You’re My What?! Ch. 11: What Should Have Been [Slow Updates]
Alright so 1.)This chapter is a huge departure from what it has been so far. It's a lot more serious then the other chapters, but I am hopping you guys will still love it! Also forewarning it is pretty long too >.<
“Tony? Tony wake up…Tony!” “Ugh…sleeping, leave me alone…”Having been slightly pulled out of his sleep by Pepper, Tony instantly became annoyed and tried to ignore her attempts at shaking him awake. “Anthony Edward Stark! You wake up right now!” Being a bit more alert now, his eyes still closed, the billionaire took instant notice that the voice that spoke to him wasn’t Pepper’s voice. Scrunching his brows together in confusion, the stranger’s next words had the man shooting into a straight up sitting position on his bed. “Tony, wake up! I think my water just broke!” Whipping his head to his left, Tony found himself face to face with a distressed looking Latin woman. As he continued to stare at her, Tony quickly realized that he was looking at none other then.. “Milagros?”the name came out as a confused mutter, his mind racing to understand what was going on. “What? Tony this no time to be fucking around! Call the Midwife already, before I end up giving birth right here on the bed!!” shaking his head somewhat clear, Tony looked down to his ex’s stomach, and indeed he saw that it was significantly enlarged. “Oh..Oh!! Uh…Wha-what do I do? Where, how?!” Realizing what was happening, the man became overwhelmed as he was never good at dealing with these kinds of situations. “Tony? Tony, look at me!” Tony froze, as a pair of hands suddenly took hold of his face, forcing him to look at the raven before him. “Tony, you need to be the calm one here, alright? I am the one who is in pain, so get your head on straight, and just call the midwife so we can have our baby already. Alright?” he didn’t know why or how he found himself in this moment, but at Milagros words and soft tone, Tony found himself doing as he was told without question, Grabbing the phone from his nightstand, Tony found that his body seemed to be on autopilot as it seemed to know what number to call and where to go to get everything set up for a Home Birth in his old childhood mansion. As his body raced around, his mind looked around in utter confusion. However, as soon as the voice of an exhausted sounding Rhodey came from the other line, Tony’s mind seemed to lose all previous confusion, as he suddenly seemed to know what was going on and what to do. “What do you want, Tony..It’s like four in the morning, you know that?” “Hang on, give me a second..” Completely ignoring his best friends complaint, Tony called out to JARVIS “JARVIS, get Linda up and get her to come up here now!” “Linda is already on her way up sir. She is currently gathering up the last of the items for the birth.” Nodding his head, Tony suddenly remembered his friend and got back on the phone. “What is going on, Tony?” “You need to get down here now, Milagros is going into active labor!” At Tony’s words, he could hear his friend falling off of his bed in what seemed like a rush on his part. “What?! Like..now?!” “Yes now! Get over here as fast as you can, Rhodey, I’ll have my pilot come get you!” “Alright man, I‘ll get there as soon as I can.” As soon as Tony sent out his privet jet to go get Rhodey from his mansion in Malabo, he hurried up and got the tub ready for the birth. Going back to a highly stressed Milagros, Tony saw that Linda the Midwife was already with her. Going over to them, he helped get Milagros to the room where the birth would be held. Once in the room, all that was left to do, was to wait until Milagros was fully dilated. “Ahh! You did this to me, asshole!” as Milagros yelled this at Tony, he could do nothing but laugh at her lightly and apologize for the umpteenth time. “I said sorry already, alright honey, but it wasn’t all my fault. Remember, it takes two to tango…Ouch! Alright, alright I deserved that..” for his smart comment, Tony had received a nice slap to the back of the head.                                              ~Twelve hours later~ “Alright, Milagros just a few more pushes! Come on, just a little more sweetheart!” “Ahhhh!! I can’t! I-I just c-can’t anymore.” “come on Milagros, you can do this!” even with both Happy and Rhodes trying their best to encourage her to keep going, the young mother to be had appeared to loose the will to keep trying. Milagros had been pacing around for ten hours in pain, before she was finally dilated enough to begin pushing. Sense then two hours had passed with no progress, as the birth became complicated just like her entire pregnancy had been. Seeing Milagros in pain and defeated, Tony knew he had to do or say something. anything to get her to keep going. Thinking quickly, he leaned forward and took her chin into his free left hand, making her look at him as he spoke. “I know you’re hurting, honey, but you have to keep trying. You’ve made it this far into the pregnancy, and beside that you made it this far with me. If you can handle me, then you can handle this, so just give it another few tries, alright? For me and for the baby.” as Tony had been speaking, everyone in the room had gone silent, not just to see if his words would work but because it was so rare for Anthony Stark to get so serious and vulnerable. Knowing this, Milagros closed her eyes for a second, as Tony gave her an encouraging kiss on the hand. Taking a deep breath, she opened her tired eyes and nodded her head signaling that she was ready to try again, “Mmmmmhhmmm!!” clamping her jaw shut, Milagro’s muffled screeches of pain nearly drove Tony over the edge, as he continued to hold her hand and encourage her along with everyone else. Finally, after three more pushes, Linda saw that the baby was beginning to crown. “Oh! Oh she’s crowning Milagros! One more push sweetheart, just one more big push and you’ll be all done!” Hearing the news, Tony became excited, and Milagros became determined to give birth to their child once and for all. “AAAHHHH!!!!” Letting out a loud screech of pain as she pushed for the last time, Tony had to hold back his own scream of pain as he felt his hand being crushed far worse then before. Finally, finally after all the struggling and pain, a sudden popping sound was heard along with a chain of events. As soon as the noise was heard, Milagros instantly fell back against the tub and let out the longest sigh of relief mixed with a small sob. However, Tony was only able to have his attention on her for a second, before the sound of a little screech could be heard to his right. Turning, he felt his entire world suddenly stop and everything and everyone, besides Milagros disappear, as his mind zeroed in on the baby that was crying in the arms of the Midwife. Stunned, he watched as the baby was handed over to a sobbing Milagros, completely forgetting that he had had someone privately hired to take photos of the entire labor and post labor. “Tony, l-look, it’s our b-baby. Isn’t she b-beautiful? I thought w-we could name her Isabella, and I wa-wanted to have her middle name be Maria after your m-mother.” Looking to the woman that had just given birth not even five minutes ago, and his wife, Tony felt like he was looking at two angels, and he realized that tears had began to sting at his eyes. For once, he could care less, as he nuzzled the young mother’s head with his and looked at their child. “She’s perfect. You did great, Milagros.” Smiling tiredly at him, Milagros nuzzled her head in the cork of his neck as they both looked at their child. Taking the small blanket, Tony placed it over the baby, and then he took her into his arms. “Look at you, baby girl. Look, you already got your old man wrapped around your tiny finger, huh? You’re going to be my little trouble maker aren‘t you? I promise, I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”                                                 ~Le little Montague~   After Isabella was born, Tony had Rhodey become her Godfather, and Milagros had Linda become Bella’s Godmother as they had become close during the pregnancy. Tony had agreed to raise their daughter in his old childhood home, but they would all still go back to the Malabo home during holidays, vacations, and summer. Time seemed to go unusually fast after Isabella was born, as she went through all the stages of growing up as a Stark. She graduated high school at thirteen, went straight to college after that and graduated at seventeen like her father had from MIT. Though she was beyond smart, Tony always made sure that he didn’t push his daughter too far, and allowed her to grow up as normally as he could help her do so. Sure, they had their disagreements, some even being really bad fights, but as Tony had said to Isabella when she was born, she had him wrapped around her finger from moment he found out Milagros was pregnant, After his kidnapping, Isabella had been the one to help a lot with the search and rescue of her father, and had been right there when he announced that the company would no longer be dabbling in weapons manufacturing and when he agreed to join The Avenger‘s Initiative, It had been hard to grow up under the constant view of the world, and at times Milagros would keep Isabella back at the mansion while Tony had to go back to New York or Malabo for work, which was often, Eventually, Milagros got sick and fainted while she was preparing dinner, and Bella had to be the one to call Tony to come to the hospital. Once there, he had her flown to his house in Malabo, where he had JARIVS check her out, as the hospital had claimed nothing was wrong. JARVIS confirmed that Milagros was in the late stages of brain cancer. Shortly after the discovery, Milagros died two weeks before Milagros nineteenth birthday. At this time, all the other Avengers had befriended the entire Stark family, and were there for Stark and his daughter. Suddenly, time froze again a year after Milagros had passed away, and Tony found himself in the living room with all the Avengers and Isabella. As he noticed this, he felt once more confused as he watched Isabella jumping up and down like she had won something. “Tony, you alright?” Turning, the older Stark looked at his friend Bruce. “Sure he is! He’s just upset because he didn’t catch me! So now he can‘t say he won Hide and Seek like he wanted to!” Blinking, Tony looked at Isabella and then at everyone else. “Wait dad…are you actually alright?” Shaking his head clear, just so he wouldn’t worry his daughter, Tony quickly composed himself as best he could. “Me? Of course I’m fine, and I just let you wi, kiddo.” Rolling her eyes, Isabella scoffed and went back to celebrating her victory. “Yea sure you did, dad.” Everyone still noticed how Tony seemed to be a bit out of it, including Bella, but they all just chalked it up to his random moments of sadness he would get when thinking of Milagros at moments like this. However, Bruce kept his hand on Tony’s shoulders, as everyone and everything around them seemed to freeze for no apparent reason. Keeping a sad yet understanding smile, the eerily calm male spoke in a soft tone. “This is what should have been. Don’t worry though, you might not be able to get all the lost years and important moments back, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go ahead and make new ones with her. Isabella still needs a father just as much as she did before. You got Tony…Now wake up…” Towards the end, Bruce’s voice became more and more faint, turning into a whisper by the time he instructed the billionaire to wake up. Feeling confused, Tony was about to ask what he meant, when suddenly he was thrown into darkness, where he heard a faint yet worried voice calling out to him. Assuming it to be Milagros, Tony shoot up in bed, looking around for his wife, only to find a very worried Pepper sitting up in bed beside him. Realizing that everything that had just happened was only a dream, Tony let out a light gasp of shock and overwhelmed feelings as he tried to shake his head clear. “Tony, are you alright? What happened?” Looking to Pepper, he cleared his throat before getting out of bed. “Uh, nothing I’m fine..Uhm I need to go check on Isabella. I’m fine though, just a…weird dream.” after hurriedly putting on a shirt and pants, Tony quickly gave Pepper a peck on her forehead before rushing out to go find Bella. He was about to go to her room, but then realized that she would likely be awake and in the living/bar room by now. As soon as he entered the room, Tony paid no mind to everyone in the room, and walked straight towards his daughter, leaving everyone perplexed and worried as they all got to their feet. “Tony? Are you alright?” wincing slightly as the young female spoke his name instead of dad, Anthony looked at his daughter as the question that came out of his mouth just came out like a flood. “Isabella, I need to speak with your mother, what is her number? What his Milagros number?” As soon as Tony asked this, Isabella dropped the spatula that she had been using to make breakfast for everyone, a gasp escaping her mouth and her eyes instantly watering up.
