#pearl bh6
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And the Year of the Dragon is upon us. Hope we all have a great year coming up, Kung Hei Fat Choy everyone!
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zenniaphoenix · 2 years
10 characters 10 fandoms 10 tags
Thanks for the tag @castles-in-the-eyre!
Sorry it took... a long time... I got distracted seeing if I had drawn all of them because I saw some people adding gifs of their characters and that looked like fun.
Corbin from Dames and Dragons
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I’ve only drawn him as a human in a few times but I’ve drawn him as a horse so much. Tragically never as a crow though. I- I swear there’s context for this.
Lilith Clawthorne from The Owl House
Weirdly no drawings of her
Annabeth from PJO and HoO
I drew so much percabeth art as a tiny teen and you will see none of it ever on this blog.
Alya Cesaire from Miraculous Ladybug
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Occasionally. Constantly, maybe. Perhaps a bit more than normal.
Taako from TV (Actually from The Adventure Zone)
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Drunken paintings of my partner’s Taako cosplay and memes only. Very fitting for my boy.
Entrapta from SPoP (the ND Stevens reboot)
I was going through my one and only prolonged no art phase when I watched she-ra. College sucked but Entrapta rocks.
Pearl from Steven Universe
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Previously my top favorite blorbo. Still up there obviously.
Gogo Tomago from Big Hero Six (especially the animated series)
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I love studying bh6’s gestures, especially gogo’s. I do have another wip of gogo lemon that’s mostly abandoned.
Bee from Bee and Puppycat
Binx Choppley from A Court of Fey and Flowers
Are they: curious, mysterious, or a weird little creature? Congratulations, I’m obsessed with them!
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bunnys-bunnies · 7 years
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Clip from 4 July when Mars & I watches BH6. 13 July 2017
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bh7theseriesblog · 4 years
Fire and Ice Roses: BH6 Oneshot
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*Across the Pacific ocean the sun begins to rise in the east, the ocean sparkles with light as the mist parted ways to reveal San Fransokyo. The lights eventually hits on a small house, where a family of three live. The light shines through a port window which roused a person on a futon mattress beside it, the person shifted before it revealed itself to be a 13 year old girl with dyed blue hair. She is shorter than most girls her age, and her figure still resembles that of a child and yet it is starting to curve a little bit. She stood up in her futon mattress as she looks at the sun outside. She stands up and makes her futon mattress decent, and then she looked at her surroundings; her room is decorated with posters ranging from robotics, the ocean, old anime posters like Sailor Moon and Revolutionary Girl Utena and various homemade mural pictures made out of seashells and had many homemade wind chimes/chandeliers also made out of seashells hanging from her ceiling. She straightens her baby blue nightgown before she walks out her room and into the bathroom, she looks at herself in the mirror as she brushes her teeth and looks at herself. She sighs in disappointment that her bust remained small, but she quickly shakes hear head from focusing on her lack of mature body and starts her day. With the dawn still young she dresses herself to her outfit, a yellow tank top with a sea green plated skirt, she brushes her hair and places her purple eye contacts in. She heads downstairs once more to prepare for breakfast, setting water to boil to put the rice in. A drop of hot water slightly burns her hand as she reacts with a soft ow; when she stirs the rice she hears footstep coming in the kitchen.*
Kaguya: Good morning Cora.
*The girl named Cora turns her head to give a small smile to the old woman wearing the traditional kimono with her signature cane.*
Cora: Good Morning Grandmama.
*After she was done cooking she places their breakfast on the table and walks out to wake the third person in her family. She gently opens the door to see her Father, who is slowly waking up from his deep slumber. Cora looks at the table in his room and found it filled with bills and job resumes. She sighs as she sits beside her father as his massive figure lifts up and his vision clears to see his daughter.
Cora: Morning Papa.
*Mizuchi slowly walks to the table where his daughter and mother-in-law are waiting for him. He sits down and eats his breakfast, his eyes weary and lost. Cora sighs as she begins to eat her breakfast as well. After breakfast the father and daughter are sitting in the living room where it had a TV with a VCR, a blue ray player, VHS tapes and DVDs of old and new anime and movies. Cora looks around before she brings out the small robot she made; the robot was small, sleek and pale as a pearl and resembled more of an egg. When she brings out her controller she activates the robot. The robot activates its eyes to a electric green eyes and floats around to Mizuchi where it begins to dance. Though it does not have legs the robot moved with grace and purity. Mizuchi looked at the robot and his daughter and gave a small smile...just for a little while. Cora's smile drops as she stops playing with the robot she made and puts it in her dress pocket.*
Kaguya: Cora, it's time to go grocery shopping.
*Cora nodded as she stands up and tiptoes to kiss her father on the cheek as she prepares to join her grandmother. She puts on her outdoor shoes, which are her favorite rain boots, and steps out.*
Cora: We're heading out Papa...We'll be home soon...
Mizuchi: Be safe.
*After the grandmother and girl get on the trolley the city begins to come alive. The stores are opening as people soon fill the streets to go wherever they need to go. Cora looks at her grandmother,who at the moment is checking over the money in her purse as she looks to the streets across them. She sees a group of young friends walking and talking happily as a young couple hold hands and kiss. Cora sighs sadly at the sight as she looks down at her feet, and her grandmother notices this but said nothing. Once at the stop they got off the trolley and walk to the grocery store, and once inside Cora grabbed a basket and begin to search for their groceries. Kaguya spots a familiar face nearby and places a hand on her shoulder.*
Kaguya: Cora, there's a music store nearby that you can visit right now. They are even having a sale right now, here.
*She places a few dollar bills in Cora's hand but Cora begins to shake her head.*
Cora: N-no Grandmama, groceries are important I-I don't need to-
Kaguya: I insist. You are still young, enjoy your life.
*Cora sighs in defeat as she hands the basket to her grandmother and walks out the store. Once she was gone the old woman turned around and saw the person she recognized.*
Kaguya: How are you doing today Felony Carl?
Felony Carl: Oh, hey Kaguya. I'm doin' fine, just getting some Tofu and apples as my doctor recommended. Was that your granddaughter I saw with you a while ago?
Kaguya: Indeed.
*Both Felony Carl and Kaguya walk over to the apple stand where they begin to look for good apples.*
Felony Carl: She's a lot quieter than what you told me.
Kaguya: I know. Cora has been shy and quiet yes, but she has this burst of life inside her. Like how she would splash around in the waves and search for seashells. In a way she's an oyster.
Felony Carl: Grey on the outside but a hidden gem within?
Kaguya: Exactly, just like her mother...but ever since my Son-in-law was fired he has been struggling to find a job and paying for the bills. Cora is worried sick about him, and it doesn't help that his weariness is obvious in his eyes.
Felony Carl: I understand that, when people look at me they get scared and want nothing to do with me.
Kaguya: Mhmm, Cora has been home schooled her entire life as I recall telling you.
Felony Carl: Yeah, cause she hacked into her dad's computer at age four?
Kaguya: And Mizuchi protectiveness kept her from going to real school in fear she will be ostracized. But I've seen how Cora looks at the children her age...she wants friends...and possibly someone who loves her.
Felony Carl: You mean as in a romantic sense?
Kaguya: Yes. But with Mizuchi's financial struggles, Cora will be forced to push away her desires. She's been the main chef and caretaker of the house for a long while now and has even been thinking of selling her seashell collection and homemade art. And she may think of never going to College.
Felony Carl: That's tough.
Kaguya: It's times like these I wonder what Akemi would do... I know Cora needs to make the first step to talk to people...and yet I hope that someone will see Cora for who she really is and cherish her... someone who can understand her and connect to her...
*Meanwhile around the same time, the cafe is buzzing with customers as Cass Hamada is busy taking orders. Upstairs at the moment, two brothers are up and ready to start the day. The older brother is putting on his baseball head while the younger is making some adjustments on a small, black and somewhat derpy-looking robot.*
Tadashi: OK Hiro, I'm off to meet up with some friends, and remember to call me if you need anything or if you're heading out.
Hiro: Kay, I will.
*The boy named Hiro is a 13 year old genius prodigy and his brother is Tadashi, a intelligent young man with a good heart. Tadashi calls out as he heads downstairs.*
Tadashi: And don't give Aunt Cass any trouble OK?
Hiro: I hear ya.
*Once Tadashi heads downstairs Hiro fixes up the bot with a satisfied smile.*
Hiro: OK, now that you're fixed up Megabot, I just gotta head to the mechanics store and upgrade your controller. After all, another bot fight is coming up tonight.
*He goes to his drawer where he pulls up a panel where he placed the cash he won over from the bot fights before. He had to admit, he was impressed of himself that he can make this large sum of money from bot-fighting. He supposed he could almost thank the bullies from high school for driving him towards Bot-fighting, where he can use his big brain for the thrill of beating everybody to a pulp. He shook his head to avoid the memories of high school and the harassment he endured there, after all he had just graduated last week and now has the summer to himself.*
Hiro: Alright, that should be enough.
*With that he heads downstairs and through the cafe where he sneaks in a cookie.*
Hiro: I'm heading off to the mechanics store Aunt Cass, I'll be back soon!
Cass: Be safe!
*With that, Hiro heads off down the street to get the parts for his upcoming bot-battle that night. Meanwhile at the other side of the town Cora wearily looks around the music store, spotting whole shelves ranging from vinyl record players to digital songs displayed on Holograms. She holds tightly to her purse as she looks at the songs available in the anime and movie soundtrack.*
?: Hey kid.
*Cora looks up and turns her head to see a woman in expensive make-up and rather revealing clothing. Cora diverts her eyes the other way as she addresses the scantily clad female.*
Cora: A-are you talking t-to me?
Scanty: Well I don't see any other blue-haired girls around here. So yeah, I'm talking to you
Cora: *Looking down in embarrassment* Um... I-is there a-anything you want?
Scanty: Not really...but you certainly do have something on your mind.
Cora: W-what do you uh...mean?
Scanty: You've been pressing the scroll button for too long that its speeding up and you haven't even noticed.
*Cora sees the scroll bar in the hologram as it became non-visible as blurry icons of songs zoom past her. She lets go of the button as she looks down again at her feet blushing.*
Scanty: I guess you do have something going on in your mind then?
Cora: Yeah... there's... a little trouble at home...Money trouble...
*The scantily dressed lady sighs before she grabs the young girl to a more secluded part of the store.*
Scanty: How old are you kid?
Cora: What?
Scanty: I'm asking how old are you?
Cora:...13 ma'm.
*The lady nods her head before she whispers to Cora.*
Scanty: If you're looking for quick cash, I might be able to help.
*Cora's eyes light up at the prospect that she could earn money to help her father.*
Cora: Really? What is it? I'll do anything!
Scanty: There's two people I know that are looking for a double date, and since my old business partner bailed out on me...you might be a possible candidate to date the other guy. And they are paying good money for the date.
*Cora's eyes slowly widened in shock as she realizes what the lady is offering her. The lady notices the look in the young girl's eyes.*
Scanty: Look kid, I know this is a big girl's game but if you want to help out your folks you gotta be out there. Sides, you're pretty enough for guys to see you, even if you are a little...flat.
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*Cora consciously covers her chest as she looks down at her feet.*
Scanty: The date is nearby by Good Luck Alley where a bot fight is hosting.
Cora: A bot fight? I thought the Bot fight tournament was at the capital.
Scanty: That's not the bot fight I'm talking about. This one is where people bet on the fighters, and if you're lucky enough to win you might just get some good cash.
*Seeing this as a chance to make money, she quickly pulls out her robot that was in rest mode.*
Cora: I have a robot! It's in rest mode but it should-
*That is when the lady snickers at the girl, she clears her throat after a little bit and faces Cora.*
Scanty: That's a sweet thought kid, but there is no way you can beat those big boys at a bot fight, especially since your robot is basically an egg. You can be set for life by going on these dates with the guys offering good money. Sides it's not illegal, you're 13. You're of age of consent. Since it's you're first time, I'll just call them and tell them that we'll just going out for dinner and nothing more.
*The lady picks up her stuff and starts to walk out, and Cora follows her to the exit.*
Scanty: It's your choice baby girl, either your face money trouble or you can go out with these men and have them beg you to date them. Who knows, if you're good enough you'll be a favorite.
