#pelvic operation
vizthedatum · 2 months
Ramble after having a surgical operation and the end of my period yesterday
Surgery (bladder cystoscopy with hydrodistension - my second one (I have interstitial cystitis and chronic UTIs (and PCOS, PMDD, endometriosis, gender dysphoria, pelvic floor trauma and dysfunction, vulvodynia (actually a lot better the past 2 years, and my topical vaginal estrogen helps), an insatiable thirst for sex (that is actually satisfied, to be honest), problems with orgasms (which has gotten so much better this year! yay!!), dysphoria and dysmorphia about how my pelvis and genitals look (sigh I wish I had a dick and a vagina - I mean I am gonna go on T soon) presumably and supposedly went fine yesterday.
I have a UTI, most likely right now (and I'm being medicated just in case because the culture results aren't back yet (no STIs, though, not that that was the point)), but they went in and took pics and stuff. They said I was inflamed, but I'm also so tired right now that my brain can't remember everything. I try, though. The previous day, I had a blood draw, and some immune markers were up - and this month has been very hard.... I could very well be flaring. I did tell the pre-op team and my doctor that I was having UTI symptoms but that it could be IC symptoms (which, I often say just like that because a lot of people seem to forget that IC symptoms and UTI symptoms are STRONGLY SIMILAR - sometimes even the same).
I was in massive pain when I woke up in the first recovery room... and I had a self-aware meltdown with the pain. Ugly crying and trying not to scream. Probably loud crying oof. Everyone was nice - one nurse really tried her best. I had four nurses trying to comfort me... and I was not making it easy, sigh. I hate that I felt "too much," but also? also? (this is a sign of growth) - I knew I was the patient; I knew that I legitimately was in discomfort and was not ok, and I deserved to take up space with my feelings. I needed to cry and be in anguish because I was in anguish...
I was just burning.
My pelvis was burning. I wasn't bleeding, though... "oh good, my period has ended, and I have no bleeding from the procedure... umm, omfg..." Nurse: what's your pain level? Me: an 8... Nurse: that's your baseline, isn't it? Me: what?? *remembers the painful conversation with my pre-op nurse where I told her, "I don't agree with that question," when I was asked, "What's your pain from 1-10?"* Me: I always have pain but this is worse, this isn't ok. Me, shortly after: IT'S A TEN AND I AM IN SO MUCH PAIN *straight ugly sobbing*
We did a lot to calm me down:
rubbing my back
no blankets
breathing with me
helping me understand that this is temporary (to which I yelled: OF COURSE I KNOW IT'S TEMPORARY, I KNOW IT IS BUT IT HURTS NOW WAAHHHHH)
heat packs
ice packs
they wiped me up just in case the soap they used after the operation was causing me an allergy or too strong
giving me lots of emesis bags to throw up in
giving me water, which I also threw up
giving me the pyridium I wanted, which would have helped me with my bladder pain (I wish they didn't pump me up with narcotics - I wish they hadn't - I needed the localized pain, and the narcotics did nothing for my IC pain) - I also threw that up! They gave me another one on my insistence - and I threw that one up, too!
holding my hand
answering my very demanding questions
paging my doctors (the main one who did the surgery couldn't make it)
letting me wail, basically
giving me oxygen from an oxygen tank because I was probably having a panic attack (I think they also gave me meds for anxiety/panic, and I was like: I AM ACTING LIKE THIS BECAUSE MY PAIN IS BEYOND A TEN. I AM NOT CRAZY)
hear me explain how no one in my clinic thinks IC is a disability (me: *more sobbing*)
More details about surgery later. Super tired now.
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kimbertmusings · 2 years
I’ve been fighting RSV for three weeks. Just when I think I’m done, a coughing fit takes over and I can’t sleep at night.
It’s worse than both times I’ve had COVID.
But now I am a mother of a certain age, and my sickness shopping list has changed a bit.
Cough drops - for obvious reasons
Dimatapp - I’ve tried them ALL. This is the only OTC cough suppressant that works. And don’t flip me shit about how you shouldn’t suppress a cough. I spent four days sleeping twenty minutes at a time. I will suppress this shit like the memories of my dad
Lemon juice and honey - hot lemonades for the win!
Chloraseptic throat spray - this helps when it feels like you’ve been tea-bagging razor blades
A Costco pack of Kleenex - I actually googled how much snot a human can produce, and the answer is that there is no limit
Always discreet leakage pads - there’s no getting around it. I was so sick and weak, and the coughing attacked out of nowhere, and was so bad I needed to figure out how to breathe, that there was no way I could Kegel up every single time. I no longer have shame, and I was tired of changing after every fifteen minute coughing attack.
Advil - general aches and fever reducing. Surprisingly good at helping a sore throat
Tylenol - mostly because my mom yelled at me because I wasn’t taking it
So anyway. There you go. When you get RSV, this is what you need. Because there’s no fucking treatment for it.
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afeelgoodblog · 6 months
The Best News of Last Week
1. A branch of the flu family tree has died and won't be included in future US vaccines
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A type of flu virus that used to sicken people every year hasn't been spotted anywhere on Earth since March 2020. As such, experts have advised that the apparently extinct viruses be removed from next year's flu vaccines.
The now-extinct viruses were a branch of the influenza B family tree known as the Yamagata lineage. Scientists first reported the apparent disappearance of Yamagata viruses in 2021.
2. Hospitals must obtain written consent for pelvic and similar exams, the federal government says
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Hospitals must obtain written informed consent from patients before subjecting them to pelvic exams and exams of other sensitive areas — especially if an exam will be done while the patient is unconscious, the federal government said Monday.
New guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services now requires consent for breast, pelvic, prostate and rectal exams for “educational and training purposes” performed by medical students, nurse practitioners or physician assistants.
3. Germany approves new law that will allow adults to carry up to 25 grams of cannabis for their own consumption and store up to 50 grams at home.