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You’re My What?! Ch. 10 Game Night with the Avengers: Part 2
"Alright, so you just push this to drive and this to..reverse?" "There you go! The old man is finally getting it, now let's see if he can hold up in the game!" Steve inwardly groaned as Tony teased him for his lack in knowledge of how to play Mario Kart, his face turning reder with each passing second. After everyone was done laughing and making sure that Thor and Loki were also up to date, Tony got up to go get the game. While he was looking for the game, everyone began to talk among themselves. Looking around,  Isabella spotted Cap still looking over the controller, concentrating on it so intently that it was almost funny. Getting to her feet, she went over to him, albeit shyly, and stood before him at a slight distance.  Sensing someone looking at him, Steve looked up and offered a small smile when he saw Stark's apparent daughter standing before him. "May I sit?" As she asked this, Rogers looked to the spot beside him and then nodded his head in confused consent. Returning the smile with a relieved one of her own, Bella took the seat beside Rogers, still keeping a distance. "You know, staring down the controller isn't going to make it do what you want." Blushing, Steve cleared his throat and put the controller onto his lap. "Right.." not knowing what else to say, the older male rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment, making Bella giggle lightly. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do just fine with the game." Smiling a little more in appreciation for her words, Steve nodded his head a little more confidently now. "I don't know about that, but thank you, ma'am." Isabella laughed lightly at being called ma'am, before getting to her feet. "No problamo, but ma'am huh? Please just call me Isabella or Bella, either works. Ma'am just sounds too serious."  "Alright, well thank you again, Miss. Isabella." "Hmm better, but lose the miss, we'll work on it." "Alright you two, break it up! You're supposed to be rivals, anyway I found the game so let's pop this bad boy in and let the war begin!"  Having seen Rogers talking with Isabella as he came back with the game, Tony had felt a strange and sudden feeling of unease and confusing anger, and so he went over to them to cut their conversation short. Neither of the two noticed this from Tony, but everyone else had including Loki. No one commented on it however, and instead opted to share amused glances before going to their respective teams. ~Le small time skip~  "No no no! C'mon cap, you got this! Don't let Tony beat you!" "Oh you're so going down, Capsical!!" As Hawk yelled out his encouragements to Steve, and Tony continued to tease him, everyone else held their breaths as the two ran their last lap. As they came closer and closer to the finish line, the room went silent and the tension in the air grew thicker. Just as it seemed like Steve was going to win, Isabella who was right beside Tony, had scooted closer to him as the race continued and she now suddenly moved her hand over to him and clung to his shirt with one hand. She hadn't realized she had done this, but some how Tony had and it made him want to win even more.  Using his newly found, and confusing surge of determination, Tony pushed his racer to catch up to Steve's. Just as it looked like the race would be a tie for first, Tony just barely claimed victory for himself. "Yes!!"  Letting the billionaire's shirt go, Bella let out a shout of excitement. Everyone on team Iron Man cheered and gave each other high fives, while Steve’s group mopped around at the loss. Turning to face a deflated looking Steve, Tony grinned widely as he clapped the man's shoulder. "Well, looks like that’s one point for team Iron Man and zip for Team Captain America." Steve glared at Tony, then glanced over at Isabella with a look of slight betrayal. She gave him a small shrug from behind Tony's back, letting him know that she was sorry for his loss, but she couldn't help but smile widely when Tony turned to give her a high five. Returning the gesture, Isabella felt more excited for her turn. She couldn't help but be overly happy with the win, she was just naturally competitive. "Alright, next is Thor up against Loki!" Thor jumped up to get the controller, not even trying to hide his excitement, while his brother moved as if almost reluctant to sit and take his turn. "I shall be the Mario person for which this game is named, and I will be victorious!"  After struggling to remember how to pick his character, Loki rolled his eyes and picked his after careful consideration.  "We shall see who is victorious." Smirking at the raven head, Thor squared up and stared intently at the screen as it loaded up the race track. "Do not feel so confident, brother. It is alright if you lose, there is no sh-" "Thor shut up and race already!!" Thor jumped as Tony suddenly yelled at him, before realizing that his brother had already begun the race without him. In his panic to start, Thor kept crashing making everyone on his team, including Bella groan and complain at him loudly. Thor glared over at his younger brother, completely jealous that he didn't seem to be struggling like he was. Being aware of the burning sensation on the side of his head, Loki did nothing but smirk widely, only making Thor that much more frustrated. "What is brother? Enraged that you will not come out of this victorious this time? Do not worry Thor, it is alright if you lose." With his own words being thrown back at him, Thor lost it and threw his controller like an over grown child. "What the hell Thor!! Why did you do that?!" Tony quickly ran over to pick up his shattered controller, holding it like he had just lost a dear pet. "Your controller thing was not working, I want another!" Everyone in the room collectively groaned at Thor's words, while Isabella looked between everyone in confusion and surprise over what just happened. "Thor, this is not Asgard. You don't just throw other people's things when you don't get your way and demand another one!" Thor looked down at his hand, ashamed and looking like a child being scolded for stealing candy. Things were awkward in the following silence after that, as Tony picked up all the pieces of the smashed remote.  Feeling her anxiety begin to bubble up at the tension in the room, Isabella began to fiddle with her hands as she thought of a way to make everything better again. "Umm..So who wants to play hide and seek now?" Holding her breath, Bella watched as everyone looked over to her, hopping that they would agree. Taking in a deep breath, Tony nodded his head slowly before standing and placing the broken pieces of remote on an end table. Clapping his hands together and rubbing them, he gave Isabella a smile and spoke to everyone. "Now that's the game night spirit, Bella. Alright, let's see who gets to be seeker first.." Feeling glad for the chance to go back to a more cheerful mood, everyone including Loki directed their attention fully towards Tony again. He thought for a moment, trying to consider who should be the one to seek first. "Alright, I'll be seeker first! Everyone has sixty seconds to go hide! Starting...now!"  Turning his head to a wall and beginning the count down, everyone scrambled and tripped over each other as they all ran to find the perfect place to hide. Getting into the elevator, Isabella watched as the doors began to close, before Steve just barely made it in with her. Looking at him with slight shock, Bella gave him a shy smile. He politely returned it, before things went back into awkward silence. "Uh, so where are you planing to hide?" Looking back at the solider, Isabella tucked a lock of her hair behind an ear before responding. "Um I'm not sure yet. How about you?"  Just as she asked this, the elevator doors opened, Steve allowed her to get out first, before remembering that he had to hurry and hide. Already beginning to run backwards, he quickly responded before turning forward and running off. "Probably the locker room!" Once left alone, the young Stark desperately thought of a place to hide. She was aware that Tony would likely be searching for everyone by now. Out of sheer panic, she ran down the hall before just picking a random door to go through. Shutting it behind her, she turned and saw that she had picked out what appeared to be a library.  Whistling in admiration, she slowly walked further into the room. Just as she went to inspect a random book, she thought she heard someone outside the room. Jumping, assuming that it was Tony, she quickly looked around before picking a random aisle and running into it.  Crouching down, she tried to look through a tiny gap to see if Tony had been the one to step into the room. However, when she was able to finally get a clear enough view of the door, she saw no one standing there. Confused, she hummed silently to herself, before nearly jumping out of her skin as a deep voice could be heard being cleared from behind her. Gasping out and swiftly turning from her position on the ground, she snapped her head up to see who was standing behind her. "Loki...?" The younger Asgardian male looked down at Isabella with dull eyes, but she could promise she saw the slightest hint of amusement behind that bored stare. "Whom else do I appear to look like?" Gulping shyly, Bella directed her eyes downward as she slowly got to her feet. "Uh yea...sorry stupid comment..." Loki merely shrugged off her apology, before turning to look through the bookshelf behind him.  "Your kind rarely make competent remarks, there is nothing to request forgiveness for. I am use to your people, more or less, at this point." Her mouth a gap at his words, it took Isabella a second to process what the raven had just dared to say to her about her and the rest of the people from Earth. "Uh excuse me? You did not just say that, you asshole!" Loki turned on his heel to face the young woman, his eyes unreadable yet still intense as they bore into hers. Isabella found herself frozen as she could not look away from those memorizing blue green eyes. "Your species is very confusing, with these strange words. How can I be the whole which comes from ones exterior? That is neither insulting nor physically possible." At that, Bella's eyes went wide, and she had to quickly cover her mouth, trying without success to not laugh. Becoming instantly annoyed at being laughed at, Loki crossed his arms like a child throwing a tantrum. "I do not see what is so amusing. Cease your laughter!" Chocking back her laughter, Isabella took a moment to calm herself before replying as she whipped her eyes. "S-sorry! Um, no jackass is another way of saying that you're being a really mean and insulting person."  Having finally received an explanation for what he had been called, Loki took a moment to think over the word and it's meaning, before standing straight and looking down at Isabella with an unreadable face again. "I see what you mean now, but this does not make your kind any less confusing or pathetic." Glaring up at Loki, Isabella was about to retaliate to his words, when they suddenly heard the door knob being turned again. Flinching down quickly, both Loki and Isabella crouched down to hide from whomever was at the door. What both Loki and Bella were unaware of, was that Tony had gone to his room soon after he started to count, and had sense been spying on everyone on his TV through the cameras in order to find them quicker. So he naturally saw when Loki had entered the library, and let's just say he was less then amused when his new found daughter seemed to be getting along with the prince. Well, getting along as best as one could when it came to Loki. Upon having seen this, he felt that strange feeling of random anger and a sudden urge to protect Isabella. Bursting through the library door, the billionaire looked around for the two targets he had in mind. Meanwhile, both Loki and Isabella were currently crouched down a few bookshelves away from the man, practically holding their breaths as they looked at each other, trying to silently figure out what to do. Isabella became more panicked when she heard Tony begin to walk slowly towards their direction. She looked back to Loki, desperation clear on her face as she held a hand to her mouth. She hated losing, and was desperately trying to figure out how to maneuver around to the door without catching the attention of the seeker. Loki put a finger to his mouth, telling her to remain silent, before pointing up towards the ceiling.  Looking up, Isabella nearly yelped as she saw Clint just sitting at the other end of the aisle, his head looming slightly out of the vent. Before she could make a sound, Loki swiftly blocked her mouth with his hand, making her stiffen up and appear like a deer caught in headlight, as he moved her against his chest and moved his lips right by her ear. "Not a sound, little doe. Go to Barton, he will help you up into those vents. Now, quickly move, I'll distract that oaf of father of yours."  With that, Loki lightly pushed a blushing Isabella forward, before going off to distract Tony. As soon as she heard a sound of some books falling a few aisles behind her, Bella cleared her head and began to silently run towards where Barton waited for her. Climbing as carefully as she could, she took the offered hand and was soon lifted into the vents.  Clint quickly and silently closed the vent, before turning to Isabella and signaling for her to remain silent. "Come out come out where you are! I know you're in here reindeer games!" Barton smirked at the nickname that Tony had given to the youngest prince of Asgard, before turning to Stark's daughter and gesturing for her to follow silently. [~And a small time skip just because~] It had been a good ten minutes, ten minutes sense Tony had found everyone but Hawkeye and Isabella. He had gone to his room again and looked through all the cameras, including the ones he had set up in the vents, but he still couldn't find either of them. Slamming his fists on the table, he went out in search for them again.  Meanwhile in a section of the vents that Tony was unaware of, Clint and Bella sat laughing at each other's jokes and stories. "Oh wow, did he you really?!" Clint had just told Isabella about a prank he had once pulled on Tony, and she couldn't stop laughing, that is until they both heard someone entering the locker room.  They both shut their mouths, and looked out one of the rafters, as they saw an annoyed looking Tony enter the room. "Where did that over sized bird with a pea brain go?! And Isabella, where is she hiding? Maybe one of the lockers..." as Tony mumbled to himself, Isabella had to hold back a snicker at what he had just called Barton, while said male had a look of pure annoyance on his face. Growling, Tony left the room when he found no one in it. Turning to the younger Stark, Clint let out a sigh of finality. "Okay, I think it's time to come out of hiding. I'll help you down, then we each go our separate ways and see who get's caught first." Nodding her head in agreement, Isabella let Clint climb down first, before carefully lowering herself.  