#photos of my goofy son
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beartitled · 1 year ago
We went for a walk 🚶
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I made those a long time ago and forgor I had them 💥
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robertbelcherjr · 2 years ago
20 years are added to my life whenever Gene and Bob
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satanicchristiancult · 2 years ago
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writing-fanics · 1 year ago
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Our Little Duckling
Lucifer Morningstar x F!Reader
[summary: unable to sleep Damien made his way to his father’s study and is treated to a story]
warning: fluff
a/n: you’re Charlie stepmom in this basically
Damien carefully opened, up the door to Lucifer’s study. His stuffed duck plushy dragging along behind him, rubbing his eyes tiredly. As he walked towards his father who sat at his desk his back turned.
Lucifer looked down at the child and smiled, reaching down to pick him up placing him on his lap. “I had a nightmare. I-It was really scary.” said Damien, hugging the stuffed animal close to his chest as he sat on his father’s lap.
Lucifer held the small child in his arms,“Your mother and I, will always be here to protect you.” said Lucifer, looking down at his child warmly. Damien looked up at him, “Always?” He asked, and the king of hell nodded and smiled, wrapping his arms around his son.
“Always.” He said, nuzzling his head against his gently. Lucifer then looked towards his desk, and with a wave of his hand. A gold wave like magic, emerging from the yellow diamond shaped object on his desk.
Damien’s eyes widened with joy, his mouth dropping open as he leaned into his father’s shoulder. His eye lit up with joy and wonder, seeing it take a shape of that of a duck with six wings. Sharing the dreams he had for heaven telling him stories of him and his wife, and that of his older sister Charlie.
Damien looked up at his dad in awe, smiling as he nuzzled his head into the crook of his neck. Lucifer smiling and hugging his child closely. Pulling back he bopped him on the nose causing the child to giggle. “Quack!” Damien exclaimed, and Lucifer looked at him. “Quack!” He mocked, and the two went back and forth making duck noises.
Damien’s eyes grew heavy and fell asleep, his head against his father’s chest. He looked down at him and scooped him up into his arms, his hand on his son’s back as he slept rubbing it gently as he stood up and summoned a portal.
Stepping into the portal, he walked towards the bed. Leaning down and carefully placing his son the bed. He smiled, as his eyes caught a glimpse of Charlie holding a baby Damien on the wall. Remembering how ecstatic, Charlie was when she found out that she was going to the a big sister.
How she burst into tears the moment she held, her baby brother for the first time. Crying even more when he revealed the middle name, Damien Charles Morningstar.
Damien curled up in his sleep, his tiny hands gripping the stuffed duck plush. with a smile on his face Lucifer, “Sweet dreams, my little duckling.” Lucifer whispered, as he leaned down tucking his son into bed, kissing the side of his forehead while brushing his [h/c] out of his face. He slowly backed away, and stepped through the portal.
Sitting back at his desk a figure walked up behind him, wrapping her arms around him and planting a kiss on his cheek. “You my love are an amazing father,” She said, planting another kiss on his cheek. She lifted her head, smiling at the framed photo of her,Damien, and Lucifer. Damien in particular wearing a duck onesie, a goofy smile on his face.
“Our little duckling,” She said, looking at the photo longingly smiling.
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sunrisesfromthewest · 9 months ago
First Encounter Part 3
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|Notes:Y’all boy getting a little jealous and my man Reggie did his thing💓💓,Things get a little more steamy in part 4😏😏 |Warnings:None |
Here's all the parts I have so far: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Wanting to clear your mind from the previous interaction with Armando, you walk over to Dorn who is scrolling through files on his computer hoping to find something for the situation. Pushing his head playful you asked if he had any luck yet, while stealing a folder to look through. "No, I found a few emails and a file but nothing that could lead us to who is doing this,” he says sighing.  
Giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, you say, "Don't stress yourself to much over this, I'm sure something will pop up eventually.” Turning in his chair he looks up at you, with a boyish grin.
Screwing your eyebrows together you say “What?", setting the file you were going threw down. "Y/N, I can’t stop thinking about how fast you dropped to the ground earlier," pausing to laugh he continues, "that's the fastest I seen you move besides running from bugs." Watching him laugh about the incident from earlier, you smack your lips and push at his head again.  
"You know good and well you would’ve drop like I did too; I’ll be damned if I let a bullet take me out." Seeing him really start to tear up, while laughing, you watch as he holds his stomach doubling over.”Aye, not too much asshole!” you say chuckling a bit at his reaction. Sitting up he grabs your arm trying to regain his previous composure but failing when you give him a deadpan look. 
Continue to watch your friend have his little laughing session, you smile to yourself at his goofiness. As your about to scold him some more, you're abruptly interrupted by Armando who cuts into you and Dorns space. Forcing you two to break apart, to make room for him as he rudely asks Dorn to pull up a photo for him.  
Seeing his jaw flex, he sends you an intense glance, but looks back at the screen as Dorn zooms in on the photo. Glaring at him you say "Well, that was fucking rude, you could’ve asked nicely." Dorn hums in agreement. 
“Lo que sea que digas princesa,(Whatever you say princess)” Armando says brown eyes staying locked on the screen. Pausing you scan over his form trying to figure out why he had an attitude all the sudden. Letting out a gasp, you begin to laugh, realizing that he was jealous of Dorn.  
Glancing behind Armando muscled form to look at Dorn you see him shoot you a look with a smug smile confirming what you're thinking. Shaking your head you move closer, pressing your chest against Armandos toned arms, and whisper, "Don’t worry he’s with Kelly, ". Watching as he turns his face in your direction, pretty brown eyes glancing down at your breast. 
 He firmly whispers back, "I know, he needs to keep it that way." Biting your lip you smile, at his small show of dominance, his gaze returns back to the screen. 
Unconsciously, you stay close to his warm figure, as he leans forward, eyes evaluating the photo before he says “I seen this guy before...... can you do a facial scan." Hearing this Mike, Marcus, and Kelly make their way towards you guys watching each screen as loads of information begins to pop up. 
 "His name is James McGrath, looks like he was a former DEA Agent until he was tortured by the Cartel...... Captain Conrad mentions him a few times on some of his notes.” Pausing Dorn looks up, waiting to see what his superiors might have to say.  
"This has to be him he's the only with connections to the Cartel, it could be why he has been able to pull all these stunts......” pausing in realization Marcus ask if he could pull up the surveillance at his home, looking at your father with surprise you asked why.  
But before he could answer Mike cuts in and say, "Because were the only one that has proof that the Captain is innocent and he needs leverage." glancing at his son Mike pulls out his phone calling his wife. Widening your eyes in shock you quickly run to the couch to grab your phone, immediately dialing your sister.  
Bouncing slightly as you hear the phone ring for the third time, you yell to tell your father that she’s not picking up. Watching your father call Reggie with urgency, you look up to see Armando watching with concern. Hanging up you let out a frustrated sigh returning back to where everyone was viewing the monitors intensely. 
Shaking from nerves you feel Armando brush his hands against yours, staring up at him you see worry in his eyes. Wrapping your hand around his he gives it a light squeeze, trying to calm you down.
Just as Dorn alerts everyone that theirs movement outside the home you hear Reggie pick up. As your father explains the situation quickly, Reggie springs into action, moving your mom, nephew, and pregnant sister to the pantry. 
 Watching him reach up to retrieve the gun that's stored in their as well, you watch in amazement as your brother-in-law kick ass.”Damn,I didn’t know he could do that.” your dad mutters shocked.
Everyone lets out a few comments in agreement. Watching Reggie causally body 15 attackers, had your blood rushing in adrenaline. After confirming that the house was safe, he quickly moved the family out the house but not before saluting at the camera. 
“Yeah, baby that’s how we do it in the Burnett family! "You say hugging Armando with relief and excitement after what you just witness.
Standing in shock Armando moves to embrace you as well, but looks up to see everyone watching you two like a hawk. Clearing his throat, he watches you look up at him confused, nodding his head to the side you see everyone staring. 
Breaking away from him you avoid their gazes sheepishly saying sorry. 
Before anyone could comment Mike asked Dorn to pull up his security footage after not having any success, in reaching his wife.
As everyone eyes return back to the screens with concern, you feel Armando wrapping his hand around yours again, lightly running his thumb against it. 
 Mike let's out a sigh as his wife finally picks up, but it’s too late because not even a second later you hear screams and scuffling. Frantically, your eyes search the monitors, watching as men infiltrate Mikes home. 
Glancing away from the screen you look at Mike, who has an uneasy expression washing over his face. Just as he was about to speak, a deep menacing voice cuts in, 
“tss.tss.tss.... I think you have something that belongs to me Mike......” 
