#micah x angela
notlittleclare · 4 years
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So I had this crazy idea, and thank the goddess my best friend, not just understands my craziness, but joins me. And that's how this thing was born.
On every odd day in June, we’ll post a fanart of a Shera ship. To celebrate this amazing show and Pride Month!
If you would like, join us, and please tag us so we can see yours as well.
You can find us on Instagram @not.little.clare and @magenta.aifos
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rawtoastttt · 3 years
Micah: do you think snakes get sad that they don’t have arms?
Angela: I- do you get sad that you don’t have wings?
Micah: Every. Single. Day
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aromanticchair · 3 years
Glimbow x Consent
Glimmer took so long to understand that her feelings for Bow were mutual mainly because he never acted on them. He never tried to kiss her, never cuddled her when they slept next to each other, never asked to hold hands, anything!
Which would have been fine if she didn't know that Bow's main love language was physical affection. He loved giving hugs and comforting others, no matter who it was, horde soldier or rebellion member. He was kind and seemed to have no boundaries for his own personal space, most of the time.
Glimmer, on the other hand, tried to act on her feelings, but she doesn't know how to show love in the normal way. For her, love is about freedom, quality time, that sort of thing. And she does that a lot with Bow already so it's not like she didn't try to tell him about her feelings. She was just afraid of being rejected and winding up alone, all over again.
And after the battle, when they were finally letting out all they had been thinking about each other, Bow asked "Can I kiss you?"
Glimmer was too flustered at the moment to think straight. Her thoughts were all on Bow, Bow's face, Bow's lips, Bow's hair, Bow's eyes, Bow's blushed cheek, Bow's lips. Oh, Bow's lips got her attention the most, and so, she whispered "Yes" back to him and they kissed.
Only after a few days did Glimmer start being weirded out by Bow. They kissed a lot. A lot. A lot a lot, like, making up for all the years they knew each other and didn't kiss.
And yet, before every kiss, every single kiss, Bow asked if he could kiss Glimmer. He didn't miss one chance to ask her permission, and while at first it seemed sweet it just got old. Boring. Glimmer wanted to be taken by surprise with a big kiss from behind, or in the middle of a conversation, perhaps in between meetings so she could feel some adrenaline.
But Bow wasn't like that. He always had to ask, taking away that element. So she tried to make it happen for herself.
Bow was making his bed when he saw her walk in and his face lit up "Hey, Glimmer! I didn't know you were up already."
Glimmer's hands suddenly got sweaty, and so did her forehead. Her knees were wobbly and she felt her heart thumping harder while she walked up to him. There was no reason to be nervous, he was her boyfriend after all. He loved her, she knew that.
It just felt weird taking the first step. Admitting you want affection, committing to that action with the likely reality that you could be turned down, or seen as needy. It was scary to show what you cared about enough to work for it and make it happen.
She got on her toes, nonetheless, and went to kiss Bow, closing her eyes shut, trying to get rid of the nerves going through her mind once and for all. If she did it quickly enough, she'd feel more comfortable, and then she could kiss him again and again and again.
But his lips never crashed into hers. Instead, his hands went up to her arms, a little above the elbow and slightly pushed her back onto her heels. Glimmer didn't understand what was happening, but it felt like her heart was fracturing in pieces, yet still tumping on her ribcage. She opened her eyes and saw Bow's face, equal parts flustered, worried, and confused. He was leaning back, leaning away from Glimmer. Her head spun with shame, and a little flame lit up inside of her.
"Glimmer, what was that? Are you ok?"
"Yes! Of course it is! I just wanted to kiss my boyfriend" Glimmer said, a little harshly while getting up on her tiptoes again.
Bow pushed her back once again "You seem upset. You walked in here with a serious face, barely smiled." he cocked his head to the side, raising one of his eyebrows.
Glimmer rolled her eyes "It's nothing, I just wanted to kiss you" her voice was steady, her eyes were determined, but her cheeks were heavily blushed and burning hot. Her face was probably the same shade of pink of her hair right there and then.
Bow laughed "Well, if that's all you wanted you could've just asked."
You could've just asked.
Glimmer's inner fire went out of control "But what if I don't want to ask?!"
Bow's hands shot away from her arms and his light aura changed to a worried one. It seemed like his natural state, always worrying about others.
"What do you mean?"
"I just wanted to surprise you with a kiss! I don't need to ask everytime if I can kiss you just like you don't have to ask me! We're boyfriend and girlfriend, that's part of being in a relationship!"
"But what's wrong with having consent?"
Glimmer groaned "Sometimes, it's sweet. Other times I just want to be surprised, ok? And asking if I want it ruins that."
Bow furrowed his eyebrows "I'm not going to stop asking for consent, Glimmer. Just because we're dating doesn't mean we're entitled to each other. Just because I'm your boyfriend doesn't mean I get to kiss you whenever I want. It's when we both want it."
"Yes I- I'm sorry I didn't mean to say I was entitled to your kisses or anything but- I always want to kiss you, so just stop asking."
Bow glared at her "I'm not sure."
Glimmer was a step away from him and still felt far from him, she didn't understand how he was thinking, which was crazy because she knew him for so long she practically lived inside his mind. She knew how he worked, thought, and acted. But this was destroying her thought process, so she just stayed quiet, awkwardly rubbing her elbow.
"I have that meeting in a few minutes, I guess... I guess I'm gonna go."
Bow looked at her with sympathy "Have a good meeting" and went right back to making his bed.
Glimmer's meeting was not exactly a meeting. It was more of a therapy session thing. Adora and Bow insisted she started attending those after all that had happened, since Angela died and her dad came back. She tried to act happy and upbeat like before but sometimes she couldn't. It weighed her down, and filled her with nothingness. Yes, she had her friends to support her, but it would never replace her mother.
Some sessions were harder than others. And this one was harsh. She left the room trying to hold it all in, thanking the therapist for their time and going back to her room so she could cry, hug her pillow and go to sleep.
She opened her door and Bow was sitting on the edge of her bed. He looked up, saying immediately "I've been thinking about what you said and... Oh." he looked at her face, with her red shot eyes and trembling lips "That bad?"
"Bow, not right now, I just want to be in bed." her voice cracked and Bow's throat went dry as he stood up. He couldn't stand to see other people cry, much less Glimmer.
"Can I give you a hug?"
"No, Bow, I just want to lie down!"
He looked more pained than hurt by her words "Is there anything you want me to do?"
"No!" she screamed out. He stared at her and then started walking towards the door and her mind started racing.
She didn't want Bow to hold her, she couldn't stand it when people touched her when she was in that state. She needed to feel like she was in control of her surroundings and herself. Being touched felt incredibly offsetting and confusing, and she didn't need that then. But she did need Bow.
"Wait. Don't leave." she didn't think he'd just leave the room. Just because she said she didn't want to hug him.
"Do you want me to stay here by your side?"
"But I can't hug you."
"Kiss you?"
"Hold your hand?"
Glimmer hesitated. She remembered how her father would hold her hand when she was little and was going through anxiety attacks. How her mother did it after Micah disappeared. Even though touch felt wrong to her in that situation, somehow, someone holding her hand always felt like an anchor to reality. So, she said "Yes."
They said nothing more as Glimmer got in her bed and was covered by the comforter by her loving partner. She held her hand out across the mattress where Bow layed down on, facing the ceiling so Glimmer didn't feel pressured by his eyes on her. He held her hand on his chest, and she felt it in her hand his steady heartbeat and rising and falling chest.