*The Lady walks away down the street leaving Cora looking at her robot in hand. She then looks at the direction the lady walked down and sighs. She then decided to head back to the grocery store, keeping the event the lady told her in her head.*
*Hiro arrives at the store as he immediately searches for the part for his controller. The cashier greeted Hiro, since he remembers the times both Tadashi and Hiro have come over to the store to buy the tools and gears they needed. Hiro only gave a dismissive hello before he inspected some of the gears on the shelf. Just then another person comes into the store, a big jock with a Letterman jacket coming in and spotting the young teenager.*
Jocky Jerk: Well well lookie what we have here, if it isn't Zero the brainiac twerp.
*Hiro sighs but refuses to acknowledge the older adolescent as he continues to rummage through the wires.*
Jocky Jerk: Hey! I'm talking to you freak.
Hiro scrunches up his nose in disgust as he speaks without turning his head to acknowledge him.*
Hiro: Hello Kurt.
*Kurt smirks as he heads over and ruffles Hiro's hair which made the young boy groan.*
Kurt: Haven't seen you since graduation, what sort of things you doing now you little twerp?
Hiro: I know I'm not repeating a year of high school and taking summer school while being kicked out of the football team.
*Kurt's smirk is wiped clean as it turns a murderous glare, he looks around and then has a devilish grin.*
Kurt: Looks like your annoying nerdy brother isn't here, so I'm sure you don't mind if we head out and talk-
Cashier: Sir, if you're not buying anything, I suggest you leave right now.
*Kurt scoffs as he shoves Hiro before he exits the door. Hiro gives a scoff in return as he grabs what he needs and pays for it; the cashier then directs Hiro to the back exit so he won't be attacked by Kurt and possibly his goons like Ram.*
Cashier: Seriously kid, I don't know how you handle those jerks. I probably wet myself if I made that comment to that big donkey like you did.
Hiro: Eh, guys like Kurt are idiots. He's butt-hurt cause I refused to take his SAT exam for him, sides I'm used to it.
Cashier: Why didn't you tell your brother? He's always stuck out his neck for you, so why haven't you told him this?
*Hiro sighs as he turns to face the cashier.*
Hiro: Tadashi's been really busy with an after school project and is rarely home. I don't want to bother him.
Cashier: *Sighs* OK then, well I'll see ya later. Tell Cass and Tadashi I said Hi!
Hiro: K.
*With that Hiro exits through the back and safely to the streets. He passes through the corner where the other jocks are waiting to ambush him. But they were confused on what's taking Hiro so long to come out. Once Hiro makes it safely to his street address he snickers quietly over the stupidity of those pea-brained jocks. He enters inside the Cafe where Cass is delivering juice to an group of elderly people.*
Cass: Hey Hiro, how was your trip out?
Hiro: It was fine, nothing much. I'm just gonna be heading upstairs K? I'll make sure Mochi's okay.
Cass: Alright Hiro!
*Hiro heads upstairs and starts getting to work on his controller, anticipating for the bot-fight tonight.*
*The day soon turns into early evening where Cora is back home, facing a dilemma, and her father is out looking for work while her grandmother is out doing whatever she's doing. She sprawled out two outfits on her bed for her to change into; one is a set of a black long-sleeved shirt with a black denim vest with cloth hood, along with dark cargo pants and boots and complete with a traditional Japanese cat mask, and second one is a sleeveless knee length red dress with black flats and a see-through black shawl. She paces back and forth as she thinks over what she should do. These two activities are both dangerous each in its own way. On one hand, she could battle off fighters that would be more aggressive since the rules of the tournament will not apply to the streets. But on the other hand, she will be facing older men who she has no idea who they are and may potentially be dangerous.*
Cora: What to do, what to do, what to do? *Sighs as she stressfully runs her hands through her her and over her face* Maybe I should get a glass of water.
*With that, Cora closes the door behind her as she heads down to grab a glass. She drinks the glass of water as she passes by the living room where she sees it...a small Butsudan dedicated to her mother... Cora sighs before she heads over to the small shrine. She kneels down in front of the bustudan and clasp her hands in a prayer, she takes a deep breath before she looks up.*
Cora: Hi Mama...how are you? I mean... I know you're dead, but I hope you're OK in...wherever you are now...
*Cora goes quiet for a few moments before she speaks again.*
Cora: Papa has been teaching me self-defense for a quite while now, and Grandmama says I'm becoming strong. Also, I've graduated...in a sense...I finished my high school course, I even got a diploma.
*Cora points to a diploma where it states that Cora graduated as a home-schooled girl. But Cora's forced smile fades as she looks back at the shrine and talks again.*
Cora: Mama...I'm really worried about Papa... Ever since he was fired he looks so defeated and lost and I can't bear to see him like this anymore... I want to help anyway I can...actually that's what's happening now... A lady from earlier told me that she's looking for a partner for a double date and that they'll pay me... she also told me about a bot fight that's happening at the same time but she says I have no chance... Mama what am I going to do? I don't know what these people will be like when I go against them, but I also don't want to go with these strangers for a date...what would Papa and Grandmama say...
*Cora turns her head to another section of the shrine and saw a picture of her mother when she was pregnant and her father, they were both smiling. That's when she gains a determined look on her face.*
Cora: You know what Mama? I'm not going to that double date. I'm going bot-fighting! If I ever do go out on a date, I want it to be with someone who I love and loves me back and is around my age, not be paid like a doll for a middle aged man whose desperate to buy dates from girls like me.
*Cora stands up but quickly kneels down again to end her prayer.*
Cora: Thank you Mama for listening. I'll be careful at that bot fight!
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*She then stands up and leaves, not noticing how the candle flame brighten with soft warmth on the main picture of her mother, a beautiful woman with golden-blond hair and sea blue eyes smiling gently. She enters her room as she looks at her outfit for bot fighting.*
Cora: Alright now! Lets get to work!
*Cora spends the next few hours working on her robot so that she'll be more suited for an intense bot fight rather than the fragile dancing robot she made as a child. She upgrades the controller with spare parts as she adjusts wires. Once she was done she grabs the outfit and starts dressing up. Now she appears more of a rouge modern ninja as she packs her robot, controller, and cat mask in her bag. She then writes a note to her family saying that she is using the money her grandmother gave her to see a movie and won't be back for a while. She knew that her father will still panic since she's going out by herself, but this is a risk she must take. She then makes a makeshift rope to climb out the port hole window, and due to her small height and size she can manage with ease. Once on the ground she starts sneaking through the streets as she heads her way to Good Luck Alley. A decision that will change her life forever.
*The evening begins to darken by the time Tadashi heads back to the Cafe where Cass is making some cappuccinos for her customers and smiles when he sees Hiro helping out by picking up the dirty dishes.*
Tadashi: Hey Aunt Cass, how's it going?
Cass: It's been pretty good so far, Hiro has been helping me out for a while now. He even fixed the espresso machine!
*Said espresso machine coughs a few times before it resumes to normal.*
Cass: Hopefully it'll last long enough to save up for a new one.
Tadashi: Alright Cass.
*Tadashi heads over to Hiro who is struggling with the massive load of dirty dishes, where he surprises Hiro by lending a hand to carry the dishes together.
Hiro: Tadashi! You're back early!
Tadashi: Nice to see you too knucklehead, and yeah I've managed to get some stuff done sooner than usual and decided to come home early for a day off.
Hiro: Cool!
*Hiro gives a somewhat strained smile, because while he's happy Tadashi is here right now, he was hoping he would be gone long enough to sneak out without raising suspicion.*
Tadashi: Something on your mind Nerd?
Hiro: * Smirks* Who are you calling a nerd, Nerd King?
Tadashi: *Chuckles* Alright, if you say so.
*After a while with the Cafe closed up and Cass finishing up dinner, Tadashi and Hiro talk over their day.*
Tadashi: So you went over to the mechanics store? How's Willie doing?
Hiro: Willie's fine, just getting some stuff for me to experiment with.
Tadashi: Hopefully not like the time you turned every utensil in the house into a rocket which caused a fork to land on my forehead.
Hiro: It was funny and you know it Dashi.
*Tadashi shakes his head as he chuckles, his little brother is definitely up to something for sure. After dinner, Tadashi and Hiro head up to their room where the older brother opens the screen door and flops down on his bed.*
Tadashi: Welp, today was exhausting, I'm just gonna lie down here and sleep like the dead.
Hiro: OK, sides I think I'm gonna crash down soon too.
Tadashi: Alright, night Hiro.
Hiro: Night Nerd.
*Hiro gets to his bed where he simply waited for the soft snoring of his brother. Once he knew that Tadashi is in deep sleep, Hiro quietly gets up and takes Megabot, his controller, and the wad of money to bet. Once he gets out of the house he dashes towards Good Luck Alley, excitement running through his system as he can't wait to win the jackpot tonight, equally unaware that his life will change forever.
*At the time of Hiro and his family are having their dinner, Cora had arrived at Good luck Alley. She spots from the distance the scantily clad lady with two older gentlemen, and the men looking more impatient as the time goes by. She pulls up her hood over her head and hides behind a trash can as the men are finally fed up and they walked with the lady together.*
Enjo: Can't believe this, that little piece of s*** ditched out on us.
Kosai: Eh, maybe it's for the best. I wanted a busty lady, not some flat chested brat.
*Cora held her breath as they walked down her path, waiting for the men and the lady to go away. But she did notice that the lady gave what looked like a small sigh of relief over the girl not showing up. Once she was sure they were gone Cora headed up and waited for the person running the bot-fight. She immediately slips on her cat mask and makes sure her hood is secure over her head and hiding her hair as she meets up the person in charge.*
Hime Na: What do you want kid?
*Cora's mind went to a state of internal panic. What was she going to say? How will the lady respond?! What if they turn her away?!*
Hime Na: Well? I'm waiting.
*Cora then remembers the time her father had scared off a group of rude teenagers when they were at the beach. His eyes burned along with his height that made them run in fear. Cora's eyes became determined as she simply pulls out some of the money and points to the bot fight ring, giving off her best imitation of her strong father.*
Hime Na: Alright, ya can go on in.
*Cora gives a nod in thanks before she seats herself to the opponent seat, which caught the woman off guard since she thought that the kid merely wanted to watch the fight and not be part of it. The first person to come was a late adolescent male with serious acne problems and a neck beard.*
Neck beard: Well lookie here, a little cosplayer.
*The crowd began to snicker as Cora remained silent.*
Neck Beard: Anyway, I'll go easy on you kid since this is your first time.
*He pulls out a robot that appears to have muscle and doing macho like poses. Needless to say that he was compensating for something very important. Cora pulls out her robot as she activates it with her controller, the robot goes from her egg mode to her robot form, still floating with electric green eyes.*
Neck Beard: Aww is the little kid gonna beat me with their little EVE dollie-
*That's when Cora launched her attack.*
*Hiro arrives at Good Luck Alley as he makes his way through the crowd to sign up for the bot fight. Once he signs up by using his innocent boy charm, he sets out on the opposite side of the alley where another ring is open.*
Spector #1: Hey, have ya heard? Some new kid beat the living crap out of Yabo.
Spector #2: Oh man... I never seen that loser bawl so hard, and that kid just keeps beating everyone every single time!
Spector #1: Yup, I heard that tonight, the two best bot fighters here will get into a special event where'll there'll be a ton of dough!
*Hiro is intrigued by this news. A new arrival that may be the perfect challenge for him? This is going to be fun. He immediately starts his usual bit where he'll appear as a first-time bot fighter and purposely lose, then go around and beat them. Once he finishes a number of rounds the person shows him the person he'll face next.*
Hime Na: Looks like it's gonna be you two next. This ought to be very interesting.
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*That's when he finally gets a good view of his new rival. A person around his age wearing a cat mask in modern ninja clothing using what looks like a slimmer version of EVE from WALL-E and mercilessly beat it's much larger opponent. Due to it's small stature and electro-magnetic suspension that causes the bot to float, it can easily dodge and land a swift hit that ultimately left the rival bot scrambled.*
Hime Na: Looks like we have our winner! Now then, Nekodome come here.
*The one called Neko stands up and walks over as they pick up their bot, not even uttering a word.*
Hime Na: Now that we have our two reigning champions...it's time for the Duo Dual!
*The crowd began to chant as both Hiro and the ninja-clad person become confused. They thought they were gonna fight each other, not partner up!*
Hime Na: Now that these two are placed in the duo dual, they will face more danger for the large cash prize! Can these kids beat the baddest of the bad? Lets find out!
