#they team up to take spectra down
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The Therapist
There's a new therapist at school.
Normally this wouldn't really bother Peter at all, since he's never gone to see a shrink in his life and doesn't ever plan on it, but there's something... off about this woman.
She seems unassuming enough at first glance. Red hair, green eyes, bright red lipstick. But there is something in her eyes, something that Peter can only describe as a predator looking at its next prey, when she looks around the school at all of the teenagers milling about. Heck, even the way she walks makes her seem as if she is a predator stalking her prey.
It could always be some kind of power move, Peter reasons. He's met people like that before, who try to intimidate everyone around them into thinking that they are superior, that they are the apex predator and anyone who dares to cross them would pay for it dearly.
But his Spidey Sense went crazy around her.
He tries to brush it off as paranoia. He'd pulled an all-nighter last night in the lab with Tony because neither of them had been able to sleep, and he hadn't been sleeping well even before that. (Funny, how it had all started the night after he first bumped into the new therapist in the halls.) So his Spidey Sense is probably out of wack because he's tired. Simple as that.
But it seems like everyone in the school is depressed. Even Ned, who can't even muster up the energy and enthusiasm to talk about Legos or Star Wars or even the weather. It worries Peter.
Because it all started when that therapist came to the school.
He can't ignore it forever, he knows that. There is only so long his Spidey Sense can tell him that she is danger danger danger before he finally listens. He has to do something to help everyone.
So he researches.
And he falls into the rabbit hole of ghosts and ectoplasm and secret government organizations and the little, unassuming town of Amity Park, Illinois.
He doesn't sleep that night.
When he comes to school the next morning, Dr. Penelope Spectra looks him dead in the eyes, and smiles.
#dpxmarvel#peter parker#penelope spectra#peter's boutta get a crash course in ghosts and ghost fighting#he is definitely not prepared#idk why spectra is in new york#specifically midtown tech#but she is#peter starts digging into amity park#he just wanted to find out who spectra is#and he did find out that she's a dangerous “ecto-entity”#he does not know what that is until he does more research#he's very shocked to learn that ghosts are apparently real#meanwhile tucker and the rest of team phantom is freaking out#someone just hacked past the media blackout or whatever around amity park#(you can thank friday (or karen if you prefer) for that)#they're surprised to see that it's coming all the way from new york#and even more surprised to see that the hacker went for spectra's files first#almost as if the hacker was specifically looking for them >:3#maybe danny goes to investigate and finds peter#btw peter can sense ghosts with his spidey sense even if they're invisible. especially if they're invisible#they team up to take spectra down#danny helps peter make some ecto-weapons and a specter deflector or something#then they catch spectra (and bernard because he's probably there too and i'm kinda just now realizing that)#peter gives danny his phone number as thanks and tells him to call him if he ever needs anything#peter doesn't know who phantom is btw. he just knows that his new friend is a ghost that luckily knows how to use technology like phones#maybe there's even a bad reveal a little further down the line and danny calls peter in a panic because sam and tucker have done everything#they can and he needs to get as far away from amity as possible#peter is very surprised to find that his ghost friend is only half ghost and is then very ticked that danny's parents tried to capture#and vivisect him
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I saw you had a Supers in Amity AU. Tell me Everything. Who's being fought on sight for rudeness? Who's An Awesome Adult? Who interrupts? How many ghost attacks happen?
Okay so! I was wondering if anyone would ask about this one. I've got almost 20k written for it, I'm just not super confident in my characterization because it's been ages since I've watched Danny Phantom even though I've been in the fandom for years at this point and the only DC stuff I've really interacted with outside of fandom is the older Justice League, Batman, and Superman animated series and a couple of the newer animated movies.
And I'll be honest, I've written Green Lantern, Hal Jordan Green Lantern specifically because his is the only name I can remember other than John Stewart and I like John Stewart too much to write him that way, as a pretty big asshole to Danny and the crew, but I do have an in verse reason for it that I haven't gotten very far into yet.
Basically, his green lantern ring is screaming at him the entire time they're in Amity that they're in extreme danger because it 'views' ectoplasm as an extension of black lantern rings because it's, you know, ghost energy.
He's basically got a screaming headache, a chill going up and down his spine at all times, it constantly feels like something is walking over his grave, and he got hit in the face with a tomato basically the second the league walked into town cause Amity doesn't want them there and Sam started a riot.
And Batman and the rest from Gotham are all very trustworthy and good adults, at least the ones that actually adults, as far as Danny and the rest of Team Phantom are concerned. They all have very good reputations in the realms, and Danny has heard a lot about them. Also because they're all really liminal for someone not from Amity. And the fact that Team Phantom has vastly different personal boundaries than the average person, even compared to the rest of Amity Park.
Staking out the place they're meeting before they get there and setting up listening devices? Alright, it's a public place and Tucker would have done the same thing in their position as long as it meant keeping the rest of the fright safe.
Bringing in Superman when told that Danny and the rest requested the least powerful metas be the ones to show up to the meeting in case they got overshadowed? Yeah, they'd have been suspicious as hell too. That was just asking for someone to try and take advantage of it and they should have realized just how that would look from an outside perspective.
Immediately getting out of dodge when the riot started instead of trying to calm down the crowd like the others did? That was honestly just good sense, things got out of hand really fast and the crowd was not receptive to any kind pasification from any of them at that point.
There's going to be several ghost attacks in the fic, whenever I manage to fully write it out, but I think the one I'm most interested in writing is the one where Spectra crashes the meeting between Team Phantom and the Justice League while the fright are out fighting the GIW. It's gonna be a mess!
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So, yesterday I posted some lore on The Unity AU, I think it's time I finally talk in detail about Mirage. She's been mentioned recently.
Here she is (alongside Unity Wilda)
Now, for some information.
CW: Mentions of death
As stated, bakugans are classes as monsters. There's also no Vestroia, so bakugans in the Unity AU live on all 4 planets/universes. [Earth, Vestal, Neathia and Gundalia].
For a long while, Vestals and Bakugans lived in harmony, until the royal family decided that must take an end, so they started to strain the relation between them. Bakugans were chased out of the cities, sometimes even hunted. Their once friends turning on them set a fear on the bakugans on Vestal that set in for generations (so in short, vestal Bakugans are more on the cowardly side due to that).
With the Vestal overpopulation, the royal family decided that it's time to expand, which means that they'll have to invade the homes of bakugans and take over.
Bakugans are captured, experimented on, used in fights, or even killed. The current generations of Vestals are lead to believe that bakugans are mindless beings that are ready to fight and kill Vestals, so that's why all the experiments and organized bakugan fights are happening.
For some info on the Fermins in this AU. Clay, as usual, is the royal scientist, always trying to please King Zenoheld IV. He has two kids. Keith, a bakugan battler champion that goes under the stage name of Spectra Phantom. The second, younger kid being Mirabelle ("Bell" for short), she's Clay's lab assistant.
Bell would help Clay in his sick experiments... until one day, where she would encounter a bakugan who seemed, scared- she tried to approach him, but Clay would intervene and the bakugan would leave. Bell however, would try to re encounter said bakugan. Over time, the two would become friends. Most importantly, Bell would learn the truth behind bakugans. She would also learn more about how Vestals are meant to function, how they're more on the "magic" side. She would eventually try to perform magic on her own, which would lead to her 'core' getting 'encored'. With all that happening, she would try to talk to her father and brother about this, but they would not listen to her or stop the experiments or fights... so, she decides that it's time to take matters into her own hands, but she can't do this as well, "Bell". She's tied to the royal scientist and the brawler champion... so her and Wilda form a plan.
She would eventually tell her brother and father to meet her at a certain spot, only her brother would come. She would try to ask him one more time to stop with the fights and all that, but of course, he'd refuse. She would use an ability to make the ground beneath her to just, give up. Wilda, being bellow, would catch her, but Keith would believe the worst just happened... he's shocked to see what just happened- he just watched his sister fall down to what he assumed her own death. The authorities couldn't find her down bellow.
Meanwhile, "Bell" realizes that she's going to need a new identity. Almost everyone just called her "Bell" for short, but when she told Wilda her full name for the first time, he called her "Mira", which she started to grow to liking... but it couldn't be short for "Mirabelle", so, in a quick moment... she got it. She'll be going by Mirage.
Girl would dye her hair, also trying to stylize it differently, get some different attire, and will wear a vizor to help her hide her identity better.
Her, alongside Wilda, will try to stop the Royal family's attempts to hurt the bakugans further. Try to stop them from chasing bakugans way from their homes, try to break into bakugan 'research' facilities and freeing the bakugans in there, all that stuff. She'll end up teaming up with 2 vestals and 2 bakugans later down the line. Not only that, but once one of her team mates tries to contact help from some other place, a bunch of humans and their bakugan friends would come in to help them.
... HOO BOOOY- whole backstory be upon ye- but yeah-
Ngl I do have a lot of fun with Mirage over here- basically in this AU Clay has both kids dye their hair and get a new identity.
Now for some silly fun facts (about her and others):
Mirage is a bit on the "unhinged" side. From a chill/polite lil kid to pretty much a warrior trying to help the bakugans in her world.
Of course, since she's like this, Unity Baron and Unity Ace had to be a bit tweaked to balance her out.
Unity Baron is 24, he's a bit more on the serious side.
Unity Ace is 18, he's a bit more chill and open to new people. Unlike his canon counterpart he's okay with the humans when they come (he's the one who send the help message on the Bakugan forums)
Mirage is also 18.
In a way, the script is flipped since Unity Spectra's the one to worry about his sister, leading him to make some bad moves/decisions during the story.
Unity Bakugans don't have a marble form, but I'd imagine if they'd travel to any other bakugan universe that works like the canon one, they'd get turned into marbles.
They'd also be way more huge than they are in the unity AU.
Unity Wilda is more or less Mirage's adoptive dad.
Unity Volt and Unity Lync would defect from the Vexos. Mirage would have a hard time accepting that they're part of the resistance and complains about their role in the whole Vexos/Royal family plans, until Unity Baron tries to remind her that she herself was tangled in said plans... needless to say she isn't that pleased to get reminded of that, so she tries to accept the two.
Also, did I mention that Baron HEAVILY dislikes the royal scientist and his kids? Though granted once he learns Mirage's true identity he gives her a chance since he sees that she really wants to do better.
