#Idk how to describe it but episodes felt more flat and basic more often than not despite there being several good ones in the mix too
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kaythefloppa · 10 months ago
Enough time has passed to where I think we can openly admit how WK has gone through seasonal rot within its previous 2 seasons and how the hype of Season 7 along with the generally positive reception is a really green flag for the show's quality.
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bearfeathers · 8 years ago
I've been treated for depression and anxiety for nearly 20 years - since I was 9 or 10 years old. While certain aspects of these got better with medication and therapy, something still always felt "not right." As a kid, it took me a while to catch on, but eventually I started to realize that the way I thought and the way my classmates thought was not the same. Not to say that I was ~SO UNIQUE~ just more like I couldn't relate to them. Or their motivations confused me. Or I just didn't realize that I was being jerked around. People even now describe me as being a little bit odd. Or different. In the past few years, I've been trying to figure out what this other thing, the "not right" part of me could be, instead of just settling for "I guess this is as good as it's gonna get." Reading and reflecting on my own lead me to wonder if it could be something on the autism spectrum or possibly AD/HD. I started seeing a new therapist a couple months ago and finally brought this up to her. While I really like her, I felt frustrated when she said I had neither after a few questions. I'm perfectly willing to accept that it was neither of those things, but I felt kind of off put when she asked why I thought there was something wrong other than my depression and anxiety. It wasn't so much that she told me it wasn't those things, but because she determined that in under five minutes. It just felt... Rushed? Dismissive? She said I was too aware to be on the autism spectrum and not distracted enough to have AD/HD and that it's not likely that the symptoms would have been missed in my childhood. I said I'd read about these online and that a lot of people said autism and ad/hd could present differently in girls since they were considered "boys conditions" and therefore most studies and research had been done with boys. She informed me I couldn't make an accurate diagnosis from web pages, which I know, but I thought it was supposed to be a good way to talk to your doctor/therapist/etc. about it. But the more I think about it, the more it feels like yes, I do have some of those things, just not your textbook examples. As a kid, I could never pay attention during lectures or "read out loud" portions in class; inevitably I would zone out and daydream, doodle, or flip ahead to more interesting parts of the text book. I have a bad habit of taking people literally or at face value, so when people are joking, sometimes I just don't catch on. Ditto for when people are being insincere. My time management is HORRENDOUS; despite waking up even an hour early, setting alarms, and making check lists, I always manage to get distracted by something or just can't grasp the passage of time, so I'm frequently late to things. If clothing is too tight or an uncomfortable material, I'm not able to focus on anything BUT that. I have difficulty finding my focus; it feels like there's a cork stuck in the bottle where all my focus and concentration is, but I don't have a corkscrew. Alternatively, sometimes I get TOO focused on things; and usually insignificant things at that. If my routine or preplanned schedule is disrupted, the whole day is basically a wash. It's like it knocks me off kilter and I can't get back up on the horse. It can even be something as simple as something coming up where I need to go out, when I had planned to stay in and do nothing. I often feel restless and like I should be doing something and this makes it difficult to do the things I enjoy. When I am doing things I enjoy, like using my laptop, it's like I can't stay focused on one thing. I find it difficult to finish a movie or TV episode without frequently switching to other tabs to do something else. One of the most frustrating things is what I call noise pollution; I work as a police dispatcher and if I've got the radio going and the tv on and people talking in the room, I can't differentiate between sounds. It all just becomes a single, flat noise and I can't pinpoint what is coming from where. I recently went to a friend's baby shower and it took me three days to recover because I was with a large group of people I didn't know and therefore didn't know how to act around, so I nearly had a panic attack. I don't get out of my seat when it's inappropriate... but I can't sit still in it either; rocking, rotating, knee bouncing, swaying, it just makes me feel better. Then there's the skin picking, the nail biting. Even when I know I should stop, I can't seem toz and frequently do it to the point of bleeding and scarring. There are scores of other examples but I feel like I should spare you if you've read this far lol. I don't want to push and say that she's wrong, because it makes me feel... idk kind of like I'm just begging for a diagnosis. But at the same time, SOMETHING is off and I still don't know what it is. I just want to know what the "not right" thing is so I can look into ways to manage it, not because I want people to pity me or because I'm trying to make excuses or anything. I really just want to put a name to this so I can help myself. I don't know if I should seek another mental health professional out? Or if there's some other kind of doctor I should look into seeing? Or if I'm completely off base with what I think this is? I feel like there's a really great person inside me somewhere, but this block is keeping me from being that person, as much as I try. Anyone ever have similar symptoms like I described? What did you do about it?
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