75 posts
slytherin, she/her, requests are open! 18
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
HI EVERYONE !!!!! ive been inactive forever i’m so so so sorry </3 i’ve now finished school and im starting uni next month WOOHOO!!!! ive also been pretty uninspired but i plan to start writing again (hopefully don’t hold me to that)
i want to start writing for obx bc it’s my current obsession lmao so i’ll keep y’all updated on that! i love you all and i plan to start interacting more often !! thank u for sticking around and somehow i’m still gaining followers ??!!! so hi to everyone new i’m gonna give y’all something to look at on here now 😭
okay that’s all i love y’all <3
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
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omg i hit 200 followers!!! i’ve not been active recently and i’m so so sorry but thank you to everyone who’s stuck with me <333 i’ll do a celebration at a later date bc rn i have exams :((( but thank u from the bottom of my heart i love you all 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
tagging mutuals i love <3: @cedrics-grave @amourtentiaa @sky-writes-stuff @captainsophiestarkwriting @thatslovelymoony
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
Caffeinated ☕️
Request: I would LOVE a Pietro blurb with fluff prompt number 9 that’s so cute <3
Join my followers celebration here!
Summary: You get Pietro his daily dose of caffeine
You opened up the café in the cold light of the street lamps, the sun was barely awake and neither were you.
The café was cute, it was rerun by a sweet old man called Mr Kim and everything was decorated in soft browns and off-whites.
Setting up the machines you checked your watch, “he should be here any minute” you thought. And you were right.
A speeding silver blob burst through the door and stopped right in front of the till.
“Hey there princessa,” he smirked,
“Hey Piet,” you smiled innocently at him, “the usual?”
“Is that all you have to say to me?”
“What am I supposed to say?” You asked over your shoulder as you began to make his cup,
“You don’t have anything to say about my hair?”
Your tipped ice-cubes into the cup and started frothing the milk, “Pietro, I’m gonna be honest with you, it doesn’t look any different.”
“You,” he sighed, “are blind. Before I had it silver with a blue undertone, and now it has a white undertone, it’s more pure.”
“You look the same,” you shook your head and poured the foamed milk over his cold brew.
“You are mean,”
“No,” you looked into his eyes, “I am a very loving person, demonstrated by this amazing iced-latte I made for you, just like I do every morning at the same time.”
“I know, and I love you for it,” he pressed his lips to yours, he tasted of coffee and caramel syrup. And you smiled from the caffeine rush.
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
away in london. | marauders
pair: gender neutral reader x the marauders. away in london chapter 001: y/n's date.
warnings: mentions of food? word count: 995 summary: y/n and the marauders live in a loft in london together. ( modern x new girl au! )
a/n: this idea came to me while i was eating pasta and watching new girl<3 tags: @nothinghcppens @eunoniaa @isolemnlyswearpevensie @aspiringsloth20 @thatslovelymoony @amourtentiaa @vsawyer1989 @fives-cup-of-coffee
navigation. || send me an ask if you want to join my taglist. <3 ( not edited lol because bad bishes don't edit their work beforehand! )
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YOU GROANED AS YOU WALKED INTO THE KITCHEN. sirius glared at you, sipping remus' tea. you had a date in two hours, and you were not ready in the slightest - you desperately needed help with your outfit.
you would call dorcas, marlene, lily, or even remus - but they're going on a trip downtown to get james something. first it was just lily - but then the others joined.
james was sick in bed, whining and wanted something from town. it was only you, pete, james and sirius in the loft. pete and james were fast asleep in their rooms, and plus - they didn't have any fashion sense anyways.
"hey siri," you smile as walk up to your friend. he just glared at you. you finally remembered why he wasn't talking to you - you stole remus' chocolate. he was still mad. it's been a week! even remus forgave you.
you rolled your eyes and sighed. "i'm sorry! okay, i won't do it again."
"those were very special chocolates, y/n." he said dramatically, drinking more of remus' tea. "did you even apologize-"
"yes! yes i did! you saw me apologize, you idiot!" you shout, as sirius groans and gets up from the island. "you're so dramatic!"
"apologize to me now, y/n."