Just as her hand was about to slip, Barton reached up in time to catch her and gently place her down. Blushing slightly, Bella quickly took a step back before smiling up at the male. "Thanks." He simply gave her a nod, before opening up the door and letting her step out first. "Well let the best man win...or woman." He added the last part when he saw Isabella cock her head to the side as she crossed her arms. "I plan to." With that smug comment, Bella turned on her heels and practically skipped away from the avenging archer, leaving him pleasantly speechless. "Hmm, she is diffidently Stark’s daughter..."  Soon after running off on their separate ways, Tony was finally able to catch them in camera. He almost yelled with relief, as he ran out of his room and went to catch his next "victim". Isabella had found another vent to hide in, though this one was on the ground, while Clint hid back in the locker room. They were actually back in the same room, and hadn't realized it. As Tony swung the door open, a clear smirk on his face, both hiders had to hold their breaths. "Come on out bird brain, I know you're in here." Again Barton had to fight the urge to bark back a reply, as he did not want to be the first to get caught. Knowing that the man would not show himself, Tony began to go from locker to locker opening each one.  It took him ten minutes, but finally he reached the locker that held the male. As soon as he opened the locker, he pumped his fists in the air triumphantly. "Team Iron Man for the win!" Clint glared at Tony, then suddenly they both heard someone running out of the room.  Spinning on the spot, Tony began to chase after who he was sure was Isabella. Even though she was technically part of his team, Tony still wanted to win by having caught everyone, and he would lose in his book if even one person made it to the safe zone. "I'm going to get you Bella!"  After his deceleration, Tony heard the young female laughing up ahead of him. Suddenly, he hesitated a few steps, as an image of a little girl running and laughing came crashing to his mind. Just before he would have caught Bella, the competitive male slowed down and she slipped out of his reach. He watched the young woman that was now jumping up and down in victory, his eyes seeming to be somewhere else as he came to a full stop. This could have been his life, all those years wasted could have been spent like today. A hand that suddenly fell on his shoulder, jumped the man out of his uncharacteristic seriousness. Looking to his right, Tony found Bruce looking at him as if he had read his mind and was giving him a small smile of understanding. Confused, and still in slight denial, Tony looked away feeling weirdly ashamed and cleared his throat. "Good job kiddo, you got past me.." Isabella stopped celebrating, as she looked towards her father and gave him a bright smile. "Yea, you almost had me there. So, who's next to count?" And with that, the rest of the day went by with them playing hide and seek, then after arguing over who won, they all settled down with pizza and movies, while Thor sat a little away having a love affair with his poptarts.  Eventually people started to go to their own rooms, as they grew tired and the night got later. Finally, only Tony, Isabella, Bruce, and surprisingly Loki remained in the living room watching Tarzan that Bella had picked out. During the movies, Tony had sat down near Bella, but she had kept her distance out of habit without realizing it. However, somehow, she had found herself getting closer every time someone had left.  It was two in the morning, and the events of the day had finally hit the younger Stark, and without realizing, she had ended up dozing off, her head finding it's way to Tony's shoulder. Stark stiffened up at first, bot knowing how to feel or what to do, but then as he looked down at his sleeping daughter, he allowed himself to relax. He still felt unsure and confused, but he also found it oddly comforting to see Isabella sleeping so peacefully. A new smile graced his lips slightly, one of fatherly love. It took the billionaire a few moments to recall that they were not alone, and he suddenly looked up to see both Bruce and Loki staring at him, well mostly Bruce while Loki looked mainly at Isabella. Bruce gave Tony what looked like an approving smile, then a nearly equally fatherly smile towards Isabella. Loki on the other hand, looked at Isabella almost as if he was confused and studying her, before he looked at her apparent father with both new found curiosity for this new side of the male and what looked like slight...jealousy?  Bruce was the first to break the silence, as he cleared his throat and got to his feet. "Well, it's late and I think I'll actually go to sleep for once." Tony nodded his head as he watched his friend walk away. Next, Loki got to his feet and looked once more at the two Starks, before he just left the room without a word.  Once left alone, Tony looked down at Isabella and let out a sigh as he rubbed his eyes and face with his free hand. "Oh kiddo, what am I going to do with you...I'm so sorry for being gone for so long..." Feeling his emotions starting to get to him, Tony cleared his own throat and shook his head clear. Slowly and carefully, Tony got up and laid Bella's head down, before he stretched and then picked her up gently. Looking at his daughter in his arms, Stark again felt his throat tighten, and he had to look away as his eyes threatened to cloud over with emotions.  "What the hell is wrong with me today?" As he angrily whispered this to himself, Tony turned and started to walk towards the elevator. Soon he arrived at Isabella's room, where he carefully pulled the covers aside and then laid her down on her bed. Making sure to take her shoes off, Stark then gently pulled the covers over the girl before taking a step back. Looking down at her, he rubbed the back of his neck, as he once again felt the strange surge of guilt. Shaking his head, Tony turned around and silently left the room. He had had enough of the confusing roller coaster ride that were his emotions at the moment, so Tony went straight to bed wishing that Pepper would be there waiting for him.  However, little did he know that she had accessed the tower's camera's with the help of JARVIS, and had seen the moment that Isabella had fallen asleep and the whole time afterwards. With a smile and tears in her eyes, Pepper had decided that she had been gone long enough and had returned to the Tower before Tony had made it to his room, as she had been at the entrance to the tower anyway. She had missed Tony as well, and was glad to see that he had for once put his own pride to the side for the girl who he apparently had fathered. Stepping into his room, Tony froze as he saw Pepper already in bed, tears running down her face. "Pepper..." Unable to speak, the ginger simply smiled lovingly at the man, before opening her arms and letting him fall into her embrace.  "You saw everything, didn't you?" With a nod from her confirming his suspicions, Tony let out a shaky breath. "I don't know what I'm doing, Pep....I've missed so much already....I..I don't know how to be a father. At least, the kind of father she deserves..I don't know if I can be there for her from now on, or if she even wants me to be here for her.."  Holding him more tightly, Pepper shushed Tony lovingly. "Shuuusssh, it's alright, Tony. This is something that takes time, and at the very least you tried tonight. Now, let's just go to sleep, alright?" Sighing, Tony know that Pepper was right, and so he gave her a long and loving kiss, before laying down with her in his arms again. It had only been a day, but it was too long for him to be without his ginger. Eventually, Tony fell asleep to thoughts of how he could possibly make things up to his daughter, and then he smiled as he fell asleep remembering the day that he had shared with her, and Isabella also smiled in her own sleep as she dreamt of her first game night with the avengers, especially with her father.
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You're My What?! Ch. 10: Game Night with the Avengers: Part. 1
Once inside her room, Isabella set about unpacking the few things that she had, her mind on everything that has happened in the last twenty four hours. Everything had happened so fast sense she arrived yesterday to tell Tony that he was her father, that it was still really hard for her mind to process it all. Just as she had finished unpacking five minutes later, Bella was just laying on her gigantic bed still mulling things over, when a knock at the door got her attention. Looking over at the door, then sitting up, she wondered who it could be. “Come in!” After giving her permission for the person to enter, she instantly regretted it as she saw Black Widow enter her room. Isabella gulped as her face lost all color, she stared at the red head with wide and terrified eyes, fully expecting the woman to kill her or something like that. However, Natasha surprised the younger female by simply closing the door behind her then just standing at the threshold of the room with her arms crossed in front of her uncomfortably. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m not here to kill you or anything like that alright, so relax already”  Her tone wasn’t harsh, at least not compared to when she had first met the girl a mere half hour ago. Looking down instantly, Isabella tried to do as she was told, before looking back up at the assassin confused and carious. “Umm…then why are you here?” noting the uncertainty in the girl’s voice, Nat rolled her eyes and shook her head lightly before approaching the end of the apparent Stark’s child’s bed. “I’m here to apologize for my behavior earlier.. I handled that whole situation wrong, so I am trying to.What I mean is…Look I am sorry alright?” Now that Isabella was not expecting. She looked up at Natasha shocked, then she collected herself quickly and slowly looked away from the older woman. It was obvious that the assassin was not very experienced with apologizing to others, so she realized that she must really feel bad for how she acted towards her earlier. “Oh um…It’s alright, you were just trying to protect Pepper.. Besides, I just appeared out of nowhere and my…. Tony didn’t handle the situation very well either.. I’m not mad anymore, so you know, it’s all good.” As she said this, Isabella had kept her eyes down on her hands that laid on her laps, but now she was looking up at Natasha with a slight smile. “We got off on the wrong foot, so why don’t we start over? My name is Isabella Torres.” Nat looked at the girl with slight confusion and admittedly more amassment then anything else, before taking the offered hand and shaking it. “Natasha Romanoff.” Smiling, the young brunette let go of Nat’s hand, and then just sighed feeling more relaxed now. “So, want to hang out until it’s time for the game night to start?” Not having anything better to do, and having been told by her partner to not just apologize to Stark’s daughter, but to actually try and get to know her, Natasha let out a small indifferent sigh before nodding her head in agreement. “Sure, why not.”                                                                                                                       ~Two hours later~ Two hours after Natasha had come to apologize to Isabella, the two were still in Bella’s room laughing about something that Nat had told the brunette about her father, when suddenly Jarvis’s voice surrounded the room. “Excuse me, Miss Romanoff and Miss Torres, but Mr. Stark told me to inform you both that game night is now ready to begin.” Looking at each other, Natasha smiled slightly before getting to her feet, Isabella doing the same. “Alright Jarvis, tell Tony we’re on our way now.” “Very well madam.” Turning to the short female, Nat gestured for her to follow her. “Alright, be warned it’s usually just me, and sometimes Pepper in the same room with all those boys, so you’re going to see a lot of rough housing and one ups men ship.” Bella simply nodded her head, feeling nervous as she was not use to being around a lot of people to begin with. Stepping into the elevator, they road down to the level under them to where the main living room was in silence. Once they entered the room, Tony turned and smiled at Isabella, then he clapped his hands together drawing the attention of everyone in the room. “Alright, now that we are all here.. Avengers assemble!” Steve rolled his eyes at the billionaire when he used his catch phrase, but otherwise didn’t say anything as he joined the group that gathered around Tony now. “Alright, so tonight I have a great line of games planned out for us. Also, I got some snacks too, sense thunder head over here only bought pop tarts for us…again.” Giving the crowned prince of Asgard a pointed look, Tony continued after Thor simply gave him a smirk and shrug. “Anyway, today we will play some Mario Kart Eight, don’t worry old man I’ll teach you and point break how to play once we start.” At Tony’s teasing, Steve glared at him with annoyance while everyone including Bella laughed lightly at him. “After that we will play Hide and Seek, because you know, why not? Besides it’s a game I am sure even old timer over here had played back in his time.” “Alright that’s enough Tony! Let’s just get this started already.” Laughing at the captain’s obvious annoyance, Tony quickly moved on again. “Alright time team up! Let’s see who is all here..” Looking around, Tony began to count off everyone that was in the room, when suddenly the doors opened again and in came Loki looking bored out of his mind. “Ah brother you made it!” “Only because I have nothing better to do, brother.” Looking over her shoulder, Isabella watched as the younger prince of Asgard made his way towards the group, but staying slightly away from them. She knew about what he had attempted to do to Earth, and wondered how he had gotten the Avengers of all people to let him return and to let him stay in Avengers Tower. Shaking her head, she looked back at Tony and decided she would ask someone later. “Alright, so now that we are all here, let me see..” As he looked around Tony noticed that there was a total of nine people. “Alright there are nine of us here, so that means we’ll have to make two teams of four. I’ll assign the leaders of each team, myself being the first and Captain begin the other leader. I’ll pick first, Isabella you’re on my team.” Looking up at Tony, Bella  slowly walked to stand beside her father. She had never been picked first for anything, and it felt weird, but she wasn’t complaining. “Okay, Steve your turn to pick someone.” Standing, Steve crossed his arms and thought about his first choice intently. “I pick… Natasha” “Good pick. Banner I choose you!” Bruce rolled his eyes at Tony as he acted like he was picking a Pokemon when he called on him, but he just shook his head and joined his team. “Umm, Barton.” As Clint walked over to cap’s team, he high fived the man before just standing there with his arms crossed. “Thor get your royal self over her.” Smiling, Thor walked over to Tony’s side, before watching his brother slowly get up and join Steve side somewhat reluctantly. “Alright, all the teams are picked out! Time to get this show on the road!"
