#picard series finale
iamthecutestofborg · 1 year
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I loved this ending
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I watched the Picard series finale
Going into this, I have chills 👀
Holy shit Seven looks hot as hell
She's so bad ass
Raffi my beloved 😍
Seven and Raffi looked at each other👀
Seven looks so done while the poor cook dude is explaining how his mom got sick and his brother got a hernia
"You got this." Just gonna think of her saying this whenever I feel like I'm struggling
Oh shit
Jack is consumed by the collective 👀
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The little smile Beverly exchanged with Jean-Luc
Worf: "And I will make it a threesome."
Will Riker: "Do you even hear yourself?" Oh my god😂😂 I'm dead
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That look between Deanna and Will😭
If anything happens to either of them I'm gonna cry
Aw, Beverly is gripping that computer so hard
"I can no longer be your captain. I have to be a father"
Oh no
Does that mean he's gonna take Jack's place and die😭
Picard: "Beverly. Lead me to our son."
I'm crying "You did everything right." Oh damn 😭
Jack looks kinda awesome as Vox
I got chills
I am so creeped out rn
Raffi is Seven's number one
I'm so happy
The looks they keep sharing
I'm screaming with how they're finishing each other's train of thought
That poor Cook 😭😂
I will fight under her
Raffi called Seven captain
Picard to Borg Queen: "You are not his mother!" AWWWWWWWWWWWW HE WON'T LET BEVERLY BE FORGOTTEN
Damn, this queen is bitter
Oh no
Worf. He got zapped
Hope he still lives
"I had no idea it was that heavy." 😂
"We can't do this forever." Feels like she could be talking about more than their ship fighting
But I could be reaching
The way that Beverly fought so well and ruthlessly, and everyone turned slowly to look at her 😂
Beverly: "A lots happened in the last 20 years"😂
"Swords are fun." They really are
"no computer not even my daughter could navigate us through this." Love how proud he(Geordi) is of his kid
Data: *tells them to trust him*
Also Data, seconds later: "Here goes nothing."
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Deanna: "Wait what do you mean here goes nothing." Oh I'd hold on if I were you Deanna
The way Deanna is confused about why she senses enjoyment, meanwhile Data is living the dream 😂
The earth is undefended 👀
Oh. Shit.
Sisters that assimilate together stick together (the La Forge sisters moving around the ship)
Seven's look of defeat 😭
Aw, the look between Saffi
Oh hell😭
"destroy the cube we kill everyone on there." Shit, Deanna is gonna need so much therapy
Beverly looks so freaking heartbroken I want to hug her 😭
"Will, the moment we fire, you'll have a minute at most." The emotion in her voice 😭
Damn, it hurts even more watching this knowing that if Will, Picard, Jack and Worf die, Deanna will feel it
Picard to his son: "If you won't leave, I'll stay with you till the end. You have changed my life. Forever." Oh damn😭
HOLY SHIT THE way Jack starts ripping out everything to save his dad
Will to Deanna: "I love you Imazati. We'll be waiting, me and our boy."😭
I'm sobbing
"I know where they are." oh thank God
I'm loving how Deanna goes to the console
Me at Jack: You're not alone, together we stand, I'll be by your side, and I'll take your hand. KEEEP HOOOOLDING OONNNNNNNN
Awwwww, Seven giving Sydney a hug😭
Pretty awesome looking armor jack is wearing 😂
Deanna and Will are adorable
Awww, three bros, chilling in spinny chairs
I love how Worf is just snoozing away 😂
There's still like 22 minutes left, so plenty of time for something to go wrong, but I'm gonna bask in this brief moment of happiness
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Oh my god
Seven and Tuvok are talking
Acting Captain Seven of Nine: "I'm resigning from Starfleet." Aw😭
Aw, Shaw was a lil bit, kinda nice😭
Seven's crying 😭
My girl
Tuvok: "Resignation denied, Captain"
Raffi got to video chat with her grandbaby🥺
"Strangest thing. My son Gabe, wants me to meet my granddaughter." I'm sobbing😭
Worf leaked the info for her😭
Hell, I'm sobbing
So hard
AWWWWWWWWWWWW he's hugging her😭
Deanna is counseling Data😭
Wonder if he'll meet Daj
Deanna: "We've gone by our time over an hour. Again."😂😂😂
I love how Deanna is searching for beach vacation spots while Data is going on and on 😭😂
"Same time tomorrow?"
