#miss scarlet s5
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formissscarlet · 2 months ago
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Miss Scarlet S5 stills- Oliver Fitzroy
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queenthyatira · 3 months ago
When I said I'd create my own Scarnash AU...
I needed something peppier than "fresh out the slammer" but I will try to finish that soon.
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charmedlifesworld · 3 months ago
Some more thoughts on season 5 from me so more spoilers below
There was no reason for the writers to write Blake in the way they did, and by that I mean literally making him this absolute perfect guy with no flaws who is seemingly always saying the right things to Eliza. Oh, let's also not forget that he also has a daughter, so he truly is without faults.
I honestly did want to like Blake. I really did, but the way they went about writing his character completely got in the way of that for me.
Everything about his character was simply an excuse and a way to force a romance with Eliza because they knew they couldn't do it any other way.
Even him having a daughter, which at first I was fine with because things like that do give a character more depth which I am fully in support of, but when you turn that into just another way of having romantic notions between Eliza and Blake out of nowhere then it doesn't work the way it's supposed to.
Sigh..... they would've worked so much better as friends. I just don't understand why they absolutely must pair her up with a new detective. Story wise and plot wise it just doesn't make any sense. Truly baffling.
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mochababy712 · 3 months ago
Having just finished season 5 of this show, I wanted to share my thoughts on the new direction of the series. I don’t go too much into detail, but if you want to avoid spoilers, don’t read until after you’ve watched the series.
I want to start out by saying. I like that they went with a different dynamic for the relationship between Eliza and Blake. William and Eliza had great chemistry. They had history. Their dialogue crackled. There is no way the show could replicate that with a new male lead, and I like that they didn’t try.
The series was most successful when not forcing Blake and Eliza together. They are both unavailable and not looking for a relationship. They are both getting over heartbreak and loss. I wish the show had committed to them not being together or even interested in each other for the whole season. Let the characters and the audience breathe.
I see the critiques out there about Blake being too “perfect.” I agree with those to some extent. I wish they’d made the character more layered, gave him more obvious flaws, or have him make some more mistakes. Maybe have him struggle more with being a girl dad. Yet also, the fact that he’s perfect is kind of the point.
William and Eliza had chemistry but ultimately they weren’t compatible. I think as much as he loved her, part of William could never accept that her career was as important as his. They also didn’t share the same vision of what marriage for them would be. William had very traditional expectations of what a wife should be. Eliza doesn’t. Eliza would always be fighting for him to see her as an equal.
Blake and Eliza start on a more even footing. His issue with private detectives is with the whole profession, not just that she’s a woman in that profession. Over the season, he sees that she’s competent. In Ep 2, he sees that she’s honorable. He changes his view towards her. He still doesn’t see her as a partner, but he does see her as a colleague. He’s willing to work with her, within the limits he has for someone who doesn’t work for Scotland Yard.
From Eliza’s perspective, he’s a bit of a challenge. She can’t run rings around him the way she did with William. Her old tricks don’t work. When she needles Blake, he doesn’t fight back. He calmly draws his lines and holds them. She has to show up differently to get him to work with her.
I also love the contrast of their relationship histories. As I said earlier, both of them have been in love before. But Blake has relationship experience that Eliza does not. Eliza was in love with William (and maybe part of her still is) but she doesn’t know how to have a relationship. She has to learn to be in a mature relationship. We know almost nothing about Blake’s marriage, but In assuming is was a happy one. Eliza has a lot to learn before she’s ready for a relationship.
With all that said, while this new dynamic had a lot of potential, the execution (especially in the last two episodes) was clumsy. The writers rushed their mutual interest and used Blake’s daughter to bond them together.
She shows up at his house at the end and it didn’t feel earned. It seemed more as if she didn’t want to be in an empty house after the wedding than that she wanted him. I get the writers didn’t have time to develop other characters but are we supposed to believe this woman doesn’t have any other options?!?
I wish they had made the new relationship more of a slow burn. If Eliza and Blake are more compatible, let them take time to discover that. Let them be friends first. Let them build chemistry over time.
I definitely have thoughts about many of the other characters and relationships in season 5, but I wanted to start here.