*Hiro and the ninja-clad person look at each other before they reluctantly sit down next to each other. Neither of them spoke as they are face to face with two opponents. They brought out their own robots that appear to be much more tougher than the others. Hiro turns to the person as said person looks over their robot as it gently skims over the smooth metal.*
Hiro: So...you're new here?
*The person doesn't respond, but they nod slightly as they place their bot down. Hiro then places Megabot down beside the EVE robot as the lady begins to set the stage.*
Hime Na: Four bots enter, only two can escape...fight!
*Immediately the other two charge their robots as Megabot launches forward while the EVE robot flies up, dodging the attack. The robot pinned Megabot down while the other goes after Eve. Megabot separates to pull out its circuits but the robot simply threw it away. Megabot barely stays within the circle as it lands and stands up. Eve is facing a similar problem, as it is pulled to a magnetic armor the bot wore; Evie barely escapes as it slams its head to the enemy bot. Then by a complete and miraculous accident, Megabot is launched to Evie's bot as it knocks it down and leaves a rather large dent, leaving the magnetism useless. Hiro and the person look at each and realize how they can beat them and win the prize.*
Hiro: You thinking what I'm thinking?
*The person nods their head excitedly as they both charged their robots at the damaged enemy bot. Evie zings forward as it spins its head in a tizzy, once it falls down Megabot jumps up and knocks out its heads. The person controlling the magnetic bot throws their controller in frustration as the other gets tense over the fight. The large bot jumps up and tried to pin down Evie but Megabot stops the enemy bot and restrain its limbs, leaving Evie to strike the robot repeatedly until it was nothing more than scrap metal. The pieces of metal rain down on the two victorious bots as they returned to their cute mode when they ended their fight with a bow.*
Hime Na: And the winners of the duo dual...Hiro and Nekodomo!
*There was a mixture of cheering and disgruntled disappointment. The person went over to collect the money and the prize money, and just as the person is heading over to give the jar to Hiro... Sirens went off in the distance.*
Spector #2: Crap! The cops are here!
*The first spector grabbed a bottle of a beer and smashed it to the ground and yells out.*
Spector #1: SCATTER!
*Everyone else begins to run in different directions, desperate to avoid the cops. Hiro went to run towards a shortcut he knows when he sees the ninja-clad person stand still like a deer in headlights. They were still carrying the money in their arms as their knees shook in terror. Out of his better judgement he went back and grabbed their hand and they bolted out of there before an officer can spot them. Hiro drags the person far away from the police cars as the person could only stare at the young teen in what appears to be an awe. They were approaching a safe distance when the person tripped on a piece of loose concrete and falls on their face. Hiro picks them up and they continue to run, leaving behind a broken cat mask. Once they are in a safe place away from the cops, Hiro turns his attention to the person.*
Hiro: *wheeze* That...*Wheeze* was close...*Wheeze*...this really must be your first bot fight huh? I have to admit though, you are really...
*But Hiro's voice trails off as the person removes the hood from their head and he finally gets a good look at the person beside him. They was actually a she. And she was his age with large beautiful purple eyes and short blue hair that fluffed with elegance. And just her face is described as innocent and very cute. Cora also finally gets a good look at the boy beside her named Hiro. He was her age with large almond brown eyes, messy black hair and a tooth gap, and Cora couldn't help but think that he was very cute too. The two teens stare at each other as they felt something sparkle in their eyes..*
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Hiro: He-hey...
*Cora blushes as she looks down a little over the silent space between them. Hiro then clears his throat as he regains his state of mind.*
Hiro: A-as I was saying...You're a really good bot-fighter...
Cora: Thank you...
*They both stand up as they feel their hearts pounding heavily inside them.*
Hiro: So...Nekodomo is probably an alias right...
Cora: Yeah... but if you want to know... My name is Cora Mizichio.
Hiro: Cora...W-well my name is Hiro. Hiro Hamada that is.
*Hiro straightens his voice to be deeper to try and flirt with the cute girl, which causes Cora to giggle at his flirtation. Then Cora reaches out her hand to shake his.*
Cora: Thank you for being my partner in the bot fight...and for saving me back there.
Hiro: O-oh! It was no problem actually...
*Cora then looks at the prize money she stuffed in her bag.*
Cora: Oh right! So Hiro...do you want to split up the prize money?
*She begins to pull out the money, but in the distance Hiro sees a very familiar moped. Oh crap, Tadashi is coming!*
Hiro: Uhh... Actually, you keep it! I guess...hopefully I'll see you around again?
*Cora's face became a deep shade of red over his generosity. She expected that he would want half of the prize money, but this...this is the sweetest thing he has ever done for her, and they had only just met.*
Cora: T-thank you...I gotta go right now...but yeah, I'll see ya later... Hopefully we can team up at another bot fight again sometime?
Hiro: Y-yeah! T-that sounds great! See-see ya!
*Cora was about to run off with the money, but not before she unthinkably kisses Hiro on the cheek. Hiro blinks in shock as he watches the girl run off into the darkness as he slowly brings his hand up to his cheek with a stunned and lovestruck look on his face... At that moment, all he could think about was if this is how Prince Charming felt after Cinderella ran off from the ball when the clock stuck midnight. And that all that was missing from this moment was a glass slipper.*
Tadashi: Hiro! what are you doing out here?! Do you have any idea what time it is?!
*Hiro doesn't respond, as he's still staring off in the direction Cora ran off in with a derpy lovesick smile on his face.*
Tadashi: Hiro? Hey Hiro, are you alright?
Hiro: Hmmm...Oh hey Dashi... When did you get here?
Tadashi: *Giving Hiro a confused look, now starting to get concerned for his younger brother* I've been here for the last twenty seconds trying to figure out why your all the way out here this late at night, which by the way you still haven't answered me about yet. Are you okay though? You're acting kinda weird and you look a little flushed too. Are you starting to get sick?
Tadashi tries to place his hand on Hiro's forehead to feel his temperature, but Hiro snaps out of his newly developed lovesickness just in time to swats his hand away before he can get the chance.*
Hiro: Relax Nerd King. I'm not getting sick, I'm just...a little tired that's all... So what are we waiting for? We heading home or what?
*Tadashi just watches with concerned eyes as Hiro gets on the moped without another word and puts on his helmet. They both ride off to the Cafe in silence as Tadashi wonders what the heck happened to his brother at that bot fight?!*
*Cora climbed up the window as she quietly strips her ninja clothes and into her sleeping gown as she quietly puts the money into her father's savings. She blushes over the memory of the boy who gave her the prize money when he could have easily demanded it all. She sighs dreamily as she heads upstairs to finally sleep.*
Cora: Good night everyone...goodnight Hiro...wherever you are...
*Since then, Cora and Hiro have met up in the following four months after. They would meet up at night where they not only bot fight the other fighters, but chatted in private over their lives, interests and hobbies. Both are surprisingly similar and yet so different. Hiro talked about his life at the Cafe with his aunt and brother and their pet cat, his interest in robotics, anything that came to mind when usually he wanted nothing to do with conversations. Cora told him that she lived with her father and grandmother alone in a small house nearby his place, her love for marine biology, and how she was home-schooled her whole life. They both instantly connected when they learned that they are both genius prodigies, someone very intelligent like them. Even through their excitement and obvious feelings for each other, they never told the other in fear that they would consider it gross or reject them and thus ruin their newly formed, but already highly valued friendship. Young love at its finest.*
Kaguya: Cora, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you've seemed to be in a very good mood for a while now.
*Cora looks up from her daydreaming daze as she sees that she had not taken a bite out of her porridge.*
Kaguya: Not that it's a bad thing, it's like you have a new burst of energy that radiates inside your heart and making you glow with pure happiness.
Cora: *blushes with a small smile on her face* Well...thank you Grandmama.
*Kaguya did indeed see a big change in Cora. Her shy demeanor was slowly fading away as she became more confident over her voice, she began to sing more than usual, singing mostly love songs as she noticed, as she slightly dances with the broom while doing chores, and she has more energy in self-defense lessons with he father.*
*Across the kitchen, she hears her father talking on the phone, he was talking a manager of a job that her Dad applied for. His voice turns from soft and low to excited and booming.*
Mizuchi: Are you sure? No I will take it! Thank you very much!
*Mizuchi hangs the phone up as he lets out a joyful booming laugh.*
Mizuchi: Mother-in-law! My little Cora!
*Mizuchi runs to the kitchen where he picks up the two ladies and spins around happily.*
Cora: Did you get the job Papa?
Mizuchi: Yes!
Cora: I'm so happy for you!
*Cora hugs her father tightly as the grandmother gently pats his head in approval. He puts them down as he starts preparing for his big job coming soon. As her father prances around happily while her grandmother goes to make herself tea, Cora's heart suddenly drops as she realizes what this means...*
Cora: Oh no...what am I gonna tell Hiro?
*She only joined the bot fights so that she can support her father, and now that her father is no longer unemployed, she would have to stop going there. But that also meant she coudn't see Hiro anymore...*
Cora: I...I should tell him that this will be my last night...
*As of while, Hiro was also busy daydreaming over the blue-haired girl he had gotten close to, playing with the yolk of his eggs as leans his head to his hand.*
Tadashi: *Waving his hand over Hiro's face and than snapping his fingers trying to once again get his younger brother out of his daze* Hello? Earth to Hiro, earth to Hiro! Where are you?
*Hiro snaps out of his thoughts as he stops playing with his food. The funny side up egg glared at Hiro for destroying their friend's face.*
Tadashi: Seriously Hiro, you been acting really weird for the last few months. What's gotten into you Bro. Are you sure you're feeling alright?
Hiro: *Clears throat* Y-yeah, yeah! I'm fine Tadashi, totally fine! There's nothing to worry about at all!
*Hiro finishes his breakfast as he puts away the dirty dish. While Tadashi's eyebrows furrowed, Cass leans over and bumps his shoulder with her elbow with a wide and excited smile of her face.*
Cass: I don't know about you...but I think he's really got it bad!
Tadashi: It? What 'it?' And why does Hiro 'really got it bad'?
Cass: Oh Tadashi...don't you see? I think Hiro might be in love!
*Tadashi's eyes widened as he takes in this information his aunt told him as she hums merrily to continue working.*
Tadashi: Hiro's...in love?!...With who?!
Cass: Well obviously he's not gonna just tell us. You don't know this because you haven't found someone yet, but everyone always keeps their first love a secret, especially when it's young love! *Sighs* Our little Hiro is growing up so fast!
*After his aunt tells him this, Tadashi begins to think over Hiro's behavior ever since that night he found his brother in a daze. And the following months since then, Hiro has been much more helpful around the house and Cafe, been in a much more cheerful mood than he's usually in, constantly dazing out and daydreaming with a dopey lovesick look on his face, and if all that hadn't been odd enough, he has also been looking up information about the ocean lately with the newly developed focus on killer whales. So if what his aunt just told him did in fact ring true, along with the fact that Hiro wasn't gonna tell him about it since this was his first love and what-not, He than decided that when Hiro goes out to another bot fight, he will finally meet the young person his little brother has been seeing for the past four months.*
Tadashi: Alright Hiro, since your obviously not gonna tell me who your new little friend is, I'm just gonna have to follow you and find out myself.
*Later on, Tadashi waited for Hiro to sneak out of the house to follow him in the cover of night, determined to find out who this mysterious person that had stolen Hiro's heart.*
*Cora and Hiro are at the bot fight as a tag team where they are currently facing off a representative of Yama, a notorious Yakuza leader in San Fransokyo. They were head to head as both Cora's bot Evie and Megabot held hands as they spin fast enough to chop off the head off the bot. However the crowd didn't exactly cheer so loudly this time...The man playing against Hiro and a disguised Cora had made a bet using Yama's personal cash he made from his illegal businesses... And he just lost it to the two teens. Hiro happily accepts the money and stuffs it to his pocket.*
Hiro: Thank you very much, now lets see... who else want some?
*But then he notices Cora walking away after the bot fight, and she appeared downtrodden. Hiro stuffs the money in his pockets as he runs to catch up with Cora, all the while the loser was giving the stink eye to the two teens, and his buddies are standing behind him dangerously.*
Hiro: Hey Cora! You a...y-you heading out early? What? Did you're Dad figure out or...?
