#party infighting
if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"EXPECT TO RID C.C.F. OF COMMUNIST SLANT," Toronto Star. November 10, 1933. Page 3. --- Movement to Bring Trades Unions Into Party Welcomed by Philpott ---- Hint of a coming storm which he confidently expects will sweep out of the C.C.F. party all those who are members of organized Communist groups, was given by Capt. Elmore Philpott when he was asked by The Star to-day to comment on the movement sponsored by Controller James Simpson to merge the international trades unions, and independent trades unions with the C.C.F. party.
"I am delighted," he said, "that Controller Simpson and Jimmy Conner are co-operating with the strong group in Hamilton led by Controller Sam Lawrence to make the labor section what it ought to be. We have already received communications from Windsor, Stratford and Fort William, urging the reorganization of the C.C.F. so that labor representation in the C.C.F. would consist of genuine labor leaders and not irresponsible trouble-makers."
"Ontario's remarkably fine showing at the Regina convention in July was marred by the fact that only three labor delegates were present, although the labor section was entitled to send 26. Since the convention labor men all over the province have complained to me that they were not given an opportunity to go to Regina," said Capt. Philpott.
Can Work Together "I think that there are ample grounds for believing that labor and the C.C.F. can work together, and will work together," F. W. Cheshire, chairman of the Carlton C.C.F. Club, stated.
William Dennison, until recently an executive member of the Carlton C.C.F. Club, stated his belief that the C.C.F. platform is the only logical platform for labor to support.
John Kelly, secretary of the International Typographical Union, Toronto branch, expressed himself as being optimistic of the chances of Toronto labor groups affiliating or co-operating with the C.C.F. "A great number of our members are adherents of the C.C.F. party," he said.
Pointing cut that the Toronto Trades and Labor council is an economic organization, rather than a political group, J. W. Buckley said that although there could be no affillation between the council and the C.C.F., "the trade union movement is fully in accord with C.C.F. policies."
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jobsbuster · 9 months
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death-limes · 2 months
anti-voting ppl be like “i just dont feel comfortable voting for the dems who did x y and z awful thing, can you blame me?” no but i can blame you for refusal to act bc that does, in fact, split the vote and aid the self-proclaimed dictator
like. chemotherapy is awful and damaging and it ravages ppls bodies but we still use it and it still saves lives bc right now it’s the only method we have to get the cancer out
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ciderjacks · 2 months
I love your dunmeshi comics but they also give me 100 psychic damage and make me sick to my stomach for several days when I read them
me rn
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flyingbuddiies · 6 months
the day osc tumblr stops fighting over tacomic is the day we all heal [adding my personal opinion in the tags]
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whateverafterhigh · 1 year
For the Dark Fairy's role to have been stolen by the Evil Queen then the cursing of Sleeping Beauty must have happened some time past graduation, this makes some sense given that Briar hasn't been cursed yet I guess, and we're given an explanation it all going down on Sleeping Beauty's 18th birthday party, which is also fine.
But given the Evil Queen's age isn't in the hundreds, Briar's mother can't have actually fallen asleep for hundreds of years, and Briar's age relative to Raven's suggests that Briar's mother wasn't sleeping for vary long at all? Briar's parents probably went to school together and their friends are likely all still alive. It would even make sense that this is what happened because it explains how the Evil Queen managed to go an extra eight-plus years until the Invasion of Wonderland until she was actually arrested for interfering with stories; if the outcome of the first time she did it allowed Sleeping Beauty to avoid the actual horror of her story unfolding the way it was supposed to.
But Briar's fears are still based on the idea that her mother did sleep for hundreds of years and all her friends are dead and she did end up being married to a man she had never met before. Which, don't work with the timeline. At least let her sit at a table listening to her mother recount stories with her friends during a dinner party and lose her appetite as she realises she won't be able to do the same because the Evil Queen broke script for her mum and isn't around to break script for her.
Or maybe Briar has heard the stories about how hard it will be from her Grandmother, who only had the two children before her husband died in an accident that may have not been an accident, and Briar can't help but think she might be trying to mentally prepare Briar for the worst even as her friends and mentors brush the stories off as the kind of stories old people tell to scare children.
But you have to pick whether Briar's mother did sleep long enough to get that trauma from her, or if the Evil Queen stole the Dark Fairy's role. Because the Sleeping Beauty story has to have happened before Briar was born, and Raven was eight when the Invasion of Wonderland happened. So every year that Sleeping Beauty was asleep for is another year on top of 8-9 that the Evil Queen got away with interfering with a story before everything with Wonderland. And every year Sleeping Beauty is asleep is another year that every other kingdom has decided to let the Evil Queen carry on without being arrested given no one during that period of time knows what the outcome of the Evil Queen's spell would be when the Dark Fairy's spell is meant to be the safe one. And every year that Sleeping Beauty is asleep for is another year added to the age of all the parents, even if Sleeping Beauty herself doesn't age.
