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thatone-midgardian · 2 months ago
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Tony Stark and his kids
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irondadfics · 11 months ago
Hi, I wanted to find a fic that I can't seem to find no matter what keywords I use. So Peter is staying at the cabin with Tony, Pepper, and Morgan, and Peter still feels like he's not a part of the family. Friday tells him that it's going to be hot that day and Tony planned for them to all do stuff outside (maybe take a walk? maybe there was a kiddie pool?) but Peter wants to stay inside because it's hot. He doesn't say anything though despite Friday telling him that Tony wouldn't mind staying in for the day if he opposed
Hello! This is for you feeling hot, hot hot by turtle_bean
"Good morning, Peter. It is currently 9:24 in the morning. Today's forecast has a low of 80 degrees and a high of 102." -- or, peter's family has had five years without him. that isn't something he can just walk off, quite literally. [bad things happen bingo / prompt: misunderstanding]
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rjam9 · 8 days ago
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hello hello everyone! i’m participating in @fandomtrumpshate 2025. this is my first time ever participating in one of these, so i’m super excited. if you’re interested in checking out the creator list and/or supporting some great causes, the bidding is now open (and here is my creator profile, if you’re interested).
as i said this is my first time participating, so i wanted to give some more clarity on the fandoms i can write for. i chose the option for “any fandom I’ve written in before” in my creator bio, but since there are some fandoms i am into to but don’t typically publish fic for, it felt easier to give a list here for everyone under the cut.
fandoms i’ve published fic for and most commonly write for
- Doctor Who (show)
- The Murderbot Diaries
- The Umbrella Academy (comics and show)
- Good Omens (book and show)
- Don’t Hug Me, I’m Scared (webseries and show)
- Five Nights at Freddy’s (all media)
- Little Nightmares (all media)
- MCU (most media — most familiar with Moon Knight and Ironfamily content, but can reasonably write for most characters/movies. check with me first though.)
- DCEU (most media — same rules as above, check with me first.)
- Star Wars (most media — most familiar with original trilogy, sequel trilogy, and spin-off live-action shows; same rules as above, check with me first.)
these fandoms i am apart of & have seen in full, just either a) haven’t published fic for b) i am not as familiar writing for c) it’s been awhile since i’ve written for them
- DC’s Sandman (comics and show)
- Lost in Space (reboot)
- BBC’s Sherlock
- ABC’s Lost
- Epix / MGM’s From
- Stranger Things
- Gravity Falls
- The Owl House
- Andy Weir books — The Martian, Artemis, Project Hail Mary
- The Imperial Radch (main trilogy)
- most mascot horror games (Bendy and the Ink Machine, Poppy Playtime, etc.)
- most analog and/or digital horror series (The Mandela Catalogue, Local 58, etc.)
these fandoms i can write for and will most likely to be done by the time of Dec 2025 (when the winning bid is due) but at the moment i am still watching/consuming
- The Magnus Archives
- BBC’s Merlin
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marinamar4 · 1 year ago
A SERIOUS question: If in all these ironfamily fictions, Tony Stark's robots, having been created by Tony, are her "children" and he is their "father"/creator… Does this make C3-PO Anakin's son and a kind of brother to Luke and Leia?
