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ljubavniromani · 1 month ago
Svaku noc prije spavanja pijte jednu casu!!
Recept za čišćenje debelog crijeva i sagorevanje masnoća: Sastojci: Limun Peršun Jabučni ocat Cimet 1 čajna kašičica meda Đumbir Priprema: Iscijedite limun, sitno isjeckajte peršun i dodajte preostale sastojke. Dobro promiješajte sve sastojke, i piće je spremno za upotrebu. Način primjene: Pijte ovo piće svaku večer, sat vremena prije spavanja, umjesto večere. Nakon nekoliko sedmica, trebali…
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zdravljeirecepti · 11 months ago
Čaj od lista peršuna – RECEPT
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nedsecondline · 10 days ago
Recipes for broths – Recepti za bujone
Bujon od povrća – Vegetable broth Šargarepu i paštrnak očistiti, crni luk oljuštiti i oprati. Paradajz i peršun oprati i posušiti krpom. Pripremljene…Recipes for broths – Recepti za bujone
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alirbod · 28 days ago
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kapar mirođija krem sir crveni luk maslinovo ulje peršun beli luk
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receptizadomacuhranu · 1 year ago
Begova corba
Sastojci 1 pile 2 mrkve 1 kasika persuna Pola solje bamije 2 zumanca 3 kasike brasna 2 kasike margarina Kasikica mljevene crvene paprike Kasikica lumunovog soka 2 kasike kiselog vrhnja So biber Nacin pripreme: Pile očistiti unutra , oprati i staviti u lonac sa 2 l vode. Dodati mrkvu, peršun, celer, so, zrna bibera i kuhati 40 min. U drugom loncu istopiti margarin , dodati brašno,…
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gagagrne · 2 years ago
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Aromatične mortadela ćuftice Potreban materijal: 500g mortadele 350g mlevenog mešanog mesa 80g očišćenog crnog luka 100g suvog paradajza iz ulja (ne cediti ulje) vezica peršuna 2 kašičice dižonskog senfa 1 kašičica aleve paprike 1 kašičica soli pola kašičice mlevenog bibera 1 jaje 2 pune kašike prezli ekstra devičansko maslinovo ulje za prženje kukuruzno žuto brašno za valjanje ćufti parmezan i sveži ruzmarin za dekoraciju Priprema: Mortadelu, crni luk, paradajz i peršun usitniti u secku. Masu zatim izručiti u drugu posudu, pa dodati mleveno meso, senf, začine, jaje i prezle. Sve rukama dobro izmesiti kako bi se svi sastojci lepo sjedinili u kompaktnu masu. Ostaviti da odstoji u frižideru 30 minuta. Posle tog vremena, nauljenim rukama praviti ćuftice (jedna kašika mase, za jednu ćufticu). Svaku zatim uvaljati u kukuruzno brašno. U šerpi zagrejati ulje, spuštati formirane ćuftice, pa ih uz povremeno okretanje pržiti na umerenoj vatri sa svih strana dok lepo ne porumene. Pržene odlagati na papirni ubrus da bi upio višak masnoće. Ćuftice poslužiti uz prilog po želji. Ja sam poslužila svoje uz špagete i sos od paradajza. Sos od paradajza Potreban materijal: 15g očišćenog belog luka 2 pune kašike gustina (kukuruznog skroba) 750ml soka od paradajza malo ekstra devičanskog maslinovog ulja Priprema: Na zagrejanom ulju u tiganju propržiti gnječeni beli luk dva-tri minuta. Od potrebne količine soka od paradjza uzeti malo pa u njemu razmutiti gustin da nema grudvica, a ostatak sipati u beli luk, promešati, pustiti da zavri, a onda dodati razmućen gustin, po ukusu posoliti i uz mešanje kuvati dok se sos ne zgusne. Sos je najbolje napraviti baš pred posluženje ili ga kasnije podgrejte, ako se hlađenjem stegne. . . . #mojegrne #recepti #recipes #receptizadusu #comfortfood #instasrbija #foodblogfeed #cufte #meatballs #arhivabloga (у месту Bor, Serbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpnsF2AMcYk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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receptikuvaronline · 3 years ago
Jelo sa korenastim povrćem - Jelica Podraščanin
New Post has been published on https://recepti-kuvar.rs/jelo-sa-korenastim-povrcem-jelica-podrascanin/?Jelo+sa+korenastim+povr%C4%87em+-+Jelica+Podra%C5%A1%C4%8Danin Recepti+i+Kuvar+online
Jelo sa korenastim povrćem - Jelica Podraščanin
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Jelo sa korenastim povrćem – Jelica Podraščanin.
