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YAAAY!!! We did it! You did it! 108 Sun Salutations! Happy and Healthy 2022! Thank you for staying healthy. Thank you for staying peaceful. PEACE starts within #bodymindsoul #mindfulliving #peaceonearth #peacebeginswithme #peacestartsonyourplate #peacewithin #findyourpeace #findyourstrong #findyourhealthy #yogawithme #teyyoga #108sunsalutations #108withme #omshanti #peacenow #yogastudents #yogastudentforlife #yogateacherlife #yogainspiration #yogalove #actress #healthylifestyle #wayofliving #onebodyonelife #takecareofyourself #healthychoices #healthyyou #insighttimer #zoomyoga #soulfulsimplicity https://www.instagram.com/p/CYeuKK0PSqM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Love ... the strongest force in the universe The images show our Blue Diamond House Special Batard sourdough flavour . We added 40% additional wild yeast culture to provide that sourdough taste. Notice the air pocket is in the shape of a heart. #bluediamondhousebakery #veganforlife #serenawilliams simoncowell #pamelaanderson #glutenfree #veganfortheanimals #whatveganseat #whatveganscook #venuswilliams #joaquinphoenixv #alllivesmatter #animalsarefriends #meatfree #jamescameron #beyonce #bryanadams #superfood #notyourmomnotyourmilk #meatfreemeals #peacestartsonyourplate #davidmeyer #ellendegeneres #jennifer_lopez #steviewonder #jennamarbles #moralsandvalues #plantpowered https://twitter.com/diamond_bakery/status/1191070750704308229?s=08 https://g.page/Blue-Diamond-House-Bakery https://www.facebook.com/bakery.bluediamondhouse/ (at Kya Sand) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5AT2MMAxVl/?igshid=vg8fjl9pc5rr
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#nationaltacoday Here's a quick and delicious @gardein fish taco with spicy @followyourheart #veganaise #vegan #veganfood #whatveganseat #plantbased #noanimalsharmed #dairyfree #meatfree #eggfree #fishfree #veganeats #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #allvegan #peacestartsonyourplate #crueltyfree #veganlifestyle #veganfoodie #veganfatty #veganized #easyveganmeals #stopeatinganimals
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When you had to call bae (aka your Mum) to tell her that you're about to eat all of this yourself and that it's all #vegan AND gluten free (I mean hello this is heaven calling) (I had a vegan big breakfast AND a bagel with cream cheese and pesto AND a scone AND a fresh juice AND some of the big plate of fries we got to share) where it all went I don't know... 🙊 honestly I have never felt restricted as a vegan, in fact my eating choices seemed to expand when going vegan! And I honestly believe there is a vegan diet out there to suit everyone: high protein, high carb, raw, junk food, wholefoods... I think the more you can stick to a wholefoods vegan diet the better, but I ain't going to stop anyone or tell them it's wrong (including myself) from having a vegan burger and fries. Because at least it's better than a non-vegan burger and fries, am I right? 💛 #peacestartsonyourplate thanks for sending me through this snap yesterday while we reminisced @agirlnamedally 🌸 (at Christchurch, New Zealand)
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Ohh, problem solved 🙈.. not . . . . #peacestartsonyourplate #crueltyfreefood #crueltyfree #savetheanimals #savetheplanet #vegan #veganfood #veganmeals #veganism #veganrecipes #vegansnacks #veganinspiration #veganinspo #veganfeed #tiktok #angiequibrera #funnytiktoks #memes #veganhumor #veganmemes #veganvideos #veganvibes #veganvideo #vegangirl #poweredbyplants #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #vegansofinsta https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3w_ONJdqr/?igshid=lxlduvlexns7