Zenoheld won't really be part of the story, as he's... about to get veeery sick during the story, making Hydron in charge of the operation and the Vexos.
The truth is, Hydron goes behind his father's back and taps into magic. He's also gonna use it to drain energy from him until he gets sick enough so he won't be able to properly rule anymore.
I was originally suggested that Mirage's original name should had been "Petra", which I liked but ngl, Spectra- I recently stumbled upon the name "Mirabelle" and decided I could go for that, and then went with the "Bell" nickname for her past life before she renames herself to "Mirage".
Also, her and Mire are (at the moment) the only AU characters that have slight name changes.
As usual, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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New hyper-fixation, new OC, lol. This one is for Hi-Fi Rush! Their name is Honey, the left render is them while working for Vandelay, and the right is after they join Chai and the team! They're sweet, very trusting, and love living life to the fullest! But they also have a hard time focusing on reality and can come off as more than a little invasive because they watch people. Constantly. Even when they really shouldn't. They have a passion for all kinds of performing arts, but their main talents lie in dance (particularly ballet) and writing music!
Their face (including eyes and voice) are Vandelay Technologies prosthetics, and their robotic attachments can encase them and allow them to duplicate the appearance of anyone they've seen. Combined with a little bit of AI technology, they can even copy mannerisms and become very hard to discern from the original.
Backstory/infodump under cut! There will be spoilers! And it'll probably be long, lol.
So! Honey used to be really close with Kale before he took over the company. They gladly called him their best friend and were a little blind to some of his faults, chalking it up to him simply being an 'ends justify the means' kind of guy.
Kale, however, saw a little more in the relationship than was actually there, and harbored a little bit of an obsessive infatuation for them. After developing SPECTRA, he approached them with his plan to take over Vandelay Technologies and propositioned them with not only a lucrative position working for him, but the role of his beloved. He fully expected them to hop on board without question.
Honey did not. They asked if he was seriously going to mind-control his own mother, why he had to do it this way, what was even the point of vying for this so hard? Also?? They didn't think of him like that! And as his friend, they had to tell him that not only was this idea ridiculous, but absolutely awful!
Essentially, it turned into a huge blow-up. Things ended on horrible terms and, shortly afterward, Honey got into a near-fatal "accident". Kale, however, was coincidentally nearby, and managed to save them. And he even was so kind as to gift them state-of-the-art technology to replace all that they'd lost.
Tech that just so happened to have the yet untested SPECTRA.
Now fully under Kale's control, he "helped them realize" that they did, in fact, return his feelings, and were more than happy to take the job offer on top of it.
So he continued with his plan, stealing the role of CEO and placing them as the head of the Surveillance Department, which included their own SPECTRA pass-key. It was a mostly fluff job that didn't require them to leave his side too much. But when they did, it would be to check in on the other departments, usually by disguising as another Boss, or a lowly worker if they needed to be particularly inconspicuous. They were Kale's eyes and ears, and whatever they found, they could record through their prosthetic eyes and send directly back to him.
During this time, Honey's true personality was fully suppressed. They were simply subservient, quiet, and...
The other Bosses were aware of them and their ability to spy when needed, but didn't put too much stock in them otherwise. They never spoke unless addressed by Kale, and only reached out themself through email. By the nature of their job, they had the most correspondence with Korsica and the Security Department.
After Rekka was defeated and Chai blasted Peppermint's involvement to Kale, he was able to deduce that the next target would be the AI Labs. After having Honey replicate Rekka long enough for her to "peacefully retire" and keep the news off the company's back, Kale sent them down to R&D to keep an eye on the situation. There, they disguised themself as one of Zanzo's robot assistants and watched the entire shitshow of experiments he ran on Chai.
By the time Chai came back with Macaron, Honey had sent their footage to Kale, who immediately set out with Korsica, sparking that whole chase. When Chai was captured, Kale opted to have Honey stay with Korsica for the interrogation, as a protective means for whatever information she could get out of him.
Well, that didn't work out. Korsica left and, not knowing what else to do, Honey simply observed Chai as he escaped. He noted how weird they seemed, especially when they didn't try to stop him, but with more important things to take care of, it didn't occupy his mind too much.
Once Korsica was recruited, though, she brought it to the group's attention that there were actually seven pass-keys, and informed them about Honey's role-- or what little she knew of it. And in the time they rested up and planned to deal with Mimosa, the group got to see the ways Honey replicated the other Bosses to help maintain the sense of normalcy for the company, pretending to be all three of the defeated Bosses on video and through email.
Mimosa was defeated with Honey quietly watching all the while. When Kale shut down the campus and retreats into the tower, he gave them one task: post up where the defect would try and break in, and see if they could beat him with his own skillset. If not, he'd managed to gather enough data on the temporal displacement Peppermint developed for them to use to retreat.
So Honey waited in Production, and challenged Chai along his route to the cannon. Needing as much information as they could get, they would pull him in for "dances", assessing how he moved and learned the rhythm of the beat that he moved to. Chai, meanwhile, was both flustered and weirded out by this whole "horror-movie-but-the-monster-is-cute" type situation. After each dance, they would take on the form of one of his friends and fight, using the temporal displacement to retreat whenever necessary.
The final fight, Chai had to contend with Honey perfectly replicating his own moves, his own appearance, and his own feel of the music. They seemed to understand the beat on the same wavelength he did, making the fight difficult for him. But also, it became apparent that not only were they under the control of SPECTRA, but that this strange dance-off almost seemed to pull them out of it part of the way. The physical distance from Kale also helped and, by the end of it, he was able to somewhat break through to them.
Ultimately, he gave up that run for the cannon to take them back to the hideout and have Peppermint try and disconnect them from SPECTRA until it could be destroyed. She did so, especially after realizing that she knew Honey from their friendship with Kale-- and had presumed them dead after their accident.
Once free from SPECTRA, Honey was able to fully be themself again, though with some of their trained quirks still remaining. They learned that they'd been practically catatonic for five years and about all of the things Kale had done in that time. Somewhat disillusioned by everything, they offered to help any way that they could, becoming a staunch ally of the group. And, as an act of kindness, everyone helped them get a new outfit that wasn't chosen for them by Kale!
When Chai calls on their help, they replicate him and copy his every move, essentially doubling his damage output, lol. This makes them have the longest reload time, though, and they can't replicate his special attacks.
After Kale is defeated, Honey learns to grapple with all that had happened to them-- including still having flashbacks to how they perceived those five years under Kale-- and finds a home among this rag-tag group. And perhaps even discovers true, healthy love in the form of a certain wannabe rockstar... ;)
#hi fi rush#hi fi rush oc#oc x canon#my art#Also I handmade the background using reference from official images for the game; lol#It's not a perfect 1 to 1; but I'm pretty proud of it!
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Can I ask for an S/O who comforts Chai who finally has a change to realize at every point in dealing with the Vandelay bosses that he could've died or at the very least become a mind controlled puppet to Kale?
What's The Matter?
Summary: After feeling the victory of saving Vandelay and thus everyone from being victim to the Spectra Project, all seems perfect with the reconstructions of the way Vandelay once was on its way. But you can't help but notice that your usually energetic boyfriend has been a bit hung up on somethings Â
Warnings: Major Hi Fi Rush Spoilers. There's a good bit of some angst in here so be ready for that. Chai almost has a panic attack. Â
Author’s Snip: This request was so lovely thank you, anon!
Notes: This wasn't proof read, I'll get on that later onÂ
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
It had been a few days after the adventure with Vandelay and meeting the band. Everything was finally going back to the good old Vandelay that was much more admired.
You will admit that having to take down head of the company, Kale Vandelay and his group of bosses wasn't even in your list of things that could happen that day. I mean, hell! You went to the campus with Chai to offer him some moral support in getting his new arm.
You had simply been waiting outside patiently for his procedure to be done, maybe admire some scenery. And then next thing you knew there was a massive commotion about a defect on the loose and you were about to be taken in for questioning because you had apparently been seen with them. As you were walking with the guards to see the security boss, Korsica, Chai comes out from nowhere with a scrap metal guitar weapon and an orb cat head, sweeps you into his arms and runs off with you, and takes you to a hide out to which you meet Peppermint. As if you weren't already blindsided by all that you are then informed about Spectra and that your boyfriend is part of the plan to take it down. And since "Chai wanted to be a dumb ass in shining scrap metal and save his damsel.", according to Peppermint's words, you were now a part of the team via association.
And of course your day just got crazier with helping in the effort. But that was over and done now and you were sure that everything in you and Chai's life would go on as usual, with the fact that Chai was now Vandelay's new ambassador in mind.
But you could't help but notice that Chai had been quiet for some time afterwards. An immediate red flag to you since you knew Chai was anything but quiet. It started happening after a short talk and briefing with everyone about all that Kale had done to the company and how to go about fixing it or making it more than just some money grab. After that, Chai would have these moments where he'd be with the group and something like sadness and hurt came over him.
"Chai." you ask, receiving a hum back.
"Is everything okay?" you asked again. "What do you mean, babe?" Chai questioned, doing that head tilt he usually does. "You seem to be in an upset mood lately." you explain, "Is something on your mind?" you follow up. "It's..." Chai tries to remark, but it seems like he pauses for a moment to think about how to finish that sentence. "It's kind of a lot, actually." he confesses.
You nod and look around for a moment to see if anyone is around to hear something that could be personal. You spot no one room, but you still take Chai's hand and guide him to a corner of the room just to have some more sense of privacy.
"What's the matter?" you say in a soft tone, but the way you carry the words don't really make it seem like it's that much of an opportunity for Chai to open up, but rather a starter to the conversation. "I've just sort of realized that Peppermint was right about a lot of things." Chai mutters. You give him a questioning look that asks him to explain. "Fighting all of the Vandelay bosses was tricky and really dangerous!" Chai explained. "Rekka literally turned her office into a wrestling wring. Zanzo's building was literally underground and filled with lava. One blunder and I would have been a goner! Roquefort litterally turned int a giant metal werewolf! And Kale already had Spectra ready to go! I had an ArmStrong, (Y/N)! The thing that would get Kale into my head! He could have used it at anytime to stop me from my missions at any time! I could have..." he listed, getting even more distressed as he went on. You whispered his name under your breath and gently placed your hand on his cheek to console him.
