#part of it is like. i genuinely do need accommodations. or like. i just havent found the way i can Do it now yet
sscribbl · 1 year
just fuckingn sucks not being able to do the thing ive loved doing for my whole life and still do i just like. cant. im just not there yettttttttt uggdgdhhfhd
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bitegore · 6 months
🍄Describe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “_ + =__”
okay for the sake of my fucking sanity i am NOT going to presume I get any real wiggle room here. or i will do another 400 line proof. because it is fun but oh my god it takes so long.
((Felyx + Taran)(Rex + Haven + Taran) + fake dating)^spite = fireworks
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP(s)
not sure it qualifies as a "wip" because I haven't actually decided to pull it out of the graveyard of abandoned-works out-of-progress yet - call it a wip-aspirational or something lol - but the more I poke at Haven and Taran's actual story the more fun I have thinking about siccing Rex on the two of them. In like 2020 or 2021, so, a good while ago at this point and at a time I'd describe myself as "rusty" I started working on whatever the worst version of a meetcute is (ending in the equation above) lol. If I recall correctly my endgame then was that the three of them would fall into a stable orbit. I think that's kind of silly now. They're not that kind of people.
other scrapped idea, same story: Rex and Taran were meant to get along. That's not happening. It's a lot funnier if Rex and Haven (both deeply, deeply difficult people to get along with who hate accommodating for other people) can find a way to coexist pleasantly but Taran, resident NormalGuy who is extremely accustomed to unpleasant asshole bullshit, genuinely cannot get over Rex's various fuckeries beyond, like, the civility of "I recognize that you are living in my house now because the other person who lives here really likes you, and I don't want to have a screaming match in my own fucking kitchen." I tend to make Rex tolerable to speak to when I write him on his own because it's narratively difficult to use a protagonist who will just spit anything handed to him in someone else's face, but in this particular setup he is actively attempting to get Taran's genuine actual hatred on purpose because he's under the impression that's the goal and he's having fun with it also, so it lets me just make him a huge cunt asshole too which is more fun than having him show any scraps of humanity anyway :D
ok let me come up with something you have actual interest in lol
The Rex & Casey conversation fic I was working on ran into an unrecoverable roadblock (I decided the premise needed work) and has to be restarted in a different place with a slightly different version of Casey (tragic!), so one of the things I had to scrap to keep it rolling is Rex commenting on the color of the sky. It's really sad for me because I always think it's funny when you have a guy In a hell dimension like "damn... this place is weird.... the sky isn't bright red, it's eerie". But I can't justify The Story bringing Rex into The Real World as a Plot Element now that I know more about how it works, so I
Aha. Well. Actually. I can't justify Alan using The Story to bring Rex into The Real World, because I know how he works. Might have fixed my opinion on my own premise.
We'll see, I'll sleep on it. It needs to cook longer anyway. I also realized (aw2 spoilers) (for serious) (skip this paragraph now if you havent at least finished the first run of the game) if it happens in The Story In The Real World it's got to be situated between Saga's first time going through the loop with Alan and the Final Draft, but I still haven't found enough time to watch t full playthrough of Final Draft, so I'm sure when I hit Zane's part in there and then endgame I'll know a bit more about the direction I want to take.
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet
Anything like that I have, either it's so busy being a concept I cannot write it yet, or I've started it just to make sure I won't forget it XD so it's hard to come up with. And most of the concepts are less "this is the kind of story I want to write", so much as "this is the kind of effect I want it to have". You know. I want to write something ~mind-bending~ or I want to ~do talking animals but cool~ or whatever.
A lot of words to say I'm drawing a huge blank on this question.
I think - and this is something I keep approaching with different stories but not leaning into, because, frankly, I'm the first line of concept-check for myself, and i get bored - I'd really like to try a story that works as one extended record-scratch. You start at the very end, in a scene that means basically nothing to anyone, and then in the events of reading the entire rest of the story you get more and more context until the very end of the book is the exact same scene as the first part, like, down to the description, and then it just loops infinitely. Something you could read spiral-binding style so it doesn't really have a "start" or an "end", just points between chapters with cardboard so you can close it anywhere, if it's a physical book. you know, some experimental shit.
Unfortunately I find time loops boring as hell to write. This would be ONE loop, so it'd maybe be better, but I'm still kind of burnt on being willing to touch another timeloop from how badly I did not enjoy the one I wrote for an exchange like two full calendar years ago. And also I do have other things to be doing.
That's also not a story! That's a plot structure! I might as well say I want to write The Hero's Journey for all it really tells you 😂 at my heart I'm a parodist, I'm going to need to see someone do it wrong and decide to do a better job than they did to really get a fire lit for an actual narrative here. I do love me some themes of insurmountable stupid bullshit you put yourself into on purpose because you decided you could surmount it and then discovered you couldn't, and some futile attempts at some stupid shit for retroactively-really-dumb reasons that weren't worth it, so it'll have that. as seasoning. because what is a permanent stable timeloop but one person committing suicide over and over? I'm only really able to approach the properly frozen-in-sequence ones as either Hand Of God (boring) or Sunk Cost Fallacy On Steroids (fun! interesting! miserable in a slightly unusual way!) so...
....well, it's going to have to keep simmering, because I like what I've got in the broth, but there's no meat in there yet, only spices. It would make a terrible meal right now. But it answers the question, I think.
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
i have no plans to talk about the Emotional side of this, but the many weeks i have spent with a neuropsych trying to pin down the specifics of my cognitive issues has certainly been interesting, and im gonna detail that below. its made me really realize that alongside my issues, that there is so little understanding in society about the extent of "learning disabilities". even everyone here, every person who sits with the ADHD and autism labels and knows its probably part of their learning issues- the fact that there is probably so much more to it than you can even realize. and most people wont ever have the knowledge of depth to see that, or the proof of tests to see that.
i deeply wish getting this kind of testing but its insanely expensive. like, way WAY expensive. and its super important to get a good doctor for this (any Californians, i would gladly name the guy i am seeing!) but its not accessible at all (this series of tests take like, 6+ weeks but more for me bc i am more than just Learning tests. i am on week 10), which is obviously the main problem. hardly anyone i know will be able to get with kind of depth on Why they struggle. i am in a very privileged position to get to do this. its not bad to sit with labels like ADHD, or just know about your diagnosis of Autism (your Autism wont go away with this. you still have it. you'll just see the specifics, the stems to your problems) is what makes you struggle. this isnt a means to shame people or to say you have to do this in order to get better or get help.
but for me and i assume others, i havent been able to get the right accommodations for anything. society will never try to understand anyone cognitive abilities further and they NEED to make this shit more availble. I tried many things but none of them worked for me, but i also dont know WHY they dont work for me. putting aside the emotional struggles i am also doing in these tests (there is Cognitive testing and Emotional testing- which also makes things more pricey), i have been really really wanting to learn. just Things. it is all i want but I cannot, and the future feels impossible due to that. I try so hard to learn but nothing happens. i want to code, i want to 3D model, i was to up my drawing game, etc etc- even if i went for my assumed "easy" choice (simply production in entertainment) i still struggle to keep it in my head. it always feel like laziness, to sit down at try and then it doesnt stick, and that just makes you feel worse. Still i'd go and learn 3D modelling consistently for a week, but quite literally the moment i looked away from the donut tutorial, i couldnt do it. genuinely everything was lost from my brain. id redo it, i would do the donut tutorial again, but then thats all i could do.
