#phobias tw
king-crane · 2 years
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Blood pooled at the edges. Seams were cut, frayed.
Professor Jonathan Ichabod Crane had hit a new low. He'd lost his battle -- his demons had won, and even they had been powerless against The Bat.
Chiroptophobia. Childhood trauma. Treatment ongoing.
The words of the orderlies were drowned out by the ringing in Crane's ears. Hallucinations. Delusions. Infrequent, usually, but Crane was beginning to panic, in so much as a constantly terrified man could panic any more than he usually did. It wouldn't leave him. The image, the god damned birds.
Ornithophobia. Childhood trauma. Treatment in final stages.
He tried to pick out Poe amongst the many birds spiraling birds -- but there were no corvus corax. They were scavengers, vultures, birds of prey. A shudder, and a throbbing in his head as he remembered the fierce sting of The Huntress's crossbow. He didn't know why she hadn't aimed for his throat. He hated it. The feeling of being hunted.
Scopophobia... extremely common. Unlikely.
Diokophobia. Result of lifestyle. Treatment ongoing.
Solitude. He was alone. He knew it, when he had screamed so hard that his throat started to bleed that they would have no choice but to leave him alone this time, but the sedatives didn't work. They never did.
Trypanophobia. Extremely common... but not present. Would have welcomed the sting of a needle if it meant relief.
Choked sobs left the Professor's mouth as he finally surveyed his surroundings. The blood was gone, somehow, replaced with bandages. When had he been taken to the hospice? When had they dressed his wounds? Time... time was moving too fast. Too quick. Deep breaths. Deep breaths, please God.
Chronophobia. Stupid. Fugate would be chiding you right now, insisting you keep your timepiece on you.
The diagnoses and recognitions weren't working. He couldn't even look at himself objectively anymore. Phobia. Cause. Treatment. Phobia. Cause. Treatment.
Crane screamed once more, and then devolved into a coughing fit. He knelt in the dirt as the gentle grains of wheat moved with the wind, patting his frame as if trying to reassure him. He knew what awaited him if he looked up, so he shut his eyes tight, praying for reprieve.
The horrid... thing... spoke with her voice. Edda was his least favorite family member -- it only made sense that she would continue to haunt him. But her voice was joined by a chorus of others, victims and friends alike.
Please, please I can't...
His father. Professor Stanis. Don Salvatore. Horrible men. But their voices were filled with despair.
A horrifying compulsion forced Crane to... well, crane his neck upwards, and face the monstrosity that his psyche had created.
The thing was more terrible than he remembered, more awful than he could describe. It's orange eyes focused on him like the floodlights attached to Arkham's exterior. It's patchwork skin peeled away to show the thousands of carcasses stuffed inside. It's lopsided smile fixated on him, and thousands of bats began to swarm from that disgusting crevice.
T-to what?! To do what?!
He got to his feet. His small, childish feet. He was as tiny and weak as back then and he stumbled as he turned.
He knew he shouldn't have, but he looked back. Hoping to see something there besides that awful monstrosity. He blinked -- and it was still there.
The head snapped off, and thousands of bats poured from the massive pumpkin head.
Crane took off running, but it wasn't long until he was falling. As the bats swarmed, he spiraled.
Formidophobia. Hatred. None.
Another night in Arkham Asylum for Professor Jonathan Ichabod Crane.
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supportingfire · 2 years
thoma doesn't have many acute phobias, but one of them is drowning, and by extension, thalassophobia (fear of open/deep water.) i don't think it really needs to be explained but in short, his boat bringing him to inazuma was destroyed before he reached land, and he spent hours in open water on a piece of drift wood before eventually passing out. it was by luck and chance that he washed up on ritou's shores where someone was able to find him and revive him. he swallowed a lot of water during the process, and nearly died from drowning. the event was traumatic, though thoma has never admitted this to himself, and left him with an almost subconscious fear of drowning, and open ocean.
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batwynn · 1 year
I’m seeing a weird uptick in people commenting nasty stuff on people’s non-cat/dog pet stuff again and not so gentle reminder:
Your phobia or dislike of certain animals does not give you the right to harass and bully people who love and share them.
Use the blacklist tag like a normal human being, and leave people who love rats or snakes or bugs etc. the fuck alone.