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wrizard · 5 months ago
wrizard's super basic guide to y-chromosome-based identification!!
for those interested, on this fitzcovery day:
a dear friend asked me to explain why i felt completely insane about the phrase "genetic distance of one" and, as usual, i got overexcited and wrote an entire thing about it complete with goofy images! it's on twt HERE, but i figured it would also be nice to pop it up here also. SO. with the caveat that it has been many years since my last bio class and this is VERY OVERSIMPLIFIED. here's
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Human DNA is grouped into chromosomes. We generally have TWO of each chromosome: 22 pairs (numbered 1-22), plus one pair of sex chromosome (typically either two X-chromosomes (XX), or one X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome (XY)). That's 23 pairs, or 46 chromosomes, in total.
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When producing sex cells, matching chromosome pairs will RECOMBINE (swap bits of information) - eg. one Chromosome 4 will remix itself with the other Chromosome 4, making TWO UNIQUE C4s. When the cell splits into two sex cells, each sex cell will carry ONE unique C4.
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That's sexual reproduction! Every new offspring is genetically unique - new combinations of traits pop up quickly, and if they improve reproductive fitness, can be passed on to future offspring. This allows for rapid adaptation and changes in a species over time.
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But what about Y-chromosomes, which don’t have pairs? They can't recombine in the way paired chromosomes can - which means Y-chromosomes pretty much only change via mutation (errors in copying DNA). Mutation is VERY slow, especially compared to recombination.
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This means that when an XY parent passes down their Y-chromosome to a child, chances are high that chromosome will have few, if any, changes – as opposed to X-chromosomes, which recombine in both XX parents and children, shuffling genetic information all over the place.
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Due to this slow rate of change, Y-chromosomes can be more easily tracked through the generations than other human chromosomes. A Y-chromosome might be passed down nearly unchanged for hundreds of years from genetic father to genetic son.
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GENETIC DISTANCE refers to the measurement of difference between two sets of DNA. The lower the genetic distance, the more closely related the two samples are likely to be. A genetic distance of 1 means the samples are close to identical.
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Because we know how slowly Y-chromosomes change over time, we know that if the Y-chromosomes of two people have a low genetic distance, this implies that those people are paternally related – even if the two people live/lived hundreds of years apart.
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In the case of Captain James Fitzjames, genetic data was extracted from a set of unidentified remains (a molar from a disarticulated mandible). 17 genetic markers from the molar’s Y-chromosome were compared to the Y-chromosome of a confirmed paternal relative of the Captain.
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Those 17 markers were the same in both samples, giving the two Y-chromosomes a genetic distance of one – meaning, with the genetic information available, the living relative and the unidentified decedent are more than 2000 TIMES more likely to be paternally related than not.
EDIT: DOIP I MISREAD THE CHART 16 of 17 match, not all 17!!
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Along with all the information we have from the historical record, the context of the remains, and this new comparative genetic analysis, we can safely conclude that this particular set of remains belong to Captain Fitzjames.
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160 years isn't long in the grand scheme. Every identified set of remains is another reminder that these were people, not just a distant curiosity. It's humbling to remember not just that we have identified Cpt. Fitzjames, but that still, today, we have a genetic distance of one.
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Photos and Y-chromosome comparison chart taken from Stephen, Fratpietro, and Park's paper "Identification of a senior officer from Sir John Franklin’s Northwest Passage expedition" from the Journal of Archaeological Science: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352409X24003766?via%3Dihub
hope my nonsense is helpful and/or informative and/or at least made you smile!! if you like this sort of thing :) cheers doves
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rainbowolfe · 5 months ago
Why Aym and Baal?
They were, according to Shamura, supposed to be Narinder's replacement family/companions. Narinder never really got that memo, but like, what did Shamura expect? Relationships don't work that way. You can't just throw two strangers at someone and have them fill the void of a millennia-long relationship.
But the question of the hour is, why Aym and Baal? I don't think it's because they're cats.
It's implied Narinder had his own family (made up of cats or whatever he is) and chose the Bishops, a goofy assortment of non-mammals over those blood relations. So he's not exactly inclined towards members of his own species. So that doesn't feel like the reason why Shamura chose them. And it doesn't feel like the reason Narinder kept them.
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I noticed that this photo from Jalala's journal had to have been of pre-servitude Aym and Baal, cause they're much younger. Baal's hair is shorter, they're both just wearing basic tunics instead of their signature robes, and Forneus isn't wearing her hat. So Aym's always looked a bit scuffed, and it wasn't the result of his time spent with TOWW in the Realm Beyond.
Which means Shamura saw him and went "wow that's literally Kallamar". Scar over one eye? Check. Messed up ears? Check. It would also loosely confirm that the boys were sent after they sealed Narinder, since Kallamar's ears wouldn't be scuffed before then.
It would be really funny if what Aym's looking at is Shamura, and this picture was taken 5 seconds before disaster.
Now, my first instinct was that Baal would be Narinder, and what Shamura hoped to recreate was Narinder's relationship with them and Kallamar. But that doesn't quite make sense. The new "family unit" already has a Narinder, so why would Shamura give him another?
Baal can't be filling Shamura's role for two reasons. One, as the head of the family, Shamura would be more likely to be Forneus (the role they are now placing Narinder in). If not Forneus, then the unseen father presumably taking this picture. Two, Shamura does not believe that Narinder loves them. That's. Kind of why they're doing all of this. So they wouldn't give him a replacement-Shamura either, unless they were feeling really really egotistical.
Which leaves us with two options.
And the correct one is Leshy. Leshy, whose core item is the red camellia. And whose symbol becomes a black heart when he's cleansed.
While we don't get to hear much from Baal, Heket's core traits are that she's a shit-talker and likes to eat. Leshy's core traits are that he's chaotic, but has an appreciation for/focus on the world around him. Smells, sights (when he could see), and sounds.
Baal is actually the politer of the two and, based on his recruitment dialogue ("So much color... so many creatures") he too is the worldly type. Also, Baal thanks Lamb for helping them. Leshy and Narinder are the only Bishops who thank Lamb in the end.
And, you know, if you take the order Shamura lists the family in into account, Leshy and Kallamar are the first and second sons respectively.
Of course, this can be taken one step further in another direction :3c I can't just leave Heket out of this.
Although Shamura only gave him Aym and Baal, theoretically what they saw was a four-person family unit that reflected their own... before Narinder entered the picture. I mentioned before that if Shamura isn't a reflection of Forneus, then they're a reflection of the unnamed father. (Who I suspect to be Paean)
Which means they saw Heket in Forneus.
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Do you see the vision??
Cause this is a found family, age order doesn't necessarily matter to the familial hierarchy. Even if Shamura wasn't the eldest, they would still be the head (whether matriarch or patriarch) because their role is as the leader of the other three. Heket would be below Shamura, but above Kallamar and Leshy, because she serves as caretaker. She's even the one who takes charge upon Lamb's return, as the matriarch would do if something were to happen to the patriarch.
((Traditionally, while the father is seen as the protector and provider, his purpose is specifically to rule/lead the family. It is the mother whose sole purpose is to protect. Primarily the children, as their (often only) caretaker. But in traditional circles, it's commonly felt that the mother should sacrifice everything for the father as well.))
It would be particularly fitting because a lot of Heket's side of things revolves around sacrifice. How she's burdened by it, and seemingly how much she tried to do to find a better/different outcome. She's characterized as particularly family-inclined.
This would suggest that who Narinder valued the most in the family were Leshy and Kallamar. At least, it would suggest that's how Shamura saw it. But I'm liking this line of thought, so let's say their read is accurate.
Shamura saw that Narinder. Could also be Forneus. And Shamura loved Narinder the most, so...
Narinder and Heket's disdain for each other stems from them competing for the same role in their family: The matriarch. Shamura's second in command, and the boys' caretaker.
Not in a "raise them" type of way, at least not in Kallamar's case. But to guide and influence them. To be the one they trust and rely on. Heket has been that. And, intentionally or not, Narinder intrudes on that.
Narinder's the 'other woman' lmao
As a bonus:
Baal is aligned with his father (you get Tears of the Vengeful Father in exchange for him). Aym is aligned with his mother (ditto for Tears of the Merciful Mother).
If Aym = Kallamar; Baal = Leshy; Forneus = Heket; and The Father = Shamura
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Then that dynamic is actually reflected in this Tarot Card. It pairs Kallamar with Heket, and Leshy with Shamura. :3
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bbyjackie · 2 years ago
one piece social media feat: strawhats special appearance: whitebeard pirates, heart pirates, kid pirates
》 in honour of barbie!! (+ oppenheimer)
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♡ liked by nefertari_vivi, ace and 10.4k others
_ynln: barbie girls in the new world 🎀💄
[music: Beauty And A Beat - Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj ♫]
tagged: p1rateking_luffy, lovenami, theroronoa.zoro, nicorobin, nefertari_vivi, sogekingg.usopp, blackleg.sanji, jinbe, ilovecottoncandychopper, S0U1K1NGBR00K, FRAAANKY
nefertari_vivi: so happy to meet up with you guys again!! 💕
↳ _ynln: we missed u!
