#peter gives danny his phone number as thanks and tells him to call him if he ever needs anything
brekitten · 1 month
The Therapist
There's a new therapist at school.
Normally this wouldn't really bother Peter at all, since he's never gone to see a shrink in his life and doesn't ever plan on it, but there's something... off about this woman.
She seems unassuming enough at first glance. Red hair, green eyes, bright red lipstick. But there is something in her eyes, something that Peter can only describe as a predator looking at its next prey, when she looks around the school at all of the teenagers milling about. Heck, even the way she walks makes her seem as if she is a predator stalking her prey.
It could always be some kind of power move, Peter reasons. He's met people like that before, who try to intimidate everyone around them into thinking that they are superior, that they are the apex predator and anyone who dares to cross them would pay for it dearly.
But his Spidey Sense went crazy around her.
He tries to brush it off as paranoia. He'd pulled an all-nighter last night in the lab with Tony because neither of them had been able to sleep, and he hadn't been sleeping well even before that. (Funny, how it had all started the night after he first bumped into the new therapist in the halls.) So his Spidey Sense is probably out of wack because he's tired. Simple as that.
But it seems like everyone in the school is depressed. Even Ned, who can't even muster up the energy and enthusiasm to talk about Legos or Star Wars or even the weather. It worries Peter.
Because it all started when that therapist came to the school.
He can't ignore it forever, he knows that. There is only so long his Spidey Sense can tell him that she is danger danger danger before he finally listens. He has to do something to help everyone.
So he researches.
And he falls into the rabbit hole of ghosts and ectoplasm and secret government organizations and the little, unassuming town of Amity Park, Illinois.
He doesn't sleep that night.
When he comes to school the next morning, Dr. Penelope Spectra looks him dead in the eyes, and smiles.
#dpxmarvel#peter parker#penelope spectra#peter's boutta get a crash course in ghosts and ghost fighting#he is definitely not prepared#idk why spectra is in new york#specifically midtown tech#but she is#peter starts digging into amity park#he just wanted to find out who spectra is#and he did find out that she's a dangerous “ecto-entity”#he does not know what that is until he does more research#he's very shocked to learn that ghosts are apparently real#meanwhile tucker and the rest of team phantom is freaking out#someone just hacked past the media blackout or whatever around amity park#(you can thank friday (or karen if you prefer) for that)#they're surprised to see that it's coming all the way from new york#and even more surprised to see that the hacker went for spectra's files first#almost as if the hacker was specifically looking for them >:3#maybe danny goes to investigate and finds peter#btw peter can sense ghosts with his spidey sense even if they're invisible. especially if they're invisible#they team up to take spectra down#danny helps peter make some ecto-weapons and a specter deflector or something#then they catch spectra (and bernard because he's probably there too and i'm kinda just now realizing that)#peter gives danny his phone number as thanks and tells him to call him if he ever needs anything#peter doesn't know who phantom is btw. he just knows that his new friend is a ghost that luckily knows how to use technology like phones#maybe there's even a bad reveal a little further down the line and danny calls peter in a panic because sam and tucker have done everything#they can and he needs to get as far away from amity as possible#peter is very surprised to find that his ghost friend is only half ghost and is then very ticked that danny's parents tried to capture#and vivisect him
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loving-barnes · 2 years
Vendetta - Lotus (4)
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Pairing: Mob Boss! Bucky Barnes x Mob ! Boss Y/N Fox (Bucky Barnes x female reader)
Warning: language, violence, blood, bit angst, mentions of murder
Autor’s note: I fucking hope this chapter make sense. I am becoming more nervous about this story (both in good an bad ways). 
Viewer discretion is advised. This story is for readers 18+!
Word count: 3900+
Chapter Three
Vendetta Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Lotus (4)
“Don’t reply,” said Yelena as she read the text for the third time that night.
It was one in the morning and both women were sitting in the kitchen, drinking wine. The meeting ended at midnight and everyone went home except for Yelena.
“I won’t,” said Y/N as she kept staring at the phone number and the text. Who helped him find her phone number? Y/N knew his number because she was spying on him the whole time (and because she asked Peter for it).
“To be fair, I was expecting it to happen. But the fact that it took him this long is quite shocking. Maybe after all these years he learned how to use his brain properly and decided to find out whether I’m alive or not.” And she started to laugh. “It’s funny, you know? I had him on my radar since I came back from the military – hell, even before and during that - while he knew nothing about me.”
“It’s because you are a smart girl and you always were two steps ahead of everyone,” the blonde replied and took a sip of her wine.  
Y/N found another fancy bottle of red wine. Her father bought it in France a few years ago. He was a lover of red wine, as well as Y/N, was. She inherited the love for the fancy booze after him. Overall, any alcohol was good alcohol.
When she drank the rest of the crimson liquid, she turned off her phone and put it aside. “When did Peter say the meeting is happening?”
“This Sunday, in a place called Lotus, Bronx,” Yelena replied. “Do you want me to come with you?”
“I’m not sure,” she said. “I know I’ll be taking Danny to, you know, spice things up,” she giggled. “I will think about you and Scott. I need to protect you two. Who will take my place if we are both dead?”
“I am going to slap that mouth of yours,” Yelena frowned at her. “Such harsh words, Y/N. Nothing is going to happen because I will be there. I will always have your back, whether you like it or not.”
“We’ll see about that,” she reached for the bottle. “More wine?”
Yelena nodded. “I know you have thought about the meeting. What are you planning to do?”
Y/N raised her finger for her to wait and stay in the kitchen while she ran back to the dining room where the documents were still lying on the table. This time, she noticed a flash drive on top of it and Peter sitting behind the table. She was puzzled. “What happened, Parker? I thought you left.”
He felt awkward, she could tell. “M-my car broke down and I forgot to give you the drive,” he pointed at the little device. “I didn’t want to interrupt you and Yelena, so I waited here.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and came closer to him. “Peter, please, you can interrupt me almost anytime you want,” she winked at him. “Do you want to stay here for the night or would you like to borrow a car?”
“I seriously don’t want to intrude,” he said. “Would it be okay if I borrow a car from you?” he asked timidly. “I will bring back your car tomorrow and deal with that old crap.”
“Where do you have the ‘Old Crap’?”
“Uh,” he turned around and then pointed in the direction he went. “At the end of the street.”
Y/N nodded and smiled at him. “Alright, go to the garage and there is a red Mazda MX-5 I got for my birthday a few years ago. The keys are hanging on the wall next to the entrance door. Don’t worry, you will find it. Also, I will take care of your car, so please; you can use mine as long as you need.”
His eyes widened. “No, Y/N,” he shook his head. “Thank you but I don’t want to-“
“Shut up, Parker,” she stopped him. “Take the damn car. You have been very helpful and this is one of the ways I would like to show my appreciation.”
He couldn’t argue with her. Before he left, he stooped in track and turned around to face her. “There is footage of Hydra stealing the goods and a lot more. You should check it out too.” After that, he was gone.
Y/N had a tiny smile on her face when she walked back to the kitchen, shaking her head. Yelena raised her brows, silently asking what happened. “Ah,” Y/N waved a hand, “Peter’s car broke and I gave him mine for the time being.” She threw the documents on the counter next to Yelena and took a seat, quickly grabbing the wine glass.
“Our little Peter,” Yelena smiled. “Back to the plan – what is the plan?”
Y/N opened the folder and went through some papers and photographs. “It is very simple. I will have a grand entrance, chit-chat a little, give them the evidence and let them decide. I mean, there is nothing else I can do. I can’t barge in, threatening them to listen to me. This needs only two things: a moment of surprise and patience.”
“Why not send it and wait for a response?” Yelena asked.
“No, they wouldn’t trust me or the info we will provide. I have to be there and talk to them. The real enemy is Hydra, not us, and they need to know that. I want to be an ally with them once again – we have to be. The business was booming before it went to shit.” She took a particular paper into her hands and showed it to her friend. “Look, this is from the night they took our cargo from Russia.”
Again, there was Pierce with his right-hand Rumlow. They didn’t bother to cover their faces. Both were smiling in the picture while their men were putting the wooden crates into the vans. How could her father be that blind and believe every word they said?
Pierce knew Attila wasn’t capable of thinking rationally. He knew how damaged his mental health was and he used it to his advantage.
“Why wouldn’t your father find proof?” Yelena shook her head.
“He was too fucked up, too manipulated by that swine,” Y/N explained. “I wanted to help, I wanted to make him see and he wouldn’t let me. Now, I am cleaning his mess.”
They kept looking at the papers, reading the reports and organizing the events. Y/N ran to grab a laptop where she put the flash drive. There was even more information – videos, recordings, messages etc. She clicked on the first video.
It was another CCTV recording of Hydra stealing their cargo. It took about ten minutes and it didn’t have audio. What was most important from the video was the logo of Stark’s trucks where they put the goods. Those seemed odd. As if the footage was edited.
Then she opened an audio recording. The first voice she heard belonged to her father.
Attila: I just got a message. Where did you get that information?
Pierce: My intel doesn’t lie, Fox. I just wanted to give you a heads up so you could hide your precious daughter.
Attila: How do you know the Wolves want her? No one would prop their bike against her.
Y/N closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew how her father felt about her appearance when she was younger. She checked the date of the recording. She was nineteen at that time, working on herself because she wanted to change from the inside out and even he decided to help. And yet he used harsh words to describe her.
Pierce: They want her to hurt you, Fox. Old Barnes has plans with her and believe me when I say those plans aren’t nice.
Attila: What do you mean?
Pierce: They would torture her; do despicable things to her until you would give up and leave them, Queens.
Y/N stopped the audio and shook her head. Her stomach turned, making her nauseous. Thinking back, it all made sense to her. The moment she turned twenty, her father enlisted her in the military where she spent the next three years. This is one of the reasons why he forced her to join the army.
She wanted to stand up, take the biggest knife and stab her unconscious father to speed up the dying process. She had so many reasons to do so and now she had one more reason.
“If they won’t believe you after reading and hearing all of this,” Yelena pointed at the paper mess around them, “I will kill them all for you.”
Y/N backed up all the information into her laptop and then took out the flash drive. “If Stark is as intelligent as it seems and Barnes would use his brain, not his cock, there is a high chance we might be able to bury the hatchet once and for all.”
“Listen,” Yelena stopped her as she saw her standing up from the barstool. “I will keep an eye on you, just in case. I will have Scott drop me there a bit sooner and take cover. Please.”
Y/N nodded, smiling at her friend. “Alright. Thanks for having my back.”
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Tony Stark was sitting in a leather armchair that smelled like money and whiskey. He was patiently waiting for another guest who was fashionably late. He checked his expensive watch on his wrist, groaning. He waved with the empty glass, asking for another round of whisky on the rocks.
The place was opened only for him and Barnes. It was their traditional spot where they held meetings for the past few months. Lotus was a neutral zone which was good for both sides and protected them from any spies (or so they thought).
Tonight, it was settled only he and Barnes would meet there. The fewer people present the better. He left Natasha with Pepper and drove to Lotus alone. He preferred it that way.
The main door opened which got Stark’s attention and he turned his head to see Barnes walking in.
“New haircut?” he pointed at his shorter brown hair.
Bucky sat down on the other armchair, ordering scotch, neat. He unbuttoned his jacket to feel comfortable. His eyes scanned the bar and smirked. Tony raised his glass as Bucky received his order and they cheered.
“Let’s start, shall we?” Tony suggested and put his glass on the wooden table between them.
“Things got a little more complicated, Stark.” Bucky breathed heavily. “You would never believe whom I saw a few days ago – someone who I haven’t seen in years and forgot their existence,” he chuckled. Because he didn’t want to prolong the suspension, he said, “Little Fox is causing trouble.”
Tony’s brown eyes widened and he laughed. “No way! She’s alive?” he was surprised. “What did she do?”
Bucky’s smile kept lingering on his face. “She beat Sam a few days ago when she and her accomplice caused chaos at La Biblioteca.”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “I was wondering what happened there. You know my men would never do anything to you, right?” he raised a brow. “Just so we are clear here.”
“I know,” Barnes grinned. “But that’s not all,” he leaned closer to him. “She’s not the ugly duckling anymore. You wouldn’t recognize her on the street. I must admit she became very attractive and fooled me almost a week ago when I danced with her in OK.”
Stark’s mouth was agape, not believing what he just heard. “What a surprise. I thought that her father got rid of her. I wouldn’t expect anything less of him. So, how attractive are we talking here?” he had to know more.
Barnes made a grimace and looked into Tony’s eyes. “I would fuck her more than once,” he laughed.
“Adorable,” said a voice from the bar. Both men followed the sound with their heads, finding an uninvited guest sitting behind the bar. Danny lit his cigarette and took a drag when he turned to both men, grinning at them. “Long time no see, gentlemen,” he winked at them.
“How the fuck did you know about this meeting?” Tony raised his voice. He didn’t have the need to take out his gun. Danny was sitting there calmly, smoking and drinking. “How long have you been there?”
“How dare you talk like that about my sister, huh?” Danny’s eyes met with Bucky’s. He was glaring at the mob boss, not thrilled when he heard them talking about Y/N. He may be a dick towards her, but he wouldn’t let anyone else ridicule her.
Barnes rolled his eyes, not amused by the presence of a Fox member – the new boss of the clan. “What do you want, dickhead? Do you need any advice on how to lead your men? Do you want to know what it takes to be a good mafia boss?”
Danny drank the rest of the liquid and put a fake smile on his face. “I don’t need to know that,” he shrugged. “Honestly, I came here to accompany my boss.”
“Your boss?” Tony was confused. “Who is the boss if not you?”
“Shit,” Bucky murmured under his nose, knowing the answer to the question. His heart started to beat fast.
When Y/N entered the room, he couldn’t help but stare at her as if she was an apparition. He noticed the confident walk, the smile spreading over her face and he could feel nothing but danger radiating out of her. He scanned her body from head to toes. She was holding a folder in her hand and her eyes were hidden behind black sunglasses. The all-black suit looked good on her.
“Gentlemen,” she greeted them softly.
“Y/N,” Tony said her name sternly. “You are the new boss of Foxes? How the fuck did that happen?”
Barnes started to laugh. “You little bitch,” he sighed. “I knew this would happen. I had my suspicion the moment I realized it was you who beat the shit out of Sam but I was in a denial.”
Meanwhile, Danny took out another cigarette and asked for another round of his drink. “Father had decided that she’s a better fit to be the new head of the family,” he said. “The truth is she’s more intimidating than any of you. If I were you, I wouldn’t fuck with her.”
“Bullshit,” Tony hissed. “What kind of play are you two doing?”
The brunet glared at Y/N, scratching his beard. “Instead of Mad Man, we have Diamond.”
Y/N and Danny looked at each other, laughing. “You seriously know nothing, Barnes.”
She took off the glasses and put them on top of her head. “My dear brother is the Diamond, the shining star of our family – or used to be.” With a darker voice, Y/N continued. “My family call me Raven. I am the one who took care of your men in my club – with a little help, of course.”
Bucky was immediately on his feet, pointing a gun between her eyes. Danny fell down from the stool, scared for his life. His sister stood her ground, staring into the pissed icy blue eyes. The move didn’t scare her.
“You think I’m scared, Wolf?” she laughed. “You shot me a few nights ago while we tried to escape,” she moved her right shoulder which was sore, bruised and still healing. “Please, do it again.”
Tony took matters into his hands and approached Bucky. He made him lower his gun. “Why did you come here? Are you not informed that we are not on friendly terms anymore?”
“Finally, business time,” she smiled at him and waved with the folder. “I have something for you that you might find interesting.” She took a step closer to the table and put the folder on it. As she reached into her pocket, Bucky’s gun was again pointing at her. “Relax, grumpy, I am taking out a flash drive,” and she showed him the small device.
“What is this?” said Bucky angrily.
“Why is your brother rolling on the floor?” Tony asked.
She took a peek behind her shoulder. “Now you know why he isn’t the new boss.”
Barnes put his gun away and Tony sat back in the armchair. His hand went immediately to the folder and opened it. Y/N raised a brow at Bucky, waiting for him to sit down like a good dog.
He licked his lower lip and squinted at her. “You’ve changed little fox. What happened to the timid, ugly little girl that no one wanted to talk to? How come you are so pretty and ballsy?”
She rolled her eyes. “How come you’re still so dumb?”
“What the fuck,” whispered Tony. He kept checking the papers and photos. He was seemingly distressed. “What is this?”
Y/N reached for the nearest chair and dragged it closer to the men. She sat on it and crossed her legs. “I know what happened between us,” she started to talk. “I know the history. I have been there when my father ruined the relationship he had with Starks and Wolves. I tried to warn him, I tried to talk to him and he wouldn’t listen. I know it wasn’t you who took our cargo. In the folder, you will find proof of who actually did it.”
Bucky was confused and reached for some of the documents that Y/N provided for them. He took a photo of Hydra loading wooden crates into trucks with Stark’s logo.
“I never gave them my trucks,” Tony defended himself. “What the actual fuck?”
“Inside the flash drive you will find phone calls, text messages, emails, more documents and recordings during the last few years until everything fucked up,” she said. “If you want – if you need the documents, photos, the drive, please, take it and go through it.”
The older man looked at Y/N and smirked. “Would you look at that? Never in my dreams would I expect this to happen.”
“Why are you doing this?” Bucky wasn’t convinced. “What is the motive behind all of this? You want something.”
“To start, I want you to fucking shut up and have a good look at the evidence I have for you,” she retorted. “Is it really that hard to believe that I came here to fix what my father caused?”
“Come on, Barnes, give her a break,” Tony stood up for her. “She wouldn’t be here with all this just for her to fuck with us as Hydra did,” he shook his head. “I can’t believe this.”
“It seems we have a common enemy now. They played a game with us all,” Y/N looked at the floor. When she heard Bucky huff, she glared at him. “What’s the matter, Barnes? Are you pissed that a woman got the upper hand for a moment? Are you mad that the ugly duckling is gone and you aren’t intimidating anymore? I should be the one pissed here. You were the ones who poisoned my father!”
Tony shook his head. He had difficulty replying. “Wait, what? We didn’t do it.”
“Oh, please,” she scoffed. “Of course you did. My father was an idiot and he deserved nothing more.”
“Stark is right,” said Bucky, this time with a softer tone. “Neither of us poisoned your father. We have nothing to do with it.”
“We figured it must have been someone from your people,” added Tony. “Someone, who was really fed up with your father.”
And then it clicked. It made sense that those fuckers would play them all. “Fuck. Fucking fuck,” she growled and stomped her feet over the floor. “Shit, there you go. They played us all and played us well,” she shook her head. Her whole leg started to shake as she became nervous. “Do you still think I would be lying?”
