#park yoon hak
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swiftletinthecloud · 1 year ago
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Knight Flower 밤에 피는 꽃 (2024)
@asiandramanet january - february bingo:CHARACTER PROFILES
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junkobato · 2 years ago
Upcoming Kdrama August 2023 ❤️
4/8: My Dearest with Nam Goong Min, Ahn Eun Jin, Lee Hak Joo. 20 episodes; historical, romance. trailer
4/8: First Responders 2 with Kim Rae Won, Son Ho Joom, Gong Seung Yun. 12 episodes; action, drama. trailer
9/8: Moving with Han Hyo Joo, Jo In Sung, Go Yoon Jung. 20 episodes; action, supernatural. trailer
10/8: The Killing Vote with Lim Ji Yeon, Park Hae Jin, Park Sung Woong. 12 episodes; thriller, mystery, horror. trailer
12/8: Behind Your Touch with Han Ji Min, Lee Min Ki, Suho. 16 episodes; rom-com, supernatural. trailer
18/8: Mask Girl with Go Hyun Jung, Nana, Ahn Jae Hong. 7 episodes; thriller, comedy. trailer
21/8: My Lovely Boxer with Lee Sang Yeop, Kim So Hye, Kim Jin Woo. 12 episodes; youth, sports. trailer
23/8: Destined With You with Jo Bo Ah, Ro Woon, Ha Joon. 16 episodes; law, romance, fantasy. trailer
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Just in time for my summer holidays 😅😅
Planning to watch at least 5 from these... What about you? ☺️
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stuff-diary · 2 months ago
Family Matters
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Family Matters (2024, South Korea)
Directors: Kim Gok & Kim Sun
Writer: Kim Jung Min
Started this because of the cast and... that's basically the main reason why I finished it. The last two episodes were really good but, before that, I spent a lot of time just scratching my head. It felt like the show was simply setting things up for what's to come, so it never gave enough information to properly tie its many plot threads, nor did it follow a clear logic. And it was pretty obvious that a lot of stuff was left on the cutting room floor in order to reduce the initial 8-episode order. Furthermore, its sense of humor was very hit-or-miss; sometimes I laughed out loud and others I was like "wtf". Still, the cast is fantastic, and like I said before, I enjoyed the final episodes a lot, so I would probably come back for a second season of Family Matters.
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onenakedfarmer · 7 months ago
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PROJECT WOLF HUNTING Kim Hong-sun Korea, 2022
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passionforfiction · 9 months ago
My Dearest
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This historical drama 21-episodes long is full provoked different feelings in me. It is set in the Qing invasion and we go through all of it with the different characters. Gil Chae is the older daughter of a scholar and she was frivolous, attention-seeking and selfish. I didn't like how she played with the young men in her village, knowing they had a girl waiting for them. She was in love with her friend's fiancé and she tried every way possible to get his attention, but Yeon Joon didn't weaver. It in this "peaceful" time that she meets Lee Jang Hyun, who was passing by the village with his two friends. This young man was not a follower, he wasn't fooled by Gil Chae's flirty ways and he was sort of a player himself. He was a very analytical person, a strategist and a very smart man, which made Yeon Joon and all his fellow scholars look foolish and too naive. Once the invasion starts and the foolish scholars want to join the fight, it is Lee Jang Hyun, who keeps them all alive and that's when he meets the Crown Prince's assistant. Meantime, Gil Chae does the same with the women that were left behind. She makes sure the four of them and a new born child stay alive and return to their village.
This story is not just about Gil Chae and Lee Jang Hyun, but also about the Crown Prince and his wife, and Eun Ae and Yeon Joon. I found it so infuriating that the men expected women to commit suicide if barbarians raped or touched them. It infuriated me how the ones that stayed in Joseon criticized those that were captives and lived years in Qing and then came back home to Joseon. How could they not put themselves in the shoes of those people who suffered so much in a strange land away from home? It infuriated me how the king's concubine lied and manipulated the king to see the Crown Prince as bad. I liked the prince and the princess, they would have been humane rulers because they had lived those experiences together, the king was blinded by his fears to see the truth right in front of his eyes. How could he not understand that his people wanted to back home. They had been taken prisoners and they demonstrated their loyalty by helping the prince and working.
It is a story that takes us through the ups and downs of the relationships between the characters. I like how we can see the gradual change in each character, how their experiences make them mature, while others talk without thinking, hurting people. Specially Yeon Joon with Eun Ae. I liked it. It's a beautiful story with a balance of elements of political intrigue, action, and romance.