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spacecadet-ticklesinspace · 2 years ago
Bucky and Reader: Found Family (Switch! Reader and Bucky)
Bucky, Sam, and Peter (Lee! Peter, Ler! Bucky and Sam)
Upgrades (Lee! Peter 1, Ler! Tony)
Bedtime Tricks (Lee! Peter, Ler! Irondad)
Sebastian Stan and Reader (Lee! Reader, Ler! Sebastian)
Andrew Garfield and Reader (Lee! Reader, Ler! Andrew)
Ironfamily: Tickle Monster Vacay (Lee! Morgan, Ler! Tony, Switch! Peter 1 and Harley)
Caught in a Web (Lee! Peter, Ler! Tony Stark)
Ticklish Understanding (Lee! Philip, Ler! PT Barnum)
Rise and Shine (Lee! Peter, Ler! Tony)
Marc and Reader (Lee! Reader, Ler! Marc)
Attention (Lee! Tony, Ler! Peter)
The Breakfast Fate (Lee! Peter, Ler! Tony)
Movie Shenanigans (Lee! Tom, Ler! Andrew and Tobey)
Until We Get It Right (Lee! Tom, Ler! Andrew and Tobey)
Trying Out Tickles (Lee! Merlin, Ler! Arthur)
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cajun-fangirl · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Ned Leeds, Happy Hogan, James "Rhodey" Rhodes (mentioned) Additional Tags: Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Angst, Grief/Mourning, Dead May Parker (Spider-Man), Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Parent Tony Stark, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Found Family, Runaway, Irondad, Ironfamily, Platonic Cuddling, Peter Parker Gets a Hug, Whumptober, Cozytober, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary:
It's been two months since the Avengers defeated Thanos and brought back those who were lost five years ago. Peter is living at the Stark lake house while attempting to process the mountain of trauma he faces and find his new normal, but he feels like he's just a burden to those around him. When things seem to go from bad to worse, he makes a decision he ultimately regrets.
Will Peter ever find out how much the Starks really care about him?
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imdreaminginsubtitles · 1 month ago
I waited 27 episodes for this. The greenest flag couple. 😭🥹❤️ #koreandramas #kdramarecommendations #kdramas #kdramascenes #kdramaaddict #kdramalover #kdramaedit #ironfamily
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megadramaqueenme · 2 years ago
Ch. 12 is up!
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forgetful-nerd · 3 years ago
Peter: Just heard Morgan shout over her gaming headset “AND WHO THE H-E-DOUBLE-FUCK ARE YOU?!?”
Harley: *through tears* and we’ve never been more proud.
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athenadcvell · 4 years ago
Tony: Reminder that therapy and other psychiatric services are covered by The Avengers health plan.
Peter: ...Why does he always look at me when he says that?
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salty-ironstrange-shipper · 4 years ago
Tony: My father would be so happy that we’re trying to figure this out. I bet he’s looking up at us and smiling right now.
Peter: Looking up?
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the-almighty-pen · 3 years ago
No bc Stephen immediately sassed Tony as soon as he walked into the Sanctum, but with Peter he was sweet. This is exactly like the fan fiction.
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rjam9 · 1 year ago
literally no one here follows me for mcu but here. take an insanely long ironfamily fic that also wraps up a series of mine that has been going on four like 3yrs at this point. rip. -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/53111044
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harley: why are you on the floor?
peter: because i’m depressed.
peter: also i’ve been shot, can you call dr strange, please.
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buckleyirondad · 3 years ago
This is a fanfiction idea I’ve had! Would anybody been interesting in reading it? (NWH SPOILERS)
During the blip, Tony brought Morgan up on stories of Spider-Man and Peter, but decided to keep the stories separate. (despite Peter’s “death,” Tony still felt wrong discussing the kid’s secret identity.) So, Morgan never knew Peter and Spider-Man were the same entity.
Growing up, Morgan had an imaginary friend called ‘Pete’ who looked like the kid in all the photos in the house, who she would talk to, all the time. 
After the final battle and Tony’s death, Morgan met the real Peter, and she loved him completely. Then his identity is revealed on live television and she loved him even more, since he’s also her second favourite superhero!
Following the events of NWH, everybody forgot “Peter Parker.” Including Morgan and Pepper. However, Morgan still remembers her “imaginary friend” and all the adventures they had together!
So, what happens when she sees her imaginary friend, out and about in New York City? 
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stuckonylove · 4 years ago
Imagine Tony talking to Stephen as they're going to bed
Tony: Remind me to ask Peter tomorrow about this spidy sense.
Stephen: *trying to sleep* okay
Tony: Like what triggers it? Is it only physical threats?
Stephen: *continues trying to sleep* I don't know, you'll have to ask him tomorrow. For now, Go To SLEEP
Tony: you think it triggers if the stock market is about to crash and let's him know to sell his stocks
Stephen: *pulls covers over head* I don't know
Tony: Does it go off if he's about to fail a test? or lose his wallet? or meet a mean person? Is it just going off at all times?
Stephen: *sighs and gives up on sleep* If any of the things you just listed triggers this sense, it's not so much a power as it is just general anxiety disorder
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