Both men simultaneously shook their heads. Tony visibly gulped and Bucky looked anywhere but her.
“I would be more than happy to work by your side, Fox,” Stark smiled at her after some time and stretched his hand towards her. They shook them. It was a sign of burying the hatchet. “I believe you have provided us with a lot of evidence and therefore we can end the war and go back to the alliance we once had.”
Y/N giggled. “That was fast. I thought I would have to bring more evidence for you to believe me.”
“Are you serious? I think this is enough evidence, what do you think Barnes?” he turned to the other boss, waiting for his reply.
He brushed a finger against his lips and then tapped on them two times. “I am still pissed your people drugged my men,” he said.
“Come on, you were in my club and, if you recall, you said straight to my face that you are the owner of the club. Plus, your men were sneaking around the place and therefore we had to take care of them,” she winked at him.
“Wow,” Tony laughed. “I am impressed. Your father would cause a scene. You, on the other hand, took matters more delicately and effectively.”
“The fuck?” Bucky was annoyed. “What is so impressing of her drugging my men?”
“Exactly that,” Tony was still amused. “Come on, I would do the same if this happened to me.”
Y/N didn’t know what happened to Barnes but he looked directly into her eyes and smiled. It was weird. “Alright, I’m all for peace. At least I know my men will be safe from your wicked mind.”
Y/N stood up from the chair and put it back in its place. “Thank you, gentlemen, for not killing me tonight. In all honesty, I am glad we managed to bury the hatched this fast. Please, have the documents and the flash drive. We are still digging for more information.”
“Before you go,” Tony stopped her. “I suggest a meeting with the closest people. What do you think – Friday, 9PM? I would like to know with who I am working.”
Y/N showed him a thumb up and checked her brother who was nowhere to be seen. “Daniel?” she called him.
“This is such a fucked up day,” Bucky sighed behind her.
“Get used to it, Wolf,” Y/N said as Danny peaked out from the bathroom door. “We’re leaving.”
“Finally,” he sighed, glad that he could go home and hide in his room. The meeting was exhausting and he wanted to get high as fast as possible.
He followed his sister out of the bar and into the street. They were heading to her car when the door behind them opened and Barnes came running to them.
“Wait,” he stopped them and the siblings spun on the spot to face him. “Why were you in La Biblioteca that night I shot you?” his eyes slowly landed on her shoulder, wondering how bad the wound was. Why did he suddenly feel bad?
“This fucker was there,” she pointed at her brother who just groaned at the nickname. “I had to save his ass.”
As she was about to walk away again, he said: “Would you like to catch up? The last time I saw you were during your mother’s funeral.”
“Listen here, wolf boy,” she ground her teeth. “Just because we end the war doesn’t mean you get to talk to me as if nothing happened when we were younger.”
“Come on, Y/N. I-”
“In your fucking dreams B-“
A sound of a shot rang in their ears followed by a scream coming from behind them. Y/N’s heart stopped for a few seconds when she discovered her bother falling on the ground covered in blood. His eyes were suddenly empty.
Chapter five
Tags: @lethallyprotected , @memeorydotcom​
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years
Copycat: Agent Zero —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: I can't believe we won't have another Spider-man movie in years 😭 -Danny
Words: 1,138
Phase Four Masterlist
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Listen to: ‘Bottles’ -by Little Image
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viii: There Is No "I" In Team
When they handed him the Stark glasses, Peter got very quiet.
"'Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown'," Fury looked at him. "Stark said you wouldn't get that because it's not a Star Wars reference," he then looked at Cat, "on the other hand, you'd be able to quote the whole thing and even tell us who wrote it."
"King Henry fourth, Shakespeare," Cat smiled a little. "I wouldn't be able to quote it, it's too long."
She looked at Peter, but he was too lost in his own thoughts, looking down at Tony's gift.
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"We could've used someone like you on my world."
"Thanks," Peter smiled. "I'm sorry, your world?"
"Mr. Beck is from Earth, just not yours," Fury clarified.
"Ours," Cat corrected. Hill nudged her side. "What? If he's not careful Peter could see right through him!" She retorted under her breath.
"Peter didn't know Fury," Soren whispered. "He can't tell the difference, but he might if you keep trying to correct us!"
In front of them Peter let out a shocked response to Quentin's speech:
"You're saying there's a multiverse? Because I thought that was just theoretical— I mean that completely changes how we understand the initial singularity, we're talking about an internal inflation system— and how does that even work with all the quantum— It's insane!"
The teenager looked at Fury, Hill, and Cat. The first two were staring at him weirdly, but Cat understood then why he'd be useful, somehow the fact that she'd grown without him had made her forget that he was a real genius.
"Sorry," Peter said bashfully, "it's really cool."
"It's also a problem," Cat pointed out.
"Right," the boy nodded, "you're right— Sorry."
"Don't ever apologize for being the smartest one in the room," Quentin said politely.
"Ouch," Cat pouted mockingly.
Hill projected a thing in the middle of the room and Quentin began to explain the origin of the creatures they were fighting, he called them Elementals. Cat's phone began to buzz and she answered, she'd already heard that story.
"Hello?" She spoke quietly.
"I just heard the news," Matt said. "You okay?"
"I don't remember giving you my number," she replied.
"I got it when you applied for a job at my office."
"Is this legal?"
"How did you know I was the one from the news? People are calling us Mysterio and shadow girl, which is worse than Black Cat..."
"They said you were out there fighting the monster with a red mist— I thought Fury didn't want you to go public?"
"They don't want to associate me with the Avengers, it's different. I got a dirty record, and I can't blame it on a german lab brainwashing me to be evil..."
"Are you okay?"
"That's none of your business. Don't call me."
She was about to hang when Matthew added in a rush:
"You said your brother always called. I just... I didn't want you to feel alone."
Cat was taken by surprise, she wasn't expecting him to remember that. "Why?"
"You wanted us to be friends. This is me being one."
"Right," she said dryly. "I did say that."
"I'm alright. Don't lose sleep over my situation, okay?"
"Is that an order?"
She let out a short laugh. "Like you would take one from me."
"Smart kitty."
Cat suppressed a groan. "Have a good night."
The young woman hung up the phone, she returned when Quentin finished his sob story. It didn't sit right with her. How come they'd been able to destroy one when it'd taken a whole army to fight them on his Earth?
Beck claimed that he wasn't expecting to survive his first encounter at all, but alas, there he was. Were his powers different now that he'd gone through the multiversal rift? Perhaps the Elementals had gotten weaker...
Peter spoke up suddenly, he didn't want to risk his identity and it seemed that his classmates were rather close to figuring things out. Cat didn't want him around if she was honest. She thought he'd be a distraction.
"Okay, I understand," Fury said at last.
"I'm sorry, what?" Peter glanced at her, and he noticed Cat was as confused as him.
"Get back before your teachers miss you and become suspicious. Dimitri! Take him back to the hotel, please."
"Thank you, Mr. Fury," Peter looked around, "and uh... good luck."
He stopped a moment in front of Quentin, the man shook his hand. "See ya, kid."
"Yeah, see ya."
Cat took a step forward to walk him out but Fury stopped her.
"You stay."
The girl returned to her spot and looked at him with annoyance. What were they playing at? They wanted Peter, and even if she didn't want to, she could still try and convince him like she'd convinced Tony. She was getting tired of the cat-and-mouse interactions, if they wanted to get things done why not do them at once?
"As you wish, sir," Cat replied, sounding a little frustrated.
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"This is ridiculous," The agent huffed as she changed Peter's schedule. "Ten years, that's how long I've been training to be an agent... and you decide to waste me!"
"We need his help," Quentin told her, "kid's a genius, we need his brains."
"You know I can copy him from top to bottom, right?"
"It wouldn't be the same," the man insisted, "even if you did, you'd still be you pretending to be him. I don't think it's just the brains, I don't think it's something you can copy."
"When I met him he was thin and short," she grumbled, "now he's just short but he's the same old Peter, I don't think is that much of a loss if he doesn't help..."
"You're too young to understand," Quentin patted her shoulder with a patronizing way, "I'm an experienced soldier, I know what I'm talking about when I say Peter's what we need."
Cat pushed her chair back and looked up at him. "I could snap your neck in half without even blinking. I could turn you from the inside out and wouldn't even gawk at the mess. Don't tell me you know better. You don't know me."
Quentin raised his eyebrows in surprise, but he wasn't upset. "Trust me, the last thing I wanna do is fight with a valuable teammate. I'm sorry, but..."
"But what?" She finished the reservations and stood up without looking at him.
"Fury told me you and that boy have history—"
"What's your point?"
"It's been a year since you last spoke, right? That can change a lot of things— your whole world got altered in just one day! Maybe Peter's more ready than you think."
A year ago Cat still had a family, but the anniversary of their death was around the corner and now she was a S.H.I.E.L.D agent with no aspirations in life.
C.C.'s worst nightmare had turned into Cat's wish. It was weird, what time and circumstance could do to someone, but it made her realize Quentin was right. She'd talked to Tony because people like Peter deserved a second chance to prove their worth. 
Cat no longer knew her place in the world but still knew Peter's.
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Next Chapter—>
@ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @siriuslysirius1107​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @itsyagirl01​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @23victoria​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @espressopatronum454​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch
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ad1thi · 4 years
2020 fic recs!! [Part 2]
part 2 of my 2020 fic recs!! as before, ive limited this to five fics per month; and fics are ordered by the month they were published. This spans fandoms and ships, and hopefully you find something you like!! credit for the idea goes to @iam93percentstardust
this is the start: @capnwinghead
Clark and Bruce continue raising the Wayne children and encounter a number of challenges along the way.
great minds (love alike): @starklysteve
Steve’s eyes flicks down to Tony’s knees on the floor.
“Are you – are you proposing to me with my ring for you?” Steve asks incredulously, eyes wide and confused.
Or, Steve finds Tony’s ring for him, Tony finds Steve’s ring for him. Panic happens.
Marvels Unsolved: @iam93percentstardust
Marvels Unsolved was never supposed to be this popular. It started off as a novelty web-series about Tony trying to convince Bucky about the existence of the supernatural—he firmly believed that if science could turn Uncle Steve from an actual shrimp to the god of muscles, then magic had to be out there—and then they’d started talking about an unsolved crime from the early 20th century after filming an episode one day, forgetting that the camera was still rolling, and had ended up with enough footage to make a second episode about real crimes. They had stayed pretty unknown throughout that first season but then true crime podcasts had exploded in popularity and Unsolved along with them.
it’s a small world after all: @maguna-stxrk
“Great speech.”
Smiling at the compliment, Tony turns around. “Thank y—”
And nearly drops his champagne flute.
His world comes to a stop.
They had only spent a night together, but Tony would recognize those baby blues anywhere.
It’s Steve.
Steve from Tony’s London business trip. Or, as Rhodey has become accustomed to calling him—The Soulmate That Got Away.
you’re in my blood, you’re in my veins: @nethandrake
Tony always figured that if they ever were to break up, it would be like a blaze. Scorching and hot and all-too blinding. Intense like the two of them have always been.
Instead, they break up on a Tuesday, with the rain pelting the windowpane and the midnight silence stifling.
Five Times Danny said he’d marry Steve (plus one): @five-wow
Danny humphs. “Look, all I’m saying is, I think I’d probably have married you by now.”
“I’d marry you, too,” Steve says.
Or: An experiment in how many times you can say something before you have to put your money where your mouth is.
Family (You’ve Always Had It): @/SunnyQueen
A black Camaro and a scowling blond was not what Junior had been expecting.
“Hi, sir. You didn’t have to pick me up.”
The blond looked up from the screen on his phone and groaned, completely ignoring Junior's statement. “You are right, I didn't have to."
Ode To Yoga Pants: @riotfalling
OR the continued terrible mating dance of Bucky and Tony, AKA when betting on your friends stops being fun
Through The Years: @hawkbucks
Tony brings home Natasha one day, proclaiming her to be his new sister.
Natasha takes this all in stride.
The broken road that led me home to you: @just-fandomthings
A documented list of conversations between Steve and Danny via text and phone call following the events of 10x22 "Aloha." (Where, even thousands of miles apart, Steve and Danny can't go without talking to each other.)
someday, we’ll pass it on to you: @starklysteve
Steve smiles.
Reaching up, he flattens his hand against his son’s far smaller one, curling gently around it. “You wanna be like him?”
“Da!” Peter agrees again.
One year old, and you already know who’s the best of us, Steve pauses to reflect, all his fears chased away by a fierce pride. “Your Dad’s coming home real soon,” he promises, “you should tell him that.”
Or, five times Peter did the repulsor pose as a toddler
+ one time he used the repulsors as an adult
Classic Sci Fi: @notdoingsohot
Bucky wakes up to Steve telling him he's lost his memory, but not to panic, it'll only last a few days. Easier said than done when the last thing Bucky remembers is fighting Hydra with the Howlies in WWII.
He tries to make the most of it however, and there's this guy... Tony Stark. It's pretty clear the guy hates Bucky's guts, which is unfortunate because god damn is he a sight.
He tries to figure out what he did to wrong Stark, but everyone just tells him he doesn't want to know.
They were right.
Blooms in Frost: @/Diomedes
Tony coughs up his first petal on the sixth of July. He has been married to the love of his life for two years.
Bury a Hanahaki corpse in earth and it will beget the most beautiful garden. All that love, it is said, must go somewhere.
Hanahaki AU: Established relationship
A Single Thread of Gold: @lovelyirony
Rhodey doesn't believe in love at first sight or any of that cheesy shit. He just wants someone who is nice, dependable, and safe.
Tony Stark is Housing Service's little problem for the school year, and now he's stuck in Rhodey's room because he's exploded the last two dorm rooms he's been in and won't live off-campus.
high roller, place your bet: @machi-kun
“Would you kiss Stark for a hundred bucks?”
“I would pay a hundred bucks to kiss him.”
press my luck: @omg-just-peachy
But... Steve is almost ten years his junior, and he could be with just about anyone, looking and acting like he does. And then there’s the not so small fact of Tony’s name and net worth and the fact that, okay, Tony had paid for Steve’s grad school tuition, and now he’s worried Steve feels obligated to stay. Or something.
Or, Tony is a billionaire, Steve is a grad student, and they learn to let themselves be taken care of.
see it with the lights out: @starklysteve
Tony goes on a business trip, and he does not - not at all - get jealous of Dodger hogging his husband's chest, a territory otherwise known as Tony's pillow.
(or, Steve goes on an Instagram spree and Tony misses home)
adulthood is looking both ways before you cross the street and getting hit by an airplane: @starkslovemail
It was a perfect plan, if Peter did say so himself.
The Buy In: @dracusfyre
For the ImagineTonyandBucky prompt: Mafia AU with Tony as the Boss (except he's a really good one, making the streets safe, keeping drugs away from kids etc) and Bucky as the detective sent to go undercover to catch him out but ends up realizing he's actually doing more good than harm and they end up falling in love
trinkets of your affection: @starklysteve
Kissed him once for every year I loved him, Steve had written.
By that count, Steve owes him five more kisses now.
Tony traces the words, hands trembling, and tips back a shot of Howard's ancient whiskey. None of it burns anymore.
One day, he'll have lived more days without Steve than there are words in the diary.
For the first time since he'd woken with shrapnel in his chest, Tony fears the future.
Or, five things Tony keeps to remember Steve by, and one thing Steve gives him to remember.
“Hey Tony”: @riotfalling
Steve points out that Bucky never calls Tony by his actual name. Bucky doesn’t believe him, until he does.
Remembering You is Hard to Do: @lovelyirony
“The future’s crazy, honey-bear.”
Jim looks up.
“Why do you call me that?”
“Call you what?”
“Honey-bear. It’s weird.”
“Inside joke we have,” Tony says, chest tightening. “We thought those couples that have the lovey-dovey nicknames were ridiculous.”
overheard your heartbeat (calling me yours): @starklysteve
"Tony - "
"I wish I could promise to come home this time," he feels the armor crawl back down his arm, continuing unnoticed over Steve's red gloves, then up the blue uniform as Tony fights to keep Steve's gaze firmly fixed on him.
The last eyes Tony might get to see, and he wants to be lost in them.
In the end, his entire life boils down a few simple things: "JARVIS, take care of him for me."
Or, Tony overhears a phonecall where Steve proposes, a battle happens, and a paper ring settles some misunderstandings.
i (really, really, really, really, really, really) like you.: @nethandrake
For as long as Steve can remember, he's been crushing on Tony Stark. The thing is, he's pretty sure Tony doesn't know Steve exists. And how could he? Steve's scrawny and little. He's a nobody compared to Tony who's Mr Popular and the son of a billionaire.
Or at least he thought so until Tony swings by the bakery Steve's mother happens to own to enlist Steve's help in finding the perfect Valentine's Day card.
The perfect Valentine's Day card for someone who isn't Steve.
One Song (My Heart Keeps Singing): @iam93percentstardust
When Thor is old enough to understand what a Heartsong is, he goes to his mother to ask her why he can’t understand the language his is in. He listens as she tells him about the first soulmates who couldn't understand their Heartsong until the day they meet, excited by the thought of a grand adventure, one that will take him across the cosmos in search of his One.
He’ll search all the Nine Realms if he has to.
Swiping Right: @s-horne
“Ouch. Definitely a hard pass for that one?”
Steve startled at the sudden comment from the row of chairs behind him and turned around. He’d been passing the time in the airport lounge by swiping through Tinder and had gotten lost in his own world. It was almost jarring to be pulled away from the screen of hot men and back into reality where the PA was screeching and there was noise everywhere.
Adjusting to the difference, Steve frowned. Wait, he knew that face. Oh, shit… he knew that face.
“No, no, it’s fine,” the man said before Steve could get out anything other than an embarrassed sort of yelp. Waving his hand through the air, the stranger smiled ruefully. “I get it. It’s the beard, isn’t it? True be told, it was a weird winter choice that year and I knew it would come back to hurt me.”
Steve didn’t know what to say. He knew it must have shown on his face and could feel himself flushing, panicked and embarrassed all at once. What were the odds of swiping left on someone literally sat behind him?
set your flight path home (to me): @starklysteve 
Tony puts down his welding torch. “I’m building you a plane.”
Stepping carefully over the gears and tools scattered about, Rhodey slowly makes his way to him.
“And when did you become an expert on how to build a plane?”
“Last night,” Tony grins.
Tony builds a plane, and Rhodey teaches Tony how to fly it. Or he would be teaching Tony, if Tony didn't distract him so much.