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Please please please!..Part 2? 😢 This was too beautifully sad to just leave like this! I loved it so much, so beautifully written! 😍
Transfer: a Fred Weasley x Reader Imagine
Requested: yes
*I want to apologize in advance for any grammatical errors I may not have caught, punctuation (specifically commas) are my nightmare.*
In this imagine a student from the American Wizarding school, Ilvermorny, is thrust into the world of Hogwarts when her father receives a relocation. At Hogwarts, the reader is sorted into Ravenclaw and struggles to find her place. She does discover unlikely friends in her Charms class, and after a risky move strikes a deal that will make the new acquaintances inseparable. All the while Fred grows increasingly important in the reader’s heart, but is it meant to last?
[Y/n] - your name Y/L/N - your last name Y/N/N - your nickname ~~~ - indicates the passage of time.
Warnings: minor swearing (it’s literally one word)
Word count: 3,419
The worst part about being a witch with muggle parents, is that the problems of both worlds apply. Ilvermorny had been my home for three years, at least until my dad, a soldier for the U.S. military was restationed in the U.K., bringing the entire family with him. My parents seemed to believe that my education would be untouched by this move, or that maybe I could return to ‘regular’ school here. Luckily I’d heard about Hogwarts and shortly after moving into our new home I received an acceptance letter of transfer.
Standing here in the upper-level dormitories of Ravenclaw Tower, I can’t shake the feeling of homesickness I have for my old school. The few times I’ve left this tower have been for meals in the Great Hall, a room ringing with laughter and carefree conversations, the occasional whisper (presumably about me), and the occasional explosion from the Gryffindor table as some clumsy boy continuously fails at executing some spell. I’ve been focused on my studies since arriving, as the transfer left a gap, but Professor Flitwick, my head-of-house believes that I’ve caught up enough to attend regular classes. The very thought makes my stomach turn, but I suppose it would be good to make some friends.
I grab the stack of textbooks from my bed and head down the stone steps to attend my first class, Charms. The classroom is medium sized and arranged with tables and waist high walls around the outside, similar to a jury-box back home. Flitwick gestures to one of the unoccupied seats. I slide into the chair thankful that he did not feel the need to introduce me to the class. As I wait on class to begin, I pull out a worn leather journal and begin to document my surroundings.
“George!” I nearly jump out of my skin as a red-headed Gryffindor yells across the room, sliding swiftly over the table and into his seat beside me. His twin brother, at least that’s what I can assume, flashes him an award winning smile and an over exuberant thumbs up. The rest of the class files in shortly behind these two, and Flitwick begins his lesson.
The ginger who startled me is drumming away at the table top and looks at me almost as if he is surprised to see the seat occupied. His honey-brown eyes scan me quickly. Seeming to have completed his assessment, he goes back to drumming but this time on his books.
My quill’s scratching of notes on parchment is stopped by a folded paper forced between the two. Shooting an anxious glance at Flitwick, who is currently instructing a Hufflepuff on how to properly 'swish’ her wand, I open the note.
“Ravenclaw?” The handwriting is rough. I find the Gryffindor boy awaiting an answer.
“Yes.” I pass it back.
“Welcome to Hogwarts. New?”
“Yes and thanks.”
“Name?” He passes the paper back expectantly.
“[Y/n]” I shove the note back growing slightly frustrated. This is class, and Professor Flitwick could turn around any moment.
“Fred.” He writes back with a smile. I glance up to see George beaming and Professor Flitwick scowling in front of me. Fuming, he confiscates the note much to my classmates’ amusement. He seems more disappointed than angry, which somehow hurts worse. My face burns in shame, but Fred seems unphased.
“Now class,” Flitwick’s high pitched voice fills the room. “I hope you all have been paying attention, as we will now be having a quiz on what we have learned today.” Oh no. “Please take out a fresh piece of parchment and black ink. We will begin shortly, after the tables have been cleared.”
Flitwick writes question after question on an old blackboard. Much to my surprise the answers are fairly simple. As I glance around the room, I notice Fred struggling. His quill falls to the floor beside me, he coughs as he picks it up, “help.” Without knowing why, I copy a few answers onto an extra piece of parchment and drop it onto the floor with my quill when I get up to turn in my assessment. Flitwick watches as Fred places the quill on the table, and I hand him my paper, the weight of guilt like stone in the pit of my stomach. What I have just done goes against all logic and morals I have. It carries the additional weight of expulsion if found out. By the time I sit down, Fred has pocketed the answers and minutes later turns his test in with a grateful nod in my direction.
When class is dismissed, the Professor asks me to stay behind. My heart is hammering in my chest. Why did I help that boy?
“Miss Y/L/N?” I feel like I may throw up.
“Yes Professor Flitwick?” My blood is rushing to my ears.
“I wanted to see how you were acclimating.” He looks at me with a hint of concern. “Is everything alright?”
“Y-yes sir. I’m just a bit nervous moving and all. People have never really been my strong point.”
“Ahh, understandable. Well I will not keep you any longer. If you need anything, and I mean anything at all, feel free to drop by my office. As head of the Ravenclaw house it is my duty to make this transition as painless as possible.”
“Thank you Professor,” my lungs fill with air, the weight lifted.
“And do be careful with that Weasley boy; I know it was just an introduction, but he is often in trouble with Severus Snape. You need not be caught up in that mess. Good day,” the tiny man waves cheerfully as I exit the classroom, practically running.
As I hurry down the corridor I catch a snatch of conversation, “… really dude, she’s gorgeous … and she really helped your sorry arse? A Ravenclaw?”
“Hey [Y/n], wait up!” I turn to see the twins hurrying over from their previous position outside of Flitwick’s room. I clutch my books closer to my chest and begin to walk faster, feeling slightly bad for doing so, but knowing that if they say anything now there’s a chance Flitwick will hear them. I turn the corner and stop, reversing myself to face the advancing boys. They run into me at full speed.
“Oh God, sorry.” one says, dusting himself off and extending a hand. “I’m George.”
“And I’m Fred,” says the other as I try to regain my balance.
“As you know by way of note I’m [Y/n]. Nice to meet you both.”
“Why were you running away?” George asks.
“I needed to get some distance from that class before speaking.”
“Thanks by the way,” Fred says scratching the back of his neck. “When he asked you to stay I thought for sure you’d been caught.”
“So did I,” I laugh nervously.
“So why did you help my mirror image here?” George cocks his head, his left eyebrow arching upward.
“To be perfectly honest I don’t know. He looked rather pitiful for one.”
“Heyyy!” Fred crosses his arms. “Interesting accent you have there by the way. Where are you from?”
“I attended Ilvermorny in the States but came here by letter of transfer. I’m a military brat as my dad would say.” I hold my books a little tighter at the memory of home.
“What’s your next class?” George inquires. “I knocked you over, so I owe you as much as seeing that you arrive there smoothly.”
“Defense Against the Dark Arts, but it’s really okay. You two don’t need to be late, we are already running a bit behind.” I note the slowly emptying hallway.
“Won’t be the first time,” says Fred.
“Or the last,” George adds.
“Off we go then,” they state in unison, each looping an arm through mine and dragging me down the hall unexpectedly.
After several minutes of the twins bantering back and forth we arrive at the DADA classroom
“Here we are.” George smiles warmly.
“Thank you both.” Perhaps Flitwick was wrong about these two.
“Well we must be going darling. Don’t cry. Farewell, farewell.” George bows, kissing my hand theatrically.
“It was marvelous to meet you darling, absolutely marvelous, but the hour is late. Adieu, adieu.” Fred does the same as his brother, bowing deeply before his lips cross my hand.
Together they bound off down the hallway, jumping to hit a hanging banner at the other end. “Later [Y/n]!” They yell together as they round the corner. I enter class with an odd mixture of confusion and amusement filling my brain.
At dinner in the Great Hall, the twins wave at me from across the room They have the biggest personalities at Hogwarts thus far, and from what I’ve learned today hold many school records for their mischief. They definitely made today interesting, or at least bearable.
After dinner I follow my house members back to our common room, but not before noticing two mops of shaggy ginger hair watching me leave.
Just like yesterday, I arrive to charms early. After the note-passing incident I feel the need to be more careful. The struggling Hufflepuff from yesterday takes her seat across the room, and Flitwick hurries over to check her wand motions. As I watch intently, I miss Fred quickly sliding into the seat beside me.
“Hello,” he says brightly.
