#park yong woo
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midnight--sadness · 2 months ago
squid game characters' s3 fate
90% they'll die:
daeho - unfortunately, i think he will die, he has tragedy written all over him, especially since he probably will believe he "failed" his team for not delivering the magazines to them and blaming himself for jungbae's death.
minsu - will probably die defending someone, to parallel how he didn't defend semi.
namgyu - i dont think i need to explain.
myunggi - either he or junhee will live; he is much more likely than her to die tho.
yongsik - either he or geumja will live; after the mingle game, i think he will sacrifice himself for his mama.
gyeongseok - if he's not dead already. if he's still alive, i think they will have him bond with noeul and hyunju, maybe hinting at a romance with hyunju before he dies and noeul will promise to take care of nayeon.
most of junho's team, including wooseok and captain park and kim (the leader of the mercenaries).
not sure:
junhee - either her or myunggi will live; i was sure it was her but then seonnyeo (the shaman lady) freaked me out during the mingle game and made me wonder if she'll die. her baby def won't die tho.
geumja - either her or yongsik will live; since she said that she wouldnt have a life if he died, i'm betting she lives just to make everyone suffer more.
inho - i think he'll sacrifice himself to end the games and kind of earn gihun's forgiveness. if he dies, it will be in gihun's arms tho.
junho - he's the character im most divided over. he will def forgive inho for shooting him and such, and inho will show him how he loves him, perhaps saving him from death, or junho will die protecting inho and dying in his older brother's arms (a nice callback to sangwoo and gihun in s1).
90% they'll live:
gihun - he's gonna suffer more than jesus, but he won't die (he'll just wish he had); also, i need him to reunite with gayeong. he'll probably end up taking care of junhee's baby if she and her terrible ex both die-
noeul - i really want her to get her baby back but i wonder if it's even possible at this point; maybe she will end up taking care of nayeon when gyeongseok dies.
hyunju - i really dont believe she will die, i think we will see her move to thailand to fully begin her life.
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the-scary-1 · 2 months ago
Guys hear me out we fuse squid games season 1 and 2 into one squid game like Ali sangwoo sae byeok the gang they're all back and the guys from season 2 are there too we got thanos Jang deok su and mi nyeo they are all here and we play the games from season 1 AND season 2 we have the voting system of season 2 we have over 2000 players this time and there's explosions and Mr Beast is there he does 2 lines of coke before every episode for good measure and the guards are like 2 ft tall
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kdram-chjh · 2 months ago
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Kmovie: Train to Busan (2016) | dir. by Yeon Sang Ho
Gong Yoo having fun filming ‘Train to Busan’
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bTCSEy68IOs
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junkobato · 8 months ago
BEST KDRAMA IN 2024✨ (pt 1)
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Which one is your favorite so far? ☺️
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kaipanzero · 8 months ago
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원더랜드 (2024)
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this-is-youniverse · 10 months ago
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The Atypical Family (2024)
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lilidawnonthemoon · 8 months ago
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#The Atypical Family#I haven’t enjoyed/ been so moved by a drama in a very long time ❤️#just finished it I cried so much & SO hard haha#I was completely immersed and engaged from beginning to end which is rare (12 eps is a good length too)#I didn’t expect it to have so much depth and be so touching going into it I just wanted something different#mental illnesses complex interesting characters complicated -toxic- family relationships fantasy fated lovers found family...#well written and WONDERFULLY acted!!#the whole cast was amazing but the two leads were just outstanding wow#never saw either of them in big roles and now I’m a huge fan of both#Chun Woo Hee I’m so in love with you#I’m usually more touched by the female lead (actress/character) but the male lead actor was acting his ass off and made me SOB many times#his scenes with his daughter Ina oh I was a MESS and of course the lead couple scenes together <3#I also haven’t been that impressed by romance lately in shows but theirs was truly beautiful (and again: really well acted)#I could relate to parts of most characters: Dahae Donghee Gwiju Ina..#a poetic emotional rollercoaster and my favorite drama this year so far (by far)#now I want to carry on watching Queen of Tears (mainly for my Queen Kim Jiwon I’m her number one fan) and watch Lovely Runner too#but it will be hard to beat this one and I highly recommend it!!#deserved more love & attention#my mom loved it too it standed out to her and she watches ALL the kdramas lol#forgot to mention the magical OST I see you by the oh so great Lee Sora and her bewitching voice <3#I also haven’t been so moved by an ost in a long time it added so much to the atmosphere of the drama & really transported me into its worl#korean drama#2024#shots#cinematography#jang ki yong#cheon wo hee#Claudia Kim#park soyi
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somanykdramas · 1 year ago
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GENRES: Historical, Action, Romance
SUMMARY: A woman widowed before she even met her husband decides to take charge of her own fate as a nighttime Joseon Robin Hood.
