#penny cook
sloshed-cinema · 2 years
The Dreaming (1988)
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Folklore can sometimes be an act of defiance or even of revenge.  It’s a powerful tool for cultural memory, and therefore a prime target for one group seeking to oppress another.  The Dreaming wrestles with the atrocities committed against the indigenous peoples of Australia by white European settlers, confronting the colonial history of Australia.  For this film, this past takes on a nightmarish mentality.  After unsealing a tomb, anyone who touches a bracelet found at the scene begins to experience visions of past trauma.  Aborigines scream and cry as they are attacked by whalers, looking like Vikings with their dirty faces and abundant furs.  These are invaders, the source of evil in the film forced upon the descendants of that aggressor culture.  Hallucinatory sequences swathed in fog and red light anticipate The Fog, albeit in a more oppressive fashion.  
Archaeologist Bernard Thornton has a very Indiana Jones attitude towards artifacts: they belong in museums.  The sentiment is not shared by Aborigines who raid the university museum to reclaim their stolen relics.  Swiftly apprehended by security guards, one of the group is brutally beaten.  It’s yet another revolution of that cycle of violence against Aborigines.  Enter protagonist Cathy Thornton.  She knows that ACAB and rebuffs her colleague’s attempts to sweep this under the rug.  Does she pay the price for it, though.  The curse wreaks havoc on her life, the embodiment of the anger at bodies disinterred and disrespected.  By the close, those who are closest to her are dead, succumbed to the madness of the land.
Someone says ‘dig’.
A flashback sequence begins.
Cathy doesn’t put up with someone’s shit.
It starts raining.
Cathy pulls her parking brake.
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polararts · 11 months
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They're all friends, wdym. Print preorder? available??
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Screenshots from 2017 series ‘Pulse’ 
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wildflowercryptid · 3 months
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i had to open ms paint and doodle some gay shit or i was gonna die. i like to think that penny & juliana sit next to each other in art class. 😊✨
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milfsincrime · 7 months
penny, after several shots: fuck the feds! eat the rich!
jj, glancing towards emily: i’m trying pen
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etincelleart · 1 year
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Nuts and Dolts Week 2023
Day 3 - Domestic Bliss
Penny never misses an occasion to notice every little change on Ruby, because now she's human and she can smell-
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copperbadge · 5 months
Walked into my kitchen this morning to make myself some breakfast after making the Malort Italian Beef yesterday and was assaulted by a smell I can only describe as meaty wormwood. It was like a ghost floating around the kitchen, waiting to attack.
Ill omens all over. Sometimes science goes too far.
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thehappiestgolucky · 2 years
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Assortment of easy violet doodles i managed because i care them but drawing is hard
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fexarii · 1 year
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we do a little more gen 9 posting,,,, usually I don't obsess that bad over trainee characters but I love these 3 little bozos sm
+ a few bonus memes ^_^
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peipapicoz · 2 years
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Arven would have a heart attack if he heard this
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kittyxanarchy · 2 years
Arven is so used to taking care of himself that he doesn't know how to let others care for him when he gets sick.
He gets very emotional with dog movies.
Omg this is good ❣️ i think that he’d like to be taken care of, its just so hard to let people in. He’s struggling with feelings that he only ever held his parent back from their true dream. He’s not used to being anyones priority. But at the same time, something like being sick, being so vulnerable and needing care brings him back to when they did care. When his parent was there for him. It makes him deeply happy really
And YES i think Arven is definitely super emotional ab that sort of thing for obvious reason
heres a silly drawing
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emeraldcreeper · 1 month
The thing no one tells you about one pound kitten who loves to sleep on your body somewhere preferring neck and shoulder, is that holy shit you don’t get to do things like cook dinner or eat dinner or play video games without going oh fuck the creature, where’d she go or saying aw, shoot too loud and waking her up as she snoozes in the crook of your elbow and a cyclops killed your ass
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I mean she does look like this and is so cute so she is forgiven of her crimes of getting under stuff and making me make sure she’s not getting hurt somewhere when she’s being quiet because my mom was asleep and could not watch her
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rubywolf0201 · 2 years
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The Way Home storyline, despite the player characters friends interacting for a short amount of time has to be my favourite storyline due to how cooperative, charming and funny they are. I especially like Penny and Arven's interactions with one another btw and when it comes to Nemona, they and the player have to keep her battle tendencies in check.
Also, Miraidon is a little awesome meow-meow. Going from being scared of its bully (who was its source of trauma) to confronting it due to the huge amount of support the player and their friends have given to it.
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leeksoupforstardew · 8 months
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bardock1991 · 1 year
Nuts N' Dolts Week 2023 - Day 3: Master-Chef Penny
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"My, someone's excited. Heheh... It's almost ready, Ruby." - Penny Polendina Day 3 of @nuts-and-dolts-week 2023 has arrived. This time, we have Domestic Bliss, which was kinda hard to do since i had no idea what it meant beforehand. Thankfully, once i got an idea, it was easy to pull off. I know this might not make a lot of sense to some of you, but i feel like Penny would be an amazing cook... Plus, it gives me an excuse to give her a chef hat. XD
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milfsincrime · 7 months
emily: it’s never been more over than it is now
penny: what happened now?
henry: my mom fell asleep without telling her “goodnight”
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