"He could have used me like a puppet to hurt you guys if he wanted." Chai remarked, seemingly having just thought about that horrifying idea. "Gosh, I would never forgive myself if I hurt you guys. Especially you." he commented as he looked at you and held your face with a strained type of gentle touch.
"Well... He didn't." you say, trying to look for something to comfort your boyfriend with. "808 came in and got the chip off of Kale before he could think of it." you continued. "And you know what we did after you came back?" you asked in a light hearted baiting tone. "What did we do?" Chai played along. "We kicked his ass and saved everyone and Vandelay." you answered. "We kicked all the bosses' asses and even got one on our side!" you cheered.
"Yeah!" Chai cheered back, "Yeah, we did! Didn't we?".
"We saved the day!" you cheered, to which Chai mimicked. You both then spent a moment cheering in the empty room, feeling the sense of victory that the whole group felt that day all over again.
Once you both simmered down, you looked over at Chai. "Better?" you asked, trying to see if you succeeded in getting Chai back and out of his rain cloud.
"Much better." Chai responded.
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Name: Solora
Sex: Female
Position: Tallest
Bio: Solora is one of the rare female tallest ever to rule the empire. She worked up quite a name for herself over the years. Both good and bad, according to older drones that looked after her. As a mere smeet, Solora was very focused on her upgrade studying while most of her fellow smeets wanted to leave the simulator and explore the surface. She made great progress once becoming a cadet. Solora met another drone named, Vervain. The two of them become close and are a team when given the chance to. Solora’s skillful with weapons,especially bladed ones. She keeps a couple of them under her body armor. During her final assignment on Hobo 13, she and her team are to take the flags of their enemy teams while killing off a giant glorba beast. She was the one who took it down while her teammates got the flag from the others. This has given her the rank of high general. While the scores are being checked, Solora decided to get her own place in the city. She was spotted and hired to do some modeling for a while. Her face was on billboards almost everywhere. This could be because she became a taller. Solora had just the right height and face for the shots.
This when on for some time. Solora even found a passion for singing. She likes to do this whenever it fits her mood. Later in time, she got a callback from her superiors. Tallest Blits is dead. Fallen at the heat of battle by an enemy of the empire. Solora had no chance to mourn about this because SHE was chosen as the new tallest. She was rushed to be measured and geared up into her new robes. Irk needed a new leader. Especially now that one of their enemies has entered their fly zone in orbit. Solora had much to do with such little time. She appointed Vervain as one of her body guards. Pyper as her jester/entertainer drone. Solora leadership did help irk win the battle and she made an example with this victory by having her camera crew snap pictures of the heads of the high ranks soldiers on a stake from the enemy and sending it back to the ruler’s of their planet. A warning to never cross the Irken empire. A ceasefire was settled and there were no further bloodshed. Solora’s reigned for about 500 years before her death, after her pak went under a static shock malfunction that drained out her charging cell. It triggered her automatic 10 minute countdown.
Knowing this is her final moments, Solora made a request to Vervain. She wanted him to go to the control brains and request that they recognize both Magnus and Spectra as potential future tallest. Either one of them is fitted to replace her. Solora also wanted both Vervain and Pyper to work with those tallest. Keep them on track and to not lose themselves in the heat of the moment like she almost did two centuries ago. Her request was granted and both selected irkens were given the same position as tallest. After Solora’s passing, her body was carried off to be recycled back Into the system. While her pak was download into the collective for future generations. There is a monument of Tallest Solora in the city’s square. She’s wearing the very first body armor given to her after she became the new tallest. Others of her generation still pay their respects to that statute and take a moment to remember how things were different during her reign compared to now. Vervain visit that sight more often than most. He had a crush on Solora since they were still trainees. Pyper is the only one who knows this and kept it between them.
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What if Lync had turned out to be Mira and Spectra's brother?
In an alternate universe, Professor Clay had three children. Which were Keith (future Spectra), Mira and Lync. The professor was a well-known scientist in his city, so some traitor killed his wife and kidnapped Lync as a baby.

The professor decides to hide the truth from his other two children, telling them that Lync died with his mother. Since they were just children, her father did not allow them to see the graves at the funeral so that they would not be "traumatized."
The traitor told him that he was only going to hand over Lync to him if he agreed to make him a war machine, which the professor refused, sacrificing his son, but he did not count on the fact that the traitor would let the child live to use him later.

Keith and Mira grow up not knowing about their brother. Everything changes when the war starts and they separate.
At some point Lync is incorporated into the Spectra team. For some reason, Lync knows that Spectra and Mira are siblings and that they are Professor Clay's children, but he doesn't know that he is also part of that family.

After some battles, and family reconciliation. Prince Hydron reveals that Lync is Professor Clay's son. Everyone is surprised to hear that, especially Lync since he thought he had no family.
Hydron tries to kill Lync but is rescued by his siblings, giving Hydron the chance to flee. Mira hugs her little brother who is in shock.
Lync begins to have a flashback of the day he was kidnapped and after comparing it with his current life, he accepts the harsh truth and helps his siblings take down Hydron.
After Hydron's defeat, he lives a happy life with his family.
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Danny, for the tenth or maybe eleventh time today, held back a yawn as he sat in his chair at his high school graduation, listening to the superintendent going on and on and on.
He hadn't gotten a lot of sleep since Skulker had teamed up with Technus to attack him as a 'graduation' present. Danny had spent most of the night on Skulker’s island dodging and weapons that were even more dangerous controlled by Technus
Long story short, Danny got the two ghosts to fight over who would get the credit for beating him and trapping the both of them in the Fenton thermos
"And now Casper highs one hundredth and fourth graduating class," the Superintendent said, finally ending the speech. Principal Ishiyama took his spot at the podium. "when I call your name, please come and receive your diploma."
One by one, Danny’s former classmates were called onto the stage to get their diploma
"Danny Fenton," Principal Ishiyama called
People clapped as Danny stood up, his family clapping the loudest. Danny walked onto the stage, taking the diploma from Mr. Lancer. "I've been a teacher for many years, Mr. Fenton. I can honestly say I've never had a student quite like you," he said, shaking Danny's hand. "congratulations."
"Thanks, Mr. Lancer," Danny said, shaking his hand and walking off the stage
After Danny got back to his seat, he drifted off, only really waking up when Tucker and Sam's names were called. He cheered for his oldest friends before he drifted back to sleep
"Ladies and gentlemen, the graduating class of two thousand and-" the speaker system gave out as red storm clouds began to form over the football stadium
Danny's ghost sense went off as he felt a familiar shiver go down his spine
"Oh man, not Nighloks again," Danny groaned in annoyance
A bolt of red lightning struck down. Standing on the fifty-yard line was Sharktapus, wearing dark red and black samurai armor. Half his shark face was covered with a burn scar from Sam and her eternal flame.
Danny was surprised to see standing in front of Sharktapus were the mummy ghost Hotep Ra, whom Danny hadn't seen since Tucker sicced the sphinx on him, Prince Aragon, the creep who tried to make Sam marry him against her will, and Penelope Spectra, the worlds worst guidance counselor.
Though there was something different about the three of them, something in his bones he could tell they were different. They changed, becoming something different, something nasty like Vlad had
They'd become Nighloks
Behind them, of course, was an army of Moogers
Behind him, graduates, school faculty, and parents were being evacuated with help from his parents, Jazz and Valerie
While Dani, Antonio, Buzz, Henry, Luke, and the Changs ran to Danny's side
"Is this really your plan? Sushi faces three of my enemies and an army of moogers," Danny quipped as he went ghost. Tucker had pulled on his beret, tapping a button on the hat, shooting down, covering his body with his Steel Spector armor. Sam had lit a fireball in her hands
Debbie looked at her siblings before they morphed, becoming the Phantom Force Rangers. Antonio Morphed into the Gold Samurai Ranger.
Sharktapus grinned, showing off a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. "I have more than enough tricks up my sleeves to destroy you, and when I do, human misery will overflow, and the Senzu river will flood this pitiful realm," he gloated before Spectra Aragon and Hotep Ra stepped forward
"Ready?" Spectra asked sinisterly before holding up her wrist. What was on it shocked Danny
It was a Morpher!
Aragon and Hotep Ra mimicked her. "Ready," they said
"Senzu River rise," they said in unison, tapping their morphs in unison. Senzu river poured out from the morphers forming around their bodies before it changed into cloth
Each of the ghosts turned Nighloks was now wearing a dark-colored power ranger uniform: Spectra in red, Hotep Ra green, and Aragon blue. There were spikes on their bracers and shoulders. The helmets looked like sharks' heads, the 'teeth' surrounding the visors
"Uh, since when are evil power rangers a thing," Tucker asked
"According to historical records since the first appearance of Power Rangers in Angel Grove, though in the past 'evil' power rangers tend to join their more heroic compatriots shortly after," Luke explained. "I doubt the pattern will continue with these three."
Not likely, Danny thought. "How'd you get a hold of the morphing grid?"
"The Morphing grids draws its power from both the greatest source of good at any given time and also the greatest source of evil," Sharktapus explained. "you can thank an old friend of yours in Wisconsin for helping me to access the grid,"
An old friend, Danny thought before it came to him, "Rangers still alive."
"I knew it," Buzz shouted. "I knew I wasn't crazy."
Okay, Danny didn't know what Buzz was talking about. He'd ask about it later.
You know, assuming they survived this, that is
With a wave of his hand from Sharktapus, the moogers charged forward. Tucker stepped forward, bending over slightly. A missile shot from the top of his backpack, destroying the first two lines of moogers
"I've always wanted to use that," Tucker said before pulling out his blasters and charging into the fight, the rangers and the others following after him into the action
"I've always wanted to do that, too," Danny admitted quietly before charging into the fight.
 Antonio uses his barracuda blade to slash through the army of Moggers.
Tucker fired shot after shot, trapping Moogers in the thermoses built into his gauntlets or blasting them with his blasters, sending the fish-faced freaks flying. Three moogers swung their swords at his head. Tucker blocked with his bracers, rocketing forward with his jetpack, knocking them to the ground. He turned and fired his thermoses, trapping the moogers inside.