She started to weep, gripping Bow's shirt tightly. She tried to calm down but her thoughts were running through her head so fast she couldn't stop them. So her tears just kept coming out.
Bow looked at her, worried, and reached a hand for her shoulder, slowly pulling her against him. He was trying to hold her, but that was too much touching, too much for the already overloaded system that was Glimmer's body and mind. She shook against it and whispered "No."
Bow let go of her and sighed, still holding onto her hand. So that's what they did for the next half hour. Glimmer cried and Bow cradled her hand in his chest.
After a while, she started to calm down. Her eyes and nose were red, but she could finally breathe easily without thoughts intruding into her mind with no control. She started to get up, slipping her sweaty hand away from Bow as she settled against the head of the bed, crossing her legs and hanging her head down. Bow sat crossed-leg too, in front of her.
"I'm sorr-"
They tried to speak at the same time and chuckled. Glimmer nodded her head for him to go first and he exhaled loudly.
"I'm sorry, for trying to hug you in bed after you said no. Sometimes I don't know what you need, and I don't want to do something wrong, so that's why I usually ask. But you were so keen on me surprising you and not asking so I thought I'd give it a try because I thought that's what you needed." shame started to seep into his voice, making it crack" I though you'd want a hug in that moment, but you didn't and I'm sorry" his lip trembled and he started rubbing his eyes, who seemed to barely be holding in some tears.
"No, Bow. You were right, you should ask, so I'm sorry. I should be more like you, respect your boundaries and tell you about mine."
"But you were right too" Bow said "sometimes you just want to be surprised, not asked. But how can I do that if I don't ask to know what you need from me?"
"I don't know," Glimmer sighed "but we can figure that out together. Maybe we could have a code for when we're in the mood." Bow chuckled "Or one of those stuffed animals that are reversible and represent your mood."
"You literally have magic powers and you're talking about a reversible stuffie" Bow laughed while sniffing and running his wrist under his nose.
"Well, at least I'm having ideas! I don't hear you making any suggestions" Bow laughed out loud, making Glimmer follow his example. It felt freeing, after all the crying she had done.
Bow looked at her intently and then at their hands. She nodded and they held each other's hand, scooting closer, staring into each other's eyes.
"May I kiss you, Bow?"
He smiled from ear to ear "You may"
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libraryleopard · 3 years
Here’s all the books I read in 2021!
* = reread
Probably missing a couple comics because I read a lot this year, minus stuff I read for school
Loveless by Alice Oseman
The Folker Keeper by Franny Billingsley*
Mrs. Martin’s Incomparable Adventure by Courtney Milan
Wayward Witch by Zoraida Córdova
Shadowplay by Laura Lam
Masquerade by Laura Lam
Thorn by Anna Burke
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
Final Draft by Riley Redgate*
The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts by Maxine Hong Kingston
The Dark Tide by Alicia Jasinska
Young Avengers Presents by Ed Brubaker etc.
Fire and Hemlock by Diana Wynne Jones*
Full Disclosure by Camryn Garrett
Young Avengers: The Complete Collection by Allan Heinburg and Jim Cheung*
Young Avengers: the Children’s Crusade by Allan Heinburg and Jim Cheung*
The Book of Delights by Ross Gay
Young Avengers Omnibus by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie*
A Cathedral of Myth by Kat Howard
Empyre by Al Ewing etc.
The Silvered Serpents by Roshani Chokshi
Quicksilver: No Surrender by Saladin Ahmed
The Hearts We Sold by Emily Lloyd-Jones
Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower by Brittney Cooper
Sympathetic Little Monster by Cameron Awkward-Rich
Binti by Nnedi Okorafor*
The Perilous Gard by Elizabeth Marie Pope
The Poppy War by R.F Kuang*
So many 90s X-Force comics hahaha why did I just do that
The Vision vol. 1: Little Worse Than a Man by Tom King
The Vision vo1. 2: Little Better Than a Beast by Tom King
The Unstoppable Wasp vol. 1: G.I.R.L. Power by Jeremy Whitley*
X-Factor Investigations vol. 1: The Longest Night by Peter David
Angela, Asgard’s Assassin vol 1. Priceless by Marguerite Bennett and Kieron Gillen*
Angela, Queen of Hel: Journey to the Funderworld by Marguerite Bennett*
The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang
The Unstoppable Wasp Unlimited vol. 1: Fix Everything by Jeremy Whitley
Midnighter vol. 1: Out by Steve Orlando
Midnighter vol 2: Hard by Steve Orlando
Midnighter & Apollo by Steve Orlando
Like so many issues of X-Factor Investigations dear GOD
Astonishing X-Men vol. 10: Northstar by Marjorie Liu
Astonishing X-Men vol. 11: Weaponized by Marjorie Liu
Astonishing X-Men vol. 12: Unmasked by Marjorie Liu
Astonishing X-Men vol, 13: Frozen by Marjorie Liu
Die vol. 1: Fantasy Heartbreaker by Kieron Gillen
The Burning God by R.F. Kuang
New Mutants: Dead Souls by Matthew Rosenberg
Die vol. 2: Split the Party by Kieron Gillen
Iceman vol. 1: Thawing Out by Sina Grace*
Tithe by Holly Black
Iceman vol. 2: Absolute Zero by Sina Grace
Iceman vol 3: Amazing Friends by Sina Grace
Shatterstar by Tim Seeley
Extermination by Ed Brisson
Age of X-Man: X-Tremists by Leah Williams
Ruinsong by Julia Ember
X-Force by Ed Brisson
Crier’s War by Nina Varlea
We Can’t Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon
Dark Wolverine: the Prince by Marjorie Liu
Daken: Dark Wolverine vol. 1 by Daniel Way and Marjorie Liu
Daken/X-23: Collision by Marjorie Liu
Daken: Dark Wolverine - Big Break by Rob Williams
Daken: Dark Wolverine - The Pride Comes Before the Fall by Rob Williams
Daken: Dark Wolverine - No More Heroes by Rob Williams
House of X/Powers of X by Jonathan Hickman
X-Factor vol. 1 by Leah Williams
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo*
Excalibur vol. 1 by Tini Howard
Tam Lin by Pamela Dean
Excalibur vol. 2 by Tini Howard
The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood
These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever
The Times I Knew I Was Gay by Eleanor Crewes
Girl Woman Other by Bernardine Evaristo
X-Men: Dark Phoenix Saga by Christ Claremont
All-New Wolverine vol. 1: The Four Sisters by Tom Taylor
The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe
All-New Wolverine vol 2: Civil War II by Tom Taylor
Marauders vol. 1 by Gerry Dugan
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
Iron Heart by Nina Varela
Silk & Steel edited by Janine A. Southard
X-Men: Days of Future Past by Chris Claremont
All-New Wolverine vol. 3: Enemy of the State II by Tom Taylor
Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko
The Wild Iris by Louise Glück
New X-Men vol. 1: E is for Extinction by Grant Morrison
New X-Men vol. 2: Imperial by Grant Morrison
New X-Men vol. 3: New Worlds by Grant Morrison
New X-Men vol. 4: Riot at Xavier’s by Grant Morrison
New X-Men vol. 5: Murder at the Mansion by Grant Morrison
New X-Men vol. 6: Assault on Weapon Plus by Grant Morrison
New X-Men vol. 7: Planet X by Grant Morrison
New X-Men vol. 8: Here Comes Tomorrow by Grant Morrison
I Hope You’re Listening by Tom Ryan