Poster from Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Dearest#/media/File:My_Dearest.png
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korelist · 9 months ago
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 7,8 Benim Puanım: 8
Drama: My Name (English title) / Undercover (early working title)
Hangul: 마이 네임
Director: Kim Jin-Min
Writer: Kim Ba-Da
Date: 2021
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Han So-Hee, Park Hee-Soon, Ahn Bo-Hyun, Lee Hak-Joo, Yoon Kyung-Ho
8 bölümlük minnacık bu dizi çok uzun süredir listemdeydi. Başroldeki hanım arkadaşımızı bir türlü sevemediğim için başlamıyordum. Sonra Nevertheless dizisini izlediğime göre artık bu diziye de bir şans vermenin zamanı geldi diye düşündüm. Bölüm sayısı ve süresi kısa olan bu dizi aynı zamanda son dönem moda olan 1. Kısım – 2. Kısım kafasına da girmemiş. 8 bölüm çekmiş anlatacağını anlatmış, bitirmiş. Bu anlamda benden bir geçer not aldı. Keza dizinin konuyu anlatma şeklini izlediğinizde bana katılacağınızı düşünüyorum, dizi zaten 8 bölümden uzun olamazmış. Hatta bir ihtimal bölümleri 1 saat yapıp 6 bölümlük bile yapılabilirmiş.
Konusu aptalca bir intikam planı olarak yazılmış. Bunu kötü yazılmış anlamında söylemiyorum. Itaewon Class ve Reborn Rich gibi zekice planlanmış intikam konulu dizilerin üzerine bunun zekice bir intikam planı olduğunu söyleyemeyiz. Zaten örnek verdiğim iki dizinin kalite olarak yanından dahi geçemeyeceğini de belirteyim. Aynı kulvarda yarışmıyorlar onu da bir netleştirelim. Senaryo gereği fevri karar verilmiş, çokta zekice olmaya bir şekilde planlanmış bir intikam hikayesi olarak özetleyebiliriz.
Yoon Ji-Woo(Han So-Hee)’nın babası Yoon Dong-Hoon(Yoon Kyung-Ho) polis tarafından aranmaktadır. Bu yüzden sürekli evi gözetlenmektedir. Babası aranan bir suçlu olduğu ve annesi olmadığı için de tek başına yaşamak zorunda kalan bir lise öğrencisidir. Okulda bu konu ile sürekli üzerine gelinmekte, zor zamanlar geçirmektedir. Doğum gününde babası dayanamayıp eve gelir ancak kapının kilidini açarken vurularak öldürülür. Ji-Woo’da buna kapı deliğinden şahit olur. Polis merkezini ne kadar aşındırsa da babasının katili ile ilgili hiçbir sonuç çıkmaz. Cahil cesareti ve gözü dönmüşlük ile babasının en yakın arkadaşı dedikleri uyuşturucu kartelinin başı olan Choi Mu-Jin(Park Hee-Soon)’a gider ve babasının katilini bulmasını ister.
Big boss Mu-Jin karizmanın yürüyen hali olarak kızımızı önce reddeder, sonra alır getirir çetenin dövüşmeyi öğrendiği mekana. Bu kızı ben getirdim, artık bizden biri der. Atar onca testosteron salgılayan yamyamın içine. Gözünü intikam bürümüş olan kızımızın planı da burada güçlenecek ve babasının katilini bulup öldürecektir. Toparlayacak olursak, Mu-Jin babasının katilinin bir polis olduğunu söyleyince, kızımız akademiye girip polisin içine sızıyor. Ve hikaye böyle böyle akıyor.  
Canım genç polis memuru Jeon Pil-Do rolünde Ahn Bo-Hyun role o kadar güzel yakışmıştı ki… Itaewon Class’ın kötü adamını bu kadar seveceğimi hiç düşünmezdim. Youth MT isimli reality show’u izlediğimde Bo-Hyun’a oldukça ısınmıştım. Tekrar söylüyorum bu diziye inanılmaz yakışmış. Kendisinin kötü adam olarak izlemediğim için de ayrıca memnun oldum. 
Dizi tam bir Netflix dizisiydi. Kore dizilerine benzemeyen bir kimya ile yapılmıştı. Kötü anlamda mı iyi anlamda mı karar veremedim. Belki de çok fazla bu tarz dizi izlemiş biri olarak ilk saniyede sonunu tahmin etmiş olmak beni biraz da üzdü. İlk bölüm sonunda aha dedim böyle bitecek bu dizi, inşallah yanılıyorumdur. Yanılmış olmayı gerçekten çok isterdim. Merak uyandırıyordu ama “benim tahmin ettiğim gibi mi çıkacak” şeklinde bir meraktı. Oyunculuklar şahaneydi, onu atlamayalım. Herkes inanılmaz konunun içine girerek tam anlamı ile adapte bir şekilde oyunculuk sergilemişti. Karakterleri adeta yaşıyorlardı.
