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lonewolfchronicles ¡ 4 months ago
 Letting Go of Perfection: Finding Strength in Our Imperfections
In a world obsessed with “perfect,” how often do we let ourselves be real? Most of us spend so much time trying to look flawless and have it all together, but deep down, we’re all just works in progress, with cracks, mistakes, and insecurities. Here’s the thing: letting go of perfection doesn’t make us weak—it brings us closer to others, lets us grow, and, ultimately, makes us stronger.
When we start embracing imperfection in ourselves, we open the door to true connection. Imagine a world where we celebrate the effort, resilience, and honesty it takes to show up as we are. Let’s create spaces where it’s okay to stumble, to be vulnerable, and to cheer each other on.
So here’s a question for you: How has letting go of perfection helped you feel more connected or empowered? Or, if you haven’t yet, what’s one area where you’d like to embrace more imperfection?
#LettingGo #Imperfection #Authenticity #SelfGrowth #Vulnerability #InnerStrength #CommunityBuilding #BeReal #FlawsAndAll #GrowthJourney #PerfectionIsOverrated #Connection
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aregrettablechoiceofwords ¡ 4 years ago
for all over-achievers and perfectionists out there:
take a bit of advice from Danielle Wilds from the All for the Game trilogy by Nora Sakavic—
       “See this?" she asked, pointing out Neil's Monday-Wednesday-Friday classes. "This can't stay. If you don't leave yourself any breathing room you're going to snap. When I was in high school I worked an overnight job, went to school, and captained my high school Exy team. It made me hate everything about my life. I don't want the same thing happening to you. Matt said you and Kevin have night practices on top of all of this. Tell me: when do you actually sleep?”
This is so, so true. Don’t you ever overwork yourself to the point it where becomes a way of living. Life isn’t about giving your all in every curricular. Find your one or a few true passions and pour yourself into them because they make you feel alive. Find good people who lift you up and do the same for them. You don’t have to do everything perfectly, focus on what you love.  Also, read aftg. You won’t regret it.
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there-are-clearwaters-here ¡ 4 years ago
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The perfectionist in me wants each box to be filled in but the fluff-ist in me knows better than to expect that. 
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cecesurviving ¡ 4 years ago
Being smart doesn’t make you a more worthy person.
We always talk about how weight and appearance doesn’t change your worth. Which is absolutely true and incredibly important. But just like your shape or skin, your ability to get A’s in school or solve puzzles doesn’t change your worth.
You are precious and deserving of respect because you are a person.
You are worthy and deserving of love and respect and no achievements, or lack thereof, will ever change that.
Lots of love, CeCe 💛
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madhurgoyal101 ¡ 5 years ago
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Tumblr, I know you’ll agree to this.
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bujopapercreations ¡ 4 years ago
The Undead Perfectionist: How Perfectionists are Zombies
They’re coming...
It's no use denying it anymore. You've seen the signs. You know, the one kid in your first period that never seems quite all there. The coworker that randomly growls and snarls at things. The friend that has a weird obsession with dissection videos on YouTube?
Okay, then. Maybe you’re oblivious. Regardless, you need to be ready for when the dead start walking. Don't let your mental blocks be the reason you succumb to the undead. Keep scrolling for the Perfectionist's Guide to the Apocalypse.
The Outbreak
The apocalypse typically starts with some idiot scientist messing with something they shouldn’t have, right? Perfectionism kind of starts the same way. A person (typically a child) is living their life, and then some Outside Force (typically society or well-meaning parents) comes along and essentially tells the person they’re not good enough.
They mess with something that didn’t necessarily need to be messed with.
Here are some ways perfectionist tendencies are formed.
Basic knowledge: you take a zombie out with a head shot. Unfortunately, dealing with perfectionism isn't that easy. Part of understanding it is getting into a perfectionist's head, though; more specifically, understanding their way of thinking.
Here is a guide to understanding some of the underlying cognitive tendencies of perfectionists. 
Adapt and Overcome
I can think of several zombie movies that feature a protagonist that seemingly (or even overtly) live by a set of rules that keep them alive in the apocalypse. Since they typically aren’t dead by the end of the movie, they must be following some pretty decent guidelines, right? So, let’s take a few of them and use them for our perfectionism. 
Rule 1: Cardio. Between hacking at zombies, climbing hard-to-reach places, and sprinting to escape a horde, surviving in an apocalypse means you have to be in shape to some degree. Stay at least healthy enough to be able to run faster than the slowest person. Likewise, part of the battle with staying on top of perfectionism is not letting it catch up to you (i.e. not letting it get in the way of taking care of yourself). Your body is the temple that houses your greatest weapon. That mean you take showers, you remember to eat, you get more than two hours of sleep, and you set aside time to relax every now and then.