New Mutants classic vol. 1 by Chris Claremont
All-New Wolverine vol. 4: Immune by Tom Taylor
Generation X vol. 1: Natural Selection by Christina Strain
Generation X vol. 2: Survival of the Fittest by Christina Strain
All-New Wolverine vol. 5: Orphans of X by Tom Taylor
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor*
New Mutants Classic vol. 2 by Christ Claremont
Deeplight by Frances Hardinge
Rogue and Gambit: Ring of Fire by Kelly Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. X vol. 1: Love and Marriage by Kelly Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. X vol. 2: Rogue and Gambit Forever by Kelly Thompson
West Coast Avengers vol. 1: Best Coast by Kelly Thompson
Loki: Agent of Asgard vol. 1: Trust Me by Al Ewing*
New Mutants classic vol. 3 by Chris Claremont
Loki: Agent of Asgard vol. 2: I Cannot Tell a Lie by Al Ewing*
Loki: Agent of Asgard vol. 3: Last Days by Al Ewing*
Norroway vol. 1: The Black Bull of Norroway by Cat and Kit Seaton*
The Unstoppable Wasp vol. 4: G.I.R.L. vs. A.I.M. by Jeremy Whitley
The Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor
Minor Feelings by Cathy Park Hong
How to Make a Wish by Ashley Herring Blake*
All-New Wolverine vol. 6: Old Woman Laura by Tom Taylor
A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson
Marauders vol. 2 by Gerry Dugan
X-Men vol. 1 by Jonathan Hickman
X-Men vol. 2 by Jonathan Hickman
Persephone in the Late Anthropocene by Megan Grumbling
Magik: Storm and Illyana by Chris Claremont
Longshot by Ann Nocenti
West Coast Avengers vol. 2: City of Evils by Kelly Thompson
Ironheart vol. 1: Those With Courage by Eve Ewing
That Way Madness Lies edited by Dahlia Adler
Black Widow: the Name of the Rose by Marjorie Liu
New Mutants classic vol. 4 by Chris Claremont
Black Water Sister by Zen Cho
The Deep by Rivers Solomon
Empyre: X-Men by Jonathan Hickman
Sandman vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes by Neil Gaiman
New Mutants classic vol. 5 by Chris Claremont
To Love and to Loathe by Martha Waters
Down Comes the Night by Allison Saft
The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen
Madness by Sam Sax
X of Swords by Jonathan Hickman et al
New Mutants classic vol. 6 by Chris Claremont
X-Men: From the Ashes by Chris Claremont
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Trans Girl’s Confabulous Memoir by Kai Cheng Thom
Constantine: The Hellblazer vol. 1: Going Down by Ming Doyle and James Tynion IV
Sissy: A Coming-of-Gender Story by Jacob Tobia
Heartstopper vol. 1 by Alice Oseman*
Heathen vol. 1 by Natasha Alterici
Age of X-Man: Prisoner X by Vita Ayala
The Wicked and the Divine vol. 1: The Faust Act by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie*
All Systems Red by Martha Wells*
Heathen vol. 2 by Natasha Alterici
Uncomfortable Labels: My Life as a Gay Autistic Trans Woman by Laura Kate Dale
The Wicked and the Divine vol. 2 by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie*
The Wicked and the Divine vol. 3 by Kieron Gillen and various others*
Artificial Conditions by Martha Wells
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong
New Mutants classic vol. 7 by Chris Claremont
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo
X-Men: Mutant Massacre by Chris Claremont
The Wicked and the Divine vol. 4 by Kieron Gillen
The Girl From the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag
In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado
Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells
The Wicked and the Divine vol. 5 by Kieron Gillen
The Wicked and the Divine vol. 6 by Kieron Gillen
New Mutants: The Return of Legion by Zeb Wells
The Wicked and the Divine vol. 7 by Kieron Gillen
The Wicked and the Divine vol. 8 by Kieron Gillen
Exit Strategy by Martha Wells
X-Men: Fall of the Mutants by Chis Claremont
The Wicked and the Divine vol. 9 by Kieron Gillen
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
Midnighter vol. 1: Hard by Steve Orlando*
Midnighter vol. 2: Out by Steve Orlando*
Midnighter and Apollo by Steve Orlando*
Becoming a Man: The Story of a Transition by P. Carl
Inferno by Chris Claremont and Louise Simonson
Marvel pride anthology
DC pride anthology
Sabriel by Garth Nix
Batman: Under the Red Hood by Judd Winick
Hellions vol. 1 by Zeb Wells
Rise to the Sun by Leah Johnson
Suicide Squad: Bad Blood by Tom Taylor
Gotham Academy vol. 1 by Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher*
Gotham Academy vol. 2 by Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher*
Gotham Academy: Yearbook by various authors/illustrators*
Gotham Academy/Lumberjanes by Chynna Clugson Flores*
Perfect on Paper by Sophie Gonzales
Gotham Academy: Second Semester vol. 1 by Brenden Fletcher, Becky Cloonan, and Karl Kersch*
Gotham Academy: Second Semester vol. 2 by Brenden Fletcher, Becky Cloonan, and Karl Kersch*
A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking by T. Kingfisher
Secret Wars by Jonathan Hickman
Odd Spirits by S.T. Gibson
Original Sin: Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm by Al Ewing
Sunshine by Robin McKinley
Jack of Hearts and Other Parts by L.C. Rosen
Deep Secret by Diana Wynne Jones*
How to Be Ace by Rebecca Burgess
A Dead Djinn in Cairo by P. Djéli Clark
Sandman vol. 2: The Doll’s House by Neil Gaiman
The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco*
Hellblazer vol. 1: Original Sins by Jamie Delano
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
Siege: Battleworld by Kieron Gillen
S.W.O.R.D. vol. 1 by Al Ewing
New Mutants vol. 1 by Vita Ayala
Archivist Wasp by Nicole Kornher-Stace
How Moon Fuentez Fell in Love With the Universe by Raquel Vasquez Gillibrand
Hellblazer vol. 2: The Devil You Know by Jamie Delani
Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots
Boy in Bloom by Nina Powers
Marvel’s Voices: Identity # 1
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson
Eternals vol. 1 by Kieron Gillen
The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne M. Valente*
Hellions vol. 1 by Zeb Wells*
Comfort Me With Apples by Catherynne M. Valente
Hellions vol. 2 by Zeb Wells
The Secret Lives of Church Ladies by Deesha Philyaw
Being Seen: One Deafblind Woman’s Fight to End Ableism by Elsa Sjunneson
The Haunting of Tram Car 015 by P. Djéli Clark
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thatnamelessblogger · 4 years
Bones Season 6 (2010)
Cams “im the boss” is still annoying
honestly i liked Booths gf, Hannah. a lot, she fits Booth and the team well and even becomes Brennans friend. i cant believe they just wrote her off suddenly and we never see her after Booth and her break up 
i love Noel no cap
i definitely laughed out loud multiple bc Hodgins! :’)
pregnant Angela timeline is cute
i liked the The Gravedigger / Sniper plotlne . i think it was well written
Michelle chooses not to cheat to get into columbia. props!
having squinterns makes sense, especially rotating them. or at least more sense than only Zack and then Dr. Zack in the lab, why would you need 2 forensic anthropologists? especially when one is far superior. also with an intern, it makes sense for Bones to basically do the least in the lab and relay information to Booth. instead of like NCIS where Gibbs basically does nothing and runs around threatening people and ordering sit reps from the team
more under the cut!