"Yes, yes. Can't wait." Oh she's dreading it a bit
"Still batshit?"
"Stop it." I love them 😂
I wonder if Picard is gonna join Laris wherever she is
"I miss that voice." So do I 😭
"Admiral Picard, Admiral Crusher" AHHHHHHHHH
Ah, Jack is joining Starfleet, I'm sure that'll be a wise and interesting decision
"This is all you son, I'm very proud." AHHHHH
I just slapped my leg so hard
"We know your aversion to fanfare."😂
She's beautiful (the ship)
"Out." 😂
"Thank you Number One."
"You're so very welcome, Captain." I. Am. So HAPPY
Jack's the special counselor to the Captain 😂 this is great
Raffi: "Your first official act of command."
Jack: "Writing the opening line to your legacy, so then, what will it be?"
Beverly is so drunk😂
Worf has an adorable voice 😂
A different planet vs Orlando?😂 How random
Oh my god I'm screaming
They're gonna play poker!!!
*slams down on table* I fold OK?
So ... Is Laris just chilling in a restaurant, waiting on Picard? 🤔
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Feels like they forgot about her
HoLy ShIt
The way it's an old pic of Gates and Patrick 😂
I love that Q is still alive 👀
Oh, I'm screaming. Like so much
This was so good and idk what I'm gonna do with myself now.
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stoplookingup · 1 year
Having always been extremely meh about TNG, my BAH HUMBUG reaction to the Picard finale is no surprise. I'm especially pissed off there wasn't even a hint of a nod to the characters and events of the first two seasons, which were deeply flawed but still far more interesting than the better plotted, but ultimately banal and workmanlike third-season nostalgia-fest. This was 100% a TNG finale and 0% a Picard finale. So disappointing. I'm way more interested in the teased spinoff than I was in this. I'm glad TNG fans got their fix; can we please move on now?
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trekkie-polls · 5 months
For bonus points share one thing you wish would have happened in that extra season
Edit: So many comments about Prodigy not being on here! Well, I am a Prodigy fan too. But I left it off because last I heard Netflix picked it up. Now I don’t have faith it will happen, but nonetheless there is at least one more season planned and maybe more.
On the other hand, even though the last seasons of discovery & lower decks haven’t finished airing, they both have planned end dates.
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robbiebear540 · 17 days
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Happy Star Trek Day!
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
Continuity and Serialization in Star Trek: A Highly Scientific Vibes-Based Analysis
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project-star-trek · 5 months
This is literally the best season of Discovery so far and it’s being cancelled of fucking course
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biblioflyer · 1 year
How Picard should end.
The very probable end of The Next Generation is coming and with it the beginning of the end of the first phase of the revival of Star Trek that began with Discovery. Here's what I'm thinking about.
As I write this, the final episodes of Season Three, the series, and perhaps even this sub-franchise are coming into view. I refer to it as a sub-franchise because I think that Picard as a series has a storytelling approach and a set of themes that it has explored that overlap with Discovery but also has its own identity.
Because of the age of many of the principal characters, there has been a strong theme of having to adjust with grace and empathy to a world radically changed from what was normal and comfortable to you, having to acknowledge your complicity in the faults you find in this world, and of repairing relationships that have been harmed. 
Immersing myself in where Picard has been as a series, even just the first four episodes to date, has given me a strong sense of what it is that Picard is about and thus some strong, but not pugnaciously held opinions on how it should end. The failure to do any of the following will not “ruin” the series for me, although the alternatives better be really well done.
For the first time of the CBS era, I actually really feel strongly that my own aesthetics could be defied and I will still really enjoy the outcome. For example I despise the trope that Jack Crusher represents but the trope has been so superbly executed that I’m almost annoyed at how completely I’m in his corner.
Speaking of Jack Crusher….
I would strongly prefer he not be written off as a space god or killed. For one, this is just Wesley’s arc duplicated. For two, while “NuTrek” is doing a great job at moderating the setting’s default posture that transhumanism is bad, it feels too cliche and even cheap in a way for him to vanish into the aether. Let him live, as a mortal, trying to do right by all of the people who fought and died for him not because he was a space god, but because it was right. 
We’ve had three seasons of intense focus on the deeds of mortal and fallible individuals struggling to know what is right in a morally complicated universe, taking huge risks, and even sacrificing stability, family, love, peace, sobriety, and even their own lives: don’t end this with space magic. Don’t do another “space magic makes it all better so nobody really ever had skin in the game” ending.