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Crude memorial engravings, hidden costumes, wall-jumping, rice distribution, filial piety, palace drama, bookstore meet-cutes, hunky Garrison Captains, lunchboxes, merchants, men’s handfans, tiger scrolls, and making sure you live every day helping those you can.
HOT TAKE: I love how this was one of the most evil Left State Ministers I've seen in a while. I love how tall and goofy Lee Ki Woo can be. I love the shy romances that run throughout the main cast. I love every facial expression of Lee Ha Nee and I love Lee Jong Won in his undergarments.
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toastinthegrass · 7 months ago
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Well. Looks like you made a mistake. Now I`m the only one left.
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midnight--sadness · 5 days ago
ah, okay. so sangwoo didn't leave gihun on purpose *lowers my gun* *hides the knife in my bag* still, pretty low of him to not understand gihun's emotions and being more patient with him. like i'm sorry sangwoo, did you carry that baby for 9 months? did you expect gihun to be more like you when he is feels his emotions strongly, double so when it comes to children? that's wack 😐 rest in pieces, i guess
yes! i'm thinking maybe it's gihun's motherly instincts screaming at him that the tall golden retriever of a person standing with jungbae is indeed his son. it's in his heart, you know? or maybe the discussions of birth dates comes up. everyone tells theirs, daeho thinks it's very cool that gihun's birthday is on halloween (october 31st!). then gihun asks about when daeho was born.
and it clicks. gihun will never forget the day he got to hold his baby for a couple of minutes before the nurses had to take it away from him. reluctantly, teary eyed, he knew he had to do it but it was extremely difficult to give up his son. gihun looks closer, there is a birth mark on the left side of daeho's neck. that's... exact same mark... his child had... gihun's memories aren't the best, but when it comes to his firstborn he remembers a lot.
it takes every bit of gihun's being not to burst into tears then and there, in front of everybody. the implication of finding his child again, in the most unfortunate situations where both are in a death game is making his head spin. he has to push down his feelings and focus on stopping the games but...
daeho reaches out and asks if gihun is okay. genuine concern and worry in his big kind eyes. ah, that is his child.
what gihun doesn't know is that daeho throughout the years has been searching for his biological mother, with no luck. some said his mother died, others said maybe his mother didn't want anything to do with him. the truth is that malsoon didn't want this to be registered so gihun's life could be easier, especially when he was still so young.
oh imagine when gihun and daeho finally tell each other the truth... and now both are joined at the hip 🥺 daeho refuses to sleep alone, only with his head on gihun's chest, tightly hugging him. they have to survive this together. geumja and youngsik is very moved by this btw...
oh also can't forget the inhun side of this - inho would closely listen to all of daeho and gihun's conversations and think to himself he needs to accomodate another room in the condo he bought in gangnam for his queen gihun. that room is for his prince, the little tiger. it's all coming together now...
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sangwoo is very emotionally constipated, even though he loves gihun i think it's difficult for him to actually lay his feelings out and explain himself.
the birthdates are such a good idea!! i had completely forgotten about that!!
gihun finally holding his son in his arms again. for years he had wondered how his baby had grown up - was he safe? healthy? were his parents good people? were the caring? would they sooth him back to sleep if he had a nightmare? would they hug him when he was sad? would they cheer as loud as they could for him? would they love him as much as gihun does?