Jelo sa korenastim povrćem, sastojci:
400 belog mesa,
½ l pavlake za kuvanje,
1 koren paštrnaka,
1 koren peršuna,
2 šargarepe,
1 manji koren celera,
200 gr testenine.
Jelo sa korenastim povrćem, priprema:
Belo meso iseći na kockice i dodati  dve kašike ulja, so po ukusu i ½ kašičice kurkume i dobro izmešati i ostaviti da stoji 2 sata.
Na štapiće iseći paštrnak, peršun, celer i šargarepu.
U dublju posutu staviti ulje da se zagreje i potom staviti belo meso i peći da da porumeni uz stalno mešanje.
Pečeno belo meso izvaditi.
U posudu gde je pečeno meslo dodati povrće isečeno na štapiće i peći ga uz stalno mešenja dok ne omekša.
Dok se povrće peče staviti testo u slanu vodu da se skuva.
U omekšalo povrće dodati pečeno belo meso i potom dodati pavlaku za kuvanje i pustiti da provri uz mešanje.
U to dodati skuvano testo koje je oceđeno od vode ali tako da ostane malo vode u kojoj se kuvala i dobro izmešati.
Skinuti sa ringle i sačekati da se malo prohladi pa ga poslužiti.
Zbog toga što mora da se sačeka da odstoji meso, priprema traje oko 3 sata. Jelo je za više osoba.
Jelica Podraščanin
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fabrikabiljakabugarski · 4 years ago
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🌱 Peršun 🌱 🌱 Parsley 🌱 #persun #peršun #parsley #parsleysauce #parsleyroot #freshparsley #italianparsley #flatleafparsley #detox #detoxjuice #health #fresh #spices #freshspices #herbs #sveze #svezezacinskobilje #zacinskobilje #srbija #kuhinja #kuvanje #kitchen #fooddecor #fabrikabiljakabugarski #bugarskipower🔥 (у месту Serbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGVQhf4p8bm/?igshid=15xnze8t45j1c
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lactarius-helvus · 6 years ago
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missdrarrydawn · 3 years ago
Now I don't know if I'm just stupid BUT
I never see any Slavic representation in fiction, specifically I never see any Balkan Slavic cultures, and I think that's a real shame.
Our cultures are amazing y'all.
So in an effort to amend that, here is an incomplete list of some cultural traditions, beliefs, foods, customs etc. of the Balkan Slavs, specifically Serbian Slavs (Balkan Slavs includes Serbian people, Bosnian people, Croatian people, Albanians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Slovenians, Montenegro, north Macedonia and Kosovo, which is a lot and as with any other culture, we're not a monolith so I won't be speaking on everyone everywhere, only my own culture).
So first things first, what does our culture best translate to in writing? Well, Serbian Slavic culture works best for fairy tale fantasy stories/books. Those books set in one village or one small town, where everyone knowe everyone and everyone is the sixth removed cousin of their best friend's neighbor, very self contained and full of little bits of folklore and rich with history.
Serbia has never been a large or powerful country historically, in fact spending a lot of time colonized and oppressed by other more powerful forces, and so a big number of our people has always lived in villages and small towns. There's maybe 3-4 actual cities in the entirety of the country. So, since our people have always lived in small, somewhat isolated settlements and communities, the best types of stories to apply our culture to are stories with similar settings.
Now, as you can imagine, having that degree of separation has also lead to a huge variety in our customs and traditions, where each village would develop it's own little idiosyncracies and unique twists on established traditions, which may seem daunting when you're hoping to write us, but don't worry, most of the changes I speak of are picky differences that no Serb will really get on your ass for (hopefully).
Okay, so to sum up: Serbian Slavic tradition is best applied to pretty self contained, small scale books with simple settings. Fantasy is a great way to explore this by the way.
Now onto the fun bit, the actual resources!
Let's start with food.
When I tell you us Serbians place A LOT of value on traditional food, I mean it. Good homecooked food is the backbone of any household and there's a lot of pressure on us to become capable cooks. I'm going to list some of our traditional dishes and how to make them, but first I should mention that because Serbia spent about 500 years conquered by the Ottoman empire, a lot of our initial culture was forced to assimilate with theirs, so some of the foods listed here could possibly have origins dating back to the Ottomans, it's honestly impossible to tell at this point as during those 5 centuries the lines really blurred.
