#part of why they cling 2 each other is bcs they make each other feel. real and grounded and people. human in a way.
termagax · 1 month
anyways. i feel like ive said this before but i think that wouldve been a bigger concern of his when he was younger and was trying to think abt how he was gonna like. live in the world. well and then the world exploded and he decided he could do whatever he wants forever and started larping as his fursona and i think hes chill about it now. like i think hes okay.
#i think at the end of the day he does like his body. especially as he gets older and circumstances change and he feels more like a person#who is alive again i think he really does like himself. and i think part of it is just that he really does do whatever he wants whenever#he wants to do it.#like i think it feels like a bigger deal before everything explodes because like well you have to find a way to navigate the social aspect#of everything you do right. and in my mind i think hes recieved a lot of shit for a lot of things in his life#hence why hes kind of a very angry and isolated person. so i do think when him and fish meet and theyre this very confident person#and a relatively happy person too. and they do it in a way that feels really genuine. so i think that gets his gears turning where hes like#maybe. maybe i could do that and it would fix it. and the social aspect of it basically dissapears because the best person in his life#(in his eyes obv) is also doing that and isnt gonna make it a big deal and a lot of what they like about him is the same stuff he got shit 4#so its like. idk i think maybe theyd talk about it once but i think the hurdle for him is that he doesnt really want to change anything?#not anything changeable at least. i think he likes who he is i dont think hes really particularly insecure in his body or anything#i just think he feels this kind of disconnect from the idea of a person and the idea of himself#i think that something rlly persistent for basically his entire life as mako that he just doesnt. feel like a person. he cant really.#part of why they cling 2 each other is bcs they make each other feel. real and grounded and people. human in a way.#so i think roadhog as an idea helps with that especially again as he gets older and rat becomes a thing and life gets Good again i think#for the first time in his life hes going to really consistently feel like somebody#^ this is why i dont like talking abt hog as a persona and why i liek to call the mask his face. because it is. this is the person he is yk#and i think at some point hes okay being a guy with two names and two faces and sometimes his fish calls him their wife#and he wears cute underwear and its not a big deal and he doesnt even really think about it anymore because it all just feels natural. easy
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cinnanmonn · 3 months
Pt.3 Yan! Farmer x Perv Reader
I literally forgot how to use Tumblr lmao
I don't feel like making NSFW so you get fluff
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Part 2 👆 Can some1 reteach me how to do the text that links you to a diff post I forgot how.
After all those events, You and Isagani spent more time with each other. Slowly, he began to become more comfortable around you.
It felt, peaceful. For the whole week you had left, you spent it pretty regularly. You and him became quite close and touchy too. What is your relationship with him anyways?
You act like lovers yet talk like aquaintances. (My phone is literally telling me it's spelled aqua instances like wtf)
But you were comfortable with that. Once your grandparents returned, it was already time for you to say goodbye. You had prepared beforehand to return home.
Isagani seemed extremely saddened by this. So you decided to keep contact and give him your number when you have a chance.
As you were checking all your stuff and making sure everything is there, Isagani knocks at your door.
Once you open it, he embraces you in a big tight hug. "Please don't go...." He says in a saddened tone. You hug him back, rubbing your face against his chest.
"Perfect timing. I'll give you my number so we can keep contact and meet sometime, m'kay?" You say as you pull away from him, reaching for his head and patting him.
It comforted him somehow, as he nuzzles your hand. It's like your going to war or something, the way he clings unto you.
He stares at you before mumbling.
"What are we....?" He says as he looks down flustered. You give him a smile.
At those words,his eyes brighten up and he gives you a thousandddd kisses. Your grandparents call for you because your ride is already there, so you quickly ask for his phone and type your digits.
You give him a little kiss on the cheek before leaving the farm.
Once you were on the ride, you decided to get some sleep for a while. 1 hour then passes once you wake up.
You check your phone for the time and see a text message from an anonymous number. It must be Isagani.
"Hey! I really really miss you. When can we meet again? It's me, ur fav farmer 😁"
Why does he type so cute? Everything is so cute about him. I love him.
"awww how sweet, but I think it's gonna be next Tuesday since my friends made plans..."
What? You'd pick your friends over him? Do you not love him?
"oh...that's ok....I need to work in the fields anyway :~("
Ahhh I feel so baddd. But I really hope he understands, after all my friends have been planning this since summer started.
"I promise I'll make it up to you !!!"
"how exactly??"
"hmm, I'll do what you want next time ?"
Oh. That'd be.....AMAZING. You'll do it? Really? No matter how dirty? Even if it hurts him? He's so in.
"okay! Deal <3"
"love u"
"I love you too."
That made you smile. It felt nice reminiscing all the moments you spent together. Even if it was just a mere 3 weeks, you were actually so glad this happened. He's just, so perfect. Body and mind.
I love him.
You slowly felt drowsy as you slept the whole ride. Once you had awoken, you were already at your destination. Now you just need to call a transportation to go back to your home.
You checked your phone again to find that Isagani sent a photo. Of him touching his nipples, squeezing them as milk cascades down his chest.
Woah, what a sight.
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If this gets 500 likes I will be making a delectable and refined part 5 just for you guys bc ik this 1 isn't the best lol
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angeart · 1 year
You know that post about when characters die or whatever and they just come back… they come back Wrong.
yeah…. THAT
mumbo and scar are always together, clinging together like how Grian used to them, because now that he’s gone, they feel cold and alone. So they keep each other company. literally All the time
After Grian comes back I see 2 possible possibilities. 1: he manages to escape himself, through whatever way. but he’s just… not the same. Something is wrong. He looks.. duller. He seems empty and hollow. he is Not The Same.
2: if he was taken by the watchers or whatever, he could come back, but.. under the watchers control. something like that. he could still escape the watchers, but maybe just in this trance, kinda.
Mumbo and Scar. again. 100% sooo clingy. like they’re absolutely stuck together methinks. Absolutely stuck. and they go to each other to cry to each other abt guilt btw too btw. scar crying because he coulnt save Grian, Mumbo crying because he could’ve.. he should’ve been there. He should’ve had Grian with him instead
I think, for more angst purposes, it’s be a little like.. in the time Grian was gone, mumbo and scar became so much closer. And “grew apart” from Grian while he was missing, paired with him being so Weird when he returns.. I hope u get what I mean bc I can’t put it into words
ohhhhh yeah! i see what you mean!
also i totally understand what you're trying to say, with them growing closer together in grian's absence, and then that (coupled with grian's changed behaviour - and the half-processed grief) puts distance between them even though grian is back. in a way.
i'm thinking. something about grian, when he comes back, is sharper. not in a dagger kind of way. but in a jutting edges of a shattered porcelain kind of way. also, he keeps spacing off. forgetting things. sometimes he seems to turn as if he heard something when there's nothing but silence. sometimes he stares off where nobody is. (why not make it a bit spooky.) maybe he says weird things sometimes.
(he also absolutely definitely has nightmares.)
they try to ignore it, because they're just happy he's back.
but he's not back right and they can't ask him what happened to him. they can't breach that barrier. they're scared of what asking the question out loud will do. what the answer might hold.
sometimes, he looks like the old grian. just sadder, more vulnerable, more fragile. that's the hard part about it. sometimes he'd laugh with them and it'd feel almost normal. it'd feel so much like grian that it actually makes their heart ache.
then he'd grow quiet and upset and they'd comfort him. sometimes he looks scared. he keeps coming to them then, and they keep pulling him closer. they keep trying.
but then other times he doesn't quite feel like grian at all.
and they're trying to understand.
they're trying to love him the same way they used to, but they're not sure where his place between them is anymore. the spot has been bandaged, stitched, built over. and half the time, he feels like a stranger. they don't know what to do with it, and it makes them feel hopeless and guilty. and maybe it adds to their distance.
maybe scar feels like this is worse. (and he hates himself for thinking that.) when he thought grian died, it was one big failure. but it was a failure that was finite and it ended, its consequences very clearly defined. this? this feels like his failure lives on, a leeching parasite clinging to him. like it continues, in an unpredictable way. a bullet ricochetting off walls and he doesn't know where it'll land. what else he'll lose to it.
it feels like this failure, because it lasts, should be fixable.
and yet he stands there on the rocky floating bridge between grian's and mumbo's bases and
doesn't know
what to do
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reinemichele · 6 months
Also... I decided not to put this in the new cat post, both bc I didn't want it to get long and I decided to leave the reblogs on it bc the pictures are cute, and I didn't want This portion to be reblogged. I know a lot of people feel the same way I do, and that's a great thing, but I don't... want a lot of attention on my posts or blogs. The trauma, etc. So I don't want this to escape containment but still want to talk about it, and am turning reblogs off. Like, this is a journal entry that I'm letting people see at a sleepover, not a speech I've prepared for my public speech and debate class. You know?
So, that preamble out of the way: I feel like... a resigned frustration about people Still clinging to the myths that cats are cold, unloving, distant, only around humans for food, only tolerate us and think we're stupid, etc etc. Or express surprise when they see examples of cats being loving and affectionate. (I... don't want to talk about the stupid ass misogyny and bioessentialism being applied to cats, but that too)
Like, it really truly isn't difficult to befriend a cat and in turn receive their affection. All you have to do is 1) show them, consistently, that you are safe and don't pose a threat to them 2) go at their own pace and respect their boundaries/comfort zone (like, hold your hand out for them to sniff instead of petting them straight away; don't force them to cuddle just because you want to) 3) treat them with unconditional love, initiate moments of affection occasionally instead of waiting for them to initiate each time (like, call them over, talk/meow/sing to them, get out their favorite toys to play with, etc. Do things that convey that their love is reciprocated.) 4) try to understand and read their body language, and back off when they give warning signs like twitching tails or flattened ears 5) provide them with fresh food, water, litter boxes, a clean environment
These things are basically tweaks on the foundations of establishing a friendship with another human, obviously the last one aside. So, why do so many people have an issue with the idea of treating an animal like their an autonomous being whose personal space should be respected? (Rhetorical question). I know that this is the ND, struggles socially, just had a viral poll about not knowing how to make friends, website-- but generally speaking, the people who make comments about cats being mean and unloving aren't the people who make up this site's userbase. ND folks honestly tend to have a much easier time socializing with animals than humans, for a variety of reasons.
I personally hate being touched, so I never had to be taught about respecting a cat's space and boundaries. Part of that is taking the "do unto others" rule very literally and to heart, and part of that is that I don't want to make any other living creature feel the way I do when I'm touched without permission. It doesn't matter if that's a cat, or a bug, or another person. But there's lots of ways to be ND, and like I said, a variety of factors that contribute to us connecting with animals easily.
And I know it's a harsh thing to say, but if your cat is genuinely cold, distant, tolerates you, etc... it's most likely due to something you've done as their owner, not in the "inherent nature" of an entire species, especially a domesticated one. Maybe you make a lot of noise that scares them, maybe you use negative reinforcement (Does Not Work On Cats) like squirting with a water bottle. Maybe you yell at them. There's a lot of things that can make a cat feel afraid of you and fracture their trust in you. Maybe you force them to cuddle and hold them in place when they try to get away.
