#patriotic art competitions
townpostin · 2 months
Jamshedpur Women's University Honors Kargil Heroes
NCC unit hosts art competitions and tributes for Vijay Diwas Jamshedpur Women’s University commemorates Kargil Vijay Diwas with a series of patriotic events, fostering national pride among students. JAMSHEDPUR – NCC cadets at Jamshedpur Women’s University pay homage to Kargil War heroes through artistic expressions and informative programs. Jamshedpur Women’s University’s NCC unit organized a…
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forthegothicheroine · 8 months
Henchwomen Through the Ages
The "ages" of comics are not hard and fast things, and even comic book historians argue where they begin and end. They're more like moods than time periods, and your standard game of Henchwoman RPG will probably be set in a vague time period that could be anywhere from the thirties to today with an overall Silver Age mood. Still, let's take a look at how the roll of the Henchwoman has evolved, shall we?
Goldie is a gun-toting, cigar-chomping bank robber in victory rolls and a bullet bra. She's not called a henchwoman- she's called "Look out, that broad has a grenade!" She's loyal to the boss despite his dumb penny gimmick, but if he ever finked on her in court, he wouldn't live to see the sunrise. There's no Henchwomen's Union for her to join yet, but she's provided muscle for plenty of mob-backed unions. Goldie can't afford to be soft on heroes since they'd be just as happy to throw her off a roof as to arrest her, but she might be wooed by an appeal to patriotism- she ain't no Nazi rat! Her hobbies include matinee shows, swing dancing, and blasting coppers.
Sylvia is a competitive surfer and was a cocktail waitress until they fired her for slapping too many customers. Thanks to the newly formed Henchwomen's Union, she's treated much better by her current job, which usually involves crashing parties to steal themed jewelry. She and the heroes she fights have an understanding- they'll never be rough with her, and she won't check up on them after putting them in a death trap to see if they've died. On her off hours, she can go dancing in the same outfit she worked in- a silver jumpsuit, gogo boots and a purely decorative motorcycle helmet.
Brawny is a member of the Sisterhood of Wicked Witches, and she fights for a cause- or rather, several causes. These range from the reasonable (Save the whales!) to the less reasonable (A free ray gun for every child!) The Henchwomen's Union is strong enough to get her good pay, so many of her problems are philosophical- is she a good guy or a bad guy, and what do good and bad even mean? Brawny has to be a bit more careful than she would have been ten years ago, since death may well stick- but that also means she might really kill a hero, at least for a while, and that's what matters!
Tenebra prefers to be called a Dark Muse, a member of a vampire circle dedicated to bringing art to life, painted in colors of blood. Her eyeliner is swirly and her gowns are velvet, and she wears them onstage in her sideline darkwave band. Tenebra arranges her crimes in accordance with pre-raphaelite imagery, with victims displayed in heartbreakingly beautiful and mythologically-influenced poses. Her boss may technically be the Queen of the Vampires, and she may have a card with the Henchwomen's Union, but her true loyalty is to art itself.
Ferra is a mercenary with a separate pouch for each type of bullet, and she has a lot of types of bullet. Her stilettos are tall but her hair is taller, and she can strike intimidating poses that would break a normal person's back. The Henchwomen's Union had its own back broken by the bosses, and is now more of informal underground thing, but it still hooks her up with real deal bad guys. She'll kill without a second thought for her boss, but she's only one bad day away from turning her gun on him. It might even happen accidentally, since he and the heroes dress exactly the same. Ferra somehow has a heavy metal soundtrack even when there's no music playing.
Ally got a degree in psychology but until she can afford grad school, she gigs as a henchwoman. Her bosses are sillicon valley dickheads, but the first one to offer her real benefits will have her loyalty for life. Thanks to the resurgence of the Henchwomen's Union, Ally gets to wear big stompy boots instead of high heels, but she still has to wear a big day-glo logo on her leather jacket that might as well be a target sign. Her hobbies include pop culture conventions, smoking weed and credit card fraud.
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well, @illumiost asked to hear my Russian, so here's me reciting a poem that's very important to me.
This is "Страхи" (Fears) by the Soviet poet Evgeny Evtushenko, written 1962. The poem was set to music for the fourth movement of Shostakovich's 13th Symphony.
The historical context to this poem is vital to understanding it. After Stalin's death in 1953, Khrushchev's government came with some easing of cultural restrictions, and the decline of the "Socialist Realism" art style, most prominent in the 30s-50s. This period of Soviet history is known as the "Thaw." While the Thaw resulted in a rise in avant-garde Soviet art, it was still heavily discouraged, albeit not to the extent that it was during Stalin's time in power; while the fact that this poem makes an appearance in Shostakovich's symphony is indicative of the changing cultural atmosphere, it also faced censorship and controversy (albeit not to the extent of another Evtushenko poem featured in Shostakovich 13, "Babi Yar").
The poem alludes to two major historical events that defined Soviet culture during the Stalin era- the Great Purges (1936-38) and WWII (in the Soviet Union, 1941-45). During the Purges, a culture of fear and distrust grew, and while the war resulted in devastating losses of life, wartime and postwar propaganda pushed an image of Soviet strength and military power. This cognitive dissonance between fear and trauma caused by one's own government, while projecting a cultural image of patriotic might and confidence, is reflected in the poem as well.