*Cora sighs as she removes the mask and hood and looks at the boy.*
Cora: Hiro...You do know that the reason I come to bot fights is to help my Dad out with money issues right?
Hiro: Yeah...?
Cora: Well, my Dad finally found a job...and since he's not so stressed out anymore and our money problems are settled out now... I can't go to the bot fights anymore...
Hiro: W-what?
*Hiro, though being a genius prodigy, is still a 13 year old boy. His thoughts were running through his head as he felt his heart begin to tremble. Cora felt her eyes grow warm as she looks at her feet.*
Hiro: Does this mean...I-I won't be able to see you anymore?
*Cora continues to stare at her feet as she does her best to hold back her tears. But before either can respond, they hear footsteps behind them, stopping as their shadows loomed over them.*
Dead Meat: Well lookie here...seems these little kids are having a little trouble...
*Hiro recognizes them as the people who lost the money that belonged to Yama, and they most likely want it back. He then turned his head to Cora who looks at the grown men with wary eyes.*
Dead Meat: Either way...I want that money back.
*The men grab Hiro and pin him to the wall where they begin to punch the boy. Cora rushes towards them and begins to try and pull the men off Hiro.*
Cora: Leave him alone!
Goon #1: Don't get involved girly.
*The man throws Cora to the ground where she injured her leg. She looks up to see the men now kicking Hiro where he fell to the ground and curled up in a ball trying to shield himself. Cora's eyes changed from fear to pure fury. She looks at the men with a low and dangerous voice.*
Cora: I said...Leave. Him. Alone!
*Tadashi finally manages to arrive at the location where the bot fight is taking place, as he stills to a halt he hears distant screaming coming from his right. His throat tightened as he fears the worst. He speeds up towards an alley, immediately getting off his moped and ready to use his karate skills to protect Hiro...What he saw was the opposite of what he expected. In front of him is a young 13 year old girl with blue hair punching the men in the face and delivers a hard kick to their groins. He then spots Hiro on the ground where he rushes to his brother's aid.*
Tadashi: Hiro! Are you alright?!
Hiro: *Groggily* I'm f-fine... just check on...C-cora...
*Tadashi raises an eyebrow before he realizes what's going on and ultimately, the identity of the person Hiro was gushing over.*
Tadashi: *Looks up at the girl who was beating the men to pulp* So..that's Cora...
*Cora finally flips them over as she breathes heavily over the bruised men.*
Cora: Now Get Lost!
*The men stand up and run with their tails behind their backs. Cora takes a few breathes before she turns around and sees a young man holding Hiro. She straightens her clothes and clasps her hands together as she recalls the pictures Hiro showed her on his phone that showed his family and the stories he told her about them.*
Cora: O-oh! Um...H-hello... My name is Cora Mizchio! I'm Hiro's Gir- uh...h-his friend! You must be Tadashi. Hiro's told me all about you.
*She gives a sheepish smile as Tadashi looks over the girl and his brother, deciding that they all need to figure out what the hell is going on.*
Tadashi: Uh, do...do you mind if we all head to the cafe?
Cora: Sure?
Tadashi: Also...we may need to call your parents...
Cora: *Suddenly looking very nervous*...Oh...
*The ringtone playing Sebonzakura loudly got Kaguya's attention as she answers.*
Kaguya: Moshi moshi...Who are you...Wait...What?! Alright. We'll be right over.
*Kaguya hangs up her phone as she heads to her Son-in-laws room and pulls off the covers.*
Kaguya: Get up stupid son-in-law! Cora is out there in the middle of the night!
*Mizuchi barely heard anything as his senses were not fully activated. He was ready to doze off when Kaguya then told him what he feared most and would most likely listen to.*
Kaguya: Cora is at a Boy's house in the middle of the night!
*That shot Mizuchi awake as he immediately runs out and gets dressed, yelling loudly on how and why is his innocent daughter doing at a boy's house in the middle of the night. Kaguya shakes her head as she mumbles to herself.*
Kaguya: ...That girl better explain herself...
*As of while Hiro, Tadashi, and Cora got inside the house where Tadashi takes them upstairs.*
Tadashi: Alright, I'm going to get some bandages for you guys, also Cora, you're grandmother and father are on their way now... Man what a night...
*Tadashi goes of to the bathroom to get the medical supplies, leaving Hiro and Cora alone...*
Cora: So... this is where you live huh?...it's cool...and the Cafe looks pretty..
Hiro: Thanks... I'll tell Aunt Cass what you said..
*After a few minutes of silence, a chubby white and calico cat walks over to the two injured teens*
Cora: *Gushing* Oh! Hey there little guy, aren't you a cutie! Is this your pet cat Hiro? The one from the pictures you showed me on your phone?
Hiro: Yep, that's Mochi alright.
Cora: Well the pictures clearly don't do him justice. He's even cuter and adorable in person!
*Mochi starts to sniff the young girl as she says this and purrs. He than jumps up and rests himself on her lap.*
Hiro: Wow, he must really like you.
Cora: *Petting Mochi* Really?
Hiro: Yeah, he usually never trusts anyone this quickly.
*However, While Mochi senses she is in fact a good person, he is more attracted to the fact that she smelled of the ocean, therefore fish and therefore food.*
*They both start petting Mochi for a moment more before Cora finally breaks the ice as she begins to laugh.*
Cora: Oh my god...I just realized something...
Hiro: What?
Cora: Hiro, just because I can't go to bot fights anymore doesn't mean I can't still see you again...
Hiro: Oh! Oh...
*The two teens begin to laugh, while unbeknownst to them Tadashi is listening to the conversation, along with Cass who woke up from the commotion, along with Cora's father and Grandmother who had just arrived and were at the moment observing the two teens from the top of the stairs. They all look at the two teens with still breaths.*
Hiro: Yeah...so much for us being teen geniuses am I right!
Cora: Yeah, after all we can see each other at other places like the movies.
Hiro: Yeah! There's also the arcade and maybe that aquarium you like so much!
Cora: Uh huh! After all, they would make some awesome dates-
*Cora stops talking as soon as she realizes what she said. Hiro looks at Cora with also wide eyes as he too blushes over Cora's words. The two teens remain silent for a while as the adults ponder what's going to happen next. Finally Cora speaks up.*
Cora: Hiro...I know this is going to be really crazy for you to hear...but when I'm with you I feel like I can do anything, like I'm not afraid of what's outside anymore... You helped me when I was scared or confused over the slightest things... What I mean to say..is...
*Cora clenches her eyes as she finally spits out her feelings.*
Cora: I really like you Hiro! As in Like you-like you...You know what, screw it! I love you Hiro!
*The adults held in their gasps as they watched the young girl who have been so quiet and demure confess her love to the boy with such a loud and unwavering voice. Silence rang for a few moments as Cora mentally prepares herself for rejection. She opens her eyes as she sees Hiro holding her hand in his, Cora blushes intensely as Hiro gathers his courage and rushes out his words.*
Hiro: I...really like you too Cora, I don't think you should really like me cause I'm a huge freaking nerd and I'm awkward and I don't really know what I'm doing or if I'm doing it right, I don't even know if I'm holding your hand right! Also you're very pretty and smart and sweet and in just these last few months we've known each other... I'm just plain crazy for you!
*Cora's face blossoms to a loving smile as she tightens her hand in Hiro's.*
Cora: But you being a nerd and awkward are two of the reasons why I like you, and to be honest I thought you wouldn't like me because compared to other girls I'm not exactly...developed is the best way I can put it...
Hiro: I... I actually don't mind that you're n-not developed. I-I mean you're still really pretty...and I don't really like girls who put way too much effort into being attractive anyway... I mean it kind of makes them look fake you know...?
Cora: Yeah...
*As they spoke they begin to lean closer, their hearts pounding as their eyes slowly close...*
Cass: Wooh! Go Hiro!
*The teens snap out of it as they realized they were watched by both of their familes.*
Hiro: W-what the heck guys! What ever happened to privacy?!
*Cass simply hugs the two together which in turn they let out cringes and soft ows. She lets go as she realizes that they have yet to be treated for their wounds.*
Cass: Oh! Sorry! Sorry! My bad! Didn't mean to hurt you two through hugging! Alrighty then! I'm...I'm gonna go make some tea! Does anyone else want tea? I'll make that tea!
*Cass leaves the room with an excited squeal while Tadashi heads over to Hiro and Cora with the bandages with a sly smile on his face.*
Tadashi: Nice job Hiro.
Hiro: *Awkwardly rubs the back of his head while blushing* Hehe...thanks...
Tadashi: Even if you did one up me by getting a girlfriend first.
*Tadashi jokingly said this as he ruffles Hiro's messy hair.*
Hiro: Dashi...
*Tadashi looks at Cora who shyly looks up at him as she swings her legs back and forth. He leans to Cora's ear as he whispers.*
Tadashi: *Whispers* Cora, whatever you did, thanks. I've never seen Hiro this happy.
Cora: *Giggles as she whispers back* Your welcome, and I'm glad he has an older brother like you to watch out for him.
*Both smiled at each other as Cora and Tadashi shook hands. Finally, Cora acknowledged her family.*
Cora: Papa! Grandmama! I know you two are here, so you can come out now!
*The sight of Mizuchi's Goliath-like stature kind of made Hiro lean towards Tadashi as the older brother keeps his cool over the massive man who is looking at Hiro with an intense stare...*
*Both boys are caught off guard as the small elder woman whacked the taller man with her cane.*
Kaguya: Stop trying to scare the poor boy Mizuchi! Cora and that boy Hiro are dating now! So you better not try to scare him or break him!
Mizuchi: But Mother-in-law! We don't know anything about hi-
Kaguya: Then take the time to get to know him better! *To Hiro* I am so sorry for my son-in-law. I assure you, he means well. But I'm afraid sometimes he can be a little too intimidating and protective of Cora for his own good. Now then, lets get a good look at you shall we.
*Kaguya than leans down to get a better look at Hiro. She looks deep into Hiro's eyes, which caused Hiro to feel a little unnerved with how intense the older woman's gaze was and wondering exactly why she felt the need to stare him in the eyes like this. When she finally stopped gazing into his eyes, something he was grateful for, She was smiling approvingly at him.*
Kaguya: Yes. Oh yes, you are a true keeper my dear boy, a true keeper indeed. Definitely perfect for our Cora, no doubt you'll treat her as the treasure she truly is.
Cora: *Looking down in embrrassment* Grandmama...
Mizuchi: But...Mother-in-law, are you sure that he's-
Kaguya: Mizuchi!... I know how you feel about all of this, but you and I both know that this was bound to happen eventually. And need I remind you, I myself was overprotective of Akemi when she first met you, but in the end I accepted the fact that you were both made for each other. Besides...it can't be helped. They obviously have true feelings for each other...they both need each other now Mizuchi...
*Both Kaguya and Mizuchi looked at each other intensely for the next few moments. Though it wasn't exactly a stare down as some people would think, it was more of a silent conversation. Hiro and Tadashi shared a glance with each other before both boys looked over to Cora hoping she could explain the situation, however Cora just shrugged looking just as confused as the boys before all three of them went back to watching the two intensely staring/silent communicating adults wondering how long this was gonna keep up. Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long as Mizuchi finally relents as he sighs heavily and runs his hand through hair.*
Mizuchi:...It really can't be helped can it... Alright Mother-in-law. I'm still not thrilled about all this...but I guess I don't really have a choice now do I?
Kaguya: You already know that answer as well as I do son-in-law.
*The three shared another confused glance with each other, still not fully understanding as to what was going on. But thankfully at that moment Aunt Cass returns to the living room with the tea cups as she finally sees Cora's family.*
Cass: Oh! You two must be Cora's Father and Granmother! Hi I'm Cass, I'm Hiro and Tadashi's aunt.
*Cora yawns loudly as she felt the sleepiness start to run to her head.*
Kaguya: I'm sorry Miss Cass, but it's pretty late now...
*Cora then speaks up.*
Cora: However that doesn't mean we can't meet up again.
*She turns to Hiro as she smiles*
Cora: Would you and your family like to come over to our house and stay over for dinner?
Kaguya: Would you like to stay over forever?
Mizuchi: Mother-in-law!
*Hiro covers his mouth to suppress his giggles before he clears his throat and faces Cora.*
Hiro: Dinner would be great.