I think the idea that cats only like us for food stems in part from what I discussed briefly in that previous post, people who exclusively feed their cats dry food. Most dry foods, especially the cheaper ones, are full of fillers of vegetables and carbohydrates like wheat, which cats cannot digest. Cats are obligate carnivores that need to eat meat, and specifically the protein taurine, which is typically found in abundance in the heart of other animals. So feeding cats a diet of only dry food is like if your parents fed you potato chips for every meal. You'd eat a large quantity in an attempt to feel full, but your body would make it known that its needs aren't being met. So, cats fed only dry food cry for more food more often, wake their owners up at early hours and aggressively, get more persistent when their meal is 1 hour behind (like the jokes about daylight savings). People get automatic feeders, but that doesn't solve the nutrition deficit, so it doesn't solve the cat's "behavior" (cries for help! to the person responsible for their care!) and both the cat and owner become increasingly frustrated with each other. The desperate eating of more dry food to get the nutrition they need is the cause of a lot of the overweight cats you see, and can lead to hypertension, kidney disease, diabetes, depression, lethargy, apathy, chronic joint pain, difficulty jumping/exercising around the house which makes all the above issues more difficult to combat, etc.
Most people . Only feed their cats dry food because it's cheaper than buying wet food . And I Try to be understanding about like, poverty, the housing crisis, economic turmoil, price gouging, etc etc. But if you want a cat, you're committing to at least 10-18 years of providing for this animal. If you can't afford to actually provide for them and meet their needs, you need to, like, play a pet-raising sim instead of fucking up an animal's health in irreversible ways, or making them loyal to you out of fear. This animal is supposed to be your friend, supposed to trust you implicitly and have a mutual bond of unconditional love.
I've never had any difficulties making friends with cats; the only time a cat never became receptive to my company was one that had been in a very abusive household. Neighbors and family friends' cats have all quickly sought out my attention and pets/cuddles. My cats have all been affectionate, trusting, and receptive to my emotions/physical pain. I have enough examples to fill its own post, but trust me when I say that every day my cats show through consideration, companionship, body language, and seeking out pets/cuddles, that they love and trust me, and my family. (Actually, I had a cat that would pee in one of my abusive aunts shoes whenever she visited our house <3 That cat said "your vibes are rancid and you're not welcome here")
This post is already pretty long, so I'll wrap it up here. I just wish that more people would put in the effort to learn/understand cat's body language and meet cats halfway instead of expecting cats to act like dogs do. (AND . I wish people would apply the above listed steps to how they treat dogs . You should be respecting their personal space and showing them respect too, asshole!) If you know what to look for re: a cat's body language, you'll see that they're telling us in a myriad of ways how much they enjoy our company, respect us, love us, etc.
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mebiselfandi · 1 year
I was listening to this https://open.spotify.com/track/70sxBj1Y2Y8EuZ3q3naAO2?si=qhnH18IwT02xeGjFNMUYEw and like I can imagine Ney and Leo saying some things they don't mean in the heat of the moment when Ney tells them about leaving barça. Imagine them both hurting even after months wishing they'd parted on better terms and now they're both scared to make the first step bc they think the other hates them
Hi anon🫶
This is literally my first Neymessi related ask in like centuries (I’m cheering and whooping very very loudly)
And omg anon this is so them.
Although I imagine those two are like silent sufferers, i could still see them reaching that peak where they just blow up at each other. Like I always imagine Leo as a genuine silent sufferer. Just doesn’t want people to know when things are hard for him. Meanwhile Ney is very loud about being hurt and emotional but he never states how he’s truly feeling cause it’s easier to run and hide and treat his problems as superficial when they’re more like a giant hemorrhage.
This combination is so volatile because Leo will just randomly explode one day and I can imagine that night when he told Ney he’d win him the balon d’or(peak Neymessi insanity) he was probably at his breaking point. Already holding back tears and trying his best to get him to stay but he just can’t say he wants Ney to stay because he loves him and he doesn’t want him to go so he says that instead.
And Neymar who’s said he wants to stay but is leaving anyway but still won’t say what’s causing him to leave but he’s acting like it’s whatever and not a big deal that he’s leaving cause he thinks it’s what he wants and he’s trying so hard to convince himself it’s what he wants.
And they just reach that point where Neymar shouts ‘well how would you know what I want?’ And it just spirals from there. They’re not even trying to understand just aiming to hurt because maybe if they’re angry at the other person it will make them forget the holes in their hearts that can’t be filled.
Leo making a low jab at Neymar being a party boy and being so stupidly reckless by leaving (‘you’re exactly what the media says’) and Neymar being so hurt because of all people he expected Leo to know him. To understand that there’s more to him than that. And it’s like Leo is confirming Ney’s worst fear that he just sees him as some annoying kid who will never grow up. So he retorts back, tells him ‘at least I actually have feelings’ and to Leo it’s so devastatingly low because Ney is the only person he ever even opens up to and he’s throwing it back in his face calling him heartless and uncaring. Telling him he doesn’t even know him or love him because if he did, he would be happy for him.
And they leave absolutely fuming and in tears because deep down they know they didn’t mean anything they said but they think the other did.
Thinking about the eventual reunion at psg. The two of them not even understanding why Leo agreed to come when the last honest conversation they had that wasn’t played amicable for the cameras was that argument. And they’re both so scared.
Y’know I rewatched when Harry met sally this afternoon and there’s this scene where Harry and sally fight and immediately fall into each others arms and apologize. I suppose it would go like that. They try and apologize but they end up fighting cause they’re just accusing each other (‘well if you hadn’t left’ ‘if you hadn’t pushed me away’ yadda yadda). But they really look at each other and realize that they’re just fighting uselessly and they’re so tired of fighting especially after spending all this time apart.
And they cling so tightly to each other. Nothing is better. They still said that shit to each other and things are never the same when you hurt the person you love like that but in that moment they know they’ll figure it out and grow together
Then they leave each Europe 2 years later and never see each other again
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inutaffy · 1 year
im not sorry. im pulling up a chair and you will be stuck here for a millennia
SO. NUMBER 1. “do you know why you’re leader of this team?” “well uh yeah. bc i asked to be? u said it wasnt bc of my skills.” THIS RIGHT THE FUCK HERE. OKAY. BITCH.
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LEO ALREADY HAD SO MANY DOUBTS ABT BEING LEADER MAN ITS AWFUL. LIKE. FUCK. and this isnt to say that leo is like confident in his abilities bc HE IS. HE REALLY IS HE KNOWS HE’S GOOD WHEN HE NEEDS TO BE but like that doesn’t immediately get rid of the feelings of inadequacy, ESPECIALLY after he got beat down by shredder in s2 and the earth got destroyed in s3
to him, he’s just leader bc he asked to be, nothing special abt it. its not bc he’s the smartest or the strongest or fastest. he just asked and splinter said lmao sure why not (LISTEN I KNOW THAT THAT WASNT REALLY SPLINTERS REASONING. leo was always gonna end up as leader bc he IS GOOD AT IT. he knows how to lead n he’s inspiring or whatever but he doesnt say this to leo until later) so to him there’s NOTHING STOPPING HIM FROM BEING REPLACED IF BE SCREWS UP ONE TO MANY TIMES. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS? IT LITERALLY MAKES EVERYTHING MAKE SENSE. like the shift in how he views leadership after s1. how he CONSTANTLY sacrifices himself for the cause bc WHAT ELSE IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO WHEN THINGS SPIRAL OUT OF HIS CONTROL?? just. dude. i fucking hate this. he sacrifices himself at any minor inconvenience (not really but 😐) and i hate that it makes since. he is only leader bc he asked, there isnt some special skill keeping him in this position (THERE IS. the others would be soo screwed if he wasnt leader. they’d make it obviously but DAMN) so he’s easily replaceable, and if something goes wrong to the point where he needs to REALLY get his shit together and DO SOMETHING TO FIX IT, HE SACRIFICES HIMSELF. BC WHAT ELSE IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO. he does it when they had to destroy the technodrome, he does it when he goes to fight shredder alone, he does it when they needed to get that black hole generator piece from that one lady, and he does it when trying to destroy the triceraton mothership. its the worst thing in the whole fucking world
number 2. “i knew that one day you would grow up to be the leader of this team, and when I pass on to be like a father as well.” OUGH. this hurts me so much. this is damn near the center of a good chunk of raph and leo’s fighting. not ALL of it obviously bc they’ve got their own stuff to work out but this definitely plays a part bc above all he wants leo to be HIS BROTHER. not his dad. NEVER HIS DAD. leo IS NOT their fucking dad and when he tries to act all high and mighty it IRRITATES HIM. WHICH IS SO VALID BC WHY ARE YOU THE WAY THAT YOU ARE. STOP. SERIOUSLY. WHO ARE YOU. yk? like fuck. he doesnt want leo to parent them dammit. imagine your dad dies or something and then your older brother is trying to fill that gap instead of taking time to GREIVE
AND TBH. I DONT THINK SPLINTER MEANT IT LIKE THAT EITHER. splinter probably meant this in a “when i die i trust you to take care of this family and be there for each other and support each other” way. not in a SINGLE MOM WHO WORKS TWO JOBS WHO LOVES HER KIDS WND NEVER STOPS WITH GETNLE HANDS AND THE HEART OF A FIGHTER IM A SURVIVOR kinda way
this gets lost in translation tho bc leo totally takes this and runs in the opposite ducking direction for a while which just
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“i dont get it, you’re fine father. is there something your not telling me?”
I HATE EVERYTHING. leo is dodging EVERY hint that his dad could die soon, he refuses to even entertain the idea. like at all. and its so fuckinf sad bc he is clinging to this hope that no matter what everything will work out fine just like it did before, they’re going to come out on the other side bruised but whole, and it HURTS bc that is not what happens at all. splinter is still killed right in front of them and they carry his body away and bury him and that’s it. that’s fucking it and it’s TERRIBLE.
and its not just awful bc of that its awful bc splinter is trying so hard to prepare them for this, he knows he died once, and has come close numerous times, so its gotta stick eventually right? so the least he can do is make sure his family isnt without closure yk? he can make it so that he torn from them without any warning or goodbye, without something to remember him by, so he goes and he has a moment with each of them in this season before he gets killed and it hurts me so much bc he’s trying to gently prepare them and its just. ough. OUGH. can we just take these mfckers out of situations ffs
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HIS FUCKING FACE???? AS THEH WALK AWAY???????? KILL ME NOW PLEASE???????? he literally just wants his family to be ok and theh ARENT and it hurts me so. his brothers and dad look so fucking happy too but just. OUGH. the HORRORS man the horrors are coming
anyways. timestamp 3:25am. this is just my rambling from the first few minutes and these are all the scenes from the clip i tagged u in. we haven’t even gotten to splinters death or what leads up to it yet, things are deceptively calm rn and im so scared
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llycaons · 1 year
ep16 (part 2):
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oh cinematically tragic lost handhold....
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I've seen so many gifsets of wwx in this scene and that's because as terrible as everything is he has genuinely never looked better. very handsome. sorry about the tragedies
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aw man there's jyl OH SHE HAS PEARLS SEWN INTO HER ROBE I wonder if the jiangs trade with sects that live along the ocean. do they have ocean access? I can't remember. maybe they're freshwater pearls
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when jyl asks what happened and all wwx can do is stand there crying. and jc is also crying. oof
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why did she tell wwx to do this...did she think jc couldn't?
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a triangle of misery...