Overall, "Страхи" is a poem about the lasting presence of cultural trauma and its consequences for Soviet Russia (and, one could argue, modern Russia). The first and last stanzas contain the line, "Умирают в России страхи" ("in Russia, fears are dying"), but as the rest of the poem states, this is not the case. Fear is still as alive in 1962 as it was in 1936, and it manifests as mistrust and a wariness to speak out against oppression. The poem purposefully contradicts itself multiple times; fears are dying in Russia, but they still permeate Russian society. Russians were unafraid of warfare during WWII, but were terrified of speaking aloud to themselves at home.
Here is my original English translation of "Страхи." It's not a one-for-one literal translation, but I did my best to preserve both the meaning and the original rhyme scheme.
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In 2022, before Russia invaded Ukraine, I was taking Russian language classes in college in order to further my music history research. I was invited by my Russian professor to participate in the Evgeny Evtushenko poetry competition, which required Russian learners (both students learning Russian as a foreign language and heritage speakers) to recite a Russian-language poem on a Zoom call. Evtushenko's widow and son were on the judges' panel. As I was familiar with some of his work and knew he collaborated with Shostakovich- a composer whom I had been enamored with researching- I signed up for the competition and chose this poem, as I was already familiar with it from the symphony. My professor was surprised I decided to choose such a long poem with that sort of historical weight to it, but agreed to help coach me with the pronunciation and enunciation.
Reciting this poem in front of her was difficult, even before the war began. My professor grew up in Russia, and I didn't want her to think I was taking the poem lightly by any means; I was dealing with serious subject matter from a culture I was not a part of, and while my historical research had helped me somewhat understand what the poem was about, I knew there was a cultural component to it that I would never be able to fully grasp. However, my professor encouraged me to learn the poem, and urged me not to shrink away from some of the more cutting stanzas.
I was probably halfway through memorizing it when the invasion happened, and that made me gain another layer of understanding. Going on Reddit and reading posts from Russians who had previously dismissed the idea of an invasion of Ukraine as "western propaganda," only to be completely shocked and disillusioned when the invasion actually began, hearing how scared my friends in eastern Europe were, reading news reports of protesters being arrested just for holding anti-war signs, and seeing the war be met with apathy or claims of being "apolitical" by civilians as it went on made it harder to learn and recite the poem, as I was beginning to see just how relevant it was.
One day, I read a news report that a memorial in Babyn Yar, Ukraine, had been damaged by bombing- the site of the 1941 anti-Semitic massacre where, in 1962, as stated in the Shostakovich 13 setting, there "was no monument." When I went to practice the poem that day in front of my professor, I broke down crying. 1936 became 1941 became 1962 became 2022, and that day, I felt as if I had caught a glimpse of the impossible length of history.
I can hardly remember being on the Zoom call and reciting the poem for the Evtushenkos. I couldn't believe I was actually speaking to them, and that they were listening to me recite the words of the famous poet- to them, a husband and father- who had collaborated with the Dmitri Shostakovich on one of the most monumental symphonies of the 20th century. I wish I could have looked at their faces on the screen, but I didn't; I just recited and then listened to the rest of the students read their poems. I didn't win the competition, and didn't even place, but a few weeks later, my Russian professor handed me this small book of Evtushenko poems, which she said the Evtushenko family wanted to give me. It's by far my most prized possession.
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blacktowbarony · 3 months
d100 Character Quirks
Addicted to pipe weed.
Agent of a secret society or cult.
Always looking for the right accessory.
Always wants to spring the trap.
Aspirant of one random career, but is really awful at it.
Ass-kissing suck-up.
Big competitive streak.
Bitter over some past wrongdoing.
Blasé towards dire circumstance.
Bluntly states the facts.
Boastful of family name.
Brave to the grave.
Cannot abide the destruction of art.
Collects seeds, statues, etc. for their garden back home.
Deep ties to a mud-wrestling club.
Dire nut allergy.
Dumb as a rock.
Enraptured by cute animals.
Every insult must be avenged.
Exalts the virtues of walking barefoot.
Excellent restraint and self-control.
Excellent tipper.
Fusses over the health of allies.
Generous disposition.
Gore turns the stomach.
Gravitas in spades.
Greedy enough to steal the food from another’s plate.
Grizzled survivor of total party kill.
Gullible, susceptible to suggestion.
Habitual rhymer.
Habitually underestimates foes.
Happily married.
Has a grand, idealistic vision for the future.
Has an item of huge sentimental value.
Hopeless romantic.
Immature sense of humour.
Keeps proposing friendly wagers.
Knows all the constellations.
Laser-focus on current tasks.
Laughs at others’ misfortunes.
Licks their weapon to intimidate foes.
Likes their personal space.
Love of gold for gold’s sake.
Loves swimming naked in ice-cold water.
Loves to smash glass.
Monsters make them blush.
Musically gifted.
Nationalist patriot.
Neat freak, avoids getting dirty.
Never had friends before now.
Never misses a joust, knows all the knights’ names.
Never turns down a chance to hobnob with the social elite.
Oath of celibacy.
Out of retirement for one last job.
Overconfident in own abilities.
Polite to a fault.
Proud parent of d4 kids.
Rich parents have cut them off.
Secret relative of another player character.
Secretly wants to try cannibalism.
Sharp dresser, keeps affairs in order.
Sluggish and lazy.
Spits. A lot.
Spouts cryptic metaphors.
Staunch teetotaller.
Strong code of honour.
Strong phobia (d20 Phobias).
Student debt for one of their careers.
Suspects strangers to be vampires.
Talks to the stars like an agony aunt.
Terrible liar.
Theatrical thespian.
Town drunk.
Tremendous appetite.
Tries to accept all cultures, no matter their customs.
Tries to convert others to their religion.
Ugly. Just really, horribly grotesque. Good person though, popular in hometown but nowhere else.