I Want A Man With A Slow Hand: @thefourofswords
“Can I ask you a question?” he asked on their way to a crime scene, because no time like the present, and Danny believed in ripping off band-aids.
“Why not?” Steve replied, eyes on the road. “You’re gonna even if I say no.”
“What do you like in bed?”
Danny undertakes a very important mission to get Steve laid. For his health. Ahem.
same time next year: @omg-just-peachy
“I forgot to ask. When’s your flight home?” Steve asks, draping his arm over Tony’s shoulder and settling in against him.
Tony ignores the knot that forms in his chest at the idea of it, leaving Steve again for his own impersonal apartment, his piles of books and projects and the nights without sleep.
“Day after tomorrow.”
Steve huffs a little sigh, then brings his lips to Tony’s neck. “Well, we’ll have to make the most of it, won’t we?”
Or, four (4) Christmases with two (2) idiots who can't admit they're in love.
rearrange my heart (to fit your smile): @starklysteve
"You dare," Howard's chair makes an ugly noise as it scrapes against the stone floors, the chatter of the room shifting into hushed whispers and stolen glances. "I am your father and your King!"
"My King is my husband," Tony tips his chin up, defiant. "And I refuse to hear you suggest that my husband has been anything other than good to me."
Next to him, he feels Steve's shoulders stiffen in surprise.
Howard's fist slams loud on the table. "Your husband does not even love you!"
Tony jerks back, burned. He knows that. Knows that Steve did not marry him for love – does not need any reminder of the cold truth, of what he desperately yearns for and can't even hope to have – but the harshness of Howard's words was scalding, and Tony can't afford for this to go any further.
Or, King Steven marries Prince Tony, Tony is pretty sure he shouldn't panic when he falls in love with his own husband, and Steve tries his very best not to cause diplomatic crises.
Keyword: try
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ladyteacups · 5 years
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Summary: Smut with a hit of plot... idk how much more you want.
A/N: I hope this don’t suck. I don’t write much smut but I was just inspired I guess. Some language is offensive probably so... don’t like it, don’t read it. I only read through it once so.. idk man. I just wanted to share.
Warnings: It’s dirty smut my guy. age gap. cursing, and again offensive language. don’t like, don’t read. unrequited crush. bad spelling, sorry I didn’t wanna spellcheck. breeding kink. gettin dirty in public.
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Y/N was practically drooling on the training mat as she lay on her belly, her cheek propped up against her hand. Her best friend was right next to her, in the same position. They unintentionally gawked openly.
“He’s so beautiful,” Danny commented next to her.
Y/N nodded her agreement as Bucky’s muscles flexed with each rep he did.
“I wanna pull his hair so bad,” she said back.
Danny sighed. “You think he likes that kinda thing? Like… rough?”
Y/N nodded so fast she feared whiplash. “A hundred percent.” Her gaze shifted to Danny and it was returned at the admission.
“I bet he could really break me in, ya know what I mean?”
They both looked at him as he switched to pull ups. His back faced them and they both gasped at the scratches scattered across his back.
Danny giggled. “Some lucky girl really enjoyed herself.”
Y/N had to admit her jealousy. She wanted to be the one to put those marks on his skin. To give him a reminder of their passion.
“What I wouldn’t give to put my own mark on him.”
Y/N looked over at Danny with a smirk. “Where would you put it?” She wiggled her brows at her.
Danny blushed slightly. “Right on his-
“Hey guys.”
They both looked up to see Peter walking over. Reluctantly they wiped at the drool and stood to meet him.
“Hey Pete. What’s up?”
Peter answered Danny’s greeting but Y/N was still lost in Bucky’s heaving chest as he sipped his water and sent her a wink.
Good. Lord. Her face tinted pink, but he just went right back to work. Arms and pecs day, she noticed.. Nice.
“Y/N, did you hear me?”
Her gaze snapped back to Peter.
He looked nervous.
“I said, me, Ned, and his girlfriend are all going to the carnival in town. I asked if you wanted to go?”
She nodded absentmindedly. “Uh, sure Pete. Sounds good.”
He smiled brightly but she was hardly paying him any mind. Her eyes were trained on Bucky’s arms, and wait a second.. Was that a tattoo she caught sight of? Swoon. Y/N wondered what it was. Something hot probably. Like a skull, or a spider, ooh or a pinup girl that looks an awful lot like her somehow.
“Cool so I’ll text you the deets.”
Peter’s smile was bright and drew her attention back. She just nodded.
When he walked off and Y/N expected her and Danny to go back to talking about the sexy man grunting as he lifted weights. Heavy weights. Like twice her body weight kind of weights. Damn, now she’s wondering what else the serum gave him.
“Y/N, why did you just agree to a date with Peter when you know you’re not into him?”
Y/N shook her head. “It’s not a date.”
“Uh, yes it is. A double date actually.”
“Well so what? Agreeing to go out doesn’t make him my boyfriend.”
Danny wanted to press the issue. She knew Peter was crushing hard on Y/N, but she wouldn’t look twice at him. He wasn’t nearly old enough to catch her eye. But Y/N was right. Plus maybe indulging the kid would make him see that Y/N wasn’t the one for him.
“Just don’t let him get his hopes up.”
Y/N agreed and they took a break from Bucky watch to go see a movie.
 Y/N returned a little later than expected. Her head was thrown back in laughter as she walked down the hall. Her attention fully on the phone call she was currently engaging in with her friend Matt.
“No way if I had the balls to seduce somebody I’d wear the little black number hiding in my closet. I think I’d die if anyone saw me in it though. Could you imagine me showing off my ugly birthmark? I don’t think so.”
Matt laughed and said something back, but she wasn’t paying attention anymore.
Bucky Barnes stepped into her path quick and quiet. She nearly stumbled, and hurried Matt off the phone when she saw the look in Bucky’s eyes.
Sticking the phone in her pocket she stood straight as a rod under Bucky’s scrutinizing gaze. He smirked at her after he looked her over.
“Well Y/L/N, how’d you enjoy your movie?”
She got the faintest impression that he didn’t actually give a shit, but she didn’t want to leave him.
“It was really funny. I’m already ready to see it again.”
“That’s great.” He looked her over again and asked suddenly, “So… this birthmark… where’s it at?”
She blushed deeply.
“Because, I’ve never seen one and I know I’ve seen plenty of your bare skin before.”
“Well it’s. Ya know. I- that’s personal.” She crossed her arms.
He wanted to laugh at her upset expression. Damn she’s cute.
“I guess I’ll have to find it then.”
Before she knew it, Bucky had grabbed her shirt and pulled her flush to him as he attacked her lips with a hunger she never witnessed before.
His hands roamed her belly, just above the hem of her skirt and she pulled him closer.
“Not here,” he said without looking.
Y/N shook her head, agreeing with him. Nope, definitely not there.
His hands moved upwards, caressing just below the wire of her bra.
She wrapped her leg around his waist, pulling him closer. She felt his hardness through his sweatpants, and she was suddenly thankful for the skirt. She grinded her core against him and he growled into her mouth, “not here either.”
She wanted to laugh. Y/N was sure she was gonna like this game.
He cupped one breast through her bra. “Maybe here?”
He pulled it down to play with her tits. Teasing one nipple, then the other.
She moaned against him when he dipped his tongue into her hot mouth. She groaned out his name when he pressed their lower halves together harder. Then she pulled away completely.
He wasn’t even panting but she was sure she looked a mess. She straightened her shirt.
She could still taste it on her tongue. Meeting his questioning look she said clearly, “Bucky you’re drunk.”
He shook his head. “Angel I only had a little, it’s fine.”
He tried to pull her back to him but she resisted. His pout made her melt a little but she wouldn’t do this.
“I’m going to bed. Goodnight Bucky.”
And she walked past him without hearing if he replied or not.
At least she got one thing though. The tattoo was a bird.
 Y/N couldn’t stop thinking of her brief moment with Bucky in the hallway. His hands touching her, tugging her, teasing her. Fuck. That’s it! She was completely fucked. She needed to get him out of her system. Y/N was sure that would work. Indulge a little and everything will go back to equilibrium.
She painted on her lip gloss and waited for Peter.
He was taking her out tonight for a double date with his friends and Y/N wasn’t sure how to act. She didn’t exactly mean to agree to a date but she did it.
She stepped back for a final look when she heard the knock at her door. Cute and not too flirty. Hopefully safe.
Y/N opened the door expecting Peter but coming face to chest with Bucky Barnes.
“James! What are you doing here?”
He looked her over. “Going out?”
“Uh, yeah. Peter’s taking me to the carnival tonight.”
He nodded as he eyed her sexy black heels.
Peter walked up just then and Bucky was quick to excuse himself. He disappeared quickly, leaving the two alone.
Pete certainly looked excited as they walked the carnival grounds together. He was a perfect gentleman. He offered his coat when he thought she shivered. He rode the ferris wheel with her. He even stayed with her when the ride threatened to make her sick. She really hated heights.
When the four of them sat down to eat, she realized she liked Peter and his friends. They were nice. Not quite her crowd, but they were sweet. She laughed at all of Ned and Peter’s jokes and Ned’s girlfriend told her where she got her really cute top. It was all going pretty ok.
Y/N hoped she wasn’t getting Peter’s hopes up. She really did like him just… not like that.
When Y/N decided she wanted to ride the roller coaster, Peter had to opt out. He almost looked sick so she didn’t push or tease him.
She stood in line and waited till the gate opened. She took a seat in the back but wasn’t expecting someone to get in right behind her.
Y/N looked up into Bucky’s beautiful eyes.
“What are you doing here?”
He shrugged, leaning in to whisper, “I was wondering about the little black number in your closet.”
He looked thoughtful. “Come to think of it, I still haven’t found that birthmark either.”
She sighed. Y/N had been embarrassed enough that he kissed her because he was drunk, without needing the reminder of her birthmark.
“Are you asking me where it is?”
He shrugged. “I thought you were having fun letting me find it.”
Just then the cars lurched forward. She hadn’t even noticed the guy come around to check on everyone.
“I don’t remember you actually looking. More like feeling me up in the hall.”
Bucky chuckled. His hand wrapped around her and his fingers brushed lightly over her neck. Shivers traveled through her body at his touch.
She thought for a moment about how big he felt pressed against her center. He was definitely hung. That much she could tell. Remembering his thickness had her biting her lip.
She nearly forgot Bucky was right here next to her until he grabbed her chin, made her face him, and kissed her.
Y/N stuttered briefly. Her thoughts interrupted and her panties dampening seemed to be exactly what he wanted.
Before she could collect herself, his hand started up her skirt. She bit his lip almost painfully and he growled at her. His hand went higher, caressing her soft skin and moving towards the treasure between her legs.
“You were right angel.” His voice was husky at her ear. “I do like it rough.”
It took two seconds for him to reach her panties, yank them down and plunge two fingers into her heat. She gasped and gripped his arm as he felt her insides.
One hand was removing her panties from her ankles and placing them in his pocket, while the other was torturing her slowly.
The roller coaster stopped climbing and zipped down the first big dive.
Y/N moaned against his mouth like she had the night before in the hall. “You don’t think I’m too young?”
He blinked at her, his fingers halting for a moment.
“What, you think I’m too old?” He questioned her.
She shook her head and he gladly resumed pleasuring her.
“No. I think it’s so hot. An older man touching me. Knowing exactly what he wants. Teaching me just how he wants his cock sucked.”
Bucky groaned. “Angel you can’t talk about sucking cock with that sinful mouth of yours or I’ll explode.”
“Just like that Bucky.” She encouraged his movements and tried to meet his pumping hand. “Feels so good. Are you this good with your tongue too?”
He smirked. “You wanna ride my tongue Baby? You want me to make you see stars as you cum all over my face?”
His fingers hit that spot and she was nearly there. Just a bit more.
“Fuck James. I love the way you talk.”
“You like it dirty honey?”
She moaned out a, “yes,” before he continued.
He stuck his metal fingers in her open mouth and ordered her to suck. “Get ‘em nice and wet baby.”
She did as she was told and sucked his fingers. She swirled her tongue over the plates in his hand and he tried to hold back the feelings that surfaced.
He pulled his fingers from her mouth and gave them a lick before he brought them down to her heat, flicking them across her clit.
Y/N’s orgasm hit instantly and Bucky was quick to capture her lips and swallow every moan she let out. He was absolutely relentless. Even as she came down he finger fucked her sensitive hole. Y/N clutched his arm, her nails digging in as she begged him to stop. Bucky could only smile, pulling his fingers from her and licking them clean of her cum. Her blush was bright and he faintly heard her yelp. Lord help him, he wanted this girl again and again.
“I’m taking you home with me,” he said as the ride slowed.
She was looking around and snapped her head up to look at him. “Bucky my panties are gone.”
“I’ll get you new ones. Come on.”
He pulled her from the car and she fixed her skirt to not give wondering eyes a show. She was still eyeing the ground around the coaster, but Bucky was looking at the picture from the ride. His laugh distracted her from the search and her eyes went wide when she saw what he was looking at.
Y/N’s face pink, her eyes lusty, and her mouth open in shock, as Bucky sat next to her tasting his fingers. The fingers that were knuckle deep inside her seconds before.
She stared at the picture for a long second, studying the look on Bucky’s face as he looked at her. Damn if he isn’t the sexiest man she’s ever seen. His soulful eyes are so beautiful and his smile. She’s such a sucker for a nice smile, and Bucky has the best. She loves his smile. He gave them out freely now, but she cherished each one he offered to just her.
Bucky walked over, his arm wrapping around her waist and pulled her to him. “Come on honey. I’m taking you to my bed.”
She let him lead her to the car but couldn’t help asking. “What are you gonna do with me?”
Bucky chuckled. “I’m gonna spread ya open, eat my fill of your wet pussy, and fuck a baby in you.”
She nearly tripped at his words. Fucking hell.
A fresh wave of arousal hits her and she silently curses her missing panties for not being there to keep her thighs clean.
The car ride was silent. Bucky’s fist clenching the wheel and Y/N’s leg bouncing in anticipation. She quickly made an excuse to Peter over text to keep herself somewhat busy. She felt bad. Peter deserved more and she knew that, but she couldn’t bring herself to care when she had Bucky next to her.
Arriving home was both freighting and exhilarating. She was biting her tongue to stop the shy grin when he opened the door for her and helped her out.
Y/N could hear Seethers ‘Careless whisper’ play in her head like she was in a movie, as she followed him inside and down the hall. The hall they were grinding in just under 24 hours ago. She occupied her mind with assigning a movie to the situation. 50 shades of gray? No… ok, so maybe that’s the only movie she could come up with. Then she tripped over her own feet and the record in her head scratched to a stop. Never mind. She knew exactly which one. Bridget Jones’s Diary.
Bucky turned at the sound of her epic fail and he rushed to help her up. “Jesus doll, you ok?”
She wanted to hide. Briefly she realized the roller coaster should have made her think the movie would be ‘fear’, but she was praying not.
“Yes. Fine, just embarrassed beyond belief.”
He chuckled. “This way babe.”
Damn that sounds good coming from him.
He opened the door and Y/N turned to look at the empty hallway. She imagined that it was the blue pill. She could leave and not let Bucky ruin her for any other man… or. She could take the leap and hope her amateur sex skills make him fall in love. decisions, decisions.
“You coming?”
She could hear the innuendo drip from his sexy full lips and she gulped that red pill down like she promised herself she’d do to his cock later.
When the door closed behind her, she heard the lock click in place and she turned to him. He pulled his jacket from his muscled body, and ordered her with one word.
She only hesitated for a second but he still gave her a stern look. She stripped her clothes and waited for further instructions.
“Get on the bed beautiful and show me that pink cunt.”
She was quick this time. Nearly jumping on his bed and looking at him as she spread her legs for his perusal . He looked so long she wanted to close them again, but his shoulders were holding them open just as the thought crossed her mind.
His tongue touched her center before she could blink and she threw her head back. The sound was obscene as he licked and sucked her clit like he wanted to bruise her. His fingers were quick to resume their previous job of occupying her empty hole.
Y/N gripped his hair. It was all she could do seeing as his arm was holding her down. She was screaming his name and she could tell he loved the sounds. His tongue and fingers worked harder with each meaningful moan.
“Give it to me,” he commanded her.
And how can you argue with that? Right when she came seeing stars and chest heaving, Bucky reached into his pocket and pulled her panties out for her to see.
“James you- Holy shit!”
Bucky lapped at her, collecting every drop of cum and groaning at her taste. “I’m gonna have you like this at least two more times before I smack your ass as you leave my room.”
She snatched her panties from him when he laughed at her angry face.
“It’s not funny Buck. Who knows who got to see whats up my skirt.”
“Me, and that’s all that matters. And you’re not keeping those either.”
She wanted to argue but he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down the zipper. He seemed to not give a single fuck as he pulled his dick out. He didn’t even care enough to finish taking his clothes off.
His shirt was wrapped tightly around his muscled chest, his jeans were just under his ass, and his biker boots were still laced up. Damn she felt like a five dollar whore and she wondered why she loved it. She considered briefly, asking him if he had five dollars. She’d accept her panties back as payment though. They came from the bargain bin and she’s pretty sure it was around five.
“You on the pill?” He questioned her, and she thanked god that the answer was, “Yes.”
“Good, cause I’m about to turn you into my own personal cum slut.”
And he sunk into her. Spreading her wet heat to his size and groaning at the tightness.
“Damn girl. Does all young pussy feel like this or just the ones that come with such fantastic tits?”
He hammered his point home by grabbing her tits and teasing the nipple. Sucking one into his mouth, he made her nearly cum again.
“I love the way you talk to me Bucky.” His hips started a smooth rhythm. “Makes me wanna give you all my holes to use up.”
He bit her nipple and gave her harsher thrusts. “Doesn’t matter if you give ‘em to me baby. I’m gonna take whatever I want from you.” He pulled one leg up to lay on his shoulder. “When I get done with this pussy, and I ain’t nearly there yet, I’m gonna see how soft and hot you pretty mouth is. I want that lipstick staining my shaft when I get done fucking your lips.”
She sent a thank you to her best friend for talking her out of liquid lipstick tonight, because damn she wanted to see that too.
“Fucking hell honey. You’re so tight I might cum already.”
“Don’t you dare leave me like this.”
He laughed. “Two orgasms and you get demanding? I’m gonna have to watch out for you.”
He pulled out, flipped her over, pulled her ass up and plunged back in.
“There’s that birthmark,” he laughed out loud seeing the patch of dark skin like a splatter of paint hit her ass. Sure enough right on her left ass cheek was a birthmark. Bucky wanted to kiss the cute mark but he held back. Choosing instead to give it a smack with a big ol’ grin on his face.
