#perfuma X Lonnie
baggebythesea · 1 year
What if character X became She-Ra?
Adora - the show
Glimmer - All the powers she ever dreamt on PLUS the political power as defacto leader of the princess alliance PLUS the one everyone looks up to for moral judgement calls and the one everyone expects to save them from all the ills of the world. I'm sure that responsibility and call to her overwhemling hubris won't target her crippling insecurities or anythying.
Bow - Wait, who's that masked stranger? It's BOW-RA! HERE TO SAVE YOU, CITIZEN. Plays really well at defence but not the offensive force for the Princess Alliance that Adora was. Also, you know how stressed he is to be the Friend Guy that tries to keep everything together? Now he's the friend-guy with the entire WORLD.
Catra - The Horde is fucking WRECKED in a week. Hordak is dead. Catra sits on the throne. Shadow Weaver… bows for Cat-Ra in deepest respect. She tells her that she was wrong to treat Catra the way she did. She always, secretly, respected Catra. She… YOINK! SWORD STOLEN! HAH, CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FELL FOR THAT.
Shadow Weaver - Run. Just run.
Angella - Finally she can keep everyone safe. The sound of cannons outside the wall? If she tries REALLY hard sometimes she can block that sound out.
Micha - Would turn out pretty much like Adora, I think.
Lonnie - the war is over in a day. I hope your opinion of "peace" is "magically enforced military dictatorship", because that's what you are getting - regardless of which side she is on.
Entrapta - SCIENCE! Forget heroics, someone just handed ENTRAPTA the master admin password for the entire PLANET! She can run Doom on this thing. Just look out for when she starts overclocking.
Mermista - SEA-RA! (Being a hero is too much like work, once the heroics grow stale. But everything considered the war wouldn't be TOO different from the main show. Also - Sea Hawk would be even more insufferable, singing her praise).
Perfuma - Good vibes for EVERYONE. She would try SO HARD to find peaceful solutions, but once in awhile give in to the temptation of hitting people with flowers.
Scorpia - Oh, gosh... um, sorry about breaking stuff?
Hordak - On no, magic is heretic. Not even Horde Prime… can… stand… against it… punches a hole in reality, stomps up to the Velvet Glove "HI FATHER-BROTHER, ARE YOU FINALLY PROUD OF ME?"
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antispopausandstuff · 9 months
no one asked, but here we go:
every spop-centered AU i have so far ( most of them are not public and just live in my brain or in some discord chat )
Virtues Universe - A universe that centers around Adora and Catra's ( positive ) sisterly relationship, Catra joining the Rebellion alongside her sister. Includes Adonnie and Catfuma ( Adora x Lonnie, Catra x Perfuma ) and Adora becoming a Rebellion Leader before becoming She-Ra ( in s2 ). I think this is the one AU I have where Catra isn't a bad person, lol.
Her Heart Universe - A universe where Adora is an alien on Earth, and is in the care of Mara and Razz. Includes learning values, social struggles, and episodic stories turning into a serialized "we gotta get our shit together or die" story.
Two Suns Universe - A universe where the key sibling relationship is Adora and Kyle, rather than Adora and Catra. Includes loving siblings, redemption arcs, Crimson Waste Kyle, and Kyle x Rogelio x Bow. Lots of Kyle love.
The Wilted Flower Universe - A universe where Adora's 'dead' ( bc Catra ), but her spirit resides, and She-Ra has taken over her form, desperate to keep her wielder alive. Includes a lot of violence, arguing, and blood, as She-Ra is unhinged in this universe and I love it. Not self-cest or a She-Ra x Adora AU, don't be weird.
Pearl Of The Sea Universe - A universe where Adora is a mermaid and Entrapta finds her in her boss' lab. Includes lovers to enemies to ??? ( entrapdak ), found family, and typical corrupted workforce.
Until It Ends Universe - A universe where Adora suffers from amnesia, She-Ra is an unknown entity, and the only thing she remembers is the Sword of Protection and is meant to serve it and its legacy. Includes folklore, forming friendships, ??? to enemies ( catra ), and discovering lost memories. Inspired by BOTW.