Without the Senzu River, they'd dry out inside the thermos, turning into mud
The only problem was cleaning the mud out of his suit later
"Watch out," Debbie Chang, the green Phantom ranger, cried out from where she was fighting with moogers. Tucker turned in time to dodge a blast from Hotep Ra
"Greetings, my liege," Hotep Ra said mockingly, pulling out a hook-shaped sword. "I will savor smiting you and claiming your kingdom," Tucker's one-time 'adviser' charged at Tucker, swinging his sword at him
Tucker dodged the attack and opened fire, blasting Hotep Ra with his blasters. When Tucker hit Hotep, Ras's body turned to sand the blasts passing harmlessly through him.
He couldn't see it, but Tucker could tell he was grinning underneath the ranger helmet. Hotep Ra was smiling when the mummy ghost turned Nighlok swung his sword, hitting Tucker across the chest and sending him sliding back. Hotep Ra rushed forward, grabbing Tucker by the helmet and pushing him into the wall. A cracks began to form in his visor
"You will regret not using the scarab scepter in this fight, my pharaoh," Hotep Ra said. "if you surrender it to me willingly, I'll let you live in my new empire when I take over the world."
Tucker laughed weakly. "I gave it up," he said
"What?" Hotep Ra stepped back, shocked. "why would you give up the scarab scepter? You had unlimited power. You were a god on earth. You could have ruled the world unopposed."
"That's not the point of being a leader. It's about helping the people," Tucker explained, holding up his bracer and ejecting the contents of the Fenton thermos. Dark red mud-covered Hotep Ra’s face plate, Tucker broke free and opened fire, hitting him with blaster shot after blaster shot. Sparks flew off Hotep Ras's costume
Debbie joined in, standing at Tucker's side and using her Phantom rifle to blast his ancestor's advisor, sending him flying back and crashing into the field
"I learned that after meeting you," Tucker said, about to move on and keep fighting when sand swirled around Tucker and Julie before they were sent flying back. The sand reformed into Hotep Ra.
"You learned the wrong lesson, my pharaoh," Hotep Ra said, picking up Tucker’s Steel Spector helmet and crushing it in his hand.
Sam was throwing blasts of the eternal flame one after another at the moogers, drying out instantly when coming in contact with the 'gift' she got from Loki.
Sam wiped the sweat from her forehead as she fought back to back with Billy. "bet your graduation was a lot easier," she quipped to him
"Wouldn't know I didn't get one. I just got a diploma in the office," Billy said, using his Phantom mace to pound a Mooger and send it flying. "So this probably isn't the best time, but who knows, we might not get another time."
"Billy point," Sam said, punching a Mooger, knowing her ex could ramble and take a minute getting to the point
"Will you go on a date?" Billy asked
Before Sam got the chance to answer, fireballs flew from above. Sam grabbed Billy’s shoulder and barely got out of the way in time as the fireballs landed. Stepping out of the fire was Aragon
"Hello, my former bride," he mocked, pulling out a two-handed sword dragon wings shot out of his back as he rushed forward, swinging the sword. Billy intercepted sword and mace, colliding "out of my way, you insolent ranger."
"Not going to happen," Billy said, using his free hand to pull out his blaster, hitting Aragon straight on in the chest. Aragon shrugged off the attack before swinging, knocking him away
"Billy!" Sam cried out, rushing at Aragon, throwing blasts of fire at the evil blue ranger. Aragon batted away the fire with his sword before swinging it at her, sending a red slime at Sam and trapping her in a bubble
Aragon stepped towards her. "look at you, the 'Champion of Loki' with the power of the eternal flame," he mocked, spinning his sword. "I am burdened with glorious purpose, and with the power of the Senzu River, I will take back my kingdom with a proper human bride this time and execute you and my treacherous sister to ensure none even think to oppose me again."
Sam couldn't help but snort
"I have you at my mercy, and you dare laugh at me, you witch," Aragon asked
"Just like your last dumb plan, you didn't think things through," Sam mocked. "you're a Nighlok. You can't stay away from the Senzu River forever, or you'll dry out." Sam could obviously see Aragon losing his cool. "also, look behind you."
"Do you really think I'm insane enough to fall for?" Aragon was cut off by Billy hitting him in the face with his mace, knocking him away. Billy turned and blasted the prison holding Sam, freeing her
Sam nodded thankfully
Aragon had recovered by this point, charging at the two. Sam and Billy charged, working in perfect sync with each other. The two kept Aragon on the back, Billy slamming his phantom mace against the ground, creating a shockwave. At the same time, Sam fired a stream of fire. The two attacks combined, creating a flaming shockwave that crashed into Aragon, sending him flying back
At this point, Sam was breathing heavily. Her graduation gown was clinging to her body like a second skin thanks to all the sweating she'd done from using the eternal flame so much, but it didn't matter
Sam was a fighter. She had always been a fighter, and while she hadn't always picked the best fight or the best way to go about it, helping people fighting ghosts with Danny and Tucker was the most important fight she'd ever been a part of, and she was never going to give up
Aragon pulled himself up, his visor glowing blue. "I've had enough of this," Aragon shouted before his visor began to open. Sam pushed Billy behind her and conjured a shield of fire just as Aragon unleashed a massive stream of fire from his mouth
An explosive shockwave crashed into Sam and Billy, sending them crashing down
Aragon stepped over towards them, placing his boot on Sam's chest and pushing down, making it hard to breathe. "now, who is the one who doesn't think things through, witch?" Aragon taunted, using her own words against her before kicking her in the face and knocking her out
With Danny, he'd been overwhelmed from near the start. It was like every Mooger wanted to be the one to chop him into pieces
It's probably because he beat their last boss and his psycho kids, but hey, that wasn't his fault
Then there was Spectra as a red ranger. Danny now knew what it felt like to be on the wrong end of a Power Rangers punch. It was worse than taking a hit from Pariah Dark Mace
At least during that fight, he had the ectoskeleton to cushion the blows. Now, not so much
Spectra spun, kicking at his face. Danny brought his arms up to block. It felt like he'd been hit by a truck. He was sent flying back. Hotep Ra appeared, hitting him in the ribs and sending him flying towards Aragon, who closed-lined him, stopping his momentum before throwing him into the groundbreaking through the ground. Aragon then tossed him up
"Fire!" Sharkatapus yelled out before he and the three psycho rangers fired lightning at him from their fingers. Danny screamed as the evil electricity surged over him and through him. Danny fell to the ground, morphing back. Danny was barely conscious around him. He saw his friends and cousins beaten and on the ground
Danny tried to get up, but Sharktapus pinned him down with a tentacle, laughing. "behold the mighty Danny Phantom," Sharktapus mocked. "defeated of Pariah Dark, Undergrowth, Vortex, Nocturne, and Vlad Plasmius, the worst of the worst." Sharktapus threw him across the ground. Danny rolled before coming to a stop
"Look at you kneeling in the dirt like the worm you are before the might of the Nighloks…” Sharktapus continued to mock, shocking him with his lightning. Danny grits his teeth to keep from screaming
"If you're so mighty, how come you wanted to make Vlad, someone with the same powers as me, into a Nighloks?" Danny quipped through gritted teeth as he pushed himself up onto his feet. "How come I've been kicking your scaly butt whenever you crawled out of your sewer dimension for the past three years," he asked
Sharktapus growled
"Nighloks aren't mighty. You're just a bunch of knockoff boogeymen who smell like a fish market trying to scare people," Danny said, "and I'm not afraid, not one bit."
Danny didn't notice it at first, but on the Changs' wrists, their phantom Morphers began to beep, glowing red, blue, and green, then finally white
"Ecto genetic repairs complete initiating recombination sequence," a recording of Jack Fenton chimed before white lights shined from the morphers, creating a portal to the morphing grid white light showed over the fallen members of team Phantom healing their injuries and giving them renewed strength
But that's not all it did
Stepping out one after another were clones of Danny, though their features differed about them. Some were tall, some short, some muscular, some skinny, some with different hair, and so on. Henry, Luke, and Buzz recognized them instantly. "brothers," they muttered, recognizing their fellow clones from Vlad's first cloning attempt after becoming a Nighlok
Danis eyes were drawn to four specific clones: one larger and more muscular, one thin one who was six inches tall, and one who looked like Danny but with a shaved head and a birthmark that could be mistaken for scars at a distance
"Brothers," Dani said, tears in her eyes as she couldn't help rushing over. She hugged the four, and they hugged her back
"What is this?" Sharktapus demanded, shocked. "These clones died years ago saving this miserable world from the Disasteroid I know it."
Danny smirked, feeling refreshed as he cracked his knuckles. "this is a family reunion," Danny answered, "and you weren't invited."
Danny looked back to the others, "ready."
"Ready," everyone echoed back in unison
"We're going ghost"
"Phantom Force going ghost."
"We don't have a battle cry," Tucker shouted
Everyone who could morphed before they charged
Sharktapus, if he were smart, might have retreated at the surprise of twenty-nine new enemies, but no one ever called the Nighloks smart. He summoned more moogers. "CRUSH THEM ALL!" he shouted, charging into the fight
The fighting was fierce. The clones tore through the Moogers like wrapping paper on birthday presents.
Sam and Billy working together, overwhelmed Aragon, tricking him into trying the same fire attack as before but this time, fired into his open visor. The ghost tyrant turned Nighlok exploded in a ball of blue flames
Hotep Ra turned into a sandstorm, sending clones flying and making it difficult to see Tucker using his PDA hack into the school sprinkler system and turn on the school sprinklers
Hotep Ra, when hit with the water, turned from sand into mud and tried and failed to reform into the evil green ranger completely and was a sitting duck for Tucker and Debbie to fire, destroying the Nighlok
Spectra was the hardest of the psycho rangers to beat, knocking around clone after clone, knocking Henry into Luke before drawing two swords and rushing at Danny
"There's no way I'm giving up!" she yelled insanely, not that anyone would say Spectra was ever completely sane in the first place, as she rushed at Danny
'I've never tried using this power in a fight,' Danny thought. 'here goes nothing.'
As Spectra swung her swords at Danny's neck, Danny turned into green smoke just like his evil self from the future did. He'd screamed when he developed this power, and part of him even worried that he was becoming just like him
But Danny knew better. He had what he didn't: friends, family, the love of his beautiful girlfriend, and the promise that he'd keep that he wouldn't become him EVER
Danny reformed behind a shocked Spectra, holding up a hand powering up a ghost ray
Danny fired the ghost ray, overwhelming Spectra and disintegrating her
Soon, the Moogers were either destroyed or were drying out from not being in the Senzu River. Even Sharktapus was beginning to dry out he was beginning to dry out
"It's over," Danny said coldly. "Now give up."
