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davidaugust · 10 days ago
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Destructive and also immensely stupid.
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stare-into-the-abyss · 5 months ago
Since yall are bitches here is a harder challenge, you are allowed to communicate
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nando161mando · 9 months ago
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phycoticneutral · 2 months ago
What percent of the earths atmosphere is narcotics? It’s gotta be super low but a tiny amount still has to be out there right?
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empirearchives · 11 months ago
According to historian Susan P. Conner, “While France was at war throughout most of the Napoleonic period, conscription and employment in the military rarely accounted for more than 3 percent of the population and positions at all government levels for more than 5 percent.”
🤔 Interesting because it means that at a given point in time, the French government was larger than the French military (and this was during a war, a time when you’d expect to see the military larger than it would be during peace).
Quote source: The Age of Napoleon by Susan P. Conner
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freemonker · 1 year ago
63% of statistics are made up on the spot experts say
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captainwinterrsoldierr · 9 months ago
Annabeth is the strongest warrior I swear. Percy is someone who gets crushed on by 1 out of 5 people I swear. Like people could barely know Percy and they have a whole ass developed crush on him. Reyna barely knew knew him and offered him to rule New Rome by her side. Meg was blushing and kicking her feet two minutes into talking with Percy. Annabeth had to live with the fact that Rachel and Percy would hang out together multiple times during summer knowing well they liked each other. And those are just ones mentioned. Like imagine all the crushes that ppl had on Percy that weren’t mentioned. Bc if the first thing ppl always mention is how charming good looking Percy is? BYE so many
Like GIRL SHES STRONGER THAN THE MARINES. But she ended up with Percy in the end like she’s THAT QUEEEN. She keeps him on his toes. She’s sassy, strong, knows who she is. They tease each other. They’re that relationship!! But still loves he’s her man to the ends of the earth!!
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life-spire · 1 year ago
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@ aalsaibaie
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palestinestuffff · 11 months ago
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coal-wolfmoss · 10 months ago
Old oc redesign
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I mainly just changed the color and the horns.
Name: percent
He part of a story i have in my head
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mynameis-a · 2 years ago
i know i should be saving for neuvillete but
but this is so tempting
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deliasamed · 1 year ago
Numeral Exercises
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In English grammar, numerals function as a part of speech to represent numbers, quantify nouns, and express numerical relationships. There are two main types of numerals in English: cardinal numerals and ordinal numerals. Cardinal Numerals: Cardinal numerals represent specific quantities or numbers. They answer the question how many? and are used to count objects or denote a precise quantity. Examples: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, etc. One thousand, two thousand, three thousand, etc.   Ordinal Numerals: Ordinal numerals denote the order or rank of items in a sequence. They answer the question in what order? and are used to indicate the position of something in a series. Examples: First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth Eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth Twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth Hundredth, thousandth, millionth, billionth, etc.   Numerals can function as determiners when they directly modify nouns, indicating the quantity or position of the noun. For example: Cardinal Numeral as Determiner: Three apples fell from the tree. Ordinal Numeral as Determiner: The first prize goes to the winner.   Numerals can also function as adjectives when they modify nouns but do not directly specify quantity or order.  For example: Cardinal Numeral as Adjective: She bought two pairs of shoes. Ordinal Numeral as Adjective: He is in his third year of university.   Additionally, numerals can function as nouns themselves, particularly when referring to numbers as concepts or entities. For example: The number eight is considered lucky in some cultures. She divided the class into groups of four.       