“Don’t sound so excited.” Sarcasm drips from his tongue. He leans back in his chair with an amused look on his face. “Are you capable of speech or should I tell George I’ve discovered an American language barrier?”
“Oh,” I glance away quickly. “I’m sorry, I just don’t want a repeat of yesterday. Flitwick is my head-of-house so I need to stay on his good side.”
“Well I understand that, but I must inform you that class hasn’t started yet.” He points out the now obvious fact, leaving me feeling quite ridiculous. “I would be rather hurt if you didn’t speak though, that seat of yours sat vacant for far too long.”
Class begins immediately after this comment and I shoot Fred an apologetic look. He was only trying to be friendly after all, and somehow I managed to go flat. It was as if my brain had stopped working. Our assessments from yesterday are passed out and I earn a proud smile from the tiny Professor, top marks.
Beside me Fred is practically dancing with delight. “What?” I ask, a shy smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. He’s so childish, but not in an annoying way.
“This is the highest marks I’ve made in this class all year!” he exclaims. Across the room George looks less than thrilled. Fred’s breath tickles at my ear and his shoulder gently bumps mine. “Thanks by the way.”
“It’s passed, let’s not bring it up again as it will never happen a second time.” I try to keep my voice low. Fred looks at me with puppy dog eyes, his lip poked out so far that an entire quidditch team could land on it. I stifle a laugh. “Well alright, how about this? I have a proposal for you.”
“[Y/n] dear, I’m truly flattered but I barely know you.” He places a hand over his heart. The classroom somehow becomes dead silent just in time for me to snort in laughter. Fred’s eyes go wide and across the room his brother’s mouth falls open. I clamp a hand over my mouth quickly, embarrassment causing my cheeks to turn Weasley hair red, and it happens again. Fred begins laughing loudly to cover for me, and soon the entire class is laughing for no apparent reason.
Things finally quiet down and Flitwick gives Fred a stern look. “Mr. Weasley?”
“Yes.” Both Fred and George answer. They exchange glance that can only mean this has happened before.
“Fred Weasley.”
“Yes?” George answers.
“No, then George Weasley.”
“Sir?” Fred replies, earning a few snickers from the class.
“I’d appreciate it if you would share whatever-”
“Sir, I’m George!” George interrupts.
“But I just-”
“No sir. I’m George, always have been,” George says earnestly.
Flitwick lets out a mighty puff of air and turns back to Fred, drawing himself to his full –and still rather undaunting– height. “The joke Weasley.”
“Oh Professor, you see, I was just thinking to myself-”
“Let me stop you right there. That sounds dangerous,” the little old man chuckes at his own joke and resumes teaching in good spirits. His anger vanished at the easygoing smile Fred offered up under pressure. Apparently spells aren’t the only thing charming in this room, and I’m beginning to notice.
The rest of class passes quickly, and I exit the classroom with Fred and George. “So,” George begins, “ he made you laugh so hard you snorted. Must have been some joke.”
“George, I must say it was no laughing matter, we were nearly engaged. Gave me a frightful scare really, seeing as we are both rather young for that sort of business.” Fred recounts.
“You were almost engaged to my brother?!?” George fakes shock. “How rude, didn’t even ask for my blessing.”
I sigh and shake my head with a smile. “No George, it was not at all like that. I said I had a proposal for Fred, not that I was proposing to him.”
They look at each other and shrug. “Same thing.” The two seem to be literal extensions of each other, forever speaking in sync.
“Well,” George looks at me expectantly. “Out with it then.”
I look around anxiously not wanting to be overheard. This plan is one I hatched last night in bed. The boys seem nice enough and I do not want to repeat the same drudgery of constant studying without fun as I did at Ilvermorny. “You teach me how to prank, I’ll tutor you both in return.”
Fred raises an eyebrow. Throwing his arm around George’s shoulder he holds up a finger. “One moment please, I need to speak with my associate.”
Within seconds of whispering they turn back around. “You’ve got yourself a deal, Ravenclaw.”
The grass beneath a weeping willow by the lake tickles at my neck. I’ve been at Hogwarts for six months. Summer is rapidly approaching and my chest grows heavy at the fact. It’s funny really, how quickly this place has become my home. While I miss Ilvermorny, I know I will miss this place more, mostly because of the people, namely Fred and George. Over the past several months of wreaking mayhem around school I’ve developed a strange sort of feeling for Fred. I would say butterflies, but really it’s an entire menagerie of fluttering creatures in my stomach.
“So the year is almost up,” George says from my left.
“Are you going to be back next year?” asks Fred. He lies in the grass on my right. One of the few clear days we have had, has resulted in an afternoon of watching clouds pass by.
“I certainly hope so,” I sigh, “ but with my dad’s job I can never be sure.” We listen to the rustling of the branches overhead and I prop up to grab my journal. I don’t want to forget this.
I smile as I flip through the pages, six months of pranks, six months of escaping detention, six months of angering Filch and sneaking out at night to meet the boys. Notes are pressed between the pages with the last of the fall leaves. Margins are filled with descriptions of fiery red hair, thundering laughs, almost inaudible whispers, and my thoughts. This book breathes like a part of me, and I suppose it is.
“What’s that?” George rolls into his stomach, watching me with curiosity. “I always see you scribbling in that thing but I’ve never asked.”
“Just an old journal, nothing major.” I try to shrug it off in hopes he won’t move closer to read. “Just stories and things I need to remember. It’s rubbish really.” I close the book and collect my things. If he had seen, he would have surely known how I feel about his brother. “Race you to the Great Hall? We are going to miss supper.”
“You’re on!” They both exclaim, jumping to their feet.
“3 … 2 …1!” I shout, tripping over a root and dropping my books. The boys laugh and help me pick them up.
“This reminds me of the day we all met. George helped you up and we all laughed at our clumsiness.” Fred says helping me dust off.
“Reminds me of how we absolutely confused Snape until he had Peeves run a tripwire for revenge.” I mumble as we cross the grounds.
“At any rate, it’s been an excellent year.” George says, pushing open the door. We say a quick goodbye and hurry to our respective tables.
After a delicious dinner I sit in my dorm completing assignments. Wait. Where is my journal? My mind flashes back to the tumble I took and George’s smug face floats into my mind as I pull a piece of grass from my Charms textbook. Oh no. If he read it he knows-
“Hey [y/n]?” A younger Ravenclaw girl sticks her head into the room. “I found this on the ground by the willow, you must have forgotten it.” The girl hands me my leather journal as I breathe a sigh of relief.
“Thank you so much.” I flip through the pages as she shuts the door. That was close.
The walls of the dorm are bare, my friends all down at the Hogwarts train station. I’m running a bit late as I have been writing last minute details down. I place my treasured journal into the top of my trunk as the door creaks open.
“Hey Y/N/N,” Fred leans against the wooden bedpost.
“Hey. I can’t believe this is it.”
“I can’t either.” He seems a bit nervous and far less chatty than usual.
“It’ll be okay of course, there’s always next year.” I attempt to smile cheerfully despite my secret. Little does he know, but last Monday I received an owl saying that my family and I will be returning to the states. My father has received work as a recruiting officer.
“What is it?” Concern mixes into Fred’s already uneasy voice.
“What do you mean?”
He takes a step closer to me. “You know what I mean. That was a fake smile, you’ve been off all week, just tell me.”
I take a deep breath, “I’m going back to America.”
“Oh.” He silently opens his arms, the wind knocked out of him. As he holds me tight he nuzzles his face into my hair and I try to memorize his scent. “I hope you are happy there.” His voice nearly breaks my heart. Where I’m going is no longer home. Hogwarts is home.
“Thank you,” I whisper as he releases me. He walks towards the door but stops abruptly. In two steps he crosses the room, his hands tangle with my hair. He presses his lips to mine. I’m shocked but I don’t resist. They are silky smooth and tinged with salt from the tears running down my face. He slowly breaks away.
“I didn’t want to miss my last chance to do that.” The little composure I had shatters at his words. “George saw the notebook that day by the willow. He put it back after dinner. I was hoping we would have more time.”
I nearly choke, “You were hoping?”
“Yeah,” he looks at his feet. “I thought you were cool after Charms that first day, but as we spent more time together …” he trails off. His light brown eyes look into mine mournfully. “Please write. Promise me you’ll write.”
“I will. I promise.”
We disembarked the Hogwarts Express that day with tears in our eyes. George gave me a quick hug goodbye, and I fussed at him for stealing my notebook (All in good spirits of course). Fred held onto me until Molly dragged him away. Six hours later I was on a flight home.
It’s been three months and my parents have settled back into American life again, and though I have not, they have accepted this fact. My heart belongs to ivy walls, weeping (and whomping) willows, ancient secrets, and a red-headed boy named Fred. I pull out a piece of letter parchment and a quill to write him three words.
“I’m coming home.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/n: Thank you so much for reading lovelies. I love each and every one of you. Thank you also to the ever patient and kind person who requested this imagine a few days ago. While I had a few mental blocks writing this, I thoroughly enjoyed the journey.
A quick reminder that requests are open on my page. Don’t worry too much about the future, tomorrow will care for itself. Smile, you are beautiful! And always keep swimming.