Unwavering faith.
Very chipper, especially in the mornings.
Very superstitious.
Wants enough gold to buy an island.
Wants immortality, in one form or another.
Wants something named after them.
Wants to capture a rare monster and train it to play an instrument.
Wants to taste every monster.
Wears a helmet to keep “them” out.
Why tell the truth when a lie is more fun?
Wine snob.
Would give their life for a noble cause.
Writes bad poetry.
Writes embellished accounts of their adventures, for future publication.
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taito-division · 8 months
Contestants/Couples (1/2)
Of course, we couldn’t forget about the main event! We’ve searched high and low throughout Japan to find the very best, the crème de la crème of each and every Division had to offer and we certainly weren’t disappointed with the line up we have and something tells us you aren’t going to be either once we reveal who our couples for this competition are. The couples and contestants for the 2024 Mr. and Mrs. HypMic Couples' Pageant are...
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1. "Introducing first, both hailing from the sunny beaches of Los Angeles, California, they are widely-known as America's Sweethearts, who have been together longer they any couple in this competition. Perhaps their long time dating one another will give them a heads-up against the rest of the competition. Give it up for the American Pretty Boy, himself, Ace "MC Patriot" Douglas, and his popular and highly-stunning model of a girlfriend, Evelyn "SPIRIT" Rose, from Okinawa!"
America's Sweethearts
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2. "Introducing next, they are two of the most artistic individuals Japan has ever seen. While one is making herself known online and in art galleries as an established painter, the other is mesmerizing both men and women of the world with his enchanting voice. Please welcome highly-talented artist, Kureha "Eclipse" Koizumi of Saitama, and her partner, the first-ever winner of the Mr. HypMic Pageant, the most-talented and sexiest man in 2023 and highly-acclaimed rock star, Ren "Vox" Nakashima of Kobe!"
The Dark Canvas
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3. "This next couple is, without a doubt, perhaps the most promiscuous pairing in this competition. Needless to say, they've got a number of winnings under their belts, so to speak. Will their experience and success rate be enough to have them win? We'll see! Please welcome Japan's Self-Proclaimed "Strongman", Karada "Nike" Kessaku of Aoyama, and the Goddess of Beauty, herself, Lola "Aphrodite" Takahashi of Saitama!"
The Deities
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4. "This next partnership is perhaps the scariest pairing we have in this competition. Despite their young ages, these two young men aren't afraid to get their hands dirty and paint the environment red if they have to, or if the need should strike them. If I were you, I'd best proceed with caution around them! But who knows? Perhaps their infamy will somehow resonate with the fans. We'll see! In any case, put your hands together for the popular Lolita model, Kaiji "Jinx" Sano of Kobe, and his partner, Japan's Most Notorious Serial Killer, Touya "MC Darling" Kisaragi of Katsushika!"
...Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to let these two in this?
Angelic Facade
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5. "These next contestants are perhaps living proof that 'money is equivalent to success!' Standing at the top of Japan's hierarchy because of their wealth and status, this power couple, who is due to be wed in just a few short months, might I add, will stop at nothing to trample over their competition, no matter who or what they may be! So give them the respect they deserve and welcome, none other than, the heir to his prestigious family, Tomi "High Class" Chōten of Aoyama, and the CEO of one of the most powerful conglomerates in Japan today, Miho "Iron Maiden" Kobayashi of Shinagawa!"
The "Power Couple"
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Let's wish these lovely contestants the best of luck!
@kobedivision @saitama-division @aoyama-division @katsushika-division @shinagawa-division
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toournextadventure · 2 months
Oohh you’re an Olympic fan! Me too! I’m looking forward to it. I feel like everyone around me isn’t interested.
I’m a sporty person and I get it with the injuries that come with it, my whole body felt that. Always sucks if you have them. Drumline that’s nice! To me it’s an art sports if that makes sense…you have to practice so hard, that I do not different compared to play basketball but that’s just my opinion. I love me some sports, but unfortunately I couldn’t do it all so I had to pick between tennis, basketball, football/soccer and competitive swimming. Ended up doing swimming for years. But just like you I had to quite cause of a shoulder injury. Luckily enough I had 10years doing it
I'm always pumped for the Olympics, it's the only time I consider myself patriotic. I'll watch any sport that's on. Fun fact about me, when I was MUCH much younger (12? Maybe?) my taekwondo instructor wanted to train me up for the Olympics! Realistically, I don't think I ever would've made it, and idk how realistic the idea was to begin with, but it's still kinda cool to look back and think "huh, I wonder"
Yeah, I did basketball until I was about 14, so not too old. I wanted to play again after injury, but my school basically said "band and basketball practice at the same time so you have to choose one" and basketball was fun, but music is a passion, so I missed out on the chance. I kinda regret it? But not too much cause I wouldn't have gotten far, I was way too short and didn't fumble, but still wasn't skilled enough to make up for the disadvantage
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loiladadiani · 1 year
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Photographs: 1. The exterior of the Mariinsky as it looks today; 2. A view of the facade; 3. The lobby; 4. A view of the orchestra and of the "Royal Box" which was in fact used by the Tsar only when there was visiting Royalty from other countries, etc. in attendance; 5. The "Royal Box" as seen from the stage; 6. The stage as seen from the "Royal Box" (notice the decorated ceiling and lamp); 7. Another view of the stage. 8. Notice the box next to the stage; that was the Tsar's real box - that was where he sat when he attended a performance with his family; 9. Another view of the Tsar's box next to the stage
"The Season" at Saint Petersburg, the Tsars and the Mariinsky Theater
Those interested in Romanov history and how the members of the dynasty lived know that "The Season," the ballet, opera, balls, etc., were an important part of their personal and political lives. So important, that one of the many factors contributing to the fall of Nicholas II might have been his withdrawal from the social activities "The Season" entailed.