*With that the families parted their separate ways, Cora giving a kiss on the cheek for Hiro as she gives him her phone number but not before she apologizes for what happened between her father and grandmother, still having no idea as to what that was all about. To which Hiro told her it was fine, a little weird he was willing to admit, but fine, much to her relief. As she flops into her bed, she felt like she could float on a sunbeam. She is officially in a romantic relationship with an amazing boy, someone she can relate to and talk to, someone who made her feel special. Hiro also flopped onto his bed, exhausted, but happier than he had ever been in years. He now has a girlfriend and had scored said girl's number, although Tadashi wouldn't stop teasing him about this. Like when are they gonna have their first kiss? When are they gonna get married? Could he be his best man at the wedding? He knew it embarrassed Hiro and made him freak out, which is why he did it. Hiro couldn't wait to show Cora the inventions he and Tadashi had invented over the years! Maybe he'd even share his secret stash of gummy bear with her.*
Tadashi: Hiro, get into your pj's, you can't be comfortable sleeping in your normal clothes.
*Tadashi is in his bed and ready to pass out. Hiro just groaned in response, his eyes already closed as he drifted off to sleep with the thought of Cora on his mind.*
A.N: Here is an updated one-shot of the story 'Fire and Ice Roses'. With the help of Wolfwithchuntress1314 and Thank you for following Big Hero 7 the Series and for being patient. Love you!
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ilivelikeimtrying · 4 years
Prt. 1
For most of the AUs I have for BH6 that are either in the past or where they don't hace actual futuristic tech around them, I give them different weapons.
I gave Hiro twin Chisa Katanas
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In this style, but they're modified to be whip blades.
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They stay firm when he fights but turn into whips when he hits the tips of the Katana's on the ground.
For Wasabi, I gave him Hand Claws,
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But the blades are like that of a massive Turkish Kilji Sword
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They can retract and go back like a folding chair.
Meteor Hammers for Honey Lemon
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With the choice of different end for the chains: spiky, sharp, whatever she wants. She also gets tiny or big pearl like metal marbles that have things in them and explode when thrown hard enough.
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She carries them in small pouches or strapped around her waist.
Gogo has four Ring Blades
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That can have sudden sharp ends like razor saw, she carries them on her back with a strap and wears rollerblades to move
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(Couldn't find a better picture).
That can have blades (like, real ones) on the wheels.
End of prt. 1
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ladypearl · 4 years
I was tagged by @mattikitku! Thank you, dear! <3
🐳 name: Kornelia.
🐳 nickname: I don’t have any.
🐳 zodiac sign: Gemini.
🐳 height: 1.67 m.
🐳 nationality: Polish.
🐳 languages spoken: Polish and English. 
🐳 what time is it: 19:38.
🐳 celebrity crush: Hayley Atwell and maybe Brie Larson, Lily James also comes to my mind. There are many women which I admire. 
🐳 favorite fictional character: Pearl is my all time fav character.
🐳 favorite musician: LP and Carly Rae Jepsen, I think. 
🐳 favorite sports team: I dunno. Polish volleyball team, I guess.
🐳 favorite season: Summer.
🐳 favorite flower: Forsythia. 
🐳 favorite scent: Vanilla.
🐳 favorite animal: Cat.
🐳 favorite food: Pizza.
🐳 dream car: I don’t have one. 
🐳 dream trip: I dunno.
🐳 instruments: I don’t play any instruments.
🐳 coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate.
🐳 dog or cat person: Both. Both is good.
🐳 following: 762.
🐳 followers: 370.
🐳 other blogs: I have a few - @korjanko is my writing blog, @slowclapcat is my BH6 blog.
🐳 blog established: 17 February 2014.
🐳 do you have a tumblr crush: No.
🐳 do you get asks: Sometimes.
🐳 what is your lucky number: 3.
🐳 what are you wearing right now: White t-shirt, black pants.
🐳 drink of choice: Tea with spoon of honey.
🐳 number of blankets you sleep with: One.
🐳 average sleeping hours: 8-9, I think.
🐳 random fact: I study Polish Philology. I’m currently writing my MA thesis, which is really hard at times. 
I tag @redlikeroses16, @baka77 and @anneapproves! :)
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minijenn · 5 years
What's your favorite character in all the shows/games/other you like?
I'm usually a big lover of main characters so in my main fandom my favs are:
SU: tie between Steven and Pearl
GF: Dipper
KH: Sora
Tangled: Eugene
BH6: Hiro
Owl House: Eda
LoZ: Link
And like... Those are the only shows and games and stuff i can think of off the top of my head lol
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party-of-rpg-muses · 6 years
Mun Plays Kingdom Hearts 3
............. I finished Kingdom Hearts 3... For those who may be confused, I’m not upset or disappointed. If anything... I’m surprised. Speechless.
Continuing where I left off, I took the Leviathan and sailed to Shipwreck Cove, but found myself getting intercepted by Luxord and his army of Heartlesses. For the first time, I made use of the water wall, which I had completely forgotten about and it really saved me a few times. I just barely managed to beat Luxord with only a sliver of health.
Also, one thing I forgot to mention in my last post, I thought game was going to follow the whole Never say “Die” rule. In Monsteropolis, you can hear Randal saying “Why won’t you just fail already” and in The Caribbean, Jack says “Four of you tried to annihilate me.” when the line in the movie was “Half of you tried to kill me.” So I thought they were going out of their way to not have characters say “die” or “kill” or “death”. But when Jack was traded for Will, Elizabeth did use the word “die”. I just wanted to mention that.
Now, at Shipwreck Cove, I fought against the Kraken, saving the Black Pearl from both it and the Flying Dutchman, allowing me to use the water all even more to protect myself. The fight against Davy Jones was honestly rather difficult, if mostly because of the Kraken, but I managed to win. Not only that, but I won with STYLE!
I was interested in the fact that they didn’t show Davy Jones’ heart, but I understood why they couldn’t show it. Even then, you could just faintly heart his heart beating inside the chest. I was surprised to see them keeping Will dying and even Davy Jones dying as he fell overboard. A little disappointed they didn’t include the marriage between Will and Elizabeth. I also couldn’t help but notice that Sora basically had a hand in killing a normal human being and not a Heartless or Nobody.
After that was San Fransokyo from Big Hero 6. Brief mention: Didn’t care all that much for BH6. Didn’t hate it, but found it kinda average. I’ll say this, I had tons of fun exploring the city and I was able to practice Flowmotion and get used to using it in battle. Funny thing, while out on the town with the others, I forgot the chest that held a map of the area. Like, I saw the chest and planned on getting it after taking care of the Heartless, but completely forgot about it once I was directed to the top of a nearby building, so when I had to track down the Micro-bots, I had to backtrack my steps to find that chest. But other than that, nothing was really major. I know many people would be super happy to have the original Baymax back, but I didn’t really care.
But one thing that was of interest was seeing Possessed Riku from KH1. I’ll admit, I was actually confused about how he was there, but that’s kinda par for the course with a Kingdom Hearts game.
With that done, I went to the Realm of Darkness, YAY! I had the biggest grin on my face when the best character Aqua showed up, even if she was Norted. And I still had that grin while fighting the Demon Tower as Riku. It wasn’t hard, but it did kinda take a while. Then I got to play as Sora to fight my wife Aquanort. Honestly, she was quite difficult, what with her tendency to attack while offscreen and combo Sora for some good damage. But as time passed, I started to figure her out. But I managed to beat her. I want to bring up my theory again and as it turned out, my theory was half-right.
I couldn’t help but shed a tear when Aqua realized she was finally free from the Realm of Darkness, but I couldn’t help but wonder how she lost her Keyblade, but I think they might have been explained in a previous game that I didn’t play, but whatever. I also grinned when I saw Aqua return Castle Oblivion back to the Land of Departure. I grinned even more when I saw how beautiful the inside was, especially when compared to what little was shown in BbS. It feels much bigger than in that game and even more regal.
And I was SO excited to play as Aqua after so long and I was able to take to playing her almost instantly. And I LOVED the new animation for Spellweaver; the way she pirouettes and performs like a graceful ballerina is beyond graceful! Fighting Vanitas wasn’t too difficult, since he pretty much acted the same way as in BbS. I managed to beat him and I was SO happy to see Ventus finally wake up! And the way Aqua and Ven treated each other was adorable, much like an older sister and younger brother. I do wish Ven and Sora could connect a bit more, but I guess there were more pressing matters.
And in the cutscene after, I enjoyed Aqua remembering Kairi and Sora from when they were kids. Of course Sora and Kairi wouldn’t remember meeting her, since they were only children and it was a long time ago. And yay! Axel/Lea and Ventus still remembered each other and they’re still close friends!
After that, I went straight to the Keyblade Graveyard. My blood was pumping during that massive battle against the Heartless and Nobodies, which I called the Battle of A Million Heartless and Nobodies. It was tons of fun laying waste to countless enemies one after the other and once it was done, I continued onward.
While I was happy to see Terra, I instantly knew things weren’t right. Why would Terra just suddenly be there and unpossessed? What followed was the gang getting destroyed one by one while Sora was left in despair as the Demon Tide claimed him. I enjoyed seeing the Chirithy (I don’t know much about the other games, but I know he belongs to Ventus, so there’s that.) It was fun collecting all the different Soras and interesting seeing other people who found themselves in the Final World, clinging on the something in the real world. And going through all the other previous worlds was kinda fun, but the Lich quickly became a pain, what with his Aero magic and leaving behind afterimages that Sora sometimes focuses on, leaving me unable to get away in time. But I managed to get them all. Still confused as to how everyone was seemingly warped back in time to before Terranort and the Demon Tide attacked.
But this time, I was excited to see the Lingering Will return and protect Aqua and Ven. And even pull off these insane moves with its Keyblade that I had no idea it could do. I didn’t fight it in KH2, so yeah... And as for the Demon Tide fight, I was doing... decently until later in the fight. I got combo’d so badly, not even the Kupo Coin could help me and I got a game over. When I tried again, I learned I could damage the core while the tornado is spinning, just not when it turns orange. I eventually managed to win, which then brought one of the coolest moments in the game up!
The Keyblades of the fallen warriors came to Sora’s aid to help him against the swarm of darkness. And not the Keyblades of any fallen warriors, but the people who actually played Kingdom Hearts χ! There were so many names and so many Keyblades being used! And I want to say this; for those who lost their lives in the Keyblade War, I thank you. Your hearts may now rest and be at peace. Light shall prevail.
After that, found myself in Xehanort’s maze, deciding to help Riku against Young Riku, Ansem, and Xigbar. By accident, I focused on Ansem until he ran away, leaving only Young Riku and Xigbar. I focused on Xigbar, since he was always a bit of a pain; both in KH2 and BbS. But thanks to Sora’s amazing aerial combat skills, he wasn’t all that difficult. Young Riku, however, was a bit harder and rather aggressive. But I managed to win. After that, I helped Mickey out against Xemnas, Larxene, Luxord, and Marluxia. I ended up targeting Larxene, but after a few hits, Xemnas left the battle and Luxord captured Mickey, so I focused on Luxord and defeated him first before turning my attention toward Larxene. Once she fell, Marluxia was next.
Later, I decided to help Kairi and Axel with Saïx and a mysterious hooded figure. I focused on Saïx until his Berserk meter filled up, triggering another cutscene. Xemnas managed to defeat Axel (and somehow(?) took his Keyblade away) before having the hooded figure attempt to kill him. I had my guess, but I was so happy to see I was right! Xion is a vessel! Sure, she hasn’t been Norted with the orange eyes and white hair, but she was one of Xehanort’s Organization XIII. I was even happier to see her come around. And happier still with Roxas suddenly appeared to help his friends while Kairi was kidnapped. With Xion and Roxas, I was able to defeat Saïx almost easily. I then went to help Aqua and Ven against Vanitas and Terranort. I focused on Vanitas because he’s kind of a massive jerk and I wanted to see how Sora would react to seeing Vanitas’ face. It was nice to see Ven act so mature towards Vanitas and I was expecting him to accept Vanitas as a part of himself and absorb him back into his body. But honestly, this is fine too.