he'd be so sad to hear how daeho's dad shipped him off to the marines so he could be a man. i even think he'd resent his mom a bit; she had basically forced him to give up his baby, had told him it was for the best, and now he hears his son was raised by a terrible man. (i think he didn't have much choice when it came to the adoptive parents. he and sangwoo were essentially children so their moms ended up picking the couple who would take care of their grandson.)
and geumja and yongsik 😭 she would be such a rock for gihun in this situation. it's so difficult for her to be here with her son, she can't imagine having had to give him up and only finding him again in the games...
daeho for sure sleeps attached to gihun, arms around him. he just got his mom back and he isn't letting him go again. jungbae thinks they are the cutest thing ever.
oh maybe daeho's sisters helped him search for his birth mom! and now daeho can introduce them to gihun, and even his adoptive mom!
but can you imagine daeho asking about his birth dad and gihun having to tell him that he is dead? i think he'd tell daeho everything abotu sangwoo and inho would be seething in the corner, wondering why he never crossed paths with a teenaged gihun so he could be the one to get him pregnant and not fucking cho sangwoo.
inho is already preparing daeho's room in their penthouse as we speak 🫶
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binging-asian-dramas · 3 months ago
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The Atypical Family. 9
Story: 10
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to: Tomorrow With You (kdrama)
It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it will make you want more episodes. This drama is almost nearly perfect but when I say nearly perfect, it’s just the last episode to me, was written like super quickly, especially the last 15 minutes of the drama. Other than that, the drama is witty. It’s funny. It’s unique and it’s own way. The whole cast acts brilliantly, and the storylines are really well written. There were some things that I probably changed, but that’s just me being nitpicky. The chemistry between the main leads are phenomenal. It’s definitely a must watch. 
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kdram-chjh · 8 months ago
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Kmovie: Train to Busan (2016) | dir. by Yeon Sang Ho
Train to busan Gong Yoo and Ma dong seok 💔 sad status #shorts
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NH6XZQdjdOI
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stuff-diary · 1 year ago
Wedding Impossible
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Wedding Impossible (2024, South Korea)
Director: Kwon Young Il
Writers: Oh Hye Won & Park Seul Ki (based on the webtoon by Song Jung Won)
Well, this drama was entertaining, but nothing more. It was especially funny at the beginning, thanks to that sort of 'rivalry' between the leads. However, once they solved that and started moving into purely romantic territory, the story began to lose steam quickly. Tbh, I kept watching to the very end because of the sizzling chemistry between Jeon Jong Seo and Moon Sang Min. And I guess I wanted to see how in the world they were gonna clear up the mess created by the characters, which was pretty fascinating. I feel like the show would have been better if the director had put more thought into its style, cause the whole thing looked pretty cheap and bland. But still, Wedding Impossible is fun enough, and I can see fans of classic romcoms enjoying it a lot.
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kpoptimeout · 1 year ago
K-Pop Debuts and Comebacks for the Last Week of December and 2023 (Dec 25 - Dec 31 2023)
Dec 25
No releases.
Dec 26
TVXQ! - Rebel
2nd Gen Kings TVXQ! show they are still the monarchs of the genre 20 years after their debut in this powerful comeback!
Suitz - Kick ft. Velowci
Rappers Suitz and Velowci collab in this hard track!
Yoo Yong Min - Two of us
Underrated soloist and and Heart Signal OST singer Yoo Yong Min graces us with his honey vocals in this beautiful track!
Dec 27
Park Hye Kyung - Loving U
90s artist Park Hye Kyung brings back the retro pop ballad sound in this sweet song!
Dec 28
Ha Yea Song - Don't forget me
Balladist Ha Yea Song covers Baek Jiyoung's famous 2009 drama IRIS OST to end the year.
Woo Chan - Should I say it
Soloist Woo Chan softly croons this emotional track.
Dec 29
SM's EDM sub-label ScreaM Record's artist IMLAY drops a fun track collaborating with Xiaojun!
Dec 30
Son Tae Jin, Shin Seong and Enoch - IN MY LIFE
The three vocalists collab in this warm ballad!
Dec 31
No releases.
What is your favourite release of the last week of 2023?