"The Season" in St. Petersburg began in the last two weeks of September. The nobility returned from their vacation in their country dachas at the end of October, at the same time as the Tsar and his family. The most brilliant part of the Season took place during this time, and long-term visitors reported the city looked most brilliant and glorious during this exciting time of gala court balls, festivals, and masquerades.
All of this revolved around the person on the Tsar, who was the most important host, guest, and critic. Nicholas I attended the theater almost every day during the Season. This pattern continued until the reign of Alexander III, when he began to cut back his attendance. His son Nicholas loved the theater (he wrote in his diary that nothing moved him more than music), and as Tsarevich, he attended operas, ballets, plays, and concerts as often as he could. After he married, his wife's frequent pregnancies and illnesses increasingly cut into his attendance. In 1900 the Imperial couple was still attending concerts and performances in the city. Still, they were becoming fewer and fewer each year.
At the center of much of Saint Petersburg's entertainment life was the famous Mariinsky Theatre. Today, it still plays a significant role in Russia's cultural life. The Mariinsky underwent several rebuildings over the years. The luxurious building went up in 1860. In 1883 it was extensively remodeled, and more decoration was added to the facade. The Mariinsky was the center of the famous Imperial Ballet and Opera, home to many of the most famous performing artists of the last 100 years.
Many of the names of these stars are legendary - Nijinsky, Karsavina, Pavlova, Kschessinska, Chaliapin, Petipa, and many others. The artists of the Imperial theatre and the upkeep of its facilities were the responsibility of the Tsar, and all of these costs came out of the annual revenues of the Imperial estates.
Tickets to the Mariinsky were hard to get. Most of them were pre-assigned to subscribers who held their seats for life; when Prince Felix Yussupov married the Tsar's niece, Irina, the Tsar asked him what he wanted as a wedding present. Yussupov, a fan of the performing arts, asked for the right to use the Tsar's box at the theater when he was away - which was a gift beyond price. His request surprised and amused the Tsar, who granted it. The Tsar's private box was on the left-hand side of the Mariinsky stage. It had an incredibly intimate view of the stage, a dining room, and its own elegant bathroom. It also had a private entrance to the building and a staircase.
The Mariinsky Theatre invariably began the Season with A Life for the Tsar, a patriotic opera. The ballet opened on the first Sunday of September, the company having assembled two weeks before.
The competition for seats and the right to subscribe proved the interest it aroused. A petition to the Chancery of the Imperial Theatres had to be filed to obtain a seat; the chance of success was so small that advertisements constantly offered big premiums to the original holders of the stalls. Fathers handed their seats down to their sons. There may have been personal motives in the attachment of some to the ballet, but the cult of this delicate art was always uppermost. (gcl)
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usagirln12003 · 5 months
Astrid Hofferson: Hogwarts AU
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Astrid Hofferson is a Pureblood witch that was born on the 18th of April 1975 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1986, being sorted into Gryffindor house.
She has a Blackthorn wand with a Dragon Heartstring Core.
Her Patronus is a Norwegian Ridgeback.
Her favorite subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts and her least favorite subject is Divination.
She was one of Gryffindor's Prefects, a Chaser on the Quidditch team from her 5th year onward and became Quidditch Captain & Head-Girl in her 7th year.
Astrid is an extremely bright, dutiful, and immensely devoted to her cause to be patriotic of the "Wizarding ways" until meeting and befriending Muggleborns when she started at Hogwarts. Competitive by nature and highly dedicated, Astrid works hard to achieve her goals. During her first years, she pushed herself to become a better witch and becomes immensely irritated with her classmates' lack of focus. After bonding closely with Hiccup, Astrid's focus shifts to becoming a skilled Quidditch player. In her last years, she is the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team and her determined and strong personality makes her hard to impress.
Though Astrid exudes confidence and might, her interaction with her friends suggests - at least when she was young - that she may privately feel inadequate and under-estimated because of her gender. While describing Quidditch strategies and the skill of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, she trips up and inadvertently applies herself into the discussion.
Astrid is emotionally driven, and as a witch, is sworn to protect those she holds dear. At one point, Astrid's innate pride and sense of duty toward her family drove her to face a dragon on her own, without any regard to herself. At one point, she also blames herself for her family's near-death in Dagur the Deranged's attack on Godric's Hallow despite being fully aware she couldn't have done anything to prevent it. Her guilt and responsibility toward her family probed her to take immediate action. Even as an adult, Astrid is willing to go rogue and defy direct orders to ensure the safety of her loved ones.
When younger, she is short-tempered and somewhat of a perfectionist at times, which is especially true before befriending Hiccup. Further exacerbated by her emotional personality, this can lead her to act impulsively and irrationally. In her first year, Astrid was solely focused on studying and becoming an auror, often isolating herself and ignoring the other Gryffindors. When Hiccup began surpassing her in class, she grew visibly upset. Fueled by jealousy and suspicion, she started to follow him discreetly, eventually leading her to interrogate him in the Forbidden Forest.
Astrid grew more even and level-headed as she matured, though she is still shown to be quite fiery under intense circumstances. She had also become more openly talkative and closer to a few of her classmates. Astrid could be prideful and dismissive of people who she thought of as lesser than her, as pointed out by Ruffnut, but she was also able to own up to her mistakes, yet again demonstrating a never-ending will to improve herself. In her sixth year, Astrid pulled a prank on the Twins as payback for April 1st, showing significant growth in her playful side.