"NEVER," Sharktapus swore, "I don't care if it takes me a hundred years, a thousand years, or a hundred thousand years. I will conquer this world, and I will wipe out your entire bloodline. I will make them curse your name and the day you walked into the ghost portal."
Danny knew Sharktapus would keep that promise if he could, so Danny wouldn't let him escape to do it. "not going to happen,"
Danny and the others fired in unison. Their combined attacks were too fast-hitting Sharktapus before he could escape, destroying him completely and entirely in a red explosion
"Ordinarily, I'm opposed to the killing of sharks," Sam said, looking at the spot where Sharktapus had been standing with hatred. Danny couldn't blame her; Sharktapus had spent a while messing with Sam's emotions, feeding on them to make himself powerful, and probably would have eaten her when he was done, "but he's an exception."
"I second that," Tucker said, looking at his destroyed helmet and picking up the pieces. "I'm really hoping that's the last we see of Nighlok…”
Danny and Sam seconded that before they hugged
"Hey!" a clone shouted. Danny wasn't sure which one. He'd have to learn their names later. "Let's celebrate."
Everyone else gave a resounding cheer at that.
Before they left, a giant explosion happened, and Sharktopus grew to a giant size.
“I completely forgot they can do that…” Danny grumbled.
“I will destroy you, Danny Phantom!” as Sharkapus l
raised his foot to stomp on our heroes, a giant samurai robot with wings on its back came down and kicked the Giant Nighlok in the face.
“The Samurai Rangers, what are they doing here?”Sharktopus yelled as he stumbled from the kick.
“Fantastico, they got my message  , and they are here to help…” Antonio said.
Sharktapus fired a barrage of teeth from his mouth as the battle wing Megazord flew up and dodged the attack. The Battlewing Megazord flew high into the air, its gears on its back winds, charging with yellow energy before striking Sharktapus down by plummeting and slicing him in half.
“Nooooooo!” the Nighlok screamed before he exploded.
“ Samurai Rangers victory is ours!” The red ranger said.
“That was so amazing!” Tucker gasped in amazement.
“Thanks for calling your team, Antonio…” Danny thanks Jazz’s boyfriend.
“It’s no problem, amigo. Also, my team will finally seal the Sanzo River so Nighloks  will never invade Earth again…”  Antonio said.
“That’s awesome!” Danny stated.
"So wait back up a minute," Penny asked, holding up a hand and sitting next to him on the Fenton Works couch at Team Phantoms graduation party "The clones have been ALIVE this whole time,"
"Well, alive isn't the exact word," Danny said before going into how his parents explained it to him when they asked him to give up the red phantom morphed minus the slideshow they had
"Okay, so Vlad recycled the DNA from Danis brothers and mixed it with Senzu River water. Then he used a computer to mold the clones so that they looked at me on the outside, but on the inside, they weren't completely stable. Not till he added Dani's DNA to the mix than they were semi-stable," Danny said, looking towards Dani, who was happily talking with her clone brothers
They'd been close unaware to Vlad, who had played them against each other, and she had hidden that their melting into goo had really hurt her. Dani had rarely left the fourth side
She did only briefly to talk with her five clone sisters
Yes, sisters, because of Vlad's cloning tech, one out of every five clones got two y chromasomes instead of an x and a y like Danny
"And Danis DNA gave Luke and Buzz their sapience," Penny said. "with it, there were more Fenton genes than the Senzu River."
Danny nodded
"Yeah, something that my parents and Tucker figured out, and unlike with Henry, Luke, and Buzz, they couldn't use ecto dejecto to purge the Senzu river from their genes. The river water was the only thing keeping them stable, but if they didn't do something, the water would overwhelm the human DNA, and they'd turn into Nighlok…”
Something no one wanted one Nighlok with ghost powers was bad enough no one wanted to imagine how much damage twenty-five could do
"And that's where the morphing grid came in," Penny asked
Danny nodded
"Yeah, my parents reached out to all kinds of scientists they knew over the years in all kinds of fields, from ecology to biology geneticists. Even Ben was asked,"
Though by then, he'd broken the Omnitrix
"But only one guy had an answer that could save all of their lives: the morphing grid by having the clones become part of the grid, the Senzu river water would be replaced with genes from various power rangers. Apparently, something similar happened to this one power ranger who got mutated into a evil lizard thing."
Penny looked around. It explained all the different features so that they looked less like Danny clones and more like his cousins
"So the Changs getting the morphs, what was that about?" Penny asked
"Access to the grid whenever the morphs were used sped up the gene restoration," Danny explained. "I only used the power as a last resort, so with the rate I was using the Morpher, it would have been one clone getting genes restored every two years, and they only would have been let out when they were all restored."
Penny did the math in her head twenty-nine times two, and Danny was seventeen. Now, it would have taken until he was fifty-eight years old for all the clones to be restored
"Dang, no wonder you got fired"
Danny nodded. "yeah, I would have fired me too."
Danny looked around, smiling, seeing all the clones interact with his friends and his family. Jazz loved the idea of having new sisters and was spouting about writing a paper about nature versus nurture and possibly settling the debate
Henry, Luke, Buzz, and their girlfriends, who had come when the party started, were chatting happily with the clones. Mina looked overwhelmed about suddenly having twenty-three new possible in-laws
Gwen was curious about the morphing grid and what it was like living inside it, and Alex was unfazed by the situation completely as she talked with one clone happily
'Make sense she's a spy. probably sees some weird stuff on the job,' Danny thought. 'not that I know anything about spies, ' Danny quickly thought, not sure if any of the clones had telepathy
Danny was going to watch what he said until he did
And last, he saw his dad, Tucker Billy, and one husky clone having an eating contest while his mom, Sam, and Velma watched while rolling their eyes
Yeah, Danny would have fired his parents if it meant moments like this would come sooner
Danny smiled, watching until he got a call from Ben
"Yeah, ok, ok, I'm on my way. I'll call Supergirl as backup, and we'll meet you there," Danny said before looking to Penny. "so aliens are invading Middleton,"
Penny nodded understandingly, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "be careful and come back in one piece," she asked. Danny nodded
"Do you want some backup?" she asked, looking at the clones. Man, they really needed to come up with their own names, and soon
Danny shook his head. "Nah, let them have fun. If things get really bad, I'll call."
Danny gave Penny one kiss and signaled to Gwen, who'd been watching the conversation out of the corner of her eye before they discreetly left the house
First Nighloks, now aliens things never got dull around here, did they
Danny looked back for a moment and smiled as he went ghost
He wouldn't want it any other way
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How about this?
The Observants fuck with the Reality Gauntlet because they don't want Danny to be king and they know Clockwork will do everything he can to circumvent them.
As a result, Vlad confronts Jack and Maddie as soon as he gets out of the hospital instead of waiting 20 years. It goes surprisingly well, Vlad and the Fentons reconcile, but the timeline is distrupted.
Jazz is an only child, and Danny is doomed to never be born. The Crown is the only thing that prevents him from being paradoxed out of existence. In true Phantom fashion, Danny fights the Observants to reclaim the Gauntlet.
When given the chance to undo the changes, Danny chooses to remain erased, but he does make his own adjustments.
Jazz grows up with 3 loving parents and a baby sister named Elaine. Vlad is still an unethical millionaire, but has chosen to live a humbler life with the Fentons. While the Fentons are still working on the portal, they do so at Axiom Labs using Vald funds. This time, building the portal takes longer, with Vlad serving as a constant safety reminder, but is much more publicized.
There is a gala for investors the day before the portal officially opens. 20-year-old socialite Sam Manson is attending and convinces her best friend and Axiom intern, Tucker, to give her a behind the scenes tour. Of course, Tucker tries to run a simulation on the computer and accidentally turns the portal on. Valarie, who followed in her father's footsteps, catches them red handed.
While the Fentons and Vlad are able to shut the emergency doors, a handful of the usual suspects escape to the Living Realm. Tuck, Sam, and Val are charged with fixing their mess. A few months in, 17-year old Elle steals equipment and joins them on the hunt. The newest iteration of Team Phantom is born.
Things go okay. The team doesn't have a way to catch ghosts until Cujo accidentally charges the thermos and Elle uses the excuse that she's the only one he listens to to stay on the team. Freakshow still gets busted, as does his staff. Spectra is stopped once again by Elle. Skulker tries hunting Vlad.
Meanwhile, King Phantom has been ruling the Ghost Zone with the assistance of his council. The members of said council are the only ones who know the king’s true age and origins, and he uses this skeletalform in all his public appearances. Clockwork has been trying to convince Danny to reset the timeline, but he refuses and the Ancient cannot overcome the Gauntlet's power.
Once the portal opens, King Phantom is immediately swamped trying to keep order in the realms. He cannot check on his former friends and family even if he wanted to.
The Kingdom of Aragorn has been mostly overlooked for all this time. Dorothea may remember the original timeline, but her brother and her people do not. Eventually, Aragorn pulls the same scheme as he did in the original timeline. Sam is forcibly signed up by her mother and Tucker is made the judge. Things play out similarly enough until King Phantom shows up to arrest Aragorn.
The art takes place just after Danny defeats Aragorn and introduces himself. And about .2 seconds before Team Phantom bursts through the doors.
The King and Team develop a good working relationship and Phantom starts opening political talks with the Living Realm. Meanwhile, Daniel Nightingale is new in town and has opened a café with an art studio upstairs.
Instead of wishing to never meet Danny, Sam wishes she knew Phantom better. Danny spends 3 days retconned back into the new timeline until they fix it. Sam remembers afterwards, but pretends not to. She starts looking into similar reality warping powers. This will eventually attract the attention of Freakshow so que Reality Trip.
The Team learns about Danny’s human form in the aftermath, but not that he used to be a Fenton. Sam saw what the gauntlet was capable of and has suspicions, but she is falling pretty hard for Danny and doesn't want to confront him yet.
Not sure what exactly goes down with Hotep Ra and Undergrowth, but they definitely keep the powers this time. Danny is a great help as they try to control them.