Instructions: Please, do the exercises without seeing the Answers. If you are unable to find an answer, you can check the answers provided below after attempting all the blanks.       Exercise: Numerals   Instructions: Use the correct words for (numbers in brackets). Write ordinal or cardinal number forms into the gaps:     - My sister is in the ------------ grade (2). - I have ------------ fingers (10) on my hands. - There are ------------ days (7) in a week. - We need ------------ eggs (6) to make pancakes. - Today is the ------------ day (1) of the month. - The puppy is the ------------ pet (1) in our family. - I have ------------ brothers (2) and ------------ sisters (1). - There are ------------ months (12) in a year. - She won the race and got the ------------ prize (1). - My birthday is on the ------------ of July (4).                   Correct Answers:   - second - ten - seven - six - first - first - two, one - twelve - first - fourth               Exercise: Numerals Instructions: Write the numbers in words:   - 75 - 1000000 - 50 - 3 - 12 - 20 - 18 - 45 - 90 - 600 - 0.5 -  0.7 - 0.25 - 0.01 - 2.5 - 0 - 50% - 25% -  10% - 100% - 1/2 - 3/4 - 1/4 - 1/10                        Correct Answers:   - Seventy-five - One million - Fifty - Three - Twelve - Twenty - Eighteen - Forty-five - Ninety - Six hundred - Zero point five - Zero point seventy-five - Zero point twenty-five - Zero point zero one - Two point five - Zero - Fifty percent - Twenty-five percent - Ten percent - One hundred percent - One half - Three quarters - One quarter - One tenth               Exercise: Numerals Instructions: Write the numerals in numbers:   - Seventy-two - Ninety-nine - One hundred twenty-five - Six hundred thirty-seven - Four thousand five hundred eighteen - Seven thousand six hundred twenty-three - Fifty-three thousand two hundred forty-nine - One hundred thousand - Six hundred seventy-five thousand three hundred twenty-four - Eight million nine hundred seventy-six thousand five hundred twelve - Two hundred fifty-three - Three thousand seven hundred eighty-six - Twelve thousand three hundred forty-nine -  One million two hundred fifty thousand - Six billion seven hundred eighty-nine million four hundred fifty-six thousand two hundred thirty-one                       Correct Answers:   - 72 - 99 - 125 - 637 - 4518 - 7623 - 53249 - 100000 - 675324 - 8976512 - 253 - 3786 - 12349 - 1250000 - 6789456231               Exercise: Write the Time in English   Instructions: Write the given Time in English:   - 9:15 AM - 1:30 PM - 6:45 AM - 3:20 PM - 10:00 AM - 5:55 PM - 12:10 PM - 8:40 AM - 4:15 PM - 11:50 AM                    Correct Answers:   - 9:15 - Fifteen minutes past nine - 1:30 - Half past one - 6:45 - Quarter to seven - 3:20 - Twenty past three - 10:00 - Ten o'clock - 5:55 - Five minutes to six - 12:10 - Ten past twelve - 8:40 - Twenty to nine - 4:15 - Quarter past four - 11:50 - Ten minutes to twelve               Exercise: Numerals Instructions: Write in words   - 500 - 3000 - 400000 - 10000000 - 100000000 - 200 - 1001 - 2005 - 1250 - 2006 - 100 students - 1000 books -  200000 people                          Correct Answers:   - Five hundred - Three thousand - Four hundred thousand - Ten million - One hundred million - Two hundred - One thousand and one - Two thousand and five - One thousand two hundred fifty - Two thousand and six - One hundred students - One thousand books - Two hundred thousand people               Exercise: Numerals in Sums Instructions: Write the following Sums in words:   - 25 + 13 - 42 + 57 - 100 + 25 - 76 + 89 - 345 + 210 - 500 + 600 - 1234 + 5678 - 999 + 111 - 8765 + 4321 - 9876 + 5432                           Correct Answers:   - Twenty-five plus thirteen - Forty-two plus fifty-seven - One hundred plus twenty-five - Seventy-six plus eighty-nine - Three hundred forty-five plus two hundred ten - Five hundred plus six hundred - One thousand two hundred thirty-four plus five thousand six hundred seventy-eight - Nine hundred ninety-nine plus one hundred eleven - Eight thousand seven hundred sixty-five plus four thousand three hundred twenty-one - Nine thousand eight hundred seventy-six plus five thousand four hundred thirty-two                 Exercise: Numerals in Subtractions Instructions: Write the following subtractions in words:   - 50 - 25 - 100 - 67 - 150 - 89 - 500 - 238 - 1000 - 475 - 2500 - 1234 - 8765 - 4321 - 9876 - 5432 - 12345 - 6789 - 99999 - 88888                             Correct Answers:   - Fifty minus twenty-five - One hundred minus sixty-seven - One hundred fifty minus eighty-nine - Five hundred minus two hundred thirty-eight - One thousand minus four hundred seventy-five - Two thousand five hundred minus one thousand two hundred