Sonuna gelirsek, evet düşündüğüm şekilde sonuçlandı ama düşünmediğim şekilde sert bir son yapıldı. Gerçekten bu kadarına gerek var mıydı diye sorguladım. Ve bir miktarda tutarsız buldum. Vallahi tadım kaçtı. Dizide hemen hemen herkes mütemadiyen yaralanıyordu. Ama öyle böyle yaralanmak değil, kan revan oluyorlardı. Sonraki sahnede ise hiçbir şey yok gibi olmaları dizinin gerçekçiliğini benim gözümde sorgulattı. Son ana kadar bunu göz ardı etmişken finalde overdose oldum.
Dizi, izleyiciyi rahatsız edici havası ile kısa bir yolculuğa çıkarıyor. Benim şahsi fikrim çıkılabilir bir yolculuk olduğu yönünde. Hala başrol hanım kızımız Han So-Hee’ya çok ısınamamış olsam da, dizi için güzel bir tercih olduğunu düşünüyorum. Abbys dizisinde sezon boyunca “anam, anam, anamda anam” diye dolaşmasından ötürü bizim lügatımızda ismi “anam anam” kaldı. Bu dizide de “babamda babam” diyordu ama uzunca bir süre daha anam anam kalacak gibi durmuyor.
Rapheal Lake, Royal Baggs - A Thought is haunting me
Raven Melus
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olivierdemangeon · 2 years ago
      Les forces de police coréennes rapatrient, un groupe de dangereux criminels sur un cargo spécialement affrété et conditionné. Malgré la sécurité accrue, ceux-ci parviennent à s’échapper et massacrent les forces de l’ordre ainsi que les membres de l’équipage. Toutefois, un mal bien plus profond se libère également de la soute du bateau…     “Project Wolf Hunting” est un thriller d’action…
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unnieshimkoongkdramas · 1 year ago
Castaway Diva
Actors: Park Eun Bin, Kim Hyo Jin, Chae Jong Hyeop, Cha Hak Yeon Plot Seo Mok Ha has dreams of becoming a singer like her favourite singer, Yoon Ran Joo. In an attempt to escape her abusive father, she is stranded on a deserted island for 15 years. That is all I want to tell you because this must be enjoyed. It’s definitely in my top 3 for 2023. My Review This show is full of emotions from…
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kdramacrybaby · 6 months ago
Castaway Diva (2023)
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Genre: Romance, Comedy, Life
Synopsis: Seo Mok-ha has always dreamed of singing with her biggest idol, Yoon Ran-joo - a dream that would let her escape her current life. She meets Jung ki-ho, who at first is reluctant to help her, but then slowly starts to believe in her dreams too. They also realize they have more in common than first thought, and makes a promise that when things get bad, they'll run away together. Their big escape fails, however, and Mok-ha finds herself on a deserted island - where she ends up living by herself for the next fifteen years. Finally, she's found by a group of people going around cleaning up trash from the islands in the area, and she's taken back to civilization. The two brothers who found her - Kang Woo-hak and Kang Bo-geol - helps her navigate this whole new world. And even after all this time, Mok-ha has never given up her dream. And she needs to find out what happened to Ki-ho too.
Episode info: 12 episodes / Runtime around 80 minutes
Lead cast: Park Eun-bin (Seo Mok-ha), Lee Re (young Mok-ha), Moon Woo-jin (young Ki-ho), Kim Hyo-jin (Yoon Ran-joo), Cha Hak-yeon (Kang Woo-hak), Chae Jong-hyeop (Kang Bo-geol), Seo Jeong-yeon (Song Ha-jeong), Lee Joong-ok (Kang Sang-du), Lee Seung-joon (Jung Bong-wan).
Link to watch: You can watch on Netflix and Dramacool
Drama rec masterlist | Drama rant thread (beware of spoilers)
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I don't know what it is about this drama, but something about it just hit me so hard. I cannot count how many times I cried watching this - and not big ugly crying, just tears streaming down my face, from happiness, sadness, hopefulness, hopelessness. Just so many feelings.
It doesn't feel like a drama that would be this emotional from just looking at it, but damn, they really go for the gut punches.
It's about family - both the one you can't choose, and the one you make for yourself. The friends you make along the way - the real ones and the ones you later learn were never on your side. It's about reaching for your dreams, no matter how long the road may be, and to enjoy the journey while you're doing it. It's never too late to do that one thing you've always dreamed of, if you work hard enough, you will succeed - maybe not in the way you first imagined, but in the way that needed to happen.
Go through life with kindness, give people the benefit of the doubt, but at the same time not allowing people to walk all over you. You can stand strong and firm on your own, without trampling on others.
