#pb s5
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chair002 ¡ 2 months ago
Thinking about Bacon's role on The Players.
In one of his conversations with Zam, Minute talks about the cycle of violence on Lifesteal and Zam retors by saying "why would I not want it to continue? I like it," (paraphrased) and while it's true that all of The Players *liked* conflict & violence & doing fucked up things in theory, because it's fun for them, Zam is a fairly strong player who can afford to get into huge conflicts and come out alive & on top. At the time of the conversation he had 18 hearts and at his peak he had 30 (!!!) so one of the ways Zam does benefit from having huge conflicts on the server, aside from the fact that he simply finds them fun, is that he can stand up for himself and his ideals with his fists, he can come out of encounters heart-positive and if he does something drastic he is pretty hard to stop or retaliate against. Same can be said about Mapicc, and about Roshambo & Clown, but not Bacon.
One of PB&J's morals they wanted to uphold is being nice to the weaker players. Minute believed that violence and killing are bad for Lifesteal as a whole, but obviously, the impact Minute felt from conflicts was not the same one as someone with <10 hearts would feel. He'd make a show out of giving 4C (i think?) gear and hearts, going, this is how i care about the weak, unlike the evil Players, who are evil & cruel to them, but for obvious reasons, unless Bacon completely switched sides, Minute would never include him in the category of people he'd like to help or donate to and he was fine with killing him in battles (granted most if not all of Bacon's hearts are technically Mapicc's). He's not a strong player and can't hold his own in a (PVP) conflict but simultaneously he doesn't fit the image of someone like a KITC member, or Poafa, or Spepticle, or whoever the 'good' chungus players were that PB&J wanted to help. So he ends up in this limbo where he's not strong enough to benefit from the war The Players are waging but PB&J don't pity him either.
So this was always interesting to me. Bacon's a pretty nasty person with bad morals so he likes the villains, sure, but in a weird way this loops around to him being selfless in how much he sacrifices for The Players' goals (literally his life) while not reaping any benefits at all, besides temporary ones, like having access to the team's gear and hearts, which expired as soon as the new season started and they weren't teamed anymore. They won, and the cycle continued, but where he had Mapicc and the rest to support him in S5, in S6 he's struggling really badly, because, well, there's no one like Minute going around and giving him stuff out of the kindness of his heart.
It's a little similar to how he got into CFG, though obviously The Players treated him much much better. He thought, 'oh, this will be fun for me, i can team with the evil villain and do evil stuff!' and it was fun for a while before he realized the way Wemmbu goes about conflict is only making him feel shitty and lose time & resources and he's losing more than he is gaining. And it will probably be that way forever for him, but there is nothing he can do, because his beliefs and his personality and everything he stands for, and, most importantly, the server itself, the nature of the cycle of violence on Lifesteal that he so respects, are all working against him at all times.
Bacon Waffles is the woman who keeps voting for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party, keeps getting his face eaten by the leopards after they win, and keeps going 'hm. my life fucking sucks' and regretting nothing. and you gotta respect that
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angelsleeps ¡ 17 days ago
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Miss Scarlet 5.04
eliza scarlet and patrick nash
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formissscarlet ¡ 2 months ago
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Miss Scarlet S5 stills- Oliver Fitzroy
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beanniiee ¡ 2 months ago
“raggedy princess can make you a new hambo in like 3 seconds, or raggedy princess can be your new hambo. she’d do it too, that girls got like zero self respect. haha that’s mean, don’t tell her i said that.”
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pineberriesz ¡ 2 years ago
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my take on shadybug!!! i love her already
come say hi :D
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halloweenshenanigans ¡ 3 months ago
still feeling a bit emotional about it all, but no one can stop me from having a little daydream about Eliza finally getting so fed up with rules and expectations and CONSTANTLY trying to prove herself to everyone around her that she thinks: what the hell, a place where "anything's possible" sounds pretty good, and adventures off to solve cases with Patrick 😌
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historicalesme ¡ 3 months ago
S5 Spoiler Below
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kaythefloppa ¡ 10 months ago
Enough time has passed to where I think we can openly admit how WK has gone through seasonal rot within its previous 2 seasons and how the hype of Season 7 along with the generally positive reception is a really green flag for the show's quality.