06x01 The Mastodon in the Room
ofc everyone comes back. Cam got kicked out of the lab? makes no sense. Booth came back w a serious gf, Hannah. WOW i thought he was going to wait forever for Bones. Sweets x Daisy are complicated??? wtf they clearly broke up! Angela is pregnant! This time fr
06x06 The Shallow in the Deep
liked the slave trade theme of this episode, especially where Angela drew all their faces and Cam is basically looking at her grandmother's remains
06x09 The Doctor in the Photo
woow . Bones draws strong parallels w the victim and she basically goes crazy and basically tells Booth he wants him and he turns her down
thought we were going to get another Booth brain tumor situation smh
gaahh this episode is good. i love security guard Micah
06x10 The Body in the Bag
Hodgins straight up buys the house where the victim was murdered for Angela and him??? wtfff this is some only on tv sht. 
i like the ending w Bones and Hannah at the bar :) this is good. for both Booth and Bones 
06x11 The Bullet in the Brain
unexpectedly liked this. thought it was going to be a drag on The Gravedigger storyline but it was nice bringing in Booths sniper background and Sweets struggle with himself
06x13 The Daredevil in the Mold
so Booth proposes to Hannah and is surprised she says no. shes right: she told him she wasn't the marrying kind, and they couldve had longer but he rushed it bc of Sweets. also did i miss Sweets x Daisy proposal?
06x16 The Blackout in the Blizzard
snowed in ep is always cute. Booth x Bones trapped in elevator
i love Brennans description of herself: an impervious substance vs a strong one
06x19 The Finder
omg i love The Finder team. this ep was v cool ngl. i would def watch a spin off
06x22 The Hole in the Heart
end of The Gravedigger / Sniper storyline . 
i miss the English Squintern already :’( what is up with Booth not feeling at fault for giving him the phone?? 
Booth x Bones finally. Feels abrupt and weird tho bc I liked Hannah. i miss Hannah too 
06x23 The Change in the Game
Angela has the baby, Booths pregnant, writers dont know how to write cliffhangers, roll credit!
Conclusion will rant about everything but definitely improved storytelling, character development could be wayyy smoother tho 
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thesleepykuma · 4 years
Thoughts on She-ra season 5
I just want to make clear from the beginning that whatever my criticisms with Catadora as portrayed in the show are, I still like the pairing and it’s my preferred paring for those two characters.
I’m going to get out of the way that the conclusion war story was good. It was very well done. Most of the rest of my thoughts for this season are going to be about the relationships at the end and whether I believe them, plus some specific plot things.
Remember when I talked about waiting to see how they dealt with the aftermath of Catra causing Angela’s death? It was not addressed at all. Not even Glimmer brought it up like she should have. It’s almost as if the show was expecting me to forget that. I did not. (These points will be deducted from the show’s overall score and not from the score for this season)
Entrapta got more shit from the cast for building robots from the horde than Catra got for killing Angela or Hordak got for starting that war that killed scores of people and let me tell you that’s some bullshit.
I will say I didn’t expect an entire episode of Bow hanging the Heart of Etheria over Glimmer’s head, nor did I expect the most genuine apology she’s ever given over the course of the show. I was kind of expecting the narrative to just act like it never happened as soon as she was rescued and was pleasantly surprised.
Do I buy that Seahawk loved Mermista? Yeah, it was bloody obvious. Do I buy that Mermista loved Seahawk? No. I barely buy that they were friends.
Do I buy Glimmer and Bow’s relationship? Yeah, it was one of the better-written relationships in my opinion.
Do I buy Entrapta and Hordak’s relationship? No, never did, and it made me have trouble with Hordak’s arc throughout season five because they made it a big part of the story
Do I think Shadow Weaver ever truly cared about Catra? No. Do I think she ever truly cared about Adora? Not really. Do I think she ever truly cared about Micah? ... yeah I think so, she only ever has kind things to say about him and the closest she ever gets to apologizing for anything she did was over the Spell of Obtainment. What do I make of her death? Unlike some people who read it as a last manipulation gambit I think there was some sincerity in the sacrifice, though not enough to forgive her for everything else she did.
Do I buy Catra’s redemption arc? Yes, in the sense that I buy that her remorse and change for the better was genuine on the character’s part. It probably could have used at least another half season to be really fleshed out, but all of the essential elements of a character working to be a better person are there. Do I buy the romance? No,that was way too rushed. While I absolutely believe Adora is attracted to Catra for a romance between them to have felt believable after everything that happened between them it would have needed at least another season of development (maybe something where we see everyone healing from the trauma that was the war and see a romantic affection slowly grow between them idk). I get that the war story was finished and they really, really wanted these two characters to be in an on-screen relationship. And  I’m not against the pairing on its face; they would be really cute together. I just think it needed more time to work as well as they wanted.
Do I buy that Kyle and the lizard are a couple? No, and I certainly do not buy the Lonnie-Kyle-lizard poly relationship that is apparently word of god. The other two spent the entire show using Kyle as a physical and emotional punching bag, something that the show consistently showed us was a very bad thing to do. I absolutely do not buy that they are suddenly in a healthy romantic relationship. Sorry, but I’m calling death of the author on this one.
Best characters: Entrapta, Wrong Hordak, Bow
Worst Characters: Shadow Weaver, Horde Prime, Seahawk
 OTP: Catadora, Glimmer x Bow, Scorpia x Perfuma
BroTP: Entrapta with Scorpia
NoTP: That poly relationship is not a thing
My favorite part of the season was that episode where they went undercover at a underwater party and Scorpia sings, though I also really liked when Netossa called Glimmer arrogant to her face.
The conclusion to the war plot gets a 8.5, it was really satisfying. The relationships are kind of a mixed bag, but I need some more time to think about them so I would put numbers to my feelings right now. It’ll probably take me a day or so to write about the show overall. Need to sort out what my main issues were and my overall verdict and stuff.
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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power S02E02 - Ties That Bind
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Intriguing title. It could be about Light Hope's efforts to make Adora drop her attachments to the world so she can unlock her seventh chakra be less vulnerable. It could also be about Bow and company trying to appeal to Entrapta's friendship to make her come back. It could also be about Adora and Shadow Weaver? It could be anything because the show is all about connections! Let's do this!
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Didn't they already get Entrapta's things from there?
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There's no way the badge being a tracking beacon doesn't come up later.
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That's just showing off.
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That feels way more important that it should considering Swift Wind was an accident. Is the rainbow lizard she transformed also part of her? Is the lizard going to suddenly appear to save her in the finale?
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Welp, time to buy a new Light Hope.
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oh, honey.
Although he really should know better, it probably takes only five minutes in Entrapta's presence to figure out she wouldn't understand the concept of being a prisoner.
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I was tempted to make a bitcoin joke but it's already a joke.
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The other princesses would jump at the chance of rescuing Entrapta and Glimmer is not even letting them take that decision. Glimmer is really channeling Angella this season, huh?
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Is this show going to end with The Horde and The Princesses fighting against Etheria? Maybe Hordak is going to end up being revealed as a corrupted hero trying to save the galaxy from the First Ones and their planet-sized weapon.
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What happened to Bow's Kitchen Knights? His Baking Brigade? His Pastry Patrol? I know they weren't very fond of Entrapta but are they really not going to make another appearance?
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Setting up the pain for later.
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you don't hurt Scorpia's best friend
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Did they get more budget this season? The fight scenes look better.
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Still weird that there are absolutely no soldiers around though
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Everyone should be dead considering they just fell through a cloud unless they somehow teleported to a mountain.
It does show how much murderous potential Glimmer has though. Take someone, teleport to the stratosphere and then get back to watch the falling star. Like last episode and the robot but from higher.
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Is this going to be a "Catra gets to interact with Bow and Glimmer" episode? Because I. am. ready.