↳ lovenami: lets do it again!
↳ blackleg.sanji: YOU WERE SO BEAUTIFUL VIVI 💞💘❣️💕🥰😍
lovenami: we look so good omg ‼️
trafalgar_d.law: it looked like you all copied doflamingo's style
↳ p1rateking_luffy: HEHAHHA TRA GUY YOURE RIGHT
↳ doflamingo_: Looking good @_ynln
↳ _ynln: you're old enough to be my dad 😐
↳ doflamingo_: Add a dy to that
↳ theroronoa.zoro: more like you should dy off 😭😭 (liked by trafalgar_d.law, _ynln, sogekingg.usopp)
CAPTAIN.KIIIID: fire song choice (liked by _ynln, theroronoa.zoro)
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♡ liked by marco_o, iampops and 14.3k others
ace: ran into these losers 😪
tagged: _ynln, p1rateking_luffy
marco_o: so when you said you couldn't do cleaning duty, you were out watching barbie
↳ ace: And I'm bad like the Barbie (Barbie) I'm a doll, but I still wanna party (party) Pink 'Vette like I'm ready to bend (bend) I'm a ten, so I pull in a Ken
↳ marco_o: you need to be put down
_ynln: omg i made it on THE FIRE FIST ACE'S ig?! 🫢🫢
↳ ace: mb you're the no.1 fr 😌🤞
↳ saaaa_bo: real, if that's what you were trying to say
iampops: Sons, let's go watch barbie together
↳ ace: pops i ain't even gonna lie, there's no way we can bring you to the theatre and not have the marines after us 😭😭
↳ _ynln: ace YOU'RE the liability, i literally ran into the marines and they were offering me DOUBLE your bounty to turn you in
↳ lovenami: AND YOU DIDN'T DO IT?
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♡ liked by nojiko.ko, blackleg.sanji and 6.9k others
lovenami: glad this fit is boutta be on my new bounty poster 🤞
tagged: p1rateking_luffy, _ynln, nicorobin, nefertari_vivi
_ynln: nami nahh 💀 we were running for our LIVES
↳ themarineofficial: my mum told me to chase after my dreams (liked by _ynln, FRAAANKY, theroronoa.zoro)
↳ lovenami: scariest notification
trafalgar_d.law: luffy? more like goofy. why's he trying to rizz up the camera man like that
p1rateking_luffy: Tra guy what does rizz mean
↳ trafalgar_d.law: RIZZ: Another word for spitting game/how good you are with pulling and sustaining bitches. [Urban Dictionary]
↳ p1rateking_luffy: I GOT THAT ILLEGAL RIZZ 🤪🤪😇🙏🔥🔥
↳ _ynln: LUFFY WHAT
↳ lovenami: ?!!
↳ jinbe: ?
↳ trafalgar_d.law: wtaf
↳ p1rateking_luffy: Ace told me to say it :((
↳ p1rateking_luffy: I'm in the photo too!
↳ blackleg.sanji: sadly.
↳ _ynln: 😭
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♡ liked by sogekingg.usopp, BONBONBONCLAY and 12.7k others
p1rateking_luffy: Last nighT was fun
tagged: ace, theroronoa.zoro, _ynln, blackleg.sanji
↳ _ynln: dude you were GONE 😭
↳ trafalgar_d.law: ever feel bad about yourself? think about luffy's spelling (liked by saaaa_bo)
↳ p1rateking_luffy: Ryght after the marnjnes follqweod you g0uys instead
↳ sogekingg.usopp: aint no way i was fighting for life and these rats were having the time of their life 🫤🫤
↳ _ynln: 😝
↳ p1rateking_luffy: 😝
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♡ liked by killerrr, SOU1K1NGBR00K and 10.1k others
_ynln: strawhats take on oppenheimer next 🖤
tagged: p1rateking_luffy, lovenami, theroronoa.zoro, nicorobin, nefertari_vivi, sogekingg.usopp, blackleg.sanji, jinbe, ilovecottoncandychopper, S0U1K1NGBR00K, FRAAANKY
themarinesofficial: strawhat ladies and roronoa zoro i will need to arrest you for stealing my heart ❤️
↳ _ynln: LMFAO UM IM CRYING??!!
↳ nicorobin: This is slightly uncomfortable
↳ blackleg.sanji: BACK OFF FROM THEM 🫵
↳ theroronoa.zoro: just crucify me again
↳ FRAAANKY: nah people in the marines just getting bored fr
ace: YOOO LETS MEET UP (liked by _ynln)
↳ p1rateking_luffy: @saaaa_bo COME TOO
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machveil · 4 months ago
i dont even LIKE cod and youve got me hooked on konig. god. the hcs with him and his siblings/family are SO GOOD its got my cuteness aggression acting up, i need to headbutt him so gently/sweetly about it. ngl im an older sibling so i would 110% enable his siblings on silly shit like baby pictures, no hard feelings to him but like, lsiten, im honor bound. its bro code but for older siblings or whatever (silly). just watching him wrassle with his sister or get into a cartoon dust cloud with the lot of his siblings and sighing so dreamily about it. my big strong goofy goober 💞💞
love to hear it, I’ve had, like, five people tell me I changed them with König and isn’t that the dream? haha
König is so embarrassed over his baby photos, honestly, you’d get secondhand embarrassment watching him get pissy over it. he will wrestle baby photos away from his siblings - if it weren’t for his mother being sentimental he’d burn them, no joke. there are photos of him eating grass in there, him in the sink for a makeshift bath, oh god, just stuff he wished would go away
I briefly talked about it in this post, but König definitely had an emo/metal phase - it was so bad (to him) he did get rid of a majority of the photos (mama König somehow has a couple stashed away - he always thinks he’s destroyed them all but then she whips out another one). his older sister, the usual suspect, is such an ass about bringing it up. if she really wants to piss König off she’ll play a song from when he was a teen, it always sends him into a frenzy. his older brothers usually don’t pick on him, that said, if his sister brings up his emo phase his eldest brother will also mouth off about it
to his credit, König’s second eldest brother is close to a saint, keeps to himself, is considerate and friendly. König’s second eldest brother is usually hanging around König when he’s home - both of them idly lounging in silence doing their own thing. they’re both mama’s boys, everyone knows, immediate family, neighbors, colleagues, it’s blatantly obvious. and, their sweet mama who could do no wrong, sort of takes advantage of that. they’re both big boys, her darling, strong sons who come running when she calls… yeah, when they’re both home she has them help her around the house - they’d never complain, they’re more than happy to help their mama fix appliances and cook meals
and then there’s their dad. yeah, generally fathers command respect, but papa König? he clears his throat and all his kids freeze - it doesn’t matter if they were laughing, fighting, or just sitting, suddenly they’re at attention. he’s not a bad parent, he just has… a general aura that says ‘large and in charge’, strikes the fear of god into people when he stands up straight and glares at you. he’s larger than life, his father isn’t the tallest in the family, the eldest son is, but König’s dad is still 6’11”/~210cm. he looks like a hardass, and he sort of is, but generally he’s easy going! papa König just has some major resting bitch face, rugged with prominent crow’s feet (mama König is absolutely smitten with him, he’s her big strong bear)
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reallyromealone · 1 year ago
Dkkdmdd I read the fic with kirishima and bakugous brother what about a follow up where bakugou finds out (would he be protective or would he not care?)
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Title: dates and secrets
Fandom: my hero academia
Pairing: kirishima x male reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: a smooch
Notes: none
Katsuki didn't know how to feel when he saw his brother and best friend walking in together, he definitely didn't know how to feel about the fact his best friend was absolutely eyeing up his brother.
"(Name)" mitsuki called her son who looked tense, glancing over to see his mom "where have you been? This isn't about you this is about your brother and his classmates" somehow no matter what (name) did he was being scolded, they didn't even notice him leave, it wasn't till he came back that they even spoke to him. "I was just talking to--""I don't care brat, we have to go now"
(Name) smiled awkwardly at Kirishima and left, the redhead in awe at the Bakugo sibling but felt upset at how Mrs. Bakugo treated him.
The next week the two texted nonstop, kirishima consistently flirting and sending pictures of his day to day and (name) awkward and fumbling but did send kirishima a few selfies.
Bakugo didn't hate his brother, they definitely weren't close by a long shot and he wouldn't deny his parents liked him more than (name), their attention to him raising especially since getting accepted into U.A.
But why did he feel bitter?
Kirishima was nervous as he waited for (name), Aizawa giving him permission to go on this date under the condition that he keep his location on and stay at the date spot, due to rising incidents Aizawa set up with a local cat Cafe to keep an eye on the two to give them some privacy, bonus for kirishima since (name) liked cats.
(Name) looked nice, dressed in a soft sweater with the collar of a dress shirt peaking out and nice pants and shoes, all in all looking very cute.