Ready To Go Universe - A modern universe where Adora and co use social media to boost their cafe's reputation. Includes Angella being Adora's mother figure, long distance relationships, found family ( again ), and cutting ties.
The Ghost Of Her Universe - A universe where Adora is a ghost, and a friend of hers tries to figure out how she died. And Glimmer and Bow are there too. Includes abusive background, manipulation of the higher-ups ( SW and Catra don't talk about why she died ), and friendly, but sad ghost.
To Be Loved Universe - A universe in the process of being reworked, but is essentially a s5 rewrite ( with some rewritten details of previous seasons ), and Adora is allowed to swear. Incluces Catra being a cunt and getting told to fuck off, rebuilding friendships, and an unexpected pairing.
Can't Sleep Universe - A universe focused around my c*tradora kid, Elizabeth Randor ( Izzy ), who is very bitter and angry with her parents ( mostly Catra ). Includes abuse, divorce arc ( that's a thing, apparently ), and healing.
The Whispering Woods Universe - A universe where Adora is raised by Madame Razz and Light Hope and is a fierce protector of the Whispering Woods, setting up traps and making spells. She-Ra most likely doesn't exist in this AU. Includes learning about the past, Grandma // Grandkid dynamic, and Adora being a nerd.
Desert's Flowers Universe - A universe where Entrapta raises Adora instead after the little one runs away from the Horde. Includes loving mother, family to complicated, strangers to allies to friends to ??? to enemies ( entrapdak again ), and Horde Prime being a douche.
The Lightning's Song Universe - A universe where Adora was locked away in the Prison Dimension for 100 years, and is considered a 'corrupted heroine'. However, Glimmer and Bow decide to unleash her, hoping she'd be their best bet against the Horde. Includes discovering the truth, unhinged rageful Adora ( we stan ), and earning trust.
The Soulmates Universe - A more historian universe where Adora and Bow have to fake-marry for social reasons, and struggle with internalized queerphobia as they fall in love with people that aren't each other. Includes best friends, what love really means, and identity metaphors.
Cross-Over Universes
Danganronpa - Adora is the Ultimate Warrior, who may be considered the 'second Mukuro', depending on who you ask. Is best friends with Sakura and Hina ( including others ).
Teen Titans - Adora gets involved in a freak accident and is sent to the TT universe and joins the group. Adora x Starfire is a thing.
Sonic the Hedgehog - Light-hearted fun, mainly just Adora thinking Sonic is really cool and vice-versa.
Mario - Again, simply light-hearted fun, Adora thinks Peach is amazing and has her as an idol.
Voltron - I know. I know. But she'd be best friends with Lance, and that's all the reason I need.
almost all AUs feature Catra getting her ass whooped.
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sweethibiscustea82 · 2 years
The owl house (if you know about it) or she-ra
God thank you for asking about she-ra I just got back into it <333 (also I will answer your question on my other blog soon I swear, I’m just trying to come up with an answer <3)
spoilers under the cut for she ra and stuff, so if you haven’t finished that. Don’t go down there
favorite male character: absolutely bow, since the very first episode I decided that he was perfect. I will project hard on him he’s great.
favorite female character: Entrapta, she is my highest ranked character she plagues my brain. I want to hear her explain tech to me. I have a lot of favourite character that I’d let explain things to me.
least favorite character: horde prime. Just I hate him sm. He’s the worst.
prettiest character: okay so this is one is a tie between a few different characters. One is she-ra cause oh my goodness she Is beautiful, two is double trouble I am in love with them and as a shapeshifter enthusiast I want to be them and three. Wrong Hordak. I’m sorry everybody but he’s pretty to me.
funniest character: Probably sea hawk or scorpia.
favorite season: this is one is really difficult cause I loved them all but either 3 or 5. 
favorite episode: another hard one, because there is so many and I have a bad memory. But I think it was either the season three like finale episodes with the portal stuff. Or The episode where not only did double trouble tell hordak that catra was lying to him about entrapta, but also told catra what she needed to fucking here. That she was pushing everyone away.
