#people always forget that she's immune to magic
wide-awakeprincessfan · 9 months
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Happy New Year, Everyone!! Here's a little meme from me to you. Not my finest work, but it'll do. I hope you all have a great start to 2024!
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 4 months
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Blood Sport
Feyd Rautha x Y/N - drabble part 4 - 2.6K WC
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (you are here!)
Part 5
Part 6 NSFW 18+
Warnings: violence, blood, fighting, Baron and Reverend Mother being shady af, pretty fluffy, reader is just built different, knife throwing, full on fight, blood licking?, slow burn, two passionate people trying to protect each other, I completely made up the language of Succo so don’t come for me, not proof read but then again none of my fics are
You woke early, a slight crack in the curtains letting the blindingly bright black sun of Geidi Prime stream across your face. You groaned as you threw your arm over your face; the bed felt cold, lonely. You looked over to where Feyd slept last night, rolling towards his pillow. His scent still lingered - sweet blood mixed with musky sweat. You breathed deep before your maids entered the room. 
“What?” you hissed at them, holding your hand out to pause them in their place. Your blood magic felt stronger than it had in days now that you had fed, especially from such a strong host.
“The Lord Na-Baron Feyd Rautha has requested your presence in the training arena princess. He gave me a message for you.” your maid said not looking you in your eyes.
You made a ‘come here’ motion with your hand, your magic dragging her towards you. You set her down, she handed you the note with a trembling hand. “Out.” you said dismissing them. They scurried out like frightened rats. 
Fitalitum veritanic et alumi read the slip of parchment. You smiled to yourself, in your own mother tongue of Succonant he wrote “There is beauty in ferocity”. You placed the note in the top drawer of the bedside table before getting out of bed and readying yourself. You purposefully picked out one of your long dresses instead of training gear. He wanted to see beauty and ferocity, you would give it to him. As you adorned your dress you couldn’t help but admire how every piece of it could become a weapon. The sharp shoulder pads could be taken off and used as individual throwing knives. The belt became a barbed whip. The long sleeves hid two painfully thin blades, dainty but they hurt no less than a regular Cruor blade. Each layer on the dress had razor sharp edges, if you spun they were sure to carve your opponent. Finally a diadem which encased your shield should you need it. Cruor fought without them but you didn’t want to risk marking your face days before the wedding. You finished admiring yourself before grabbing your beloved Cruor sword and heading down the corridor to the training arena.
As you walked down the cavernous halls of the Harkonnen palace you were confronted with the Reverend Mother herself, as if her ghostly form sprouted from the floor itself.
“Princess Y/N” she stated in an unimpressed tone.
“Reverend Mother.” you said, equally displeased. 
“Are you prepared for your wedding?” she asked, reminding you that the end of the week was approaching rapidly.
“Of course.” you replied, bored.
“You may think yourself above the rest Cruor, but you must remember where you are. And who truly rules.” she said with spite in her voice.
“How could I forget Reverend Mother? Your shadows haunt these halls.” you said viciously, referring to her Bene Gesserit sisters.
“You are fortunate the Voice does not affect you. But there are other ways to make you cooperate.” she said, stepping closer to you in an attempt to be imposing.
You twisted your fingers, your magic forcing her back and making her stumble. “Unfortunately for you, you are not and will never be immune to blood magic. It is built into my very being, not some trick to be learned. You do not frighten me, and I will not cooperate with you unless I alone agree to it.” you snapped at her. 
“There are always ways to make one cooperate. Should something happen to your husband, the Queen will be looked at intensely as a suspect. With my advice.” she said with an unsettlingly soft smile.
“And what makes you think I care for him in the slightest?” you asked, despite knowing it wasn’t entirely true.
She hummed curiously, “Good day princess.” she said before walking away from you.
“Cunt.” you whispered before pushing on towards the training arena.
When you entered the arena Feyd was nowhere to be found. You honed in your accelerated hearing, listening for his heartbeat. Your scarlet eyes narrowed to your left but a blow hit you from the right. You rolled to the ground with a groan. Feyd looked down at you with nothing but malice. 
“What the fuck? That hurt you ass.” you coughed, hand holding your ribs which felt slightly cracked.
“What makes you think I care in the slightest?” he said with venom in his voice. He stomped towards you. 
You knew he overheard your conversation. This was no longer training, this was a fight. You kept hold on your side, continuing to pretend like you were in immense pain. As Feyd stood before you, you kicked out his ankles with one swipe of your leg. He fell to the ground, you held your nails to his neck. Feyd grabbed your wrist, yanking you towards him, he threw you over him. Using your momentum he rolled with you, pulling his knife out and stabbing it next to where your shoulder would have landed if you had not pulled yourself towards him as you rolled. You smacked your forehead into his, pulling one of your shoulder blades out and stabbing at his shoulder, the blue shimmer of the shield vibrating the small blade. You pushed off each other, both of you getting to your feet. 
You tossed the small shoulder blade away from you, “You want to fight? Fight.” you said, pressing the main jewel on the diadem. Your blue shield shimmer faded before you tossed it off entirely. Feyd followed suit. You smirked at him which only seemed to anger him. He lunged at you, blade thrusting towards your chest. You made an ‘X’ in front of you with your forearms, the thin blades in your sleeves caught the knife, you twisted until he dropped the blade. He brought his armored arms down, breaking the thin blades. You backed up, kicking his chest to push him away. Feyd tried to rush you but you spun away, the dress ends slicing through his armor and into his thigh slightly. You took your belt off, lassoing his ankle before pulling him. He landed on his back. You snatched the lasso back, wrapping it around your knuckles before you squared up. He attempted to swipe your leg, instead you caught his and punched him in the side, hearing one of his ribs crack. Feyd groaned as he bent over slightly, holding his side. 
“Now were even.” you said, tossing your belt to the side. 
Feyd pulled you down by your dress, rolling you beneath him before he snatched one of your remaining shoulder blades. Starting right above your belly button he dragged the knife, cutting your dress up to your neck. A thin cut trailing your skin from the very tip of the knife, making you suck in a sharp breath as you felt drops of your blood seep out. You reached up to grab him, he held both your wrists down after tossing the small blade away. Both of you breathed heavily, chests hitting each other with every inhale. His eyes looked into yours, alight with fire. His hips nestled between your legs. Your dress fell open, revealing the cut he left behind, hardly keeping your breasts covered.
“You learn quick.” you smiled beneath him. “You are not your weapons. You are the weapon.”
His eyes wandered to the cut he left up your torso, he saw the few drops of blood that dripped to your side. He slowly lowered himself down your chest, keeping his eyes locked with yours. You watched through a haze as his tongue flicked out before he dragged it up the cut between your breasts. You sucked in a breath, your eyes closing as your back began to arch into him. You felt his tongue leave you all too quick.
“Absolutely vile.” he said, savoring the way your iron tasted on his tongue.
You heard the door open and shut, a Harkonnen maid entered without looking at either of you, “The Baron has requested your presence in the Great Hall my Lord Na-Baron Feyd Rautha.” she said before scurrying out. 
Feyd stood, offering you a hand to help you up. You tugged your dress closed with one hand, accepting his help with the other. Chest to chest once again, time felt as if it had froze. Your breaths matched each other, breathing each other in and out. Feyd leaned in first, his forehead going to rest against yours. You moved to kiss him, not entirely sure why but every fiber of you ached for him and him alone. 
Before you could close the gap, the Barons voice boomed throughout the arena. “Nephew! We have much to discuss. You are dismissed princess.” He said waving you off. 
You tightly held your dress together, ripping yourself away from Feyd and exiting the room. You checked, making sure no guards or maids were around before remaining right outside the door, honing your hearing in on them. 
“Holding knives to your bride? I figured you’d be a brute in marriage like you are in battle. Try not to break her in too rough, they’re much less likely to oblige. Although… we could always have someone hold her down for you. Like I had to with you the first few times.” The Baron chuckled.
You could hear Feyd’s heartbeat, his soul was crushing at the memories and yet he was calm. The Baron confirmed what you had seen when you drank Feyd’s blood, he had abused Feyd - physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually. Your body warmed with anger, you had half a mind to go and rip the Baron’s throat out with your own teeth. He was an animal, he should die like an animal. 
“That won’t be necessary, I’m perfectly capable of taking her on my own.” Feyd replied.
Your heart sank and a low boil of fear started in your stomach. You felt stupid for starting to feel anything for him besides hate.
“She is strong willed, thinks she knows best. Tame her, break her. She need only produce and heir or two… then you can dispose of her.” The Baron said.
Feyd’s eyes widened slightly as his head whipped up to meet the Baron’s gaze. He composed himself once more, “Of course.”
You couldn’t listen to anymore. You hastily made your way back to your chambers, tearing off your gown once inside. As you moved to put on more comfortable clothing you caught sight of your reflection. You could see bruises forming along your side, and the blood that had dried on you from the cut that was still present up your chest. As soon as you had finished cleaning yourself up, dressing your wounds, and changing into much looser clothing you heard the door slide open.