She has also proven to be greatly reliable and becomes Hiccup's most loyal supporter. Her methods of encouragement vary but she rarely outright gives him the answer to his problems. Instead, she boosts up his confidence and stands by him as he walks through the solution at his own pace. She has often shown compassion to the rest of her peers and has especially let Heather confide in her on numerous occasions. Although her loyalties are steadfast, Astrid had to hold back information from Hiccup at Heather's request at one point. She struggled deeply with guilt over it as she had never lied to him before.
During her O.W.L.S., due to her overtiredness, Astrid suffered from uncontrollable euphoria. She became overly chipper and peppy, almost to the point of insanity, which is the opposite of the way she usually behaves.
By the time of her 7th year, Astrid has adopted an optimistic and relaxed outlook on life. Although slightly cheeky and overconfident at times, she is more emotionally secure. Her sense of adventure and exploration is also apparent, but her ongoing competitiveness and rigid approach to grave situations remain. As an adult, she is generally more spirited and playful and loves to goof around with Hiccup, Stormfly, and Toothless.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Astrid is Hiccup's sole confidant and emotional support. It is even made clear by Valka that she is the only one that can get through to Hiccup. Her relationship with him is even more secure to the point that they are both willing to marry.
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canmom · 2 years
Animation Night 127: Project Itoh
Hi friends!
It’s Thursday - my last Thursday in America for the foreseeable future, in fact. On Monday I’ll be making a bizarre journey back to the UK via the ‘extremely direct’ route of Norway and Latvia, because it turns out that’s the cheapest way to get across the Atlantic. So that’s gonna be quite an adventure. I’m going to write some kind of post about things I’ve seen in America but probably when I get back for the sake of enjoying what time I’ve got left here...
Anyway, on to movies!
Tonight we’re going to be checking out a curious little sort-of trilogy of movies by different studies and directors from 2015, celebrating the works of the short-lived but influential science fiction author Satoshi Itō, aka Project Itoh.
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Here’s a picture of Itoh hanging out with his close friend Hideo Kojima at a book launch (via Metal Gear Trivia)
So who’s this Project Itoh guy? Born 1974 in Tokyo, there’s not a lot of biographical details about Itō’s early life, save that he went to Musashino Art University and worked as a web designer until the publication of his first novel, Genocidal Organ, in 2007.
What we do know is that he loved Metal Gear. Like, a lot. Itō got into Kojima’s games from the very start, and indeed most information about his life comes from Kojima’s account, alongside the blog where he published Snatcher and Metal Gear fanfic. The pair met at the 1998 Tokyo Game Show, at which Kojima was immediately struck by Itō’s devotion to his works, describing Itō as the one person who truly understand what he was writing about - an experience which ‘saved’ Kojima.
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The two became close friends - and three years later, when Itō went into hospital with cancer in 2001, Kojima rushed to his bedside, and while there, showed him the first footage of MGS2: Sons of Liberty. Itō responded by promising he would not die until Kojima finished MGS2.
The experience of being hospitalised seems to have been very formative for Itō’s worldview. Youtuber The Canipa Project translates a blog post in which Itō talks about the experience of having his body sustained by scientific means only recently invented, making him a cyborg.
This time, Itō was able to keep his promise; when MGS2 came out, Itō wrote extensive analysis and exegesis of the game’s philosophical themes, getting a lot of attention within the fandom.
As the 2000s went on, it seems he judged it time to spread his wings and try releasing his own original stories under the pen name Project Itoh. The first, Genocidal Organ, was adapted from a fanfic he wrote about Snatcher into an original story. He submitted it to a novel writing competition in 2006, and while it didn’t win, he found a publisher in 2007; the novel became a hit, and so impressed Kojima that he asked Itō to take on the daunting task of writing a novelisation of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
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Itō apparently succeeded handily at the novelisation, and off these two successes, seemed set for a great writing career. His next novel, Harmony, dropped in 2008, dives straight into the themes of medical control; a dystopia in a post-nuclear war world where humans in the aftermath managed to cure cancer and most other diseases, only to institute a program of social control in an attempt to complete their utopia by eliminating mental illness as well. A story that’s clearly cutting pretty close to the bone from Itoh’s own experiences, since he was spending the 2000s dealing with recurrent cancer that took him back to hospital over and over.
And, indeed, the inevitable came in 2009, at which point Itō had just begun on his third novel Empire of Corpses. His cancer returned in force and he returned to hospital; once again Kojima went to his bedside and broke NDA to tell Itoh in detail about his next game, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - that’s the odd PSP one featuring the Sandinistas. And once again, Itoh promised to live until Kojima finished the game, and write the novelisation of MGS3 and Peace Walker. But this time, it was a promise he could not keep; Itoh died at the age of 34.
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In the wake of his death, a devastated Kojima dedicated Peace Walker to him (and later revealed he had planned to name as a successor following MGS5), and his friend Toe Enjoe took on the task of finishing Empire of Corpses. Once again, I’ll turn to Canipa Effect’s translation of some of the words Itō wrote three months before his death:
Humans dwell in others as a story. People can continue to live within someone else as a narrative. Then, by being part of the variety of spoken words, they become part of the fiction that can shape humanity.
(Words that resonate too strongly with the death of my friend Fall earlier this year.)
So far, a tragic story - but in some sense one with a slightly hopeful touch, in that rather than dying of cancer in 2001, Itō was able to enjoy eight more years of life and write several novels. But what has it got to do with animation?