I don't think she was asleep longer than a year at most.
We also know that the Snow White story had to have happened before this as well. So imagine being the newly crowned Queen White, who is eighteen. You've pardoned your step mother for her actions against you because they were made for the sake of the story. She's also eighteen, you argue, and she's married to your dad who may be a good man but is at the very least 36 but probably more likely in his 50s (assuming he didn't get married as soon as he turned 18, and that you weren't conceived an born that same year, supposedly the Good King has a naval career, and you might even have older siblings who would later die fighting your step-mother: someone had to be assumed heir to the Good King's name after all) in what was for all intents and purposes an arranged marriage [I like to think it was a genuine arranged marriage the Good King didn't want but also didn't want to go to war with the Evil Queen's father whoever he may be, but the Storybook of Legends is also playing matchmaker here so].
Then she curses someone who was probably your friend in school.
A fair few people are blaming you. If you hadn't let the Evil Queen run free instead of being locked up, or even killed, for her crimes the story would have happened the way it was meant to.
What else can you do but point out that the Evil Queen is still the Evil Queen, and the spell that put you to sleep was able to be broken with True Love's Kiss. There isn't even a time limit.
When Sleeping Beauty wakes up she's overjoyed that it hasn't been that long at all.
When Briar finds out that Raven's page said she'd interfere with the Sleeping Beauty story as well and Raven is refusing to do it, she might well be angry.
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i find it so funny that after the elections the right wing was saying how fragile the new government was and how little it will take for it to crumble - and i was with them for once - and the alliance in the right wing has broken even sooner lmao
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None of the Batfam members would ever agree to a wedding where they invite the whole family.
It's eloping or nothing for them.
There's no way they're dealing with the shitshow that comes from having the world's bossiest, most annoying people trying to run point over one another chipping in.
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serotoninswitch · 1 year
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vampirecatprince · 3 months
*takes psychic damage some stank ass political opinions from multiple moots*
....... I don't have the spoons for this shit.
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frenchy-and-the-sea · 3 months
Wyn's party met our enigmatic Lady Strahd yesterday and it!! certainly went a way!!
Highlight of the game so far for me, though. Like, WOW I love the way our DM plays her. Absolutely cool and poised and in the queenhood of her power. Suffers absolutely no fools and no insult, but spoke to Ireena with the gentle disappointment of a distant and disapproving parent. Charmed our fighter when we managed to break through enough of her hold on Ireena to politely decline the invitation to Castle Ravenloft, and then BIT HIM (for minimum damage) while he was charmed to show us how easy it was. Was so insulted when our wizard then tried to cast mage armor on her as a show of thanks for her personally coming to greet us (because that's how he usually sucks up to people, by doing random acts of magic on unsuspecting folks) that she backhanded him for almost his entire health pool and then BIT HIM TOO and reduced his hit point TOTAL to 4. And then set her wolves on us. He legitimately only survived because one of her damage rolls was a 1.
Only Wyn managed to avoid being bitten, charmed or compelled to see/do something against her will, and Strahd still made sure to get a little dig in at the fact that she "didn't tend to do things that keep people alive, historically."
Not to be a lesbian but HOT DAMN. WHAT A WOMAN.
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lemonys-place · 1 year
I don't get the infighting tbh genuinely idc what term someone comes across to describe their sfw regression as long as it is indeed sfw. who cares. we are all regressing and it is all sfw. maybe kill the part of you that cringes idk age regression is already heavily stigmatized the last thing we need is to bully each other.
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steelycunt · 1 year
there are a lot of odd takes out there re succession but i do think pretending the ending doesnt make sense or was bad because it isnt what you wanted or your fav didnt come out on top is up there like...i was a kendallgirl team ken baby etc but to pretend that it going to tom is like. a badly constructed ending because you dont like tom is so baffling...surely you can separate the two. when has succession ever been about what people really getting what they deserve...did you think all the wrongs would be righted at the end. justice etc. when has this show or this family worked like that when has waystar worked like that...when has succession ever been about the siblings WINNING. be so serious
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halo-eater · 7 months
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
the trope i am going to bring kicking and screaming into the rebelcaptain fandom is saw and luthen inadvertent matchmakers 
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
post essentially venting about a trans issue in a light-hearted format:
some chucklefuck: I don't like the contents of this post, you're a terf now because I don't like you
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