#physically I was there yesterday
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shaydh · 11 months ago
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sawthoone · 2 months ago
“rest easy, friend.”
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corneredcopia · 2 months ago
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ink-blot-thoughts · 2 months ago
Okay I was rewatching Scream the other day and I noticed this and it has been haunting me ever since so
In the scene where Billy and Stu stab eachother, Billy fucking USES HIS KNIFE TO GODDAMN TILT STU'S CHIN UP
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Its literally the gay ass person with sword uses it to lift your chin thing but more serial kill-y like guys pls Sidney is right there 😭
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lesovyart · 2 months ago
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Civil Bresinga is the single most funniest character in all of ROTE and he’s not even trying to be
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inmyheaddd · 1 month ago
guysssss there's this boyyyy who's so tall and he calls me smart and he said ''youre the smartest person i know'' and he has the cutest dimples ever and in physics he literally just. looks at me. like. and then i look at him and go like what?? and he just smiles and turns away.. and my friend who sits next to me looks at me with the stupidest smile on her face and goes like ''what the fuck was that????"
AND HEs always texting me... like i sent a streak (booo snapchat thumbs down) of me at the airport and then we talk a bit and im abt to board and heslike dont crash and im like ill try my best and then when i land I text him back and im like GUESS WHAT and he says WHAT and im like i didn't crash!!!! and hes SO CUTETETETE but hes so like tall and dark hair and gym guy like he looks so intimidating until he fricking smiles and whewwwwwwww those dimples could kill me!!
and one time in psychology i was just talking to my friend and i glance behind m friend and hes just looking at me. or ill just be looking around the class bored and there he is with his slightly damp hair at 7 in the morning and glasses. looking at me.
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temeyes · 1 year ago
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not feeling too well today, so just some quick busts for now
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spicy-dragon · 5 months ago
Thinking about a-spec Zoro as always and I just think it’d be really fucking funny if Sanji decided to withhold sex because Zoro pissed him off somehow only for Zoro to be wholly unaffected by it meanwhile Sanji is getting more antsy as the days go by until he finally blows up at him like
Zoro, putting his weights down: Huh? What are you talking about it’s only been— *counts on his fingers* Oh.
Sanji, seething, spitting, ready to tear his head off:
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hiemaldesirae · 11 months ago
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the idea of vox wearing a lace tv cover (credit to @kevin-ibw) is rotting my brain. so. heres the result of my delusions
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szollibisz · 1 month ago
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sad curtwen based on a Rabarama sculpture. I find her art so visceral and evocative, it's something I really want to channel in my drawings too. The way her work uses body language to convey emotions you simply couldn't with facial expressions is amazing. I've used some of her pieces as references back before I knew who she was, and if you've never taken a look at her body of work I can't recommend enough that you go and and do that right now. Here's her site and a gallery with her works displayed
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mokadevs · 1 year ago
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happy fate extra/ccc english patch release !!
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residentrookie · 7 days ago
dr. potter’s whirlpool
microfic summary: james loves being a physical therapist. until he takes on regulus as a patient and discovers that compartmentalizing his work and his love for his husband might be harder than he anticipated; 1794 words; married jegulus, car accident survival, physical therapist/patient, hurt/comfort (cw: injury, mentions of vomit); in my head this takes place a little bit before part 1
James is a really fucking good physical therapist. Which, most of the time, is great. He loves to feel accomplished, more than just capable of doing his job, but doing it expertly. It fulfills him. It makes him happy.
Right now though, he wishes he could go backwards in time and select any other occupation in the world. Because if had, he wouldn’t be able to look at his husband and know exactly what’s wrong with him and exactly how much pain he’ll have to endure to get better.
James has to put him in pain to make him better. Has to hurt him to heal him.
He doesn’t want to be the person responsible for it, but he is. Which means he has to endure days like this. Days that make him want to scream at Regulus or himself or any unlucky person who crosses his path.
Out of the corner of his eye, he watches Regulus give up halfway through an exercise, panting for breath, sweat slick across his forehead. James waits for him to start back up and when he doesn’t, approaches the table he’s stretched out on.
“Regulus. I saw that,” James sighs.
“Saw what?” he asks innocently.