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You’re My What?! Ch. 9: Thunder and Mischief
As the elevator doors opened, Isabella pushed off from the wall that she had been leaning against, and made her way out of the elevator. Just as she was making her way towards her room, a booming laughter could be heard, joined by a groaning sound of annoyance. Freezing, Bella watched as two tall men stepped out of a room. Instantly, she was able to recognize the two men as the Prince’s of Asgard. Thor was laughing at his younger brother, who had almost tripped in his attempt to get him out of his room. ‘Oh brother, you should be far more careful next time!” “Oh shut it, you overgrown swine!” Just as the blond was pretending to have his feelings hurt, they both stopped as they noticed Isabella standing awkwardly in the middle of the hallway. “Who are you, maiden?” Thor asked this in confusion, while Loki gave her a bored look. “A doe caught in headlights, it would appear..” The raven haired man mutter this to himself, earning an annoyed look from his older brother. Just as Bella was opened her mouth to speak, the elevator could be heard opening, followed by an all too familiar voice. “Isabella, there you are! I thought you had left! Bella, you didn’t let me explain to you back there..I was going to tell them…Oh, I see you’ve bumped into Point Break and Reindeer Games already!” At the billionaire’s nicknames for Thor and Loki, they both turned their attention to Tony and glared at him. Isabella sighed, and looked back at Tony, her arms now crossed as she was still hurt and didn’t believe the man beside her. Tony stopped beside the young female, and at her stare he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “What? Look Natasha was being a real..well herself, she was making it hard to talk. But I did tell them.” “Tell whom what, man of Iron?” At Thor’s question, Tony and Bella both turned to look at the two brothers. “I told the rest of the team that Isabella here, well as it turns out she is my daughter.” As he said this, Thor looked from Loki to Isabella, and Loki actually showed signs of surprise himself for once. “She is your what?” “She is his daughter, Thor, try to keep up brother.” Loki smirked as Thor gave him the death glare, before the blond again looked to Tony. Everything sinking in now. “I suppose I should not be surprised, I’ve heard you bedded many maiden’s in your time, Stark.” Smirking, Loki began to enjoy the reaction he got from Tony and his daughter. Tony actually blushed in shame for his past for once, while Isabella threw a glare up at him. “Loki, now is not the time for your pranks and mischief. It is time for celebration! Is it not, Stark? It is a pleasure to meet the man of Iron’s daughter.” Loki rolled his eyes as his brother bowed to Isabella, making her blush slightly. “Uh..Thank you? Uhm,,It’s nice meeting you too.” “You just want a reason to be able to go buy all the pop tarts at the store again, Thor. Although a small party does sound like fun right now, you know lighten the mood around here a little?” Shaking her head, Isabella began to reject the idea. “Yea no, I don’t think a party is a good idea. Even if it is small, I don’t like parties.” “Are you sure you fathered this one, Stark? I would have imagined a child of yours would have enjoyed parties as much as yourself.” Becoming annoyed with the black haired male, Bella gave him a pointed look. “You know, not everyone likes to party, Rock of ages!” As she said this, Tony had to turn away and hold back his laughter, much to his daughter’s confusion. “I take back I said, she is obviously your daughter..” With that last mutter, Loki turned and walked back into his room, Thor snicker silently to himself as he watched his brother go. Once they all calmed down, Tony looked at Isabella with a slight smile. “I know we’ve gotten off to the wrong start, and that I keep screwing up, but what do you say you join us all in the living room? Today is game night, and it looks like Loki won’t be joining us tonight. We could use another person?” At this, Thor perked up, as he was curious to find out more about the girl that Tony claimed to be his daughter. “Yes, join us, Miss. Isabella! There will be the pop of tarts as well!” Isabella giggled at Thor’s excitement, and then sighed and return her own slight smile to her father. “Fine..I guess I could join..” Suddenly, Thor had lifted the much smaller female off the ground in excitement, as he gave her a bear hug. “Hay, let her go Thor! You’re crushing her!” Instantly Thor let go of  Isabella, who had to catch her breath. “My apologizes, fair maiden!” After reassuring the over sized teddy bear, Thor left to go join the others and give them the news. Bella turned to walk into her room, when Tony called out to her quickly. “I’ll you later then?”  Looking at her father, Isabella thought her decision over again real quick, before giving a curt nod and going into her room. As she set about getting the few clothes that she had about her new room, Bella thought about tonight. Game night with the Avengers? She had a feeling that she would be in for a very interesting night, and now even she was feeling excited to join the rest of the Avengers for the game night.
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You’re My What?! Ch. 8: Meeting the Avengers Part 2: The Hawk, Widow, and Solider
Warning this chapter is a little longer then the others I believe, also more dramatic and has Tony acting uncharacteristically to his usual self. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the short run in with Banner, Tony and Isabella continued on as if nothing had happened. They had returned home by noon, so Isabella had fixed them both up something to munch on, while they sat down on one of the white couches and watched tv. As they were finishing up watching the last episode of  The Walking Dead for the day, to the great relief of Tony, the sudden sound of the door to the living room being opened caught both their attention. Looking up, Tony felt his eyes grow wide in sudden nervousness while Isabella’s face showed both shock and nervousness as well. The group of three that had been chatting away casually, came to a dead stop and stared at the two on the couch in confusion. “Stark, who is the girl?” The redheaded female that stood between two other males asked this as she directed a suspicious glare towards Bella. The look that Isabella received from the woman made her shudder and cringe slightly, as she felt like the woman was perfectly capable of killing her right there and then, along with her companions. Clearing his throat, Tony slowly stood up and crossed his arms as he gave the redhead an annoyed glare of his own. “Stop glaring daggers at her, will you Widow?” The billionaire spoke sternly to the one he called Widow, as he then went to stand protectively in front of his daughter, surprising her. At the name that he spoke, Isabella quickly realized who the woman was, and she got to her feet in an instant. Making her way to stand beside her father, Bella looked to him, hinting for him to introduce her to the new group that she was sure she knew the names to. Getting the hint, Tony again cleared his throat and began to speak, his eyes watching Widow carefully. “Isabella this is Clint Barton, the woman still glaring at you is Natasha Romanoff, and the old man right there is Steve Rogers. Guys, this is Isabella Torres.” This time when Tony introduced Bella, he didn’t add that she was his daughter, which hurt her but she kept the hurt hidden, as Steve and Clint instantly relaxed a bit more and went to shake her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Torres.” Bella blushed as the man named Steve spoke to her so formally, something that she was not use to by any means. “Yea, what he said.” Clint added as he shook her hand as well. “Likewise..” Isabella was still very uncomfortable, as she was hyper aware that Natasha was still looking at her like she wanted to jump her, her arms still crossed as she continued to glare at her. “Lighten up, Tass.You’re scaring the poor girl!” Clint’s comment earned him a glare from the woman. “Natasha, stop glaring at her now!” Everyone looked at Tony, as he spoke more sternly and seriously then he had ever dared to speak to the assassin before. Natasha’s jaw tightened, along with her eyes, as she now glared at the billionaire. “I’ll stop when you tell me who she is..” Tony glared right back at Tasha, as he puffed his chest out slightly in a defensive manner. “I already told you..” “You know what I mean, Stark. Does Pepper know about her?” At the second round of implied accusation, Tony let out a groan of annoyance, while Isabella let out a sigh of similar annoyance and embarrassment. “She is not what you think she is, fire breath!” “Then who is she?!” As the two began to get in each other’s face, Steve and Clint suddenly stepped in, and Bella began to wish that she could be sucked up by a whole in the ground at that moment. “Tasha calm down!” “Stark, back off!” While the two males attempted to calm the situation down, Isabella began to feel her anxiety kick in, and at full force. “Stop it! Just stop!” She had not meant for the words to slip out, much for them to be yelled out, it was too late and the squabbling group were now staring at her in shock. Her hands in fists, Isabella looked desperately to Tony, who was now looking at her in worry. “Just tell them will you?! Or what, now suddenly you don’t want to tell them the truth, but you’ll tell Banner?!” Blinded by her anxiety and stress over the situation, Bella needed to lash out at someone and the poor target of her sudden rage was Tony. Glaring at Tony, Isabella felt tears sting at her eyes again, as she felt hurt that Tony had not introduced her as his daughter to the group, which she wouldn’t have minded, if the jerk hadn’t made it seem like he absolutely refused to do so even with an assassin in his face. “You know what..forget it..” walking past the silence struck group, Isabella began to make her way out of the living room, to the protest of Tony which she ignored. “Isabella wait! I was going to tell them!” His last comment fell on deaf ears, as she had already left the room and didn’t hear his last comment. As the seconds ticked by, Tony kept his eyes glued to the door that his daughter had just stormed out of, his face clearly showing signs of regret. When it was obvious that the girl would not return, the billionaire turned slowly to glare at the group before him. His glare was so fierce and new to the three, that they all cringed away slightly, even Natasha seemed to recoil ever so slightly at his anger. “Good jobs guys, I was just starting to make it up to her for being a real jackass just last night!” Not one to allow herself to be yelled at, Natasha again snapped back at Tony. “Well this wouldn’t be happening if you had just told us who she really is, Stark!” “Oh shut up, Romanoff! I was just about to tell you guys who she was, until you decided to be a real bitch!” At his uncharacteristic words and behavior, Natasha couldn’t help but show her shock. However, her shock was quickly replaced by her own flames of anger. Guessing what her next moves were, Clint was instantly behind his partner, as he held her back from launching at a raging Tony, who was also being held back by a confused and shocked Banner. “You want to know who that girl was, huh Natasha?!” As Tony continued to yell at Natasha, Steve  was now standing between the two in case either of them escaped the hold that they were in. “Yea, I want to know who she was, Tony! I want to know who that young woman was, and if Pepper should be  worried about her!” At this, Tony just about lost it, and Bruce had to tighten his hold on the man. “Natasha, it’s not what you think!” Bruce yelled this out at Natasha, as he realized why Tony had snapped so suddenly at the woman, his own annoyance attempting to break through. “Then who is she?!” “She’s my daughter!” After practically roaring this out at Natasha, everyone went dead quiet, and both and Tony and Tasha both seemed to finally settle down and lose their rage. Knowing that he was no longer a threat,. Bruce slowly let go a still fuming Tony, who instantly hunched slightly. “Yea, that’s right, Isabella isn’t some girl who I am seeing behind Pepper’s back..She’s my daughter!”After repeating himself, Natasha continued to look at the man before her, her own anger quickly decapitating. Slowly the seconds turned into minutes, as everyone let the billionaire words sink in. Eventually, Clint let Natasha go, before he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “Your daughter? And you’re sure that you’re the..?” Tony let out an exhausted and annoyed sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to remain calm now. “I know that I am her father. I ran three tests myself.” lint nodded his head slowly, as he processed the new information he was given about Tony. ‘I apologize for how I acted..” Tony simply gave Natasha a tight look, before crossing his arms and replying to her. “I apologize for how I acted…But it’s not me you should be apologizing to. You owe Isabella as much of an apology as I do for not telling you guys who she really was sooner..” It was unlike Tony or Natasha to apologize, but it seemed that today was a day for the unusual to happen. And boy, the shock they were all in for later that day too, then Tony could say that the day was truly a rare and unusual one. “Well aren’t you going to say something, Spangles?” Wanting nothing more then to return to his usual sarcastic and cheerful self, Tony directed his comment towards Steve, who had been quiet sense he had told them that Isabella was his daughter. “I guess I am not as surprised as I was at first. I’m sure this was bound to happen at some point, right?” Wanting to return to a less tense atmosphere himself, Steve quickly gave his come back at Tony, with a casual shrug of his shoulders and a smirk on his lips.Before Tony could give his come back, both Bruce and Clint began to laugh. “The caps got a point, metal head!” Rolling his eyes, Tony turned towards the door and began walking out of the room, feeling a little better but still worried that Isabella would not want to talk to him again. “Oh shut up, Bird brain. And Bruce, aren’t you supposed to be on my side?” “Sorry, but Rogers did make a good point, Tony!” Tony shock his head and laughed lightly at Banner’s words, as he turned and spoke one last time before leaving the living room. “Nice to know you’ve got my back, Banner. Anyway, I’m going to see if Isabella will let me explain everything to her. I’ll talk to you idiots later.” Entering the elevator, Tony crossed his arms as he wondered if Bella was even still in the tower.
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBMkrXG8KMY)
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Please Help?!
@markiplier know that a lot of people do this and ask for this kind of help, and I know there isn’t much you can do but I need your help. I have a friend I made online just a week ago, he’s only fifteen but he has been on the edge of commiting suicide and me and some others have been trying to keep him from doing it. But he’s starting to consider it more and I am getting really worried. He goes to therapy, but he keeps saying that there are things even therapy can’t help. Please if there is anything you can say anyway we can show him that he deserves to be here and that life DOES get better then I would greatly appreciate the help. I am so sorry to ask you for this kind of help, but I don’t know what else to do. Now please help me so that Mark can see this, I need help so I can help my friend. I am again really really sorry for doing this, for asking for this.