She decided to ignore that comment, and her pink cheeks, when he started to move inside her again. His thrusts were bruising and he grabbed her hair into a ponytail to pull her back on his cock. Her back arched when he pulled her hair. She was god damn loving it. The stretch, the way his balls slapped her, and most of all the fucking dirty words he was spouting.
“You look like a bitch in heat right now, letting me fuck you like animal.”
“Bucky,” she groaned into the air and she felt the release creeping up. “I’m so close James. Please let me have it.”
He was stretching her like never before and the pulse of his hips against hers was mind numbing. She could stay like this forever. Letting James fill her over and over. She’d happily be his breeding mare if he just kept fucking her like this.
He smacked her on the ass again and she didn’t wait for permission. She came with a loud scream and a fresh surge of cum coating his cock. Bucky fucked her through it then pulled out and pulled her hair to position her just how he wanted.
“Push those sexy tits together baby. I want my load right there.”
Y/N did as she was told, pressing her breasts together and up for him to fuck. And he did just that. Fucking her tits till he emptied his balls on her face, and breasts. She was all painted up like a freshly fucked cock slut and he wanted to take a picture, to keep under his pillow.
“I thought you said you were gonna fuck a baby in me,” she questioned as she sucked his cum from her fingers like he had earlier in the night.
“We got all night little girl.”
He began to strip (finally) but stopped to pull something from his pocket.
“That means we can talk about how you shouldn’t gossip about how someone fucks when they’re in the room with you.” She blushed. “And… we can also figure out where to hang this.”
When he unfolded the paper and showed her the picture from the carnival, of him savoring her cum on his fingers, she exploded into laughter. She was relaxed now. Feeling comfortable with him enough to let go of the embarrassment.
He bought the damn picture. She couldn’t believe it.
“You could have told us you heard us you asshole. And I know exactly where that picture is going.”
“And ruin all the fun?”
He was nearly bare before her. His shirt gone, boots off, and jeans around his ankles. She faintly caught a glimpse of that tattoo again.
“Tell me where it’s going honey.”
She only smiled a devious smile.
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auspicious-lilana · 5 years
Ultimate Spiderman (Peter Parker x Stark! OC x Sam Alexander x Danny Rand)
Summary:When people hear ‘Maya Stark’ everyone would think about the perfect, smart. good looking, rich, student body president of Midtown High.Nobody but her childhood friend Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man and her new team of heroes. Ava, Sam, Danny, and Luke AKA  white tiger, Nova, Iron fist, and Power Man knows about her secret of being Queen’s very own Mistress, soon to be ULTIMATE Mistress
Part 1  Part 2 Part 3   Part 4
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{Peter's POV}
"Leap, forward leap. Flip!" Batroc laughed as I raced after him up the building with my spider-cycle. "C'est bon. C'est magnifique."
"Your suckatude knows no bounds, Batroc." I said as I slinged a web on his foot as I tried to slow him down but instead he managed to pull me off my Spider-cycle and make me hit places as he leaped around like a giant frog. Soon I was face flat on the back of a billboard as Baltroc got away.
Batroc the Leaper. So off the radar, SHIELD doesn't have a real file on him. What's to know? He's French. He leaps.
Another thing you guys must be wondering,Where the heck is Maya? Well, She's at home getting work done early.
Why? You'll see later
"And zee bug goes splat." Baltroc taunted. "But where is zee witch?"
{At Stark Household}
Maya sneezed as she suddenly felt ticked off. She stopped typing her report.
 "I feel like somebody just called me a witch...?" Maya shivered slightly as she went back to typing. "Probably just my imagination."
{Back with Spiderman}
"Taunting me is one thing, Baltroc" I said as I got down. "But calling names on my favorite partner is a whole nother level of wrong" I felt irritation, mixed with confusion. Why was I having such a strong reaction to this? Maya's been called a witch plenty of times, but I never felt this overprotective. I quickly pounced on him as he was about to getaway.
"Spider-Man. Nick Fury says get back to SHIELD HQ for training." I hung upside down next to White Tiger.
"Just because he's the director of SHIELD doesn't mean he can boss me around. Besides, Fury would be the first to say going solo on B-listers like Batroc is good training. Don't be so official, White Tiger." I said as I got on my feet and began walking. "When life gives you Batroc, make French toast." Baltroc then kicked my face hard, sending me flying as he got up with a laugh.
"A boot in the face!" White Tiger tried to pounce on Baltroc with her claws but he moved away just in time as he bumped me hard, hitting the billboard playing J. Jameson.
"Way to go it alone," I said annoyed as I sat there, a bit stuck.
"Get lazy and even the lame ones can splatter you. That's what training's for." White Tiger said mockingly. "That and mastering new tools like electric claws." White Tiger bloated as she activated her electric claws. I managed to get out of the billboard as Baltoc chased white Tiger. I quickly made a giant web as White tiger clawed a water plant as Baltoc hit the web and slinged far, defeating him.
"Is Spider-Man and Mistress a student at Midtown High? - Recently it was attacked" J.Jameson said before Baltoc hit the billboard making it explode.
"Where does he get that stuff?" I asked myself before White Tiger and I made our way back to S.H.I.E.L.D.
***{Maya's POV} ***
I sighed as I closed my laptop. Finally finished my essay reports, school check-ins, and tomorrow night's homework while also making sure I have free time tonight to catch that Sci-Fi movie with Danny.
Why am I getting things done early? You may ask. 
Well, today is my annual every 19th of a month, a training session with the great powerful Sorcerer, Dr.Strange. 
My training with him is once a month since he's always busy, and he is special because since I'm a sorceress I can learn to be better with my mind and magic with a great Sorcerer like Dr.Strange.
I yawned as I fell on my bed. Man, I'm tired.
I was at school in my student office since I got here really early to check up on everything and leave a detailed schedule on what the Vice President, Gwen Stacy. I checked the time. 7:59. I gasped and quickly gathered my things as I quickly made my way to the cafeteria. I seemed to have made it just in time as I saw Danny saved me a seat next to him and Ava. I gratefully thanked him as I sat down to listen to Principal Coulson.
"all city campuses run on high alert. Report any suspicious persons immediately." Coulson said as Peter dashed in here.
"I think I see one now" Flash joked at Peter as I frowned before smiling at Peter as he made his way to the seat next to Ava.
"Pretty good show with Batroc ze Leaper, huh, Ava?" Peter asked nudging her as she seemed unamused.
"Lapse training, and late for school? Good show, Parker" Peter sighed as he sat on the opposite side with Harry and MJ.
"Hey, Pete. They're saying Spidey goes to the school. Girls love heroes, so help me spread the rumor it's me, huh?" Harry slyly said.
"It probably is you, Harry. Who else could afford all those webs he squirts all over everything?" MJ stated.
"How could he be spiderman when you were both there at Harry's party at the same time Spider-Man arrived? Harry can't be in two places, can he? Plus he could just be having a sponsor." I inputted.
"Maya's got a point, And Spider-man doesn't squirt, he shoots," Peter said demonstrating it "And I don't think it's a good idea for anyone to pose as him right now." He added on before Flash pushed him off his seat, sitting in his place.
"Speaking of squirts" Flash mockingly said as Peter got up and frowned at Flash.
"Thompson, Parker, pay attention" Principal Coulson snapped as I looked over at the man next to Coulson. Almost no hair, white strap around his head. Skinny yet muscular figure. And, his aura seemed off. It doesn't give off a normal aura, but instead a darker one. He's harboring evil intentions, but what is it? "Your gym teacher, Mr.Molskin will be out due to a freak accident after last night's game. Mr. Jager will be your substitute until further notice." I wonder how freaky.
"I look forward to the challenge of unlocking your ...hidden talents," Mr.Jager said with an accent as he looked at our group specifically as if searching us for something. I eyed him suspiciously, not trusting him at all now. I felt my magic senses go off as I saw him lock eyes with me.
'bad intentions are being harbored, Stark'
Peter and I's senses are sorta different in a way. His only alerts him of danger that is seconds away from occurring, mines comes with a voice that tells me something that hints me towards potential danger.
Awkward phrasing or veiled threat? You be the judge.
The answer is pretty obvious
We were in the gym now, we were arranging the teams in dodgeball when one of the Office helpers came in and gave Mr.Jager a pass, he didn't seem so happy. I wonder why? He grudgingly made his way towards me and gave me the pass with a frown.
"Go, Miss Stark" I took the pass as I packed my things, while also stealing glances at Mr.Jagar. Why is he so upset about me leaving early?
"Annual Magic session?" Peter whispered as he handed me my phone-which I lent him earlier since his was dead.
"Yeah. Doctor Strange may be patient, but he doesn't like being kept waiting, besides I learn a lot from him since he's the only other person I know that shares practically the exact same abilities as I do" I whispered back as I placed my shoulder bag on. 
"Text me later, you know what time I get off training"
"I hate gym without you, Maya"
"One a month Peter, Once a month. I'll make it up to you"
"Tonight?""Got plans with Danny, Tomorrow night?"
"What are you two doing?"
"We're going to watch a Sci-fi movie"
"Oh, Okay"
"Got to go, remember. Text me later" Peter nodded as I left the room, Feeling Mr.Jagar's deep stare as I left.By the time I made it to the office, I saw Doctor Strange sitting there waiting, in his casual clothes. I grinned as I made my way there."Mr.Strange," I said with a grin. He looked up with a small smile.
"Let's get going, shall we? Maya" I nodded as we made our way to a dark alley. "You remember the group transportation spell from our last lesson, don't you?"
"I've been practicing a lot"
"Did you torture your father?" Dr. Strange chuckled as I nervously chuckled, remembering how annoyed and irritated dad was by the number of times I had purposefully accidentally teleported him all over the Avengers Tower whenever I practiced.
"Why don't we put the spell into use? Teleport us in our usual spot in the forest clearing in the Amazon." I nodded as I focused my mind on that location.
"Cali mon ta rēn fooloo belaga." I chanted the spell. I opened my eyes to see we were in our clearing...except I was on the grass and Doctor Strange was in the lake soaking...oops? I helped Doctor Strange out mumbling sorry a lot of times as he brushed it off as he snapped his fingers drying himself quickly.
"Except for that misfortune of me being in the lake, you seem to have successfully brought us here" I grinned as he waved his hand as we were soon in our cloaks. "Since your strongest point is your mind, we'll start with meditating to sharpen your focus and to get you relaxed. I can sense you've been stressed recently." I sighed as I sat down with my legs crossed as Dr.Strange did the same.
"Yes. With school going haywire, New team, and stark internship. I do have a lot on my plate"
"Seems your a very well relied on person"
"it's an honor and a curse"
"You know the drill" I nodded as I took a breath in and closed my eyes. I focused on clearing my mind. I felt my body go light as I took slow breaths. I focused my mind on my breathing. I sensed Doctor Strange was doing the same. "Free your mind of worries," Doctor Strange said in a low, calming tone. "Let go of any doubts or regrets" I sighed in relaxation.
***{Peter's POV}***
20 minutes in and I already miss Maya a bunch. We played dodgeball and I allowed myself to get hit in the face by a ball I could have easily dodged but I didn't, for the sake of my identity. Even though I got snarky responses from Ava, Maya not only gave me snarky responses about how I shouldn't be getting myself hurt to hide my identity and just dodge simple things like that, she would also secretly place her hand on mines to use a bit of her magic to make the pain go away when nobody is noticing us, which makes getting slammed by a dodgeball in the face by Flash Thompson all worth it.
"I'm looking for finalists for the citywide athletic achievement contest. I want to see everything you've got in this obstacle course. Push yourselves to the limit. Don't give me less than 110 percent." I never even knew those things existed! Couch Jager walked down the line us students had stood in. He made us all look him in the eye which was pretty creepy.
"You could learn a thing from him," Ava said as she glanced at me from her spot next to me in line.
"How to creep people out?" I asked as I glanced back at her oddly.
"Mr.Thompson!" Couch Jager yelled as he turned around. "Go!"
"I'll show you how it's done," Flash said cockily. "And make sure to record it people, I want Maya to see this!" I rolled my eyes. Maya wouldn't be interested in him even if he walked through fire. Flash ran through the obstacle course only stumbling a bit before falling face flat in front of the couch, not bad for a rookie. "Good, huh, coach? - Am I in?" Flash asked excitedly as Couch Jager turned his back.
"Okay, next one up." He yelled. "Go! Ayala, next." Ava went through the course with her swiftness through being white Tiger. "Rand, next!" Danny went through with ease with incredible balance. "Osborn, next!" Harry went through the course stumbling and tripping, obviously not meant for these kinds of stuff. "Cage! Go!" Luke went through the course before getting stuck in the tire instead of going through it.
"Can we get some man-sized tires up in here people? Seriously." He said annoyed.
"Mr.Parker, your last" Couch Jager said in a deep tone as they finally got Luke out of the tire.
How sweet would it be to show them all what I can really do? Move on to the citywide championships?
"You can begin anytime today." Couch Jager said, pulling me out of my daydreams. "The course doesn't run itself, Mr.Parker." I purposely made myself fail as I pretended to struggle climbing the wall before falling down, fake of course. Man I wish Maya was here to take the pain away. Couch Jager grunted as I got up and went up to the others. "I'll see three of you tomorrow" He said to us. "Rand, Osborn, Thompson. The rest of you, anemic."
"Tomorrow? Saturday?" Danny exclaimed as Couch Jager walked off.
"Did I stutter?"
"Danny, Flash, and Harry? Harry? I aced that thing." Ava complained. "Why am I not a finalist? Because I'm a girl?"
"Are you the only person on Earth who sees school on a Saturday as a good thing?" I asked.
"Maya and Fury were right. You are too soft" Ava said. "You know, I say we show Mr.Jager who can do what. You and I are going to come back tomorrow anyway, list or no list and run that course again. You know what, I'll even bring Maya along to do it too" By this point the others already walked off.
"If I'm late, you can start without me. Finish too. I'm beat. I have tomorrow set aside for sleep and a movie marathon with Maya by night " I yawned out. "Doesn't that Jager creep you out?" I said as we looked at him doing Jumping Jacks facing the wall.
"I work with a guy whose feet stick to walls. No one creeps me out." Ava said before she walked off. I stared at Couch Jager stretching suspiciously before walking off myself.
I was having an amazing dream of J. Johnson proclaiming every day to be Spiderman Day with me sitting on Iron Man and Thor's shoulders as the crowd cheered my name with confetti everywhere before my phone began to rang waking me up as I groaned. I picked up my phone to see Ava calling.
"Hello? Peter, have you heard from Harry?" Ava asked, "It's noon, and no one's come out from the gym yet."
"I'm not late for training," I said as I rubbed my eyes.
"Something's wrong. We can't get into school. The fence is electrified." I heard Maya's voice. "I'm almost certain it has to do with Jager"
"It's Saturday. Why are you-Did you say the school's electrified?" I said as I bolted up from my bed as I went to get my Spider-man suit.
"Get here now!" the girls yelled as they hung up before I smirked and got there quick in my Spider-man suit as I stood next to Ava.
"That quick for you?" I smugly said as Ava had to take a double look as Maya sighed. "Yeah, I'm that good"
{Maya's POV}
Ava and I quickly changed into our own hero selves as I levitated myself over the gate as the other two leaped over.
"Something's up." White Tiger said. "We should call Coulson." White Tiger began to call on her com wrist before Spidey interrupted.
"No." He said stopping her. "We should go solo on this!" We raised our eyebrows at him as he began to explain himself. "Eh, you know, together, the three of us. We can handle this." Spidey placed his hand on her shoulder before she glared at him with a warning look as he soon let go before we looked at the school. "SHIELD added security to protect the school from well, for us. Probably just a misfire."
"Or Jager took them captives" I inputted as I glared at the school. "My senses gave off a warning when I looked into his eyes the other day."
"Yeah, maybe but, who electrifies a fence and leaves the door unlocked?" Spidey said as he opened the door as we moved in the dark hallways.
"Dark, creepy, dank." White Tiger complained as she stepped in a puddle.
"I told you not to come to school on a Saturday" Spidey said.
"Hello? Is anyone there? Help!" We got serious as we ran towards the source. "Help! Can anyone hear me? Oh, I sure could use a hand. I've got myself in quite a pickle here." The Janitor said as we stopped to see him pinned to the wall by a robotic arm, the security system. "Oh, if Irving Forbush could see me now." He gushed.
"Hang tight, Janitor Guy. We'll get you out" Spidey began to pull on the arm as I sighed. I focused my mind on levitating the arm off.
"Movere." I ordered the robotic arm as my eyes began to glow purple as I moved the robotic arm from the Janitor giving him time to move out before I let go of the arm as did Spidey as it clammed itself back in the wall. Spidey walked back to us as he wiped his hands.
"Mucho malfunction security system." He said as the Janitor took out a handkerchief to wipe his forehead before we heard a click
."Don't move" White Tiger said as we froze in place.
"Oh my," the Janitor said still a bit shaken from the robotic arm, he moved a bit before he fell down a pit as we quickly went around the pit as we heard a thud, guessing he had a rough landing. "Wow, there's a lot of wax build-up down here." Guessing he's fine. The pit closed on us as we stood up.
"Who built the security? Dr. Doom?" Spidey questioned before we began searching around. Once we passed Coulson's office White Tiger snapped.
"I'm calling Coulson" She attempted to call him as I noticed something green shining from his office as I looked through the window to see him.
"No phone needed," I said as Spidey took a glance behind me. "He's already here"
"On a Saturday? Agent Coulson?" White Tiger questioned as she walked up to the door. Spidey slowly opened the door.
"Don't come into my office" Coulson said before we opened the door to see him upside down, hanging on top of his desk with nothing but a white men's tank top and his underwear.
"I can see why he wanted to be alone." Spidey jokes. "Nice tighty whities." I cringed as I looked somewhere else. Seeing my dad in his underwear is one thing, seeing my principal in them is a whole nother story.
"The whole school is rigged," Coulson informed us. "Taskmaster corrupted the SHIELD security tech."
"Who?" White Tiger asked.
"Assassin. Hates me. Hates Fury"
"We have to contact Fury" White Tiger exclaimed as she tried to but seemed to fail.
"You can't. He jammed the frequencies." Coulson said. "You shouldn't have come to school today."
"Told you." Spidey mocked as I slightly sent a shock at him as he began to rub his arm. "Oww! Maya!" Should've watched his mouth. If there was one thing us Starks hate, it's being proven we're wrong.