Enter Noitamina (the word animation backwards), the late-night anime programming block run at the time by Koji Yamamoto as a means to get experimental, creative animation - such as Masaaki Yuasa’s adaptation of The Tatami Galaxy or Kenji Nakemura’s BakeNeko and Mononoke  - out to a wider audience. Yamamoto departed the block in 2015, but in its heyday it was home to a number of radically creative works; you can read more about it over here on sakugablog in a recent post on the context behind The Tatami Galaxy.
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So, in 2015, Noitamina announced it would fund three movie-length adaptations of Itoh’s three novels, each by a different studio and director. For all three movies, the character designer would be illustrator redjuice of the ‘band’ Supercell, a somewhat odd musical project consisting of just one musician and ten illustrators and designers who produce materials around the music.
Genocidal Organ would go to the hands of Shūkō Murase, at Studio Manglobe, a unique studio renowned for original works like Shinichirō Watanabe’s Samurai Champloo, Ergo Proxy, and Michiko & Hatchin (the latter of which I covered back on Animation Night 36). Murase seems like a natural choice for a highly philosophical cyberpunk story, given Ergo Proxy... but a spanner was thrown in the works when Manglobe went bankrupt; Genocidal Organ would eventually be saved by the resurrected Manglobe in the form of Geno Studio, but for this reason, it missed the planned simultaneous release of the three movies.
The story concerns a world in which a series of social breakdowns and genocides take place in a short period of time, all seemingly associated with an American named John Paul - who, when tracked down, claims to have discovered a ‘genocidal organ’ which can be activated to incite humans to acts of genocide. Without giving away too many spoilers, it’s basically about the current American-dominated geopolitical order.
On the animation side, the stars of the show would be Bahi JD, the Austrian from the earliest wave of sakuga fandom who became one of the first international ‘webgen’ animators to find a career in Japan... and Shūkō Murase himself, who animated several cuts as well as directing the film. As such, even a quick look at sakugabooru shows a lot of subtle, well-observed movement; I’m looking forward to seeing it fit together.
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Harmony - the post-cancer dystopian one - went to Michael Arias at studio 4°C, of Tekkonkinkreet fame (see Animation Night 52 for Tekkonkinkreet, and Animation Night 74 for a more detailed history of 4°C), alongside veteran animator and director Takashi Nakamura who you may remember from the Chicken Man and Red Neck sequence of Robot Carnival. It comes at a point where 4°C had found a lot of comfort with their use of CG, two years before Mutafukaz (Animation Night 105), and even if the incredible background artists of Tekkonkinkreet may not be on this one, I imagine it will look pretty lavish as 4C stuff always does.
Then comes The Empire of Corpses. This one goes to Wit Studio (Animation Night 101), directed by Ryōtarō Makihara - also no stranger to scifi, with his main previous work being Hal, the story about a robot designed to play the role of a deceased partner. Unlike Itō’s other works, which are near-future science fiction, this one is more of a steampunk piece, taking place in an alternate 19th century in which mass produced Frankenstein’s monsters have become the industrial base of society; its characters bounce around the globe unearthing a conspiracy. It sounds kind of wild, honestly, with not just Frankenstein and Babbage but even frigging Sherlock Homes running around; Japanese spins on British characters like this are always kind of fascinating. (Also... there is some tragic irony about a story revolving around reanimated corpses being completed by Itō’s friend after his death.)
So, that’s the plan for tonight: we’re going to be watching all three Project Itoh movies, in the order that Itoh wrote them! I think there’s gonna be some great stuff in here, and I hope I’ve given you reasons to be excited too~
so, if you’d like to check these out, please make your way down to  twitch.tv/canmom  - we’ll be starting the program in about 20-30 minutes once people are in there!
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Bette Davis and Paul Lukas in Watch on the Rhine (Herman Shumlin, 1943)
Cast: Bette Davis, Paul Lukas, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Lucile Watson, Beulah Bondi, George Coulouris, Donald Woods, Henry Daniell. Screenplay: Dashiell Hammett, based on a play by Lillian Hellman. Cinematography: Merritt B. Gerstad, Hal Mohr. Art direction: Carl Jules Weyl. Film editing: Rudi Fehr. Music: Max Steiner.
Paul Lukas has the dubious distinction of being one of those Oscar anomalies, a longtime supporting player who suddenly gets thrust into a leading role that wins him the award for best actor. His competition included Gary Cooper in For Whom the Bell Tolls (Sam Wood), Walter Pidgeon in Madame Curie (Mervyn LeRoy), and Mickey Rooney in The Human Comedy (Clarence Brown). Oh, and Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca (Michael Curtiz), the one performance that everyone remembers. Lukas had plenty of opportunities to attract attention before: He had begun acting in movies in his native Hungary in 1915, and after coming to Hollywood had appeared in numerous films, playing Professor Bhaer opposite Katharine Hepburn in Little Women (George Cukor, 1933) and the sinister Dr. Hartz in The Lady Vanishes (Alfred Hitchcock, 1938), for example. He had played the role of Kurt Muller, the coordinator of resistance movements against the Nazis, in the original Broadway production of Watch on the Rhine in 1941, so he was a natural choice for the film version, though he landed the role only after the actor producer Hal Wallis wanted, Charles Boyer, was unavailable. As often happens, the Oscar was no step toward better roles in movies, and Lukas spent much of his later career on stage, though he continued to appear on film and TV up till his death in 1971. The play was written by Lillian Hellman, whose lover, Dashiell Hammett, did the screenplay with some input from her. Unfortunately, the result is less a movie than a sermon about doing one's patriotic duty in the struggle against fascism. It didn't help that Wallis hired the play's director, Herman Shumlin, for the film: Shumlin had never directed a movie and had to be assisted throughout by cinematographer Hal Mohr. He was also unable to rein in Bette Davis, who is miscast as the noble and dutiful wife and has a tendency to slip into some of her familiar and caricaturable mannerisms in the film.