favorite romantic ship: Entrapdak is my number one ship, they plague my brain at all hours of the day and I love them. I have a thing for really angry or grumpy people with issues meeting someone who is one, not even remotely afraid of them and two gets them to open up. These two are so perfect for eachother istg, he blushed when that fucking imp baby replicated him saying her name. He started crying when he found out what happened to entrapta. Entrapta didn’t want him to leave with prime, she wanted him to stay. She cares about him so much, she worries about him and Omfg I love them sm.
favorite family ship: I do not know what a family ship is but I assume it’s like, what’s your favourite like family dynamic, like oh these two are good siblings or this guys a father figure. Or this kid has a good relationship with their mother? I have no clue So anyways uh I’d have to say probably uhh I have no idea. I like glimmer and her dad, seeing her leave bright moon as soon as he got there tore out my fuckinh heart. 
favorite friendship: I love Rogelio, Lonnie and Kyle, I loved that episode where all of them got stuck with those fucking fireflies and Kyle went out there to get the ship fixed and he got so hurt and his friends came to protect him and honestly I’ve always loved those guys. As an added thing I also like scorpia and entraptas friendship with those two and eachother.
worst ship: this one is hard (I’ve said this way to much but whatever) because I really don’t hate a lot of ships, but like I don’t exactly know what to put here. The worst ship can be uh horde prime with fucking anyone.
ship that is overhyped: hmm, I mean I think a the ships get hyped to a good amount, everyone should get ducking insane with their ships but uh I guess catradora??? I have no clue dude I just chose the most popular ship.
ship that is underhyped: I haven’t been in the fandom for a while, but when I first started watching I really liked perfuma x bow &lt;3
an unpopular opinion: I have to check what exactly is considered an unpopular opinion in this fandom, but uh give me a minute. And there isn’t any actually gap In your time cause you’re seeing this all typed and stuff but yk I disappear for a minute In between writing this to go google stuff so uh brb. Anyways I’m back and couldn’t find anything I agreed with enough to talk about so I have to have an original thought about opinions now but uh, I really just love all of the show and think all the seasons and characters were really well written. I also like when they focus on redemption arcs and shipping because I kind of just like seeing that stuff happen a lot. 
Anyways it’s 4:30 am and I hope this was good 👍
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virovac · 5 years
Lonnie : She-Ra and etymology
Lonnie as a boys' name (also used less widely as girls' name) is pronounced LAH-nee. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Lonnie is "ready for battle".
Also has something to do with lions or oak trees.
So if you want a Catra/Lonnie or Perfuma/Lonnie inspiration there....
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Reductress headlines × She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Part 3)
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wildyfoe · 3 years
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Noelle's drawings from their twitter for the She-ra one year celebration!
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cute things about she ra characters :)
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this is poorly written
-adora spent her whole life thinking she was worthless and then had to be the planets savior having no idea how
-glimmer thought at one point she was an orphan and then had to see her dad for the first time in years but him chipped and killing
-bow probably felt worthless and had to watch his friends forget about him to argue amongst themselves
-hordak spent all of his time looking for perfection and doubting himself, then to be abused by who he thought was his savior
-entrapta spent all of her time alone and being looked at as a weirdo, thought she was stupid and useless, then had all her friends abandon her and he running into the arms of the enemy cause that was the only place that would accept her
-perfuma was looked at as the weak one who no one took seriously when she could controlled the entire planet only because she could keep her calm
-mermista has a problem with expressing her feelings and it guessing that’s on ✨trauma✨and watched her kingdom get destroyed
-netossa literally had to watched her wife become chipped and murderous
-frosta was forced into the war at age 11 and spent 3 years of her childhood in combat
-sea hawk probably has anxiety and validation issues/horribly insecure
-scorpia went through the same ordeals as catra + her family being hated + everyone taking advantage of her and still being a totally sweetheart
-lonnie had to watch her friend disappear and become the enemy and her other friend rise too the top and was definitely physically abused
-kyle had his friends walk all over him and no one ever listened to him (also he probably has permanent scars from the burns)
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elsafowl · 4 years
Here we go. 