"Work on getting yourselves out of here, and then find Fury. Don't waste time on me, and definitely don't go after Taskmaster alone." Coulson commanded. "He's a combat chameleon. Do you understand?"
"Wait," Spidey said. "He was bitten by a radioactive chameleon?"
"Not everyone is bitten by a radioactive living thing to gain powers," I said as I sweatdropped before we all heard a yell as I soon recognized it as,
"That's Harry!" Spidey exclaimed. "I remember that scream from slasher movie night at camp Maya and I went to a summer ago! Let's go!" Before I can object the two ran off as I sighed and ran as well.
"If Taskmaster sees you do it, he can do it. Fight him once, he's as good as you, you hear me?" Coulson yelled as Harry yelled again. Bet a million the two didn't hear him as well as I heard his warning.
"What did Coulson just say?" White Tiger asked as I caught up with them as we turned a corner.
"I don't know. I couldn't hear him." Spidey said confirming my statement. I should tell them, but I'd rather make things interesting and see how long it takes before they realize it themselves. My senses began to go off as did Spidey's.
"My senses! Get down!" I yelled as we slid down as rockets went past us quick before we began running again.
"If Flash and Harry are here at least they've got Danny to protect them," Spidey said as one of the two hallways were closing.
"I'll take this way! You guys check the other!" I yelled as I slid under the closing gate as they did the same in the other. I had a feeling Danny would have to separate from them to really fight, he might need backup. "O me ducere ad Rand" I muttered as I soon began to sense Danny's aura nearby as I followed the arrow I conjured. By the time I made it to him, I seem to have been too late as I saw Danny unconscious. "Danny!" I gasped as the wall behind me shut as well leaving the two of us trapped. I kneeled down as I placed his head on my lap as I checked him out.
AND NO! Not the way you perverted readers. I'm 16 and Danny's just a friend I care a lot for, okay?________________________________________________________________________________
I saw how beaten up he looked as he kept groaning in pain. Taskmaster must've used all his moves on him, and let me tell you this, his moves are NOT ones that are little pain. His injuries are really major but there's no blood and it seems like his pulses are still there. Even healing this would take a bit of my core magic...but it's for the sake of Danny, right? He's done a lot to hold us all together. It's my turn to return his generosity. I took a deep breath as I lifted my hands to hover above him as I closed my eyes.
"Curare patiens, nunc autem poena inops dolor, maneant modo poena, et non reverta!" I chanted as I felt a glow surround me and Danny. "Curare patiens, nunc autem poena inops dolor, maneant modo poena, et non reverta!" I kept chanting as I slowly healed Danny. Curare patiens, nunc autem poena inops dolor, maneant modo poena, et non reverta!" Danny began to wake up as I soon noticed and stopped chanting as I felt faint a bit.
"Maya?" He said with a husky tone, which strangely made me flush slightly.Maybe it was just me being exhausted. I smiled as I soon collapsed as he- now fully recovered- caught me. "Maya!" I felt him remove my mask and placed down the hood of my cloak as he kept yelling my name.
"I'm weak, but I'm not deaf" I joked as Danny sighed.
"You didn't have to exert yourself in that way, You had me worried"
"Don't ugh, worry. I used less than Venom and since this is the second time since last week, I think I'll not faint as much." I saw the lights go back on and doors open.
"Guess Taskmaster was taken care of"
"We missed the fun" I chuckled breathlessly.
"Can you still change back to your average clothes? I think I hear sirens"
"Can you help me up?" Danny nodded with a small blush as he placed my arm over his shoulder as his other arm supported my back as he wrapped it behind my waist. "Should I wrap my leg to cover up I'm just magically exhausted?"
"Probably" Danny joked as he slightly chuckled.
“No one in this school is cool enough to be Spidey or that cool chick Mistress, so forget that rumor. " Flash excitedly said to a newscast. "That said, I totally helped Spider-Man save the dump. I had no clue where Mistress was but I bet you I helped her out too," We all including Coulson watched from afar as Flash and Harry get interviewed. I had my leg wrapped up with a bandage from the Nurse's office which conveniently was where we were trapped in as I let Danny support me.
"Flash Thompson finally did me a favor." Peter joked.
"Taskmaster never even suspected Peter Parker was Spider-Man and since Maya was absent, Mistress wasn't suspected either," Ava said. "Your creativity was just as strategic as my training." She praised Peter. "More even."
"Really?" Peter raised his eyebrow a bit confused from the sudden praise.
"Going solo paid off, okay?"
" There's still one thing I don't get at all," Peter said as he turned to Coulson. "The tight briefs. Really?"
"I swim," Coulson said sternly as he turned his head.
"Leave the man's underwear alone, Pete, or he'll get short with you." Ava joked as we all laughed while Coulson walked away having quite enough jokes from us.
Does SHIELD have some kind of mind wiper, because I really need that image out of my head.
Don't need to tell me twice. I'll be in SHIELD's laboratory creating a memory potion if you need me.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Until the Flavor's Gone (16/?) (Biadore) - Kitschy Pixel
A/N: So. It’s been awhile, hey there, hi there, and hello. Now, here’s the deal of what is going down. This is not the original chapter 16 that I planned to give you guys and this chapter was not the chapter that I’ve been laboriously toiling away at for… an ungoldly number of months.
What happened was, the original chapter 16 was starting to climb into the 20 page mark. So for the sake of just about everyone, I had to split it up, and for the sake of giving you guys an update – I’m posting it now and I think I can promise you guys that you won’t be waiting another seven months for chapter 17. I hope you all can forgive me. Feel free to wander to my sideblog @kitschypixel and let me hear about it.
In this chapter, Danny deals with where they are now, Roy texts the wrong person, and Shane becomes the only audience to the mess that’s on the horizon – for now.
Warnings for language, sexually suggestive text messages, excessive alcoholism, and everyone’s a tease. Including me.
Chapter 16
In the months following Danny’s return from New York, he and Roy barely spoke. Danny blamed a busy schedule, but there was an inexplicable bitterness that still clung onto his chest that he didn’t want to acknowledge. They’d left on good terms, he reasoned, so it shouldn’t be there.
“It’s that one rejection,” Shane remarked off hand as Danny reclined on his couch and tried to describe said feeling to someone who wasn’t himself, “Not to say that you’re the type to be mad at someone for saying ‘no’ to sex, it’s just the principle of the thing. You’re used to him giving you what you want…”
“Thanks a lot, Jiminy,” Danny drawled out, scowling a little at the thought, “So why do I still care? I mean… we talked about the whole thing. It should be good now.”
“First of all, that wasn’t a moral judgement, so that doesn’t make me your conscience. But, if we’re going to bring it up, I am far more qualified to be one than a cricket – who was horrible at his job to begin with, I might add! – and, my dear Danny, you don’t actually need me to explain to you why you still care, because you already know. You just don’t want to admit just how much you still crave his approval because that’s scary.”
“And you say you’d a better conscience than Jiminy…”
“I would be! Have you even watched that movie? Jiminy was promoted to conscience simply by being at the right place and the right time. Also? I’m right. You just need to listen to me better.”
“I don’t have anything to prove to him.”
“And you are absolutely right, now you just got to believe that.”
Danny started singing When You Wish Upon a Star in response, mumbling over the words that he didn’t know, laughing at Shane’s glare in his direction all the while. The song dissolved into a mess of giggles and Danny curled up on his side, staring off into space for a minute before he pressed his lips together in a tight line.
“You think he’s dating that guy who keeps popping up in his feed?”
“Oh, totally. They are definitely fucking…” Shane tilted his head tapping his fingers against the arm of the chair. “You okay with that?”
“Honestly?” Danny hummed and pressed his fingers to his lip, a ghost of a smile dancing there before he turned back to Shane. “I really am. I mean… good for him, you know?” He waited a moment to see if that bitterness moved from his chest to bleed into what he was saying. There was a slight sense of relief when it didn’t. “Hey… if he can find someone, there’s hope for me, right?”
“There’s hope for us all!” Shane held his arms out wide in a dramatic gesture before grinning and settling back into his seat with a wistful sigh, crinkling his nose a little at nothing in particular. “Is it bad taste to start a betting pool on how long this is going to last?”
“Yup. How much do you have in it?”
“High roller.”
“Let Courtney make out with me on camera in a hot tub and you could be too.”
Shane snorted before he reached over to search for his drink. “Is that your master plan? Peddle thinly veiled soft core lesbian porn as a music video for popularity?”
Danny grinned a bit, “Why not? It worked for Britney and Madonna,” he quipped before he crawled over to the side of the couch that was closer to where Shane was sitting, eyes wide and pout ready. “And it’ll only work if you say ye~es…” He cocked his head to the side and offered a wide grin, “ Come on, You know you want to be a skank with me.”
Shane tapped his chin with a thoughtful expression and his eyes twinkled with mischief before he hummed, “Is it going to be tasteful?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Then I’m in!”
The first text Danny got from Roy was about a week after Jump the Gun made its debut on Youtube, and he was about 90% sure that it wasn’t meant for him.
I’m fucking you so hard when I get there, you asshole.
Maybe 98%. Either way, he was not about to let the opportunity to give Roy shit for something pass, so he carefully considered his response before finally typing out,
Wow. Promise? Let me buy a ticket real quick and I’ll meet you.
There was a predictably long pause and Danny continued to check his phone periodically for the inevitable response. He was getting caught up in a vortex of Youtube hell when his phone finally buzzed beside him. He smirked at the reply.
That wasn’t for you.
Simplistic, definitive, and without further explanation – classic and in no way acceptable. He knew Roy knew it too, because there was a long sigh when Roy answered the follow-up phone call.
“You could have just texted me.”
“And miss hearing your sex voice? No chance in hell,” Danny grinned at the cracks in Roy’s softer than normal words, “Is he still there?”
“No. He just left.”
“Damn. No cuddle clause in your dating arrangements either?”
“Fuck off, we both have work in the morning,” the finality in his voice meant that Danny would have to try a lot harder than usual to pry anything further from him on that particular subject, so he opted not to try tonight. Instead, he let Roy take the lead. “So what’d you need?”
“Nothing, really,” Danny admitted, “Just needed to give you shit. Why does he get dirty text messages and not me?”
“We’re dating.”
“Rude. Does he get all your best dick pics too?” Danny laughed at the repeated ‘fuck off’ before he set his laptop aside to pick at the pilling on his sheets like some nervous school girl. He chewed on his lip before he finally spoke up again, “You know… I kind of missed hearing from you,” he managed. That bitter feeling, the one he’d been toting since he got back home, began to squirm a little, making his heart jump a few times. There was a pause and Danny waited anxiously for some kind of response to fill in the silent spaces. There was an uplifting hitch in the sigh that followed – a kind of half formed chuckle let out in a breath.
“Yeah,” he croaked before clearing his throat, “Shut up,” he remarked, cutting off Danny’s snickering, “Things kind of got… serious. Sorry.”
Danny bit back the snarky ‘no shit’ and kept the flippant ‘I figured’ from rolling off his tongue. Instead, he replied with a blissful, “Don’t be. You actually look happy.”
“And what about you?”
“Me? I’m…” A small smile started to curl as Danny pressed his lips together. He could feel his cheeks burn, which was a bit absurd, but no one was around to see it so he didn’t really care. “Can I get back to you on that?” His voice had pitched higher towards the end and he felt a bit giddy.
“Mmmhm… yeah, sure. Just enjoy yourself, kid.”
“Oh gross, don’t do that. It makes you sound old.”
The serenity broke with a cackle and Danny could hear the smile through the phone, “Fucking bitch.”
They chatted lightly before the conversation slowly petered out and left them with nothing left than to say ‘goodbye’. When they hung up, Danny shifted a few time, pressing his fingers just below his sternum to settle the butterflies that began to rustle around in his gut as he stared at his phone and opened up a freshly saved contact from the other night.
It was easy to talk to Roy when everything was fine. They didn’t talk everyday (they didn’t have time) but when they did it was nice. It was normal.
When things became decidedly less fine and then spiraled down into absolutely miserable for Danny, talking to Roy wasn’t easy anymore. In fact, Danny found it downright agonizing. That leftover bit of bitterness that held onto his chest for months – the one that didn’t grow or begin to bite, just sat there benign but incredibly present – felt like it had lumped and hardened. He’d stopped following him on social media. Just for now. So it wouldn’t get worse and turn to jealousy as he saw Roy still be happy.
Hey, are you okay?
Danny hadn’t replied for fear of lying – or worse, telling the absolute truth and having Roy try desperately to turn it into a joke to make him smile. Instead, he clung to Shane in some kind of blind desperation to stay emotionally afloat. So far, it was allowed and led to Danny, curled up pathetically on Shane’s couch, consistently losing track of the drink that he never put down to begin with.
But Shane was beginning to start to grow a little weary from playing babysitter as he watched his friend stumble from the casual drinking, into the deeper the pits of alcoholism and whatever else Danny was finding comfort in these days. Don’t judge, he reminded himself, you’re not his moral compass. This had become his mantra whenever they spent time together.
He nudged Danny with his foot to see if he’d passed out yet. There was a drowsy ‘mmmm?’ in response.
“You know, he’s been asking me about you. He almost seems worried. It’s… weird.”
“Who?” Danny muttered as he tried to blink himself into some kind of semblance of consciousness.
“Your long distance husband.”
“Ugh…” He would have rolled his eyes if the thought of it hadn’t made him feel dizzy. “Shut up… we never acted married.”
“By whose definition?” Shane challenged. It wasn’t fair. Danny was at least six drinks ahead of Shane, which made it harder for him to argue. He settled on a weak ‘we didn’t’ as he tried to throw a decorative pillow at Shane and missed. Shane stared at the offending pillow for a minute before picking it up and holding it to his chest, looking thoughtful as he replied, “Well I would say ‘dad’… but given your history, that’s a bit gross.”
Danny erupted in what was probably his first giggle fit of the evening as he scrunched up his face and exclaimed a long, drawn out ‘ewwww’ and Shane replied in kind with a grimace, “Though I suppose making the comparison of spouse and parent similar is concerning within itself….”
“Oh my god, shut up…” Danny groaned as Shane quipped something about if Roy were there, he’d make a joke about it being kinky. He mimed gagging before waving his arms to try to get Shane to cease talking. “Ugh! No! All of that! No to all fucking that!” Danny flopped back and pressed his palms into his eyes, thinking the conversation was over before it was finally placed back on the tracks it’d derailed from when Shane quietly asked,
“So what do I tell him?”
“Huh?” Danny squinted a little as he tried to remember what they were talking about before he sighed heavily and rolled his eyes up towards the ceiling, “Oh… right… fuck.” He wiped his hand across his eyes before waving the whole thing off. “I’m fine.”
With a quiet, ‘right, okay’, Shane let the subject drop. His hands fidgeted for a moment before he finally picked up his phone, the wheels turning in his head a fraction slower, but still enough for him to start a plan.
I think I’m going to need your help soon.
He hit send and waited, tapping short nails on the back of his phone as he watched Danny just curl up on himself, trying to cocoon into his jacket without much luck. The minutes rolled by before finally, there was a reply.
What’s going on?
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Hi, I’m looking for any sterek fic where either of them (by preferably Stiles) have anxiety... lately I’ve been trying to deal with my own anxiety and it’s been bringing me down... thought reading some sterek might help. Thanks!
xjustfandomx said:Hi my anxiety has been acting up recently and it’s made me cancel plans with friends because of panic attacks caused by me thinking about the worst possible things that can happen. I don’t feel like my friends and family understand can you rec some anxiety fics of Stiles with some supportive friends And family , preferably Sterek but honestly I don’t care as long as it’s fluffy. Thank you.
I’m sorry you’re struggling. Hopefully these help! - Anastasia
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If Tomorrow Never Comes by gryvon
(1/1 I 6,713 I Explicit I Steter)
Stiles should know better than to trust an offer that seems too good to be true, especially when it comes from Erica. He’s supposed to be staying in Erica and Boyd’s apartment, not this stupidly ridiculous Hale Pack mansion with Sentinel Prime Peter Hale, who Stiles has an enormous crush on.
1. On the loose by brokxnharry
(1/1 I 11,394 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles is a diagnostic genius but when it comes to Derek, all the medicine in the world doesn’t seem to help. Stiles seems to be failing in everything, being a husband, being a doctor, just - being.
Unsaid the Word by aerialiste
(2/2 I 20,696 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek Hale, Stiles thought, indignant, was a goddamned scholiastic menace.
In which tenure-track Professor Derek Hale is polite and friendly to Stiles Stilinski, ABD, every year at the academic conference they both attend; and Stiles tries to be contented with pining after him—until after one night at a bar, far too many doubles, and some injudicious texting, thanks to his total inability to know when to stop talking, Stiles just may have ruined everything.
Only he saw. by obsessedbutonline
(28/? I 42,526 I Teen I Steter)
When the pack stopped telling him about meetings, Stiles laughed. It wasn’t surprising that they forgot to update his number when their phones kept getting destroyed by the monster of the week…right? They just forgot. That happened. All the time! Too often. When the pack stopped giving excuses for forgetting, a deserving prickle of fear and trepidation etched its way into his heart, making his usually cocky and brave smile falter and leave. Only when they weren’t watching. When they went out of their way to stop him going to meetings, he stopped smiling altogether. Only where they couldn’t see. But it’s fine, right? He was part of a family that loved him and just wanted to keep him safe…right?But when Derek used the door instead of the window to get into Stile’s house, as small and insignificant a fact that may be, he accepted that something was wrong.
We’re Just Broken by jazzstille
(11/11 I 100,440 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Stiles always knew his days were numbered. I mean, what do you expect from a teenager with dementia, right? But his days become more numbered than ever when after finding out he has cancer, that he wants no stone unturned, especially with Derek. As he ties up the loose ends before the last of his days, he is also helping a young werewolf they recruited to the pack learn his way, and also insuring that his missing piece from the pack will be replaced.
The Undisclosed by Taila_Tai
(26/26 I 101,431 I Teen I Sterek)
For once the pack doesn’t panic when a new hunter arrives. The gleefully sadistic man has labelled himself a collector of all things rare in the supernatural world and wants one of the rarest creatures; a werefox. Content that the pack is safe, the wolves focus on why their human member is acting so strange, ignoring the fact that Stiles only started once learning who the man wanted… 
What We Called Love by jadore_hale
(8/8 I 105,140 I Explicit I Sterek)
He’d guessed that if Derek wasn’t paying him for the sex, then he was obviously paying him for the conversation. So Stiles made it a point to talk and never stop. Stiles rambled and Derek sometimes listened. Stiles shouted about X-Men and porn in fancy restaurants, and Derek sometimes grunted in response. Every now and then, Derek would even look up from his phone and make eye contact and blink, which Stiles would always take as a positive and real acknowledgment to his existence. And they never had sex. Not ever. No matter how badly Stiles wanted them to, and he wanted them to, oh so badly.