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there's a really long meta post about the cinematography for this and I don't remember all of it but it's like. jyl and jc are in the foreground so their grief is being paid attention to, but wwx is in the back and you can't even see his face. his grief is ignored, even though he's the central figure. he's also taking on the task of a servant and neither jyl nor jc stop him
this is def a most extreme case (jc and jyl are SUPER traumatized and I'm not even blaming them for this), and it's not representative of all their interactions with wwx, but it gets me thinking. wwx talks about lwj being his equal bc he's good at things in the way that wwx is, but you can also view it like, with lwj wwx is completely free of the tangle of debts and obligations he has with the jiangs, and they look after each other , purely because they care about each other rather, than that onus always being on wwx. jyl does take care of him, and jc does too sometimes, but wwx must do the same for the other two and cannot truly fight back in a meaningful way if he's being mistreated.
obviously this setup above would never happen with lwj bc lwj doesn't see wwx as a servant or someone bound to him at all. he may see other people as servants, but he's always insistent that wwx is taken care of and he wouldn't accept wwx acting this way to him. which is really good! like I feel that ppl who are ride-or-die for yunmeng sibs and ignore lwj don't appreciate how freeing being with lwj is for wwx and how happy he is to have a relationship that's his own and on his own terms. ah, I miss him
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jyl getting ill so easily, I think she has an autoimmune disorder. I've seen her hced as having celiac's and having chronic joint pain, and I think either an autoimmune disease or chronic fatigue makes mot sense. and for some conditions, both of those symptoms are seen so it's not a stretch. fibromyalgia, for one
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uh oh. last look before the end.
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LIFE-ALTERING MOMENT. this scene is so well done. the dread I feel every single time. it's incredible.
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literally who is that
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flashforward to the scene in 18(?) where jc makes the same promise to jyl about wwx. I feel ill
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something really messed up is how often one of the kids will be like 'we'll go together, right"? this past few episodes. they really are clinging to each other like buoys in a storm
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this happened when wwx was running out of BM after waking up from wen qing's needle. he runs and falls over :(
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oh jeez I bet they're all dead by the end of this huh
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MEAN TO WEN NING. he lied kind of awkwardly but it WAS effective. a nice thing about being known for being weak and socially awkward is that nobody suspects you when you're being suspicious
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I wonder what happened to those women too. I assume they're wens, unless they were hired by wens. the clan is fucking huge idk
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HE KNEW. and he knew it could have been lethal, I assume, unless he detected the exact poison used. and he somehow knew it was for the bodies of the jiang parents, huh
next episode will also be pretty rough but sunshot/postsunshot are among my favorite arcs so I am HYPED
also we'll finally see lwj again next ep. I think. I miss him. I wonder how many eps jc is missing from. surely several in a row, esp postres. yi city for sure. he's been in every one so far. now I'm curious
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nyxokal · 2 years
So I finished Golden Wind
Before anyone says it: Yes, that was fast. But I can explain!! I speedran this part bc 1. It really did grip me and I HAD to keep going, and 2. It was the only one I needed a VPN for, and I didn't wanna risk anything in 2023 given Netflix is gonna crack down on password sharers and I didn't wanna find out if VPN usage triggered it
Just like with Stardust Crusaders and Diamond is Unbreakable, I think I'm gonna write my first impressions on this part here too. I'll see if anything changes in the future too since I do plan on watching these again w a friend
Also also, once again: this is my Twitter thread for my JJBA liveblog, of which Golden Wind starts here, just in case you want to see how this was in real time
That said, let's go lads. Obviously spoilers ahead even tho I've never really warned for this
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What I liked
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Like, I wanna say "Just kidding! The characters" but no, Bruno. Bruno was the main reason why I fell in love with this part and I am not going to even pretend it wasn't. His character was absolutely fantastic--a combination of ruthless and violent with the loving heart and kindness to feel realistic when you know that he is just the light surrounding everyone he can touch trapped in his own darkness he put himself in. Bruno's truly the heart of his group AND the actual protagonist and you know it, and though it's only through Giorno that he gets to push out of that darkness, it's because of HIM that everyone else even does anything
I cannot state just how much I loved watching him, and how hard I cried when he died, and how much it hurt me to watch him desperately continue to cling to life even when his body gave out. How much it fucked me up to see how everyone loved him and how much he loved everyone. Bruno was ready to lay his life down for his little family because he KNEW they'd have his back, and they did the same for him. Hell, even Mista jumped out of a FUCKING SEVENTH FLOOR WINDOW to keep him safe. Bruno is one of the best characters I've seen in this series, period. I am legitimately in awe. I think he is probably my favourite character, slightly above Caesar (I know, what blasphemy is this right)
Anyways, back to Mista nearly killing himself for Bruno. Which does take me to actually talking about the others!!
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You know how much I've praised the relationships between the characters in previous parts? Golden Wind is the epitome of that, but I do feel like it cheated a bit to get there. Bucci gang already knew each other for YEARS, which does explain just why they got along together so perfectly, but I think that was a decision that was worth making. Everyone played off one another fantastically and they showed just how close together they were in really believable ways. You really did get the sense that these people hit rock bottom and only after finding each other (and Bruno) did they get to feel alive once again
They all cared for one another. Even Trish, when she became part of their team. And you truly do get the sense that Bruno was behind THAT change of heart--how his desire to protect her transfered to all, because if Bruno believes in something, then it is obviously just worth believing in
I loved all the protagonists a lot. Their closeness absolutely made the big emotional moments hit HARD
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Giorno was also a fun character to watch. I like how idealistic and determined he is (courtesy of Jonathan) and how ruthless and calculating he is (courtesy of Dio). I have other opinions I will save for my second section, but I did like what he brought to the table. I think Gold Experience was a fun Stand but it did feel a bit like... malleable? In the bad sense. I'll save that for later
I do like how his two halves of his personality collide though. He is never too sweet, and he is never too ruthless--until Diavolo but listen, Diavolo kind of deserved that for what he did to everyone. But yeah, Giorno's not my favourite Jojo (that's still Joseph despite it all) nor did I enjoy him as much as I did others like Josuke or Jotaro, but I think he performed his duties as a protagonist well, and he shines brightest when you think of him as unlocking the potential of those around him rather than leading the fight at all
Giorno's okay. He's not great nor is he bad, he's just okay. His role as a character is serviceable and I liked his power painting him as kindhearted above it all
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The last thing I want to touch upon is I liked the tone and pacing tbh. It really does feel like GW is the culmination of all of Araki's victories and mistakes, getting the best out of everything and making something entirely new. Still with some fuckups here and there of course, but I think what's going on here is pretty good. I did get a feeling that Golden Wind was a bit like Battle Tendency in the way it presented the plot being an actual fixed thing whose twists still made sense. "Overthrow the boss -> hand over his daughter Trish -> protect Trish" makes sense because each point builds on the last, and the main goal is never lost, only expanded upon
It really does feel like a far cry from Stardust Crusaders lmfao
What I didn't like
I mostly feel like because Araki's writing is so tight in this Part, it makes a lot of his stupid "because I said so" decisions stand out the worst. And I do think that both Abbacchio and Narancia's deaths felt like that, even though they also both made sense in context
Abbacchio's was like... so why did you leave him alone in the first place? You know you're in danger, and yeah sure Narancia and Bruno are chasing a possible assassin, but I don't get why you'd leave the man who cannot defend himself with his Stand while the Stand is in use ALONE when you have previously been attacked by multiple Stand Users in the past. For a gang of experienced fighters it definitely felt sloppy
In the end though I can accept Abbacchio's death because he was dangerous for Diavolo, sure, but the circumstances behind why he died are still super idiotic to me and stand out amidst a season that was so full of tight writing choices
Narancia also was kind of sloppy? Again, "kill Narancia since his Aerosmith could track Diavolo" was a good reasoning, and once you know what's going on "sike Diavolo is possessing Trish anway so this is more of a distraction" is better, but. I feel like Araki got sloppy because of This:
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It's okay to do this, hell that's what happened to Caesar, but damn I thought we'd left obvious death flagging behind. The main reason it worked for Bruno is he came back and repossessed himself, ergo feeling more like a subversion
Anyways those are most of my complaints on the deaths. It was tight anyway, these are just minor "Hmm :/" moments I had
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Another thing I didn't quite like were the villains? They felt a little forgettable save for a few others, but I felt like there wasn't a lot of focus on Risotto's team for me to truly give a fuck, and then Diavolo's henchmen felt a bit thrown in. I can't put my finger on it but I didn't really care much, and when you have such a strong team of protagonists, a sloppy team of antagonists feels a bit boring
Speaking of antagonists... Diavolo. Oh lord Diavolo
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Two personalities feeling cheap aside, I didn't really mind Diavolo and Doppio all that much. They were fun to watch. The problem lies in King Crimson, and the fact that he just... felt like Great Value Dio
I am so goddamn sick and tired of time-based villains. First Dio has The World, which fucked severely, but then Kira out of nowhere develops an ability to loop time, and THEN Diavolo can essentially stop time again. It got so egregious I joked about Polnareff having war flashbacks about Dio and how "we're suddenly at the top of the stairs" felt like the Opposite of Pol's experience with Dio. What the fuck separates Diavolo from Dio, here? The fact that he can see the future?
Then why wasn't that his fucking ability
Why did he need to also STOP time? Why did he need to literally be able to do literally the same as Dio? Now that I think about King Crimson his ability does sort of make sense--it's essentially foresight with being able to move quickly within the time he sees--but then why was it STILL time based? Why not just foresight? Jesus Christ
Also on that note, the Requiem Stands. Requiem Chariot is fine, it was even a fun puzzle to solve. Golden Experience Requiem though? What the fuck was that. What ARE his abilities? I feel like I just witnessed an ass-pull in real time. That and the fact that it felt too close to Jotaro suddenly also being able to stop time at the end of SC was like... eugh. Araki write LITERALLY any other final fight challenge
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Aside from that... Giorno's something I disliked too, sorry. He was Dio's son!! Ok. What does that imply. It just comes up once and then gets forgotten about. What did Dio want, letting a woman and her child escape him like that? GW doesn't seem interested at all in answering any of that. I feel like his connection to Dio was severely underutilized, even moreso his connection to the Joestars. I dunno. I like what I got from GW but I wanted more on this
Eh. Also, the violence wasn't it for me. I don't think it makes it BAD and it makes sense because they're the mafia, but personally speaking? Too much
Oh and the fashion was too fucking weird
Also actually... Rolling Stone was uh. I liked that little story and its implications, but it. Definitely felt very out there. I'm not quite sure I like it right now, but maybe my thoughts will change
Final Thoughts
Part 5 is great! I liked it a whole lot, and despite my negative thoughts on it I still think this is one of the best parts there is. I quite enjoyed my time with it, and I loved what it did, and even though sure this is the part that gets a bit too ridiculous with Stands, fashion, and etc, it's still encompassed by a lovely story of love, justice, and companionship
I don't have much else to say beyond what I already said here. I am going to take a HUGE break before I move on to Stone Ocean, but I am quite excited to do so. I was most excited to get to Golden Wind out of everything thus far and I can safely say that my expectations were very much met, and I'm satisfied with what I got out of this
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Arrivederci and see you next time for Stone Ocean!!