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Germany's upper house, the Bundesrat, cleared the way to partially legalize cannabis on Friday. Adults aged 18 and over will be allowed to carry up to 25 grams of cannabis for their own consumption.
4. Tick-killing pill shows promising results in human trial | Should it pan out, the pill would be a new weapon against Lyme disease.
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Tarsus Pharmaceuticals is developing a pill for humans that could provide protection against the tick-borne disease for several weeks at a time. In February, the Irvine, California–based biotech company announced results from a small, early-stage trial showing that 24 hours after taking the drug, it can kill ticks on people, with the effects lasting for up to 30 days.
5. Thailand moves to legalise same-sex marriage
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Thailand has taken a historic step closer to marriage equality after the lower house passed a bill giving legal recognition to same-sex marriage.
It still needs approval from the Senate and royal endorsement to become law but it is widely expected to happen by the end of 2024, making Thailand the only South East Asian country to recognise same-sex unions.
6. French Revolution: Cyclists Now Outnumber Motorists In Paris
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Official measurements have found that Paris is rapidly becoming a city of transportation cyclists. In the suburbs, where public transit is less dense, transport by car was found to be the main form of mobility. But for journeys from the outskirts of Paris to the center, the number of cyclists now far exceeds the number of motorists, a huge change from just five years ago.
7. 'Miracle' operation reverses blindness in three-year-old girl giving her 'promising' future
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A three year old with a genetic condition that causes blindness is doing incredibly well after unique pioneering operation to restore her sight.
The UK is the only country performing keyhole eye surgery to inject healthy copies of a gene into sufferers’ eyes. It is being used to reverse blindness in children born with a rare condition which means they can only distinguish between light and dark. And it has given little Khadijah Chaudhry, born with Leber congenital amaurosis-4, a chance at seeing properly again.
That's it for this week :)
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
A surgeon who carried out the UK’s first womb transplant on a cisgender woman has said similar transplants for transgender women are probably about 10 to 20 years away.
In February, Imperial College London professor, James Smith, and his colleague, Isabel Quiroga, from the Oxford Transplant Centre, carried out the womb transplant on a married woman whose 40-year-old sister was willing to donate her own, having already given birth to two children.
The 34-year-old recipient, who lives in England and wishes not to be named, received the transplant during an operation lasting more than nine hours at the Churchill Hospital, in Oxford.
It is hoped that, in the future, womb transplants can be performed on trans women, giving them the chance to have a baby, but Smith said the reality of this is still decades away.
There is currently no “technical feasibility” to perform the operation on trans women due to a difference in the pelvic and vascular anatomy, the shape of the pelvis and issues with the microbiome – the network of micro-organisms that live in the human body, he explained...
Dr Narendra Kaushik, a surgeon in the Indian capital New Dehli, said in May 2022 that transplanting uteruses into trans women is “the future."
Uterine transplants are currently rare, costly and experimental surgeries that typically rely on donor organs. They are often done on people born without a uterus so they can become pregnant and give birth.
The first successful womb transplant took place at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden in 2014. Two years later, the operation was carried successfully once more in the US.
About 50 babies have now been born worldwide as a result of womb transplants.
Kaushik, who has 15 years of experience in gender-affirming surgeries, said: “We cannot predict exactly when this will happen but it will happen soon. We have our plans and we are very optimistic.”
-via PinkNews, August 23, 2023
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mlm-writer · 1 year
Test Ride Pt. 2 (Peter Parker x Android!Reader)
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Pairing: Peter Parker (TH ver.) x Android Reader (with a robovagina) Rating: Explicit Words: 1189 POV: Second Summary: The Big Tober Day 10 - Robotfucking Note: A sequel to a piece I did for kinktober 2020. Reader is a robot and has no gender. Last time reader got a robopenis and I thought it only fair to give reader a robovagina this time. Reader's chest is unmentioned. Tags: robotfucking, unnecessary use of fancy words to make it more sci-fi, at least I don't put 'quantum' in front of everything to make it science, dom/sub dynamics, overstimulation, safeword ignored(?), robot tentacles as restraints, vibrating pussy, nipple play and software/hardware updates gone ' wrong'
A new HUD interface greeted you as you booted up after your last upgrade. Your physical statistics and environmental parameters were found in new places, but that mattered little. Your optics activated after a short delay, visual input now also available to you. Your creator stood before you, his lips moving, but you received no audio input. “Audio module connection failed,” you replied to whatever he said. You saw him curse, or at least that was your best prediction of what his expression conveyed. He motioned your head down. You bent at the hips, allowed him to unplug and reconnect your audio modules. 
Once the cables reconnected, you could hear Peter clearly. “Please, don’t be ruined, please don’t be ruined,” he muttered to himself. 
“All modules operational,” you informed him. He jumped at your voice, but let out a sigh of relief right after. “Awaiting command,” you added. As per usual after an update, Peter started poking and prodding your frame, confirming your sensory input was still operational. When he was done testing your basic functions, he dragged you to his bed. 
“Program D.O.M. version V, please,” he spoke nervously. You detected an increase in heart rate and blood flow to the genitals. You confirmed the break command, as it was standard protocol, before you could execute the D.O.M. program. Once the safety protocols were satisfied, you had your digits on Peter’s clothes. You unbuttoned his flannel, revealing his pale chest underneath. There was minor bruising, but a quick scan revealed no serious injuries that were contraindications to the program. You pushed him onto the bed and started running your tongue over his chest, paying extra attention to his nipples. 
Peter whimpered as you played with his chest, artificial tongue and teeth taking turns with your digits pinching his sensitive nubs. You kept track of his arousal, only stopping your onslaught once his involuntary noises got a little louder. You sat up, retracting your pelvic panel and rubbing your wet hole over Peter’s crotch. He whined as you slowly soaked through his jeans and underwear, until he could feel your wetness on his cock through his clothes. “Please, I need to be inside you,” Peter eventually moaned, his mind tethering on the edge of madness. 