The GIW are not an extermination squad,but they are an espionage squad. A group sneaks through the ghost portal and somehow frees Pariah Dark. Danny and his council are ambushed and trapped while Pariah goes to the Living Realm to "recruit" more forces. Elle uses the exosuit to go rescue Phantom and dies doing so. Phantom challenges Pariah for a second time and wins unassisted. Danny resurrects her but is forced to make her a half ghost again. The uncanny resemblance been them has never been clearer.
Things come to a head when the handful of the Observants who escaped the original disaster make a second attempt. Everyone in Amity Park gains their memories of the original timeline. There is some anger and sorrow and various feelings of betrayal, but they all realize that, not only was Phantom always a hero, but he made sure they would be as happy as possible in the new timeline. They convince Danny not to erase their memories again and Danny reunites with everyone. He goes to ask Sam on a date and she pulls him in by his shirt and kisses him.
Beauty and the Beast AU anyone??
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Bounty Hunter AU but DCxDP
OK, so I really enjoyed my bounty hunter au, but I feel like I could make it more entertaining. This is a human au btw.
Some info: Bounty hunter is an actual job and are mostly called bail enforcement agents or fugitive recovery agents. They can legally pursue fugitives across state lines and break and enter their house without a warrant if they know the fugitive is there. They primarily pursue and apprehend fugitives who have skipped bail or failed to appear for court proceedings. Only 4 states ban bounty hunting; Oregon, Kentucky, Illinois, and Wisconsin. (I do not know if this would be mirrored in DC because of how many super villains there are.) The laws regarding bounty hunters vary state to state. Only the USA and the Philippines have legalized bounty hunters.
Danny becomes a bounty hunter out of spite towards the GIW. His goal is to show up the GIW bounty hunter group and rub it in their face. And to catch Vlad and turn in the bounty on his head.
Danny's gotten pretty good at being a bounty hunter. He's caught quite a few criminals and is on the case of another one that happens to have crossed over into one of the hero's territory.
Here's a few ideas of how this could go:
Danny goes to Gotham to catch Johnny and Kitty. Given that their aesthetic matches Gotham pretty well, they're able to blend in well enough that even though Danny's tracked them to Gotham and is loosely working with the commissioner, he has to resort to asking for help from the Bats. Neither side trusts the other. Danny nearly gives up when Johnny and Kitty go through another dramatic break-up that has nearly the entirety of Gotham gossiping about it. He finds them, handcuffs them, and leaves for Amity. Both the bats and himself are relieved to not be dealing with the other.
Danny goes to Gotham to catch Spectra. Her and her butler are slippery and wonderful at disappearing, but given the amount of poverty they stick out. This tips off the Bats' that something's wrong. Danny gets to town and while the bats do not trust him, he's working(sorta) with Commissioner Gordon. As a last ditch effort to avoid getting caught, Spectra and Bertrand join Joker and Harley. Despite the four getting along, Harley gets jealous which causes them to have an explosive falling out, catching everyone's eyes. The situation becomes Spectra & Bertrand v Joker & Harley v Danny & the Bats.
Danny goes to Metropolis to catch Aragon. He chose the place because he thought it would be easy to lay low and then start a new cult. He wasn't wrong. Danny teams up with investigative reporter, Clark Kent, to find the slimy ex-cult leader.
Skulker goes to Jump City to hunt Beast Boy. He, unlike most of Danny's other bounties, is wanted in several states. He's also one of the few to seek out Danny specifically. So when Danny shows up to prevent him from doing his job, Skulker sees it as an opportunity to use BB as bait. A 'two birds, one stone' sorta thing. Danny teams up with the rest of the Teen Titans to take down Skulker and save BB.
The GIW ends up chasing down the same fugitive as Danny (for different bounties) in Star City. Green Arrow has to keep the two from destroying his city.
Desiree goes to hide in Faucet City. She's laying low by working as a fortune teller(cliche I know) but the ambient magic is causing her reading to be rather accurate. Especially the readings about misfortune. This gains her the attention of the news and Wiz Radio Show host, Billy Batson. The news is how Danny learns where she is. Billy thinks that Desiree is a new villain, while Danny's just trying to figure out how Desiree became such a popular fortune teller while trying not to make a huge scene. The two meet and immediately clock the other as a potential ally in taking down Desiree quietly. Between how many secrets Billy keeps and Danny's constant off-the-wall split second decision making, it's like working with the Bats again but they actually get along.
and here's two crack-ish ideas for you:
Danny is standing just outside of Wisconsin while Vlad taunts him. Saying stuff about how sad it is that bounty hunting isn't legal in Wisconsin. Danny just calls the fricken cops on him instead.
Or instead of Danny calling the cops, he just starts leaving. Vlad is not done taunting him though and starts to follow him, when he realizes he's fallen into a trap and left the relative safety of Wisconsin.
#dp x dc#dc x dp au#dc x dp prompt#i researched the law for this#was it worth it?#kinda#it was interesting#i still don't understand some of it#if i add more ideas to this should i post it separately?#or should i edit this?#or should i reblog this with the addition?#bounty hunter danny#all the ghosts are humans
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Alignment Shift and Collision Strife
I keep saying I’ll explain my AUs and I’ll try to do that now. For the most part this information is stuck in the Bakugan Interspace AUs channel as I barely write things down, but now I’m going to try and get these AUs on Tumblr.
For the record,Â
I’m not a writer.
I like creating AUs that put the characters in weird situations, and AUs that change how characters act. After all, it’s an AU, and it’s interesting to explore how certain characters can be changed, for the better or for worse.
Alignment Shift originally started by the classic idea of, well, an alignment shift, good guys are bad, bad guys are good. However, this AU developed into something a bit more, which will be explored in “Collision Strife”.
In the AS universe, Naga got stuck in the Infinity Core, while Wavern was stuck in the Silent Core. Wavern would then influence 6 kids, which would form The Silent Brawlers, a team of mischievous kids that are meant to send bakugans to the doom dimension and seek out Naga.
However, Naga influences one of these kids, Alice, alongside her grandfather to help them fight for the good side. Masquerade is seen as a hero who is trying to stop the Silent Brawlers.Â
I’ll also grab a comic exclusive character for this universe, Katie Lowery. After losing her partner bakugan, Chamelia, she tries her best to lead a ragtag team of kids to stop the Silent Brawlers.
The Silent Brawlers however would end up being victorious in the end. New Vestroia, in this AU, is more or less a hellhole for the bakugans stuck in this dimension.
And then we get to the Vestals. In this universe, the Vestals were just in search of planets that didn’t had any living beings so they could expand their colony, however, when they stumbled upon New Vestroia, they were shocked to see that such dimension had living beings stuck on it. Despite having a crowded planet, they decided to take the bakugans in. This however, alerted the Silent Brawlers, esp AS Dan and AS Drago, so, they went to AS Vestal to try and capture the fleeing bakugans, teaming up with 3 vestals in the process.
The Vestal Protectors and the three “Silent” Vetals.
The Vestal Protectors are this universe’s equivalent of the Vexos (also called the VPs for short), they’re meant to chase off the Silent Brawlers and help Clay in the mission to rescue the bakugans.
AS Spectra, being the leader of the group, tries his best to manage the group, however it’s hard to face off the team when one of the members is his own little sister, but not for the reasons you might think.
AS Mira, hooo boy I finally get to talk about this girl on my blog. OG Mira is a sweet kid, that might had done stupid decisions but that’s because she cares about her brother. But AS Mira? She doesn’t really care, in fact, she pretty much torments her brother and father, to the point Clay pretty much became a workaholic that barely sleeps just so he could avoid her and AS Keith… would eventually adopt a new identity to hide from her, becoming the leader of the VPs in the process… and there she is, yet again, just to mess with him. She doesn’t know he’s Keith and he doesn’t think she even cares.
Also, as you can tell by their positions, AS Spectra cares for the Bakugans, while AS Mira doesn’t.
There’s also AS Ace and AS Baron, but they feel more like in a hostage situation, following AS Mira’s commands in fear she might do something to them.
Collision Strife
And then, we get to Collision Strife. HOPEFULLY- this will be a fic.
The idea is, that instead of arriving back in their original universe, Dan, Runo, Baron and Mira somehow end up in the AS universe. Somehow the two Dimensional transporters linking up when they went in the portal. The original Michael, Julie and Alice being confused as to why Runo hasn’t arrived, until Michael finds the reason.
With the 4 brawlers stuck in this new universe, they end up seeing the Silent Brawlers and the Vestal Protectors. Eventually, the Battle Brawlers and VPs team up while they’re stuck in this universe. There is a lot more planned.
Julie and Alice going in this universe to rescue Runo, only for them getting kidnaped by the SBs, and then later on freed by Runo and Baron.
The AS versions of Wilda, Nemus and Percival being taken by the Battle Brawlers and joining them.
Standard NV stuff once they return to NV.
And once the Sky Palace is done… something new-
Collision Strife is planned to be part of my “Multiverse Special”, while most of the fics will focus on the collide between the original and alignment shift universe, there will be a fic in this special that will include more multiverse shenanigans.
If you have any questions about this I'll try to explain :'D
#bakugan#bakugan battle brawlers#alternate universe#bakugan: Alignment Shift#bakugan: multiverse special#Im finally making tags for AUs other than the catverse lol#bakugan au
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Friend From the Other Side AU?? or FFOS!AU for short
Is created originally as a One shot comic “ Biology Lesson” Base on the Idea of What if Vlad is a Teen and a Ghost that turn half Human ,the total opposite from Danny Human to Ghost.
Latter grow into a full AU as it some how gain a lots of attention.And as a result of it rapid unplanned growth it share alots of it lore with it brother AU My Blood. So thing like
-Hivemind Demons Spectra, Unworld Dimension, what is Elsewhereness,The Dark Dragon Family Drama, Evil Observants, ect ... ect ..Advance Rework of DP original power system is expected.