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heaven-meets-hell · 9 months
I wish I could claim ideas good thing I can
Poses like a madman. Smirks. Looks at audience. Explodes. Guys I'm not sane about my OCS and bc this isn't twitter j can talk about them and everyone will have to put up with my brain rot for them. Anyways 💔💔💔 Possession except it's literal 🫶🫶🫶 if my friend sees this, no you don't, don't show this to the GC or I will pray for your downfall ^_^ !!! (Joking) So uesh!! I.got these 2 idiot demon x angel shit going on where it's like holy shit why the FUCK DO I HAVE TO TEAM UP WITH THEM I'D RATHER DIE And then they grow close to each other with this weird fucking watcher thing being their 3rd wheel. So tldr angel and demon gotta team up with each other and this weird eyeball thing to stop ANOTHER angel from trying to become god and kill earth Anyways as time goes on the angel DIES/(sorta dies?? He doesn't DIE but he isn't alive either-) in combat trying to kill the fake god bc they had everything planned but shit hit the fan real fast because then the angel "DIES" while the demon is trying to save their friend/watcher/eyeball thingYadda yadda I'll post the characters later they're gay af but who cares Anyways I was like oh shit possessions but the meaning is literal So when demons in "my world" / "their world"(???) Feel heavy emotions like heart break, love sickness, anger,
frustration etc etc they start to lose parts of themselves to their primal urges There's a big eye that usually shows how much time they have left So big eye closed = good Big eye open = NOT good / very bad because it leaks corruption into the minds of demons and it makes it harder to control themselves so they give into temptation easily SO the reason why THAT exists is because the silly deuteragonist/second main character aka the demon starts to slowly go crazy bc he thinks the angel is dead/gone/ no longer exists, not as a person or even a thing So As I said before the angel isn't entirely dead or alive either bc (guys I'm crazy I insane) the god/angel, was a weeping angel we all know those creepy fuckers who if you look away from snap your neck into bits anyways no Thisguy is different bc he just cries and in heaven weeping angels are usually good bc they have healing properties but this angels tears were BAD because of some shit and he was like bro why was I Bron wrong hey god FUC YO- and God was like bro wtf what did I do you're born just the way you are, in my eyes, you are perfect why are you so ANGRY bout being lie everyone else and he's like that's it BEGONE. And kicks the weeping angel out for cursing him out at heavens gates Whatever whatevev anyways our main character angel is dying slowly because he's CRYING and if he stops CRYING he starts DYING so he has to KEEP CRYING while he's DEAD So when he wakes up he's like oh hey guys how's everything but the demon guy had already undergone so much corruption to the point his brain literally has a fear of losing the angel again so he doesn't let the angel out of his sight anymore/ clings onto the angel way too much and literally screams and yells when anyone gets too close, I'ma make a new post to explain this possession shit guys I'm CRAZY
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spikesbimbo · 4 years
Soft sex pt.1   pt.2
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Tags: cuddle fucking,cockwarming, morning sex, big dick!meian, bath sex, makeup sex, praise kink, hurt/comfort, pussy job
a/n: vanilla is not something to be ashamed of, its way more common than you think, you don't need to be doing kamasutra every night to keep the spark. none of that daddy shit in this. Srry : /
i also don't proofread, i h8 reading works right after i finish them, so let me know if anything's wrong.
18+ Minors DNI
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….Morning... sex. mmhmm
He could usually control his morning wood
But after being gone for so many days, finally coming home to see you, it was impossible
You woke up after you heard a few groans, feeling him rut into your back, turning over to see his face flushed and cheeks red, whether it be from getting caught or his activities 
So you decide to help him as a good s/o should
But you're also tired… 
So you just pull your pants off and tell him to go at it, not too rough because you had to work in the afternoon.
“Baby, you okay?” you faintly asked, turning around, eyes trying to open after hearing him make some noises. You hated when people disturbed your sleep, which you oh so loved, but your boyfriend was an exception, sometimes.
But what you didn't expect when you opened your eyes was catching him, red faced, with his hand in his boxers trying to make it stop. Looking like he was in a lot of pain, so your quick mind got on it, not wanting to see his face in any more discomfort.
“Here” you said, shuffling your back into him while pulling down your panties, setting your ass on his bulge, grinding a little to get him to hurry up. Knowing this was the only way you could take care of him.
“You sure?” he asked already putting his cock into you being needy as ever, which indeed you thought was cute in way but him stretching you out made you respond by pushing yourself even more against him, bottoming out which both of you let out some moans and curses, softly saying them as he wrapped his arms around your torso, giving you a minute before he started moving.
“S-shoyo”  you quietly gasped, holding onto the pillow as he pushed himself into you trying to close your eyes and relax, slowly but restlessly, getting deeper in you with every thrust. Leaning back into him his arm now moving around your chest, angling himself to where it felt good. 
His thrusts felt agonizingly slow, teasing almost, as he shoved his face into your shoulder, groaning how good you felt. “fuck, baby m’gonna cum.” he whined out. The pressure in his hips getting stronger with you clenching around him.
‘s’okay, hurry up and cum baby” you cooed, feeling him grow in you, wanting him to feel good, moving your hips back to catch his. “fuck-k” he finished, the warmness spreading into you, some dripping out onto your legs, slipping on the bed.
“You good now?” you giggled after some time, him finally sporting a smile instead of a frown. “thank you...” he shyly muttered out, turning you around to face him, wanting to see your pretty face.
“Can u wake me up at 3?” you asked, giving yourself another hour to get clean. Already being put back because you had to come in earlier today.
“Yeah cutie.” he said, putting it on his phone, you too worn out to do anything but stay still, now facing him while he snuggled into your chest, his head right under yours, finally getting the rest you deserved.
You were a sensitive little thing, loving how rough and needy he got with you.
But sometimes you needed a break, it hurting too much leaving you sore.
But you're also a fiend for him okay?
who wouldn't be?
Jumping on him every hour of the day.
So you go and straight up, atleast try to, tell him that you want him to be easier with you.
But you were also embarrassed of it, being so needy for him, also not wanting his ego to get any higher than it was,  due to you basically you telling him you needed him everyday.
And he's like ok!! on it (¬‿¬)
“What wrong pretty girl, hmmm?” he asked, pulling your waist closer to him, dragging his hand on your upper thigh, fingers finding the outline of you panties under that skirt you were wearing. Him wondering why you looked so distraught just walking up to him.
“Tsumie” you said ignoring his question, bringing up your own, trying your best to get it out only for it to get caught in your throat.
“Hmm?” he responded turning all his attention on you, his gaze making you even more nervous.
“I- um... was just wondering if you could- ya know....bealittlemoregentlenexttime?” you said, muttering the last part out, hoping he understood and wouldn't inquire any further. 
He paused for a minute, taking in what you just said, glad that you were comfortable enough to express your thoughts around him, pulling you closer until his face was to your chest, looking up at you with his eyes glistening due to the reflection of the lamp in them. “Right now princess?” he smirked much softer than he usually did.
“Here baby. You're gonna come with me, and i'm gonna take good care of you...real good care of you.” he said, playful traces underlying his words, getting up from his chair while picking you up with him, hands under your thighs already causing a problem. Yes you loved dom, rough atsumu but when he was sweet and gentle, that was a whole nother story, as you could prove right now.
He gently laid you on the bed, taking all your clothes off, kissing all over you until you were wet enough, before attempting to “test” you with his fingers. To which you whined in protest, wanting him in you right now, wanting to feel his warmth inside and out of you.
He positioned himself on top of you, listening to whatever you wanted, fully settling himself inside after sometime, giving you time to adjust to him. He started moving his hips back and forth, his view of you beneath him being picture perfect, as you could say them the same before leaning down into you, muttering words of praise and affection in your ears. The only sound you responded with was moans and cries, but the look in your eyes, the look of want and need, the baseline for love, told him what he wanted to hear, but it wasn't enough.
“Thank you for putting up with me, you know i love you, huh? tell me baby.” he said not rushing you wanting you to feel at ease with him “Tell me you know i love you” he finished, desperate undertones in his words, looking at you with those big sweet eyes.
“I-i know you... love- me.” you choked out, his soft thrusts still hitting you deep, knocking on your cervix, but it felt so good; being in eachothers arms,  hitting all the right spots, his breath in your face entangling with yours, feeling more connected than ever. Before you knew it the two of you had finished more than once, now resting in eachothers arms, a 
“You feel good baby? He asked, an airy smile plastered on his face, you trying to do the same moving closer to him so he could hear you, arms still wrapped around each other.
You loved him so much, even when he was a meanie
And he did the same, internally grateful that he was lucky enough to get someone as sweet as you.
Which is why he was making up for the argument he started earlier today.
Not meaning anything he said, just stressed and taking it out on you : ( not knowing how to apologize with words.
So he does what he knows you love, but you never ask him bc you don't want to bother him. 
You loved him touching you and vice versa, but you respected his wishes and only did it when you two were alone, even holding back in private too, not wanting to bother him.
So he gives you want you want, a physical form of an apology, another way to express his feelings. 
“shh..” he tenderly mumbled into your ear, the one he’d been kissing on for the past few minutes, the sloppiness of it that you loved. Your chest to his back, being completely nude with your legs spread open, one of his hands pinching your nipple while grabbing the rest of the flesh around it.
The sweat and tears adoring your face, masked in pleasure, trying your best to look up at him only to receive a kiss on the head.  
“Yoomi~”  you sofly cried, clinging on your hands back onto the fabric of his shirt, the one that he got back from his press conference in, the one that he came back in a bad mood, immediately taking it out on you.
His thumb played with your clit, two of his long fingers sliding in as well, leaving you more of a mess then you were already in, his voice accompanied, encouraging you to. He curled his fingers into you, not roughly but hard enough to make you feel it. Your other hand shakily grabbing onto the arm he was blessing you with.
You were such a sweetheart for him, an angel he thought. As soon as you walked in the room he could swear he saw a halo around your head, looking at you long enough to where he could bask in your beauty, but short enough to where you couldn't tell.
Sometimes he felt like he didn't deserve you, being such a bad boyfriend that can't attend to your “needs”, feeling like a dead weight on you. But the way you followed him around like a lost puppy, expressing your love for him in ways you knew he would like reassured him that you were the one.
“-omi” you moaned, legs now shaking, holding them in place with his arm, his fingers working faster while his hand was still cupping your breast squeezing it every once in a while.
“Come for me love.” he warmly mumbled into your ear, taking a break from kissing down your neck, his marks accompanying the glistening of your skin, being the prettiest sight in his eyes. You freezed up in his arms, finally letting go of his shirt, your head rolling back as far as it could. You ultimately getting the both of you dirty, your cum being now a puddle beneath you two, not having the energy to fret about it.
He lets you rest in his arms after your high, lightly resting his head on top of yours, giving it another kiss, gently holding you leaning into you before whispering a faint “Im sorry.”
This is regular occurrence for you two
Yes, he fucks the shit out of you, but lovingly < 3
You two always express your love for each other through touch, being intimate leaves to you in a daze.
But after he wins a game and sees you in the crowd so excited, a big smile appears on his face, feeling grateful to have you in his life.
He shows you how much he appreciates you
“i love you....so much” he said, dragging your clothes off, eyes following you like a needy puppy, his shirt hanging on by one of his arms still in it, the rest of him naked. 
You could only giggle in response, taking off the bra yourself, seeing that he was trying his hardest too, not wanting to take any longer. “Ko, baby what about you?” you said referring to his state letting out another laugh. His hair even more messed up from taking off his hoodie faster than  you've ever seen, looking like a little kid trying to dress themselves.
“baby.” you murmur, your hands landing on the sides of his face, into your space, trying to bring him back to reality for a second. “I'm always gonna be here, always... so you can take your time” you finished, seeing he finally took your suggestion as he stood up.
He took off his shirt, now being fully naked for your eyes to admire. But before you could let your hands touch his chest he grabbed them, softly pulling you into his lap, wrapping his big arms around you while letting his head rest on your shoulder.
You got the hint and relaxed as he lined himself up with you, moving his head so that he could see before pushing himself inside trying to hold back his eagerness. “feel good?” he asked thrusting in you a little, the blush covering his cheeks as he held your body closer. 
“yeah...feels so good.” you faintly whined out. “...only you could make me feel this way” 
His big frame melted into yours as he started moving, your words being music to his ears, his slow strokes making you feel his need. You leaned your head on his shoulder too, slightly moving your hips with his, wanting to feel him even deeper.