Speaking of Wesley, having the two meet would provide a nice bit of closure for Beverly. It would bookend nicely with her line about already having lost one son to the same stars that call Jean luc.
Seven of Nine & Raffi
On again or off again, just pick a lane and make them handle it like adults.
As I’ve said before, I see two equally valid paths for Seven assuming it's handled properly. Seven can remain in Starfleet, her acceptance earned and her merits recognized by all but especially by Shaw. Ideally were this to be the case, I think I would like to see her take up Picard’s mantle of mentor to misfits.
There isn’t a character who is better positioned narratively in this series to become the person who sees something in people that others don’t and can find ways to take the round hole that is Starfleet and make it a square hole for the people who need it.
Or she can walk away and reclaim her full autonomy. Go back to the Fenris Rangers or go into Starfleet Intelligence.
As for Raffi, the past two seasons have intensely focused on the work the character was doing to first recover from addiction and then reclaim her mental health and with that the ability to have relationships without either her need to chase mysteries or the desire for control alienating those around her. It's time for Raffi’s work to be seen by others and to be supported. 
In the first season it was entirely fair for her son to refuse contact: she was too much a creature of her substance abuse and her obsessiveness. Now? Cut her some slack and let her show that she’s mastered the thing that makes her the hero no one is prepared to recognize that they need until it's too late but also makes her the villain in her own life.
I would merrily support a Worf & Raffi spy action buddy cop series. Seven, Jack, Laris, and anyone else unaccounted for who is not really a good fit for traditional ship service can come too if they want. A Star Trek answer to Firefly or The Expanse would be incredibly fascinating with good writing. Given the way Star Trek Picard has been critiquing the limits of institutional power in dealing with the unknown or morally complicated situations, I think the time is right. 
Perhaps this could be the Section 31 series instead of a 23rd century era one. Just have the Guardian of Forever send Georgiou to where she’s needed rather than where she belongs. She’d be a great foil for Zen Worf and the morally flexible but not that morally flexible Raffi.
Section 31 are bad guys, full stop.
Speaking of Section 31, either confirm that Section 31 has been disbanded and formally disavowed or that it had its Church Committee hearings and been folded back into Starfleet Intelligence with strong oversight and strong guard rails. Putting Worf and Raffi front and center in it would afford an opportunity to show that it is possible to address existential threats to the Federation without genocide or the intervention of space gods. 
It's really only been after seeing Discovery recycle the same deus ex ending, only worse, that I have come to realize that the way Deep Space Nine finished the Dominion War arc really, really rubs me the wrong way. My list of things that I think are completely antithetical to the core assumptions of Star Trek is not long, but the Federation being saved not once, but twice by attempted genocide is definitely on that list. 
Don’t get me wrong, Deep Space Nine is probably the most overall well executed series from the point of view of nearly every aspect of the show being consistently competent, but falling back on Section 31 to save the Federation? Not a fan of that.
I am not on the Bev/JL train. It had its time. For all the ways that Star Trek Picard has been in conversation with critiques of TNG’s very 1990s “end of history” worldview, one thing that was superbly managed was the idea that Beverly and Jean luc could try out a romance, realize it doesn’t work, and then be content with a strong bond that doesn’t need to express itself romantically. It was incredibly, shockingly mature for a 1990s drama.
This show did not kill off Zhabon and an ancestor of Laris for Laris to be killed off or to politely step aside.
Maybe Bev is happy being unpartnered. How about them apples? Maybe a senior woman is perfectly self actualized on her own and can take or leave romance.
This is probably one of the looming plot resolutions I am the most likely to be actually angered by if it doesn’t go the way I would prefer and it isn’t handled extremely well.
Once again, do not fridge Laris to make room for Beverly. 
That would easily make my list of the top five most appalling creative decisions of this show and this is coming from someone who has invested quite a bit of effort into defending and rationalizing its other controversial decisions. Having her step aside with her life and dignity is less distasteful but still frustrating.
The Federation and Shaw
Follow through with the overall theme from season one that institutions solve big problems but rules are not there to follow mindlessly. Conscience matters as does doing the right thing even when you are fearful. 
It may not be fair to ask 500 people to risk their lives for four people who have deliberately chosen to put themselves in harm’s way on a fool’s errand, but then when does it become fair? Does it have to be 501 lives on the line to be worth 500? How morally virtuous do the victims need to be? 