"(Name)!" Kirishima called out and (name) looked slightly annoyed but the red head learned that's his resting face during the party "you ready to go?" He asked excitedly and (name) nodded write letting the other lead the way.
"They look so cute!" Mina said with a huge grin, her, hakagure, Kaminari and a few other classmates watched on, Bakugo being dragged along when he would rather be anywhere but. (Name) looked focused as he listened to Kirishima talk, the two getting to the cat cafe and the redhead totally didn't snap a picture of (name)s slight smile at the tiny fur ball in his lap "so how are your classes?" (Name) asked sipping his drink, eyes looking into Kirishimas soul "oh! It's great, were really getting into battle bots!"
"That sounds really cool, I'm sure you're acing it" (name) said supportive yet monotone, Kirishima grinning like a fool.
The topic eventually got to careers and (name) fidgeted "I uh... I wanna be a/an (career)" he looked a little embarrassed "did you ever apply to U.A?" Kirishima asked curiously and (name) froze "uh... That's a difficult question"
He didn't want kirishima to think less of his brother, he didnt have a close relationship with Katsuki but he wasn't going to ruin his friendships.
"Well maybe one day you can tell me" kirishima grinned as the others in the background cooed, Katsuki looking confused at his brothers words, he didn't even know (name) had an interest in U.A....
(Name) let kirishima walk him to the train station before, the redhead taking the opposite train back to campus "text me when you get back yeah?" He asked, (name) nodding as the red head gently kissed him, not knowing Mina snapped photos of it.
What? It was for their wedding obviously.
"G-goodnight kirishima"
"Alright..." (Name) was flustered as he stepped on the train and Kirishima didn't miss that goofy smile on his face.
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abbysimsfun · 3 months ago
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 96 (Making Amends For Past Mistakes)
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Conrad arrived in Henford after dark and walked right inside the Nesbitt home. Henford was the kind of place where no one locked their doors, which was a large reason why he'd wanted Heather and Lavender to spend an extra night in town.
He found his daughter cuddling with River's wife in one of the bedrooms. "Oh you're here!" said Cass warmly. Lavender smiled up at him, and he was happy to stumble on the two of them first. "Heather's still over at the Finchwick Winter Fair, but she should be back soon."
He took Lavender from her arms, sitting with her on Heather's childhood bunk bed until she fell asleep. He chuckled at a goofy selfie of Heather as a child hanging on the wall nearby. She was missing her front tooth, grinning wide in front of the statue of Sophie the Snail.
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He smiled at their sleeping daughter, cuddled against his chest. No matter what Heather had to say to him when she got back from the fair, their love was strong enough to create someone perfect, and he held on to that belief as fear gripped him.
River and her parents had seemingly made themselves scarce - perhaps they were enjoying the fair, or maybe they were avoiding him. Whatever the reason, he cherished the quiet with his daughter. The calm before a possible storm.
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At the Finchwick Winter Fair, Heather entered some of her homegrown dragonfruit into the produce competition, winning a first-place ribbon! She posed for a photo for the town's community notice board to celebrate her win, met her sister Hazel's boss, Mayor Varner, and even ran into her old acquaintance, Lucas Munch, who she'd failed to flirt with back in her teens.
"Lucas, hi! Did you and your girlfriend, Gabi, live happily ever after?"
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He smiled. "We got married after she graduated and I moved to the Bramblewood with her and her parents. I love it here, and it's a great place to raise our son, Luka."
(The game decided the son of Lucas Munch and grandson of Paolo Rocca would be named Luka and I was all for it.)
"Luka's a nice name," said Heather kindly, but she was distracted thinking about home. She thought she'd seen Conrad's cruiser pull in behind her parents' place, but she stayed until the fair wound down, going for a spin on the ice rink for old time's sake. Open despite Henford's notoriously mild winters, Brindleton Bay never put up a rink, though she often wished for such a place to take her kids in their own hometown.
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When she returned to her parents' home across the emptying village green, she found Conrad in the bedroom. Without a word, he put Lavender in the crib where Heather had slept as an infant and glanced hopefully in her direction.
"Let's go for a walk," she said. He followed easily. They made their way to a bench in a small park lined with stones and short greenery, and she was the first to start talking. "Your past doesn't upset me, Conrad. That you thought you couldn't share it with me is what made me so upset."
"I'm so sorry I lied to you. I was always just trying not to hurt you."
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"I never thought I'd be the girl who broke her own promise to herself after my last relationships - if he ever lies, he's just not worth it - but I can forgive you. If you promise that nothing is too dark for us. I can handle anything, but we have to keep the kids safe together."
"I promise nothing is too dark or us. I know how strong you are, and I'm sorry."
"What do I need to know about the investigation?"
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He took a deep breath. "George Brindleton's involved. He pulled security from the pier to show off and then a body turned up, so we're going to have to bring in some of his guy's for questioning."
"Did he try to show off because he was angry at us?"
Conrad shrugged. "It's the least of my concerns for now... Ximena's missing. She's the prime suspect, but they're going to put a police detail outside our house and the clinic until we find her, so there's no way she'll come around you or the kids."
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"What about the school?"
"No one gets out to Deadgrass Isle without a boat, and every boat gets logged at every dock."
"John Brindleton made it to the island without being noticed."
"Heather, they check everyone who walks into the school."
"I can't believe this woman is making me fear for the lives of my kids. Who the hell does she think she is?"
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"Right now she's desperate. If our suspicions are right she doesn't have anyone. Her one ally in the world is missing."
"And now no one's looking for him..."
He looked anxiously at his feet. "Actually...the captain put me on the case to look for Rafa. Officially."
She frowned. "I thought you were done with the case because it was too personal."
"I gave the captain a way to do this without opening an investigation into the cartel. He doesn't want me to lead but he wants me involved in case Ximena comes out of hiding and tries to find me."
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"Conrad, what could she do to you?"
"She's not going to do anything to me, I swear to the Watcher. I promise you, Heather, we're going to find her and put her away where she belongs. And I'm going to find her brother. I need to."
Heather thought a moment, swallowing her anxiety in the face of his conviction. "The minute she reaches out to you, if she does, you have to tell me."
He stood from the bench, and she reached slowly for his outstretched hand. "I promise I will tell you."
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They stayed outside for a while in the mild moonlit night, and Conrad finally had an opportunity to tell Heather about his wild night at Bella Goth's.
"I finally used her seance table to travel to the Realm of the Dead. I was hoping for guidance from the mentors but I relived my first year of college, instead. I didn't go to some new school, and Bella said this only happens when they want to send a warning."
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Heather peeled back in fear, but he shook his head. "I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what the mentors wanted to show me, but after everything that's happened this weekend, I think they were trying to warn me about the body that turned up at the pier. And the way I make amends is by finding Rafa and putting Ximena behind bars."
"Conrad, I know you," said Heather. "Now that you don't have to hide anything, you'll figure it all out. You'll find Rafa and you'll be able to help him. And I'll help keep us all safe."
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They returned home after everyone but Neal had gone to bed. He followed them inside with a smile, but Conrad felt a chill in his future father-in-law's demeanor. As they laid together on the pull out couch upstairs, Conrad turned to talk about it. "I think your dad and your brother might have a harder time forgiving me for this than you did."
Heather nodded. "I haven't told them anything about it, but River knows that you lied to his face, and my Dad's afraid you can't keep us safe. I tried to cover for you this morning, but they want to hear it from you."
He was up most of the night thinking about how to defeat Ximena. His mind drifted to Rafa, and who he might find to give insight into where he could be, but he couldn't come up with anything resembling a solid theory.
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As dawn broke, he got up when he heard Lavender babbling in her crib. She enjoyed riding around in a carrier, staring at the world with curious delight, and he strapped her to his back. He found River in pajamas and they shared knowing glances. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was really going on. I couldn't tell you before I told Heather, but you made me see that I wasn't managing it and I'm glad you did."
"Even though backing out of the case made your ex leave a dead body out front of the Salty Paw?"
He froze. "Did your father eavesdrop on me and Heather last night?"
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A gruff voice called from the other side of the door. "I was looking out for my daughter."
Conrad looked back to River with a helpless expression and River shrugged. "Put your ex behind bars and he'll believe you're keeping Heather and the kids safe," he said. Oblivious to the conversation, Lavender cooed happily in her seat behind Conrad's broad shoulders.
"That's the plan," Conrad assured him.
"Good. I'm not even that mad you lied to me, dude. Lies are bad, and they always cause trouble, but I just want to be sure they're not about to get caught up in something that has nothing to do with them. Heather loves you, but she didn't sign up for a life running from cartels."
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"When I said I'd do anything to keep them safe, you have to know I wasn't lying about that."
"I know that," River said. "That's why I left your house knowing you were lying to me about everything else."
"You have my word. I won't rest until Ximena's behind bars and I can put her entirely in the past."
"I believe you, man. But...why are you still in your work clothes?"
"I honestly haven't really slept much. I need a shower before I put on something clean."