learning with coding is no different, but i try to try very hard because i feel like i know it all "in theory", i look at stuff and i kinda can see what it all means. but right now as i try to learn Narrat, i am very actively seeing how the results of these tests are spelling out the problem. i sit down and look at documents but i cannot take in the reading material, but i see images and i get it kind of so i try- i look at someone else's game for some help but i dont totally know it. but i ask for help in the discord a LOT because i cannot process the documents they hand me, i cannot peice together what the documents say in order to solve the error i got, and only kind of get it when i connect an image of the code to what im doing, but there arent many pictures of what i need step by step and i get stuck again.
so many little things-- things that i cant really add up to just being ADHD- at the very least no one knows how to accommodate to my specifics anyways so i never get it solved. the autism may explain some things but it doesnt explain it all. I can't count change even on my fingers, i cant add things up on paper and i forgot how to multiply and divide. i forget things when theyre not in front of me, nothing i read stays in my head, nor does anything i listen to. i may work fast, i may process movement and things presented surprisingly well, but those four things (math, memory, listening comp, reading comp) are key things to learning that are SO awful it explains every reason i have been this way. i take it in quick, but it goes away in the blink of an eye.
i dont have ADHD by the way- it was one of those labels slapped on for years because "well your memory is bad, and so is your attention, and you have a hard time learning". and i dont disagree exactly, if i hadnt done this i would have been going along w my life with that label and it would have been fine- aside from the fact none of the ADHD meds i have taken over the years have never work, of course. or the fact i still wouldnt really know how to learn things because i dont have accommodations that actually help me make progress. i think i would still be sitting around stuck, thinking i am just stupid and there is no way around it.
point is- there is a lot under the surface. there are a collection of things that explain parts of your cognitive function and they all work on their own. and because i know this now, i can get very specific help. i can properly understand why certain accommodations in the past didnt work, what will work, and what i can do to actually try and Learn Shit. going through years of utterly sucking at everything in school is awful, it really knocks you down. Especially when you want to learn, you feel like you are trying so hard.
for more recent years i have sat here just thinking i couldnt do anything. watching family make progress as they age and feeling unable to do that too feels like shit and i hate the idea of never being able to put anything out there. i am in a place where i can live just fine without any job really, but i dont want to do that? i dont want to do nothing- even if it weren't a job, why would i want to sit around doing the one think i know- draw- and never be able to do anything else? id like it as a job but even outside of that i just want to know things like anyone else.
the fact that i feel far more hopeful than ever before is really a nice feeling. for a while it was a kind of motivation that was more like fighting a brick wall to proceed because even though i wanted something to change, i had no idea how it could. this isnt a clear "ok go do A and B and youll learn!". this will still be a long time of build. it will be a process as it would be for anything with learning and i still get overwhelmed by the prospect too, its still terrifying because i still wonder if it will really work out. but goddamn i do not feel like these many weeks of testing have been a waste- i really do understand far more than ever. its kind of sad to see, to have gone for so long without help, but id rather know it now than to never know and to always feel helpless and stupid.
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(TW: homicidal ideation, general vulgarity, and just general violence cause I need to vent this shit out. I'm not gonna do shit, but god fucking damn is this a day that makes me just scream.)
God I fucking hate this whole holiday so fucking much for so many rational reasons but really just solely because I fucking HATE having America shoved in my face cause I literally have this chronic fucking deep seeded hatred and pent up violence towards this shit that I very much try to release passively over time with sardonic snark, half joking shock humor that is 'joking' on the account that I know better than that so I won't do it and not joking in genuine fantasy and desire, and I literally ignore the deep deep deep seeded level in which I fucking hate that I live in this country - not that I think any other country is inherently better - but just that this fucking piece of shit hellhole is the place I was born in and that it's a bitch and a half to get out of here + I'd have to actually research other countries to move to to make sure I don't find a WORSE place so I probably am fucking STUCK here for a fucking hot minute and I fucking HATE it.
This holiday is literally the fucking god damn worst holiday AND it is just senseless noise and mass pollution and often a number of "oops we accidentally caught a habitat on fire" where all the fucking STUPIDEST ass mother fuckers get to sit there and jerk themselves off over the word "fReEdoM" without even spending 2 seconds to compare the state of our country and the values they hold and if that even fucking aligns like AT ALL with the very very basic OR complex definition of Freedom
And I just fucking want to bash the motherfucking faces of everyone who so much as has 2 ounces of American pride into the mother fucking ground I fucking HATE this country and more than anything else HATE the people who are unapologetically, unironically proud of it and the GOD damn restraint I have to exert to maintain a sense of PEACE and STABILITY for the system by NOT doing a violent crime on these asshats is SO fucking much I literally wish and fucking dream but I know it is not good for me in the long run and I have other parts in this brain I have to accommodate and be considerate of but god FUCKING damn it I really wish the Purge was fucking real right now cause I could REALLY use some catharsis god fucking damn it I look out the window and see at least 10 people that could permanently SHUT THE FUCK UP
I also fucking hate that they briefly make literal fucking explosives legal for a few days just like.... come the fuck on.
I literally hate people. Like on any other day, "no i don't literally hate EVERYONE" would be what I would say, but right now 95% of the people in the world around me look like iron clad American PaTRiOTs and while I know there is some wise mind rational mind shit that is like "oh its not black and white" my current mental place is "yeah literally everyone that is not my fiance and not my online friends are factually iron clad patriots" and I feel like a fucking caged feral dog cause I NEED to go outside and physically vent, but if I go outside Ill see STUPID fucking PatRIoTS and I'd have to keep myself from starting Fights that would get us a record
And I HATE this fucking holiday
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^Literally for me while I write this
Look I know I just need to play my guitar to calm and stabilize a bit and then I need to go to the gym to get our body tired enough to not be as ready to keep me activated and ALSO take our meds which we havent
But god damn
I'm a fucking EP Trauma Holding Angry Alter TM and this fucking holiday tries me so fucking hard on trying to maintain an ANP focus every single fucking year.
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mattelektras · 6 years
GIRL HEY I LOVE YOU and your blog and just all your marvel thoughts and opinions and your recs tag WOW you got me into comics like THANK YOU AND YOUR SOUL and so i am so curious to know like what are your issues with mcu? like everything i want to know EVERYTHING, every little detail that's bothered you to the shitty casting to the whitewashing to the lack of development LET ME HEAR IT PLEASE
OH HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE. pretty much all of this excludes black panther and ragnarok. nothing but respect for my mcu
it took them literally 10 years and like 20 movies to have anyone that wasn't a white man lead a solo film. like. that is a LONG ASS TIME
not to mention the straight people EVERYWHERE until valkyrie who they didn't SHOW is bi. trust only tessa thompson and taika watiti. let that be the lesson here
and the women and people of colour they DID have in their movies were done incredibly dirty like rhodey (who could absolutely have held a solo movie following iron man 2. or even 1 like. they just slipped in that he’s become a superhero n didn't do anything with it like... really????????) gets shot in the fuckin spine by that piece of shit robot. sharon was set up so well and now doesn't exist. mcu nat i dont even know where to begin
mcu maximoffs/dr strange/iron fist. the whitewashing trifecta. they went for the hatrick and they nailed it. thanks i hate it 
but with the maximoffs specifically like. GOD theyre bad. wendy has gone from ‘moves things with her mind’ (not wanda’s actual powers but whatevs we’ll get to that bit) to literally being able to destroy an infinity stone. she’s everything mr whedon wants in a female character. and mcu pietro??? a weak bitch. pietro maximoff would die of spite before he sacrificed himself for clint fucking barton
so many of the movies dont line up with one another like PLEASE marvel directors watch each other’s movies. the russos basically turned up at taika watiti’s house and told him to go fuck himself 
or just... hire good directors.... the russos fooled everyone into thinking they were good with cap 2 but what the ever loving fuck was civil war and infinity war
stop with the war shit no one likes superheroes vs superheroes
this is petty and i KNOW movies dont have to follow the comics like. i know that and sometimes its a very good thing, but with marvel they wanna take parts from the comics, sometimes GOOD parts and they wanna fuck it all up and force it to fit into their shitty narrative. like. civil war for example.. had a PURPOSE in comics. it was a genuine grey area and, well written, it could've been a nuanced scenario about how different types of people might have benefited or suffered from it (re: mutants etc). in the mcu, civil war was uuuuuh wendy blew up some people and she used to be a nazi but we’re all gonna defend her because im steve rogers and i do what the fuck i like regardless of literally everything else. 