“You give up at 15. It’s 30 reps. No exceptions.”
“Oh, sure. Right away, Dr. Potter,” he replies scathingly. James doesn’t react.
It has to be this way, he’s found. He has to compartmentalize. When Regulus is here, at his practice, he’s not James’ husband— he’s his patient. The reason James is so good at his job is because he’s relentless— emotions never make him compromise when he needs to push. In his profession, results are hard won by his patients, fought for through gritted teeth and steelhard determination to overcome the pain it brings.
So, yes. He’s been forced into a calm, collected, professional role when all he really wants is to fall to his knees and beg Regulus for forgiveness every time he sees the all-too familiar pain wash across his pale features. But if he does that, then everything, everything, will fall apart around him. And he can’t let that happen.
Regulus rolls his eyes at James’ silence. “It fucking hurts, if you haven’t noticed.”
“You don’t have to tell me it hurts, Reg. I know it does.”
Regulus laughs cruelly. “Really? Because I feel like someone should remind you. Since you aren’t the one up here on the table having to do these exercises.”
James glances up at the clock on the wall. They’re nearing the end of their session which makes sense. Regulus is always crabbier right around now, partly because he’s hungry and partly because putting yourself in pain for an hour isn’t anyone’s idea of fun.
“Why don’t you give me 10 more and we’ll call it even?” he offers.
This tactic might have worked on other patients, but not Regulus.
“How generous of you,” he says flatly.
“Five?” James really shouldn’t be bargaining with Regulus on this, but he’s the one who has to go home with him after this. He does have some self-preserving instincts left.
“I’m done for today, James,” Regulus tells him firmly, sitting up with a groan. “Let’s go home.”
James has a choice here. He can choose to let this go or he can choose to push. Should he be the understanding, sympathetic husband or the hardass, ruthless therapist? Always, the impossible choice presented itself to him. But only one of those choices was going to produce results.
“Fine,” he say, his voice clipped. “But any stretches you don’t do here are just going to be added to your home exercises. And I’ll know if you don’t do them because, well. We live together.”
“Funny enough, that fact hasn’t escaped me,” Regulus hisses, eyes narrowing to slits. “You know when I signed up for this, I didn’t realize I’d be exchanging my husband for a fucking drill sergeant. Is Dr. Potter following us home now? Is Dr. Potter supposed to sleep in my bed and fuck me and make me coffee in the morning?”
James doesn’t rise to the obvious bait. ‘Technically, Dr. Potter does all of those things anyway.”
Regulus isn’t even close to done. “Seriously, James, what is it that makes you incapable of fucking human emotions in this building? It’s like you’re devoid of any care or concern for me and how I feel as soon as you walk through those doors. Sometimes, I don’t even recognize you!”
James doesn’t reply. He looks down and starts picking up cones from the floor, gathering them in his shaking fingers. He will not lose his cool. He will not. Will not.
“Look at me, James,” he demands, but James refuses to, knowing he needs to keep his hands busy with something. He grabs a metal water bottle off the floor and starts to carry it over to the shelf.
Regulus continues regardless. “Every single day I come in here, and I do exactly what you tell me to. And every day is fucking hell on earth. But I do it. I do it for you. So why is it that you can’t let up every once and a while?” He laughs once, bitterly. “What, do you fucking enjoy this or something?”
And then the water bottle in James’ hand is suddenly airborne as he hurls it with all his strength against the opposite wall. It hits the sheet rock with a devastating crack before clattering to the floor, rolling a comically far distance before bumping into the front desk. Breathing hard, James studies the hole it left behind and calmly thinks about the supplies he’ll need to buy to patch it. He doesn’t look at Regulus, who has fallen silent. He simply turns and walks to the supply closet. Opens the door. Closes it. Sinks to the floor.
The tears are falling before he can stop them. They flow almost as fast as the memories now crowding his brain, reminding him of things he wishes he had the power to forget.
It’s been five months since the accident. Five months, six days, and a couple of hours, to be exact.
At the risk of sounding cliche, James remembers exactly where he was and what he was doing when he got the call. That call. The one that could have killed him on the spot if he’d had a weaker heart.