(I told you, I like him in this outfit! Shameless.)
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Having made amends with Heather and River, Conrad was determined to win back Neal's respect, and his own peace of mind, by ensuring Ximena got what she deserved. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
NOTE: Heather really did go to the fair, met the latest mayor, chatted with Lucas, and won first place for her fruit, but I was bad at taking photos and jumping between too many sims. When it was time to restage for better shots in the photo save they were too far away from another fair so I used TOOL to place a stand but couldn't feasibly restage everything and couldn't get the dragon fruit to place on the stand with TOOL and gave up.
TOWNIE TREE NOTE: Lucas Munch married Gabi Rocca-Chopra, daughter of Lavina Chopra and Paolo Rocca. She's a half-sister of Rahul, who's still living happily with Bella's onetime bartender boyfriend, Diego, after his wife Rashidah died of heatstroke and left him a widower. Rahul's daughter, Thomasine, married Heather's former, mediocre vet tech Marcus Flex, and they live somewhere.
Rahul and Gabi have another brother (also Lavina and Paolo's) named Rocco. Rocco married Rikissa, the third daughter of Bjorn and Clara Bjergsen (also born in game), and thus far they're the only sims to have triplets in this save. Glad I'm not playing them tbh. 😂
Lucas' brother Wolfgang is married to Everett Pancakes' younger brother Kash and they live together in Brindleton Bay with Wolfgang's elderly mother, Mila. Lucas and Wolfgang's eldest brother, Gunther, married Catarina Lynx and they have three redheaded daughters - Felina, Yasmine, and Lindsey.
WCIF Poses Used? @helgatisha's Model Poses 21 posepack (pose 15) next to the stand where the dragon fruit is supposed to be. It's fine that the dragonfruit defeated me, Heather looks ️‍🔥 in the shot, anyway. For the conversation on the bench I used @simmerianne93's Conversation posepack 5, and I think it looks fantastic! Really suits the mood of their conversation, for me. Thank you creators, for sharing your creations, as always! 🙏
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pup-stnt · 4 months ago
you guessed it....it's time to say thank ylu to my moots I've made...hashtag love you guys!
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H-hey ehtan robo-boy SHOT DEAD IN THE BRONX LAST NIGHT, I was just bothering you...but YOU ARE COOL AS WELL, love talking to you and having silly moments with yku thankyog ehtnan and remember...and I LOVE YOUR DRAWINGS EVEN IF YOU THINN THEY ARE BAD and yiur writing hashtag #writeyourheartoutETHAN
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zera...oh zera...I don't where tk start....at first I was scared at you, yoy asking for the art trade...and I was haoog ans so SCARED. and nkw...we know eachother even mkre...I could NEVER have wanted anyone else in yourplace LOVE talking to you everyday watch out me and joe are coming soon
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Ohhh Mr Mikey meaty micheal...I am proud of mmyoy and Mr meaty micheal wedding...I loved seeing the honeymoon photos 📸 I could never have been happier to have been your mother In law...I hope you and meaty micheal are happy
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Last but not least..hi TAY hi hello ❤️ I KNOW WE DONT TALK A LOT LIKE AT ALL BUT I LOVENYOU SILLY POOKSTAHH MAKE ME HAPPY AND YOUR SO SILLY down right GOOFY TO THE LIMIT /pos bruhh someone get this TAY out of here broo my ass is on the floor SMILING AND DUIJG OF LAUGHTER!!
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symphonic-scream · 5 months ago
I have more of the Okujima Fake Dating thing
(summary; Makoto and Haru are uni roommates (and friends w/ benefits but that's not something they address) and to avoid her relatives finding her a partner, Haru lies and tells them she's gay (not a lie) and has a girlfriend she's serious with (mega lie))
Like. Makoto takes this job so seriously
She asks Haru for the guest list and photos so she can remember who is who and she studies, and by the time they arrive she's figured out which relatives to bow to, or shake hands, or offer a fist bump
Haru: you didn't have to do all that,
Makoto: any partner of yours should put in this much effort. Otherwise, they're not worthy of calling you theirs
The room booked for them has one bed, a real nice shower, and a jet tub. They go to bath houses together with their friends, so it's not as awkward as either assumed when they spend a night soaking in the tub together, jets turned on the lowest setting. It's even less awkward when they share the bed, since, well, they've done worse. And besides, Haru has learned over the last two years that she's hella touch starved and has abandonment issues, and Makoto? A very cuddly sleeper. It's, almost like they were designed to work well together (ehe)
Haru's relatives also adore Makoto. Both as a person, and for Haru. They all met Haru after her dad died, before she went off and made friends in uni. They met sad high school Haru. And she's so different from the lady in front of them, not hiding the little snort in her laughter as one of her cousins close to her age teaches Makoto a goofy dance, and she makes it look sillier with how stiff and awkward she is
Haru's cousins from her aunt are three boys. One is married with two kids, one is getting married, and one is her age. The middle and youngest get along with her best, the youngest being a musician, the middle a dancer, and the oldest a gym teacher, former athlete
She's got twin cousins from Uncle 1, her mom's twin. Both just younger than her. A boy, who's going to be an aerospace engineer, and a girl, who wants to be a lawyer. Overly smart little seniors
And uncle two? Two daughters. One older, one younger. The older one is married and about to have a son, and the younger one just started a business ethics degree
There are two more aunts. One, married no kids, the other? Single as hell
Haru's grandparents are there too, and they love Makoto so much. They missed out on so much of Haru's life cause they lost contact with their daughter after she married Kunikazu, and, they're just happy to see she found someone that's as respectful and loving as Makoto
Makoto: do you think your family would mind if I wore a suit?
Haru: nope. My aunt is gay, after all. Her wife will be wearing one too
Makoto: seriously? That's so cool!
Haru: mm! They're the mothers of the groom, so you'll see plenty of them this trip
Makoto: amazing,
Oldest cousin: hey, Haru? Can you watch these two for a moment? I have to go talk to my Mama
Haru: oh- Uhm, okay?
Makoto: here, hand me the little one. Hey, bud
Haru: *gay staring*
By the wedding itself they're fully together. Acting the exact same, but they acknowledge why they stare at each other so tenderly
They'd call the others, their friends from uni, from time to time
The opening of it would be Haru having to admit she fucked up to her bestie Ryuji, and Ann
All head in arms, asking either of them to help her out and Ryuji says he would but he's not exactly a gal, and Ann is spending the summer with her fiancee in Europe, checking out venues for a wedding
Ryuji: why don't you ask Makoto? She's single, and your roommate. It'd be way less awkward than asking anyone else
Haru, not willing to admit the "Friends with Benefits" thing: ...do I really have no other option??
Ann: there's Futaba-
Haru: ugh. I'll ask Mako-chan,
Makoto keeps panic calling Joker or Yusuke after things on the trip like: DOES THIS MEAN SHE LIKES ME??? DO I LIKE HARU?? SEND AN AMBULANCE SHE KISSED ME AND IT FELT REAL I THINK IM DYING
At one point Goro picks up and just growls at her to "woman up, go the hell to sleep, or die. Whichever I don't care stop calling my boyfriend at 2 am"
No weird jealousy plot either just. Them realizing on their own
Like. The way Haru asks, too
She comes home, finds Makoto cooking and humming, a box from the campus bakery on the table, and Haru knows her roommate picked up her favourites, probably just because she *noticed* how off she's been, and. She knows Ryuji is right. Makoto is the best choice to help her with this fuck up,
She walks up behind her, wraps her arms around her hips, grunts in a way that's nearly a whine, plants her head between those strong shoulder blades
"Hey, welcome home, Haru. How was your day? You had your advanced statistics class today, right?"
"Mm. Mako-chan, I, have to ask for your help."
"What's up? Oh, is it that time? I can get the hot water bottle, run out to get more pain meds for you-"
"I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend."
"Huh? Haru, what-"
"My cousin is getting married. And, I may have lied to my grandparents, about dating someone, so they wouldn't try to set me up with someone. And, they want to meet her. The tickets and hotel are paid for already, just, I don't want to have to tell them I lied,,"
"Well, I wasn't planning to go anywhere but visit my sister, so I'm free for it."
"Yeah, tell me the details after dinner? The ramen is nearly done."
Makoto is secretly having a mini panic attack inside
She texts Yusuke later like "I CANT SAY MUCH BUT GOD IM GAY"
And Yusuke just texts back a photo a counter on his wall that reads "Makoto says she's gay; 1026"
The wedding is in Okinawa, where the bride is from, so they have to bring bathing suits for the beach, and, Haru does ask Makoto to help her pick which one to bring
Makoto sits there, face red, hands digging into her knees as Haru makes comments about one of them maybe making her look more chubby, maybe she should stick to a one piece-
Makoto: you're gorgeous. Every part of you. If you like how it looks on you, screw what anyone says
Haru: ...but. do you like it?