His hands moved to your ass and the top of your back, gripping them firmly against his soft movements, letting out moans as he felt you clench around him, the soft flesh being the only thing  keeping him grounded. 
“F-fuck baby” he started before you cut him off with a “shh, you can cum.” trying your best to seem stable with the way he was fucking you, bouncing on him, hitting those seep spots over and over.
You felt him release, the wetness dripping down your thighs falling onto his, hearing a few curses and moans along with it, giving you puppy dogs eyes asking if you'd let him fuck you again, and of course you couldn't say no.
He kept you in this position for the rest of the night so he could hear all the words of affection, the praise you said he deserved, moaned into his ear. The scratch marks and bruises being the only physical trace left, reminding him of the love you two shared.
“You did great bo.” you said with a smile, sitting in his lap, eyes fluttering as you feel asleep along with him. His grip on you was still tight, kissing you on the forehead, his way of letting you know how much he loved you.
Date night yayyyy
Anyways, he’s admiring how beautiful you are, thanking the gods for giving you to him
And he wants to show you how much he worships the ground you walk on, taking it nice and slow, as usual, but this time it would stay like that.
Even if he tries to be gentle with you its still gonna hurt for a min.
Poor baby :’ (
But its okay cause he’ll dote on you and coo in your ear of how good of a girl you are for taking him. :  )
“Please, meian.'' you whined, grabbing onto his chest, sweaty skin linking you two together, thighs connected to his hips. Rubbing your bare self on his length, the lace panties you had on being long gone, tossed somewhere on the floor.
He couldn't keep his eyes off of you the whole night, the outfit you had on hugging you just right, the skin peeking out every so often, his hands wondering all over you to your obvious enjoyment; and on the ride home he couldn't keep his eyes off your lips. The gloss shining bright in the streetlights, your natural pout shaping your pretty little face, so innocent, reminding him of all the times you weren't.
“shhh... its okay, I got you angel. We can take it slow, okay?” he said already reading your mind, knowing how his pretty girl thinks, holding your weight making sure you didn't slide down him too fast.
He let you do whatever you wanted to your heart's content, it was always about you, he'd always go along with what you wanted, never doing anything you didn't. You wanting to ride him out of the blue, wanting to take it at your pace. He was more than happy to provide, you usually letting him do whatever he wanted to you, its only right that he returned the favor.
“You good doll?” he groaned, only the tip being in you right now, trying to accommodate his size, even though you were wet from him jumping on you the minute you walked through the door. His hungry eyes not leaving you once, picking you up while shoving his lips on your soft ones, hands raking through your clothes, his hands pulling them off till you only had your panties on.
“Ease up baby, look... “ he stated, his grip on your hips with his big warm hands making you melt into his touch, distracting you from your end goal. “m’sorry... im trying to go faster” you let out, a few tears following while you froze in place. Your mind racing with the thoughts of this not feeling good for him, only you, instant regret flooding your train of thought.
“No, no, no angel,” he started worriedly, wanting to take care of you as he should, leaning up against the bed frame now being face to face with you. “its all about you okay? don't worry doll it feels good for me too, I'm not as impatient as i seem” he said, a slight laugh accompanying him trying to lighten the mood.
“here, lemme move all the way inside you, then you can do whatever you want alright.” he somewhat asked. You nodded, holding onto his shoulders as his hands and hips moved, slowly filling you up, now trembling in his grasp. The stretch making you whine, feeling his balls against your ass, already rutting into him letting out a few moans while he leaned back, thinking you were the most precious thing he's ever seen, a slight smirk now on his face.
“Alright angel, im all yours now.”
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© all content belongs to spikesbimbo. do not alter or repost .
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
Mine (Feelings Pt. 2)
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Fwb! Jay x fem. bodied! reader; smut with a tinge of fluff
Word Count: 1.82k words
Mellow speaks: On popular demand, here I am with Part 2 of "Feelings," with Y/N and Jay still being stupid and not admitting their feelings hehe. Hope you guys enjoy reading this!! Lmk what you think!
Tagging: @enhabb and @en-cityzen (bc it was you who had first suggested a sequel lmao)
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Seething with rage, you glare at your "friend" as he flirts away with some random person from his class, the smile on his face being a bit too big for your liking, and the way his companion clings to him almost making you break your pencil in anger. Thinking back to a month ago, you can't help but be reminded of that night when Jay had finally claimed you as his own, his jealousy having gotten the best of him as you had hung out with a random stranger at the club just to spite him.
The sex that night had been amazing, but then again, what else would you have expected from the Jay Park? But the real deal had been the talk the day after, the air heavy with nervousness and teasing. He had made it clear that he wanted to be the only guy who got to lay his hands on you, and you in return had confessed how jealous it made you to see him in someone else's arms.
Something had changed that day, you knew it had. You were no longer just friends, or even just friends with benefits, there was something more to your relationship now. Something neither of you had wanted to admit to straight away, even though you couldn't deny it either. You had agreed to take things slow, not wanting to label things too soon. But this decision had brought along problems of its own. Sure, you were a teensy bit sweeter to each other now, but this didn't stop people from still making a move on you, nor did it stop them from throwing themselves at Jay.
And what ensued were jealousy and bitterness, both of you being insecure of losing the other, while also being too scared to admit to your feelings. At least the sex was even better now, but then again, why wouldn't it be, when your possessiveness was what fueled you to fuck the other until you were both a screaming mess?
But that isn't what is on your mind as you bang your hands onto your desk, getting up and storming over to the pair as they continue to talk animatedly by the classroom door. When he notices you there, Jay's face morphs into a knowing smirk, as he casually beckons you over to him. "Oh hey babe," he says, throwing his arm around your shoulder and pulling you to his side, "What brings you to me?" Looking up at him, you let a soft smile grace your lips, before grabbing him by the collar and smashing your lips onto his.
It doesn't take him long to return the kiss, his hands moving towards your hips as your own fly to his hair, his tongue grazing your bottom lip as he asks for entrance. Soon enough, the two of you are left alone near the doorway, shamelessly making out in front of the class. But hey, that's a normal sight in university, isn't it? And so you continue, the kiss growing more feverish with every peck. Sending the fact that things are going to get heated, you pull away, Jay's lips trailing after yours in classic fashion. Gently placing your finger on his lips, you smirk, voice dropping to a whisper as you say, "Let's go somewhere?," feeling yourself being dragged away as Jay moves forward in search of an empty classroom.
He finds it soon enough, pulling you in with him before shutting the door and then proceeding to slam your body against it. "What if someone-," you begin, only to have your words muffled as he catches your lips in another kiss, this time rougher than the first. You swiftly pick up where you had left off, tongues wrestling each other as soft moans escape your lips. Soon enough, he pushes his tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch as your hands wrap around his neck, pulling him even closer while you begin to grind your hips around his.
He lets out a particularly loud moan into the kiss, the feeling of your clothed pussy rubbing against his hard and equally-clothed member driving him insane. "Want y-you," he mumbles against your lips, something about the way he says it reminding you of the fact that you were the one who initiated things today. "It's only fair if I get to be the dom," you think to yourself, lips moving to his jaw and down his neck as you begin to unbutton his shirt, a trail of kisses and hickeys following in your wake. Jay throws his head back in pleasure, giving you better access to his smooth skin, his shirt having been pulled down his body.
Had it been any other day, he would have stopped you and held your wrists, taking things under his control once again. But not today. Today he wanted to let you do whatever was on your mind, knowing full well you had come to him out of jealousy. And so, he simply lets himself enjoy as you leave kisses down his chest and his torso, before kneeling down in front of him, your hands hovering over the button on his jeans. Smirking up at him, you make quick work of it, pulling the fabric down his legs and palming him softly through his member. A guttural groan escapes his lips at the contact, the delicious sound making your mouth water as your fingers hook around the hem of his boxers, pulling them down agonizingly slow and causing Jay to clench his fists in frustration.
After what feels like an eternity, he length finally breaks free, the fabric of his boxers pooling around his ankles as you wrap your hands around you wrap your hands around him, gently swirling your tongue around his tip. Having had enough of waiting, Jay places his hands on either side of your head, pushing your mouth down onto his dick, and almost making you choke. He closes his eyes in pleasure at the vibrations from your mouth, only to have them fly open again as your tongue begins doing laps around his girth, your head bobbing up and down as you set up a pace for yourself.
The room grows silent, the only sound being those of his moans and of you sucking on his length, the thought of anyone walking in on you leaving your minds as you focus on pleasuring him. Your hands massage his balls as you continue moving your lips up and down his member, teeth grazing him every so often. It doesn't take him long to feel his climax approaching, reminding him yet again of how when it comes to you, he is almost powerless, his usually under control demeanor breaking. You suck on him particularly hard, and that is enough to make him release into your mouth as you swallow every last bit of his seed, your tongue not wanting to leave even a drop behind.
Pulling away, you let your lips remain connected to his dick by a thick string of saliva, a satisfied sigh escaping your lips at how amazing he tastes. Jay helps you up by placing his hands on your arms, smashing your lips onto yours yet again, only to taste himself. Pulling you towards the center of the room, he places you on the desk, hands toying with with the button of your jeans before he pops it open, sliding the fabric down your leg in one swift move. Once it's down your ankles, he begins teasing you little by little, his fingers running over the skin of your thighs before rubbing against your core through your underwear.
You let out a moan at the contact, arching your back as you want more. Chuckling, Jay continues to rub you through thr fabric, before pushing it to the side and thrusting one finger into you, bending it to spread you out. You take in a sudden gasp of breath, body shuddering as he starts pumping his finger in and out of you, soon adding another, scissoring movements inside you making your mind go fuzzy. "J-Jay," you moan out, making him look up at you, a smirk ghosting over his lips. "M-more," is all you manage to get out, grateful that he understands you so well as he pulls his fingers out of you, pulling your underwear down before thrusting them back in.
Kneeling down, he attaches his lips to your clit, his tongue teasing your bud as his fingers continue their assault on you. Soon enough, you feel the knot in your stomach grow, your moans becoming ragged as your toes curl up at the mere thought of your orgasm. Placing your hands on his back, you push Jay's face closer to your cunt, moaning loudly as you reach your climax, cumming all over his face and fingers. He gladly laps up your juices, lewd noises escaping his lips at your taste. Standing up, he smirks at you, his expression quickly turning into one of surprise as you pull him closer, catching his lips in yet another kiss.
This one is sweet, a smile gracing your lips as you softly make out with him, feeling his member align right in front of your pussy while he lifts your top, pulling the cups of your bra down and massing your breasts. Moaning into his mouth, you signal for him to enter you, and he complies, pushing into you slowly at first, and then all at once, entering you hilt-deep and making your eyes fly open in surprise as you bury your face into his neck, moaning against his skin. He begins moving in and out of you, speeding up as his hands make way for his lips on your boobs, making you whine as he sucks on your skin.
The two of you get lost in your own world, the sex seeming....different now that both of you know there are things you need to need to do. Soon enough, you feel the knot coming back to you, growing once again as you moan against Jay's skin, his own grip on your body tightening as you feel him release inside you, his body shuddering from the sheer force of his orgasm as he continues to thrust into you, throwing you over the cliff once more, your juices mixing with his own as he places a gentle kiss on your lips, letting you ride out your high before pulling away, smirking as he looks at the fluids spilling out of you.
"So what made you fuck me in broad daylight, hmm?," he asks, already knowing the answer as you roll your eyes at him, catching his lips in another kiss, this one more forceful. Pulling away, you whisper against his lips, saying, "You're mine. Only mine," as you feel his fingers drum against the skin around your waist. "Only yours hmm?," he gives you a smile, a genuine smile. "This calls for a celebration then, doesn't it?"