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restinsodaroni · 3 months
Since Moon is like scaring Sun maybe he should get him back by giving himself multiple pupils and have them all be red.
Tw: Ommetaphobia, eye phobia, unnatural eyes, Scopophobia
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markscherz · 1 year
Found your account from one of my mutuals reblogging that one mini frog post, could I learn about some fucked up frogs :D
Everybody is always banging on about Pipa pipa. Nobody is ever talking about how fucked up Hemiphractidae reproduction is
Like, they range from concealed carry, like this Gastrotheca orophylax
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which they achieve with a pouch that has a weird ass opening (lack of hyphenation intentional) (not actually anywhere near the cloaca of the frog) (this has earned them the common name 'marsupial frogs' for a very obvious reason)
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…to open carry, like this Fritziana goeldii
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which hatch out but remain glued on until developing sufficiently, like this Cryptobatrachus boulengeri
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Pretty fucked up, if you ask me.
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Vincent Price interview on the set of The Masque of the Red Death (1964)
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
My kid asked me to explain blood types to her today, which made me remember the odd little fact that in the character profiles that appeared at the ends of the earliest Bleach volumes, there are blood types listed for the human characters, but not for the shinigami characters. Shinigami obviously have blood, we've all seen it, we've seen so much of it, honestly, but is it like blood blood? Is blood transfusion a thing they do?
I did not have any particular recollection of anyone ever receiving a blood transfusion in Bleach, but I looked up all the hospital scenes I could think of off the top of my head. Both Byakuya nor Hinamori have sort of a notable absence of things sticking out of them. I'm no expert and I don't even particular like doctor shows, but this is a situation where I would expect both of them to have IVs for hydration, if nothing else. Hinamori's got a respirator and some mysterious carts off to her far side, at least, and maybe Byakuya's just far enough on the upswing that he doesn't need it anymore.
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Next shot was the famous Rukia and Renji sharing a hospital room scene.
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Renji's respirator goes...under his blanket? Is this right? This doesn't seem right. Rukia doesn't seem particularly attached to anything, although there's kind of a bundle of wires? tubes? coming out of her right shoulder area. You can see them better in this shot:
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That sure doesn't look like medical grade tubing, the lower one looks kinda like Hihiou Zabimaru, tbh. IVs usually work by gravity, no? Also those tubes are way too big to be going into someone's veins.
Finally, here's Kira, getting his dubious Squad 12 medical procedure.
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More shady, giant, intestine-ass looking tubes that... go into him? wtf. They're attached to a computer. Maybe these are data cables?
The upshot of all of this is that I don't think shinigami have blood transfusions. I can't imagine that they don't know about them, so I imagine it's more of a case of their blood is just part of their soul, like, all of them is just soul all the way down, and it would be nearly impossible to accept a transfusion that was made of someone else's soul (soulmate-enjoying fanfic writers, take note). They do like sticking tubes in people, tho.
This sucks because when I was originally thinking about this, of course I was thinking about all the blood Renji has in his body and whether or not he's a universal donor, because, frankly, if he is, I think they would have a special framed painting of him at Squad 4 and let him have as much donuts and apple juice as he wants.
I think the main reason manga list characters' bloodtypes anyway is because Japanese people use it as a personality test, similar to horoscopes. For the record, here are the characters whose blood types we know:
Ichigo - AO Orihime - BO Chad - AO Tatsuki - AO Isshin - AB Uryuu - AB Don Kanonji (????) - BO
When I was trying to look up what they meant, I found this hilarious graphic, thank you verywellmind dot com
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Looks to me like these blood types were definitely chosen to tie into personality at least to some degree (I'm not sure about Isshin, but he probably has fake Urahara Shouten-brand gigai blood-substitute anyway, so I am choosing not to read too deeply into that). Anyway, along those lines, judging from this chart, if we wanted to bootstrap Renji's blood type from his personality, I think he would, in fact, clearly fit into the idiot-on-a-skateboard quadrant. So he is a universal donor! (or at least he would be, if he were filled with blood instead of high-concentration ghost juice.)
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
my Valentine’s Day love letter is for chytridiomycota :D the grandmother of every single fungi on the planet, the chytridiomycota is somehow unlike any other fungus in varying ways
such as its environment. chytridiomycota are largely aquatic,yet they’re one of the most common land parasites :D on the same topic, their spores are flagellated in order to literally swim through the water, which is unique almost entirely to them.