(Reminder. They are "Just Friends")
Makoto coughs a bit, looks away: y-yeah. I like it,
Makoto: R-RIGHT
Makoto *was* wearing her bathing suit top and swim shorts. Haru did get a chance to admire her muscular thighs in the shorts. She's a sucker for how muscular her roommate is
Just. When they get home and have to tell all their friends they're dating now and
Morgana, Joker's little brother, age 16: YOU WERENT TOGETHER???
Just. Man. How they were just naturally domestic from the start, and how naturally being affectionate comes to both of them, but differently than with their other friends, and
Makoto: hey, since we're "dating", does that mean I have to tell you I've slept with Ann?
Haru: you WHAT
Makoto: it was over a year ago! And Shiho knew and agreed to it!
Makoto: TOO?!
and they both laugh, cause they've known this, it's a bit they do, and Haru nestles back under Makoto's chin, and they go back to snuggling. They're in Makoto's bed in their apartment. It's later the night Haru asked, and, okay yeah they maybe did *it* again, but. Things feel weirdly right between them as they lie there together, softly talking out the details of the plan
Like. There's a reason so many people already thought they were dating, and why it sells so perfectly to Haru's family
I'm attached to this already dear lord
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slyvieselkie · 8 months ago
Since the Beginning - Midoriya Izuku
Warning: body shaming, insecurity about looks, family issues, suggestive
Check out my masterlist for more!
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Having a prohero boyfriend is really a double edged sword, especially when he's the successor of the Symbol of Peace. Deku, the greatest hero, Midoriya Izuku, is a man larger than life. And to stand next to him, to be loved by him, is an honour and a stain in itself.
You're known as 'His Girlfriend'. The luckiest girl on Earth, a position that many covert for you sit on a pile of riches that he so graciously gifted you. Not only that, Izuku is the ideal man. Compassionate, brave, powerful, smart, a little goofy and nerdy, he's the man every parent wants their daughter to bring home. And that honour belongs to you.
But having Deku as your boyfriend, means that you must also meet the world's standard. A girl that's equally as friendly, sweet, beautiful, successful, an ideal woman for the best man out there. And every day you look in the mirror with the thought, 'Gosh, why does he even like me?', so does everyone else.
Every time the two of you are out in public and get photographed, there'll always be a comment about your weight, your pimples, how it's always Izuku pulling his card out, how you don't treat his fans with respect. And your boyfriend does his best to fight back in the ways he can. In the rare interviews he'll always mention the love of his life, the woman supporting him from behind, who puts up with the 24/7 limelight and harsh critics of those who know nothing. He even enlists the help of his old classmates who try their best to change society's mind. But it only makes you feel more pathetic, that Izuku does so much for you and you can't even present yourself better.
It takes a long, burning, tearful shower for you to finally resolve to change. With a bright smile, you talk to Izuku about wanting to be more healthy and start volunteering.
He cups your cheeks, "Sweetheart, if it's about-", "Izuku, please...just let me have this", and your eyes swirl with so much desperation he can only say yes.
But the green haired man makes a strict schedule for you to follow, he refuses to watch you please the world and drop dead. He asks Ochako to exercise with you, where you start on light cardio and Pilates. Bakugo reluctantly sends you a few tips on healthier eating and even spends a day at your house meal prepping. Izuku doesn't know about this because the villain-like hero would burn your house down. He even asks his old teacher, Thirteen, to help you find volunteer work.
The world's opinion of you change when photos of you helping out at homeless shelters and after villain attacks. You also change as well, he notices. You've become more social, going out more and posing for the cameras rather than hiding from it. He sees your regular posts and stories at the gym, making healthy snacks, promoting charities, going out for brunch with the U.A. Class 1 girls. Izuku couldn't be more relieved. So many nights he has had nightmares of you taking dieting too far or working until you end up in the hospital, trying to become the perfect woman and breaking yourself in the process.
But change takes a long time and no matter what you do, the world will always bring up your past. And you've learnt to live with it, to understand that what you're doing is more than enough. However, that doesn't mean those comments don't hurt. Especially when it comes from the people whose words mean the most.
Izuku has met your parents many times. For the three years you two have been together, the hero has always made an effort to know your parents and get along with them. Your family also loves him, your mother is dreaming about the day she sees you in a wedding dress to him. The atmosphere is always warm, comforting, peaceful.
Until the small comments start to sneak in.
"Oh look at how skinny and pretty you are now!"
"Now my son in law will have no problem picking you up!"
"You should've seen her in high school, she would've weighed more than you right now!"
"If only she started dieting earlier! I kept telling her to, but she never listened and now look at her!"
Dieting, exercise, skinnier, prettier, smaller.
Of course you fire back at her. It's all jokes, but Izuku can see how much those words hurt. And every time, the ride back home is silent and you deep in thoughts. And every time after you come out of the shower, he sees you observe yourself in the mirror. Your eyes scan like society once did, looking for the imperfections. Wondering how you can erase the past, so that the world only remembers the pretty and perfect version of you.
His heart breaks, because why are your efforts never enough? He walks in and makes himself known, you jump before giving a soft smile. Izuku tries to return it and quickly digs his face into the crook of your neck. His large and scarred hands quickly hoist you up while you squeak.
As he carries you to the bed, Izuku has so many thoughts going through his head. You've always been pretty, ever since the moment he met you. He's always been able to pick you up, a hero like him should have no problem picking up boulder let alone a person. And he has seen you in high school pictures where you look so cute, he wished he met you earlier. And no, you shouldn't have started dieting earlier. Knowing the situation you were in, you would've only gained an eating disorder.
Dieting, exercise, skinnier, prettier, smaller. He didn't do any of this just to hear that from the people who should've supported you. As he laid you down, Izuku takes you in with trembling eyes. You give a smile back and beckon him closer.
Izuku has always been careful with you. His rough hands ghost your body knowing the damage they could cause, his lips only leave light hickies because he never wants to see you in bruises even if they're from love, he's always wary about the weight he puts on you and your stamina compared to his. But the nights you return from your parents are gentle as a feather. Your body becomes his temple, and he'll never stop worshipping. He oozes love and forces you to soak it up, the love that they should've had for you.
It's ironic when Izuku wants to be so gentle and loving, because it sometimes leads to him become more rough. He has so much to give that he can't see that you're overstimulated. He wants you to see that he loves you unconditionally, resulting in deep hand marks and love bites. Izuku wants you to understand that he's always on your side, so he'll hold you down and do his best to leave you quivering and blank.
But regardless of how he feels about your parents, Izuku knows he can't do anything about them. Because he knows that blocking your family isn't easy as it sounds.
"They're...it's just when it comes to this, they can become...off", you whisper trying to calm Izuku down, "Other than that, they're really good."
He knows, he can see it. How you're always sticking to your mother and how she always has your favourite food and snacks at home. How you melt in your father's arms and the way he monitored Izuku when they first met. Izuku sees the photographs hanging on the walls filled with parental love, the injury stories where it sounds like they were just in as much pain as you, the fights when they became a pair of bears.
Izuku also knows that in its own fucked up sense, they say that for your own good. Because he's heard you and your mother on the phone, how hateful she sounds of the media that talked about your weight and looks. Your father used to hate him for bringing you into a world that you never suited, until he finally saw Izuku as a man who loved you.
So Izuku will respect them and be civil. Because they raised you into the person you are today, the most loveliest person that he is honoured to be with forever. Because in their own ways, they also poured love and care into the soul to form it this way.
But that doesn't mean he'll take it lying down. You're his woman, and he'll protect you the way he did when society attacked you. He'll make sure they understand that their words have weight to them, and crush those words until they disintegrate to dust.
He'll do anything to show that you've always been beautiful since the beginning.
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Hi Lovelies, meet Izuku the greenest flag ever~!
I hope you guys felt all of the emotions poured into this fic and how much Izuku loves you! I really wanted to portray the struggle of loving your parents and understanding how much they love you, but just having that one issue that always breaks the peace. For the girlies out there living with body shaming, hold your head up high because you have been beautiful since the beginning!
I'll see you another time ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )♡
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The Underground world of Horrid alchemists
Hello truth beholders, I have some juicy knowledge for you to suckle on, the teat provided by a user which prefers to remain anonymous, less her death be a shortcoming by the powers that be....
Goblins are a terrifying entity to even think about, my friends. However sensationalized by modern media they may be, watered down to funny, goofy relatively harmless small green men. This should, however, not detract in the SLIGHTEST from your horror for what is to come. My friend mentioned above let me in on a horrifying secret, but before I give you the horrid truth, hidden by the powers that be, look at this image. In you mind, encapsulate and tell me what you see...
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Yes my friends, this just what you think it is. A baby. But, if you look just a wee bit closer, you can see a small, rapidly moving object.... a goblin. Hold your gasps, it will only get worse. Submitted by Isla White, the same person supplying the rest of the information by taking heavily classified documents, living in California in Albany took this photo of their 5 month old son, Jeff White.
