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groundhogcountdown · 6 years ago
“Wizard of Weather” Phantastic Phil
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This is a Phantastic Phil known as “The Wizard of Weather.” According to the Punxsutawney Chamber of Commerce this Phil was sponsored by the NW PA Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau and conceived and carried out by artist Victoria Dicken.  The metal hat was handcrafted by the metalworking teacher at the regional vocational school.
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@danisnotonfire @amazingphil i commented “the fault in our stairs” and i don’t know whether to be proud or ashamed. proud. definitely proud.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 5 years ago
Asthma Masterlist
Links Last Checked: May 23rd, 2022
Asthma (wattpad) - brotherash 
Summary: Dan suffers from severe asthma. While he and Phil are hanging out with friends at an amusement park, Dan's asthma starts to act up. At first it seems like any other attack, but as time continues and Dan's breath only grows worse, they begin to worry that they might not be able to save him.
Fourteen Days Of Hell (wattpad) - phantasticphil
Summary: this tells the story of Phil, a troubled teen sent to a help house for two weeks in order to get some correction, and Dan, the adopted son of this family. On the outside he’s your clean cut, law abiding snooze feast. But what manages to unfold once Phil gets to know him a little better?
I Can’t Have You Dying On My Watch - multifandomfanfics
Summary: Phil has asthma but neglected to tell Dan so when Dan walks in on Phil using his inhaler he freaks out and thinks Phil is dying.
I’ve Got You - oakleysfthoying
Summary: Dan is hanging out with Tyler and Troye while he and Phil are on holiday in LA. Dan forgets his inhaler and has an asthma attack, which leads to Tyler having to call Phil to bring Dan’s inhaler.
Just Breath - keepcalmandnevermindpanic
Summary: Prompt: can you write a fic where Phil has asthma but keeps it hidden from Dan because he’s embarrassed or something, and while they are playing just dance, phil has an asthma attack which leads to some adorable fluff :3 They don’t have to be in a relationship can be platonic or whatever the writer prefers:))))
Loving Livy (ao3) - dannihowell (anotherdaughter)
Summary: You fell asleep on the aeroplane and I keep making funny faces at your kid to keep them amused and the steward mistaken us as a couple and for some reason you keep flirting with me now but I don’t really mind.
Stay Still - awesomesockes
Summary: Prompt: “A part where Dan and Phil are having sex (doesn’t have to be detailed if you don’t want to write smut) and Dan ends up having an asthma attack so they have to stop and he’s all embarrassed and Phil comforts him and all (bonus points if it’s early on in their relationship so Dan’s still shy and awkward about sex anyways ^.^)”
Too Far - chocolatesaucelester 
Summary: Dan refuses to give Phil’s cell phone back, so Phil pushes him to give it back in the only way he knows how: by tickling him.
When an Asthma Attack Comes at the Wrong Time (ao3) - LittleLola1114
Summary: Dan and Phil are on their way to Vidcon in America when Dan forgets to take his asthma medication. After a day filled with running, screaming and performing a stage show, Dan feels a bit out of breath, but ultimately it's a steaming shower with Phil that really triggers an attack. Can Phil work under pressure and help Dan.
You’re My Responsibility - awesomesockes
Summary: Dan suffer from really, really bad asthma and when he loses his inhaler at vidcon Phil has to help him.
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kuuderekun · 7 years ago
It's Americans who don't know what Teenagers actually look like.
It's Americans who don't know what Teenagers actually look like.
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A lot of Anime does a lot of creepy stuff that is designed to appeal to Ephebophiles, Hebephiles and even Pedophiles.  This post is not my attempt to deny that.
What grinds my gears however is this accusation that Anime constantly makes High School and even Collage ages females characters look younger then they should, "infantalizing" them.
The reason a lot of American Anime critics are saying this, is because American television has given American society a distorted idea of what High Schoolers look by spending decades having the characters on Teen Dramas constantly played by actors in their 20s, frequently late 20s, even well into their 30s sometimes.
I make a habit of noting when an actress on some show I'm watching turns out to have been born the same year I was, 1985.  And there have been actresses born in 1985 playing High Schoolers all through the time I've been watching television.  But only 1 got to do so while we were actually High School aged.  Michelle Trachtenberg actually was supposed to be playing her own age on seasons 5-7 of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. But both the script and fans constantly treated her like she was an infant compared to the other characters, because she practically was to the other actors.