Feyd looked at you, startled by what he saw. Black veins around your eyes were ever present as your pupils looked like that of a cat. Instead of your regular two fangs you had four. You looked like you were ready to devour him mind, body, and soul. “Y/N?” Is all he said.
“Are you here to break me? Tame me? Are you going to hold me down or will your guards be doing that?” You asked with so much loathing in your voice it made his head spin.
“You know I’d never hurt you-“ he started.
“Do I?” You cut him off. “You breathe because I allow it. Do not forget who comes from the more powerful house. Who carries generations of magic within them. Who feast off the very life source of others.” 
Feyd could see how much you distrusted him, and yet he saw your eyes getting misty.
“You are a beast, Feyd Rautha. A beast and a monster. To believe I ever thought otherwise…” you trailed off.
“I may be a monster but at least I am not some unfeeling blood magic wielding wench who cares for no one but herself. I overheard you with the Reverend Mother.” Feyd argued back, both of you now heated and angry.
Your jaw dropped. How could he be so thick? So fucking oblivious? “I said that to protect you!” You yelled at him, stepping closer. 
“What do you think I was doing?” He yelled back, throwing one of your empty glass jars to the side. 
The jar shattered as it hit your light disc he had gifted you. The disc faltered, the stars and Rubrum disappearing as the disc finally died, “No!” You yelled, rushing to it, forgetting the argument at hand entirely. You knelt next to it, picking it up and trying to make it work again.
Feyd watched you, his eyes softening. You were scared and alone on a planet you had never known, surrounded by people who viewed you as strange and lesser, whose only purpose was ultimate obedience, to be used any way that would benefit House Harkonnen without regard for you. 
You sighed, letting the star disc clatter to the floor. You remained on your knees, a small sniffle emanating from you. You hated looking weak, but you knew this was coming; everything was too much. You wanted nothing more than to go back to Succo. 
Feyd knelt in front of you, gently taking your arms till you rested against his chest. You let out a heart wrenching sob. One that had been held in for quite some time. “I would never hurt you, I am loyal to you above all else.” He murmured as he stroked your back, trying to calm you.
You leaned into him, finally letting out all that had been held in since you left Succo. “I don’t want to hurt you either. I have no one on this planet but you… I wish for us to be equals; us against any who oppose us.” You said between sniffles. 
Feyd pulled you back so he could see you. Your face had returned to normal, as did your fangs. Black tears cascaded down your cheeks, he gently wiped them off. As you looked at one another you could feel it. The same need to be understood, wanted. You both leaned in, lips finally meeting. Both of you let out sighs, the long awaited tension finally breaking. It was slow and sweet but gained momentum. You nipped his lip with one of your fangs, causing him to reel away from you in surprise. 
“Sorry…” you blushed.
He shook his head, “Don’t be… we should rest…” he said after a few moments.
“We have much to discuss.” You said.
“And we will. But for now, let us rest.” He said, his hand coming up to hold your cheek. 
You placed your hand over his, closing your eyes before nodding. He stood first, guiding you up as he stood. You climbed into the large satin covered bed. You watched as Feyd discarded his armor, along with his shirt. He held it for a moment, hesitating if he should or shouldn’t do what he was thinking. 
You reached out a hand for him, “Come to bed.” You said sleepily, already laying down amongst the pillows and blankets.
Feyd smiled softly as he set his shirt down and climbed in next to you. He did the same as the first night, sleeping far from you. You peeked at him through the haze of sleep that was rapidly consuming you. You tugged on his arm, making him scoot closer to you. You wrapped yourself around him; one leg around his hips while you laid yourself on his bare chest. You snuggled in for a moment before finally drifting off. Feyd caressed your hair as you slept, thinking of how he could protect you from his uncle because you were, by far, the most precious thing to him. 
Naboo's Note:
This took 3 days to write but I think it was well worth the wait. We're finally getting somewhere romantic! I know ya'll are horny but patience is a virtue and trust me it will be worth it. We've got wedding bells coming the next chapter! Thanks for all the support around this series, I'm having a lot of fun with it :) I love comments and find them super encouraging so be sure to drop me some XOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXO
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thequiver · 3 months
I love your fic ‘It’s being Forgotten by someone you’d never forget’! Do you have any further thoughts on the relationship between Billy and Tommy or between Pietro and Wanda? I would love to hear them
Aweee thank you so much! That’s one of my favorites 🥰🥰🥰 I’m so glad you like it!
I do! I always have thoughts!
So I’m also going to touch a little bit on the relationship between Billy and Wanda, Tommy and Pietro, Billy and Pietro, and Tommy and Wanda because I think those are ALSO important dynamics to consider.
So we know from the canon, that Pietro isn’t particularly close to the twins (and never was tbh given the whole him and Wanda fighting thing and Wanda trying to convince him that he had to immediately forgive his cheating wife bit). I think he’s a bit unnerved still that the babies he met, who are supposed to be younger than his daughter are now somehow older and that the lack of familial connection (that drives the desire for familial connection in Tommy’s case) puts him in an awkward spot.
We know that Pietro is someone motivated by love and that he’s very very VERY family oriented, it’s one of my favorite things about him. But we also know that Pietro doesn’t really interact with Billy, and while the meta reason for that is probably editorial going “fast twin with fast twin, magic twin with magic twin”- I think there’s a very real possibility that Pietro might be trying not to insert himself into the Kaplan family. Billy HAS a loving family that accepts him as he is, and I don’t think that Pietro wants to ruin that even if he would like to be closer to his nephew. I also think that Billy and Pietro are MUCH more alike than they're often given credit or implied to be and I'd really like to see that explored more.
But in regard to Tommy, as we’ve just seen in SW&QS, Pietro “checks in” on Tommy. Now what we see is that they aren’t very close- but Pietro and Tommy are both people who have been deeply wounded by the idea family and so despite the proclaimed lack of closeness you can still plainly see the love and trust displayed between them- and it’s evidenced by the casualness of their referenced visits with Tommy mentioning that Pietro comes by to steal his snacks and Pietro speaking to Tommy about David. I think fundamentally their dynamic shows that Pietro is worried about Tommy (which….same).
The Wanda and Billy dynamic, that we have more of in canon. We know that Billy wants Wanda’s approval, that they do think of each other along mother-son lines despite the existence of the incredible Mrs. Kaplan (who I would love to see more of, stop erasing the Kaplan family please). And we see fairly consistently that Wanda prioritizes her relationship with Billy over her relationship with Tommy. And I know that some people will point out that she has more appearances with just Billy and that’s true and I’m not talking about those, I’m rather focusing on those appearances where Wanda is present with both twins.
I don’t think that Wanda is prioritizing Billy over Tommy on purpose, she’s not THAT much like her father (even if her similarities to Erik are a contributing factor to this dynamic with her children) . But I do think that part of why she does prioritize Billy over Tommy is not just that it was easier, Billy openly states that she’s his favorite Avenger, they’re both magic users, etc. but also because she’s not immune to the assumptions made about the twins because of who they look like. Wanda and Pietro for all their closeness and codependency, DO have more than their fair share of issues, and while they’re still close their closeness has decreased over the years due to things like Pietro’s refusal to talk to her because of Vision, Wanda choosing Crystal in the cheating reveal, Wanda’s general greater willingness to tolerate their father, etc. Now I don’t think that Wanda is consciously aware that she’s keeping her distance from Tommy, nor do I think that she’s aware that any distance she’s keeping might have to do with her lingering Pietro issues or negative assumptions that she may have internalized from others (there IS a more popular twin and we all know it), but I DO think it’s a contributing factor.
Tommy, Tommy DESPERATELY wants Wanda’s love. ToM may have been a HOT MESS, but that panel of Tommy staring at Wanda with tears in his eyes, going “Mommy?” Lives RENT FREE IN MY HEAD. I think that Tommy on some level is aware that he and Wanda are probably ever going to have what Wanda and Billy have, but I think he’s ALSO aware that he needs that more than Billy does. We know next to nothing about the Shepherds, but what we do know of Tommy’s past doesn’t paint a very positive picture. Tommy, I think, is very aware of the disparity between him and Billy. Tommy, more so than Billy, is, in my opinion, aware of the privilege that Billy has. Privilege that exists not just in terms of the wealth that the Kaplans have, but in the love that exists there. And Tommy WANTS to be loved SO BADLY.
Tommy wants to be loved SO BADLY, that he lived with Master Pandemonium because the old man was kind to him. And much like Pietro, Tommy is ALSO fueled by love and a desire for family, it’s just that Tommy isn’t quite as jaded as his uncle (yet). Wanda is also a character who wants to be loved, she wants to experience kindness and tries to sow kindness where she can- but she’s just not close enough to Tommy to see through the superficial parallels and realize that HE’S much more similar to her personality wise than most would assume.