Stiles Stilinski has been Derek Hale’s sugar baby for the last three years, and just can’t understand why the man pays him so much damn money.
Or the one where Danny is Miley Cyrus, Dylan Sprouse, Justin Beiber, and Kanye West all in one.
Born to Make History by CharWright5
(18/19 I 149,100 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles Stilinski thought he was finished with figure skating for life. Until a video of him performing a routine by his childhood idol, Derek Hale, goes viral and the man himself shows up at Stiles’ family’s bed-n-breakfast insisting on being his coach.
AKA a Sterek/ Yuri!!! On Ice fusion that no one really asked for.
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eastoaksdalestreet · 7 years
Chapter 5
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Glenda Mitchell had recently moved to Albert Square upon hearing the news that her ex husband Archie had been murdered, the murderer, unbeknown to everyone, was Stacey Branning whom he raped the year before. Glenda believed that she was his wife but Peggy and her girls had thought otherwise. She had missed her girls and wanted a relationship with them but they didn't want to know, believing that she had deliberately abandoned them.
She hadn't got herself acquainted with anyone yet but she had liked the look of the male population and she was determined that she would get her hands on one of them.
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As she continued cooking, she glanced at her phone and saw a text of “Danny” and sighed heavily. She did think about getting back to him but decided not too at the moment. She wanted to settle down first. She thought about Ronnie and Roxy and decided to have a word with them, she knew there was a possibility they would reject her but she was willing to take that risk.
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Jackson Walsh had recently moved to Emmerdale with his mother Hazel, he had instantly made friends with both Adam Barton and Aaron Livesy, the latter whom he was secretly attracted too. Aaron had been on his mind constantly since he arrived and he wanted the opportunity to get to know him. That night while Hazel had gone to the woolpack, he dialled Aarons number.
“Hey Aaron, I was wondering if you was free this weekend.” He said, Aaron paused for a moment but then he said,
“Sure what time?” He asked and Jackson smiled to himself,
“8:00 at the cinema.”
“Ok, Ill tell Paddy to feed Clyde.”
Jackson was delighted with the result, he couldn't wait for Saturday.
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Glenda walked into the Vic, sure enough Roxy and Ronnie were not happy to see her.
“What do you want?” Roxy snapped, clutching a glass of vodka, Glenda sighed heavily,
“Ive come to talk.” Glenda said and Roxy scoffed,
“Talk? Talk? Its far to late for that!” She shouted, coming from behind the bar. Glenda looked at her younger daughter,
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“You walked out on us when we needed you the most! When you left our lives, you left us for good! I might not be mother of the year myself but I've been there for Amy since day one!” Roxy shouted, while Ronnie, who had returned from a workout looked on. Amy was sitting on the floor playing with her teddy while Glenda felt her temper rise,
“Do you have any idea how hurt I was when I left you, watching your dad manipulate Ronnie, take her baby away and I couldn't do anything about it! Your dad was a monster and I couldn't bare it seeing what he was doing to you both. I missed you every single day and I wanted to come back and take you both away but I couldn't!” She shouted and she walked out, bursting into tears.
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Glenda continued walking up the street till she reached Emmerdale, her feet hurt her and she knew she had walked a long time but she needed to clear her head.
“You alright love?” John called out and Glenda looked up,
“Yeah Ive just been walking.” She said with a sniff and John, taking pity on her, allowed her inside. Hannah and Adam watched as Glenda walked in, wondering who she was.
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Moira watched as Glenda sat beside her,
“Hello, you ok?” She asked as she saw Glenda’s tear stained face. Glenda nodded,
“Just a family argument. It will blow over soon.” Glenda said sadly as Adam gave her a cup of tea. She found that she was revelling in the sympathy that the Bartons were giving her, particularly John and Adam. When she left later that day, she decided that either man she wanted to see again.
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The next day, John, who was still concerned about Glenda and her state of mind, got her address from her neighbour and decided to see if she was ok. He waited for her to come to the door and she came downstairs, she smiled when she saw him,
“Hello John.” She said and He nodded,
“Just come to see if your alright.” He said and she smiled,
“Thank you. I do feel better. Its nice to know that people care.” She said and John nodded.
“Anytime you need someone to talk too, were always here for you.” And he left and Glenda watched, grinning to herself.
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Abi Branning was doing her homework on her front garden, the weather was warm and there was a festival in the square but she couldn't go because she was too young and she had school the next day. She often complained about her life as she wanted to do well but the fact her parents had split up and her sister was often causing trouble, she found it hard. She loved her family despite their faults and wished that she could make them proud, she looked out at the festival and sighed. She knew that Lauren had snuck out to attend but still hadn't said anything and had told Tanya that she was staying at a friends. As she headed back inside, she vowed to make a good go of her life.
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John was attending the festival with Peter and Andy who was having a drink in the background, Moira was working late and the kids had gone to their friends. He was having a good time and felt slightly tipsy while Peter danced with pearl who was in attendance.
It was then Glenda arrived and she saw John and spoke to him,
“Hello Stranger.” She said jovially and He smiled,
“Hey you ok?” He asked and she nodded as she sipped her drink,
“I'm fine and I'm having fun!” She called out, she was already drunk.
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Suddenly she pulled him towards her and kissed him and he did nothing to stop her. He was flattered by her attention but he felt bad all the same. Peter, who had watched what happened, said to Glenda,
“Listen Love hes married. Go away.” He said and Glenda walked off with a satisfied smirk on her face.
“What were you thinking?” Peter said to John who looked down. “Your supposed to be solid with Moira.” John didn't say a word and decided to head home.
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Steve and Becky McDonald were in charge of the Rovers Return, Liz was away till the afternoon so they had the place to themselves and they revelled in it and there was another reason to celebrate: Amy, Steve’s daughter was going to become a McDonald. They were due to have a visit from the social worker and Becky was nervous.
“Stop fretting will ya? Youll be fine!” Steve said and Becky looked at him with fear in her eyes,
“I sure hope so, I love Amy like shes my own.” She replied and Steve rubbed her shoulder,
“Everything will all work out.” He said softly and they embraced.
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The day after the drunken kiss and the realisation that Glenda had played him, John decided to pay her a visit, he was hungover and angry by her games and he stood waiting for her, she said smugly,
“Knew you couldn't stay away.”
“Listen Lady you may have other people fooled but last night you played me like a fool!” He shouted and Glenda scoffed,
“Didn't stop you putting your tongue down my throat did it!” Glenda yelled back,
“So unless you want me to tell your darling wife what happened I suggest you come clean first or I will!” She shouted and she saw the fear in Johns eyes.
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“You keep away from me and my family!” John shouted and he walked away, the guilt hanging over him more than ever.
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Ronnie was in the kitchen looking after Amy for Roxy who had been helping in the bookies, she was expecting to see Jack later that day, he had a surprise for her.
“You spoken to Mum?” Ronnie asked and Roxy shook her head,
“No way.” She said and Ronnie knew not to ask anymore.
Roxy picked up Amy and took her to her bedroom, jack was Amys father and Ronnie often thought why she had forgiven him for cheating on her with own sister but she loved him so much and would forgive him anything.
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John was milking the cows as his mind was all over the place, he feared that Glenda would twist things and Moira would believe it was an affair. He felt sick and wished the ground would swallow him whole. The kids had gone out and he had time to think about confessing, it didn't help that Cain had threatened to tell Moira himself as he had also been at the festival that night and saw the whole thing. Just as John finished, Moira called him in,
“John can I have a word please?” She called and John stood up and headed into the house.
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Moira was sitting on the sofa her arms were folded and her face was unhappy, John feared the worst,
“Glenda spoke to me today.” She said in a low voice and John nodded,
“She tells me you and her had a moment at the festival in Albert Square, did it happen John? Did you kiss her?” She asked, her voice was breaking and John slowly nodded. Moira didn't say anything for a moment then she leapt up in anger.
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“How could you do this to me?! I didn't come to the festival because I was ill!! It wasn't out of spite! You and that old slapper behind my back?!” She shouted as she took deep breaths. John sighed,
“I was drunk Moira, I didn't know what I was doing, there is no one Id rather be with other than you!” John shouted back and Moira sat at the kitchen table.
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“I cant believe you went behind my back and kissed another woman and I bet you would've slept with her if you had the chance.” Moira said and she felt the tears start forming in her eyes as she blinked them away, John felt ever so guilty as he went to cuddle her but she pushed him away and stood up.
“I'm going to work.” She snapped and headed out the door while John watched her go.
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Billie and Whitney were in the playground near the flats, it was their special place and Whitney cherished every moment she spent with him. Billie was a nice person who although rebelled from time to time, had his heart in the right place.
“You fancy going out this weekend?” she asked as they walked in front of the block of flats and Billie sighed,
“I cant babe. I'm already out with mates, maybe another time eh?” he said as he pulled her for a kiss, Whitney kissed him back and they headed home hand in hand.
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Moira was working her shift at the woolpack, there was hardly any customers and the fact that Glenda was in with Carol, whom she had recently made friends with, didn't help the situation. It was then she realised the full extent of what John and Glenda had done. She made an excuse to Diane that she wasn't well and walked out but she didn't go home.
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Michelle was watching television with Ryan when the front door went, sighing heavily she paused the program and opened the door to find an upset Moira,
“Moira, whats happened? Are you ok? Moira?” Michelle asked and slowly Moira broke down and Michelle put her arm round her, Ryan headed upstairs while Kirk, who had popped in to retrieve the mobile he left behind, headed quickly out.
“John kissed another woman and nearly slept with her.” Moira sobbed and Michelle sighed heavily.
“What a bloody idiot, what did he do that for?” She asked and Moira wiped her eyes,
“He says he was drunk and that Glenda threw herself at him.”
“Oh Moira. Look you can stay here tonight and tomorrow go home and talk to him.” She said softly as Moira cried silently.
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Jack Branning called the Mitchells into the living room and Ronnie was intrigued by what he was about to do. Peggy couldn't contain her excitement nor could Roxy, Phil sat with no expression,
“Ive called you all here because I have a question for a certain beautiful lady whom I want to spend the rest of my life with.” Jack announced before getting down on his knees and producing a small box from his coat pocket,
“Ronnie Mitchell will you marry me?” He asked and Ronnie and the mitchells gasped.
“Yes I will.” She said softly as Jack put the ring on her finger while the mitchells congratulated the happy couple, feeling that they were finally back on track.
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Adam watched as John cleaned out the cows and felt an urge to strangle him for the upset he had caused Moira. The fact that he was avoiding her rather than talk to her was annoying and the fact that Moira was now distressed the past few days was hard for Adam to watch. “Dad why don’t you talk to Mum? She’s upset.” He said as he came over to help, John sighed heavily, the guilt was unbearable, he had made a mistake, a meaningless mistake and Moira wasn’t hearing him out. “I will talk to her when she calms down, I tried speaking to her yesterday but she pushed me away.” John said sadly, Adam rolled his eyes. When the work was done, John stood up. “I’m going for a bath, watch the barn for me.” He said and he headed to the farm, “Well that’s one way to sort your problems out. When in doubt go for a bath.” Adam mumbled sarcastically before finishing his fathers work.
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Moira was milking one of the cows, the hurt that she had been feeling the past to days was still in her mind and though she wanted to move on, she kept getting unpleasant visions that she found impossible to shift. After she finished milking the cows, she decided to head up for a bath, unaware that it was already occupied.
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When Moira headed up she realised that the bathroom was occupied and sighed angrily then she saw that the door was slightly open and she saw that John was in there and decided to have a sneak peak of him washing himself, she used to do it when they were younger and knew that John used to do the same to her. She watched as he ran the hot water over his chest, stomach and back and knew he washing down below and bit her lip as she watched him. He started relaxing and resting his head on edge of the bath, feeling his eyes close.
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Moira slowly walked in and caressed Johns wet chest and stomach causing John to wake up and look at Moira who was smiling at him. John smiled back and realised he had been forgiven, he passionately kissed Moira and got out of the bath and began undressing her, getting her wet, he then picked her up and took her to the bedroom, he had entered her already and the pleasure that was rising between them caused them to get on the floor. John moved inside her and her moans of pleasure echoed and they felt relived that the kids were outside and couldn't hear them. Their moans of pleasure got louder as John got harder and faster before finally ejaculating and collapsing beside her, he picked her up and lay her in bed.
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“I love you babe.” He whispered, “Ill never hurt you again I promise.” Moira smiled at him as she fell asleep, while John cuddled up to her and nibbled her earlobe, their love enveloping them.
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Deidre Barlow was organising the return of her mother Blanche from Portugal and was enlisting the help of Liz, her best friend.
“Bet your excited to see Blanche aren't you?” Liz said with a smile and Deidre said,
“Yeah it will have done her some good, she said that she had so much to tell us, she stayed on longer because of her friend breaking her leg so hopefully things are ok now.”
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Deidre watched Ken cook the hot dogs and smiled at him, pleased that he had made a huge effort for Blanche’s homecoming, Amy and Simon were playing upstairs excited to see their Nanny Blanche and hoping for presents.
However When peter went to go and collect her, she wasn't there.
“She better have a flipping good excuse!” Deidre said furiously as Ken went to call the hotel where Blanche was.
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Ken was on the phone for half an hour and his face fell as he was talking to the son of Blanche’s friend and after he ended the call, he went to Deidre.
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*Deidre, there is no easy way to tell you” Ken said softly, holding her hands, “Blanche is dead.”
Deidre looked dumbfounded and then the tears started running,
“What happened?” She asked
“She was found this morning having died in her sleep, shes gonna be flown home tomorrow, it appears that her friend left Portugal months ago.” Ken explained and Deidre was inconsolable as she told Peter and Leanne and Liz.
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Later that afternoon after telling John and Andy about Blanche’s death, Peter came home with Leanne, Leanne was in her second trimester and couldn't wait to meet the baby, who was gonna be a girl. Leanne loved the idea she was gonna have a daughter and in light of Blanche’s death, decided to give her the middle name of Blanche.
“I cant believe shes gone, she had so much fighting spirit.” Peter said sadly while a devastated Simon went to his room. Leanne rubbed his arm,
“I know babe. She will have the best send off money can buy.” She said and she kissed him as they headed into the flat.
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The funeral took place on Sunday and everyone was saddened by the loss of a woman who never had any fear and told it like it was. After the funeral, Moira and John went upstairs, Holly had gone to the cinema while Hannah and Adam were in their beds asleep.
“Poor Blanche and I feel so awful for Deidre bless her.” Moira said sadly and John rubbed her arm,
“I had to stay with Peter, particularly after the drama with Tracy. She's a nightmare.” John exclaimed as he began undressing, Moira nodded sadly as she did the same.
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Peggy was upstairs in the Vic, feeling happy with the turn of events that had happened with Ronnie and Jack and was pleased that Ronnie was having some happiness after everything she had been through with Danielle's death and Archie and the misery he caused her. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door, it was well past closing time and she headed downstairs, hoping not to encounter a burglar. She didn't.
It was Sam, her only daughter.
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Peggy was lost for words as she believed that Sam was still in prison and she was further shocked to see that Sam was heavily pregnant.
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Aaron and Jackson had finished their date at the cinema and they had a good time, they enjoyed each others company and they liked each other a lot.
“I enjoyed tonight.” Aaron admitted and Jackson smiled,
“So did I.” Jackson said,
“You can come round soon and meet Paddy, My mum and Clyde the dog.” Aaron suggested and Jackson smiled,
“Great and you can meet my mum. Youll love her.” Jackson said with a laugh and Aaron nodded. They looked at each other for a few moments and they slowly leaned in on each other before locking lips tenderly, wrapping their arms around each other.
When they broke apart Jackson said goodbye and Aaron waited for Paddy to arrive, then he saw two people outside the cinema and looked at them more closely as he recognised them.
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It was Holly and Billie and they were kissing each other, Aaron was shocked as he knew that Billie was seeing Whitney. Billie headed home while Holly watched him leave before she headed back into the cinema, Aaron secretly followed her and saw her head into the toilets, he looked through a gap in the door.
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He was shocked when he saw her take out a small bag containing what looked like white powder, she lay some on the counter and snorted, pinching her nose while Aaron looked in Shock.
The question was...
What was he going to do???
End of Chapter.
Next time- Hollys addiction escalates causing friction for the Bartons, Leanne goes into labour and Carol makes a friend while the Mcqueens start a feud with the Mitchells.
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snapadoodlez · 7 years
12th Doctor series playlists: series 8 & ‘Last Christmas’
Here is the final playlist I’ve made in my Twelfth Doctor series playlist collection (until the 2017 Christmas Special, that is). This one is for Peter’s very first season as Twelve: Series 8 and ‘Last Christmas’.  Similar to my other playlists, it’s organized so that the listener can (more-or-less) relive the story by listening to it from beginning to end.  
The Spotify link can be found here:  https://open.spotify.com/user/sirenssongs/playlist/3edfNpeuti7HQDR1xcrYCt
As in Series 8, the emotional arcs here are Clara & Twelves’s new dynamic, Clara & Danny’s relationship, Twelve’s self-discovery, and the new Twissy chapter in the on-going doctor/master saga. Fair warning: this is the most heavily“Broadway” out of the Twelve Series playlists, but I think it works for re-telling the story.
I’ve included the full track-list and guide below the “Keep Reading” line. I know I’m going to miss Peter dreadfully, so hopefully this’ll be a nice easy way relive his incredible run as The Doctor. I’ll probably do an embedded version later and a master-post with all the ‘Twelve’ playlists soon:  In the meantime, enjoy!
*Note:  I realize the last song, “When You’re Home”, also starts out the s9 playlist: I thought it bridged the gap between the two really well, and I couldn’t decide where to put it. So both playlists it is! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1. Sparks - The Who
“Any moment now, he’s a coming… but times change, and so must I.” “I think it’s going to be a whopper.”
2. Why Can’t the English? - My Fair Lady 
“Have you regenerated? I remember you. You're Handles. You used to be a little robot head, and now...you've really let yourself go.”
“Why do you keep talking like that? What's gone wrong with your accent? You sound the same. It's spreading. You all sound all English. Now you've all developed a fault.”
“Oh no, that's good... I'm Scottish… I can complain about things, I can really complain about things.” 
3. Just You Wait - My Fair Lady
“No. Don't. Don't smile. I will smile first and then you know it's safe to smile.” “Are you cross with me?” “I am not cross. But if I was cross it would be your fault and. Yes, I am cross.”