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gebo4482 · 5 months ago
Miss Scarlet: Season 5 Preview
Star: Kate Phillips / Tom Durant Pritchard
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angelsleeps · 23 days ago
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Miss Scarlet 5.04
eliza scarlet and patrick nash
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halloweenshenanigans · 3 months ago
still feeling a bit emotional about it all, but no one can stop me from having a little daydream about Eliza finally getting so fed up with rules and expectations and CONSTANTLY trying to prove herself to everyone around her that she thinks: what the hell, a place where "anything's possible" sounds pretty good, and adventures off to solve cases with Patrick 😌
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historicalesme · 3 months ago
S5 GIF Minor Spoilers Below
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The only things worth chasing are your dreams
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An extra zoom in of him downing her drink too
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This kills me 🤣
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gudakdalee · 1 month ago
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montanabohemian · 4 months ago
finally got caught up on s4 of miss scarlet and the duke a couple weeks ago so prepare for spam because my hyperfixation has returned bahahaha
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formissscarlet · 4 months ago
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Miss Scarlet S5 stills Episode 1 - 2 - 5 - 6
Miss Scarlet - Tom Durant-Pritchard interview with US magazine
Miss Scarlet - Tom Durant-Pritchard interview with TVInsider
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queenthyatira · 3 months ago
I know who my first call will be to...
very early, very tiny draft of something I'm working on.
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charmedlifesworld · 3 months ago
This is just one of the many thoughts that I have on season 5 after binging all the episodes today. So there will be spoilers below.
How are you gonna have Eliza, who,at the end of episode 4, hugged Patrick, telling him she'll miss him and him saying he'll miss her too with her eyes clearly getting watery as he's leaving to then proceed to not even have her MENTION HIM or having a "I really miss him" face for the last two episodes.....
It just makes no sense to me. Even them sending him off to AUSTRALIA was not a good decision to begin with.
Season 4 brought them closer together than ever before.... to then revert that the following season is baffling to me. All of that development and closeness just wasted......
I honestly also thought that patrick wasn't even acting like himself in episode 4. It was as if he was his early S2 self before all of that development he had.... so strange
I took the 4th season for granted, and I won't make that mistake again.
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mewmckenna · 1 year ago
Miss Scarlet
So, I am sure by now that everyone has seen the news that Stuart Martin will not be returning for season five of MSATD. I know a lot of people are super disappointed that William is leaving the show, as am I, but honestly, I kind of feel that this could be a new opportunity for the show. It is obvious that the writers did not know that Stuart was leaving the show for good as they were writing last season, but with him being gone it makes the ending of season four almost better to me. Eliza is no longer working for Patrick, and while he is coming back and will likely not end up in prison (though who knows), I imagine Eliza won't go back to Nash & Sons. She was finally able to change the sign above her door to say "Miss Eliza Scarlet," something that seemed impossible to her in earlier seasons. Also, while Eliza is certainly fine at working with a few friends, she will never be the kind of manager that Patrick is as she's simply too independent and stubborn. It is for the better that she is at her own agency, able to do her thing without too much interference.
In a roundabout way, I think William's departure kind of brings everything together. Eliza is truly alone, without William or her father. Everything that she does now will be entirely up to her; she has no father or childhood friend to fall back on. I think that this, plus the name of the show changing to be just Miss Scarlet is a kind of bookend to how the show began. The producers and writers of the show have already hinted at this being the start of a shift in direction, and while the story was largely focused on the romance between William and Eliza during the first four seasons, I think that this gives the creators an opportunity to do more. By calling the show Miss Scarlet and the Duke, they were limited in what they could write. I know I have seen many people comment on how the show seemed to drag because of the drawn out will-they-won't-they between Eliza and William, something I noticed myself after the first couple of seasons.
Now, since it is apparent that they are no longer going to be the endgame couple, there is more freedom in the storyline and what the writers can do with the personal relationships. At the end of season four, it felt to me as though the show had sort of written itself into a corner concerning the title relationship of the show. In another recent post I even commented on how the relationship between the two would remain unchanged unless some drastic action by one of them, probably William. Obviously, I did not know that Stuart was planning on leaving the show, but I think my criticism still stands. Both Eliza and William cared too much about their jobs to ever be able to be truly happy together as we last saw them.
This is exactly the reason that William leaves for New York, and it could be very possibly that the way that they write him out of the show is with him deciding to stay in America. William had been considering quitting his position at Scotland Yard, but this was due to the conditions of his job at the time and how overworked he was, plus the draw of finally being able to be with Eliza. It feels very possible to me that he might change his mind upon entering a less stressful environment and decide not to come back to London. After all, William went months, if not a year, suspecting or knowing Eliza's feelings towards him and vice versa but he was still unwilling to give up his career to be with her. I don't fault William for this as Eliza does the same thing, but it does make his staying in New York a bit more believable.
So even though the show is not going to go in the direction we have all thought it would, I think that this could be a good thing. While we won't know if that is the case for likely a year, I am not going to call any judgements until season five is released. Though I think that the show has definitely benefitted from William's presence, it has always been about Eliza first and foremost and so I am excited to see what she gets up to next.
(Also here's to hoping that Ansu Kabia is included in later casting announcements as we have gone far too long without Moses)
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whenthegoldrays · 1 month ago
Love how Patrick still haunted the narrative a lil in this episode
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angelsleeps · 2 months ago
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Miss Scarlet 5.04
And I’ll miss you too….
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