NOW, to the reviewing!!! Because I have SO MUCH to say. But first, of course, and spirits I’m happy, Catradora!! Like, wow, I was crying at the end of the last episode because it was so good and pure and it felt right. At first, I didn’t really imagine how Catra could have a redemption arc, plus Adora kinda forgiving her, and then having them both falling in love and admitting this love before the end of the show. That seemed like a lot to manage in only 13 episodes of 20 min. But guess what? THEY FREAKING DID IT, and it felt fluid and right and it made perfect sense. The kiss was perfect, but every little moment before was perfect too. I especially loved the communication scene between the two ships, when Catra is sending Glimmer to Adora & Bow. Like, how Adora couldn’t believed her ears? And Catra saying “I’m sorry”, her-whom-shall-not-ever-say-sorry, saying sorry? IT WAS GREAT. And the rescue and Catra has short hair (I had to get used to it, but it’s actually a great look for her) and Bow always saying she’s cute and all. I’m glad there was some conflict at first too, it’s hard to stop butting heads when you’re used to it. But then the TEASING (you know which scene I’m talking about) and the FLIRTING and TOUCHING. Like, wow. It was so clearly romantic, and I never EVER see that in cartoons. 
Korrasami walked so Catradora could run, and what a run, my friends! 
But not everything is about Catradora, and it’s a greater indication of the quality of the show. I still can’t believe how they manage to do everything and get it so right in so little time, it blows my MIND!! Adora’s journey with She-Ra and her friends and Catra, it was so blatantly obvious she didn’t let herself feel too much, especially if it “distracted” her from her goals as She-Ra. She wanted to save everyone, to save her friends because she loves them, but she didn’t understand that she would hurt them by dying in some sort of heroical sacrifice. And Catra learning to accept love and affection from others, and connecting with the little invisible cat (that was pretty dope, I loved it) and opening up. That was beautiful to see her try, try her hardest, and sometimes it would work and sometimes she would lash out, but she tried. Basically, Catra helped Adora to become a little more selfish and in-tune with what she wants, and not what the world or She-Ra need. And in return, Adora helped Catra become a little bit more selfless, to think about others. They complete each other so perfectly, and the flash-forward in the future was awesome aaaaaaaaaaaaand I’m getting back to Catradora, sorry!
Now to other characters. 
Glimmer was fantastic. Gosh, her relationship with Catra was so touching, and her apologizing to Bow, and just, you know, being her better self. By the way, why aren’t you all talking about BOW AND GLIMMER????? HOW COULD I NOT SEE THIS BEFORE??? They are so cute, and the “I love you”s before the final battle, and the forehead KISS omg. Best friends falling in love, this is perfect. Bow being the only one with some sense of self-preservation (at least until Catra arrives!) was pretty funny too, he is probably the most clever in their group. And the both of them searching for Bow’s dads, it shows that - again - you can be selfish sometimes, and it’s okay. Actually, Glimmer also shows that it’s okay to be a little selfish to Bow, and Bow shows her that it’s also could to rely on friends and not carry everything on her shoulders (like she did in season 4). Also, how cute Frosta & Glimmer are, everytime they see each other! And Bow & Entrapta are so funny too, I just love how we had so many different interactions between every character this season.
The plot with the chips was phenomenal too. I was worried it would be too impersonal, to have the Princesses fighting againt robots and clones. But now, having Princesses fighting Princesses was freaking angsty and great!! Spirits, Netossa trying to save Spinirella was so heart-breaking, and I’m so happy we finally had a story with the two of them at the centre of the narrative. The underwater episode was pretty great too, I love when they play dress-up!! Also, what was this CHEMISTRY between Perfuma & Scorpia???? They would be great together, and it’s refreshing to see Scorpia being treated kindly by someone. And Sea-Hawk and Mermista are soooooooooooo funny. When she said she had set a boat on fire to see what it felt like??? Lmao, I was on the floor!!! And the Princesses kinda being mad at Entrapta for caring only about technology, and then having Entrapta working, not for technology but now to save her friends was some real character development. 