“Nothing is more important than my egomania.”
4. Poor Baby – Company
“Well, if neither of us placed that ad, who placed that ad?”
Missy plays matchmaker. * 
*In my head for this song, she’s droning on and on about the Doctor’s loneliness to Seb. Oh Seb... you sassy Interface... how I miss you.
5. I Don’t Know His Name - She Loves Me
“The Doctor regenerated in your presence. The young man disappeared, the veil lifted. He trusted you. Are you judging him?” “I am not sure who you think you're talking to right now, Madam Vastra, but I have never had the slightest interest in pretty young men... Just because my pretty face has turned your head, do not assume that I am so easily distracted.”
“When did you stop wearing your veil?” “When you stopped seeing it.”
6. Nobody Knows You (When You’re Down and Out) - Leslie Odom Jr.
“You look at me, and you can't see me. Have you any idea what that's like? Please, just see me.”
7. Something There - Beauty and the Beast
“Thank you.” “For what?” “Phoning.”
“I..I don't think that I'm a hugging person now.” “I'm not sure you get a vote.”
8. Roll Away Your Stone - Mumford & Sons
“Clara, be my pal and tell me... am I a good man?”
9. Mix Tape - Avenue Q
“Er… are you going to the leaving thing tonight for Cathy?” 
“Um……No, I'm not.” 
“Oh, okay, never mind.” 
“Good night.” 
“Change your mind…I'm going… I'll give you a lift. Why not?” 
10. Tonight At Eight - She Loves Me
“Are you going to look that terrified when you take me out for a drink?” “I… I absolutely promise I won't.” “Play your cards right and you might.”
11. Tango Tragique - She Loves Me
“I am trying to have a date. A real life, inter-human actual date! It's a normal nice, everyday, meeting-up sort of thing. And I would just like to know, is there any other way you can make this any more surreal than it already is?”
“I made a joke.” “A not-funny joke.” “Yeah, well, do you know what I'm making now?” “A fuss?” “An exit.” 
12. Ice Cream (Reprise) - She Loves Me
“Hello. I'm Clara Oswald. I'm a bit tricky, sometimes a bit up myself, but I think that's basically everything you need to worry about.”
“Hello.  I’m...I’m sorry.”
 “Also, I mouth off when I'm nervous and I've got a mouth on me. Seriously, it's got a mind of its own. I’m really worried it wants to go solo.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t say anything.  Or say something nice.”
13. Valley Forge (Demo) - Lin-Manuel Miranda (The Hamilton Mixtape)
"You loved the army.” "Yep. And then one day I didn't.” 
“When did you get to become so wise?” “Same way as anyone else. I had a really bad day.”
Danny has memories he’d rather forget.
14. An Open Letter (feat. Shockwave) - Watsky (The Hamilton Mixtape)
“Look, take him away. Shut him up, shut him down. Up or down, it doesn't matter to me. I've got a lot of work to do. Again. “ “Will you be okay?” "Why wouldn't I be okay? I was fine till you two blundered in.”
"How stupid do you think I am?” 
"I'm willing to put a number on it.” 
“Well, is there anything I can do?” 
“Yes. Yes, and this is very, very important. Leave us alone!”
“When this is all over, you can finish the job.”  “How do you mean?”  “Well, you've explained me to him. You haven't explained him to me.”
15. Enough - In The Heights
“Now, Time Lords, do you salute those?” “Definitely not...And you can get out of my Tardis!” “Immediately, sir.” “Doctor, this is stupid, this is unfair!”
“Do you love him?”
“Really had enough with the lies.”
“Not in that way.”
“If he ever pushes you too far, I want you to tell me, because I know what that's like. You'll tell me if that happens, yeah?” “Yeah, it's a deal.” “No. It's a promise.” “Okay. I promise.” 
Clara is soooo over it.  And so is Danny.
16. Sunrise - In The Heights
“I am so…” 
“I know.” 
“And I just get nervous.” 
“Me too.” 
“I don't even know what I'm nervous of…”
“I'll show you. So, listen. If you listen to nothing else, listen to this...” 
17. Ain’t It Fun – Paramore
“There are moments in every civilization's history in which the whole path of that civilization is decided... Whatever future humanity might have depends upon the choice that is made right here and right now... Kill it. Or let it live. I can't make this decision for you.”
18. Get Gone - Fiona Apple
Don't you dare lump me in with the rest of all the little humans that you think are so tiny and silly and predictable. You walk our Earth, Doctor, you breathe our air. And you can damn well help us when we need it. 
Go on. You can clear off. Get back in your lonely, your lonely bloody Tardis and you don't come back. 
19. There’s a Fine, Fine Line - Avenue Q
“I'm done, I'm done. I am finished with it...It's over. I'm finished with him, and I told him that. What is that face for? Why don't you believe me?” “Because you're still angry. You can never finish with anyone while they can still make you angry.” 
20. A Hymn To Him - My Fair Lady
“No, that was me allowing you to make a choice about your own future. That was me respecting you.” “Oh, my God, really? Was it? Yeah, well, respected is not how I feel.” “Right... Okay...”
“Human emotions are confusing.” - Twelve (probably)*
*Note: for the purposes of this playlist, you can just replace “woman” with “human” and “man” with “timelord” for this song (Henry Higgins’  many issues in My Fair Lady is a discussion for another day);  For all it’s faults,  I can’t think of another song that exemplifies the whole “emotions confuse me” vibe as well as this one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
21. The Party’s Over - Leslie Odom Jr.
“I just thought this would be a good one to...” 
“To end it. Yeah. It is. It's a good choice. A good one to end on.”
22. Don’t Wait Too Long - Tony Bennett
“To our last hurrah.” “Our last, yeah. I mean, it's not like I'm never going to see you again.” “Isn't it?” “Is it?” “I thought that's what you wanted.”
23. Style - Taylor Swift
“Was that Danny? What did he want?” “He's fine with it.” “Sorry..?” “Danny. He's fine with the idea of me and you knocking about... Oh, to hell with the last hurrah. Let's keep going...I've had a wobble. It's a big wobble, but it's fine... Now, shut up and give me some planets.”
“You can't really tell if something's an addiction till you try and give it up.”
24. You’ll Be Back – Hamilton
“Now, that was surprising. And I love surprises.”
Missy anticipates her return.
25. I Think I’m In Love With You - Jessica Simpson
“Okay, before all of that. Before all of the stuff That I did wrong… I love you.” 
“Danny, I love you. And you are the last person who's ever going to hear me say that.”
26. Without You – Rent
“It's a terrible thing. Just a terrible, terrible thing.” “It wasn't terrible...It was boring.” “Boring?” “It was ordinary. People just kept walking with their iPods and their shopping bags. He was alive, and then he was dead and it was nothing. Like stepping off a bus.” “He deserved better. And so did you.” “I don't deserve anything. Nobody deserves anything. But I am owed better. I am owed.”
27. No Good Deed – Wicked
“Danny Pink. Is dead.” “And?” “And fix it. Change it. Change what happened. Save him. Bring him back.”
“One last chance. And I don't care about the rules, I don't give a damn about paradoxes. Save Danny. Bring him back or I swear you will never step inside your TARDIS again.” 
28. Blank Space - Taylor Swift
“Hello. I hope you're well. How may I assist you with your death?”
“Who are you?” “You know who I am. I told you. You felt it. Surely you did.” “Two hearts.” “And both of them yours.”
“Oh, you know who I am. I'm Missy.” “Who's Missy?” “Please, try to keep up. Short for Mistress. Well, I couldn't very well keep calling myself the Master, now could I?”
29. Coin-Operated Boy - The Dresden Dolls
 “You see, Doctor? The power to slaughter whole worlds at a time, then make them do a safety briefing. Everyone who ever lived, man, woman and child, is now at my command. An indestructible army to rage across the universe. The more they kill, the more they recruit. Happy birthday.”
“All of this. All of it, just to give me an army?” “Well, I don't need one, do I? Armies are for people who think they're right. And nobody thinks they're righter than you. Give a good man firepower, and he'll never run out of people to kill.”
“Why are you doing this?” “I need you to know we're not so different. I need my friend back.” 
30. Who Am I? - Les Misérables
“I really didn't know. I wasn't sure. You lose sight sometimes. Thank you! I am not a good man! I am not a bad man. I am not a hero. And I'm definitely not a president. And no, I'm not an officer. Do you know what I am? I am an idiot, with a box and a screwdriver. Just passing through, helping out, learning. I don't need an army. I never have, because I've got them. Always them. Because love, it's not an emotion. Love is a promise.  And he will never hurt her.” 
31. History Has Its Eyes On You – Hamilton
“This is not a good day. This is Earth's darkest hour. And look at you miserable lot. We are the Fallen. But today, we shall rise. The army of the dead will save the land of the living. This is not the order of a general, nor the whim of a lunatic. This is a promise. The promise of a soldier!”
32. Unworthy of Your Love – Assassins
“Ten zero eleven, zero zero by zero two” “What did you say?” “The current coordinates of Gallifrey. It's returned to it's original location. Didn't you ever think to look?” “You are lying!” “We can, we can go together, just you and me. Just like the old days.” “You'd be clapped in irons.” “If you like.”
“Seriously. Oh, Doctor. To save her soul? But who, my dear, will save yours? Say something nice. Please?” “You win.” “I know.”
33. For Good – Wicked
“Me and Danny, we are going to be fine. Don't you worry. You go home. Go home. Go be a king or something.” “Yeah, I might do that.” “Or queen, you know. Whatever.” “Yeah, queen, that would be good too.”
“Doctor? Travelling with you made me feel really special. Thank you for that. Thank you for making me feel special.” “Thank you for exactly the same.”
Last Christmas
34. Little Saint Nick – The Beach Boys
“Hello? Doctor? You know it can't end like that. What do you want for Christmas?”
Here comes Santa Claus.
35. One Last Time – Hamilton
“Five minutes. You can miss me for five minutes a day. And you'd better do it properly. You'd better be sad. I expect my five. But all the rest of the time, Clara, all the rest of the time, every single second, you just get the hell on with it. Clear?”
“...When I wake up, you won't be there.” 
“Do you know why people get together at Christmas? Because every time they do, it might be the last time. Every Christmas is last Christmas, and this is ours... But now it's time to wake up.” 
36. When You’re Home – In The Heights
“No one ever matched up to Danny, eh?” “There was one other man, but that would never have worked out.” “Why not?” “He was impossible.” 
“The TARDIS is outside.” “So?” “So, all of time and all of space is sitting out there. A big blue box. Please, don't even argue.” 
“Merry Christmas, Doctor.” “Merry Christmas, Clara Oswald.”
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Broken Hearts and Sarcasm | Part Two
•Teen Wolf | AU (where Cora stays in touch with everyone) •Stora (StilesxCora)
Terra gathered her daughter Malia and Cora into her car four minutes and forty-three seconds after Cora had told her. Malia was a little ten year old; the daughter of Peter and Terra born just a few months before the fire. Terra had taken Malia to live with her after the fire and Malia hadn't seen her father other than over Skype calls. She was still half asleep as her mother went over a hundred miles an hour through shortcuts to get them to Beacon Hills. Cora had become friends with her cousin during her stay with Terra, and Terra finding out someone important to Cora was hurt, the alpha wanted to make sure her daughter's family was okay as well. Cora chewed her lip as discreetly as she could, staring out the window and every couple of minutes, checking her phone for news. As Terra's electric blue Shelby Cobra screeched into the parking lot and rotated into a place, Terra herself looked at the young beta. “Who is he?”
Cora stared out the window, jaw clenched as she watched the doors. “He's a friend.”
“Cora, I've seen you with friends. This boy means more to you than that, and I think even you know it.” The brunette brushed some curled bangs from her face, Hazel eyes drifting from the doors back to her ex-husband's niece. “You go. Malia and I will be there shortly.”
The beta looked at the alpha for a moment and was moving before she gave herself conscious permission. She rushed up to the surgical floor, almost screeching to a halt as she came across the massive group in a corner by the window. Scott sat beside Allison, their hands linked. Isaac was against the far wall beside a girl Cora didn't recognize. Lydia was sitting between Aiden and Ethan, the latter twin holding Danny's hand. Stiles' dad paced the area, between the chairs on either side. Her brother leaned against the window, and her uncle leaned against the corner just behind him. Peter was first to notice, shoving his shoulders off the wall and opening his arms. Cora didn't hesitate to go to him, holding him close.
“Cora,” Noah Stilinski said, walking over as the girl released her uncle. “Peter said he'd called you.”
Cora nodded. “My aunt drove me here. Please don't ask how many laws she broke, we were in a rush.” she replied. “How is he?”
“Last we heard, he'd lost a lot of blood. They took him in to stitch him up.”
“Sheriff, what happened?” Cora asked.
“We don't know. From the looks of it, he swerved to miss something in the road and lost control.” Stiles’ dad replied. His tone matched Cora's thinking; Stiles didn't just lose control, it wasn't like him when he drove. “I've got my best people on it because I have to be here. Everyone keeps telling me to go home.”
“Cora,” the sound of her brother's voice made Cora turn. She looked from where the sheriff had pulled her aside, excusing herself to go and hug the older Hale. “You got here safe.”
“Aunt Terra wouldn't have wrecked.” Cora said certainly.
“Of course not. I don't need two Hale men after me for something that silly.” Terra said as she approached, holding ten year old Malia's hand. She was carrying the duffel bag Cora had packed.
“Papa!” Malia said, rushing Peter, the eldest remaining Hale kneeling to catch his daughter.
“Hi Princess.” Peter said, ignoring the numerous stares from the teen. “I'm so happy to see you. I wish it was a happier moment, though.”
“I came to help, Papa.” Malia chimed, nodding as she held up her hands.
“She's got the pain transference down pat. She's quite the little handful.” Terra answered. “I couldn't leave her, not knowing someone important to her family was hurt.”
“So...who are you?” Scott asked.
“Apologies. My name is Terra. I'm Peter's wife, although I do admit I thought he was dead until Cora came back last year.” Terra replied. “Malia is our daughter.”
“She has style.” Lydia mused, a slight sarcasm in her voice.
“We live in South America, and she was napping.” Terra replied to the implied comment about her daughters shorts and spaghetti strap tank top. “She's smart for her age, and she knew something was wrong by Cora's scent. Demanded I take her since Christian is at work.”
Cora noticed her uncle's face but turned back to the Sheriff, staying close. “How long have they been back there?”
“Hour and a half. The doctor came back earlier to say everything was good so far. They should be coming back out with another update soon.”
“Then I'm not leaving your side. Or his.” Cora said seriously. She wanted to be there when he woke up.
“You don't have to do that, Cora.” Noah replied before she shook her head.
“It's the least I can do. Let me stay the night, I have a change of clothes and everything.” She watched the father of the boy she loved for a moment before he nodded.
“Alright, only because I can't fight a wolf.” There was a faint smile on his face and Cora smiled back just at faintly, both of them more worried for the boy under the needle. He was opening his mouth to speak when the doors opened and the whole group stood. Cora tensed a little.
“Stilinski?” the man asked, looking at the massive group.
Noah nodded. “Yes. Close family friends have arrived since we spoke.” he said, reaching down to take Cora's hand.
“He's stable. Still unconscious from anesthesia, but he'll be fine. We'll have to keep him to make sure everything is good and healed properly, but you're all welcome to stop by.” he shook the Sheriff's hand, took the thanks and walked away after giving the room number. Cora wasn't prepared for Stiles’ dad to hug her the way he did, but she returned it; relief that Stiles was okay flooding her senses.
“I say we all stop by to see he's alright and we can all divide shifts to come and sit with him.” Lydia announced, and a few soft laughs left the group.
“Why don't we let his dad, Scott and Cora go first, hmm?” Terra said. “Lunch is on me downstairs.” she offered, beginning to lead the way back to the cafeteria. “We'll be back.”
Cora gave a grateful look to her aunt and moved to follow the directions as she walked between Scott and Noah. She felt scared, although she wouldn't admit to it. She had never been particularly fond of hospitals, but this was serious. She walked silently between the two men, pausing as they reached the door. She bit her bottom lip, waiting for Noah and Scott to enter as she tried to prepare herself. The door opening gave way to the overly clean smell of the equipment, the steady beep of the machine that mirrored the pulse of the human currently asleep beneath the pale blue blanket. She stood just inside the door, unable to take her eyes from the face of the teen she loved. A hand on her shoulder pulled her from her mind and she looked up at Stiles’ dad.
“It's okay,” he said, gently guiding her to the chair beside the bed. He sat on the couch against the wall on the other side of the bed next to Scott, reaching to take his son's hand. “You've got a special visitor waiting for you, Stiles. Scott and I will keep her company until you wake up.” he promised, watching Cora lay a hand on Stiles forearm before she scooted the chair closer, resting her head on the bed as she watched the sleeping teen's face. The sheriff smiled and leaned back, content with the silence aside from the monitor that beeped in time with his son's heart.
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auspicious-lilana · 5 years
Ultimate Spiderman (Peter Parker x Stark! OC x Sam alexander x Danny Rand)
Summary:When people hear 'Maya Stark' everyone would think about the perfect, smart. good looking, rich, student body president of Midtown High.Nobody but her childhood friend Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man and her new team of heroes. Ava, Sam, Danny, and Luke AKA  white tiger, Nova, Iron fist, and Power Man knows about her secret of being Queen's very own Mistress, soon to be ULTIMATE Mistress
Part 1  Part 2
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This is it, the test to see if I can make it into the superhero big leagues.
“This exercise will gauge your efficiency against superior numbers. Disable all attackers. You have 60 seconds. FYI, Captain America did it in 10.”  I stood in a battle stance ready for whatever Fury would throw at me.
“Easy-peasy.”  One of the large robots that surrounded me started to attack as I dodged it and quickly shot a web to its head but another robot came and threw me on the ground as they all fell on top of me. “Uh! Uh!” I groaned as I squeezed myself out of the pile of robots. “This is more humiliating than Parker family game night.” I quickly got up and punched all the robots while webbing a few. After I threw another one of them grabbed me and held me up as I struggled to get out from its grip. How weak is this? I'm going to land on the superhero wall of shame for dying ten minutes after joining S.H.I.E.L.D. It started to shock me to which I yelled in pain before I grabbed four arms of it and quickly snapped it back to it making it let me go. The second I got down I ran as I dodged four drone-bots before I got ahold of one of them to see they were bombs that exploded making me hit back on the wall covered in slime as I slowly slid down. I got up quickly as I saw more big bots coming at me, so I tried to work the web shooter.