I've been in a drama slump for a while, and every drama I've watched I've either not finished or just felt meh about, but this one... I'm so happy I watched it. I'm about to hit my thirties, and sometimes think about what my life could have been had I done x or y, so seeing Mok-ha still out there chasing her dreams and just doing her best at that same age was really comforting in a way. We're still young, and we still have so much time to do what we want. It's gonna be okay.
And the music! Oh my gosh, the entire soundtrack is amazing. Park Eun-bin has such a magical voice. My favorites are definitely Dream Us, Someday, and Fly Away.
All the actors just blew it out of the park - I'm especially impressed by the two young actors Lee Re and Moon Woo-jin who played the younger versions of Mok-ha and Ki-ho. Their roles dealt with some really sensitive topics, and they just gave us everything they had in raw emotions. It would take too long if I had to go over every single actor in this drama, but just know that they all pulled their weight and more. What a dream cast!
This drama is one of the ones I'll be thinking about randomly for years to come, I can already tell. Highly recommended watch.
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lenteur · 1 year ago
random thoughts about castaway diva, episode three
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
i'm glad we're getting to see more moments of mok ha during her time on the deserted island.
I'm also glad we're seeing so many parallels between her and yoon ran joo and i really hope the show will develop the relationship between the two women because the story is very interesting.
I'm just speechless because both women have so much in common but they don't know it yet. They're both born in the same island, they have a passion for singing, they went through the same hurdles at the same time. It's details like these that make their bond so special.
The su*c*dal ideation for both mok ha and ran joo is understandable. Mok ha has spent a long time alone on that deserted island that she lost hope of someone finding her. She figured no one would miss her/no one thinks she's alive after all that time. It's not easy being alone for more than a decade with no one to talk to. For the latter (ran joo), I think her dark thoughts occurred when the public turned on her because of her attitude. The only thing that made her happy (singing) was no longer an option because no one wanted to listen to her. Or maybe it's because of the band-aid on her neck? I don't know what it is but it could be the cause of her distress and less than happy thoughts?
I see ran joo's ex manager turned into her new CEO profited from her to become some hotshot in the entertainment industry. It seems he forgot about her and invested the money he promised to her on new and younger artists.
It's really telling how women are more affected by time in the entertainment industry. Once she became "too old" or "too diva-ish" (sorry for my lack of vocab), lee seo jun (finally found his name) along with the public diverted his time and attention to someone else. I'm saying the entertainment industry is more severe on women because only one little tiny mistake can make them fired/erased from public attention. For men, it seems the industry and public is lenient on them. This is only my opinion that I based on things I've seen in the music industry as a whole.
Lee seo jun compared the artist to flowers that wither with time. I think it's the perfect image to describe what I was trying to say earlier (cf. Previous point).
So yes, it is only natural for yoon ran joo to be sad because she can no longer do the thing she loves the most: singing.
The audacity to name the company RJ Entertainment and mistreat the artist who started it all!!! And to rename it RNJ so it won't be based on ran joo's name anymore. I'm seething. All men do is lie and cheat. BOOOOOOOOOOO!!! tomatoes tomatoes
Mok ha is so cute as a fangirl. Park eun bin really nailed that part lol.
I find it both sad and beautiful that the only person that seems to pay attention to/care about yoon ran joo is mok ha when lee seo jun should be the one to do so.
Woo hak insulting ki ho stating a literal teenager should be able to throw down a whole adult, an adult that is as tall as a fridge? He's lucky I wasn't right in front of him or else I would've slapped him so hard he would've landed on the moon. How can you blame a child for that?
So it's both the abandonment from her company and the vocal nodules that made ran joo spiral into alc*h*l and dark thoughts. This must have been painful to hold in for so long. And the fact that mok ha is the first person she told this to is another proof of how strong their bond is. It might not have been long but they both are each other's confidant/emtional support.
It seems that even ran joo disappointed mok ha by giving her false hope when dr*nk. Even then, mok ha is worried about her and wonders what she went through to change so much. Mok ha is the only one who hasn't changed that much after all that time. It's like time stopped for her while everyone else moved on and changed.
Just like ki ho said, mok ha liked ran joo because she lacked worries and gloominess. But now it's not the case so i'm wondering if mok ha will stop being a fangirl and see ran joo in another light.
Okay so bear with me while i try to write my thoughts. I just find seo mok ha empathetic to the point where she sometimes forgets herself. She's willing to protect ran joo and pretend she didn't hear her beg for an audition. She's going as far as giving her compliments that no one has told her (ran joo) in a very long time. I think this is both a strength and a weakness because I can predict some people will take advantage of that (and her credulity) to manipulate her. However, just like I mentioned before, Mok ha still hasn't changed at all and has kept her naivety. So yeah, I'm very interested to see how or if she will evolve in that sense.