"what'd i do! they weren't even yours!" you got up from the island, facing sirius with a stern look.
he gazed at you, "i got them for him!"
"okay! okay, i'm sorry. will you help me now?" you finally apologize, causing sirius smile.
"fine. what's up?" sirius takes a big gulp of the tea, instantly regretting it. you guys sat on the dining table.
"i'm going on a date-"
"oh god, send them my condolences," sirius sighs as you glared at him.
"anyways, i need help with my outfit." you finally say, ignoring what sirius said. surprisingly, sirius lit up with a huge smile.
"wait - really?! me?!" sirius looks at you, grinning.
you nod. "yeah, um. also - i want to mention they're picking me up in two hours."
his eyes widened, putting down his teacup and grabbing your arm and dragging you to your room. "two hours!? that's not enough time! why didn't you tell me earlier?"
you shrugged as he threw you on the bed, opening the closet and going through it. "what're we going for? what's the theme? also, where are they taking you?!"
sirius rambled on, as you tried to keep up with his constant questions. "i don't know. um, they're taking me skating-"
"skating? are you sure you know how to?" sirius spoke, looking through your drawers now. you glared, "wow, you literally have no clothes . . . like at all."
"oh shut up - and that's kinda the point. they're teaching me." you felt your cheeks heat up at the thought of them being so close to you. sirius sighed.
"okay, i'll be right back. i'm going to look at mary's clothes at her place," he says as you raise your eyebrows at him. lily and mary's loft is downstairs.
"you're going to get yelled at," you say as he smirks.
"actually, you are - you're the only who has their key and you're going to be wearing them, anyway." sirius took the key you had on your dresser, winking as he left the room. you frowned.
"you're such a dick!" you shout, forgetting your friends are sleeping in the other room. he came back with a pair of low-cut mom jeans, and a tank top with a purse.
"okay, put these on." he says as you nod, taking the clothes out of his hand and walking into the bathroom. the clothes fit perfectly on your body, making you smile in the mirror.
you come back into the room. sirius smiles at you. "you look wonderful! they'll be absolutely blown away!"
"hopefully," you say, sitting back on your bed as sirius looks through your jewelry box. he takes out a silver chain necklace. "here - put that on."
you nod, getting up and turning around. he puts the necklace on you. "okay, should i go early?"
you heard sirius sigh behind you. "no! you have be fashionably late, that's how it works."
"what if they think i ditched them?"
"they won't!" sirius rolls his eyes as he turns you around, putting his hands your shoulder. "they'll be blown away by your outfit. you have a little bit more time, would you like me to do your hair?"
"last time your burnt lily's hair with a curling iron," you eye sirius as he sighs.
"it was an accident!"
"i never said it wasn't," you laugh, taking your bag. "i'm going to get coffee beforehead. i'll see you . . . later?"
"don't be too late! be home by 10!"
"okay, dad!" you mock as you leave your, taking the coat off the hanger and leaving.
YOU OPEN THE DOOR WITH A SIGH, A SAD EXPRESSION PLASTERED ON YOUR FACE. it was barely 8:15 - you just left not even an hour ago. sirius and james were seated on the couch, staring at you, confusion on their faces. "where's the special person?"
"well, uhm. they cancelled last minute." you say with a laugh, taking off your coat and taking a seat on the spot next to sirius. james gasped dramatically, as sirius stares at you in disbelief.
"awh, y/n." james says sympathetically, putting a hand on your back.
"that idiot!" sirius shouts, getting back. james and you exchanging looks. "they- did they really do that? y/n, don't you worry! you don't need anyone, other than us, of course. you don't need them!"
"thanks, siri. but i'm fi-"
"are you sure? because you're the baddest bitch here! well, maybe second baddest bitch - cus me, you know?" he says as you laugh.
"hey, let me make you guys some tea?" james gets up, as you both nod. "we'll watch a movie or something. go get in your pj's, and we'll get your comfort movie on, okay?"
you smile and nod, before walking up to room. "thanks guys, you're the best."
sirius nods. "yes, we know."
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
omg congrats syd!!!! u deserve every one <333
syd's follower celebration!