I’m confused about Shadow-Weaver, tho. I knew I didn’t want her to have a full redemption arc this season. It would be letting her off too easy: like, she was a freaking abuser for years, and thirsty for power and she worked for the Horde and was Hordak’s left hand for years too! And wow, I was so angry when she tried to do her bullshit again and separate Adora & Catra. The worst thing was, she actually thought she was going the right thing! I’m so happy we got to see both Adora & Catra screaming at her, and calling her out for her bullshit, and refusing to be manipulated anymore. Shadow-Weaver did a few good things from time to time (like saving Micah at one moment), but I dunno, I wasn’t expecting her to die. I had tears in my eyes when she took off her mask and exploded. I guess that was the point: Adora and Catra were also crying, she was their mother figure for a long time after all. It’s like, you can have an abuser and know about it, but still love them in a way... and that’s becoming too personal, back to the review!! 
I dunno what to say, honestly, everything was great. Sure, I would have loved to see a little bit more Rogelio, and Kyle and Lonnie (btw, KYLE HAS A CRUSH ON ROGELIO!!!!!!!). And maybe a little bit more scenes between Catra & Scorpia too, she didn’t really have the time to apologize before the crushing hug (”there it is”, lol) but I’m sure they’ll be okay. The little scene between Perfuma & Catra about Scorpia was so lovely too, I hope they’ll be friends at some point. Little things here and there, mainly because there was a lot to tell and not many episodes to tell them. But what they did tell, they told it the best way possible.
She-Ra is one of the best series I have ever watched, and I’m so glad and relieved that we live in a world where this show, and even more this season, were possible. I wasn’t expecting everything to be... so explicit, I guess, especially in a serie for children, and yet Noelle Stevenson didn’t hold back at all. It’s like the curtain was, not only opened, but completely removed. I was so excited watching every episode, I couldn’t stop and then it was over and I couldn’t decide if I was crying or laughing (maybe both) but it made me feel SO MUCH, and it gave me hope and spirits know we need some positivity right now. 
So yeah. Thank you to the entire She-Ra team for creating and sharing this little treasure with us. I’m sorry for rambling, I’m just, this so GREAT, it’s making me so excited for future shows like this one!! If Korrasami walked, if Catradora ran, what will we have next, you know???!! 
Okay, now, one last time friends!
FOR THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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(can I say how cute Catra sneezing and purring was... happy Catra = adorable Catra, you’re totally right Bow)
(and can I say I’ll miss them so much? damn, i wish Noelle would do a movie, or like, little shorts of She-Ra in the future)
(DID YOU SEE CATRA’S and BOW’S HAIRS IN THE FUTURE??!!!!!!!!!! spirits, this was exactly the look I was dreaming of for Catra, and Bow looks so gooooooood help)
(okay, I’m really shutting up now)
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fuckass-catra · 4 years
its not very girl in red of catra to have waited FIVE SEASONS to kiss her wife. like c’mon man, the horde has a lot of dark corners and they were horny teenagers. 
like catra, girl, if you could plan invasions as well as you did, i believe you couldve sneaked around for a fucking make out sesh
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notlittleclare · 4 years
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So I had this crazy idea, and thank the goddess my best friend, not just understands my craziness, but joins me. And that's how this thing was born.
On every odd day in June, we’ll post a fanart of a Shera ship. To celebrate this amazing show and Pride Month!
If you would like, join us, and please tag us so we can see yours as well.
You can find us on Instagram @not.little.clare and @magenta.aifos
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kaiynite · 4 years
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anyways these r my ships!
(pls remember this is just y opinion) 
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Because it’s been a fat minute since I’ve done any good ship content (let’s be real, I’ve never had any good ship content on here), I thought I’d just make a super quick post of my Original SPOP OTPs, and some of my newer ones. (In no particular order)
CATRADORA (Catra x Adora) —legit goes without saying. We stan whatever mess is going on there.
GLOW (Glimmer x Bow) — I love them sm, I’m a giant sucker for their dynamic, PLUS Princess Prom exists so....
SEAMISTA (Sea Hawk x Mermista) — Just freaking goals. They are my two moods. Also, my first post was a seamista incorrect quote, so I’ve got a special place for these two in my heart
LONNIE x HAPPINESS — sorry, I just had to throw this one in because I’m high key in love with Lonnie, and she deserves a whole lot better!!