they based the mcu on the ultimates universe???? TAKE THE GOOD BITS THEN!!!! like take miles morales instead of just giving peter his life and his friends 
get better actors jesus christ. just. better as people would be a start. ms substitute asian johansson and mr Gun Rights pratt. perish
the chris x3 jokes really arent endearing either. some of em have gotta go
please hire someone with real eyes for your costume department!!!!!! say what you like about dc movies, but they all WORK together. their suits have the same tone/materials/overall look. the avengers look like a bunch of people who have never met before 
speaking of, i physically cannot buy the ‘friendship’ the avengers supposedly have. they dont talk!!!!!! there’s too many of them to actually get any solid team development!!! you want me to believe thor even knows hawkeye’s real name??? he doesn't!! and he doesn't give a shit either!!
if you're gonna do a romantic relationship......... fucking stick with it or actually end it. steve/sharon could have been SO GOOD but where has that gone. nat/hulk was hideous and thank god it died but WHERE has it gone. 
not to mention the fact that gamora has literally shown no interest towards peter but she loves him in infinity war somehow
peggy carter is really NOT THAT IMPORTANT!!!! people are still out here shittalking sharon, the LEADING CAP COMICS WOMAN, STEVE’S MAIN AND PRETTY MUCH SOLE LOVE INTEREST, because she's not peggy carter and she doesn't talk about girl power whilst wearing winged eyeliner. steve and peggy kissed once like if thats your standard for a life long relationship then im married to like 8 people i knew when i was 15
the general need marvel has to own all of their properties. homecoming was a good movie, but did we need it??? like really???? people have seen so many spider man movies but no one had seen a black panther or captain marvel movie and they both got shoved back to accommodate the 3rd peter parker ive seen in my lifetime
SPEAKING OF REPETITION.... snarky movies led by white men alongside a woman who is clearly more capable than they are but dont get any recognition for it are the same. the exact fucking same 
CAN POST CREDITS SCENES PLEASE DIE im not sitting around for 20 minutes waiting for something cool like a hint of a new hero only to see steve fucking rogers doing his ironing or some shit. if its not worth it, dont do it maybe 
the colour grading is ugly as sin. if it’s got some over saturated primary colours in it... its a marvel movie 
marvel movies are just.... straight up not funny at this point lmao like im not a 13 year old boy i dont find dick and whore jokes funny try again
‘it’ll kill you’ ‘only if i die’ ‘yes thats what killing you means’ is supposed to be funny and i get that but uuuuuh its just bad dialogue and there are so many lines like that. write a good fucking movie and then MAYBE you won't have to fill scenes with empty conversations to take up the time
fuck the mcu guardians of the galaxy, to put it finely. mcu peter is a dick and his altered back story makes him even more of a dick. drax isn't a dumbass, gamora would rather die than touch peter. mantis is a literal celestial goddess, not some old white dude’s sleep time therapist 
mostly what it comes down to with me though is that marvel literally does not have to make good movies. they can make any old shit and make literally millions of dollars. barely anyone gave a fuck about ant man or doctor strange, and if you didn't read comics, you likely wouldn't have even KNOWN who they were but everyone went to see them because they had marvel on the posters. and thats pretty much marvel’s entire deal. ALL they do is get credit for things they havent done 
oh and fuck vision too 
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onlyhalfthestory · 7 years
So I decided to go through the Just Like You video and try to find all the articles. As you can see the articles all come from different newspapers and while most are very recent, some are from a couple of years ago! This makes me think that there’s no way they are all just random articles because it really makes no sense to have articles from different newspapers and years. I havent made it all the way through the video yet, but this is what I have so far!
Owners put off by fear of being conned (Mark Souster, The Times UK, Oct. 10, 2017)
“Racing’s governing body plans to conduct a review of the buying and selling of racehorses in Britain...”
Tom Paley Obituary: Pioneer of the American folk revival renowned for his duets with Woody Guthrie and running into trouble with the McCarthyites (no author??, The Times Uk, Oct. 10, 2017)
“In the late 1950′s Tom Paley used to play around New York as a duo with Woody Guthrie...”
Note: Why is the following quote crossed out in the lyric video?
“He was likened to Puck, ‘quintessentially witty, a master teller of jokes’“
Top 10 Croatia Getaways: Beautiful country which genuinely has something for everyone (Steve Myall, The Mirror Uk, April 18, 2015)
“Eight day tour from  £1,149 pp with flights from London and half-board accommodation in May, June, or September...”
Note: this does not match the newspaper clipping in the video exactly.
You aint heard nothing yet: the moment Al Jolson sounded the birth of the talkies (Michael Freedland, The Guardian, Oct. 8, 2017)
“The other big studios were forced to convert their silent movies to sound...”
Note: in the lyric video it scrolls down so you can read more of the article. Why? No other article in the video does this.
We’re open to fracking, says National Trust boss (Ben Webster, The Times UK, Oct. 24, 2013)
“The National Trust is prepared to consider fracking on its land but has all but ruled out wind farms...”
Sally Potter: ‘There’s nothing like hearing a whole place vibrate with laughter’ (Guy Lodge, The Guardian, Oct. 8, 2017)
“She’s far from the only one. I recall something the actress Marianne Jean-Baptiste said about diversity in the industry...”
Note: this whole paragraph seems very relevant to Louis. Also interesting is we can see a part of the following quote in the lyric video (the words pride and discriminatory are visible):
“Potter wears her outsider status with pride, well equipped to handle the discriminatory pinch still affecting women in the film industry”
(Turns out we can see the entire quote later on in the video)
Bonus: the article also mentions that Potter made a film which Cillian Murphy acted in (ahem, Dunkirk)
Tories know they need a new leader but have no idea how to get one  (Toby Helm and Michael Savage, The Guardian, Oct. 7, 2017)
“Cabinet ministers offloaded their frustrations at every opportunity...”
Blade Runner 2049 review-a future classic (Mark Kermode, The Guardian, Oct. 8, 2017)
“The sights are staggering, yet the real triumphs of Blade Runner 2049 are beautifully low-key...”
Note: the article mentions that Hans Zimmer composed the score of the movie (Dunkirk, anyone?)
From social contracts to human rights: 10 of the greatest political founding works (Robin McWiliam, The Guardian, Oct. 8, 2017)
“Paine opposed the hereditary principle in government and argued that people were right to oppose despotism...”
Note: the clipping we see in the video is talking about Thomas Paine’s book Rights of Man (1791)
Eight easiest ways to treat your eczema including switching to non-bio, limiting showers to 15 minutes and drinking oolong tea (Kim Jones, The Mirror, Oct. 9, 2017)
“Chemicals in washing powders can irritate skin and cause a flare-up...”
Note: article mentions that Leeds University is conducting research on eczema (remember leeds fest!!!)
Hollywood dinosaurs have had their day (Hugo Rifkind, The Australian, Oct. 10, 2017)
“If I looked like the Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein...”