To her horror, however, she could never imagine what she would envision when she put the image through infrared waves, as a joke between her Husband, who was having an affair with her at the time, Brad Harding (the couple had a divorce over work-life complications and the cheating, as mentioned above.)
This led her to a month of rapid criminality, taking documents from the storage room, as a civil servant working in admin, this was highly illegal, but this did not deter her from discovering the truth....
This image was not doctored, goblins are real. And this was hidden by the CIA, why? Because THEY work with the goblins! Ever wonder how in spy movies, these agencies have much higher tech equipment than the general public ever can grasp, such as a TALKING car? This, is because of the alchemist that work below, casting wicked sorcery to make these miracles of technology work!
Pseesh! You may declare. This woman is lying, speaking utter untruths. But I must disturb you and pry you third eye open further. Ever had an object held dearly to you, only to be missing, never to be seen again. This video will explain everything.
This, right here, is a toy well beloved by a child of the age of 12 of the month of January of the day of the 24th. With no batteries installed, we placed it on one of our emerald infused sonar-grams. Immediately it buzzed to life, which these energies detected beta-213 particles by our trusty Larthum equalizer. Love particles.
This is what the Goblins use, we all know the power of love and friendship is real and tangible, epics of plenty have been written of beasts being slayed with just the power of friends joining together. These tales were not just that, tales, but forewarning of the future the goblins will have. They use this power of love and twist it in horrible ways, inspector gadget being a shining example of such a thing, with the aforementioned talking cars.
You may be asking what to do with this information, as goblins are inherently invisible. There is only one solution. Buy infrared goggles and detectors to forewarn you of these 2 feet invaders, and when you can use your right to bear arms and blow them init paste across your kitchen wall. Good luck, soldiers of light.
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believesthings · 10 months ago
Not Just A Girl - Chapter 4 // Jason Sudeikis x Reader
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Summary: You're a new up and coming actress. At your first awards show, you run into your celebrity crush, Jason Sudeikis. Trying to navigate the bond you form with him while both juggling your respective careers proves to be quite the task with some unexpected twists along the way.
Tag List: @my-soupy-brain @tegan8314 @tortilla-maria1
Once again you wake up entirely too early of your own accord. To work out some of your nervous energy you wander down to the weight room to move for a bit. Your realize once you've made it down there that you've left your phone in your room but you don't need your phone for the a half hour, right? That's the new thing these days, Isn't it? Technology detox? Sure, why not give it go.
Your callback isn't scheduled until 10:00 which gives you plenty of time to obsess over every little detail you can imagine into being before having to slip into the persona of Mia and hopefully finally get conformation regarding the part.
Comfortably tired from your workout, you head to the elevator to go back up to your room and happen to spot your new friend - the security guard from last night - leaving as he gets off his shift. He looks even younger outside of his uniform. Quite the shift, you marvel, for someone so young - but then you often held off jobs while you were working in theater, just son you could afford the rent.
You give him a friendly wave which he returns with an exhausted by happy smile. On the elevator, you remind yourself to relay your promise to Jason when you call him later in the day. You've decided on calling him around lunchtime so as to hopefully not interrupt his day. He made you promise that you would call after your callback, but he never specified when.
A glance at your phone tells you that 30 minutes with it, while freeing, is actually quite impractical. You've not got numerous messages to shift through.
Knock them dead, Honey.
From your mother.
The award looks great. Go get us another to match!
From your Father, with an attached photo of him, making a goofy face next to your award in a newly built cabinet.
Todd had sent a series of messages - first regarding the fan mail that he wanted to pass on to you at your earliest convenience, a.k.a. come clear some of this clutter from my workplace - followed by directions to the building where you needed to go today, a brief pep talk... remember your training, so on, so forth - and then an oddly phrased text requesting that you call him after lunch because by that time he thought he would know something you would like to hear.
You had sent him the list of places that you had been interested in renting while you stayed in town, perhaps he would have news regarding that? You can't live in the hotel forever, despite how tempting it would be to do so.
Will also opted for a series of texts:
If they don't choose you for Mia, they're mad. - x
Followed by:
Can't wait to see you and discuss your new boyfriend.
Then another one:
Jo said the pair of you went house hunting without me. You owe me drinks!
You try to remember where he is and what he could be doing at the moment, judging if you can call and chat. Is he doing interviews? Maybe a photo shoot?
The next text doesn't help clear up where he could be.
The makeup trailer seems empty without you. When will we be able to coerce someone into making All Your Monsters 2?
You save the texts from Jason for last.
Good Morning, Darling. Don't forget your promise to call.
You can't help but grin. "Or what?" You think to yourself.
Before protesting again, my phone is on silent and I'll be checking my messages at every available moment until I hear from you.
You shake your head and laugh, imaging Jason sneaking glances at his phone every time the director calls cut. Though it makes you smile you'd feel incredibly guilty if you got him into trouble on set.
Also, we had food provided during our breaks from a wonderful little breakfast spot downtown. I'd love the chance to take you.
This makes you blush. Breakfast with Jason. Breakfast following...
Before your mind can stray too far down that distracting line of thought another text arrives from Todd:
Did you get the directions I sent?
Really, he worries far too much about your sense of direction.
Yes, I'll let you know when I get there.
You pack up a few things into a satchel in the hopes that you can window shop at some point during the day. To pass the time and distract yourself from the butterflies in your stomach you use your phone to scroll through the media links that Todd has sent you. There are so many articles speculating on your connection with Jason - curiosity makes you scan through the titles.
The new woman in Jason's life, Battle of the Co-stars over before it began? Goldstein out on day one as Sudeikis cuddles up with new woman.
After reading through a few of the articles you get distracted by the copious photos linked to the sites: publicity photos of each of you at the awards show with candid shots from the night sprinkled in, more from the after party, walking along the street, even a few from your date the previous night. Scrolling through the pictures you are reminded of the long days during filming All Your Monsters when you would pas the time by searching our various funny pictures and sending them to Will. You spent an entire week sending him the same photo of a squirrel with his cheeks overstuffed - it had driven him crazy.
Rather than sit around in your hotel you decide to go ahead over to the location for your callback and maybe find a quiet spot to sit and center yourself before having to disappear into the character of Mia.
You arrive far earlier than just a few minutes, which all works out according to plan -- finding a place to sit and collect yourself proves a bit challenging. As far as options go, sitting in the lobby isn't much help because of all the foot traffic... there is a row of chairs near the door that you were directed to go to, but that puts you in the awkward position of having to see who walking of the room just before you have to go in. Everything has been kept incredibly quiet regarding the project.
You can hear voices coming from within the room through the door, which was left slightly ajar. You know better than to try to knock on the door to announce your arrival, for all you know they could still be with the previous pairing and interrupting that would be awkward beyond even your standards. You realize the voices have grown a bit more insistent and you can actually make out the words of the person who is currently speaking and it is n=certainly not dialogue from the pages you've been given.
"I just don't see the wisdom in it..."
Part of the response is lower than you can make out... "-thought we had agreed it would be best for production."
"Well things changed, maybe we don't want that anymore."
"Do we scrap all the other choices we've made so far then too?" Someone was very unhappy about something regarding this James & Mia movie. "You said - you said that casting unknowns was the most beneficial!"
Oh - your stomach flips. Oh, you really shouldn't be listening to this, any of this. You should get up and walk back out to the lobby and wait there until it is closer to your appointment time. What if they open the door to find you sitting here? You want to flee but now that your ears have picked up on the conversation your body seems to refuse to let you escape.
"Look - you can be on board with this or not but that doesn't change the fact that we are going to be telling all of them today and.."
The irate voice was even louder, loud enough to make you wince and unglue from your position. "You still want us to see all of them? You don't consider that - I don't know - a waste of everyone's time? Now that you've unilaterally made the biggest decision we..."
You don't stay to hear the rest of the tirade. You're already walking down the hall as quietly as you can. You don't pause in the lobby but burst out the door onto the sidewalk, the sun shining ahead help as you as your best to take steady breaths.
Pull it together. Breathe in, out.
In. Out.
Ok. So they're going a different way, at least they're going to tell you rather than leave you waiting for a phone call.
Breathe in. Out.
Why wait around to hear they don't want you? You're feeling petulant but quickly find a reply to the question: you never know what other projects these individuals might have lined up that they might recommend for you.
Everything is an opportunity.
You've been turned down for parts you've gotten attached to before. You close your eyes and concentrate on breathing until the urge to dry heave subsides. Opening your eyes, you sigh up at the building. There's one voice you want to hear before you go back inside to face their decision..
Your finger are still slightly shaking as you dial Jason's number. It goes to voicemail, thankfully he did as he said he would and turned his phone to silent.