Billy, and I love Billy please don’t get me wrong, Billy…..isn’t always the most observant about things that aren’t about Billy. I say this with love, he can be a bit single minded at times. And he’s been more resistant to he and Tommy being family than Tommy has, and I think that plays a huge role in their dynamic. Where Tommy, is ride or die for who he considers to be his twin, this brother he always wants to be there for, and who he wants to assume will always be there for him. And where Billy, is…..not as focused on that relationship, and because he prioritizes Billy (not a bad thing, just a factor of their relationship), Tommy is sort of pushed aside and left to fend for himself.
With Wanda and Pietro things are more even for sure, from their intro they’ve been established as twins and were raised together, no weird Mephisto shit here- which gives them a much more unified idea of what their relationship is. I do think that part of their dynamic includes the idea that Wanda can and does feel more free to forgive and to be trusting because she knows that if something happens, Pietro is going to fuck shit up. And we know that Wanda will also fuck shit up for Pietro, although we’ve seen this less as the years go on.
One of the biggest issues I see with the dynamic between Pietro and Wanda- is that both twins want/need the other to care for them more like how they care for others. Wanda reacts better to quiet care while Pietro basically needs you to smack him in the face with it. But what we get is Wanda giving Pietro quiet care that can feel to him like neglect or forgetfulness, and Pietro basically smothering Wanda in his care and love because that’s how he loves all consumingly.
But Wanda is also kind of…..possessive almost of Pietro’s care and attention? When she needs it and when she admits that she needs/wants it she isn’t always too keen on sharing that attention. I think a LOT about how the House of M didn’t have Luna in it…..
And Wanda knows of course, that she can be as mean as she wants to Pietro and he’ll still be there - and there’s on some level a bit of taking him for granted that comes with that. She’s much better at establishing boundaries with him than he is with her and it’s something that we do see come to bite Pietro in the ass, even if he doesn’t regret it. Wanda can’t express her temper to anyone but Pietro, and Pietro’s temper is a cautionary tale that shows her WHY she can’t because it results in his competitive isolation and friendless state.
Pietro believes that his role is to be his sisters’ keeper and that they are more valuable than him. And I think one of the really cool things about Tommy, is that while he cares about Billy, he doesn’t believe that.
But uh yeah….. Hope you enjoyed the word salad
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rubykgrant · 3 months
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A while back I was playing around with designs for my RVB Monster AU; the Blues are (mostly) ghosts and werewolves, and the Reds are (mostly) vampires. I really wanted to re-do Tucker, because honestly, he deserves to look COOL (his deal is, he is unknowingly sort of a "monster slayer chosen one", which makes him mildly immune to certain effects of monsters/supernatural creatures. he can see ghosts all the time, which is why he was totally just used to Church. he gets hit with a "werewolf curse" at some point, but it doesn't do much. my first version had Tucker leaning into a "romance cover model" look, with the werewolf vibe adding to longer hair... which was sort of OK, but then I hated it. I didn't want it to look like the "oh he's a werewolf, he has less clothing, he's more wild" trope. that just sucks. Tucker is a pretty boy, and the "chosen one monster slayer" angle needed to be the emphasis, so I gave him a wolf pauldron/clawed gauntlet, and I like how this very serious armor is just right on top of his fancy club outfit; even though roses are red, roses are also very romantic, and there is the Beauty and the Beast symbolism, so his shirt is two-toned shades of aqua/teal, with a swirling pattern of golden roses in shiny thread on one side. his hair is still a bit more full, and I kept the wolf ears. in general, he's got all the extra senses and strength boosts of werewolves, but none of the weaknesses)
Church is a ghost (because he ALWAYS is). Normally, he manifests looking more "alive", and thanks to his trademark memory loss, he forgot he was a ghost at all. When he does remember, and figures out his own spooky powers, he visually looks more haunted (shades of blue and white, with a semi-transparent skeleton). Tex is a dullahan (and hes, she's a little inspired by Durarara!!). Some jerk was trying to use weird magic to bring his dead wife back to life, and instead, Tex happened. Usually, she hides the lack of physical head by wearing her biker helmet. Caboose is a born werewolf, so he's very comfortable with it (sometimes he forgets other people aren't used to it, though). Most of the others can only partially transform, but if he wants, Caboose can turn into a BIG, imposing wolf (mostly, he's chill staying in his fluffy boof form). Because he's so used to going back-and-forth, Caboose doesn't get disoriented during full moons (he doesn't get why everybody else seems to struggle with that. it's not a big deal guys!). Wash was part of a group that was trying to create even more powerful monsters through lab experiments... which turned out just GREAT (no. no it didn't). He's a werewolf, but... kind of reversed. He can only transform during the day, but his powers are weaker at night. He does still get a big strength boost during a full moon, but it is hard to control. He usually compensates the disadvantage at night with lots of skills using various tools and studying other monster weaknesses. He's got his training outfit as a default, which is why it looks more sci-fi than the others
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theheraldsrest · 1 year
I have this hc where, after spending their life at least mostly isolated in the circle, Mage Trevelyan probably has a not-so-great immune system. So, if you want: how do the companions/advisors react (Cullen in particular if you prefer?) when the Mage Inquisitor gets sick? Panic? Dote on them? Something in between? Neither? (Also, I have to say, you guys are doing great work here. I didn't know I needed this blog until I found it, but I LOVE it!)
“Companions reacting to sick Mage!Trevelyan!Inquisitor”
Another joke!
Healer: Sir Cullen, you’re suffering from delirium.
Cullen: No shit I’m suffering from the lyrium. I’m asking what are the symptoms?
-Lord Lex
-Honestly? Think he’d be one of the more level-headed people about it. He’s been inside a magi circle, he knows how most are when it comes to adventuring out for the first time. He’s quick to contact any healers who can help and checks on your status every now and then, but mainly leaves it to the professionals. He’ll take on any responsibilities to make it easier for you when you get better. He’ll go out of his way to make sure you get the proper care and herbs/potions that you need.
-Very doting. She’s an older sister so she’s always looking out for others. Mainly goes by the way of getting you some soup while you rest and seeing if any of the healers are able to help. She’ll stay by your bedside in case you need anything and, in a situation that calls for her attention, will have someone stay with you until she gets back. Don’t worry, she won’t forget about her duties, nor yours. Josey will make sure most are done.
-Walk it off. The only way you’ll grow immune to most diseases is through travel. Or being poisoned. She’s pretty sure you don’t want to do the latter. She’ll make sure a scout or a healer stays near you so no one gets the drop on you while still attending to her duties. You might even find some very delicious soup sent up from the kitchen, a special request put in by “a friend”. No, she will not admit it was her. 
-Bet your ass this woman is tsking you while healing you. Goes over exercises to help you better your body so that a simple cold won’t take you out as well as different types of magic to help heal or protect you. It’s better for everyone if you’re not constantly falling to your death, metaphorically and physically.
-Goes the whole 8 ½ yards. Get’s you some broth, a bowl of water and a towel, maybe some more blankets. One of the main ones who just lets you chill. You’re already under enough pressure, it won’t make you feel any better if people rush the process. Just take your time getting better. And when you do eventually get out of bed, tries to take note of areas that might be a little too harsh for you. One step at a time.
-Cole is trying, ok? He brings you the ingredients for soup but forgot that you have to make the soup. Will then bring you hot water but not the ingredients. Even get you blankets…a humorous amount of blankets. Cole even brings you…a chicken? Says it’s supposed to help. Who knows. You never see him, but you can sometimes hear him talking. It’s gotten to a point where the maids think the stairs to your quarters are haunted.
-Oh, that’s simple. Magic. Except after one too many that he realizes it’s your immune system. He’s worried, don’t get me wrong. But for once, he agrees with Vivienne. Magic can only take you so far. You need to start developing better habits and strengthen your will. Solas will personally go with you to certain areas and sit or walk around to make sure it’s getting better. Magic will only be used if necessary.
-Cass is worried the whole time. She tries to (s)mother you with care which is something she’s not used to nor you. She’s so freaking worried, always nervous when you fall ill and thinking the worst. Let’s the healers do their job and maids bring you things but she’s always there, asking if you need anything else, even after you’ve said no. She just wants to make sure the Inquisitor (and her friend) are alright.
The Iron Bull
-Doesn’t really stop him from doing his thing. Sure, he’ll come up and check on you, make sure you’re doing alright, but he’s going to keep things up and running the same as if you weren’t even at Skyhold. Of course, he’ll try to figure out how or why you got sick and help try to prevent it. Another one to join in on Solas’s trips to make sure you’re taking it at a nice pace to get better. Might even suggest pushing yourself further each time,
-No magic, heal properly. He’s going to give you so much sass while taking care of you. Yes, him. He’s doing it, going down to the kitchen and fetching you broth and water, helping you move in case you're in pain and getting any herbs to make it better. But he will, under no circumstances, use his magic. Mainly because he doesn’t want to fuck up and reset your progress at getting better. He’s grouchy but that’s just his way of saying he cares for you.