I'm just saying that because mok ha was ready to throw hands when she understood how lee seo jun took advantage of ran joo, but it seems she puts others before her.
The man that took over the seafood restaurant is a betrayer. First he told ki ho's dad how he was working and earning money to save for the future. And now he's also telling the father that mok ha came to visit him. It's disgusting because he's trying to hide it behind a smile. He's on the father's side because ki ho never dared accuse his own father of ab*se. I mean when his own dad is a police officer, it's difficult to do so.
The truth bomb scene is exactly what i said previously. Women in the entertainment industry are aging way quicker than anyone else. The truth hurt mok ha and it's like she's submerged with it. She doesn't know what to do. Even then, she finds it in her heart to have empathy for ran joo. Mok ha is an incredible and strong woman.
I am so happy they developed the story around mok ha and ran joo. They're helping each other out and making the other realize things that they wouldn't be able to see otherwise.
I'm relieved someone opened ran joo's eyes about lee seo jun's goals. He wants to wait until the end of ran joo's contract just so she won't become the majority shareholder of the company. That's why he left her. He doesn't want her to sell 20 million albums. GOOD JOB MOK HA! GO KICK LEE SEO JUN'S ASS RAN JOO!!!
i'll give this episode a 9.5/10 as well
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iuteamstarcandy · 1 year ago
[LYRICS] IU (아이유) - 잠자는 숲 속의 왕자 (Sleeping Prince) (Feat. Yoon Sang)
Lyrics by Park Chang-hak
Composed by Yoon Sang
How much longer are you going to be
running away into your dreams?
Though I’m sure that everything
will end in the morning,
just watching you sleep,
I’m tired of it, I’m tired of it
When you open your eyes,
I may have already left for some place far away
The person who woke me from my sleep
Did you forget that it was you?
All the promises we made in the dreams
Open your eyes, now where did they go?
How much longer are you going to be
running away into your dreams?
Though I’m sure that everything
will end in the morning
just watching you sleep,
I’m tired of it, I’m tired of it.
When you open your eyes,
I may have already left for some place far away
The person who woke me from my sleep
Did you forget that it was you?
All the promises we made in the dreams
Open your eyes, now where did they go?
When did things start going wrong?
From the very beginning
It wasn’t supposed to end like this
Did you forget that everything remains the same?
Like it’s been decided since ages ago,
we should stay happy for a long, long time
The person who woke me from my sleep
Did you forget that it was you?
All the promises we made in the dreams
Open your eyes, now where did they go?
The person who woke me from my sleep
Did you forget that it was you?
All the promises we made in the dreams
Open your eyes, now where did they go?
언제까지 너의 꿈속으로
달아나는 거야
아침이면 모두 어김없이
끝나 버릴 텐데
잠든 너를 지켜보는 것도
지겨워 지겨워
눈을 뜨면 나는 먼 곳으로
떠났을지 몰라
자고 있던 나를 깨워 놓은 건
잊어버렸니 바로 너였을 텐데
꿈결 속에 들려준 약속들 모두
눈을 떠 봐 어디간 거야
언제까지 너의 꿈속으로
달아나는 거야
아침이면 모두 어김없이
끝나 버릴텐데
잠든 너를 지켜보는 것도
지겨워 지겨워
눈을 뜨면 나는 먼 곳으로
떠났을지 몰라
자고 있던 나를 깨워 놓은 건
잊어버렸니 바로 너였을 텐데
꿈결 속에 들려준 약속들 모두
눈을 떠 봐 어디간 거야
어디에서부터 잘못된 거야
맨 처음부터
이런 것이 끝은 아니었잖아
잊어버렸니 모두 그대로인걸
옛날부터 그렇게 정해진대로
오래오래 행복해야지
자고 있던 나를 깨워 놓은 건
잊어버렸니 바로 너였을 텐데
꿈결 속에 들려준 약속들 모두
눈을 떠 봐 어디간 거야
자고 있던 나를 깨워 놓은 건
잊어버렸니 바로 너였을 텐데
꿈결 속에 들려준 약속들 모두
눈을 떠 봐 어디간 거야
Translated by Spotify
Edited by IUteamstarcandy
Source: Melon
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swiftletinthecloud · 1 year ago
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turning them around before knocking them out is such a risky move though, especially for Soo Ho, since they saw his face.
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Kang Pil Jik and his cleaver, he's definitely the one who killed Soo Ho's family and gave him the scar on his back, especially since when they first met, Soo Ho mentioned that there was something familiar about Pil Jik but he couldn't placed him.