Smaller, more nimble actors don’t have to make these trades. The Mugato in the room is the Maquis. They could easily have provoked war but they did also provide a means by which Federation citizens who wanted their autonomy could contest Cardassian oppression without exposing the Federation to the specter of war  if the Federation failed to ensure their well being.
Also when and if a bad call is made out of anger, fear, or incomplete knowledge of the situation, how the consequences of that decision are addressed matter.
The Federation abandoned the Romulans. As did Picard himself. Picard accepted responsibility in Season One. The Federation extended its protection over Maddox & Soong’s Synth colony but there’s no mention of any peacekeeping or humanitarian efforts for Romulans who have rejected “the old ways.”
Finally, Shaw has his reasons and this series has been nothing if not incredibly nuanced in how it invokes trauma and uses it in a way to explain but not justify the behavior of characters. A theme I have thought about a lot in the context of Captain Marvel is the way that coping mechanisms for trauma often encourage self reliance and aloofness to the extreme. In Shaw’s own words “at some point asshole became a substitute for charm.” I would argue that the final stage of healing would be to become a team player who is capable of forging authentic relationships built on mutual trust and respect.
Now I do think this is coming in the form of a sincere working relationship with Seven but I would prefer it be extended beyond Seven. For Shaw to accept Seven as Seven is a good start but everyone is capable of accepting “one of the good ones.” Some sort of broader recognition that it's on him to swallow his terror and rage, it's not on every single XB to prove they’re not going to assimilate him.
Other characters / elements
BBEG: (Big Bad Evil Guy) I don’t know that I’m necessarily hoping for anything or anyone in particular. Armus would be cool. He’s one of the last entities on the board with an axe to grind who could conceivably be a credible menace to Changelings and shares some of their mercurial nature. 
The alien parasites would be neat as well. That that has long gone unresolved is a longstanding gripe but I feel like the time may have passed. Thematically the Changelings have more or less eaten their lunch when it comes to replacing people and intricate conspiracies. At this point, I think it would be just as well to retcon the infiltrators as having been an early effort by the Changelings to infiltrate other societies without exposing themselves to danger. The Founders certainly have the genetic engineering acumen to design a parasite species.
Elnor: at least mention him as existing, if not give the character some proper closure. Show him thriving in Starfleet and having a good relationship with Picard and Raffi as mentors and surrogate parents, explicitly connect Picard’s experiences with Elnor as a child and his effort to repair his relationship with Elnor as having been a practice run for Jack and the recognition that Jean luc would not have been his father as a parent.
Or show him choosing to leave Starfleet for the Rangers or even just to lead a quiet life of study and meditation. That’s cool too.
Jiurati: if the big bad is the Borg or related to them somehow, it would be cool to see Jiurati’s faction sweep in to help defeat them. Otherwise maybe one more reference would be nice.
The Admiral Janeway cameo is long overdue.
It would be nice for Worf to mention Alexander and Jadzia. Perhaps in the context of giving advice to Raffi on love, life, pursuing rapprochement after being an absentee parent, and living with the knowledge that your life choices place partners in existential danger. It would be a great way to cement their dualistic role this season rather than having Raffi be Worf’s sidekick.
Don’t fridge Tuvok. Find him safely.
Oh yeah, there's also JL himself.
We don't need to have Picard die on screen (again.) As far as I'm concerned Logan is all I'll ever need for Patrick Stewart death scenes. Its just too hard to contemplate. I consider the character of Picard to be a father figure and I'd kind of just prefer that he gets to be happy. I'd like for him to get good with Elnor and Jack.
"I tried so very hard to belong to this place."
Maybe pass the vineyard on as a national park that is Picard in name only. We all know his real home is in the stars. Putting him to work leading a Romulan humanitarian NGO that relies on his Starfleet contacts and credibility is I think the perfect bookend to how the series began with his despair over the Federation's failure and the ongoing interrogation of whether Starfleet is the only legitimate or appropriate entity for solving problems in the universe.
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nevertrulyset · 11 months
Can't believe (actually can) they brought Patrick Stewart back as Professor Xavier in that Doctor Strange movie only to have him quote himself from X-Men: Days of Future Past and then die violently like he did in Logan.
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maxisthenewalex · 1 year
Just finished the Star Trek Picard series finale.
I might have to fanfic about it. Make a Seven/Raffi off hours fic where they figure out what her Captain’s phrase is going to be.
I’m also not beyond writing some LaCrush fic.