Chytrids are also one of the only fungi that reproduce oogamously relating them closer to LAND ANIMALS !!!! Than any aquatic creature or fungi.
This makes me believe that they actually had a hand in the creation of humans during evolution, since fungus and human genomes are so incredibly close to each other. It’s one of the most simple fungi but it’s so incredible to me :D 🖤🖤🖤
String identified:
at’ a tt ctcta : t gat g g t at, t ctcta a t g ag a
c a t t. ctcta a ag aatc,t t’ t t c a aat : t a tc, t a agat t ta tg t at, c at t t t.
Ct a a t g tat c ga atg t c t A AA !!!! Ta a aatc cat g.
T a tat t acta a a a t cat a g t, c g a a g a c c t ac t. t’ t t g t t’ c t : 🖤🖤🖤
Closest match: Odiellus spinosus genome assembly, chromosome: 13 Common name: Harvestman
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belleski · 4 months
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finished disco elysium recently and ive also been thinking abut tma again so naturally i wanted to draw some stylised avatars starting with the worm girl herself
Image description: A digitally painted illustration of Jane Prentiss from The Magnus Archieves - a pale woman with long black hair who's wearing a red dress with hundreds of small circular holes covering her skin, some of which have white worms hanging out of them. She's holding a phone in a blue case up close to her face, the light from the screen illuminating her and casting harsh red shadows across her face. She stares out, here eyes black, empty voids and she smiles. There are beams of yellow light that stretch out from the phone and curl around her. In the background, her hair bleeds into the darkness and form long abstract white lines that resemble the worms falling out of her skin. End ID
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beyondthisdarkhouse · 1 month
Pour one out for my cat, who was cuddling with me very happily until an insect fell directly into my shirt and bra and started scuttling around frantically
at which point I YODELLED in alarm and disgust, writhed my way to an upright position without completely sending her and my computer crashing against the walls, so I could pull my top off and get RID of the GODDAMN BUG
She hid under the living room furniture from me for two hours.
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linked-maze · 2 months
TW for me talking about twili reproduction, i tried to ask this in a way that keeps away from words you are uncomfortable with. --------
Welcome back to Anon-Overthinks!!! how does it work? do typically AFAB twili carry the kitten/pup (small twili)?(idk why my mind is calling them that) is it a seahorse situation just to shake things up? can both do it? can they both produce milk? i'm so sorry for asking this, this is what happens when i'm up at 3 am making up a new character (also sorry if this sends multiple times, tumblr is being a silly website again,)
it's the Twilis who are born females who can get pregnant. (sorry I don't wanna do something crazy here cuz I'm personally not a fan of pregnancy at all because of my trigger) and yes they produce milk- but they have seal-like skin so any nipples are covered by the fur- always. Twilis doesn't have the whole "cover-up" situation- cuz there is nothing to even cover up cuz the fur will always be there.
also i LOVE the idea of calling them kittens/pups from now on! XD lets keep that yas.
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selectivechaos · 1 year
do not laugh at people for uncommon phobias
your phobias are not embarrassing. people can have phobias of absolutely anything, and they can be really precise and something that other people would think is strange to be scared of. your fears are valid feelings. you shouldn't have to be ashamed, but many people do not know about phobias beyond the common ones.
if it's something you don't understand because you've never seen it before, don't laugh at it.
they're not "being silly",
they can't "just get over it"
they need actual help, rather than unprofessional exposure therapy
they're experiencing real real fear
people with common phobias get sympathy; people with uncommon phobias get ridiculed at the worst possible moment: when they're in a state of fear.
so i repeat: don't laugh at them. 🌹🌹
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heuffopla · 2 years
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Comic for @eternalglitch and their terribly yet wonderfully painful fic "Like father like son" Ahah I am in pain :)
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thangonmyputer · 5 months
You guys think Kinito has an intense fear of fire?
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gremlinmodetweeker · 2 months
König's Serious Phobias
I'm pretty stressed out because I'm moving, so I decided to write about König stressing out too! Yay! Anyways, let's go.
König has a complicated past. His childhood was filled with bullying, his adult life has been filled with bullets and bombs. He's been through too much for one man, honestly. The fact that he hasn't either become a hikikomori or a homicidal maniac is a miracle. I think the only reason we're safe is because he has a good family and he found good friends when he joined the military. However, he has scars. Not all of them are painted on his skin.