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townpostin · 2 months
Jamshedpur: Art and Rangoli Competitions Held at Divine Mission School Sundernagar
Students showcase patriotism through creative expressions, and a tree plantation drive promotes environmental awareness. Divine Mission School in Hitu, Narwa Pahad, Sundernagar organized art and rangoli competitions on July 27, 2024, engaging students from nursery to class 10 in creative activities. JAMSHEDPUR – On July 27, 2024, Divine Mission School in Hitu, Narwa Pahad, Sundernagar hosted art…
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Muse Profile | Lydia
Full Name: Lydia Barnett (shh I never figured out a middle name for her)
Nicknames: Lyd, Patriot PrincessTM (just by me lmao)
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❌ Flaws
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
👑 Strengths
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny | playful
🖌️ Skills & Hobbies
art | acting (her spying stuff) | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating (she literally can't swim) | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts boxing | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing
TAGGED BY: stole this off the dash
TAGGING: steal it from me
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bushwaa · 1 year
Fresh writer arc??? Holyshit... Incredibly cool! Loving getting your art updates n stuff, and I'm pumped to hear abt fics too.
(This is an open invitation to ramble abt your merc takes should you so desire :]!)
Omgggggg I’m so glad that you submitted this!!!! I literally planned this all out in my head during a church service I had today. I wasn’t even paying attention LMAO. Anyways.
I had this whole idea where Spy is literally the butt of the group because he’s Japanese. Soldier hates him because he’s all patriotic for Korea and stuff and Scout follows after him because he’s never had a father figure in his life (there’s this whole thing in Korea where military men are more respected and blah blah blah whatever).
I’ve fleshed out a lot about Scout, so here’s a few things abt his family/life!
- His umma (mom) is the nicest person you’ll ever meet… when other people are around. She whoops her children’s asses when no one’s there to see. But, the plus side is that she makes the best soondubu jiggae (jiggae’s basically a stew).
- Scout mostly grew up around the countryside, after Spy left his mother, so he absolutely loves catching bugs and fish and all that jazz!
- Something ironic about him is that he absolutely hates spicy food. That’s prob why his fav food is white kimchi of all things. (No offense to white kimchi tho. That shit’s good)
- Scout’s seven brothers all grew up to be doctors/lawyers (I know, such a stereotype lmao). That’s why he HATES learning and is so stupid all the time. Hagwon gave him trauma. (Not talking from experience pfffttt)
- Scout hates, and I mean absolutely HATES Japanese people. Not only because of the ugly history that Korea has with them, but also because he’s been told all his life that the father who left him was Japanese.
- Scout’s really into 80’s indie music! From American bands especially! He wants to move there someday to experience “the land of the free”.
- Scout’s idols has to be those Korean opera singers that go on competitions and stuff. His mom turned it on the tv and never let him touch the remote. So that’s all he had for entertainment. (Those vibratos are still haunting me)
And that’s about it! I’ll come out with some other mercs’ info soon! So stay tuned for that!!!! I’m so glad y’all like my Asian tf2 hc <333
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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International Colour Day
International Color Day is celebrated every March 21, and we are going to show you how you can celebrate the day. Do you know that it has been 14 years since the idea for International Color Day was proposed by the Portuguese Color Association? International Color Day was created to celebrate color. The date was chosen as March 21, as it is the day of the equinox, which means the lengths of day and night are almost the same as the sun’s rays are straight on the equator. This day is celebrated by setting up exhibitions, science shows, and interactive programs for children, among other activities.
History of International Colour Day
Color has always made humans curious since the beginning of time. Aristotle believed that the colors came from heaven. He believed that the origin of all colors was black and white. However, it was in the 1660s when Issac Newton experimented with light and its different spectrums, that color became a topic of study. After 2000 years, Aristotle’s postulates were replaced by the ones Newton created. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a German novelist, playwright, and scientist argued that color was something that was perceived by individuals differently. He is well-known for his quote, “Colors are light’s sufferings and joy”. The distinction between primary and secondary colors was made by Jacob Christoph Le Blon.
In 2008, Maria Joao Durao, the president of the Portuguese Color Association, came up with a proposal to ‘Association Internationale de la Couleur (A.I.C.)’ for recognizing the importance of color and dedicating a day to it. In 2009, the proposal was accepted by the members. The date was chosen to be March 21 as it is the day of the equinox. Competitions, science fairs, art fairs, etc. are held to celebrate. In 2012, an art competition was held in Taipei, Taiwan for deciding on the logo for International Color Day. Hosana Yau of Hong Kong won the competition with his diagram of two circles that made an eye. Half of the circle consisted of rainbow colors and the other half was black. They represented light and darkness.
International Colour Day timeline
350 B.C. The Theory by Aristotle
Aristotle states that the origins of all colors is black and white and that colors came from heaven.
1704 The Discovery by Newton
In his book “Opticks,” Issac Newton describes the phenomenon of the spectrum of light.
2008 A Day for Color Is Proposed
The Portuguese Color Association proposes a day dedicated to color.
2009 The International Color Day
International Color Day is created for the sole purpose of celebrating color.