Note: this article appears several times in the lyric video
Scrambled Heads: the book teaching children not to be scared of mental health (Daisy Wyatt, iNews, Oct. 10, 2017)
‘Mental health can be a difficult subject to speak with adults about, let alone children...”
Note: the article has a subheading called ‘Appearance vs Reality’ and its also been pointed out that this article appears in the video during the line “yeah, i feel the same as you do”
Jurgen Klopp must learn from Liverpool history - great DEFENCE wins you titles (Stan Collymore, The Mirror, Oct. 9, 2017)
“Seventy-two to be precise-30 more than Andrew Cole and Eric Cantona managed for Manchester United...”
Colin Kaepernick: From one man kneeling to a movement dividing a country (Patrick Jennings, BBC, Oct. 11, 2017)
“The former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick first protested...”
Nile Rodgers had chilling premonition two days before George Michael’s death, but admits it was ‘too emotional’ to share (Francis Kindon, Jessica Gibb, and Ashleigh Rainbird, The Mirror, Oct. 17, 2017)
“George channeled his heartache into an ongoing legal battle with his record label, Sony..”
Note: the article talks about George Michael’s struggles with his record label who were not promoting his music properly and also mentions the death of his mother from cancer. (Also lots of RBB connnections to George Michael)
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taurusmanlove · 6 years
Taurus Man & Libra Woman Break Up
New Post has been published on https://taurusmen.net/taurus-man-libra-woman-break-up/
Taurus Man & Libra Woman Break Up
A Taurus man and a Libra woman have a great connection sexually, emotionally and intellectually.
They both have eyes for artistic and fine-looking things. As such, the attraction and romance between a Taurean man and a Libra lady can be quite strong.
However, Taurus guys love to take their time making decisions, which also go for his relationships, too. However, his Libra girlfriend loves jumping straight into action whenever she has an idea.
Due to this, a Libra woman’s rashness can be somewhat irritating to a Taurus guy who hates been rushed or pushed into making decisions.
Conversely, the stubbornness of a Taurean fella can also be very irritating to his Libra lover, particularly because she would prefer to keep the relationship flowing and balanced.
A relationship between a Taurean guy and Libra lady is one of reciprocating and compromise. However, this match can have many flaws, which can lead to fights and misunderstandings.
If you’re a Libra lady and you’re either currently going through a breakup with a Taurus guy, the relationship has ended or you suspect that he may be thinking of leaving you, then this article may help to give you the info you need to avoid the breakup and recover your relationship.
If you feel you need additional help then take a look at my review of astrologer, Anna Kovach’s new book Taurus Man Secrets. In her book she explains exactly how to get your Taurus man back after a breakup and get him to want to commit to you. You can read my review here.
How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You
Lack of intimacy
Lovemaking sessions between a Taurus male and his Libra mate can be complicated and dissatisfying because of their different needs.
Taurus guys want physical affection from their partner. However, for a Libran lady, it’s usually the emotional connection that she values.
So, this match is likely to have unending conflicts in the bedroom, which can lead to disagreements and separation.
The Taurus man needs to be open, accepting and understanding of emotional needs of his partner, while his Libran lover needs to be receptive and accommodating of the Taurean’s need for sensual and intimate physical affection.
See also: The sexual connection between a Libra woman and Taurus man
He Ignores you
We all love a little attention and approval from other people from time to time. However, for a Libra woman, this can be particularly important, especially from her partner.
If things aren’t going well in the relationship then a Taurus guy may tend to withdraw and even ignore his woman on and off. This can be especially hurtful for a Libra woman.
Silent treatment
The communication between a Taurean guy and Libra woman is not known to be the best.
While this can be tricky even when the relationship is going well, the silent treatment is more likely to occur if things are on the rocks.
If he’s giving you the silent treatment then it could be an indication that he’s thinking of leaving you.
He has become insensitive
Taurus guys are known to be caring, considerate and attentive lovers. They often go the extra mile to try to please their partner.
So, if your Taurean partner has become less considerate or even saying mean and hurtful things, then he’s either annoyed with you about something, or he is no longer interested you.
How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You
Spend time with him
Libra women are known to be very social beings. On the other hand, Taurus men quite often like their own company or to just spend time indoors with their partner.
If you have been spending too much time with him and not seeing much of your friends and family, then doing things without him and catching up with your friends will be a great way to give the both of you a little space.
If he’s not seeing you as much as he’s used to then he may start to miss hanging out with you after a while.
If, however, you haven’t been spending much time with him when it’s just the two of you together, prioritizing a little quality time where the two of you can reconnect with each other without the distractions of other people around you may be just what you need.
Don’t be over-analytical
If you want to have a long lasting relationship with your Taurean lover, it is important that you stop being overly critical of him.
He wants you to accept him as he is and see his good qualities. Taurus guys hate feeling manipulated or that their partner is trying to change them in some way.
A great way to prevent him from feeling like this towards you is to give him some compliments on the things that he is good at or he does for you, which may make him think twice about breaking up with you.
Be trustworthy
Trust is a core value for a Taurus man. If for whatever reason, he doesn’t fully trust you or if he does not feel like he can depend on you then he will, at some point likely pull away from the relationship.
Taurus guys want to be in a relationship with a woman whom they feel has their back. And in return, he will always be there for you too.
How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You
Be patient
Taurus men are slow, methodical and patient. So, when dating a Taurus man, if you also have patience then you’ll have a much easier time dealing with him.
If you’ve already broken up then give him some time and space to think things through on his own terms without feeling pressured. For this, the no contact rule can be very effective for a Taurus man.
If you parted ways because of infidelity, it is important that you exercise patience because Taurus guys do not forgive easily and tend to hold grudges for quite some time.
The first step is to him a heartfelt apology for whatever you have done if you are in the wrong. Then, you need to give him time to calm down and make up his mind whether he will forgive you or not.
Taurus guys hate being pressured into a decision so just give him the time he needs to think things through.
Related article: More ways to make him want you after a breakup
Compliment him
Affection is very important to a Taurus man. So, compliments are often well received. If he is thinking of ending the relationship because he does not feel appreciated then complimenting him is especially important.
Reminding him that he is a special person and that you find him attractive is a great place to start.
Take a mental note of all the things he does for you, big or small, and express our gratitude for his help and consideration.
However, when giving compliments to your Taurus lover, only tell him what is genuine because he will pull back even more if you lie to him.
Be yourself
As a Libra woman, it is important to understand that Taurean men love straightforward women who are comfortable just being themselves.
As such, a Taurus guy is honest about himself and he expects the same from the woman in his life. So, if you have been pretending so that you can please him, it is about time you start showing him the real you and that you are comfortable being yourself around him.
Final Thoughts
It is possible for Taurean man and Libra woman to have an instant attraction, but their match has various challenges that can make it difficult to co-exist.
However, a simple understanding of yourself and also how a Taurus guy thinks and feels about love and relationships can help you to avoid or successfully navigate any issues that arise. If you’re able to do this well, then it is more than possible to have a good relationship with a Taurus guy.
If you’re currently going through a breakup, have broken up or if you’re still in a relationship, but you feel he is pulling away then don’t lose hope. I came across a very inspirational relationship coach called Amy North, who teaches women exactly, step-by-step how to recover a relationship by sending him a few very specific text messages. You can get her relationship recovery text messages here.
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jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) //jQuery('.yuzo_related_post').equalizer( overflow : 'relatedthumb' ); jQuery('.yuzo_related_post .yuzo_wraps').equalizer( columns : '> div' ); )
0 notes
taurusmanlove · 6 years
Taurus Man & Libra Woman Break Up
New Post has been published on https://taurusmen.net/taurus-man-libra-woman-break-up/
Taurus Man & Libra Woman Break Up
A Taurus man and a Libra woman have a great connection sexually, emotionally and intellectually.