After Vanitas, I focused Terranort. I was really struggling when he brought the Guardian out and I couldn’t seem to do anything. No way to damage it and no way to avoid it, but I managed to survive. Terranort fell shortly thereafter, since he also got caught in the crossfire against Vanitas. I was surprised to see the Guardian resist Terranort, only to find that the Heartless in question was Terra himself, successfully driving Xehanort’s heart out of his body and reclaiming it as his own.
I then turned my attention to the Xehanorts. I focused on Young Xehanort, managing to defeat him despite having to also deal with Ansem and Xemnas. Once Young Xehanort was defeated, I felled Ansem, followed by Xemnas. My heart stopped when Master Xehanort up and killed Kairi and my jaw dropped when I saw the old man actually stop ULTIMA, AKA THE ULTIMATE MAGIC SPELL with Stopza!
I went into Xehanort’s heart (I think) and entered Scala ad Caelum. I struggled heavily against the masked enemies. Even Rage Mode could only help so much and I eventually got a game over. When I tried again, I wised up to some of their tricks and eventually managed to beat them.
Next cama Armored Xehanort... I barely knew what I was doing during the first phase, struggling to find my footing, but managed to beat the first phase, even making use of Flowmotion attacks. In the second phase, underwater, I was more cautious, since I was out of items. I also bought an Elixir earlier on to use in a desperate situation. I used it during that phase, so... yeah. At times, I would just run away and try to survive until Donald was either revived and healed Sora or my MP was filled again so I could use Curaga. I eventually managed to win as the third phase started.
Almost instantly, I was blindsided and instantly defeated, since I didn’t have time to heal. Now, during the entire fight, I feared that if I died, I would have to go through the whole fight again, but thankfully, I was just sent back to the start of the third phase. I managed to deal good damage and ALMOST WON but thanks to some bad luck, I lost... Rage Mode helped me out a bit. And for the third attempt, I FINALLY managed to win!
Then came the battle against Master Xehanort himself! Honestly, it was much more managable compared to the others and nowhere near as stressful. I did quite well until he summoned Kingdom Hearts, making for a great backdrop. I still fought against him quite well until he took Sora’s light, forcing him into Rage Mode. I wasn’t expecting it, so it took me a while to recover, but when I did, I managed to take back Sora’s light... and found myself in a grey area with the Organization XIII chairs surrounding the area. I was assaulted by hooded figures with weapons of the Organization XIII and barely managed to even gain a footing, let alone heal. And there were the massive lasers. But I managed to heal and hold my own until returning back to the battlefield.
Once the battle restarted, I returned to fighting Xehanort, eventually getting him down to trigger the ending. But he easily deflected Sora’s Ray of Light and countered with his “Ray of Darkness”. And during the struggle, I couldn’t help but notice a different version of Dearly Beloved. This truly was something major! And thanks to the power of friendship, Xehanort was defeated!
And with that, I BEAT THE GAME!!! I watched the ending cutscenes, Xehanort and Eraqus becoming friends again as their hearts pass on. And I liked how Xehanort acted at the end too. I was hoping that Sora could finally return home to see his mom after so many years, but with Kairi missing, Sora went on a journey by himself to search for her while everyone else went back home. AND Naminé is back too! During the absolute final cutscene before the credits, I thought that Sora had found Kairi and they were returning to greet everyone, but it seems Sora was gone somewhere, leaving Kairi alone, despite being with her friends.
And for the after-credits scene? Well... I won’t say~ But I’ll say this, my jaw dropped, since it revealed MASSIVE things! Some characters will be returning, but I won’t say who. I’ll also say this; the end of the beginning and the beginning brings about the end.
I look forward to the next game! Also, my total game time? 25 hours. Yes, if given enough time, I could start and finish the game in a single day, with an extra hour. Honestly, I’m a little disappointed that there were only 2 returning worlds: Pirates of the Caribbeans and Hercules. Sure, the new worlds are great, but still. And the number of worlds overall is disappointing. So few Disney worlds and all of the worlds don’t give much. Winnie the Pooh can easily be finished in a few minutes while the Disney worlds take about an hour or two to finish. But I guess they wanted to focus a bit more on story and wrapping things up. Still, the game felt short overall. I also hope that Final Fantasy characters make a return in a later game. I’m still bothered by the fact that they removed Final Fantasy characters, who have been present in every KH game since the first, 17 years ago! Again, oh well. Overall, I had fun playing the game and really enjoyed KH3!
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ajani · 7 years
like a post i saw was saying ace ppl were bad for hcing pearl, dumbledore, sheldon, and Hiro from Bh6 (i think thats his name?) as ace bc they are lesbian, gay, autistic, and a kid but like uh
i have a friend whose an autistic ace lesbian.... i have a friend whose gay and ace... I considered myself ace as a kid because I didn’t really find girls or guys cute at all and my peers definitely did and tried the whole “oh what girl would you date” shit with me and it was annoying as hell. Like... those exist.... 
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yo-namine · 6 years
More KH3 talk, this time with spoilers from the last Disney worlds through the end of the game.
So as for Disney worlds:
I never thought I’d say this, but I think the Caribbean is my favorite world in this game. I mean it: Square seriously went all out to redeem the PotC world. I loved the ship battles (once I got the hang of them), exploring the sea, hunting for crabs and treasures, swimming in deep waters, and especially my ship. I love the Leviathan so much. I was actually so afraid that I wouldn’t get to sail her again after she dissolved into crabs at the world’s conclusion, but when you revisit, she’s there waiting for you! I just. 💖💖💖 I love that boat.
The boss battles for the Caribbean were great, too! The flying dragon one actually reminded me a bit of Phalanx in Shadow of the Colossus, only much less frustrating. And I liked rescuing the Pearl from the Dutchman and the Kraken (which was still alive for some reason?). Davy Jones was a bit of a pushover, but I still liked that I got to fight him.
The negotiation scene with Jack and Becket took me right the fuck out, though. Like I know this series has plenty of moments that just bowl you over with how truly bizarre KH is as a concept, but it still gets to me sometimes. LIke… I was talking to Donald Duck not three seconds ago, and now I’m watching hyper-realistic Jack and Becket talk trade-offs and sip wine, and it is all played completely 100% straight. The whiplash is just… It’s a lot.
Luxord is defeated by Jack’s stank breath fskfjldsj Guys, PLEASE just let the Disney characters take care of the 13 Darknesses. We’ll be in and out of the Keyblade Graveyard in like ten minutes max.
I found San Fransokyo a little underwhelming, especially after the Caribbean (which I think would’ve been a better choice for the final movie world). You just go to the garage and then the city, and that’s… kind of it. The city’s gorgeous at night, and it can be fun to explore with the flowmotion mechanics, and the scene where BH6 is inspired by Sora’s moves was great, but otherwise… It’s just alright. I think I just prefer the worlds where I get to explore nature (like Corona and Arendelle) to the more modern ones (like here and Monstropolis). Also, I didn’t care for the addition of time travelling Riku to Team Nort. That just felt unnecessary and annoying.
Okay, the last, I dunno, six or so hours of this game kicked my ass. I mean, holy shit, you leave the final movie world and just hit the ground running from there.
Normally when I’m writing up my thoughts for playthroughs, I’ll play then pause to bullet point a few thoughts real quick, then get right back to the game. But I barely did any of that once Sora reached the RoD because I was just so overwhelmed by basically EVERYTHING that happened. I don’t have many notes from after that point, so I’m gonna have to go off my memory here:
So I triggered the pirate ship during the Anti-Aqua fight, and she got stuck ping-ponging between the front and back of the ship for about 30 seconds. It kind of... killed the seriousness of that battle, lmao. I could’ve just not triggered it ofc, but I think it would’ve been a good idea to disable the attraction flow mechanics for certain battles. Anyway, Aqua is saved! And her scene on Destiny Islands was so sweet. It was really cute how Donald just hugged her and then everyone else joined in. My heart. <3
I loved seeing Demyx and Even interact. Also, I CAN’T BELIEVE this game had a Demyx Time reference, lmao. Who in the writers’ room thought to throw that in?
I’ve never been super invested in the apprentices’ storyline in canon, but I like that it was resolved somewhat in this game. Ansem and Even want to atone for their past, so they both sort of find a way to do so by using the replica research for good. Also, it was sweet seeing Dilan trying not to cry, and Aeleus putting a hand on his shoulder. 
Castle Oblivion turning back into the Land of Departure was a beautiful scene. I loved all the little clockwork sounds. <3 And I took so many selfies with Aqua in the castle hallway, lol. I don’t think she has any reactions to the camera, though, which was a little disappointing.
I’m so glad Aqua got to take on Vanitas instead of Sora. And I loved her reunion with Ven. <3
Aqua recognized Kairi! Thank God for that, I thought that scene in BBS would get brushed aside. And I loved Axel’s reaction to seeing Ven for the first time, like “Great, now I gotta give Roxas another identity crisis when all this shit is over.” His comment on everyone apparently already knowing everyone else was funny, too. 
I like that Jiminy shows up and tells everyone he downloaded the KH wikia app to all their phones. I was hoping this would lead to phone shenanigans, like the guardians all sending selfies to each other or something, but nope. I guess it was just to make it clear that all the characters will be up to speed by the time we get to the last world.
Kairi says Naminé is safe with her, aww.
Okay, I laughed at Sora and Kairi looking off to see Riku sitting on the beach alone. Like I know he wanted to be by himself and everything, but still.  It made me think too much of that scene in Parks & Rec where Donna and Tom see Ben sitting alone on a bench and eating soup, lmao. I’m kind of torn on how that scene played out, though. On the one hand, I would’ve liked the three of them to share a paopu together, but on the other… That was always Sora and Kairi’s thing, y’know? Sora and Riku have plenty of things they’ve shared through the series (keyblades, battles, entire storylines), so I’m fine with Sora and Kairi having this one thing that’s just between them. I just wish there was something special shared between Riku and Kairi, too. 
Right, so apparently this girl that Ansem SoD was talking about was also a friend of Lea and Isa when they were kids, so it definitely isn’t Kairi. I don’t think it’s ever revealed in the main story just who this kid is (unless she’s the star Sora talks to later in the Final World? Hm.). 
One of the very few notes I have for the game post-RoD just says “fuck the final gummi mission” lmfao. That was literally the only place in the entire game where I actually got stuck.
Aaaand this is where I’m gonna stop my notes for now. A LOT happens once you hit the Keyblade Graveyard, and I want to make sure I get everything, so I’ll save that for another post.
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Entering Taiwan: nationals vs non-citizens.
I got this idea after seeing how Taiwan has also implemented an e-Gate system for its citizens upon arriving last Saturday.
Note: I just found out that US citizens are actually also allowed to use the e-Gate along with citizens of South Korea, Australia, Italy and Germany, so technically the nerd gang won't have to go through all that trouble. But I didn't know that until after I finished drawing this. Maybe the nerds will know the next time they tag along with Hardy the next time she flies home...
Chinese dialogue + bonus sketch:
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pitviperofdoom · 8 years
BH6/ROTG: A Friend in the Dark, 22/23
Title: A Friend in the Dark
Summary: Callaghan is behind bars, but Tadashi’s work is far from over. The Man in the Moon thrust him into this position for a reason but failed to let him know what that reason was, and once again he finds himself muddling along for answers as Nightmares run rampant through the streets. But it takes more than fire and magic to make a Guardian, and when a new (yet old) threat threatens those that Tadashi holds dear, he comes to understand just what he is capable of, and what it means for everyone he loves. (Sequel to Lighting Candles)
This fic now has a tv tropes page!
Chapter 22: Forgiveness is Optional
Hiro had lost track of time. It may as well have been a year since Tadashi had left them in the Tea Garden’s shrine.
Without his armor, Baymax was deactivated, and Hiro crouched by his deflated body as the battle raged on. His friends were around him, holding off the swarm with the help of the Easter Bunny. Beyond them, battling the bulk of the nightmares on the front lines, were the rest of the Guardians.
The rabbit was in a foul temper. Over the din of battle, Hiro could still hear him cursing as he fought, loudly enough that even his exploding eggs couldn’t drown him out. Honey was closest to him, hurling chem balls like their lives depended on it, and even she was giving him a wide berth.
Hiro couldn’t blame him for his mood. “Buy me time” wasn’t a lot to go on, and the Easter Bunny didn’t strike him as the patient type.
He couldn’t help but wonder exactly what Tadashi was planning on doing. His explanation had been frustratingly vague and directed at Jack Frost. Whatever it was, Jack hadn’t been happy about it, nor had he seemed to think the others would be happy about it either. That didn’t bode well for their chances of success.