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oh my gosh . . . thank you so much for 200! i love every single one of you very, very, VERY much. i'm doing a celebration hehe, as you can see with my follower celebration. i’m so thankful for every single reblog, like, and follow. you guys mean the world to me 🤍. i love every single one you MWAH MWAH MWAH!
this is open til may 8th :)
🌞 ( send me a character from my fandom list and i'll write a letter from them! )
💒 ( send me three details about you, and i'll ship you with someone *pronouns, sexuality, and fandom have to be included* )
🗝 ( send me a character from my fandom list and i'll list three of my favorite headcannon about them! )
🪞 ( send me some questions and i'll answer truthfully )
🎭 ( send me a prompt and i'll write a blurb *100 words or a little more* )
🔮 ( send me something and i'll cast my mutuals! *it can be anything; songs, tv show's or movies* )
🎬 ( send me a character and i'll write a short summary of a movie they'd star in )
🧃 ( send me a character and i'll pick a theme song for them )
tagging some of my amazing mutuals who always support and love me. if we haven't interacted, please PLEASE message me,,, i wanna be besties <3: @reguluscore @fjorelaant @eunoniaa @fives-cup-of-coffee @nothinghcppens @amourtentiaa @slutforsalvatore @ladyofstardvst @chokemepansy @ronbrokemyheart @evermoreeve @cherryobx @i-cant-stfu @inureflower @fairiepotter @frogs-spawn @deadwizarrdsociety @silencioe @astoria-malfcy@myloveforluna @sweeterthansammy@notsowhompingwillow @siriuslyceleste @amrtxntias @anchoeritic @darthwheezely @sweetnspicysimp @plant-flwrs @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @thatslovelymoony @lunalovecroft @godricsswords @pansydaisy @pad-foots @j-amespotter
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
Hey mutuals how tall are you? I’m 5’3
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
anonymously tell me what my specialty as a fanfiction writer is
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
jesper is me explaining everything about shadow and bone to my family when they’re trying to watch it
kaz is them wanting me to shut up
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What’s the story behind this screencap? Reblog with your #screencaptions and we’ll be sharing them as we venture through the Fold to the Shadow & Bone premiere day on April 23rd. 
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
genya and alina being soulmates is what’s happening
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What’s the story behind this screencap? Reblog with your #screencaptions and we’ll be sharing them as we venture through the Fold to the Shadow & Bone premiere day on April 23rd. 
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
answer some questions and i’ll tell you which obscure love language you are
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
hey !!! check out my six of crows edit (i’m still getting the hang of it so idk if it’s good LOL but oh well)
song- everybody wants to rule the world by lorde
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
take my quiz :~)
what is your modern love language?
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
this charming man- sirius black
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pair: sirius black x female!reader
summary: working at the three broomsticks allows you to make money, friends and spend even more time staring at the gorgeous sirius black. what if you found out he was staring right back?
fluff prompt #18: “you come here often?” “well considering i work here, yes.”
warnings: none! just happy marauders, fluffy sirius
tags: @amourtentiaa @cedrics-grave (let me know if you want to be added!)
the three broomsticks was always bustling on the weekends. filled with hogwarts students, teachers, ministry workers, honestly everyone. you always loved visiting the much loved pub, you spent many weekends with friends, or even on your own to study to get a break from the library. you loved it so much so, that you spoke to madam rosmerta about helping out as she always seems so busy.
she spoke to dumbledore and he agreed. and since then you’ve been working weekends alongside madam rosmerta, who immediately became more than a friend than a boss.
it was one particularly cold saturday afternoon when three groups of students burst through the door. a group of hufflepuffs, a group of ravenclaws and, last but not least, the self-proclaimed marauders from gryffindor.
the marauders- james potter, remus lupin, peter pettigrew and sirius black. you’ve always found your eyes lingering on sirius for slightly too long, even though you shouldn’t. he’s sirius black for merlin’s sake! plenty of girls fawning over him, he wouldn’t bother with you considering you guys rarely spoke.
his laugh echoed in your ears as he sat down in their usual booth.
“get your eyes off him and back to work.” madam rosmerta joked, slapping your shoulder lightly.
you widened your eyes at her, “what? i might be old but i’m not blind!”
you felt a blush creep onto your cheeks and she chuckled before walking away.