My sadness for a Star Trek Legacy show is that it wouldn’t have science officer T’Veen. She was awesome.
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STAR TREK: PICARD - Recensione 3x10 “The Last Generation” (SERIES FINALE)
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Star Trek: Picard si conclude con un finale emozionante, che chiude il ciclo di Picard e soci e guarda verso il futuro... qualcuno ha detto #StarTrekLegacy?
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spiderh0rse · 1 year
I have just watched the final episode of Picard. I find myself incredibly underwhelmed. The most excited I was the entire episode was at Picard plugging himself into what remained of the Collective. The comment about Jack having to choose to leave is a bit silly, but the portrayal of the Collective was at least somewhat similar to how Discovery plays it? Jack's description of the Collective was a bit lackluster. Sure, he's happy, but is that all? He's not lonely- but he's still just Jack? If there's individuality within the Colelctive it's hardly a collective at all?
I'm. Saddened by the destruction of the cube. I'm glad Janeway had an impact, she deserved for her virus to be successful to a point, but this feels a bit ridiculous. All of the Borg? All of them but this Cube, Jurati, and whatever that Discovery Cube was? (and that drone in Lower Decks, distant future. there's hope.)
jack is. such a dull chatracter. he feels generic and too headstrong, not a good foil or bridge officer to go with Seven in whatever they eventually make off of that situation, it doesn't make sense for him to have to chose to leave the collective at all? "he'll go into shock" my ass, other drones get foribly removed and function. what's so special about him, huh? director's favour?
I'm not thinking too clearly on this. I'm just mad.
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youngpettyqueen · 8 months
cannot remember the last time something in a show annoyed me so much I had to turn the show off mid-episode but here I am turning off Picard 10 minutes into this episode
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landpirat · 1 year
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marymoss1971 · 1 year
Random thoughts, Picard 3.10 "The Last Generation
As a tribute to the TNG crew--this was beautiful. Matalas was right--this ending was much more satisfying than Nemesis.
As a conclusion of the season though--I thought it was anticlimactic.
 So, Jean-Luc hooks himself up to Jack so he can "speak" with him. Jack frees himself from the Queen's control because of Jean-Luc's little pep talk. I know I'm supposed to be touched at how beautiful this moment is and reflect on the power of a father's love. But, I'm sorry, it just seems too easy.
 I also feel bad for all those young officers who have to live with what happened when assimilated. There had to have been a lot of counseling going on that year.
 I did LOVE the Enterprise flying into the Borg cube to destroy the transmitter. It brought back memories of the destruction of the Death Star in Star Wars. It was fantastic. In fact, every scene on the Ent-D and the Titan was fantastic. I don't know why Geordi doubted Data could do it. Data's an android who can calculate and amazing speeds.
 I LOVE, LOVE, LOVED Shaw's glowing recommendation, before all this even started, of Seven being promoted to captain. I also absolutely LOVED the Titan being rechristened as at the Enterprise-G. Captain Seven in command with her first officer, Raffi-- it warmed my heart. Ditto to Worf hugging Raffi. Oh, and the voice cameo for UFP President Anton Chekov was awesome!
 Well, Matalas was right--no Janeway. Not a surprise to me because I believed him when he said so. I am bummed we didn't at least get Harry Kim. All the cameos this season were great. I just wished we'd ha a few more from Voyager and it would've been great to have at least one from Deep Space Nine! (and, no, Worf doesn't count)
 Wow. Jack was fast-tracked to ensign. I guess I could see that--he does have the life experience from working with his mother. Plus, if Seven can be fast-tracked to first officer, Jack can be fast-tracked to ensign. I did love the part when he beams onto the Ent-G and starts giving orders. Jack is fun. I wish Seven had given him a specific duty instead of just creating one. However, I’m sure since he's on the command track and he'll be trained in other things. (I'm thinking of Worf's line in TNG Season 1 "the captain wants his junior officers to learn")
 I liked Picard's statement that "names mean almost nothing" when Jack mentioned nepotism because I ALWAYS think that when someone brings it up. Yes, having a name could very well get somebody in the door, but they need to have the talent as well.