They both have eyes for artistic and fine-looking things. As such, the attraction and romance between a Taurean man and a Libra lady can be quite strong.
However, Taurus guys love to take their time making decisions, which also go for his relationships, too. However, his Libra girlfriend loves jumping straight into action whenever she has an idea.
Due to this, a Libra woman’s rashness can be somewhat irritating to a Taurus guy who hates been rushed or pushed into making decisions.
Conversely, the stubbornness of a Taurean fella can also be very irritating to his Libra lover, particularly because she would prefer to keep the relationship flowing and balanced.
A relationship between a Taurean guy and Libra lady is one of reciprocating and compromise. However, this match can have many flaws, which can lead to fights and misunderstandings.
If you’re a Libra lady and you’re either currently going through a breakup with a Taurus guy, the relationship has ended or you suspect that he may be thinking of leaving you, then this article may help to give you the info you need to avoid the breakup and recover your relationship.
If you feel you need additional help then take a look at my review of astrologer, Anna Kovach’s new book Taurus Man Secrets. In her book she explains exactly how to get your Taurus man back after a breakup and get him to want to commit to you. You can read my review here.
How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You
Lack of intimacy
Lovemaking sessions between a Taurus male and his Libra mate can be complicated and dissatisfying because of their different needs.
Taurus guys want physical affection from their partner. However, for a Libran lady, it’s usually the emotional connection that she values.
So, this match is likely to have unending conflicts in the bedroom, which can lead to disagreements and separation.
The Taurus man needs to be open, accepting and understanding of emotional needs of his partner, while his Libran lover needs to be receptive and accommodating of the Taurean’s need for sensual and intimate physical affection.
See also: The sexual connection between a Libra woman and Taurus man
He Ignores you
We all love a little attention and approval from other people from time to time. However, for a Libra woman, this can be particularly important, especially from her partner.
If things aren’t going well in the relationship then a Taurus guy may tend to withdraw and even ignore his woman on and off. This can be especially hurtful for a Libra woman.
Silent treatment
The communication between a Taurean guy and Libra woman is not known to be the best.
While this can be tricky even when the relationship is going well, the silent treatment is more likely to occur if things are on the rocks.
If he’s giving you the silent treatment then it could be an indication that he’s thinking of leaving you.
He has become insensitive
Taurus guys are known to be caring, considerate and attentive lovers. They often go the extra mile to try to please their partner.
So, if your Taurean partner has become less considerate or even saying mean and hurtful things, then he’s either annoyed with you about something, or he is no longer interested you.
How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You
Spend time with him
Libra women are known to be very social beings. On the other hand, Taurus men quite often like their own company or to just spend time indoors with their partner.
If you have been spending too much time with him and not seeing much of your friends and family, then doing things without him and catching up with your friends will be a great way to give the both of you a little space.
If he’s not seeing you as much as he’s used to then he may start to miss hanging out with you after a while.
If, however, you haven’t been spending much time with him when it’s just the two of you together, prioritizing a little quality time where the two of you can reconnect with each other without the distractions of other people around you may be just what you need.
Don’t be over-analytical
If you want to have a long lasting relationship with your Taurean lover, it is important that you stop being overly critical of him.
He wants you to accept him as he is and see his good qualities. Taurus guys hate feeling manipulated or that their partner is trying to change them in some way.
A great way to prevent him from feeling like this towards you is to give him some compliments on the things that he is good at or he does for you, which may make him think twice about breaking up with you.
Be trustworthy
Trust is a core value for a Taurus man. If for whatever reason, he doesn’t fully trust you or if he does not feel like he can depend on you then he will, at some point likely pull away from the relationship.
Taurus guys want to be in a relationship with a woman whom they feel has their back. And in return, he will always be there for you too.
How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You
Be patient
Taurus men are slow, methodical and patient. So, when dating a Taurus man, if you also have patience then you’ll have a much easier time dealing with him.
If you’ve already broken up then give him some time and space to think things through on his own terms without feeling pressured. For this, the no contact rule can be very effective for a Taurus man.
If you parted ways because of infidelity, it is important that you exercise patience because Taurus guys do not forgive easily and tend to hold grudges for quite some time.
The first step is to him a heartfelt apology for whatever you have done if you are in the wrong. Then, you need to give him time to calm down and make up his mind whether he will forgive you or not.
Taurus guys hate being pressured into a decision so just give him the time he needs to think things through.
Related article: More ways to make him want you after a breakup
Compliment him
Affection is very important to a Taurus man. So, compliments are often well received. If he is thinking of ending the relationship because he does not feel appreciated then complimenting him is especially important.
Reminding him that he is a special person and that you find him attractive is a great place to start.
Take a mental note of all the things he does for you, big or small, and express our gratitude for his help and consideration.
However, when giving compliments to your Taurus lover, only tell him what is genuine because he will pull back even more if you lie to him.
Be yourself
As a Libra woman, it is important to understand that Taurean men love straightforward women who are comfortable just being themselves.
As such, a Taurus guy is honest about himself and he expects the same from the woman in his life. So, if you have been pretending so that you can please him, it is about time you start showing him the real you and that you are comfortable being yourself around him.
Final Thoughts
It is possible for Taurean man and Libra woman to have an instant attraction, but their match has various challenges that can make it difficult to co-exist.
However, a simple understanding of yourself and also how a Taurus guy thinks and feels about love and relationships can help you to avoid or successfully navigate any issues that arise. If you’re able to do this well, then it is more than possible to have a good relationship with a Taurus guy.
If you’re currently going through a breakup, have broken up or if you’re still in a relationship, but you feel he is pulling away then don’t lose hope. I came across a very inspirational relationship coach called Amy North, who teaches women exactly, step-by-step how to recover a relationship by sending him a few very specific text messages. You can get her relationship recovery text messages here.
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jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) //jQuery('.yuzo_related_post').equalizer( overflow : 'relatedthumb' ); jQuery('.yuzo_related_post .yuzo_wraps').equalizer( columns : '> div' ); )
0 notes
taurusmanlove · 6 years
Taurus Man & Libra Woman Break Up
New Post has been published on https://taurusmen.net/taurus-man-libra-woman-break-up/
Taurus Man & Libra Woman Break Up
A Taurus man and a Libra woman have a great connection sexually, emotionally and intellectually.
They both have eyes for artistic and fine-looking things. As such, the attraction and romance between a Taurean man and a Libra lady can be quite strong.
However, Taurus guys love to take their time making decisions, which also go for his relationships, too. However, his Libra girlfriend loves jumping straight into action whenever she has an idea.
Due to this, a Libra woman’s rashness can be somewhat irritating to a Taurus guy who hates been rushed or pushed into making decisions.
Conversely, the stubbornness of a Taurean fella can also be very irritating to his Libra lover, particularly because she would prefer to keep the relationship flowing and balanced.
A relationship between a Taurean guy and Libra lady is one of reciprocating and compromise. However, this match can have many flaws, which can lead to fights and misunderstandings.
If you’re a Libra lady and you’re either currently going through a breakup with a Taurus guy, the relationship has ended or you suspect that he may be thinking of leaving you, then this article may help to give you the info you need to avoid the breakup and recover your relationship.
If you feel you need additional help then take a look at my review of astrologer, Anna Kovach’s new book Taurus Man Secrets. In her book she explains exactly how to get your Taurus man back after a breakup and get him to want to commit to you. You can read my review here.
How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You
Lack of intimacy
Lovemaking sessions between a Taurus male and his Libra mate can be complicated and dissatisfying because of their different needs.
Taurus guys want physical affection from their partner. However, for a Libran lady, it’s usually the emotional connection that she values.