Some of my more recent ships:
HUNTARA x PERFUMA — these two had chemistry in S4E1 don’t lie mkay?? I’d know if they continue to have that adorable dynamic if I FINISHED the SEASON but WHATEVER
MERMISTA x BEING APPRECIATED — Also a S4S1 ship, but her flower arrangements for Glimmer’s queening (that’s what it’s called shut up) were lit and no one (cough cough Perfuma) appreciated it until the last minute (potentially, I don’t think we got closure on that)
Oh yeah and ENTRAPTA x HORDAK is pretty funny/good in general lol.
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evisamora · 5 years
You know what I love about She-Ra?  Is that even if Catradora doesnt become canon, we still have Glimmadora and Scorptra. If these doesnt become canon we still have Glow, Catrapta, Scortrapta, Adora/Mermista, Adora/Scorpia, Catra/Lonnie, Pertrapta, Bow/Perfuma, Seamista, Scorpia/Lonnie, Kyle/Rogelio, Kyle/Bow, Lonnie/Adora, Lonnie/Glimmer, Scorpia/Glimmer, Adora/Huntura, Glitra, Bow/Catra,Adora/Perfuma, Perfuma/Catra, Sea Hawk/Bow, Sea Hawk/Glimmer... AND if these doesnt become canon either we have... spinnetossa! 
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vrisrezis · 3 years
Rules + character list
I’ve been getting rqs lately, which has never really happened on this acc so I figured this would be important to make? I guess lol.
On the topic of abuse, I will write for it I just won’t go into explicit detail about abuse. I may write about physical abuse and emotional abuse but I try not to be too graphic. Noncon is a no but I may mention it in a darker fic but it’s nothing I write explicitly and there’s always warnings for stuff like that.
I won’t be writing for ships, strictly x reader stuff. But I make exception if it’s polyamory with reader.
I’m not gonna do every rq I receive. As of rn I’m not writing much. If I do write again I won’t take many rqs so don’t be upset please.
Just a short dni; basic stuff like being a proshitter, racist, homophobic, etc. pls dni if you support any problematic people or media’s like dsmp and shit like that I am not here for it lol ; dni if you don’t believe in acab, stop Asian hate, etc. do not interact with my nsfw or 18+ stuff if ur a minor, in fact do not interact with me if ur a minor
AS FOR CHARACTERS!!! If the character is canonically gay , the reader will be male or gender neutral (or if the character is lesbian will be female or gender neutral);
Nsfw only for Geto and Gojo rn
Other than that you’re cool I think ? Maybe I will update another time ‼️ rq away
Character list:
Sonic (don’t rq human x character please)
Sonic, shadow, Amy, blaze, whisper, tangle, rouge, silver, knuckles, sticks, espio, cream, tails (both platonic)
If you want the sonic boom versions just specify! Those versions are very different
Check this post, it has all the characters I’m writing for currently, check it again and again because it’ll probably change
Maki, nobara, itadori, gojo, megumi, sukuna,geto, shoko, utahime, kashimo, yuuta, nanami, todo, toge, riko, kuroi, nanako, mimiko, miwa, hikari, kirara, mai, kokichi, noritoshi, momo, ino, yuki, mei mei, naoya, mahito, kenjaku, choso, yuko , tsumiki, toji
Iroh, aang, sokka, katara, suki, zuko, toph, Ty Lee, mai, azula
Catra , entrapta, scorpia, mermista, lonnie, adora, glimmer, seahawk, bow, double trouble, perfuma, starla, huntara,
Luz, hunter, gus, Matt, willow, amity, Darius, Eda, Raine, Camilla, alador, boscha, skaara, the collector, emira, edric, king (plat), hooty (plat), lilith (plat), steve, might add more
Anne, Sasha, Marcy,
Adventure time
Marceline, bonnie , gumball, marshall, Finn, fiona
Harley Quinn, poison ivy
Zuko, suki, sokka, katara, toph, aang, azula, Mai, Ty Lee, iroh, korra, Asami
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myreygn · 3 years
rey's fandoms - cartoons
back to the masterpost
rey's fandoms