“go take their order!” she called.
“fine!” you replied, sighing and straightening out your apron.
you approached the table of boys with a small smile, “can i get you guys anything?” you asked.
“hey y/n.” james greeted.
“usual, gorgeous. four butterbeers please.” sirius stated, glancing up at you. then came the blush again.
“yep sure.” you said, nodding. you left the table to fetch their order.
“pads can you go one second without flirting with every girl in the school?” you heard peter say.
“shut up wormtail!” he retaliated. you heard a soft smack, indicating someone had hit him.
the smile dropped from your face, how stupid could you be? you made their drinks and placed them on a tray before carrying it back over to the table.
“here you go boys.” you said as you slid the glasses onto the table.
“thanks y/n.” james, peter and remus chorused.
“thank you, love.” sirius added.
“why don’t you join us? lily is heading down soon too.” james suggested, glancing at sirius with a smirk.
“i cant i’m working.” you replied with a slight frown.
“take a break!” remus suggested.
“yeah shouldn’t she take a break pads?” james asked.
“absolutely.” he replied.
“maybe later, madam rosmerta needs me.” you explained.
“no i do not. sit with these lovely gentlemen, i’m sure they’ll love the company.” she chimed from behind you.
“we really would y/n.” peter added.
“okay fine, move over.” you insisted. sirius was sat on the outside of the booth, next to james and across from remus, who was next to peter. sirius shuffled up, making space for you to sit next to him. merlin you had hoped that remus would let you sit next to him. nerves began to bubble in your stomach.
you slid in next to sirius and sent him a smile, “thanks.” you said.
you all began chatting, considering you guys have known each other for your entire school careers. you originally became friends with james, it was hard not to be friends with him. and from him you met the rest, your feelings for sirius beginning as soon as you laid eyes on him.
laughs echoed around the booth as james was reciting a story about the boys during their second year summer. midway through the story, sirius’ arm found its way on the chair behind you, his hand grazing your shoulder.
“his mum locked the brooms away because they were sick of us getting lost.” sirius explained.
“how you guys aren’t dead yet i don’t know.” you commented, chuckling lightly.
“we are invincible, nothing can kill us!” sirius said, triumphantly.
“we’ll see about that” you joked, nudging him slightly with your shoulder. you noticed from the corner of your eyes that his were trained on you. you glanced up and met his eyes and sent him a smile. he winked at you and turned his attention back to james.
“hello boys!” lily announced, approaching the table. “and... y/n! i didn’t know you were joining us?” she said with a large smile.
“me neither,” you replied “they’re holding me here against my will.” you added in a hushed tone.
“we wanted more friends.” peter explained.
“of course you do, james getting on your nerves?” lily asked. they all nodded and james let out a surprised scoff.
“how rude!”
“no she’s right.” remus muttered.
“moving on, i’ll go get some refills.” you suggested, noticing everyone’s empty glasses. you slid back out of the booth and removed the used cups. “butterbeer for you too lily?” you asked.
“yes please, y/n! thank you.”
you smiled and went back over to the bar and began to pour new drinks for everyone. you were filling up the third glass when you heard a voice, “so, you come here often?” sirius asked.
you looked at him with your eyebrows furrowed, he had his arm on the bar top and was leaning against it slightly.
“we’ll, considering i work here, yes.” you replied.
“probably wasn’t the best line to start with.”
“probably wasn’t.”
he laughed slightly, “you need help?” he asked.
“oh i’m fine thanks.” you said.
he hummed and you expected him to leave but he stayed, watching you as you made the rest of the butterbeers.
“can i help you sirius?” you questioned.
“when are you not working?”
“rarely. i enjoy it.” you replied.
“can you get a day off?” he asked.
“maybe, why?”
“an extremely gorgeous gryffindor beater wants to ask you to hogsmeade next weekend.” he explained.
a smile grew on your face, “marlene wants to take me on a date?!”
“she probably does, i wouldn’t blame her.”
you chuckled, “me neither.”