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i'm trying to find part 4 of the tony stark daughter series :) any way you can tag me in it, i can't find it
Yea sorry about that, I hadn't realized that I had skipped the chapter and went straight to the 5th on instead X Thank you for pointing it out! Also thank you for reading, I hope that your asking for the fourth ch means you are liking it so far 😊
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You're My What?! Ch. 4: The Letter and a Call
And I totally forgot to post this one! Accidentally skipped this chapter, my bad X @capbuckthor Back at the tower, Tony was getting yelled at by Pepper for being so cruel to Isabella. “Anthony Stark! I understand that this all came as a shock to you, but that young lady seemed like she actually believed what her mother had told her. Now, rather it’s true or not I don’t know, but I do know that you had no right to tell her that her mother was a liar.” “So what, now I am the bad guy here? Who side are you on, anyway?” Tony asked Pepper this, obviously mad at her for being mad at him. Pepper rolled her eyes and let out a growl of anger as she stood and began to leave. “Oh come one, you’re leaving now?” “Yes Tony, I am going home! Don’t you dare call me either, not until you’ve decided to stop acting like such a child!” After he was left alone, Tony let out a slight scream of frustration. Rubbing his temple in anger and exhaustion, Tony remembered the envelope and suddenly went to sit at his long white couch. Opening up the envelop, Tony pulled out a letter. At first he was confused, but then he realized that it must have been a letter from Isabella’s mother, so he began to read it instantly: Dear Tony; You may not remember me, but I remember you still. I was one of your old friends before you took on your family business. Again you may not recall, but we dated before you took on the business, and then very briefly afterwards. In the time after you became CEO, you began to ignore and avoid me more and more, so I left you. What you didn't know, and what I did know, was that I was pregnant with our daughter, Isabella. I never once told her about you, not until a month before her nineteenth birthday. As a matter of fact, I had a plain ticket prepared for her right before I told her about you. So, on the day she arrives to confront you, as I have asked her to do, it should be her birthday. Please forgive me for not saying anything sooner, and please do not deny our daughter. I have asked her to try and live with you for a while.                                                                                         ~Love Milagros Torres/Johnson P.S If you need further proof that she is your daughter, then do what you must to prove it to yourself. But you know the truth. After reading the note, Tony felt his heart tighten at the name. As it so happened, that name did spark a memory in his head. It was locked away in the part of his brain where he kept his most painful memories at. Digging into the envelop again, he pulled out a silver locket and what looked like a very small photo album. Opening the locket first, he saw that it held a picture of a much younger him and Milagros, then on the other side it was engraved with both their initials. Sighing, he slowly closed the locket and set it down beside him. Turning to the photo album, he slowly opened it to see a picture of Isabella. Under the picture was a brief label of her name, her last name being Torres at the time, and the date which indicated this picture was of the day that she was born. Immediately, Tony felt his heart ache and his head spin in overwhelming feelings he hadn’t felt before. Shaking his head, he continued to flip through the album, and realized that Milagros had made an album strictly about Isabella throughout her childhood and up to her thirteenth Birthday. Under the last picture, he figured out with it’s label, that Isabella had graduated from high school at the young age of thirteen.”So she’s a genius? Damn, things are pointing more and more towards…” Shaking his head, he went through the envelop one more time, after placing down the album, and felt one last paper inside. Pulling it out, he saw that it was Isabella’s birth certificate. As he looked through it, he suddenly frowned deeply when he saw a blank space where the father’s name should have gone. This bothered him deeply for some reason, and after rereading the letter again, he stood up with everything and went straight for his workshop/lab. He spent the rest of the night looking through the internet for the file he had on Milagros their relationship. It was an extremely old file, one he hadn’t touched in years, but he forced to do so now. He studied the file and other things he could find about her through some data bases that he knew of, and by the time the sun started to rise he was sitting on his floor rereading the letter for the hundredth time. It looked like she was telling the truth, but he was still uncertain. Refusing to go to sleep without settling all of this first, Tony finally stood and got out of his work shop. Going to his room, he took a quick shower and got himself ready. After making sure he had some coffee in his hands, Tony called out to Jarvis. “Jarvis, dial that gir-Isabella up for me. I think I’m finally ready to act, “civil and like an adult”, now.” Stark sighed as he used the words that the girl had shouted at him last night, cringing at the memory of how much of an ass he had been to her. I mean he was usually an ass, but last night he was beyond that towards the young female. “Of course sir, I am dialing her now.” AI instantly began to call Isabella, and as the sound of the ringing could be heard throughout the house, Tony suddenly remembered that the letter told him yesterday should have been Isabella’s birthday. First guilt swept through Tony, then it was changed to sudden and characteristic nervousness and awkwardness, as the young female answered her phone. “Hello, this Isabella speaking. Who is this?” She sounded exhausted! No doubt she likely did not have a very good night sleep, Tony assumed as he went to reply. “Uh, yea, so listen..Isabella was it? This is Tony, um I had time to think over the events of last night, and I finally decided that I was calm enough to be civil and adult enough to call you up. Anyway, I was thinking, and I know this is going to piss you off, but this is necessary…” “You want a DNA test, don’t you..” After the shock of hearing from Tony so soon and so early wore off, Isabella had regained her composure and interrupted Tony before he could finish his sentence. Sighing, Tony nodded his head, then remembered that she couldn’t see him. “Yes, I think it would be the best option right now.” At first everything was so silent on the other line, that Stark had assumed that the girl had hung up on him, but then a minute before he was going to hang up himself, her sigh could be heard. “Fine, if you feel the need for that, then I’ll agree to get it done.But, Mr. Stark, when the DNA test comes out showing you that I am your daughter, what then?” Tony rubbed his temples as he forced himself not to get mad. “We go to breakfast, maybe shawarma, then we’ll see from there. Deal?” At the sound of Isabella trying to hold back a laugh, Tony couldn’t help the small smirk that appeared on his lips. “Deal” “Perfect, I’ll pick you up at…” Quickly looking at his clock, he saw that it was barely seven. He never was up this early except for when he had his sleepless nights like last night. “I’ll pick you up at eight thirty. Be ready. Oh and where are you?” “Oh, I’ll be ready. I am at Motel Ocean Liner on 11th street.” With that, Bella hung up and left a stunned Tony. She was too confident for his taste, and he hated how much she was starting to remind him of…Well him!
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Ch. 7: Meeting the Avengers Part 1: Bruce Banner
After leaving the restaurant, Tony quickly drove Isabella to the motel she had stayed in last night, insisting the sooner she got her things and left the place the better she would be. She did as she was told, and as soon as her things were in the trunk and she was seated, Tony drove away as fast as the law would allow him to. “Slow down! You act like that motel is going to grow legs and chase us, geez..” Tony rolled his eyes at Bella, reluctantly slowing his car down a little. “It could happen…” The young female simply shook her head at the man beside her, thinking of him as more of an overgrown child at that moment. Soon they made it back to the tower, and as they stepped out of the car, Tony surprisingly helped by taking Isabella’s only suitcase for her. “Is this all you brought with you?What are you only planning on being here for a week or something like that?” Though his question was innocent and simple, it still made Isabella frown and blush slightly with embarrassment. “Uh..No, I umm, I actually have no idea how long I’ll be in New York for..Uhm, but defiantly for more then a week…” At her response, Tony shot her a confused look. However, she was keeping her eyes straight ahead and her eyes seemed tight.Putting two and two together, the billionaire realized with a sickening feeling what the reason behind her only having one suitcase meant. Frowning deeply, Tony vowed to himself that he would take Isabella out to buy her more clothes and anything else she needed…Or he would just vow to have Pepper go take the young female shopping. “Ah, I see…Anyway, let’s get you settled into your very own room then!” Not being one for showing his emotions or dealing with emotionally stressful situations, Tony had decided it was better to just switch the subject. Isabella almost let out a sigh of relief, as she also did not enjoy showcasing her own emotions. After being lead into one of the bedrooms, then getting over the initial shock of just seeing the room, Isabella and Tony exited the elevator again and entered the main living room/dinning/ bar and party room. As they entered the room, Bella was laughing at a funny story that Tony had just told her. “What’s so funny?” Isabella gasped in surprise, and Tony snapped his head up in equal shock as they heard a deep male voice coming from one of the couches. “Banner, you’re back!” Tony’s voice clearly conveyed his surprise at seeing his friend, and fellow Avenger in the room. Bruce simply crossed his arms casually and gave the stunned billionaire and amused look before responding sarcastically. “Yea well, seeing as I do live here too I’d figured I’d come back at some point today. Hey, who’s your new friend? She seems a little young, doesn’t she Stark? Does Pepper know about her?” As Bruce finally took notice of  Isabella, his last question was filled with implications that made both her and Tony blush scarlet. “Oh no, this is not what you think, Banner! Get your head out of the gutters! Also, ouch you offend me with your lack of trust in me.” Tony spoke the last part with exaggerated false betrayal, as he stood to the side and pointed to Isabella. “Anyway, Isabella this is my good friend Bruce Banner. You may recognize him? You know, he’s the guy who turns into an over sized green man whenever he loses his temper. Great guy, Banner I mean.” Bruce shot Tony a slightly annoyed and yet tired look, as he was use to being introduced like that by him. “Yea, I  know him! I’m a big fan of how you ‘hulk out’, also I’m big fan of your scientific research.” Bruce returned his, again amused, attention to Isabella as she spoke to him this time. Tony smirked at how Isabella had almost said the exact same thing he had told Banner when they had first met on the hover ship. “Anyway, returning to introductions! Banner, this is Isabella Torres…She’s also my daughter…”Bruce offered his hand out to Bella, who took it and shook his hand firmly, waiting to see if he had heard Tony’s last muttered line. Her own eyes were slightly big with shock, not having expected him to let slip that she was his daughter, it made a warm sensation spread through her chest suddenly. “Hello Miss. Torres. It’s a pleasure to me- Wait, she’s your what?” Finally Bruce had realized what Tony had told him, and he took a double take as he looked between the billionaire and the young female who stood in front of him. “Yea, I know shocker, right? So it turns out that I have daughter, I ran my own DNA test here. Three as a matter of fact, got it all confirmed this morning..” As Tony explained himself, Banner kept looking between the two, and started to see the similarity between them. “Yea that explains the comment from earlier…Umm…Congratulations?” Both Isabella and Tony scratched the back of their heads and neck at the same time at Bruce’s last unsure comment. Looking at each other briefly, then looking away Tony gave the reply. “Yea, thanks…Anyway, I guess you got to get a room in the Avengers tower and already met one of them. Lucky kid..Anyway, Isabella will be staying her for a x amount of days or months.” Bruce nodded his head before readjusting his glasses on his face, still taking in the shock of what just happened. “Well, welcome to Avengers HQ. It was a pleasure meeting you, I’m sure you’ll both have fun introducing her to the rest of  the group.” And with that, Bruce gave them both a parting smirk before heading off to his lab, leaving an annoyed Tony for the reminder, and a slightly nervous and scared Isabella at the thought of meeting the other Avengers.