"Hey-" You scowl when you hear your voice waver and force a smile, trying to change the pitch of your voice. "So, I'm currently standing outside enjoying the beautiful sunshine and thinking of you. Havn;t gone in yet but I overheard something I probably shouldn't have... and well, I think they're going with someone else. Whoever it is, I'm sure it'll do the project wonders. I just... well,,,"
You look down at your watch. "Damn." It took you longer to gather yourself than you thought. You've got to run back inside or you'll be late. To top it off, you notice that in your frazzled state to check your watch, your thumb ended the call. You heave a sigh before turning the phone ring tone down and stuffing it into your bag.
Back in the building you walk with as much confidence as you can muster back towards the proper room. The door is open now, the silence reminding you of the quiet just before all hell breaks loose.
Ok. you are going to go in there and wow them, even if they've already made up their minds. You'll explain everything to Jason later - hopefully over many drinks.
Upon entering the room you are warmly greeted by the casting director, a man who reminds you of your theater teacher from college. He introduces you in turn to the individuals sitting alongside him - almost in order of the chain of command, working from himself all the way up to the man you recognize moments before the casting director says his name - the director of the project. After introductions you drop your bag to the floor beside the chair they've set out in front of them. Was your phone buzzing? It was hard to place to source of the sound over the shifting of all the people in front of you and the added movement of the script and other odd things in you bag. You didn't really need to bring the script with you, but you would thought you have a moment to go over your notes to yourself... of course, that was before you eavesdropped on the conversation that was taking up your brain space. You start to lean over to adjust the way your bag is sitting and maybe pull the pages out but you stop your actions when the casting director addresses you:
"Well, before we get started, Welcome back! You were absolutely lovely in your audition and I wanted you to know that. We loved the interpretation of Mia that you brought to the table."
Were absolutely lovely. Loved. Past tense. As in we don't love your interpretation anymore because someone did something better, but thanks for playing anyway. You keep your breathing calm and level by dropping yourself out of the moment as much as you can.
"We think we've found--" he glances askance before correcting his words. "We have cast our James and are hoping that we might have the right fit for you playing against him."
That - was not what you were expecting him to say. You blink to let the words sink in for a moment before smiling. "I- thank you! I'd love to give it a go."
"Excellent" He beams down the line at the other members of the team, most of whom are smiling - but you notice the production manager, (or were they introduced as the production coordinator?) doesn't seem to be very interested in the conversation. "We're actually going to have to wait a few minutes for his arrival so let's just run through a few lines and then we'll see where we're at." You nod before squaring yourself in your chair and letting your careful construct of Mia take control.
Half an hour later you're up and pacing, you've just finished a particularly tense bit of dialogue with all.. but again, just the one... seeming to enjoy themselves as they are again liking what you are showing them. You've amended small bits of your reactions as a result of your discussions with Jason regarding certain moments. Thankfully a break is called so you can scoop up one of the bottles of water they've kindly provided. You chose not to reseat yourself right away. The energy you've called upon for the scene making you a bit restless now that you don't have a way to expel it. Pacing doesn't seem to be doing to the trick so you let the character of Mia slip back into the corner where you've nestled her away in your mind.
With a glance down at the far end of the table, the casting director then checks his watch, "We;ll just call down to the lobby and see if he's made it yet... we did agree to the 10:30 - 10:45 time frame."
While he makes his phone call, you perch on the edge of your chair to scoop up the script from your bag and flip through the pages to review some of your notes. Remember how tenuous the relationship is by this time. Or Would she allow James to see how horribly he's injured her here or would she strive for impassiveness? In searching our a particular phrase you wanted to highlight you notice writing on pages you don't remember commenting on. A closer look brings you a smile. Jason has written you notes as to his feelings on the scenes. Most seeming to be in agreement with your assessment. Bless him. Your trace your fingertip over is handwriting, figuring he had written it while waiting for you to finish getting ready for your night out.
"Oh - excellent! And you already sent him up? Good!" The casting director clasps his hands together with such explosive force it jolts you out of your thoughts. "Alright, we are delighted to tell you that -"
Well. That makes twice is less than an hour that you've been surprised ( and then delighted) by the turn of events - Brett nods his acknowledgement to you.
You realize the casting director is still talking, "...And Brett's schedule being as busy as it is we weren't sure if we would be able to land him for the role, but by the time we get production underway things shouldn't be problematic. We'll try to get through this quickly..."
Your casting director is talking more to the people alongside him than you right now but you still nod in reply. You take note of the expression of those in charge - the director looks particularly pleased with himself, but again the production manager/coordinator - really, you were going to have to clarify that eventually - doesn't appear all that interested in the events unfolding. Actually, as you analyze her expression, you realize that is she seemed merely disinterested in you before, she seems to be seething now that Brett Is in the room. Wow, not doing a very good job of hiding her opinions at the moment... Obviously, it was her protestations that you overheard earlier.
Brett has finished shaking hands with those in charge and scoops you now into a gentle hug. "Surprise..." He murmurs into your ear just before releasing you.
How long had Brett been interested in the role? You think back through the odd few texts the pair of you have exchanged since meeting the night of the award show and you realize that you never mentioned this particular project while talking with him. Apparently, this is just one of those wild coincidences.
How long will your luck hold our concerning your career? You are reminded of your audition for All Your Monsters when you walked into the room and saw Will Poulter sitting there waiting for you. How did you overcome your nerves then? Right, push your own feelings aside and concentrate on the the character... Your drop the script back into the chair and take a quick sip of water while listening as the casting director gives brief directions as to what he'd like to see from the pair of you.
By 11:00 all involved seem to be on the same page regarding the casting of Brett as James and you in the role of Mia - even, to your pleasure, the production manager. You don't envy them the task of seeing the remaining people today... that exchange must be a tough one. Brett nods great fully when they acknowledge that he need to get back to filming for the current project he's working on. He waits for you to grab your bag and walks with you back towards the outside world.
"I'd be happy to drop you somewhere on my way back to the studio."
You shake your head while thanking him. "That's ok. I think I need to walk around a bit." You feel your phone vibrating into your side through the fabric of your bag. " Ah - and I have a few phone calls to make. Long story..."
The pair of your pause in the lobby to say goodbye. Brett gives your arm a brief squeeze. "Which there will be plenty of time to hear now that we're working together. I'll see you again soon."
In the hour that you've been in the callback your phone has gone nuts. You send off a quick text to Todd letting him know of the developments, omitting your little panic attack before the audition though he's surely likely to hear about it somehow. There are both texts and voicemails from Jason You read through the messages first:
Your message cut off, is everything ok?"
Everything is now.
The next:
Todd said he wasn't even aware you'd gotten there. You did go in didn't you?
Oh Damn, you forgot to tell Todd you had arrived since you were so distracted. Well, he knows now.
Forget whatever you heard. You show them how passionate you are about this character and they will have no choice but to be swayed.
Oh God, you've apparently really distracted him from his work.
Darling, answer your phone. Please. You're killing me here. Smoke Signal, carrier pigeon. I'll take anything to know you're okay.
You stop scrolling through the messages. You imagine his voicemails will be more of the same. You quickly dial his number and to your surprise, he answers on the first ring. Before he can say a word you rush out as much information as you can.
"Jason, I'm fine. Everything is fine. I did go - I'm so sorry to have worried you. I got the part, Jason!" You can hear him breathe out in reaction to your news. "I can't believe you called Todd, I'm in trouble aren't I?"
This results in a chuckle. "No you're not in trouble though I wouldn't mind putting eyes on you right now, just for good measure."
You close your eyes to fight back the emotions rising to surface. You want nothing more than to be standing with him having this conversation in person. "Hmm I probably owe everyone on your set apology cakes or something for how much I seem to have stressed you out." Another laugh comes over the line. How you love making him do that. "I very much doubt they would just let me waltz in there with a plate of cookies though... Who all did you call anyway?"
Jason considers for a moment and you can hear him being summonsed in the background which is apparently ignoring because they repeat themselves louder. He responds to them with a bit of hesitation. "Yeah, I'm on my way!"
"Jason, I know this is going to be a long day for you but... could you -" You plan on asking him to call you or at least express your desire to see him.
You laugh. "You don't even know what I'm going to say."
"Doesn't matter. Yes. You had me at could you."
You try to think of something outrageous to demand of him surely because he agreed but you settle for the delight you feel knowing that you'll be able to wrap your arms around him in a matter of hours. "Okay, then." You can hear him being called more insistently and smile. "I'm really going to have to send over dozens of apology baskets. I'll call Todd to get right on that. You said tentatively you thought you'd be done by 8 tonight, right?" Jason confirms the timeframe and you add, "Ok - I'll be there when you're done. Call me if that changes. Now go before they irrevocably hate me for taking you away from work."
You take a taxi over to Todd's office after calling to both apologize for any undue stress - ok, all the undue stress. - and the request that he send over a massive basket of delicious treats to the studio where Jason is working. He laughs, "You want the note to say what?"
"Trust me, it is justified. Please Todd?" You note the taxi driver is doing his best not to laugh.
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