“if you can find it in your heart to reject poor marlene, i also heard that sirius black is interested too.”
a smirk grew across your face, “the sirius black?”
“the one and only.”
“i’ll have to get back to you on that.” you stated.
his eyes widened and he nodded, “uh okay sure.”
“i’m kidding sirius, of course i’ll go to hogsmeade with you. i’m surprised you even asked me.”
“why wouldn’t i?” he asked, taking a seat on one of the stools.
“we don’t really talk much.” you explained.
“doesn’t stop me from fancying you.”
you snapped your head up at him and tried to hide the smile growing across your face. “i guess it doesn’t. it didn’t stop me either.”
“i take it you didn’t realise how often we come here? that lot certainly did.” he said.
“no, i didn’t. everyone comes here often.” you explained.
“every free moment we had i forced them down here with me so i could talk to you.”
“wow. who would’ve thought sirius black was a softie.” you teased.
he smiled widely and you handed him his drink.
“if you two would stop longingly staring into each other’s eyes that would be great! i want my drink!” james called.
“yeah, yeah prongs were coming!” sirius replied.
“you better stop flirting with my staff, young man!” madam rosmerta added as she approached the bar.
“stop hiring beautiful staff then maybe i’ll consider.”
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
congrats on 50 followers !!!! i was hoping for a 🌼?? you didn’t ask for a description but i’ll give a small one just in case <3
my names jess, i’m a leo sun, slytherin & an enfp! i enjoy music, watching tv shows and movies and reading. i like going for walks but i love love love staying in and cuddling with snacks <3
Hi Jess! I ship you with Steve Rogers!
you seem to have very similar personalities; loyal and smart (slytherin), extroverted and emotionally intelligent (enfp)
Steve would sit with you as you listened to music and watched TV, you would introduce him to all the things he missed, your favourite albums, artists, shows etc I can imagine him holding your hand as you stroll through the park on a sunny morning, and then having a lazy afternoon together, snuggling in bed with all your the best snacks and watching your favourite shows together.
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
congrats tilly!!!
50 Followers Sleepover Celebration 💚
First of all: thank you to everyone that followed me! I know that 50 doesn’t seem like a lot but it blows me away that 50 people think my writing is half decent. so thanks 💚
As a celebration I’m going to be doing a sleepover all week, just send me an ask with one of these:
This or that - 🌿
Fuck marry kill - 🍄
Who do I ship you with - 🌼
One shot request - 🌱
My top 3 - 🌺
I’m doing this all week, so please send me asks for this, it’s always super disappointing when things like this flops
Tagging a couple moots:
@peterssweetpea @nothinghcppens
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nothinghcppens · 4 years ago
Tag yourself: Modern monsters.
Vampire: Black leather jackets and sunglasses, night owl, blood-red lipstick and black eye shadow, deep kisses, mysterious,  is a picky eater, intelligent and witty, buys old stuff for “the aesthetic”, wants to see the world, is a wine-person, can do a perfect snarl, eye-rolls at stupid people.
Werewolf: Long and colourfull nails, loves puppies, eat a lot of meat, playful, is athletic, protec and attac, can’t do math, is sweet and lovable, hoodies and running shoes,  loves to cuttle, always knows when the next full moon is.
Siren: Coloured hair, wears skirts and dresses, swims at night, shiny highlighter, doesn’t wear shoes, seduces people with her songs, eyes as deep as the ocean, shallow kisses, laughs at her own jokes, sings in the shower, likes the stars, collect crystals and seashells.
Zombie: Wears statement t-shirts, mixes food together, can’t do sports to save her life, knows all the memes, a fangirl TM, would lose her head if it weren’t attached to her body, pillow-forts and blankets, is very lazy.
Witch: Wears all black, magical symbols as tattoos, carries her potions in water-bottles, her house is full of plants, has a pet bird, loves the outdoors, grows her own greens, vegetarian, wears hats, scientific, cat-person.
Ghost: Is shy, cold colours, clothes that flow in the wind, sensitive, cries a lot, mostly stays at home, owns an ouija-board, want everyone to get along, pale, soft lipgloss, is always freezing, walks lightly, doodles on everything, stares through people, remember embarrassing things too often.
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