Also, I didn't think "ties that bind" would be so literal.
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Huh. Why is Adora so uncomfortable at the idea of connecting with Swift Wind? She loved that damn horse even before it went all rainbow-y.
Maybe she doesn't want one more person to get inside her head?
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Swift Wind's therapist powers~
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There should be a timer every episode counting down to the second Adora is going to explode because of the pressure.
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"And the good guys never take hostages..." Bow said, already notching an arrow to dispose of the problem.
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I'm not sure why Bow is complaining so much. He didn't argue when capturing Adora.
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Catra may be an expert in manipulating Adora but that doesn't mean she doesn't know to use her talent with everyone else.
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well, that's a shit-eating grin if I've ever seen one.
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The sword doing nothing, the rock's shadow slowly covering She-Ra, Swift Wind's song... the comedic timing of this scene was just perfect.
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I need a supercut of every time Catra has hissed.
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Welp, that's bad news.
Also, I want more Glimmer and Bow childhood stories.
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ooh, nice cold line.
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I thought Catra was trying to "just" escape but she's planning something, considering she's tiring Glimmer down on purpose.
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And here's the badge.
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I don't have anything to say other than I love Scorpia.
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oooh, direct hit.
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Wow, Catra really is a genius. From the moment she was captured she's been manipulating the situation to get the chance to use Kyle's previous call, a call that she didn't even care about.
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It's pretty sad but I'm glad that the weight of everything that happened is being taken seriously. The princesses failed Entrapta even before they left her for dead. The Horde is being everything to her that they weren't.
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Of course all that doesn't mean that Catra doesn't deserve that punch.
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yess, they are acknowledging the accident. Now please talk about the lizard.
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therapist horse~
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She's grown so much... I write while she's blowing a raspberry
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I haven't watched JoJo but this feels appropriate.
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If Mara was doing the right thing by destroying the watchtower, this is definitely going to be an "oops" moment later on.
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And Glimmer still hasn't said anything about what she feels about the situation.
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aaaaaaaa, it can't end here! I want their reaction!
Catra is such a good villain. She may not be allowed to _really_ win (because the show would end) but she's come ahead in every personal situation against the "good guys" so far even if she starts losing. She's effective in a way that not many villains are allowed to be, and she has to be to counteract the Rebellion and She-Ra.
Reading back I didn't write anything interesting. The episode _was_ good but it's basically "Catra runs circles around Glimmer and Bow doing _massive_ emotional damage, and adora continues to have issues I guess" I guess I'm more intrigued by the consequences of this episode than the episode itself.
For example, what's going to happen with Glimmer? She seemed to be chafing under the rules of the "good side", wanting to get revenge for herself and Entrapta and only managed to stop because Bow was being her voice of conscience. And now she's angry at what happened but I'm not sure if she's angry because of how she almost lost control because of something that wasn't even true, angry at herself for leaving Entrapta behind, angry for freeing Catra, or all three. There's also the matter that she's been channeling Angela a bit, is Entrapta's turn going to be her Micah's death in terms of affecting her decisions from now on?
About Adora... even if she ended the episode in a good mood, having solved the problem and bonded with Swift Bond, I feel it's just a temporal dip in the increasing amount of stress she's under. Sooner or later she'll explode.
Some thoughts:
- As a rule lethal weapons can't hit people. It's not really a problem since I expect that to happen in a kids' show but for some reason it was really noticeable this episode when Bow was trying to stop Catra. It's hard to keep the illusion that _it could happen_ when it gets too obvious.
- Catra's "and where's she now? off being She-Ra?" comment is obviously a reaction from what Glimmer had just told her _but_ it feels like foreshadowing along with Catra's training. Maybe an "if She-Ra was here, X wouldn't have happened" episode is coming, just to increase the pressure Adora is under.
Until next time!
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themagicalari · 4 years
001 Fandom She-ra 002 ship Catra x Adora or Perfuma x Scorpia 003 Character Frosta
Omg you just know me so well
001- she-ra
Fave character- Catra I mean.....come on
Least fave character- I mean it’s cheating to say horde prime right?
5 fave ships - catdora obviously, Scorpio/perfuma, best friend squad, entrapta/hordak, Kyle/Rogelio (I know it’s super background but !!!)
Person I find most attractive- Huntara! Big orc lady? Yes please!
Character I would marry- see above
Character I would be best friends with- Scorpia hands down
A random thought- how fucked is it that during the alternative reality shit Micah realized he was still alive in the real world but couldn’t actually tell Angela or anyone else?
An unpopular opinion- do I have one? I kinda like shadow weaver, does that count?
Canon otp - catdora
Non canon otp- best friend squad (including catra)
Most bad ass character- Netcasta, she was like “I will cripple my wife to get her back.” And that’s the back bone the resistance needed.
Most epic villain- catra for a reason very similar to netcasta, she decided to straight up kill adora rather than tell her she loved her
Pairing I’m not fond of- glimmer and catra, idk, they’re just so similar in some ways
Character I feel the writers messed up- umm none actually so I’m just gonna offer this criticism, we should have seen so much more of bows dads
Favorite friendship- catra and scorpia
Character I most identify with- probably glimmer, I too am angry and make foolish choices
Character I wish I could be- scorpia or bow, I just wanna be pure
002 catra x adora / scorpia x perfuma
Imma do both
When I started shipping them- catdora; immediately, There was no hesitation scorpia/perfuma; also immediately, they interacted once and I was like ‘small and tall! Small and tall!’
My thoughts- oh man, catdora is just so sweet and fulfilling, like catra went waaay dark while they were enemies and didn’t feel like she was worth love and adora felt like she had abandoned her even though she knew she was doing the right thing. Like I just love pining idiots who make each other feel valued. And they’re so stupidly obviously in love and just can’t even imagine the other feels the same way. Stupid beautiful idiots.
Scorpia/perfuma was just pure and beautiful, scorpia really deserved to have someone on her side cheering her on and building her up and scorpia is such a good match for perfuma because she can absorb all the love and support and give it back tenfold and I don’t know that the other princesses have been able to match perfumas otherworldly levels of love and positivity.
What makes me happy about them- catdora was pretty obviously endgame but I was still a little worried it wasn’t gonna happen or that it wouldn’t be canon acknowledged, so on a lot of levels it just felt like a win. Like story wise, shipping wise, and culture wise.
Scorpia/perfuma just generates happiness, they’re both such balls of sunshine.
What makes me sad about them- catdora before they got together breaks my heart into little pieces but specifically catra, she just couldn’t accept love and friendship and was so self destructive.
Same thing with scorpia, when she left the horde without saying anything to catra it killed me, she was so defeated. And how it’s so hard for her to take the compliments perfuma gives her!
Things done in fan fic that annoy me- huh I haven’t really read much she-ra fanfic, I don’t have an answer for this one
Things I look for in fanfic- same thing
Wishlist- hurt/comfort for catdora probably, I just want them to talk about their shared trauma and comfort each other
I’d love to read happy family stuff with scorpia and perfuma
Who I’d be comfortable with them ending up with if not each other- adora would have be with bow and glimmer, catra and scorpia, and perfuma and mermista, I’d also be down with scorpia and entrapta
My happily ever after for them- I mean they got it, barring something else happening I’m good.
003 Frosta
How I feel about this character- God I love Frosta, she’s a total badass and gives me strong Toph vibes
Ships- none, she is baby
My fave non-romantic relationship- how she looks up to glimmer ina sisterly fashion, it’s so sweet
Unpopular opinion- idk if it’s unpopular but I don’t like that she was so isolated, like there should have been a steward for the throne until she was older, but I’m over thinking.