-Ok and? Get your hind tail up and get outside with her. She knows how to fix it. And that’s by pelting you with snow. Which she finds out does not, in fact, help. After that she’ll just hang out in your room, keeping you company while also asking for stuff to be brought up for you and her. Makes sure you’re still laughing even if you feel like death. 
-He’s a farm boy at heart. Tries to take care of you as simple as possible. Some soup with some meat, enough bedding that you’re comfortable but not too hot or too cold, some water to keep you from overheating, and enough time to sleep. You shouldn’t try to rush the process, it’s what helps make your body start to get used to it. Blackwall will stay by your side in case you need anything, even just chatting or talking so that you have some sort of calming presence.
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sallowsdiary · 15 days
Well, today was a day for the books – and by books, I mean the Hogwarts’ Most Embarrassing Moments edition. Let’s just say that if I ever find myself in charge of the school one day (which is highly likely, let’s be honest), I will be banning all references to today’s events.
It all started with a completely harmless plan to sneak into the Restricted Section of the library. I mean, it’s practically a Slytherin rite of passage, right? I figured I’d grab a few “light” reads on dark curses—you know, just for academic purposes—and be on my way. How hard could it be?
I roped Ominis into coming with me, of course. He’s good with silencing charms, and besides, if we got caught, I could always blame him. I’m still not entirely sure how I convinced him to come along; I think he’s growing immune to my charm. Must be losing my touch. Anyway, we made it to the library without a hitch, but then we ran into the ultimate obstacle: Madam Scribner.
That woman must have bat DNA because she’s everywhere at once. One minute she’s shelving books across the room, and the next, she’s standing right behind us, asking what we’re doing by the Restricted Section after hours. I swear she has some sort of magical radar that detects students who are up to no good. If there’s ever a Dark Lord, she’ll be the first to know.
Naturally, I tried to charm my way out of it. I spun some tale about doing “extra research” for Professor Black—you know, something to make it sound like I was doing the school a favor. But then Ominis, the absolute traitor, stammered something about needing a book on magical plants. Magical plants! Honestly, Ominis, at least come up with a lie that makes us sound more dangerous.
Madam Scribner wasn’t buying any of it. She gave us this look—the kind that says, “I was born before you, and I’ll be haunting this library long after you’ve left it”—and told us to leave immediately. I was about to argue, but then she reached into her robes, and I thought she was going for her wand. I wasn’t about to duel a librarian, so I did the only sensible thing: I bolted.
Unfortunately, in my haste, I tripped over a stack of books someone had left on the floor. And not just any books—enormous, dusty old tomes that weigh as much as a baby hippogriff. I went sprawling across the floor in what was probably the least dignified moment of my life. Ominis, bless his heart, tried to help me up, but in the process, he accidentally kicked a book straight at Madam Scribner’s head.
We both froze, waiting for her to hex us into oblivion. But she just sighed, muttered something about “reckless youth,” and sent us on our way. I swear, that woman is unflappable. She didn’t even take points from Slytherin, which is honestly the most shocking part of this whole disaster.
So, here I am, writing this down while trying to forget the sound of Madam Scribner’s disappointed sigh. I’ve decided that the Restricted Section isn’t worth the risk—at least, not until I figure out how to Apparate inside without being detected. Note to self: work on perfecting that by Christmas.
Until then, I’m going to lay low and try to salvage what’s left of my dignity. Maybe I’ll volunteer to help with Professor Sharp's potion inventory—nothing like some mindless labor to make people forget your most recent failures.
But seriously, magical plants, Ominis?
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frostise · 2 months
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notes: i'll be adding detailed information about killer cat's powers, equipment and travia ♡
probability manipulation:  is able to flip the tables against impossible odds. she uses this to avoid dying and evade capture but isn't immune to injury. her bad luck mostly affects her enemies performance if they're around her for too long. this can range from flamethrowers rendering louise unaffected, forgetting her whereabouts or indirectly causing a car crash. she has been known to be unaffected by poison and magic—though strangely has been known to have a hindering weakness to mutants who possess a similar powerset such as good luck or be able to match her inhuman skill set in battle.
enhanced speed and limited strength: is able to run, climb, leap and have fast reflexes than the average human. she's hard to see and even more hard to catch. it's been recorded she can only lift to the maximum of 193 pounds but favours lightweight gadgets such as her talons since she's more of a stealthy character than a brute.
killer catsuit: mostly made out of leather and light enough on her feet to preform well on stealth missions. it's a bodysuit—a similar design to a wet suit—that's coated in white and black accents. the jagged 'Y' patterns is marked on the front and back. her infamous killer cat emblem is stabled against the centre of her chest. the white fur is presented around her combat boots and upper forearms of the sleeves.
titanium talons: ten times stronger than steel and is able to cut through almost anything due to its titanium properties. it's retractable and mainly uses it in battle or climbing up hard-to-reach surfaces.
metallic grapple hook: a long ranged gadget to assist in her missions whenever she's in a tight spot. it can serve as a weapon for hitting, tangling or strangling her enemies. it's able to carry the maximum weight of two people. mostly uses it as a secondary weapon.
frost and smoke bombs: thanks to her scientific knowledge as a thermodynamicist at S.T.A.R labs and the assistance of bomb expert 'plastique', they were able to make frost bombs that would instantly freeze upon contact when thrown at a enemy and shatter due to a small bomb trigger implanted inside of the granade. the smoke bombs were originally stolen at T.A.B and louise used her power to replicate the blueprints from memory.
killer cat resides in the 80s period and is a combination of traditional goth and punk when the rise of cooperate power was at its peak. she shares deep love for both goth and punk subculture and will always commit violence against the rich and powerful. she cannot be reasoned with and thoroughly enjoys the brutality that's encouraged by her disturbing fans
her attire will mostly be in black and white shades. her hair is wild yet well-maintained similar to a lion's mane. it is her crown and anyone who touches it loses their hand
unlike most variants, louise doesn't wear a mask. she did wear one while working for the kinpin but after betraying him she would discard it as it no longer has power over her and also because she knew he would expose her identity anyway
there's a few revealing outfits inside her penthouse such as her leotard which will only be used when summertime arrives
louise isn't afraid to shed blood and will be seen being bloody from head-to-toe. she's more brutal as killer cat and will be blinded by her bloodthirst in most fights
most of her equipment and attire is created by T.A.B's tailors. louise added her own gothic and punk flair to her uniform to rebel against their control after betraying them to work as a solo villain
the only domesticated animal louise is never attacked or ignored by is cats. she grew fond of them when she was younger and became a animals rights activist later on in life
she only has one male cat in her penthouse named onyx who is named after a gemstone. their official name would be onyx lincoln and he was always there when she was mourning after crystal's death
louise steals from corrupted figures like king pin and do-gooders like tony stark. if you're rich and powerful it's a 100% guarantee she'll be tempted to steal from your organisation and kill you while she's at it
her ex-boyfriend is black spider (eric needham). they met in highschool and shared puppy love until their inevitable breakup when eric was starting to become a drug addict after graduation. she tried to encourage him into rehabilitation but was met with constant disappointment when he would fail to keep his promise. she still holds love for him but it wasn't enough to save their relationship and eventually grew tired of seeing him suffer from his addiction
her retractable claws is not the only set of gadgets she has. louise is in the progress of making a icy set of talons that drains the heat of her enemies
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biscuits-of-bagend · 3 months
DnDoc, Space Band #3 - Childhood Favourites
Kind of want to make a playlist of Rogue's music library now... any suggestions? I'll explain the whole 'Space Band' thing and what that is in the real world at the bottom of the chapter.
Part 1 Part 2
Previous story: DnDoc, Coming Home
Rogue's music selection was displayed on a large touch-screen set into one of the walls and Ruby's face passed through various expressions as she scrolled through it.
   "Taylor Swift, nice, Queen, of course, Linkin Park…" Ruby looked around the room then back at Rogue. "Sounds about right."
   "Hey, they're great," said Rogue. "You don't realise how lucky you are for music in twenty-first century Earth."
   "Ooh, you have music from other centuries?" said Ruby.
  "And other planets," said Rogue. "Hang on. Listen to this."
   He tapped the screen on a song called Rock the Socks off the World. A short sharp riff blared out of the speakers then a young-sounding male voice starting singing about rocking the socks off of planets. Rogue bobbed from side to side and nodded his head up and down.
   "Space Band?!" the Doctor cried.
   Rogue looked round and saw the Doctor standing near the entrance where they'd left him. He had looked up from his sonic screwdriver and was staring at Rogue, mouth held open.
   "They were my favourite band when I was little!" said Rogue. He laughed and said, "Will you two leave me and my music taste alone?"
   "No no, I love Space Band," said the Doctor.
   "Also they're actually called The Earthlings. People just get confused because of their song 'Space Band.' They were from Earth, originally," Rogue explained to Ruby, "But they've played all over the galaxy."
   "They're fantastic," the Doctor said. "But I haven't listened to them since I was like, a hundred."
   Rogue closed his eyes and breathed out nervously. "Forgot about that. The age thing."
   "Ah," said the Doctor. "You… okay with that?"