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@Regranned from @peixetambemecarne - Primeira receitinha que eu quero compartilhar é esse assado vegano de grão de bico maravilhoso das meninas @tnmvegg. A receita completa tá lá no canal do youtube delas. Eu não consegui fazer ele tão lindo quanto o delas heheh mas ficou gostoso demaaais! Até meu pai (super carnista) e minha irmã que não gosta de grão de bico amaram! 😁 Apenas adaptei algumas coisinhas para o que eu tinha em casa. No recheio eu não coloquei castanhas nem frutas secas, troquei por cogumelos. Tanto no recheio quanto na massa, usei o pimentão verde mesmo, porque não achei pimentão vermelho orgânico. Na massa de grão de bico, eu troquei a farinha de trigo por farinha de aveia (e por isso, tive que colocar um pouco mais da quantidade de farinha que elas indicaram para dar o ponto certo), e nos temperos acrescentei 1/2 colherinha de páprica defumada. 😊 Sucesso demais, e já estou louca para repetir a receita! 😋 . . . #vidavegana #vidasaudável #crueltyfree #vegan #vegana #govegan #sejavegano #pelosanimais #pelaspessoas #peloplaneta #veganismo #apazcomeçanoprato #peacestartsonyourplate #escolhassaudáveis #delíciasaudável #whatveganseat #oqueveganoscomem #semleitedevaca #semovo #semlactose #semcarne #semcrueldade #veganpelosanimais #ceiadenatal #natalvegan #veganchristmas #assadovegano #tnmveg #tanamesa (at Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
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Repost @anahatapat - Acaibowl is one of my favorite breakfast ideas. Happy friday everybody! Sending much love.💖🌈🌞 . . . . . . #ilovemallorca #acaibowl #acai #summervibes #veggies #peacestartsonyourplate #eatplantsnotfriends #veganfoodie #veganfoodshare #whatveganseat #vegangermany #deutschlandvegan #vegandeutschland #crueltyfree #ahimsa #letscookvegan #savetheplanet #veganeats #veganfoodspot #plantstrong #foods4thought #heresmyfood
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@notbatmanyet: RT @thevegansnuts: I needed Indian food today so I made a tofu and mushroom curry and served it with some rice and garlic and coriander naan. I miss mum's curries😋😊💗🙏🌱 #vegan #veganfood #peacestartsonyourplate #easytobevegan #TryVeganToday #homemade #tofucurry #GoVegan #plantpowered #eatplants https://t.co/wSOrOjjsCA
from http://twitter.com/notbatmanyet via IFTTT
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Blessed Friday everyone Here is a plated meal option Jasmine rice mixed with Maca Root, Moringa Leaf,Himayalan rock salt, Pepper, Kombucha Vinegar,Carrot Shards (from pureed carrots) and dehydrated carrot skins . #veganforlife #serenawilliams #veganfortheanimals #whatveganseat #whatveganscook#passion #alllivesmatter #crueltyfree #animalsarefriends #meatfree #lovewhatyoudo #vegansnacks #glutenfreebread #natural #notyourmomnotyourmilk #meatfreemeals #healthyliving #peacestartsonyourplate #moralsandvalues #plantpowered #liberty #bluediamondhousebakery #fun #music #beyonce #bryanadams #bruchetta https://twitter.com/diamond_bakery/status/1191070750704308229?s=08 https://g.page/Blue-Diamond-House-Bakery https://www.facebook.com/bakery.bluediamondhouse/ (at Kya Sand) https://www.instagram.com/p/B44AJMhg30K/?igshid=ke2g54xlly6q
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Ain’t that the truth.✌️💕💕#choosecompassion #leaveanimalsoffyourplate * @Regrann from @miranda_blair . . . . . #allanimalsdeservelove #allanimalsdeservetolive #eatplantsnotfriends #eatplantsnotanimals #fortheanimals #forallanimals #peacestartsonyourplate #letthemlive #veganfortheanimals #veganislove #savethemwithkindness #veganshare #vegansofig #animallover #animalsofinstagram #catsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #cat #dog
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Baked sweet potato with loads of toppings - Thai-inspired chickpea from @minimalistbaker, ultra creamy vegan ranch from @veganyackattack, @ninjasquirrelsriracha, and some @traderjoes everything bagel seasoning. It was quicker to eat than to describe 😜 #vegan #whatveganseat #plantbased #noanimalsharmed #organic #dairyfree #meatfree #eggfree #veganeats #vegansofig #govegan #nopalmoil #peacestartsonyourplate #nonGMO #veganfoodie #veganfatty #eatmoreplants #madefromscratch #veganized #stopeatinganimals
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@Regranned from @peixetambemecarne - Essa semana tá uma correria... (dezembro é sempre assim, né?) Mas queria compartilhar com vocês os muffins de banana e aveia que fiz ontem para uma reunião de equipe que teve na escola que faço estágio. Foi sucesso, todo mundo gostou! Espalhando o veganismo com carinho e sabor. 💚 Fiz assim: misturei 1xíc e meia de farinha de aveia, 1xíc de farinha de arroz integral, 2cs de linhaça dourada triturada, 1cs de polvilho doce, 1/2 xíc de açúcar mascavo, 3 bananas esmagadas, 1/4 de óleo de coco, água até dar ponto de uma massa homogênea e cremosa. Depois adicionei 1cs de fermento e 1cchá de vinagre de maçã. Coloquei a massa nas forminhas de cupcake e assei por 25min à 200°. Ficou uma delícia!! 😁😋 . . . #vidavegana #vidasaudável #crueltyfree #vegan #vegana #govegan #sejavegano #pelosanimais #pelaspessoas #peloplaneta #veganismo #apazcomeçanoprato #peacestartsonyourplate #escolhassaudáveis #delíciasaudável #whatveganseat #oqueveganoscomem #semleitedevaca #semovo #semlactose #semcarne #semcrueldade #veganpelosanimais #muffimdebananavegano - #regrann (at Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