So, this match is likely to have unending conflicts in the bedroom, which can lead to disagreements and separation.
The Taurus man needs to be open, accepting and understanding of emotional needs of his partner, while his Libran lover needs to be receptive and accommodating of the Taurean’s need for sensual and intimate physical affection.
See also: The sexual connection between a Libra woman and Taurus man
He Ignores you
We all love a little attention and approval from other people from time to time. However, for a Libra woman, this can be particularly important, especially from her partner.
If things aren’t going well in the relationship then a Taurus guy may tend to withdraw and even ignore his woman on and off. This can be especially hurtful for a Libra woman.
Silent treatment
The communication between a Taurean guy and Libra woman is not known to be the best.
While this can be tricky even when the relationship is going well, the silent treatment is more likely to occur if things are on the rocks.
If he’s giving you the silent treatment then it could be an indication that he’s thinking of leaving you.
He has become insensitive
Taurus guys are known to be caring, considerate and attentive lovers. They often go the extra mile to try to please their partner.
So, if your Taurean partner has become less considerate or even saying mean and hurtful things, then he’s either annoyed with you about something, or he is no longer interested you.
How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You
Spend time with him
Libra women are known to be very social beings. On the other hand, Taurus men quite often like their own company or to just spend time indoors with their partner.
If you have been spending too much time with him and not seeing much of your friends and family, then doing things without him and catching up with your friends will be a great way to give the both of you a little space.
If he’s not seeing you as much as he’s used to then he may start to miss hanging out with you after a while.
If, however, you haven’t been spending much time with him when it’s just the two of you together, prioritizing a little quality time where the two of you can reconnect with each other without the distractions of other people around you may be just what you need.
Don’t be over-analytical
If you want to have a long lasting relationship with your Taurean lover, it is important that you stop being overly critical of him.
He wants you to accept him as he is and see his good qualities. Taurus guys hate feeling manipulated or that their partner is trying to change them in some way.
A great way to prevent him from feeling like this towards you is to give him some compliments on the things that he is good at or he does for you, which may make him think twice about breaking up with you.
Be trustworthy
Trust is a core value for a Taurus man. If for whatever reason, he doesn’t fully trust you or if he does not feel like he can depend on you then he will, at some point likely pull away from the relationship.
Taurus guys want to be in a relationship with a woman whom they feel has their back. And in return, he will always be there for you too.
How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You
Be patient
Taurus men are slow, methodical and patient. So, when dating a Taurus man, if you also have patience then you’ll have a much easier time dealing with him.
If you’ve already broken up then give him some time and space to think things through on his own terms without feeling pressured. For this, the no contact rule can be very effective for a Taurus man.
If you parted ways because of infidelity, it is important that you exercise patience because Taurus guys do not forgive easily and tend to hold grudges for quite some time.
The first step is to him a heartfelt apology for whatever you have done if you are in the wrong. Then, you need to give him time to calm down and make up his mind whether he will forgive you or not.
Taurus guys hate being pressured into a decision so just give him the time he needs to think things through.
Related article: More ways to make him want you after a breakup
Compliment him
Affection is very important to a Taurus man. So, compliments are often well received. If he is thinking of ending the relationship because he does not feel appreciated then complimenting him is especially important.
Reminding him that he is a special person and that you find him attractive is a great place to start.
Take a mental note of all the things he does for you, big or small, and express our gratitude for his help and consideration.
However, when giving compliments to your Taurus lover, only tell him what is genuine because he will pull back even more if you lie to him.
Be yourself
As a Libra woman, it is important to understand that Taurean men love straightforward women who are comfortable just being themselves.
As such, a Taurus guy is honest about himself and he expects the same from the woman in his life. So, if you have been pretending so that you can please him, it is about time you start showing him the real you and that you are comfortable being yourself around him.
Final Thoughts
It is possible for Taurean man and Libra woman to have an instant attraction, but their match has various challenges that can make it difficult to co-exist.
However, a simple understanding of yourself and also how a Taurus guy thinks and feels about love and relationships can help you to avoid or successfully navigate any issues that arise. If you’re able to do this well, then it is more than possible to have a good relationship with a Taurus guy.
If you’re currently going through a breakup, have broken up or if you’re still in a relationship, but you feel he is pulling away then don’t lose hope. I came across a very inspirational relationship coach called Amy North, who teaches women exactly, step-by-step how to recover a relationship by sending him a few very specific text messages. You can get her relationship recovery text messages here.
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jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) //jQuery('.yuzo_related_post').equalizer( overflow : 'relatedthumb' ); jQuery('.yuzo_related_post .yuzo_wraps').equalizer( columns : '> div' ); )
0 notes
taurusmanlove · 6 years
Taurus Man & Libra Woman Break Up
New Post has been published on https://taurusmen.net/taurus-man-libra-woman-break-up/
Taurus Man & Libra Woman Break Up
A Taurus man and a Libra woman have a great connection sexually, emotionally and intellectually.
They both have eyes for artistic and fine-looking things. As such, the attraction and romance between a Taurean man and a Libra lady can be quite strong.
However, Taurus guys love to take their time making decisions, which also go for his relationships, too. However, his Libra girlfriend loves jumping straight into action whenever she has an idea.
Due to this, a Libra woman’s rashness can be somewhat irritating to a Taurus guy who hates been rushed or pushed into making decisions.
Conversely, the stubbornness of a Taurean fella can also be very irritating to his Libra lover, particularly because she would prefer to keep the relationship flowing and balanced.
A relationship between a Taurean guy and Libra lady is one of reciprocating and compromise. However, this match can have many flaws, which can lead to fights and misunderstandings.
If you’re a Libra lady and you’re either currently going through a breakup with a Taurus guy, the relationship has ended or you suspect that he may be thinking of leaving you, then this article may help to give you the info you need to avoid the breakup and recover your relationship.
If you feel you need additional help then take a look at my review of astrologer, Anna Kovach’s new book Taurus Man Secrets. In her book she explains exactly how to get your Taurus man back after a breakup and get him to want to commit to you. You can read my review here.
How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You
Lack of intimacy
Lovemaking sessions between a Taurus male and his Libra mate can be complicated and dissatisfying because of their different needs.
Taurus guys want physical affection from their partner. However, for a Libran lady, it’s usually the emotional connection that she values.
So, this match is likely to have unending conflicts in the bedroom, which can lead to disagreements and separation.
The Taurus man needs to be open, accepting and understanding of emotional needs of his partner, while his Libran lover needs to be receptive and accommodating of the Taurean’s need for sensual and intimate physical affection.
See also: The sexual connection between a Libra woman and Taurus man
He Ignores you
We all love a little attention and approval from other people from time to time. However, for a Libra woman, this can be particularly important, especially from her partner.
If things aren’t going well in the relationship then a Taurus guy may tend to withdraw and even ignore his woman on and off. This can be especially hurtful for a Libra woman.
Silent treatment
The communication between a Taurean guy and Libra woman is not known to be the best.
While this can be tricky even when the relationship is going well, the silent treatment is more likely to occur if things are on the rocks.
If he’s giving you the silent treatment then it could be an indication that he’s thinking of leaving you.
He has become insensitive
Taurus guys are known to be caring, considerate and attentive lovers. They often go the extra mile to try to please their partner.
So, if your Taurean partner has become less considerate or even saying mean and hurtful things, then he’s either annoyed with you about something, or he is no longer interested you.
How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You
Spend time with him
Libra women are known to be very social beings. On the other hand, Taurus men quite often like their own company or to just spend time indoors with their partner.
If you have been spending too much time with him and not seeing much of your friends and family, then doing things without him and catching up with your friends will be a great way to give the both of you a little space.
