boymazophile6 · 1 year
Child neglect and hatred is as bad as child abuse!
Hatred, dislike, neglect and emotional abuse of children is as toxic as sexual abuse of children ...
Unfortunately in most societies people define power and violence in its conventional and stereotypical way and reduce meaning of "abuse" to acts like rape and sexual violence often ignoring other sorts of abuse such as: emotional, verbal, passive aggressive and subtle ones!
Because most of mainstream social activisms have conventional and objective definitions of power and violence, and have a phallocentric theoretical Framework ...
Believe that violence, abuse, power and joy have subjective meanings and every individual person has its unique and distinct meaning of abuse and power!
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nobody-nexus · 2 years
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OH BESTIES I HAVE MY OWN PHOBIA AU (Inspired by Shmorp-Mcdurgen ‘s)
Geliophobia - Fear of Laughter
Pedophobia - Fear of Children
Acrophobia - Fear of Flying
Hemophobia - Fear of Blood
Stay tuned for other terrifying demons and maybe some lore (since yes this AU has lore in it)
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hydetheghost · 8 months
I'm not kidding when I say my life is ruined because of chidren /hj idk i just really, really, reaaaaallly hate children SO MUCH
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nightguide · 4 months
Cartoon analysis on South Park but starting on one of my favourite episodes (aside from Cartman getting beaten by Wendy) but doing the pilot will remove me from the joys in which i tried to promise doing an extensive annotation on the James Cameron episode or just the Lake Tardicaca camp episode, like i love them all but putting a philosophical take on it proves humanity is a piece of shit they love to have when recklessly speaking, animators and creators reborn, Socrates, Aristotle, Plato or the other greek dumbasses don't have it in them to compare just humour other than Jacques Derrida and Martin Heidegger in cartoon form offending everybody and everything for lolz and just breaking racial stereotypes but consequently keeping their limits on what cartoons should do... or that is, is that you don't watch cartoons to mistake living when 'adult cartoons' just means you're a pedophile or what the fck are you trying to tell yourself that prevention of rape is not there because adults know nothing but senselessly teach them sex by selling their souls into an indus.... KEANU REEVES. he ain't the good guy and that is the moral of the story, enjoy what is to come my niggas <3
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loupgaroualejardin · 21 days
So, We were talking to a friend the other day how we have a viscerally negative (and uncontrollable) reaction to babies (Newly born to roughly, five years old) and she asked us if we were scared of them because we said our brain reacts to them the same way someone would to cockroaches (Like, that sense of dread or smth).
But, Thought about it more today and realized we are genuinely afraid of babies. It's not even funny. Like, I realized they do make us feel, like, that nervousness that anything you're scared of does.
And It explains somethings honestly. Like, How we always struggled to actually get near them, or let them touch us, and etc etc.
Like, I can look at or be in the same vicinity as a baby though. I just don't want them within, like, five feet of me. More preferably, further away if you can.
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flaming-tennis-ball · 11 months
hey ooc what does the pedophobia tag mean?????? /genq
pedophobia is the fear of babies and toddlers, which is one of Flaming’s biggest fears
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benbon-0o0 · 11 months
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huntinglove · 1 year
I haven't even had my kids yet and I already want to turn them into birds hhhhhh
(This is about Stardew Valley btw djdhdkdh)
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nando161mando · 5 months
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Telling a joke on the internet
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linked-maze · 1 month
why do you hate kids so much?
huh? is it my pedophobia (fear of small children) that you are talking about? Don't worry I don't hate kids in any way- I don't want them hurt in any way at all. They are innocent and sweet! and deserve all the good things in life! Some of the things that trigger me are these: uncontrollable mouth saliva or any other liquids from small children freak me out. The way they move and sound makes me uncomfortable. The things they put in their mouths make me cringe and their small bodies and faces make me uneasy. I can not explain WHY it triggers me- just like some people don't like looking at holes or don't like bugs. ( don't worry I'm not trying to compare small children with bugs or holes XD ) I know my phobia is extremely rare and it might make some people angry with me- but I'm working on desensitizing myself. It's a slow and uncomfortable process but it's something!
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assassinschaoticcreed · 6 months
For the boys, what are their fears? (It could either funny or serious fears)
I'll do funny fears first. also no disrespect or hate to anyone who may have these fears/phobias!
funny/odd fears/phobias
Altaïr: Cyberphobia: Fear of Computers or Technology
Arno: Decidophobia: Fear of Making Decisions (same arno)
Connor: Pupaphobia: Fear of Puppets
Desmond: Pediophobia: Fear of Dolls
Ezio: Alektorophobia: Fear of Chickens
Edward: Pedophobia: Fear of Children
Jacob: Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns
serious fears/phobias.
Altaïr: Daemonophobia: Fear of demons
Arno: Thalassophobia: Fear of the ocean
Connor: Megalophobia: Fear of large things
Desmond: Sociophobia: Fear of social evaluation
Ezio: Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders
Edward: Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces
Jacob: Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of flying
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bear-man74 · 2 months
One of my irl frens was talking about pedos a bit ago and accidentally said pedophobia instead of pedophilia.
I got so confused.
Aren't we all supposed to be phobic of pedos? Or are both terms bad?
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hydetheghost · 6 months
whenever I see a child, I remember how much I hate life.
(important reminder, I guess?)
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sakana110602 · 6 months
People only pay attention to the rights of young people when it comes to juvenile delinquency, and suddenly realize the unresonableness of age order. Of course, most people only think that the age of criminal responsibility should be lowered and the age of consent should be raised. But these two are based on the same premise: minors are innocent and ignorant, and they cannot be responsible for themselves, so they should be protected and forgiven. But this, fully reflects the double standard of ephebiphobia and pedophobia.
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saltyfryz · 2 months
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Plus sum updated info! ;3
He's aroace!
The lines on his teeth (and ribs) change colors depending on his mood, orange for more excited or happy moods, blue for calmer moods
He's an adventurous spirit and likes pulling pranks on people.
He's smart, and quite the gossiper. He loves drama and secrets, and knows quite a few too.
He's a bit morally grey but not in a murdery way, more in a He does his own thing and doesn't like being told what to do, kinda way. Like "is it really black mail if I get something out of it?" Though he can be nice when he wants to be
Speaking of blackmail, he overhears a lot of juicy gossip when traveling the multiverse and has dirt on a LOT of people. And he takes FULL advantage of it, making the blackmailees do him favors
He has intense mood swings that vary day to day. One day he could flip from happy to grumpy from a minor inconvenience, other days he has the patience of a saint
He has pedophobia, the irrational fear of babies and small children
He doesn't like either nightmare or dream, thinking both are kind of pretentious, but he is on neutral ground with their respected teams. Except blue, he feels uncomfortable around him. (Or any pure swap verse really)
He has a terrible fashion sense
The dude is super touchy like an annoying little brother, mostly to annoy people
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jediaxis101 · 3 months
This is prime proof of why governments need to start addressing the pedophilia problem, it's getting quite out of hand in 3rd world countries and even this issue in first world countries gets pushed under the carpet!
If we can get our governments to start talking about pedophilia and start agreeing on some tactics such as Sex Robots, Sex Dolls, Access to Lolicon 2D and 3D as well as Access to community's supporting this content for talking about pedophilia in a controlled but free way
We can start to give pedophilia a safe and secure arena for freedom of information
And by supporting them in these way may cause the hatred and disgust of these people to slowly fade away in such a way that more people will feel better about opening up about their true feelings and save a lot of children's life's and make the community safer in all countries around the world...
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