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divinekangaroo ¡ 1 year ago
there is a thing in how Steven Knight wrote the format for 'Who Wants to Be A Millionaire' and also this upwardly-rising social mobility thing with Tommy; yet inherent in both is an utter humiliation and mortification of the one who wants to be that millionaire (because of their fundamental IGNORANCE which will be found out at some point)
your aspirations become the visual and mental fodder of those who know their place (that place of the voyeur as above or below is irrelevant, but woe to the one who attempts to rise out of their place)
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montanabohemian ¡ 4 months ago
finally got caught up on s4 of miss scarlet and the duke a couple weeks ago so prepare for spam because my hyperfixation has returned bahahaha
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mochababy712 ¡ 3 months ago
Having just finished season 5 of this show, I wanted to share my thoughts on the new direction of the series. I don’t go too much into detail, but if you want to avoid spoilers, don’t read until after you’ve watched the series.
I want to start out by saying. I like that they went with a different dynamic for the relationship between Eliza and Blake. William and Eliza had great chemistry. They had history. Their dialogue crackled. There is no way the show could replicate that with a new male lead, and I like that they didn’t try.
The series was most successful when not forcing Blake and Eliza together. They are both unavailable and not looking for a relationship. They are both getting over heartbreak and loss. I wish the show had committed to them not being together or even interested in each other for the whole season. Let the characters and the audience breathe.
I see the critiques out there about Blake being too “perfect.” I agree with those to some extent. I wish they’d made the character more layered, gave him more obvious flaws, or have him make some more mistakes. Maybe have him struggle more with being a girl dad. Yet also, the fact that he’s perfect is kind of the point.
William and Eliza had chemistry but ultimately they weren’t compatible. I think as much as he loved her, part of William could never accept that her career was as important as his. They also didn’t share the same vision of what marriage for them would be. William had very traditional expectations of what a wife should be. Eliza doesn’t. Eliza would always be fighting for him to see her as an equal.
Blake and Eliza start on a more even footing. His issue with private detectives is with the whole profession, not just that she’s a woman in that profession. Over the season, he sees that she’s competent. In Ep 2, he sees that she’s honorable. He changes his view towards her. He still doesn’t see her as a partner, but he does see her as a colleague. He’s willing to work with her, within the limits he has for someone who doesn’t work for Scotland Yard.
From Eliza’s perspective, he’s a bit of a challenge. She can’t run rings around him the way she did with William. Her old tricks don’t work. When she needles Blake, he doesn’t fight back. He calmly draws his lines and holds them. She has to show up differently to get him to work with her.
I also love the contrast of their relationship histories. As I said earlier, both of them have been in love before. But Blake has relationship experience that Eliza does not. Eliza was in love with William (and maybe part of her still is) but she doesn’t know how to have a relationship. She has to learn to be in a mature relationship. We know almost nothing about Blake’s marriage, but In assuming is was a happy one. Eliza has a lot to learn before she’s ready for a relationship.
With all that said, while this new dynamic had a lot of potential, the execution (especially in the last two episodes) was clumsy. The writers rushed their mutual interest and used Blake’s daughter to bond them together.
She shows up at his house at the end and it didn’t feel earned. It seemed more as if she didn’t want to be in an empty house after the wedding than that she wanted him. I get the writers didn’t have time to develop other characters but are we supposed to believe this woman doesn’t have any other options?!?
I wish they had made the new relationship more of a slow burn. If Eliza and Blake are more compatible, let them take time to discover that. Let them be friends first. Let them build chemistry over time.
I definitely have thoughts about many of the other characters and relationships in season 5, but I wanted to start here.
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angelsleeps ¡ 2 months ago
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Miss Scarlet 5.04
And I’ll miss you too….
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formissscarlet ¡ 3 months ago
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Miss Scarlet S5 stills Episode 1 - 2 - 5 - 6
Miss Scarlet - Tom Durant-Pritchard interview with US magazine
Miss Scarlet - Tom Durant-Pritchard interview with TVInsider
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heartcircus ¡ 3 months ago
I actually like the c!roshambo perspective of things being different from the main storyline because it shows how not being in the main active group can entirely warp how you view what's going on. He's not there for a lot of the context of things, so there's this belief that he is the cause of all this going on even though the war has nothing to do with him - 🍁
oo yeah that’s an interesting way of thinking about it! i just think it’s funny to see him lie so blatantly in his videos like bro was just using the most random assortment of replays LMAO
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borgialucrezia ¡ 4 months ago
alright i must admit that sam claflin is a great actor ?? although i really never had any interest in him at all before as he always plays either romantic leads or golden retriever side characters but seeing him in peaky blinders kinda changed my perspective of him because he's really versatile ngl. it's gotta be his conversations with cillian murphy that gave me chills like he's that ridiculously goofy looking buffoon you might not take seriously at first then starts giving off a straight up creepy and unsettling vibe...sam's performance is frighteningly phenomenal one might say
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halloweenshenanigans ¡ 3 months ago
caught up with season 5 through ep 4- got a lot of thoughts but here's my main one right now: (spoilers below)
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