   Rogue nodded. "You just look way too good for it so I keep forgetting."
   The next Earthlings song had started, a two minute fifty-nine second track commenting on its own length from beginning to end.
   Ruby thought for a moment, then said, "I can see how this would be awesome if you were a kid."
   "Ten-year-old me thought this was the greatest band in the universe," said Rogue.
   "You ever been to see them?" asked the Doctor.
   "No, I always wanted to, but we were quite a mobile family and our paths just never crossed. I've seen the livestreams, but never in person," said Rogue.
   The Doctor cocked his head to the side and listened to the sonic cloud for a moment. "Oh boy, careful everyone. Step the wrong way and I reckon you'd fall into the Space Band audience right now, unless the sonic's just got really into drum solos in the last ten seconds."
   "The portal…" Rogue screwed up his eyes and tried to work it out. "It took me to music, to my Kylie-obsessed ship, so it could get fed? And now it wants to go see The Earthlings for dinner? …That sounded more sinister than I meant it to."
   "I think you're right," said the Doctor. "And most people who made it that far into the forest had no music left to offer it."
   "Did you ever work out why you were immune?" Ruby asked, looking up from scrolling through the rest of Rogue's music library.
   "Honestly, no idea," said Rogue. "I guess just different biology. I'm from a whole different dimension, so the bacteria just didn't know what to do with me."
   "Maybe, could also be the TARDIS protecting you. You were in there for a little while," said the Doctor. "And nothing's as magical as the TARDIS."
   Rogue smiled across the room at the Doctor. "True."
   The Doctor moved the sonic screwdriver slowly back and forward through the air. "Excellent, the cloud's latched on. If I put the sonic screwdriver in its console slot back on the TARDIS I should be able to take us wherever the cloud feels like showing us. Right now, I reckon that would be a Space Band concert. So, what do you say, Rogue, would you like to make your ten-year-old self's dreams come true?"
Part 4
SO, Space Band. It's a children's novel written by Tom Fletcher, one of the guitarists and singers from McFly. He and the rest of McFly made an album to soundtrack the children's novel and it is genuinely really fun. I ended up reading the book as like, research for this last week? And frankly, it's excellent. If I was 10 years old it would probably be my favourite book in the world... or should I say universe...
@off-traveling-in-the-stars @casavanse @monster-donut @letsargueacrossthestars (let me know at any point if you no longer wish to be tagged in each post)
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playroom-sekaii · 10 months
hi!! um this is my first time requesting something like this so I hope I get it right, but can I please have some regressor rin and caregiver miku hcs? if you do the virtual singers ofc!
Of course I'll do the Virtual Singers! This post'll focus on their "default" versions, but if you'd like posts for any of their Sekai variants please feel free to let me know!!
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-I can honestly see all of the default Virtual Singers as flips with decently large age ranges (they're meant to portray a large range of feelings, so of course their ranges for things like this would be large as well!), but Rin normally slips to ~2-5, she and Len are both quite the little guys!
-Rin's quite likely to slip after a long day of performances, or if a song she's singing that day is especially sad or scary (such as those by mothy, she ended up very small after her and Len first performed Servant of Evil).
-Miku's actually quite a good caregiver! She takes care of the feelings of people all over the world, of course she can take care of little ones! She's more of a big sister caregiver when compared to people such as Meiko and Kaito, but she's working as hard as she can to be a good cg for her Rinrin! Sometimes she'll even try to get inspiration from her iterations in the Sekais to learn how to be a better caregiver, taking notes while watching L/n and N25 Miku-
-It's actually quite easy to tell if Rin's feeling small, though her voice is a key tell, she's a Virtual Singer after all! Her usual voice is more akin to her Power voicebank, though when she's small it's close to her Sweet one. Other than that, she's somehow even more hyper and relatively clingy, the moment "Miku-nee" leaves her lips she can tell. She's not really ashamed of regressing, it's just a thing she does, it's okay! She's trying to get a certain mirror image of hers to realize the same...
-Obviously, Rin still loves singing while she's small! She likes to put on little concerts for the others and her plushies, and Miku always makes sure to cheer her own, glowsticks and everything! Usually she'll sing happier carefree songs like Sweet Magic or once upon a dream, though sometimes she'll try to sing Miku's songs to impress her, doesn't she sound amazing? Miku is very proud <3
-Rin is still a bit of a prankster while little, trying to trick the others quite often. Miku isn't immune to this, usually with her Rin will try to sneak up and scare her or hide her things. Miku doesn't ever get too mad at her, but she doesn't want to endorse this, so she ends up lightly scolding her sometimes. She tries to put Rin in timeout, but she always puppy-dog eyes her way out of it.
-Sometumes Rin ends up a bit grumpy, she's usually quite happy though she can be pouty when things don't go her way, but Miku's always there to cheer her up! She spoils her a bit, but can you blame her? Anything for Rinrin! Even if she can't solve her icky feelings through giving her things, usually a song can! Rin forgets whatever she was mad about when Miku-nee starts singing <3
-Rin really likes arts and crafts, especially while small. She loves drawing and making things for Miku and the others, and Miku makes sure to keep every single piece she does. So what if she has a drawer overflowing with drawings or ten kandi bracelets, they were all made by her little one after all!
-Rin's quite the hyper little one, never really liking to take naps, but thankfully Miku's amazing at lullabies! Softer songs from her will always lull Rin to sleep, even if she ends up pouting over it when she wakes up.
-Rin is very cuddly when she's on the lower end of her age range, and Miku is always willing to give her little one what she desires! She's surprising strong, so she can give her uppies with ease! Rin is very satisfied, she's not the shortest anymore, and it's all thanks to her big sissy!
-Sometimes Miku takes Rin to look over the Sekais with her when she's small, and she absolutely loves it! Look, that's her! But different! And those kids are doing such cool things, like becoming idols and putting on plays, can we do those things too? Huh, some of the people that have made Sekais are also age regressors? Woah! She plays pretend games based on what she sees often, or she'll pretend that she's the Rin for a Sekai of her plushies or the other Virtual Singers :3
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melanielocke · 2 years
Book recommendations - Queer POC books
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Some more book recommendations, this time I'm focusing on Queer PoC books, all by authors of color. All the books shown in the picture are UK editions. I generally like it when books have a UK paperback edition because they're a lot cheaper than US hardcovers, usually also cheaper than US paperbacks, and release the same week as the US hardcover. I don't think these editions are always available if you live in North America, but to those living in Europe, buying UK editions can save you a lot of money. Other parts of the world I honestly don't know which editions are easiest to come by. Only downside for UK editions is that sometimes there are some with a redesigned cover that is very ugly. Of the books shown here, only the Witchery has a different cover than the US edition but in this case I like both.
Starting with this Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron
This is a duology, the second and last book was released last June and so this is a complete series. It is inspired by Greek mythology, and specifically, the myth of Medea, and follows Briseis, who was adopted and inherits an estate from her aunt whom she never met. Briseis has always been able to make plants grow, and is immune to poisonous plants, and at the estate she discovers her birth family had these same gifts, and they keep a garden with some of the most poisonous plants in the world. This book has some great characters, and Briseis was adopted and raised by two sapphic Black mothers, who also play a big role in this series. This series has also served as inspiration for the Lightwood's magic garden in Flowers Bloom
Also by this author: Cinderella is Dead, which I'd also recommend, the Vanquishers, a MG which I did not read
Upcoming books: My Dear Henry, a Jekyll & Hide retelling (3-2023); You're not Supposed to Die Tonight, a slasher horror (6-2023)
Next up is Afterlove by Tanya Byrne
This is a sapphic love story with a MC of Indian decent. At New Years's Eve, just before midnight, Ash is hit by a car and dies instantly. She gets the offer to become a reaper, who guide the city's dead to their afterlife. But Ash can't forget Poppy, her girlfriend, and will do anything to get to see her again.
I haven't seen a lot of people talk about this book, but I really enjoyed it. The main focus is the romance here, and it's more romance with a fantasy aspect to it than fantasy.
Other books by this author: there are several other older books, none of which I've read
Upcoming books: The Mermaid of Black Rock (9-2023), a sapphic book about a girl with no memory found in the sea and a girl who falls in love with her
The Jasmine Throne is the only adult series I put in this list (the rest is YA), and is a fantasy trilogy set in an India inspired world. Book 1 and 2 are out now.
Malini is a princess who is imprisoned in an old temple by her dictator brother, an emperor obsessed with religious ideas revolving women gaining purity and immortality by being burnt alive. Malini refused to burn for his sake.
Priya is a maidservant who travels to the temple every night to clean Malini's chambers. Before her land was conquered by Malini's family, Priya was a temple child, and she had passed through the magical deathless waters once, but all the temple children were murdered except a few who survived and she has to hide her past.
Malini and Priya eventually start working together, with the goal of restoring the throne to Malini's other, oldest brother who'd abandoned the throne to become a priest.