1. Musaka is a dish made with potatoes, ground meat, onion or garlic, salt, eggs, milk and spices to taste.
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2. Đuveč is a dish made with potatoes, rice, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, onion, garlic, peršun (parsley), salt, pepper, oil and water.
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3. Sarma is a dish made of several wrapped rolls with filling. The filling is typically made with ground beef, rice, onion, carrots, garlic, dry bacon and spices to taste. The wraps are pickled cabbage leafs. This dish also has zaprška, which is a mix of usually flour and some other spices meant to be fried and added into the cooking pot for extra smell and flavor. You prepare all the parts and then put a bit of filling on the cabbage leaf and roll it up. There's a specific method of rolling up sarme so that they stay nice and closed. After that you arrange the rolls in a pot, add water and cook.
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4. Zeljanica is a type of pie made typically with a mix of spinach, nettles and sometimes other herbs as well.
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5. Lenja pita is a type of dessert! It is usually made with either apple slices, cherries or sour cherries as well as powdered sugar. It looks a little bit like cake but it is very different.
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6. Salčići are another dessert, a type of pastry made with puff pastry usually filled with fig pekmez (it's kind of like jam) and topped with powdered sugar.
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I've hit the image post limit so if anyone wants to hear more about Serbian food lemme know and I'll do another post.
I'll compile another post for our other traditions and customs, since this post is way too long already and there's still so much I want to share :)).
I know us Slavic people aren't really a marginalized group by any margins so representation isn't as important as it is for marginalized groups but I still think it would be fun if more writers knew and included some Balkan Slavic cultures, and although I'm only talking about Serbian Slavs here, I think this could be a great introduction to my folk :DD
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manitat · 3 years ago
Peršun, žalfija, ruzmarin...
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ljubavniromani · 1 month ago
JEDE SE SAMO 3 DANA: 0d Ove Zdrave Smjese Stomak Će Vam Biti Ravan Kao Daska
Želite da vam stomak bude manji, struk tanji, a tijelo očišćeno od naslaga masti? Onda je ovaj recept pravo rješenje za vas Ovaj recept jede se tri dana, obavezno zaredom, a idealno je da ga pojedete umjesto večere. Ova vitaminska bomba učiniće pravo čudo za vaš stomak, i spolja i iznutra. Caka je u tome što će očistiti masnoće, naslage i sve ostatke iz vaših crijeva, pa će nadutost nestati, a…
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grenuj · 8 years ago
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______________________________________ #Cilantro #peršun #petersillie #food #spice #breakfast #flowers #bouquet #vsco #vscocam #vscogrid #vscofood
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mojeukusno · 5 years ago
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Pljeskavica od tikvica i pilećeg mesa Sastav: Mleveno pileće meso…450 gr Tikvice…3 male ili 1 srednje veličine Jaja…2 kom Brašno…50 gr Gauda sir…100 gr (izrendan na krupno rende) Peršun…1 šaka svežeg seckanog Prezle…2 supene kašike So, Biber (količina po ukusu) Priprema: Tikvice očistiti, izrendati na krupno rende, posoliti i ostaviti 15-20 minuta da puste vodu. U medjuvremenu, uzeti dublji sud u njega staviti mleveno pileće meso, jaja, rendani sir, peršunov list te dodati iscedjene od vode tikvice. Usuti potrebnu količinu brašna, sipati prezlu, sve dobro sjediniti, začiniti solju i biberom po ukusu. U dublji tiganj sipati ulje, rukom vaditi pripremljenu masu i istu oblikovati dlanovima. Polako spuštati u zagrejano ulje i pržiti dok ne porumene sa obe strane. Temperaturu po potrebi podešavati. Sad već gotove, vaditi na papirni ubrus da se upije masnoća i služiti tople uz prilog po želji. Prijatno sa Ukusom! #pljeskavica #tikvice #pilecemeso #pljeskavicaodtikvica #gauda #food #cooking #foto https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ZVwNcoBIj/?igshid=1me5ufc4e9oqk
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tanjacvet · 2 years ago
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receptizadomacuhranu · 1 year ago
Peceno mljeveno meso
Sastojci Pola kg junetine Pola kg teletine 2 jaja Pola solje mlijeka 1 solja hljeba korice 1 glavica luka 1 cesanj bjelog luka Pola solje persuna So biber i vegeta Pola solje sira Pola solje kecapa Nacin pripreme Jaja malo umutiti, dodati hljeb i mlijeko. Meso staviti u veću zdjelu, dodati izrendan luk, bijeli luk, peršun, so, biber, vegetu i hljeb sa jajima. Sve izmiješati. Peći u…
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