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Park Soo Ho drunk ranting about Cho Yeo Hwa to his bro 😂😂
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LOL no, Soo Ho drunk ranting about Yeo Hwa to everyone in the vicinity and then not remembering about it 🤣🤣🤣
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The Commandant still traumatized by their war of words LOL
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For someone so kind and calm so far, she was very hasty in agreeing and putting the blame on her servant. I wonder if she's the one that killed her husband considering that the last scene we saw of him was him beating her.
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Him having to deal with his drunk brother the night before and now his crush
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them finding common ground over the ppl they worry about
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the other widow daughter-in-law having just as horrible of a time as Yeo Hwa with her own MIL. only good thing for Yeo Hwa is her MIL hasn't pushed her to die yet in her 15 years as a widow
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The fact that during his investigation into the framed servant and hearing that he has a secret widow lover and then seeing Yeo Hwa almost speaking up for the servant really did stir Soo Ho's jealousy. I wonder if he knew/remembered that there is another noble widow or does he just assumed that the woman he likes already has a secret lover?
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I knew it! She poisoned his wine or something with the flower petals right? Did she or the Queen Dowager do the same thing 15 years ago to the late king? Yeo Hwa's FIL obviously knew right away from the purple spot in the mouth comment that it was because of the petals. And while he's acting as a kind husband and father-in-law, he definitely knew/or was behind the late king's death.
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2015mai24 · 2 years ago
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#hardcore pure#🎬
ich habe schon viele koreanische Filme gesehen, der bricht die Gnadenlosigkeit
Seo In-guk as Park Jong-doo Jang Dong-yoon as Lee Do-il Choi Gwi-hwa as Alpha Park Ho-san as Lee Seok-woo Jung So-min as Lee Da-yeon Ko Chang-seok as Go Kun-bae Jang Young-nam as Choi Myeong-ju Sung Dong-il as Oh Dae-woong Son Jong-hak as Soo-cheol Lee Sung-wook as Kyung-ho Hong Ji-yoon as Song Ji-eun Jung Moon-sung as Kyu-tae Lim Ju-hwan as Representative director Kwon Soo-hyun as Jin Kang-woo Jung Sung-il as Detective Jung Pil-sung Kim Kang-hoon as Lee Do-il's son Lee Hong-nae as Piercing Shin Seung-hwan as Mantis
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genkinahito · 2 years ago
Bear Man 웅남이 (2023) Director: Park Sung-kwang [New York Asian Film Festival 2023]
Bear Man  웅남이   「Woongnami」 Release Date: March 22nd, 2023 Duration: 97 mins. Director: Park Sung-kwang Writer: Kim Hwang-do (Screenplay), Starring: Park Sung-woong (Na Woong-nam/Lee Jeong-hak), Oh Dal-soo (Na Bok-cheon), Yeom Hye-ran (Jang Kyeong-sook), Lee Yi-kyeong (Jo Mal-bong), Baek Ji-hye (Yoon Na-ra), Choi Min-soo (Lee Jeong-sik) Website IMDB Look at that title. Bear Man. What does it make…
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floristars · 5 days ago
Kerruffles' Writing Commission Sheet
greetings, this is akiharu speaking! thank you for the consideration in commissioning me. before we proceed further, please kindly read the information attached below to avoid any misunderstanding/miscommunication.
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Public Service Announcement!
marked february 2025, i'm not doing any english based narration. all of my commissions will be written in bahasa indonesia. further changes may apply depending on how confident am i that day.
i will be accepting narration commission only and will NOT accept any social media au commission.
waktu pengerjaan komisi membutuhkan waktu 7-20 hari per 1000 kata (tergantung antrean). jika ada kendala/pengunduran akan aku informasikan secepat kilat.
kalian boleh meminta revisi pada hasil akhir TANPA tambahan biaya sebanyak maksimal 2x (dua kali).
hasil komisi bersifat private/pribadi. i will not post the result on kerruffles' twitter account until you give me the permission.
aku punya hak untuk menolak komisi apabila aku keberatan dengan prompt kamu. further discussion are allowed karena ada kemungkinan aku akan merubah pikiran seiring kita mencocokkan preferensi.
please pay attention to the fact that i still have ALL the authority to claim the copyright of my own writings even though you have completed the final payment. resell/claiming/editing are NOT allowed. reposting it on your own account is alright but please kindly credit me.
final result will be delivered with PDF/Ms. Word format through google drive.