He was hard underneath you, so you deemed him ready for the next stage. With superhuman deftness, you removed his clothes until he was naked on the bed. His cock protruded from his body, the tip red and leaking. You wrapped a servo around his rod, stroking slowly as to tease him. When he started thrusting into the tightness, you placed your other servo on his hip, your mechanical strength counteracting his. He was forced to only take what you gave, which was exactly what he programmed you to give. It was not enough to get him even remotely close to orgasm, but the build-up was perfect to make him start begging. Once the begging got frequent enough, you proceeded on to the next stage; you mounted him, letting his cock slide into your wet and soft hole. Peter moaned, his eyes rolling back as you rode him at a decent pace. “Please, give me more, I’ve been good. I will be even better, I swear.” 
His moans filled the room. You took his dick all the way inside and paused on top of him. “I will grant you more. However, unpermitted orgasms will be reciprocated with punishment.” He nodded, promising he would not cum. You decreased the elasticity of your inner walls, giving him a tighter squeeze as you proceeded to ride him. Your movements were quicker than before, fully intending to make him cum without permission. Peter was moaning to the ceiling, eyes squeezed closed sometimes and other times wide open. His mouth stayed wide open, tongue peeking over his lower lip. 
Just as predicted, your inner sensors detected his cum painting your inner workings. You rode him until the spurts seized. Then you planted yourself firmly on him. Tendrils extended from your body and wrapped around his appendages. “You have disobeyed my orders,” you stated as you held him down and turned on the vibrations of your inner walls. Peter wailed as his sensitive cock was forced to endure the intense vibrations. He writhed against your restraints, but not even his super strength could remove you. Just like he had begged you before to fuck him, he was now begging for your mercy. You bent your upper body, putting a servo around his throat. You put a little pressure on the blood vessels below his jaw. Tears poured down Peter’s eyes as you forced a second orgasm out of him. You detected more cum inside you as he cried out. 
After his second orgasm, you ran a scan on him, the analysis showing that he had enough. You removed your servo from his throat and turned off the stimulation or at least… attempted to. “Error: deprecated code, V-module unresponsive.” You stated, your tendrils no longer retracting and your hole vibrating on and on. 
“What?” Peter exclaimed, clearly in panic. You ran a diagnostic check, your hole trying to reboot by first ramping the vibrations all the way up, so it could be brought down again. Peter screamed during the process, his brain unable to process the stimulation. 
The tactic worked fine, but the module got stuck again at the same level of vibrations you started at. “Tendril module interfering with V-module. Attempting tendril reboot.” Peter did not perceive a word you said. As the tendrils rebooted, they lifted up a little, Peter’s body now hanging in the air except for his pelvis, where you still sat, vibrating his cock. 
Peter cried, feeling like his brain had melted away from the intense pleasure. “Stark! Stark!” He screamed the break command. You tried to terminate the program immediately, but the backlog of reboots and diagnostic checks made it impossible. Your creator, against your predictions, came again, barely a drop of cum leaving him. He kept screaming, trying to get through to you. Just after his third orgasm, you regained control of the tendrils. In a flash, they were retracted and you uncoupled the module for now. 
Peter’s cock was gradually turning limp inside of you. The poor boy was hoarse from screaming. Without the tendrils, you regained full control, the vibrations stopping instantly. “Thank you, thank you,” Peter whispered over and over as you lifted your frame off him. 
“Program D.O.M. paused,” you stated, “do you wish to continue after a delay or shall I proceed with aftercare protocols?” 
Peter laid starfish-style on the bed. His chest was heaving. He could use some aftercare, but it was hard to trust you right now. “Terminate the program all together,” he groaned, “initiate shutdown.” A second later, he was met with the sound of your vents shutting down and your pelvic plate closing to protect what was behind it. He was left in silence. As far as updates went, it still wasn’t as bad as that time Windows went from XP to Vista. He counted it as a win.  
Likes do not help exposure!A comment in tags or replies can sustain a writer for months!
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eldritch-spouse · 8 months
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Remember this?
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Here's a guy that's definitely not meant to be on Earth.
Somewhere, the forces that be botch a massive specimen transportation operation from planet A to planet B. A series of system failures occurs, and strangely shaped pods are ejected into the vast nothingness of space. One of said pods contains a lifeform belonging to a species that was meant to be studied in detail, except instead of landing safely where it should, this pod crashes directly into Earth, thankfully away from civilization.
The creature inside is largely very disoriented upon their arrival, more than that, it's dying. The atmosphere around it won't allow the lifeform to breathe properly, so it crawls and wheezes its way over to a river and stuffs its head in it, finally recovering. That's exactly how they're found too...
Held in a highly specialized infrastructure, while not exactly being badly mistreated, this extraterrestrial is being documented extensively. Some curious things have been found.
They're intelligent. Although an undeniable and difficult to circumvent language barrier is very much present, it's evident that the lifeform can reason in a similar manner to humans, displaying this early on by remaining calm and mostly pliant next to armed humans, understanding that these others could hurt them without needing many hints;
They're social. The lifeform has responded to attempts at social interaction with its own strategies, and seems to have two main methods of vocalizing, primarily through the cavities in its chest. The larger, top depressions seem to emit rough, branch-like noises, while the smaller orifices produce melodious signals, both of these combine to create a very peculiar and complex language;
He's a male. Observed when the specimen opened his own absurdly long slit, at the (slightly forceful) request of investigators, exposing a myriad of genital appendages particularly associated with males. Not all of them are capable of ejaculation, and some seem to be purely auxiliary to the task of mating, leading to a lot of speculation regaining the anatomy and practices of females of the species;
The filament on his head is a mood indicator that will glow a variety of hues at different intervals to transmit messages;
The buds on his pelvic area are erogenous zones;
The protrusions on his forearms are residual;
Although the lifeform doesn't display a demanding sex drive, when they find someone they deem compatible and attractive, the ensuing mating session tends to last several hours. It's theorized that, if left uninterrupted, the specimen would attempt to mate their partner for more than 24h;
Unfortunately, the concept of naming oneself isn't exactly something he can grasp very easily, so there's neither a title nor a preferred method of addressing the lifeform. Curiously, they tend to have an innate ability to tell when they're being talked to, talked about or even thought of;
He's been nicknamed "Tentatris" and "Tetrils" due to how wildly confusing it is for investigators to try and decipher his anatomy, likening it to the organism equivalent of a tetris puzzle.