Without Baymax, Hiro could only sit at the very back of the shrine where the nightmares hadn’t reached, watch the battle, and call out whatever verbal directions and advice he could. Baymax’s chip—the hoshi no tama—his brother’s soul—was warm in his hand and pulsing softly with light. He braced himself, hoping against hope that Tadashi would return.
There came a sound like rolling thunder.
Except it wasn’t thunder, Hiro realized. It was the sound of hooves, dozens if not hundreds of hooves. He raised his head, still clutching the hoshi no tama, and looked around for the source. It was hard to tell.
As the sound rose, there was almost a lull in the fighting. The nightmare swarm slowed and shifted as if surprised. Somewhere at its heart was Professor Callaghan, though Hiro couldn’t be sure what he was thinking, or how much thinking he could even do at this point.
“Is that the cavalry?” Fred asked with weary hope.
“No,” The Easter Bunny pushed past them, a boomerang held in either paw, his eyes narrowed and fixed on the surrounding trees to the left as they faced the direction of the shrine entrance. “Nightmares.”
“What do you mean, Nightmares?” Wasabi groaned. “More of them?”
“They’ve never sounded like that before,” Honey remarked.
The rabbit swore again, and Aunt Cass would have taken Hiro’s video game privileges for a month if he ever used language like that. “He’s back,” he said. “The bastard’s back—damn it, Tadashi, where the blazes are you?”
The swarm roiled, galvanized into action, and seemed to brace itself. A split second later, it rushed forward like an ink-black tsunami. Hiro tensed, squeezing the chip until his fingertips went numb.
The storm of hooves rose in volume, and the dark garden lit up as bright as day, just for a moment. Blinding orange and yellow dazzled Hiro, as a wildfire in the vague shape of a fox appeared out of the night and came racing into the midst of the battle. Flaming jaws stretched wide, showing embers for teeth and a bright tongue of flame, and the blinding creature plunged into the swarm until it writhed and screamed in the painful light.
At the heels of the fox came the horses.
There weren’t dozens of them. Maybe there weren’t even hundreds of them. It seemed to Hiro like there were thousands—dark equine shapes, flowing in the wake of the fox. Their eyes glowed ghostly white, their hooves pounded the ground, and they pranced and reared and galloped into the swarm.
Hiro watched, slackjawed and speechless, as the familiar red-gold shape of a fox—a normal one this time, not the fiery monster from just seconds before—came leaping out of the dark and back into their midst. Behind him, one of the horses broke free of the dark herd and trotted to catch up.
This horse was different from the rest; it had a rider.
The rabbit let loose a thunderous battle cry and sprang forward, eyes fixed on the horse and its rider. But Tadashi sprang in his path, shifting smoothly from fox to human. Hiro’s heart leapt.
“Wait!” Tadashi yelled, holding both hands out in front of him. “Wait-wait-wait! He’s here to help!”
“Are you—” The rabbit skidded to a halt in front of him, boomerangs gripped in his paws. “—BLOODY JOKING?!”
“No.” Tadashi stood his ground, unflinching. “He’s here for what’s his. You and I both know we can’t kill all these things, and the only one who can control them is him.”
“Control them!” the rabbit roared. “He’ll control them, all right! He’ll control them right around to kill us is what he’ll—”
“We don’t have time for this,” Tadashi interrupted. “The Man in the Moon told me to do this.”
The rabbit had been in the middle of taking a breath, ready to continue his tirade, but the moment Tadashi said those words, he went silent.
Up on the horse, the tall, dark rider snorted with laughter. “So that’s what it takes to shut the rabbit’s mouth, is it?”
Tadashi shot a glare over his shoulder at him.
“Are you taking the piss right now?” the rabbit asked.
“Nope. Pitch, play nice.” Tadashi walked past the Easter Bunny and was immediately hug-tackled from one side by Fred, and from the other by Honey. “Ow.”
“You’re back!” Honey’s voice was slightly muffled. She pulled back. “What happens now?”
“Now, we finish this,” Tadashi replied. “I’m sorry you all got dragged into this, guys.”
That was when Hiro found his voice. “Hey, don’t be sorry,” he said sharply, darting forward to join them. “If we hadn’t gotten dragged into this, we never would’ve found you.”
“He’s got a point,” Wasabi added. His fingers twiddled, and he shot a few nervous glances at the figure on the horse. “So, uh…”
“Wanna tell us about Tall Dark and Creepy over there?” Gogo asked dryly. The figure’s head turned, and yellow eyes flashed in the dark. Gogo glared back.
“That’s… kind of the bogeyman,” Tadashi said awkwardly. “I mean, not kind of. That’s the bogeyman.”
“What,” Gogo said flatly.
“You mean—like, the bogeyman bogeyman?” Wasabi said. “As in, hides under beds, eats kids? Isn’t he like the bad guy?”
“That’s what I said!” the rabbit yelled.
“It’s complicated and involves the goddess of the moon and we really don’t have time to go through all the details,” Tadashi answered, somehow all in one breath. “I promise I’ll explain everything—” He glanced back to look at the rabbit as he said this. “But right now…”
Hiro pressed the chip back into his hand.
As the object passed from Hiro back to Tadashi, it changed again. The golden pearl sat in Tadashi’s palm, and for a moment it looked as if his eyes were glowing even brighter.
“Do what you need to do,” Hiro told him, locking eyes with his brother. “Just make sure you come back, got it?”
Tadashi pulled him into another tight hug. Hiro’s nose filled with the smell of smoke and burning. “Got it.”
With his hoshi no tama in hand, Tadashi walked back to where Pitch sat astride his horse. The rest of the nightmares (night-mares, haha. ha) were galloping through the swarm, hooves flailing as they corralled the rebelling shadows. More than a few of them had turned gold, converted from nightmares to pleasant dreams by the Sandman’s powers. Tadashi wondered if Pitch would be offended, and then stopped wondering when he decided that he didn’t really care.
“I can sense him,” Pitch said, watching the swarm from his perch. “Poor little human, getting caught up in all this. They might eat him when they’re done with him.”
“Can you not,” Tadashi said.
“The thought frightens you. It’s in my nature.” Pitch turned to him and smiled. “Shall we, little fox?”
Tadashi glanced up at him and was struck by the sight. His eyes glowed, and spectral light shone from within his mouth, turning his face to a jack o’lantern. Sitting on a dark horse, surrounded by the thunder of hooves, the Nightmare King reminded Tadashi of stories he had heard, tales from European mythologies about the Wild Hunt. He wondered if the Wild Hunt was real, or if Pitch hadn’t been the one to inspire those stories.
He squeezed the ball in his hand, and the world around him grew as he became a fox again. His tail curled around the ball with a dexterity that normal fox tails probably didn’t have, but it kept his paws and his mouth free.
Fur prickling with tension, he looked back at the Nightmare King and spoke with perfect clarity.
“Let’s,” he said.
In this form, he was small and quick enough to keep pace with Pitch’s horse. The nightmare swarm, still a shapeless, writhing mass of darkness, rose up to meet them. Pitch’s nightmares closed in, herding it from all sides, forcing it into a single path. The path led them straight to Pitch’s outstretched hand.
There was no hesitance this time. There may still have been fear, but Tadashi doubted that Pitch would admit it later. He let fire blaze from his fur as they charged in. The darkness roared around them like some great beast trying to swallow them whole. But instead of prey, the nightmares found a predator and a king.
At Pitch’s touch, the swarm hissed and writhed, fighting against the bridles and reins he was forcing back upon them. But eventually, the swarm began to settle and separate, and more horses joined the herd.
There was a flash of silver in the dark. North came barreling in with a roar, swords flashing as he charged toward Pitch. Whipping in close, Tadashi sprang.
“Wait!” he yelled. He landed front paws first on North’s chest, interrupting his attack long enough for Pitch to swerve his horse around him and continue. “Sorry! I’ll explain later!” He sprang again, clambering swiftly from North’s chest and over his head, before leaping over him and racing onward.
He caught up to Pitch just in time to hear the Tooth Fairy’s battle cry as she flew at the Nightmare King with wings buzzing. This time, there was no need for him to intervene; Jack appeared beside her, blocking her path gently with his staff. Toothiana whirled around, astonished and ready to rail at him, but Tadashi didn’t pause to listen to them argue, and neither did Pitch.
They were almost to the heart of the swarm. Pitch’s nightmares thundered around them, filling the air with ghostly whinnying.
There was a blur of bright gold, too fast and sudden for Tadashi to react. It cannoned into Pitch, knocking him from his horse and bearing him to the ground. Pitch landed with a cry and skidded to a halt on his back. Tadashi whipped around and ran back to them, bristling.
The Sandman stood on Pitch’s chest, the air around him swirling with golden dust. In one hand, the dream sand had coalesced into the form of a glowing sword. With an ease that belied his small size, the Sandman lowered the point to rest beneath Pitch’s chin. As Tadashi crept around to look at his face, he saw the little Guardian’s amber eyes blazing with fury.
Pitch was breathing in short, quiet spurts, keeping as still as he could manage. “You’re making a mistake,” he began, but stopped when the tip of the sword pressed harder against his throat. The Nightmare King twisted his head carefully until his pale eyes found Tadashi’s face. “Well? Care to explain things to him?”
The Sandman looked up, eyes narrowing in confusion. Tadashi paused, about to change back and try to call the Guardian off, but stopped.
He may not have been here when it happened, but he knew what sort of grudge the Sandman would carry. This wasn’t the sort of quarrel Tadashi could fix himself.
It was funny—for all his criticism of the Woman in the Moon, he could sort of understand where she was coming from now—sometimes, telling them the answer defeated the whole point of it. And Tadashi had a very strong feeling, against his better judgment, that if he told Pitch exactly what he needed to do, it would only cheapen it.
So instead, he seated himself, looked back at Pitch, poured as much cold reproof as he could into a single stare, and jerked his head toward the Sandman. Well? We’re waiting, he said without words.
For a moment he wasn’t sure that Pitch would catch his meaning. But then the bogeyman blinked, glared at him, and managed to heave a resigned sigh in spite of the Guardian standing on his torso. He turned away from the fox and stared back up into the face of the Guardian of Dreams.
“We have been enemies for a great many ages,” he said. The Sandman blinked, eyes narrowing in confusion. “We’ve fought over the same domain, we two. Have we not?”
The Sandman glared at him.
“I don’t particularly like you, Sandman,” Pitch went on. “And there are many things I am angry about, and I stand by my own anger. But you were never the cause of any of them. You have never particularly wronged me.” The Sandman blinked again. Pitch’s jaw clenched for a moment before he continued. “I, on the other hand, have wronged you. I killed you less than a lifetime ago. And for whatever it’s worth to you…” Pitch’s mouth tightened, and he shut his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
The Sandman’s sword burst apart. The little Guardian’s eyes widened in astonishment, and he reeled back. Not one to take a chance for granted, Pitch got to his feet again swiftly.
Tadashi stood up again. “There,” he said, hiding his relief. “Was that so hard?”
“Like pulling teeth,” Pitch said acidly. His eyes flickered back to where the Tooth Fairy hovered, watching in speechless shock. “No offense, darling.”
Toothiana ignored him. “Tadashi?” she called. Her sword was lowered to her side but nonetheless at the ready.
“It’s fine if you can’t trust him,” he replied. “I don’t blame you, and you don’t have to yet. For now, just trust me.”
Her mouth tensed, and she nodded. “Okay.” She shot another quick glare at Pitch, and pointed her blade toward him. “You lay a hand on him, and you answer to us, Bogeyman.”
Pitch mounted his horse again. “Noted. Shall we, fox?”
They ran on, and reached the entrance to the shrine. Here they slowed, and the shadows grew so thick that it was nearly impossible to see the garden beyond them, except for vague shapes of trees and posts. Pitch brought his mount to a halt and pointed to the heart of the swarm.
“He’ll be in there. How would you like to do this?”
“What’s the safest way?” Tadashi asked.
“That’s an awfully loaded question,” Pitch drawled. “Do you mean the quickest? The easiest?”
“I mean the safest,” Tadashi gritted out.
“For him or for us?”
“For him.” If nothing else, dealing with Pitch was letting him get in some good practice at keeping his patience. He’d let that skill fall somewhat to the wayside since Hiro stopped being able to see him.