Other books by this author: The Books of Ambha duology, adult fantasy, and What Souls are Made of, a YA Wuthering Heights retelling
Upcoming books: Book 3 of the series, scheduled for 2023, currently no release date known
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas is one of my personal favorites of this year. It's the first book in a YA fantasy duology set in a world inspired by Mexican culture. In this world, the sunbearer trials are held every ten years to replenish the energy of the sol stones and keep the sun alive and evil gods at bay. Ten demigods (called semidioses) are chosen by Sol to compete in a set of trials. The winner becomes the Sunbearer and gets to replenish the sol stones. The loser becomes a human sacrifice that is necessary to replenish said stones.
Semidioses are divided in gold and jade categories, depending on if their parent is a gold or jade god. Gold gods are the most powerful gods, ruling over things like the earth, the seas, fire etc, while jade gods are considered less powerful and their children too. There haven't been any jade competitors in the Sunbearer trials in over a century, but that year, two are chosen.
Teo is the transgender son of Quetzal, the goddess of birds, and he never expected to be chosen for the trials. The other jade is Xio, the son of Mala Suerte, god of bad luck. The other 8 competitors are all gold semidioses, including Teo's best friend Niya, daughter of Tierra, god of the Earth and the twin children of the fire goddess, Aurelio and Auristela. Compared to many of the others, Teo does not have a lot of powers and will have to fight with everything he has to survive.
The fantasy world in this book is modern second world, so while everything is different from this world, there are equivalents of instagram and tiktok for example, and they have trading cards featuring different semidiose heroes.
Other books by the author: Cemetery Boys, Lost in the Never Woods, I've read both and they're very good
Upcoming books: book 2 of the sunbearer trials (expected in 2023), companion/sequel to Cemetery Boys (fall 2024), untitled book pitched as gay titanic in space (2024), Just Max (a contemporary set in college, 2024).
I don't think it's likely there'll be 3 books coming out in 2024 but that's the information I currently have
The last book in the picture is the Witchery by S. Isabelle
This book features four witches and two human boys. Logan only recently found out she's a witch and transferred to a school for witches, and so far she's no good at it. But she's taken under the wing by the Red Three, three Black witches and the most powerful witches at the school. Thalia, a greenwitch, Iris, a deathwitch and Jailah, the most powerful witch at school, want to end the curse that's plaguing their town, and want Logan's help to do it.
Every year, there's a Haunting Season during which wolves come out of the swamp and kill people. The witches can protect people, to some extent, but the Red Three want to end the Haunting Season once and for all.
This book has a total of 6 POV's, which can make it confusing but I think it worked well. All the characters were interesting, but there wasn't enough space to flesh them all out as much as I would have liked. Still, I think the story was great, and would recommend it. There's not much focus on romance, but Jailah is a lesbian which is why I included it on this list.
Other books by this author: The Witchery is her first book
Upcoming books: another book is expected to be released in 2023. I have no idea what this book is about
Let me know if there are specific recommendations you'd like me to cover next time, I think I'll make more posts like these because it's lots of fun. Also, if you've read any of the books I recommend and want to talk about it, let me know, because I don't have a lot of people to talk about my favorite books with
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @astriefer @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @bottomdelioncourt @ikissedsmithparker
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crimsonscloud · 8 months
you know what. it's missing norton!bruce hours (again) and i got some headcanons to share this time. below the cut because we might be here a while.
general / misc headcanons:
based on norton's screenplay for the incredible hulk, this bruce's full name is david bruce banner. (this is also how i mentally differentiate between norton and ruffalo's portrayals; to me, norton!bruce is david, ruffalo!bruce is robert.)
his mother used to call him "davey" as an affectionate nickname when he was little.
frankenstein is one of his favorite books because his mother read it to him. (this one is canon to the ih novelization)
he adores dogs and adopts a puppy between the avengers and age of ultron. (i don't have a name for the puppy yet.)
he likes studio ghibli films and finds the animation style relaxing.
learned russian while getting one of his phds, like in the comics.
inspired by this panel from the "super spy banner" arc in the comics: he likes james bond. and yes, he absolutely takes the chance to say "the name is banner. bruce banner" when he's doing an infiltration mission (probably with natasha and/or clint) or something. he and natasha probably watch the films together since her solo film had her quoting along to moonraker.
bruce. is. a. martial. artist. the films forget this and i'm salty about it.
cooking is relaxing for him so he tends to make a lot of food, and he knows a lot of dishes from different cultures because of how much he's traveled. no one on the team complains.
bruce's powers:
glowing eyes <3
inspired by the john turman hulk script, electricity behaves weird around bruce when he gets emotional. he has made lightbulbs and other things explode if he's standing too close to them. he learns how to isolate the effect once he understands more about his relationship with hulk. tony helps by giving him things he doesn't mind getting exploded, and for bruce it also works kind of like a trauma release. he can still accidentally blow something up if he gets distracted / agitated, but it happens less.
the electrical-interference power also manifests as him being able to hear electrical currents. different things have slightly different sounds / pitches and tony always asks him to describe them.
still has a pretty good healing factor as bruce, it's just slower. (in a ih deleted scene sparr says she's never seen someone recover from a tranquilizer as fast as he does). also can't get drunk, but he's never tested that for obvious reasons.
in the novel he's able to dodge a tranq dart "aimed and fired in one motion" so he probably also has faster reflexes.
immune to mind control as bruce and as hulk. both are pissed at wanda for trying it.
based on a scene in the immortal hulk comics, bruce uses automatic writing and drawing to communicate with hulk when hulk isn't out.
can see astral forms. they're clearer and even tangible when hulk is in control, but bruce can also see them.
also inspired by immortal hulk, he has a weird sixth sense for when people are lying to him. as bruce the "itch" he gets can be ignored most of the time, as hulk not so much.
relationship / dynamic headcanons:
no brutasha romance to be seen here they are friends 😌 (if that's your cup of tea that's fine it just isn't mine.)
stays. in. contact. with. betty. (i will forever fight the mcu over this. they are soulmates yall.)
steals tony's band shirts like a gremlin. also steals tony's snacks.
bruce🤝wanda: blurring the lines of science and mysticism. (later comics describe gamma radiation as having a mystical element, "like a magic spell... when viewed from another angle" which is the same reason bruce / hulk tend to have some extrasensory powers).
i just think we were robbed of a bruce and wanda friendship okay.
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smoft-demons · 6 months
MC ask game random answers 2 (rapid-fire mode)
Link to OG post! Feel free to ask me to answer any other questions, from that OG post or otherwise! Or to elaborate on any of these!
Answers are about Auva, my obey me MC. Basically she’s human, 20, aroace, ADORES her seven demons, and like,, changes the tone of the story from polyam-coded romance-ish to straight up found family/big QPR vibe.
Assorted questions from the general info section:
4. What kind of magic do they possess?
She’s got a few assorted spells from her pacts. She doesn’t learn to use any of them until like,,, some point after the time travel thing. Maybe in year two. That remains to be seen. It’s spells that have something to do with each pacted avatar’s abilities/values/something they want her to be able to do. Plus she got lay on hands and chill touch from Lilith after meeting her ghost. Thematic choices from her lol.
5. Which deadly sin best aligns with them? Which do they embody the least?
At first glance, dead tie between gluttony and sloth. She’s a foodie and bonds with Beel about it, but it becomes a gluttony thing because it’s not just a love for food, it’s an impulse to try to fill an emotional void with overindulgence. Not just food! Also games, sleep, reading, watching stuff, escapism in general.
For sloth, it’s just that she is not very inclined to move or do much when she doesn’t have to. She’s a homebody who LOVES oversleeping, and puts so much effort into optimizing necessary tasks so that she can spend the least amount of energy at any time. She’s careful not to go so far into those tendencies so as to make other people’s lives worse by being lazy, but she knows that’s a thing that she could fall into easily if she’s not careful.
She LOOKS like she embodies sloth the most, but if you examine her motivations, Gluttony juuust takes first place.
For what she embodies the least… depends on how we define them. Without question it’s Lust if we’re counting that as just… a sexual thing. Because she’s aroace. She experiences no sexual attraction, and if we’re equating lust to that then she’s fully immune to it. However, if we’re defining lust as intense wanting, fixation, staking your identity on cravings and goals and passions, then it’s higher up. She feels very deeply, and makes a point of being careful about remaining balanced and reasonable about that.
Greed too. If we define it as just a money thing, then she doesn’t really feel it. Nothing like how Mammon does, at least. She is not an impulse spender nor a hoarder. But she does sometimes notice herself getting a little bit more possessive than she’s comfortable with, and having to immediately back all the way off and examine where the hell that came from. So in that way, she’s got a bit of greed.
Envy as well is like that for her. She feels it in ONE specific situation. But then again, it never manifests in a way that would urge her to make someone else’s life worse. She’s never “if I can’t have it no one can” when she’s jealous, like classic envy, but instead like “oh… but me too though?”
With that in mind, probably envy is the one Auva embodies the least.