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morbidology · 20 days
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Kris Kremers, 21, and Lisanne Froon, 22, were two close friends from Amersfoort, Netherlands. Both were bright and enthusiastic young women who shared a passion for travel and exploration. In March 2014, they set off for Panama, planning to spend several weeks volunteering and exploring the country's culture and natural beauty.
After spending some time in the bustling city of Boquete, they decided to hike the El Pianista trail on April 1, 2014. The trail, known for its scenic views of the Panamanian jungle, was supposed to be a straightforward hike, but it would be the last time Kris and Lisanne were seen alive.
When Kris and Lisanne failed to return from their hike, concern quickly grew. The women had planned to meet a local guide the following day for a tour, but they never showed up. After several days of no contact, their families in the Netherlands raised the alarm, and a large-scale search and rescue operation was launched.
The search, which involved local authorities, indigenous tribes, and Dutch rescue teams, initially yielded no clues. The dense jungle, with its treacherous terrain and unpredictable weather, made the search incredibly challenging. Weeks passed with no sign of the young women, and hope began to fade.
Two months after their disappearance, a local woman found a backpack belonging to Lisanne Froon near a riverbank several kilometers from the El Pianista trail. The backpack, remarkably undamaged despite being exposed to the elements, contained crucial items, including Lisanne's passport, a water bottle, sunglasses, two pairs of bras, and $83 in cash.
Most notably, the backpack also held both women's cell phones and a camera.
The discovery of the cell phones provided a chilling glimpse into the ordeal Kris and Lisanne had faced. Investigators found that the women had attempted to call emergency services multiple times, starting just a few hours after they began their hike. However, due to the poor cell reception in the jungle, none of the calls went through except for one that lasted just a second before dropping. The phone records also showed that the devices were turned on and off multiple times over the following days, with the last activity recorded on April 11, ten days after their disappearance.
The digital camera found in the backpack contained over 100 photographs, some taken during the early stages of their hike, showing the women smiling and enjoying their adventure. However, the camera also contained a series of strange and disturbing images taken during the night on April 8, seven days after they were last seen. These photos showed the dark jungle, with unclear and seemingly random shots of rocks, a bridge, and a possible trail marker. One of the final images showed the back of Kris Kremers' head.
The discovery of the backpack led searchers to further explore the area, and soon after, human remains began to surface. Over the next few weeks, investigators found scattered bones, including a pelvic bone and a boot containing a foot, later identified through DNA testing as belonging to Lisanne Froon. More bones, including a fragmented rib bone from Kris Kremers, were also found in the vicinity.
The condition of the remains added another layer of mystery to the case. While Lisanne's bones appeared to be naturally decomposed, some of Kris's bones were found bleached, leading to speculation about what might have happened to the women in their final days.
The deaths of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon have fueled a multitude of theories, ranging from tragic accidents to foul play. Some believe that the women became lost in the jungle and succumbed to the harsh conditions, including dehydration, starvation, or injury. The nighttime photos and desperate attempts to call for help suggest they may have been trying to find their way out or signal rescuers.
However, the case has also sparked darker theories, including the possibility of foul play. The condition of the remains, the unexplained photos, and the discovery of the backpack in a relatively undamaged state have led some to speculate that the women may have encountered someone with ill intentions or that their deaths were not purely accidental.
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batwritings · 1 year
Kinktober Day 7 - Voyeurism
Another operator that needs more love: Nikto! Enjoy!~
Nikto’s head had a million and one different voices buzzing back and forth after their last mission and it was starting to drive him a bit insane. “We shouldn’t have needed back up!” barked one voice. “We would’ve died otherwise Мудак!” screeched another. 
It was all starting to give Nikto a rather massive headache. “Let’s just get what we need from Y/N and be done with this,” the man grumbled. As he rounded the corner, both his footsteps and the voices of his system slowed. A sound was catching their attention and had the body rushing quicker towards your room.
They hadn't meant to see you, honestly they didn't. They had just been walking by your room to grab something from you for some debriefing. But when Nikto and his system saw you, on your back, a thick toy in your needy hole, and your hand eagerly pleasuring your sex? They were awestruck.
"Look how nice they look," one voice commented. "Perfect for us." said another.
"We shouldn't be watching," Nikto mumbled, unable to move his crystalline blue eyes from you form. Every movement had him mesmerized, captivated by just how good you looked.
The troubled soldier felt his arm moving of seemingly it's own accord, hand closing around their painfully erect member. “We should be enjoying ourselves with them,” A completely separate voice commented, sounding low and sultry. Nikto knew this one; they were responsible for a lot of the different messed up things that played through their mind when the doors were closed.
Well, messed up in Nikto’s eyes. None of them had your permission to act on their many urges and impulses they felt towards you. How it would feel to press their member inside you, to hear you cry out the body’s name, and to come undone, hole fluttering as it clenches and unclenches around them. 