The thing is, I have noted this fact, and complained about it, since long before I got particularly into Anime.  If i recall correctly I'd reblogged posts on Tumblr about how damaging it is to American teenagers that the people representing them on TV look so much more mature and developed then them.
"Know what’s real f---ed? Every other age group has the correct aged actors representing them except teenagers. Adults play adults - children play children; but teenagers are played by more adults. Why? Because apparently our body changes from puberty are too ugly for TV. So what happens? We go through those years looking at the perfect “teenagers” and wondering why we don’t look like that."
And that's part of why I started really falling in love with Anime once I started watching more then just the obvious nerdy stuff.  I started watching High School Anime and went "wow, fiction where Teenagers don't look like fully grown adults".
It's easy to forget what real Teenagers look like.  We all were them at one point, but memories are not as reliable as you think, when I remember my teenager years, I always recall myself looking how I do now.  So many people wind up just depending on all the TV they watch to a get reference point on how Teenagers should look.
Fortunately my extended family keeps reproducing, so there have always been current teenagers around.  So I can tell you that Anime teenagers look like teenagers.  They still often have the problem of looking too flawless, but compared to western TV, yes they absolutely look their age.  Likewise in what I've seen of Live Action Japanese media, the Teenager look younger compared to American TV, because they are cast closer to their age.  Even Canada is better on this, some crossover stars graduates form playing High Schoolers on Canadian TV to start High School on American TV.
So when I then saw that it was really common for American Anime critics to complain that Teenagers in Anime look too young.  I was enraged, but for whatever reason held off ranting about it on this blog till today.
Now, the recently started airing Anime A Sister's All You need, is from the looks of the pilot another creepy Imouto Anime, the heir to Eromanga-Sensei, I would not recommend anyone watch it.  But what set me off to finally write this post was one review describing two 18-20 year old characters as "looking like they're 12".  Here is a Screencap taken from that very review.
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(The Context of the Subs is a homophobic comment being made, which makes me cringe.  So again, don't watch it.)
These girls are not short, and they have fully developed breasts. What in the world looks 12 about them?  Is it just the big eyes?  All Anime characters have big eyes because of a design choice Osamu Tezuka stole from Walt Disney, seriously look at the Dwarves in Show White, they have total Moe Eyes.  So thank you Walt for cursing all Anime Girls to be eternally accused of looking like children no matter what.
Also since this criticism is also couched in gendered terms, saying it's mostly women this is done to.  Would any unbiased observer not assume all three of those characters are the same age?  They clearly look the same age, the dude just has a more severe expression, cause he's another Stoic Light Novel protagonist so he's required by law to try and out brood Kirito.
Now some Anime characters are within the story meant to look young for their age.  (Which can happen, I spent most of my 20s being constantly mistaken for a middle schooler.)  Those characters generally look notably shorter then everyone else, and if female are always flat chested.
I could also add that  a lot of what's called High School Anime is really Middle School, Yuru Yuri is Middle School, in which context I think some of them look rather old.  So yes, some characters in what you see called High School Anime are pretty close to being 12.
Anime has always, even Miyazakai style Anime, tended to use Height as the default way to communicate age differences.  So kids always look way smaller then their parents, even if the kid in question is 18 and so about as tall as they'll get.  So that also complicates this issue a bit.
So we Americans should fix our own issues about how Teenagers look on television, before we complain about Japan's.
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venusize · 11 years ago
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Hi friends I hit 1.2K and I just wanted to say thank you because ya’ll are amazing.
People I have somehow became friends with:
starryeyesandblurredlies, tilly-troyeboy, troyes-lip-ring, tyleroslay, whatsagarb, daleyoakley, troyleryoutube, just-travis, frentusandtilly, ranch—dressing
they’re all hella nice and I love them lots. Follow them if you aren’t already!