characters i especially love to write for are those written in green, characters i will not write for are those in red
♡ Avatar - The Last Airbender (show finished)
Suki | Sokka | Mai | Ty Lee | Jet | Zuko | Aang | Teo
Azula | Toph
mailee | zukka | sukka | jetko
zutara | tyzula
♡ Avatar - The Legend of Korra (show finished)
Kya | Lin | Ming-Hua | P'Li | Eska | Desna
Opal | Suyin | Meelo
korrasami | kyalin
makorra | masami
♡ She Ra and the Princesses of Power (finished)
Scorpia | Mermista | Perfuma | Glimmer | Lonnie | Bow | Entrapta
scorfuma | merfuma | glimbow | glimmadora | sconnie | seamista
♡ Arcane (finished, i don't play lol)
Ekko | Mylo | Claggor | Vi | Powder | Caitlyn | Sevika
timebomb | piltover's finest
♡ The Owl House (finished)
Emira | Edric | Gus | Lilith | Hunter | Willow | Bosha | Skara | Vee | Darius
huntlow | darimila
♡ The Legend of Vox Machina (show finished)
Pike | Vax | Gilmore | Keyleth
vaxmore | vexleth
♡ Hazbin Hotel (show finished)
Alastor | Rosie | Angel Dust | Lucifer | Camilla Carmine | Lute
huskerdust | zestmilla | sirdust | fallenwings | rosiemilla
♡ Helluva Boss (show finished)
Millie | Fizzarolli | Verosika Mayday | Olivia | BlitzLute
Chaz Thurman | Mammon
fizzmodeus | blitzfizz | owling at the moon | honeyhound
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misssakurapetal28 · 3 years
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Blank version on DeviantART ----> HERE.
I actaully did this meme a while back before the show ended, so I decided to update and share. I also added BROTP and Friendship!
Ships under the cut!
Glimmadora (Glimmer x Adora) - I have a a couple of reasons for shipping these two, but for short, they just seem more natural to me and it made more sense for them to be endgame due to the events of season 4. Healthier, cuter, and should’ve been canon in my opinion. 
Glimbow (Glimmer x Bow) - Glimbow tends to even be liked to “get Glim and Bow out of way for the sake of CA”, or hated because of “heteronormality”. However for me, I like Glimbow because it’s just plain cute! Also I do like the “childhood friends to lovers” troupe. Even though I do appreciate their friendship, I still have a soft spot for them as a romance :)
BowKyle (Bow x Kyle) - Recently, I hardcore started to ship them! I just think they would be very sweet together, they both can be there for each other and listen to each other. This is part of the reason why I REALLY wished Kyle’s trauma was more of a focus and that he and Bow interacted more outside of that one episode! Honestly, I find them two more appealing than any other ships with Kyle. If Glimmadora were to happen, I would totally make them canon.
Perfuma x Scorpia - Some people may think that these two came out of nowhere, and that may be. However, I still think it’s sweet and makes sense story wise. Scorpia needs some more confidence and love, and who better to give it to her than Pefuma? :) Scorpia’s also a doll and will value someone like Perfuma! They just feel right together, what can I say?
Perfuma x Huntara - If I had to choose someone else for Perfuma, probably Huntara. I see it as a opposites attract kind of thing, and I like the development they had in that episode. 
BowStar (Bow x Jewelstar) - Saw a couple of people around shipping these two dorks together and it did grow on me. However, since they didn’t have much interaction in canon and Jewelstar only appeared in ONE episode (still mad about that), my love for them has gone down for them recently. It’s a cute ship, but I ship Bow with others better. 
Seamista (Mermista x Seahawk) - It’s a okay and interesting ship. Even though my feelings for it can flip back and forth from time to time, it’s overall a fine ship. I just wish the two had a bit more of a buildup and chemistry instead of Seahawk’s affections for Mermista treated as a joke the whole time. 
Mermista x Perfuma - Simple opposites attract and can add a hell lot of humor in my opinion! Why not?