Something I wish had happened in canon- a steward for the throne, so she could have had more of a childhood and matured in her own time instead of having to grow up over night to be the ruler of her kingdom.
(Bonus answer for this one though, I saw a head canon that double trouble met and really attached to Frosta and they are chaos incarnate and no one knows what to do about the corruption of this child)
Favorite friendship- Scorpia, but that probably speaks more to my unending love for Scorpia
Crossover ship- platonically Toph from atla
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rukia-g · 5 years
I watched She-ra season 2 and I have a few things to say:
I LOVE BOW'S DADS!!!!! They're so sweet and loving! Especially Lance he's adorable Bow clearly took after him 💕
But why did they name him Bow if they wanted him to be a historian? Unless his name is bow as in ribbon and not the weapon.
I love Shadowweaver's backstory! And young Micah was so cute! I hope we get more flashbacks about him, I want to know how he met Angela.
I'm the only one who doesn't like that winged unicorn? I find it extremely annoying.
That DnD episode lol. Especially when Bow imagined them with their 80's outfits 😂
I liked Scorpia and Seahawk becoming friends, they're such a fun and sweet duo! Also I feel conflicted because I LOVE Scorpia x Catra but Scorpia x Lonnie is cute too! 😍💕
Is Hordak going to adopt Entrapta?
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dyoungv · 2 years
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TONIGHT!!!!!! 'LOCAL LEGENDS' CLOSING PARTY Tonight is the closing party for LOCAL LEGENDS. Displayed here is my latest wall installation alongside dozens of Bay Area artists. CLOSING TONIGHT!!!!! 7-10pm AT @mirusgallery Portraits and hands include: @brandiegrogan @alynnpaint @zerogravitycake (hands) @mqplanet Jarrod Ingram @dyoungv (hands) @wildspirit_queen All pieces are: Micron 08 Pen on Bristol Paper 19x24in. 2019-2022 $500 (glass optional) This exhibition will features a survey of local Bay Area artists, including a special feature of "Local Legends" Local Legends is curated by @irenehfeiks of @wonderlandsf Every year, Mirus Gallery invites Bay Area based artists to apply for the open submission to be featured in the Locals Only exhibition. Opening Reception: Friday March 4, 7-10pm Closing Reception: Friday April 8, 2022 7-10pm Featuring: Adam Caldwell, AJIN No, Alec Huxley, Amandalynn, Amber Allen, Angela Efe, APEXER, Art Poesia, Blane Asrat, Brandon Hurley, Brian Barneclo, Calvin Lai, Casey Cripe, Celine Vasquez, Chanoh Heo, Chor Boogie, Daniel Segrove, Daryll Peirce, David Chong Lee, D Young V, Dilcia Giron, Doug Rhodes, Dylan Blackstone, Dylan Mertz, Eddie Colla, Emily Fromm, Eric Joyner, Felicia Ann, Gale Hart, Helice Wen, Ian Ross, Jaxon Northon, J.L. King, Jeremiah Allen Welch, Jessica Caputo, Joel Villegas, Jose D' Gregorio, Josh Thurman, Joshua Lawyer, Julie Engelmann, King Nissen, Lady Henze, Laura Gonzalez, Leon Loucheur, luciano Roque, Luis Tinoco, Marion Navasero, Max Ehrmann, Micah Lebrun, Michael Walsh, Mike Davis, Mike Texada, Misha Vladimirski, MJ Lindo, Nate Geare, Nate VanDyke, Nick Flatt, Nome Edonna, Optimist, Patrick Hofmeister, Paul Kalcic, PEMEX, Phillip Hua, Ransom and Mitchell, Raul D'Mauries, RED-X TEX, Ricky Watts, Robert Bowen, Romanowski, Russel Deleon, Ryan stubbs, Sam Flores, Sarupa Sidaarth, SILENT (Nicolas Tamura), Sofia Venegas, Ted Vasin, Ted Wong, Terry Hoff, Tex Buss, Todd Kurnat, Yijun Ge. #locallegends #mirusgallery #irenehfeiks #wonderlandsf #sanfrancisco #DYOUNGV (at Mirus Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcGaMTsJC6Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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notlittleclare · 4 years
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Day 9#
I call this ship #micahlangella, it might not make sense but I like how it sounds. I love ship names that mean something else.
I love them, I wish they had the chance to see each other again and be a happy family, like in the ”false reality” when the portal was open.
In the beginning, I didn't like Angella that much. I thought she was annoying, overly controller of Glimmer and she didn't treat Adora very well (which, I have to admit, was understandable). But she
progressively proved how lovely of a mother she was, the reasons behind her overprotection, her fear to lose Glimmer just like she had lost Micah; she warmed up to Adora and ended up treating like her own, it was beautiful. I completely fell in love with her and I was so devastated when she sacrificed herself, her final scene with Adora brought me to tears. I cried a lot. Really. A lot.
About Micah, when Angella tels him that she remembered the truth, that he was actually dead, he tries to talk to her but ends up disappearing. After that l told @aifosstuff : He is alive. I bet he's in Beast Island and Entrapta is going to find him. Close enough.
Anyways, yes it is the same pose as #glimbow. It was the only one that would well represent their height difference, that btw, I think it adorable.
They are both have non-white people as their VA, so I believe that they are also not white
Please tell me ship names that mean something else!
As always, you can find the other fanarts on my Instagram page, I have a highlight with them all. It's the same user name.
And if you want to participate in the #pridewithsheraships don't forget to tag us so we can see your art as well.
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#pridewithsheraships #pridemonth #micahxangella #micahlangella #queenangella #kingmicah #glimmersparents #glimmer #adora #beastisland #entrapta #shera #sheraspoilers #sherafanart #sherafinalseason #theydeservedbetter #heightdifference #shipname #pocrepresentation #asianrepresentation
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blackplanct · 6 years
CLOSED for established ships.
full name: maliq nasir azad birthdate: february 01, 1993 zodiac sign: aquarius species: human/half-witch abilities: precognition + healing sexual orientation: demisexual romantic orientation: heteroromantic occupation: musician financial status: upper class faceclaim: miguel/omarion
important points:
his music and fame status is that of miguel’s.  everything’s the same in that regard, except his first album starts with war and lesiure.  the rest were mixtapes/soundcloud releases.
maliq discovered his love for poetry and started writing it when he was in middle school.  he only thought to turn those poems into songs in high school, and found he had an amazing voice.
quiet and reserved, maliq tends to keep to himself and his few close friends and family members.  he doesn’t like anyone in his business, making him alluring and mysterious to the lot of his fans most of the time.  with those who know him, he’s generous, warm, compassionate, and very silly.
he moved to new york city to get serious about his music when he was 19.  he’d do open mic nights all around the city and post videos on his social media, garnering himself some attention.
he has some writing and production credits on a few r&b hits out there, getting his foot in the door of the music industry.
he’s currently working on his second album.
his parents divorced when he was 14 when his mother moved back to her hometown of new orleans. he and his older sister stayed in texas with their father.
his mother, angela, is a practicing witch, making maliq half-witch.  he is not practicing, but he does have strong powers -- mainly precognition and healing.