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itsdanii · 3 years
can i req the iwa, atsumu, and suna being in a secret relationship w the reader and the reader gets insecure bc they wanna keep it a secret? w comfort after plspls
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Hey, bubs! Of course, you can request ♥️ Unfortunately, I'm only taking 1-2 characters per request so I canceled Iwaizumi from the list. Also, this is only Atsumu's part. Don't worry, I'm still going to do Suna's part, however, it will be uploaded tomorrow instead of today. I hope you enjoy it! Have a good day, stay safe and hydrated! ♥️
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Secret Relationship
genre: semi-angst to fluff, comfort
warning/s: self doubt and insecurity, descriptions of anxiety, do message me if i missed any
a/n: please do read the warnings before you proceed. warnings have been put there for a reason.
ft. atsumu miya
maybe keeping your relationship wasn't the best decision after all
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Atsumu Miya
You and Atsumu have been in a relationship for 2 years now
With the rising popularity of Atsumu, not only throughout Inarizaki but to the other schools as well, he decided on keeping your relationship a secret
Though you respected Atsumu's choice, it can't be helped that sometimes your emotions got the best of you
Random girls would always approach your boyfriend. They were basically anywhere, everywhere - at school, during practice matches, and even when you were both trying to have a simple date on a nearby cafe
You tried to confront Atsumu about it once but you only ended up fighting, him saying that there was nothing to worry for because you were the only person he loved
So despite the heavy feeling of insecurity looming over you, you tried to understand his side which eventually caused the both of you to make up
You tried to ignore the insecurity and put your trust on Atsumu
But maybe sometimes, trust isn't just enough
"Y/n, someone's looking for you."
You lifted your gaze from the book you were reading, eyes snapping towards the direction of the door where two unfamiliar students were currently standing and waiting for you.
Even without having the need to hear what they needed you for, you instantly knew why they're here. For the past weeks, after Inarizaki's defeat against Karasuno, you've been bombarded by several girls, holding chocolates and teddy bears in hand, asking you to deliver them to Atsumu since they were afraid of giving it to him directly. So, as his "bestfriend," they wanted you to give it to him instead.
And although you wanted to be mad and scream at them to stop, you couldn't just do that. It would be wrong for you to snap at them since nobody, aside from Suna and Osamu, knew about you and Atsumu's relationship.
Sighing loudly, you shut the book you were reading and went over to the two girls with a semi-forced smile. "For 'Tsumu?" you asked, taking the paperbag from them and taking a peek of what's inside.
One of the girls nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling as she fanned her face with her hands. "Yes, please! I really really like Atsumu and the way he played from the previous match was so splendid! With every spike, I can't help but fall in love even more!"
You could only chuckle at what she said because even though there was a feeling of jealousy inside of you, you wouldn't be able to deny that what she said was true. You loved how he was able to inspire other people through sports and you couldn't be more proud of being his s/o.
"Please hand this letter to Atsumu, senpai!" the other girl said, bowing down as she handed you a letter.
You reluctantly took the envelope from her, your body becoming stiff as you muttered a small "Okay."
"I put all my feelings and support in that letter so I'd really appreciate if you handed it to him," she said with a smile.
Just how were you supposed to tell these girls to stop giving you stuff and ordering you to hand them over to your boyfriend? You weren't the type of person who would hinder others to relay their feelings. In fact, it wasn't your job to blatantly tell them to give up. It was Atsumu's responsibility, not yours.
But it wasn't your obligation to be their messenger as well.
Torn between two sides, you decided on maintaining a polite smile, giving the two juniors a pat on the head before nodding. "I'll make sure to deliver these to him, okay? Now, go back to your classroom and study well."
The two girls glanced at each other, eyes sparkling before smiling at you. "Thank you so much!" Turning around, the two went on their way, squealing slightly at their successful mission.
You, on the other hand, sighed and stared at the paperbag with a small frown. "Guess that's two more girls on the list," you mumbled before slipping back inside your classroom.
When the class ended, you immediately headed to the gym where you knew Atsumu was currently training. With the paperbag and 2 more boxes of chocolate given by some fangirls along the way, you entered the gym and placed the items down on the empty bench.
"That fer me, angel?" came Atsumu's voice from behind you.
Spinning around, you were met with a grinning Atsumu before getting engulfed with a warm hug. Sighing with your eyes closed, you wrapped your arms around him tightly, unconsciously gripping the back of his jersey. You couldn't help but bury your face more to his chest despite the slight sweat clinging to his clothes.
"Ya alright?" Atsumu murmured beside your ear, worry obviously evident on his tone as he slightly squeezed you.
As you were about to answer, someone from behind Atsumu cleared their throat. Your small moment was immediately cut off and Atsumu reeled back as if you were caught doing something wrong.
The comfort he brought awhile ago was instantly replaced by uncertainty and insecurity, making your heart throb as you bit your lower lip.
"Sorry, did I interrupt something?" Aran asked while shifting his gaze between you and Atsumu.
With a forced chuckle, Atsumu was quick to scratch the back of his head. "It's fine. I was just givin' y/n here a hug. They seem kinda down. Ya know, bestfriend duties."
"Ah.." Aran simply muttered with a slow nod. "Practice is almost done. Why don't ya sit down while we cool down and clean up?"
Sitting down on the bench, you looked at Aran with a small smile before nodding. "Okay," you said before turning your head to Atsumu's direction. His eyebrow was already raised as if asking you whether you were fine or not.
"I'm fine Atsumu. I'll wait for you here."
When the boys went back to the court, you were left alone to ponder with your thoughts. It felt as if the sounds around you suddenly died, your self doubts once again making its presence known.
You knew how much Atsumu loves you. In fact, he never failed to remind you everyday. Not once did he forgot to say it and express it through actions, or at least when you were both alone.
Everytime you were in school, he would deny your relationship. When people asked if you were his s/o, he would simply shake his head and claim you as his bestfriend. It really didn't bother you at first but as the time passed, you were slowly starting to question why he would do such thing.
Though he claimed that it was to avoid people from harassing you and picking on you, was it really? What if there was a deeper reason?
What if he was slowly getting tired of you? What if he didn't even liked you in the first place?
You anxiously tapped your foot on the floor at the thought. Gripping the hem of your hoodie, you stared at the gifts you brought from his fangirls. You knew that it was an act of invading someone's privacy but you couldn't help but reach for the letter given by your junior awhile ago.
You took a quick glance at the boys, checking if they were still cooling down, before opening the envelope slowly. As you read on the letter, you unconscious tapped your foot faster on the floor, your grip on the paper tightening as you let each words sink into you.
Bit by bit, you absorbed what was written on the paper, making the unpleasant feeling inside you deepen. You wouldn't deny that the letter was well written and you were certain that if it was handed to Atsumu by that girl personally, she might be able to get his attention.
After all, she was pretty. She looked like a bubbly person and someone who people would easily get along with. There was an optimistic aura around her which you knew Atsumu would appreciate.
And maybe if-
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Atsumu's hand touching your shoulder.
Jolting up slightly, you looked up at him with wide eyes, immediately noticing the worried expression on his face. "Tsumu.." you mumbled with a shaky voice, your eyes glossing with tears as your lips trembled.
Atsumu was quick to sit down beside you. Lifting you up, he sat you down on his lap and nestled your face on the side of his neck, knowing how much you hated it when people see you crying.
"Y-your teammates," you mumbled against his skin, hiding your face even more as you tightened your grip on the letter you were holding, almost crumpling it.
"Let's worry about them later, alright, angel? Yer my priority and ya know that," he answered while rubbing your back, "Now, tell me what happened. Why are ya crying?"
With the overwhelming emotions surrounding you, it took you a few seconds before you could answer, and you were thankful that Atsumu was patient enough to wait instead of forcing you. "Do you really love me, Tsumu?"
You felt Atsumu stiffen at your question and for a biref moment, you were scared of hearing the answer.
Was this it? Was he really lying to you all this time?
"Look at me, angel," Atsumu said, slightly pulling away from his embrace to cup your cheeks in his hands. "Of course, I do. Where is this coming from? Did somebody-"
"No," you cut him off. "It's just that... you always tell people that we're nothing but bestfriends. I can't always have my moments with you because you want to hide our relationship. It didn't really matter at first but... because of your constant denial, your fangirls would keep sending me these random stuffs and ask me to give them to you. I'm scared, Tsumu. What if one day you get tired of me... or worse, what if it's me who gets tired? I don't like this set-up..."
"I want to be able to express my feelings. I want the people to know that you're mine. Why can't you show them that you love me, Tsumu?... Do you even love me?"
Atsumu was left speechless as he listened to your words. All he could do was rub your back soothingly while listening to you as you let everything out. As you did, the guilt inside of him kept on piling up, enough to make him clench his jaw at how disappointed he was at himself for making you cry.
"Of course, I do. I love ya so much, angel. Don't ever ferget that. I'm sorry fer not taking yer feelings in consideration. I didn't know that ya have been feeling this way fer quite a while now. I really thought that we were already fine after our first argument about this but.. I guess I should've paid more attention," Atsumu said while staring at you, his hands still cupping your cheeks to angle your face to him. "The reason why I wanted to hide our relationship was fer people not to bother ya. It wasn't my intention to make ya feel insecure. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, angel." Wiping your cheeks with his thumb, Atsumu leaned down to place a kiss on your forehead. "Would it make ya feel better if we open our relationship to other people? No more hiding it."
Nodding, you wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled. "Mhm, yes, please."
"Alright, if that's what ya want."
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doodlebloo · 2 years
c!clingy makes me unwell fr. like everyone knows how much they mean to the other. like part of what destroys me abt the community house scene is like how quiet everyone goes when tommy says ~the line~. like ik it was logistically bc they wanted cc!cling to go at it w/o cross talk but the way it translates,,,everyone watching these two they thought meant the world to each just. do that?? they're just left reeling bc c clingy is a constant of the univeres the r in <3 /hj. like idk lol makes me think of my own relationship w my bestie, and how like. ppl see us as halves of each other, the whole "usually bought together" amazon vibe lmao. if ppl want to know smth abt me or the bestie they'll ask our counterpart and we'll go "why would ik that" and they're all "do you??" and its like "yeah lol". and like, how it'd feel if my friend said smth similar to the community house scene! i'd cry lol ghghghg. like my heart would break :(. i feel like ppl r so wrapped up in the whole idea of possessions and people, ty c!emerald /neg, that they forget like. its just 2 best friends getting dragged through the shit and trying to hold on to the other, but said friend is inextricably linked to why they r getting dragged through it (tho it is dream's fault at the end of the day :/). but yeah. many feelings
Anon this ask is so real... I miss c!Clingy so bad because I was so looking forward to a narrative about companionship vs codependency and how politics affect their relationship... Because stuff like c!Tommy thinking he knows better than c!Tubbo/not listening to him would barely be an issue in peacetime but in times of political strife it was ruinous... And c!Tubbo not communicating enough wouldn't be too bad if things were calm and everyone was safe but when they're literally on their way to fight c!Dream and c!Tommy still has to pry to get him to open up at all... Their friendship is just so endlessly interesting because it's undeniable that their lives are better with the other in it but that truth can coexist with the truth that their friendship is not perfect. They have some shit to work through but their friendship would be all the stronger for it if they were honest with each other and they both worked on adapting to each other and re-learning how to be best friends after everything and oh my god I miss them so much I need them to come home 😭
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thetreefairy · 2 years
I can only imagine the shock and anger when the lov found out reader left with Bakugou I feel like dabi was betrayed the most bcs one of his favorite people left him.