Entrapdak (Entrapta x Hordak) - Nice ship. The two had alot of development through the series and never abused each other. I’m glad they ended up together in the end and I hope Hordak becomes a better person, with Entrapta’s help perhaps?
Adora x Lonnie - A very underrated ship and I wished we saw more insight of their relationship growing up.
Spinerella x Netossa - Nice LGBT ship. Healthy, straight-forward and thee two look great together :) Also like how the two compete against each other sometimes, but is still a healthy functional married couple. It’s something that I would like for AppleDash to be. 
Hordak x Catra - Leading more to dislike, but I’m mostly neutral on it. Even though the two are terrible together, I do belive that they did care for one another at some point, even if only a little bit. 
Catra x Double Trouble - Seen it around and I’m okay with it. Not my cup of tea, but it doesn’t bother me at all. At least DY would call Catra out on her bullcrap. 
Adora x Scorpia - Always was salty of that fact that Scorpia was instant friends with Swiftwind (Adora’s animal companion) and Glimmer (Adora’s best friend), but not Adora herself. I understand that not everyone has to be friends, but the only real reason why Scorpia even hated Adora was because “she was a terrible friend to Catra”, but that should’ve been over with when Scorpia crossed to the good side, right? I always saw a possible relationship between the two kind of pulling a “Korrasami” (leaving the (jerk) boyfriend/girlfriend and ending up with each other). 
Scorpia x Glimmer - I thought their interactions were cute and they seem to work well together considering the little time they had together :)
Scorpia x Catra - Something I did ship in the past (and yes, I heard of that scrapped Scorpta scene and we were robbed), but ever since seasons 3 and 4, I lost interest in it because of how Catra treated Scorpia within that time. I’m glad Scorpia never went back to her, even when she wanted to. Scorpia deserves a better friend and companion. 
Kyle x Rogelio - Something I was ok with at first, but now I think I dislike it. It doesn’t really seem like Rogelio cares THAT MUCH for Kyle, otherwise he would speak out for him more and attend to his side. I get that they grew up in the Horde, but still. I just think Kyle deserves someone better suited for him and to be more “intone” with his needs.
Adora x Catra - I have expressed my distaste for CA in the past, but to make it short: It’s very poorly developed, overrated, focuses on Catra WAY TOO MUCH, It’s not equal at all, doesn’t hold Catra for any real consequences other than “making Adora sad”, and it’s too abusive in the past for there to be a relationship between them now. I was so close to really liking CA, but Noelle competely missed it’s mark. 
Glimmer x Catra - I tend to dislike these two together for similar reasons to CA. Also, Catra is partly to blame for Angella’s sacrifice. 
Kyle x Lonnie x Rogelio - I hate this ship. It’s bad enough that I dislike Kyle x Rogelio, but they have to add Lonnie to it??? Lonnie hasn’t shown ANY INTEREST in either Kyle or Rogelio. Maybe I suport them as a team, but not as a ship. 
Adora, Glimmer and Bow (The Friendship Squad (and partly Catra)) - The Best Friend Squad is just precious ^^ They been through thick and thin together. Sure they’ve had their trials and tribulations, but in the end, they made it out ok. As for them with Catra? As much as I would like a friendship between all 4 of them, it doesn’t make sense in canon. Season 5 only really works as a separate thing from the whole series. For it to be a continuation of season 4, it doesn’t click. 
Adora and Kyle - I think Adora and Kyle would make for a great friendship. Both have doubts about their selves, but would be the kind of people that would give the other confidence. I think it would even get Adora to recognize that Kyle is actaully not that bad at all??? And why she haven’t ever considered it before??? Heck, I’m really starting to buy into the “lost siblings” theory with these two (probably far fetched, but meh. Still an interesting headcanon). 
Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio - Even terrible as a relationship, it’s ok as a friendship. 
Scorpia, Entrapta and Catra - Liked this trio in the past. Really wished that Catra realized (or at least took in consideration) of this friendship and dropped her obsession with Adora. 
Seahawk and Scorpia - Liked their interactions in that episode! I hope they got to talk and bond a lot after the war! 
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