 No mention of Laris. We know she has important work but what of her and Picard? You'd think she'd be mentioned in passing at least at the end. [Full disclosure: This comment only occurred to me because I've seen other people complain about lack of Laris this season. I don't know if I would've thought of her if left to my own devices]
Speaking of Laris, I've seen comments on Twitter like "She's waiting for Picard." Yes, she was, I'm sure, but she knew the score. She recognized Jean-Luc had feelings for Beverly. So, I highly doubt she was pining for him. When he didn't show up, she knew the reason. (plus, he may've contacted her off-screen after everything was over)
I've seen lots of people bringing up lack of mention for Kestra but I never saw the big deal. Riker says "I knew you and Kestra were safe" Deanna doesn't contradict so she's safe. I just used my imagination and figured she was either at the Academy or visiting her grandmother on Betazed. 
Lack of Seven/Raffi didn't bother me, neither did lack of Picard/Beverly (or even Picard/Laris) since I cared more about the story than any romance. However, I do feel a sad on behalf of others that it did bother. Matalas said there wasn't room for romance, but he should've been able to squeeze in some kind of meaningful moments--especially for Saffi. 
I think it's for the best that we didn't learn Geordi's wife's name. That way, people who ship him with Leah can imagine it's her and others can imagine it's someone else.
 That ending shot of the old crew playing poker--OMG, that was a pitch perfect ending!
 I've seen some reviewers saying that this finale "stuck with the landing." In terms of the season's arc, I disagree. The whole Borg/Changeling plot just didn't work for me and neither did the resolution with Jack. However, in terms of wanting a satisfying last hurrah for the TNG cast--it definitely succeeded!
 I could've done without the Q cameo though. I get that he's a beloved character and it was a nice call back to Encounter at Farpoint. But, still, it's overkill.
 In closing, I really, really hope we get Star Trek: Legacy. We need another 25th century show.
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stra-tek · 1 year
This is one of the greatest things ever. Walk around every single version of the U.S.S. Enterprise in photorealistic 3D in your browser, from the Roddenberry Archive. On a phone you just see wraparound 3D pics. On a PC or laptop you get the full 3D interactive experience. They NEED to make this VR compatible, it'll be beyond words.
There are more Enterprises here than Tumblr will allow me photos of, and more will likely be added.
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Here's the TOS Enterprise, which appears in several incarnations ("The Cage", "Where No Man Has Gone Before" and TOS proper as well as TAS with the second turbolift!), has the correct original graphics and is perfect.
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This is the bridge from the unmade Star Trek: Phase II series (whose pilot episode "In Thy Image" was rewritten to become Star Trek: The Motion Picture), with it's legendary big comfy command sofa seat and tactical display bubble!
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The Motion Picture, such an accurate recreation that there's even a very faint flicker on the rear-projection animated screens as seen in the movie.
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Enterprise NX-01, looking exactly as it did in "Broken Bow"
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Recognise this? It's the briefing room of Discovery season 2's version of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701. Although at the front of the saucer on the "real" ship, here it's off the second bridge door which may well be where the set was IRL.
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I wasn't expecting modern Trek to be represented equally as the originals in this project, but it is. This is the Enterprise from Strange New Worlds, with Pike's Ready Room located just off the bridge.
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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. My favourite version of the classic bridge, as a kid I drew all these control panels and stuck them on my bedroom walls. And now I can look around and look at them all close-up! They've even replicated the noticable TVs stuffed into the panels for the more complex animated screens.
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The Enterprise-C bridge from "Yesterday's Enterprise". This one has always fascinated me, being a low-budget TV set (formerly the Enterprise-D battle bridge, originally built from the rain-damaged TMP set's back wall and redressed endlessly though TNG) representing TNG's immediate predecessor. In the episode they mostly shoot the back wall and imply the consoles make a huge circle, but here you can see the set's real dimensions and the weirdness of the classic movie helm/nav console in front of the TNG con/ops panels. I love it.
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You know how much I love the Kelvin movies, so seeing this was amazing. For some reason the consoles don't have their screens lit (hopefully this'll be fixed soon), but you can see the saucer under the window and it's shiny and amazing.
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The last thing I expected was the U.S.S. Titan-A/Enterprise-G bridge, but it's here. And the lights are on.
Other bridges available to explore which I'm out of pictures to show: The Enterprise-D (of course), Enterprise XCV-330 (the ringship, based on concept art for the unmade non-Trek series "Starship"), the Planet of the Titans U.S.S. Enterprise (again, based on concept art for a cool multi-levelled set) and the "launch" U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 (based on the very first piece of TOS bridge set concept art), the Enterprise-E, the Enterprise-F (seen on viewscreen for all of 2 minutes in Picard) and the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656!
Take a bow lads, you've done good. Now just add VR support!
That link again.
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