He was washing the leftover dishes in the sink. He answered his phone with suds still on his hands, his soapy fingers smearing the screen as he pressed the speaker button. When he’d bolted to the car, he’d accidentally left the sink running. It had run for days. The price of their water bill that month was the least of their worries.
As someone who works in healthcare and frequents hospitals more often than the average person, he can say with authority that no amount of familiarity prepares you for seeing a member of your own family in one of those beds. James only has to close his eyes to picture Regulus there, fresh out of surgery and delirious on drugs and pain. He had a bad reaction to the anesthetics and couldn’t stop vomiting from the endotracheal tube removal and the nauseating medicine which only pulled at the stitches on his back. And he was crying. Through it all, he was crying, these horrible, racking sobs taking over his whole body, making him shake and shiver. This was misery at a magnitude he had never before experienced, even half lucid as he was. This was helplessness at a magnitude James had never experienced before, even with his fancy medical degree.
For that entire, terrifying night, James thought that Regulus was going to die. He sat there by his bed, fully believing he was going to watch his husband die before they could even celebrate their first wedding anniversary. But when the vomiting stopped, and the medicine started working, and Regulus could finally rest for a few hours at a time, James felt the breath return to his aching lungs in small increments. Things weren’t exactly easier after that. There were two more surgeries with two more difficult recoveries. Every day was a struggle, but Regulus was born a survivor and wasn’t about to let this change that.
Thankfully, Regulus has no recollection of those first few nightmarish weeks. Maybe that’s why he could say those awful things to James about being incapable of human emotions, because he didn’t watch him lose his actual fucking mind at the sight and sound of Regulus’ pain.
For a time, James did stop being human, but not in the robotic, emotionless way Regulus accused him of. Instead, he let his emotions consume him, crowding his senses, making him useless to his husband who was hurt and needed him strong. It took the combined efforts of his friends and family to pull him up out of the whirlpool of madness and fear and guilt that was sucking him down into the depths. But Regulus doesn’t remember that. And every time James feels even an inkling of that all-encompassing fear return, he shuts it down, focusing instead on actions that will produce results. He can’t exactly help that those actions cause pain and suffering to the person he loves most in the world.
The touch is so familiar that he doesn’t register it at first. Regulus’ hands cup his wet cheeks, lifting his face up.
“I’m sorry,” Regulus murmurs, kneeling before him, pressing their foreheads together. “I’m so sorry. I was so awful to you. I know you’re just trying to help me. I’m sorry, James. Please don’t cry, baby.”
“I hate watching you suffer,” James croaks. “It makes me hate my job. It makes me hate myself.”
Regulus whimpers, holding him tighter. “Don’t. Don’t do that. You love your job. I don’t want to be the reason that stops.”
James squeezes his eyes shut. “I try so hard. To compartmentalize. I have to, Regulus. I don’t mean to be unfeeling or uncaring, but if I let myself be ruled by my emotions, you won’t get better. And I need you to get better. I need you to be okay.”
“I know,” Regulus nods. “I understand. I’ll do better, I promise.”
“I love you,” James whispers. “More than anything.”
“More than anything,” Regulus replies knowingly.
“That never goes away. Not even when I’m Dr. Potter.”
After a moment, Regulus speaks again, his voice coy. “You know when all of this is over, we could make this whole ‘Dr. Potter’ business into a kinky sex thing. If you weren’t such a dick and I wasn’t hurting so bad, I might actually enjoy you bossing me around like that. Under different circumstances, of course.”
James can’t help himself. He laughs. “You’re fucking ridiculous.”
“Think about it,” Regulus bids him, rising to his feet.
And James, bless him, knows with certainty he won’t be able to stop thinking about it now.
(also posted these two one shots on ao3 so u can find them there as well :))
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shopwitchvamp · 9 months ago
me after using up two dozen spoons i don't even have
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dramadred · 1 year ago
thinking about how lanfear interrupted a very much needed conversation between siuan and moiraine as revenge for moiraine cockblocking her in episode 4. she really uno reversed her
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moldypoff · 4 months ago
God, I want to make a fanfic where you kill (accidentally or not) Jimmy after you find out that he assaulted Anya and the crash doesn’t happen but now you have to deal with the consequences.
