dingoluna · 8 years
I’ve decided to remake this blog for a number of reasons, one of which being that I never found a good way to socialize from a sideblog.  Some of you are already following what used to be my redirect blog that I never really used, but if not please follow me again at @pupcakeluna. Thanks!
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dingoluna · 8 years
I’ve decided to remake this blog for a number of reasons, one of which being that I never found a good way to socialize from a sideblog.  Some of you are already following what used to be my redirect blog that I never really used, but if not please follow me again at @pupcakeluna. Thanks!
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dingoluna · 8 years
There were only a few dogs at the meet and greet when I went there so I didn’t get to talk to many people but I still feel like I learned enough to want to apply.  One lady I talked to said she’s been doing it for 2 years and is on her 30th dog.  Someone else asked if it’s hard to give them up and she said not at all, she knows they’re going to good homes and when one dog gets adopted it lets her save another one.  It sounds like it can be hard work but she said it’s also very rewarding and it’s exciting to pick out a new dog like once a month.  Another lady said there’s some dogs she’s really missed and others she was kind of glad to get rid of but most she’s a little sad to let them go but happy they’ve found a home.
Apparently they send you a list of dogs that they want to pull from shelters and you get to pick which one you want, and then you’re responsible for looking at applications and calling references and doing home visits, and I feel like that would really help you feel more confident that your foster dog is going to a good home and make it easier to let them go.  They seem like a really nice, supportive group of people so I’m excited to give it a try.
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dingoluna · 8 years
We’re going to a dog rescue meet and greet tomorrow!  My husband still isn’t 100% sold on the idea of fostering but I’m hoping if we go and talk to some people who do it he’ll be more open to giving it a try.  I think Luna would be happier with another dog around, especially now that we’re not living in a neighborhood where we see other dogs on walks every day.
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dingoluna · 8 years
Zoomies ft. A Stick
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dingoluna · 8 years
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ain’t nobody fucking with my clique
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dingoluna · 8 years
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Geometry lessons
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dingoluna · 8 years
you guys remember when PETA stole people pets off their porches and euthanized them?
you guys remember how it came out that PETA kills about 90% of the animals it takes in, including healthy and adoptable puppies and kittens, stating “ We could become a no-kill shelter immediately. It means we wouldn’t do as much work”?
you guys remember when PETA advocated killing all pit bulls for the crime of being pit bulls?
you guys remember when PETA handed out these comics to children when there were no adults looking?
you guys remember when they made a porn site and then filled it with videos of animal abuse, and (also in that link) claimed cats should be vegetarian?
you guys remember when PETA lied about sheep shearing, got caught, and defended the lie as true even after they admitted the sheep in their picture wasn’t even real?
you guys remember when they tried to excuse their horrifying ways by claiming that the person who exposed them was manipulating the facts by taking them and putting them in the wrong context?
Because I remember. I remember everything. 
And I’m gonna make sure everyone else remembers too. 
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dingoluna · 8 years
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Henry, Lhasa Apso/Poodle mix (3 y/o), Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, CA • “He’s been known to punch me in the face when I sleep.”
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dingoluna · 8 years
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dingoluna · 8 years
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Two Goldfinches
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dingoluna · 8 years
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Red Fox
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dingoluna · 8 years
Dude! What peanut butters contain xylitol? Please!!
Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that can be very harmful to dogs if ingested. It is found in numerous products on the market today (most commonly in products labeled as “sugar free”) but can be hidden in unsuspecting places as well. The good news is that, so far none of the main-brand peanut butters (such as Jif, etc) are using xylitol in their products.
Some brands of peanut butter that have been reported to contain xylitol include:
Go Nuts, Co
Krush Nutrition
Nuts ‘N More
P28 Foods
Protein Plus PB 
Be sure to read the label of any processed or pre-packaged food before giving it to your dog! Be extra cautious with foods lableled as “sugar free.” Many times, if xylitol is used it will be listed in the ingredients list. However, if the label says “sugar alcohol” without specifying which type, it is recommended that you avoid giving this food to your dog unless you are certain it is xylitol free. Other sugar alcohols, such as erythritol, glycerol (also called glycerine), maltitol, mannitol and sorbitol are not known to be toxic to dogs.
Additional products which may contain xylitol include (but are not limited to):
Sugar-free gum (Popular brands: Orbit, Mentos, Ice Breakers, Pür, Starbucks, Stride, Nicorette and Trident)
Peanut Butter (Go Nuts, Co, Krush Nutrition, Nuts ‘N More, P28 Foods, Protein Plus PB)
Cough drops/Throat lozenges
Breath strips
Jell-O snacks (sugar free Jell-Os and puddings)
Some yogurts
Some protein bars
Certain medications (Popular brands include Allegra, Gummy Vites and Nature’s Plus)
Some pre-packaged or store-bought baked goods and desserts
If you suspect your dog has ingested a product containing xylitol, call your primary veterinarian or a veterinary ER right away. If you do not live near a veterinarian, you can also call a pet poison control hotline for advice:
Pet Poison Helpline (855) 764-7661 ($45 charge per incident)
ASPCA Poison Control: (888) 426-4435 ($65 charge per incident)
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dingoluna · 8 years
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Relaxing after an attack of the zoomies
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dingoluna · 8 years
La Guia Del Border Collie
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dingoluna · 8 years
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Love is in the air
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dingoluna · 8 years
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An alarmed white-tailed deer
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