Main Protag
Danny (Daniel) James Fenton Age: 14 (when turn Halfa) , 15 (when AU story started) Height: 167 cm Personality: Shy and Quiet, stoic a bit of a Loner, but Quite Bold as Phantom
Core Element: Ice   Soul Element: Water-Air Alias: Phantom, Inviso Bill, The White Haired One (by the Yeti), Ghost Boy. Backstory After the Portal didn’t activate. Mr and Mrs Fenton cut the power to the portal and go back to check the blue print and the calculation to see what could possibly be wrong. Mean while Danny and his friend who is over for a Sleep over ,coming down to the basement for some nice mad science theme photo shoot. Each of them coming down through the portal ladder to take a pic, Sam, Tucker, But when it Danny turn he jump down mid ladder to a loud thunk to look cool.
But then the portal Suddenly glow Bright, sound of electric hissing and buzzing through air, turn out Synth Ecto Plasm is a great Energy storage substant. There was a big Flash, and young Danny stuck in the portal hole unable to escape in time suffer the full blash.
Time of the accident Amity Park, Fenton House hold, 2:25 AM, 30/8/20xx Danny fall into a 4 month coma afterward, result in his social life get ruin. As his accident get on the new and while the fenton parent blame Sam for the Idea, Sam parent threatened to sue the Fenton for threatening their children life by letting them come into a Dangerous lab unspervised.
Result in Sam is Ban from ever coming close to the Fenton again. While the Foley stay quiet and avoid the issue entirely. After woken up from the coma, Danny start developing Ghost Power. And starting his work as a Ghost Hunter as he found out the portal open caused the entire town to suffer from a horrible ghost infestation.
Phantom first sighting is on May 5
Vladimir Judy Plasmius/Fenton/Masters. Age: 13 (in ghost year when turn halfa), 14 (when AU started) Height: 159 cm Personality: Sassy,Mischevious and hyper, with a hint of abandonment issue
Core Element: Fire --evo-->Electric  Soul Element: Earth --evo--> Metal Alias: Little Wisconsin Ghost, Plasmius, Fated Dark One (by the Observant council) Backstory After the great ghost and human war that ended back in the 20s with a truce thank to Agent W (Will Walker). The Portal and the GIW agency is dissolve. Until recently.
Time of the accident Wisconsin, GIW Omega Base, 2:25 AM, 30/8/20xx Portal Status: Destroyed Casualty: 143 Capture subject: P1-A5-M1115 Power rating: Extremely Dangerous (X) Tranfer to containment Base Delta 5 on Dec 12 Current Status: Escape (self contain) Recent Sighting: Dairy King Castle, May7                           Amity park, July 13.
How they meet: Behind a Wisconsin Denny as Danny is on a Family visiting trip. As Danny encounter a rouge ghost and assume Vlad to be the rouge ghost Only to get his Ass toss like a Salad by this Feral looking Ghost that just eat trash straight from a dumster. To which Danny later offer a burger as a peace treaty and a deal to help capture the rouge ghost. Vlad later followed Danny back to Amity Park to play role as an annoyance, before actually teaming up to aid in ghost hunting to get more Snack from Danny per deal.
What the story about?
It’s about the forming friendship of two unded boi from two different world.
and their Adventure in Both Realm.
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danny phantom young justice crossover fic that starts with the losing their memories in Bialya mission (Bereft), but because something something ghosts, M'gann can't help Danny get his memories back and he has to get them back naturally.
In DP canon, everything up to and including TUE has happened, and no one died. After the events of this episode however, Danny decided he was tired of hiding his ghost half from his parents and wanted to tell them the truth, but omitting the part about being Phantom just in case.
It didn't go well so he ends up living with Vlad and telling him about Dan.
The Team and the League don't know he's a halfa, but they do know he lives with a 'creepy old Dracula wannabe that's kinda okay sometimes'. They were worried at first, but Danny assured them that everything was cool between them.
He especially made sure Batman and Robin knew that despite the guy being evil in the past, he was trying to be good now and was one of very few people that could take care of him. He didn't need two detectives looking into Plasmius and then falling down a rabbit hole leading to articles about the mysterious disappearance of Daniel Fenton. So he did his best to downplay Plasmius' schemes and make him seem like a competent guardian while also playing up the fact that they're ghosts so certain standards might be different than human standards.
However, this Danny, the one with 6 months amnesia, remembers his last encounter with Vlad being that the fruitloop put a million dollar bounty on his head. This Danny just finished rescuing the kids at his school from Spectra's ghost bugs. This Danny was supposed to be waiting on the curb with a bunch of other students for their parents to come pick them up.
In human form.
So when he wakes up alone in the middle of a desert he's never seen before and in ghost form, he panics. Big time.
For some reason an image of a tent stuck out to him along with a green skinned girl. Danny immediately thinks Freakshow somehow broke out of prison, fixed his staff, and controlled him again which would lead to a whole other issue because the last thing he remembered was being surrounded by people. People who would've seen him acting weird despite the fact that the 'ghost flu' should be out of his system. And considering he could remember hearing the obnoxious sound of the Fenton Ghost Assault Vehicle's horn just down the street, his parents no doubt noticed.
And that begged the question, did he transform in front of them?
He was going to spiral more, but the same girl in his head flew down and brought him out of it. He fought her at first until he noticed his ghost sense never went off and ends up following her to find their supposed teammates.
Partway through their flight, Danny started floating lower and lower before realizing he's nearly out of energy and liable to revert back to human form if he uses much more.
M'gann levitates him the rest of the way to Kid Flash and Artemis. They help out Robin and when M'gann brings them into that mindscape place they find out about the roadblock with Danny's mind/memories. The others try to jog his memory as much as possible, but after several firm denials and finally finding Aqualad, they have to leave it for later.
The episode goes more or less the same without much changes after that, but when they return to the Cave, there's a laundry list of issues that Danny has to go through.
The apparent fact that he lives with Vlad Plasmius being at the top of that list.
So, to avoid Vlad and because he has a bad feeling about returning to FentonWorks, Danny ends up staying at Mount Justice for the time being.
After debriefing and a checkup from Red Tornado, he hits the showers with the others feeling exhausted and worried out of his mind for his friends and family. When he takes off the top of his jumpsuit and glimpses himself in a mirror though, all of his thoughts are directed towards the large Y shaped scar on his chest.
At this point, Danny becomes incredibly paranoid because he has no clue who could've done that- he doesn't know the GIW that well so he doesn't think of them and he didn't want to think about the only likely people being his parents. Thus, he does what comes easy.
Blame Vlad.
This begins a long week and a half of Danny staying at the Mountain and blocking every call that comes to his phone.
He had a feeling that Vlad would buy multiple new phones in an attempt to contact him (he's right) and if it weren't for the fact that he was declining Vlad's calls instead of letting them ring, he has a feeling the fruitloop would tear Amity apart looking for him.
Vlad does eventually storm Mount Justice as Plasmius and it's a whole confusing mess that ends with him stuck in a thermos while trying to explain his and Danny's living situation.
Danny refuses to believe that he left his home of his own free will to stay with Vlad and Vlad hints towards Danny having a bad identity reveal without mentioning his halfa status. Danny's trying to convince himself and the others that his parents love him and that they would never hurt him, but then Vlad drops the bomb.
"They should love all parts of you, Daniel. You can't just let them pick and choose, especially not for something like this."
"They do love me! They-"
"For ancients' sake, you told them you were a ghost and they cut you open!"
Danny's breath hitched and he stared at the thermos with wide eyes. The rest of the Team were watching with poorly hidden worry. "H-How did you-?"
Vlad sighed and in a quieter voice he said, "Who do you think did your stitches?"
#haha pain#DPxDC#dp yj crossover#dp dc crossover#bereft#nemotime#you ever think about how fucked up the 'bereft' episode could be if you add danny in there?#even just canon danny at certain times would be messed up#6 months after control freaks or reign storm or tue or a few days before the accident#yeah <3#holy shit i cant believe ive just had this sitting in my drafts for months#hit fucking enter coward#long post
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(Scene #5)
“Hmm….so this is where they keep you guys, huh? A display for all to see? Couldn’t pick a better death place for such rulers. It’s a wonder why the control brains want to swipe your memory from history.”
Viper had to jump through so many hoops and gather enough courage to get inside this forbidden room after hearing about three specific tallest that have been swept under the rug of the collective. He was curious as to why that is. Viper did ask around the base. Avoiding the higher ranks as to not draw suspicion for his actions. It eventually lead him to discover this secret on his own. Viper walked up to the first tank. It’s pink liquid bubbled upward but he can see the figure within it. He is aware that these are not the real bodies of the late tallest but fake genetic makeup that resemble them. The real ones were taken care of after their reign was over. Viper placed his hand on the cold surface of the tank for a minute. The glow from the static charger in between tanks are what keeps the liquid inside purified and the fake bodies at a stable position. Without it, they will dissolve into nothing. He touched the control panel.
“Let’s see….tallest Magnus. A ruler who became ruthless and unmerciful after the fall of his co-ruler. What ended his reign is himself. Magnus finally lost it. He won many battles. But when he loses one, it made him look weak in the eyes of his empire, so he took the fight to his enemy’s base. Many followed him to battle and are able to overthrow the leader there. Magnus held the head of his enemy and let out a victory scream. Returning home where there is to be a huge celebration in his honor. Tallest Magnus returned to his chambers. He did not show to the part so when his servants walked in, they’re in shock to find their leader dead. He sits in his throne, eyes blanked out and his chest slashed open in an odd shape. It was presumed that this was the battle wounds left unchecked by the medics. But in truth, Magnus did that to himself. The evidence was on his blade. The same blade that was given to him from Spectra when they were cadets. He used it to carve deep cuts in shape of a heart. The tallest let himself bleed out while he waits for death to take him….”
He scrolled downward and read everything about this guy. His story stops there. “He died for the sake of love?….there is a reason why our programming blocks such strong emotions like that. He was so young and strong. Magnus could have made the empire even more powerful if he’d stayed focused!”
Moving on to the next tank. It’s a female this time. He looked at her info form the control panel screen. Hers is a lot shorter than the other. Viper’s antenna flicked to the side. “This must be tallest Spectra. The partner to tallest Magnus. She’s a rare sight in the empire. She made three things happen. The start of the strategic ambush camouflage team. The new 3D update on the holo-visor and was able to tame a war beast. She named her voot cruiser after it.”
Viper looked up at the figure inside the tank. Puzzled and still curious about this leader. Spectra’s accomplishments should have been well known to the rest of irk society, so what made the control brains want to wipe her memory out of the collective? He scrolled further down the information.