The Russian man missed when his cock was pulled out, but couldn’t bring himself to care as he felt the pleasure start to blossom across his pelvic region.  “Tell me they wouldn’t look so lovely spread out underneath us though,” the same voice continued. “Sucking our cock back in every time we try to pull away. Ooh, what about that mouth around–”
“Hush!” Nikto hissed. “We should not be doing this in the first place! They…did not allow us to…see them so vulnerable and…Пиздец.” Despite his protest, the body’s hand still held firm on their cock, stroking slowly. 
“But they–” Just as the other voice, so low and alluring tried to speak, you took the words from their mouth.
“Mmh!” You whined loudly, free hand briefly flying up to cover your mouth. Your body stilled in it’s ministrations, chest heaving from your near orgasm. You were edging yourself and Nikto’s knees nearly buckled at how absolutely hot that was. 
“Come мышь don’t stop now,” the man mumbled, more to himself than anyone else. His hand had picked up in pace with it’s stroking, thumb rubbing over the head of their cock. He was desperately trying to get himself to where you were.
“Fuck,” you breathed, continuing to pleasure yourself, movements a lot more hasty now. Who knew how long you’d been getting yourself off, how many times you’d fallen from the precipice of pleasure. “Mmh…! N-Nikto, pl-lease…!”
At the sound of his name, Nikto nearly came undone himself. Of all the people in Kortac who could hold your attention, they were the ones to occupy your mind? All your filthy desires? The urge to barge into your room right here and now was borderline overwhelming, but the Russian system held their ground, content with watching.
Somewhere within the depths of their mind, another part of the system was cursing themselves for missing the signs. How the lot of them and you had become so close with one another yet didn’t notice. How many times had you offered affection or attention that showed your interest and they turned you down? 
“Later…” Nikto panted to the voice. “We can talk about it with them later…we’re close…and so are they.” And it wasn’t a lie; the whole body, for those who felt it, could sense the growing pleasure and oncoming orgasm quickly approaching. You too were writhing on your cot, the hand that had previously been covering your mouth now pumping that thick toy in and out of your greedy hole.
A series of moans of “fuck” mixed with other languages fell from your perfect lips before your toes curled into your sheets. “N-Nikto…!” came your cry as you began to come, hard. Your back arched up off the cot as you fucked yourself through your climax.
Widened blue eyes didn’t leave your body as Nikto came, trying so hard to get it more on his flight suit than on the floor outside your door. A shuttered groan was muffled behind the thickness of his mask as his eyes threatened to flutter close in pleasure. Thankfully, they only laid upon you as you collapsed in an exhausted mess to your sheets. 
The Russian man panted heavily as he regained his composure. He felt awful for intruding on you in such a vulnerable moment as he sighed, closing his eyes finally. Their entire body froze when they heard you speak. “You could always join me next time y’know,” you said with a soft laugh. 
Without even giving a second though to his state of undress, Nikto opened your door fully. “You knew we were here…?” The man asked sheepishly. You nodded, still smiling patiently as you offered him a washcloth. The Russian took it, brushing his fingers across yours while looking rather dumbfounded. “And you are not upset…?”
“Nikto, I’ve been interested in you for a while now,” you admitted, a light blush across your cheeks. “And that goes for all of you.” You watched while he cleaned up the mess he’d made before handing you back the soft cloth. You tossed it into your laundry hamper before getting up and stretching. “But before that, I know you came for this intel.” You offer the manilla folder to him and smile when he takes it with a soft “Спасибо…”
“Come back tonight and we can talk, okay?” You peck a soft kiss to the side of Nikto’s mask as a sort of promise. “Go on then, be safe.” Nikto doesn’t respond as you gentle nudge him out of your room. 
It all finally clicks in Nikto’s head, and a low grad panic sets in. “They like us?!” One voice screeches, a mixture of confusion and excitement. “They like us back!” Another screams in elation as the headspace becomes abuzz with life again.
“Learn something new everyday; who knew our lovely host was a voyeur.”
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trudemaethien · 2 months
I wanna hear four different headcanons about Alpha-17, please. :3c
A. (Realistic):
Alpha-17 is angry all the time, like The Hulk. Just seething, furious, operating on rage, spite, and sheer bloody-mindedness. Add some quick thinking and a veneer of professionalism and most people don’t notice.
B. (Hilarious):
His fanon aging is somehow consistent with a 3x normal human acceleration even though no one calculates it out. I discovered this by accident while playing with some math. I however think it would be funnier if he did actually age 2x like all the rest of the clones and is only half a year or so ahead of the oldest class of commanders. He’s acting like a harried parent with a bunch of small children while a small child himself. 6 eq, carrying 5 eq cadets under each arm like the worlds most tenacious and overloaded miniature donkey. acting like a weary 40yo by the end of the war when he’s only going on 27 eq.
C. (Heart-crushing and awful):
He started having the same spinal issues as 99 as he aged and that in addition to his injuries at the hand of Ventress (which i hc were spinal and pelvic/hip, plus possibly needing to regrow organs) leg to him needing a spinal prosthetic much like Echo.
D. (Substitute my own Reality):
Lieutenant A-17 was subordinate to Captain A-77 in the Muunilinst Ten but impressed Kenobi so much that he was detached and tasked separately. Give me that good good 1777 ship in another dynamic.
(from this meme)
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Just watched the Connor McDavid: Whatever it Takes documentary and my main takeaway is that he’s insane but here are a bunch of random notes and pics:
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““If it was up to my mom, we probably would’ve been a skiing family”
The drive, that’s who he is, he’s always been that way, since he was probably 3 or 4, he refused to let his parents help him get dressed and he would carry his bag everywhere, the bag was bigger than he was
“He’s intense and he’s competitive”
Bobby Orr said when he was 15 that he was gonna be the greatest skater to ever play
Tracy Wilson: Olympian and skating coach “what I love about Connor is it’s all about power, doesn’t matter how it looks, it’s about getting there”
Kassian “we haven’t seen a player like that in the game in maybe forever”
McDavid “at the end of the day, you’re still playing an nhl game, but that’s not much to hang your hat on” in reference to being out of the playoffs
“Right on the post square and I just felt the pain right away, thought I’d just broken my leg into a couple pieces”
They keep replaying him going into the net at top speed and it’s fucking horrible to watch
He whispered to me “I think it’s broke”- Kassian
“I was having flashbacks to Stamkos’s energy and I know stammer really well”
Stamkos texted therapist: “did he break his tibia?”