7. What is their favourite place, and what do they love so much about it?
Her demons’ arms. No question. She pretty much always wants one of them to hug her. She takes every opportunity to be in someone’s arms. It’s just nice. Warm and comfy and safe. If someone is holding her, she can’t possibly forget that they love her. Unfortunately, this is a pretty easy thing for her to forget otherwise. RSD sucks. Her history of touch deprivation sucks even worse.
(If we want an actual location, then there’s a few. Her bed, the library, the observatory, anywhere she can be in water, that sort of thing. But really, she would be happy in any random place as long as one of her demons is holding her.
9. Do they attend RAD? What is their role there? Best subjects, club activities?
Yes, she’s a student at RAD. She’s good at languages. AWFUL at numbers. Good with theory, be it science or magic. Really likes potions, because it’s kind of like baking. Working with spell components as well. Math, phys ed, and seductive speechcraft are all the bane of her existence however. She’s got dyscalculia, she’s NOT fast, she’s aroace, and her charisma stat would be like,, -3 probably if she were a D&D character. She only succeeds in that class on the days when demon classmates are trying to practise on her and she’s NOT supposed to let it work. That’s very easy for her! She isn’t even fully sure what they’re expecting her to react to lol.
In terms of club activities… if RAD has a choir she would do almost anything to join it! Otherwise uhhh… do they have D&D in the Devildom? Maybe a GSA? An astronomy club, a book club, anything like that? She likes those.
If there’s nothing like that, it’s okay though. She’s more than happy hanging around with her demons at home. She wouldn’t want to do more than 2 clubs anyway, she doesn’t want to be TOO busy.
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autumn-foxfire · 3 months
Took a short break from DC for a couple of days and now I'm back on the grind >:3
And what a great set of episodes to restart with! The first encounter Shinichi has with the BO with Haibara!
And it starts with a nightmare! I love to see the manifestation of their trauma! The dream Shinichi has in movie 12 is also great, the both of them are terrified of Gin and I like to see that in the series and wish it was shown so much more. It would be great to see more of their fear, they're only teenagers and they both know how dangerous the BO is, even if Shinichi and his strongheadedness makes him forget it from time to time.
Also, Haibara likes roses? Cute. But learning in this context? Not so cute.
Shinichi, Haibara is right to be concerned about the children. She is completely aware that if she is found out, everyone around her will be killed. And she knows Gin better than you do, he is insane. If Heiji can come to accept you've been shrunk just by spending a short amount of time with you, Gin, if given the slightest inkling, would probably be willing to accept it too.
Shinichi promising to protect Haibara though was cute. Look at him being such an adorable gremlin too, playing with his ball as they walk along.
It's interesting, studying Shinichi's expression. He's got the same fear as Haibara does, but his anger and sense of justice keeps it at bay so it doesn't paralyze him the same way it does Haibara. However, it also causes him to act rashly when he's confronted with them too, which can be the detriment to both him and Haibara.
It would be so funny if Gin and Vodka just got hit by a car and die due to them just walking across the street without looking. Imagine both the reaction of Haibara and Shinichi XD
Shinichi, I know Haibara can be pessimistic, but she's also right and you should listen to her more.
Gin, why do you imagine Sherry naked?
Haibara, I also know you joined Shinichi because you were worried about him doing something stupid and getting himself killed. Don't worry, in these episodes it's your life in danger <3
Haibara is such a good person T-T She is terrified and she still came just to help Shinichi. I also like how Shinichi responds to, he gives her something of his, to both help disguise her and to help ground her as he's promised her he'd always help her if she asked. I can't express enough how much I love them and their friendship.
They guy eating after the murder reminds me of the fanart of Conan eating cake as he investigates a dead body XD
Shinichi, you had one job. Protect her. And you failed T-T
Haibara believing that this is her death using her last moments to try and give Shinichi a chance to return to normal T-T She's such a good girl T-T
Shinichi is about to make magic happen, Haibara. Oh, he even says he's going to use it XD He's such a drama queen.
I wonder how Shinichi feels, the org using his special interest as a password for evil. They just made it even more personal.
Ooooh, the tension (this bitch has seen it all before and knows what happens but is still very much looking forward to it).
Shinichi, you didn't really figure it out. You're just incredibly lucky that someone took that picture. I'm nitpicking, I know XD I TAKE THIS BACK he did have genuine reasoning beyond the picture, I should not have doubted him.
How painful the transformation is T-T I love when people make it even more so (them suffering from weaker immune systems and/or chronic pain from their bodies forcefully shrinking and growing).
Shinichi's solution to escaping: set everything on fire.
This boy and his love for property damage.
That took Gin a long time to get down the chimney. I guess he was getting Vodka to lovingly tend to the wound he gave himself. Oh and to have his booty call boss tell him to make a hit.
You, Shinichi, you could probably figure out who a person is by a strand of hair. Don't act like Gin is insane for being able to do so.
Haibara: So you understand how dangerous they are, right?
Shinichi: Yeah, that's why they're going down.
I bet Haibara wanted to slam her face against a window XD
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rainbowolfe · 1 year
I have a sneaking suspicion that Ratau's crew is supposed to be a parallel of the Bishops on some level. Because why is there a crow in the ocean biome. Not that any of them seem to belong to the biome you find them in, unless everyone really does just live in a tent. There's also my belief that there's a sixth Bishop, missing for some reason. Which aligns with the missing sixth member of Ratau's crew, bargained away in a deal that made Ratau abandon his duties.
So, what would the implications be...
-Narinder is the force that brought this dysfunctional family together. (I know a lot of people assume Shamura played this role, because they're the eldest) The Bishops (+ the missing one would make five) were likely apart of different sects of one group that Narinder later took them/saved them from.
-Heket was indebted to many people (I would take that to mean she struck many bargains she never fulfilled her end of the deal for) but also had many people indebted to her. Those indebted to her may be the souls she literally devoured, represented by the eye symbols on her chest/neck.
-Heket is immune to poison, but also produces it herself (poison may not be in a literal sense here). The [Mithridatism] card would also affirm that Narinder took issue with what she had to say. The card is telling her not to fear what passes her lips, for it is the true word. ((But was it really?))
-Flinky talks funny.... Heket talks funny.... need I say more?
-Kallamar and Leshy were a duo. The dynamic between a crow and a worm would imply that Leshy was to be Kallamar's prey. I would take that to mean that Kallamar probably killed other weaker gods/crown vessels on sight, but made an exception for this one.
-[Strength From Without] is interesting as both a tarot card and in relation to Kallamar (and also possibly Leshy). As a concept it means your sense of self worth comes from and depends on those around you. As a tarot card, it gives you fervor when you're hit. Fervour is a power source that is usually gained from killing others, so to be able to (effectively) harvest your own power when someone hurts you.... I forget where I was going with that, but it makes me think if Yang's ability from RWBY.
-HOWEVER, if the earthworm isn't meant to be a stand in for the Leshyworm, then the "worm" is whoever is in Kallamar's crown. Or maybe what Kallamar's crown is made out of, hint hint, wink wink. Squids' natural prey are fish, crabs, and shrimp. And it's crabs that still persist in Anchordeep, marked with the top half of the Old Faith symbol. This would also mean that Leshy represents the follower that was lost to a bargain. Maybe the situation that brought his crown to him was just an unforeseen result of something greater going on.
-Kallamar always went overboard with his "betting" ie bargaining. Maybe he bargained with someone he shouldn't have, or he bargained away too much/something important. I bet he bargained away his Bop 👀
-Shamura has little respect for other crown bearers. They know the crowns can change people, and they're bitter about it. Of course they are, it turned the One They Loved Most against them.
-[Strength From Within] is also a non-standard way of interacting with Fervour. It replenishes over time, so you're once again using only your own power and no one else's. Fervour seems to be the physical/magical manifestation of anger and rage, which in turn fuels the use of curses. The two cards also mirror each other. Strength from Within has the enlightened/divine Sun above the clock, Strength from Without seems to put that sun inside the clock and now the skull from Ichor Earned is above it.
-sidenote, Shrumy is the only one to show a clear preference for Ratau over other crown bearers. The power, the adoration—it changes people, most likely for the worst. Something about the crowns guarantee followers, and that would even make a god a little haughty.
-Kallamar lost something to Shamura in a bargain. Hands usually represent strength or power, but it can also represent the giving of blessings or even 'ability'. So Kallamar lost half his power (only 1/4th of his power if he's got four arms truly) to Shamura, but the dynamic would imply he's more than allowed to earn/win it back. ALT: Shamura has Kallamar's other ear 😂
-Shrumy carries three accessories: Klunko's hand, a bottle of black liquid, and a knife/dagger. The knife is marked with an X, and the bottle looks sussily similar to the potion shown in The Path. Kinda funny that the turtle has the movement speed potion XD But ya know, Shamura is also notably fast. I think it's a fair assumption to make that the other two items were won from Flinky and Ratau. Maybe the potion is made from Ratau, as he does use a walking stick. And the knife would've belonged to Flinky, but don't ask me how he wielded it... but all that is to say that means that Shamura holds items that belong to their siblings, gained through bets/bargains/deals. Kallamar's (and maybe Leshy's) power, Narinder's speed/will (as in, will to keep going), and Heket's might (physical strength opposed to magical/cursed abilities).