Bolds are my favorites
500daysoftroyler, 50shadesoftroyesivan, 5secsoftroyler
amazing-troyler, amazingtroyleronfire, another-year-of-troyler, ayeetroyler, ayetroyler baconphancakes, basically-slay, betweenatroylersandwich, bootyoakley casualtroyler  connnorfranta,
danhowellisking, danieeeellee, danironicallyisonfire, danisnottheflameprince, danistheflameprince, danyulplease, digging-troyler, donut-call-me-tilly, espewnosa, everything-troyler fack—harries fall-out-phil, fall-out-troye, faultinourtroyler, fricklefracklefrentus, fricklefrackphan, frickoakley
galaxyphan, grindtroye ha-ha-ppy, hella-zoella, hellatroyesivan, hitroyler, honestslaytroyler heartyglobe, i-live-for-fetus-troyesivan, i3troyler, ihearttroyesivan, infinitephan, interrobangphan, ironicallyrad, istroyleracarb, itmeslayvan, itmetyler, itsrainingphan, itus-troyler
just-another-troyler-blog, justtroylerthings kingtroye, kissing-troyler, little-tillys, littletillies, lookingfortroyesivan, 
magcontube, mamamelletandmamaoakleyslay,                                    no-tyleroakleyismyqueen-bitch, nootella, nugget-troyler, oaklxy, omgdanyul, omgtroyler, 
plusyde peace-out-little-munchkins, peaceandpout-troye, phan-de-troyler, phan-in-kilts, phan-intensifies, phan-of-troyler, phan-you-not phantasticphil, prof3ssionalfangirl, q-and-slay, queeentroye, queen-tyler, queenbeetyler, radical-howell
sarcasticphan, sassy-troyler, sassyfrentus, saucysquids, sellingmysoultotroyesivan, sellingmysoultotyleroakley, sempiternal-sivan, sexysivan, shiveringtroye, sighoakley, simplesivan, sivan-oakley, sivansexual, sivoakley, skinnyglasses, sorryimmanerd, spudsivan, taco-oakley, thatwinkingtwink, the-cheeseburger-has-spoken, the-dan-howell-frandom, the-perks-of-loving-tyler-oakley, thefaultinourtroyler, thesecretlifeoftroyler, thetroylerphangirl, thetroylerworshiphour, tilly-is-my-queen, tilly-loves-troye, tilly-needs-troyeboy, tilly-troyler-oakley, tillyandtroyesivan, tillysivanmellet, tillyvanslay, trovesivan, troye-slayphan, troyeandtilly, troyecats, troyeisbeyonce, troyella-oakley, troyenatural, troyeota, troyes-fan-girl, troyes-lip-bite, troyes-vogue, troyesivian18, troyethelostboy, troylered, troylerina, troylermyqueen, troylernuggies, troylersphan, troyleryo, twirlingtroye, tylermakesmesmile, tyleroakleyisthebae, tyleroakleysbooty,theyoutubefangirl tyleroakluh, tylers-thequeen, tylerslittleshit, um-troyler-please 
vanillanigga-troye, winktroyler, xtroylerfrantax, youtubeandcrap, youtuberfanboy, youtuberstookovermylife, youtubezalfie, zalfiesherlock
Credits for picture: whatsagarb
I’m so sorry if I missed you I still love you lots.
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danisnotonfires · 8 years ago
Can you reccomend some phan blogs?
Sure, anon! and since I’m really close to a huge milestone this can be like a mini follow forever! 😊
@dailyphan, @danhowellgifs, @llguori, @phiru, @cookiephil, @danyphil, @crisshowell, @qanhowell, @danslester, @softestdan, @snokoplasrn, @tuliphil, @phantasticphil, @themostfuniveverhad
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danandphilcore · 8 years ago
favorite mutuals?? i need cool people to follow thank you
ahh i hate picking favorites but here are a few cool people: @oops-phan @softdnp @opaquehowell @danhowellgifs @danyphil @lesterie @philslesters @altphan @phangif @phantheraglama @phantasticphil @fringecringes @cookiephil @buffyphil @crystalhowell @dannyhowell @cleverlester @shavedsides and @starboydan @fuckinlester @buttsexpizza @princessdan @redhowell @astronautdan
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lavenderhaze · 8 years ago
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I was tagged by @colorphill to post my lock screen, home screen, and last song I listened to ! I tag @l-absinthe @huneymlk @phantasticphil @snazzy-lester @wafflydan and whoever else wants to do it 🌷🐝
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empresspinto · 8 years ago
can u explain the tv puberty thing? just out of curiosity
Here are the explanations I’ve given in the past, they’re all basically the same thing so you don’t need to read all of them, lol. The links weren’t easy for even me to find though I’m just using them because it was easier for me to find them than write up the explanation again
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groundhogcountdown · 6 years ago
“Philatelic”Phantastic Phil
This is the Phantastic Phil named "Philatelic" in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. According to the Punxsutawney Chamber of Commerce, this Phantastic Phil was sponsored by the employees of the Punxsutawney Post Office and named after the study of stamps which is called "philately."