<(h/l) - Hair length, (e/c) - eye color n/n - nickname,.>
I am trying to experiment with writing, trying to make the reader's appearance so 'unknown' and up for imagination so that people feel more included, so if you have suggestions for that, do please tell me.>
Well, it's more that they are in shock and anger that Bakugo was able to 'manipulate' Reader to run away with him.
But Dabi, oh how much he wants to murder Bakugo in front of Reader.
But in short terms. Dabi doesn't feel betrayed, since he is so delusional that he believes Reader is too weak minded to make their own decisions, but he is kinda reckless trying to get them back.
now a short fic, apart of the Will you rescue me <masterlist> (this is part 2, as a way to get inspo back):
Dabi's delusional mission
they/them Reader
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Dabi wants to kill Bakugo, so desperately. When he and the league re-grouped, the first topic? How to get Reader back.
And not only that, how to isolate protect them better. "Reader-chan must be so confused..." Toga mumbled, looking dejected. AFO had a message delivered to Shigaraki. But before he could read it Dabi snatched it out of his hands. "If Reader is back, notify me, I bring the quirk cancelling cuffs -AFO!" Dabi shouted humorless, his eyes narrowing. "Reader must be protected, not punished, crusty bitch. And that seems like a task for me~!"
"And why is that?" Tomura hissed. "They are my child!"
"And you already lost them once, you pathetic bitch." Dabi shot back venom spitting out of his mouth. "I agree with Dabi." Magne told Tomura. "Dabi is the strongest and has the most quirk control and Reader's favorite." Twice said. "NO IM THE STRONGEST AND READER"S FAVORITE." Dabi chuckled. "Seems like everyone is against you~!"
"Fuck it, fine, Dabi you're in charge of getting Reader back. And I'll get AFO to get a safe house for Reader."
a few days later
Reader was at a karaoke bar for the first time, with the bakusquad. Mina was doing a duet with Reader as Sero asked Bakugo: "Are you sure it's safe for them to be out?" Bakugo showed a keychain. "If I press on this button the pro's immediately get our location. But Reader refuses to carry their own, makes them too paranoid, so I carry one." Denki and Kirishima looked at each other shocked. "Paranoid?"
"Apparently the league had forced a tracker in their arm when they went outside once, without permission." Denki looked at Reader who was having fun with Mina. Until the lyrics were covered with blue fire as a special effect. Which caused Reader to cling onto Mina, trying to hide themselves. "How about that we let the boys make a fool about themselves?" Mina asked Reader as she stroked their (h/l) hair. Reader's (e/c) eyes looked up at Mina and nodded.
Reader was terrified of the league. Thanks to the fucking therapy they are forced to attend. Which caused Reader to see how their raising methods weren't healthy. Even just a mention of their names or something that reminds them of the leagues quirk makes them paranoid.
The boys were actually embarrassing themselves. Causing Reader to actually laugh their ass off. Kirishima accidentally hitting Sero with the microphone. Which caused Katsuki shouted at Sero for causing Kirishima a bloody nose. Denki was laughing his ass off as well, until he accidentally used his quirk on the mic. Hurting himself.
Well when that was over Bakugo was walking Reader back to Inko's house.
"How is it living with aunt Inko?" Bakugo asked Reader. "It's quite alright, but Izuku-nii is a bit overprotective." Reader chuckled. "He is afraid I'll disappear, which is annoying, Bakugo-kun." Bakugo smirked at Reader. "Told you he's a shitty nerd. And you can call me Katsuki, n/n."
Reader hummed. "Oh having fun now?" They heard a voice behind them, Bakugo tensed up as Reader said: "Dabi-nii." Bakugo pressed the tracker. "Get behind me, n/n."
"Reader, come here." Dabi and Bakugo spoke at the same time. "I'm scared" Reader whimpered, which caused Dabi to attack Bakugo. Believing they were calling out to him. Bakugo was dodging Dabi's attack, knowing full well that he couldn't use his quirk to actually attack, only to defend. Which means he got beaten up, quite heavily.
Since they were in a neighborhood almost everyone had called the pro-heroes, but they were too terrified to interfene.
"Dabi stop!" Reader shouted, activating their quirk due to emotions. Causing themselves to be lift up. Their hands started to itch.
Dabi approached Reader discarding the beat up Bakugo. "Munchkin, calm down, your hands will break again. Nii-chan will protect you from the mean heroes." Dabi was cooing at Reader, yeah now Katsuki activated his quirk to attack.
"Stay the fuck away from n/n. You burnt bitch!"
Eraserhead arrived and went to Reader's side, stopping their quirk. "Oh how fucking cute~!" Dabi chuckled. "You'll see soon, Munchkin, Heroes can't be trusted."
Dabi knows when he can't win a fight. Especially with the fact Reader is endangered right now, made Dabi chose to back down for now. "Your papa misses you, just like your other family members."
I tried- I feel disappointed in myself ngl.
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nothinghcppens · 4 years
small talk- pietro maximoff
part 2
part 1 here
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pair: pietro maximoff x female!reader
summary: after being apart of the team of super soldiers that hydra experimented on, y/n was one of the successful experiments and had been released to the world. the winter soldier and the siren had become the most prolific assassin duo in the world. but what happens when they get taken in by the avengers? what happens when she meets a particularly fast superhero with an attitude?
warnings: swearing, mentions of trauma, alcohol, kissing but like only that, minor sexual jokes
a/n: hi !! i just wanted to say thank you so much for all the love and support of part 1 of small talk and bad liar omg <3 i also wanted to add a taglist to future fics so let me know if you want added it! make sure to specify if you want to be added to the marvel or the harry potter one bc i have a harry potter fic in the works rn! also i’m gonna write a part three that’s just cute bc i want to keep writing this character heheh
“wake up!” splash.
the feeling of cold water hitting your face shocked you awake and you sat up with a gasp. trails of blue flashed from beside your bed and out the door, the clang of a bucket hitting the floor. “pietro maximoff. i am going to kill your speedy ass!” you shouted, jumping out of bed. not even caring that you were only in a t-shirt and shorts, you chased after him, following the blue light.
the trails stopped eventually, and so did you. you glanced around, listening for any sign of him. you crept over to one of the couches and grabbed a pillow as a weapon. “where are you?” you called, i’m a sing-song voice.
you walked around the room, “come on, don’t hide from me now.” the faint sound of his breathing was heard along with the dripping water from your hair and t-shirt. you followed the sound of his shallow breaths to the island in the kitchen. you dropped the pillow, climbed up on the island and crawled across it before swung your head over the edge, in front of his. “hey there.
he gasped, “shit.” you flipped your hair back up and sat back on your knees. pietro stood up and turned to face you before bursting into fits of laughter.
“i don’t know what’s funny.” you mumbled, glaring up at him.
“yes you do, you look ridiculous.” he huffed between laughs.
“i won’t look ridiculous when i’m putting a bullet through your head.” you spat.
“calm down, love. it’s only a bit of fun.” he said.
“i was sleeping piet!” you protested. you moved your legs so that they were dangling off the edge.
“okay, i’m sorry. i’m sorry!”
“you better be. i’ll get you back though.”
he stepped forward and leaned his hands on the island, on either side of you. “will you, yeah?”
his head was an inch away from yours, you could feel his breath against your face. you saw his eyes drift from your eyes to your lips and back up again. he leaned in slightly and your breathing quickened. “what’re you doing?” you whispered.
“what do you think i’m doing?” he replied in the same hushed tone.
“something you should’ve done a long time ago.” you leaned in towards him, lips almost touching.
“good morning!” cap announced, walking into the kitchen, looking at his phone. you two broke apart quickly, pietro speeding and grabbing you a glass of orange juice and ten occupying himself by looking at something in the cupboard.
“hey cap.” you croaked, voice uneasy from the nerves coursing through your body. “morning steve.” pietro greeted, closing the cupboard and standing next to you on the counter. steve didn’t look up from his phone and didn’t notice your wet hair and clothes
“how’s our newest recruit?” he asked as he grabbed a mug from one of the shelves.
“steve, i’ve been here for like 6 months!” you complained.
he put the mug in the coffee machine and pressed a few buttons, “and? you’re still the newest.”
“might be the newest but i could still take you down old man.”
“don’t get too cocky kid, i think pietro’s rubbing off on you.”
“ew i’d rather go back to being tortured than be like him.” you joked.
“how dare you! you know you love being around me.”
you made fake gagging noise and steve let out a laugh. he finally turned around and looked at you two for the first time this morning.
“oh- uh y/n? what happened, why are you soaked?” he asked, averting his eyes from you. your eyes widened in realisation that you were wearing little-to-nothing in front of your captain and your t-shirt was clinging to your body.
“pietro is a dick is what happened.” you said, pushing yourself off the table. “if you’ll excuse me, i’ll go make myself decent.”
“you look decent all the time, love!” pietro called after you as you began to leave the kitchen. you swivelled round and flipped him off with both hands before leaving the room.
“do you remember when-“ you let out a giggle and pointed at bucky, “when we had to kill those french agents and you-“ another laugh, “you fell over a wall! god i mean because my brain was mush i couldn’t laugh but looking back on it that shit was hilarious!”
you and the team were recalling old missions gone wrong, with the assistance of alcohol obviously, and you were telling a story about you and bucky- much to his dismay.
“i didn’t fall.” he protested, taking a swig from the bottom of beer in his hand.
“so what happened then? did the sidewalk just crumble?” you questioned, laughing loudly. the rest of the team sat observing the interaction, large smiles across all their face. pietro sat to your left with his arm around your shoulder, a drink in his other hand.
“okay. maybe i did fall.” bucky mumbled causing a roar of laughter from everyone. “but, remember how we were running through a forest in, where was it again?-“
“bulgaria.” you said, already knowing where this was going.
“bulgaria! yes. and it was raining so it was super muddy and you got suck in the mud!” he laughed.
“you left me there! i had to drag myself out.” you complained.
“well we had a mission to complete! you would’ve done the same.”
you rolled your eyes, “you’re right. i would have.” you felt pietro laugh from beside you and you smiled at him. “time for a refill.” you announced, pushing yourself up off the sofa. you wandered to the kitchen and took the bottle of wine on the table and poured some into your glass. due to the alcohol already in your system you spilled a little on the counter, “shit.” you muttered.
“need some help there?” pietro asked.
“i can pour wine myself thank you very much.” you retorted.
“i think the table disagrees.” he chuckled.
“shut up.” you groaned. pietro sped from the door to grab a towel and stopped behind you. he reached over your shoulder and wiped the spilled wine up. his breath was hot against your neck. you turned around, wine glass in hand, and looked up into his eyes. his hands remained on either side of you.
“this is the second time we’ve ended up here.” he mumbled.
“good observation, captain obvious.” you teased. pietro rolled his eyes and huffed out a laugh.
pietro took his right hand and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, staring into your eyes. he kept his hand on the side of your head and leant in slightly for the second time in the past week. your breathing deepened and your heart was thumping against your chest. you tilted your head up towards his head and your lips were almost touching, just as they were a few days ago
“y/n! can you get me a whiskey before you come back?!” tony called from the other room.
pietro groaned in frustration and pulled away from you, tilting his head up. “i’m going to kill those avengers.”