If he’s not seeing you as much as he’s used to then he may start to miss hanging out with you after a while.
If, however, you haven’t been spending much time with him when it’s just the two of you together, prioritizing a little quality time where the two of you can reconnect with each other without the distractions of other people around you may be just what you need.
Don’t be over-analytical
If you want to have a long lasting relationship with your Taurean lover, it is important that you stop being overly critical of him.
He wants you to accept him as he is and see his good qualities. Taurus guys hate feeling manipulated or that their partner is trying to change them in some way.
A great way to prevent him from feeling like this towards you is to give him some compliments on the things that he is good at or he does for you, which may make him think twice about breaking up with you.
Be trustworthy
Trust is a core value for a Taurus man. If for whatever reason, he doesn’t fully trust you or if he does not feel like he can depend on you then he will, at some point likely pull away from the relationship.
Taurus guys want to be in a relationship with a woman whom they feel has their back. And in return, he will always be there for you too.
How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You
Be patient
Taurus men are slow, methodical and patient. So, when dating a Taurus man, if you also have patience then you’ll have a much easier time dealing with him.
If you’ve already broken up then give him some time and space to think things through on his own terms without feeling pressured. For this, the no contact rule can be very effective for a Taurus man.
If you parted ways because of infidelity, it is important that you exercise patience because Taurus guys do not forgive easily and tend to hold grudges for quite some time.
The first step is to him a heartfelt apology for whatever you have done if you are in the wrong. Then, you need to give him time to calm down and make up his mind whether he will forgive you or not.
Taurus guys hate being pressured into a decision so just give him the time he needs to think things through.
Related article: More ways to make him want you after a breakup
Compliment him
Affection is very important to a Taurus man. So, compliments are often well received. If he is thinking of ending the relationship because he does not feel appreciated then complimenting him is especially important.
Reminding him that he is a special person and that you find him attractive is a great place to start.
Take a mental note of all the things he does for you, big or small, and express our gratitude for his help and consideration.
However, when giving compliments to your Taurus lover, only tell him what is genuine because he will pull back even more if you lie to him.
Be yourself
As a Libra woman, it is important to understand that Taurean men love straightforward women who are comfortable just being themselves.
As such, a Taurus guy is honest about himself and he expects the same from the woman in his life. So, if you have been pretending so that you can please him, it is about time you start showing him the real you and that you are comfortable being yourself around him.
Final Thoughts
It is possible for Taurean man and Libra woman to have an instant attraction, but their match has various challenges that can make it difficult to co-exist.
However, a simple understanding of yourself and also how a Taurus guy thinks and feels about love and relationships can help you to avoid or successfully navigate any issues that arise. If you’re able to do this well, then it is more than possible to have a good relationship with a Taurus guy.
If you’re currently going through a breakup, have broken up or if you’re still in a relationship, but you feel he is pulling away then don’t lose hope. I came across a very inspirational relationship coach called Amy North, who teaches women exactly, step-by-step how to recover a relationship by sending him a few very specific text messages. You can get her relationship recovery text messages here.
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jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) //jQuery('.yuzo_related_post').equalizer( overflow : 'relatedthumb' ); jQuery('.yuzo_related_post .yuzo_wraps').equalizer( columns : '> div' ); )
0 notes
taurusmanlove · 6 years
Taurus Man & Libra Woman Break Up
New Post has been published on https://taurusmen.net/taurus-man-libra-woman-break-up/
Taurus Man & Libra Woman Break Up
A Taurus man and a Libra woman have a great connection sexually, emotionally and intellectually.
They both have eyes for artistic and fine-looking things. As such, the attraction and romance between a Taurean man and a Libra lady can be quite strong.
However, Taurus guys love to take their time making decisions, which also go for his relationships, too. However, his Libra girlfriend loves jumping straight into action whenever she has an idea.
Due to this, a Libra woman’s rashness can be somewhat irritating to a Taurus guy who hates been rushed or pushed into making decisions.
Conversely, the stubbornness of a Taurean fella can also be very irritating to his Libra lover, particularly because she would prefer to keep the relationship flowing and balanced.
A relationship between a Taurean guy and Libra lady is one of reciprocating and compromise. However, this match can have many flaws, which can lead to fights and misunderstandings.
If you’re a Libra lady and you’re either currently going through a breakup with a Taurus guy, the relationship has ended or you suspect that he may be thinking of leaving you, then this article may help to give you the info you need to avoid the breakup and recover your relationship.
If you feel you need additional help then take a look at my review of astrologer, Anna Kovach’s new book Taurus Man Secrets. In her book she explains exactly how to get your Taurus man back after a breakup and get him to want to commit to you. You can read my review here.
How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You
Lack of intimacy
Lovemaking sessions between a Taurus male and his Libra mate can be complicated and dissatisfying because of their different needs.
Taurus guys want physical affection from their partner. However, for a Libran lady, it’s usually the emotional connection that she values.
So, this match is likely to have unending conflicts in the bedroom, which can lead to disagreements and separation.
The Taurus man needs to be open, accepting and understanding of emotional needs of his partner, while his Libran lover needs to be receptive and accommodating of the Taurean’s need for sensual and intimate physical affection.
See also: The sexual connection between a Libra woman and Taurus man
He Ignores you
We all love a little attention and approval from other people from time to time. However, for a Libra woman, this can be particularly important, especially from her partner.
If things aren’t going well in the relationship then a Taurus guy may tend to withdraw and even ignore his woman on and off. This can be especially hurtful for a Libra woman.
Silent treatment
The communication between a Taurean guy and Libra woman is not known to be the best.
While this can be tricky even when the relationship is going well, the silent treatment is more likely to occur if things are on the rocks.
If he’s giving you the silent treatment then it could be an indication that he’s thinking of leaving you.
He has become insensitive
Taurus guys are known to be caring, considerate and attentive lovers. They often go the extra mile to try to please their partner.
So, if your Taurean partner has become less considerate or even saying mean and hurtful things, then he’s either annoyed with you about something, or he is no longer interested you.
How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You
Spend time with him
Libra women are known to be very social beings. On the other hand, Taurus men quite often like their own company or to just spend time indoors with their partner.
If you have been spending too much time with him and not seeing much of your friends and family, then doing things without him and catching up with your friends will be a great way to give the both of you a little space.
If he’s not seeing you as much as he’s used to then he may start to miss hanging out with you after a while.
If, however, you haven’t been spending much time with him when it’s just the two of you together, prioritizing a little quality time where the two of you can reconnect with each other without the distractions of other people around you may be just what you need.
Don’t be over-analytical
If you want to have a long lasting relationship with your Taurean lover, it is important that you stop being overly critical of him.
He wants you to accept him as he is and see his good qualities. Taurus guys hate feeling manipulated or that their partner is trying to change them in some way.
A great way to prevent him from feeling like this towards you is to give him some compliments on the things that he is good at or he does for you, which may make him think twice about breaking up with you.
Be trustworthy
Trust is a core value for a Taurus man. If for whatever reason, he doesn’t fully trust you or if he does not feel like he can depend on you then he will, at some point likely pull away from the relationship.
Taurus guys want to be in a relationship with a woman whom they feel has their back. And in return, he will always be there for you too.
How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You
Be patient
Taurus men are slow, methodical and patient. So, when dating a Taurus man, if you also have patience then you’ll have a much easier time dealing with him.
If you’ve already broken up then give him some time and space to think things through on his own terms without feeling pressured. For this, the no contact rule can be very effective for a Taurus man.
If you parted ways because of infidelity, it is important that you exercise patience because Taurus guys do not forgive easily and tend to hold grudges for quite some time.