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What I Don't Write:
DD:DNE (dead dove: do not eat)
graphic portrayal/description of suicide/self-harm
rape, SA (this contains non-con and dub-con)
underage sex (characters below 18)
bdsm and many other unfamiliar kinks
heavy fantasy/heavy gore/heavy political topic
furry/humanoid animal/hybrid
character x OC/character x reader
What I Do Write:
alpha/beta/omega dynamics
rule 63; genderbending/genderswitch
religion (catholic) imagery
familiar/common kinks
T4T (trans for trans)
and basically i do write all things that aren't mentioned in the 'What I Don't Write' section
PS. i'm very much confident in writing hurt/comfort, MCD, mutual pining, angst with happy/no happy ending, and fluff. untuk genre kayaknya aku gak punya preferensi spesifik but slice of life, romance, drama, and queer coming of age are the ones that i write the most. i'd love to give historical genre a shot sometimes, though.
PSS. yes, you may commission me to write from my own universes (LRPD, crashing waves, larasmadya, thomas—galang's fleabag, and strawberry flavoured tart). hasil akhir komisi ini sama sekali gak berpengaruh ke alur cerita asli dan memiliki sifat alternative plot/ending.
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ateez: every. single. duo combination; with no other left behind.
seventeen: yoon jeonghan/choi seungcheol, choi seungcheol/hong jisoo, hong jisoo/lee seokmin, kim mingyu/jeon wonwoo, kim mingyu/xu minghao, lee chan/choi hansol
zb1: sung hanbin/zhang hao, kim jiwoong/zhang hao, kim jiwoong/shen quan rui, kim gyuvin/shen quan rui.
aespa: yu jimin/kim minjeong, yu jimin/aeri uchinaga, aeri uchinaga/ning yizhuo
others: park wonbin/jung sungchan, park wonbin/song eunseok, park wonbin/lee chanyoung, jung sungchan/osaki shotaro, cho seungyoun/han seungwoo, yves/chuu, sua/siyeon, kang seulgi/bae irene, kang seulgi/kim chungha, kim hongjoong/kim chungha
moriarty the patriot: william moriarty/sherlock holmes, jame bonde/sebastian moran, albert moriarty/mycroft holmes
jujutsu kaisen: suguru geto/satoru gojo, suguru geto/shoko ieiri, shoko ieiri/utahime iori, yuta okkotsu/toge inumaki, yuta okkotsu/maki zenin, maki zenin/nobara kugisaki, nobara kugisaki/yuuji itadori, yuuji itadori/megumi fushiguro
tamen de gushi
our dream at dusk
i hear the sunspot
the guy that she was interested in wasn't a guy at all
and many more actually i forget what i've watched/read so feel free to ask if i fw them
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SFW: IDR 65.000 / 1000 (1k) words
NSFW: IDR 80.000 / 1000 (1k) words
PS. harga berlaku kelipatan. untuk sekarang, aku hanya terima payment melalui trakteer/transfer bank BCA.
How to Order
reach out to me via Twitter DM to talk about your prompt and/how would you love to have your commission written. pengerjaan komisi dimulai waktu aku sudah setuju untuk mengerjakan prompt dari kamu. for those who ordered more than 2000 words, you MUST pay 50% from the total payment before i start working on it and the rest shall be payed after the final writing has been delivered.
you may visit my narrative portfolios on my medium (@kerruffles) or my Ao3 (@adolsscent).
now, feel free to contact me on twitter (@kerruffles) and i shall bring your thoughts to life. toodles!