It might also literally mean getting your cardio exercise in. A study by Herring and colleagues (2012) found that those with Major Depressive Disorder who exercised regularly received as much benefit as they would from medications. Furthermore, women with Generalized Anxiety Disorder who did 2 weeks of resistance training or cardio decreased their worrying symptoms by 60%. If exercise can benefit those who have a diagnosis, then surely it also benefits those of us with perfectionist tendencies.
Rule 2: When in doubt, know your way out. Obviously, when the zombies arrive, it’s smart to know your escape routes in any and all situations. It’s also smart to be able to talk yourself out of a mental rut so you don’t get “stuck” in an unhealthy thought pattern. 
Recognize when you’re being overly critical of yourself or others, and replace your perfectionist thoughts with more realistic and helpful ones. Channel your inner Hanna Montana: “Nobody’s perfect,” and “everybody makes mistakes.” As cheesy as pre-2012 Cyrus lyrics were, they actually are reflective of reality. In the end, you’re only human. You know. Until you get bitten. 
Rule 3: Don’t be a lone hero. In an apocalypse, the chances of surviving by yourself are pretty small. Don’t be your own worst enemy by being the loner that’s afraid of dragging down your friends and family. The burden isn’t all on you to save the world. You need other people on your quest to find the antidote that will cure humanity, so don’t be afraid to trust people, and allow them to help you when you’re struggling. It’s okay if you’re not pleasant all the time; it’s okay if you mess up, and it’s okay if you’re not perfect. You can at least increase your chances of thriving during the apocalypse (i.e. thriving in spite of your perfectionism) by surrounding yourself with people who show you support AND people that you can support. If you’re distancing yourself from friends and family in an apocalypse, you’re also unable to protect them if trouble comes their way. Likewise, you may not realize how many of those around you also suffer from perfectionism. Perhaps the burden would be more bearable if you reached out for help. Keep that in mind, and your’re well on your way to becoming the ultimate undead survivor. 
Keep From Going Stir Crazy
Surviving in an apocalypse isn’t all just killing zombies and finding food, you know. Remember in Train to Busan when the protagonist learns to thrive by building relationships with the people on the train? Escaping the zombies and surviving wasn’t the only thing consuming his mine anymore; instead, he was learning to thrive  by building meaningful relationships with the other people on the train. There’s a difference between surviving and thriving, and that’s where these handy little things called “coping mechanisms” come in.
Like the zombie virus, perfectionism isn’t something that just goes away.  You find ways to live around it, so it’s not the only thing consuming your thoughts, day after day. Here are a few coping mechanisms:
Habits with Habitica: Habitica is an online role-playing game that can help the wayward perfectionist fight procrastination and provide incentives to get things done. Level up and go on quests while keeping your life together!
The art of Zentangle: Zentangles are a form of art therapy. They’re basically swirly masses of lines, shapes,and doodles, typically drawn in black and white. You don’t have to be an “art person” to do Zentangle; the whole idea is to destress with mindless squiggles and doodles.
Alter the way you think: a large part of managing perfectionism is simply altering your mindset. Alongside the rules above, this page should also provide more concrete ways to change your mindset. It may be hard, but I promise you can do it. 
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crowscry21 ¡ 4 years ago
I'm sorry but you can't tell being perfectionnist isn't a defect, I just spend more than four hours for a presentation which was supposed to take me two hours !!!
And I haven't finished yet.
I passt by so many feelings during it: Anger, sadness I almost fuc*ing cried, hapiness...
Now I'm just exhausted
I hate Highschool.
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sustainablesabs ¡ 6 years ago
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Who wants perfect carrots when you can have aesthetically blessed carrots?! 😛🥕 #perfectionisoverrated [image description: in front of a white wall, Sabs holds up a purple carrot with several roots growing in different directions.] • • • #zerowaste #lowimpactmovement #wastefree #trashfree #plasticfree #nowaste #notrash #noplastic #reduce #reuse #recycle #repurpose #ecofriendly #sustainable #gogreen #yayforearth #reducewhatyouproduce #ourplanetourhome #zerowastecollective #vegan #whatveganseat #vegansofig #plantbased #plantstrong #carrots #imperfect #organic (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0_H0tenlkN/?igshid=1euhhdbbsn3h1
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kindlyteach ¡ 5 years ago
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I'm trying to slow down when I walk around and take in different stuff. I saw this tree decorated in a harvest theme for a homeless charity.