The first step is to him a heartfelt apology for whatever you have done if you are in the wrong. Then, you need to give him time to calm down and make up his mind whether he will forgive you or not.
Taurus guys hate being pressured into a decision so just give him the time he needs to think things through.
Related article: More ways to make him want you after a breakup
Compliment him
Affection is very important to a Taurus man. So, compliments are often well received. If he is thinking of ending the relationship because he does not feel appreciated then complimenting him is especially important.
Reminding him that he is a special person and that you find him attractive is a great place to start.
Take a mental note of all the things he does for you, big or small, and express our gratitude for his help and consideration.
However, when giving compliments to your Taurus lover, only tell him what is genuine because he will pull back even more if you lie to him.
Be yourself
As a Libra woman, it is important to understand that Taurean men love straightforward women who are comfortable just being themselves.
As such, a Taurus guy is honest about himself and he expects the same from the woman in his life. So, if you have been pretending so that you can please him, it is about time you start showing him the real you and that you are comfortable being yourself around him.
Final Thoughts
It is possible for Taurean man and Libra woman to have an instant attraction, but their match has various challenges that can make it difficult to co-exist.
However, a simple understanding of yourself and also how a Taurus guy thinks and feels about love and relationships can help you to avoid or successfully navigate any issues that arise. If you’re able to do this well, then it is more than possible to have a good relationship with a Taurus guy.
If you’re currently going through a breakup, have broken up or if you’re still in a relationship, but you feel he is pulling away then don’t lose hope. I came across a very inspirational relationship coach called Amy North, who teaches women exactly, step-by-step how to recover a relationship by sending him a few very specific text messages. You can get her relationship recovery text messages here.
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taurusmanlove · 6 years
Taurus Man & Libra Woman Break Up
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Taurus Man & Libra Woman Break Up
A Taurus man and a Libra woman have a great connection sexually, emotionally and intellectually.
They both have eyes for artistic and fine-looking things. As such, the attraction and romance between a Taurean man and a Libra lady can be quite strong.
However, Taurus guys love to take their time making decisions, which also go for his relationships, too. However, his Libra girlfriend loves jumping straight into action whenever she has an idea.
Due to this, a Libra woman’s rashness can be somewhat irritating to a Taurus guy who hates been rushed or pushed into making decisions.
Conversely, the stubbornness of a Taurean fella can also be very irritating to his Libra lover, particularly because she would prefer to keep the relationship flowing and balanced.
A relationship between a Taurean guy and Libra lady is one of reciprocating and compromise. However, this match can have many flaws, which can lead to fights and misunderstandings.
If you’re a Libra lady and you’re either currently going through a breakup with a Taurus guy, the relationship has ended or you suspect that he may be thinking of leaving you, then this article may help to give you the info you need to avoid the breakup and recover your relationship.
If you feel you need additional help then take a look at my review of astrologer, Anna Kovach’s new book Taurus Man Secrets. In her book she explains exactly how to get your Taurus man back after a breakup and get him to want to commit to you. You can read my review here.
How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You
Lack of intimacy
Lovemaking sessions between a Taurus male and his Libra mate can be complicated and dissatisfying because of their different needs.
Taurus guys want physical affection from their partner. However, for a Libran lady, it’s usually the emotional connection that she values.
So, this match is likely to have unending conflicts in the bedroom, which can lead to disagreements and separation.
The Taurus man needs to be open, accepting and understanding of emotional needs of his partner, while his Libran lover needs to be receptive and accommodating of the Taurean’s need for sensual and intimate physical affection.
See also: The sexual connection between a Libra woman and Taurus man
He Ignores you
We all love a little attention and approval from other people from time to time. However, for a Libra woman, this can be particularly important, especially from her partner.
If things aren’t going well in the relationship then a Taurus guy may tend to withdraw and even ignore his woman on and off. This can be especially hurtful for a Libra woman.
Silent treatment
The communication between a Taurean guy and Libra woman is not known to be the best.
While this can be tricky even when the relationship is going well, the silent treatment is more likely to occur if things are on the rocks.
If he’s giving you the silent treatment then it could be an indication that he’s thinking of leaving you.
He has become insensitive
Taurus guys are known to be caring, considerate and attentive lovers. They often go the extra mile to try to please their partner.
So, if your Taurean partner has become less considerate or even saying mean and hurtful things, then he’s either annoyed with you about something, or he is no longer interested you.
How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You
Spend time with him
Libra women are known to be very social beings. On the other hand, Taurus men quite often like their own company or to just spend time indoors with their partner.
If you have been spending too much time with him and not seeing much of your friends and family, then doing things without him and catching up with your friends will be a great way to give the both of you a little space.
If he’s not seeing you as much as he’s used to then he may start to miss hanging out with you after a while.
If, however, you haven’t been spending much time with him when it’s just the two of you together, prioritizing a little quality time where the two of you can reconnect with each other without the distractions of other people around you may be just what you need.
Don’t be over-analytical
If you want to have a long lasting relationship with your Taurean lover, it is important that you stop being overly critical of him.
He wants you to accept him as he is and see his good qualities. Taurus guys hate feeling manipulated or that their partner is trying to change them in some way.
A great way to prevent him from feeling like this towards you is to give him some compliments on the things that he is good at or he does for you, which may make him think twice about breaking up with you.
Be trustworthy
Trust is a core value for a Taurus man. If for whatever reason, he doesn’t fully trust you or if he does not feel like he can depend on you then he will, at some point likely pull away from the relationship.
Taurus guys want to be in a relationship with a woman whom they feel has their back. And in return, he will always be there for you too.
How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You
Be patient
Taurus men are slow, methodical and patient. So, when dating a Taurus man, if you also have patience then you’ll have a much easier time dealing with him.
If you’ve already broken up then give him some time and space to think things through on his own terms without feeling pressured. For this, the no contact rule can be very effective for a Taurus man.
If you parted ways because of infidelity, it is important that you exercise patience because Taurus guys do not forgive easily and tend to hold grudges for quite some time.
The first step is to him a heartfelt apology for whatever you have done if you are in the wrong. Then, you need to give him time to calm down and make up his mind whether he will forgive you or not.
Taurus guys hate being pressured into a decision so just give him the time he needs to think things through.
Related article: More ways to make him want you after a breakup
Compliment him
Affection is very important to a Taurus man. So, compliments are often well received. If he is thinking of ending the relationship because he does not feel appreciated then complimenting him is especially important.
Reminding him that he is a special person and that you find him attractive is a great place to start.
Take a mental note of all the things he does for you, big or small, and express our gratitude for his help and consideration.
However, when giving compliments to your Taurus lover, only tell him what is genuine because he will pull back even more if you lie to him.
Be yourself
As a Libra woman, it is important to understand that Taurean men love straightforward women who are comfortable just being themselves.
As such, a Taurus guy is honest about himself and he expects the same from the woman in his life. So, if you have been pretending so that you can please him, it is about time you start showing him the real you and that you are comfortable being yourself around him.
Final Thoughts
It is possible for Taurean man and Libra woman to have an instant attraction, but their match has various challenges that can make it difficult to co-exist.
However, a simple understanding of yourself and also how a Taurus guy thinks and feels about love and relationships can help you to avoid or successfully navigate any issues that arise. If you’re able to do this well, then it is more than possible to have a good relationship with a Taurus guy.
If you’re currently going through a breakup, have broken up or if you’re still in a relationship, but you feel he is pulling away then don’t lose hope. I came across a very inspirational relationship coach called Amy North, who teaches women exactly, step-by-step how to recover a relationship by sending him a few very specific text messages. You can get her relationship recovery text messages here.
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