maliq x micah: opposite | threads | musings
maliq x zephyr:  opposite | threads | musings
other connections
sola azad, daughter with zephyr
sinead azad, daughter with zephyr
angela azad, mother
0 notes
liveblogofheroes · 6 years
Genesis, Chapter One: Genesis
i love how the volume name and chapter name are the same
but okay okay beginning text cool cool i really like that intro though very interesting and very true
ah mohinder’s voiceovers how i’ve missed you so
peter why the heck do you look so calm about that but fly man fLY
oh no you woke up
same man same
okay but when peter missed the stand the first time while putting the iv bag on? that was a freaking mood lemme tell you
the amount of times i have pressed x because i thought that would press play is unreal and it keeps taking me back to the main menu and i swear i’m gonna throw my laptop across the room because i’m so used to netflix and not used to having to press start to pause and play it
dad’s deAD! PIPPI ATE DAD (sorry sorry that was a drama reference)
here’s what i find confusing: i’m pretty darn sure that chandra doesn’t wear glasses (could be wrong who knows), and mohinder finds a pair of glasses on an open book. if his dad didn’t wear glasses, don’t you think he would be a little confused on why there were prescriptioned glasses in the apartment?
human flight? cellular regeneration? teleportation? idk but those things remind me of a few people. i just. can’t seem.. to... remember.... their names..... (i’m kidding)
that don’t be looking like chandra am i missing something (i’m guessing they didn’t have an actual actor to play chandra at that time but i could be wrong tbh)
ring ring
mohinder’s seeming awfully calm about someone trespassing into his father’s apartment
how’d he know to get that pin? i mean it happened so fast and i’m tired so i might’ve missed something but still man
oh jeez my little ace heart doesn’t like that. but at least it isn’t graphic
it bugs me when people type slow in shows and movies because i’m not used to watching that because i type ligHTNING FAST
ooh the mirror lagged spooky
micah’s my son y’all
okay but niki looks pretty just thought i’d point that out
oh boy she be dead
oh nvm she be alive
oh peter be jumping again. or falling. idk what you would call that
oh hi nathan. wait was that blood or did i imagine that. nah it’s not blood no worries
peter’s hot okay?
i spammed this part to a friend once
nathan’s a jerk. i love him
BECAUSE YOU CAN FLY TOO. and because you’re his brother good point
she be shoplifting some socks
well that was blunt
i want to know said reasons
sometimes she sounds completely normal (normal as in no accent) and at other times she has a southern accent and it bugs me tbh
i love zach. i love so many characters tbh
*stares intently*
*s t a r e   i n t e n s i f i e s*
okay but same man
i’m laughing because they mention spock a few times in heroes and well. a certain someone plays spock later on
okay but nathan’s really a jerk and i really love him he’s number three of my top three favourite jerks which seems like last but remember this is top three
yeah peter shoplift some socks
and that was when angela knew. peter be swiping her power
“She doesn’t even have any books to read” man what a mood
i love me some ice cream
it’s called DID man
very. very hot.
i feel like i could be making a reference but my mind is drawing a blank
yeah manhandle her why don’t ya
okay you /had/ to rip open her shirt you couldn’t just see that from her /bare legs/
my room is worse
you cruSHED GOD
so i completely forgot that nathan served tbh
isaAC NO
i don’t remember doing half my homework and yet that’s important too man
she says as she looks away from him
isaac be kinda cute man
painting the future would be pretty scary but very cool
flap flap
i never noticed how nathan did that until now lol
i love peter’s hair i just wanted you all to know that
and so they meet
peter’s so pretty i love him
i love his mouth man
apparently this song was supposed to be road to joy and i’m dying because i love that song but i think this song fits better
i’m gonna look through the unaired pilot just to see if that song is in there lol (it’s not. at least i don’t think)
but g u y s don’t you know that you aren’t supposed to look at the eclipse when the eclipse happened we all had to wear special glasses (hard if you actually have glasses to see lol)
these guys are gross man
is that guy wearing a cast what happened
ew time travel
bold of you to say you hate it there man
oh no it was all recorded oops
i would honestly be surprised if there weren’t any fics of mohinder/peter tbh i mean i don’t ship it but still
*turns left* *goes right* though if we’re being honest i’ve never driven a car so who knows ya know
i’m dead. like that homeless man
no swearing in this house lyle
back at it again with the switching of accents
or so you thOUGHT wait what does yogurt have to do with anything
this whole time i’m going to be waiting for hysterical blindness and shirtless peter
why would you do that claire whY
where’d all that blood go man
why the heck did mr muggles sound like a cat
HI NOAH oh wait i don’t think his name has been revealed yet oops
tag yourself i’m that dead sleeping guy
peter stop getting distracted and help you’re a nurse man
why do i have the urge to look up different ships i don’t ship with peter in them. like mohinder/peter and isaac/peter. idk i just love peter i want to see him happy man
lol i have a wip called shadows in the light
rip phone
but man does he look good doing it
he’s so pretty
why fly up when you can come from the other side of the street ya know
oh bye peter
deleted scenes:
oh hey d.l. has a thing of the symbol
don’t say that angela he’s your son
did you throw it away or did you eat it? isaac what the heck
oh rip nathan
micah be calling his dad man
oh bye d.l.
micah why you there man. huggles!!
okay so that was actually really fun to do sorry for the very random stuff but that’s how i do commentary man
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thesleepykuma · 4 years
Thoughts on She-ra Season 4
A lot of interesting stuff happened this season. A lot of it was good. Some of it not so much.
The introduction of a Horde spy was a genius addition to the story. Double Trouble is so fun to watch too. They absolutely stole the show for the vast majority of the season.
The story, with one notable exception I’m about to mention, was very strong. You can cut the tension with a knife throughout the season and it ends in what is clearly meant to be the climax of the entire show. It was really well done.
The episode “Boys’ Night Out” should have been cut or completely rewritten. It’s too dramatic of a tonal whiplash from finding the spy and having Salineas taken by the horde, and the actions taken by said male characters makes all of them but especially Seahawk seem terrible for going off to god knows wear when the Horde is winning and the alliance needs all the help they can get. I feel like this could have worked as a comedy episode in season 2 when the tone was lighter and the stakes were a bit lower, but with the tension that’s clearly building throughout the rest of the season it feels very out of place. The few parts worth keeping (mostly Glimmer and Adora’s argument at the end) could have been moved to other episodes
As much as I rag on Seahawk, I think he would have been a very fun and likeable protagonist... in a different show. It feels like the protagonist of a lighthearted comedy about piracy on the high seas somehow got transported into this show and cannot seem to get his head wrapped around the fact that this is a real war, people are dying, and he needs to start taking this seriously. That’s probably supposed to be the joke, but I’m a bit too invested in the serious bits to find it funny. There is one good thing that the his presence in the season did though, and it was show some moments where Mermista seemed to enjoy having him around. I can believe that Mermista wants to be friends with Seahawk in this season, while in season 1 that was very.... debateable.
I think my verdict on the horse is that it’s a delicate balancing act to keep his strong personality without making him irritating, and whether it works depends on who is writing him at the time. They did a good job with him this season with the exception of Boy’s Night Out, but that episode was kind of an outlier so I won’t hold it against him.
Glimmer acts absolutely horrendously but I can’t say it’s bad writing because it’s absolutely in character for Glimmer. She’s acted like this since Season 1. The difference is that while in Season 1 she sort of had a point, even if she went about making it inappropriately often, and her reckless and often selfish actions mostly just affected her and whoever had to rescue her, in this season she’s objectively wrong throughout the season and has authority now, so her actions are hurting the entire planet. And at least this season she’s mostly portrayed as in the wrong instead of in Season 1 when at the end her mother basically let her have her way when a lot of the things she was doing really were dangerous and stupid. So it’s good storytelling, I don’t really have complaints there, but that isn’t going to make me like the character.