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butterflyphil · 8 years ago
1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people. (Or however many you want)
I was tagged by @agingphangirl​ and @cosmicphandom2k16​. I went with Jane’s questions because I found them to be a bit easier for me to answer, but I love you both very much <3
1. What is the number 1 item on your bucket list? To live somewhere with seasons other than hot, slightly less hot, and hurricane (glares at Florida). 2. Favourite book? To Kill a Mockingbird. 3. How did you meet your best friend? (I stole this question from the ones given to me because I really liked it.) He was in a class with my roommate freshman year of college, and he came to our dorm so they could cheat on help each other with a take-home test. He was also somewhat involved in student government at the time and, when I came home to find him sitting on my couch, he excitedly asked me if I wanted a Student Party pin. I said no. Like, a really, really blunt no. Not because I didn’t plan to vote Student Party (I did) but because even as a freshman I was already incredibly jaded and was tired of being harassed by members of student government on campus who wouldn’t take no for an answer. But he was really nice about it and not pushy at all, and I realized I had been rude and apologized. For some reason he must have liked me anyway, because he added me on Facebook soon after.
(Okay that answer got way too long so I’m putting the rest of this post under a read more)
4. Are you allergic to anything? White oak pollen. 5. What is your favourite play/musical? The Lion King. It was my favorite movie as a kid, and when I went to New York at age 13/14 I had the pleasure of seeing the Broadway show. 6. If you could have any 3 items on a deserted island with you, what would they be? My laptop, the world’s longest laptop charger, and the world’s longest Ethernet cable (with the other end of the last two plugged in back home). Not even for the purpose of contacting someone back home or googling “how to make a canoe.” I just want my internet connection. 7. What superpower would you have and why? The ability to manipulate time. But I’d probably mostly use it to take more naps. 8. What is something you have achieved this week? I visited my local art gallery and asked about volunteer opportunities there, does that count? 9. Do you have a special talent? Depends on whether or not you consider “makes amazing grilled cheese sandwiches” to be special. 10. What languages do you speak? Just English :( I mean, I studied Spanish in high school and Italian in college, but I never got very good at either and now I’ve forgotten almost everything I learned. 11. If you could have dinner with any 3 people no longer with us, who would they be? Vincent Van Gogh, my paternal grandfather, and my friend Miss Sandy, who died about a year ago.
1. What do you think amortentia would smell like to you? 2. What imagery comes to mind when you hear the word “calm”? 3. What was a movie you would watch or book you would read over and over as a kid? 4. Do you have a celebrity crush? If so, who? 5. What’s something you love about one of your friends? 6. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? 7. If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it? 8. Do you ever listen to instrumental music? If so, what composers/artists do you like? 9. Share a memory that makes you smile? 10. Do you play any musical instruments? 11. What outfit of yours makes you feel best?
Gah I feel like just about everyone I usually tag has already been tagged. I’ll tag @crescendohowell, @phantasticphil, @lstcr, and anyone else who wants to do it. Of course, don’t do it if you don’t want to ^_^
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phanfic · 10 years ago
Prompt: dan and phil have actually grown to hate each other over the years but for the sake of their channels and brand, they pretend to act close and it's just a lot of bickering and then seeing a fan so instant :D faces. Please make it more humorous than angsty.
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mandyjpg · 10 years ago
you have one of those url's where i feel like i should be following you, ya feel?
yes i do lmao and so do you (tbh i’ve been following you since like forever like even after your first blog was deleted oops)
why did you follow me?
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lavenderhaze · 8 years ago
yo could you give me some recs?
yes yes!! Here are some of my favs ! 
Dan/Phil accounts: @phantasticphil , @colorphill , @wafflydan , @snazzy-lester , @phandabbydosey , @danisnopeonfire , @phantheraglama ,  @htmldan , @philmichaellester
Aesthetic: @l-absinthe , @huneymlk , @thriftedrose , @vaginal-reflex , @softkeats , @flowurybee , @p-lutochild
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groundhogcountdown · 6 years ago
Spirit of Punxsutawney Phantastic Phil
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The Spirit of Punxsutawney - According to the Punxsutawney Chamber of Commerce, this Phil was created by artist Sandy Zambory with the original design created by Rick Weiss. He is sponsored by the Punxsutawney Spirit Newspaper and stands outside their building.
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angelicgif · 10 years ago
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