“Ah. Well. I suppose one of us would have to go in and convince him to come out.”
Tadashi looked at him sharply. “Would that work?”
“If there’s enough of him left in his head to make that decision, then I suppose so,” Pitch replied. “It’ll be easier to pull him free if he doesn’t hang like a dead weight, is all.”
“What will you be doing?” Tadashi asked.
“Exactly what I came here to do.” Pitch cast a glance at the shadows surrounding them, eyes gleaming. “Taking back what is mine.”
“What happens if this doesn’t work?” Tadashi asked.
“Then we have two choices,” Pitch said. “Either we force him out, which at this point will probably be a great enough shock to kill him, or these nightmares milk him for everything he has, and devour everything they can reach.” He paused. “They go for the weak ones first. How fast do you think you can get back to your brother?”
Tadashi bristled and bared his teeth. “Well all right then,” he muttered. His form flickered, and he stood up on two human legs once more. “Wish me luck.”
“I trust you won’t need it,” Pitch said dryly.
Tadashi didn’t even grace that with a reply before he stepped forward into where the Nightmares were thickest.
After two steps, the ground beneath him disappeared, and he felt himself fall. The world had vanished to darkness, and he plummeted with scarcely an idea of which end was up.
It’s just a dream, he realized before he had the chance to panic. He let himself fall.
He landed in a familiar place—the docks by the waterfront. Microbots raced along in a wave, herding a small blue van along as it swerved and screeched to escape. But it was to no avail—the microbots, and the dark figure controlling them, forced the vehicle over the edge, where it plunged into the water and sank.
They did nothing wrong.
Only children, all of them.
You failed to kill them, but what matters is that you tried.
The world fell away again, and so did Tadashi.
He landed in the testing facility on akuma island, just as Abigail’s pod disappeared and everything went wrong. He watched as the machines malfunctioned, the scientists descended to a panic, the portals dragged in everything within reach, and finally Alistair Krei desperately deactivated them. The portals went dead, with Abigail inside, and Callaghan raged and screamed and clawed at Krei’s eyes, ready to tear him apart with his bare hands.
You lost her he killed her she vanished
You are alone
She came back but not to you.
You are alone.
He saw the portals again—not in the testing facility, but out in daylight, pulling Krei’s newly-built facility into oblivion. He saw Callaghan defeated and the building destroyed, he saw Hiro and Baymax fly in and Hiro and Abigail fly out, and the portal went dead once more. All was in ruin. All was silent.
She was alive, you could have saved her.
All for nothing.
It was
Tadashi fell into fire again. But it did not blind him anymore. Flames licked him, trying to burn, but they failed. He breathed in smoke and ash and blistering air, and breathed it all out again.
You murdered him.
He called for you, he begged you.
He came to save you.
And you killed him.
He died screaming.
He died crying.
And you left him
all alone.
Just like you.
Tadashi walked. There would be no more falling from here. There were no nightmares deeper than this one. He walked, and the flames parted, and the shadows rose, but he walked on through the fire and heat.
This was his death. He had lived it and died it, he had seen it more times than a single soul should have to. It would try to hurt him again, and perhaps it would succeed. But he could fight back and fail and fight again and keep fighting for as long as he needed.
A scream rent the air, and Tadashi recognized his own voice. Somewhere in his mind, he could feel anger—but it was distant, as dim as a voice shouting from the bottom of a well. He walked, and followed the sound of his own dying cries.
At the center of the inferno, he found himself buried in rubble and screaming as he burned. Beyond, silhouetted in fire, Callaghan stood frozen and still. He was at the epicenter of the nightmare, trapped in fire and darkness and sickly-sweet guilt.
And Tadashi stopped in the flames and whispered, “Enough.”
It did not make sense, for a whisper to drown out a scream, but things rarely make sense in dreams. The screaming stopped, and when Tadashi stepped close enough, his dying self vanished from the vision as if making way for the real thing.
Tadashi stepped forward again, and again, until he stood in front of Callaghan.
His professor stared through him without seeing him, eyes still fixed on the ground where his body had lain. Even when Tadashi reached out to touch him, to lay a hand on his shoulder, he didn’t move. If he got it into his head to attack Callaghan, to wring his neck or push him into the flames, Tadashi doubted he would have resisted.
It was probably a good thing, then, that he wasn’t here for anything like that.
“Callaghan,” he said. His former mentor did not reply, and gave no indication that he had heard him at all. “Professor. This is all a bad dream.” His hand tightened on Callaghan’s shoulder. “It’s time to wake up, Professor. You need to stop this.”
The whisper came to him through the roar of flames.
“I can’t,” Callaghan murmured. “This is what I deserve.”
“Maybe so,” Tadashi said. “But no one else does.” He moved closer, forcing himself into Callaghan’s line of vision. “Come with me. You have to fight this. You have to fight them.”
“I can’t.”
“You can.” Tadashi’s voice rose. “I saw those other dreams, Callaghan. You feel guilty for everything you did. For hurting my brother, my friends. And that’s why you need to get out, Callaghan! If you don’t, they’ll use you to hurt them again!” He shook Callaghan lightly by the shoulders. “You remember them, don’t you? Honey Lemon and Gogo? Wasabi? Fred?” Callaghan’s face never changed. “Hiro? Damn it, Callaghan, you’ve already taken so much from him!”
Callaghan met his eyes. “And that is why,” he whispered. “I deserve this. You of all people know that, Tadashi.”
“I’m trying to save you!” Tadashi shouted, and the flames around them roared.
“I don’t want to be saved.”
“Tough!” Would it help to hit him? Tadashi doubted it. “Just wake up! If you want to be punished so bad, then you can go back to jail! But right now, those things are using you to hurt kids! Doesn’t that matter to you?”
“I can’t,” Callaghan whispered. “I can’t fight them. They’ll kill her if I fight. Or maybe they’ll kill her if I don’t fight. I don’t know anymore.”
“They won’t,” Tadashi gritted out through clenched teeth. “I promise, they won’t. We’ll stop them. But I can’t do that if you don’t fight them.”
“I’m not strong enough,” Callaghan told him. “And Tadashi, I’ve lost everything. It’s my fault—it’s my fault. I killed you, and it’s my fault and that’s why I deserve this—”
His eyes stung, and he thought it was the fire until he felt tears trickle down his face. His chest twisted like a wrung-out washcloth, but it wasn’t sadness, and it wasn’t compassion, and it wasn’t fear. He burned with anger beneath his skin, and he released Callaghan’s shoulders to grasp him by the front of his shirt and yank him forward.
“You’re a coward,” he hissed, as tears scalded their way down his face. “You’re a coward! You talk about what you deserve, like you’re doing this to make up for what you did, like—like you think you’re making amends or making things square. Well, you’re not! You’re hiding! You know why the nightmares are eating you? Because you’re too scared to go back to the real world and face what you did, because this—” He nodded to the fire surrounding them. “This is not facing it. This is wallowing in it, and I did not come this far to listen to you moan and whine about how bad you feel! Well you know what? I feel bad too! But I’m trying, damn it! Do you want to face it? Do you want to have any hope of making things right? Then stop clinging to bad dreams and come back to the real world.”
“I can’t—”
“You will!” Tadashi’s voice cracked. He could barely see the dream anymore. He could barely even see Callaghan through the haze of tears. “And if you don’t… if you don’t…”
His breath caught in his throat. His fists ached from clinging to Callaghan’s shirt. The tears on his face couldn’t dry when they kept falling and falling with no end in sight.
“Callaghan.” His voice was a wet, broken mess. Callaghan’s eyes were wide as he met them with a glare through the tears. “Don’t make me choose between my brother and you.” His grip tightened. “Because I chose you once. And I will never make that mistake again.”
Just for a moment, through the blur of tears, he saw Callaghan’s eyes shine wetly in the firelight.
“Wake up,” he repeated in his wet, broken voice.
He was in darkness again, with firm ground beneath his feet. The thunder of nightmare hooves filled his ears once more. But there were still tears on his face, and his hands were still curled into fists around bunched fabric.
Tadashi blinked, and his vision cleared just enough to reveal the cracked, leaking white mask inches away from his face. Before his eyes, the cracks split further and fell away. A heavy form slumped forward against him, and Tadashi barely caught Callaghan before he bore them both to the ground.
Something bumped into his back and snorted by his ear. Tadashi turned his head and found himself looking into the glowing eyes of one of Pitch’s nightmares. The beast turned with a toss of its head and began walking. Heaving Callaghan up, Tadashi staggered to follow.
The nightmare led him out of the heart of the swarm, and by the time Tadashi came staggering back out into the normal dark, the swarm itself was beginning to break. Instead of a single amorphous entity, the shadows separated and solidified. Dark horses made of glistening black sand formed from what was left of the swarm, and they swirled and pranced around the tall, slender figure of their king.
The blackness that still clung to Callaghan fell away, revealing a grimy orange prison uniform beneath. Callaghan groaned faintly, but still breathed.
Overhead, the darkness faded until the outline of trees could be seen. Then beyond that a star, and another and another, and finally the face of the moon, blazing silver down upon the earth.
Tadashi raised his head, breathed in, and basked in moonlight.
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tadeadshihamurder · 8 years
Tagged by @bigherosixfeels HOLY FRICK
Rules: Answer all the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better.
1) Nickname: Lemons, Lemlem, Lem, Tye i duno 
2) Star sign: Libra
3) Height: IDK MAN HAHAH
4) Time right now: 4:13 PM
5) Favorite music artist: OO many many... I like BoA, Ladies Code, Rebecca Sugar, Aivi & Surasshu, Lin-Manuel Miranda, there is probably moOORE
7) Last movie watched: MOANA I ALMOST CRIED MAN 
9) What are you wearing right now: a shirt and pants (what is this question why)
10) When did you create your blog: I made @michaelkonietzko somewhere aorund March 2015, dunno when I made this one
11) What kind of stuff do you post: A GIANT MESS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I like to post stuff about the languages I’m learning (Chinese, Korean, a little bit of Japanese, French, maybe some Hawaiian if I ever find any BUT i run a langblr (@truonghoc) which i originally tried to keep to Vietnamese but man there are NO resources for viet online so that’s just kind of a general language blog now , ANYWAY i like to post about Lingu, Steven Universe (maybe some posts making fun of the su fandom because maaaaaaan what a mess), Legend of Korra, some Voltron, MEMES... I also have an art blog where I post my drawings and stuff @florfy
12) Do you have any other blogs: @truonghoc <-- langblr, @florfy <-- art bloge, @lotsoflapis​, @mustarp 
13) Do you get asks regularly: NOpppe SEND ME QUESTIONS DUDES
14) Why did you choose your URL: OK I used to looove bh6 so i made my url after some Jokes With Friends™ but then there’s already someone with the url “tadeadshi” but i m too lazy to change itr HAHHA 
15) Gender: Male
16) Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw!
17) Pokemon team: TEAM MYSTIC
18) Favourite colour: b00b13 
19) Average hours of sleep: on school days, it’s like 5 hours, but when i actually get to not hate every single second of my life maybe 8-11 hours what da frik
20) Lucky number: I remember getting 8 as a lucky number on a YanYan I ate a while back and seeing a zodiac post saying “28″ WHICH is the day Vietnamese New Year lands on so I GUESS IT’S 8 AND 28 GUYS
21) Favorite characters: TOO MANY Steven, Greg, Lapis, Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, Squirtle, Moana, Korra, Prince Wu, Asami, Bolin, I DUNNO MAN this is like 1% probably 
22) How many blankets do you sleep with: one d00d i don’t want to overheat like a volcano
23) Dream job: Storyboard artist maybe... something to do with lingus? Dunno Man!
24) Following: 144 wowie
I TAG SOME PEEPS I DUNNO @dancingpetal @neorescue whoevef wants to do this man
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Flying practice for when she gets her hoverdisc.
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“Professor... I have bad news for your palisman.”
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Now with episode 3 out, allow me to introduce Professor Hardy's palisman Pearl!
And just to clarify, mechanical palismen in the Big Heroverse would be something similar to Mini-Max, a.k.a. tiny but powerful robots.
The staff can fly as it uses the same technology as hoverboards, and Pearl herself can generate force fields and laser blasts. She can also breathe acid mist but it's not used in this season
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