drive if I was too tired,” he assured. “Especially not when I have such precious cargo on board.”
“Aww, you love me,” she teased as the car entered the highway.
Thirty minutes into the drive, Kaycee acknowledged that she, not Ethan, would need a nap when they reached Alan’s. He was chugging along just fine on his subpar coffee while her hot chocolate was doing nothing to keep her awake. She peered out the window, looking at landmarks along the way to help keep her focused.
That’s when she saw it… She rubbed the eyes she was certain had deceived her. “Nah, it can’t be.”
“What can’t be?” Ethan asked.
“Did you see that sign we just passed?”
“I can’t say I did. What did it say?”
“Uh, nothing,” she said, sniffing her cup. “I’m beginning to think my hot chocolate was spiked.”
“I told you that was poison!” He snickered, earning him a crooked smile.
About ten minutes down the road, Kaycee’s eyes fluttered again. She squinted to ensure she was seeing correctly, then broke into laughter when she realized she read the sign correctly:
Do not touch your partner's private part while he/she is driving!
“What’s so funny?” Ethan inquired.
“You still didn’t see the sign?”  
“Apparently not. What did it say we should do?”
“Actually,” she hesitated, a mischievous grin spreading on her lips. “It was instructing what we shouldn’t do.”
“And that is?” He droned.
Kaycee looked around them, quickly ensuring they were still the only car on the road. Confident they’d be safe, she set her plan into action.
“You know, why tell you when I can show you?”
Before Ethan could register what was happening, Kaycee’s hand breezed over the console and down the front of his sweatpants. Not only them but under his briefs, as well. His eyes popped open when he felt her delicate fingers toying with him.
“Kaycee!” He exclaimed. “What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m playing with your private parts. Jesus, Ethan, for a world-class diagnostician, sometimes, you’re a little slow.”
“I know what you’re doing, but why are you doing it… now?”
“Because the sign back there said not to.”
Ethan turned to her with an unbelieving smirk. He pulled her hand off him and placed it back in her lap.
“I’m sure that’s what the sign said!”
“It did! I’m not making this up; the last one said it, too.”
“You’re right,” Ethan admitted. “Your hot chocolate must have been spiked.”
Kaycee’s turned to him with indignance and yelled. “I know what I saw!”
Her hands plunged back into her husband's pants, causing the car to swerve ever so slightly.
“Kaycee!” He gasped, his annoyance increasing. “Would yo… are you… STOP! What the hell are you doing?”
She fell into a fit of giggles, playfully sticking her tongue out at her husband. “I’m playing with what’s mine!”
“Okay, even if you’re not high, and you’re right about the sign. You realize it said NOT to play with my private parts. Correct?”
“I do, but I’m bored… and… I’m a rebel.”
Ethan couldn’t help but laugh as he tugged her hand away again.
“Be that as it may, I’d like us to arrive at my father’s in one piece… and I’d like to get out of the car without pitching a tent in my pants.”
“Oh!” She teased. “I love when you pitch a tent in your pants!”
“I knew you were going to drive me to the brink of insanity the moment I met you. And you’ve been proving me right ever since.”
“And you love it,” she insisted, reaching for his waist again. “Come on, tell me this wouldn’t be fun!”
“Okay, yes… that’s… a fun… idea. But here’s another idea,” he pushed her hand away one last time. “How about… we don’t do that.”
“Fine!” she conceded. “You never let me have any fun!”
“I let you have plenty of fun,” he scolded. “Just not while we’re driving.”
“Can I hold your hand at least?” she asked.
“That’s an excellent idea. This way, I can keep it contained.”
Once again, she couldn’t control her giggles, and Ethan’s eyes crinkled as a smile spread on his face. She may drive him crazy, but he couldn’t get enough of it.
“I love you, Ethan,” she smiled.
“I love you too, even with all the grey hairs you’ve caused me.”
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @differenttyphoonwerewolf @fayeswiftie @gryffindordaughterofathena @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @sophxwithers @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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sophxwithers · 2 years ago
Shout out to all your internet friends who are gone.
Those messenger screen names that haven’t logged on in ages, some before detailed profiles were a thing on those services.
Those emails that are long since abandoned, some with domains that no longer exist.
Those online friends you knew years ago and who then helped shaped you in some way, who you just can’t FIND anymore.
Those people who once were, and hopefully still exist IRL, that seem to have no known internet life anymore.
And those who have actually passed on, and their online lives are now a memorial to them.
I miss you all. I hope life is/was kind to you, and maybe one day, we’ll somehow connect again.
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