“Tallest Spectra….died at 200 years old towards her reign. Cause of death….hmm? That’s strange.”
Viper reread that again. Tallest Spectra’s death was deemed a mystery to some irkens. Though when asked the control brains were asked, it was said that she died from an illness. One that was so bad that it infected her flesh vessel to the point that her pak claimed Spectra a virus and has automatically killed her itself. The technicians at the time knew what really happened to her and was ordered to keep their mouths shut or face execution for defiance against the control brains. This news has shattered tallest Magnus and has drove him into a pit of madness and despair. How he managed to rule another 200 years without breaking is beyond expectations.
“Two devastating stories linked into one.”
Viper moved along to the last tallest. Judging by the look at his attire, this one's been living spoiled. Checking the information from the screen, he learned that this is a leader who was lying in wait.
“What does that mean?”
Viper narrowed his eyes and read further into this one. Tallest Lux was once a cadet, moving to become a blacksmith. He already haves a person to mentor him but his time with him was cut short after being called in by the control brains to prepare him to become the next tallest. Viper tilt his head at this.
“Why would they pick him when there was already a tallest present? Lux didn’t get measured until….Tyne same day that Magnus died? The timing couldn’t be more suspicious than that! He was still so young.”
Tallest Lux ruled on a softer level than his predecessor. Though he was more than glad to help expand the empire across the galaxy, his approach on the matter wasn’t like anything else. Despite Lux feint given the title as tallest and the privilege that came with it. He was a bratty guy. His demands and orders are based off of what he wants for himself. He barely attended to most of his scheduled meetings. He visited the smeetery ONCE. Lux even ignored the summons of the control brains. That shook everyone.
“Damn he really was spoiled….”
This behavior could be the fact that tallest Lux was still a minor in the eyes of everyone else and has lost his sense of discipline after being given the power. “So his cause of death was….execution? Oh my glob. They tricked Lux into a room, where they locked him inside. It became a gas chamber….” Viper wanted to know how the this tallest’s death was covered up.
“This time it was the medics that claimed tallest Lux died from being poisoned by one of his own cooking staff. That said Irken was wrongfully blamed and put to death on the spot. In front of everyone.” Viper shook his head in disbelief. These are some very dark secrets that are kept away from the rest of irk. All in which the control brains were able to sugarcoat and make the other Irkens believe that these three leaders have died for their empire.
Viper stepped back a few steps, and to get a better view of the three tanks. Now he’s trying to figure out why these tallest die the way that they did and what’s the reason for keeping it secret. “Their existence is still noted down and known but why did the control brains wash over some of their story? Magnus was a brutal leader but he got the job done. Spectra has made achievements as well, but thre isn’t much to tell about what she did to deserve the death she got. Lux just stepped out of line but he too was contribute to the empire’s growth, so what was it?….”
Viper’s antenna’s perked at the sound of someone entering the room. He forgot about the maintenance crew have a shorter break time and are already coming back in. He had nowhere else to hide. Viler expected a bunch of short drones walking in, but to his fortunate luck, there was only one Irken present.
“What are you doing in here? This place of forbidden to everyone accept the maintenance team!”
“Ease your voice drone. I’m not here to bother. I just got a little lost, that’s all. I didn’t know about this room. I was looking for the storage unit.” Viper lied.
Now that the drone got a better look at him. He fixed his tone. “Head scientists, Viper! I didn’t recognize you for a moment. Please excuse my rudeness.”
A smirk crept onto Viper’s face. He loves this part of being na a high rank scientist. His promotion has moved him to work closer to the almighty tallest. He is in charge of the main research projects that will help move the empire forward. Anything that is made to increase the Irken’s reputation or something bio made that can be of greater use. The drone looked passed Viper and at one sight of the control panel screens, he grew suspicious. “What happened here?”
“Oh nothing. I got a little curious and took a look at the info monitor.” Viper didn’t have anything else to say as an excuse for his snooping. He shruged it off. The maintenance drone looked anxious now.
“You shouldn’t be in here. Not without permission. I’m afraid I have to ask you to leave this room.”
“Very well. I’ll leave to it then. Carry on soldier….”
Viper began to walk towards the door but heard the drone call him out again. “Whatever you read on those monitors are not all there. Only some of us know what really happened to these tallest but are too afraid for our own paks to speak up about it.”
“If you are worried that I’ll mention this, don’t. This is something I too will keep to myself.” Viper told him before he finally walked out that door. With this knee information at hand, there’s more that needs to be done around here before he can get back to work.
“The tallest will be leaving for space, on the massive soon. I’ll be joining them along with my team. Maybe I’ll get a chance to talk to them about my project.”
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I predicted Ida Manson & Dani Fenton as number 1 and they took it. Pretty sure they would be a duo causing trouble. They had a whole quarter of the votes at some point. (Dani was also number one on the first poll too, but with Damon Gray. We like Dani paired up with an adult?)
For number 2, I predicted Valerie Gray and Sidney Poindexter. They ended up in 3rd place with a last minute tie up for 3rd with Lance Thunder and Vortex. Those two were my guess for taking 3rd. Tie for 3rd count?
Valerie and Sidney look like a good duo with issues to work through. Valerie in her original distaste of losers and geeks in being an A-Lister, then a hatred of ghosts. Sidney reached a point of getting along with Danny and this is a Danny friend, he would want to try for getting along, but would likely be confused on how Danny and Valerie are friends and her treating him poorly as a geek and badly as a ghost. I can see these two working through various issues and needing to get past them to work together. Lance Thunder with Vortex tickled my funny bone (Lance is so done with ghosts) and potential good teamwork (Weather dudes!).
My prediction of number 4 came out as number 2. Throwing me off on almost having the top 4 right. Ah well. Jazz Fenton and Wulf take second!
I had hoped for Amorpho and Paulina to be higher because I could see potential in several directions for them. A new friend, shopping buddy for Paulina, so she can see the outfits on herself in full 360. Someone to pretend to be others to get her out of trouble, get alcohol for a party, be a famous celebrity doting on her. Paulina mistaking Amorpho as Phantom in the episode Amorpho is in. Amorpho continuing as Phantom around her because he likes her/the attention/whatever before the truth comes out. Paulina using Amorpho to get Phantom's attention. Potential for light and fluffy or going darker depending on how far you take Paulina's character or Amorpho's character. Considering what both have done for attention, I mean, they could amp the other one further and further, not willing to back down and take whatever it is too far.
I expected Elliot(Gregor) and Nocturn to be last. They almost were. But then Bertrand and Bullet got ZERO votes. Well. I didn't expect high for them. But no one thought a sidekick team up might be interesting? They bitch and moan about Walker and Spectra and try to do something about it? No one? Huh. Okay then.
Again again!
Random spin wheel of DP characters for creating a headlining duo for an imaginary and probably never made ff story.
Boredom funsies!
Whichever sounds the most interesting/entertaining/whatever.
#danny phantom#dp#spin that wheel! again!#boredom#for funsies#maybe I should put the top ones against each other#hmmmm
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Here's is my proposal of how to fix G1 Gil Webber:
[part 1]
At least Volume 1:
Gil's introduced as a freshwater student from another school. And he and Lagoona start to become rivalry during the swimming competition.
First half Volume 2: Gil gets transferred to Monster High: Due to his family moving in and M.H is the closest school that he can attend it. He doesn't like it being around "air breathers" monsters and his only comfort is being in a pool.
He joins Swim Team joins just despite Lagoona, intentionally sabotaging the swim competition...
After losing another competition: Lagoona has a serious talk with Gil. And tells him if he doesn't get better for the next match. She will kick him out of the team.
Gil makes a poor excuse saying the only reason he's kicking is that he's freshwater. And he's should be captain of the team.
Second Half: In an empty hall. Gil stumbles Manny. Gil calls Manny Dumb Earther. That makes Manny furious and pushes Gil to the lockers breaking his helmet.
Manny leaves before he gets caught by the teachers. And Gil falls unconscious...
Lagoona enters and she sees Gil laying on the floor. She took some water bottles that she always carries in her bag and use inverse recitation mouth to mouth.Â
[While Lagoona is saving Gil's life. Spectra takes a photo and plans to make an article about them]
Gil wakes up in the nursery room. Luckily they found another helmet and ask the nurse how he gets there. And Lagoona was just sitting over there watching him.
Gil confused asks Lagoona why do want to save him.Â
Lagoona responds it doesn't matter she can't just turn back someone who needs help. Despite he's done nothing but trouble for her. Lagoona leaves the room and Gil has some time to reflectÂ
Volume 3: Gil has slightly improved his behavior and starts to be more cooperative with the swim team and starts to like Monster High and "air breathers". Even he made friends with Deuce, Clawd, and surprising Heath
At lunchtime: Lagoona was chatting with girlfriends about Gil's change. Suddenly everyone got a notification from Ghostly Gossip blog.
[Rivals to Lovers: Gil and Lagoona story]
Everyone starts talking and Gil leaves the Creepateria and Lagoona follows him.
Gil shouts at Lagoona to just leave him alone.
Leaves MH and goes straight to his parent's house. Luckily nobody was home at the time. Go to his room and laying on his bed staring at the photo of Lagoona "kissing" Gil
He shouldn't be angry at Lagoona, He knows that she saved his life. But he can't help to have this feeling every time he sees Lagoona. He didn't realize how beautiful and kind is Lagoona.Â
Sometimes Gil asks Lagoona to help him with his homework [and viceversa] or swimming techniques despite his being good at it. Gil just wants to ask Lagoona for a date.
But Gil knows very well that his parents will not approve of this relationship. More importantly, does Lagoona has the same feelings for him ? or she just saw him as a teammate?Â
He doesn't know what to do?
Yes I'm practically rewriting Gil character. Like he considering the worst characters in the fandom. As for me I don't hate him but I wish Lagoona and Gil just broke up and maybe they could find better partners You know they say: There plenty monsters on the sea (and rivers) I know still have 2 volumes left so I will make part 2. I will making more rewriting or fixes in Monster High G1. Maybe Its all depends on my mood and if I have time to write it down.
#monster high#monster high rewrite#monster high g1#gil webber#lagoona blue#I know rivals to lovers is kinda cliche but everyone loves redemption arcs done right#I hope G3 Lagoon and Finn relationship isn't as messy as G1#midnight random ramblings
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