“If I could do it all over again, you’d like to take it back”- giordano
Team physical therapist asked if he could move his leg and told him he could either try to get up or call the gurney. Connor said “no, no, no” and stood up even though he was worried and thought his leg was going to give out”
“I held it together until we got though the tunnel and then I was just a mess” it took them 10 minutes to get back to the room
He said “stop, just give me a second”
3 guys had to hold him up the way back
Lauren “it was really hard when he called me, he just said “I think I broke my leg””
Brian “he was really upset and in pain, as a parent it’s hard”
Kelly: “it’s the worst thing in the world”
“Maybe in hindsight it would’ve been better if it was broken”
Never realized the infamous scene where Leon squeezes Connor in the hallway is from this.
Grade 2 strain of his pcl
“Hey dad, just want you to know I’m going for a second opinion in Colorado Springs”
Doctor told him it was a full pcl tear where tears on bth sides of his miniscus, “tore the popliteus right of the bone”
Full reconstruction of the knee, pcl, and popliteus would require a year recovery, doctor said he needed to do it asap, within a few day
“He was distraught, very, very under described”
His mom wanted him to have the surgery
Surgical intervention is to give it stability back
Had to make decision in 48hrs about whether or not to operate.
“He was very emotional and it was very difficult for him to talk.”
3rd opinion in LA: 2nd doctor is right about the issues but thinks the surgery is risky and doesn’t believe in it, wants to try to rehab it
Had to make that decision at 22 in 24 hours
Pcl cut right in half, back of knee joint completely torn, popliteus also completely torn, lateral and medial meniscus are both torn, crack in front of tibia from where he hit the post
“Hockey is my life”
He wanted to hear that he didn’t need surgery
His rehab guy literally lived with him
7 days a week, 10 hrs a day
50% chance to get him maybe skating again by end of summer
He was in a hyperbaric chamber daily for 40 days, 2 hours at a time
Claustrophobic in a literal tube
“At one point, doctor cleared him to flex his quad muscle”
They had to keep the injury as secret as possible, didn’t tell Ken Holland how bad it was
He would call his mom right after every mri appointment
He was in the pool all the time working on his knee
While rehabbing, his core specialist was like “might as well work on everything while we’re stuck here” and they worked on his core, pelvic floor, rotational movement, spine, everything
Gymnastics coach also helped
Didn’t want him to skate till September
He went on the ice with just his dad on his doc’s recommendation before September
He was so happy to be back on the ice with his father, completely changed emotionally that day
You can really see how much he loves just skating
He was so happy to know that even if he couldn’t fully heal he could still go on with the brace and skate
He’s so smooth in these skating exercises while in an insane brace
“One thing to be out there playing the game but another to do it at the level he was capable of”
Tracy Wilson did in their own words “edging” with him for afternoons, taking him through all sorts of movements and exercises without his brace
Opening night started to look like a possibility
He wanted to be there for training camp
He decided not to participate in biosteel
He wanted to play in all 7 exhibition games even though most veterans only did 4
“Like my first game all over again”
Seeing him on opening night was incredible for his training people
Okay, seeing the canucks slashing at him and shoving him into the boards in the home opener is now making me so protective
“He willed himself back”
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lifewithchronicpain · 2 months
Over the years, gabapentin (Neurontin) has been prescribed for dozens of health conditions, from epilepsy and fibromyalgia to depression and post-operative pain. It’s even been used to treat bipolar disorder. Gabapentin has been marketed for so many different conditions – at times illegally -- that a pharmaceutical company executive infamously referred to the drug as “snake oil.”
Even though it’s been approved for medical use for over 30 years, the UK’s National Health Service admits it’s still “not clear exactly how gabapentin works.”
A new study may finally help explain why gabapentin is an effective pain medication for some patients and an addictive drug with unwelcome side effects for many others.
It could be all in the genes.
Researchers at the University of Edinburgh took another look at a previous study of women with chronic pelvic pain to see why gabapentin worked no better than a placebo for most, but was a moderately effective pain reliever for about 40% of them. (Read more at link)
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schmetterlinq · 6 months
"Hello, I am Yasser Abu Jabal from the northern Gaza Strip. I am 25 years old. You can imagine that I lived through 7 wars during which they did not prevent me from graduating from the College of Accounting and working for about a year to relieve my father, who had an operation to fracture his pelvic bones. We lived in an acceptable house until If the last war came (the fateful October 7 war), which turned our lives upside down, destroying our source of livelihood, damaging our home in which we lived safely, and forcing us to migrate to the south of the Gaza Strip without shelter in the shelters of Deir al-Balah camp next to the city of Rafah, without a source of income. Without electricity, without drinking water, without health care, just destruction, bombing, starvation, and extermination that does not stop day and night. I write while feeling helpless and ashamed. I never imagined that one day I would collect donations to get out of this crisis, to save myself and my family from death, and to search for a new future, after I… All my dreams were destroyed and my future was lost, and this requires a lot since we are not like other countries in the world. The crossings are closed and we are in a large prison from which we cannot get out except by paying huge sums of money to the coordination, as the price of coordinating the exit of one person from Gaza is 5000 dollars, and we are a family consisting of 6 people. Therefore, I humbly ask you to provide any assistance that you can to help my family to travel abroad and build a new life filled with reassurance and peace. Thank you very much. ❤️"
(This is not my gofundme, I'm just boosting. This fundraiser is close to its goal!)