International Colour Day Activities
Participate in the events
Wear your National color
Share it on social media
Take part in the exhibitions and webinars that are held on International Color Day and learn new things. This can be particularly useful for kids.
Wear your national flag as a tee shirt or wrap the flag around you. Share your sense of patriotism even as you celebrate colors.
Let everyone know you're celebrating this day. Take pictures of you taking part in International Color Day celebrations and share them on social media.
5 Intriguing Facts About Colors
Blue is a favorite color
There’s a fear of color
Women see color better
Newborns see red first
The gray before dark is a phenomenon
The color blue is known to be the favorite of most people in the world.
The fear of color is called Chromophobia.
There are two X chromosomes in women, and that helps them see certain spectrums better.
Since the color red has the longest wavelength, it is the first color that a baby sees.
The gray we see the second we turn off the lights is called eigengrau.
Why We Love International Colour Day
It gives us a chance to appreciate color
It’s a day to engage family
It improves our general knowledge
We live in a colorful world. But sometimes, we forget to appreciate all the colors around us. This day is a reminder to be grateful for color.
This day gives us a chance to participate in events with friends and family. It brings families closer.
The exhibitions and science fairs held on this day are educational. This can be beneficial for the kids.
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joomma · 2 years
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papagaiostudio · 20 days
What Are the Different Types of Samba?
A Journey Through Four Iconic Styles of Brazilian Samba Music
Samba is more than just music; it’s a vibrant expression of Brazilian culture, rhythm, and community. Over the last century, Samba has evolved into various styles, each with its unique characteristics, mood, and history. If you’re curious about the different types of Samba and what sets them apart, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive into four iconic styles of Samba: Samba de Breque, Samba-Canção, Samba-Enredo, and Samba de Exaltação.
1. Samba de Breque: The Art of the Musical Break
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What is Samba de Breque?
Samba de Breque, often called “Samba with Breaks,” is a distinctive style of Samba characterized by unexpected pauses or “breaks” in the music. These breaks are moments of silence or improvisation where the singer often inserts witty or humorous remarks, adding a unique flair to the song.
Why is Samba de Breque Unique?
Imagine you’re dancing at Carnival, and the music stops suddenly—only for the singer to drop a clever line or joke, creating a playful interaction with the audience. That’s Samba de Breque! It’s a style that requires quick thinking and a sharp tongue, often likened to a form of Brazilian verbal jazz. This approach to music makes Samba de Breque a precursor to Brazilian rap, blending rhythm, wordplay, and storytelling in a uniquely dynamic way.
2. Samba-Canção: The Slow Dance of Romance
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What is Samba-Canção?
Samba-Canção, or “Song Samba,” is known for its slower, more melodic style. It emerged in the 1930s and became particularly popular in the 1950s as a romantic evolution of traditional Samba.
What Makes Samba-Canção Different?
Samba-Canção is all about emotion. It’s the perfect soundtrack for a close dance, where partners sway gently to the music, allowing the rhythm to guide their steps. Unlike the energetic beats of Carnival Samba, Samba-Canção often features softer lyrics, focusing on themes of love, heartbreak, and longing. It speaks to the soul and resonates with anyone who has ever experienced the beauty and pain of love.
3. Samba-Enredo: The Heartbeat of Brazilian Carnival
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What is Samba-Enredo?
Samba-Enredo is the official music of the Brazilian Carnival, especially in Rio de Janeiro. These are the songs that are composed specifically for the Carnival parades by Samba schools, each telling a story or “enredo” that relates to Brazilian culture, history, or social issues.
Why is Samba-Enredo Important?
Samba-Enredo is not just music; it’s a narrative set to rhythm. It involves hundreds of voices singing in unison, backed by a powerful bateria (drum ensemble) that brings the lyrics to life. Each Samba school carefully crafts their Samba-Enredo to reflect their chosen theme for the year, making it a highly competitive and anticipated part of Carnival. When thousands of voices fill the Sambadrome in Rio, singing their hearts out, it creates a magical and electrifying experience that defines the spirit of Carnival.
4. Samba de Exaltação: The Uplifting Ode to Brazil
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What is Samba de Exaltação?
Samba de Exaltação, or “Exaltation Samba,” is a style that focuses on celebrating Brazil’s beauty, culture, and national pride. It emerged in the 1930s and 1940s as a way to lift the nation’s spirits and promote a sense of unity.
What Does Samba de Exaltação Represent?
This style of Samba is all about grandeur. With lyrics that praise the natural landscapes, people, and vibrant culture of Brazil, Samba de Exaltação often serves as a musical postcard of the country’s most beautiful and awe-inspiring elements. It’s a form of patriotic music that invites everyone to celebrate the essence of Brazil—its sun-kissed beaches, lush forests, and the unbreakable spirit of its people.
Bringing Samba to Your Space
These four types of Samba offer a unique window into the heart of Brazilian culture. If you’re passionate about music, Brazilian history, or simply want to add a touch of vibrancy to your space, why not celebrate the rich legacy of Samba with our “100 Years of Samba Celebration Posters”?
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Bring the rhythm, passion, and history of Samba into your life today! 🎶🖼️
These posters, inspired by a century of Samba’s evolution, are a vibrant homage to each style—from the improvisational flair of Samba de Breque to the soulful rhythms of Samba-Canção, the powerful anthems of Samba-Enredo, and the uplifting melodies of Samba de Exaltação. Designed by the talented team at AlmapBBDO, these artworks capture the essence of Brazilian music and culture, making them the perfect addition to any home, studio, or creative space.
Bring the rhythm, passion, and history of Samba into your life today! 🎶🖼️
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