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Ch. 6: Shawarma
A/N Sorry if this chapter was a little on the boring side! X I feel like this one was not my best work, but I promise I will keep trying to bring out better chapters! I hope you enjoy this chapter still! ^^ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stepping into the restaurant, Isabella quickly noticed that there wasn’t any customers inside at all. Finding a table in the farthest corner, Bella sat herself down and then just looked down at the table blankly. A few moments after sitting, an older Asian woman came over to her with a menu in her hand. “Good morning, Miss. My name is Hamaki, and I will be your waitress for today. Here is our menu. Is there anything you would like to drink?” Isabella jumped as she heard the woman speak, but then quickly recollected herself and gave the waitress a small smile. “Um, I would just like some plain coffee, thank you.” “Very well, I will bring that right out for you.” Bowing slightly, the waitress turned and left Isabella to look over the menu. Opening the menu, she began to flip through it, barely able to concentrate on it as she kept thinking back to how she had seen Tony react to finding out the truth only moments ago. Sighing, she placed down the menu, opting to just rest her chin on her propped up hand. After receiving her coffee and sweetening it to her taste, Bella told the waitress that she needed to think over what she wanted a little longer. Instead, she found herself just staring off into space, her mind constantly replaying the events that lead to her being in this restaurant all by herself. Suddenly, Isabella was pulled out of her thoughts, as she heard someone clear their throat beside her. Snapping her head to her right, she felt a bolt of shock go through her as she saw who the person was. “Jarvis gave me your message…” Bella stared up at Tony, as he told her this. She couldn’t read him, sense he was wearing his sun glasses, but she could easily sense how uncomfortable the man was by the tone of his voice and and by how he just stood there, as if waiting for her to say something. “Oh, okay…D-did you want to sit..?” Isabella asked this with caution, as she wondered if he had only come to tell her that, even with the prof he still didn’t want anything to do with her. To her surprise, Tony actually took the offered seat across from her. After that, they both remained in awkward silence, Tony only speaking when the waitress came back to hand him a menu and ask for his drink order. “Look, I know that this all came as a shock to you, and I understand if you still don’t want anything to do with me…I guess I got what I wanted anyway, to have definite proof that my mother wasn’t lying..You don’t have to hear from me anymore, I’ll leave you alone now and you can go back to living like none of this happened. I promise I won’t even tell anyone that you are my..I promise I won’t tell anyone about you…And don‘t worry about giving me money either, I never came here for that, you don‘t owe me anything..”After saying all of this, Bella kept her eyes glued to her fiddling hands, like she had while she spoke. She didn’t know what she had expected Tony to say or do, but it defiantly wasn’t him acting like nothing was wrong as the waitress returned to get their orders. “May I take your orders?” “Yes, I would like one of your best Shawarmas, and another one for the young lady.” After she left, with a slight bow, Isabella looked up at her father with confusion. “You’re going to love the Shawarma here. Have you ever had Shawarma before?” Tony spoke as if he hadn’t just found out the young female in front of him was his daughter, speaking in his usual laid back tone. He took notice of his daughter’s confused expression, but he just ignored it as he waited for her reply. “Um..no, I-I’ve never had..Shawarma..” “Well then, like I said, you’re going to love it.” When Isabella gave no further replies or contribution to the conversation, Tony let out a slight sigh of annoyance as he removed his sunglasses. “Look, relax a little will you, kid? I’m not going to bite your head off or anything like that..” “S-sorry! I uh..” “Don’t worry about it, just contribute to the conversation this time. Got it?” Bella nodded her head, still giving him a confused look but otherwise seeming to relax a bit. “Good.” After saying this, their food finally made it to them, and as they ate in silence, Tony slowly but surely began to break the ice by telling Bella some stories about the other Avengers and even of when they first came to this restaurant. After they finished eating, everything went back to being awkward and silent. Crossing his arms, Tony cleared his throat as he began to talk seriously. “I know my reaction back there wasn’t exactly the best, but as you pointed out earlier, this all came as a shock to me. However, you are wrong about something.” Isabella looked at Tony, confused by his last words. Raising a brow and crossing her own arms, she looked at her father with caution now. “Oh yea, about what, exactly?” “You said I didn’t owe you anything, but that’s not true. I owe you nineteen years worth of life lessons, nineteen years of helping you learn how to do your first everything, nineteen years of glaring at any guy who gave you even the slightest look of interest…and I owe you nineteen years of having a father in your life..Well, your real father that is..” Isabella looked at Tony with wide eyes, as he finished explaining what she was wrong about. By the time he had finished speaking, he had averted his eyes from her to his hands that held his empty cup. “Yea, well when you put it that way…”Chewing on her bottom lip, she struggled to find the words to say to the man that she had only just found out the month before was her father. “I know that I can’t exactly make up for all the lost years, and it’s still going to take me a long time to really get use to the news that I am a father, but I at least can offer you a place to live.” Tony beat Bella to the punch and had spoken first, but she shook her head at what he said. “Oh no! It’s fine, you don’t have to do that. I’l-” “There is no way I am letting you go back to that shity motel. You are moving into the tower today, and that’s final. Now come on, the sooner we get your things as far away from that death trap they call a motel, the safer you will be.” Before she had a chance to argue her point any further, Tony got to his feet and paid for the meal before leaving the restaurant. Rolling her eyes at how dramatic Tony was being, Isabella let out a slight chuckle before getting up and following Tony outside.
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seriously what the hell.. just because you have had it bad doesn’t mean that someone else hasn’t. We all go through our own shit and it’s different for everyone. You may have had it worse than some people, maybe even including mark, but our feelings are all valid and it’s just not humane to belittle someones feelings like that just because you had it worse.
@markiplier has helped an INCREDIBLE amount of people. He donates a ton of money to charities who need all the help they can get. Fans from all around the world who suffer with different kinds of illnesses and disorders, whether physical or mentally, have come forward and said “Yes, this person makes me feel better about myself because they make me smile and they make me laugh, even at my lowest times.” 
No one in their right mind should say “well you’re an asshole because you’ve not had it as bad as I have”.
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Stop scrolling. Read this. Remember this.
If you can’t take it from him, take it from a survivor like me. These are REAL words.
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You’re My What?!Ch. 5: DNA Never Lies
An hour after his call with Isabella ended, Tony was parked outside of the motel she had told him she was staying at. He frowned deeply, as he didn’t like the sate of the motel. It was very old, and obviously it had been a long time sense someone had been hired to do a good remodeling on the place. Just as he was thinking this, his attention was taken by someone walking towards his car. Looking at the person, he saw that it was Bella, so he quickly stepped out and greeted the young female, a bit awkwardly but at least he tried to remain civil about. “Isabella.” The girl looked up at him, her eyes seemingly studying him. “Anthony.” He frowned slightly as she used his full first name, but then just nodded his head in acknowledgement.. “Get in, the sooner we get this done, the better.” Isabella frowned at Tony as he said this, but she did as she was told and climbed into his car. As he got into the car, he quickly pulled away, like he couldn’t wait to get away from the place by the looks he was giving it. They made their way to get their DNA tested in silence, neither knowing what to say to the other. As they came to a stop, Isabella looked out her window in utter confusion. “Um, why are we back at your tower? Shouldn’t we be at like, I don’t know, at some kind of DNA testing facility?” She asked this as she turned to see Tony stepping out of his car. Letting out a sigh of annoyance, she quickly climbed out and followed him into the tower. “We are here because I don’t need the public finding out about any of this. Second, JARVIS is more then capable of running the DNA test for us. Quiet frankly, I trust him more then I trust the people at any DNA facility.” As Tony said all this, he calmly stepped into the elevator and they rode all the way up to his lab in silence once again. Isabella wasn’t sure how she felt about getting tested in the tower, or if she should be mad that her father/possible father didn’t want the public to know about her possibly being his daughter. Crossing her arms, she stepped out of the elevator behind Tony and followed him into a room that looked almost like a clinic. “Bruce is usually the one who uses this room, for whenever anyone in the tower gets sick or hurt or whatever. He’s not here right now, like everyone else at the moment, so it’s safe to use this room.” Tony said all of this while he walked over to a cabinet opened it with hurried movements. Isabella watched as he pulled out mouth swabs, four plastic bags, two tubes, and two needles. “Okay, sit on that chair, I’m just going to get a few more things and we can get this started.” Walking over to the indicated chair, Bella slowly sat down as she watched Tony’s every rushed movements. He quickly went to a drawer and got out some alcohol wipes, and two medical band aids. Putting everything on a metal table, tony looked up at his possible daughter with serious eyes, “I am going to run three DNA tests. One from the mouth swabs, one from a strand of our hair, and one from a blood draw. This way, I get the most accurate results possible. Understand?” “Yes, I understand..” Getting her word of understanding, Tony suddenly reached over and pulled a strand of her hair out, making the girl yelp out in pain. “Ouch! Damn it, I could have done that myself!” “Language!” Tony laughed lightly as he put her strand into a bag, then did the same for himself. “Okay, let‘s keep this train going..“ As he finished gathering their DNA, stood with all the DNA samples and went over to a few machines and began to run their DNA against each others. “Another good thing about getting this done here, instead of it taking days or even weeks to get the results, we just have to a few minutes for our results. JARVIS run the DNA tests.” “As you wish sir, I should have the results within a few minutes.” Isabella looked up at the ceiling, still not use to the AI that was installed into the tower. “Um, a few minutes? How is that even possible?” She asked Tony this with disbelief, as she remained seated. “You doubt my technology? I am offended!” Bella rolled her eyes as Tony gasped dramatically and acted like he was truly offended. “It’s called JARVIS, no more needs to be said.” After that, they sat in a tense silence, as they waited for the minutes to pass by and for their results to come through. Finally, the AI spoke up again. “Sir, I have finished running all of the DNA tests.” Getting to his feet, Tony went over to a printer that was pushing out the results. “Thank you, Jar.” “You are welcome, sir.” Isabella watched Tony closely, carefully studying his reaction to whatever the paper said. “Let’s see, according to this I am….” As he suddenly trailed off, Bella could tell by his suddenly pale face what the paper read without needing to look at it. As he fell onto his char, she slowly stood and gave the shocked man one last look. “DNA never lies..” Turning, she walked out of the room and went straight for the elevator. Forcing her tears to stay in, Isabella waited to reach the ground level while leaving a message with Jarvis. “Jarvis, let Tony know once he is out of his shock, that I’ll be at the place that sells Shawarma. If he still wants to get some, that is..” “Of course, Miss. Stark.” She looked up at the ceiling again, a mixture of feelings running through her as the AI called her by her father’s last name. And with that, Isabella slowly stepped out of the elevator and the tower. She made her way to the restaurant, wondering if Tony would accept the truth. Or at the very least come to meet her for the last time..
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Signal boost this– Wear a safety pin to signal solidarity with the groups like Muslim-Americans Trump has threatened to marginalize
Now that America has gone and elected a man who has inspired a wave of racist attacks, the pins have made their way back across the Atlantic. People all over are tweeting their image with the pin and a message of solidarity. 
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