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passionforfiction · 1 year ago
Arthdal Chronicles
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The first season of this fantasy story hits close to home. It depicts the cruelty and greed of villages that have the resources, food and technology to take advantage of others. The story doesn't waist time, the first episode starts with the Arthdal leaders asking the Neanthals to become part of their power. The Arthdal are afraid of the peaceful but strong Neanthals and pretend to negotiate, knowing they are not interested. And what do they do? The Arthdal leaders trick their own people and kill the Neanthals in order to take their lands. Asa Hon learns this when she is in the middle of the attack, and in order to safe Neanthal children, she leaves with a child and Ragaz, with whom she later has children with.
Arthdal continues to annihilate weaker villages, taking them as slaves for hard labor. It is Tagon, an Itgu in hiding, that makes all this possible for Arthdal. And even though he is loved by the village as a hero, his father and other leaders are trying to find ways of killing him, including making Mihol's daughter, Teaelha, into a spy. Even though Tagon is cruel, there is an innocence to his longing to be loved and accepted by the people. His relationship with Teaelha is of a love stronger than their ties to their families and interests. And even though we don't like what he does, some times we do wish him success in his endeavors and fight against the Arthdal leaders for power.
But it is the story of the Wahan Tribe that reminds us that Tagon and all Arthdal are cruel and greedy people that have no respect for others. This is a peaceful tribe in a far away land. They are more like Neanthals in their believes but they are also prejudice against Itgus like Eunseom, whose mother leaves him there before she dies. Eunseom's only true friend is Tanya, the daughter of the priestess and scientist of the village.
It is almost impossible to reach the place but Tagon and the Arthdal leaders find the way to reach the land, it takes them 10 years to reach it and less time to destroy it and take its people as prisoners and slaves. Here we see the struggle of these people who get separated, sold into slavery and fight with each other and their enslavers in order to survive. But it also shows the Wahan people mesmerized by the innovations and way of life in this civilized village.
Tanya ties Eunseom to her by naming him her dream and he will do anything to save her, but destiny takes them into two different paths. These two characters are also very naive, their innocence and sense of justice is what makes others follow them. They both want to forge a world where everyone is equal, no prejudice against people that are different, everyone on equal standing.
Tanya's relationship with Saya is a sad one at best. She is using Saya while Saya genuinely likes her. And even though, at some point she sees him as a friend and cares about him, she still uses his affection towards her. But she is not the only one using Saya, so is Tagon who separated him from his mother when he was a child and Teaelha who became his caregiver for Tagon. Still, Saya is not stupid and he knows how to play the game.
This first half ends with the downfall of the rule of the Arthdal leaders: Daekan, White Mountain, and Hae tribes; giving way to Tagon's rule under the name of Aramun; which damages the relationship he had with Teaelha. Tanya is now the high priest while Eunseom becomes a god for the Ago tribe and starts unifying weak tribes to end fights among them and focus on fighting against their common oppressor.
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The second season starts 8 years after the final events of the first one. And the fighting is no longer centered on colonialism, but on taking down a threatening force that is not letting them continue with their expansion of territories. I have heard of people wondering why the change of actors for critical characters. I wouldn't have minded seeing the same actors since they are excellent ones and we got used to them. But I didn't mind the changes, I think that these new actors, brought some darkness to the characters that had been innocent and naive in the first season. They have learned to play the game and they are using what they have learned for their gain.
Tagon and Teaelha are no longer the close couple they had been, but they still love each other and have a son that unites them. Theirs is a tragic and powerful love story, tainted by the struggle for power.
In this half, we see Tagon's fall, and the rise of the ideology that drove Tanya and Eunseom into battle. But we are left with an open ending that promises more blood and restlessness. Saya wants Arthdal for his own since he can't have Tanya's love; and Teaelha wants to take Arthdal back as she promised Tagon; while Eunseom struggles to make Arthdal the land he and Tanya had envisioned.
It is the bloody story of a civilization in this fantasy world that reflects the truth about the history of our world so full of tyranny, blood and inequality.
It is not a story with clear lines and we will switch sides as their goals become twisted, but so is the story of rulers in the past and the present. This is a fantasy story, but it also criticizes what makes a country a country - it's bloody history of greedy men.
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afza147 · 10 months ago
Ep10 the atypical family(2)
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🤭bumping into yi na
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