thirty-four - Eight thousand seven hundred sixty-five minus four thousand three hundred twenty-one - Nine thousand eight hundred seventy-six minus five thousand four hundred thirty-two - Twelve thousand three hundred forty-five minus six thousand seven hundred eighty-nine - Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine minus eighty-eight thousand eight hundred eighty-eight                 Exercise: Numerals in Multiplications Instructions: Write the following multiplications in words:   - 5 * 3 - 10 * 4 - 12 * 6 - 20 * 8 - 25 * 5 - 50 * 7 - 100 * 9 - 123 * 4 - 500 * 2 - 1000 * 3                           Correct Answers:   - Five times three - Ten times four - Twelve times six - Twenty times eight - Twenty-five times five - Fifty times seven - One hundred times nine - One hundred twenty-three times four - Five hundred times two - One thousand times three               Exercise: Numerals in Divisions Instructions: Write the following divisions in words:   - 15 ÷ 3 - 20 ÷ 4 - 36 ÷ 6 - 45 ÷ 9 - 64 ÷ 8 - 81 ÷ 9 - 100 ÷ 5 - 200 ÷ 10 - 500 ÷ 25 -  1000 ÷ 50                   Correct Answers:   - Fifteen divided by three - Twenty divided by four - Thirty-six divided by six - Forty-five divided by nine - Sixty-four divided by eight - Eighty-one divided by nine - One hundred divided by five - Two hundred divided by ten - Five hundred divided by twenty-five - One thousand divided by fifty                 Exercise: Writing Monetary Amounts Instructions: Write the following monetary amounts in words:   - £5 - 10 shillings - 26 pence - $1 - £20 - 15 shillings - 50 pence - $5 - £100 -  5 shillings                          Correct Answers:   - Five pounds - Ten shillings - Twenty-six pence - One dollar - Twenty pounds - Fifteen shillings - Fifty pence - Five dollars - One hundred pounds - Five shillings                   Exercise: Numerals in Phone Numbers Instructions: Write Telephone Numbers in digits:   Telephone Numbers: - 555-1234 - 867-5309 - 123-456-7890 - 800-555-1212 - 202-333-4567 - 555-6767-890 - 777-222-1010 - 123-456-7878                           Correct Answers:   - Five five five, dash, one two three four - Eight six seven, dash, five three zero nine - One two three, dash, four five six, dash, seven eight nine zero - Eight hundred, dash, five five five, dash, one two one two - Two zero two, dash, three three three, dash, four five six seven - Five five five, dash, six seven six seven, dash, eight nine zero - Seven seven seven, dash, two two two, dash, one zero one zero - One two three, dash, four five six, dash, seven eight seven eight                 Exercise: Numerals Instructions: Write the appropriate numerals for chapters of books, the numbers of buses, houses, taxis, and the sizes of clothes and shoes in words:   - Open page 10, please. - He lives in apartment 18. - I usually take tram No. 5. - The meeting starts at 9 o'clock. - There are 20 students in the classroom. - She has 3 cats and 2 dogs. - We need to buy 10 kilograms of rice. - The marathon is 26.2 miles long. - The speed limit is 55 miles per hour. - He scored 15 points in the game.                             Correct Answers:   - Open page ten, please. - He lives in apartment eighteen. - I usually take tram Number five. - The meeting starts at nine o'clock. - There are twenty students in the classroom. - She has three cats and two dogs. - We need to buy ten kilograms of rice. - The marathon is twenty-six point two miles long. - The speed limit is fifty-five miles per hour. - He scored fifteen points in the game. Read the full article
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77seven7777 · 1 year ago
Wait why does your bio say 100% and not 777%
oh shit
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weeblmaodotcom · 2 years ago
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How break petrification ( method with 10 billion percent chance of success) , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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jamesgalgano · 2 years ago
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NINETY-NINE PERCENT (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1356858208-ninety-nine-percent?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=semajrah&wp_originator=AGTFDZEbvYBuYEYvK5%2BH5V2nM%2FcnFQmnijojfVUgWrIexNFLk85rAROIjNNEy%2F5TW7xu9uoQadLJegeWOWT29h60D7eLtV1JOmTyeiXAchER6WDY7hIidHeoCc5N7d1b Ninety-nine percent By james a. galgano Now with each growing minute of discontent To meet the mortgage put food on the table to pay the rent. Without a job or check for unemployment without healthcare We find ourselves within the midst of growing disenchantment. We the growing indentured college loan owing student servant We the old and young alike the ninety nine percent
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