They brought King Micah back. I usually have a dislike for bringing back characters that are established to be dead in principle, because it makes death have little weight in your story, but Micah is badass and a cool dad character so I don’t mind as much as I usually do. They also needed a replacement ruler figure since Angela is gone and Glimmer is utterly unsuitable
Entrapta continues to be best girl.
Catra has had her emotional breakdown and moment of realization.  It was really well-written and now we’re starting to get to the actual redemption part of the redemption arc. She also saved Etheria during that conversation with Horde Prime at the end of the season, and I’m willing to accept that as a good deed of an equivalent magnitude to the magnitude of her actions with the portal to cancel a lot of it out. However. She’s still responsible for the death of Queen Angela, and the show will lose points at the end if it decides to conveniently forget that and not have her take responsibility for what’s essentially a murder when it’s time for everyone to become friends (I suppose they could take a third option and bring Angela back, but I personally hope they don’t do that for the reasons I stated when I talked about Micah)
There weren’t enough moments of Hordak being genuinely kind to Entrapta when they were together for me to really buy the way he’s reacting to her absence this season. The closest they get is the “Any who discounts you are fools” comment, but that was one moment in between him either shouting at her or tolerating her because she did something useful for him. Him suddenly acting like he had this deep affection for Entrapta seems a bit forced to me
Horde Prime is the menacing villain that he needed to be. Him walking up to Hordak and mind wiping him like it was nothing is a really good way to set the stakes for the next season. Combine that with the sword being broken and it makes you really, really want to see how it ends. The ending in general was great all-around.
Best characters: Entrapta, Mermista, Adora, Double Trouble
Worst Characters: Shadow Weaver, Seahawk, Glimmer
OTP: Eh let’s wait for the dust to settle after season 5 then I’ll pick
BroTP: Mermista and that guard that really likes those mystery books.
NoTP: I realized a bit after writing my thoughts on season 3 that I don’t actually know how old Huntara is and she’s one of the most ‘adult sounding’ out of the cast so forget the Adora x Huntara ship, at least until I can get a confirmation that they’re the same age and Huntara’s voice is just like that
My favorite part of the season was Mermista hamming it up during the mystery episode, it was hilarious
On a scale of 1 to 10 where a 10 is the scent of lilacs and a 1 is the sent of rotting meat, this season is an 7.5 with Boys’ Night Out and an 8.5 without it. It’s up to you to decide whether that episode is canon. I choose to pretend that it isn’t.
We’re in the home stretch. The show has been consistently good so far, but the ending is what will decide how it will be remembered. Hit a home run, She-ra. I know you can do it.
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dyoungv · 3 years
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TONIGHT!!!!!! 'LOCAL LEGENDS' I'll be displaying my latest wall installation alonside dozens of Bay Area artists. OPENING TONIGHT!!!!! (3/4 : 7-10pm) AT @mirusgallery Portraits and hands include: @brandiegrogan @alynnpaint @zerogravitycake (hands) @mqplanet Jarrod Ingram @dyoungv (hands) This exhibition will features a survey of local Bay Area artists, including a special feature of "Local Legends" Local Legends is curated by @irenehfeiks of @wonderlandsf Every year, Mirus Gallery invites Bay Area based artists to apply for the open submission to be featured in the Locals Only exhibition. Opening Reception: Friday March 4, 7-10pm On display through: Friday April 8, 2022 Featuring: Adam Caldwell, AJIN No, Alec Huxley, Amandalynn, Amber Allen, Angela Efe, APEXER, Art Poesia, Blane Asrat, Brandon Hurley, Brian Barneclo, Calvin Lai, Casey Cripe, Celine Vasquez, Chanoh Heo, Chor Boogie, Daniel Segrove, Daryll Peirce, David Chong Lee, D Young V, Dilcia Giron, Doug Rhodes, Dylan Blackstone, Dylan Mertz, Eddie Colla, Emily Fromm, Eric Joyner, Felicia Ann, Gale Hart, Helice Wen, Ian Ross, Jaxon Northon, J.L. King, Jeremiah Allen Welch, Jessica Caputo, Joel Villegas, Jose D' Gregorio, Josh Thurman, Joshua Lawyer, Julie Engelmann, King Nissen, Lady Henze, Laura Gonzalez, Leon Loucheur, luciano Roque, Luis Tinoco, Marion Navasero, Max Ehrmann, Micah Lebrun, Michael Walsh, Mike Davis, Mike Texada, Misha Vladimirski, MJ Lindo, Nate Geare, Nate VanDyke, Nick Flatt, Nome Edonna, Optimist, Patrick Hofmeister, Paul Kalcic, PEMEX, Phillip Hua, Ransom and Mitchell, Raul D'Mauries, RED-X TEX, Ricky Watts, Robert Bowen, Romanowski, Russel Deleon, Ryan stubbs, Sam Flores, Sarupa Sidaarth, SILENT (Nicolas Tamura), Sofia Venegas, Ted Vasin, Ted Wong, Terry Hoff, Tex Buss, Todd Kurnat, Yijun Ge. #locallegends #mirusgallery #irenehfeiks #wonderlandsf #sanfrancisco #DYOUNGV (at Mirus Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cas2MPYPloQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dyoungv · 3 years
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'LOCAL LEGENDS' I'll be displaying my latest wall installation alonside dozens of Bay Area artists. OPENING THIS FRIDAY (3/4 : 7-10pm) AT @mirusgallery This exhibition will features a survey of local Bay Area artists, including a special feature of "Local Legends" Local Legends is curated by @irenehfeiks of @wonderlandsf Every year, Mirus Gallery invites Bay Area based artists to apply for the open submission to be featured in the Locals Only exhibition. Opening Reception: Friday March 4, 7-10pm On display through: Friday April 8, 2022 Featuring: Adam Caldwell, AJIN No, Alec Huxley, Amandalynn, Amber Allen, Angela Efe, APEXER, Art Poesia, Blane Asrat, Brandon Hurley, Brian Barneclo, Calvin Lai, Casey Cripe, Celine Vasquez, Chanoh Heo, Chor Boogie, Daniel Segrove, Daryll Peirce, David Chong Lee, D Young V, Dilcia Giron, Doug Rhodes, Dylan Blackstone, Dylan Mertz, Eddie Colla, Emily Fromm, Eric Joyner, Felicia Ann, Gale Hart, Helice Wen, Ian Ross, Jaxon Northon, J.L. King, Jeremiah Allen Welch, Jessica Caputo, Joel Villegas, Jose D' Gregorio, Josh Thurman, Joshua Lawyer, Julie Engelmann, King Nissen, Lady Henze, Laura Gonzalez, Leon Loucheur, luciano Roque, Luis Tinoco, Marion Navasero, Max Ehrmann, Micah Lebrun, Michael Walsh, Mike Davis, Mike Texada, Misha Vladimirski, MJ Lindo, Nate Geare, Nate VanDyke, Nick Flatt, Nome Edonna, Optimist, Patrick Hofmeister, Paul Kalcic, PEMEX, Phillip Hua, Ransom and Mitchell, Raul D'Mauries, RED-X TEX, Ricky Watts, Robert Bowen, Romanowski, Russel Deleon, Ryan stubbs, Sam Flores, Sarupa Sidaarth, SILENT (Nicolas Tamura), Sofia Venegas, Ted Vasin, Ted Wong, Terry Hoff, Tex Buss, Todd Kurnat, Yijun Ge. #locallegends #mirusgallery #irenehfeiks #wonderlandsf #sanfrancisco (at Mirus Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaqPvlJPeuZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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