“good luck with that speedy.” you said, tapping his chest lightly.
he stepped away from you, letting you leave his embrace to get tony a drink. after pouring him a glass of whiskey and grabbing your glass of wine, you and pietro entered the room filled with your team. his hand was placed in the small of your back, guiding you back to the sofa.
you handed tony his drink and he smiled at you, “thanks kid.”
pietro sat on the couch and you flopped down beside him, his arm resuming its place of around your shoulder. you swung your legs up and across pietro’s legs, earning a few looks from nat and clint. they looked at each other and raised their eyebrows with a smirk.
steve and bucky were telling a story of a party they went to in the 40s and how bucky had to drag him to dance with these girls they met. you took a sip of your drink and noticed pietro’s eyes glancing at your lips, “want a sip?” you asked, smirking because you knew that’s not what he was looking at.
he pushed his tongue against the inside of his cheek and sighed, “watch it, y/l/n.”
“oooooooh we’re on last name terms now?” you teased, smiling.
“yeah if you keep pissing me off we will be.”
“don’t be so easy to piss off.” you replied.
he leaned over and whispered in your ear, “cant help it. i’m frustrated.”
you pushed out your bottom lip in an overdramatic pout, “boohoo.”
tony then shot forward in his seat and clapped his hands together, “tomorrow you two,” he said, pointing at you and bucky, “are gonna have a little fashion show, i’ve been working on some suits for you guys and i need your input.”
“wait really?” you asked.
“yup. i’m not having you two going on missions in your hydra gear.” he explained.
“shit, thanks tony.” bucky replied.
“where’s my suit?” pietro questioned.
“you’ll get on eventually. your girlfriend is just a little more improtant.”
“i was here first.” he protested.
“girlfriend?” you asked at the same time.
“wait your turn, turbo.” tony said.
pietro scoffed and everyone laughed at the interaction.
nat stretched her arms behind her head and yawned, “alright losers, i’m going to bed.”
“yeah, me too.” clint added.
eventually everyone had made their way upstairs and all that was left was you, tony and pietro.
“okay. what’s going on here?” tony asked, wagging his finger between you guys. pietro’s hand was now resting on your leg which was still across his.
“nothing.” you said.
“uh huh? yeah that bullshit doesn’t work on me kiddo.”
“piet, sure nothing has happened.” you glanced at him and a look of annoyance crossed his face.
“yeah stark. nothings happened.” he replied through gritted teeth.
“well if anything does happen, stay safe.” he winked at you two, “and if you hurt her, speedy, she’ll probably hurt you back worse.”
you laughed, “hell yeah i will.”
“oh i know you will.”
“goodnight .” tony said as he stood up from his chair and left the room.
you swung your legs off pietro and stood up, “well goodnight piet.” a smirk grew across your face as you began to walk away.
“nope.” he stated, grabbing your wrist and turning you back around. he pulled you onto his lap so you were straddling him, legs on either side of him. he placed his hand on the back of your neck and pulled your head towards his before crashing your lips onto his.
the kiss was heated, after being denied it twice before. your hands moved from his shoulders to the back of his neck and his moved to your waist. his fingers dug into your hips causing you to moan slightly, he took this opportunity to intertwine his tongue with yours.
eventually you broke apart, both gasping for air. you placed your forehead against his and closed your eyes.
“you don’t understand how long i’ve wanted to do that.” he muttered.
“worth it?” you asked, teasing him.
“nope.” he joked.
you leaned back and glared at him, “you bitch.” you leaned in and kissed him again, running your fingers through his hair and pulling it slightly. he groaned against your lips and you smiled through the kiss, enjoying the effect you had on him.
pulling away for the second time, you both had content smiles on your faces. you leaned your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes, “you’re comfortable.”
he let out a hearty laugh, “thank you?”
“it’s a compliment, i could sit here forever.”
suddenly you were no long sitting on top of him, you were being picked up and whisked through the building. your hair blew around until you stopped and were in your room. “what just happened?”
“i’m tired and the couch didn’t seem good to sleep on.” he explained.
“woah, woah, woah. who said you’re sleeping in my room?”
“i did.” he stated. using his powers he stripped himself down to his underwear and jumped on your bed, under the covers.
“i regret kissing you. you’re a pain in the ass.” you complained.
“and you called me a bitch?!” he exclaimed.
you rolled your eyes and grabbed your pyjamas that were at the foot of your bed and walked to your bathroom.
“where are you going?” he asked.
“getting changed, i don’t want you watching.”
you closed the door to block out his protests and quickly got ready for bed.
“hurry up.” pietro called.
“stop complaining or i’m going to sleep on the couch.” you replied, opening the door and leaning against the doorframe. pietro was sat with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes raked over your body and a small smirk grew on his face. “eyes up here pretty boy.”
he laughed and pulled back the cover before patting the spot next to him, signalling for you to join him. you shuffled over and slid into the bed. pietro wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close.
“so much for the whole tough super soldier act, you’re a softie at heart, aren’t you love?” he muttered in your ear.
“anymore of that and i’ll suffocate you in your sleep with this pillow.” you replied, closing your eyes and relaxed into his embrace.
“no you won’t. you’re too soft.” he teased.
“pietro. i’m warning you.” you yawned, “i don’t care how good looking you are i will kill you.”
“good looking huh?”
“fuck off and go to sleep.” you spat.
“sweet dreams, y/n.” he said with a small laugh.
“yep they won’t be about you.” you murmured, before dozing off to sleep.
“i knew it!” nat squealed. you squeezed your eyes close and then opened them, blinking rapidly. pietro lay behind you with his arm draped over your waist. he groaned against your neck and looked over his shoulder at the team standing at the door.
“piet what’s going on?” you grumbled, too tired to sit up and look for yourself.
“so when did this happen?” cap asked.
you finally turned over and sat up, seeing everyone stood in your room. “what the fuck? get out my room you creeps!” you shouted, grabbing the pillow behind your head and throwing it towards them.
“oh come on kid, when did it happen?” he repeated.
“none of your business steve.”
“we’re not leaving until we find out.” clint added.
“you’re awfully quiet little brother, nothing to add?” wanda said.
“i cant believe this.” you muttered, lying back down.
“last night, happy? but all we did was kiss okay, nothing else.” you explained.
“yet.” pietro stated. you elbowed him in the stomach and he winced at the impact.
“so are you two together now?” nat asked.
“well we haven’t had the chance to speak about it because you guys ruined our morning!” you exclaimed.
“what’s going on?” bucky asked, rubbing his eyes. he peered in over everyone and laughed, “nevermind.”
it seemed that pietro had had enough too so he sped out of bed and pushed everyone outside the room, closed the door and locked it. “much better.” he said.
you heard the murmurs of everyone outside, “use a condom!” clint shouted. footsteps retreated from your door as everyone left to go about their day.
“i’m moving out i can’t live here anymore.” you groaned.
“it’s not that bad, you’ve got me.” he said, crawling back onto the bed and lying on top of you. you wrapped your arms around his head and played with his hair.
“so are we like together now?” you asked, mocking natasha’s previously asked question.
“would you like that?” he asked.
“god no.” you joked, “obviously dumbass.”
he lifted his head up and leaned in to kiss you.
“nope. you’ve not brushed your teeth.”
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mariusroyale · 3 years
You better give us some headcanons on the crew /j
uh hah ha-
- what’s the bet he watches and rewatches pirates of the Caribbean
- he’s littered with scars! battle scars he calls em and it stresses out peso bc he doesn’t WANT MORE SCARS ON HIM
- i hc him as bi! he just radiates bi energy to me-
- he blinks slow around peso :>>
- has used his claws to pick locks before!
- kwaso bc duh- he loves rubbing his face against pesos like he can’t help it he jus HAS to bc he loves him sm
- this is sort of canon already but he can’t go a minute without jumping or doing front flips anywhere like he GAHTTA MOVE
- when he’s thoroughly spooked he’ll jump extra high and cling onto the ceiling like in those cartoons akdjdkdh
- often studies when he’s not busy!! gotta know more abt how to help sea creatures he hasn’t encountered yet after all
- sings/chirps when he’s v v happy
- FLAPS when he’s happy too hahdkfjd
- i think he’d like watching medical dramas! probably me projecting but i like them
- WHAT IF HES INTO KDRAMAS (ive only gotten into one but that hc is cute ahehsj)
- loves listening to kwazii’s stories!! (this is already canon basically (cough cough, that snail ep in season 5))
- I’d like to think he preens sometimes! just sorta fixing up his feathers and some (kwazii) of the crew are like ‘why are u stabbing urself’
- is a super fast swimmer! this is already confirmed p much but like HELLA FAST
- enjoys listening to classical music
- could sometimes act like captain holt in my version of the crew!
- and by that i mean he sees kwazii as a son and would die for him (not if i die for u first captain!)
- when really really tired (as in u can’t save him with coffee) he’ll just blabber abt how much he treasures the crew and how much he’ll do for them
- sometimes he doesn’t get enough sleep! (like tweak-) and peso as his doctor has to keep him in check cos like yeah captain ur strong as shit but ur still old!!!
- his teefs are super fuckin S H A R P like sometimes when he needs a knife or maybe scissors he’ll just *SLICE*
- he’s obviously a huge softie but man this guy is SUCH a cutie patootie id imagine if he was in a relationship he’d be nonstop affection and all that
- speaking OF affection, he’ll pull kwazii into these big ass BEAR HUGS bc augwh he loves this cat so much “my SO N” “CAP LOOSEN IT A LITTLE IM A BIT SQUISHED-“
- bad at cooking but delights in watching cooking shows from time to time
- probably watches bob ross
- ohhhhh my god he could totally be an artist n stuff
- this one’s so stupid but, tweak and kwazii keep giggling whenever they make him say ‘LAWRENCE CHANEY’ KAHAKAHDS
- I’d like to think he tries to learn new languages too!
- falls asleep at his desk sometimes and one of the crew either carries him to bed or puts a blanket over him
- tries his hand at cooking with his children the vegimals! does not work out well he’s a disaster
- enjoys watching stuff on YouTube! u decide what youtubers he watches
- could hc him as ace!
- does that thing and eats ice
- he’s a lanky guy but almost reaches the captains height in my version
- sometimes when she’s really really frustrated she’ll just accidentally bark and she’ll just be like “😳 my bad-“
- when she’s particularly delirious (exhaustion, probably) she’ll chase her tail
- when she gets really excited her tail will wag really really fast
- adjdk sometimes when she’s super hungry she’ll skip chewing food and just I N H A L E (re: does not bode well when it’s noodles)
- sometimes she’ll just sleep in weird ass positions, neck tilted n all that
- loves dressing up tweak sometimes when she’s comfy with it (gives her her own stylish tomboy fits and stuff)
- LOOOOVES the barbie movies god she grew up on them and sometimes she’ll just watch fashion fairytale or princess charm school
- forces koshi to watch them too (she also loves them)
- visibly winces when kwazii tries mimicking her Aussie (tho it sounds p kiwi to me) accent
- probably watches drag race
- watches game grumps ajdjd
- sometimes gets too loud in her room when playing games cos she’ll get mad n shit
- sometimes she’ll just. eat leaves (even when they’re just on land in the wild if she knows it’s safe she’ll just. *nom*)
- goes NUTS whenever she makes blueprints that are like, detachable parts of a gup that are also modes of transport like she loves that the gup k and gup q
- like making it she’s like “HOHOHOJOUO WE GETTIN FUNKY WITH IT TONIGHT BOIZ” and it’s midnight and ‘bois’ is herself
- wants to redesign the gup f! ofc it was dodgy and is now a teeny artificial reef but she wants to make a new one that looks like the design she wanted initially !! (clownfish im p sure at least)
- her and kwazii get up to stupid shit in my version, assuming it doesn’t harm her gups or other creations
- when she’s pissed off/frustrated, she’ll tap her foot really quick repeatedly
- and while her ears twirl around each other when she’s scared, her nose also twitches!
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