I'm also trying to accept that my bujo doesn't have to look neat to be put out in the world. I have ADHD, my handwriting is messy. And that's okay!
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thetrendyurbanista ¡ 2 years ago
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#TuesdayTruth   A great reminderAccepting the reality of imperfection frees up time you can spend on actually “living your best life.” Not only will you feel better, but always trying to seek perfection will just stress you out!
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hollytoscanini ¡ 3 years ago
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Do you struggle with your body image, always trying to be “perfect”? Did you know that perfectionism can lead to procrastination and low self esteem? If you’re a perfectionist you might also experience greater feelings of anger, guilt and shame as well as engage in disordered eating. When we strive for perfectionism we are really chasing something allusive, something we can never achieve or sustain. Perfectionism is a thought we have. If we are willing to look at our thoughts and understand where they came from we can begin to let go of this notion that in order to be successful, loved, or accepted we must be perfect. Working with a non-diet coach can help you change your thoughts and relax into the powerful experience of being enough. #nondietpro #bodyimagecoach #dietculturedetox #perfectionisoverrated #wellnessprogram #haes #bodywisdom https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb5bw0zJQ_C/?utm_medium=tumblr
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awildflowerspirit ¡ 7 years ago
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Needing all the coffee today - & it’s also time for some coffee talk/Real talk: my perfectionism. Or rather my desire for it. I was always the one who wanted to fix others: their problems, their sorrows, their pasts. I would focus so intently on others that I would forget my own needs & intuitions. My need to fix stemmed from a need to check off a non existent list of approval and achievements. In order to feel validated I needed to excel in something, other wise I felt like I had no worth. I’m not sure if I believed this so deeply or, was I just blind to expectations? Thankfully I’m more conscious of this behavior, I am learning to recognize that ourselves as individuals should be our own first priority. It’s definitely a lesson and meditation helps, learning to step back helps, and friendships help. 💜 • • • • • #realtalk #facts #perfectionisoverrated #truestory #truthbetold #wellnesswarrior #theeverygirl #relationships #thatpart #loyalty #wordstoliveby #mondaymood #straightup #factsonly #accurate #coffeetalk
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scribsters ¡ 4 years ago
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And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good.
- John Steinbeck, East of Eden
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theelephantsagape ¡ 4 years ago
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There is so much pressure to be perfect in our societies. Have a perfect sleep schedule, have perfect relationships, have a perfect body, have perfect grades, have the perfect job, etc etc etc... But perfection is just an illusion. Nothing is perfect. So, why spend your life striving for the impossible? Our imperfections are what make us beautiful. Our imperfections are what make us human. Mistakes teach us lessons and help us learn. They keep us humble and remind us that we always have tomorrow to try again. And when we do finally reach a goal, isn’t it so much sweeter when we remember all the mistakes we made on the way to get there? Life is full of joys and sorrows. Focusing on perfection makes us blind to all of it. It makes us robotic. Embrace the joys. Embrace the sorrows. Embrace the mistakes and the boredom and the love and the hate. Embrace the imperfections of life, you’ll have more fun in the end😉 #affirmations #perfectionisoverrated #joy #love #healer #imperfectlyperfect https://www.instagram.com/p/CRK0d0xlDzb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rfarrokh ¡ 4 years ago
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The wounds show in many different ways; you are not alone 🥰💞💪🏼😘🤟🏼❤️💖 #abandonmentissues #abandonment_issues #codependencyrecovery #codependence #codependent #peoplepleasing #peoplepleaser #noboundaries #boundary #boundariesarehealthy #settingboundaries #setboundaries #setboundariesforyourself #jealousykills #jealousyquotes #perfectionists #perfectionism #perfectionist #perfectionisoverrated #perfectionistproblems #perfectionism #separationanxiety #separated #lowselfesteem #selfesteem #selfesteemquotes #selfesteembuilding #selfesteembooster #selfesteemissues #selfsoothing #selfsabotage https://www.instagram.com/p/CQSkZ-bHJp6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aaronhillsworld ¡ 4 years ago
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There’s only Process and Progression..... Evolution. Perfection is a math mate all mental construct.... Only “real” in mathematical theory. Not reality. Use the term loosely. And stay for used on your process and progress. The destination is the journey. #perfection #perfectionism #perfectionist #perfectionisoverrated #process #progress #loveyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CNNNGAUFWKQ/?igshid=evcjbwerpi13
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