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
Hello for the uninformed why do transmascs set off metal detectors
obsessed with the concept that transmascs just have inherent metallic qualities. imagining someone who has realized they’re transmasc yet being extremely confused as to why they’re always pulled aside by security whenever they go through a metal detector.
but to answer your question, i was talking about the full-body scanners, not the metal detectors!
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these ^^ so how these work is before they scan, the tsa agent monitoring it needs to press one of two buttons: male or female. the female setting is set to not alarm to anomalies of excess mass on the chest, the male setting is set to not alarm to anomalies of excess mass in the pelvic area. the agent has to guess which is right based on your presentation. so, if the agent clocks you as male when you have more breast tissue than the machine is set to operate on, it’ll show anomalies in the chest area. (i don’t know what the exact limit is for them, because i have VERY small boobs and they still somehow set off the alarm.) the reason i recommend wearing overalls is that the clasps are in the same location as the “anomaly”, and from my experience the tsa agents are quick to write them off as the issue instead of assuming i’m transgender
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miss-anthropyxx · 2 months
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Abdomino-pelvic impalement x3 in a 17-year-old who somehow managed to not die
[Original medical journal case report] [Credit to how this was found]
A 17-year-old female fell from second floor directly over iron rods of an under-construction building at midnight. Although three iron rods penetrated inside her body, she was conscious and oriented but cried in pain. Neighbours cut the rods from the iron pillar with drilling machine and shifted the patient from accident site to the emergency department of our hospital which took 5 hours. During this interval, she was in sitting posture and could not lie down fearing additional trauma due to the penetrating rods. On examination, she was conversant and had a pulse rate of 126/minute and pallor. Two iron rods could be seen penetrating her abdomen and pelvis while the third one went through and through her gluteal region [Figure 1].
A part of her cloth also went inside the path of the iron rods. Blood clots could be seen at the entry and exit wounds. Abdomen was not distended, and child had passed clear urine once on her way to the emergency department. There was no evidence of any injury to the chest, head, neck, spine or the extremities. At arrival, along with the primary survey, an intravenous line was secured to start fluids, antibiotics and analgesics. Tetanus toxoid and tetanus immunoglobulin were administered. Simultaneously, samples were sent for routine blood investigations and cross match. Haemoglobin was 8.9 and haematocrit was 27. Chest, abdominal and pelvic skiagrams were taken to assess the passage of the rods and any bony injury. One of the rods could be seen penetrating through the right iliac bone. Another rod went through and through the ascending colon just distal to the ileo-caecal junction and also the right iliac bone. There were no major vascular or urinary injuries. All the solid organs were spared. Resection of the jejunal segment containing the two perforations was done followed by end-to-end jejuno-jejunostomy.
Patient was shifted to the operation theatre and was put in left lateral position between the operation table and shifting trolley, so that the rods came in between the trolley and the operation table. In this position, patient had induction of anaesthesia using 100% oxygen for 3 minutes followed by Etomidate (100 mg), Fentanyl (75 mcg) and Succinylcholine (75 mg) [Rapid sequence induction], followed by intubation using cuffed oro-endotracheal tube of size 7.0. Following this, patient was maintained on Oxygen, Air and Sevoflurane, then patient was shifted to operation table in sitting posture and surgical procedure was started. Rod in the gluteal region was removed first after increasing its entry and exit wounds slightly. It was seen to pierce only the gluteal muscles. The passage was washed with hydrogen peroxide and saline and packed with betadine-soaked gauze. She was then turned supine and laparotomy was done through midline incision. One of the rods was seen to pierce the jejunum twice at approximately 30 and 40 cm from the duodeno-jejunal junction [Figure 2].
Ileo-ascending anastomosis was done after excision of the caecum along with the perforated ascending colon. No orthopaedic intervention was needed for the rod penetrating the right iliac bone. Tension suturing was done after insertion of drains in pelvis, right and left paracolic gutter. She received three units of packed cells in the peri-operative period. Patient was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit post-operatively and was there for 5 days following surgery for intensive monitoring and management. Antifungal agents were added when positive fungal blood culture was seen following fever on 3rd post-operative day. Patient passed flatus on 5th post-operative day and tolerated oral food from the next day. Drains were removed on the 5th post-operative day. Wounds over gluteal and iliac regions were conservatively managed on dressing and antibiotics. The total duration of hospitalization was 24 days and patient were discharged with advice of daily dressing of these wounds. First follow-up was after 15 days of discharge and subsequent two follow-ups were after one and three months of discharge. She has been asymptomatic on follow-ups. Figure [3] shows her scars after 3 months of discharge from hospital.
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I’ve had a lot of this stuff vaguely in my head for a while but I want to have it put down somewhere.
I wanted to try this without referencing anyone’s centaur anatomy ahead of time, but the idea for the diagrams is from this post by @wizisbored. Looking at his post now that I’m done, I can see some stuff I ended up doing the same.
The skeletal, circulatory, and respiratory systems are pretty similar. In mine, the pelvic floor muscles are supported by modified vertebrae/ribs that resemble human hips while still being small enough to allow a range of motion between a human waist and a horse’s neck. Horses don’t have collarbones, it’s all connected by tendons and muscle. That means no joint sockets, which made it a little easier to figure out. The space in the torso not taken up by the lungs and stomach is occupied by a combination of human core muscles and horse neck muscles.
I had a lot written out trying to justify the two stomachs but honestly they’re just there because I like it. Let’s say uh… the first stomach has the chemicals needed to break down the complex nutrients required for higher brain function, while the second one has the chemicals to break down the cellulose found in tougher plants. It’s been a while since I took a biology class so if you’ve got an idea let me know.
On the bottom left is a design for wagon brakes that can be operated by the wheeler of a team of 2 or more centaurs, while the one to the right is for a single centaur. The brake bar would run parallel to either the wagon tongue (for teams) or one/both of the shafts, depending on how much braking power is needed.