-a sadder interpretation of that is that a deal was struck to save Shamura after a certain Waiter yoinked their skull from its proper place. And the cost were those three things. A chunk of Kallamar's power, the ability for Heket to fight, and Narinder's freedom (his free will/ability to follow his will/however you want to take that). OR. It was VERY LITERAL. And the cost was Kallamar's hands, Heket's weapons, and Narinder's feet
-Leshy, Kallamar, and Narinder are red-aligned. Shamura and Heket are purple-aligned. This could be referring to allegiance to a crown, but it could also be referring to power levels. Regular demons are red, powerful demons purple.
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setsuraposting · 1 year
The (Somewhat Exaggerated) Humiliation of Kagura
I have a very cyclical relationship with Fairy Tail, where I’ll forget about the series for a year or two and then jump back in with a new perspective. One of the characters I always had a niche fondness for was Kagura, Erza’s opponent in the Grand Magic Games - she looks really cool, she wields an awesome sword, it’s good stuff. While there’s plenty of speculation to be had as to where she could’ve been used more thoroughly, that’s not what we’re here to talk about. No, we’re here to talk about the conception that after the GMG, she was utterly discarded and treated like a joke for the rest of the series.
And I don’t like that, y’know, I’d rather think that such a view comes from an oversimplification of events, and that by taking a closer look we can find a different perspective. I’ll admit, when it comes to humiliation I’m a massive hypocrite: it’s all fun and games until a character I’m actually attached to is on the wrong end of it. With that in mind, I’ll try to be as fair and balanced as possible here, not exaggerating the humiliation but also not huffing copium and acting like everything was handled with perfect respect.
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The first and most obvious point is the Dimaria fight, where the latter froze time and shredded Kagura’s robe, causing her to become embarrassed and retreat. This one is basically inarguable, she hated this and was still dwelling on it back at the camp. Not just being overwhelmed by Dimaria’s power, but also the aspect of people gawking at her, it bothered the hell out of her. And it was portrayed as comic relief, so I can easily see why people got bad vibes from it; once a story stops treating a character’s suffering with any sort of respect, that can often spell doom for them. Or it can just be an inconsequential gag, it really depends.
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Next up is the Neinhart fight, in which people will say she did nothing, and they’re not exactly wrong there either. The main thing she did was cut down imaginary Simon in a very predictable “attacking the illusion warrior that looks like a loved one” moment, a setup I have rarely ever found engaging. At least her involvement here was less about the fight and more about advancing her relationship with Jellal, in that she’s putting her grudge aside for the sake of Erza and the broader war. Some people will go so far as to say the Jellal CPR kiss was a degrading moment for her character, and that I will never understand, it’s her being the bigger person for the sake of other things she cares about. So the Neinhart fight itself is a neutral for her.
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The Larcade fight is where my opinions deviate more sharply from the rest of the, I guess, “Kagura fanbase”. It’s like everyone only remembers the scene where she got her sword blocked and forgot that she did other things before and after that. I’m going to be honest, I thought Kagura was pretty cool in this fight. Her pulling up to one of the strongest Spriggans while everyone else was collapsing, actually parrying his attacks, cutting down the holy-looking rock he’s sitting on in a way that really makes it feel like she’s fighting a god (like some sort of Godwhacker, if you will), even escaping from his Pleasure spell… maybe it’s not on the same level as the GMG, but you can start to feel the badass Kagura coming back here.
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Even after succumbing to Larcade’s raw durability and getting cut down, she manages to regain consciousness alongside Rogue for Sting’s final attack, which is significant for a couple reasons. Her gravity magic - which was shown off in her first appearance and disappeared afterwards - actually comes back in a useful and cool-looking way. In terms of portrayal, she’s basically being depicted here on the same level as the Twin Dragons, the difference being that Sting has an elemental immunity to some of Larcade’s moves and therefore is doing most of fighting. And it means she contributed significantly to the defeat of a top 3 Spriggan, in fact, the ONLY top 3 Spriggan who was defeated legitimately (Irene and August both yeeted themselves). For a fight that’s only seen as being disrespectful towards her, that paints a surprisingly decent picture.
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And finally, there’s the thing that inspired me to make this thread in the first place. In the last chapter of the main series, it’s stated that Mermaid Heel have all become Sorcerer Weekly models, with Kagura basically wondering “wtf am I doing here”. Taken at its utmost, this would imply that Mermaid Heel has converted into a modeling agency, meaning Kagura is no longer even a mage/swordswoman anymore and instead has to show off her body to others for a living, the very thing she felt degraded by earlier in the arc. The problem is that this interpretation is so over-the-top and frankly sadistic that it’s the type of absurdist plot I would expect to see from a doujin, not Fairy Tail; the more reasonable interpretation is that they simply do work on the side for Sorcerer Weekly for whatever reason. And sure enough, 100 Year Quest all but confirms this to be the case, with Mermaid Heel still being labeled as a mage guild. Meaning this is a non-point, it just amounted to one panel.
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So, was she used to her fullest potential? No. But was she reduced purely to fanservice and disrespected at every possible opportunity? Also no. Out of everything discussed here, I do wish she and Rogue played a more active role against Larcade, that could’ve been really great to see. All we can hope for now is that she gets to do something cool in 100 Year Quest… that, or the future of this character will be dictated entirely by the writings of KaguErza shippers. Which maybe isn’t such a bad thing.
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commenter2 · 7 months
I watched a video by Youtuber T.M.M. that went over what Lantern Corp Superman's villains could be a member of, and in it he brought up the idea of the kryptonite the villain Metallo has possibly being effected by the powers of a red lantern ring.
This makes me wonder how each individual light/energy of the emotional spectrum could effect kryptonite since that substance has always been easily effected/changed by nearly anything, like how there is magic kryptonite and kryptonite that is safe to Kryptonians but dangerous for something else like plants.
I got some ideas for what I think could happen and I will use Superman as the main example.
Crimson/Red Rage Kryptonite can make any Kryptonian that gets near it grow angry to a point they can act villainous like how it would make Superman act like Regime Superman or Ultraman, as I always recall them being so angry. Red Lantern Supergirl would be immune to this, since a lot of people seem to have forgotten that she was a Red Lantern for a time.
Orange Avarice Kryptonite could give Superman a big appetite, both for food and power, as it can also give him a power similar to his villain Parasite. Unless something is done or until the effects of the kryptonite fade, he will constantly want more energy and power from people.
Yellow Kryptonite (which interestingly was never a real thing) could make Superman paranoid and on edge. The more expose to it the more scared he will become, to a point he will act like Flashpoint Superman.
I don't see the Green light doing anything to regular kryptonite. Same with black lantern and white lantern energy so moving on.
Blue Hope Kryptonite has a calming effect on Superman. I also could see it being able to heal him and negate the effects of actual kryptonite when nearby. He has to be careful though as too much exposure could put him in a heavy relaxed state, to a point he ironically doesn't want to do anything.
Indigo Compassion Kryptionite I think could negate the effects of other emotional spectrum infused kryptonite. Of course Superman has to be careful as too much exposure could make him feel too compassionate, to a point he will cry and freeze up because he feels guilty about all the people he couldn't help.
Violet Love Kryptonite can make Superman love everything, which can annoy people since he could possibly keep hugging them, to a point it becomes creepy like this
Superman: Bruce! (hugs Batman) Batman: ow Superman: Bruce Batman: Yeah? Superman: You're my BEST FRIEND! Batman (grimaces) Superman: I'm going to give everyone here a HUG! Flash: RUN! (is stopped by Superman's hug)
I made some original Lantern Corps a while ago and I'm going to add them here while I'm at it.
Gold Pride Kryptonite makes Superman act cocky, making him a bit like Homelander or worse, Lex Luthor. He will always try to show off and try to make people think they aren't as good at him in things. When someone does, he can go as far as sabotaging them just to look better by comparison. Too much exposure or if his ego gets big enough before the effects of the kryptonite wear off, will make him do anything to protect his pride, even kill.
Silver Happy Kryptonite makes Superman get into a good mood, sometimes too good that he forgets to fight the bad guys just to enjoy the flowers.
Grey Sadness Kryptonite makes Superman depressed and not want to fight.
Brown Disgust Kryptonite makes Superman act like a slob both by having bad manners or make an unnecessary mess just to stop a simple crime from happening.
Beige Stoic Kryptonite can actually strip Superman of his emotions, making it another way to negate the effects of emotional spectrum kryptonite. It can still be dangerous if he wasn't under such influence beforehand as it would then make him only rely on logic to do things, which could possibly put others in danger as he will think killing would be the best result of stopping a crime or wouldn't bother trying to help someone if there was less then a 51% chance of success.
Do you think such an idea would be fun to see in the comics?
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