Even if you do the “morally right” thing everyone’s gonna hate you (they won’t say it but they’ll think it).
With the way Pony Express operates I think Curly will have to severely punish you. Either A. Lock you up in a secluded space for the rest of 8 months or B. Kill you, as per policy because you’re mentally unstable and at risk of harming the rest of the crew.
Besides the mental strain that’ll be on just you for the next few months, everyone else has to bear the consequences as well.
(Elaboration under the cut)
Explaining the situation to the company and cops is going to be hell for Anya, because when you explain that you did it on Anya’s behalf they’re immediately going to assume that she may have been an accomplice/and or orchestrated the attack. Not even that but you’ll permanently stain her already half-baked resume since this can be seen as her being an ineffective healthcare provider since she’d clearly misjudged your mental state during psyche evals.
What’s worse is that Curly might not get that promotion because of you since he failed, as Captain, to settle the dispute. Not only did you kill his long term friend but you ruined his life and now he has to deal with keeping everyone calm and Jimmy’s rotting body on the ship.
Daisuke? Considering you’re probably the closest to him out of everyone in the crew because of his friendly personality he’s going to feel so betrayed on top of stressed from living in the environment you created for the next few months. Again, rotting body. Next, everyone’s going to have to decide on how to collectively come up with a solid strategy to get out of this somewhat or completely scot free WHILE continuing to perform their usual tasks on the Tulpar.
Swansea’s probably furious right off the bat. Not just because he already know’s there’s going to be so much work when you all get to your destination (too which he will simultaneously be unemployed), but because he thought you were better than this. Jimmy’s an asshole and rapist, but you? Adding to their troubles of already being laid off and traumatizing them at the same time just because you felt like playing hero? You’re almost just as bad as Jimmy.
Of course they didn’t know how things would play out if they kept Jimmy alive, but is this really any better?
They’re filled with impending doom, they need to keep the smelly, rotting crime scene untouched to prove their innocence, and worst of all they probably still have to take care of you, if you’re alive, AND take over your tasks for your role on the ship as well as Jimmy’s.
Inspiration + Reflection:
Tbh I feel like this is a good reflection of how society treats heros. I remember hearing about this dude who had his daughter SA’d and out of pure rage he killed her abuser, and upon realizing that he was going to jail he went on a spree to kill as many predators and rapists as he could.
That man will never see freedom again but he saved countless young girls and women from being taken advantage of.
It’s also interesting to think about the families and friends of the predators and rapists. Did they even know about what their friend, brother, or husband was up to? Do they comprehend the sheer capacity for cruelty at which this person they trusted operates themselves at? And are they sad to see them go? Are they mad at the person who took them away? Are they willing to accept the fact that they were a bad person or do they desperately cling to the memory of them when they were ‘good’?
I’d really like to explore these topics with multiple endings. Writing a whole fanfic is hard man- I’d rather just get to the important stuff, I’m sorry 😭
Speaking of, I have a couple in mind.
Estimated reader satisfaction: # / 5
Bad Ending: -1 - 0 / 5
Everyone dies under the pressure of it all.
Mini Bad Ending: 0.5 - 1 /5
Curly kills you.
Neutral ending#1: 1/5
You live, everyone’s alive (except for Jimmy, duh), all of the expected consequences occur, you’re in jail, you all go your separate ways and struggle like hell. (The most realistic ending.)
Neutral ending#2: 3/5
You only kill yourself. Everyone else is proven innocent and gets to live a somewhat “normal” life, but is forever haunted by your sacrifice.
Good: 5/5
Pony Express is sued, and you all (well… maybe except for you) are awarded a shit ton of money in compensation. You all live happily ever after (you’re actually in jail but the others can easily bail you out). <- Very unlikely, kinda vanilla if you ask me, but fix-it AUs do go hard tho, I just wouldn’t write it myself.
Side notes: Did I remind you that Anya’s pregnant this entire time? Also, this can serve as justification for Curly for his ‘inaction’. If this were him instead of you it might be two times-ish harder on him to be honest.
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candyheartedchy · 4 months ago
I’m probably gonna open commissions later today, so keep an eye out for that!
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