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@notbatmanyet: RT @thevegansnuts: Making a stir-fry with vegan hoisin "no duck" shreds and veggies smells amazing in my kitchen right now☺💗😋👌😍🌱 #vegan #veganfoodshare #veganfood #peacestartsonyourplate #plantpowered #homemade #GoVegan That tender stem broccoli makes me so happy☺💗 I love it 😍 #happy #yum https://t.co/ZdUZVVbtjg
from http://twitter.com/notbatmanyet via IFTTT
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A pleasant morning to all . Blue Diamond House Bakery produces bread in 10 flavours. BELOW SHOWS 8 FLAVOURS. The images show different flavours with different cutting designs assisting identification for the establishments that we supply 1st image This is our Original flavour Baguette that has the most common cutting design 2nd image Shows our Festive Boulè Flavour shown as an E whic has :Ginger, Nutmeg,Corriander, Cinnamon. We have taken festive spices and put it in our bread ,muffins,cupcakes and biscuits. 3rd image Illustrates our Morninga Batard bread, the cuttings in the shape of a capitol M 4th image We create a Blue Diamond House surprise, illustrated as a Capitol X where we create a flavour just for this bake and the next bake will be different . Here we added Maca root, Moringa leaf, Tumeric, Cayenne Pepper, Corriander and Rosemary 5th image Is our Ayervedic Baguette, where the cuttings show a rectangle without corners and a line from 1 corner to the other. Our Ayervedic flavours are: Golden Tumeric, Cayenne Pepper, Ground Corriander, Cumin 6th image Is a photograph of our Rosemary Batard that has a leaf cutting design like a Rosemary Sprig. 7th image Here we have ourn Braided Ayervedic Bread 8th image We have added 40% more wild yeast culture giving it a slightly sour taste . Our sourdough bread flavour . With pricing its classified as Blue Diamond House Surprise flavour 9th image Here is our Rosemary Toasted Sandwich loaf that the various establishments are cutting horizontally and toasting the bread. Each bread weighs 1 200g before baked 10th image Shows our 50g Rosemaey cocktail roll with a leaf cutting. We sell them per 24 cocktail rolls 1 flavour #veganforlife #healthyliving #veganfortheanimals #whatveganseat #superfood #serenawilliams #whatveganscook #alllivesmatter #sugarfree #joaquinphoenixv #animalsarefriends #pamelaanderson #meatfree #notyourmomnotyourmilk #glutenfree #artisanbread#beautiful #dairyfree #beyonce #bryanadams #meatfreemeals #ellendegeneres #peacestartsonyourplate #rickywilliams #johnsalley #moralsandvalues #plantpowered #liberty #handmade #bluediamondhousebakery (at Kya Sand) https://www.instagram.com/p/B41TOOYAN21/?igshid=1efinnlshmzlf
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✌️ #vegancookalong ✌️ 'Fu-mami broth and veggies from @celinensteen #boldflavoredvegancooking cookbook. This recipe required a few pre-made staples (Easy as 2,2,2 broth mix and Japanese carrot pickles). Once done, it was easy to put together and devour! 😋 This cookbook was definitely true to its title. Every recipe was packed with flavors for your senses. Check out the hashtag for more recipes from this cookbook and more. Or go to my profile for upcoming cookbooks to join our IG vegan cooking cookbook club. We are diving into #veganomicon in anticipation to the 10th Anniversary edition releasing late Sept. I know everyone has this cookbook and if you don't....What are you waiting for?!?! 🙌 #vegan #veganfood #whatveganseat #plantbased #noanimalsharmed #organic #dairyfree #meatfree #eggfree #veganeats #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #allvegan #govegan #nopalmoil #peacestartsonyourplate #crueltyfree #veganlifestyle #nonGMO #veganfoodie #veganfatty #eatmoreplants #madefromscratch #veganized #souplover
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