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goalhofer · 4 months ago
2024 olympics South Korea roster
Je-Deok Kim (Seoul)
Woo-Jin Kim (Okcheon Gun)
Woo-Seok Lee (Incheon)
Hun-Young Jeon (Incheon)
Si-Hyeon Lim (Gangneung)
Su-Hyeon Nam (Suncheon)
Jangwoo Kim (Seoul)
Byeong-Gwang Choe (Seoul)
Sang-Hyeok Woo (Daejeon)
Hyeok-Jin Jeon (Ulsan)
Min-Hyuk Kang (Suwon)
Seung-Jae Seo (Buan Gun)
Won-Ho Kim (Suwon)
Ga-Eun Kim (Suwon)
Se-Young An (Gwangju)
Ha-Na Baek (Gimcheon)
So-Hee Lee (Ulsan)
So-Yeong Kim (Incheon)
Hee-Yong Kong (Jincheon Gun)
Yoo-Jung Chae (Suwon)
Na-Eun Jeong (Seoul)
Ae-Ji Im (Hwasun Gun)
Yeon-Ji Oh (Gunsan)
Hong-Yul Kim (Seoul)
Eun-Cheol Shin (Seoul)
Dohyun Lee (Seoul)
Chae-Hyun Seo (Seoul)
Eu-Ro Kim (Seoul)
Min-Ji Song (Seoul)
Jaegyeong Yi (Ulsan)
Jung-Whi Shin (Seoul)
Ha-Ram Woo (Busan)
Yeong-Taek Kim (Incheon)
Na-Hyun Kim (Seoul)
Su-Ji Kim (Changwon)
Young-Shik Hwang (Osan)
Jae-Won Kim (Seoul)
Tae-Gyu Ha (Seoul)
Bon-Gil Gu (Daegu)
Sang-Uk Oh (Daejeon)
Sang-Won Park (Daejeon)
Gyeong-Dong Do (Yeongcheon)
Se-Ra Song (Geumsan Gun)
Hye-In Lee (Ulsan)
Young-Mi Kang (Incheon)
In-Jeong Choi (Geumsan Gun)
Ji-Su Yoon (Busan)
Sebin Choi (Suwon)
Ha-Young Jeon (Daejeon)
Eun-Hye Jeon (Daejeon)
Joo-Hyung Kim (Seoul)
Byeong-Hun An (Orlando, Florida)
Hee-Young Yang (Orlando, Florida)
Hyo-Joo Kim (Wonju)
Jin-Young Ko (Frisco, Texas)
Jun-Ho Lee (Seoul)
Woong Hur (Seoul)
Sung-Hyun Ryu (Seoul)
Seo-Jeong Yeo (Yongin)
Do-Hyun Eom (Seoul)
Da-Yeong Lee (Seoul)
Yun-Seo Lee (Seoul)
Sol-Yi Shin (Chungju)
Bitna Woo (Seoul)
Eunseo Kang (Seoul)
Ji-Yeon Jeon (Samcheok)
Da-Young Kim (Busan)
Jin-Mi Shin (Seoul)
Ji-Young Song (Gwangmyeong)
Eun-Joo Shin (Incheon)
Eun-Hee Ryu (Incheon)
Jin-Hui Jeong (Seoul)
Sae-Young Park (Seoul)
Mi-Seul Han (Sokcho)
Eun-Hye Kang (Seoul)
Kyung-Min Kang (Incheon)
Bo-Eun Gim (Samcheok)
Won-Jin Kim (Cheorwon Gun)
Ba-Ul An (Anyang)
Joon-Hwan Lee (Gumi)
Ju-Yeop Han (Seoul)
Min-Jong Kim (Seoul)
Hye-Kyeong Lee (Ulsan)
Ye-Rin Jung (Daegu)
Mi-Mi Huh (Tokyo, Japan)
Ji-Su Kim (Himeji, Japan)
Hyun-Ji Yoon (Cheorwon Gun)
Ha-Jun Kim (Busan)
Woong-Tae Jung (Gwangju)
Changwan Seo (Yeongam)
Sunwoo Kim (Seoul)
Seung-Min Seong (Daegu)
Jee-Min Ha (Busan)
Daehan Choe (Changwon)
Min-Su Kim (Seoul)
Ha-Jun Park (Yangyang Gun)
Won-Ho Lee (Busan)
Yeong-Jae Cho (Chuncheon)
Jong-Ho Song (Seoul)
Eun-Seo Lee (Seoul)
Kook-Hee Jang (Seoul)
Ji-Hyeon Keum (Ulsan)
Ha-Na Im (Wonju)
Ye-Ji Kim (Danyang Gun)
Ye-Jin Oh (Hacheon-Ri)
Ji-In Yang (Namwon)
Gee-Eun Kang (Seoul)
Bo-Na Lee (Seoul)
Dong-Yeol Choi (Seoul)
Min-Seop Kim (Seoul)
Yeonghyeon Kim (Seoul)
Ji-Hun Kim (Seoul)
Yu-Chan Ji (Gwangju)
Sun-Woo Hwang (Suwon)
Woo-Min Kim (Busan)
Ju-Ho Lee (Seoul)
Sung-Jae Cho (Ansan)
Ho-Joon Lee (Seoul)
Yoo-Yeon Lee (Anyang)
Jae-Hoon Yang (Jinhae)
Yoonseo Hur (Seoul)
Ri-Young Lee (Seoul)
Yeon-Kyung Hur (Seoul)
Eunji Lee (Seoul)
Seo-Yeong Kim (Suwon)
Table tennis
Dae-Seong Cho (Seoul)
Woo-Jin Jang (Sokcho)
Jong-Hoon Lim (Busan)
Ji-Hee Jeon (Seoul)
Yu-Bin Shin (Suwon)
Eun-Hye Lee (Seoul)
Tae-Joon Park (Ulsan)
Geon-Woo Seo (Seoul)
Yu-Jin Kim (Danyang Gun)
Da-Bin Lee (Ulsan)
Joo-Hyo Bak (Goyang)
Dong-Ju Yu (Sunchang Gun)
Yeon-Hak Jang (Asan)
Su-Hyeon Kim (Suwon)
Hye-Jeong Park (Ansan)
Seung-Jun Kim (Seoul)
Seung-Chan Lee (Seoul)
Hanbit Lee (Seoul)
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