I've collected phobias that I think he might have into a list, however some of these fears are fears that though they impact him seriously, he can live with them and won't have a panic attack upon facing them. Fears that genuinely terrify him identified. His fears are ranked 1 through 5, with 1 being a fear that just makes him a bit wary/on edge, but he's not going to have a meltdown unless pushed or 5, a fear that can cripple him with just a brush.
Phobias are listed under the cut (also I got the fears from a list online, hence why they're mostly alphabetical)
1 Scopophobia: Fear of being watched
König grew up in a small, rural village surrounded by monsters in all shapes and sizes. Adults were cruel, children were monsters. He grew up being afraid of going out because he knew that everyone in the village saw him as the socially outcast freak. Every time he looked at people, he saw them looking at him with disdain. I think a lot of this is due to developing social anxiety, and so thus he became paranoid, but he did develop a fear of people watching him, judging him, following him with their eyes. He hates going out into the civilian world because of this.
1 Agorophobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds
König is scared of going out into crowds. Why? See phobia above. He can't stand being outside of a place he considers safe. Not in a 'I can't go on missions' way, but in a 'I don't want to go to a shopping mall' sort of way. On a mission, he's either alone or in combat. When he's in civilian life, he doesn't know how to turn the military brain off. He can't get it through his reptilian brain that he's safe, and he's okay, and no that person carrying a duffle bag is not actually carrying a hidden rifle, and no that person with a thick coat does not have a bomb under their clothes, and no that person who's walking towards him does not have a knife in their belt. He is safe. He knows this logically, but he can't stop his heart from racing. It's too loud, too hectic, too many things can go wrong too quickly.
5 Atychiphobia: Fear of failure
Do you know what failure means when you're on a mission infiltrating a cartel base? Failure means watching your teammates get blown apart by a bomb. Failure is watching your best friend fall down into a puddle of their own blood. Failure is getting a bullet between the ears. Failure is not an option in his world. When people make mistakes, don't check their surroundings properly, when someone dares to light up a cigarette at night in an open area, that's when people die. Remember this phrase when you go to smoke on a battlefield. The first light catches the sniper's attention, the second light he lines his sights, the third light he pulls the trigger. Mistakes cost lives when on the field.
1 Catagelophobia:Fear of being ridiculed
This one is pretty self explanatory. He's been bullied his whole life. He's pretty sick of it.
3 Cynophobia: Fear of dogs
König, due to working in missions that target gangs and domestic terrorist groups, has had the misfortune of seeing dogs being used against his own people. He's been attacked by a dog before himself. In combat, dogs are tools of terror. He's seen his own team use dogs, and he knows what they're capable of. You might see a fluffy German shepherd. He sees a dog that's torn peoples hands off. However! He does also like dogs when he meets them in public. He is not going to assume your dog is a killer, but if your dog growls, he won't dare touch that dog. He won't even get close. He's seen what dogs can do.
As mentioned before in this post, König's first reaction to fears he can see is to lash out. He will punch or kick without thinking. He doesn't even yell or gasp when he does it. It's just what he does. If you go to sneak up on him, you'd best be ready to dodge. He feels really bad about it, and he's been banned from 10 different haunted houses around the world.
For fears he can't physically lash out at, he will just keep an eye on things. OODA loop, you know? Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. That's going on in his head over and over again. If he's out in public, that's going on in the back of his head. If he sees a dog, he's going through multiple different scenarios and evaluating the likelihood of each possibility. Normally he's a quiet man, but he goes deathly quiet when he's afraid. If you notice him freaking out like this, it might be nice to ground him by getting his attention and then taking his hand, or distracting him from what he's thinking about. He might not say it until later, but he'll be thankful.
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
What I think is so important to learning how to truly appreciate life is learning how to appreciate the creatures and things we've categorized as "disgusting" or "gross."
When I learned to appreciate wasps, I realized how much they just... don't really care about anything, and they're not trying to be an asshole because they're uniquely cruel. If they have any wants, it is to live. Why would I punish that when I also want to live?
This isn't to say you need to fall in love with the creepy crawlies that stalk this world or to love what you cannot, but to recognize that in their arrangement of atoms, they are trying to persevere, and in the end... aren't we all?
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