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Bottom center is artillery tack, used so horse drawn artillery crews could ride while hauling. In this case, it’s so our party’s halfling can stop falling off when combat starts but Arden can still pull our cart
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capybaracorn · 5 months
‘It’s not human’: What a French doctor saw in Gaza as Israel invaded Rafah
When asked about the conditions of the hospitals he worked in, Dr Lahna is pained by the memories of the sick, wounded and dying.
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Dr Zouhair Lahna working at the European Gaza Hospital in Khan Younis [Courtesy of Zouhair Lahna]
(9th of May 2024)
Dr Zouhair Lahna has worked in conflict zones across the globe – Syria, Libya, Yemen, Uganda and Ethiopia – but he has never seen anything like the Israeli war on Gaza.
In those life-threatening situations, the Moroccan French pelvic surgeon and obstetrician said, there was a route to safety for civilians.
But on Tuesday, Israeli forces seized and closed Gaza’s Rafah border crossing with Egypt – the only escape for Palestinians from the war and the most important entry point for humanitarian aid.
“This is another injustice. … It’s not human,” Lahna said, shaking his head as he spoke to Al Jazeera from Cairo, Egypt, where he has been evacuated from the European Gaza Hospital in Khan Younis.
He laments having to leave his Palestinian colleagues behind.
“I am angry, troubled, upset … because I left some people. They are my friends. I was with them, these doctors, these people. …We eat together, we work together and now I left them in trouble. They have to move their families, look for a tent, look for water, for food,” he said.
Lahna has spent months volunteering in Gaza’s hospitals as part of missions organised by the Palestinian Doctors Association in Europe (PalMed Europe) and US-based Rahma International.
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Dr Lahna, centre, with his colleagues at PalMed Europe and Rahma International in Gaza’s north, near Kamal Adwan Hospital [Courtesy of Zouhair Lahna]
On the morning that displaced Palestinians in eastern Rafah were ordered to evacuate and before Israeli tanks rolled in, Lahna and his foreign colleagues received text messages from the Israeli army.
“The Israeli army, they know everything. They know everyone who is in Gaza and how to reach them. They told us to leave.”
The texts urged the foreign doctors to leave Gaza because the Israeli military would soon begin an operation in eastern Rafah.
A few hours later, Lahna and his counterparts from PalMed Europe and Rahma International were picked up by their organisations and taken to safety in Cairo.
“There were four doctors in the European Hospital, four in the Kuwaiti Hospital and two others,” he said. “We waited while they gave our names to the Egyptian and Israeli authorities, and finally, we got word to leave.”
As they were departing, leaflets from the Israeli military printed with the evacuation order fell from the sky along with missiles from Israeli warplanes.
People were in a panic as they headed north from Rafah towards Khan Younis or west towards the sea, Lahna recalled.
Collapse of a system
When asked about the conditions of the hospitals he worked in, Lahna has trouble describing what he saw.
He begins to speak, then pauses, apologising, pained by the number of sick, wounded and dying individuals who were brought in daily.
“It’s difficult for me to remember this,” he said slowly.
While the European Hospital has been spared from an Israeli raid, it has been receiving referrals from other overwhelmed hospitals.
It has also been a place of shelter for displaced people who try to find space wherever they can, including at the doors of patient rooms, in the building’s corridors, on the stairs and in the hospital’s garden.
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Lahna’s visit to al-Shifa Hospital, which he says was ‘barbarically destroyed’ [Courtesy of Zouhair Lahna]
Before the European Hospital, Lahna and his team volunteered at Kamal Adwan Hospital in Gaza’s northern city of Beit Lahiya. He is among the few foreign doctors to have travelled to the area.
They worked there for a week, the longest Israeli authorities permitted them to be there, he said.
There, the situation was even more dire, the doctor said, exacerbated by what the World Food Programme says is a “full-blown famine” in northern Gaza.
In December, the hospital was the site of an Israeli raid when the military besieged and shelled it for several days. Displaced families had also been sheltering there and were rounded up alongside medical staff and personnel.
Gaza’s hospitals, the majority of which are no longer functioning, have also been the site of mass graves discovered after Israeli raids. Graves have been found in recent weeks in Nasser and al-Shifa hospitals along with 392 bodies.
Working for peace, not war
With the collapse of the healthcare system in Gaza, Lahna is determined to return and volunteer there once again but isn’t sure when that will be possible.
For now, he said, he will return to France to check in at his “other job” and spend time with his family, who may have had a harder time than he did because all they did was worry about him while he was in Gaza.
He is sure all of Rafah will soon be occupied by Israeli forces, which will be deadly for the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians there, he said.
“This world is blind,” Lahna said, dismayed that the Rafah incursion is likely to continue to occur despite warnings from the international community, which has not been able to stop Israel from committing mass atrocities, he said.
“Human rights is a joke. The United Nations is a big joke,” Lahna added.
He believes the war is as much a United States conflict as it is Israeli with the US approving an additional $17bn in aid to its top Middle East ally last month.
For Lahna, the protesting university students around the world, particularly in the US, who oppose Israel’s ongoing assault know the value of human rights.
Yet when it comes to Palestinians, he said, they are coming to realise that these values do not apply – and are increasingly becoming disillusioned with their elected officials and the state of the world.
[See article for the embedded video]
That disillusionment is wearing on the doctor himself, but he said it has also strengthened his resolve to offer his expertise to people in warzones around the world, including Gaza.
Asked if he is worried about being arrested. tortured or killed for his work in the enclave, the surgeon barely bats an eye.
He said his time to die will come one day or another and if it happens while helping the vulnerable in Gaza, then that will be the time meant for him to depart.
“I am not more precious than Palestinian people,” Lahna said. “I am a humanitarian doctor. I work. I help people. [We] doctors come in for peace. We don’t come in for war.”
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