“Where did S. H. I. E. L. D. tech put the web control? Nope. Nuh-uh. Score.”  I threw a web at two drones and crashed it with two of the big ones. “Yeah!” One of the drone heads fell on me making me groan.
While Spider-Man was taking the test. Fury laughed a bit at the sight.
“I finished this thing under 20” iron fist said.
“I finished mines under 18” Luke chimed in.
“There's no discipline to his fighting technique, he's thrashing around hitting things. But Fury says he's good for the team.” White Tiger said as she watched Spider-Man get thrown around.
“His training may be off but he has more experience than the rest of you and his heart is in the right place” I imputed, defending my partner. “I’m just glad he agreed to do it”
“Why is Fury testing another new candidate? I didn't approve of this.” Nova said running up to us.
“So you didn’t approve of me?” I raised an eyebrow and fixed a glare at Nova who’s eyes widened.
“N-no! Your fighting was good, just not his!” I rolled my eyes.
“Look who thinks he's still in charge. That's so cute.” White tiger said to which I nodded my head in agreement.
“If Fury thinks I'm going to lead that lame-o in battle…”
“In your dreams, you're the team leader,”  Luke said placing a hand on Nova’s shoulder as Iron fist joined in.
“He is rough around the edges, but not without potential.”
“Yeah, but he named himself Spider-Man. How sad is that?” White Tiger said as I rolled my eyes. 
“Well, unlike you guys he had gotten his powers under pressure, and the fact he had nobody but me to tell his secret to”
“What was he supposed to call himself?” Iron fist said backing me up.
“Something cool that didn't scream, "Hi, I have low self-esteem and identify with bugs."
“You know what they say about a book and its cover, dude.”
“Dude, I'll clean this Helicarrier for a month if he makes it.”
“Toilets, too?”
“Toilets, too”
“Your on”
“I’m in” Luke chirped in taking Iron fist’s side.
“Me, too,” Nova said also high giving White Tiger. I sighed as I took White Tigers side knowing Spider-Man won’t pass without the right training and I don’t like being in the highest possible losers team and if Spidey does pass, I can just cast a few cleaning spells to help White Tiger out.
“I’m in as well I guess,” I said high fiving the boys, earning a smile from White Tiger. I checked the time and excused myself. “I gotta go. Work to be done, people to visit, someone to tease” the rest said their goodbyes as I walked off and teleported myself to a place near the hospital before I took off my mask making my cloak disappear showing I was wearing blue shorts and a white shoulderless blouse with my black hair down. I jogged from the alley to the hospital a few buildings away before stopping in front of the counter.
”How may I help-”
” I need to see Harry Osborn” I demanded out of breath.  The lady nodded and looked at the computer.
”Room 230 on floor 3” I thanked her before running up the stairs too impatient to wait on the elevator. when I peeked in the room I heard Peter.
“Hey, hero. I brought you something from school.”
“Cheerleaders?” Harry guessed making me chuckle.
“Homework” at the moment I came in.
“Hey Harry”
“I guess Maya’s close to an cheerleader” I rolled my eyes.
Harry really stepped up yesterday when the Frightful Four attacked our school. Unfortunately, all that heroism won him overnight stay in the hospital.
Yikes. Wish I was there to help out
Me too,Maya, Me too
“Peter has your best interests at heart, son. He's a true friend” Mr.Osborn said placing his hand on Peter’s shoulder.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a dad like that?
“How about a ride to school, Peter? Maya?”  
“You don't have to hold a gun to my head, sir.”
“How about you, Maya?”  I shook my head.
“Sorry, my Dad’s coming to get me” like magic my phone rang showing my dad. “Matter of fact this is him now, bye Harry, Peter. See you at school tomorrow” I left the room answering the call.“Hey dad!”
“Hey, sweetpea. How was the S.H.I.E.L.D test?” 
 “I think I aced it. Tell you more in the car ride home I see you”
“Okay,”  I ended the call and got into the car.
 “So? Details?”
“So I finished the test under 14 seconds”
“That’s my girl”“And I met my future team”
“Did you guys show your identities?”
“No.not yet but I know they know Peter’s identity”
“You’ll learn their identity-“
“Oh I already did”
“You did?”
“Yeah, Fury enrolled them to Midtown high so I may or may not have looked through their files”
“I bet other dads don’t have a daughter like you to have bragging rights with” Dad mumbled.
Meet my dad, Tony Stark aka Iron man. Since he has Stark Interpers I barely get to see him everyday but he tries his best to get some quality time together and he makes sure we eat breakfast together so we can catch up on what happened to us yesterday since he’s busy at night. Plus I get to hang out with the avengers daily so I call them uncles/aunts.
“It isn't my fault my daughter is beautiful, genius AND a future avenger! I got the full package!”  I sighed as I smiled and hugged dad. No matter how many times he would brag, I know he means well and loves me just as much as I do.
“I love you dad”
“I love you two my favorite daughter”
“I’m your only daughter”
“...don’t ruin the mood” I laughed as I snuggled close as we got home.
“We’re here,” Happy said from the driver’s seat. I nodded and thanked him as I got out with my school bag on my shoulder.
“I’m gonna go and do my homework real quick and check in with the vice student body president cause I’m sure Peter forgot to do it for me” Dad kissed my cheek before ruffling my hair.
“I’ll be in the lab if you need me. Capsicle  wants to see you in an hour for your training”
“Thanks, Dad,” I said as I kissed his cheek and went up to my room.
“How did I get lucky with her?...” I smiled as I heard my dad before I went into my room.
“Smile, Spider-Man,”  MJ said to peter flashing a camera at him making him lose his balance and fall as he started rambling nervously.
“Oh! Whoa, I'm not... How did…”
“Wow, nervous much? I'm practicing what I'll say when I finally meet Spider-Man maybe even Mistress. Here”  MJ handed him a paper he read. ‘Spider-Man and Mistress: I will tell your side of the story. Call me. Mary Jane Watson’
“You really believe those two hang out here in Midtown?”
“ They’ve been seen on campus often enough.they could be anybody. A student, a teacher, or…” Stan walked by pushing a cart full of mobs and such before turning to them.
“Thwip Thwip” And he left.
“Ok, well maybe not anybody,”
I know how much it means for MJ to get that reporter job with the Bugle and I'd love to help her out. I'm afraid I'd blow it once I started talking to her. I mean, MJ knows me so well.Maya would help her much better seeing how she takes Drama and can act it out but I don’t think she’ll want to take that risk either....
“Even if Spider-Man and Mistress are a student, They’re going to keep it on the down-low. There's no way They'd let anyone know who they really are”
“Maybe, but I'm not giving up. Also, Have you seen Maya?”
“No, not since yesterday. Maybe she’s in the council room?”
“Most likely, seeing how she wasn’t able to check in yesterday” Peter’s eyes widened. ‘I completely forgot about checking in for her! Maya must be extremely busy now! All cause of me’ Peter gloomed at the thought before smiling again.
“I’ll go check on her since we are walking home together”
“Make sure to get her something to eat on your way there, she hasn’t touched her lunch at all”
“Okay, bye” MJ left as Peter went off to get Maya so they can leave for S.H.I.E.L.D as promised.
“Sir, ma'am. Yo, what's up?”  Spider-Man said to every passing agent we saw making me sigh. I wasn’t going to come here with him but after he kept telling me I can get back to the paperwork later and I had to take a ‘break’ I eventually came around.
”Spidey, what are you doing?” I asked unamused.
“I'm just trying to blend in now that I'm an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
“An agent? You're barely a newbie.” Fury pitches in making me smirk at the look of Spidey’s face as Fury scanned his eyes at an entrance.
“ID confirmed. S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, Nick Fury.”
The doors slid open revealing a testing room for gadgets I’m guessing as we went in.
“Get in here and don't touch anything.”
“Cool!” Spidey exclaimed looking around as I stood there watching him. “Awesome!” I looked over to see him looking at a guy flying with web wings before looking over to a guy climbing a wall with spider legs/claws. “Eh. It’s been done”   Spidey and I walked over to Fury who stood by a doctor
“Yo, Doc. Meet the new kid. Spider-Man, our resident tech genius. Dr. Curt Connors. And I know you’ve already met Mistress or Maya.” 
“Yes, we did, didn’t we?”  I nodded as I smiled. Spidey decided to make himself known and stuck out his hand.
“Always glad to meet a fellow genius” When Doc didn’t shake his head and Spidey saw Doc didn’t have a hand. “Awkward” Doc pulled up his sleeve and shook Spidey’s hand with both of his hands.
“A pleasure. I followed both yours and Mistress’s career closely, very impressive.”
I like this guy
Of course you would Peter, of course you would.
“Even before Director Fury approached you about joining us, I had my R&D team develop an array of Spider-Man and Mistress inspired weaponry.”  Spidey looked around confused.
“Then where’s-”
“It’s in another room. We like to have separate weaponry rooms for you two since we had a lot and Mistress had already seen hers, yesterday”  I nodded as Spidey nodded his making an ‘Oh’ face.
“What if we said no?”
“Not an option”  Fury replied sternly.
“Huh, that's funny, you're using our web-shooter out of camo mode.” Doc pointed out as he took Spidey’s wrist and placed it into camo mode.
“Oh, yeah. I had it in camo mode. But then I couldn't find it.” Doc and Fury just stared at Spidey unamused as I resisted the urge to facepalm.  “Joke. Don't you people ever smile” I’d be surprised if they ever did.
“Over here is something we think you'll find particularly interesting,”  Doc said as he leads Spidey to something covered.
“I reserve the right to be awestruck.” Before Spidey could touch it he was quickly hit with a metal whip. “Ow,” he groaned out as I cringed. Ouch.
“Hold it. Director Fury, I've never questioned your choices when it came to the others.” Coulson said.
“Others?” Spidey questioned. I was about to reply before I remembered, he doesn’t know about the others yet.
“But in this case, we're dealing with a complete wildcard. Daily Bugle Communications calls Spider-Man a threat to public safety.” Coulson continued.
“But I’m so cuddly,” Spidey said rubbing his head with his arms intertwined making me giggle a bit as his silliness.
“Spider-Man's my responsibility, Coulson. That's what he's here for. To learn responsibility.” Fury sternly replied.
“We’ll see” Coulson left just like that as Spidey quickly uncovered the thing and looked at it unimpressed.
“We call it the Spider-Cycle,” Doc said as Spidey looked back at him.
“Uh, yeah. Useless”
“Excuse me?” Doc said taken back.
“I mean it's cool and all, but why do I need a motorcycle? I can get anywhere by thwip-thwip.” Spidey said illustrating what he meant by ‘thwip-thwip’  
“ I calculate you can make it from 80th to 34th street in 3. 7 minutes while using up what I'm guessing is fairly expensive webbing and at maximum muscle stress.“
“Uh maybe” Spidey rubbed his muscle to stubborn to admit Doc was right to which I rolled my eyes at. Unlike him, I levitate my way so I have no need to waste strength nor use any expensive webbing.  
“The Spider-Cycle can make it minute-and-a-half. If you're not scared thwip-less to climb on” Fury added on knowing full well out competitive and ‘prideful’ Spidey is. It seemed to work cause Spidey glared at him.
“One side” and he climbed on….wait…...he never took driving lessons ...or have a permit…..this won’t end well…this is soo gonna get recorded. I placed my hand behind my back and muttered  a summoning chant spell and summoned my phone from my backpack back at my room (Yes we stopped by my room on our way here to drop off our stuff) “and the starter is…” Spidey touched somewhere starting the Spider-Cycle up and running as Spidey yelled and I laughed a bit as I placed a spell to make my phone follow his Spider-Cycle, recording.
“You should go and follow him” I nodded at Fury’s suggestion as I stifle my laughter as I levitated my way to catch up to him.
“Brakes, THE BRAKES!” I saw Spidey yell as agents quickly dodged him nearly. I flew a bit faster in an attempt to catch up to see him blast a hole. “NOT BRAKE!”
“Aaah! Not a problem. I'll just pop another parachute and” Spidey tried to do it to see he ran out of the web. “Okay, now I'm scared thwip-less Aaah!”  I stopped at the hole fully knowing I wouldn’t fly down so I cast a teleportation spell and got to a rooftop to see Spidey riding on the side of a building as I watched in amusement before he ended up in the streets screaming, that's when I got up and flew above him.
“ Kid, what's wrong with you? You act like you've never driven before.” Fury said as I giggled.
“That’s because he never did!” I yelled.
“I don’t even have my learner’s permit!”
“You what?”
“It’s new york! Who needs a car?!” Spidey said as he jumped over a school bus as I flew above. “OH COME ON” Spidey yelled as he went through a sign reading ‘road closed’ I sighed knowing I can’t keep this up, guess fun’s over. I picked up Spidey as I saw Luke pick up the bus the Spider-Cycle would’ve hit and White Tiger quickly hopped on the Cycle stopping it as Nova helped me carry Spidey. “Let me go, Buckethead!”
“Calm down preschool, we’ll take it from here.”  We let go of Spidey as I stood next to Nova as White tiger hopped off the cycle with Iron fist’s leg on the wheel and Luke next to him.
“We-” I coughed as Spidey rolled his eyes. “Okay I appreciate a hand now and then, but I really didn't need to be saved by-who're you guys?”
“Iron Fist, Nameste. Iron Fist. Kung fu master with a fist of well...iron.”
“White Tiger. Acrobatic ninja with steel claws and cat powers. And the big guy there is Lu-”
“Power-Man. If he calls himself Spider-Man then I'm calling myself Power Man. It's cool and doesn't scream ‘I have low self-esteem.’ Super strength and bulletproof skin.”
“Okay, Power-Man” White Tiger said rolling her eyes.
“And I already met Captain Buckethead over there,” Spidey pointed at Nova.
“Names Nova, creep”
“Nova creep, catchy”
“Nova, the human rocket.”
“Okay. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get this bike back to HQ. You see, I'm with S. H. I. E. L. D.”  Spidey bloated in smug, little did he know hehe.
“Small world,” Power-Man said with a smirk as Nova gave Spidey a smug grin.
“No, no, no, no, no. I never signed on to be part of a team.”   Spidey complained as the rest of the team and I stood behind Coulson who was trying to reason with Spidey.
“It’s not a team, its a program. If you just let me explain” Coulson said.
“No! Nix! Nein! Nyet! Na-uh! No way! Never!” Spidey stormed off in anger.
“We won the bet!” White tiger and I high fived. “No toilets for the Tiger and Sorceress, Whoo!” I smiled before I looked back at where Spidey left.
He’ll come around. I know he well. Stubborn  is one thing he is really good at but I know he’ll realize being in a team instead of a Duo will help a lot learning about responsibility and make us stronger heros too
I sensed danger somewhere as my eyes widened and gasped as  White Tiger must've noticed since she placed a hand on my shoulder.
“You good Mistress?”
“I sense danger somewhere.” White Tiger turned to the team who are now alert.
“You heard her, there is danger somewhere, let’s head out ASAP” I nodded as we all got out to see Thundra throw a large metal cap at Spidey as Power-Man quickly took action and kicked it away as White Tiger pounced on top of Spidey.
“What are you guys doing here? I had them on the run. “
“Except for the part you didn’t” White Tiger countered as she brought out her claws and cut off the anti-gravity pad that was on Spidey’s chest as soon Spidey fell on his butt while White Tiger landed safely. Klaw sent a sound wave a the two as Spidey dodged it and Tiger fell back. I quickly took action and sent a blast of fire at Klaw sending him flying back in pain.
“Okay, Nick. I'll join your junior "Glee" club. But I still operate Duo as Spider-Man and Mistress, It's our version of ‘Me Time’”
“Done” they shook hands before the web shooter shot a parachute falling on them.
*** [Peter’s POV] ***
Finally, both school and Spidey lives are back to normal. I opened my locker and sighed happily as I smiled. Maya should be here any minute now since she probably finished all that council work she had to do and have that meeting with the new principal I heard about.
“Oh, Puny Parker. Locker knocker time” I sighed remembering my normal life...has Flash in it. Before Flash could push me in Someone pulled me away making Flash fall in my locker and lock himself in. “Ow” I looked up to see my   ‘savior’
“Wait, do I know you?” I saw three other kids behind the guy looking oddly familiar. “Any of you?”
“Say hello to your new classmates,” Said the blonde guy, “Danny Rand” now known as Danny.
“ Luke Cage,” Said the guy who ‘saved’ me.
“Sam Alexander,” said the Latino guy.
“Ava Ayala, think about it” That’s when a light bulb went off my head as I realized, these were my new team.
“Huh?” was all that came out, I was speechless, AND right where I thought everything would be back to normal!
“Oh, some idiot gave Fury the bright idea we needed ‘me time’ away from S. H. I. E. L. D,” Sam said hinting at Me sarcastically.
“ FYI, don't sweat the secret ID. Code of silence man”  Somehow Maya came in just in time.
“Hey Peter, seems you already met the new students huh?”
“Maya! Please tell me this is some sort of mistake!” I plead. Being the head president of the school, basically, like a vice-principal, she had to have control on who enrolls, right?
“I’m sorry Peter but my job is to welcome students not the opposite and besides I placed myself the job of giving them a tour here”
“Why do you have to be their tourist?”
“Cause one, I’m the head president of the school, and the second is Fury wants me to so they can grow accustomed here plus ‘get to know each other as civilians’” Sam smirked as he came closer.
“Well, how lucky we are to get such a cutie to tour us” Maya smirked as she cocked her hip.
“I don’t think you should be flirting with your teammate,” She said mockingly.
“Teammate?” Maya’s smirk widened as the rest’s eyes widened.
“Funny how you didn’t recognize me as I quick as Peter”
“W-Well it's just that you where a large cloak with a black mask so we couldn’t see you properly aside from half your face and your hands s-so-” Maya laughed a bit.
“Don’t sweat it. I’m cool with it besides the whole point of the mask and cloak was for nobody to get a slight hint about my identity.”
“Hey, this is great. Really, really great. I just got to go talk to a guy.” I said before running off to the principal's office leaving Maya with them.
“ I need an immediate transfer”
“Denied, Mr. Parker”
“But why?” The principal turned around and I saw...Coulson?!
“Because Fury wants you where he can keep his eye on you.”
“Acting principal Coulson, Thwip-Thwip,” He said with a mocking grin. I went out gripping on my hair in frustration.
“ I said it before, I'll say it again. N-o. No, no, no-no, no, no.”  I said walking by my locker.
“Hello? Can somebody let me out? Please. Anyone?” I backed up and looked at my locker with a smirk.
“Okay, maybe yes”
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